WALFIELD ESTATE, HIGH ROAD, N20 Infrastructure Jun - Nov 1907. Planning application for roads (William Hollis, Church End, , surveyor) ( Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/1052)

Sep - Oct 1925. Planning application for houses (Wheeler & Wright, High Road, Whetstone, surveyors and land agents) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02293)

Oct - Dec 1928. Planning application for flats (Homewood and Howe, 98a Tollington Park, Finsbury Park, owners and builders) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02685)

Dec 1928. Planning application for flats (Homewood and Howe, 98a Tollington Park, Finsbury Park, owners and builders) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02690)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WALFIELD AVENUE, N20 Planning applications up to Jan 2021 Individual properties No 4. 23 Feb 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed maximum depth of 4 metres measured from original rear wall, eaves height of 3 metres and maximum height of 3 metres (Barnet Council 17/1271/PNH)

No 4. 30 Mar 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 17/1627/HSE)

No 4. 7 Apr 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed maximum depth of 5 metres measured from the original rear wall, eaves height of 3 metres and maximum height of 3 metres (Scheme 1 of 2) (Barnet Council 17/2308/PNH)

No 4. 7 Apr 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed maximum depth of 5 metres measured from the original rear wall, eaves height of 3 metres and maximum height of 3 metres (Scheme 2 of 2) (Barnet Council 17/2351/PNH)

No 11. 20 Apr 2016. Planning application for loft conversion involving hip to gable end and rear dormer with juliette balcony (Barnet Council 16/2601/192)

No 11. 25 Apr 2016. Planning application for single storet rear extension following demolition of existing garage (Barnet Council 16/2739/HSE)

No 23. 12 Dec 2018. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 6 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 3 metres and maximum height of 4 metres (Barnet Council 18/7393/PNH)

No 23. 13 Feb 2019. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 5 metres from original rear wall with an eaves height of 3 metres and a maximum height of 3.759 metres (Barnet Council 19/0852/PNH))

No 28. 15 Jul 2016. Planning application for part single, part two storey side and rear extension. New decking area and patio area. New hardstanding to front. Roof extension involving rear dormer window with 1 rooflight to front and side elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council 16/4481/HSE)

No 40. 7 Jun 2019. Planning application for roof extension involving hip to gable, raer dormer window and 3 rooflights to front roofslope (Barnet Councill 19/3266/192)

No 49. 12 Jul 2017. Planning application for erection of garage. Extension of existing boundary wall (Barnet Council 17/4455/HSE)

No 73. 25 Mar 2020. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 4.00 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 3.75 metres and maximum height of 3.85 metres (Barnet Council 20/1553/PNH)

No 73. 19 Oct 2020. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 4 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 3 metres and maximum height of 3.65 metres (Barnet Council 20/4920/PNH)

No 73. 26 Jan 2021. Planning application for single storey rear extension measures 4.00 metres in depth from the original rear wall with an eaves height of 3.00m and a maximum height of 3.65m (Barnet Council 21/0388/PNH)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WALLERS CORNER See FRIERN BARNET ROAD

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WARNHAM ROAD, N12 Planning applications up to Apr 2010 (see also WHITE HOUSE ESTATE) Individual properties Warnham Road. 22 Jul 1939. Wardens Post. New building in corner of Woodhouse Allotment Ltd, at the junction of Warnham Road and Lewes Road (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

At the corner of Bramber Road there is a turning with three large double garages or workshops. They look new, there is CCTV and massive iron gates (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

School to shut a year earlier. A secondary school will close in 2005, disrupting GCSEs and leaving pupils needing new places at schools in Barnet and neighbouring boroughs. Barnet Council’s cabinet decided on Monday to bring forward the closure of Christ Church CE Secondary School from the originally proposed date of 31 August 2006 by a year, which means no new pupils will be admitted in September. The council decided that the school, in Warnham Road, should be closed because it has been on special measures for four years, has a falling number of pupils and problems with recruiting staff. Brian Coleman, a governor at Christ Church, said “I have no doubt that a quick solution is what’s needed, because otherwise we’ll have a slow, lingering death at the school which will be in nobody’s interest, not least the pupils who are being educated there.” He said that if the school was kept open for Year 9 pupils to finish their GCSEs, while all others moved to other schools, many staff and pupils would leave and the council would incur huge costs. (Barnet Press)

Wren Academy. See WREN ACADEMY

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WARWICK COTTAGES HIGH ROAD, , west side (Kelly’s Directory of Finchley & Friern Barnet 1932)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WATERFALL ROAD, N11 Planning applications up to Oct 2020 Formerly known as WATERFALL LANE 4 Oct 1965. “The Homestead”. The Borough Architect reported that Messrs Michael Raynor & Partners had prepared two possible schemes for the redevelopment of the site. The Borough Architect to submit both schemes to the Town Planning Committee (Barnet Council Minutes 4 Oct 1965)

31 Oct 1968. The Borough Estates Officer reported that, in connection with the Council’s for the redevelopment of “The Homestead”, by the erection of 63 flats in three blocks, it was considered that, in view of the levels of the site it would be advantageous if the drains from the development could be taken through the adjoining site owned by the Six Weeks Meeting of the Society of Friends. The Officer reported that there was no objection to the proposal (Barnet Council Minutes 31 Oct 1968)

26 Sep 1969. A start is to be made on Monday week (October 6th) on the construction of the roundabout at Betstyle Circus, popularly known as Lander’s Corner, , which has been delayed pending the result of a public enquiry held last year. The roundabout is designed to make road conditions safer at this busy junction where five roads converge and there has been a disquieting accident rate. It is part of Enfield Borough Council’s plan for rebuilding a huge area of New Southgate. This will involve the reshaping of the district to the south of Friern Barnet Road. The question at issue at the public enquiry was whether Enfield Council should be allowed to stop up a length of High Road, New Southgate, terminating at the junction with Friern Barnet Road, and a length of Grove Road , terminating at the junction with Bowes Road, thus wiping out the two junctions. This the minister has eventually granted them permission to do. His decision makes it possible for the council to go ahead with the roundabout, but it will NOT, for the time being, mean that High Road and Grove Road will be stoppered. This action will not be taken until Enfield Council’s building operations in the redevelopment scheme reach the point where it becomes necessary. What WILL happen on Monday week is that Friern Barnet Road will be closed between the junction with High Road and with Oakleigh Road for about six weeks while public services, such as water, electricity and telephone pipes and cables are relaid. Traffic at this point is to be temporarily routed around a one-way system. Vehicles coming from Friern Barnet towards Southgate will have to turn right into High Road, left into Grove Road, left into Bowes Road and right into Waterfall Road. Traffic coming in the opposite direction will have to turn left into Bowes Road, right into Cross Road, right into The Limes Avenue, right into High Road and left into Friern Barnet Road. To facilitate traffic flow, there will be one-way working in Cross Road between Bowes Road and The Limes Avenue and in The Limes Avenue between Cross Road and High Road and in Grove Road between High Road and Bowes Road. The roundabout, which will cost in the region of £80,000 and will take about nine months to complete, will have Bowes Road, Friern Barnet Road and Oakleigh Road South converging directly onto it., and Road and Waterfall Road coming in lower down Waterfall Road, qt the bottom of a long, narrow island. In the meantime, Enfield Council are proceeding with their housing scheme, which will eventually cover something like 70 acres. They have begun operations on a block of 92 maisonettes in Palmers Road and will shortly be getting on with blocks of flats and maisonettes to the south of the new roundabout site. The minister’s decision has enabled the council to finalise their plans for this part of the redevelopment area, where they hope eventually to provide a shopping precinct, more housing, an enlarged resited primary school, an old people’s home and a children’s home (Barnet Press 26 Sep 1969)

Individual Properties No 93. 22 Nov 2018. Planning application for Change of Use from C3 (Dwelling House) to C4 (HMO) for 6 people (Barnet Council 18/7002/FUL)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 93. 25 Jan 2019. Planning application for Change of use of the property from a single family dwelling (Class C3) to a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Class C4) for 6 people. (Retrospective Application (Barnet Council 18/0355/CRU)

No 93.5 Feb 2019. Planning application for change of use from C4 (HM)) to C3 (single family dwelling) (Barnet Council 19/0416/192)

No 93. 8 Jul 2020. Planning application for conversion of the existing dwelling into 2 self-contained flats. Associated cycle parking and refuse/recycling store (Barnet Council 20/1747/FUL)

No 99. 5 Feb 2018. Planning application for conversion and extension of existing side garage including raising the roof (Barnet Council 0704/HSE)

No 105. 29 Apr 2019. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 3 metres from original wall, eaves height of 2.9 metres and maximum height of 2.9 metres (Barnet Council 19/2444/PNH)

No 115. 29 Jun 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension. New front porch and access ramp (Barnet Council 17/3337/HSE)

No 129. 16 Jul 2002. Planning application for single storey rear extension, enlargement of centre rear facing window on first floor (Barnet Council 20/3207/HSE)

No 131. 22 Jun 2017. Planning application for conversion of existing dwelling into 4 self-contained flats. Associated amenity space, refuse and recycling, parking (Barnet Council 17/3767/FUL)

No 137. 5 Jul 2019. Planning application for extension to roof including hip to gable end (Barnet Council 19/3760/192)

No 141. 2 Jul 2020. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 3.85 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 3.00 metres and maximum height of 4.00 metres (Barnet Council 20/2697/PNH)

1 – 39 Haslam Court. 5 Oct 2002.Planning application for Creation of a roof extension to each block to provide 7 self-contained flats involving front and rear dormers with assocated landscaping (Barnet Council 20/4727/NAC)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WEIRDALE AVENUE, N20 Planning applications up to Mar 2021 Individual properties No 1. 15 Jun 2001. Planning application for ground floor side extension (Barnet Council N/12816/01)

No 2. 29 Jul 1994. Planning application for 2-storey side extension (Barnet Council N/10720)

No 2. 15 May 2007. Planning application for single storey rear conservatory (Barnet Council N/10770/C/07)

No 3. 19 Mar 2002. Planning application for conservatory at rear (Barnet Council N/13129/02)

No 5. 22 Sep 1992. Planning application for single storey side/rear extension (Barnet Council N/05671/A)

No 5. 10 Jan 2008. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/05671/B/08)

No 5. 21 Apr 2011. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council B/01751/11)

No 7. 16 Jul 1998. Planning application for ground floor side and rear extension, first floor roof extension with dormer window at rear (Barnet Council N/11843)

No 7. 10 Oct 1998. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/11843/A)

No 9. 5 Oct 2020. Planning application for single storey side extension following demolition of the existing garage. New front porch (Barnet Council 20/4522/HSE)

No 11 was built in 1935, as part of the Lipton estate (Peter Cragg, owner 11 Feb 2008)

No 13. 24 Nov 2017. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing garage (Barnet Council 17/7474/HSE)

No 13. 24 Nov 2017. Planning application for extension including hip to gable end and 1 rear dormer window. Single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 17/7477/192)

No 14. 17 May 1993. Planning application for loft conversion including rear dormer window (Barnet Council N/10404)

No 14. 26 Aug 1993. Planning application for alteration to roof to form rear dormer window (Barnet Council N/10404/A)

No 14. 11 Dec 1997. Planning application for dormer window at rear and roof windows at front (Barnet Council N/10404/B)

No 16. 21 Nov 2012. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension including associated internal alterations (Barnet Council B/04084/12)

No 16. 3 Mar 2020. Planning application for erection of a rear outbuilding (Barnet Council 20/0672/HSE)

No 17. 26 Aug 2016. Planning application for single side and rear extension following demolition of existing side extension (Barnet Council 16.5650/HSE)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 17. 26 Aug 2016. Planning application for roof extension involving hip to gable, rear dormer window with 3 rooflights to front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council 16.5636/192)

No 18. 19 Apr 1994. Planning application for single storey side/rear extension (Barnet Council N/10642)

No 18. 23 Oct 2020. Planning application for roof extension involving hip to gable, rear dormer window, 2 front and 1 side facing rooflight (Barnet Council 20/5011/192)

No 19. 6 Dec 2005. Planning application for single storey side extension and alteration to roof including side dormer window and rear skylight to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council N/06004/A/05)

No 19. 20 May 2009. Planning application for single storey rear extension, extension to roof including hip to gable and rear dormer window (Barnet Council N/01780/09)

No 20. 9 Oct 2014. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing side projection and rear shed (Barnet Council B/05557/14)

No 22. 10 Jan 1990. Planning application for single storey side extension (Barnet Council N/04434/A)

No 22. 1 Jul 2014. Planning application for part single, part two-storey side extension. Extension to roof including hip to gable. Rear dormer and 4 rooflights to facilitate a loft conversion. Erection of single storey outbuilding to rear garden ancillary to the main house. Alterations to front driveway (Barnet council B/03489/14)

No 30. 23 Dec 2002. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council N/13515/02)

No 31. 26 May 1992. Planning application for single storey side extension (Barnet Council N/10178)

No 33. 13 Jul 1998. Planning application for single storey side extension, part single, part 2 storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/03162/B)

No 37. 24 Mar 2005. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/14621/05)

No 38. 19 Jun 1987. Planning application for single storey front and rear extension and 2 storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council N/08716)

No 38. 19 Nov 1999. Planning application for single storey rear conservatory (Barnet Council N/0871/A/99)

No 38. 26 Jan 2018. Planning application for replacement of existing conservatory (Barnet Council 18/0444/HSE)

No 39. 1 Dec 1965. Planning application for garage (Barnet Council Minutes 1 Dec 1965 BN 321)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 40. 17 Oct 2018. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 6 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 3 metres and maximum height of 4 metres (Barnet Council 18/6251/PNH)

No 43. 21 Sep 2006. Planning application for creation of new enlarged garage on site of demolished garage. Creation of new vehicle crossover in Ashbourne Avenue (Barnet Council N/15202/A/0602)

No 43. 2 Oct 2007. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council N/15202/D/07)

No 43. 8 Jun 2015. Planning application for first floor side extension and single storey rear floor extension (Barnet Council 15/03509/HSE)

No 43 24 Jul 2020. Planning application for single storey front extension. First floor side extension (Barnet Council 20/3333/HSE)

No 44. 25 Aug 2020. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 6.00 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 2.75 metres and maximum height of 2.95 metres (Barnet Council 20/3893/PNH)

No 46. 29 Mar 2012. Planning application for single storey side extension (Barnet Council B/01207/12)

No 49. 2 Aug 1995. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council N/05131/B)

No 50. 21 Jul 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 17/4687/HSE)

No 53. 3 Dec 1997. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council N/11643)

No 57. 8 Mar 2021. Planning application for single storey rear extension measures 5.00 metres in depth from the original rear wall with an eaves height of 3.00m and a maximum height of 3.00m (Barnet Council 21/1285/PNH)

No 57. 9 Mar 2021. Planning application for roof extension including rear dormer window and 2 rooflights to front roofslope (Barnet Council 21/1278/192)

No 61. 26 Jul 2001. Planning application for single storey rear conservatory (Barnet Council N/12756/A/01)

No 61. 22 Aug 2005. Planning application for 2 storey side extension (Barnet Council N/12756/C/05)

No 64. 30 Jun 2011. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council B/02752/11)

No 65. 29 Jul 2016. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 5nmetres from original rear wall, eaves height of 2.914 metres and maximum height of 3 metres) (Barnet Council 16/5091/PNH)

No 65. 2 Dec 2016. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 16/7586/HSE)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 65. 8 May 2017. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window, 3 rooflights to front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council 17/2956/192)

No 66. 13 Aug 1998. Planning application for single storey rear extension and replacement garage (Barnet Council N/11859)

No 66. 23 Mar 2016. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 4.780 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 2.914 metres and maximum height of 3 metres (Barnet Council 16/7800/PNH)

No 66. 31 Mar 2021.Planning application for roof extension involving hip to gable, rear dormer window and 2 front facing rooflights (Barnet Council 21/1819/192)

No 67. 10 Oct 1990. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/09828)

No 67. 28 Jun 2001. Planning application for loft conversion including rear dormer window and roof extension (Barnet Council N/09828/B/01)

No 68. 1 Dec 1988. Planning application for retention of single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/02593/A

No 68. 28 Jan 2021. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window and 2 front facing rooflights (Barnet Council 21/0429/192)

No 69. 4 Feb 2013. Planning application for single storey extension following demolition of existing rear extension (Barnet Council B/00178/13)

No 69. 6 Nov 2013. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 4.75metres from the rear wall of the original house, eaves height of 2.8 metres and a maximum height of 3 metres to the roof of the parapet (Barnet Council B/05208/13)

No 69. 17 Jan 2014. Planning application for single storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear projection (Barnet Council B/00272/14)

No 69. 23 Jan 2014. Planning application for extension to roof including new hip roof, rear dormer window and front roof light to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council B/00234/14)

No 69. 19 Nov 2018. Planning application for extension to roof including 1no rear dormer and 1no rooflight to front roofslope (Barnet Council 18/6985/HSE)

No 69. 25 Feb 2019. Extension to roof including 1 rear dormer and 2 rooflights to front roofslope ( (Barnet Council 19/1042/HSE)

No 70. 18 Nov 2005. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/14906/05)

No 71. 3 Feb 2020. Planning application for roof extension involving hip to gable, rear dormer window with juliette balcony, 2 front facing rooflight and new side gable window (Barnet Council 20/0497/192)

No 72. 4 Nov 1994. Planning application for part first floor, part 2 storey side, front & rear and single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/05256/A)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 73. 15 Sep 1965. Planning application approved for garage (Barnet Council Minutes 15 Sep 1965)

No 77. 27 Sep 1991. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/9970/A)

No 77. 17 Sep 1996. Planning application for single storey side extension (Barnet Council N/9970/B)

No 79. 22 Jun 1993. Planning application for 2-storey side extension (Barnet Council N/10425)

No 79. 5 Nov 2015. Planning application for single storey rear extension with flat roof and 3 rooflights (Barnet Council 15/06749/HSE)

No 80. 29 Jun 2005. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension and conversion of garage into habitable room (Barnet Council N/00772/B/05)

No 80. 13 Feb 2007. Planning application for entrance porch and single storey front extension (Barnet Council N/00772/C /07)

No 81. 24 Oct 1991. Planning application for part first floor, part single storey side and front extension (Barnet Council N/10050)

No 82. 19 Mar 2003. Planning application for new front porch. Loft conversion including rear dormer window and hip to gable (Barnet Council N/13435/A/03)

No 82. 26 Nov 2003. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council N/13435/B/03)

No 84. 5 Nov 2015. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 15/06783/192)

No 84. 2 Mar 2016. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 3.5 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 2.8 metres and maximum height of 3 metres (Barnet Council 16/1190/PNH)

No 84. 26 Jul 2016. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 16/4133/192)

No 89. 28 Nov 2018. Planning application for extension to roof including hip to gable, 2 rooflights to front roofslope, 1 side gable window and 1no rear dormer window with juliet balcony (Barnet Council 18/7111/192)

No 90. 22 Aug 2003. Planning application for hip to gable and rear dormer window to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council N/07687/A/03)

No 95. 26 Aug 2003. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/13842/03)

No 96. 2 Apr 2002. Planning application for loft conversion including hip to gable roof extension and rear dormer window (Barnet Council N/13039/A/02)

No 96. 24 Oct 2002. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council N/13039/B /02)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 96a & 96b. 7 Oct 2020. Planning application for demolition of existing 2 garages. Conversion of existing 2 flats into 3 self-contained flats including part single part two- storey side and rear extensions incorporating a new lower ground floor level. Provision of off-street parking spaces, cycle parking, refuse storage and amenity space (Barnet Council 20/4746/FUL)

No 97. 13 Dec 1994. Planning application for 2-storey side and single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N10803)

No 97. 24 Apr 1997. Planning application for retention of 1m diameter satellite dish to rear (Barnet Council N/10803/B)

No 97. 25 Aug 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 17/5739/HSE)

No 97. 8 Sep 2017. Planning application for roof extension involving hip to gable and rear dormer window to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council 17/5531/192)

No 100. 6 Jul 1966. Planning application for garage (Barnet Council Minutes BN1095)

No 104. 26 Apr 2013. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council B/01668/13)

No 104. 10 Jul 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 6 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 2.7 metres and maximum height of 4 metres (Barnet Council 17/4420/PNH)

No 104. 25 Jul 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 6 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 2.7 metres and maximum height of 4 metres (Barnet Council 17/4931/PNH)

No 110. 1 Dec 1987. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/08889)

No 116. 22 Nov 2007. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/15862/07)

No 122. 18 Nov 2015. Planning application for extensions to roof involving hip to gable end, rear dormer and 1 rooflight to front elevation (Barnet Council 15/07052/15)

No 122. 30 Jan 2019. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 5.90 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 2.90 metres and maximum height of 2.90 metres ( (Barnet Council 20/0440/PNH)

No 129. 1 Oct 2020. Planning application for roof extension involving hip to gable and rear dormer window and 2no front facing rooflights (Barnet Council 20/4598/192)

No 138. 1 Jan 1990. Planning application for 2-storey side and single storey front and rear extension (Barnet Council N/05637/A)

No 148. 26 Jul 2017. Planning application for extension to roof including hip to gable end with 1 rear dormer and 3 rooflights to front elevation (Barnet Council 17/4762/192)

No 148. 26 Jul 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension with replacement access steps and replacement timber fencing to rear elevation (Barnet Council 17/4763/HSE)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 148. 28 Feb 2018. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Retrospective Planning) ( (Barnet Council 17/0822/HSE)

No 150. 14 May 2008. Planning application for ground floor rear extension (Barnet Council N/01304/08)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WELBECK CLOSE, N12 Planning applications up to Apr 2010 History 2 Dec 1938. Welbeck Close is approved as the name for 14 flats to be erected (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WELL GROVE, N20 Planning applications up to Nov 2020 Individual properties Haringey Gospel Hall Trust (HGHT) act on behalf of the Plymouth Brethren. The Brethren are believers on the Lord Jesus Christ holding the truth of His deity and they accept the authority of Scripture as the inspired word of God. There are over 40,000 Brethren worldwide who gather on the first day of the week for the Lord’s Supper and daily for reading of the Scriptures. They are located in over 300 local congregations in 19 countries. In the UK they number around 15,000 and are located in 98 local congregations from Aberdeen to St Austell and Londonderry to Lowestoft. The Brethren practiced separation from evil, recognising this as God’s principle of unity, and shun conduits of evil communications: television, the radio and unrestricted access toi the internet, desiring to live apart from worldly pleasures and pursuits but otherwise living normal lives in the wider community alongside other members of the community. As a charity HGHT is well aware of its public benefit and seeks to fulfil this. HGHT was set up as a charitable trust in 1981 to facilitate and provide places of worship for a congregation of Brethren who lived in the London Boroughs of Haringey and Barnet. It has 4 Trustees who either are or were of the local congregation. It was named after the Haringey London Borough as there was already a similar trust in Barnet carrying out the same activity for a local congregation in the Barnet.

In 1981 the congregation numbered around 180 and the meeting hall they were using, located in Waterfall Road, New Southgate, was too small, on a busy road and resulted in car parking in the surrounding roads for those attending the hall. The Trustees were given the responsibility of providing a suitable meeting hall for the congregation with adequate facilities including air conditioning, adequate seating, safe parking etc. A number of options were explored including the purchase of land in and Friern Barnet. Eventually the Trustees identified the current site in Whetstone as a suitable and centrally located site for a new meeting hall. After consultation with the LBB planning department permission was secured for the construction of a new meeting hall. This was built in 1987/8 along with two ‘tied’ bungalows which were occupied by elderly members of the congregation. The local congregation has quietly used this facility for the last 24 years and, apart from the odd occasion, has enjoyed good neighbourly relations with the surrounding properties. On a few occasions the hall has been used to its maximum capacity of around 900. Since the mid-1990s many Brethren members started moving out from larger congregations to support smaller congregations…….Families from the congregation in Whetstone have moved top Maidstone, Biggleswade, Kings Lynn, Lowestoft, Colchester, Loughborough, Reading and Perth amongst other places. This has left the congregation on Haringey at just over 50 which is not large enough to sustain the running costs of the meeting hall indefinitely. It is known that further members are planning to move away in the near future which will exacerbate the situation. In addition to this, there is already a nearby congregation in Barnet who have a modern and slightly larger meeting hall in Mays Lane, Barnet which serves members living in Barnet, Potters Bar and Brookmans Park.

The proceeds of the sale of the land will mainly be used for the upgrading and construction of new meeting facilities around the UK. (A Community Moves: an updated version of an original report providing the background to HGHTs move away from Whetstone in connection with planning application no B/03068/11. Version 2 March 2012)

No 3 (Bretheren Meeting Hall). 14 Nov 2014. Planning application for reserve matters application seeking approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for Chandos Avenue Redevelopment pursuant to Condition 4 of the Outline planning permission B/05370/14 for ‘Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment comprising of 70 dwellings (60 houses and 10 flats). Erection of 512 sq m building for use Class D1 purposes (Non-residential institution). Provision of associated car parking, landscaping and open space. Use of existing access from High Road and Well

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Grove’ and details of proposed internal floor spaces to show compliance with the London Plan in order to discharge condition 8 ( (Barnet Council 14/07340/RMA)

No 3 (Bretheren Meeting Hall).17 Mar 2015. Planning application for reserved matters application seeking approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the community building D1 for the redevelopment of the Land off High Road/Chandos Avenue, pursuant to condition 4 of the Outlined planning permission B/03068/11 dated 29 March 2012 for “Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment comprising 70 dwellings (62 houses and 8 flats). Erection of 512sq m building for use class D1 purposes (Non-Residential Institution). Provision of associated car parking, landscaping and open space. Use of existing accesses from High Road and Well Grove” (OUTLINE APPLICATION) (Barnet Council 15/01635/RMA)

No 3 (Brethren Meeting Hall). 6 Aug 2015. Planning application for submission of details of conditions 4 (street lighting), 7 (drainage) pursuant to planning permission 14/07340/RMA dated 19/03/15 (Barnet Council 15/04977/CON)

No 3 (Brethren Meeting Hall). 23 Jul 2016. Variation to 106 contribution pursuant to planning permission B/05370/14 dated 8/1/15 for “Section 73 material amendment application to vary condition 1 (Approved plans), condition 5 (Compliance with approved plans) and condition 34 (restricted use Office/Community Building) pursuant to planning permission B/03068/11 dated 29/3/2012 for Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment comprising 70 dwellings (6s houses and 8 flats) Erection of 512sq m building for use class D1 purposes (non-residential institution). Provision of associated car parking, landscaping and open space. Use of existing access from High Road and Well Grove (Outline Application)” Amendments to include Amendment to Description of Development to read “Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment comprising 70 dwellings (60 houses and 10 flats). Erection of 512sq m building for use class D1 purposes (Non-Residential Institution). Provision of associated car parking, landscaping and open space. Use of existing access from High Road and Well Grove. (Outline Application). Updated list of approved plans listed in conditions 1 and 5: Alteration to wording of Condition 34 to include Childrens Nursery within the permitted use Class D! uses that can occupy the Community Hub building. Alterations to plans contained within the S106 Agreement showing the proposed Public Open Space and Community Hub land” Variation includes amendments to Section 106 agreement (Barnet Council 16/04650/MDL)

No 3 (Brethren Meeting Hall). 8 Mar 2017. Submission of details of condition 7 (brown roof) pursuant to planning permission 15/01635/RMA dated 17/3/15 (2AF) (Barnet Council 17/1489/CON)

No 3 (Brethren Meeting Hall). 8 Mar 2017. Submission of details of conditions 16 (levels) pursuant to planning permission 15/01635/RMA dated 17/3/15 2AF) (Barnet Council 17/1490/CON)

No 3 (Brethren Meeting Hall). 8 Mar 2017. Submission of details of conditions 10 (Construction Method statement) pursuant to planning permission 15/01635/RMA dated 17/3/15 (Barnet Council 17/1491/CON)

No 3 (Brethren Meeting Hall). 8 Mar 2017. Submission of details of condition 2 (Materials) pursuant to planning permission 15/01635/RMA dated 17/3/15 (Barnet Council 17/1518/CON)

No 3 (Brethren Meeting Hall).18 Jan 2019. Non-material amendment to planning reference 15/01635/RMA dated 28/08/2015 for 'Reserved matters application seeking approval of layout, external appearance and landscaping for the community building D1 for the redevelopment of the Land off High Road/Chandos Avenue, pursuant to

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society condition 4, of the Outline planning permission B/03068/11, dated, 29 March 2012 for 'Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment comprising of 70 dwellings (62 no houses and 8 no flats). Erection of 512sqm building for use class D1 purposes (Non- Residential Institution). Provision of associated car parking, landscaping and open space. Use of existing accesses from High Road and Well Grove' [OUTLINE APPLICATION]'. Amendments to include alterations to street lighting including removal of street lighting 15 (Barnet Council 19/0232/NMA)

No 3 (Brethren Meeting Hall).18 Jan 2019. Submission of details of conditions 6 (Play Equipment) pursuant to planning permission 15/01635/RMA dated 17/03/15 (Barnet Council 19/0234/CON)

No 49. 19 May 2020. Planning application for conversion of garage into habitable space with rear bi-folding door. Replacement of existing ground floor rear window and bi-folding door with new window and bi-folding door. Removal of internal wall to allow access to habitable space (Barnet Council 20/2172/HSE)

No 49. 12 Nov 2020. Planning application for single storey rear extension. Conversion of garage into habitable space with rear bi-folding door (Barnet Council 20/5431/HSE)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WENSLEY CLOSE, N11 Planning applications up to Sep 2018 Individual properties No 1. 30 Jun 2014. Planning application for replacement of existing ground floor rear extension with a new glass extension and associated folding studding doors (Barnet Council B/03484/14)

No 1. 22 Mar 2017. Non-material amendment to planning permission B/03484/14 dated 30/6/14 for “Replacement of existing ground floor rear extension with a new glass extension and associated folding studding doors”. Amendments to include reduction of proposed glazed area of roof with skylights (Barnet 17/1856/NMA)

No 2. 9 Feb 2018. Planning application for part single, part two-storey side extension following demolition of existing garage (Barnet Council 18/0832.HSE)

No 4. 27 May 2011. Planning application for first and second floor front extension. Ground floor and first floor rear extension (Barnet Council B/02262/11)

No 5. 12 Jun 2018. Planning application for single storey rear extension. Roof extension involving rear dormer window with juliette balcony and front rooflights (Barnet Council 18/3635/192)

No 5. 2 Oct 2018. Planning application for relocation of front door and erection of new canopy (Barnet Council 18/5872/HSE)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WENTWORTH TERRACE WETHERILL ROAD (Listed in London Metropolitan Archives planning applications as the address for a Mr J Clifford in 1902)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WETHERILL ROAD, N10 Planning applications up Feb 2021 History Detached…….began to be laid out with residential roads from the 1880s but even as late as 1891, only 54 houses with 318 residents were here. Roads already laid out when it was united with Hornsey parish in 1901 were…Wetherill Road (Malcolm Stokes in Hornsey Historical Society Bulletin 45 2004. Page 2)

The cow sheds were at the corner of Alexandra Road and Wetherill Road, later the property was owned by Manuel Lloyd who used the old sheds for the storage of cardboard cartons. Pigs were kept on what is now the golf course. (Mrs Elizabeth Carter, FB&DLHS member. 2 June 2001)

Infrastructure No ? 12 Oct 1886. Application approved for house (Mr Miller) (Friern Barnet Local Board Minutes)

3 Jul 1888 & 11 Oct 1898. Reswerering at £155 2s 6d (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? 14 Jul 1891. Application approved for house (Mr Aldridge) (Friern Barnet Local Board Minutes)

29 Jan 1901. Making up of road by T Adams £1531.2s 4d (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

20 Oct 1902 & 6 Jul 1906. Declared a highway (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

3 Apr 1912. Application approved for gas main (Southgate Gas Co) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Next to the flats was Matthew’s the cobblers. His daughter Margaret was at Hollickwood School with me. There was a grocers and a butchers and a newsagents. In 1971 that was owned by Mr Stern. The bakers and Hardwicks the greengrocers each had half a shop. I used to beg the wrappers off the fruit for my collection. All those shops had Wednesday as their early closing day whilst those in Colney Hatch Lane closed on Thursday (as well as Saturday afternoons) (Mrs Elizabeth Carter, FB&DLHS member. 2 June 2001)

Back in November 2000, Haringey Council closed Grosvenor Road N22 to through traffic. This, coupled with the erection of traffic lights at the junction of Colney Hatch Lane and Alexandra Park Road, has led to traffic jams and a great deal of opposition from local residents. Unfortunately one of the side effects has been the drop in trade suffered by the shops in Wetherill Road (which is in Barnet). This has led to one of the shops closing down (Friern Barnet Newsletter June 2001 Page 2)

More than 2,000 people were plunged into darkness when a massive power cut blacked out a swathe of streets. A cable problem cut the power to around 2,800 homes, some of which were without electricity for three hours. The fault was fixed, but the following day the houses were hit again, as engineers kept working on the problem. Some residents were still waiting for the power to come back on 24 hours after the blackout. The cuts on Thursday and Friday (11 & 12 September) hit six roads – Sydney Road, Cromwell Road, Laburnum Close, Wetherill Road, Newton Avenue and Southern Road. The electricity company, EDF Energy, apologised for any inconvenience caused (Muswell Hill Journal 11 September 2003. Page 1)

Individual properties Glendale.The first house on the northern side at the Colney Hatch Lane end has no number but is named Glendale (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Glendale.14 Jun 2018. Planning application for part single, part two storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing garage (Barnet Council 18/3693/HSE)

No ? (Midhurst). The second house on the northern side at the Colney Hatch Lane end has no number but is named Midhurst and is next door to number 1 (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No ? 18 Apr 1893. Application approved for semi-detached houses (Friern Barnet Local Board Minutes)

No ? 1 Mar 1887. Application approved for house (H Blanche) (Friern Barnet Local Board Minutes)

No ? 22 Mar 1892. Application approved for house (H Blanche) (Friern Barnet Local Board Minutes)

No ? 8 Oct 1896. Application approved for additions to houses (A Hales) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? 21 Jun 1898. Application approved for 5 houses (Mr Coomber, Southern Road, ) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00476)

Nos ?? 11 Oct 1898. Application approved for houses (S G Goss) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? 9 May 1899. Application approved for shops (Mr Hunt) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? 9 May 1899. Application approved for alteration to shop (P E Adams) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? 15 May 1900. Application approved for house (Mr Southgate) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? 19 Jun 1900. Application approved for houses (W E Haydon) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? (Kirkby) 20 Nov 1900. Application approved for store shed at rear (A Southgate) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? 7 Apr 1902. Application approved for 2 houses (T Holmes) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? 11 Dec 1925. Application approved for 2 houses (F J Matthews) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? 8 Jan 1926. Plans have been approved for the erection of two houses in Wetherill Road (Finchley Press 9 Jan 1926)

Nos ?? 22 Jan 1927. Application approved for 2 houses (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? Jan 1927 - Aug 1976. Planning application for house (F E Bristow, 5 The Vale, , owner and builder) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02525)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No ? Jul - Nov 1936. Planning application for nursery clinic (Friern Barnet South Ward Nursery Association, Wetherill Road, submitted by L G Freeman, 48 Sydney Road, surveyor) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/03346)

No ? (Unique Lodge). 4 May 1937. Application approved for 21 1-bed flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? (Midhurst). 27 Feb 1992. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/11118/A)

No ? (Midhurst). 19 Feb 2021. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 21/0903/PNH)

No 4 Wetherill Court. 17 Jul 1941 Weekly rent was recorded as £1 10s 0d (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 1. (Holme House). This house is named Holme House (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Nos 1 & 3.1 Apr 2016. Planning application for roof extensions to both 1 and 3 Wetherill Road to create additional floor including alterations to existing roof to raise heighe and pitch of roof (Barnet Council 16/2021/HSE)

No 2. 29 Jun 2017. Planning application for demolition of existing garage and erection of two-storey side extension with pitched roof and rear dormer window and 1 rooflight to front roofslope (Barnet Council 17/4151/HSE)

No 3 (Hanlon House). 10 Jun 1948. Application approved for external wc (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 3. 13 Dec 1999. Planning application for detached house (Barnet Council C/06844/C/00)

No 3. 4 Feb 2003. The whole house is undergoing renovation (the inside appears to be almost gutted). A new house at no 5 is almost nearing completion (work on this started back in Oct 2002) (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 4. Oct 1902. Planning application for house (F Hawes, Barratt Avenue, ) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00797) & Nos ?? 20 Oct 1902. Application approved for houses (J Hawes) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 4. 6 Oct 1992. Planning application for use of ground floor for childminding a maximum of 10 children for 1 session per day (Barnet Council C/11302)

No 5 has a date of 1902 inscribed on the peak (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Nos 5 - 7. Feb - Apr 1902. Planning application for houses (J Savage, Ashmount Road, Hornsey Lane) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00754)

No 5. 7 Apr 2006. Planning application for single storey rear conservatory (Barnet Council N/14178/A/06)

No 6. 18 Oct 2004. The house is empty and being cleared – there have been a succession of skips outside (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 6. 4 Jul 2006. Planning application for loft conversion including conversion to mansard roof, gable end and front and rear dormer window (Barnet Council N/15087/A/06)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 6. 26 July 2006. A loft extension is being installed (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 6. 1 Nov 2006. A new loft conversion is nearing completion (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 6. 26 Apr 2016.Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window and 3 rooflights to front (Barnet Council 16/2586/FUL)

No 7. 16 Sep 1948. Application approved for shed (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 8. 2 Nov 1988. Planning application for conversion to 2 self-contained flats, vehicle access and I parking space (Barnet Council C/10139/A)

No 8. 26 Nov 2013. Planning application for single storey rear extension to ground floor flat (Barnet Council B/05401./13)

No 8a. 11 Nov 1997. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/10139/B)

No 8. 13 Oct 2016. Planning application for second floor rear extension (Barnet Council 16/6498/FUL)

No 9. 9 Feb 1960. Application approved for use as car repair workshop 9.00am-5.30pm weekdays and 11.00-2pm Sundays (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 9. 23 Jun 2016. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council 16/3969/HSE)

No 9. 26 Jun 20917. Planning application for single storey side/rear extension with new windows (Barnet Council 17/3982/HSE)

No 10. 13 Feb 1947. Application approved for conversion of 6 room house into 2 flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 10. 5 Nov 1986. Planning application for 3-storey block of 18 elderly persons flats (Barnet Council C/08407/D)

No 10 (Mayfield Lodge). A two- storey block of 18 flats (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 11. 7 Jun 1956 & 15 Oct 1957. Application approved for erection of detached house on vacant site (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 12a. Feb 1922. Planning application for house (A W Coomber, Villette, Colney Hatch Lane, owner & builder) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/01807)

No 12a. 15 Oct 2018. Planning application for two storey side extension (Barnet Council 18/6135/HSE)

No 12a. 15 Oct 2018. Planning application for single storey side extension (Barnet Council 18/6136/192)

No 12a. 15 Oct 2018. Planning application for roof extension involving 1 side and 1 rear dormer window (Barnet Council 18/6137/192)

Nos 13 - 15. Oct - Nov 1931. Planning application for cottages (Thos Roger Coomber, 6 Sydney Road, owner & builder, submitted by C H Andrew, 75 Barrenger Road,

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Muswell Hill) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02924) & Nos ?? 22 Oct 1931. Application approved for 2 houses (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 15. Dec 1923 - Jan 1924. Planning application for house (J R Coomber, 6 Sydney Road, N10, owner & builder) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02003) & No ? 11 Feb 1924. Application approved for detached house (Mr T R Coomber) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 18. 11 July 2003. New roof is being put on (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 19. Oct - Nov 1901. Planning application for house (Mr Matthews, submitted by Mr Lethbridge, 7 Drapers Gardens, Throgmorton Avenue) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00733) & No ? 26 Nov 1901. Application approved for house (E J Matthews) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 19. 10 Jun 1948. Application approved for builder’s workshop and store (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 19. 15 Jan 1953. Application approved for continuation of use as builder’s workshop (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 19a. 26 Jan 2009. The spare land adjoining no 19 is being cleared, ready for development (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 20. 14 Apr 1949. Application approved for bathroom at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 20. 9 Jun 1959. Application approved for bedroom and toilet addition at rear over existing kitchen and bathroom (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 20. 11 Jun 1963. Application approved for a first- floor extension (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 21. 17 Nov 2005. Planning application for erection of new 2 storey detached house with rooms in roofspace (Barnet Council N/14435/A/05)

No 21. 5 Mar 2009. Planning application for erection of new two storey detached house with rooms in roofspace (revised scheme to that approved LPA ref: N14435A/05) (Barnet Council B/00771/09)

No 23. I was born in Cromwell Road and lived at 91 (I know the road has changed a great deal and also 91 no longer exists) until Approx 1958. My mother and father lived in 91 until approx 1966. My father was a shoe repairer and had a shop at 23 Wetherill Road. My brother worked in the butchers at 97 Cromwell Road. When I was younger there were all the shops you needed to survive: Lambs the greengrocer, Hilsdons the grocer, Marzettes the bakers. There was also another shoe repairer (Motts) and of course the butchers. There was also the Bethel where we used to go to Sunday school. We had very long back gardens which had allotments at the end, which my father and a few others used to tend by going over the wall at the bottom of the garden. (Mrs Margaret Davies nee Matthews, member FB&DLHS in a report dated 28 October 2001)

Nos 23 - 25. 17 Feb 2015. Planning application for creation of new mansard roof including 2 rear dormers, 2 side dormers and 2 front dormers to create a new self- contained flat with associated extension to existing external staircase (Barnet Council 15/01004/FUL)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Nos 23 - 25. 15 Jun 2015. Planning application for roof conversion over Nos 23 and 25 forminjg new two bedroom flat. Extension to both roofs including new mansard roof with dormers on three sides. Access via extended external stair to side landing. Alterations to existing rear first floor roof to include hipped end and external inset stair landing (Barnet Council 15/03457/FUL)

Nos 23 - 25. 11 Apr 2016. Planning application for roof conversion laterally over Nos 23 and 25 forming one open plan studio flat accessed by extending the existing internal communal stair. The proposal includes raising the main ridge roof by approx 200mm and forming a gable end with new window at the no 23 flank wall. There are three rear dormers and three roof lights proposed in the main roof (Barnet Council 16.2134/FUL)

No 24. 27 Sep 2012. Planning application for single storey new conservatory at rear (Barnet Council B/03655/12)

No 25. 1 July 2003. This shop (A Piece of Cake) closed today and is moving to 145 Bowes Road (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 26. Jan 1927. Planning application for house (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02523)

No 26. 5 Feb 2019. Planning application for conversion of existing dwelling into 2 self- contained flats (Barnet Council 19/0643/FUL)

No 27. 25 Mar 2004. Planning application for single storey rear extension and insertion of new fenestration at front and conversion of ground floor to a self-contained flat (Barnet Council N/14139/04)

No 29. 10 Feb 1944. This house was requisitioned by the Council (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 29. 20 Dec 2001. Planning application for loft conversion including velux window to front and rear dormer window (Barnet Council C/04846/A/01)

No 29. 18 Jun 2002. Planning application for change of use from ground floor shop to residential 1 bed flat (Barnet Council N/13217/02)

No 29. 5 March 2003. The front of this shop (formerly Wetherill’s) is being replaced by breeze blocks (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 29. 18 Oct 2007. Planning application for ground floor rear extension (Barnet Council N/13217/B.07)

No 31. 5 Sep 2002. Planning application for use of ground floor as self contained flat including alterations to front elevation (Barnet Council N/133345/07)

No 33 (Express Dairy). Sep 1952 - Nov 1953. Planning application for shop (Express Dairy Co Ltd, 15-17 Tavistock Place) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04340)

No 33 (Express Dairy). 11 Dec 1952. Application approved for continuation of use for carton storage (Express Dairy) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 33 (Express Dairy) 16 Apr 1953. Application approved for rebuilding of shop premises after destruction by fire (Express Dairy) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 33. 7 Feb 1956. Premises used for collection and storage of cardboard cartons which are distributed to the food packaging industry (Manuel Lloyd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 33. 7 Jun 1956. Application granted for a temporary roof over yard (Manuel Lloyd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 33. 1 Dec 1965. Planning application for change of use (shop to office) refuse. Site is allocated for residential purposes (Barnet Council Minutes 1 Dec 1965)

No 33 (rear of). 10 Oct 1997 & 15 Mar 2002. Planning application for demolition of existing storage buildings and erection of part single, part 2 storey building to form residential care home for elderly/adults with learning difficulties (Barnet Council C/00440/H & N/13327/02)

No 33. 30 Jan 2009. Planning application for proposed new residential flats (Barnet Council B/00008/09/ENQ)

No 33. 12 Oct 2009. Refusal of planning permission for 2- storey building and rooms in basement and roof space to accommodate 7 flats with basement office and storage units to both buildings following demolition of existing storage buildings (Barnet Council B/03558/09)

No 33. 22 Jul 2010. Planning application for erection of two 2 storey buildings plus rooms in basement and roof space to accommodate 6 flats with basement office and storage units to both buildings, following demolition of existing storage buildings (Barnet Council B/027630/10)

No 33. 24 Aug 2011. Planning application for demolition of existing building at 33 Wetherill Road and all outbuildings to the rear of 23 - 33 Wetherill Road. Erection of two storey mixed use building including basement attached to no 31 Wetherill Road to accommodate 2 self-contained flats and office/storage. Erection of part single, part two storey mixed use building including basement and rooms in roofspace to the rear of 23-31 Wetherill Road to accommodate 4 self-contained flats and business storage space (Amended Description) (Barnet Council B 03661/11)

No 33. 30 Jan 2013. Planning application for demolition of existing building at 33 Wetherill Road and outbuildings to the rear of 23-33 Wetherill Road. Erection of two storey residential building to accommodate 2 self-contained flats and erection of 1 part single, part two storey residential building including rooms in roof space to the rear of 23-33 Wetherill Road to accommodate 4 self-contained flats. Hard and soft landscaping (Barnet Council B/00395/13)

Nos 33 - 35. Jan-Feb 1906. Planning application for sheds and stables (P M Adams, Muswell Avenue Dairy, Muswell Hill) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00960)

No 33. 18 Dec 1951. Application approved for continued use for storage of cartons (Express Dairy) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 33. Sep 1952 - Nov 1953. Planning application for shop (Express Dairy Co) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04340)

No 33. 7 Dec 1954. This was a carton collection depot for Express Dairy (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 33. 14 Jan 1958. Application approved for roof over buildings at rear (Manuel Lloyd Ltd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 33 (rear of). 16 Apr 2003. Planning application for erection of 2 storey buildings and construction of 3 self-contained flats following demolition of existing storage building. Provision of 3 car parking spaces (Barnet Council N/13327/A/03)

No 33. 25 June 2008. This shop, formerly Piedra Stone. Is now vacant. A notice in the window advises that the new address is Unit 8a Meadow Works, Great North Road, N20 (behind Hole in the Wall Café) (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 33. 12 Oct 2009. Planning application for erection of 2 2-storey buildings plus rooms in basement and roof space to accommodate 7 flats, with basement office and storage units to both buildings, following demolition of existing storage buildings (Barnet Council B/03588/09)

No 33. 19 Mar 2014. Planning application for non-material amendments to planning permission B/00395/13 dated 02/07/13 for “Demolition of existing building at 33 Wetherill Road and outbuildings to the rear of 23-33 Wetherill Road. Erection of two storey residential building top accommodate 2 self-contained flats and erection of 1 part single, part two storey residential building including rooms in roofspace to the rear of 23-33 Wetherill Road to accommodate 4 self-cont6ained flats. Hard and soft landscaping” Amendments include reducing the width of the building, increasing the depth of the building, lowering the building and alterations to fenestration (Barnet Council B/01218/14)

No 33. 12 Nov 2014. Planning application for submission of condition 5 (Refuse), 7 (hard and Soft Landscaping), 8 (Planting and Seeding), 9 (Replacement Trees), 11 (Points of Access), 12 (privacy screens), 13 (Materials and elevations for pergola structure) and 14 (parking spaces) pursuant to planning permission B/00395/13 dated 2/7/2013) (Barnet Council 14/07123/CON)

No 184. 7 Jan 2003. A new brick wall approx 6 feet high is being built along the northern side of the house. The owner subsequently painted the brickwork with an anti- graffiti treatment (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WHARFEDALE CLOSE, N11 . Planning applications up to Mar 2021 Layout There are 2 houses in Wharfedale Close

Individual Properties No 1. 6 Jul 2002. Planning application for two-storey rear extension. First floor side extension. New roof including rear dormer window and 2 rooflights to front roofslope (Barnet Council 20/2970/HSE)

No 1.18 Sep 2020.Planning application for first floor side extension. New roof including rear dormer window and 2 rooflights to front roofslope (Barnet Council 20/4351/HSE)

No 1. 22 Mar 2021. Planning application for first floor side and rear extension. Roof extension involving hip to gable, 1no side gable window, rear dormer window and 2 front facing rooflights. Conversion of garage into habitable space. Replacement of garage door with window (Barnet Council 21/1578/HSE)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WHETSTONE CLOSE, N20 Layout There are 6 houses on the east side, all terraced

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WHETSTONE HIGH ROAD (see also ) See HIGH ROAD, WHETSTONE N20

WHETSTONE PARADE HIGH ROAD, WHETSTONE, east side (Kelly’s Directory of Finchley & Friern Barnet 1932

WHETSTONE PLACE HIGH ROAD, WHETSTONE, west side (Kelly’s Directory of Finchley & Friern Barnet 1932

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WHETSTONE STRAY (part of UPPER DOLLIS BROOK) In this stretch, the river continues to follow a mainly natural sinuous route, although its banks are partially enclosed by low wooden boards. The water is rather heavily shaded by overhanging trees; hence wetland vegetation i8s sparse, with only a few clumps of fool’s water cress and water-pepper, and tufts of pendulous sedge along the banks. However, moorhens can often be seen skulking along the water’s edge.

The riverside woodland contains oak, ash and white willow over an understorey of hawthorn, blackthorn and elm suckers. There are also some fine old hazels, recognisable by their multitude of straight, slender shoots. The ground flora is dominated by a few common species such as ivy, common nettle, cow parsley, hogweed and cleavers. However, a little searching will reveal more interesting wild flowers such as common figwort, wild angelica, ground-ivy and dog’s mercury, plus bluebelt, ramsons and carpets of lesser celandine in spring.

The fields on either side are managed mainly as informal cut and lift grassland. Among the longer grass, meadow flowers such as common sorrel, common knapweed and lesser stitchwort are quite plentiful, especially on the western side, with stands of creeping thistle, hogweed and great willowherb along the woodland edge. A number of hedgerows, which are believed to stem mainly from 19th century enclosures, cut across the fields.

A high mound just south of Lane provides a rather different feature: a quick scramble to the top affords fine views down the valley, and an interesting opportunity to look at ecological succession. Once a landfill site (possibly involving spoil from railway cutting excavation) it is now being colonised by a roughland community of tall grasses and herbs such as false oat-grass, couch, cock’s-foot, mugwort, rosebay willowherb, Russian comfrey and creeping thistle. Soapwort, a robust plant with pink flowers, a characteristic species of land-fill and former allotment land, also occurs here. A number of species associated with more traditional meadows have also been recorded, including meadow crane’s-bill, agrimony, and perforate St John’s-wort. The London rarity sweet-briar has also been found. Dog-rosde, bramble and hawthorn scrub is gradually invading. Some areas have already given way to bramble thickets, others have succeeded to hawthorn, blackthorn or grey willow scrub, and towards the east an area of oak and sycamore woodland is developing. The range of vegetation types within such a small area represents excellent feeding and nesting habitat for small birds. (Nature Conservation in Barnet. Ecology Handbook 28. London Ecology Unit 1997)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WHITE HOUSE ESTATE West of Friern Barnet Lane and north of Woodhouse Road the White House estate of c. 55 of Frederick Crisp was acquired in 1908 by the British Land Co. By 1911 Ashurst, Petworth, Bramber, Warnham and Buxted Roads had been laid out between Woodhouse Road and Friern Park and the first two had been built up. Lewes Road was later inserted and Horsham Road was constructed across the grounds of Brook House, but contained little housing in 1920. (Victoria County History)

The lands of George Smith (d. 1847) north of Woodhouse Road passed to his son George Knights Smith (d. 1866), who also acquired 30 a. of the Johnston estate there in 1850. With further purchases from the Planet Building Society, Freehold Land association, and others, he built up the White House Estate of c. 60a between Woodhouse Road, Torrington Park, and Friern Barnet Lane. After his death it was bought by Frederic Crisp of Holloway, later of the White House, who was planning building at his death in 1907. G.K. Smith acquired a further 43a. of the Johnston estate with frontages on Friern Barnet Road, on part of which he built. He sold 8a. to James Ward in 1878, and a further 33 a. by 1879, when it was laid out as the Holly Park estate. (Victoria County History page 20)

The verbatim extract from the Page 20 of the VCH is slightly unclear. To clarify: The Johnston lands were the lands allocated to John Bacon’s daughter, Lady Maria Johnston. They ran east-west in a long line, mainly to the east of Friern Barnet Lane and north of Friern Barnet Road and the asylum (i.e. the side of Friern Barnet Lane on which Holly Park Estate was built but also (a smaller extent of land on the west side of Friern Barnet Lane and north of Woodhouse Road (the side on which the White House Estate was built (Pauline Ashbridge FB&DLHS member)

8 May 1908 & 5 Feb 1909. Application approved for roads and sewers (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Jul - Aug 1909. Planning application for waterworks (British Land Co, 25 Moorgate Street, surveyor) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/2/01235),

4 Jun 1909. Application approved for sewerage and drainage (British Land Co) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WILTON ROAD, N10 Surveyed 28 Oct 2008. Planning applications up to Oct 2020 (see also HALLIWICK MANOR ESTATE) History Wilton Road does not appear in the Ordnance Survey map of 1894-96 but does appear in the 1912 edition

Christian Brethren from St. James’s Lane, Muswell Hill, acquired a small site on the corner of Wilton and Coppets roads c.1949. Wilton chapel, a low red-brick hall, was opened in 1952 and completed a few years later. (Victoria County History page 33)

1 Dec 1898. Albion Estates Co applied for permission for building of 8 new streets: Wilton Road, Sutton Road, Grasmere Road, Glencairn Road, Carnforth Road and the southern part of Stirling Road (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Infrastructure 7 Dec 1903 & 29 Jan 1904: Proposal submitted to the Council “that plans & estimate be put out for making up this road, and that 2 additional street lamps be erected” Cost £1503 15s 0d (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

29 Feb 1904 & 8 Aug 1904: Estimated cost of making up road £1,503. 15s. 0d August 1904 & December 1904. Matter being debated & approved (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

6 Mar 1905: Tender of Mr. G. Porter for £1,502. 7s 11d accepted (note the saving of £1. 7s 1d) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

6 Jul 1906: Wilton Road and four other roads having been sewered, levelled, paved, channelled and made good, and provided with proper lighting, in accordance with Section 152 of the Public Health Act 1875, and to the satisfaction of the Council, the Clerk is instructed to take the necessary steps forthwith for declaring the said roads to be highways repairable by the inhabitants at large (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

13 Jan 2015. Planning application for addition of 1 grey cabinet associated works (Mr Jim Donnelly, Virgin Media, Building 300, Winnersh Triangle, Wokingham, RG41 5TZ) (Barnet Council 15/00068/LIC)

Individual properties 29 May 1903. 2 houses. Mr William Walton. Total 70 houses In 1905,in the Hornsey Journal, Mr W Graham, of 69 Hampden Road, Hornsey, advertised: “Superior & Substantially Well-built 7 Roomed Houses in Wilton Road for £425, Ground Rent £7. 7s, Rent £40. Wilton Road numbered to 94, but no odd numbers after 73, therefore 94 less 10 = 84, less a further 3 not built till 1952 = 81

Nos ?? 15 Jan 1901. Application approved for 28 semi-detached houses (W Graham) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos?? Jan 1901. Planning application for houses (A Last, Halliwick Manor Estate Company) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/;02/00713)

Nos ?? 12 Feb 1901. Application approved for 5 houses and stable (Septimus Carter) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) Mr Carter himself lived in number 2, which also had an adjacent stable, recently built as a small house

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Nos ?? 25 Jun 1901. Application approved for house (A Last) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) & Jun 1901. Application for house (A Last, Halliwick Manor Estate Co, owners) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02 00713)

Nos ?? 11 Mar 1902. Application approved for 6 semi-detached houses (Mr Wheeler) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? 26 May 1902. Application approved for 4 houses (J Williams) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? 26 May 1902. Application approved for 4 houses (J T Jackson) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) Mr Jackson was by this time living in Croyland House, Colney Hatch Lane, which he had built for himself. Houses in Wilton Road were Nos 76, 78, 80 & 82. & May 1902. Planning application for house (John Thomas Jackson, Croyland House, Colney Hatch Lane) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00770)

Nos ?? 18 Aug 1902. Application approved for house (James Pointing) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? Aug - Dec 1902. Planning application for house (A Park, 68 Halchard Road, ) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00786)

Nos ?? 1 Dec 1902. Application approved for houses (W Graham) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) Mr Graham was given permission for an unspecified number on 1 Dec 1902 and these may have accounted for all or some of the remaining 11.

No ? 15 Dec 1902. Application approved for house (A Park) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? 15 Dec 1902. Application approved for 2 houses (William Walton) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? 31 Jul 1903. Application approved for 14 houses (W Graham) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? (Methold) 6 Apr 1923. Application approved for drains (A C Walton) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? 6 Apr 1923. Application approved for sports pavilion (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? Apr 1935 - Jan 1970. Planning application for flats (Wm A Ross, The Hatch, Friary Road, architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/03199)

Nos 1 - 7. Sep 1900. Application for houses and stables (A L Walton, submitted by W D Harding, 31a Lymington Avenue, Wood Green) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00654) Nos ?? 25 Sep 1900. Application approved for 4 houses (Mr Walton) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) On 20 Feb Mr Walton had also been granted conditional approval for 6 shops in Colney Hatch Lane, at the bottom of Wilton Road, and later in the same year applied to build a bakehouse to the rear of one of these shops.

No 2. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Wilton House (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 2a. 20 Jul 2010. Planning application for first and second floor rear extension including formation of a new pitch roof to dwelling (Barnet Council B/02912/10)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society 2a. 29 Oct 2013. Planning application for first floor rear extension with Juliet balcony and first floor bay window to front elevation (Barnet Council B/05027/13) No 3. 11 Jun 1934. Application approved for conversion into flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 3. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Clayton (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 4. 10 Jul 1962. Application approved for conservatory (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 4. 3 Sep 2015. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window with juliette balcony, 2 rooflights to front and new window to side elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council 15/05553/192)

No 5. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Northwood (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 5. 9 Jun 2016. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 16/3544/HSE)

No 5. 5 Sep 2016. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council 16/5789/192)

No 5. 4 Apr 2017. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council 17/2156/192)

No 7. 6 Jun 1961. Application approved for two garages at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 7. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Foulden (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 8. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Bellevue (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 9. 3 March 200. A new roof is being put on (Roofs Ltd) (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 10. 10 Jul 1952. Application approved for garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 11. 1 Jun 2010. Planning application for extension to time limit implementing planning permission N14442B/07 granted 11/10/07 for “Creation of basement and lightwell to front. Ground floor rear extension” (Barnet Council B/02183/10)

No 11. 10 Jul 2013. Planning application for extension to the time limit for implementing planning permission B.02183/10 granted 28/7/2010 for ”Creation of basement and lightwell to front. Ground floor rear extension.” (Barnet Council B/03066/13)

No 11. 14 Jul 2014. Planning application for part single, part two storey side and rear extension at ground floor level and lower ground floor level including raised timber terrace with steps to rear garden. Extension to existing basement to side and rear (Barnet Council B/03761/14)

No 12. 21 Apr 1965. Planning application approved for conservatory (Barnet Council Minutes 21 Apr 1965)

No 14. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Ribblesdale (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 14. 22 Mar 2017. Planning application for roof extension involving rear and side dormer window with juliette balcony, 3 rooflights to front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council 17/1279/FUL)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 14. 20 Nov 2018. Planning application for new hardstanding to front of property to provide off-street parking (Miss Jen Roberts,14 Wilton Road, N10 1LS) (Barnet Council 18/6391/FUL)

No 14. 27 Feb 2020. Planning application for conversion of 2 self-contained flats to single family dwelling (Barnet Council 20/0986/192)

No 16. 1951. Mr William Harry Martin, JP, Councillor of the South Ward between 1946 and 1951, lived here (Urban District of Friern Barnet Year Book 1950 – 51. Pahe 10)

No 18. 31 Mar 2010. Planning application for single storey side extension (Barnet Council B/01321/10)

No 19. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Silverdale (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 21. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Elmwood (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 21. 6 Aug 2013. Planning application for single storey rear outbuilding (Barnet Council B/03469/13)

No 23. 19 May 2017. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window with juliette balcony, 3 rooflights to front and new gable window to side elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council 17/3191/192)

No 23. 16 Apr 2018. Planning application for single storey side extension) (Barnet Council 18/2148/HSE)

Nos 24 - 68. Jan 1900 - Apr 1970. Application for houses (George Carter, 513 Holloway Road submitted by W Graham, 69 Hampden Road, , builder) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/0067

No 26. 19 Dec 2014. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council 14/07933/HSE)

No 28. 21 Jun 2016. Planning application for rear dormer and 1 rooflight to front to facilitate loft conversion (Barnet Council 16/2801/FUL)

No 29. 28 Nov 2014. Planning application for roof extension including 1 rear dormer window, 3 rooflights and 1 new window to front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council 14/07644/HSE)

No 29. 15 Jun 2015. Planning application for loft conversion involving insertion of 3 rooflights to front roof slope. 1 rooflight, 1 window to rear elevation (Barnet Council 15/03699/192)

No 30. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Dalmeny (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 31. 1 Dec 1933. Application approved for reconversion of premises from 2 flats to single hereditament (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 31. 25 May 2017. Planning application for restoration of roof with 1 rooflight to rear elevation (Barnet Council 17/3377/192)

No 31. 25 May 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension

No 31. 6 Jul 2017. Planning application for restoration of roof with 2 roof lights to side elevation (Barnet Council 17/4323/HSE)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 32. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Coniston (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 33. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Sunningdale (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 33. 28 Oct 2020. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer windows and 2front facing rooflights (Barnet Council 20/5087/FUL)

No 34. 7 Jun 2011. Planning application for creation of hardstanding to part of front garden (Mr Samir Balaghi, 34 Wilton Road, N10 1LS, agent IBI Design Associates, 59 Chelmsford Road, N14 5PY) (Barnet Council B/01974/11)

No 34. 22 Oct 2015. Planning application for single storey rear extension to ground floor flat (Mr Samir Balaghi, 34 Wilton Road, N10 1LS, agent Mr Ibi Ekineh, IBI Design Associates, 59 Chelmsford Road,N14 5PY) (Barnet Council 15/06405/FUL)

No 41. 18 Jan 1988. Planning application for conversion to 2 flats, I parking space and vehicular access (Barnet Council C/5272B)

No 44. 3 Jul 2019. Planning application for roof extension involving rear and side dormer window and 2 front facing rooflights (Barnet Council 19/3652/192)

Nos 46 - 49 are newer houses than the rest of the road (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 49 & 51. 11 Jul 2003. New loft being installed (Stock Contractors) (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 47. 20 Jun 2014. Planning application for single storey rear and side extension (Barnet Council B/03103/14)

No 50. 14 Apr 2015. Planning application for extension to roof including rear dormer window, side dormer window to rear projection and roof lights to front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council 15/02334/192)

Nos 52 - 73 are newer houses than the rest of the road (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 50. Jun 1942, Fire reported due to enemy action (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 50. 13 Jun 1946. Application approved for extension of drainage at rear of no 50 (Messrs Rogers & Coates) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 50. 14 Apr 2015. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council 15/02333/HSE)

Nos 52. 13 Jun 1946. Application approved for flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 53. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 53. 8 Jul 1943. Reference to no 53 being a bomb site (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 53 - 63. Jul 1946 - Oct 1949. Planning application for houses (Rebuilding Scheme for Wilton Road, Moiret & Wood, 21 Willifiled Way, NW11. Chartered Architecs) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/0203715)

Nos 53 - 56. Oct 1946 - Apr 1948. Planning application for houses (Moiret & Wood, 21 Willifield Way, NW11, architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/03778)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 53. 10 Jul 1962. Application approved for single-storey kitchen extension (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 53. 30 Jun 2017. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window with juliette balcony (Barnet Council 17/4069/192)

No 54. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 54 - 72. 13 Jun 1946. Application approved for flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) & Nos 54 - 72. May 1946 - Feb 1975. Planning application for houses (Rebuilding Scheme for Wilton Road), Moiret & Woods, 21 Willfield Way, NW11. architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/0203711)

No 55. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 55. 13 Jun 1946. Application approved for flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 56. 22 Aug 2011. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council B/03529/11)

No 57. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 57 - 63. Jun 1901, May 2002. Planning application for houses (James Williams, 5 Orchard Road, ) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00768)

Nos 57 - 63. 13 Jun 1946. Application approved for houses and flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 58. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 59. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 59 & 61. 13 Mar 1947. Application approved for rebuilding properties (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 59. 12 May 2014. Planning application for demolition of existing lean-to to rear and replacement with single storey rear extension (Barnet Council B/02577/14)

No 60. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 60. 19 Jun 1951. Application approved for garage under house (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 61. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 61. 13 May 1948. Application approved for 2 self-contained flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 61. 9 Jan 1962. Application approved for conservatory (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 62. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 62. 12 Sep 1961. Application approved for glazed lean-to (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 65 - 69. 15 Apr 1952. Application approved for one pair of semi-detached houses on vacant land (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) & Nos 65-69. May-Jul 1952. Planning application for houses and garages (F B Reynolds, 17 Shaftesbury Avenue, Hornsey, owner) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04254)

Nos 65 - 69. 13 Jul 1954. Application approved for erection of three houses and 3 garages (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 65. May - Jul 1952. Planning application for house and garage (F B Reynolds, 17 Shaftesbury Road Hornsey, owner) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04254)

Nos 65, 57 & 69. 7 Jun 1956. Application approved for erection of three houses (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 66 - 74. Nov - Dec 1902. Planning application for houses (John Taft, 61 Hornsey Park Road, architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00805)

No 66. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 67. 25 Nov 2009. Planning application for erection of a single storey rear extension. Conversion of garage into habitable room (Mr J Ward, 67 Wilton Road, N10 1LX) (Barnet Council B/04315/09)

No 67. 6 May 2015. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 4 metres from the original rear wall. Eaves height of 2.4 metres and maximum height of 2.8 metres ( (Barnet Council 15/02796/PNH)

No 67. 15 Jan 2018. Planning application for addition of juliette balcony to rear at loft level. Replacement of existing rear sliding door (Barnet Council 17/8152/192)

No 67. 19 Feb 2018. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 18/0197/191)

No 68. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 68B. 1 Oct 2019. Planning application for erection of summerhouse to rear of garden (Barnet Council 19/5269/FUL)

No 69. May - Jul 1952. Planning application for house and garage (F B Reynolds, 17 Shaftesbury Road Hornsey, owner) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04254)

No 69. 26 Nov 2009. Planning application for erection of a single storey rear extension (Mr P Wilson, 69 Wilton Road, N10 1LX) (Barnet Council B/04319/09)

No 70. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 70. 7 May 2020. Planning application for single storey rear extension. Alterations to front landscaping to accommodate 1 off street parking space and cycle store (Barnet Council 20/2090/FUL)

Nos 71 - 73. May 1903. Planning application for houses (Wm Walton, Ilkly, Wilton Road) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/00831)

No 72. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 72a. 24 Dec 2010. Planning application for installation of a solar photovoltaic microgeneration system onto the existing flat roof (Barnet Council B/04958/10)

No 74. 13 Jun 1946. Application approved for flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 76 -78. 13 Jun 1946. Application approved for houses and flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) Nos 76 - 78. May 1946 - Feb 1975. Planning application for houses and flats (Rebuilding Scheme for Wilton Road, Moiret & Woods, 21 Willifiled Way, NW11. architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/0203713)

No 76. 13 May 1948. Application approved to rebuild war-destroyed house as 2 self- contained flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 78. 9 Oct 1941. Requisition of garden of demolished house for cultivation (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 86. 28 Oct 2008. The house is named Gladesville (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 92. 21 Dec 2015. Planning application for extension to roof including rear dormer window and 2 rooflights to front elevation to extend existing first floor flat (Barnet Council 15/07807/FUL)

No 92. 4 Apr 2016. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window with juliette balcony and 2 roof lights to front elevation to extend existing first floor flat (Barnet Council 16/2127/FUL)

Wilton Court. 15 Apr 1935. Application favourably considered for flats at corner of Coppetts Road (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Wilton Court. Apr 1935 - Jan 1970. Planning application for flats (William A Ross, The Hatch, Friary Road, North Finchley, architect (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/03199)

Wilton Court. 8 Sep 1936. Complaint by a resident in Coppetts Road about the appearance of the back of the new flats. The owner has agreed to erect a fence (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Wilton Court. 8 Sep 1936. Application approved for layout of shops (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Wilton Court. 8 Feb 1936. Application approved for block of 4 brick garages and refuse store (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 1 Wilton Court. 27 Jul 1939. L T Hawes, ARP Warden at Post no 17 lived here (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 1 - 6 Wilton Court, Wilton Road. 22 May 2003. Extensive renovation of the balconies is taking place (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 33 Wilton Court. 17 Jul 1941 Weekly rent was recorded as 17s 6d (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 38 Wilton Court. 17 Jul 1941 Weekly rent was recorded as 12s 0d (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 41 - 42 Wilton Court. Aug 2004. “Save Our Shop. Community’s Favourite Store in Survival Battle. By Geoff White. A shop at the heart of a Muswell Hill community may be forced to close within months, because developers want to turn it into a flat. Wilton supermarket in Wilton Road – known locally as Billy’s – is a vital resource for people living nearby, and even offers a free delivery service for old folk who have trouble getting about. But now developers have applied to Barnet Council to turn the bustling shop into housing, and regular customers fear it will tear the heart out of the community. Regular customer Darrel Smith said: “Everyone’s very upset to hear about this, it’s been there for 11 years. It’s all very well saying there are other shops up the road – but for some of the people who rely on it, that’s a long journey.” The shop has set up a petition to marshal support from its customers, and plans to enlist the local schools in the campaign. But time is running out – Barnet Council needs objections in by September 1. Arvind Patel, who manages the store, said: “Our customers are up in arms about this. There are three schools nearby and a church, and we deliver to people who can’t make it out of their homes. Where will they go for food? There’s nothing around here. The shop’s lease is almost up, and managers are being asked to sign a new lease with a “development clause” – which would allow its owners to turn it into flats. A spokesman for the shop’s landlords did not want to comment, but stressed that no decision had been made (Page 1, Muswell Hill Journal 26 Aug 2004)

No 41 - 42 (Wilton Court). 29 May 2014. Planning application for change of use from Class A1 (Retail) to Class C3 (one residential unit) (Barnet Council B/02865/14)

No 41 - 42 Wilton Court. 11 Jul 2017. Planning application for change of use from Class A1 (Retail) to Class C3 (one residential unit) (Barnet Council 17/4490/PNR)

No 41 – 42 (Wilton Court). 9 Oct 2017. Planning application for insertion of new windows and changes to fenestration (Barnet Council 17/5961/FUL)

(Mission Hall). 12 Jan 1950 & 1 Feb 1951. Application approved for Mission hall, corner Coppetts Road (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) & Dec 1950-Jan 1951. Planning application for mission hall (Mission Hall Christian Assembly, 26 Woodlands Road, submitted by D Bishop, 93 Faraday Avenue, , architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04110 & 04125)

(Mission Hall). 7 Dec 1954. Application approved to construct first floor to new Mission hall (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) & Nov-Dec 1954. Planning application for mission hall (Muswell Hill Christian Assembly, submitted by D Bishop, 93 Faraday Avenue, Sidcup, Kent) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04558)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WINTERBURN CLOSE, N11 Planning applications up to Jun 2010 Layout There are 20 houses in Winterburn Close

Individual properties No 6. 19 Jan 2010. Planning application for two storey side extension (Barnet Council B/00280/10)

No 6. 9 Apr 2010. Planning application for single storey side extension (Barnet Council B/01443/10)

No 6. 17 Jun 2010. Planning application for single storey side extension and rear conservatory (amended description) ( (Barnet Council B/02299/10)

No 16. 21 Nov 2006. Planning application for single storey rear extension with terrace above (Barnet Council N/15295/A/06)


Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

WOODGRANGE GARDENS WOODHOUSE ROAD, south side (Kelly’s Directory of Finchley & Friern Barnet 1932)

WOODHOUSE PARADE HIGH ROAD, NORTH FINCHLEY, east side (Kelly’s Directory of Finchley & Friern Barnet 1932)

WOODHOUSE ROAD, N12 Planning applications up to Sep 2020 formerly North Colney Hatch Road in 1814 (VCH) and Woodhouse Lane (see also COPPETS ROAD)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society History Grand Parade was built in 1925 (sign on property)

Grand Parade started to develop from Horsham Avenue to Friern Barnet Lane, and was built in 1923. The stretch from Horsham Road to Petworth Road was built in 1925 (North London by Hugh Petrie. Page 58)

Woodhouse Parade, at the western end, was built in 1910 (plaque above corner shop)

Corner Woodhouse Road/Colney Hatch Lane. 10 Sep 1935. Application approved for 9 shops, 18 flats and 5 garages (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

28 Aug 1936. Over the way at Woodhouse Road I saw the block of new shops, mainly empty at present. My memory allowed me to visualise the old house, Halliwick house, and the fields around, hidden partly by the high brick wall. The fields have all gone and streets and houses have come. I suppose the day will not be far distant when the remainder of the Woodhouse frontage gives way to shops and business premises (Finchley Press 28 Aug 1936)

Infrastructure 4 Dec 1908. Application approved for poles outside Council offices (MET) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

5 Feb 1909. Application approved for gas main (Southgate Gas Co) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

5 Feb 1909. Application approved for water main (Barnet Water Co) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Aug - Dec 1909. Woodhouse Estate. Planning application for roads and sewers (Wright Ingles Trustees, agent C Sparrow & Son, North Finchley, surveyor) London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/01244)

3 Nov 1922. Application approved for telegraph line (Post Office Engineering Ltd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

5 Oct 1923. Application approved for underground mains (Northmet) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

8 Feb 1924. Widening of Woodhouse Road between Friern Barnet Lane and Ashurst Road is proposed (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

19 May 1925. Widening work has been completed at a cost of £1432. 1s 6d (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

18 Jul 1930. Ministry of Transport agreed to make a grant not exceeding 60% of the cost (up to a maximum of £594) for the creation of a shopping road (presumably in front of Grand Parade) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

14 Sep 1930. The shopping road costs £1156 (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

12 May 1933. The road is being renumbered (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

To improve access to the tram depot, Woodhouse Road was extended to form the Kingsway in 1934, thereby pushing the whole road system further south (Finchley & Whetstone Past by John Heathfield. Page 93. Historical Publications 2001)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society 5 Jan 1934. It is probable that the automatic traffic control signals at Friern Barnet Road, Woodhouse Road, Colney Hatch Road and Friern Barnet Lane cross-roads will be operating in a fortnights time. Substantial reconstruction of the highways in this rea is in progress, and the cost of the work will be approximately £7000. It is anticipated that the roadway will stand up to traffic for many years (Finchley Press 5 Jan 1934)

On the Friern Barnet border three tenements called the Woodhouses existed by 1655. One of them was called Wood House by 1754 and a mansion was built there between 1784 and 1798, becoming the centre of an estate created at inclosure. The existing two-storeyed building, a school, is mid-19th century and consists of a central portion of five bays with an Ionic portico and two wings, one dating from the 1920s. (Victoria County History Finchley Page 45)

At one time Halliwick Road was the southern limit of the Halliwick Manor, whose House stood until 1933 at the corner of Colney Hatch Lane and Woodhouse Road. Jelks the furniture dealer sold furniture to clients on the never-never. If clients defaulted on payment, he removed the furniture without paying back what he’d been paid. His pantechicons were drawn by horses that grazed on the fields of the old Manor House when he stored his furniture there up to 1932 (Ollie Natelson FB&DLHS 7 Jul 2002)

The council continued building at Woodhouse Road and provided another 50 houses in 1928 and 72 in 1930. All building in the 1930s accorded with the council’s town planning scheme of 12 houses to an acre where the site fronted a main road and 10 to the acre elsewhere. (Victoria County History Finchley Page 53)

15 Nov 1929. Work is proceeding in widening Woodhouse Road at Bramber Road (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

A photograph taken by John Donovan in December 1990 shows work taking place to widen Woodhouse Road in front of Grand Parade

A postcard from Finchley Council postmarked 13 June 1921 features the new council houses in Woodhouse Road.

Aug 1992. A photograph taken by John Donovan in August 1992 shows a roundabout being built at the junction with Summers Lane

Jul 2001. The public car park next to no 10 has now been closed and work has started in converting it to a bus terminus (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

22 Oct 2002. Woodhouse Road resurfaced between Summers Lane and Colney Hatch Lane 22-26 October 2002. Most of the work was done at night. (David Berguer FB&DLHS

12 July 2003. Today (Saturday) I was proceeding along Woodhouse Road in a westerly direction at 7.20pm when a red 2CV, also going west, missed the road and instead drove along the traffic island outside Woodhouse College. The result was the removal of two illuminated Keep Left bollards and a lamp post with a white globe on top. No other vehicles were involved and the driver was not visibly injured. The 2CV came to a stop as its wheels were no longer in contact with the road. The driver claimed that the sun got in her eyes. This is quite possible, but all the other drivers managed OK. She did not have a mobile phone. Later that night, by 10.20pm, the bollards had been repositioned with yellow flashing lights on top and the car and lamp post removed (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society 6 May 2005. South side of Woodhouse Road. 6 May 2005. Pipe laying is taking place from the junction with Summers Lane towards Colney Hatch Lane. Not to be confused with the earlier gas pipeline in the same area. The pipes being laid are yellow plastic with brown longitudinal stripes (John Donovan FB& DLHS)

3 Oct 2005. Two workmen from Barnet Council are screwing down the litter bins into the pavement and at the same time installing plaques on them with Barnet coat of arms! (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

22 Feb 2006. The stretch of Woodhouse Road between the High Road and Lewes Road is being resurfaced by Granville-Steel. The work is taking place at night, so disruption to traffic is minimal (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

10 Apr 2006 Junction with Colney Hatch Lane. The heads of the traffic lights are being replaced (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

13 Oct 2006. The road by the bus stop outside no 207 has been resurfaced; there has been a deep depression there for some time (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

5 Nov 2008. The stretch of Woodhouse Road between Lewes Road and Summers Lane has just been resurfaced (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

1 Oct 2009. New yellow gas pipes are being installed along the north side between Bramber Road and Woodhouse College (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

3 May 2011. Planning application for installation of a 12.5- metre high monopole supporting antennas and 2 equipment cabinets on the pavement on the north side of Woodhouse Road outside Wren Academy sports ground and opposite no 152 (Vodafone Ltd & Telefonica 02 Uk Ltd, c/o Mono Consultants Ltd, Unit 13, Avenet Business centre, Third Avenue, Bletchley, MK1 1DR) (Barnet Council F/08143/11)

15 Jun 2012. Gas mains are being replaced along the north side of Woodhouse Road from Hilton Avenue to Friern Barnet Lane (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

5 Jun 2014. A new wooden bench has been installed alongside the flower bed outside number 227 (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

10 Jul 2017. The paving slabs from Lewes Road to Friern Barnet Lane are being replaced by asphalt and small blocks (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Boundary marker outside number 161 Woodhouse Road. Iron stick marker. Left hand side has "Borough of Finchley", right hand side has "Friern Barnet UDC" (Barnet Council Local List)

Boundary marker (North side of 161/163, opposite Summers Lane), Woodhouse Road. A 1937 triangular section iron post reflecting boundary of Finchley Borough and Friern after borough boundary change (Barnet Council Local List)

Boundary marker (Opposite the end of Crescent Way), Woodhouse Road. Metal Tombstone type post about 18 inches high bearing crude inscription: FBP 1910 JL ELY (Barnet Council Local List)

Boundary marker (entrance to Woodhouse College, corner of Hilton Avenue), Woodhouse Road. Two metal tombstone type post about 36" high bearing inscription Finchley Parish 1864 (Barnet Council Local List)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Boundary marker (entrance to Woodhouse College, corner of Hilton Avenue), Woodhouse Road. Two Metal tombstone type post about 18" high bearing crude inscription F B P 1910 J L Ely (Barnet Council Local List)

Boundary marker (north side, in low wall, opposite No. 156) Woodhouse Road. A Friern Barnet (FBP) mark but with base buried in concrete concealing date and other information (Barnet Council Local List)

Outside no 203. 24 Sep 2020. Replacement of existing advertising with 1 digital advertising display and 1no internally illuminated paper advertising display (Barnet Council 20/4508/ADV)

Individual properties Nos ?? Woodhouse Lane. 28 Nov 1905. Application approved for 10 shops at the junction with the Great North Road (Mr G Bull, plan no 2155) (Finchley Council Minutes)

No ? (Walden) 3 Oct 1913. Application approved for motor shed at rear (Dr Gillies) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? (Walden) 1 Oct 1916. Application approved for conservatory (Dr Gillies) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? 5 Jan 1923. Application approved for 23 houses (H G Stacey) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? Jun - Jul 1923. Planning application for shops and flats (S H Hall, Eaton Villa, Hoppers Road, Palmers Green, owner) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/01938)

Nos ?? 3 Aug 1923. Application approved for 2 shops and flat over (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? (Burnaby) 16 Jul 1926. Application approved for garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No ? (Hillcroft) 22 Oct 1926. Application approved for glazed lean-to (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos ?? Jul 1935 - Apr 1974. Planning application for shops, flats and garages (Cramb Bros Ltd, The Gables, Oakleigh Avenue, owner & builder) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/03228)

No 2. 4 Aug 1999. Planning application for variation to enable hot food shop to open until 1am Sunday-Thursday and 2am Friday and Saturday (Barnet Council C/06131/C/99)

No 5. 22 Dec 1995. Planning application for conversion of first and second floors into 2 self-contained flats, alteration to front elevation to provide 2 separate entrance doors (Barnet Council C/03384/D)

No 6. 23 Feb 1987. Planning application for new shopfront (Barnet Council C/017441/B)

No 7. 11 Feb 1924. Planning application for addition to shop (S Hall) (Barnet Council C/02711/E)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 7. 23 Jun 1988. Planning application for change from retail to licensed betting office (Barnet Council C/02711/E)

No 7. 21 Jul 2000. Planning application for use as 2 flats (Barnet Council C/02711/J/00)

No 7. 1 Feb 2002. Planning application for change of ground floor from A2 betting shop to tanning shop (Barnet Council C/02711/S/02)

No 7. 12 Nov 2003. This has now become SelfSun, a tanning parlour (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 7. 2 Dec 2004. This is now “Good Health” Chinese Herbal Remedies etc (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 7. 7 Dec 2007. Good Health shop is now closed and the shop is empty (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Nos 8 - 12. 26 Jan 1989. Planning application for redevelopment to provide 3- storey building to comprise ground floor retail (A1) and 2 floors of offices (B1) with rear parking for 25 cars and access from Churchfield Gardens (Barnet Council C/02711/F)

No 8. Aug 1989. The former Perrings shop is being demolished according to a photograph taken by John Donovan

No 8. 1969. Following the demolition of Perrings, a car park was enlarged in 1969 (Barnet Archives photograph no L12072) A photograph taken in 1981 show that there was a car park alongside Perrings at that date (FB&DLHS archive. Doug Rose photograph)

Nos 8 - 12. (Melville House). 3 Jan 1996. Planning application for change of part ground floor from office to food and drink (A1) (Barnet Council C/02711/G)

Nos 8 - 12. 2 Jun 1992. Planning application for alteration to front elevation involving new entrance doorway (Barnet Council C/02711/K)

No 9. 1927 - 1955 28 Years of Trading E E Farwell Ltd, 9 Woodhouse Road, North Finchley. Farwells also had a branch at 9 Queens Parade, Brownlow Road, N11 (Advertisement on page 24 of “Know Your Finchley” published in 1955 by Finchley Borough Council)

No 9. 1954. E E Farwell the small shop with the vast stock. This was the enterprise of Mr E E Farwell in 1927 in Finchley and his two sons have branched out since his retirement. The business was primarily opened as a Builders Merchant but as the trend of higher cost of application has gone on the trade is now over seventy percent retail. For any job about the home there is advice, materials and tools to do it. A range of timber, mouldings, legs and boarding for the craftsman and the ready to assemble furniture kit for the less confident is on show. As locksmiths with a large range of keys and locks they are at the service of the public. A full range of ironmongery, brassfoundry, heating accessories, paints and wallpaper are available. The motto “Nothing is too much trouble” is always in evidence. All the displayed goods are clearly marked with competitive prices (Quarterly Journal of Finchley & Whetstone Chamber of Commerce Apr 1954)

No 9. 1 Mar 1989. Planning application for new shopfront (Barnet Council C/02711/G)

No 9. 2 Sep 1998. Planning application for conversion of first and second floors to form 3 self-contained flats and first floor rear extension (Barnet Council (C/02711/N)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 11. 18 Apr 2005. Planning application for restaurant (class A3) (Barnet Council (C/14534/A/05)

No 11. 14 May 2007. Planning application for installation of ATM machine (Barnet Council (C/17104/07)

Nos 14 - 18. 23 Nov 1977. Planning application for continued use on a permanent basis as a car park (Barnet Council)

Nos 14 -18. 26 Apr 2000. Planning application for use of part of car park as standing area for buses and alterations to vehicle access (Barnet Council (C/00927/F/00)

Nos 14 - 18. 18 Jul 2002. Planning application for mess cabin and staff toilet and alteration to bus stand layout (Barnet Council (C/00927/H/02)

No 17. 12 Jun 2003. Wilson’s Exchange Centre closed (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

No 17. 23 Oct 2003. This is now MD Flooring (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 17. 16 Dec 2004. This is now “The Discount Store”, selling assorted household goods (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 17. 1 Feb 2006. There is a notice in the window of this shop (Discount Store): Closing Down (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 17. 14 Jun 2006. The Discount Store has now finally closed after months of “closing down sales”. The shop is empty (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 17. 27 Jul 2006. This is now called “Crazy Discounts New and Used” (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 19. 13 May 2008. Planning application for replacement windows (Barnet Council C/00812/08)

No 20 (Ashburnham). This house is named Ashburnham (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 20. 30 Sep 2002. Planning application for part single. part 2 storey rear extension, raise parapet wall to form new mansard roof, dormer windows to front and rear and conversion into 5 self-contained flats (Barnet Council C/15056/02)

No 21. 26 Oct 2001. Planning application for widening of vehicle crossover (Barnet Council C/07009//B/01)

No 22. 10 Jan 1989. Planning application for conversion to 3 self-contained flats, front and rear dormer windows, vehicle access and 2 parking spaces ( (Barnet Council C/09752/B)

No 22. 15 Aug 2006. Building work is taking place (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

No 23. 5 Aug 2004. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C14067/B/04)

Nos 23 - 25. 7 Jan 2003. Planning application for freestanding non-illuminated Barnet signage and sponsorship panel (Barnet Council C/15176/03)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 24. 28 Jun 1990. Planning application for continued use as 2 flats (Barnet Council C/02722/D)

No 24. 16 Jul 2003. This house (Ashburnham) is being refurbished (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

No 24. 30 Nov 2005. House empty, skip outside (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

No 24. 5 Dec 2005. Planning application for replacement of windows and single storey conservatory to rear (Barnet Council C/02722/F/05)

No 24. 5 Oct 2006. Planning application for change from restaurant (A3) to residential care home (C2) for use as an annexe to existing care home at nos 28 - 30 car park area for 2 cars (Barnet Council C/02722/E/05)

No 25. 29 Apr 1991. Planning application for vehicle access and hardsurfaced car park area for 2 cars (Barnet Council C/07335/B)

No 26 (Claremont). This house is named Claremont (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 28 (Lyndhurst). This house is named Lyndhurst (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Nos 28 - 30. 10 Jan 2002. Planning application for continued use as psychiatric after- care home (Barnet Council C/06214/G/02)

No 29. 24 Sep 1987. Planning application for vehicle access (Barnet Council C/04392/A)

No 30 (Cliftonville). This house is named Cliftonville (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 30. 12 Jul 1994. Planning application for single storey link extension to no 28 and change of use of house to residential care home (Barnet Council C/11821)

No 30. 15 Jun 1995. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window and rooflight to front and rear external staircase to provide rehabilitation flat for young person’s care home (Barnet Council C/06214/F)

No 31. 16 Jan 1996. Planning application for alterations and extensions to roof to provide 1 self-contained flat (in addition to 4 existing flats), 1 car park space and new vehicle access to Lambert Road (Barnet Council C/09715/D)

No 31. 9 Jun 1997. Planning application for change of use from 4 flats to bed & breakfast hotel (Barnet Council C/09715/E)

No 31. 16 Jul 2003. The house is being refurbished inside and out (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

No 32 (Brooklyn). This house is named Brooklyn (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 32. 23 Dec 2005. Planning application for alteration to roof including rear dormer window to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council C/16510/05)

No 33. 29 Jul 1995. Planning application for rear extension to ground floor flat (Barnet Council C/11731/A)

No 34 (Glencairn Children’s Home). 1986. Glencairn is a residential home for children. It is situated at 34 Woodhouse Road and is handy for public transport and all other

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society general amenities such as shops, cinema etc. The house itself is two large pre-war ‘semis’ converted into one. It is similar in design to other properties in the road and has no external features to suggest that it is anything other than an ordinary house. There is a large garden at the back with swings, climbing frame etc and a large pear tree which bears an abundance of fruit every October. Inside, all rooms are comfortably furnished. The ground floor having a TV lounge, a large play room, a snooker room, dining room, kitchen and laundry. Upstairs, all rooms are twin-bedded, there are two bathrooms with shower attachments, a staff room and an office (extract from Glencairn Children’s Home booklet. Barnet Social Services 1986)

No 34. 20 Aug 1996. Planning application for change of use of children’s home to Council offices (Barnet Council C/02900/A)

No 34. 20 Aug 1996. Planning application for alterations and change of use of children’s home to council offices (Barnet Council C/02900/A)

Nos 34 - 36. 29 Apr 2008. Planning application for change from 2 rooms on first floor of no 34 from B1 (office) to D1 (emergency temporary accommodation for young people) (Barnet Council F/00702/08)

No 35. 1 Jul 1988. Planning application for rear roof extension and continued use as 2 self-contained flats (Barnet Council C/07563/A)

No 36 (Aberystwyth). This house is named Aberystwyth (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Nos 36. 7 Dec 1998. Planning application for change of first floor rooms from children’s home accommodation to council office accommodation ancillary to no 34 (Barnet Council C/02021/C)

No 38. 4 Jul 1986. Planning application for vehicle access (Barnet Council C/07831/B)

No 38a. 5 Apr 2005. Planning application for attached garage at side (Barnet Council C/07831/E/05)

No 40. 11 Jan 1978. Planning application for formation of vehicle access (R L Wiggins) Barnet Council CG233)

No 43. 29 Jan 2007. Planning application for rear roof extension (Barnet Council C/02778/A/07)

No 43. 13 Aug 2007. Planning application for rear dormer window and conversion of loft into 1 self-contained flat (Barnet Council C/02778/C/07)

No 43. 12 Sep 2008. The whole of the upper floor has been removed and the house is covered with a large plastic tent (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 45 - 51. 16 Mar 1966. Planning application for office & service depot (Anglo- Continental Clock Co) (Barnet Council Minutes 16 Mar 1966 C 735)

No 45 - 51. 8 Sep 1976. Planning application for showroom replacing ground floor car park (Anglo-Continental Clock Co Ltd) (Barnet Council C735G)

Nos 45 - 51. 16 Sep 1991. Planning application for change of use of front of warehouse to smoking and processing of salmon (Barnet Council C/00735/L)

Nos 45 - 51. 5 May 1995. Planning application for single storey front extension for use as coldstore for storage of fish (Barnet Council C/07335/R)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

Nos 45 - 51 (Churchfield House). 15 Dec 1995. Planning application for conversion of first, second and third floors from office to residential use in form of 12 flats and alterations to ground floor to enable car parking beneath (Barnet Council C/07335/S)

Nos 45 - 51 (Churchfield House). 17 Feb 1998. Planning application for change of use from office to retail (A1) to be used in conjunction with ground floor A1 use (Barnet Council C/07335/T)

Nos 45 - 51 (Churchfield House). 14 May 1998. Planning application for shopfront and elevation changes to ground floor to serve new shop unit (Barnet Council C/07335/U)

Nos 45 - 51 (Churchfield House). 22 May 1998. Planning application for change of second, third and part of ground floor from office to community centre/education use including crèche (Class D1), homework club and other children’s educational facilities (Barnet Council C/07335/V)

Nos 45 - 51 (Churchfield House). 8 Oct 1998. Planning application for 4 storey lift shaft to rear (Barnet Council C/07335/X)

Nos 45 - 51 (Churchfield House). 22 Jun 1999. Planning application for vehicle access (Barnet Council C/07335/Y/99)

Nos 45 - 51 (Churchfield House). 13 Mar 2000. Planning application for variation to be used by Hope House (Barnet Council C/07335/Z/00)

Nos 45 - 51. 14 Aug 2014. This shop, latterly the Cornertone Bookshop, has just opened as Co-operative Food supermarket (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 45 - 51 (Churchfield House). 16 February 2015. Planning application for conversion of second and third floors to provide 7 self-contained flats including 3 front bay window, alterations to existing dormers, alterations to fenestration; extension at second and third floor levels and new rear balcony at second floor. New shopfront at ground floor retail unit (Barnet Council 15/00982/FUL)

No 46. 9 Apr 2003. Planning application for retention of vehicle access and hardstanding (Barnet Council C/15326/03)

No 56. 13 Apr 2005. Planning application for single storey rear extension and alterations to roof including rear dormer window to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council C/16218/05)

No 58. 31 Dec 1992. Planning application for vehicle access at front (Barnet Council C/10752/A)

No 58. 24 Oct 2001. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/10762/B/01)

No 59. 10 Apr 2006. Part of the shop, Dans Camping Supplies, is now CJs barbers (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Nos 61 - 63. 21 Mar 1988. Planning application for change of ground floor to driving test centre (Barnet Council C/03473/D)

Council Depot Site. 5 Sep 1995. Planning application for redevelopment of site involving construction of part 1, part 2 storey building to house voluntary sector advice and day centre for homeless (Barnet Council C/09405/B)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

Nos 61 - 63. 4 Feb 2003. A new bus shelter (Adshel no 0103 9838) has just been installed near nos 61-63. So far no bus stop has been erected at the site, but there is a yellow marking on the pavement to indicate where it will be located (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Nos 61 - 63. 25 Oct 2005. This is now Bathrooms Unique, tel 020 8343 9111 (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Nos 61 - 63. 30 May 2008. This shop is now vacant (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 62. 14 May 2010. Planning application for single storey extension including raising height of boundary wall ( (Barnet Council F/01882/10)

Nos 66 - 67. 9 Sep 2002. Planning application for part ground, part mezzanine level rear extension (Barnet Council C/06907/B/02)

Nos 67 & 69. 12 Aug 1987. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/06907/A)

No 68. 15 Apr 2003. Planning application for retention of vehicle access and hardstanding (Barnet Council C/15334/03)

No 69. 18 Aug 2006. Planning application for conversion of upper floors into 2 self- contained flats (Barnet Council C/06907/C/05)

No 71. 2 Dec 2004. This is now “am2pm Robin News Food & Wine” (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 71. 18 Jul 2006. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/02227/E/05)

No 72. 1 Jul 1987. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/09501)

No 72. 8 Aug. Planning application for vehicle access (Barnet Council C/09501/A)

No 73. 26 Oct 1987. Planning application for storage shed at rear (Barnet Council C/08653/B)

No 73. 17 Feb 2011. Planning application for installation of ATM machine (Show Dry Cleaners) (Barnet Council F/00709/11)

No 74. 4 Aug 1989. Planning application for widening of vehicle access (Barnet Council C/10466)

No 84. 15 Jul 2008. Planning application for ramp access to highway (Barnet Council F/02299/08)

No 84. 31 Oct 2011. Planning application for ramp access and associated rail at front (Barnet Council F/04267/11)

No 85. 6 Aug 1975. Planning application for vehicle access and parking space in front garden (Barnet Council C5434)

No 85. 19 Nov 1975. Planning application for vehicle access and parking space in front garden (Barnet Council C5434)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 87. 7 Feb 1991. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/09851/A)

No 89. 26 Mar 1975. Planning application for car parking in front garden (C V Tanna) (Barnet Council C5234)

No 89. 20 Aug 1997. Planning application for vehicle access and hardstanding at front (Barnet Council C/05234/A)

Nos 104 - 110. 27 Nov 2009. Planning application for proposed renewal of footpath on land in front of 104-110 with erection of handrail to ramped and stepped areas (Barnet Homes Ltd) (Barnet Council F/04221/09)

Nos 105 - 115. Nov - Dec 1932. Planning application for houses (Lawes & Son, Glenthorne, , owner & builder) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02993) & Nos ?? 10 Nov 1932. Application approved for 6 houses, west side Bramber Road (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 105. 10 Mar 1959. Application approved for garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 107. 10 Mar 1964. Application approved for lock-up garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 107. 16 Aug 1991. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/10821/A)

No 109. 9 Mar 1954. Application approved for conservatory at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 115. 10 May 1938. Application approved for extension and conversion of garage into workshop (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

East of Hilton Avenue. 23 Jan 2001. Planning application for 2 sided internally illuminated advertisement panel forming part off new bus shelter outside Finchley Manor School (Barnet Council N/14319/01)

Wood Houses. 11 Mar 1799. Furniture, Fixtures and Effects. – Wood Houses, Finchley Common. – By Mr Heath, On the Premises, the Wood Houses, Finchley Common, near Colney Hatch, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 13th and 14th inst, at 12 o’clock. The neat and genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Fixtures and various other effects, of Robert Bird, Esq. comprising 4-ost and filed bedsteads, with Cotton, Dimity, and other Furnitures and Bedding, Window Curtains, Pier Glasses, an elegant mahogany Library Book-case, Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Sideboard, Dining and other Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Stoves, Kitchen Requisites, Iron Roller, Garden Utensils, a single horse Chaise, a Cart, Saddles, and various other Effects. To be viewed on Monday and Tuesday, and Catalogues had;and at the Queen’s Head, Finchley; Red Lion, Barnet; Orange Tree, Colney Hatch; Cherry Tree, Southgate; Assembly House, Highgate; and of the Auctioneer, Brewer Street, Golden Square (The Times 11 Mar 1799)

The Woodhouse. 1891. Cecil Hubert Wright-Ingle, 2nd Lieutenant, 19th Battalion, Royal fusiliers, attached 2nd Battalion. Leinster Regiment, killed in action 30 April 1916, aged 32, buried La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery, near Ploegsteert Wood, Ypres Salient. Cecil was born 2 August 1883 in , the second son of George and Flora Wright-Ingle. He had two younger sisters. By 1891 the family was living at the

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Woodhouse. George Wright-Ingle had reconstructed and enlarged the house in 1889 (giving it the form it still has essentially today as the core of Woodhouse College). They were still living there in 1905, but by 1911 had moved to Eastbourne. Cecil was educated at Malvern and Pembroke College, Oxford, and became a barrister (Parish of Friern Barnet Graves and memorials of the First World War. Page 24)


No 127. May - Jun 1912. Planning application for house (Dr Gillies, Woodhouse Road, submitted by Edward J Tinniswood, 10 Marchmont Road, Wallington, architect & surveyor) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/01488) & No ? (Walden?) 7 Jun 1912. Application approved for detached house (Dr Gillies) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 127. 14 Mar 1946. Application approved for demolition of existing house and building of flats (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) & Nov-Dec 1946. Planning application for flats (Sturt & Tivendale, Totteridge House, High Road, N20, surveyors) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/03752)

No 127 (Malvern Lodge). Dec 1950 - Mar 1951. Planning application for flats (E Howard Sadler, 14 Hadley Road, New Barnet, architect, Bradcock & Martin-Smith, The East Gallery, Saint Johns Church, MW8, architects) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04132)

No 127 (Arundel Court). Sep 1951. Planning application for flats (E Howard Sadler, 14 Hadley Road, New Barnet, architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04131)

No 127 (Arundel Court). 14 Jun 2011. Planning application for replacement of windows with UPVC windows at Flat 27 (Barnet Council F/02063/11)

No 135. 8 Dec 1949. Application approved for erection of offices at side (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 135. 7 Sep 1950. Application approved for garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 135. 16 Oct 1951. Application approved for additional bedroom and bathroom (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 135. 10 Jul 1952. Application approved to resite existing garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 141. 12 Apr 1960. Application approved for lock-up garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 141. Plastic fascia and apex being fitted (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Arundel Court. 24 Sep 1998. Planning application for internally illuminated double sided advertisement panel forming part of new bus shelter (Barnet Council C/13400)

Nos 143 - 145. 5 Feb 1988. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/09857)

No 145. 3 Jan 1966. Planning application for garage (Barnet Council Minutes 3 Jan 1966 BN 428)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 147. 8 Jul 1948. Application approved for garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 150. 25 Feb 2004. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/15708/04)

No 151. 9 Jul 1987. Planning application for vehicle access (Barnet Council C/07677/A)

No 152. 17 Nov 2003. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/15315/A/03)

No 152. 21 May 2003. Planning application for rear dormer window (Barnet Council C/15315/03)

No 152. 29 Mar 2007. Planning application for ground floor rear extension (Barnet Council C/15315/B/07)

No 153. 30 Oct 2002. Planning application for vehicle crossover and hardstanding (Barnet Council C/15000/02)

No 154. 3 Oct 1996. Planning application for roof extension at rear (Barnet Council C/12526)

No 154. 19 Dec 1996. Planning application for ground floor rear extension (Barnet Council C/12526/A)

No 155. 15 Aug 2003. Planning application for vehicle access and hardstanding (Barnet Council C/02830/A/03)

No 157. 11 Sep 1962. Application approved for extension kitchen and external wc (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 157. 11 Sep 1962. Application approved for addition to garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 158. 30 Nov 1995. Planning application for ground floor rear extension (Barnet Council C/12253)

No 161. There is a rusty iron marker standing against the wall of the garden of no 161 (facing opposite The Triumph pub which reads ‘Borough of Finchley’ on the western side and ‘Friern Barnet UDC’ on the eastern side. At the top is the date 1937. So, at that date, one of the boundaries was at the start of Summers Lane (John Donovan FB&DLHS 16 Jan 2000)

No 164. 16 May 2007. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/17115/07)

No 166. 10 Apr 2006. Planning application for 2 storey side extension (Barnet Council C/16638/06)

No 166. 22 May 2006. Planning application for garage to rear (Barnet Council C/16638/A/06)

No 166. 16 May 2007. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/16638/b/07)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 168. 4 Jul 1986. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/09154)

No 176. 15 Mar 1989. Planning application for first floor rear extension (Barnet Council C/10043/A)

No 179. 10 Mar 1964. Application approved for erection of a garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 179. 7 Apr 1994. Planning application for single storey side extension (Barnet Council C/03284/G)

No 179. 1 Mar 1999. Planning application for alterations to existing garages at rear to create 2 wider garages and hardstanding, garden store and exercise room ancillary to house and extension to fencing along Ashurst Road (Barnet Council C/03284/K)

No 181. 5 Oct 1923. Application approved for shop on the corner of Ashurst Road (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) & No 181. Aug - Oct 1923. Planning application for shop (A Warner, owner, submitted by Staples & Son, 7 Malden Road, ) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/01965)

No 181. 19 Mar 1931. Application approved for alterations and addition of garages to no 49 Grand Parade (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 181. 14 Sep 1944. Application approved for boiler plant and chimney at dairy (Hardy & Giblett) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 181. Ward Aerials opened in 1964

No 181. 6 Jun 2005. The area running along the whole side of Ward Aerials (in Ashurst Road) has been newly concreted over and acts as hard standing for their vehicles. The whole premises have been painted white and look much smarter (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Nos 183 - 187. Dec 1925 - Feb 1926. Planning application for shops & flats (G R Hall, 40 Wyther Park Crescent, Armley, Leeds, architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02337) & No ? 22 Jan 1926. Application approved for shops and flat (A M Robertson & H G R Hall) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 183. Dec 2002. Dr Phone has now withdrawn from the retail business and is a wholesale mobile phone dealer (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 183. The owner of Slickback Barbers (No 183) stated that he first opened for business in April 1994. The tanning studio/hair salon in Woodhouse Road close to Summers Lane, closed about December 1994 (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 183. 20 Sep 2004. Formerly Slickback Barbers is now Tony & Son. It has a new fascia and sunblind and a paper notice in the window saying that it will reopen on 27 Sept after refurbishment (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 185. 8 May 2003. The former Dr Phone has a sign in the window “Pet Food Shop opening soon”. On 10 May 2003 Spoilt Pets was open for business (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 185. 2 Jul 2004. The shop Spoiled Pets has now closed (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 185. 19 Oct 2004. Has a new fascia The Tile Studio 020836 18666 222.totteridgeceramics.com. Still not open 23 Nov (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 185. 11 Oct 2005. Planning application for change from ceramics tile shop (A1) to sandwich shop (A1) (Barnet Council C/14818/05)

No 185. 31 Jan 2006. This is now Fatties, selling tea, coffee, sandwiches and panini (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 185. 28 Dec 2006. This is now PD Premier Property Sales & Lettings (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 187. 24 Oct 2019. Planning application for installation of externally illuminated fascia sign (Barnet Council 19/5491/ADV)

No 187. 24 Oct 2019. Planning application for change of use from class A1 (retail) to class B1 (accountancy offices) (Barnet Council 19/5501/FUL)

No 187. 4 Nov 2019. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window and 2 front facing rooflights to provide 1 self-contained flat. Alterations to front access (Barnet Council 19/5861/FUL)

No 187. 5 Nov 2019. Lee Chinnick has closed and the shop is being gutted (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 189. 8 Dec 1959. Application approved for lock-up garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 189. 27 Sep 1989. Planning application for single storey rear extension to form storage area (Barnet Council C/03381/E)

No 189. Jan 2002. Oscroft’s the bicycle shop closed down (Dec 22 2001) after 68 years (the actual shop is 75 years old). See report in Feb 2002 Friern Barnet Newsletter and article in May 2002 Friern Barnet Newsletter (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

No 189. 30 May 2003. I noticed that the restaurant here had become Serendib and was now a Sri Lankan restaurant (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 189. 19 Jul 2005. This is now Oriental Masterchef Chinese Restaurant (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 191. 6 Jul 2001. Planning application for change from retail (A1) and workshop (B1) to estate agent (A2) (Barnet Council C/14529/10)

No 191. 10 May 2002. Planning application for new shopfront (Barnet Council C/14529/B/02)

Nos 193 - 205 (33 - 43 Grand Parade). Jul 1925 - Mar 1972. Planning application for shops (S H Hall, Eaton Villa, Hopper Road, Palmers Green, owner) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02269)

No 193-199. 16 Oct 2003. This shop is closed (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

No 195. 8 May 2003. Lietta Boutique has a Closing Down Sale sign in the window (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 195. 2 Jul 2004. The shop, formerly Lietta Boutique, is still being refurbished. According to the Slickback Barber this shop is going to be a posh Hair stylist with West End Prices (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Nos 195 - 197. 20 Feb 2004. Planning application for new shopfront (Barnet Council C/14106/04)

No 195 - 197. 29 Jul 2005. The new fascia reads “Chilli Reds Unisex Hair Salon” (John Holtham FB&DLHS

No 197. 8 Dec 2004. This shop (Chilli Reds Hairdresser) has had its signs removed, leaving only the fluorescent tubes (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 195 - 197. 26 Sep 2005. The inside right hand wall of Chilli Red has been replastered (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 197. 11 Nov 1948. Application approved for garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 197. 13 Jan 1949. Application approved for garage for business purposes at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 198. 15 Jun 1998. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/13302)

No 199. 8 Dec 1959. Application approved for prefabricated garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 199. 7 Jul 1994. Planning application for change of ground floor from retail (A1) to restaurant/takeaway (A3) and ducting to side (Barnet Council C/11822)

No 199. 28 Jun 2006. Golden Kebab – major internal building work going on (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 199. 3 Jul 2006. The Golden Kebab shop is being gutted (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 199. 22 Sep 2006. This has now reopened as Golden Café, although its menu appears to be the same (pizzas and kebabs) (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 201. 6 May 1988. Planning application for new shopfront (Barnet Council C/09988/A)

No 201. 18 Sep 2003. This shop, formerly Home Sweet Home, is being refurbished inside. By 1 Oct it had a paper sign announcing it was The Cycle store opening soon. A mobile phone number was stated. On 17 Oct the shop was open for business (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 203. 1953 - 54. According to a Ration Book for 1953-54 belonging to Mrs A Barton of 133 Friern Barnet Road, her butcher was A E Thompson of 203 Woodhouse Road (FB&DLHS Archives: Paper Ephemera no PE275)

Nos 207 - 213. Jun-Jul 1924. Planning application for shops & flats (Herbert Hall, 26 Loughey Grove, Armley, Leeds, architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02090)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Nos 33-43 Grand Parade. Jul 1925 - Mar 1972. Planning application for shops (S H Hall, Eaton Villa, Hopper Road, Palmers Green, owner) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02269)

No 207. In the 1980s this shop was Bobbies; we have a commemoration mug from about 1990 (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 207. 18 Aug 1995. Planning application for installation of payphone outside no 207 (Barnet Council C/12153)

No 207. 12 Sep 2006. Bobbies is having a new shopfront fitted. Interior work has been going on for weeks and according to a woman who works there they are increasing their range of groceries in competition with the Co-Op (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 208. 8 Jun 2011. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Homes) (Barnet Council F/02436/11)

No 209. 1 Feb 2006. Planning application for installation of roller shutters (Barnet Council C/14982/06)

No 209. 19 Oct 2009. Planning application for installation of 1 internally illuminated aluminium fascia sign (Barnet Council B/03810/09)

No 211. Mar 2001. The New Curiosity Shop, 211 Woodhouse Road, opened on 24 March 2001 (Flyer distributed to local residents)

No 211. 8 Mar 2006. There is a notice in the window of The New Curiosity Shop saying they will be closing on 25 March due to expiration of lease. I spoke to the woman who said they have another shop in Camden (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 211. 28 Jun 2006. A new shop front – there is no name yet (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 211. 1 Sep 2006. This is now “G & Ds Studio Hair, Beauty, Nails, Tanning” We now have seven hairdressing establishments among the shops at the Town Hall crossroads (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 211. 13 Jan 2020.Planning application for change of use from hairdresser to holistic and well-being centre (Barnet Council 20/0016/QCJ)

No 213. 6 Jun 2016. Planning application for installation of 1 condensing air conditioning unit (Barnet Council 16/2885/FUL)

N0 213a. 31 Dec 2004. This is now “Pars Satellite” selling sound and video equipment (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 213b. 1 May 2003. Planning application for new skylight in rear and window in side to provide additional loft space (Barnet Council C/08464/03

Nos 215 - 219. Feb - Mar 1924. Planning application for shops (Herbert G R Hall, 26 Haughley Grove, Armley, Leeds, owner & architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02028)

Nos 215 - 217. 20 Feb 2009. Planning application for installation of cash point machine into existing post office shop front (Barnet Council B/00589/09)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Nos 215 - 217. 4 Jun 2009. Planning application for post office extension and conversion of 1 flat into 2 flats with side extension (Barnet Council B/01660/09)

Nos 215 - 217. 25 Jul 2011. Planning application for amendments to B/01660/09 to include insertion of no entrance door into residential unit at side elevation, and removal of window of proposed side extension at front elevation (Barnet Council B/03115/11)

No 215 - 217 (Post Office). 16 Sep 2015. Planning application for new external condensing units (AC units) (Barnet Council 15/03569/FUL)

No 215 - 217 (Post Office). 14 Dec 2015. Planning application for installation of 2 condensing units (Barnet Council 15/03569/FUL)

No 215 – 217 (Post Office). 21 Jul 2016. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window with 1 roflight to side elevation to create 1 self-contained flat ( (Barnet Council 16/4332/FUL)

Nos 218 - 232. These shops appear for the first time in the 1935 edition of Kelly’s Directory of Finchley

No 218. 8 Dec 2005. Two holes in the pavement outside Frame Stop. No smoking signs – could be a gas leak but no smell of gas (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 218. 22 Mar 2006. Planning application for 2 storey side and part 2 storey, part single storey rear extension to create 2 new self-contained flats and alterations to existing commercial unit (Barnet Council C/16317/A/06)

No 218. 11 Jul 2006. Planning application for 2 storey side and single storey rear extension to create new 2 bed self-contained house (Barnet Council C/16317/05)

No 218. 18 Dec 2006. The land at the rear has been cleared (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 218. 1 Oct 2007. A two storey extension is being built on the west side of “Frame Stop” (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 218. 1 Dec 2007. Frame Stop has closed (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 218. 6 Sep 2008. Planning application for change from shop (A1) to drop in centre for one-stop (support) Ltd (A2) (Barnet Council C/03173/08)

No 219. 21 Feb 1994. Planning application for change from retail (A1) to hot food takeaway (A3), new shopfront, duct in side elevation (Barnet Council C/02563/B)

No 220. 27 Oct 2008. Planning application for takeaway (A5) (Barnet Council C/04026/08)

No 221. 14 Dec 2004. Both these shops (Woodhouse Tandoori and Mega Trim) are having their fascia boards removed (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 221. 18 Dec 2004. Woodhouse Tandoori now has a new fascia and Mega Trim has now changed its name to Guys and Dolls, with a new fascia (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 222. 11 Aug 1995. Planning application for change from ground floor office (A2) to retail (A1) (Barnet Council C/08091/C)

No 222. 31 Jul 1997. Planning application for roller grille to shopfront (Barnet Council C/05091/E)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 222. Jun 2002. The telephone kiosk outside Bishops Newsagents was changed on 5 June 2002. It was a double with a card side and a cash side; the card side has been removed (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 222. 27 Oct 2005. Signs of activity at Bishops Newsagent following the fire on 19 July 2005, although it is still closed (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 222. 9 Dec 2005. Following the fire at Bishops CTN shop, restoration is nearly complete (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 222. 15 Dec 2006. Bishops is now open for business again (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 223. 8 Dec 1959. Application approved for lock-up garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 223. 8 Mar 2003. The assistant in the Snapper Fish Bar revealed that the shop was going to be refurbished this year, subject to planning approval. It has not significantly changed since the 1970s. A new menu/price list was installed during the first week of Feb 2003. The shop has been under new management since mid-Jan. It now has a new name and a new fascia “Seven Seas Fish Bar” (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 223. 2 Jul 2004. The Snapper Fish Bar was still gutted and undergoing major refurbishment. This was estimated to be a three- week job, it started at end of May (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 223. 12 Jul 2004. It has a new fascia Friends Restaurant and Take away. It opened for business on 20 July (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Nos 223 - 225a. 19 Oct 2004. Planning application for conversion of existing 2 restaurant units into one (Barnet Council C/14416/04)

No 223 - 225. 7 Mar 2007. Friends restaurant is closed for refurbishment until 13 Mar. Also the pavement outside is being excavated by EDF Energy, where the bus stop used to be (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 223. 2 Feb 2015. Planning application for single storey rear extension (retention permission) (Barnet Council 15/00520/1291)

No 224. 29 May 2003. Securidor was having a new front door fitted, the previous one had been broken by vandals some weeks earlier (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 224. 1 Dec 2007. Securidor is closed and the shop is empty (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 224. 21 Jan 2008. Planning application for change from retail to shoe repair/key cutting (A1) and mini cab office (Barnet Council C/01154/F/08)

No 224. 24 Sep 2010. Planning application for change of use of outbuilding to the rear as ancillary minicab office (Barnet Council F/03448/10)

Nos 225 - 227. Oct 1923. Planning application for shops and flats (S H Hall) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/01972) & Nos ?? 5 Oct 1923. Application approved for 2 shops and 2 flats (Mr Hall) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes) & Nos ?? Jun- Jul 1923. Planning application for shops and flats (S H Hall. Eaton Villa, Hoppers Road Palmers Green, owner) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/01938)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 225. 23 Dec 1993. Planning application for change from retail (A1) to restaurant (A3), new shopfront, duct in rear, single storey side extension (Barnet Council C/01251/A)

No 225. 25 May 1995. Planning application for new shopfront (Barnet Council C/01251/B)

No 225. 10 Aug 2004. Best American Pizza and Chicken has been taken over by Friends Fish Bar next door. According to the proprietor of Friends it will be converted into a ‘sit down’ restaurant (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 225. 6 Oct 2004. This shop, which was recently refurbished, is now finished and has a sign “friends Mediterranean Fish Meze” (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 225. 23 Nov 2006. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/14416/a/06)

No 226. 1 Aug 2003. Construction work was going on behind The Woodhouse Cafe. A small mechanical digger was in use. The work was still in place on 7 Aug. On 31 Oct there was still activity at the rear – it seems as if some kind of brick building is under construction (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 226. 13 May 1987. Planning application for change of ground floor from retail to snack bar/cafe (Barnet Council C/06532/A)

No 226. 24 Sep 2009. Planning application for change of use from dwelling house (C3) to office (B1) (Mr C Georgiou, 56 Roedean Avenue, Enfield EN3 5) (Barnet Council F/03292/09)

No 227. 10 Jul 1947. Application approved for use of shop as cleaning and pressing clothes (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 227. 6 Jun 1961. Application approved for conversion of shop into 2 small shops (Brewster) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 227. 6 Jul 1966. Planning application for illuminated fascia sign (V J Heading) (Barnet Council Minutes N476a)

No 227-229. In Jan 1975 this shop was Industrial & Home Carpet Services Ltd; we have a receipt (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 227b. 1 Jul 2013. The Carpet Tile Centre closed on 1 July 2013

No 227. 9 Jul 2013. Planning application for change of use from Retail (A1) to Tanning Studio (Sui Generis) (Barnet Council B/02904/13)

No 229. 10 Mar 2000. Planning application for change from shop to betting office (Barnet Council C/02180/K/00)

No 229. 12 Jul 2004. Bruce Bookmaker has a new fascia (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 229. 1 Mar 2010. Planning application for extension to roof involving rear dormer and 3 rooflights at front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council B/00803/10)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 229. 17 Feb 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension. Installation of 3 satellite units and 2 air conditioning units (Bruce Bookmakers) (Barnet Council 17/0984/FUL)

No 229. 17 Feb 2017. Planning application for installation of a new shopfront (Bruce Bookmakers) (Barnet Council 17/0985/FUL)

No 229. 25 May 2017. Planning application for installation of 3 satellite dishes to first floor roof (Power Leisure Bookmakers) (Barnet Council 17/3357/FUL)

No 229. 25 May 2017. Planning application for installation of 1 internally illuminated fascia sign and 1 internally illuminated hanging sign (Power Leisure Bookmakers Ltd) (Barnet Council 17/3358/ADV)

No 229a. 1 Mar 2010. Planning application for extension to roof involving rear dormer window and 3 roof lights at front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Woodhouse Dental Practice) (Barnet Council B/00803/10)

No 229a. 12 Nov 2010. Planning application for first floor rear extension to form a dental surgery. Conversion of loft into staff area (Woodhouse Dental Practice) (Barnet Council B/04521/10)

No 230. 19 May 1988. Planning application for change of ground floor shop to restaurant. New shopfront (Barnet Council C/03073/H)

No 230. 29 Apr 1993. Planning application for change from retail (A1) to health & fitness Studio (D2) (Barnet Council C/03073/M)

No 230. 17 May 2001. Planning application for ground floor rear to provide kitchen space (Barnet Council C/03073/P/01)

No 231. 6 Jun 1961. Application approved for change of use from grocers to estate agents (D H Turner) shops (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 231. 16 Aug 1993. Planning application for use as estate agents (A2) (Barnet Council C/11563)

No 232. 22 Nov 1988. Planning application for change from retail to A2 (financial & professional services) (Barnet Council C/02803/G)

No 232. 8 Oct 1993. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/02803/J)

No 232. Dec 2002. A shop with Greek writing on the window is actually called (in English) The Cypriot Café (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 232. 1 Oct 2003. The Cypriot Café now has a sign in English that says Kattos Social Club (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 232. 5 Aug 2005. Fascia sign now says OXI Football Club (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 232. 3 Sep 2010. Planning application for single storey rear extension following demolition of existing extension to create 1 self-contained flat including associated amenity space (Barnet Council F/03450/10)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 233. Oct 1924 Planning application for bank (Barclays Bank Ltd, 73 Chancery Lane, submitted by Herbert and Muskett, Wood Green, surveyors and auctioneers) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02103)

No 233. 23 Oct 1925. Application approved for proposed shop and bank (Barclay Bank Ltd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 233. Jan 1927. Planning application for bank (Barclay Bank, agent J M Sheppard, 38 Bedford Place, Square, architects) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02533)

No 233. 19 Jun 1951. Application approved for external iron staircase at rear (Barclays Bank Ltd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 233. 11 Aug 1988. Planning application for new shopfront and canopies (Barnet Council C/04136)

No 233. 22 Feb 1994. Planning application for change of ground floor from bank to desk top publishing and printing (Barnet Council C/04136/F)

No 233. 19 Mar 1999. Planning application for roof extension to provide additional office accommodation (B1) (Barnet Council C/04136/H)

No 233. 30 Oct 2013. Planning application for change of use from B1 office (first floor) to C3 residential (Ace Graphics) (Barnet Council B/05049/13)

No 234. 22 Jul 1997. Planning application for single storey extension to open yard area on Summers Lane frontage (Barnet Council C/00827/H)

No 234. 19 Oct 2006. Planning application for single storey front and side extension (Barnet Council C/00827/J/06)

No 235. Nov - Dec 1925. Planning application for shops (Herbert Hall, 40 Wyther Park Crescent, Armley, Leeds, architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/02312)

No 235. 19 Mar 2007. Ace Graphics has a new fascia (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 235. 22 Jul 2009. Planning application for retention of two v-boards to front of property (Woodhouse Estates)) (Barnet Council B/02406/09)

No 235a. 19 Mar 2007. The foreign Estate Agent has closed (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 235a 24 Apr 2007. A new shop “Woodhouse Estates” is being shopfitted. The builders have removed the Friern Barnet Lane nameplate from outside the shop (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 236. 4 May 1966. Planning application for installation of illuminated fascia sign (Ian Walker Ltd) (Barnet Council Minutes 4 May 1966 C827)

No 236. 16 Oct 2003. Eljay Racing is now empty (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

No 236. 20 Oct 2005. This is now Aklan International Mediterranean Property Specialists, Tel 020 8368 7227 (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 242 - 246a Aug - Oct 1938. Planning application for shops & flats ( Building Co, 183 Heron Drive, Ilford, owner) (London Metropolitan ASrchives LMA/4070/02/03539)

Nos 242 - 246. 13 Sep 1948. Application approved for 3 lock-up shops with 2 flats over and block of 4 flats, corner of Woodleigh Avenue) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 242 - 244. 4 Jul 1986. Planning application for retention of single storey building at rear (Barnet Council C/09414)

No 242 – 244 15 Sep 2018. I found out yesterday that D n A tackle, the angling supply shop at the end of Summers Lane is about to close. I spoke briefly to the owner, he said he had run the shop for 11 years, it had been a tackle shop for 48 years. It used to be Scotts the confectioners. He said he had spoken to one of his wholesalers who said there were now only 5 fishing tackle shops in London. 11 years ago there were more than 300! Beaten by the internet and the “Big Boys” (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 246. 13 Jun 1946. Application approved for use as high class ladies and gents tailors (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 246. 6 Jul 1966. Planning application for use as a domestic agency (Halbern Domestics Ltd) (Barnet Council Minutes N603)

No 246. 28 Jun 1991. Planning application for new shopfront (Barnet Council C/05283/A)

No 246. 21 Jan 1999. Planning application for use for sale and display of hardwood flooring (Barnet Council C/05283/C)

No 246. 22 Jul 2004. Sarsal Interiors is having a new fascia fitted, by 27th it had become Contemporary Homes (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 246. 8 Jun 2020. This shop is now Super Flooring (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

11 Feb 1943. Land between Woodleigh Avenue and Lyndhurst Avenue is requisitioned (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 248 - 306. 11 Jan 1955. A letter dated 14 Dec 1954 was submitted from the Secretary of the New Southgate and Friern Barnet Chamber of Commerce stating that the Board of Management of the Chamber had passed a resolution at a recent meeting deploring the fact that it was proposed to erect flats on the above site, which they regard as being obviously needed as a shopping parade. The letter states that Friern Barnet traders now see their last hope for a main shopping street gone forever. A reply has been sent to the Chamber of Commerce setting out the history of this matter and explaining the circumstances on which permission of flats on this site was granted (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 248 - 266. Jul 1957 - Jan 1971. Planning application for flats, maisonettes and garages (Davis Estates Ltd, 346 - 350 Kilburn High Road, surveyors) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04895) The developers David Estates wanted to call the new flats Woodhurst Court but the Council rejected this proposal and settled for Hurstwood Court instead (Friern Barnet Newsletter Feb 2009 Page 3)

Nos 248 - 306 (Hurstwood Court). 3 Jul 2001. Planning application for fence and gate (2.5m high) between Hurstwood Court and Co-op Supermarket) (Barnet Council N/09932/B/01)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Nos 248 - 306 (Hurstwood Court) (next to Co-op). 16 Oct 2003. Scaffolding at the rear, along the entire length of the flats and up to the roof (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

No ? Lynwood Court. Apr 1956 - Oct 1959. Planning application for shops and flats (London Co-operative Society Ltd, 54 Maryland Street, submitted by W J reed, 99 Leman Street, architect) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/02/04740)

No 308. Co-op. 9 Mar 1954 & 14 Sep 1954 &11 Feb 1958. Application approved for shops with living accommodation over (London Co-operative Society) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 308. Co-op. 8 Feb 2002. Planning application for replacement of existing covered access to rear with new metal structure (Barnet Council C/12635/B/02)

No 308. Co-op. 2 Aug 2004. New concrete posts being inserted into the service road path outside the Co-op. The posts were set in cement apparently to prevent vehicles getting on to the pavement (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 308. 13 Nov 2009. Planning application for retention of existing air conditioning plant and palisade fencing to the rear service yard (Co-operative Group) (Barnet Council B/04181/09)

No 308. 22 Jul 2011. Planning application for installation of ATM machine to front elevation (The Co-operative Bank) (Barnet Council B/03139/11)

No 308. 16 Sep 2016. Planning application for installation of 1 non-illuminated poster panel sign to west elevation (Barnet Council 16/6003/ADV)

No 308. 16 Sep 2016. Planning application for installation of 1 non-illuminated poster panel sign to east elevation (Barnet Council 16/6004/ADV)

No 308. 2 Nov 2016. Planning application for installation of replacement mechanical plant in the rear yard, removal of existing condenser units and timber structure from flat roof and vrick up 4 windows to side elevation (Barnet Council 16/6870/FUL)

No 308. 9 Dec 2016. Planning application for installation of 1 illuminated fascia sign, 1 internally illuminated projector sign and 1 non-illuminated wall mounted panel (Co-op) (Barnet Council 16/7835/ADV)

No 308. 16 Dec 2016. Planning application for installation of 1 non- illuminated poster panel to East elevation (Barnet Council 16/8018/ADV)

No 308. 16 Dec 2016. Planning application for installation of 1 non- illuminated poster panel to West elevation (Barnet Council 16/8020/ADV)

Corner of Woodleigh Avenue. 8 Jun 1954 & 17 Dec 1954 & 11 Jan 1955 & 5 Apr 1955 & 4 Feb 1957 & 14 Mar 1957 & 10 Sep 1957. Application approved for erection of 12 flats, 20 maisonettes and 20 garages (Davis Estates) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Corner of Woodleigh Avenue. 11 Feb 1958. Application rejected for naming of new flats as “Woodhurst Court” (Davis Estates) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Arundel Court. 16 Jan 2004. New windows are being installed throughout the block (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

9 Sep 1958. Application approved for erection of 22 lock-up garages at rear of new flats development (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

Corner Colney Hatch Lane. 10 Sep 1935. Application approved for 9 shops, 18 flats and 5 garages (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Halliwick Court Parade appears for the first time in the 1937 edition of Kelly’s Directory of Finchley. Only one shop is shown (number 4 – Eve, milliners). In the 1938 edition only one shop is shown – number 3 Lyonne, hairdresser. In the 1939 edition this is joined by number 2 Nathan Barnett, grocer

Halliwick Court Parade. Jun 1937 - Jan 1939. Planning application for shops and flats (Maurice Cowan, 197 Popes Lane, , owner & builder, submitted by C Whittaker, 13 Queen Anne’s Gate, architect, also submitted by Davies & Knight, 26 Langham Street, architects) (London Metropolitan Archives LMA/4070/0203428)

Halliwick Court Parade, Woodhouse Road. 20 Mar 2007. The pavement has been dug up between numbers 1 – 8 and the road slightly widened to allow more room for buses to pull in at the bus stop (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Halliwick Court, Woodhouse Road. 26 Feb 2008. The road is being resurfaced outside Halliwick Court, between Lyndhurst Avenue and the HCS Centre in Colney Hatch Lane (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Rear of Halliwick Court Parade. 9 May 1946. Application approved for continued use as laboratory (Cramb Bros Ltd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Rear of Halliwick Court Parade. 9 Dec 1948. Application approved for continued use as laboratory (Cramb Bros Ltd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Halliwick Court Parade. 16 Aug 2004. Planning application for alterations to roof including front and rear dormer windows to provide extra self-contained flats (Barnet Council C/14337/04)

No 1 Halliwick Court Parade. 13 Feb 1947. Application approved for use as stationer, bookseller and library (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 1 Halliwick Court Parade. 6 Jun 1996. Planning application for change of ground floor (formerly post office) to vet practice with ancillary retail sales (Barnet Council C/09690/A)

No 1 Halliwick Court Parade. 20 Dec 2018. Planning application for change of use from Class A1 (Retail) to Class A3 (Restaurant) (Barnet Council 18/ 7150/PNC)

No 1a Halliwick Court Parade. 11 Dec 1952 & 10 Nov 1953 & 17 Jan 1957. Application approved for continuation of use of rooms at rear for research into lubricating oils, anti- freeze solutions etc (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 1a Halliwick Court Parade. 1 Dec 1965. Planning application for use for storage and administration for medical & scientific instruments (Barnet Council Minutes 1 Dec 1965)

No 1a. Halliwick Court. 3 Dec 2014. Planning application for amendments to elevations fenestration and new windows to front (Barnet Council 14/07140/FUL)

No 2 Halliwick Court Parade. 15 Dec 1989. Planning application for new shopfront (Barnet Council C/02703/A)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 2 Halliwick Court Parade. 31 Dec 1992. Planning application for 2 illuminated poster panels on proposed bus shelter in front on no 2 (Barnet Council C/11363)

No 2 Halliwick Court Parade. 30 Aug 2005. The shop formerly known as Franceen’s the florist is now open (today) as Bloom!; it is still a florist, although has a new fascia. a Franceen’s sign on the wall has not been removed (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 2 Halliwick Court Parade. 11 Oct 2005. Bloom!, the new florist has a planning application for an alcohol licence for consumption on the premises, with food. The old Franceen’s sign has now been blanked out (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 2 Halliwick Court Parade. 2 Mar 2007. The bus shelter outside Blooms has been removed. It happened about 9.30am; the advertising display outside Peels has also been removed (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 2 Halliwick Court Parade. 4 Mar 2009. Planning application change of use from Flotist class A1) to Café/Restaurant (class A3). Installation of ventilation/extraction flue on rear elevation (Barnet Council B/00572/09)

No 2 Halliwick Court Parade. 21 Jul 2009. The former shop (Bloom! Florist) has closed and a sign in the empty window announces that it will soon be a Milk Shake City (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

3 Halliwick Court Parade. Cuneapples was a ladies hairdresser (c1945?) Mr Cuneapple I believe was Swiss and the interior to me as a small child was a place of mystery. After the little entrance with its reception desk, there were curtained off cubicles on either side to protect the clients’ modesty as they had their hair washed and set. There were large white basins and green and black tiles. Great big octopus type contraptions hung from the ceiling, not only as hair dryers but with lots of wires and clips that were used for perming. I had my first haircut there and cried all the way through it (Barbara Vian 28 March 2008)

No 3 Halliwick Court Parade. 8 Nov 2006. This shop, formerly Sophie Marie, is now M J Cass, Hair & Beauty (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 3 Halliwick Court Parade. 17 Apr 2007. On the lamppost outside M J Cass there is now a blue RAC sign pointing to the Hindu Cultural Centre, which is down Lyndhurst Avenue (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 4 Halliwick Court Parade. 2 Nov 2004. D R Peel has new shopfront. 9 Nov is having new windows and door fitted (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 4 Halliwick Court Parade. 4 June 2005. D R Peel has now got a new, painted fascia sign (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 4 Halliwick Court Parade. 17 Apr 2007. The pavement is being relaid and a new layby has been created for buses when the temporary bus stop outside the Co-op is removed (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Nos 4 - 5 Halliwick Court Parade. 13 Feb 1989. Planning application for storage shed (Barnet Council C/10302)

Nos 4 - 5 Halliwick Court Parade.12 May 1995. Planning application for internally illuminated 2-sided council information panel on pavement (Barnet Council C/12079)

No 5 Halliwick Court Parade. 12 Feb 1948. Application approved for sale of builders merchants and ironmongery goods (J A Cable & Co Ltd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 5 Halliwick Court Parade. 5 Apr 1951. Application approved for new shopfront (J Cable) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 5 - 7 Halliwick Court Parade. 22 Jan 2007. Planning application for formation of 3 flats in roofspace including front and rear dormer windows (Barnet Council C/15416/06)

No 6 Halliwick Court Parade. 13 Oct 1953. Application approved for use of shop premises for self-service launderette (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 6 Halliwick Court Parade. 21 Sep 1988. Planning application for new shopfront (Barnet Council C/10154)

No 6 Halliwick Court Parade. 23 Oct 2003. The flat above Peel’s bathroom shop is having the original French windows being replaced by double glazing (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

No 6 Hallliwick Court Parade. Jun 2017. Planning application for change of use from launderette (Sui Generis) to betting shop (Sui Generis) Power Leisure Bookmakers) (Barnet Council 17/3548/FUL)

No 6 Halliwick Court Parade. 6 Jun 2017. Planning application for new shopfront. Replacement of rear access door. Existing rear windows and door to be removed and infilled with masonry construction (Barnet Council 17/3605/FUL)

No 6 Halliwick Court Parade. 6 Jun 2017. Planning application for 1 internally illuminated fascia sign and 1 internally illuminated hanging sign (Barnet Council 17/3606/ADV)

No 6 Halliwick Court Parade. 6 Jun 2017. Planning application for installation of 2 satellites and 2 air conditioning units to the rear elevation of the ground floor unit of 6 Halliwick Court Parade (Barnet Council 17/3610/FUL)

No 6 Halliwick Court Parade. 26 Sep 2017. Variation of condition 3 (Hours of Use) of planning permission 17/3548/FUL dated 8/9/ 2017 for ‘Change of use from Launderette (Sui Generis) to Betting Shop (Sui Generis)’. Variation to include change of opening hours to allow the premises to be open between 07.00 – 22.00 Monday to (Barnet Council 17/6068/S73)

No 6 Halliwick Court Parade. 30 Nov 2017. Submission of details of condition 5 (Ventilation/Extraction Noise) pursuant to planning permission 17/6068/S73 dated 13/11 2017 (Barnet Council 17/748/CON)

No 7 Halliwick Court Parade. 5 Aug 1921. Application approved for garage at rear (Mead Bros) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 7 Halliwick Court Parade. 14 Apr 1949. Application approved for use of premises as Estate Agents office (Messrs Mead & Barratt) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 7 Halliwick Court Parade. 8 Sep 1949. Application approved for new shopfront (Phoenix Estates) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 7 Halliwick Court Parade. From a photograph in Dec 1989 this was D & H Stores (cheap hardware); this became Amy’s Ardware before moving to North Finchley. It later closed and became Coffee Republic (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 7 Halliwick Court Parade. 22 Apr 2003. Ikon Antiques shop has sign in window “Closing Down” (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 7 Halliwick Court Parade. 15 Oct 2005. Now has a sign saying “Furniture”, selling secondhand and shop soiled furniture (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 7 Halliwick Court Parade. 11 Jul 2008. This shop, formerly a furniture shop, is now a grocer. The fascia still reads FURNITURE (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 7 Halliwick Court Parade. 13 Jul 2008. The FURNITURE sign has been replaced by an illuminated sign reading “Western Food & Wine (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 8 Halliwick Court Parade. 8 Mar 1955. Application approved for use of retail premises for motor showroom (L H Spring Ltd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 8 Halliwick Court Parade. 7 Jun 1955. Application approved for alteration to rear to permit entry of motor vehicles (L H Spring Ltd) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 8 Halliwick Court Parade. From a photograph in Dec 1989, this was Ferrier Tomlin Estate Agent (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Nos 9 - 10 Halliwick Court Pared. 14 Jul 1949. These premises are used by Messrs H Gershinson & Sons Ltd for the manufacture of ladies coats and suits (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 9 Halliwick Court Parade. 18 Sep 1951. Application approved for use as a dental surgery (Dr P Berny) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 9 Halliwick Court Parade. 14 Jul 1953. Application approved for new shopfront (S H Findlay) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 9 Halliwick Court Parade. From a photograph in 1957, this was Finlay’s Radio; by 1966 this had become Stan Rosser and was still trading in 1984, before it moved to Barnet High Street (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 9 Halliwick Court Parade, Woodhouse Road. 4 Feb 2008. Colney Hatch Dry Cleaners has had a new fascia sign put up today (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 9 Halliwick Court Parade. 18 Mar 2020. Hey lovely people I hope everyone is ok. I recently took over a business called Colney Dry Cleaners. It used to be a dry cleaners only since under new management we are providing alterations, shoe repair, .key cutting, watch repair while you wait also same day dry cleaning collection delivery free. 1 stop shop for everything you need please do come in every little help is much appreciated thank you! (Nextdoor Whetstone website)

No 10 Halliwick Court Parade. 7 Dec 1950. Application approved for use of premises for WVS (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 10 Halliwick Court Parade. 31 Oct 1951. The Womens’ Voluntary Service Centre opened (WVS Newsletter Oct 1952)

No 10 Halliwick Court Parade. From a photograph in Dec 1989 this was a closed Italian Restaurant that had previously been La Fontana, also an Italian Restaurant (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Nos 10 - 11 Halliwick Court Parade. 1 Mar 2000. Planning application for double sided illuminated panel on bus shelter (Barnet Council C/14021/00)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 10 Halliwick Court Parade. 19 Sept 2006. This shop (recently Tamanna take away) is empty and redecorating is taking place inside (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 10 Halliwick Court Parade. 27 Sep 2006. This reopened today as Ruchi (a “Contemporary Indian Takeaway”) with a smart new illuminated fascia (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 10 Halliwick Court Parade. 17 Feb 2008. The Indian Restaurant Ruchi has now changed its name to Tiffin (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 11 Halliwick Court Parade. 25 Oct 1939. Letter from Mr C Harvey: “Am I, sir, in order in tendering my heartfelt thanks to the Fire Brigade for, firstly, such promptitude (4 minutes between alarm and arrival) and secondly considerate treatment not only of the premises but my stock also” (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 11 Halliwick Court Parade. 10 Sep 1942. Application approved for shed at back for builders materials (Cramb Bros) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 11 Halliwick Court Parade. 13 Mar 1947. Application approved for use as restaurant (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 11 Halliwick Court Parade. 1975. As a young child I have very fond memories of visiting La Fontana at 11 Hallwick Court Parade. It used to be run by a lovely couple, Mary & Angelo. I used to visit it every Saturday night between 1975 and 1986 (Dawn Tribbla)

No 11 Halliwick Court Parade. 16 Jan 1990. Planning application for new shopfront and vent duct to rear (Barnet Council C/10556/A)

No 11 Halliwick Court Parade. 12 Mar 2004. This shop, formerly Satellite Consortium, is now Bonsai Chinese Restaurant (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 11 Halliwick Court Parade. 23 July 2006. This shop, formerly Bonsai Chinese Restaurant, has now been renamed Xiong Mao (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 11 Halliwick Court Parade. 20 Jan 2007. This shop Xiong Mao has now closed (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 12 Halliwick Court Parade. 13 Jan 1949. Application approved for use as builders office and stores for small materials (Messrs Yeomans & Partners) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 12 Halliwick Court Parade. 9 Jun 1949. Application approved for new shop front (Messrs Yeomans & Partners) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 12 Halliwick Court Parade. 31 Jul 1989. Planning application for change of use from A1 (shop) to takeaway (A3) and vent ducting at rear (Barnet Council C/10454)

No 12 Halliwick Court Parade. 11 Jan 1990. Planning application for new shopfront and vent duct to rear (Barnet Council C/10454/A)

No 12 Halliwick Court. 11 Dec 2012. Planning application for replacement windows on front and rear elevation (Barnet Council B/04656/12)

No 12a Halliwick Court Parade. 9 Dec 1944. Weekly rent quoted as £1 7s 6d (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

Nos 1, 2, 8, 9, 11 & 12 Halliwick Court. 2007. Planning application for formation of 3 flats within roof space including front and rear dormer windows (Barnet Council N/15759/07)

No 13. 4 Apr 1967. Halliwick Court Parade. The Town Clerk reported that the Borough Estates Officer had negotiated with Eastern Electricity Board for the acquisition of the showroom, offices, workshops etc and yard, formerly occupied by them. The Board had instructed their Agents to proceed with the sale of the premises; the main building to be vacated on 31 March 1967 and the ancillary buildings and Yard at the rear by 30 April 1967. The District Valuer was in agreement with the price of £85,000 quoted for the property. The Town Clerk further reported that all Chief Officers had given their views as to the possible use of the premises for their respective departments, and the effect of these proposals on other property being currently used as office accommodation. The Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the appropriate Committees had also been consulted about this matter and had agreed with the proposed action/ In order that the purchase of the property could be completed as soon as possible we decided that the Borough Estates Officer be instructed to offer £85,000 for the property (Barnet Council Minutes /631)

No 13 Halliwick Court Parade. 11 Feb 2008. This was part of the Education Department of Barnet Council (the bulk of which was at the Town Hall) until they vacated the premises in around 1985. They occupied the first and top floors, but not the middle, which was a hall (Peter Cragg in interview with David Berguer)

No 14 Halliwick Court Parade. 4 Jan 1951. Application approved for continued use as workshop and garage (E Steinitz) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Nos 13 & 14 Halliwick Court Parade. A photograph by John Donovan taken in May 1971 shows this to be Youth Employment & Careers Advice Service

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WOODHOUSE SCHOOL/WOODHOUSE COLLEGE Planning applications up to Feb 2011 See “By Word & Deed: A Chronicle of Woodhouse 1922-49” by Percy Reboul and John Heathfield A large landmark building, two-storeys dating from the mid-19thcentury. Stucco fronted. White painted timber sash windows with stucco surrounds and stone cills. Balustraded parapet to central wing. Main section of five bays and two later added wings. Central bay includes ionic portico and curved pediment. Set back from road behind landscaped frontage (Barnet Council Local List)

Woodhouse School. The Woodhouse gives its name to Woodhouse Road. First mentioned as the Woodhouses in the seventeenth century, the house seems to have a Georgian shape. It was modernised about 1888, and used as a school after December 1922 (Around Whetstone & North Finchley by John Heathfield page 151)

1799. Furniture, Fixtures and Effects – Wood Houses, Finchley Common. By Mr Heath. On the premises, the Wood Houses, Finchley Common, near Colney Hatch, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 13th and 14th inst at 12 o’clock. The neat and genuine Household Furniture, Fixtures and various other Effects, of Robert Bird, Esq. Comprising 4-post and field Bedsteads, with Cotton, Dimity, and other Furnitures and Bedding, Window Curtains, Pier Glasses, an elegant mahogany Library Book-case, Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Sideboard, Dining and other Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Stoves, Kitchen Requisites, Iron Roller, Garden Utensils, a single horse Chaise, a Cart, Saddles, and various other Effects. To be viewed on Monday and Tuesday, and Catalogues had; and at the Queen’s Head, Finchley, Red Lion, Barnet, Orange Tree, Colney Hatch; Cherry Tree, Southgate; Assembly House, Highgate; and of he Auctioneers, Brewer-street, Golden-square (The Times. 11 Mar 1799)

Woodhouse School. Woodhouse School ran a poultry club (six dozen chickens in an old guinea pig run) as well as a fruit and vegetable garden (The Days of Darkness by Percy Reboul and John Heathfield Page 76)

Woodhouse School. Many shelters were cold and damp. At Woodhouse School the craft and physics masters rigged up a system of electric lighting, though heating was always a problem. Pupils often had to lean against cold damp concrete walls (The Days of Darkness by Percy Reboul and John Heathfield Page 105)

Woodhouse School. “Later that evening (Friday 21 May 1982), while I was at a reception in Woodhouse School, still in the constituency, the news came over on the television. The Union Jack was flying in San Carlos: we had returned to the Falklands.” (The Downing Street Years by Margaret Thatcher page 225)

Murray and I were both lucky enough to pass our 11 plus exams and we went to Woodhouse Grammar School. I followed Murray one year later. Mum had worked for this couple in Christchurch Avenue early on and the husband was a master at Haberdashers Askes School, . He suggested that I sat an entrance exam to see whether I could get in; apparently, I would be able to get some of grant. Little did I realise how humiliated I would feel when it was obvious that most of the youngsters there were mostly from private schools. I had to sit a French exam with about three weeks of French under my belt that I had just started at Woodhouse. The odd le and la looked ridiculous ion the page! Still, I was very happy at my school in North Finchley and, although not a major success academically, I still did my A levels and joined the Eastern Electricity Board as a Student Engineer in 1959. Not my first choice – I would have liked to have done something in the film or TV world. I had also been offered a missile design traineeship at de Havilland, something that dad was quite keen for me to go into. I turned it down, thinking it was a fair way to travel to Hatfield every day. It turned out to be the right decision as many of the Trainee Engineers on

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society the Blue Streak project lost their jobs. The whole organisation became British Aerospace several years later. We were both athletic and I followed Murray as year group Athletics champion through junior, middle and senior age groups. We both became Athletics Captains of our house, Scott. We also ran outside of school as well as representing North Middlesex Schools at White City and stadiums. Murray had left school at sixteen and gone into banking where he met Jenny at the Garden Suburb branch of Barclay’s. Later he went on to become manager at Barclay’s Hampstead and Highgate branches. My best friend at school was Steve Sumpter until Gordon Smith joined us in the sixth form. His father was a diplomat in the Foreign Office and the family had just come back from a number of years working in Canberra, Australia. Occasionally we managed to get into trouble with Mr King, Head of School. I landed up getting caned twice for absolutely trivial misdemeanours. Today these would be seen as nothing to comment on. Goodness knows how many times Steve got the cane. In those days, even our shoes were inspected as we went out of assembly and not coming up to standard was seen as a detention prospect. All three of us were quite musical; Gordon could play piano and guitar whilst Steve and I used to sing, harmonising in the boy’s showers. The echo effect made us sound very professional and, even though I say it myself, we did sound good. I sang tenor solos for the school on several occasions for The Messiah and Easter Passion with Charles Prrocter as our music teacher. It was always a sold out success at Christ Church. On one occasion he introduced a new piece of music in The Messiah that we hadn’t previously sung Thou Shall Break Them, which is quite an up tempo number. I thought! During rehearsals I took a stance in front of the pews and started to tap my toe at a slight angle and gave the music a bit of gusto in time to the rhythm of the music. Mr Procter tapped his baton, looked me straight in the eye and said: “You’re not Elvis Presley, Lewis” and gave me a wry smile. At least it gave the rest of the school a good laugh. The day on which we performed was fine and obviously a lot more in keeping with the atmosphere of the moment. In years one and two I was in the X class – talk about distinguishing the elite from the rest. The A stream and the X stream, not even called B. I was fortunate to come top in year two on three occasions and got promoted to the A group. Initially it was quite a struggle. One of my friends in those early years was John Cordell. His dad was gatekeeper at Colney Hatch Hospital and I frequently went to play cricket and golf on the fields. In those days patients walked around the grounds with gentian violet painted on parts of their heads, where they had hurt themselves. We often stopped and spoke to them and didn’t think anything of it. At school the boys stood in lines to the left of the hall and the girls sat on the left- hand side. I believe there were roughly 350 segregated students in total. Between the two sexes was a gap where we would down when we used to parade into the hall or back to our classrooms after assembly. This also applied to the playground. Occasionally, the whole school had to stay in detention when someone had made a minor/major misdemeanour and hadn’t owned up to it Classically, Mr King was quite the disciplinarian and used to tell us, in assembly, that he never forgot. Alistair Bennett, who was in Murray’s year said quite loudly “No, elephants never do!” At least half of the upper school burst out laughing and I think practically everyone had heard it, except Mr King. I think that was one of the times when we all got it in the neck. On another occasion, a certain group of us had been told off in no uncertain terms. One of the guys was so incensed by the accusations that over the weekend he hung a sign and a dummy by a noose from the flagpole in the front of the school. The sign read HMS Prison. As you can imagine, Mr King was not amused. It was all over the local papers. The culprit went on to become a Secondary School teacher. Great times were had by all! (My Story by Ray Lewis. Friern Barnet Newsletter number 44 February 2011)

Woodhouse Grammar School. 25 Aug 1971. Planning application for erection of 3 demountable classrooms (Barnet Council)

Woodhouse College. 3 Jul 1996. Planning application for new sports hall and extension to fist floor existing gym (Barnet Council C/03312/U)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

Woodhouse College. 3 Sep 1996. Planning application for residential development comprising 12 1-bed houses and 7 2-bed houses (Barnet Council C/03312/V)

Woodhouse College. 10 Jun 1997. Planning application for 2- storey building for learning resource centre and science classrooms on land to south of all-weather pitch (Barnet Council C/03312/W)

Woodhouse College. 15 Apr 1999. Planning application for single storey extension to existing 3- storey science block together with hipped roof and recladding, new 2-storey link between science and main block (Barnet Council C/03312/G)

Woodhouse College. 1 May 2002. Planning application for single storey rear classroom extension (Barnet Council C/03312/AK/02)

Woodhouse College. 21 May 2003. Planning application for demolition of existing sports hall and erection of new sports hall, offices, classrooms and associated facilities (Barnet Council C/03312/AL/03)

Woodhouse College. 18 Dec 2003. The access road in front of the College is having vehicle access controls installed at each end. This consists of rising pole barriers (John Donovan FFB&DLHS)

Woodhouse College. 8 Apr 2004. Planning application for single storey side extension (Barnet Council C/03312/XL/04)

Woodhouse College. 22 July 2004. There is a trench across the grass in front of the College, yellow plastic pipe is being laid (gas?). By 29th it had been finished (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Woodhouse College. 22 Jul 2005. Planning application for external lift and wheelchair accessible entrance (Barnet Council C/03312/AS/05)

Woodhouse College. 3 Apr 2006. Planning application for demolition of existing sports hall and erection of new sports hall/classroom block, formation of new vehicle access from Fenstanton Avenue (Barnet Council C/03312/AX/05)

Woodhouse College. 8 Apr 2006. There is a new block paved footpath between the main entrance to Woodhouse College and the zebra crossing on Woodhouse Road (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Woodhouse College. 27 July 2006. A gap has been knocked in the wall between the College and Fenstanton Avenue (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Woodhouse College. 31 Jul 2006. A large self-propelled crane is on site erecting a pile of portakabins. Also work going on at the western end of the building (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Woodhouse College. 17 Aug 2006. The old sports hall, west of the main house, has been demolished (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

Woodhouse College. 13 Dec 2006. Steel framed building being erected to the western side of the college (John Donovan FB&DLHS)

Woodhouse College. 23 Mar 2007. Planning application for metal spiral staircase and extension to new sports hall (Barnet Council C/03312/BD/07)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society Woodhouse College. 31 Oct 2007. Planning application for installation of railings and automatic gates to frontage (Barnet Council C/03312/BK/07)

Woodhouse College. 26 Feb 2008. Green iron railings have been erected around the whole of the front of the building, alongside the pavement (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Woodhouse College. 30 Jun 2008. Planning application for single storey roof extension (Barnet Council F/01636/08)

Woodhouse College. 29 May 2009. Planning application for variation of Clause 2 of planning permission C/03312/L to extend hours of use of floodlights from 9.00am to 9.00pm to 9.00am to 10.00pm Mon - Fri (Barnet Council F/01875/09)

Woodhouse College. 11 Feb 2011. Planning application for installation of solar panels to sports hall roof (EFM Ltd, 15 Abercorn House, Springfield Road, Harrow HA1 1QF) (Barnet Council F/05035/10)

Woodhouse College. 6 Jun 2013.Woodhpouse College is a popular sixth form college of around 1200 full-time students, all on A level courses, on a pleasant campus in North London. We are highly oversubscribed, with over 4000 applications for our 650 first year places this year. The College is proud of its strong community spirit and friendly supportive atmosphere. Our success rates and high A level pass rates put us in the top five colleges in . (Advertisement in Barnet Press 8 Jun 2013)

School caretaker Jim Jackson’s motto is to be positive and make the most of life. He has worked in Barnet for 35 years and has been awarded the British Empire Medal in the New Year’s Honours List – with an invitation to a Buckingham Palace garden party to look forward to as well. Mr Jackson said: It’s totally thrilling and I feel really humbled by it and honoured to accept it.” He says the award is also for his wife June, whom he says is his “rock” and has supported him all along the way. His nomination was supported by three former pupils in Woodhouse College where he went to work 24 years ago. He has seen it grow from 450 pupils to 1400 students and has been head caretaker since 1990. Mr Jackson worked at Finchley Manorhill School which is not The Compton School, in Summers Lane, for ten years after he was made redundant as a machine setter when the company he worked for moved to Birmingham………..College principal John Rubinstein said: “Jim is a much loved institution for past and present students and staff alike. He doesn’t just look after the buildings, he cares for the people in them too.”…(Barnet Press 8 Jan 2015. Page 1)

1 Dec 2016. A secondary school in has joined forces with a popular sixth-form college in the borough which is always oversubscribed. The agreement between The Archer Academy, in Beaumont Close, and Woodhouse College, in Woodhouse Road, North Finchley, has been described by both parties as “an opportunity to share provision and resources”. And for high-achieving students from The Archer Academy with the appropriate grade it will mean priority admission into the sixth form at Woodhouse. Lucy Harrison, The Archer Academy’s headteacher, said: “I am thrilled to be entering into a strong, long-term partnership with Woodhouse College, an outstanding sixth-form college which shares our vision for success and our ambitious, supportive approach to education and personal growth, both inside and outside of the classroom. We have a great deal to offer one another and have already started working together to share best practice in a number of areas. I know our students will be an asset to the Woodhouse College community and look forward to watching those of them who choose to follow this pathway to progress to this next stage in their educational careers”. John Rubinstein, principal of Woodhouse College, echoed her thoughts, saying: “I am delighted to be starting this partnership with The Archer Academy, I have been following the development of the school with great interest and am hugely impressed with what I have seen of the energy and innovation

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society of both students and staff. I am confident that this partnership will greatly enhance our ability to prepare our students for adult life and everything it brings and look forward to developing the relationship further in in the years ahead”. (Barnet Press 1 Dec 2016. Page 2)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WOODLAND ROAD, N11 Infrastructure 15 Apr 1884. Road repaired by owners (Friern Barnet Local Board Minutes)

22 Nov 1887 & 3 Jan 1888. Plans prepared for making up road (Friern Barnet Local Board Minutes)

2 Aug 1889. Works taking place (Friern Barnet Local Board Minutes)

25 Mar 1890 & 22 Apr 1890. Declared a highway (Friern Barnet Local Board Minutes)

Individual properties No 25. 1911. William Henry Liddon Parry, 2nd Lieutenant, 24th Battalion, Royal fusiliers, died of wounds 29 November 1916, aged 26, buried I Le Treport Military Cemetery. Seine-Maritime, France. Le Treport was an important military hospital centre. He served in France from 14 November 1915 and was commissioned 4 August 1916. He was commemorated in the inscription on the family grave in Friern Barnet churchyard (the inscription was recorded in 1985 but the grave cannot now be located). William was born in 1890 in Nottingham, only son of the Revd Arthur and Margaret Parry. He had four younger sisters, one of whom died in 1897 at the age of ten months. By 1911 his father was chaplain of Colney Hatch Asylum and the family was living at 25 Woodland Road. William was then a solicitor’s articled clerk (Parish of Friern Barnet Graves and Memorials of the First World War. Page 19)

No 26. 11 Jul 1893. Application approved for corridor entrance fronting Station Road (Dr Ferguson) (Friern Barnet Local Board Minutes)

No 26. 1914. Monica Machin Ferguson, nurse at Colchester Military Hospital, where she died 21 November aged 24. Monica was born 31 December 1893 in New Southgate, eldest child of Robert and Florence Ferguson. She was baptised in Christ Church, Brondesbury, where her parents had been married. She had three sisters and a brother. The family lived at 26 Woodlands Road. Dr Robert Freguson, her father, was the local GP and a police surgeon, and for many years a churchwarden at St John’s. Monica was educated at Uplands School, St Leonards, as were her sisters; before the war she was a musical student. She is buried in the family grave in Friern Barnet churchyard (Parish of Friern Barnet Graves and Memorials of the First World War. Page 14)

No 26. 4 Nov 1910. Application approved for shed at rear (Dr Ferguson) (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WOODLAND VILLAS OAKLEIGH ROAD NORTH, south side (Kelly’s Directory of Finchley & Friern Barnet 1932)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WOODLEIGH AVENUE, N12 Planning applications up to May 2019 (see also HALLIWICK MANOR ESTATE) History 1930 Plan number 2986 submitted by Lord & Mellowdew Ltd for the development of the Halliwick Manor Estate, comprising the erection of 218 houses and 57 shops. At present the Manor Estate is within the boundary of Hornsey, and the urban districts of Finchley and Friern Barnet but under review the district boundaries are to be altered and it will then be in Finchley and Friern Barnet only. Hornsey plan allowed for road width of 36 feet with 20 feet allowed for carriageway, but Finchley and Friern Barnet would require 40 feet overall. The developers have expressed willingness to five such land as would be needed to widen Colney Hatch Lane to 60 feet and improve the crossing of the junction with Woodhouse Road. 5th April 1930 – permission given for houses and shops. Cinema projected for corner of Woodhouse Road and Colney Hatch Lane. Street names proposed by the developer – Woodleigh Avenue. Thurstone Avenue, Ferncroft Avenue, Lancaster Avenue. Committee would prefer Hollick Wood Avenue instead of Lancaster

Infrastructure 11 Jul 2017. The paving slabs are being replaced with asphalt and small blocks (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

Individual properties No 2d Lancaster Court. 22 Jun 2004. Planning application for vehicle crossover (Barnet Council N/14237/04)

No 2a. 13 Mar 2007. A new porch is being fitted at the side, up some steps (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 2a 22 Aug 2016. Planning application for roof extension involving rear dormer window with rooflights to front, side and rear elevation to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council 16/5450/FUL)

No 2b. 15 Jun 2006. Major internal work in progress (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 2d. 9 May 2019. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 19/2261/FUL)

No 3. 9 Mar 1950. Application approved for brick-built garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 4. 9 Dec 1958. Application approved for garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 5. 8 Jun 2006. A new garden wall is being built along Ferncroft Avenue (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 5. 10 Jun 2010. Planning application for two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and rear dormer window ( (Barnet Council B/02237/10)

No 5. 17 Dec 2010. Planning application for two storey side extension and single storey rear extension (Barnet Council B/05074/10)

No 6. 11 Sep 1952. Application approved for garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 7. 24 Oct 2017. Planning application for roof extension involving hip to gable, rear dormer window, 2 rooflights to front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion. Single storey side extension (Barnet Council 17/6493/19)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society

No 7. 17 Nov 2017. Planning application for roof extension involving hip to gable, rear dormer window, 2 rooflights to front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion. Single storey side extension (Barnet Council 17/7240/192)

No 7. 10 Jan 2018. Planning application for conversion of existing dwelling into 2no self-contained flats. New front porch and new side window. Associated refuse/recycling, parking, cycle store and amenity space (Barnet Council 18/0146/FUL)

No 9. 5 Apr 1951. Application approved for garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 9. 3 May 1988. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/06990/B)

No 9. 3 Dec 1993. Planning application for single storey rear extension including staircase to rear garden (Barnet Council C/06990/C)

No 9. 10 Jan 2003. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/106900/A/03)

No 11. 18 May 1992. Planning application for ground floor rear extension (Barnet Council C/11198)

No 11. 16 May 2000. Planning application for ground and first floor side, ground floor rear extension, loft conversion including rear dormer window (Barnet Council C/11198/!/00)

No 11. 14 Jan 2004. The side garage is being demolished and preparations are in hand for building work to start (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 11. 1 Nov 2004. The extension work to build the attached garage with room above now seems to be recently completed (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 12. 6 Jun 1961. Application approved for garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 12. 11 Jul 2005. Planning application for alterations to roof including side and rear dormer windows to facilitate a loft conversion (Barnet Council N/14749/05)

No 12. 20 Sep 2005. Loft extension is being added (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 12. 9 Mar 2009. Planning application for erection of single storey building to house gym in rear garden following demolition of garage (Barnet Council B/00806/09)

No 12. 14 Sep 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 5 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 3 metres and maximum height of 4 metres (Barnet Council 17/5899/PNH)

No 12. 26 Oct 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 5 metres from original rear wall, eaves height of 3 metres and maximum height of 3.3 metres (Barnet Council 17/6835/PNH)

No 12. 22 Dec 2017. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 178122/192)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 15. 1 Dec 1965. Planning application for lean-to garage (Barnet Council Minutes 1 Dec 1965 BN 393)

No 16. 29 Apr 1999. Planning application for 2-storey side extension (Barnet Council N/13927/99)

No 16. Nov/Dec 2002. Loft extension added. A large crane was in operation on 28 Nov. Apparently completed by 20 Dec (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 16. New garage attached to the side of the house (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 17. 7 Jun 1955. Application approved for garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 18. 23 Jun 1989. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council C/02062/D)

No 18. 2 May 2017.Planning application for single storey side infill extension. Single storey rear extension (Barnet Council 17/2792/HSE)

No 20. 4 May 1966. Planning application for garage (Barnet Council Minutes 4 May 1966 BN 1028)

No 22. 29 Sep 2003. Front garden is being converted to what looks like off-street parking. It was still a big hole on 9 Oct. This is an interesting development: by the end of October a brick structure had been built in the hole, presumably for steps to the front door. However, when I passed there was a pit just outside the front door several feet deep. Still not complete on 12 Nov, but the steps are almost complete. Mid Jan 2004 sees the work complete (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 22 13 Feb 2006. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/14862/A/06)

No 23. 24 Mar 1987. Planning application for single storey side and rear extension (Barnet Council C/09446)

No 23. 4 May 2001. Planning application for single storey side extension (Barnet Council C/109446/A/01)

No 24. 10 Jun 1958. Application approved for garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 24. 12 Feb 2006. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/14863/A/06)

No 24. 7 Jun 2006. Major work going on in the back garden. Skips full of hardcore and earth outside. Seems to be a rear extension (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 24. 12 Dec 2006. Major excavation work in the front garden and it looks as though there is an extension at the back (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 26. 10 Jun 1958. Application approved for garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 26. 21 Jun 2010. Planning application for front and rear access ambulant steps () (Barnet Council F/02427/10)

No 29. 10 Jun 1948. Application approved for shed at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society No 29. 11 Aug 1965. Planning application approved for garage (Barnet Council Minutes 11 Aug 1965)

No 29. 31 Jul 1990. Planning application for 2 storey side extension (Barnet Council C/07250/A)

No 30. 14 Jan 1958. Application approved for garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 32. 12 Feb 2013. Planning application for conversion of existing single family dwelling into 2 self-contained flats (Barnet Council B/00364/13)

No 36. 12 Jan 1960. Application approved for lock-up garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 36. 25 Jan 2007. Planning application for retention of loft conversion involving roof extension (Barnet Council N/15454/07)

No 36. 19 Mar 2007. Planning application for single storey rear extension (Barnet Council N/15454/A/07)

No 36. 20 Feb 2007. Loft extension being added (John Holtham FB&DLHS)

No 38. 4 Jan 1951. Application approved for prefabricated garage (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 40. 8 Dec 1999. Planning application for ground floor rear extension (Barnet Council N/13927/99)

No 40. 8 Dec 1999. Planning application for loft conversion involving extension to side and rear (Barnet Council N/13927/A/99)

No 40. 10 Mar 2006. Scaffolding is up the front of the house (David Berguer FB&DLHS)

No 48. 16 Sep 1943. Application approved for greenhouse (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes)

No 48. 2 Nov 1950. Application approved for garage at rear (Friern Barnet UDC Minutes

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WOODSIDE COTTAGES HIGH ROAD, WHETSTONE, west side (Kelly’s Directory of Finchley & Friern Barnet 1932)

WOODSIDE PARADE (Kelly’s Directory of Finchley & Friern Barnet 1932)

WOOD VILLA FLATS OAKLEIGH ROAD NORTH, north side (Kelly’s Directory of Finchley & Friern Barnet 1932)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society WREN ACADEMY, 41 HILTON ROAD Planning applications up to Sep 2014 5 Nov 2007. Planning application for refurbishment and external alteration to existing 2 buildings following demolition of remaining buildings. Erect new sub-station enclosure and landscaping works (Barnet Council C/06248/R/07)

21 Jan 2008. Planning application for Environmental Impact Assessment (Barnet Council C/06248/08)

18 Feb 2008. Planning application for construction of new buildings for Wren Academy with associated landscaping works including MUGA and demolition of 1 existing building (Barnet Council C/06248/T/08)

17 Jun 2008. Planning application for proposed installation of 2 Biomass Boilers within plant room below ground woodchip fuel store and boiler flues. Installation of acoustic attenuators for kitchen extractor vent at roof level. Installation of air handling unit plant, condenser unit, gas meter and EDF low voltage panel at ground level within their respective closures and entrance ramp of 1 existing building (Barnet Council C/01596/08)

20 Jun 2008. Planning application for installation of additional external lighting as part of school refurbishment works (Barnet Council F/01445/08)

18 Mar 2009. Amendment to planning permission reference C/06248/T/08 dated 14/05/2008 for construction of new buildings for the Wren Academy with associated landscaping works including MUGA and demolition of one existing building (amendments comprising of alterations to fenestration the east elevation of north block) (Barnet Council F/00833/09)

3 Aug 2011. Planning application for erection of two storey Specialism Centre adjoining the existing sports hall (Diocese of London) (Barnet Council F/03327/11)

3 Feb 2011. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, visited Wren Academy in Hilton Avenue on 3 February to perform the school’s official opening ceremony. During his visit, as well as unveiling a commemorative plaque, Dr Williams toured the Academy, conducted a special opening service and took part in a question and answer session with students…. Wren Academy now has 3 yr groups, with over 500 young people attending the school. Wren Academy is sponsored by the London Diocesan Boaed for School and Berkhamsted School. The Academy’s new build project was completed the summer of 2010 at a cost of £23.4 million. Wren Academy admits 180 students annually and is heavily oversubscribed, receiving over 800 applications in each of the last two years (Compass March 2011 page 1)

11 Sep 2014. Wren Academy has now been open for over six years and has more than 1100 students in years 7 to 13. Wren is sponsored by the Church of England and Berkhamsted School and has been judged by Ofsted to be an outstanding school with an exceptional curriculum and innovative enrichment programme (Advert in Barnet Times 11 Sep 2014)

Friern Barnet & District Local History Society