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VOLUME f. 8/

, , GODAVARI DIS (Agency Tra

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1------S2 ,i' ...... ;~ ...... ·P~h~o~to~-~p~r~,n:~~s~u:rv~e~y~O~f~fl~c:e~.~M~a:(~,~r, 1914 MADRAS DISTRICT GAZETTEERS

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1 9 1:5. u. PREFACE.

THIS Gazetteer has been prepared on the plan prescribed by Government according to which statistics have been rele­ gated as far as possible to a separate Appendix which is to be revised decennially. The original 'District Manual' was written by Mr. H. Morris of the Madras Civil Service in 1878. I have gratefully to return thanks for help from many quarters. The account of the early history has been almost entirely based on information supplied by Rai Bahadur V. Venkayya. M.A •• the Government Epigraphist. whose kindness in reading and correcting my drafts and answer­ ing my 'questions I cannot too warmly acknowledge. The District officials have all given me their ready and cordial assistance, and so have many non·official residents of the district. I wish particularly to express my obHgations to the Revs. J. H. Harper. J. Cain ,and A. Gangloff, to Messrs. E. B. Elwin. I.C.S., H. Laflamme, C. Mildred, G. F. F. Foulkes, M. G. K. Waite, J. F. Marshall, M. \Voodhouse, W. J. ~l. Inkster, L. D. Buchanan, H. J. Anen, F. Armitage, A. C. Pranatartihara Aiyar, R. Venkata Rao and V. Partha­ saradhi Chetti and to Capt. M. N. Chaudhuri, I.M,S. All these gentlemen have helped me with the records at their disposal or with their personal experience; and they have supplied a large portion of the material found in this Gazet­ teer. I have also to't'hank Mr. J. A. Cumming, I.C.S., for reading through the proofs and for many" valuable sugges- tions. F.R. H. PLAN OF CONTENTS.


Tuni Division ... .. ~ 255-257 Bhadrachalam Taluk ... 25 8- 265 ChOdavaram Division ... 266-277 Pc$lavaram Division 27 8- 283 Yellavaram Division 284-288 /' • INDEX 289-302 TABLE OF CONTENTS.


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION. PAGK GENERAL DESCRIPTION (page I)-Chief (z)-Etymology of the name­ Natural divisions (3). HILLs-The Ghats. RIVERS (4)-The G6davari­ Its sanctity (6)-lt5 islands and encroachments-The season of its floods (7)-Its tributaries-The Yeleru. SOILS (8). GEOLOGy-Physical changes now in progress (9). MINERALS (lo)-Coal-The Gauridevipeta field­ Bedadanuru-Gold (Il)-Iron-Graphite-Mica-Building stone-Rock. crystals, garnets, sapphires. CLIMATE-Rainfall-Temperature (IZ)­ Wind and weather. FLORA. FAUNA (Ijl-Cattle-Buffaloes-Sheep and goats (14)-Cattle.breeding-Feeding methods-Cattle diseases-Cattle fairs (Is)-Game-Fish-~ative sportsmen (16) 1-16


EARLY HISTORY (page 17)-As6ka's conquest, 260 B.C.-The Andhras, down to zoo A.D. (18)-The Pallavas, about 200-615 A.D.-The Ch.ilukyas­ Their conquest of Vengi, about 615 (19)- Separation of the Eastern and Western Cluilukyas, about 63o-Hiuen Tsiang's description of the former (20)-Eastem Ch.ilukya rule, 63Q-999·-Ch61a conquest, 999-KIl16ttunga Ch61a I (21)-He obtains the Ch61a and Vengi thrones, I07o-His viceroys in Vengi-His death in IU9 and the decline of the Ch6las (z2)-The VeIanandu chieftains, twelfth century (23)-The K6na chiefs' of the delta -Local chiefs of Ellore, Nadendla, etc.-The K.ikatiyas of Warangal conquer Kistna about 1200 (24)-And G6davari about 1300-Pratapa Rudra's viceroys-Temporary Musalman conquest flf the district. 1323 (25) -The K6rukonda Reddis, I325-9S-The Reddis of Kondavld, 1344-142Z -The Rajahmundry Reddis, 1422-50 (26)-The Gajapatis of Orissa take the district, 145o-But cede part of it to the Muhammadans, 147o-The latter ousted, J489 (27)-Conquest by Vijayanagar, ISIs-Musalman conquest of KlStna. IS4o-And of G6davari, 1571 (28). MUHAMMADAN !>halon-Weakness of th,ir/ rule-Aurangzeb estabhshes his authority, 1687 (29)-The Subadar of the Deccan becomes independent, 1724-Tbe Northern Circars ceded to the French, 1753 (30)-Their difficulties there­ Bussy at length obtains possession, 1757 (31)-Forde's expedition against the French, J758-llis victory at Condore-The country cleared of the French (32)-Cession of the Northem Circars to the English, 1765 (33). ENGLISH ~aIOD (34)-Early administration-Disturbances of the peace­ In 1785-90 (34)-ln 179O-1800-Quieter times thereafter (36)-Subba Roddi's rebellion, 18s8-0utbreaka in R~pa 17-37 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER III.

THE PEOPLE. PAC a GENERAL CHARACTI!.RISTJCS (page 38)-Density of the population-Its growth THE JAlNS (38). THE MUSALMANS. THE CHRlSTl4Ns-American EVl.ngeJical Lutheran Mission-The Canadian Baptist Mission (40)-Tbe Church Missionary Society (41)-The Roma.n Catholic Mission (42). tJE HINDus--Houses (43)-Dre~. (44) -Food (44)-Amuse~ents-Superstitjons (46)-, caste, and family gods. (47)-Marriage rules and ceremonie. (49)-Funeral. (So). PRIN­ CIPAL CA!>TES-Telugu Brahmans (sr) (S3)-K6matil (S4)-Kapu. (ss)-Kammas-Perikes (s6)-fdiga.s (S7)-Gamallas-Kamabattul (58) -Sanis-Malas-Madigas (6o)-K6yas-IIill Reddis (66) ... 38-61


AGRICULTURE AND IRRIGATION. WET CULTIVATION (page 68)-Paddy I its seasons-Its varieties-Rain.fed paddy (69)-So\\ing Versus transplantation-Methods of raisingaeedlings­ Preparation of fields (7o)-Transplllntatioll and care uf the crop-Second­ crop cultivation (71)-Third crops-Agricultural maxims-Wet crops other than paddy (72)-Rotations-Cultivation of sugar·cane-Jaggery­ making (74)-Ratooning-Varieties of lugar.cane-Recent lugar-cane disease and the Samalkot experimental farm (75). Day CULTIVATION (76) -Seasons, etc.-Cultivation (77)- Cholam-Tobacco (77)-Improvement of the leaf-Shifting cultivation in the Agency-Storage of grain (79). , I IRRIGATION-·Protected area. THH GODAVARI ANIcuT-Origin of the idea (So)--First estimates-The site and design (81)-Progreu of construction (82)-Subsequent difficulties (83)-Alterations since effected (84)-Distri­ butary workg (8s)-The Gannavaram aqueduct (86)-Co~pletlon of distributaries {87}-Financial resulLs of the scheme-Possible extensions of it (88)-lts administration. OTHER IRRIGATION SOURCES (89)-Minor channels and tanka--Wells- Artesian wells (90). ECONOMIC CONDITION OF AGRICULTURISTS ... ••• 68-91

CHAPTER V. FOlESTS. EARLY OPERATIONS (p:ge 92)-Progress'of reservation. SETTLEMENT (93)­ Proprietary rights-Susceptibilities of the jungle tribes (94}-P6du cultiva­ tion. ADMINISTRATION (95)-ln Rampa-In the rest of the Agency (96) -River transit rulea (97)-Fire.protectiqn-Artificial reprodactioD (97) I casuarina-Mangrove - Iptroduction of exotics, etc. GENERAL CHARAC­ TER OP THE FORESTs-On the COHost -In the uplands (99)-ln P61avaram and Yellavaram-In Rampa (Ioo)-In Bhadr;ichalam-Timher and th~ Clarket for it (Iol}-Minor forest produco':"'Forest revenue ...... 9t-lO( TABLE OF CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER VI. OCCUPATIONS AND TRADE. PAGa ARTS AND INDUSTRIES (page I02)-Silk.weavers-Cotton.weavers (1°3); their numbers-Their methods-Tape·weavmg ([04)-Gunny-weaving­ Cotton-dyeing-Chintz.stamping (Ios)-Mats and tattis-Metal-work­ Painting (106) instruments-Wood and stone carvinlr -Ropes (Io7)-0i1s-Tanning-Shoes (IoS)-Baskets--Bangles-Pottery (Iog)-Country $ugar - Mercury-House·building (I [o)-Printing.presses -Rice-mills-Indigo factories-Shi~building-Dowlaishweram workshops -District Board Workshops at Cocanada {IU)-Samalkot distillery and sugar·factory-Dummagudem lace (112). TRADE-Markets-Grain.dea.l_ ing-Exports-Imports (u3)-Trade of Cocanada--The harbour-Port conservancy (II4)-European business houses at Cocanada (I1S)­ European Chamber of Commerce-Steamers visiting the port-Amount of trade-Character of trade (116). WEIGHTS AND MEASURES (I17)­ Goldsmiths' ",eights-Commercial weights-Measures of capacity (n8)­ Miscellaneous commercial ([20)- Lineal measures-Land measures (121)-Measures of time (122)-Local monetary terms .• 102-123

CHAPTER VII. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION. ROADs-(page 124)-Their length and condition-Quarries-Malntenance. establishment and allotments (12S)-Bndges-Ferries (126). WATER CARIUAGE (127)-Thc:: rivers-Upper G6davari project (128)-Navigable canals (129); their history-Expenditure and traffic (no)-Nature of traffic (131 )--Conflicting interests of irrigation and navigation (132). MADRAS RAILWAY. ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS (133)- Bungalows-Chatttams 124-134

CHAPTER VID. RAINFALL AND SEASONS RAINFALL (page 135). FAM[NE (136)-The conditions existing -Famine in 1791 (137)-The ' famine' of 1833 (138)-Distress III [835-38 (139)-Disasters of 1839-41 (I4o)-lmprovement resulting from the anicut-Scarcity ill the Agency, 1897. INUNDATIONS BY THE SEA (141)-Abollt 1706-111 1787 (142)-Its extent and effects-The accom­ panying hurricane '(143)-The landholders' losses-Inundatioll of 1839. CYCLONES (144). FLOOl's-ln 1614 (14;)-Jn 1875, 1878, 1882, 1883 and 1884-Great flood of 1886-Floods of 1887 and 1892 (I46)-Of 1895- g6-0f 1900 (147) ••• . •• 135-147 'CHAPTER IX. PUBLIC HEALTH. PREV.lLENT DISEASES (page 148)-Malaria; in the Agt:ncy-In the uplands (149)--ln the dc::lta--Cholera-Small-pox {Iso)-Other dlSeases-Sanita-. tion. MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS (ISI)-Public hospitals and dIspensaries -Missioll institutions-Institutions in Cocanada-Rajahmundry hospital (152)... • •• 148-152 xii TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. EDUCATION. "AGE CENSUS STATISTICS (page IS3)-By talukt-By religions. EDUCATIONA.L INSTITUTIoNs-Early beginnings-Schools now existing (IS4)-The Government college, Rajahmundry-The Government training college, Rajahmundry (156)-The PltMpuram Raja's College (IS7) .•• ••• 153-159

CHAPTER XI. LAND REVENUE ADMINISTRATION. EARLY HISTORY (page 160) -The zamindars-Their administration (161)-The havile land-Committee of Circuit, 1785-8,- (t6z}-Settlement with the zamindars in 1879 (163)-Abolition of the Chiefs and Councils, 1794- Collectors of the havih land. THE PERMANENT SETTLEMENT, 1802-03 (164)-Its failure (165)-lts effl:ct on the ryots (166)-Special Commis­ sioner appointed, 1843 (167). RYOTWARI SETTLEMENTs-Before 1865- Settlement of r865-66 (169)-Its scope (170)-Grouping of villages­ Classification of soils-Standard crops, grain ouUums, commutation prices -Cultivation expenses aod money rates (171)-Financial results-Water. rate in the delta (x 72)--The existing settlement; its scope-Reclassifica. tion of delta soils-Water-rate problems (I73)-Settlement of wild tracts (174)-Financial results-Bhadrachalam taluk-Proprietary rights (17S)­ Fixing of the peshkash-Settlement of 1890 in Bhadrachalam (176)­ Agency tracts and rented villages (117). DISTRICT AND DIVISIONA.L LIMITS (178). VIt.L.\GE ESTABLlSHMENTs-He-organized in 1866- Revised in 1885 (119). INAMS (180) ... ••• 160-180


SALT (page I8~)-The systems of administration-Methods of manufacture (18:z)-Markets-Salt for Yanam-Fish-euring yards (183)-Contraband salt-earth. ABK.ARJ AND OpIUM-Anack-Armck in the Agency (184)­ Toddy (18S}-Toddy in the Agency-Foreign liquor-Opium and hemp­ drugs-In the Agency (186). CUSTOMs-Land-customs-Sea-customs (187). INCOME-TAX. STAMPS... .. r81-187

CHAPTER XllL .ADMINISTRATION. OF JUSTICE. EA.RLY METHODS (page J88)-Under native rule-Under the Chiefs and Councils. THE' PRESENT SYSTEM (189)--ln the plains-In the Agency. CIVIL JUSTICE. (191)-EJCisting Courts-Amount of Iitigation-Regtstra­ tion. CRIMINAL JUSTICE-The various Courts-Crime (J9z)-Tbe Yanadis or Nakk&1as-Other criminal classes ([93). POLICE ([94)- -- former sYlitems-The existing force. JAILS (195) ,.. 188-195 TABLE OF .cONTENTS. xiii CHI\PTER XIV. LOCAL ,sELF.GOVERNMENT. PAGE THB LoCAL BOARDS (page 196)-The Unions (I97)-Finances of the Boards. THE Two MUNICIPALITIEs-Cocanada municipahty-Rajahmundry municipality (198) ••. . .• 196-199

CHAPTER XV. , . GAZETTEER. AMALAPURAM TALUK (page-lfoo)-Amalapuram (zol)-Amoajipeta-Ayinavalh (zoz)-BandarulaBka-Bendamurlanka - Gannavaram-Kesanakunu (z03) -Mandapalli - Muramalla -ilalivelli-Peruru (Z04) -Rah (20s)-Vadapalli -Vanapalli - Vyagresvarapuram (zoo). COCANADA TALUK (2°7)- BhimavallUll- Ohollangi (z08)- Cocanada-Coringa (zlo)-GolJapalalyam (2Iz)-lnjaram-NHapalli (ZI3)-Samalkot-Sarpavaram (214)-TaUarevu (ZIs)-Yanam_ NAGARAM TALUK (zI7)-Antarvedl-;}agannapeta (218) -Kadali (zI9)-Nagaram-Rajav61u-Sivak6du-Tatipaka (zzo). PEDD;­ PURAM TALUK. (Z21) - Annavaram-Dharamallapuram-Jagammapeta (z22)-Kandrak6ta-Kattipl'ldi - Kirlampudi - Peddapuram - Prattlpadu (zZ4)-Ragaa\peta (225) - Ra).lgampha - Talltiru-T6tapalli - Viravaram (226)-Yelesvamm. PITH:PURAM D,V,SION (227) - Chandurti-Kotta­ palli (232) - Mulapeta - Pithipuram (233)-Pounada (239) - Uppada. RAJAHMUNDlty TALUK (Z40) - DowlalShweram - G6kavllram (24Z)­ K6rukonda - Kottapalli (243) - Rajabmundry. R~MACHANDRAPURAM TALUK (249) - Bikkav61u - DciksMnimam (2S0)-Gangavaram (252)­ K6tipalli - Maredip:ika (253) - R:imacbandrapuram - Ramaghattalu - Vegayammapeta {z54). DIVISION (255)-Bendapudi-Hamsavaram (Z56) - Kottapalli - TailuTU - Tatipaka - Tetagunta-Tuni. BHADR;­ CH!LAM TALUK (25!s)-Bhadclcbalam (259) - Dummagudem (262)­ Gunctala-Kumarasvamiglidem (263)-K unna vamm-Parnasala- Reka palle -SriR:imagiri (265). _ CH~DAVARAM DIVISION (266)-Bandapalli-Blram­ paUi (267)-Bodu!uru-BoJagonda - Cbavala - Chiduguru - Ch6davaram (:z68)-Chopakonda-Dandangi - Dorach1l1talapalem -Geddada-Kakuru­ KQndamodalu (269)-Kuudada-Marrivada-Musurumilh (270}-Nedunuru -Nimmalapalem -Palem Pamuleru-Peta-.-Rampa-Sirig1l1dalap:idu (27~) -Tadepalli-Tunnuru (277)-Vadapalli-Velagapalh-Valamuru-Vemula.- konda. P~LAVARAM DIVISION (278) - Gang61u Gutala - Jangareddi­ gudem (279)-Pata Patus?ID.-P61avamm (280) Taduv:iyi (283). YELLA· VARAM DIVISION (284)-Addatlgela-Anigeru (285)-Dutcharti-Gurtedu (286)-Jaddangi-K6ta (287)-M6hanapuram-Nellipudi-Pandrap61e- Ramavaram-Virabhadrapuram (288) ...... 200-288- INDEX.

A Anak6.palle. 106. Anantapalli, .281. Abkari revenue, 183-185. Anapa Ashwa Rao. 259. Abu dassan, 234. 235- Anaparti, 234. Adama RUG, 64- Andhra Bnihmans, 51. Addanki, 25. Andhras, 17, 18. Addatlgela, 135, 215, 284_ Angleyula'padu, 229. AdlVlpalem, 215_ Amcuts 011. the G6diva.ri, 79-89, 2620 Admullstrauon, of land revenue, 160-180 ; Anigeru, village and mutta., 285, 286. of sall, abkul, etc., revenue. 11S1-11S7; Arumists,42. of Jusnce, lSlS-195_ Anna Reddi, 24. 25. 242. Adnet. Capt&lJl. 2030, 231. 232. Annavaram.221. Agency tracts, described, 2; Musalmans Antarvedi, 106, 211. lew lilt 38; houses ro, 43; food lIl, 45. Antelope. 16. 136; wllchcraft beheved in, 46 i shift­ Nayudu, 234. ing cultivation in, 18; forests in, 92- • Anwar-ud.din, 235, 236. 101 passim; rest -houses in, 133 ; Appanapalalyam. 226. scarcity in. 140; cyclone in. 144; Arama Bnihmans, 51. mala!l& in, 148; education in, 153; reVenue system of, 114-S; extent of, Areca palms, 72, 89- Ankarevala, 127. 117; Salt Act not extended to, 183; , anack revenue in, IS4; hquor shops in, Ariyavattam, 39. 212. 11S5; toddy revenue in, 185; opium Arrack, 113, ,1$3. and hemp drugs in, 186; Income·tas: Artesian wells, 90. III. Act not eXlended to, 11S1; stamp revenue Arts and industries. 102-112. lIl, 11$1 i admulistrauon of Justice in, Arundel, Su A. T., 95. 11S9; alterations in the lunits of, 190 i AstU'd system of revenue, 167. hugation in, 191 ; local boards m. 196. ASiatic Steam Navigation Company, liS. Agricultural farm, 15. 76, 233- As6ka inscriptions, 17. Agnculture, 61>-19. Atreyapuram, 39. 201. AgriCUltUrISts, economic condiuon of, go. Attivannan, Pallava king, 18. Albole inscription. 19, 233. Aurangzeb, 29, 203. Alamur, 135. J91. 192. Austnan Lloyd steamers, lIS­ Ala.-ud.din (Babmaru king), 234- Avenues, 134- Alexander, Rev. }<'. W. N •• 66. AYlnavalli, 110, 202. Allada Reddi, 26. Ayyaparizu-Kottapa.lli. 256. Allahaba.d inscnption, IS, 233. AUaya Vema Reddl, 26. Alluvium of the delta, 9- Alpa Khan, 26. Amalapuram talule, 200-206. Bachchanna, 235. Amalapuram . timber Mpbt at, 101 i Badagunta vlliage, 261. lead and silver work a.t, lOS i ri.::e mdl Bagavatas, 60. in, 110; zainfall a.t, 135 ~ vaccination Babu Balendra Run, 283. compulsory in, 150; distnct p1unsif a.l, Ballacuts, 126. 1 191; sub-registrar Ill, 191 I ulllon•. 197 ; Bamboo, 5, 105, loS, 131. described, 201. Bandapalh motta, 266. Amaravati, 11. 207. 25G. Banci3.rulanka., 103, 202. AmbaJipeta., 15, 107, 112,201. Bangle'making, loS, 225. 240 , 255. Ambul Reddi, 264. 274, 215. Bank of Madras, II 5 American Evangelical Lutheran Mission, Bantumilb estate, 164. 39,223· Baptist Mission, 40, lSI, 210, 214- Amma. I, 24. 244- Barakar rocks, 9- Amma II, 244. Barber, Mr. C. A., 75. Amusements, 45, 64. 67· Barry & ~o •• Messrs. T. II.• 78. liS. 31 290 IN1)EX.

Basa Gollas, 61. Boduluru VIllage and mutta, 267, 274, 286. Baskets, 108, 284. B6gams, 58, 104. Bassia lati/olia, 62. BOlleau, Mr., 92. Bastar state, 60-62, 63, 105. Bolagonda mutta, 267. Bathlng places, 6 Botany. 12. Bavayamma, 283. BoundaTies of the district, I. Bayard, Mr., 153. Brah~ans, dress of, 44; food of, 45 ; de­ Bayyanagudem, 279. scnbed, SI ; number of students among. Bean-, 15, 71, 77. 155; Tamil section of, 204. Bedadanuru, 9, 10. BrandIS, Sir D_, 92. Bell-metal work, 105. Brass work. 105, 222, 225. Bench courts, 191. Bride price, 49. Bendamurlanka, mouth of the G6d:ivari Bridges, 125, 243. near, 6; English factory at, 29; taken British IndIa Steam Navigatiol) Company, by the French, 31; forest block, 98, lIS· 99; rope made at, 107; coasting trade BrodIe, Mr. V. A., 158. of, 187; E.!. Co.'s trade at, 201 ; de­ Brown, Mr 1'. H., 126. scribed, 202; temple bUIlt by a Pall! of, Buckmgham canal, 130. 218. Buddhism, 11. 200 Bendapudi, 24, 25, 255. Buffaloes, 13; saCrifice of, 48, 222, 241, Bengal gram, 71, 76, 77. 2~8, 253. Beri-ben, 150. Building stone, II. Best & Co., Messrs., lIS Bulusu Achayya, 202. Betel, 3, 72. Burma. 186 Bezwada,9, 101. Bussy, M., Northern Circars ceded to, 30 ; Bhadrachalam estate, 259. takes Bendamurlanka, 202; Nilapalh Bhadrachalam tal uk, Christian mission in, and Injaram, 213; fort built by, 221 . 42; paddy season9 ln, 68; forests in, at Rajahmundry, 245. ' 92, 94, 95, 100; weights and meaSl1res Buttayaglldem, 36. In, U8-IIy, 121 ; fernes in. 12t, 127; travellers' bungalows in, 133; faver in, c IS0; settlement of, 174-177; Reglstra. tlOn Act extended to, 191 ; Local Boards Cain, Rev. J , 42 , 55, 60, 140, 260. Act WIthdrawn from, 196; described, Cain, Mrs" J., 1I2. 258-~65· Callialld, General, 33. Bhadrachalam to\\n, gold and rock crys­ Cambu, 45, 71j 76, 71. tals found near, It; Mogalturru famIly Canadia"l Baptist MISSIon, 40, 151, 210, fled to, 35; ramfall at, 135; Assistant 214. Supermtendent of Police at, 194; Cape Coringa, 2II. descnbed, 259. Cape G6davart, 113. Bhadrakaligundam, 280. ClI.rmlchael, Mr., 269. Bhanayyamma, 226. Carpentry, ISS. Bhatrazus, 54. Ca,yota u,e"s. See Sago Palm Bhlmaraj, 15. Caste deities, 41. Bhimavaram, 207, 214, 250, Castes, 50-67, 193-194. Bikkav6lu, drain, 8, u3; village, 191, Castor, 76. 77, 107. II6 197. 249. Casuanna pllJ,ntationst 98, 99. Billumill!, 279. Cattle, 13. 14. IS; fallS for, IS, tl7, tOl, Bimhpatam, 209. 239· Biraiya, 3, 5. Cemeteries at Cocanada, 210; Coringa. l3iralya Konda, 3. ~I I ; DowlalShweram, 241 I nrakshari. Birampalli mutta, 267. mam, 252; Nilapalh. 213; P6lavaraUl, BIson, 15. 283 ; and Raja.hmundry, 246. Bison IfIll, 3, 13, 67, 97. Ceriops Candolleana, 99- Black-buck, IS. Chagallu, 35. Black-gram, 71, 76, 77. ChaUa Peddy, 223. Black-water fever, ISO. Chalukya Bhimavaram, 207. Blanford, Mr. W. T., 10. Chalukyas, 18-20, 249. Blood feuds among K6yas, 62. Chamarlak6ta, 214. Boats, 127, 131. • . Chambers of Commerce, 114. Bobbarlanka, 81, 127. ChI. Idhav61ut 23, 24. Bobbarlanka canal; 145. Chandrayya, 274. 275, 284, 285. Bobblli, Maharaja of, 222. Chandurti, 32, 227. B6dasakurru, r07, 1:1.7. Chattrams, 133. 198, 199, 240. Bodug6.dem hills, 3. 258. Chavala mutta, 267. INUEX. 291

Cliebr6lu, ~3, i4. 228 *3°. family. 235; Dutch at, 236; French Chekka Venkan Dora, ~5' 286. driven to, 236. Chentzus, 59, 206. Cock-fighting, 45. Cherla Raja, 46. Cocoanut palm, 3, 72, 89, 205; fibre Cheroot factof)[, 115. ropes, 107, 201; leaf mats, 105; oil, Chettis, 57. 107, 117,205; oil-cake, t07. ChidugUru mutta, 267. Coir ropes, 107. Ckiguf'upam"u, 185, 272, 273. Colleges, 154-159. Clullangi, 224. Commercial weights, 117. Clundadu Garuvu, 204. Committee of circuit, 1611, 188. Chinna Malia Razu, 24, 2"55. ComprapolJam, 189. Chmtz.stamping, 105; In Cocanada taluk, Condore, ballie of, 31, zog, 223, 221-232. 207; Gollapalaiyam, 212; Samalkot, Conflans, MarqUIS de, 31, 221,228, 232. 214; Peddapuram, 224; RaJahmundry, Conjeeveram, 1~. 19, 35. 248; Tuni, 856. Contract distll\ery supply system, 183. Choda, 22, 23. Copper work, 105. ChOdavaram dIvisIOn) 266, 27'1. Connga island, 8~. Chodavaram town, rainfall at, 13S; specIal Coringa Rice ~:hlls Co., 110, lIS, 213. HIll Police Reserve at, 125; descrtbed, Connga rIver, 6. 268; attack on, 273; grant to the Coringa town, fishing near, 16; forest munsif of, 276; pass from, 286. reserve near. 98 ; bascule bndge at, 126 ; Cholam, 45, 76, 77, 79. rainfall at, 135 ; inundations by the sea ChoiRS, 19, zo. at, [42; tidal wave in, 143; fish curing Cholera, 149. at, 183; foreign trade of, 187; lawless. Chollangi, z08. - ne$S (m 1789) in, 189; sub-registrar at, Chopakonda mutta, 868. 191; deputy tahsil dar at, 192; dechne Choultries, 133, 198, 199, 240. of the port of, 210; descnbed, 210 ChowklS, 187. Cosby, SIr Henry, 33. 246. ChrIstian Missions, 39, lSI, 246• Cotton, dyeing of, 104; weaving of, 103; Chnsttans, 39, 1.)3. trade in, 116, I17, 210. See also Weav. Church MisSIonary Society, 41, Z62. mg. Clan Line Steamers, I 15. Cotton, Sir Arthur, 41, 80, 86, tz8. Chmate, II. Cotton and Ruadall, Messrs., 74. Clive Lord, 31, 33. Courts, 189, 191. Coal,9,10. (;ows, 13. Cocanada canal, II3, 146. Crime, 67. 19z. Cocanada taluk, 207-216. Crocodiles, IS. Cocanada taluk board, 196. Cuddalore sandstone, 9. Cocanada town, meteorological observa· Cultivation expenses, 171, 173. tlODS made at, 12; fishing 1I.ear, 16; Cunntngham, LIeutenant, 143 Dutch factory at, 29; French forces in, Customs, 186, 187. 32, 33; ChrIStian missions in, 41, 4Z; Cut-stone, I I. tobacco-factory in, 78 I salt Creek at, Cyclones, 12, 144. 85; artesian well in, 90 I firewood market in, 98, 99; timber market in, D 101; cotton dyeing in, 104; metal work in, lOS, 106, 207; wood·carving at. 106 ; Daksha, sacrifice of, 2132 011 factones in, 107; rope exported Dalb"Kia latifolia, 100, 101. from, 107; shoe.making in, loS; print. Dancing. 65. ing presses in, 1(0; tice mills in, 110; DanCIng girls, 44, SS, 203; 204. work~hops in, Ill; trade of, -Il3. 213 ; Dandangi estate, 268. harbour at, II3; navigation system Danmadugula,270. {rom, 130; chattram at, 134 I rainfall Dasu Reddi, :lSI. at, 135; at, 141 ; tidal wave Date palm, 105, loS, 185 m, 143; cyclone at, 144; vatcinauon Daulaglll,241·00 compUlsory in, ISO; medIcal instItutions Deccan Sugar and Abkari Co., 109, I II, m, 151; school first established at, 184. 153; college at, 157; Collector's head. Deer, spotted, IS. quarters at, 163; salt factory ill, 181, Dekkalas, 60. 182; fish.curlng near, 183; taverns in, Delhi Durbar Exhibition, 106. ISS; port of, 187; courts m, 191; Density of the population, 38. district and sub.registrars in, 191; Deputy tahslldars, 192. bench court at, 192; mumcipahty, 197 ; Devangas, 102, 104, 109. chintz stamping in, 207; descriaed, Devarapalli, 259, 270. . 208-210; granted to PltMpulll.m Devudu Pinjari hill, 288. 292 INDEX.

Dewalamurry barrier, 128. EUore, reduced by Pulakhin, II, 19' Dhall, 77. chIeftains of. 24; s!ege of, 28 ; DMramallllpuram, :Z2r. plundered by HIli ReddlS, 28; Marathd Dharanik6ta, IS, march through. 30; attacked by Colonel Dholes, 15. :Forde, 32; timber sent to, 101; Musal. DIseases, 4S, 63, 67, 14S-150. ma.n court at, IllS; defeat at the Dispensalles, lSI, 152. zamindar of, 235. DistIllery and sugar factory at Sanlalkot, Enchampalli, 128, 129. Ill, IS4, ISS. .. Excise system ofsalt administration, 181. DIstrict Board, 196. .. Exports, lI2, 182. DIstnct Court, 191. ~ District munslfs, 1S9, 191. F Divlli Brahmans, 51. DivisIOnal charges, I7S. Factories,.at Cocanada, 210; of the East Divorce, 49. lndia Company, 212, 213. Dogs, wild, IS. Family deities, 47. Donlamllru estate, 222, 224. Fammes, 136-141, 163, 164, 167. Dorachintalapalem mutta, 268. J<'aim (agricultural), at Samalkot, 214- Doras, 175. Fauna, 13. Double crop land. 174. Ferishta. 24. Dowlaishweram anieut, 15,74,79, 146. :Fernes, 126. Dowlalshweram town, descnptIOn of the Ferry mams, 180. G6davari at,s; Roman Catholic chapel Fire protection in forests, 97. at, 42; metal work at, 105; wood­ FIscher, Captain, 32. carving at, 106; idols made at, 106; Fish, IS. oil factolles in, 107; shoe-making in, Flsh-curmg yards, 183. 108; workshops at, 1I0; archltects in, Fishing·nets, 99. HO; boat servIce to, 127, 131; vaccina­ Fituris, 34-37. tion compulsory in. ISO; police stahon Floods, 7. 144-147, 167. for, 194; union, 197; descnbed, 240. Flora. 12. Drainage, 198. Flollcan, IS. , cattle faIr at, 15, II7; Food,45· inscrIption at, 24, 26; Jam relics in, Forbes, Mr. H., 82. 39; mosque at, 39; wood-carving at, }<'orde, Col., 31, 227-231. 245. 106; sub-registrar m. 191; union, 197 ; ForeIgn hquor, \85. huge Ungam at, 207; described, 250. J<'orests, 92-101. Drawmg, 159. Forts at Bandapudi, 255, Devarapalli. Dress, 44. 259; Dharamallapuram, 221; K6ru­ Dry cultivation, 76-79 konda, 25; Nagaram. 219; NaUapalli, Duck, IS. 259; Peddapuram. 224; 'f6tapalli, 226; lJudekus, 39. and Vaddigudem, 259. Dumkonda hill, 3, 286. J

Gantaml G6davari river, S. 6, 145. 147. Haihiya chiefs. 23. Ga_ Run. M.R.Ry. B•• ISS- Hajee Houssum, 209. Gavuda Jettis, 57. HAJi Hussain, 29. Geda'4 bark, 99. lIall, Wilson & Co., Mesus., 115. 182, Geddada mutt&y 268, 270- :&10. Geese, wild, IS, Hamtlton, Captain, 213. Geology, 8-10. • Hamsavaram, 108, 25St 256• Georgepet, 110, 213. 'Hrwdulickra ", 100. I Glngelly, 'I, 76. '7, 107, 116. Hares, IS, 4 5·· Glasfurd, Captam, '260. Hanchandaoa,28. Glass, 'bangh:s, loS ; bottles, 22$. Harper, Rev. J. H •• 40. Gneiss, 8. Havelly land, 160. - Goats, , •. IIavfli land, 160, 161, 163. G6dams, 248. Hemp-drugs, 185, 186. G6davali Coal Co., Ltd.• 10, II. Hides and skins, 107, 113. G6davari river, origin of the name of, Hill cholam, 79. t; described. 4-7; small game and lIill Reddis, 66, 94t C)6. 97. fish in, IS; iqigation from, 79; timber Hills, 3. Boated down, 97; bridges over. 126, Hmdus,4H 7,153· 243; femes ~cross. 126, 127; sanctity History of the district, 17-37. of,247· Hillen Tsiang, 19, 20. • G6ka'\"I.I'&IJl, 112, 242, 271. Hook-swinging, 2OS, !l48. Gold, II. Hope Island, 114- Goldsmiths' weights. 117. ~orse.gmm. 71, 76, 71. Gollamimidada, lOS, 197. 207. Hospitals. 151. Gollapalaiyam, t040 106, 207. 212. House-boats, 131. Gollapilem.20!). House-building, 110. , 31, 2240 227. 228, 231, House·tax. 197. Gollas, 109, 193. Houses, 43. G6oaglidem,24Z0 Hukumpeta, 278. Gondwana rocks, Lower, 9. Human tacn6ces, 63 Gonka 1.22. Hurricanes, 143,211, 216. Gonka II, 23. Hussain Ali Khan. 33. 160, 246. Gonla 1I1, 23- Hossanabad Sankaxagiri zamindari. 259. Gordon, Woodrolfe & Co., Messrs., tiS. G6rikanadi river, 8. G6tamiputra, 18. Government Agent, 190. G6vinda tIl, 20. Idigas, shildrls, 16 ; caste goddess of, 48; G6vinda neva, 28. descnbed, 57 i mats made by, 105 i oil­ Graham, Mr.. 211. making of. 1°7; profession of, 185 • . Grain, stores of, 79 ; trade in, lIZ. Imports, Ill- Grant, Mr., 225, 233- Ioams, 179. ISo. Grant Dulf, Sir M. E .. 158. Income-tax, 187. Graplute, u. Indigo factories, 110, 213_ GreeD gram. 71. 76, 77. fndras, 57· Ground·nut oil, 117. Indrivati river, 4- Gudarugunta, 183. Induk6rpeta. 282. Guditera. village and mutta, 286. Industries, 102-112, 210. Gudumulakbandrika,217· Injuam estate, 21l. 224- Guinea·wonn, 150. Injaram village, on the Gautami ~dav&ri. Gu\1apudi, u. S. 6; Enghsh factory at, 29; tak¢n by GuncLila, 26z. the It'rench, 31; inundation by the sea Gundavaram. 2()(J. /1 at, 142; loss by floods in, 144; ·Iand Gunny·bag, 56, 1040 117. cumstoms stJ4jon at, 187; described,212. GuntUr famine, 138. Innes & Co., Messrs., 115. Gunedu, village and mutt&, 286. Inscriptions at , 19. 233 ; Allahabad. Gutala. estate, 55. 278, 280; village, S. 18, 233; Amarivati, 17; A,ltarvedi. 127, 281. 218; Bhlmavaram. 208; Chandhavoill. Gutinadevi. 6 note. 24; Chebr61u, 23. 24; Draksh:irimam. 24t 26, 251 ; Ninaghit, 18; Pala.kollu. H 26 ; Palivela. 24. 26, 203; Pith!. puram, 233, 238; RaJahmundry. 25, H..idar Ali. 34. 244; Sarpavaram. 21$; and Simlui­ Haig, Major.General, 41. 87. \ chalam, 26. 38 294 INDEX.

Inlcriptions of A1I4da Reddi. 26; As6ka. Kallasa fort, 234. 17; Attivarman, 18; Ganapati. 24; Kdkarajanchaka",_ 219. G6tamiputra, 18; Kataya Vema Reddi, Kak~tl!as of Warangal. 23, 24. 203 26. ~. 2J5; Ku16ttunga I, 215; Mal­ Kumada, 210. lappa Ill, 215; Pratapa Rudfa, 24,203; K:lkufU mutta, 268. Ptithivimula, 18; Pulakesin II, 19, 233 ; Kalinga kingdom, 17. 22. Rajaraja (CMlukya,), 251; Samudra-' Kalsngi wood, 99. gupta, 233; VishnuvardhaDa MaMmJa, Kammamet, 35 215; of Andhras, 18; 'Clialukyas, 233 ; Ka.nlmareddipaJaiya~, 204. Halhiyas. 23; Kakatiyas, 2°3; K6nas, Kammas, 55. 233; Nadend11i\5, 13; Pallavas, 18 J Ka,msalas, their dress, 44; food. 45 ; caste Reddis, 208, 233, 244, 2S1; Velanal;ldll goddess, 48; meta.l-wol"k. le5. 222, 225, chiefs, 203, 233. 241• 248: wood-carving, 106; a.nd h,t; p/roJu, 49. mUSical instruments, 106 Inundations by the sea, 141. Kamthi rocks, 9. Ippa tree, 62, 185. KanakaJapeta. 215. Iron, II. Kltndlkuppa, forest block, 97. 99. Irri~tion, 79-90, 132, 149 Kandrak6ta, 48, 222, 253. Islands in the G6davari flver, 6. Kapavaram tank, 89, 240. Kapiiesvara, 26, 244. J Kapus, shikaris, 16; described, 55 ; cotton -dyed by, 104; painting of, 106; oil. Jackals. 16, 45. making of, 107; bangles made by, 108. Jaddangi, estate and village, 164, 284. 240 ; dyeing anj chintz.stamplng of. 285,286. 256• Jafar Ali, 30. Karam Dhulu'Dhora, 269_ Jaffur Ally Khan, 209. Karnabattus, 48, 58. 102, 104. Jaga Rao Nayudu, 234· Kas-kas tat ties, 214. Jagammapeta union. 108, 109. 222. 225; Katama ~eddi. 25. zamindari. 222, 224. _Kataya Vema l{eddi, 26,208. Jagannaikpur. See Jagannathapuram. Kateru, 240. Jagannapet~.103, 106, 217, 218. Katikapus, 59. Jagannatha m P6lavaram. 280, Kattipudi, 222. Jaganmithapuram, Dutch factory at, 29; Kazuhiru, 39 hospital at, lSI; salt factory, 181, Kellock LepeJ: Home, 151. 182; hamlet of·Cocanada, 209; cemetery Kerosine oil, 107, 113, 117 at, 210. Kesanakurru, 203. . ]agannayakulapalaiyam, 250. Kinarsani river, 1 I. Jagapati Rlizu., 32, 33, 209, 236 King, Dr,S, u. ]agapatinagaram union. 197.222,224. Kirlampudi, 222, 224. Jaggammagaripela, 214. Kistna canal system, 130. Jaggamplta, 197. Knox, Captain, 231. ]aggery, 74, 185. 220, 224· Kocharla K6ta Jaggayya, 283 Jails, 195. Komaragiripatnam, 202. Jain wells, 39'. 89. K6matis, 44. 45, 48, 54· Jains, 38; J:elic~ of, 39, 201, 212,220.238. Kommi Reddi, 283. Jajilanka village, 267. K60', Reddi, 25. , 39. K6na. Sima, I note, 20[. Jampalli estate, 164. K6na Sima Dcividas, 204. 205, 2(8. Jangam Pl1licanta S4mbayya, Sirdar, 26:>, K;onappapeta, 183. 274· K6nas, 233. ]angareddigudem estate, 279, 283. Konda Reddis, 66. jattisystem, 91,112. Kondamodalu estate. 269, Jegurupadu, IC7, 240• Koodamudi, 18. Jllugumilli, 36 0 Kondapalle, 26, 27. 28. Johnstone, Mr • 232• Kondavld, 25, 26, 27, 28. Joint rent system. r6J, 167, 169. K6paUi forest block, 97 Jungle·fowl, 15. Kona.77· Jungle sbeep, 15. • I K6rukonda. 240 25, 242, 264. Justice, administra~iQQ Qf, 188-195, K6ta, village and mutta, 287. Jute ropes, fro7. K6ta Ramachandrapllram estate, 165 K6ti,242• K K6tipalli estate, 253. 280; village. 6, I1.7. Kadali,219, . 1!34. 2 52• ,l{adayam, laterite quarries of. 124. Kotta Pattisam, 279• • INDEX. 295

Kottam estate, 224, 256. Lmton Mcmonal School, ISS. Kottapalh vill.lge, in PitbRpuram division, LiqUid measures. lI8. 103, 104, 232 j in RaJahmundry taluk, Liquor, 69 35, 89, 240, 243, 282; in Tuni dIVIsIOn, Litigation in the district, 191. 255. 2 56. Loca! Boards, 196. Kottapeta. rainfall at. 135 ; vaccination Local self-government, 196. compulsory in. ISO; sub-registrar at, Log-wood plants, 98. 191 ; deputy tahsil dar at, 192; union, Lowry, Mr. C. J" 126. 197.204. LUllmitse,a ,acemosa. 99. Kottipudi, 133. Lutheran MISSion, 39, 151. K6tturu, 222. Kotwals, 194. Kovvada forest block. 97. M Kovvur, 3, 127. K6yas, cattle raised by, 13; keen sports­ Macgulle, Mr., 232. men, 16 j aSSIsted Subba Reddi, 36; Machavaram, 201 descnbed, 60 ; forest pnvileges of, 94, 96, MackenZie MSS , 24, 2S. 233 97 j not immune from malaria, 148 ; Madapollam, 6, 29, 31. arrack manufa.cture of, 184. Maddur lanka, 81. Knshna Deva Raya, 27, 244. Maderu nver. 287. Knshna Rao Nayudu, 235. Madhava Nayudu, 234. Kshana Muktesvaram, 21>2. Madhuvati RamLhUpati Devu, Sri, 271. Kudivd,am, In salt factories, 181. Madigas, cattle poisoned by, IS; dress of, Kul6ttunga Ch6da Gonka, 23. 44; food of, 45; caste goddess of, 48; Kul6ttunga CMla I, 21, 215. take away animals offered to Mari­ Kumaza. Mahlpati, 236. damma, 48; funeral rites of, So; theIr Kumara rima, 250. connection With K6matis, 54; customs Kumara Venkata Mahipati Rao, 237. of, 59; described, 60 j mats made by, h.umaradevam, 127. 105 j leather work of, 107, 108; haskets Kumaragiri Reddl, 26. made by, 108; shoes made:: by, 248. Kumarasvamigudem, 263. Madras Railway, 132. Ktma Reddl, 25, 242. Magazines, published at Cocanada, 210. Kunavaram, 127, 258, 263. 265. Mahanandisvaram, 5. 280. Kundada mutta, 269. Ma.hendra, chieftain of Pistapuram, 233. Kursammapeta, 215. MaMndragiri, 20. Kutruvada, 270. Mahseer, 15. Malians, 55 Mal. Hucchamma, 256. L Malaria, 148, 186, 275. Maias, shlkans, 16; thelf dress, 44 j food, Labbais, 107, 248. 45; raIn·making pra.ctices, 47; and Lace work, 112. caste goddess, 48; take away animals Laflamme, Rev. H. F., 41. offered to Mandamma, 48; funeral rites Lakshminarasimha Rao, Tumu, 261,262. of, 50; their connectJon With Velamas. Lakshminarayana Devu (two persons), 280, 55 ; descnbed, 58 j mats and lathes 283. mlldeby, lOS; crime of, 193; share in Lally, Count de, 31. buffalQ sacrifice at Dowlaishweram, 24 1• LambadlS, cattle brought hy. 13. Ma/avati,161. Land-cess, 197. Malik Ahmed, 27. Land·customs, 186, 187. M"llk Karur, 25. Land measurea. 120. Mdlikhd"a, 176, l77. Land Revenue Adnunistration, 160-180. Mallapa III, 24. 215. Languages spoken, 38. Maliavaram, 145. Lankala Gannavaram, 217. Mandapalli, 203_ Lankas,6, 15,78, 170, 173. II , 19]. . Laterite, 124. Mangapati D~u, 243, 280, 2~1, 282. 1;.ead vessels, 105. Mangrove, 98, 99. !.epers, lSI. 199. Mansabdars, 164, 225. Lighthouse, II 4. Manures, 70 , 73, 77, 78, 10 7. Lime, 256. Marithas, 30. Lineal measures, 120. Maredipaka. 48, 253. Linga Balija~, 108, 225 Markets, 117. I8:a, 198. Linga Reddi (two persons), 269. 282. Marriage rules and ceremonies, 49. Lingamparti, 89, 226. ~niage by capture, 65.67. Lingams. 207. l\\.nigudem, forests, 100; tal uk. 26,.. 39 INDEX.

Marripndi, 105. administration of justice during the rule Marnvada mutta, 269, 276• of, 188 . MasakapalJi, 212, 253. MUSIC, 159. Ma.shtlgas, 59. Musical instruments, 106, 220 Master, }'lr. R. E., 169 Musurumilli mutta, 270. i\H.stldIS, 60. Mutrachas, 16. Masulipatam, English settlement at, 29; )iutsilmilli, 253. taken by Colonel Forde, 32; chief and Muttadar system in the Agency, 177. council of, 34 ; timber sent... to, 101 ; Muttas, 164. early British court at,-188 ;-later Pro· vlOCial court at, 189; P61avaram zamin. N darm confined in, 281. Mnts, 105, 252. N adendla, chiefs of, 23. MaYldavolu, 18. Nagaram, Island, 5. 217-%'20; tal uk, 217- McLaurin, Rev. John, 40. 220 ; village, 106, ~l,!i). Means of communication, 124-134- Nagavaram mutta. 35, 279, 280. Measures and weights, 117-123. Nakkalas; 16, 45, 192. Medaras, mats nlade by, 105. 108. Nalla~herllvu, 237. Medical lOstitutions, 151. Nallacheruvu choultry, 133, 225. Menarikam, 49. Nallamillipadu estate, 283. Mercury, 109. N'tllapalli,259. Metal work, 105. 207.224, 241, 248. Nalugu gutta hill, 263. Mettakuru, 215 Nanaghat, 18. Metukur, 234. Nand; ..t Pahvela, 203. Mica, n. Nandigima estate, 259. Mina, pied, IS. Nandtvarman, zo. Minerals, 10. Nannayabhatta, 243. Minor forest produce, 96, 101. Narasapur, encroachments of the G6da. Mint (Dutch) at Blmlipatam, 209. vari at, 7; English factory near, 29; Modalpuanllu, 273. taken by Colonel Forde, 32; timber Mogailkuduru, 218. depot at, 101 ; steam boat service to, 127 r Mogalturru, 35, 163, 235. floods m, .142, 143, 145; head.quarters M6hanapuram, 287. of the Sub·Collector, 153 ; school estab­ Mola5!>es, arrack made from, 184- lished at, 154. Monetary terms, 122. Narasapuram village, 26H Money rates, 171, 173. Naraslmha Devu, 243, 280, 281, 28z. Monopoly system of salt administration, Narasimha of Vijayanagar, z44. 181. N arasinga Rao, Kommireddl, 152. Mont~omery, Sir Henry, 80, 140, 167. Narasinga Rao of Tatipaka, 220. Moracin. M., 30. 32. Naraya.napatnam, 226. Ml>ri.2I7· Natural diviSIOns, 3. Morris, Mr. II., 198. Na.vigable canals, 129. Mosques, 238,244. 251. Nawabs of Rajahmundry. :Z45. M6tigadda, .til. Nedunuru, IDutta, 270; village, 39. 201. MruthyuJanagar, 207. Nellipudl, 287· Muchis, wood.carvmg of, 106, 205, 249, Nerbudda river, 203. 250; painting of, 106,248; leather work Newspaper. zto. of. lOS. N eyret, Bishop, 42. Muhammad Shah of Kulbarga, 27, 234, Nidadav6lu, 29. 244· Nlladri of l'ithal-'uram, 236. Muhammad Tughlak, 25. 244. NlJapalli mutta, 213 ; Village, 5, 187, z13. Muhammadans. See Musalmans. , Nilgai. I~. Muktesvaram, 20Z. Nimat All, 223, 233. 236. Mulapeta, 1°3, 104, 227, 232 Nimmalapalem Village, 270. Mummidi Nayak, 25. Nlzam of Hyderabad, 29. Mummidi Reddi, 2S, 242. Noble High School, 154. , 135, 191. Northern Clrcan, 29. 33. Munjavarapukottu, 107. Nulakamaddi, 287, Munro, Sir Thomas, 166. Nur·ud.din. 236. Muram<1l1a, 203. M usal mans, shikaris, 16; their conquest o of the district, 25, 26, 27; rule of, 28-34 ; described, 39 J weaving Of cloths for, Occupations, I02-112. 103 ; of, 106; education Oddea, wood.carving of, 248. among, 153 J endowments for, 157; Oil manufacture, 107, 201, 210, 25S. 256. iNDEX. 297

Onions, 71, 77. Peddinti GolJa.s, 193. Opium, 45, 185, 186. pegha foreljt reserve, 98. Ordeals, 64. penugonda, 54. Oriental Salt Co., lIS. 182. Penugudurll, 181, 182. Ornamental metal work, 106. People, 38-67. Orr, General C. A., 83. Penkes, 44. 56, 104. Permanent settlement, 36. 164-167. peruru. 107. 204. p Peta estate, 270. PhIllips MemorIal Hom~, 151. Pachayappa.s, 193. PhYSIcal descrIption, 1-16. Paddy, 68-7~. 116, 187. Plchchiguntas, 56. Padma Sales, 104. Pichika·lanka 81. Pain ganga nver, 4. PIg, 15, 241. Paintmg, 106, 248. PIgeon, imperial. IS. Palakollu, cattle fair at, 15; inscriptions Plllanka, 145. at, 26; huge hngam in, 207; Dutch Plstapuram, 233." factory in, 209; shrine at, 250. Pith work, 106. Palavancha estate, 259. Pitbapuram dIvision, 227-239. PaJem mutta, 270, 277. Pithapuram estate, chief of, '18; college Pahveia, estate, 217. 224; vIllage, 24, 26, supported from, 157-159; admimstered 203. by renters, 163; hlst@ry of, 165; PalJavas, 18, 233. viii ages purchased by the Raja of, 222 ; Pallis, 55, 218. described, 233-8. Palm}ras, 3, 10~, 107, 1-8, 185. • Pithapuram town, cattle fair at, 15; Pambalas, SQ. reduced hy Pulakesin II, 19; Jam Pamulhu multa, 270. , rehcs In, 39; metal work at, 105, 106 ; Panchala countr}, 201. musical instrllments made at, 106; OIl Pd"davulamettll, 224. factories in, 107; shoema.king in, 108; Pandrap6le, 2b7. cattle market at, 11:&; chattram m, 134; Panniieru, IS. 'rainfall at, 135; vaccination compulsory Panthers, IS. in, 150; misSion hospital at, 151 ; Raja's Papayya Sastn, 202. college at, 157-159; fish.curing near, Paplkonda, 3, 67,97. 183; sub.reglstrar at, 191; deputy Parent tongue, 38. tahsil dar at, 192; Nakkalas of, 192; Parnasala, 212, 261, 263. police station for, 194; union. 197; Parry & Co , Messrs., III, 184. descnbed, 233, 238-239. Parthasarathl Appa. Rao, 260. Plantains, 3, 72. Pad.ridge, IS. Pliny, 9, 18, 2II. Pasalapudi 253. Plumbago, II, 258. Pasaraginni, 287. Pod" cultlva.tion. 78, 94. 264. Pata Pattisam ~state, 279. . Point G6davari, S. 9. Pathsam, S. Point Narasapur, 5. Pattisam Nidhi island, 279. P6laram Island, 88. Pattu Sales, 104, 232. P61avaram division, 278-283. Pattubadi system, 112. 1'61avaram estate, 35. 164, 165. 252, 280 Pt:apowl, IS. . P61avaram taluk board, 196, Pedakonda, 11,67, 2S8 P61avaram town, G6davari river flows by, Pedda Malla Razu, 24, 2S5. 5 ; fish caught near, IS; steam boat to, Pedda Vegi, 19. 127; rainfall at, 135; floods in, 146; Peddada, 207. ganJa shops in, 186; sub-registrar in, Peddapuram estate, 164, 165, 222', 223. 191; deSCribed, 280-283; capture of, Peddapuram taluk, 2'U-226. 282. Peddapuram taluk board, 196. . Police, 194, 21 I. Peddapura~ town, buildIng stod'e at, I I ; Ponnada, 239.. taken by the Musalmans, 28; Lutheran Population, 38-67. MIssion High School at, 40; Baptist Porluoadu, 221, 235. Mwion at. 41; weawing at, 102, 103. Port Conservancy Board, 114. 104; metal work at, lOS, 106; 011 Potnuru. 27. factories in, 107; shoe.makmg in, 108 ; Potters, 24l!. chattram at, 133; rainfall at, 135: Potter'S tank at Rajahmundry, 156. elephantiasis in, 150; vaccinatIon Pottery, 109. compulsory in, ISO; dIstrict munsif and PottlOger, Sir·Henry, 130. sub-regIStrar in, 191 I union. .197 ; Pranhlta nver, 4- described, 222; fightmg neM, 235- Pratapa. Rudra., 24. 27, 203, 242, .255. • INbsx.

Praltipadu, 135. 191, 192 , 224. established at, r 53 : college) ill, t S4~ Prendergast, Mr., 157. 157; Collector's head-quarter at, 163; Pnces, 171, 172, 173. taverns In, 185; opIUm storehouse at, PrincIpal Sudder Amms, 189. 185 ; Musalman court at, 188 ; zilla court Pnnting-presses, t 10, 210. established at, 189; existmg civil CQurts Ptlthisvara, 23. in, IlS9, 191; sub-reJ!istrar at, 191; Priiliivimula, PalJava king, 18 bench court at, 192 ; Superintendent of ProprIetary estates, 164- Police at, 194; police reserve at, 194 ; Pte1'ocar~us frlarsuptU1lI, '99,100, lor municipality, 198: described, 243 ; Public health, 148, 152, armed police sent during Ramps Pulakesin II, 19, 233· ~ rebellion from, 264; Pulletikurru, 206. detained at, 281 ; and escaped from, Punyakshetram, 109. 282. Puppet shows, 45· R~aji, 26.t.­ Purush6ttama Gajapati, 26. Rajanagaram, 28, 240. Purush6ttapatnam, 282. RajaraJa. I, 20. Purvis, Mr, 157. , RajfrllJil II, 22. Pushkaram festIval, 6, 241. Ra]ara)a (CMltlkya), 21, 242, 243, 251. Rajaraja Ch6da Ganga, 22. Rajaraja Narendra, 244. Q Rajav6la. sugar factory near, 74; musical instruments made at, 106: steam boat to QuaIl, IS. Narasapur from, 127; rainfall at, t35; Qutb Shah of Golconda, 27. sub-regIstrar in, 191 ; descrihed, 219. Rajendra Ch6Ia., 20. RaH, anieut, 205; village, 86, 204,205. R Ralli Bros., Messrs., US Ralph, Mr., 260. Ragampeta, lOS, 108, 222, 225. Rama Das, ::z61. Raghavapuram, 236. Ramaehandra Rao Nayudu, 235. Ragi, 45, 71, 76, 17. Ramachandra Venkatakrlshna Rao, 283. RaIchur, 26. Ramachandrapuram taluk, 249-254. Railway, 132 Ramachandrapuram town, BaptIst mission Rainfall, 135. at, 41 ; tImber depe.t at, 101; rainfall Raja Vatsavaya Venkata Simhadri at, 135; vaccination compulsory in, Jagapatl Razu, 257. 150; mission dispensary and leper home Rajahmundry district, 163. at, 151; sub-registrar in, 191; union, Rajahmundry taluk, 240-248. 197; described, 253. RaJahmundry taluk board, 196. Ramaghattalu, 253. RaJahmundry town, width of the G6davari Ramakrishnapuram, 224. at, 5 ; smpe.shnoting near, 15 ; Chalukya Ramakrishnayya, M.R.Ry. Pydah, ISS. capital, 21 ; independence of the king of, Ramavaram, 222,287. 24; Muhammad Tughlak's expedltion RambhlIpati Devu, 271. against, 25; Reddi chiefs of, 25; capital Ramesvaram, 6 note. of Kondavid Reddis, 26; under the Ramps. disturbances, nature of, 36; fight­ GaJapatis of Orissa, 26; ceded to the ing near K6ta during, 227; Rekapalle Bahrnani king, 26; Muhammad Shah's proprietor joined in, 264; described, stay at, 27 ; fighting with the Musalmans 273 ; fighting near Addatlgela, 284 ; and near, 28; the French at, 31, 32, 232; in Dutcharti estate, 285 ; help rendered occupied by Colonel Forde, 32 ; English by Anigeru muttadar during, 28S. force posted at, 33; its Christian Rampa estate, 164, 174, 242, 271. missions, 39, 40, 42 ; vIllage goduess, 48 ; Rampa forests, 93, 95, 100. timber market, 101 ; weaving, 103, 104; Rampa village, 270. Jail, 104, le8, 195; metal work, lOS, Ranga Rao Nayudu, 234. 106 i wood and stone ~rving, 106; Rangampeta., 225. musical instruments, r06; painting, 106; Rangaris, 104, 248. tanneries, 107 ; oll-fa.ctories, 107 ; shoe­ Rangasayi Rao Nayudu, 235. making, 108; sugar-candy and soft Rangoon, 182. sugar, 109; gdJ a r., 109; rice mills, Rashtraktitas of Malkhed, 20, 21. 110; architects, no; and printing Rattan baskets, IO&' presses, 110; G6davari bridge at, 126, Ravil anka, 269. 133; boat servIce to, 127, 13I ; chattrams Ravutalapudi stream, 89. in, 134; rainfall at, 135; storm at, 144 ; Raya Jagapati Razu, 223. vaccination compulsory in, ISO; hospital Raya~a Razu, 221. and dispensary at, lSI, 152; school first Rayavaram estate, 222, 224, 226. fI INb~x .

R~z6ie. See Rajav61u. Samantakurru, 6 note. .Razus, 16, 53. Sarnbur, 15 • Reddl dynasty, 25, z08, 233. 244, 2$1. Samudragupta, inscnption of, 233. Reddis' wells, 89, 20$ Sanads, for the Rampa mllttadars, 275. ReddlS (Kapus), 55. Sanapalli-Ianka. 108. Reddls (Hill), 16, 28, 66, 184. Sand.grouse, 15. Registration, 191. Sandstone, II, 124 Rl:kapalle estate, z60, 264. San is, 58, 204. H.ekapa.le hills, 3, 4, 7, 100. SanitaIlum, at Samalkot, 214. Rekapalle village, 264. Sanitation, 150. Rehgions, 153. SapphlIes, I I. Reserved forests, 93. Sa,ta-sdgaf'a-ydtf'd, 6. 212. 217. Revenue administration, 24, 160-180.. Sarpavaram, 214. Revenue settlements, 160-177. Saveri river. descnbed, 7; fish in, 15; Rice, 44, 1I3, II6, 187. timber lioated down, 97 ; malaria in the Rice mIlls, 110, 210. valley of, 148; intersects the Bhadra­ Ripley & Co., Messrs., lIS. chalam taluk, 258. River transit rules, 97. Schools, 1'54. RIvers, 4-8. Sea-customs, 187. Road fundll77. Seasons, unfavourable, 167. Roads, 124-127. Second.crop cultivahon, 71. Rock.crystals, II. SeJapaka, 235. Rock·cut caves, 243. Senapahs, 239. Roebuck, Mr. Ebenezer, 2I1. Serpent god, 201. Rohillas, 260. "Serpent 5acnfice, 215. Ruman Catholics, 42, ZIO. Settlement of Land Revenue, 160-177. Ropes, 107. Sheep, 14. Roxburgh, 13. Shiftmg cultivation, 78. Rudra Deva, 24. ShikaIls, 16. Rumbold, Sir Thomas, 16:z. Ship-bUIlding, IIO, 211, 215. Rustum Khan, 29, 233, 235, 236, 243. Shoes, 108, 224, 248. Ryotwari settlements, 167-174. Sila, 39. SiU:ru river, 7. Silk-weaving, 102, 224. s Sliver vessels, 105. Simbachalam temple. 23, 26. Sabari river, 4. Slmhadripuram, 224. Sacramento shoal, 114. Simson & Co., Messrs., Il5, 210. Sago palm, toddy drawn fr?m, 185. Simuka, Andhra king, i8. Salyid Ali Sahib Bahadur, 157. Singam Sales, 104, 253 .• Saiyid Shah BhaJi Auha, tomb of, 251. Smgavaram, 104. Saktivarman, 2:>. Smgmdalapadll mutta, 276. Sahibat Jang, 30, 32. Siripalh, 108. Sales, 104. Sir6ncha, 4. Salt, 181-183. Siruvaka, 282. Saltpetre, 183. Sist, 161. Samagedda, ~87. Sitab Khan, 225. Samai, 17, 79. Sftanagaram, 63, l27· Samalkot canal, 7,85. II3. 146, 197. Sitarampuram, 108,256. Samalkot town, Roxburgh reSIded at, 13 ; Slvak6du, Ic6, 135, 217, 220. Its Baptist MISSion, 41 ; Roman Catholic Small.pox, 150. chapel, 42; agricultural {arm, 75, 76; Smoking, 45. artesian well, 90; cotton dyeing, 1041 . Snake-worshi~, 249. weavIng, 104; tattis, 105 ; sholi-making, Snipe, 15. 108; sugar factory and disUlTery, 109, Salls, 8, 170, 172. III, 184, 185; and laterite quarries, SOIlW1f'at;a ap~ala, 99. 124; branch railway to Cocanada from, South Indian Export Co., u. 133; chattram In, 134; relief. works Sri Ramagiri, 265. started in, 139; storm 10, 143, 144; Sri Vaishnavites. 218. union, 197; chintz.stamping m, 207; Sriklikulam, 18. Bhimavaram hamlet of, 207 ; the French Srirangam temple, 204. intrigue with Jagapatl Rliza at, 209; Srlsallam, 24. ,described, Z14; its connection with the Stamps, 187. • Pithapuram fanuly, 234, 235; I"6ken Steam ferry boats, 127. from the Pithapuram Raja. 236. Steamers, liS. • iNDltX.

Stone-c~ng, 106, 240. Tilla wood, 99. Stone monuments, 258. Timber-Boating, 7. Sub-jaIls, 195. Timber rafts. 92, 128, 131. S ub- Ie gistrars, 191. Time measures, 122. Subadar of the Deccan, 2g. Timma Razu, 223. Subba Reddl, 36, 283. Timpany, Rev. A. V., 41. Subbara)tadu SastII, M.R Ry. G. V., 155. Tutalamondi. 6 note Subrahmanya Ayyar, M.R.Ry., ISS. Tlrupati, 205. Sugalis, 13, IS. .- Tirupati AgraMram. 2SS - Sugar, 109, Il3, 117. TIrupati sandstones. 9. Sugar-candy, 109. Tissot, Bishop, 42. Sugar.cane, 72-76; 17I. Tobacco, grown on the la"kas. 6 ; cultiva. SullIvan, Mr., 266-277 'PQssim. tion of, 76, 77. 78; export of, Il7; Sundara Rao, M.R.Ry., ISS. cultivation expenses of. 1]1. • Sunkarpalalyam, 189. Tod'dy, 184, 185. Sunn hemp, 14, 7f, 76, IC7. Toddy-drawers, 57. ,85. Superstitions, 46. To!ls, 131. , Survey and settlement of the district, Topping, Mr., 80, '41. 142. 211. 169-174. T6tapalh, 1640 174, 225, 235 .' Surya Narayana Razu, 256. T6tapeta, 250. Sweet, Mr. II., 158. Totaramudi, 103. Sweet juice, 185. Totemlsm, 54. 55. 56. Sweet potato, 72. Towns, ciJief, 2. Trade, II2-I17, 182, 211, 216. Trap,9, II. T. Travellers' bungalows. 133. Tree-tax system, 185. Tadapelli mutta, 276. Tnbutarics of the G6davari river, 7. Taduvayi, 283 Tripurapantavidu estate, 259. Tahsildars, 192. Troops a.t Samaikot, 214. Taidoor, 225. TsalCaias, 104. Talaiyaris, 194. Tulasinga Chettiyar, M.R.Ry., 157. Talchir rocks, 9. Tulya BMga drain, 6, 86, 208. Talik6ta, battle of, 28. TUlllma.pala, IS. Tahsmans, 46. Tuni division, 255-257; e~tate, 256; TallapudI, 7, 127, I'¢. river, 126. Tallarevu, lID, 21I, 215. Tuni town, Baptist Mission at, 40, 41; Talluru, 225, 256. Razus in, 53; its .weaving, J03; metal Taluk boards, 196. work, 105 Jail factones, 107; shoe­ Taluks in the dlsti:ict, I. making, laS; cattle lilarket, 112 J Tamarind, 101, 284. bndge, 126; and rainfall, 135; vaccina- TammaB Dora, 265,274, 275. I ' tion compulsory in, 150; sub-registrar Tanks, 89. at, 191; deputy tahsil dar at, 192; Tanning. 107, 248. union, 197; described, 256• Tape-weaving, 104. Tunnuru mutta, 277. Tappltas, 60. Turmeric, 72. TatJpaka, 10 Nagaram island, 25. 39. 106, Tweeddale, Marquis of, '80. 217, 220; in Tuni division, 25, 256. Tatipaka sima, 1 note, 217, 220. Tatiparti, 227 note, 229. Tatlis, IDS. u Tattooing, 44, 66. Taylor, Mr. G. N., 153, 154. U dayachandra, 20. Teak. 100, 101. Udayagiri.27. Teal, IS. Undi. 35, 282. Telagas. 55. Undur, 236- Telukulas, 107. Unions, ISO. 197. Temperature, 12. Up-paM. estate, 239. Temple, Sir Richard. 129. Uppada VIllage, mouth of the YeIeru near, Tenugu Rao, 234. 8; encroachment of the sea at, 10; Term in alia, 99, 100; iOI. weaving at,' 103. 227; fish-curing at, Tetagunta, 256. 183; coastlng trade of, 187; described, Tidal creek at Cocaliada, 113. 239. Tidal waves, 143. 21I. lJpjella, 141. Tigers, IS. Upper G6davari Project, 128. INDEX. 301

v Vilasa estate, 164. Village deities, 47, 48. 63, 67; at Antar­ Vaccination. 150. vedl, 217; Dowlalshweram, 241; Kin­ Vachchavaya Musali, 223. drakota, 222; Maredlpaka, 253; Prattl­ Yachchavaya Rajllmma, 223. padl:, 224; Raiahmundry, 247; Talluru, Vadapalluyam, 204. 256; Tatipaka, 256; Vanapalh. 205; Vadapalli (Amalapuram taluk), 2Q5. and Yelesvaram, 226. VoI.dapalll (Ch6davaram divisIOn), 267,277. Village establishments, 178-180. Yaddlgudem, 259, 264- . Village magtstrates, 191. Vainateyam G6davad flver, descnbed, 5, Village service inams, 179, 180. 6; ferry .acro"S, 127; Hoods in, 146, Villages, 420 66,67. 147 ; oflgin of name, 202, 203. • Vimaladnya. 20. Vakalapudl, 114. Vipravin6dis, 53. Vaiamllru mutta, 7.77. Vira Ch61a, 22. Yalanglman, 204. Virabhadra Reddi. 26. Valette, Rev L. M., 39. Virabhadrapuram, 288. Yah Sugriva hill, 265. Viramushtis, 55. Vanapalh, 205. Viravaram, 7. 224, 226. Vangalapudi, 104 Viruvandi, 261. Vannipudl,229· V"lSalJad.· system of revenue, 167. Vllnwlus, 55. Vishnug6pa of Conjeeveram, 233 Va,.Javdf'"di systelll, 238. Vishnuvardhana (two Eastern CMlukya V&ladarama Dis, 261. kings), 19, 20. 54, ~5. \ arakam system, 112. Vishnuvardhana Maharaja, 215 Varugu Bhattas, 56. Vizagapatam, 31. Vaslshta Godavan river. described, 5, 6; Vizianagram, Raja of, 30, 3l, 253. ferries across, 127; floods 10, 145, 146, Vodulapenta, 227 note, :28. 147 ; Vainate}am Godavari fonned from, Volkart Bros., Messrs., 1l5. 202. Voiunteers, company at Cocanada, 208. Vatsavaya Surappa Ruo, 256 Vows, among Malas, 59; at Anna\aram, Veelura, 23. 221 j Aymavilli, 202; Bhadrichalam, Vegayammapeta, 250, 253. 262 j Blkkav6lu, 249; Kandrak6ta, 222; Velagapalh, 11. 277. K6rukonda,242 j Kottapalh, 256; Man. Velamapalal} am, 250. dapalli, 203; Muramalla, 203; Pata Velamas, 55, 104· l'attlSllm, 279; Pratupadu, 224; Rajah­ Veianakapalli, 110. mondry. 248; Ramavaram. 288; and Velan.andu family, 23, 24. 203, 233. Talluru, 256. Velanka, 224. Vriddha Gautami, 88. Vel pus, 63. Vubalanka, 107. Vema Reddi, 216, 215. Vyagresvarapuram, 206. Vemulakonda mutta, 277. Vengi, 19, 233. w Venkata Krishna Raya Nimglir, 235. Venkata Mahipati Gaugadh:ua Rama Rao, Wages, 91. 237· Wainganga river, 4- Venkata Niladri of Pithapuram, 237. Walch, Mr., 86, 125, 129. Venkata Rao, 222. Warangal,25. See also Kakatiyas. Venkatagin Zamindari, 234. Wardha nver, 4. Venka.tapati of P6Ia\"aram, 280. Water carriage, 127 Venkatarama of Polavaram, 280. Wa:er-rate in the delta, 172, 173. Venkataratnam, Maniyam, 278. Weaving, 102-104; in Amalapuram, 201 ; Venkatayyapalaiyam, 107. Bandarulallka, 202; Cocanada tal uk, Venkayya of Rekapalle, 264- 207; Draksharamam, 250; GOllapalai. Venkayya, Rai Bahadur V., 2- yam, 212; Jagannapeta. 217; K6tipalli, Veterinary dispensary, 233 252 ; Kottapalli, 232; Maredipak'l, 253 ; Vldiidri Gajapati of Rajahmlmdry, 28, Nagaram t'1l1lk, 217; I)eddapuram, 223,244· 224; PlthapUI1lDl, 239; Rajahmundry Vijayadltya Yahendra, 244- taluk, 240; RaJahmundry, 248; Rama­ ViJayaditya II, 20. chandrapuram, 253; Samalkot, 214; Vijayadltya VlI, 21 Sivakodu, 220 i TatJpaka, 220; Tuni, Vijayag6pala Devu, 280, 281. 282. 255, 256; and Uppada, 239. Vljayanagar kingdom, 27. Weights and meallures, 117 .. 123. Vljesvaram, 127, 147. Wells, 79, 89, zoo, 201, 204. Vlkrama Ch6la, 22. Westcot, Mr., 2II. Vikramarutya VI. 21, 22. Wet CUltivation. 68-76• • 302 INDEX.

Widow re-marriage, 49. Veduvampula pass, 286. Wilson & Co., Messrs., IIS. Yeieru river, descnbed, 7; Irrigation from, Wtnd,12. 89, 1170, 171; mouth of, Il3; bridge Witchcraft, 64, 67. over, 126, 198 Wood, Sir Charles, 172. Velesvatam, 112, 197,226. Wood-carving, 106; at Amah!.puram, 201 ; Yellamanchih, 106. Blkkavolu, 250; DowlalShweram, 2411 Yellavaram division, 284-288. Driksharamam, 250; Peruru, 205 ; Yella varam Village, ';. Raphmundry, 248 ;' and..Sivakodu, 220. Vendamuru, 39. Workmg p1ans for forests, 'loa. Venutis, 57. I Yeomiah scholarships, '57. X Yernagudem, 3 i, 36, 143. Yerta Kalwa, II. Xylia forests, 100. Verragonda, 287. Yerrametla. II. y Yerravaram. 125, 225. I Yerukalas, 6, 46, lOS, lOS. VanadlS, 192. T or);e, Captain, 230. Vanam, on the Gautami Godavari, 5; Young, Mr. B. H., ISS. French factory at, 29; Roman Catholic mission at 42; canal to, 86; salt for, 182; land-customs on ~oods from, 187 ; 2 described, 215. , .lIS. Zammdari land, 160. Yallagedda, 287. Zamindars, 29.30, 34, 160, 164.