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! ! "#$%&#'() ! 9+3!'&#'() ! + $2345 $ , $,- ($%)*&+ $%&' 5 5N !"# $"% $$%!#%& &%!&%& 7 8 * %!'%&&%! + 0$1,- ./0 1!2!#!3+!"))#$ +( ' +/6 ' + 787923:,+248 ( * (+ R " ! # $ !! !"# !+ !, “Meanwhile, Satish Babu Sana appeared before the IO on " mid the escalating row October 1, 2018. He stated Abetween CBI Director that he approached CM Alok Verma and his deputy Ramesh, MP, (Rajya Sabha), Rakesh Asthana, Prime TDP, who in turn personally " ! Minister Narendra Modi sum- met Director CBI. Later, CM moned both to discuss the Ramesh assured that Satish goings-on on that have brought Sana would not be called again ' much disrepute to India’s pre- by the CBI,” Asthana alleged. mier investigating agency. But Through his fresh com- ather Kuriakose Kattuthara, there was no thaw in the plaints to the CVC, Asthana Fa key witness in the Kerala internecine war as the CBI also sought transfer of eight nun rape case who testified went on to arrest an investi- cases, including the Moin against accused Bishop Franco gating officer of Deputy SP Qureshi case, to the SIT. The Mulakkal, was on Monday rank who allegedly “fabricated” Moin Qureshi case now been found dead under mysterious ) !*P , -# - a statement from an accused to transferred to Joint Director circumstances in Punjab’s , * ## . implicate the agency’s boss on (Policy) AK Sharma after the Hoshiarpur district, police said. * ) bribery charges. registration of the case against Kattuthara, 62, was found Sources said the PM met Asthana. unconscious in his room in the conducted,” he added. Supporters of the rape vic- the CBI chief separately on In his complaints to the catholic church premises in Sharma said the priest tim urged the Kerala govern- Sunday evening and sum- CVC, also marked to the Dasuya, 40 km from retired for the day after taking ment to provide security to the moned him again along with Cabinet Secretary, Asthana Hoshiarpur town, this morning his meal last night.
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