The Oxfored Democrat

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The Oxfored Democrat xfur6 etnoct rtt two dollar* per tkims, year the world is governed mo mtch.- ONE DOLLAR AND P1FTY CLNTB IN ADVANCE. NKU SERIES, VOL 17. NO. 32. MAINE. PARIS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1866. OLD SERIES, VOLUME 33. NO. 42 THE OXFORD DEMOCRAT. I» OLITICAL. The Coaatitatiotal AandanU- Turn Km nmokd Es^t im 4*» m* BB*T 1 Till. rtw »»■■«» tnBT m<lumii MISCELLANEOUS. tr Tbo rtaoli* umI mmUiImmI im-r 1 hilUMUHU PliTn**. It ■ WM. A. oKnl* wbtcb »»r» * (ro« iW t«M of rW SoutWn A mmm •«. to m PIDOIN* Co.. Th* Trath Well SUttd. adopted by 'imfi m. paprn w4ioti rcentlj Tki ** ••J Ik* rttilrtiiwi of «rbx-b ktM ran to tbat llM Prmu Army Co* mm a pur of T«od rinruimai. Tb# wwlitkn of iW by lb* rebel tlfftdj kwd. prr* Mq niU<klpkitCo»- >UU« < of ib« A j11 in tW Pi M' ii roqoirrd oogrra*. tr* u fc|. re<-onatrortrd roaaiartin will mot ii■§!—iji ing fMtion will wrt< ««ll a* a Ua<l- by ti(*IWMl; to MM IfBT tboa d«wcnbaa ito join J ri lo»» Rrod tbrm tad m« if (Wr* M aa»« |"»» tW dtrUmioM of (U Pkilad* rnrtkod of fO- kkv. B«iur. Mr! I* afcow iW ol Ipkt pro(r*M pwbltc opa- into bifMM t or m comtv*t«a*. »»»• iW« mf w* tkia( mjmI MrNtoaablf tbrw. tack tbr wttbia lb* U»t irv. Here «M tn ■»- appfural " Southern M TV* ifi»» cnrriaa m TRRVA-Ow Ikiiw m> Ht <Jrl*gat«>« (<»wu« tbr Mi; na«tiwi **4 K.fc* Cmi *»M» fiWrW, (W Viutr a*<] llaoee of a*er*»bly **•' »•* ult.M T•«.T ol copp*r- fch it LUUn U pa,a rirlMintj K»pw»»Uiirw of tbr Sum of to pint TW RicWond tW mUmti vt btArtad a »iL ■Mi. Widi wd rtbtb, >a okirb lb* aotl Aofrtrt in < < popu- otfmt wanabbd. two tbinia lor tba t>«t noir often is tW jy n W *i»w •« n»* E»q9*rer. ifowdl; »p*k>*( pro- Ufw. atoap op*« sir lar liar ■wibtto/ \ A bw of botb Ho—aa I tbot tbr mm Mhl !*« ^ '< allandigbam oatama|. follow, of iW in "in Yxk. Mi • * pU Soaik. ip«riM th» pltifom witb TWr», aa MM M mint iniw> *4 tW Cwl *1 mrrr taf trttcW bo lw l)w HiIh, IwtM, *r* 4MrMtr«i|*d to b* Mr* al proftnoed Ijrfiilalm i' R*|«bItrMM of tbr if -itl It NJI: wb*r« it m to tW tW ri(l'« j«hi mil riH»i w »»«» mml Statro %» u toradarai to rmplttiu. plara paaa tigit. —*>? ilbvfJ to K1 a m il son pari iHofrtWr o* tb» roMtitatioa of tbo foitrj Stalre. "(ferpvopl* •>■■■# konMtlr wo been He pilod fottr fHliHf Mck pronartit ibtn tbrir * rabfn would war- wb-~b. abtn rotiAed U» lU of tbe Jortriw* tnd tW iflrMlran* by tbrer foonbr ofatM OtWr. m4 lit ar- tokM o€ nod WWaa m a Mow fc >■ of kMpoeti * lady RIfOCH JR. i»l, but of SowtWrv Uaionirta. lb«r« »fr* l>rg*»lotorea. aboil bo *«lid oo of tbe lUw for it m wotonow we do FOSTBB, port paper*. l»xi M tW biii<( t Wai «w-ti WW* «W mot «oo eur ia I bam w« groMd TW otnkoa jm mm. Marpbr. Stoke*. MirttH. llibn. ('oMlifatioa. naorlr: A ad iboald tbw- nimbly. >»»r < llwir Md (•ii«rllir »nd at Arth i—barooK 1. All doa groortd on wbi< fe o«tr qn»«-klf Ifkt Int. btfia eookinf Aa Mom mmm ttlnrar) Lav, llMiko*. I><irwt, Marker. Bom—of all prrioa* bom drpMxli Kofl»h vm mm<ty or tnd oar mi tWar ration* a H Mlartliwd m tbr I'aitfd Sutri lad •rl£-re*p*et jwliitttMM tb« eyaa raopU of« or i fow > wirt wrnirt. * %i*r. lbi« I M m( I* irifd band of patriots, fb* rmiikfit baa to tbr of lb* aofM. Wr are Mtoa iab>d to read |oi^ ifte •objret |irwdniMa tbr roof, ore cil »- brvrka (ora tWir 1*14 Hm>. tnd tWir t T for cm—try »Ui I dual own ft Rmmm, **4 Rj<k lllifd b mot if ft loo* «itb -r ear* irna ia tbr tbr tbrUnliun of Pit, p» impIW at tboaa abn f< of tbr Coiled Stalrt ind of tbr report* Mr. Caa* < Suit •bob < mmu of om mm. ibU tbr raaalauo— rookidf ipfwrt! ba jvi of liad Thmf '• • ■rr» ban wbereio tbr* ree»de No Suto aboil makr vara —aaiaoai mrmmm fa tft|a|*d laaalting. pl*a<Wria|, na wkicb mrrr witb tbi» or eofoerw any lava rbrb aboil l»' cowcerrrd ia by tbr coamittre. an-I tbat tWy TW O. W. a*>'l tb# lr>*nd* of lb* ibridf' tbo BLAH i*kiof Ma—*i-T-»o(c botb raaolatioM were •rrrM for bock CHARD, or lomoaitiea of ribtcat of tbr ud addrwa anatii- b*iliag tbt voter for bbIm ** WW ia the d Jw»to twt* • 1'aio*. A ad ret tbia rMmtiaa. re nor tU cMTMtioa. ortffc pre ri*ilegr«aitad StlM, aboil uy Suu ■naaty' adof>«*d by We Md tor tbrir Moot into • tbn-k and (t>nn%rll«r al Law drprive nanbinf aowp. aivd a ** ItUrary lb* iMdinMrr tbr admin- wt of •rutcM ia lb* nam* of oar tbat Ii4iir Saaa?" Duooo Cto •ratine policy of prraoo life. hborly, or property wi?b peopla tbr? vbirh ibrr irni to to be prtfcr rotitod food. M ri uromi oot duo vr-a of aor romidrffd oo to tbat unaoinaoua it Hiimi tW ronr, nr. i*tiat*oo. a a* tb* ao«t cooler ratir* pc law. to any per- partM ip." tarfcin of <W watch iopt* dooy A* toon u it dark rarb man Wa down mm within ita tbo *ou." frta f— it dim lomard ia tbi* jariadx-ttoo e«)eol proloc- m4 «io Uckio ob 6* fadd«r *!••« ptmrmrtm^ n»— Arrvmrt m( T%y, platform pal roar tioo of tbo Iowa to iWp. wrapped M Im cloak, witb bia ol IMC. lb* (rar*. p*rp*toal ab*>>i»bi*nt Sar. 1. aboil bo krapaaca for a and lb* onflM Rrprreeolatieee oppor- Pininnr Juaxaux'a I>nrtTOi to tW ptUow. fee* ol *ta»*rT, tb* vboloaal* of tb* tionrd tbr arrrral Suita Aa Iowa Udr whtW •om* r*p*diabo* aoanog according ar»i Im as m tba bvoaor as tWr breaking BOLSTER * o« Um rrpbHy RICHARDS';'. rrtn.1 debt, and tb* civil to tboir rrapectire oo»bera. tbr Att4)ra*7-(i«aml bo roopbtr tqaalilr rooming •tand in tW rank* m Tbo nAceri orbolr aaoWr of ia rorb be*itaxi<>r m parade. Caaa«rlUn» 4 at Lav ol «U mmm. prnoai Stale, prooowKiaf dw|raMhl.— loaf aad M a» I mo. lliararj« rn las aeparate in oI two jr and largo pipe loding Indiana uMtuad Bat whrwrv- TWr» 13 mi om word is it of groapa tbraa. til*, i«itr« rivrrtif* IjH it W Sor ■< >a .* roprobotioo root oot of om ot the birH thai it tk» or tbo to *eta at in mar of tba bartal>on voki. TW p«b- rt|bl any tlortiaa for lire- of this tba boraaa ara yolk Bounties. Back aroriow inner*. He lor pack* •u and Pay A Ponaiona, lic amliaa»art of tbo Xortk tktt hu form! tora of Prraident or Vicr or ■ally ptrfact, ifa nakt waa ootWd 10 Pteoadrnt, for atrd. Md cbnaap at tbair Site all op Statra ruomiU to tba iba Uik oI aa ananiiljr tfa «b>tc UIXVIKLD. iWw mi to tak« tbia ilwd. A hu MT" (Hud Krpreerotatieea in Military tapper of tk Off. I'oogreea. ** flight long, and aeidoM are* to laa down. r*«tTf Ni or ofEcera. or tbc ing illrftl or oniawfal •weeobleee." <or- lkn« werr tba wry pomU in At jadirial win mak* Wm W R«iirii dafwlr brrt of tbr WWfl a filbc* ia a rwab ia naoda Dorp Warning joo K B. Ri<at«»Mi l^retalaloro tbrrrof ia denied to grUini Jttt if I/mmkm m. a* be orrapfd, acceptable iW um it vm »loiU*4 ia Um MiaUini. to the kvilly oor of tbo oait inbobitaote of aorb to aarart maitrnaaaa. hat tbeae aro aalf bod Uaraed; bat it ie oaW an aaay and State, mi tbo 1'bk)», tWrt con bo to sorb m VIRC# I If A SotHk tbat •»< wit* tk*n St »r»r* of tkm^ WWvtor UPTOH, ilinry ahytbing bring i|« and riturM of tbr bv tba Insariooo. TW mm. a> a obltgiag and eatertamtar foawr- so or aalawfal whicb mle, ap- iUImM ; iWrt mrrr mbt 1'aitrd (Matra or io oor war ex* iltagal ■■■■■bly" aatioo tWi oill (••porvilr abridged, pear to afraw. and if ma aakt joo a|r«Mbk ia aU for in or bo Mi durumi. Xo aa«f ia on- prefer tWy (tt ATTORNEYS AT LAW. •bo looktJ for it* rutoubon.— crpt part»rtpat»on robcllioo otbrr fir bly • arcrrtly of it aro content to to umpaniee. At (W <++mm A mar. tbo hoaia of r« tbrmn lawful in Aowrm wkurb ia aot plenty qaka alorp V.,,.. tt>«g tl Uut tbat iu (lliartio* aboold prfarauiioa coUocted (or bo oad* aboil b* radorad tW air.* A io tbo wbtrb a open di*ki«{ Toung btrWIor lata It proportion bmrl of tba or wbtcb ia not «o- appear- «IO«WAT.Tttl.AOC wko dmimirtj to tbr oybor of aorb pear*. (Tttlatl.-aot* open!* male citisrna aboil bror ed in Central Park eitk two • aa ovoit art of treaaoo Uadwi— po- Ow mf ik> p*n>M xirW «to ri<Aiw bo lor tba «i1m of tba iltm Ml fro* Io tbo wbolr oootbrr of oak crtutaa 21 |t(*4 An* Wokdkb* or Tit Tnjr.nni.
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