발간등록번호 11-1371033-000006-10

Annual Report National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art,

01. General Status 04

02. Exhibitions 06

03. MMCA Collection 08

04. Academic Events 09

05. Education Programs 10

06. Culture Programs 12

07. Promotion & Marketing 13

08. Current Status: Visitors 16

09. MMCA Residency 18

10. Art Bank & Government Art Bank 22

11. Artwork Conservation 24

12. Publications 26 Annual Report 2018 4 5 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

01 General Status


Department of Administration & Facility Management

Department of Planning & General Management

Office of Department of Conservation & Art Bank the Secretary- General of Planning & Customer Support & Development Team Management Division Communications & Media Team

Administration Team, National Art Storage Center MMCA Director Exhibition Department I

Department of Collections & Archives

Curatorial Department of Education & Cultural Programs Office Curatorial Department, National Art Storage Center

Exhibition Department II

Exhibition Department III

Research & Publications Team Annual Report 2018 4 5 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea


MMCA MMCA MMCA MMCA MMCA MMCA Residency Residency Deoksugung Changdong Cheongju, Gwacheon, Jongno-gu, Jung-gu, Dobong-gu, Deokyang-gu, Location Chungcheong Gyeonggi-do Seoul Seoul Seoul Goyang buk-do Site 66,916㎡ 27,264㎡ - 5,397㎡ 1,495㎡ 4,099㎡ Building 16,661㎡ 11,196㎡ 1,182㎡ 5,397㎡ 730㎡ 1,221㎡ Floor area 37,796㎡ 52,125㎡ 3,428㎡ 19,865㎡ 1,497㎡ 2,399㎡ Exhibition 13,941㎡ 10,070㎡ 1,152㎡ 3,868㎡ 136㎡ 132㎡ rooms No. of floors 1 lower, 3 upper 3 lower, 3 upper 3 upper 5 upper 1 lower, 2 upper 1 lower, 2 upper Opening year 1986 2013 1998 2018 2002 2004

Budget (Unit: KRW million) Budget Budget Unit Carried Program Project Planned Executed Project Forward (A) (B) Total 86,064 88,396 2,943 MMCA operations 75,202 87,851 2,943 MMCA operations 75,202 87,851 2,943 MMCA operations 41,299 37,600 2,295 •MMCA Gwacheon operations 26,527 23,764 2,104 •MMCA Deoksugung operations 1,901 1,704 123 •MMCA Seoul operations 11,764 11,249 67 •MMCA Residencies 1,107 883 - National Art Storage Center - Construction 25,320 42,783 - National Art Storage Center - Operations 8,000 6,923 648 MMCA digital environment improvement (Digitalization) 583 545 - Administrative support for culture and tourism 10,862 10,132 - MMCA labor costs and basic expenses 10,862 10,132 - MMCA labor costs 8,684 8,010 - MMCA basic expenses (Subject to total labor costs) 950 907 - MMCA basic expenses 1,228 1,215 - Annual Report 2018 6 7 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

02 Exhibitions

Title Date Venue Types of art

Collection Highlights: MMCA Gwacheon, Feb. 15 - Sep. 16, 2018 Media Art Synchronic Moments Circular Gallery 1

MMCA Gwacheon, Jungjin Lee: Echo Mar. 3 - Jul. 1, 2018 Photography Gallery 1

100th Anniversary of Birth MMCA Gwacheon, Mar. 22 - Jul. 29, 2018 Painting RHEE Seundja: Road to the Antipodes Gallery 2 & Main Hall

2018 Asia Project: MMCA Seoul, Apr. 7 - Jul. 8, 2018 All How little you know about me Gallery 1,2,3,4

MMCA Special Exhibition MMCA Gwacheon, Apr. 25, 2018 - May 12, 2019 All of Donated Works: 2010-2018 Circular Gallery 2

Birth of the Modern Art Museum: MMCA Deoksugung, Painting, Art and Architecture of May 3 - Oct. 14, 2018 Gallery 1~4 Sculpture, etc. MMCA Deoksugung

MMCA Seoul, Akram Zaatari: Against Photography May 11 - Aug. 19, 2018 Photography Gallery 5

E.A.T. (Experiments in Art and MMCA Seoul, Installation, May 26 - Sep. 16, 2018 Technology): Open-Ended Gallery 6, 7 Video, etc.

1900~1960s Modern Art MMCA Gwacheon, Jul. 11, 2018 - May 12, 2019 Painting from MMCA Collection Gallery 5, 6

MMCA Gwacheon, Drawings, Bahc Yiso: Memos and Memories Jul. 26 - Dec. 16, 2018 Gallery 1 Archives, etc.

MMCA Seoul, Yun Hyong-keun Aug. 4, 2018 - Feb. 6, 2019 Painting Gallery 3, 4, 8

MMCA Seoul, Painting, Korea Artist Prize 2018 Aug. 11 - Nov. 25, 2018 Gallery 1, 2 Video, etc. Annual Report 2018 6 7 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

Title Date Venue Types of art

MMCA Gwacheon, Kim Chung-up Dialogue Aug. 30 - Dec. 16, 2018 Architecture Gallery 2 & Main Hall

MMCA Seoul, MMCA Hyundai Motor Series 2018: Sep. 5, 2018 - Mar. 3, 2019 Gallery 5 & Installation CHOIJEONGHWA - Blooming Matrix Museum Madang

MMCA Gwacheon, A Glimpse Sep. 18, 2018 - Oct. 20, 2019 Gallery 3 & All into the World 2nd Floor Corridors CRACKS in the Concrete II MMCA Gwacheon, Gazing into Sep. 18, 2018 - Oct. 20, 2019 Gallery 4 & All Eternity 2nd Floor Corridors

2018 MMCA MMCA Gwacheon, Oct. 5, 2018 - Jun. 2019 Installation Gwacheon Corridor Project 3F Corridor

Awakenings: Art in Society in Asia, The National Museum of painting, sculpture, Oct. 10, 2018 - Dec. 24, 2018 1960s-1990s Modern Art, Tokyo video, installation

MMCA Gwacheon, Civilization: The Way We Live Now Oct. 18, 2018 - Feb. 17, 2019 Photography Circular Gallery 1

MMCA Seoul, What Ought to Be Done? Oct. 27, 2018 - Apr. 7, 2019 Gallery 6,7, Video Installation Work and Life Media Lab

Art of the Korean Empire - MMCA Deoksugung, Nov. 15, 2018 - Feb. 6, 2019 Painting Seeking a New Path Gallery 1~4

MMCA Seoul, The Essential Duchamp Dec. 22, 2018 - Apr. 7, 2019 All Gallery 1, 2

MMCA CheongJu, A Day for Counting Stars: Dec. 27, 2018 - Jun. 16, 2019 5F, Special Exhibition All The Story of You and Me Gallery

MMCA Seoul, Performance, 2018 MMCA Performing Arts Mar. 24 - Dec. 9, 2018 Multi-Project Hall Theater, etc. & Seoul Box Annual Report 2018 8 9 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

03 MMCA Collection

2018 Current Status of Collections by Area

Korean Drawings Paintings Sculptures New media Crafts Photographs Calligraphy Designs Architecture Total paintings & prints

Acquisition 487 1,412 744 483 180 279 693 9 22 3 4,312

Donation 366 1,295 960 317 35 136 406 313 1 4 3,833

Management 101 68 2 5 1 3 1 35 - 1 217 transfer

Total 954 2,775 1,706 805 216 418 1,100 357 23 8 8,362

2018 Current Status of Collection Lending: Borrowing Agencies and Number of Items Lent

Borrowing agency No. of borrowing agencies No. of items lent Remarks

Daegu Art Museum, etc. 48 174 pieces Annual Report 2018 8 9 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

04 Academic Events

Type No. Event Title Date Content

Research as a basic function of art museums: Looking into research categories and methodologies and 1 What Do Museums Research? Apr. 7, 2018 (Sat) sharing varied practices as a way to explore the roles and future direction of art museums

Discussion on the impact of social International changes on art and culture, with a symposia From Horizontal to Vertical: special focus on how these changes 2 The Changed Conditions May 30, 2018 (Wed) affect art institutions and artists' of Art Production areas of practice (via lectures, roundtables and talks)

A study of discourses on "the Other" Nov. 30, 2018 (Fri) 3 What Do Museums Collect? and changing media surrounding art Dec. 1, 2018 (Sat) museum acquisitions

A review of the issues in methodology, technology, etc. in the Research Issues in the History 1 Dec. 15, 2018 (Sat) current research of the history of seminars of Korean Photography photography, and an examination of the potential of new research

An exhibition of the lives and images of new women in the Dynasty Talk Performance: 1 Mar. 2, 2018 (Fri) during Japanese colonial rule, and Meet with the New Women discussion on the present and future Research of women living in modern society talks A dialogue between two directors of national art museums (Korea and 2 Museums of the Future Apr. 8, 2018 (Sun) the UK) on the future direction of art museums Annual Report 2018 10 11 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

05 Education Programs

In 2018, MMCA Education Programs strove to build on unique characteristics of each MMCA branch, while at the same time remaining dedicated to common purposes and educational goals as One Museum. To this end, MMCA worked to incorporate into its education programs of each MMCA venue: MMCA Gwacheon focuses on research and education and its main target audience of children and families; MMCA Seoul presents diverse trends in contemporary art and culture; and MMCA Deoksugung seeks to enhance understanding of art on a foundation of modern art. In an attempt to actively respond to the widening scope of participants and social agendas, MMCA ran programs for young North Korean defectors and out-of-school youth and launched programs for those in their 50s and above. Finally, the museum worked to expand its reach to more people to ensure that everyone can enjoy culture together. These programs include online programs, programs for people with disabilities, and the School Visiting Program to spread the museum's education content in schools.

No. of program Total no. of Categories sessions participants

3 Professional Developpment Programs: training program for future professionals, 26 1,006 training program for museum professionals, and docent training program

5 adult programs: Modern Art History Academy, Contemporary Art and Culture 78 18,127 Course, MMCA collection course (online), etc.

7 MMCA Exhibition Guide (MEG) programs 5,794 114,201

MMCA Exhibition-Related Programs - team project, talk, lecture, workshop 73 20,468 Annual Report 2018 10 11 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

No. of program Total no. of Categories sessions participants

6 programs for youth and teachers 111 9,885 (School Visiting Program, teacher workshop, etc.)

7 programs for people with disabilities 50 2,430 (including a mobile exhibition guide app "Listen to MMCA")

6 cultural diversity programs 28 5,702

3 youth programs for out-of-school youth and teenage North Korean defectors 16 230

1 culture access workshop 3 170

19 programs for children and families 174 17,187

32 Children's Museum programs 1,714 260,187

6 Art Fab Lab programs 352 6,835 (Hands-on workshop, Fab Lab events, etc.)

MMCA-O - 109,693

Total 8,419 566,121 Annual Report 2018 12 13 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

06 Culture Programs

In 2018, MMCA ran cultural programs on a yearly basis, aiming to offer diversity in museum education programs and provide specialized and unique programs. The art museum ran the exhibition-specialized culture program on Culture Day and days when the museum is open late as a cultural event that expands the discourse on exhibitions at three MMCA branches through visitor engagement. It also developed online programs and community-based programs to expand communication with the public. The artist participation program is a participatory event organically planned and operated as an annual project, and reflects the characteristics of MMCA Gwacheon as the "Museum in Nature." The 2018 MMCA Festival - Art Road Climb was a particular success with more emphasis on education and participation, providing a platform for an art and culture festival for a total art experience embracing different genres and types of art, as well as educational opportunities.

No. of No. of Categories program sessions participants

5 exhibition-specialized culture programs 207 28,951

6 artist participation cultural programs 190 36,451

MMCA Festival - Art Road Climb 2 25,077

Total 399 90,479 Annual Report 2018 12 13 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

07 Promotion & Marketing

■ Media & Online Promotion

Promotion No. Promotion No.

MMCA Director media contributions (5) Press conferences (on exhibitions and MMCA) 19 21 and interviews (16)

Press releases 57 International media invitations 1

Major media exposure 70 SNS followers 1,425,358

PPL (embedded marketing) 4 Newsletter subscribers 48,000

■ MMCA Events

No. of Event Name Details participants

Happy New Year to Presenting complimentary tickets and souvenirs to visitors born in 50,801 Everyone (Feb) the Year of the Dog, welcoming the Year of the Golden Dog

Museum Stroll in Celebrating the Family Month of May, with social media hashtag 809 May (May) and classical concert events

Contemporary and street dance classes, MMCA Move (Jun-Oct) 1,488 exhibition tour with a curator

Marathon in the vicinity of MMCA Seoul and Cheongwadae, MMCA Run (Jun, Oct) 900 exhibition tour

MMCA Museum Night An event combining diverse culture and art events 1,740 (Aug, Oct, Dec) with exhibition tour

An year-end donation event where people wrote their wishes on MMCA Wish Tree (Dec) 28,800 LED candles and hung them on a tree Annual Report 2018 14 15 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

■ Partnerships & Sponsorships

Partners Details

Promoting MMCA and exhibitions through SPC Happy Point PR channels SPC (Apr 2018 - Mar 2019)

CGV Promoting MMCA via CGV Kids/Family Club PR channels (Mar - Dec)

Media sponsorship for Birth of the Modern Art Museum: TV Chosun Art and Architecture of MMCA Deoksugung (Apr - May)

Afternoon buffet menu development and promotional events in connection with Grand Hyatt Seoul MMCA Hyundai Motor Series 2018: CHOIJEONGHWA - Blooming Matrix (Sep - Oct)

Jungdok Public Library Promoting MMCA to visitors at the 2018 Whole Family Book Party (Oct)

Goethe-Institut Seoul Promotion assistance with What Ought to Be Done? Work and Life (Oct)

CJ ONE Promotional partnership for The Essential Duchamp (Dec)

Hyundai Department Promotional partnership for The Essential Duchamp (Dec 2018 - Apr 2019) Store

Menu development and promotional partnership for The Essential Duchamp Café Grano (Dec 2018 - Mar 2019) Annual Report 2018 14 15 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

■ Media Advertising Campaign

Newspapers Online Outdoor Overseas Others Total

117 48 163 30 13 371

■ Survey on Art Museum Brand Awareness (September 2018, Gallup)

Interviews Online survey Type of awareness 2017 2018 2017 2018

Top of mind 24.5% (1st) 35.9% (1st) 37.7% (1st) 44.5% (1st)

Unaided 29.8% (1st) 43.7% (1st) 57.7% (1st) 63.6% (1st)

Aided 70.5% (1st) 78.7% (1st) 90.9% (1st) 92.6% (1st) Annual Report 2018 16 17 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

08 Current Status: Visitors

■ Admission: paid vs. free

(As of Dec. 31, 2018) (Units: Persons, %)

Gwacheon Seoul Deoksugung Total

Number Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion

Paid 28,125 3.1 144,971 12.2 83,305 23.8 256,401 10.5

Free 883,054 96.9 1,040,197 87.8 266,317 76.2 2,189,568 89.5

Total 911,179 100 1,185,168 100 349,622 100 2,445,969 100

■ Visitors by age group

(As of Dec. 31, 2018) (Units: Persons, %)

Gwacheon Seoul Deoksugung Total Age group Number Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion

Children 42,785 4.7 12,058 1.0 7,605 2.2 62,448 2.6

Youth Youth: 52,811 5.8 51,556 4.4 50,856 14.5 155,223 6.3 Ages 8 to 19

Adults 815,583 89.5 1,121,554 94.6 291,161 83.3 2,228,298 91.1

Total 911,179 100 1,185,168 100 349,622 100 2,445,969 100 Annual Report 2018 16 17 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

■ Visitors by nationality

(As of Dec. 31, 2018) (Units: Persons, %)

Gwacheon Seoul Deoksugung Total

Number Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion

Korean 908,355 99.7 1,141,809 96.3 340,966 97.5 2,391,130 97.8

Non-Korean 2,824 0.3 43,359 3.7 8,656 2.5 54,839 2.2

Total 911,179 100 1,185,168 100 349,622 100 2,445,969 100 Annual Report 2018 18 19 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

09 MMCA Residency

■ Residency Programs

MMCA Residency Changdong MMCA Residency Goyang No. Artist Program Category Artist Program Category

1 Haejin Pahng Criticism Dohee Kim Installation

Korean Artist Digital 2 Nakhee Sung Painting Du Jin Kim Residency Program painting

3 Joowon Song Choreography Soyoung Kim Painting

Time-based 4 Marc Mayer Ye-Eun Min Installation based art International Socially 5 Nasri Shah Researcher Seok Min Park Painting Residency Program engaged art 6 Kris Imants Ercums Queer art Mingyu Song Painting

Mondriaan Fund Prints, Korean Artist 7 Koen Taselaar Ifie Sin Video Fellowship Program Installation Residency Program 8 Fabio Lattanzi Antinori Installation Yuri An Video

9 Michael Just International Artist Installation Hwajin Oh Multimedia Residency Program Video, 10 Ting-Ting Cheng Minha Lee Multimedia Installation

11 Jenevieve Aken Photography Jaeuk Lee Photography

12 Lakin Ogunbanwo Photography Hae Jung Jung Multimedia International Artist 13 Karo Akpokiere Fellowship Program Drawing Eun Yong Cho Installation

Video, 14 Keli Safia Maksud Suyoung Heo Painting Installation

Annual Report 2018 18 19 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

MMCA Residency Changdong MMCA Residency Goyang No. Artist Program Category Artist Program Category

Boléro Project Tokyo Arts and (Heaven Baek, Daejin Research-based Space 15 Kenji Makizono Choi, Seyoung Jung, performance (Japan/ Jaemin Yoon) Installation) Taipei Artist Choansan Project Site-specific Village 16 (Jinhee Park, Luo Jr-shin installation (Taiwan/ Kyounghoon Lee) Installation) Künstlerhaus Z-A (Z After) Project Teams Schloss (Kim Mijung, Publication and 17 Ruth Hutter Balmoral Kim Woojin, Bokyung exhibition International (Germany/ Jun) Residency Photography) Exchange Art of Things, Program Argentina's Art for the Specter Culture (Yonghee Sung, diana Research, 18 Andrés Brisson Ministry band (Wonjung Shin, Archiving (Argentina/ Dooho Yi), Sunghun Ryu, Performance) kihunsen) CALQ 19 Philippe Allard (Canada/ Installation) AIR_Frankfurt Daniel 20 (Germany/ Stubenvoll Installation)

※2018 Korean artists participating in International Residency Exchange Program: Dohee Kim (Installation/TOKAS), Suyoung Heo (Painting/TAV), Soyoung Kim (Painting/Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral), Dallae Jin (Design/CALQ/Darling Fonderie), Ifie Sin (Video/AIR_Frankfurt), Sejin Kim (Video/ URRA), Minha Lee (Multimedia/Bauhaus Dessau Foundation) Annual Report 2018 20 21 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

■ Exhibition & Open Studio

Title Date Venue

Variations for Everyone & Open Studios Jun. 1 - 10, 2018 MMCA Residency Changdong

Presentation by team Boléro Project Korean National Police Agency Jun. 8, 2018 Performance, Boléro Human Rights Center

Presentation by team JHKH Jun. 22-23, 2018 MMCA Residency Changdong Exhibition, Choansan Project

International Residency Exchange Artists' Exhibition Jul. 27 - Aug. 9, 2018 MMCA Residency Goyang The Art of Travel

International Residency Exchange Program Exhibition MMCA Residency Goyang & Nov. 7 - 11, 2018 Artist On The Move_International Residency MMCA Media Art Wall Exchange Program Episode

MMCA Residency Goyang Open Studio 14 Nov. 9 - 11, 2018 MMCA Residency Goyang Artists On The Move

Artists in Residency Collaboration Project MMCA Residency Nov. 9 - 11, 2018 MMCA Residency Goyang COOP Goyang Studio17

Artists in Residency Collaboration Exhibition MMCA Residency Nov. 9 - 11, 2018 Goyang Art Shop Goyang Studio 5 Annual Report 2018 20 21 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

Title Date Venue

Presentation by team Art of Things, Art for the MMCA Residency Specter VR Performance, Art for the Specter Nov. 23, 2018 Changdong Studio 101 Talk, the (im)possibility of the other

MMCA Residency Changdong Report 2018 & MMCA Residency Nov. 23 - Dec. 2, 2018 Open Studios Changdong

Nov. 24, 2018 Presentation by team Z-A (Z After) MMCA Residency Changdong Studio (Roundtable) / Roundtable, The Chronology of Solidarity 102 (Round table)/ Dec. 5 - 11, 2018 Exhibition, Survival Kit: Emergency Landing GALLERY OOOJH (Exhibition) (Exhibition)

Artists in Residency Collaboration Project Dec. 28, 2018 - MMCA Residency Goyang Empty but Real: A fragment of the body Jan. 11, 2019

■ Support Programs

Title Date Venue

MMCA Residency Seminar (14) Apr. 26 - Dec. 4, 2018 Lounge DAL, MMCA Digital Library and Archive

Technical Workshop (8) Apr. 11 - Dec. 7, 2018 MMCA Residency Goyang

Art & Talk (10) Apr. 13 - Dec. 5, 2018 MMCA Residency Changdong/Goyang

Field Trip (2) Jun. 15, 2018/Oct. 12, 2018 Museum SAN/ Biennale 2018 Annual Report 2018 22 23 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

10 Art Bank & Government Art Bank

■ Government Art Bank: Acquisition by Type in 2018

Korean Western New media/ Calligraphy Sculptures Crafts Prints Photographs Total paintings paintings Installations

No. of 27 1 78 16 4 3 11 13 153 artworks

Ratio 12.4% 0.3% 60.7% 12.2% 0.9% 0.3% 7.0% 6.2% 100.0%

Cost of purchase 161.79 4 789.1 159.2 11.3 3.7 90.4 80.5 1299.99 (KRW million)

■ Government Art Bank: Proportion of Items Lent to Collection in 2018

Korean Literati Western New media/ Total Calligraphy Sculptures Crafts Prints Photographs paintings paintings paintings Installations (C)

Collection 143 4 9 356 56 21 37 40 82 748 (No. of artworks, A)

Proportion 19% 1% 1% 48% 7% 3% 5% 5% 11% 100% by type (A/C)

Lendings 137 4 8 302 38 17 35 17 62 620 (No. of items, B)

Ratio (B/A) 96% 100% 89% 85% 68% 81% 95% 43% 76% 83% Annual Report 2018 22 23 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

■ Art Bank: Acquisition by Type in 2018

2D 3D Media

Korean Literati Western New media/ Total Calligraphy Sculptures Crafts Prints Photographs paintings paintings paintings Installations

No. 26 1 1 114 17 2 1 10 19 191 of artworks

Cost of purchase 188.6 3 6 1228.4 161.8 7 6 173 176.2 1,950 (KRW million)

■ Art Bank: Proportion of Items Lent to Collection in 2018

2D 3D Media

Korean Literati Western New media/ Total (C) Calligraphy Sculptures Crafts Prints Photographs paintings paintings paintings Installations

No. 737 47 61 1,629 345 125 229 163 255 3,591 of artworks

No. 700 45 32 1,368 249 86 152 69 188 2,889 of lent items

Lent items to 95% 96% 52% 84% 72% 69% 66% 42% 74% 80% collection (%) Annual Report 2018 24 25 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

11 Artwork Conservation

■ Conservation by Material (Unit: Items)

Paper Oil paintings Sculptures / Crafts Subtotal

MMCA collection 13(26) 19 18 76

Art Bank / Gov't Art Bank 1 1 2 4

Total 80

■ Results of Material Analysis (Unit: Items)

Type Paper Sculptures / Crafts Subtotal

Collection 10 10 20

Art materials 55 painted pigments 55

Total 75 Annual Report 2018 24 25 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

■ Results of Condition Checks

Details Subtotal

3,215 pieces for 16 exhibitions in three MMCA branches, Artworks on exhibition 3,215 items including Rhee Seundja: Road to the Antipodes

178 pieces to 47 organizations, including the Metropolitan Lending artworks 178 items Museum of Art

3,111 pieces from 306 cases, including Ordinary Monument New additions to Collection 3,111 items by Hong Soun-Myung

Condition checks for artworks subject to transfer from storage MMCA collection 1,225 items in Gwacheon and to MMCA Cheongju

Art Bank and Gov't Condition checks for artworks subject to transfer from storage 1,066 items Art Bank collection in Gwacheon, Seoul, and to MMCA Cheongju

Total 8,795 items

■ Fumigation of Artworks

Type Details Subtotal

New additions to collection 29 pieces, including Lee Dong-youb's Situation B 29 items

Artworks to be in shows 100 pieces, including Quac Insik's Group of Women 100 items

Total 129 items Annual Report 2018 26 27 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

12 Publications

Type Title of exhibition or publication Publication date Language Pages

Jungjin Lee: Echo Mar. 1, 2018 Kor/Eng 124

Rhee Seundja: Road to the Antipodes Mar. 22, 2018 Kor/Eng 268

Collection Highlights: Synchronic Moments Mar. 31, 2018 Kor 168

Birth of the Modern Art Museum: May 2, 2018 Kor 180 Art and Architecture of MMCA Deoksugung

Birth of the Modern Art Museum: May 2, 2018 Eng 170 Art and Architecture of MMCA Deoksugung

Akram Zaatari: Against Photography May 9, 2018 Kor 188 Exhibition catalogs Akram Zaatari May 9, 2018 Eng 188

E.A.T. (Experiments in Art and Technology): Open-Ended May 18, 2018 Kor/Eng 380

How Little You Know About Me Jun. 18, 2018 Kor/Eng 308

Yun Hyong-keun Aug. 4, 2018. Kor/Eng 184

Civilization: The Way We Live Now Oct. 1, 2018 Kor 352

Bahc Yiso: Memos and Memories Oct. 12, 2018 Kor 344 Annual Report 2018 26 27 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

Type Title of exhibition or publication Publication date Language Pages

Cracks in the Concrete II: Oct. 31, 2018 Kor/Eng 201 A Glimpse into the World/Gazing into Eternity

Kim Chung-up Dialogue Nov. 1, 2018 Kor/Eng 415

Art of the Korean Empire: Nov. 15, 2018 Kor 346 The Emergence of Modern Art

Exhibition Art of the Korean Empire: catalogs Nov. 15, 2018 Eng 364 The Emergence of Modern Art

Korea Artist Prize 2018 Dec. 12, 2018 Kor/Eng 250

What Ought to Be Done? Work and Life Dec. 13, 2018 Kor/Eng 800

The Essential Duchamp 2018 Kor 200

2017 Art Bank New Acquisitions Mar. 5, 2018 Kor 270

Collection 2017 Government Art Bank New Acquisitions Mar. 5, 2018 Kor 168 catalogs

2017 New Acquisitions Oct. 5, 2018 Kor 215 Annual Report 2018 28 PB National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

Type Title of exhibition or publication Publication date Language Pages

Superhumanity: Post-Labor, Psychopathology, Plasticity Mar. 26, 2018 Kor 183

Conservation of Art 4 Mar. 30, 2018 Kor 113

Superhumanity: Post-Labor, Psychopathology, Plasticity Mar. 2018 Eng 150

MMCA Artist Studies 1 IM Heung-soon: Sep. 15, 2018 Kor 332 Toward a Poetics of Opacity and Hauntology

Research The Curatorial in Parallax Nov. 30, 2018 Eng 280 papers and research MMCA Artist Studies 1 IM Heung-soon: Nov. 30, 2018 Eng 388 publications Toward a Poetics of Opacity and Hauntology

Journal of the National Museum of Dec. 3, 2018 Kor 176 Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (Vol. 10)

The Curatorial in Parallax Dec. 19, 2018 Kor 288

Architecture as Movement: Dec. 20, 2018 Eng 220 Modern Architecture in , 1987-97

MMCA Publication Guidelines Dec. 20, 2018 Kor 296

2017 MMCA Residency Goyang Open Studio 13 May 28, 2018 Kor/Eng 214

Residency MMCA Residency Changdong 2017 May 28, 2018 Kor/Eng 222 publications

CHO AN SAN Sep. 10, 2018 Kor 130

Annual report 2017 MMCA Annual Report Jul. 2018 Kor 400