Vacation Tim E Is Here!
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Non-profit Org. KEYCENTER l J8 RA R '{, U. S. Postage Paid Key Peninsula Vaughn , WA . 98394 Permit No. 2 June 4 1990 Volum e 18 Issue 10 CirculaLion 7850 working together for the social and economic good of our K._eyPeninsula Box Holder . Vacation tim_e is here! Pe-titions presented to state Memorial Day weekend DOT brought boaters and pleasure by Megan Aprile seekers out in Petitions wilh the signaLures of over force at the . 450 Key Peninsula residenLSwere pre Longbranch sented L.QArt ~melzer district adm inistra Marina. tor at the State Department of Transporta = Memorial Day tion on Friday, June 1. typicallymarks The petition asks the state to immedi the beginning of -ately study the condition s at Lhe intersec that great tion of highway 302 and the Creviston vacation season Road-G reentree developmc nL area and known as provide a written reply of a plan of action. summer. While According to the presentor, Lhepe ti the Key tion was well received and assurnnccs Peninsula is a were made thaLsome l<ind of.action would vacation spot/or be ta.ken before school begins in ScpLcm many, local ber. Severa l counLer cables arc i"nplace residents like to already and once data is compiled abou L get out and traffic patterns, a plan will be drawn. vacation too. See pag'es8 & 9 for some ideas. PBS journalisJD ..... students get national KP NEWS photo by Hugh McMillan rec!)gnitions Craig Hoffecker and Cain ClaxLon, students at Penin sula High School, The Auction Already? among eight high school jounalists who have earned first place in a national contest. It seems like the '89 auction was last availab le when the Key Peni nsula Park Hoffecker, a J;unior, and Claxton, a thanks these businesses and individuals week, but planning has already started for District puts in the new heating system. , for their donations: sophomore, will spliLa $250 scholars hip Key Pe nins ula Ci vie Cen ter All mon ey raised from the 1990 auc- from the Na tional Federatio n of Press Association'san nual dinnerauction. The · tion will also go toward a capital im• Early Bird Donors Women for winn ing the sports writing 1990 event will be held Octobe r 6 at the prove ment at the Civic Center. The exact category with their story on Lhe struggles Civic Cen ter. projec t will be anno unced in a later issue 1. Sunn ycres t Nursery - unspecified of the school' s boys basketbal l program. Our first big project was paving the of this paper. 2. Harrold's Ph otogr aphy - 1 sitting (6- In addition, three other Pe ninsula parking lot , which cost more than All donations will be printed in each 8 poses) 8x 10 color photo students honors at the stale level of $10,000. We raised$4 100 from the 1988 issue of the Key Penin sula News. To 3. Stephanie & Joe Zamp ini - home- the same contest. Juni or Mqlt Anderson auction, $5000 from an anonymous do- make a donatio n pleas e cal l Claudia Loy made Italian sausage earnedfirs Lplace in Lheg raphic division at nor, and Lhe balance came from the 884-3937 or Ann Lar son 884-3562 . 4. Mike & Jo yce Salatino - box of pre- the state level, while senior Joel Hilliker KPCCA treasury. Last spring the lot was Donation s of all sorts of things make served and home canned good ies received second place in both the feature paved and the storm drain s and sidewalks the evening of October 6 fun and interest- 5. Snodgrass & Fr eeman Ar chitects - 6 sLory and artwork categories. Hilliker and repaired . We ran into a few obstacles but ing for those attending. Las t year, some of hours design & drafting for deck or addi- j unior Sy Knackstedt earned honorab le the job got done. the most enthu siastic biddin g was for tap tion to your home mention for column s. The 1989 Auctionp roceed sof$ 5400 dance lessons. Business people who 6. Bob & Ann Larson - framed print All of the entries were published were earmarked for anew heating system make a donation can support thecommu- 7. XL Homecrafters - 1 day's labor uring the school year in The Peninsula for the Civic Center . The funds were put nity and get some free advertising at the 8. KPCCA - roller skating pass - good Outlook , Peninsula's student newspaper. •..••• into.a Certifica te of .Deposit .and.will .he.• •• .gam~time.-1'h.eGiv io.(;:entGr,Assooiation ·.:.• •f-Or•l-)•ear-:•;· • •·• • •.•.•..•.•••.•., .••..•. , . •.•.•.;••• ;.;.: piitii'Spifcton1'1S''v·'i-S61':·.·.·.·.-;,· Page 2 Key Peninsula News June 4, 1990 Key Peninsula I next issue of the KP NEWS: July 1 - deadlin~ June 15 NEWS Office iPIONEER DAY BOOTH APPLICATION 1 PO Box J, Vaughn, WA 98394 I ***** $50 Deposit Must Acco~pany This Application***** wants to I 884-4699 I I AM INTERESTED IN A PIONEER DAY BOOTH FOR MYSELF know I OR MY ORGANIZATION. PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION . by Megan Aprile lDGAMEBOOTH FOODBOOTH_I ___. North Peninsula residents with a Gig Harbor address have received a letter EXHIBIT BOO~H The Key Peninsula News is a part of the from the United State Postal Service in :D Key Peninsula Civic Center Associaicion, forming them that five "Gig Harbor" de supported by local merchants' advertising OTHER (explain)._~---,---------- livery routes will operate from the new ID and staffed largely by volunteers. Ail proce.edsgo toward the pr<~gramsof the Civic Lake Kathryn facility. The letter first Center. The NEWS is published twice states that "we have no plans to change the NAME: monthiy. except in January and distributed name of the Wauna Post Office now or ------------------'------ free to ail residents in the Key Peninsula area. when the office occupies the new facil- ADDRESS: ity." -------------------- mng. editor: Megan Aprile Recipients of the letter were then CITY:.___ -'--__ ____ ZIP_________ _ ad sales: Karen Olson asked to return a post.card with their pre ad layout: Jeanne Pettigrew ferred address; a choice between Gig PHONE:-------- (HOME)--------- (WORK) 'I Karen Olson Harbor, 98335 or Wauna, 98395 because reporter: Megan Aprile "we need to determine whether or not you ORGANIZATION: ___ ____ ______ _ I photographeT: Joe Aprile would prefer a Gig Harbor or Wauna I distribution: Paul Brown address ....We do need your input so that Make checks payable to "Pioneer Day 90'' and mail to KPPCA, P.O. I all factors may be considered before we Box 82, Vaughn, WA 98349. For more information call Stephanie I reach a decision." staff support volunteers: Joanne 1L_at _______________________884-9821or Mike Salatino at 851-4556. _ _J Baldwin, Kit Bowen, Dorothy Reynolds, Kirsti Feldman, Mike ,-------------------------------------- Anderson, Pauline Finn, Lee Stiles, :'.P'J.,ON'.£'.ERDAY J>ARAD'.E-AUG.UST 4, 1990-Tll'.EM-'.E - "1,NDU8TRtA.LK1,8 T0JUj" I Howard Reynold s I RETURNTO : . OFFICIAL ENTRYFORM ENTRY DEADLINE: : Key Peninsula Business Association ,--~----~--=--~-=~-------. _ contributors: Daphne Daus, Paul I PO BOX439 , . Free entrant if registered by JULY 15. 1990 I Cyr, Elaine Forch, Marvin Keizur, I Vaughn. WA 98394 $10.00 la~ . entrant fee after that date I Hugh McMillan, Janice McMillan, I Phone: 884-4700 I Dory Meyers, Cecil Paul , Dr. William I NAME OF ENTRY ------ --- ~---_,_,PONSOR __ -:--~---=--;;.,...:;;,:::--=--- I Roes, Stella Retherford , Keith Stiles I . I I Classification : ( ) Civic ( ) Commercial ( ) Non -Commercial ( ) Service I illustrations: Civic Center illustration I Person 1n. charge : ______________ ___ I by Arlene Helm Phone: ____ _____ _ : Mailing Address: : The opinions expressed aTe the opinions of the writers and do not I (Street or Box) (City) (State) (Zip) I necessarily reflect the views of the I I publishers or staff. I Number of Participants in Entry : ______________ ____ __ ___ _ I .PLEASECHECK ALL CATEGORIESWHICH BEST DESCRIBEYOUR ENTRY : I () FLOAT ( ) BAND ( ) MOTORIZEDVEHICLES I submissions Length __ _ ( ) School ( ) Antique 30 years plus I We welcome submissions. Submissions Width ( ) Drum &Bugle ( ) Classic I are used on a space available basis and Height __ _ ( ) Military ( ) Decorated ( ) Other - Describe ( ) Truck - Size : ___ _ I may be edited if used. No poetry or I overtly religious or politica l material. ( ) Other -Describe ( ) POLITICIAN ( ) MARCHING/ WALKING ( ) EQUESTRIAN I () Walking I fo:r Civic Center program () Military ( ) Mounted Jr . 12 & Under ( ) Motorized ( )Baton ( ) Mounted Senior I suggestions call the center at () Mounted ( ) Drill Team ( ) Pooper Scooper I 884-3456 ( ) Junior ( ) Other - Describe or Stephanie Zampini, () Senior president, KPCCA 884~9821 ( ) Other - Describe ( ) COLORGU ARD ( )ROYALTY ( )NOVELTY I ( ) Separate Describe Describe I ( ) With Unit Park Board I PLEASE note any special parade position requirements: ___________ _;____ We reserve the rig!,l.tto reclassify entries into other categories. officers I Categories listed may be sub-divided for judging purposes. Daphne Daus, president I . INDEMNITY AGREEMENT 884-3503 1r n consid~ration of the accepliJnce of this application, the applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Civic Center, the Key Tim Kezele, vice pres. I Peninsr,,,laBusines~ Association and the Pioneer Day Parade Organization as well as all officers, employees and agents of those organiza- 1tion ~ from any injury, damage or loss arising out of the applicant's participation in Pioneer Day activities. 884-4538 I Max Marlow, treas. 884-3700 I DATED:- ------ DAY Of ------- , 19__ Scott Marcus, sec. 884-9552 1 . Mike Salatino 851-4556 LSIGNED: ________________________ •-··· · · · · · · --------------~.,, ... , .. · · · ...·1 June 4, . 1990 Key P eriinsula News Pag~ _3 OldTimer's Day 'Ifie Survivors ~Free class for first time home buyers ('Bereavement)(jroup - There is help for those who would Topics to be covered in theclass · Old Timer's Day is coming up like to buy.a horue, but have questionsthat include: why and when to ·buy a home; Angust 25.