The Wooster Voice
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The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1971-1980 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 4-21-1972 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1972-04-21 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1972-04-21" (1972). The Voice: 1971-1980. 38. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1971-1980 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. But why won't they It's not that I don't tike listen when I tell the idea of being them I'm not editor ... m sane enough. BK PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF THE COLLEGE OF WOOSTER A COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Number Volume LXXXVIU Wooster, Ohio Friday, April 21, 1972 22 CC Considers ISC Evaluation I Of Section Initiation Activities "That it is the inherent that 11 years ago he sat on called names, and obsceni- right of each Section to de- a faculty committee to eval- ties were directed at them." termine its own proceedings uate Hell Week. There was, They left, he'explained, as long as they do not in- he added, considerable when struck with bags of fringe upon the rights of non-Secti- on faculty sentiment for the ab- water. It is not. certain people or other Sec- olition of initiation then. whether the bags were aimed tions," is the conclusion of Several years ago, he reports at pledges or the observers. 72 inex- c the Inter-Secti-on Council a student died in an auto The incident "was (ISC) initiation evaluation accident while participating cusable and not condoned by submitted to Campus Council. in Hell Week activities. the ISC," the report charges. ISC Chairman Dave Berkey Williams' memo also said "Fifth Section President and Jim Hyman compiled the that, until three years ago, Bill Castle said that this was report from inputs by initia- the validity of Hell Week was due to the built-u- p resent- tion observers, Section extensively debated at facul- ment in 5th for intervention Sen. Hartke Of Indiana actives and pledges. The ty meetings. He concludes by th Deans' staff." The report lists three purposes with three observations of two observers are Adminis- for Hell Week: initiation. One, there has trative Interns. To Keynote Convention "First, the majority of been no change in procedure The "public nature" of Vance Hartke, United States served as vice chairman of Initiation procedures are traditi- during the last 11 years; Fifth's initiation activities Senator from Indiana and un- the Democratic Senatorial on-oriented and are kept guidelines cannot be en- on Monday and Wednesday til recently himself a presi- Campaign Committee for the as a point of identification forced; and, third, there is "cannot be condoned," the dential aspirant, will deliver year 1959-6- 0 and chairman within the Section. Most no rationale for Hell Week. evaluation says. the keynote address Saturday from 1962-6- 3. He was re- feel that the procedures The evaluation mentions Some Independents from morning, April 29, in Sever- elected to the Senate in 1964, undergo gradual change that only one observer, Kenarden petitioned the ISC ance Gymnasium. Senator and again in 1970. through the years but remain Glenn Bucher, reported a "to prevent the use of Hartke's address will kick Currently chairman of the same guide- showers and washing ma- basically the because violation of initiation off the proceedings at Woos-ter- 's Senate Veterans Affairs by pledges-wh- o have they are a part of the Sec- lines. Bucher claims, ac- chines 1972 Mock Democratic Committee, Hartke has served tion's identity." cording to the report, that been covered with unpleasant on several Senate committees The was Convention. "Secondly, the concept of Fifth Section actives hazed substances." issue Senator Hartke was first and subcommittees, covering unity within the pledge class their pledges. resolved at a special meeting the areas of Finance, Com- of ISC when the petition- elected to the United States is a central part of the pur- Two observers, Eric Hum- the Senate in 1958, following a merce, Postal Affairs, Civil pro- ers' proposal was unanimous- pose of initiation as mel and Rick Swegan, en- two-ye- ar Service, and many others. ly adopted. term as Mayor of fessed by actives and pledges tered Fifth unannounced. Evansville, Indiana. He Senator Hartke's Senate rec- alike and indications are Berkev said that they "were continued on page 4 ord marks him as an acitve that this was achieved." and liberal Democrat. Speak- "Thirdly getting to know ing before a Senate subcom- the Section members and its TCB - Take Care Of Ballots mittee considering the 18-year-- old Hartke rules and traditions is an corres- vote, Senator important reason behind the Students for McGovern is may be necessary, so then has to be voted, blamed "the press of other activities." urging students who will be pondence must be in now in NOTARIZED, and returned business, procrastination and away from their voting resi- order to receive a ballot in to the board of elections for for After Berkey summarized p.ra procedural difficulties" the evaluation containing dences on primary day May 2 time for the May 2 primary. receipt no later than 6:30 the failure of Congress and these conclusions, LeRoy and others who are physical- Persons who will be un- on election day May 2. state governments to lower Haynes read a memo from ly disabled to begin now in avoidably absent from the the voting age previously. Ted Williams. Williams said applying for their absentee county where they are regis- In another testimony, before ballots. Up to-thre-e letters tered on election day and Alternatively a person the Senate Foreign Relations more than ten miles distant could vote absentee IN PER- Committee on April 20, 1971, from their regular polling SON at the office of the he. said, "The setting of an place where they are regis- board of elections prior to agreed date for complete U.S. Shows Students Lean tered .may vote by absentee primary day while he is back military withdrawal from Viet- Poll ballot. Those who are unable home any weekday when the nam is the absolutely indis- to vote due to physical disa- hometown board of elections pensable first step toward a To McGovern, Democrats bility or personal illness may is open. also vote by absentee ballot. continued on pog six A person must first obtain and Hook by Dr. Bradlee Karan Bill an application form for an Institute of Politics absentee ballot by requesting Do It Recently, 435 Wooster students responded to the 1972 an application form from his If Yale Can by gains. Political Party and Presidential Preference Poll of the Insti- board of elections mail, NEW YORK (CPS -- In- policy shift grew out of tute of Politics. The poll affirms the trend to Independency telephone, or in person. Joining the ranks of sel- The year-lon- g seminar at Yale that has been revealed in past annual polls. Three out of five cluded in the initial request ected mutual funds and other a How- should be home (registered) in 1969-7- 0. The seminar of the respondents consider themselves Independents. institutional stockholders, eco- to toward a party. Sixty residence address and the ad- have dealt with the ethical ever, only six per cent refuse "lean" Yale University trustees nomic and legal complexities per cent of the students identify as either Democrats or Inde- dress to which the applica- decided to assume an acti- Party; thirty per cent tion form should be mailed. of an institutional investor's pendents leaning toward the Democratic vist role as a stockholder responsibilities with respect or Independents leaning to- mil- say they are either Republicans with an estimated $500 to the stocks in its portfolio. ward the Republican Party. Correspondence can be con. lion in assets. shift follows con- Yale's policy Political Party Identification ducted with the "Board of In effect endorsing the a similar move by the gigan- Elections," "County Court-House- ," cept of the social responsi-.bilit- y Democratic 19.3 tic Investors Group mutual at the county seat of institutional invest- $8 Independent leaning Democratic 40.2 com- fund organization (assets . a person regis- ors, the shift from a 6.4 in which is billion) whose directors last Independent A of three let- pliant to a participatory role Republican 13.3- - tered. total decided last November to Independent leaning ters may be necessary: The as a major stockholder repre- Republican 17.5 change take more of an active role appli- a considerable ing initial request for the sents in-encourag- re- No response 3.2 may soon be social cation form, the completed for Yale. And it sponsibility by corporations. ab- among even more Each student was provided the opportunity to indicate his application form, and the reflected At that time Hamer H. her preference for the Presidential and Vice-President- ial nom- sentee ballott itself so institutional investors. of the funds $500 million Budge, president inations of each party. Thirty-eig- ht per cent of the respond- correspondence must start Most of Yale's before a meeting of for in predicted ents preferred McGovern for the Democratic nomination NOW to meet the deadlines. in assets is invested Securities Analysts in Minne- President.