October 16, 2014 Issue 9 Pick one up, pass it on, and please recycle.

Dordt College TheDiamond Defender Days comes to In this Issue Defender Days Schedule Thursday Dordt College campus 8:00 p.m. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” Te Paske Theatre 10 p.m. Praise and Worship, Campus Center

Students react to Ebola Pg 2 Friday 6:45 a.m. Business Connections Breakfast, Campus Center 8 a.m. -3p.m. Visit Classes 11 a.m. Chapel, B.J. Haan Auditorium 3 p.m. Small Music Festival, B.J. Haan Auditorium Organist Todd Wilson Pg 3 4:30 p.m. Goheen Gallop 5K Fun Run, All Seasons Center 7 p.m. Fall Music Festival, B.J. Haan Auditorium 7:30 p.m. Blades Hockey, All Seasons Center 9:45 Late Night with the Defenders, De Witt Gymnasium 10:30 p.m. Comedy League, B.J. Haan Auditorium Canadian Thanksgiving Pg 4 Lydia Marcus - Staff Writer possible to do,” said De Wit. Visitors have Saturday the opportunity watch athletic events, the 10:30 -11 a.m. Science and technology Center Dedication, Soon, multitudes of parents, siblings, and fall theatre production “The Adventures of Science and Technology Center alumni will flood Dordt’s campus. Tom Sawyer,” and music concerts. Visitors 11:15 -12 p.m. DC Broader Vision Seminars: Columnists Pg 5 What is the occasion? Defender Days. may also attend seminars, class reunions, Eggs, Dordt College, and Mozambique, Campus Center “Last year we combined Parents Weekend Board Room brunches, dinners, and chapel. Students invest through Capital Management Program, and Alumni Weekend for the first time,” De Wit described Defender Days as Campus Center 318 said Dianne De Wit, promotional programs the “do not miss event” of the year; people Campus Ministries, Campus Center 319 Men’s soccer starts clean Pg 6 coordinator. “Things went well, and now from all over the country participate. People 12 -1 p.m. Tailgate for PLIA, football field parking lot Defender Days rolls both those events into an 1 p.m. Women’s Soccer versus Morningside, soccer field responded positively to the Alumni and 1 p.m. Football Game, football field even larger mega event.” Defender Days last Parent weekend last year, and Defender Days 1 p.m. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” Te Paske Theatre from 3:00 p.m. on Thursday to 10:30 p.m. on registration has been promising this year as 2 p.m. Organ Showcase, B.J. Haan Auditorium Saturday. well. 3:15 p.m. Men’s Soccer verses Morningside, soccer field Tom Sawyer production Pg 7 Defender Days give parents, families, 3:30 p.m. Volleyball versus Hastings, De Witt Gymnasium Though alumni and families are the 4:15 p.m. Blades Hockey Game, All Seasons Center and alumni an opportunity to visit campus primary audience for Defender Days, students 5:00 p.m. Volleyball versus Hastings, De Witt Gymnasium and reconnect with Dordt and its mission. have the opportunity to participate as well. 5:30 p.m. Defender Nation Dinner, lower level of the “How better to understand the mission of an “Student services is spearheading a Spirit Campus Center Music Review - Kauai Pg 8 institution than to immerse yourself in it for a 7:30 p.m. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” Te Paske Week when students will be encouraged to Theatre day or two?” said De Wit. dress up according to a theme in order to win 9:00 p.m. Praise and Worship, lower level of Campus Center The SAC has planned a variety of prizes,” said De Wit. Students are encouraged 9:15 -10:30 p.m. Ice Cream Social, Dining Hall activities for the campus visitors. “There are to participate in any of the weekend’s events. more activities planned than is humanely

Students connect with Dordt hosts QCommons industry at job fair Meagen De Graaf - Staff Writer “Internships help students build leadership conference experience so that they are ready for their The lower floor of the Campus Center career after graduation,” said Sarah Moss. Eric Rowe - Staff Writer was filled with a couple hundred students These companies want to help students build and about 30 company representatives last that important experiential learning that is so From Charleston to Chattanooga, Wednesday, October 8. necessary for future employees today. Silicon Valley and Singapore to Sioux At the fair, students were able to talk to Most of the employers involved were in the Center, Q-Commons provoked ideas companies about internships and jobs, as business, health or farming fields, but there and asked questions related to in the well as get help with resumes and building was some variety—companies included in respective communities of over 60 cities professional social media connections this event were hospitals, banks, restaurants, in the US and the world. through using LinkedIn. and photographers. Dordt College encourages students to Employers gave away promotional items The Andreas Center at Dordt College think about their future before senior year, with their company name printed on it, in hosted Q-Commons in the BJ Haan on when graduation is just around the corner. hopes that students would gain an interest October 9. The event featured three local Sarah Moss, the Career Center coordinator, in their business. Many of them did, and the speakers, who were selected because of stresses the importance of internships typical workplace buzzwords started flying their passion for their respective interests, throughout the college experience. around the tables set up there. and three national speakers live streamed from New York City. Immigration lawyer and Sioux Center native, Amanda Bahena, talked about the Photo by Eli Anderson expanding immigration in Sioux Center identity that locally rooted art builds, as well and how Christians should respond with as the way that art can be a safe vehicle to love for our neighbors. Bahena described consider difficult issues and strengthen small ways to take action to build relationships town connections. with immigrants by learning their stories Dordt students were able to take advantage and making connections. of a limited number of complimentary tickets In his talk, “Living business as a provided by the Andreas Center. Though Mission,” Justin Schuiteman described some students were required to attend either how Jesus used the ordinary rhythms of for a class or because they were representing life in his work on earth, and encouraged their school newspaper, other students us to be “faithful where God has planted accepted the free tickets Dordt offered simply us, in our business lives.” to attend the event. Dordt Art Professor, Matt Drissel “I like to take advantage of events that presented “Why small towns need art.” Dordt offers,” sophomore Mark Huitsing said. He emphasized the importance of the Continued on page 4 Photo by Megan Kaiser Page 2 News Professor Profile: Steve Holtrop Lydia Marcus - Staff Writer “I think one of my strengths is that I am interested in everything,” he said. Half a dozen knickknacks line the Accordingly, Holtrop appreciates English windowsill in new education professor Steve because it dabbles in a little bit of everything. Holtrop’s office. Holtrop combines his appreciation for a A glass sailboat, a glass apple and a foam wide range of subject matter with his passion brain may be the most significant of the for “helping students take their knowledge trinkets. In some ways, these three ornaments to the next level” in depth as well as breadth. outline the development of Holtrop’s Holtrop does this by promoting critical philosophy of education. thinking. One of Holtrop’s first influential While studying for his Master’s teaching experiences occurred on a sailboat. examination, Holtrop was disappointed to Professor Holtrop joins Dordt’s faculty this fall Photo by Megan Kaiser Holtrop worked in the waterfront staff of discover that the test consisted mostly of a Boy Scout camp when he was 16. He was surface-level memorization and very little that, if students are asked to engage with the are a result of the reliance on “regurgitating responsible for teaching sailing as a part of critical thinking. He was told that material material, and think deeply about it, they will facts” and neglect of critical thinking. the maritime badge. Holtrop had a week of would be covered more in-depth in the learn the facts. Holtrop is passionate about developing new 1 hour sessions to teach his students how to Ph.D. program. This response disagreed with The idea of refocusing classrooms and programs that allow students to engage with sail. At the end of the week, the boys would Holtrop. examinations comes at a pivotal moment in the material they learn. Holtrop thinks he has be tested on their skill. Holtrop cares deeply about critical the life of higher education. Higher education found a place to develop such programs at Holtrop realized that he enjoyed putting thinking. He believes it is important for is experiencing a time of transition, he Dordt. the concepts of sailing into everyday language. students of all grade levels. believes. “We are having to rethink a 500- “My first months at Dordt have been “That was probably when I first thought, ‘Hey, “I am opposed to memorization,” he said. year old model,” said Holtrop wryly. “Higher great. The students are great. They are smart I could enjoy being a teacher,’” he said. Holtrop never gives multiple choice tests, and education is not like Google, which is and engaged,” he said. “I am excited to be at Holtrop earned a B.A. in English from he tries to avoid memorization-only tests. designed to look to the future. It is designed Dordt, because there are innovative things Calvin College and an M.A. in English and He endeavors to demonstrate to his students to be looking back.” happening here.” Holtrop believes that Dordt journalism education and Ph.D. in English (who are future teachers) that there are According to Holtrop, many of the will be able to stand up to the challenges that education from the University of Iowa. alternatives to factual tests. Holtrop believes problems the world of higher education faces face the world of higher education. Focus on Ebola: Dordt students react

Megan Kaiser - Staff Writer case of Ebola diagnosed in the United States It seems that one cannot go from one is going to cause a huge stir, but remember side of the campus to the other without the past outbreaks of SARS, H1N1 and reading or hearing about Ebola. There are H1N5. H1N1, otherwise known as the swine plenty of contradicting articles that have flu - was just as concerning as Ebola is now. bogged down our minds, so there may be There is also concern with our fellow The winners of “You are What You Eat” Photo by Megan Kaiser a split feeling of fear or annoyance. Either students that are studying overseas in areas way, we may not be fully sure of how to closer to the outbreak. “Our first response react. starts with each of us being responsible in our Nice to “Meat” you All students that were asked about it travel choices. The CDC has recommended that there be no non-essential travel to Megan Kaiser - Staff Writer During the 30 minutes, nutritionist had heard about the disease, but many areas affected by the Ebola virus,” said Baas, Jennifer Hinkle gave a short presentation on were not completely sure of what it is. “I “study abroad programs are considered Eight teams. Four judges. 30 minutes. One the different ways to stay happy and healthy know that it is a disease that is rampant in non-essential and for that reason there will pan. in college. Her words, however, did not take Africa,” said sophomore Ross Van Gaalen, be no students sent to West Africa for any At 7 p.m. on Friday, October 11, the Food off the edge that all individuals were feeling. “not to say that it isn’t a big deal, but for study abroad experience. We will continue Network jumped out of our televisions sets Everyone was feeling the pressure, me personally, I’m not concerned about to monitor the CDC travel advisories for all and came to life in the Grille area of Dordt’s especially Chris Geels and Tanner Brasser. E b o l a .” areas of travel for study abroad programs.” Campus Center. You Are What You Eat is a Their recipe “Fat” Mac & Cheese with Bacon The Ebola virus first appeared in African “Ebola doesn’t exist in my world because competition that challenges groups to create did not fit the ‘healthy’ category, so there was countries in 1976 in two large and separate I haven’t heard about it much in Korea,” said one healthy and affordable entree in 30 worry of potentially losing the 1st place spot. outbreaks. Many are not aware that this is Kim DeVries, a junior Dordt student who is minutes. The only catch is that all teams only “I am feeling an intense pressure. I haven’t not the first occurrence. Scientists are not currently studying abroad in South Korea. have one pan to create it in. felt this sort of pressure in a long time,” said completely sure how it begins in a human “Just yesterday I read an article about how a From “Vicious and Delicious” to “Professor Geels. being, but it is speculated that it begins passenger on a plane sneezed and told people Cous Cous,” all teams were cleverly named. At the sound of ‘stop’, all utensils were put when a human being comes in contact he had Ebola. People in the plastic suits had Put on by S.W.A.T, the student wellness down. Some teams had already gotten their with an infected animal. It is transmitted board the plane, but it turned out to be a advisory team, the event was held to promote dishes on the judging table. At this time, through wild animals, mainly primates, hoax. That’s about all I know.” health and wellness on campus. Food such Fessler, Lawrence, and Hinkle made their way and spreads through the sharing of bodily For the time being, there is nothing we as chicken and apple lettuce wraps, pork loin to the stage. Senior Joel Kranenberg, S.W.A.T fluids. It is not, however, spread through to do but make the smartest choices we can with quinoa concoction and couscous with member and judge, followed not far behind. casual contact. establish for ourselves regarding our health vegetables made the audience’s mouth water. Good comments were constant, but there “If anyone from either the Dordt or and safety. You cannot get it through air, you All teams were prepared at the countdown. was still heartbreak. “I have a quick question. Sioux Center community showed signs cannot get it through water and you cannot An enthusiastic “go” filled the space and the Did a hockey puck die in your dish?” Fessler of Ebola, they would be transferred to a get it through food. Just remember, America campus center went from quiet to loud in a asked team Hell’s Kitchen, which consisted of hospital that is able to meet the needs of has wonderful medical facilities plus highly second. The room was filled with chopping, four men wearing hockey jerseys. Ebola patients. There have been two Ebola advanced equipment. We have the tools to dicing and hairnets. Each team was provided Once all dishes were tested, the judges patients hospitalized in Omaha,” said Beth contain it. with one burner to cook their dish. quickly and quietly chose their winner. The Baas, director of Campus Health Services. When the competition was underway, team What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’, consisting Of course the first travel-associated Commons cook Nick Lawrence made his way of Meghan Stadheim, Emily Broers, Hanna around to each table to make sure all health Wagenaar, and Kristin Madden, took the first codes were being met. Paul Fessler, professor place prize. Their winnings included cooking of history, was not far behind. He scoped out gear such as mini whisks and Tupperware. All the competition decked out in full restaurant other teams won carrots, oatmeal or apples. apparel, chef’s hat included. There to relieve You Are What You Eat was a success. All pressure were M.C.’s Derek Vander Ark, a eight teams may have received a prize, but man with a voice for radio, and Jake Byma, they didn’t leave the audience in the dark. the next Last Comic Standing. The dynamic Taste testing capped off the evening and no duo came prepared with plenty of vegetable Tupperware was needed to store leftovers. In jokes. the end no one walked away with an empty stomach. News Page 3 Spolight on clubs: Students Without Borders

Narayan Núñez Blandón - Staff Writer activities we acknowledge the members and participants and allow them to have good The Students Without Borders Club time with one another.” (SWB) concluded their second activity of the The club has a busy agenda for the rest of month on Saturday Oct. 11th. But instead October. The club’s board members have been of organizing an activity that focused on planning a trip to Pumpkinland, a corn maze celebrating culture and diversity and on located in Orange City, as the first meeting of raising awareness on current issues as usual, their Cultural Engagement Series. they celebrated its members’ birthdays for the Abby Van Gelder, a junior majoring months of September and October with food, in nursing, is an active club member. She music and games. considers her experience at SWB very In the Kuyper Loft, a group of students enjoyable. She values how SWB also provides gathered to celebrate the birthdays of eleven foreign freshman, transferred or exchange members of the club. The board members of students activities to adapt to the culture of the club decorated the room and baked some the United States and understand the current cakes to give to the invitees. Before singing events in the country. the traditional Happy Birthday song and “I think it is nice to get to know blowing out the candles, they played a round international students because you can get to musical chairs. know their culture,” Van Gelder said. “(The SWB playing musical chairs Contributed Eli Anderson The club’s co-head of events, Viviana international students) came to America, (so) García, stated that the birthday celebration we can show them, too, what it is to be here: event was successful in bringing different it’s fun. The events allows us to get to know people together. She believes the activities each other better.” cultures are the two main priorities,” she Any student interested on knowing more organized through SWB have the potential to SWB’s co-president, Schuyler Carter, said. “(SWB) is the kind of club that is about the club and its activities can reach unite the student body at Dordt. expressed one of the goals of the club. dedicated to highlighting the need for Schuyler Carter via email, or send an email to “We try to invite international students “SWB is a place where celebrating cultural cultural understanding on this campus. We’re [email protected] to the rest of the board and non-international students in activities differences and exposing others to different definitely worth checking out because we got members. they can enjoy,” García said. “In our some great things in store for this semester.” Organist Todd Wilson Job fair (cont.) impresses audience Continued from page 1 students can do to grow their employability “Resume,” “job experience,” and for the future. when he’s not competing. This is really an “internship,” were just a few of the words Freshman year is all about exploring Meagen De Graaf - Staff Writer honor given to only the best performers, that could be heard all over the room as interests and possible career paths. The because judges are expected to have extensive students discussed their futures with Career Center suggests getting involved on Talented are constantly knowledge about the instrument and music possible employers. campus and identifying interests. Making coming to Dordt to give recitals, and itself. The Dordt College employees from a four-year plan can also be helpful when organist Todd Wilson is only the latest of Clearly, Todd Wilson has a lot of talent. He the Career Center hoped to encourage determining what to study. these. Last Friday, October 10, Todd Wilson has been in multiple orchestras over the years, students through this job fair. And in Sophomore year, students should narrow played an incredible organ concert for the including some in different countries. Many many ways, they succeeded. One of the down their interests. Then it is time to start students and faculty of Dordt College. of these are well-known and notable groups, pamphlets handed out at this job fair researching internships, and eventually apply Todd Wilson is the third performer in a like the Cleveland Orchestra—where he is featured statistics about college graduate for one. The Career Center offers tools online five-year program hosted by Dordt College, currently the organ curator. employment; specifically from Dordt to help build a resume and cover letter for this the Joan Ringerwole Organ Series, which College. He also uses his musical talent to head the purpose. brings nationally acclaimed organists to 97.6% of Dordt graduates from last organ department at the Cleveland Institute of Junior year becomes a time to focus career campus each year. Wilson is an extremely year were either employed or in graduate direction and gain experience. This is the year Music, where he helps shape future organists talented , and the organ here at school within six months of graduation. where students should interact with different to play as well as he does. Dordt College was put to the best possible The Career Center also mentioned the workplace settings to narrow down their “I don’t really listen to organ music, so it use with his magnificent music. national average: only 63% of students future job choice. This is when internships was kind of interesting to hear it played like Dordt’s organ, located in the BJ Haan were employed within six months of their become incredibly useful. [Todd Wilson] did,” said an attendee, who Auditorium, is a 57-rank, three-manual college graduation. During the last year of college, it’s time to admits she is used to hearing organs primarily Dordt achieves this statistic through mechanical action Casavant pipe organ. use all the knowledge acquired in internships in basic hymns rather than intricately played encouraging students to think about This kind of organ is very well-crafted, and to prepare for graduate school or a career. symphony pieces. careers using opportunities like this job The job fair helped students experience suited for highly acclaimed performers like Many of Wilson’s best pieces (including fair. some of these important career steps. Todd Wilson. ones he has composed himself) are available The Career Center handed out a brief Students looking to do the same should visit Wilson has performed on all kinds of online, so if you were not able to attend the synopsis on how to prepare for a career the Career Center in the Campus Center or organs throughout his years as a musician, concert last Friday, there are ways to hear while in college. Throughout the four go online to the Virtual Career Center to start in many different places. He has been in Todd Wilson’s talent on the organ. years spent at college, there are things planning out a career map today. several competitions and festivals, including Dordt College thanks Wilson for sharing one in France, as well as many throughout his musical gift on the organ, and looks the United States and Canada. forward to hearing more musical talent He also acts as a juror for competitions throughout the year.

Diamond Staff 2014-2015 Co-Editors: Staff Adviser: Haley Mulder Hannah DeVries Derrick Vander Waal Megan Kaiser Jeremy Vreeken Lauren Bird Sports Editors: Narayan Núñez Copy Editing Staff: Justin Pastoor Blandón Lydia Marcus Lydia Marcus Lauren Brid Columnists: Megan DeGraaf Megan Kaiser Jeremy Vreeken Aaron Ladzinski Meagan DeGraaf Juan Benitez Jon Janssen Eric Rowe Jerusha Pimentel Jerusha Pimentel Haley Mulder Photographers: Jon Janssen Megan Kaiser Staff Writers: Kyle Fosse Photo by Megan Kaiser Layout Designer: Christian Zylstra Justin Pastoor Eric Rowe Page 4 News Canadian Thanksgiving

Lauren Bird - Staff Writer Thanksgiving can be traced back to Martin Frobisher, an Englishman, and Samuel de Due to the large number of Canadians Champlain, a Frenchman. Both men sailed to on Dordt’s campus, Canadian Thanksgiving Canada and are said to have feasted with the is acknowledged and celebrated by many in natives they met. the student body. However, many American Mikaela Kiers, a sophomore from British students have no idea what Canadian Columbia, says that many Canadians don’t Thanksgiving is all about. know the history behind their Thanksgiving. When asked, many Canadians will tell you “Canada isn’t as old as the United States. that their Thanksgiving is exactly the same as We don’t spend as much time learning history Thanksgiving in the United States, the only in school as Americans do, which is why we difference being that it’s on a different day. In don’t know as much as Americans,” said Kiers. 1957, the Parliament of Canada proclaimed, Since the two Thanksgivings are mostly “A day of general Thanksgiving to Almighty the same, there isn’t much to know. Kiers God for the bountiful harvest with which says that her Thanksgiving traditions are very Canada has been blessed - to be observed on similar to the traditions of her American the second Monday in October.” friends. Sam De Groot, a Dordt senior who “Families and friends get together, we eat recently married a Canadian, gets to celebrate stuffing, turkey and pie,” said Kiers. “Our Canadian and American students celebrate together. Photo by Whitney WIlgenburg two Thanksgivings. church has this tree with cut out paper leaves “Canadian Thanksgiving falls on a date on it, we write what we’re thankful for on that makes more sense than Thanksgiving in them and the pastor reads them out loud.” the U.S. It’s appropriate to the harvest time, Many Americans who don’t know what which is what Thanksgiving is celebrating,” Canadian Thanksgiving is all about tend to said De Groot. assume it’s something vastly different than QCommons (cont.) Thanksgiving in the United States is American Thanksgiving. But it turns out that based around the story of the pilgrims and Canadians watch football, eat turkey and give Native Americans joining together in peace thanks for all God has blessed them with, just and thanks to share a meal. It turns out that as Americans do. The only difference is that Continued from page 1 Presbyterian Church talked about why Canadian Thanksgiving is based around this holiday is right in the middle of harvest Tae hyung Kim was not required to culture matters. a similar story. The history of Canadian time. come by a class, but wanted to see how the Ann Voskamp, author of One Thousand Reformed church impacts the community. Gifts, presented a 9 minute talk, “Known by Q-Commons is not limited to the our Gratitude.” Reformed church, however. Q Ideas is a A panel which included Andy Crouch, national organization that seeks to create Jenny Lang, Jeremy Courtney and Q Ideas Student Feature: conversations. The Q stands for questions founder, Gabe Lyons discussed themes concerning how Christians can engage surrounding Religion and Public life. with culture and be effective culture Following the talks, there was a time for Shaniese Quist shapers. small group discussions and conversations Haley Mulder - Staff Writer Q Ideas has hosted an annual for the audience. Questions such as “what Quist attended a public high school, and conference in cities throughout the point resonated with you?” and “what action Shaniese Quist is a sophomore with went under a big change when she first came country, but this is the first time that they are you driven to take in response to the bouncy, curly brown hair. She’s an Exercise to Dordt last year; but now she loves it. She are localizing their talks. talks” were presented as possible topics. Science major who loves people more than knows it’s where she’s meant to be. The national portion of Q-Commons People who would like to see additional anything. Along with Exercise Science, Quist has involved three national talks that were Q-Commons events in the future should talk “I want to help people,” she said. “It’s also been dabbing into the field of social streamed to all of the 60 plus cities. to Neal De Roo, Aaron Baart or Liz Moss who because I love people, they make me happy.” work. She still isn’t quite sure which one she Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer represent the Andreas Center. Her love for people first began with an will stick with, but she knows one thing for inspiration that can be attributed to her sure. “I love people and being there for them. cousin. I just see myself in the future helping people, “My cousin has influenced me to help no matter what I end up doing.” others,” she said, “she has many medical issues, mostly in her brain.” Quist attended physical therapy with her cousin, and was encouraged by the way the doctors treated her like a normal person, without her medical difficulties. “I want to be that for people,” she said. “I would not be the same if I didn’t have my cousin in my life. She has inspired me.” Quist grew up in Spencer, Iowa. Although she moved around a lot as a young kid. She grew up with four siblings - all girls – and her mom. “She’s my best friend,” she said, “and I wouldn’t trade my sisters for the world, even though they suck sometimes.” In her free time, Quist likes to run sprints and high jumps for the Dordt track team, eat pancakes, and drink strawberry soda. She spent the summer working almost every day at KFC, and she chose to make the best of it. “I would work the drive-thru and do all the jobs that include interacting with people,” she said. “I have to work really hard for things Photo by Eli Anderson in life, but that’s alright.” Opinion Page 5 Juan Jeremy Haley’s Jerusha Yerusha: A dialogue with my freshman self Jabber Comment Venting with Style

Juan Pablo Benitez - Columnist Jeremy Vreeken - Columnist Haley Mulder - Columnist Jerusha Pimentel - Columnist

Dear freshman international students, let’s Yik Yak has existed for quite a while but, Yes, it’s a tragic thing to be bullied based “Why are you so dressed up?” talk about race and ethnicity. like most new and interesting things, it has on an uncontrollable aspect of your phys- I hate this question. It would certainly be an You left your country thinking that you taken quite a while to come to Northwest ical appearance. Such a shameful event to understandable inquiry if I was actually dressed would be known as Paraguayan, Brazilian, Iowa. Now that it’s here, however, it has taken be mocked because of the color of your up, but more often than not, it is directed toward Kenyan, Indonesian, Ethiopian, Nicaraguan, our community by storm. Unfortunately, the hair. My name was changed while attending me on an average weekday, in between classes, Nigerian or Mexican. But even though you idea of using of the app for positive, funny high school. It was a name associated with a and always by some perplexed person wearing want to be known and recognized by your and uplifting purposes went out the window strange looking spice. One full of regret. a hoodie, jeans and a t-shirt. I always want to national identity, you have to realize that in almost immediately. Ginger. reply, “I’m not dressed up...I’m just dressed,” but America there are different definitions of race I usually just smile or laugh or try to come up on our campus Yik Yak became a place for Now, in high school I hated the aspect of and ethnicity. You are not just an individual, myself that was my bright reddish-orange with some quick answer, feeling odd that I have immediate, usually negative, reactions to any- there are stereotypes and associations that hair. I despised it. I remember daydreaming to defend myself. This honestly happens to me thing that was going in the community. Here, come along with the color of your skin and of dying my hair black, only to be awoken by all the time. it became a place where people complained the language that you speak. snide remarks made by my fellow classmates. Now, I understand I do not attend one of the about professors, classes, or guest speakers, If you are non-American Hispanic or I have been called many odd names. Hot most fashion-conscious schools in the nation. and where personal attacks on fellow students South American (Brazilians), you will find Cheeto, Sun, Chuckie, Soul-stealer Fireball, The Midwest holds fame in many areas, but that you belong to a certain cultural subgroup could be conducted without fear of being and many more. But, of course, Ginger was possessing a high-fashion culture is not one of I call the “Limbo.” You will find yourself in a identified or of repercussions. The vast ma- the worst one. My softball team actually con- them. I don’t say this as an insult, nor do I claim big identity conflict, and it takes some time jority of the comments on Yik Yak turned out vinced me to write it on the back of my team that there are no Midwesterners who dress styl- to realize that there is also a niche here for to be things that no one would say to another sweatshirt. Giving in to peer pressure was a ishly—far from it! But I have noticed a distinct you. Even though the term Hispanic is no person, or even out loud, in a million years. struggle for me. difference in people’s attitude towards my per- longer officially recognized as a race (physi- The classic phrase, “If you don’t have any- But alas, here I am. Virgin hair, untouched sonal style, at least compared to back home. cal appearance) but as an ethnicity (culture), thing nice to say, then don’t say anything at by any color or chemical processes, still as I’ve collected innumerable responses over people still treat it as one. As a Hispanic you all,” came to mind as I browsed the Yik Yak bright a red as ever. the past three years at Dordt—negative, positive, are neither black nor white. Before coming to feed. While a phrase like this may seem child- And I’m here to say that I’m proud to be and all-around bizarre—beginning when I first the United States you never have to deal with ish or like something you’re grandma would a Ginger. stepped outside in a bright floral dress, a green issues of race or ethnicity; you were another say, I think it’s important to keep in mind. Sure, we all hate certain aspects of our out- poncho, and heels on the first day of Fresh- part of the vast majority. But now something Grandma might know more than you give ward appearance, but it’s time to embrace the man year. Over the course of many outfits I’ve you always assumed will change. For the first her credit for. things you may not always appreciate. received some very rude comments: “My dad time in your life you will find out (and people would never let me leave the house like that!” Our neighbor-school Northwestern Col- Maybe it’s your freckles, your nose, or an will be sure to point it out) that you are not some very wonderful comments: “You remind lege in Orange City, in an attempt to curb unusual-sized mole on your chin. No matter white. me of a redheaded 70’s soul queen!” and I’ve malicious online behavior, has banned Yik what bothers you about yourself, you were For the “real” American, white, the color made to be YOU. So embrace it! also received some very strange comments: “You of your skin, falls somewhere between the Yak on campus. They said that the comments look like a flag!” Evidently, my style has not gone I’ve moved on from my past and have black and the white. I was confronted with on the app did not foster positive community unnoticed. learned to love my red hair, despite what peo- this idea several times, but I realized how on campus. I think they might have the right ple may think about it, because if I didn’t have Admittedly, it’s always been like this for much the white American had this notion of idea. If something is harming people on cam- red hair, I just wouldn’t be Haley. me. I’ve held an inexplicable hunger and love race during a PLIA trip in which one of the pus, maybe it should be removed. for color from an early age, which was quick- So, I present a challenge to my readers: members of my group, an American white, I’m not saying that we all need to boycott ly incorporated with a quick-budding love for take that one thing you hate about yourself insisted that I did not need to use sunscreen Yik Yak, or Twitter, or any other form of on- clothes. When I was in the sixth grade I was and do your best to turn it into something while working under the sun. I responded line communication and social media be- convinced I was going to be a fashion designer, that you love. All it takes is a little confidence that I did need it. However this person in- and, to prepare myself, I’d wake up at five-thirty cause we might offend someone, but we do and self-acceptance. sisted that it was unnecessary because I was every morning to watch the early fashion run- need to actually think about what we’re say- Go out there and rock what you got. “dark.” Such was the certainty of this individ- way shows on the Style network, clutching my ing online. The ease of online communication Chances are, the things that people make fun ual that I ended up questioning my own san- sketchbook in hand while furiously taking notes has created an environment that encourages of you about are the things they are the most ity for having used sunscreen for the past 20 the idea that because I can say something from the breathtaking designer collections I’d years. Fortunately I ended up realizing I was envious of. means that I should something. Because we see. not crazy after remembering the several times So the next time someone calls me a Gin- never have to see the faces of the people we For some, clothing is purely, or at least main- I disobeyed my mom by not using sunblocker ger, I turn, flip my hair and smile. talk about online, we never have to deal with ly, functional: it covers one’s body, protects one and ended up with a sunburn. Just like that; I’m a Ginger and proud. the consequences of our words. from the weather and sticking to plastic seats, With your white American friends you and it keeps everything in place while running At least, if you were to say terrible things will talk about “black people,” but American down the stairs. For others (like me), clothing is whites will let you know with their tone that about someone to their face, maybe they’d also a delightful form of artistic expression. It is you do not share a common identity with punch you in your face and you’d learn your a chance to decorate one’s self each day, viewing them. You are something else, even though lesson—online, there’s no one to punch you the body as an eager canvas and each article of the color of your skin is closer to theirs than in the face. clothing as a symbolic stroke of paint. to that of African Americans. With your Af- I have heard it said that we need apps like Sometimes when waking in the morning, rican American friends you will talk about Yik Yak so that we can present our opinions I am instantly inspired and know exactly what the “white kids.” They don’t consider you and criticisms without fear of judgement or to wear. On other days, I have to try on several black either, but at least they share a common oppression. This idea is OK as long as the app outfits before finding “the one.” It’s not that I’m identity with you. You are all members of the never gets used to judge and oppress oth- trying to impress anyone, because if anything, unspoken Club of the Non-White, you are ers—which it does. Daily. On top of that, if dressing like everyone else would actually make the minority, and you will learn (and have) to you really have a problem with a person or an my life a little easier out here. But I like the idea accept it. You will find out that indeed, there institution, have the spine to actually get up, of people seeing my aesthetic creations, as well are a lot of things and perspectives that you get off your phone, and go talk to them about as catching a glimpse of my personality just by share with the minority students being them it. Think through your argument, present it looking at what I’m wearing. Asians, Hispanics, African Americans and properly, and take it seriously. If all you’re And that, my friends, is why I’m “so dressed Africans. Sometimes you will need and crave doing is anonymously “YikYak-ing” about up.” for a time with your fellows of the Society of the Non-White, but watch out. You don’t it, then you will be anonymously ignored in want to stick together all the time. return. Page 6 Sports Clean Sheet?? Adjust record

Christian Zylstra - Staff Writer probably our best game possession wise and moving the ball around. We’re creating a lot Last season did not go as planned for the of opportunities, and variety has been key.” Dordt Defenders Men’s Soccer team, but this Despite the hot start for the Defenders, it season is already shaping up to be a good one. was not always a smooth ride. After starting Thirteen games into the season, the off the year 4-0, Dordt lost four straight Defenders are at 8-5, already better than last matches, including an overtime and double- season’s mark of 5-13-1. Life is going much overtime loss. But through preparation and more smoothly in the GPAC as well with the hard work, the Defenders are back on track. Defenders at 3-2. Even with the good start to “We have a great coaching staff,” said the season, don’t expect Dordt to be content senior Ryan Postma. “They prepare us well for with where it is. Above: Team picture of the men’s soccer team during a weekend trip to Contributed Photos all of our games and do a great job scouting Colorado. They won both games at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park Field. “Our team needs to stay focused and not our opponent.” become complacent with the success we’ve This Defender coaching staff has done a Below: Sophomore Brady Van Holland (14) goes up for a header in the box had so far,” said senior Brady Van Holland. great job this season, which is why the team against Concordia. Dordt won that game with a 3-2 decision. “We need to stay hungry day in and day out.” has a number of lofty yet reachable goals. That hunger for success and improvement “Our goal is to finish in the top-half of the has carried the Defenders to where they are GPAC and host a quarterfinal,” Schenk said. now. “Obviously, we’d love to reach the semis and “We’re right where we ought to be,” said with our potential, we could even reach the Dordt coach Dave Schenk. “We’ve always finals.” been a very hard-working team, but that’s not If the Defenders want to finish well in the always enough. But, we’ve really developed GPAC and make a deep run in the conference over the past few weeks. We’ve begun to focus tournament, the goalkeeping will be key. on things in our control. Things are definitely “Clean sheets are going to be very moving in the right direction.” important in the playoffs,” Schenk said. We During the first few games of the season, are 00 games in and we still don’t have a clean most of Dordt’s goals came either from sheet.” penalty kicks or with the ball out wide. That Even without a clean sheet on the season, recent technical development has helped the Defenders had plenty of good results. If Dordt score goals in a number of ways. the team can keep up their mantra of “Do “We were too predictable before, but now Work” throughout the season, it has a great we have different guys scoring in different chance of doing something very special in the ways,” Schenk said. “Tuesday (Oct. 7) was GPAC tournament in November. Second year of men’s volleyball to begin

Aaron Ladzinski - Staff Writer “We don’t always play the same teams, but we can hang with anyone in our conference,” The second year of Dordt’s men’s volleyball said Geels. “If we can achieve some goals and is upon us! After beginning the club team in win a few conference games we’re set up to do the fall of 2013 and beginning play in the well come tournament play.” winter of 2014, the Defenders look to begin “I never played in high school, so last year play with a home game against South Dakota there was a learning curve. Leading the team State during Defender Days on October 17. and setting up tournaments has given me The team has a good amount of experience more confidence going into this year.” returning from last year’s team, no key Last year the Defenders went 6-8 on players were lost from last year’s roster. With matches but with his head held high, Geels is that being said, the team welcomes fresh faces confident on the team coming together and to the court. producing a great year. Practices have been One of these freshmen is Thomas going on since the end of September and Soodsma from Rocky Mountain House, games are just around the corner. With only a Alberta, Canada, younger brother of junior few tournaments this year, opportunities are football and hockey player Chris Soodsma. short to show just how good the team can be “I’m very optimistic about the upcoming in just their second year. season,” said Soodsma. “It’s going to be a The first tournament will be played at Iowa lot of fun; I’m looking forward to the year. I State on October 25 followed by their home know I have a lot to learn about the game. tournament on November 22. Competition Keeping on the path he started last year, looks to be at a high level again this year after Contributed Photo junior Eric Geels will be captain of the team facing club teams from Division 1 schools and is looking to improve on last season. like Nebraska. Arts and Entertainment Page 7 Tom Sawyer opens on Thursday Oct. 16 Eric Rowe - Staff Writer this play attractive in terms of how the story was told. From book to script to designers, cast The Dordt students in the cast have been and crew are fleshing and living out the story attending rehearsals since the second week “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” presented of school, after auditioning the first week. by the Dordt Theatre Arts department. The Five of the ten cast members are freshmen. play, which is based on Mark Twain’s 19th One of those freshmen is Josh Bootsma, who century classic by the same name, will open plays the part of Tom and Huck’s friend, Joe at 8 p.m. October 16 in the TePaske Theatre. Harper. “I am excited for an audience to delight “It’s good to be committed and involved in these characters and their joy as much as with something right away,” Bootsma said. I and the cast have throughout this process,” “I am friends with people who I otherwise director and theatre professor Josiah Wallace wouldn’t be. It brings all kinds of people said. together. We are very different personalities, Contributed Photo Wallace decided to direct “Tom Sawyer” but we can be friends and have a lot of fun after reading this particular adaptation while together through theatre.” the deep red rock from Missouri.” of the scenic design. preplanning the theatre season last year. Haley Mulder served as the dramaturg Wallace was hooked from the very first scene A desire to heighten the tangible nature “We used real water and real dirt which for the production. Over the summer she of the play informed the set design which isn’t typical,” Wallace said. “These past few of the play. researched the time period and prepared a “I was intrigued and drawn to it. Jumping includes a two story house and a good old rehearsals, our actors have been walking, binder that was used by designers and actors fashioned climbing tree. sitting and rolling in dirt.” into water and holding a cat are intrinsically to ensure that the play is true to the historical theatrical things to do,” Wallace said. “It was The set is a unit set which means there will Tickets for Tom Sawyer are $1 for Dordt setting of 19th century Missouri. be no backdrop changes. Figuring out how to students with I.D., $5 for non-Dordt students, stylistically what I like to do.” “Topics ranged from fashion to types of Wallace cited the characterization and depict a variety of locations in one space did and $8 for adults. soil and trees,” Mulder said. “They actually not end up being the most challenging aspect playing of multiple roles as aspects that made changed the rock color on the set to match Movie Review: Pep Band set to return Gone Girl to basketball games

Jonathan Janssen - Reviewer With so many twists and turns that Gone Girl at times feels like multiple stories, Fincher “The date-night movie of the decade for and Flynn have created a film that keeps its couples who dream of destroying one another.” audience constantly guessing. The reveals Lauren Bird - Staff Writer Right off the bat, Peter Travers of Rolling have the perfect amount of build-up, so as The students of Dordt’s music Stone boils the new film Gone Girl into not to become mundane or abrupt, and they one appropriate summary. Director David consistently serve the purpose of furthering department have put together a pep band to Fincher (Fight Club, Seven, House of Cards) the plot. No scene is wasted in establishing accompany volleyball and basketball games has taken Gillian Flynn’s screen adaptation of numerous plot devices, character traits, or throughout the year. This group will play at her novel of the same name and transformed thematic elements. By using a slow, boiling games on November 1 and 15, December 6, it into a beautifully haunting look at marriage, beginning that sets the stage of a smart thriller, and January 17. social status and the depravity of the human Fincher shocks his crowd all the more when Dordt’s pep band is a student-run condition. the plot painstakingly devolves into a wacky, group, and is being led this year by senior How does one address the plot of a film graphic, and very darkly comedic ending. Michael Groenenboom and sophomore when said plot is as precariously delicate The utter lack of character development that Katy Wilson. and disturbingly twisted as Gone Girl? The is persistent to the end of the film would seem In addition to new leadership, which following plot summary will be very basic, to hinder, yet it adds to the horror experienced happens every few years when leaders leave, to keep the spoilers to a minimum. On his at the ending. Affleck – fulfilling his prophecy the group hopes to make several changes. fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne (Ben to become “that guy you want to punch in “We’re hoping to get more staff involved Affleck) comes home to discover his wife, the face” – and Pike shine in their roles, with and we’d like to see if we can invite alumni Amy (Rosamund Pike), to be missing. As a few standout secondary appearances from police detective Rhonda Boney (Kim Dickens) Neil Patrick Harris as a high school sweetheart to play with us during a game,” said begins to piece more and more of the crime still obsessed with Amy, Carrie Coons as Groenenboom. “We’re trying to get a more together, Nick is thrown into suspicion in the Nick’s twin sister who is his only confidant modern feel as well, which is why we’re eyes of the police, the media, and the nation. throughout his upheaval, and a surprisingly going to be playing some new songs like Junior trumpet player Photo by Eli Anderson Marshall Fyndaardt prac- Suddenly, the image of his seemingly happy spectacular performance by Tyler Perry as a ‘Happy’ by and ‘Gold on tices for the pep band marriage begins to crumble as those closest defense lawyer who specializes in husbands the Ceiling’ by The Black Keys.” to him start questioning Nick’s claim of being accused of killing their spouses. Perry Groenenboom hopes that the more innocence. steals the show in every scene he appears in, modern music will help the group Dordt’s music department to participate in pep stepping out of his usual tired, hackney roles connect with students. This and its unique band. Students are able to rent instruments and into a smart, cool role that portrays his atmosphere are what set pep band apart from the music department or bring their own comedic abilities much more adeptly. from other groups at Dordt. With stunningly poignant cinematography instrument. “It isn’t the same formal atmosphere by Jeff Cronenweth which convincingly “We only rehearse 45 minutes each week, that you come across in other musical portrays the underlying filth of suburban life so the time commitment is not too huge. The and an intelligent, minimalist soundtrack by ensembles at Dordt. Since it’s a student-led atmosphere in rehearsal is fun and relaxed, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, Gone Girl group, you get a different dynamic than a and at the games it’s great to help get the succeeds in its attempts at becoming one of the group that’s led by a music professor,” said athletes and fans energized and ready for the best films of 2014. Groenenboom. game,” said Wilson. One is left with Affleck’s most haunting Both Groenenboom and Wilson are Pep band is a great way for students to lines of the film: “What are you thinking? music education majors, and say that they support Dordt’s volleyball and basketball What are you feeling? What have we done to were involved in pep band in high school. teams, or to be involved in a fun group that each other? What will we do?” The answer to “I played clarinet in pep band in high they enjoyed in high school. these questions is up to you. school. It was a really fun experience then, “It’s an easy and fun way to be involved and I wanted to stay involved with this kind in music in college,” said Groenenboom. “It’s of music in college. As a music education also a visual and oral way to support Dordt major, I also knew this could be a great athletics.” learning and leadership opportunity,” said Dordt students and staff are invited Wilson. to participate. The group practices every Students don’t have to be involved in Wednesday from 8-8:45 in the evening. Page 8 The Back Page

Feature Photos Music Review: Childish Gambino - Kauai Jonathan Janssen - Staff Writer sees Gambino putting his falsetto skills to good use over an 80’s sounding beat. Multiple The phrase “R&B legends” brings a “hoo’s” and “woop’s” in a beat switch near the diverse range of artists to mind. Names like end of the song complete the MJ allusion. Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Marvin “Pop Thieves (Make It Feel Good)” sounds Gaye, R. Kelly, Prince, Justin Timberlake more modern, with a production-heavy beat and Usher will inevitably find their place and Gambino even making use of the ever- in future history books chronicling the popular autotune on the chorus. Minimalist rhythm and blues genre. With his new lyrics and a switch to bongo drums with a release Kauai, , known surprising appearance of spoken word poetry professionally as Childish Gambino, has by at the end easily make this set into motion his appeal for a spot in track the best on the album. Further into the R&B history. album, Gambino channels Justin Timberlake Where does one begin with a man as in “The Palisades (feat. Christian Rich).” multifaceted as Donald Glover? A quick Everything from the beat, which could have glance at his accomplishments show Science building under the moon Photo By Megan Kaiser been stolen off of JT’s 2002 album Justified, Glover as a screenwriter for NBC’s 30 Rock, to his seductive solos and boisterous chorus a successful stand-up comedian, a talented proclaiming “Love don’t really happen,” give actor and voice actor and a powerful off the signature Timberlake sound. rapper. With a résumé as extensive as his, The rest of the album sees Gambino Glover has earned the right to reach for a making a bold return to his rap on “Poke position among legends. (feat. Steve G Lover III)” – Steve G Lover In order to understand Kauai, one III being Gambino’s little brother and a hot should ideally go back to December 2013, addition to the track – and “Late Night In when Gambino’s second album Because Kauai,” which again features spoken-word the Internet took hip hop culture by storm. poetry from Jaden Smith. The last song “3005 Flashing his talent in the face of previous (Beach Picnic Remix)” is an instrumental critics who thought that his musical hearkening back to with artistry skills were underdeveloped, a calm remix to his hit single “3005.” Gambino created a cohesive story – With Kauai, Childish Gambino has complete with a screenplay, multiple short thrown his hat into the R&B ring. Having films, a visually rich and audience-assisted already flexed his vocals to much praise with tour, and rumors of a possible video game songs like “Centipede,” “Telegraph Ave.,” – which hooked fans and critics alike. and “Urn,” Gambino listened to his fans and A year later, Childish Gambino has critics begging him for an R&B album, and it once again switched roles. Flaunting his was exactly what they expected: a cohesive EP acclaimed singing skills, Gambino’s Kauai with exactly the right amount of individuality boasts seven songs, each with its own that makes it a signature Gambino hit. distinct feel. “Sober,” an obviously Michael Dylan Bartles, Matt Boldt, Paul Gredanus and Adrew Kootsier Photo By Megan Kaiser Jackson-inspired bubblegum pop song, in the cook off.

Cover art for Childish Gambino’s new EP, Kauai