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The Weekly Kaimin, May 18, 1911

University Press Club of the University of Montana

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Recommended Citation University Press Club of the University of Montana, "The Weekly Kaimin, May 18, 1911" (1911). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 127.

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Champion-Missoula Takes the Relay. MISS MOORE FIRST ! Year are Named— Election Is Near.

Last Thursday and Friday was held year under the able leadership of Mr. on Montana field the Eighth Annual Butte Young Lady Bests All Other McCowan. Interscholastic Track Meet. The meet CONTEST WINNERS A. S.U.M.CANDIDATES Competitors and Takes First Place Nominations were then in order for this year was probably the most suc­ officers to take charge during the en­ in the Girls’ Division. cessful of any that has been held in CHAMPION TEAM FOR PRESIDENT suing year. the preceding seven years. There Gallatin County. E, E. Hubert. For President. were more high schools represented Jolley, Captain. A large crowd of interested specta­ FOR VICE-PRESIDENT Massey McCullough placed the than ever before, and the spirit "de INDIVIDUAL CHAMPION tors gathered to hear the contestants Caroline Wharton name of E. E. Hubert in nomination corps” 'was better than any heretofore Ed Hauser, Anaconda. in the declamatory contests, held in for A. S. U. M. president. Mr. Hu­ manifested. FOR SECRETARY Assembly hall Wednesday and Thurs­ bert is an enthusiastic booster in all Winner of 20 Points. Gertrude Whipple. At the end of the first day, Thurs­ day evenings of last week. There was college activities and if elected will W IN N ER OF DEBATE Gladys Hoffman. day, the Gallatin County High School no doubt fill the presidency satisfac­ Forsyth High School. much speculation as to the outcome, had attained a lead which they held and some little excitement. The win­ DELEGATES-AT-LARGE torily. At the present time Mr. Hu­ INDIVIDUAL CHAMPION through the entire contest and won ner in the boys’ contest, held Wednes­ Fred E. Thieme. bert is business manager of The B ai­ Edmond Toomey, Deer Lodge. the meet. There was a large delega­ day evening, was not announced until A. W. O’Rourke. rn in. Last year he was instrumental tion of rooters here from Bozeman and DECLAMATORY CHAMPIONS Thursday evening. The decision o f the Florence Mathews. in bringing about the tug of war, an they kept things going all the time. Miss Edna Moore, Butte. judges for both contests was then an­ Leo Baker. annual event, in which the Sopho­ Henry W. Warner, Great Falls. One of the best things noticed nounced. . In the boys’ contest Henry ALUMNI DELEGATE mores and Freshmen are- the prin­ WINNER OF RELAY RACE throughout the entire contest was the W. Warner of Great Falls took first J. B. Speer. cipals. He was also advertising man­ Missoula County High School. fine sportsmanlike spirit shown by the place, his selection being Anthony’s Mary Hanson. ager for the annual play of 1910 and winners and ■ the losers alike. There oration. Eugene E. Angevine of Mis­ for the carnival of 1911. was no “rag-chewing” or malicious soula was second, giving the campaign For Vice President. fouling at any time/ All ran for all ways been the Smoky City’s strong speech f o r . district attorney, while . At the beginning of the assembly J. B. Taylor announced his favorite there was in them and each was sat­ race, but this year it was a surprise to Francis Higsen of Helena took third period Dr. Duniway presented gold for the vice presidency to be Miss isfied with the results because each all when they did not get a point in ] place, his selection being “Plea for “ M’s” to Montana’s debaters and ora­ Caroline P- Wharton. Miss Wharton knew that he had done his best and ; it. The defeat i nth is ’as well as in I Cuba.” tor. The lucky persons were Miss is now secretary of the A. S. U. M.; was beaten fairly. j other events was probably due to the ! Edna Moore of Butte was the win­ Florence Matthews in oratory and D. and as a member of the executive A peculiar thing about the meet was | fact that most of the men that were ner in the . girls’ contest, giving Warren and M. S. Bullerdiek in de­ committee has shown her fearlessness that no records ‘were broken. This I on the team were new and therefore |“ Shaker Romance,” while Mae Brock bate. and straightfordwardness in the cause shows that the records all ready made I were more or less frightened at ap- i of Glasgow as.second, and Ruth iFaulds The president then, with a few well of the right. She is a consistent are of high class and that Montana ! pearing on the cinders here for the | of Stevensville, third. chosen words, presented the trophy, booster and a good .fighter for pro­ athletes rank well up with the other i first time. * which goes to the winner o f the inter­ gressiveness. A. W. O’Rourke nominated Miss high schools of other states. It does All the Butteites were satisfied, how- j class track meet, .to Captain “Turk” Gertrude Whipple for the office, but it not mean that the meet was slow or I ever, and said that they knew why it I Minnerly of the Freshman team. Cap­ that the competition was not keen, was withdrawn upon Miss Whipple’s iwas they didn’t win the meet. tain Minnerly, answering the cry of request. but it shows that the interscholastics I On Friday night was held the! “speech,” expressed the thanks of the Delegate-at-Large. of this state are now out of the “low” j awarding of medals. This year, for the class and made the statement that it class and are already at that turning Fred E. Thieme was nominated by first time in the history of the meets, was the .ambition of the Freshmen to Emmett Ryan for the postion of del­ point where men are being developed this was done in the open air. It have a few more “fours” placed on that will rank with the best athletes egate at large. Thieme’s boosting started with a Maypole dance on the | the shield after the “ones.” of any state. qualities are well known in the uni­ campus. After this all adjourned to | After a few announcements the as­ All declared the housing of the men versity and he has always been the grandstand on Montana field inj sembly was turned into a business on the • campus and feeding them at among the foremost in all activities. front of which President Duniway pre­ meeting of the A. S. U. M. President the Dormitory to be a great thing. He was an “M” man in football this sented the tokens o f honor won. 'McCowan o f the A. S. U. M. made a year, and is manager of the 1911 foot­ Because of this men that have been While the presentation was going on brief resume of the work done during ball team. In addition to this 'he is coming here for two and three years, a fireworks display was given on Mt. the year. He pointed out the fact that manager of both the Junior Prom and on different teams, this year met Sentinel. A mammoth “G” bad been no subscriptions have been circulated each other for the first time. It the 1912 Sentinel. He is a business made and when Gallatin was receiving during his administration, notwith­ started a community spirit among all man through and through and there its medals the “G-” was fired. After standing the fact that we have been that was pleasing to see. is no doubt but that all branches of this red fire was burned around the active in all branches. Mr. McCowan The Anaconda High School sent the business, especially the finances, could track and every piece of apparatus extended sincere thanks on behalf of man who by his prowess proved that be in no better hands. that had been used in the meet was the A. S. U. M. to Mr. R, N. Thomp­ he was the best individual man in the For Secretary. illuminated. The presentation suffered son and Massey McCullough for their meet. This was Ed Hauser. He was Miss Gertrude Whipple was nomi­ pleasing interruptions by the Sigma work as manager and assistant man­ the one who made it possible for An­ nated for the office by R. W. Wells. I Chi quartet, the Missoula band and i LEO BAKER ager, respectively; to Miss Hanson as aconda to finish in second place, and Last fall Miss Whipple was elected to I the University G-lee club, For Delegate-at-Large. chairman of the Boosters committee; it was to him that was awarded the i the executive committee by a safe ma­ After the medals had all been dis­ to Miss Edith Steele as chairman of individual prize, a gold watch fob, by jority and since that time has been posed of a reception and dance was the Ways and Means Committee, as the University. ' EXTENSION LECTURES an energetic worker in the associa­ held in the Gym. This, too, like every­ well as of the Play Committee; to Mr. Butte, who, it was rumored, had fig­ tion and very well deserves the pro­ thing else, as a huge success. When Taylor as manager of the play. Mr. ured on winning the meet, finished INSTRUCTIVE TALKS BY UNIVER­ posed promotion. all had been finished a tired but hap­ Forbis was praised for his work as third, but this was largely due to dis­ SITY PROFESSORS ARE BE­ O. D. Speer placed in nomination py and satisfied bunch of high school delegate at large and football mana­ appointments from unexpected quar­ COMING POPULAR. students left for home, enthusiastic ger. Mr. Forbis has distinguished ters. about the University and boosters for ■himself by making football, for the For instance, the mile. This has al- the Interscholastic meet Last night Dr. Elrod finished the first time, pay for itself. Miss W hip­ Below is a summary of the meet: course of extension lectures which, at ple was thanked for her work on the different intervals, have been given auditing committee. Miss Wharton, High Hurdles. secretary, Hugh Satterthwaite, and at the High School for the last four Finals—Nuckolls (Butte), first; months. Milton Mason came in for their share Lange (Helena), second; Milburn Dr. Elrod’s lectures on the Glacier as the social committee. W. A. Ben­ (Butte), third. Time, 18 3-5 seconds. National Park and the Lewis and nett received praise for the very effi­ cient way in which he handled the Clark expedition were made more in­ 50-Yard Dash. schedules and finances os manager of teresting, if interest can be added to Finals—Hauser (Anaconda), first; the track team. lectures of this sort, by the additional Collins (Butte) and Heyfron (Missoula) feature of stereoptican views. Manager R. N. Thompson made a tied for second. Time,. 6 seconds. President uDniway, Dr. Reynolds, partial report on the financial stand­ 220-Yard Dash. Dr. Elrod, Mr. Rowe and Mr. Kirk­ ing of the association. The complete report will be printed next week. The First heat — Hauser (Anaconda), wood, have participated in these lec­ report was very satisfactory and en­ first; Owsley (Missoula), second; tures, giving talks on subjects that couraging. It showed that President Jolley (Gallatin), third. Time, 24 4-B come under the departments o f work. McCowan and his capable assistants seconds. The lectures have been much en­ have not only made the college ac­ Second heat—Logan (Great Falls), joyed, and the attendance has in­ tivities self-supporting, but they have first; House (Park), second; Bou-r- creased steadily from a few people to also made a good start toward the quin (Butte), third. Time, 25 1-5 sec­ a large audience. The interest taken payment o f a $150 note, left by the onds . in the lectures has been most grati­ preceding administration. Third heat—Fluhr (Helena), first; fying to all concerned, and It is with FLORENCE MATTHEWS regret that the course was completed Great credit is due to the executive GERTRUDE WHIPPLE For Delegate-at-Large (Continued on Page Five.) so soon. committee for their brilliant work this For Secretary. thefpon«int of Arudr parektsf^r guard­ ~^gg'N E f I^,<§IStEk ians* ja j 'fTXiw , 3h is4foes not seerujust, and Published Every ^ eek "by" the Uni­ we feel sW e'ffiat the principals o f the University Ahn’traf Catalogue Was versity Press Club'of the ’University various High Schools would not-sanc- Issued During Intersehol- GOLDEN RULE The Most Popular Trading Store of .Montana. tion such a proceeding. A pupil would astic. only lose three days’ school at the EDITOR IN CHIEF most, and instead of discouraging stu­ m a s s e y s. McCu l l o u g h ...... „ ./n dents to attend, one would think that Thq new register which .came out Blues— Cool Oxford meeting and mingling with the stu­ ■ during track meet has many changes William Bennett, ’ll....Managing Editor dents from the schools throughout the and additions, all of which show the Carl C. Dickey, 14...... Assistant |state would be encouraged. | growth and development of the school Summer Blues and Greys We hope that by next year there will j jji the past. year. D. D. Richards, ’12...... Athletic Editor j be no feeling of this kind and every I Among ■‘he new articles will be Serges, homespuns, tropical worsteds, all feather­ one will be boosting rather than hang­ found the notice of the law school to Marjorie Ross, ’l l ...... Society Editor I ing back. ! be established here next year. If the weight fabrics, tailored into the stylish, slender- Peter Hansen, ’ 13....Engineering Editor ! j present plans carry the law school of looking Stein-Bloch Summer Lined Clothes. NEW SCHOOLS. the University of Montana will in a Winnifred Feighner, ’08..Alumni Editor I very few years rival the best law We have them here waiting for you. They fit If present plans carry next year five school in the country in the study of and they are comfortable. Madge Beatty, ’14...... Exchange Editor High Schools from the state of Idaho the theory of aw being second to the I will be contestants in the meet. older institutions only In the oppor- [ Have a look, Mr. College Man. Try them on. Reporters. This will seem only right, as Mis­ tunity for obtaining the practical ex- | They are a revelation. Louise Smith.....’13 Florence Leech..’12 soula is geographically the center for perience as a lawyer. Helen Wear.___ '12 Gladys Hoffman.,’13 such a gathering and without doubt, Brief plans for a summer school for | Suits $18.75 to $45.00 BUSINESS MANAGER Idaho will receive a hearty welcome. next year have been laid out, and for | ERNEST E. HUBERT...... '12 Probab’y the number of contestants the reason that this 'Will be omitted j will be increased to about two hundred this summer, we can toe sure the | Asst. Business Manager. and will make one o f the largest meets courses will be just so much better Milton Mason ...... ’12 of this kind to he held anywhere in next’ year. Art Materials and Picture Frames the country. The University and the Missoula Subscription Managers And we can only hope that the plans ; County High School recently entered Wade M. Plummer...... '14 will carry. I Into a joint compact for the purpose SIMONS Nat Little, Jr...... '14 o fallowing ohances for observation | 312 HIGGINS AVENUE EXCUSE THE JUNIORS. j and practice in teaching for Seniors Advertising | along with the other college work, and William Vealey ...... '14 ! During the last few days several of i by this means gaining strength of Walter Small...... '14 ithe Juniors have expressed the opin­ I better qualifications for good teaching. | James Haines...... ’14 ion that they should be excused from | Along these same lines the Seniors, BARBER & MARSHALL Circulators classes on Friday, June 2. We think 1 qualified in every respect to teach, will I 509 S. Hiaqins Ave. GROCERS 509 S. Higgins Ave. Herman T. Allison...... '13 Ithat it would be right to extend them | receive certificates permitting them to Bell Phone 20 Ind. Phono 420 H. Kuphal ...... *14 !this favor for their Prom is to be held teach in High School without exam- I that night and during the strenuous ination. This is a great help, and we Entered as Second Class Mail Mat­ times of the last week they will hardly are very glad to announce this fact, j ter at Missoula, Montana,. under Act •have time to decorate the gym for the There have been several changes of Congress of March 3, 1879. Only shoes ball. It would Inconvenience them I and promotion in the faculty. Many Schlossberg’s Store Home of the that give per­ greatly to attend classes and prepare j of the departments offer new courses, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1911. Just received, our new stock of Re- Regal for the Prom on the same day, and ! as in debate, but all will be greatly fect fit, one- gal shoes and Oxfords for men. All therefore they should be excused. strengthened. The extension work in quartter sizes the spring styles, and in one-quarter Shoes CALENDAR. i lectures and correspondence will be sizes. Come and see them. The University ball team need not | carried on as before. be ashamed of itself. Just glance May .26—Interstate Oratorical con­ Under the new crediting system for over the results of the Missoula league test. scholarship regulations, It is possible FOR A CUP OF GOOD COFFEE AND QUICK LUNCH GO TO team in their games last week, and June 2—Junior Prom. : to finish one’s course In three and a cheer up. June 4—Baccalaureate Address. j half years instead of 4 years. -Where June 5—Musical program. ; before 16% hours 'was the maximum The Coffee Parlor During the surprise party at the In­ June 6—Class Day. amount of work permitted, now, by firmary we have every reason to be­ June 6— Addresses Before Literary. the new system, if the work done has lieve that there were several surprised | a grade o f A or over, and is not more Societies. parties. ■than two studies, one of B plus, a stu­ June 7—Alumni Banquet. dent will be allowed to take 18% Missoula Trust and P. M. Reilly & Co. June 8—Commencement Exercises. And may we inquire: “What is the ; hours’ work. Savings Bank matter with the Press Club? There | There have been several changes in MISSOULA’S LARGEST SUCCESSFUL MEET. should’ be an election coming up pret­ the prescribed course for engineers, CAPITAL ...... $200,000.00 GROCERY ty soon. which should prove interesting. A full SURPLUS ...... 50,000.00 ! The Eighth Annual Interscholastic ’ I outlin of the course in engineering Officers: Post Office Block Pick your candidate for the A. S. U. Meet is over. This year’s meet was j chemistry will be found in the new J. M. Keith, President; G. T. Me- M. election. It promises to be lively „ Cullough, Vice President: A. R. Ja- Tobacco, Cigar, Stationery and by far the largest and most successful | j register. around these parts soon. An extension of two of the courses cobs, Cashier; R. C. Giddings, As- Confectionery Department Open ever held on Montana field. More than sistant Cashier. Nights 175 high school students participated | has been planned, in the shorst courses A nd, by the way, who howled Three per cent Interest Paid on in -Fiorestry, and in the course in Pub­ Phones— Ind. 544; Bell 98 and when one stops to consider, this I Wednesday night? Savings Deposits. is an exceedingly large number for an lic Hygiene. The forestry course has event of this kind. Montana is now champion football I been extended to a two-year course, ! so that men of this year’s class can The meet this year, let it be said, j and track— | return next year and take new work. was the best managed affair of this I Too bad we couldn’t have had a lit­ The Public Hygiene course has been kind ever held here, and events were tle more baseball— expanded to a two-hour course. The High Class Vaudeville and run off with clock-like precision. assistence of physicians of public One of the visiting principals made SENIORS, NOTICE. I health officials will be needed, and the the remark that the meet ought to take ] work will receive more attention and Pleasing Photoplays but one day. This, of course, would There 'Will be a meeting of the Sen­ | be more thorough than can be the case be impossible, for when one thinks of ior class Thursday at 4:10 in the Fac­ i in a one-hour course, the numerous heats to each event and ulty room. All are requested to be j The work in all the courses will be of one man being entered in four or I Entire change of Program present, as there will be much im­ greatly strengthened, and the courses five of these the strain would toe ter- j portant business. made to reach a higher standard of rifle, and it would be foolishness to efficiency tha never before. Sunday, Monday and Thursday attempt it. CHARTERS OF COMMISSION Our prospects for the coming year The attendance on both days hin­ CITIES. for a bigger and better college have dered somewhat by the league base­ | never been brighter than they are now, The University has recently received ball, which took place on the same I and we hope to make the best of our eoples another gift, this time in the form of afternoons. Such conflictions will opportunities. copies of the charters of all commis­ opular probably be avoided in the future. The management of the meet is to sion-governed cities in the United INTERCOLLEGIATE NEWS. rices be congratulated on the fine way in States. The gift is a very valuable P one, and coming at this time, when which it was pulled off. A radical change has Deen made in Missoula is voting upon the advisabil­ the attendance rules at Williams’ ; the ity of establishing that form of gov­ NOT RIGHT. maximum number of cuts allowed now ernment here, it is doubly so. By totals one week of work in each sem-! The f . D / i m Theatre comparing these charters, and taking ester. One circumstance in connection with the best from each, a splendid one can N ew U K / Beautiful A “Fratority” is the latest innova­ the meet was brought out that was be arranged for Missoula, and -in this quite an unpleasant surprise to us. It way the disastrous mistakes which tion in college, societies. It has its seems that one of the High Schools have caused such trouble in many of origin in the University of Indiana. prohibited any but contestants to at­ the cities where this government has As its name indicates, it is a com-1 tend the meet. been tried, can be more easily avoided. bination of the fraternity and’ the | Nolan’s Shoe Hospital Any members o f the school who sorority. Electric Repairing, Umbrella Recovering and Repairing a specialty. wished to attend the meet as rooters Harvard has received $25,000 for the A movement has been begun at Min- j Work guaranteed. or spectators were to receive a cut in purpose of establishing a bureau for nesota to do away with the giving of | Opposit Court House Ind. Phone 1648 Cedar Street their grades for doing so, even with municipal research. flowers at the Junior ball. s


STREET CAR ADVERTISING Five Idaho High Schools Will Join Is the only paper in Western Mon­ Moved to 112 W. Spruce. Bell Phone, 909. Schools of Montana in Next In­ tana furnishing all of the news of terscholastic Meet. the world every day in the year. Its news service is complete. By an agreement reached last Fri- A Genuine College “Spread” j day by the High School principals, MADE EASILY WITH i who attended the meet, several Idaho Commercial Printing | schools, including Burke, Wallace, THE ELECTRIC COFFEE PERCOLATOR Mullan, Sandpoint, and Coeur d’Alene The job plant of this paper is up to ! City, are to be admitted to the Mon- AND CHAFING DISH i tana Interscholastic meet o f next year. date in every particular, and our i These schools have been seeking per- facilities for turning out first-class M issoula Light and Water | mission to join in the meet for sev­ eral years and the decision reached work are not excelled in Hie state. Company at that time will be welcomed by both ! Montana and Idaho schools concerned. I The Interscholastic meet will now, Our Book Bindery without doubt, ‘be the largest schol- GEORGE L. FLAHERTY I astic gathering of its kind dn the Products comprise everything in the I Northwest. For several years the an­ line of ruling and blank-book mak­ FOR EVERYTHING NEW IN JEWELRY nual Missoula meet has surpassed all HIGGINS BLOCK others in this part of the United ing, in a practical and finished i States in respect to the distance which manner. | the contestants are brought and to the expense incurred, and now it should I surpass in numbers as 'well. I Missoula is the logical place, disre­ Be 'Wise, Go to The Bijou garding state boundaries, for the High Smoke the Two Favorite Cigars—Charles Carrel, Domestic Havana, El Sidelo, Clear Havana I School people of the Coeur d’Alenes 110 W est Main Street 1 country -to assemble, and the Univer­ PICTORIAL PRODUCTIONS PRODUCED PERFECTLY sity of Montana is the most accessible Western Montana Liquor Co., Inc* WHOLESALE 4— FEATURE FILMS—4 school for them to attend. 106 West Main Street MISSOULA, MONT, 2— PEERLESS SINGERS— 2 I These schools desired to attend the 2— MUSICIANS— 2 meet this year but permission was not granted until the matter had been put Change of Program Sundays, Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays. J before the High School people of Mon- You’ll find him at the Direction of E. J. Myrick ; tana. Since no objection has been SMOKE HOUSE | made and the majority are eager for the proposed extension, the invitation MASONIC TEMPLE j will be given to the Idaho schools ‘ Where Good Fellows Get Together ’ ’ mentioned, and possibly others, to at- I -tend. I These schools desired to attend the T H E IS IS | meet this year, but permission was not THE MUSICAL PHOTOPLAY THEATER I granted until the matter had been put Now under management of Lautz & Medcalfe. Photoplays of excep­ before the High School people of Mon- tional merit. Hanon-Medcalfe Trio, Instrumentalists; Ed Levasseur and I. B. ! .tana. Since no objection has been Hoefer, Vocalists. O LIET j made and the majority are eager for the proposed extension, the invitation Kappa Alpha Theta. will be given to the Idaho schools ] Edna Steele of Billings :and Miss Clara European M. L. Shapard, -Prop. Kappa Alpha Theta entertained ] Huffman of Butte. About 15 girls en­ mentioned, and possibly others, to at­ S toddard&Price tend. Thursday morning for the young la­ joyed the good spread and the good 108-110 East Main Street dies who were visiting in Missoula for ; thne. The new schools will compete under Hotel Shapard Both Phones the track meet. Their rooms in [ the same rules and the same terms and MISSOULA, MONTANA Woman’s Hall were very attractively privileges will be granted as are given ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Collegiate Alumnae Tea. Private baths, electric bells, hot decorated, and as usual their guests I to Montana schools.—The Sentinel Best and Largest Companies on ] The last social event of the week for and cold water, steam, cafe Earth were entertained in a most artful j the visiting teachers was given Satur- ALUMNI NOTES. manner. and bar in connection. I day afternoon by the ladies of the Mis- REAL ESTATE, BONDS, IN­ j soula chapter of Collegiate Alumnae, at In a recent letter from Josiah Moore, -Centrally -located, two blocks VESTMENTS A Breakfast. I the home o f Mrs. C. A. Duniway. Her ’07, he states that he has been helping from N. P. depot on Higgins ave. Miss Grace Corbin gave a breakfast ! house was decorated for the occasion to prepare a protective serum for Telephone 19. See Us for City Real Estate. Saturday morning for some of the j and refreshments were served during spotted fever. Several bottles of this Senior girls. The table was decorated I the afternoon. A pleasant afternoon were sent to Missoula last week. in white apple blossoms, the color | was enjoyed by every one. Miss Daisy Pemau, ’10, represented scheme of the whole being pink and the Columbia High School teachers at MCDONALD’ S HOME BAKERY INGALLS white. Covers were laid for seven and Dance. the track meet. 831 S. Higgins PHOTOGRAPHER the menu served was delicious. Miss After the awarding of the medals Ren Stewart, ’02, and Jim Bonner, The name "Home Bakery’’ is net mis- i Corbin's guests were the Misses Abbie First National Bank Block Friday evening a dance was held in ’07, have recently gone into business leading. Our goods are really hotne- I Lucy, Eva Coffee, Jessie Hanon, Mar­ maOo the Gymnasium. A great many people together. Their headquarters are to be jorie H obs, Mary Elrod and Alene Mc­ BOYS! Your Clothes attended, as is usual at track meet found in the Montana building. At the Gregor. same time Jim will keep his office in Deserve the bes.t cleaning and press­ time. The music was furnished by ing. Rates, $2.’00 -per -month. Call the Missoula Club Orchestra. This was the courthouse and will continue his A . J. VIO LETTE Kappa Kappa Gamma practically the last event of the week. duties as county surveyor. At present ATTORNEY AT LAW FASHION CLUB Kappa Kappa Gamma entertained Mr. Stewart is taking a month’s busi­ Bel phone, 143 .Red And. Phone, 1,767 I ------Western Montana Bank Building the visitors for track Friday morning ness trip to Treadwell, Alaska. President Will Entertain. on the lawn of Mrs. J. R. Toole. May Graham, ’10, Who has Just fin ­ ! Dr. and Mrs. Duniway have issued Many beautiful flowers of all colors ished a successful year of teaching at j invitations for an "at home” for the were already in bloom and refresh­ White Pine, Montana, arrived in Mis­ Ronald Higgins Sophomore and Junior boys for Satur­ ments were served from a blossom- soula in time for the meet and is now day evening, May 20. ATTORNEY AT LAW covered pergola. visiting friends. Rooms 407, 409, 410 Montana Bldg. The Florence A Slumber Party. Mrs. E. P. Kelley (nee Frances Faculty Luncheon. Next Wednesday evening Miss Nuckolls, 107V) was a guest

Last Saturday night, as Ralph Smith Patronize the Pure Drug Drug Store— j and Earl Speer were preparing for^ Where Quality Counts The their nightly rest in their adopted home, the Infirmary, a peculiar acci­ Missoula dent occurred. Missoula Drug Co. t Without warning of any kind a huge HAMMOND BLOCK boulder crashed through one of the Press Phones 16 and 459 windows, and fragments of the flying TH E SIGN OF GOOD PRINTING . glass struck both occupants. Mr. Smith was cut on the cheek and PHONES—Bell 338. Ind. 571 DRS. Me COMB & LOHNBUKKEN 110 WEST SPRUCE ST around the nose, while. Mr. Speer suf­ fered from several minor cuts about DENTISTS MISSOULA MONTANA the forehead. In addition to this the rock bounced 113 First National Bank Building from the floor and struck Speer on Bell Phone, 195 Black the leg, inflicting a painful bruise, compelling him to get around with a J. MERIAM cane for a. few days.. HENRY HUBERT The cause o f the mishap, it appears, Contractor of All Kinds of Painting, was several Dorm girls, who wished ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND Paper Hanging and Decorating to help the monotony of the impris­ FIXTURES oned lads by giving, them a surprise Phone, Bell 490 Red 824 Vine St. Estimates on Wiring Cheerfully party. Furnished. Don’t Forget the Num­ When asked concerning the boulder, ber. by a Kaimin reporter, the girls said they thought it (would be, a good joke 318 HIGGINS AVENUE to frighten the young men, so had Missoula tossed a few teenyrweeny pebbles at the window. How the boulder got Hotel among the pebbles is a mystery to be Mapes & Map es solved. Smith and Speer say they A. K. LEISHMAN, Mgr. will bring suit for damages unless Steam heat, electric light, elec­ Means High Grade Shoes ]/^CnjakyeMa/ftonaj, ,'Zir\c- some reparation is made. tric bells. Telephones in all £ ichin^s,Culy &J*ri/iting'Platgf rooms. HAUSER REWARDED Modern (Confectionery ^frorri T*Iiotos&Drau)irigsJbr 109 EAST MAIN


The piano recently purchased for j Convocation Hall was heard for the first time at the Philharmonic Tuesday. It is a beauty both in appearance and tone. The instrument is. of the Knabe make, . costing about $700. Twelve men were required to handle, the huge thing upon its arrival from the Mil­ waukee station, as Its weight, boxed, is about thirteen hundred pounds. The draying was done by the Hackman Storage Company.

For the benefit of the gullible the University of Michigan is offering a course that will teach the E. Z. Mark not to buy “gold bricks.”

Every job a special with us. The Bureau of Printing. COMPETING ATHLETES. I

ptfdptwn 'tied- for sse'o'TTd. I Height, 10 feet. brBer your Fi. HrBaTem^ & C3 Hammer Throw. S. W. Cor. Pine St. afhd NljHlggins Ai^j. 'MISSODIiAv MONTANA Finals—LAriitfer (Custer), first; : BRICK ICE CREAM J * DRUQS, BOOKS AND STATIONERY Read (Teton), second; Carr (Gallatin), ■■ From'the University Note Hooks and Supplied third. Distance,. 128 feet. ------:--- FULL LINE OF High Jump. Nonpareil Finals—Wolfe (Butte), first; Wil- Victor Talking Machines f comb (Beaverhead), second; Denm and Victrolas (Missoula), third. Height, 5 feet 5 1-2 Confectionery Hoyt-Dickinson Piano Co. inches. • Automobile Delivery Relay Race. Won by Missoula; Granite county, I : second; Gallatin county, third. Time, 1:41 2-5. Heimbach & Kelley Winning team — Owsley, Jones, Henley, Eigeman Whaley and Heyfron. KEY WEST AND DOMESTIC & Co. CIGARS 115 HIGGINS AVENUE Pipes, Tobacco and Cigarettes GROCERS Agents for Roach & Tisdale Bit­ ter Sweet Chocolates. New Goods t o Offer AT RIGHT PRICES |

Call and see our Fraternity and Sorority Ibstern Montana Record Books National lank —AT— Capital, . . 3200,000.00 Surplus Fund, 50,000.00

INTERSCHOLASTIC IS A SUCCESS head) second; Ingram (Helena), third. G. A. WOLF, . . . President LISTER’S J. H. T. RYMAN, . . Cashier ■ Time, 2:10 2-5. (Continued from Page One.) ______100-Yard Dash. GLADYS HOFFMAN 114 EAST MAIN STREET For Secretary. ■ Gatten (Gallatin), second; McDougal Finals—Hauser (Anaconda), first; (Butte), third. Time, 24 4-5 seconds. Collins (Butte) and Jolley (Gallatin) MODERN. Fourth heat — Street (Gallatin), tied for second. Time, 10 4-5 seconds. first; Haegele (Helena), second; Blessings on thee, little man; Low Hurdles. Karcher (Flathead), third. Time, 25 Dressed up boy with shoes of tan; Scandinavian 1-5 seconds. Finals—Street (Gallatin), first; Col­ With thy turned up pantaloons, lins (Butte), second; Bourquin (Butte), And thy comic opera tunes, Fifth heat—Jones (Missoula), first; 3hrat National third. Time, 28 4-5 seconds. And the cigarette that glows Johnson (Flathead), second; Fiske American Underneath thy boyish nose, (Helena), third. Time, 25 3-5 seconds. Quarter Mile. And thy dinky boyish hat, Finals—Hauser (Anaconda), first; Finals—Hauser (Anaconda), first; lank Standup collar and all that. State Bank Logan (Great Palls), second; Street I Luther (Teton), second; Brown (Gran- Thou wouldst have but little joy OF MISSOULA (Gallatin), third. Time, 25 1-5 sec­ MISSOULA, MONTANA | ite), third. Time, 54 3-5 seconds. j If thou weft a barefoot boy. onds. F. s. LUSK...... President Pole Vault. I For thy little feet are soft EDWARD DONLAN...... VIce-Pres. Half-Mila Run. I Finals—Paul Brittain (Galla,tin), As the brains within thy loft. E. A. NEWLON...... Cashier Binko (Helena) first; Hall (Flat- first; Homer Brittain (Gallatin) and —GEORGE E. PHAIR. H. S. HOLT...... Asst. Cashier Interest Paid on Time Deposits and leanings Srpartmrnt INTERSCHOLASTIC RESULTS Savings. Two mileTwo amr I Hammer in CSIonntrtinn 220-yard Shot 880-yard High Broad n mileOne Pole 440-yard 50-yard 220-yard 120-yard 100-yard Totals jump put jump throw hurdles.....! run vault hurdles..-! dash dash...... dash run dash run ...... __ 1 ' . Hammond Addition Anaconda_ 5 5 5 5 1 _ 21 | 5 Near the University. By far the LUCY & SONS Billings...... 5 swellest residence district in the Rntte . j 5 6 4 19 2 2 state of Montana. Prices moderate. Furniture and Carpets Great Falls 3 3 Terms easy. Helena ...... 6 3 3 12 Missoula ..... 2 2 1 5 1 11 South Missoula LandCo. Beaverhead 3 3 6 FRANK P. KEITH Flathead__ 3 3 Secretary Gallatin...... 2 1 5- 7 4 5 5 1 30 Granite ...... (■ 1 - 1 Harnois Theatre Jefferson ... 1 3 4 Union Market FREDERICK WARDE Powell ...... - | ...... 5 | ... [ ■ | ...... 5 ill • > .. For First Class Meats and Service “JULIUS CAESAR” Teton ...... 3 1 ...... 3 6 ...... 130 and 132 HIGGINS AVENUE Friday, May 19

READY FOR THE MILE. « FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Buy Your Manager Thieme Gives Out a Partial j CLOTHES “Commencement Schedule for the 1911 Football Team. In A Attire” Manager Fred Thieme of the univer­ Clothing sity. football team has announced a partial schedule for next fall which is Store IGHT at this time comes our by far the best* in years and which will give the university an introduction into v special display of Commence­ college sport circles outside of the state of Montana. Mr. Thieme has been working hard and has filled al­ ment attire for young men about most every date between the opening of the season and Thanksgiving. The to graduate. We realize what tne dates still open he hopes to arrange for, and he is corresponding now with occasion demands and have pre­ outside colleges in hopes of getting i «n You’ir w games. The schedule as it stands to­ days is as follows: find your ideals in pared a showing of fashionable suits October 14—Washington1 state col­ lege in Missoula. style and service are that are proper for this as well as October 21—State school of mines in made real in these Butte. other dress occasions. Here are November 4—State agricultural col­ clothes; you ’ll find lege in Missoula. new and beautiful blue serges—cut November 11—State school of mines they are everything in Missoula. that the most fastidi­ November 18—Gonzaga college in along young men's lines—genteel, Spokane. ous young man could The contracts for all of these games | refined apparel, popularly priced. have been signed. The agreement with wish his clothes to be. Washington state covers two years, and ' in 1912 the varsity football team will €]f T he energetic lines of M journey to Pullman. A game will prob­ ! 0 0 o u l a m e m u t t i t e ably be played next fall with the Utah Aggies, who beat the university here last fall by a score of 5 to 3. Captain Winstanley is also busy Spring models make an these days in preparation for the com­ ing season. All of the team which instantaneous appeal to represented the university so success­ your best judgment. fully last fall will be back again and Apply the “ Eye Test” Captain Winstanley is keeping in close touch with them all to see that they and you’ll decide to try keep their work up. It looks as though the “ W ear Test.” C a . n v the whole bunch would be eligible in the fall, and, despite the fact that the loss of Ryan and Maclay will be a great one, a championship eleven should turn Miss Walker spent Saturday and ably stop over In Missoula, on her out in September. Sunday visiting friends in Wallace,,| way from Spokane to Helena, for Idaho. . - : commencement. CANDIDATES ARE NOMINATED

Dr. Duniway is away. this week, vis- i Mr. James Brown, a former student j (Continued From Page One.) iting the various high schools of the at the University, spent several days j the name of Miss Gladys Hoffman. state. here last week. James was an inter- i Miss Hoffman is a member of The ested spectator at the Interscholastic Kaimin staff and is known as an en­ and Triangular, the more so perhaps, Bobbie saw some puppies for sale. ] thusiastic worker throughout the col­ due to the fact that he was the win- | The Missoula Sentinel “How much are they, Mr. Brown?” he lege. ner of last year’s individual cham­ politely asked. Delegate-at- Large. “Two'dollars apiece,” replied Brown. pionship. Leo Baker was nominated by O. D. All the news while it is news. News on the day it hap­ ; “But I don’t want a piece—I want a ; Speer. Mr. Baker is a good man for whole dog,” explained Bobbie. One on Ryan. pens. News when yon have time to read. Printed every the place. In all . branches he has al­ Gene McCarthy (at the Vienna)— ways manifested a good spirit and evening except Sunday. Order a copy delivered at your ‘Will you have some consomme?” Miss May Graham, who has been vis­ shown his energy and ability. E. Ryan (drowsily)—"No; thanks. I home. Both phones, 761. iting friends during track meet, was The name of Miss Florence Mat­ [ don’t care for fish.” suddenly attacked with inflammatory thews for delegate was proposed by rheumatism and has been removed to Hugh Forbis. Mis Matthews is prom­ Some Injun. the hospital. inent in the University this year, hav­ The Corliss engine and ammonia ing won the Buckley oratorical con­ compressor, temporarily housed in the & Sick Again. test and represented the University in A. D. PRICE Green Ellinghouse I lean-to of Science Hall, were recently Earl Speer and Ralph Smith have the state oratorical contest. There is | given their initial try-out. Those who ] been confined to the infirmary for the no doubt but that Miss Matthews will Livery, Cab and Transfer | witnessed the new engine swing into T W O STO R ES past 10 days with mumps. While be an energetic and successful worker Both Phones: Bell 38; Ind. 438. motion, especially those directly con­ 111 Higgins Ave. Penwell Blk. neither case was very serious the sick­ for the A. S. U. M. if she is elected. MISSOULA, MONTANA. nected' with its setting up, were well ness came at the most unfortunate time Mary Hanson nominated Arthur Tel. 175 Blk Tel. 803 Red. pleased with the test run. It is to be of the year, track meet week, and they j O’Rourke for delegate. Mr. O’Rourke Don’t forget Price’s news store. Exclusive agents for the were compelled to miss all the celebra- | regretted that the entire refrigerating was a candidate for the presidency Also the best line of stationery and tions. The infirmary has been Christ- j plant cannot be completed, owing to last year. He is now editor o f the 1912 AUTOPIANO Confectionery in the city. Pride of*, the Navy. ened the Sigma Nu annex, as nearly ev- ! the lack of sufficient room. Sentinel. He has demonstrated his “The Only One Priced Music House in ery member of the entire chapter have I GIVE US A CALL ability In several lines, and if elected the West.” had the pleasure of spending several EXCHANGES. would doubtless be a valuable addition days therein. However, it Is to be to the executive committee. Orvis Music House hoped by all that this will be the last Due to a serious accident to a con- ! Alumni Representative. batch of sickness for the students this testant in a meet, Yale is considering D. D. Richards declared Mr. Speer VIENNA CAFE year. abolishing the hammer throw. to be his choice for alumni representa­ We feed you things worth eating. “The Inspector General" is the play You will find tive. Speer has been a member of the Mrs. James Gillie, formerly Fay Mur­ •that is being given by the Cornell Try us and see for yourself. First door committee four years and is thor- ray, ’06, has returned to her home in j Dramatic Club this year. back o f the Grand Theater. [ oughly familiar with the business. This Butte, after having spent the week with The University of has MILLER’S familiarity coupled with the irre­ Miss Annabel Ross. I granted 5,895 degrees since 1892. proachable record of Mr. Speer Is as­ BARBER SHOP | In the near future Purdue is to give surance that he will he a success. The Quick Lunch Miss Nan Vivian has returned from an “The County Chairman.” The actors Speer at first tried to withdraw his The place for college extended trip to , and is a are to be coached by George Ade. For good coffee, ice cold milk and name, but upon Mr. Richard’s opposi­ guest at the Kappa Kappa Gamma The issue of “The Emerald” of Eu- home baked pie and cake. Short or­ tion he allowed it to remain. men’s haircutting. suite In Craig Hall. Miss Vivian will 1 gene, Ore., which appeared on Satur- ders also. probably remain until commencement. Opposed to him is Miss Mary Han­ j day, May 13, was the work of the W. H. HUNT. UNDER FIRST NATIONAL BANK sen, named toy Holmes Maclay. Miss co-eds. Miss Virginia Kennett, who has been Hanson graduates this year. As chair­ 104 West Spruce Street. the guest of her sister in Craig Hall Those Nifty Programs and other so­ man of the Boosters’ committee this | California University has been for the past two weeks, has departed ciety stationery that are being turned year she has sprung into prominence, In the near future Columbia Uni­ for Spokane, where she will spend out by the Bureau o f Printing are and if elected will be a good' worker j granted $2,000,000 as maintenance for versity is to start Work oh a $1,000,00 two weeks visiting. She will prob- pleasing everyone. I for the A. S. U. M. | the year beginning July 1, 1911. athletic stadium.