Free 95 Foot Headforemosi High Dive TANGO DANCING PALACE
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▪ 4 444 ! 44 0' 1 Prin In pl.11 b1111,n in 91; In MOM in i" Ifl 19 • 11 IOU blip lfigfiellfiell0 14 1 0 8" 1 "11 InIIIIHR111010111110000$111118118 1 40 1 11111101,1111 • I4 1 1 1 GRUNDY COUNTY inaugulinim,010101“10.01101411211.11.11.millimilifillotiltilnulniminitineveltisnlyalamillsoremasessalanimsinsinimsuslimiliiiiii Big Home Coming I day after a two weeks' visit with rela - FROM MORRIS tives in Hazel Green, Wis. Miss Myrtle Montgomery spent Tues- day and Wednesday with her parents )BOARD OM IMPROVEMENTS MEET—CORONER'S JURY GIVE VERDICT- MORRIS A. P. & A M. LODGE WILL HOLD PICNIC—BENJA- in Coal City. an? Celebration MIN BEASLY MARRIES—OTHER COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Frank Brewer, of Oklahoma City, is visiting at the home of C. P. Smith this week. Miss Jessie Trimmer and Mrs. Earl AT DWIGHT, ILLINOIS, STARTING Small spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. John Stitt, Miss Velma VanDuesen returned home Saturday after a two weeks' vis- Sat., Aug. 15, Lasiing 7 Days it with friends in Joliet. Airs. H. Collier and son, of Jo- friends. The groom for several years, his loss as will his relatives who in- liet, spent the first of the week at the when at school, was one of the trusted elude a wife and two year old son, his home of her parents here. All Attractions by the well-known carrier boys of The Morris Herald. father John Lafferty, and two married Miss Eunice Bruce was a Saturday His many friends wish him joy in sisters living in Coal City, and three night guest at John Kilmer's and went married life. brothers, Alex of Coal City, John of to Lorenzo for a few days' visit. The board of local improvements Kinkaid, and Patrick, of Hillsboro. Dr. Slosson and daughter, of Fair- WHITNEY SHOWS met Saturday morning and adopted 0 0 0 Cy 0 0 000000000000 hope, Ala., are visiting at the home resolutions to grace Calhoun street, 0 of Frank Malmquist at this writing. High Class Refined Strictly Moral put in a new curb and oil it from 1, GARDNER Washington street to Jackson. The 0 Obituary. residents on that street who wanted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CI 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0 Edwin- A. Fellingham, the oldest AF i ERNOON AND NIGHT a block paved have not been heard Mies Anna Daley is our • agent at son of Alfred P. Fellingham, was born Gardner and will from and if not, it will be paved with accept subscriptions on a farm between Verona and Ala- and advertising. Free 95 foot Headforemosi High Dive Free brick. The grade curb and oil idea zon September 7, 1854. His mother, Miss Sarah Young left Wednesday will make the street ready for paving Emeline Brayton Fellingham, died but I for a visit with friends in Batavia. at any time and the cost is only 20 a few weeks after his birth. Kind Mrs. Wm. Watson and children, of cents a front foot. relatives cared for him until the sec- Announcement has been made by Odell, were guests at the home of Mrs. UNIFORMED CONCERT BAND ond marriage of his father to Mary Mary Daley on Wednesday. a INIIMan• the committee in charge of the an- Chapin, whom he regarded as his own am, Miss Mabel Haslett was a Joliet vis- nual basket picnic of Cedar Lodge, No. mother. 124, A. F. & A. M., that it will be itor Wednesday and Thursday. When 19 years old, Edwin accom- Human Three-Abreast Mrs. Geo. Cumming left Wednesday held in Goold's Park on Labor Day, panied his father and family to West- for a visit with her daughters in Jo- Monday, September 7. All kinds of ern Iowa in which state he resided list and Galesburg. Roulette Wheel Jumping Horse Carousal sports have been planned for the day for about twenty years. While a resi- Mrs J A Gowey, who has been at and those who have charge of the de- dent of Iowa, he was married to Anna tails are working hard getting the the Morris hospital the past two Gould, this happy union being broken weeks, returned home Wednesday. affair arranged. The big event of the by the untimely death o f his wife but TANGO DANCING PALACE FEATURING LOTTA Mrs. G. C. Hewitt was a week-end day will be the ball game between the a few years after their marriage. REFINED---INS1 KUC i IVE---MORAL Morris and Joliet lodges. Both teams visitor at the home of her mother, Three brothers and one sister sur- Mrs. Mary Daley, returning to her have a strong line-up, and a good vive him, David J. Fellingham, of home Sunday evening, accompaniedd game is looked for. Boone, Ia; Lewis A. Fellingham, of by her son Elton, who has spent the • Genuine Datto Cipriano The coroner's jury composed of Dr. this community; Mrs. C. H. Van Metre past fiveve weesk here. A. G. Harrison, E S Feticher, Wil- p of Clarion, Ia., and John H. Felling- 11am Robinson, W. O. Dix, Thomas Mrs. H. C. Leach, of Joliet; spent , - Colored Minstrels Filipino Wonder--Alive Tuesday with relatives here. Pattison and Frank Cooper empaueled For nearly twenty years Edwin A . Friday night by Coroner Sachse to in- Fellingham was a resident of Verona Death of Mrs. Margaret Jenkins. quire into the death of Burnett Peter- enjoying the friendships of many and Introducing Interesting and Instructive The community was shocked on Sat- son met in Davis Sons undertaking the love of numerous relatives who ATHLETIC SHOW urday evening to learn of tee death of WRESTLING EXHIBITIONS parlors. After hearing the testimony mourn his loss. of Arthur Higgins, George Bingham, Mrs. Margaret Jenkins, who passed James Brady, Bert Francis and Leo away very suddenly at her home in Summer Coughs Are Dangerous. Gardner. Featuring Baker the jury returned a verdict that , Summer colds are dangerous. They School Days High-Class Advanced Vaudeville Peter Burnett Peterson came to his Mrs. Margaret Williams-Jenkins was indicate low vitality and often lead to born at Murphyutidsville, Wales, Nov. serious Throat and Lung Troubles, in- death accidently from injuries sus- • tained in being struck by an automo- 22, 1842, and died at her home in eluding Consumption. Dr. King's New uile driven by Leo Baker about 10 a. Gardner, Ill., Aug. 8, 1914, age 72 Discovery will relieve the cough or and meet and renew m. Wednesday. The witnesses testi- years, 8 months and 17 days. She cold promptly and prevent complica- all your old acquaintances fied that the auto was going east on leaves to mourn her departure three tions. It is soothing and antiseptic Come One Come All the south side of the street near the sons, Jacob, of Chicago; William, of-- and makes you feel better at once. To curbing and a rig in which witnesses Joliet, and Llewllyn, of Orient, Ill., delay is dangerous—get a bottle of Dr. were riding on the north side while and three daughters, Mrs. Anna Lewis, King's New Discovery at once. Money the unfortunate boy and others were of Miles, Wash.; Mrs. Bessie Jones, of back if not satisfied. 50c and $1.00 sister, Rev. Moreland, the latter part James McDade and son, Joe, and playing in the middle of the road. Ef- Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. Mayme bottles at your Druggist.—Adv. O00000000000000000 two children, of Utica, Ill., visited at forts were made to attract the boy's Schultz, of Reddick, Ill. of the week. 0 Miss Viola Goddard and nephew, of the home of A. J. Campbell the latter attention to the auto but they believe Grandma Jenkins, as she was fa- 0 0 *0 *000********** O KINSMAN 0 Chicago, are visiting at the home of part of the week. he became confuses and ran into the miliarly known, was a very devoted 0 0 machine without seeing - it. They christian, although badly crippled 0 their grandfather, John Larner. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Viner and O 00000000000000000 MAZON Rev. Mary Moreland was called to were all of the opinion that Baker with rheumatism, yet sl could be Ci daughter, Mae, and Miss Nellie Allen Miss Mary Mahaffey visited with McLean, Ill., Monday to conduct the done all he could to avoid the acci- seen on Sunday morning nobbling ott 000000000000000000 started Monday for an auto trip Miss Mae Mallaney last week. funeral services of an old parishioner. dent. to church; her religion seas not found Mrs. A. G. Rundle IS visiting rela- through Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrow, of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Small and Mr. in fine constructed phrases, but in a tives in Loda, Ill. Robert Wilson Cragg died Thurs- Odell, were visitors here on Friday. and Mrs. T. B. Hough attended the FROM THE COUNTY. rich abundant life. Her life was a The Congregational Church and par- day, Aug, 6, at the home of his father, Mr. H. W. Donaldson, of Joliet, was funeral of Ed. Fellingham in Verona As stated in the columns of The life of prayer, prayer for her children sonage are being painted. Geo. Cragg, four miles east of Mazon. a business caller here Wednesday. Herald Saturday evening, what was and outsiders, extremely interested in Miss Neita Isham went to Chicago I Tuesday. The ? funeral services were held in the Airs. Michael Holleran visited at the thought to be symptoms of lock jaw bringing souls into the Kingdom ot: Saturday for a week's visit. Methodist Church Sunday morning, Will Holleran home in Campus last in the Ed Fellingham case at the hos- God.