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___________________ _ agiUriinsmi For w ery opening the Air Force has, Cour stu* ROTC p rog^ s are bright, m s does not mean Ihe ibe m - dent appUcafiops are fi|^ Iti tts .progzani^ and all that it is entirely out of trouMe. ctSafte esmpuBM. three senrlcei hatre toiv backlogs of coUwestbat ^ OsmiMs r ^ s , Prinsirily the StudeoU for a Bat' tftaUiiMiitfrea Cram th» eoiAuon Indicate wint tralhii^ units estabUshed. The Navy list Is Democratic Society CSDS), are promising new *and that the p m m B , are not jliM najUtfeiateed fitfTC ISO schools lon^ irith applicants denied units on possibly violent actions ^against the military thUn- ■advoeatur-WIb. to Iroq^ tbd tblllttiy triUnlng grounds and b e ^ s e the Navy doesn't Ins ^ s when colleges reconvene this Sqitember. fOogniaMirikuM (A cotlc«6.d|Mj|^^ more young officers. And when the Ait tto SDS has opposed ROTC on the grounds that it Ihe ^11 StiM JcMi^ repM Force tried to ditip colleges-because th^ "represents a warmongering, nttUtaristlc estab d hntdfifl tif **Kb6ola do ertctStt et'iiied lurvlceg. weren't producing enough officers^ the outcry was lishment" they w l* to destroy. the ayerall Beeenred Officer ‘M tdtiit Coipa pro- so loud that four of the units were reinstated. Student acUvists at WSU have also protested" 9ranw*^fiie milttar^a prime soupge of yoozeyoftl- ROTC. Their ultimate wish is for ROTC to be certi>»BOTC -Menu sure to otifviM hi teatthy «Few military men delude themselves about the removed from campn^ but the CSR would be coMItlflni tlMnib often In somei^et an 4ttered popularity of B()TC, the Jourhal ssiysy «*Draft happy for the moment If the physical education 'Con&**M . avddance explains much; mahy college men decide requirement was abolished and more fiexibUity that military tours are unaviddable and that beii« Introduced into the curricolum, allowing the student a Ueahsepm beats beiiw a private/' more of a voice wittnut the threat of revenge : T f^ are also ottier, and newer, reasons for lateV in the student's military career. ROTC's healthy p ro je cts ; One la a new wiUing^- On aCtaer chmpuseB^ ROTC hhs been questioned ness of the Army, Navy and Air Force officials by less radical teachers^ students and adminittra- to revise tbelV campus pingrams tomeetoblectionsi tors. Hie Journal reports that these moderate yie tdtal naiibar of HOTC tidtta U mpected Course work is being cut badk, and the content protesters contend It is not an "academic diacipUne." to cliffib tor. >^itetinber; The ntoihar oC units U made more ioteUectnaliy presentable; **Qone are Its teachers, (uiwUy career military meiO, are inrriiieing ^ ihiwriUaL and so ara the number of such things as Navy 'laioUtylng and srnne Army only "bogus professors and its subject iMtter vio 8x*dnates reewre commitslooa^ tfae Jottthal arilUery studies have also vanished." lates the spirit of acadendc freedom. These cri- 'r Although ffuchiatlons about-the esgauslon of tiCB should develop tbehr officers ^sowhere." The Sunflow er Warnkk May Charge Police with Robbery WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1969 VOU LXXm NO. 55 A WSU freshman is expected was not arrested by police—and sp to charge the Wichita City Police it would seem was violating n o' Department with am jed robbery law--Warnick contended that the for the removal Sunday of a port armed policeman had no legal right able generator which he had rent to take the generator frcrni his Little Ledgers Welcome Home ed to provide eiectriclty for an possession. ampllphied concert at Riverside Hie concert' was held in an ef Park, fort to illustrate that the new park The student, Brice Warnlck, said ordinance, ccmceming use of re First Men Withdrawn from War Tuesday night he plans to discuss creational facilities In the parks, filing the charge today with County was written “ without meaning,” nam and now Army chief sta more compassionate, more res- MCCHORD, Wash. (AP) - Hie first Attorney Keith Sanborn. Warnlck said. A second purpose told the returning veterans ponstble, more realistic and more of 25,000 U. S. tr ^ s President Warnlck said he should have of the concert was to defend the vrant to convey to you the ajw re- practical” than their contempora Nixon is withdrawing from Viet been arrested If he was violating young people of the day and point nam landed at this sunswept air ciation of our nation—appreciation ries who have not served. a law at the time the generator The Vietnam veterans stepped the finger of fault In another direc base Tuesday and stepped smllfrig for a Job well done.” was confiscated. But since he tion. out o f teelr C l41 transport plane to American soil as Little League Westmoreland warned the troops baseball players waved a sign that they "will be confronted by loaded down with souvenirs, dress reading ^‘Welcome home— Thank those who will degrade your per ed in khakis and black combat you for keying America free.” formance hi Vietnam.” boots, and wearing beaming Gen. William C. Westmoreland, But he told them they would find smiles. their former commander In Viet themselves “ more mature, more Some of the men had relatives nam and now Army chief of staff dedicated to the service of others. among the crowd of about 500 watching the first plane to land. The troops stood In formation as Bui Diem, ^ u th Vietnamese Academic Threat ambassador to the U. S., told them “ On behalf of our government and on behalf of our people; of the peasants down In the delta of the Mekong River as well as of the Student Imposed villagers up north near the DMZ, may I say to you all from the By Elaine Reeards should prompt better use of technl- bottom of my heart, thank you.” News Editer (pies for these demands, Dr. Hook Hie soldiers, most of them com said. bat veterans, left their Mekmg Delta base camp Monday and Emphasizing the Idea that stu Concerning student rights. Dr. boarded nine jet transports In Sai dents diould demand better faculty Hook said there are several tjpes. gon after receiving the thanks of rather than cures to unrelated soc Students should have the power to South Vietnamese ofilclals. ial ills, Dr. Sidney Hoc^ explained regulate pers<mal a fb lr s through Hiesday night, the definite posi studeiti organizations^ he com The first plane touched down at tions students and fliculty should mented. However, if the action of this air base 50 miles south of occtiiy In the university com- a student group threatens the right Seattle at 6:30 p.m. EDT, and m un^. of others to learn, then the foculty all nine were expected to be on Speaking to a near capacity has the right to Intervene, protec tee ground by midnight. crowd in the CAC Hieater, Dr. ting the lights of the majority. A U.S, customs dlq^ute involv Hook discussed the "C risis In Dr. Hook stressed the need for uni ing the returning m m was settled American UnlverBitieS|” or what versity fkculty to take the lead without problem s. William J. he conriders the transition in our against tyranny to learning. Payne, deputy assistant regional educational system .. Students are also «ititled to the ccminussloner for the Customs A ridlosophy Instructor at New light to consultation, Dr. HocA Serviceu said the “ rules were bent York University, Dr. Hook explain said. Although no studoit can ac a little” to allow the men to greet ed that academic freedom includes tually win a fight against the fa bmilies before boarding buses the right to teach and the right culty, Dr. H o^ pointed out that to neartiy Lewis, the Army to learn* stud^s should be permitted to camp where they will be processed. protest as long as It didn't Inter It was thought earlier In the day Today, the threat to academic fere with the education of others. that the welcoming ceremonies and freedom stems from students. Dr. “ What I wonder, Is how can an greetings might have to be delay Hook remarked. Freedom to learn apprentice In any field ever become ed until the customs checking was Is a moral act. It is the right a master, ifhehasasmuchauthor- done. Payne said tee men are of the individual to further him ity as tee m aster?" Dr. Hook checked “ as a matter of standard self Dr. Hook said. Almost every astod. Stodet proce^re, as anyone else enter one will agree to this en^ but they asked. Students are entitled to ing tee country.” dlkfer on tiie means, he added. consultation, but the authority— the He said the customs men were With the notion thatunWerstties decision nuteing— belong with the looking for “ prohibited or res must transform society, groups faculty. tricted a rticles,” but for nothing such as the SDS want to turn the One o f the major problems with in particular. university Into a political agent. education Is that tnrtructors don*t The traditional homecoming These groups are disnqitive just gear their Instruction to Individual steak dinner was planned for the like the Germans because educa s tu d ^ s , he said. What they must men at Ft. Lewis, where they will tors are not able to teach as they realize Is that there are great be processed and drilled for an believe they should. Dr. Hook re differences among students, (eal- eight-block parade through Seattle marked. ly each student should have Indl- Thursday. There were no demon NO ARREST MADE-A pillctman eanflseatas a pertabla gMaratar The fact that demands are con- strators in the crowd.