Summer 2021|5781 May, June, July Iyar, Sivan, Tamuz, Av

INSIGHTinto Temple Israel of Boston

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: • Vaccination Site at Temple Israel • & Confirmation • Celebrating Helen Cohen “Enlighten our eyes with Your teaching, and let our hearts embrace Your commandments.” - Morning Liturgy

INSIGHTABOUT THE COVER... AT TEMPLE ISRAEL, WE... build community and encounter the sacred through relationships.

embrace in all its dimensions as our enduring source for inquiry, discovery, and inspiration.

Students participate in the TI Wilderness Program. explore spirituality and innovate our traditions of ritual and prayer. IN THIS ISSUE... pursue justice, in partnership with others, to The TI Scene ...... 3 realize our vision of what the world ought to be. From TI President & Executive Director ...... 4 are Ohavei Yisrael, Lovers of Israel, committed to the vitality, From the Senior Rabbi ...... 5 peace, and well-being of the Jewish people in Israel and Thank You, Rabbi Jen Gubitz! ...... 6 throughout the world. Shavuot and Confirmation ...... 7 draw strength from our diversity and wisdom from all who TI Vaccination Site ...... 8-9 walk through our open doors. Next Steps in our REDI Work ...... 10 Welcome Rabbi Andrew Oberstein ...... 11 Stories of TI Impact on Our Youth ...... 12 Welcome to Our New Staff ...... 13 Celebrating Helen Cohen ...... 14 Adult B'nei & Chochmat Lev ...... 15 High Holy Day FAQ ...... 16 GBIO Listening Groups & Friends Match ...... 17 Anticipating Our New Website ...... 18 Photo Gallery ...... 19 Life-Cycles ...... 20-22 Yahrzeits ...... 22-25 Cemetery Histories and Mysteries ...... 26 Contributions & New Members ...... 27-29

UPCOMING HOLIDAY DATES... Shavuot: May 16-18, 2021 Tisha B'Av: July 17/18, 2021 Tu B'Av: July 24, 2021

2 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. “Enlighten our eyes with Your teaching, and let our hearts embrace Your commandments.” - Morning Liturgy The TI Scene: Living Judaism Together

Tu B'Shvat hike at the Blue Hills Rabbi Dan Slipakoff's Mixtape Midrash Class

TI Cares Co-Chairs putting together Mishloach Manot packages for

Rabbis Zecher, Gubitz, and Slipakoff, and Cantor Stillman during the virtual Curb-side pick up from Oasis vegan restaurant Cookoff

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Being in quarantine can be isolating, frightening, and lonely. If you or anyone you know are sick with COVID-19, please let Amy Sherr know so we can reach out at [email protected]. We are here for you! Please let us know if you need immediate assistance. | 617-566-3960 3 FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

It is hard to believe this is my last Insight column as President of Temple Israel. While the last two years have flown by, I can honestly say no one chooses to lead an organization during a pandemic, but then we rarely have warning of such occurrences. What is clear is that I am filled with gratitude for all the incredible work, tenacity, and creativity that our Clergy, Staff and whole community poured into Temple Israel during this time of COVID. We have not only survived, we have thrived, as we nimbly transitioned to online presence, observance, learning and governance. We widened our reach and expanded our orbit during this past year. We innovated new rituals, Marc Maxwell reconfigured our familiar events, accommodated our safety and made sure every member of our Board President community had access and connection to all we have to offer. We continued planning for our future, with our Ongoing “Inventing our Future” and are planning for our re-entry into in-person gatherings at Temple, as we safely can. We are making plans for our “Welcome Home” changes to our building, technology, and operations, starting this summer and planning for “hybrid” High Holidays come September. It is difficult to list everything we have accomplished in the past year. It has both been “business as usual”, while truly nothing has been normal in the way it unfolded. We have said good-bye to seemingly irreplaceable members of our Clergy and Staff team and successfully integrated Cantor Stillman and new staff members. We lent our space to others and turned our Atrium and Auditorium into a Vaccination Site. We supported minority and mainstream organizations, while staying true to our core values and mission. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have served in this role, for the constant support of Clergy, Staff and Congregants, and to step aside so others who have agreed to step up can lead us forward. These two years have been among my most rewarding, to be given the opportunity of giving back to an institution that has so supported me over my decades of association. It is clear Temple Israel will continue to thrive and advance as we collectively create our own rich and engaging future. I hope you will join me in supporting those leaders who follow and in assuring Temple Israel’s expansive journey into our collective future.

This has been a year unlike any other. I invite you to join us over Zoom for our annual gathering on June 10 at 7:00 p.m. We’ll celebrate our past year, take a moment to mark where we are, and look toward the future. We’ll also have the opportunity to thank some of our staff who are moving on, including Rabbi Jen Gubitz and the founding director of the FJECC, Helen Cohen. Helen is retiring after raising up a full generation of our youth, and setting them on the path to success. Those of us who have been lucky enough to have a child attend the FJECC have been witness to the deep and abiding values that Helen and her staff have instilled in their students. Dan Deutsch Executive Director We’re grateful to all who have helped to strengthen our organization over the years, but I would be remiss if I didn’t take this moment to express my deep gratitude to our outgoing Board President, Marc Maxwell. Over the last two years of his presidency, Marc has been generous with his time, money, and wisdom. He has led us with a supportive and direct vision, as he has a full understanding of the many facets of our community and what it takes to strengthen our work. His steady approach and presence have been a gift to us.

As we look toward the next fiscal year, our team is working hard to plan for many contingencies. Soon, we will have more details to share about our vision, including how we will spend the High Holy Days. Stay tuned! As we’ve learned throughout this pandemic, the only constant is change – but we are learning to be excellent change-managers here at Temple Israel. Our doors, whether physical or metaphorical, are always open to you.

4 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. FROM THE SENIOR RABBI

How do we get from Passover to Shavuot? We spent Passover moving from the narrow straits of Egypt to the open pathway through the sea to the wide expanse of freedom. Our journey hardly ends here. Torah awaits. The Seder helped us move from there to here. But how do we again get from here to there — from the wild ecstasy of freedom to the guiding light of Torah?

The stepping stones come from Pirkei Avot, the ethical teachings of the rabbis of the Rabbi Elaine Zecher Mishnah who lay out a plan with their counsel. They provide six chapters of inspiration, like Senior Rabbi an arrow shot from a bow piercing the air on its way to prepare us and direct us toward the ultimate instruction of Torah.

Let these words and images from these chapters guide you on this path:

1:6 Provide yourself with a 2:7…the more Torah, the 3:8: Know whence you teacher, and acquire for more life…the more counsel, came, and where you are yourself a companion and the more understanding, the going, and before Whom you judge every person in the more , the more will have to give account scale of merit. peace… and reckoning.

4:1 Who is wise? The one 5:22 Turn it, and turn it again 6: 3 Those who learn [Torah] who learns from every (the Torah), for everything from another; a single person… is in it; And contemplate it, chapter, or a single law, or and grow old and grey over a single verse, or a single it, and stir not from it, for you utterance, or even a single have no better principle letter must treat that person than it. with honor… | 617-566-3960 5 Thank you, Rabbi Jen Gubitz! For the past five years, Rabbi Jen Gubitz has brought warmth and wit, care and concern, scholarship and spirit to our congregation. We are grateful for her presence in our lives and the many relationships she has fostered. She has mentored and warmly welcomed as she has modeled living Judaism with meaning. Thank you, Rabbi Gubitz! We wish you much success in the next chapter of your vibrant rabbinate.

6 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. Mark your calendar for... SHAVUOT & 5781 CONFIRMATION

TIKKUN ZOOM SHAVUOT 25 Hours of Virtual Learning, beginning Sunday, May 16 at 5:00 p.m. Learn more and join us at On Shavuot, we go big. We celebrate the revelation of Torah at Mount Sinai by learning together, often in what is called a "Tikkun Leil Shavuot," a yearly Torah all-nighter. This year, we go even bigger as dozens of teachers, artists, and facilitators lead us in study, prayer, art making, music, and more over a full 25 hours in the zoomosphere. Join us for an hour or two, or brew a pot of coffee and stay up for a full day of learning, connection, and celebration.

This event is offered in partnership with the Center for Adult Jewish Learning, Hebrew College, Temple Sinai, Congregation Dorshei Tzedek, Temple Beth Zion, Temple Ohabei Shalom, and more!

JOIN US AT QABBALAT SHABBAT AS WE CELEBRATE OUR CONFIRMANDS Friday, May 14 at 6:00 p.m. Zoom link available at At Temple Israel we treasure the experience of Confirmation as an integral part of our Shavuot experience. As we gather to celebrate the receiving of Torah from Sinai, we also join as a whole community to celebrate and learn from our 10th grade students who have spent the year exploring and wrestling with the themes of discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. Join us for Qabbalat Shabbat on Friday, May 14 as the confirmation class of 5781 will serve as our teachers; sharing with us their perspectives on what Judaism means to them, and inspiring us all to consider what Judaism means to us.


Ari Zeren Benjamin Kaplan Anna Zeren Molly Bailen Sophia Schneider Lily Bailen Adina Habib Beckett Kravetz Max Barcan John Caceres Isabella Cevallos Claire Carroll | 617-566-3960 7 TI AS A COVID-19 VACCINATION SITE: Continuing Our Legacy of Service By Dan Deutsch, Executive Director On January 6, 2021, I got a phone call. It was the Executive Director of Real Estate for Beth Israel Lahey Health. We’d worked together in the summer of 2020, when Temple Israel helped Beth Israel Hospital by storing equipment so that they could more effectively combat the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The phone call in January was slightly different: would Temple Israel consider hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic? Our leadership team knew we had to take this opportunity seriously. It was a moment to truly stand up for our values of pikuach nefesh, caring for the sick, and our role as true builder of community in Boston. There was no other answer but yes.

However, the process was extraordinarily complicated. We worked quickly to bring together a plan that would work for our partners and tenants, while providing a smooth and seamless experience for the Beth Israel Lahey Health patients. What would normally take months of planning, we did in two short weeks. We truly believe that with each patient treated at Temple Israel, we are one step closer to helping end this pandemic – and importantly, welcoming our members back into our building.

Along with other members of the Temple Israel staff, we have been able to meet some of the patients as they have come into our building and shared their stories with me. A 104-year-old woman told me that this was her first time being in a – and what a holy experience it was for her! I also heard a story of someone who was afraid to get the vaccine; when she saw that our congregation was the host for this clinic, she felt a sense of trust and signed up to get her shot. It’s also been incredible to see so many of our members come through the doors for the first time in over a year to get vaccinated.

In April, I was able to speak to a new national organization, Faith4Vaccines, about what it’s been like to host a vaccination clinic. I shared Temple Israel’s story with almost one hundred faith leaders around the country, as well as representatives from The White House. Each of these leaders is working to address vaccine hesitancy and to support equitable vaccine distribution through faith communities. We hope that the example we have set will cause others to also say “yes” and to stand up for the values of public health and community. Temple Israel is continuing its long legacy of service and making a difference every day.

8 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. "I just managed to get my COVID vaccination at the Temple. It was the most incredibly well-organized, efficient, easy experience! I’m so grateful to you all for working with BI on this. In my experience, both BI and TI have been amazingly menschlich and professional during the many years I’ve been associated with both. I just wanted to let you know how very much this gift of the vaccine site has meant. Truly a huge mitzvah on your part. Thanks so much!" - MS Fearey

"I am sitting in the Levi Auditorium "My name is David Jamora and I am after my second shot filled with a Roman Catholic. The reason that I gratitude and joy. I entered TI am writing to you is to say thank you three weeks ago with a sense of for allowing Beth Israel Deaconess peace. To be surrounded by my patients to use the temple for their spiritual community as I cared for vaccine shots. I know that this was the body was indeed a sacred not an easy decision in today's world. act. Thank you for bringing the I thank you and the other Rabbis for holistic spirit of caring for body making this possible." and soul to our doors." - David Jamora - Chris Bierbrier | 617-566-3960 9 The Next Steps in our Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Work

By Tali Puterman and Jessica Greenfield

In February 2021, Temple Israel's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-racism, created and affirmed by our Board of Trustees, was shared as reaffirmation of our sacred task to take steps toward justice and holiness in our synagogue and in our homes. This statement included specific actions to transform our community.

A working group, co-chaired by members Bea Wilderman and Kathy Weinman, was formed to develop a holistic plan to guide the transformation process. Group members Rabbi Dan Slipakoff, Tali Puterman, Brigid Goggin, Emma Koblick, Ted Greenwood, Jessica Greenfield, Chris Palmer, Barry Weisman, Andy Lesser Gonzalez, Maria Isabel Rosario, and Nancy Tauber developed a proposal that lays out concrete action multi-year steps in eight areas:

• Clergy ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN ANY OF THE • Staff WORKING AREAS OR THE REDI TEAM? • Security • Lay Leaders Please contact Tali Puterman ([email protected]),Rabbi Dan Slipakoff • Congregation ([email protected]), or Jessica Greenfield ([email protected]) who • Communications will continue to be involved in this work. • Administration • Monitoring

A REDI (Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) team has been formed by the Trustees to support and coordinate implementation of this holistic and comprehensive plan. Group member Maria Isabel Rosario said, "As a Jew of Color, being part of this process has been an incredibly meaningful experience for me. Knowing that my faith community is willing to say 'we see you' and 'we embrace you' is what I have enjoyed the most about this process. This effort has brought a lot of meaning to my life this past year."

Another group member, Andy Lesser-Gonzalez said, "In a course I am taking about organizing, I am meeting people from different temples across the country. Once again, I am impressed with the fact that TI is in the forefront of the work that needs to be done. As a parent of kids who are Jews of Color, how blessed I feel to belong to a congregation that is able to look internally at where change needs to happen and not just at the outside world."

As lifetime member of the congregation and current Trustee, Jessica Greenfield commented, “I feel privileged to support a collaborative effort to give all members of our congregation a strong sense of belonging, increase the membership and leadership opportunities for people of all identities, and transform our congregation, and ourselves, to an even more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community."

10 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. WELCOME, RABBI ANDREW OBERSTEIN!

By Rabbi Zecher and Marc Maxwell

We look forward to welcoming our new rabbi, Andrew Oberstein, this summer in July. As a full member of our clergy team, Rabbi Oberstein will focus his work on the Riverway Project, many areas of engagement in synagogue life, and outreach to the community.

Andrew Oberstein may be familiar because he has been our rabbinic intern this past year, taught classes, and helped to lead High Holy Day services. Throughout this year, we have experienced his warm and engaging manner, his phenomenal skills as a teacher of Torah, and his wisdom and empathy.

Rabbi Oberstein received his ordination May 2, 2021 from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC). As a student he had been recognized for his scholarship and leadership as a Wexner Graduate Fellow, receiving additional fellowships through the Association of Reform Zionists of America (ARZA), AIPAC, and Shalom Hartman Institute. HUC commended him with awards in "Joining the clergy team at Temple liturgy, Hebrew, midrash, and general excellence. His diverse experience in rabbinical school has included serving as the Israel truly feels like coming home. Reform rabbinic intern at Columbia/Barnard Hillel and a After all, this is the community where Human Rights Fellow at T'ruah, among a variety of other I got married and where my husband organizations and . completed his journey toward Originally from Los Angeles, Andrew Oberstein studied becoming Jewish. I have already felt at Emerson College in the honors program as an Iwasaki this community’s incredible warmth scholar. In Boston, he found Temple Israel and became a and passion, your immense love member after being involved in the Riverway Project. After a couple of years, he ended up working at Temple Israel as a of Jewish tradition, and your deep coordinator for social justice and young adult programming commitment to the pursuit of justice. before he left for Rabbinic school. In the coming years, I am so excited We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Oberstein and his for the opportunities that lie ahead, husband, Nick Oberstein, back to Boston as our rabbi. to learn together, pray together, and work to make this world a better place." - Rabbi Andrew Oberstein | 617-566-3960 11 STORIES OF THE TEMPLE ISRAEL IMPACT ON OUR YOUTH

Alexandra was writing a poem on racial justice and she "included a line to the effect of "many hearts were crying out for justice." When I asked her about such a line she said she got the idea from Friday night services when "everyone puts the names of people who died in the chat" and Rabbi Zecher often says "our hearts cry out!"

Whether those are the exact words you say or not, the fact that she tied in your comments on Friday Shabbat services before the mourner's kaddish to a poem in school made my heart burst. We sometimes eat during services but we always keep it on and the fact that your words passed into her mind via osmosis PROVES the extraordinary impact you have on our family and Alexandra Pearl Bloom congregation." - Stephanie Pearl

We are not sure how to express the gratitude we "feel for you. We are so proud. Your words yesterday about Rachel, her connection to her portion and her interpretation brought tears to us. You really “get” Rachel. And our meetings with you, although on Zoom, felt intimate and you were able to guide Rachel through the meaning of her Torah verses and haftorah. It’s hard to imagine just a year ago we had our first meeting with you with Rachel and it was in person. Then the rest of her preparing was done online. Her Rabbi Zecher telling Rachel Nudelman the connection to Judaism is through her phone at the secrets of the universe at her Bat Mitzvah! moment. And she will never forget your special call to her during the service. Thank you for your friendship and especially your guidance."

- Nikki and Harry Nudelman

12 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. Welcome to OUR NEWEST STAFF MEMBERS! You may have seen new names, email addresses, and faces on Zoom, but soon we hope you'll be greeted by these new members of the teams when we are back together in the building! Please help us welcome our newest staff members:

Alyssa Katzoff Assistant to the Executive Director

Alyssa graduated from Brandeis University with degrees in Language and Linguistics and Russian Studies and is currently pursuing her Masters in Project Management at Boston University. Prior to joining Temple Israel in 2021, she served two years of national service with City Year and then later joined their staff in multiple capacities. In her free time, Alyssa coaches figure skating, works at a figure skating shop, and spends time with her two cats.

Rick Landry Membership Associate & Data Specialist

Rick is a 2016 graduate of Skidmore College, where he earned a degree in government. After working in politics for several years, he entered the nonprofit field in 2018, working for a public health organization that is focused on curing digestive diseases. Rick joined Temple Israel in 2021 as Membership Associate and Data Specialist. In his free time, he enjoys playing guitar with friends and going to Fenway Park for a game.

Emma Savitz Development Associate

Emma joined the Temple Israel staff in April 2021. Originally from Brookline, MA, Emma grew up as a member of TI. She studied English and music at Manhattanville College. After college, Emma moved back to the Boston area and worked for the Boston Red Sox, the TI Religious School, and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts, before joining the TI staff as Development Associate.

To see a full list of our staff and any open positions, please visit our website, | 617-566-3960 13 14 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. Mazal tov to our 5781 Adult B'nei Mitzvah Students! Chris Palmer, Denise Simon, Fern Remedi-Brown, Mutaamba Maasha, Ted McCulloch, Brenda Morris, Lara Pollack, and Sally Ostendorf

Chochmat Lev, A Learned Heart Temple Israel has been a congregation of tremendous learning for many years. Our dedicated learners honor us, lift us up, and help to define our community. The “Chochmat Lev, A Learned Heart” certificate allows us to honor our Learned Hearts as well as our Generous Hearts (Nadiv Lev), and to see that both are needed in the ongoing work of building this sacred community.

Anne Chalmers Fran Godine Barbara Burg Helen Kolsky Carol Michael Holly Gunner Carol Targum Joan Florsheim Steve Targum Kathy Weinman Dayl Cohen Libby Keller Dru Greenwood Marc Maxwell Ted Greenwood Priscilla Golding Elaine Abrams Rhoada Wald Em Mueller Sarah Minden | 617-566-3960 15 THE HIGH HOLY DAYS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER... Let us answer some of your questions!

WHEN ARE THE HIGH HOLY DAYS THIS YEAR? • S'lichot: August 28, 2021 • Rosh Hashanah: September 6- 8, 2021 • Yom Kippur: September 15-16, 2021 • Sukkot: September 20-27, 2021 • Simchat Torah: September 28, 2021

WILL WE BE IN PERSON OR VIRTUAL? While there is still some uncertainty of what the Covid-19 pandemic will look like in the fall, we are planning for a combination of virtual, in-person, and outside options for our High Holy Day 5782 services. We are working on creative ways to make our hybrid model harmonious so that those who are participating in person and those who are participating virtually will each have meaningful experiences.

WHAT SERVICE OPTIONS WILL WE HAVE? We will have High Holy Day services for all segments of our community: adults, 20s &30s, families, and families with young children.

WHEN WILL WE GET MORE INFORMATION? Keep an eye out for the High Holy Day mailing, which should arrive mid-July. This mailing will include service times and options, ticketing information, and ways to prepare spiritually for the new year.

16 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. SHEMA KOLEINU, HEAR OUR VOICE: TI GBIO LISTENS

TI GBIO Listening Circle leaders prepare for Kickoff

What barriers harm you or someone you care about? We share our stories of injustice. We listen. We hear. We relate. We honor our experiences and the experiences of our community. We seek change. Hear our voice!

As part of a huge listening campaign across all of the 59 member institutions of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization, the Temple Israel community gathers in small Zoom groups throughout April and May. Sharing our stories and building connections at TI, we help set the platform for GBIO’s future justice work and build the power to act effectively. Your voice matters. Please contact Laura Guggenheimer ([email protected]) or Anne Licciardello ([email protected]) for more information.


Thank you for all of the support that we’ve received throughout this year. We are thrilled to share that, thanks to a generous member of our congregation, every gift to the Friends Annual Fund that we receive between now and June 15 will be matched, up to $30,000. If you have not yet made a gift to the Friends Annual Fund, we hope that you will join us in supporting Temple Israel and the sacred work that we do with a meaningful gift. Now is the time to double your impact.

We are truly grateful to our members who have already made gifts of support, and offer our most heartfelt thanks. To make a donation, please contact Shoshanna Goldberg, at [email protected] or 617-566-3960. You can also donate online at | 617-566-3960 17 We Are Eagerly Anticipating the Launch of our New Website! By Emma Koblick, Director of Communication

We are looking forward to launching a brand new Temple Israel website at the end of May 2021! Since our last website redesign in 2015, we have evolved as an organization and it's time to update our online presence and functionality. In addition to new programs such as the Tent for Greater Boston Teens and the Center for Adult Jewish Learning, which are engaging eager new learners from across the country, we also have seen a 15% website traffic increase in this past year of virtual programming. We've re-committed to our REDI (racial equity, diversity, and inclusion) mission, and we need to update our messaging, imagry, and functionality to be inclusive and accessible to all who visit our website.

Through countless small group meetings with clergy, staff, lay-leaders, and congregants, as well as a community- wide website survey, we laid out goals for our site and strategies to achieve them. With thanks to our lay-led website redesign task force and copyediting team, we are proud of the collective efforts that brought this website redesign to fruition.

Be sure to keep an eye out for details for the official launch! In the meantime, here are some of the key features of the new website:

CUSTOMIZABLE ENTRY POINTS RELATIONAL TOOL • We are thinking about who is coming to our • Our new website will focus on mission-centric website, what they might be looking for, and story telling: who are we and why do we exist? what the narrative of belonging is for each story. • The new structure of the website will break down silos of departments so that there are more ways to discover all the things EVENTS AND PROGRAMMING HUB happening at Temple Israel. • This redesigned events and programming hub is more than a calendar, it's the engine of the website and an engagement tool! INCLUSION AND ACCESSIBILITY • We are ensuring that the new calendar is • We are deeply engaged in enacting our reliable, accurate, user-friendly, searchable, REDI (racial diversity, equity, and inclusion) personalizable, and reflects the cycle of the mission to be more inclusive in every way, Jewish calendar. through inclusive language, photos, and ability functionality.

WORKFLOW EFFICIENCY AND CONSISTENT MESSAGING OPERATIONAL TOOL • Our new website will be fully integrated into our • We are improving registration and payment other technology and communication systems. functionality, search capabilities, and • We will have a rich library of easily accessible cybersecurity readiness. content: videos of sermons, podcasts, music, lectures, photo galleries, learning prayers, etc.

18 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. Photo Gallery: Spring with T I | 617-566-3960 19 LIFE CYCLES (BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES CELEBRATING MILESTONES WHOSE YEAR ENDS IN 0 OR 5)

MAY ANNIVERSARIES 50 Years Dru Greenwood 5 Years Peter & Joan Fink Phillip Hanvy Ellen Clegg & Ellen Zucker John Hechinger Mallory Bram & Clinton Pong 55 Years Richard Hoffman Paul & Lisa Karofsky Eleanor Kaplan 10 Years Rabbi David & Carol Mersky Sara Katz Marli Porth & J.A. Fanciullo Robert Katz Elliot & Jami Rice 60 Years Marc Kaufman Rabbi Albert & Berta Axelrad Hillel Levine 20 Years Leslie & Richard Kates Ezekiel Liwerant Eric & Stephanie Berkson Richard Lubin William & Denise Finard JULY ANNIVERSARIES Miriam Macht Andrea & Leon Ptaszek 20 Years Adele Maiorano Michael & Rachel Wexler Jerome Medalie 30 Years Aiden Miller Robert & Dana Smith 25 Years Victor Minkin Susanna Stern & Felipe Pait Ezekiel Morrison 45 Years Bram & Jennifer Shapiro Jeremy Morrison Dean & Pamela Richlin Philip & Rachel Sher Jacob Needell Charlie Peskin JUNE ANNIVERSARIES 35 Years Sydney Peskin 5 Years Martin & Cindy Rowe Nancy Raphael Daniel Leff & Page Hubben Alexa Ribatt 45 Years Allyson Rothenberg 25 Years Marc & Elayne Baskin Maya Rysman Daniel & Linda Waintrup Jacob Seelig 60 Years Noa Shatz-Cauley 35 Years Joseph & Lois Pines Kenneth Smoller David Dalgarno & Brenda Hochberg Ivy So Roger & Lisa Krakoff MAY BIRTHDAYS Jodi Sokoloff Robert & Susan Michaels Elaine Abrams Sandra Stonebraker Michael Jarnes & Sherrie Talmadge Samuel Adelman Anne Sunshine Steven Cohen Hazel Tarsy 40 Years Kathleen Collins Karen Weintraub Meri Cayem & Bob McCorkle Aaron Deutsch Loretta Wieczner Burt & Marlene Skvirsky Benjamin Drabkin Rachel Wilson Robert Epstein Pamela Wolf 45 Years Tamar Frieze Rabbi Elaine Zecher Steven Lampert & Anita Feins Joseph Garb Grace Zimmerman Charles & Merrill Gottesman Alison Geffin Joseph & Carol Green Michael Geffin JUNE BIRTHDAYS Michael & Susan Rees Nancy Gertner Sarah Almer Ellen Beth & Detlev Suderow Isaiah Goldsmith Aaron Awad Edward & Sally Weiner Abigail Goodman Eric Banash Emily Greenstein Brandon Bergman

20 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. LIFE CYCLES

Oscar Bernstein Emma Baumgartner Scott Weisman Sharon Broder Jessie Belfer Elizabeth Wright Dani Covis Jennifer Bender Naomi Eisenberg Benjamin Block Mazal Tov! Mary Epstein Nancy Blossom MAY B'NEI MITZVAH Alexandra Feldberg Karen Bressler • Spencer Elisofon, son of Dana and Frank Friedman Michael Dansinger Scott Elisofon on May 1 Caroline Goldfarb Evan Donohue • Lucas Kramer Dos Reis, son of Stacey Jill Goldman Lonn Drucker Kramer and Marzo Reis on May 8 Richard Goldman Lilah Glazer • Maya Evelyn Seide, daughter of Mark Jacob Gorlovsky-Schepp Gregory Grobstein and Stacy Seide on May 22 Zachary Grinspoon Emma Hahn • Abraham Leo Barcan, son on Leah Ilan Kliman Keith Handler and Dan Barcan on May 29 Emma Koblick Ilisa Hurowitz Jacob Levine Sofie Jelden JUNE B’NEI MITZVAH Macey Miller Jacob Jermanok • Isabelle Wiener Georgantas, daughter David Mindell Philip Kemp of Elizabeth and Peter Georgantas on Lucy Narva Eleanor Lewis June 5 Berel Needle Christopher Martinson • Eli Benjamin Berk, son of Naomi Jenna ONeil Melanie Maytin Weinberg and Ted Berk on June 12 Saul Palder Shay McIntosh • Isa Huang, daughter of Nicole Jessica Puterman Nicole Monahan Monahan and SiJing Huang on June 19 Donald Putnoi Sally Ostendorf • Noam Neiger, son of Shahar Hecht Brett Robbins Sabrina Pforzheimer and Lior Neiger on June 26 Robert Sage Jackson Pierce Henry Santoro Ellin Reisner May their memories bring blessing. Maurice Sapoznik Cara Rittner RECENT DEATHS Claire Saxe Shane Rosenberg • Bea Alter, stepmother of Richard Sara Schoenfeld Samantha Rosenberg Kalish and grandmother of Harrison Arthur Segel Anna Ruiz Kalish and Sara Kalish Weil Asher Slipakoff Ava Rysman • Doug Badgley, father of Emily Dana Smith Ilan Sapers Tatelbaum and grandfather of Millie Zina Sverdlova Patti Saris and Poppy Gary Tearney Carole Schein • Rhoda Cole, mother of Barbara Lee Julian Thaler Brian Schwartz and grandmother of Suzanna and Alex Barbara Trilling Leila Rachael Seide • Sy Cole father, of Barbara Lee Lennox Wallace Sara Selig • Jack Corman, father of Cathy Corman Stephen Weiner Joseph Shapiro and grandfather of Lily, Max, and Sam Eli Wexler Kathryn Sillman Corman Penzel Emily Willey Alexander Smith • Ronna Miller Dambrov, sister of Sarah Zimman Charlie Smoller Alberta Richmond June Stayman • Ruth Ephraim, mother of Michelle JULY BIRTHDAYS Elizabeth Stillman Ephraim and grandmother of Maya, David Bailen David Ullian Amalia, Micah, and Ava Rysman Elayne Baskin Julie Unger | 617-566-3960 21 LIFE CYCLES

• Norman Flax, father of Marty Flax and • Allen Prince, husband of Gloria Prince • Shirley Weiss, grandmother of Eric Lass grandfather of Felix and Jacob • Donald Ribatt, father of Gregg Ribatt and great-grandmother of Hannah and • Roberta Frischman, aunt of Barbara and grandfather of Emily, Alexa, and Abby Cevallos and great-aunt of Sylvia and Jason Izzy • Helene Mabel Rivlin, mother of Mazal Tov! • William Gamson, father of Jenny Deborah Rivlin WE CONGRATULATE Gamson • Robert Rosenthal, husband of • Anya Potter and Matthew Drouin on • Jan Goeller, mother of Adrienne Rosenthal the birth of their daughter, Hana Ruth Drucker and grandmother of Leo • Murray Sackman Drouin • Patricia Goldman, wife of Richard • Judy Saladino, cousin of Sue • Roger Herzog and Kathryn Madden Goldman Misselbeck on the engagement of their daughter, • Anna Sarah Gottlieb, daughter of • Paula Schneider, mother of Sam Madelyn Herzog to Jacob Stern Miriam Greenspan and Roger Gottlieb, Schneider and grandmother of Hallie • Ann and Howard Katz on the birth of sister of Esther Greenspan and Sophia their grandson, Oscar John Charles Katz • Richard Halpern, brother-in-law of • John Lee Selman, father of Kelly • Joshua and Brooke Kay, parents, Linda Wayne Diamond Davidson and grandfather of Emma and and Jonathan Kay, grandparents, and • Kimberly Hoffman, daughter in law of Henry Barbara Sloane, great-grandmother, on Phyllis Hoffman and Robert Hoffman • Carl Shapiro, father of Ellen Jaffee, the birth of Jonah Matthew Kay (z’l) grandfather of Andrew Jaffe, and great- • Lenny and Helen Krulewich on the • Wendy Jacobs, mother of Elana and grandfather of Rebecca and Oliver birth of their granddaughter, Haley Rachel • L. Dennis Shapiro, husband of Susan Maxine Krulewich Tsaadi • Barbara Kissin, cousin of Sue Shapiro • Deborah Rivlin and Thom Kidrin on the Misselbeck • Diana Shklyarov, wife of Isaak birth of their grandchild, Gabriella (Ella) • Dr. Robert Kulman, father of Lisa Shklyarov Jane Krakoff and grandfather of Justin and • Jane Silverman, grandmother of • Heather and Shane Sigel on the birth Alexandra Rebekah Kaufman of their daughter, Rebecca Paige Siegel • Saul Kurlat • Juan Tirado, brother of Abner Marin • Jamie Merrill and Denise Simon on the • Ann Marie Lewis, wife of Leonard and Juan Marin birth of their daughter, Eliora Kay Simon Lewis • Donald Tuck, former husband of • Levi and Abby Sorrell on the birth of • Ilona Milch, mother of Cathy Malamut Joanne Tuck, father of Stephanie and their granddaughter Shoshana Esther and grandmother of Max and Barbara Robert Tuck Sorrell • Dahya Bhai R. Patel, father of Bhupesh Patel and grandfather of Avi and Mir


MAY 2 - 8 Leonard Jacob Byer Rose Morse Greenfield Mildred "Micki" Lee Milton G. Abramson Anna Levensohn Byer Florence Haber George N. Levy Joseph Baker Max Chernis Maurice Hanauer Albert Malkin Helen G. Baker Harold Cohen Louis S. Harris Kenneth H. Malkin Edward Bean Harriet Segal Cohn Vitta G. Hertz Herbert Morris Mass Gabriel A. Beckhard Manuel Davis Barney Israel Dr. Elias J. Menkes James Victor Bickow Sashe Epstein Ethel F. Jolles Harold Adolph Myers Rebecca Borovoy-Goldman Naomi Krauzer Feinburg Esther S. Kaplan Norman Saul Rabb Penny S. Braude Samuel Nathan Ficksman Kivie Kaplan Dorothy G. Ramler Jack H. Bufferd Julene Engelman Fields John Jacob Katz Sadie Rice Sanford Burg Alvan David Finn Charles Kaufman Lester E. Rosenburg Morris Burstein Isadore B. Green Dr. A. Henry Lappin Milton I. Rudman

22 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. YAHRZEITS

Phyllis Milgroom Ryan Sylvia Salzman Richlin MAY 23 - 29 Ruth Ehrlich Werman Emma Drosin Sabsevitz George M. Rothberg Leonard L. Abramson Manuel Wyner Louis Selig Rabbi Albert Ruskin Sadie Alland Jules J. Sherman Sara Ruskin James Alland MAY 30 - JUNE 5 Anna Silver Albert George Samburg Bertha Appel Martin M. Barlow Edith Litner Starr Sarah Smith Dr. Harold Bengloff Mark Bortman Anny Steiner Wolfner Dr. David B. Stearns Edward Milton Berke Harriet Widetsky Chernis Henrietta Steinfeld Edward Mitchell Swartz Helen S. Brahms Ruth Jacobs Dangel Harry Tiemann Samuel H. Vernon Robert Clayton Nellie Diamond Sigmund Warner Anne L. Weinman Louis Cohen William Falk Celia Weinstein Charles D. White Ethel Rome Cole Alice Resnick Finn Rhoda Weintraub Lillian Isenberg Wilinsky Edward Simeon Dangel Rose Freedman Gustave Winter Claire Katz Winter William Diller Louis Gilman Henry Wyzanski Joseph Wise Louis Epstein Charlotte Cahners Glass Benjamin Zakon Pearl Freedman Nathan Gordon Mary R. Ziman MAY 16 - 22 Henry Gesmer Samuel M. Grass Lena Alpern Dr. William Glaser William J. Grossman MAY 9 - 15 Julius J. Cohen Robert Goldman Morris Grossman Maida Stocker Abrams Arthur L. Damon Dr. Samuel Goodman Seymour Hambro David Altschuler Ralph A. De Jur Bertha Solomont Gordon Rose D. Helpern Gertrude Lefkowith Baron Samuel Diamond Sara R. Gordon Frieda Hidasi Deborah Levy Berkman Pauline "Bess" Feldman Sydney R. Green Shirley Hozid Arthur Blasberg, Jr. Jeannette B. Fine Ethel Goldsmith Gryzmish Joseph L. Hozid Abraham Botkin Philip E. Fisher Solomon Haber Maurice Krasnoff Gertrude H. Brown Joseph Norman Gibbs Harold Harmon Hortense M. Lappin Milton L. Cohen James D. Glunts Muriel Theise Hyde Samuel L. Milton Myer Cohn Robert H. Goldberg Ethel Jacobson Robert Marchand Neumann Harry P. Cole David A, Golding Hannah Kabatznick Cheryl K. Nicholas Ruth Dobrow Herbert Ray Goldman Anne S. Kaplan Charles E. Perkit Charles Sidney Elkind Minnie Goldstein Nancy Mann Kaplan Rosalie R. Phillips Celia Ellis George Alan Gordon Dr. Seymour Kaufman Esther Cohn Rabb Samuel I. Fanger Edward William Greenberg Louis Kimball Dr. Justin L. Richman Winifred Collat Friedman Dora Gertrude Hirshson Helen S. Levensohn Joseph George Riesman Bernice Frieze Mary S. Huberman Lawrence J. Levin Sidney Kamber Robbins Arthur Gabelnick Fanny Esther Hyman Benjamin B. Levy Beatrice Rebecca Schlager Burton Stanley Goldberg Edward Jacobson Robert S. Lipman Sarah Schwall Irene M. Goldman Arthur B. Jacobson Carolyn L. Lowe Pearl Seegel Charles M. Goldman Henry Samuel Kaplan Henrietta R. Maron Ralpha Senderowitz Jeanette C. Goodman Herbert Hauser Klein Gertrude Ann Mendelson Morris M. Shamus Henry L. Kaufmann Joseph Krosner Alan S. Miller Dorothy Shiffman Aleck Levine Newell Bernard Kurson Ruth Botkin Morse Sumner Everett Shikes Myles Stanley Lewis Pauline Kusmin E. Geoffrey Nathan Abraham Snyder Ilaine Beatrice Lieberman Hyman J. Levy Stella D. Obst Philip Solomon, M.D. Beatrice Hollander Mandel Eugene Lewis Andrew Merrill Pastor Gertrude Weisman Swartz Meyers Alan Sydney Morrison Sumner Lester Poorvu Theresa A. Ullian Betsey Dorothy Berkman Lawrence Palder Dr. Samuel H. Proger Phoebe Woolf Marcus Joel Rome John Rieckers Joseph David Zamore Samuel H. Maslon Esther Mickey Rosenberg Joel Jay Rostau Jay Zimmet Rose G. Medoff Dr. Harmon A. Shohet Rabbi Max Schenk Maurice J. Zucrow Rosemarie Misselbeck Fay Fisher Stein Milton Sicklick Katherine Morse Bertha Snow Stern Frances E. Simons JUNE 6 - 12 Morris M. Morse Harold M Watchmaker Professor Alvin Sloane Bruce Baron Leon Sidney Newton Nathaniel P Wharton Isaac Trugman Emma Blumstein Vivienne A. Noble-Sanderson Isaac White Charles Kenneth Vigman Flora G. Byer Donald Harmond Phillips Edward H. Weiss Hyman Canter | 617-566-3960 23 YAHRZEITS

Samuel K. Casson Ina Bebchick Burstein Lillian K. Hall Dr. Aron O. Lurie Ruth R. Corkin Abraham B. Cibel Maxwell Charles Hyde Dora S. Marks Leo Cotton Elizabeth J. Collat Abbott N. Kahn Alan David Mendelson Muriel Schiff Dimond Lena G. Cooper Milton Kahn Col. Abraham Nemrow Harry Dollin Fanny Shine Dinner George J. Katz Bessie Palder Rachel Ehrenfried Sydney S. Feinberg Sidney I. Katz Deborah Simons Pearlstein Musia Epstein Israel Friedlander Nancy G. Katz Sidney C. Philip Harold I. Fruitman Henry E. Friedman Ora London Katz Ferdinand N. Phillips Fannie T. Furshman Orrie M. Friedman Harry A. Kimball Bessie Wit Phillips Robert Myron Gargill Ida Wachstein Geller Richard Franklin Koss Samuel William Poorvu Stanley Gordon Rosalind Naigles Ginsburg Carol Levin Warren Presson Nehemias Gorin Judith F. Greene Rebecca Levine Belle Ostrofsky Redstone Bertram Gottesman Nettie Grubinger Marcia Zoe Martin Stanley J. Rosenbaum Ruth Winer Gottlieb William H. Jacobs Bessie Fisher Novins Frances Lewis Rosenstein Neil J. Grossman Sydney B. Karofsky William M. Olin Dr. Alexander Salamon Eda Green Hoffman Jacob Koss Genesia Perlmutter Irene Sallen Esther Jacobs Koblenzer Harold Lane Shari Barbara Phillips Sylvia Beizer Seder Ruth Salmansohn Krasnoff Max Levensohn Annie Frank Robbins S. Julia Sherman Sonia Ellenhorn Krinsky Rabbi Harry Levi Cecil S. Rose Samuel Silverman Sydelle Levine Irving Levine Clara L. Rosenburg Dr. Arthur Maxwell Simmons Rabbi Joshua Loth Liebman Samuel L. Lowe Lena Newburg Solar Virginia Marcus Stern Arthur Joshua Livingston Walter Marcus Mae Goldstein Tack Frieda Golda Weis Anna C. Marder Etta L. Morrison Miriam Coplan Towvim Zussman Weis William Rosenberg Samuel Pearlman Joan Wernick Barry Zimman Samuel George Rovner Ferdinand N. Phillips,Jr. Eleanor Robbins Young Murray Zuckerman William J. Ryan Julius H. Porter Phyllis Virginia Fisher Zimman Marvin Saffer William Riseman Barnett L. Zolloto JULY 4 - 10 Mabel Salter Joseph R. Rosen William Stephen Addelson Albert Salter Ruth Rudnick JUNE 27 - JULY 3 Samuil Alland Dora Feldman Saxe Irving Sabsevitz Hyman Abrams Mildred Daniels Arbetter Edward Aaron Schulman Morris Saris Samuel Barron, Jr. Robert Aronowitz Joseph Shapiro Eric J. Seegel Beatrice S. Bass Robert L. Barron Sarah Shapiro Samuel Sidd Sally R. Beckerman Arnold Bronstein Dorothy Shief David B. Smith Jeanne H. Benjamin Benjamin Bunshaft Melville Carl Shine Jr. May Kaffenburgh Sondheim Alexander Moses Berger James Cohen Sarita Rosenberg Shuman Bertram A. Sugarman Evelyn Sachs Berman Myer Cohen Louis M. Silverman Abraham C. Webber Mary Bierbrier Haskell Cohn Lilley Silverstein Dora Weinbaum David Samuel Bond Robert Lloyd Corkin Kathleen Simmons Stanley Daniel Weinstein Leland Jeffrey Brown Annette Fritz Dollin Gertrude B. Singer Sophie Alland Wit Albert Nathaniel Burmon Julius Fellman Eileen Smith Roberta "Bobbie" Burstein Harry H. Fienman Mary Springer JUNE 20 - 26 Dr. Benjamin Castleman George M. Freedman Bertha Stone Felix Alland Dr. Robert F. Dine David Freeman Anne F. Stoneman Stacy Berloff Besse Grass Finkelstein Risa Gara Morris J. Weinbaum Samuel Bortman Herbert I. Freeman Ira Gerler Mark Weintraub Abraham B. Casson Benjamin Goldberg Arnold B. Goldstein Israel Weisman William Copel Joseph Harry Gorin Sumner Slater Gordon Frances Werman Leah Dektor Rose S. Gossman Rosalind L. Herrmann S. David Ellenbogen Arnold D. Helman Samuel Bertram Horovitz JUNE 13 - 19 Julia Epstein Mildred Schulman Hurwitz Etta Landau Isenman Lillian Nelson Alexander Benjamin W. Fink George I. Kaplan Etta Kamentsky Max C. Barron Samuel Ginns Sidney A. Koblenzer Mary Schnittman Kaplan Annette S. Bechek Meyer Goldstein Lillian Koster Ethel L. Kaufman Lionel Benado Gertrude E. Gordon Adrian Kramer Joseph Jacob Kot Bernard Bernstein Louis Jonathon Greenberg Barbara A. Levine William Lebow

24 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. YAHRZEITS

Doris Locke Benjamin Gluck Helen Fish Goldfarb Harry N. Gorin Dr. Samuel H. Marder Cecil Robert Gordon Dr. Henry Maurice Goldman Ethel Haas Joseph Margolis Robert Slater Gordon Hubert M. Gordon Dr. Saul Hertz Fannie Barban Mehlman Joseph M. Greenberg Bessie V. Kaffenburgh Mark Michael Horblit Florence Berlow Michelson Marilyn S. Grossman Lewis Krosner Hyman Hubbard Robert D. Miller Frances Winer Kane Robert Jay Kurland Dorothy F. Huberman Sylvia Dane Nathanson Benjamin J. Kaplan Charlotte Dane Levin Vivienne Silverstein Kalman Jacob Palder Tommy Kaplan Luella R. Maslon Frances Patricia Kannon Alan Palder David Koster Arnold Philip Mork Ethel Bratt Kaplan Edith Juliet Phillips Gabriella Kovacs Edith Nessen Zipora S. Kingsdale Anna G. Pinanski Jeffrey Byron Lepie Abraham Noble Bess R. Kurland Ruth Einhorn Plaks Joseph P. Levy Ann Davis Randall George Martin Lane Stanley Rothenberg Miriam G. Lewis Julius Rosenberg Henry Lasker Morris Mendell Roud Robert I. Lurie Dr. Benjamin Bela Rosenberg Peter M. Leavitt Roy Grant Sallen Pvt. Maurice E. Marder Samuel Sandler Benjamin A. Levy Herman D. Scheff Richard Bruce Miller Ruth Tannenholz Scheffreen S. Bernard "Buddy" Lieberman Neil Sherman Isadore J. Nye Dora Binder Schulman Irving Lotter Gertrude B. Sherman Nettie Putnoi Jacob N. Segal Mary A. Mades Leo Silbert Jennie Reisman Alfred Sigel Leon Margolis Coleman Silbert Charlotte S. Robinson Isaac M. Slocum George B. Nathanson Joseph B. Simberg Dr. Sidney A. Rosenburg Flora W Slonim Nathan Pearlstein Ruth W. Singer Leon Rothenberg Adele Salomon Stern David A. Ramler Enid Goldman Slatoff Martha Rottenberg Franciska Stieber Barbara Bloom Ranson Solomon Stern Sidney P. Saunders Betty Tattenbaum Lilian Kuhns Reichert Betty L. Stone Isadore Seligman Ralph Tobis Mark Eliot Robbins Marjorie Roberts Stone Mae Rita Shapiro Maurice Ulitsky Edwin Robbins Donald William Tattenbaum Rose Shapiro Rachel White Louis E. Ross Jo Ann Tackeff Toledano Franklin Burton Sher Meyer Victor Wunsch Etta Gelerman Rudofsky David M. Wartel Hilda Shiffman Herschel I. Yesley Sadie Salmansohn Katherine Wayner Harry Singer Adele Schaye Gertrude S. White John S. Slater JULY 25 - 31 Charlotte Samet Shikes Dr. Charles F. Wilinsky Philip Smith Cori S. Auerbach Altman Schwartz Harold D. Smith Emily S. Bean Joseph Segal JULY 11 - 17 Arthur Tapper Ida Benari Claire Sherman Fannette Robbins Adelman Sylvia Tarlin Charles G. Bilezikian Grace Cohen Shohet Israel Alexander Rebecca C. Ulin Mayer Zvi Brenner Barbara P. Shoolman Barbara Ellen Bakke Muriel F. Wolfman Evelyn Chefitz Alan Sigman Bernard Henry Brightman Fannie Clayton Maurice Charles Simons Hyman H. Burstein JULY 18- 24 Herman C. Cofman Rose G. Stein Doris Brewer Cohen Arnold Bernard Adelman Samuel P. Cohen Marion Rutt Steinberg Minnie J. David Julius Aisner Jr. Pifla Cohen Berthold S. Stern Sidney Dunne Solomon J. Barnet Max E. Falik Julius Stone Eleanor Epstein Rabb Maurice Begal Saul Charles Fechtor Dr. David Weintraub Mollie H. Falk Frances J. Bronstein Herman L. Feer Gertrude Davidson Feinberg Nancy Jean Brudno Leona K. Fishel Margery M. Feinberg Abraham Caplan Rose L. Frank Benjamin Feinberg Charles Corkin Dr. Harry Freeman Franklin H. Fox David Dangel Louis Gale Sylvia V. Franklin Edith F. Davidson Molly Galpert Jesse Saul Friedman Herbert S. Diamond Samuel Glen Dr. Maurice Gerstein Sara Faneuil Sylvia Pollner Gluck Anne Giller Goldie Sedar Feinberg Harry Goff Dr. Edward I. Giller Sheila Rosalie Gilbert Meyer Harold Goldman | 617-566-3960 25 TI CEMETERY’S HISTORIES, MYSTERIES By Ellen Steinbaum

The Temple Israel Cemetery in Wakefield is the resting place of many whose stories are well known in the history of Boston’s Jewish community. There are also mysteries, markers that leave questions and wishes to know more. One of those marks a single grave in a picturesque lakeside corner that reads simply:

Oppenheim-Errera Stephane July 6, 1916 - Dec. 4, 1942

Seymour Small, who chairs the Cemetery Committee, has found himself drawn to the history of the Cemetery and those memorialized there. He was intrigued. He found that Stephane was one of the 492 who died in the Cocoanut Grove Fire.

How did Stephane come to be buried at the TI Cemetery? His parents, Paul Oppenheim and Gabrielle Oppenheim-Errera, who emigrated to the United States from Germany in 1933 and settled in Princeton, were not Temple Israel members. Nor was his older brother, Felix, who became a political science professor at UMass Amherst. Gabrielle purchased the grave and it is possible TI members numbered among Paul and Gabrielle’s wide circle of friends. One close friend was Albert Einstein with whom Paul, a philosopher, shared regular Sunday morning walks. Another recalls the living room of their home painted in shades of pink and light blue to echo the Monet painting of London Bridge hanging there. But any TI connection remains unknown.

What brought Stephane to Boston and to the Cocoanut Grove on November 28, 1942? He lived in Newark, New Jersey. Maybe he was visiting a friend. He probably died at Boston City Hospital. One other victim of the fire, 22-year-old Shirley Lubell, a TI member, is buried at the Cemetery.

We can imagine that Stephane’s parents spent the six days before his death desperate to save him. We do know they asked a New York doctor, George Zuelzer, to send a vial of Eutonon, a heart and blood vessel medicine he had developed, in hopes that it could help. By the time the vial arrived, Stephane had died. Later Gabrielle would say that Stephane’s death by fire had felt to her as if he had been lost to the ovens of a Nazi concentration camp.

All other details of Stephane’s story are hidden from us. Paul, Gabrielle, and Felix all lived into their 90s. George Zuelzer’s son, Wolf, became the director of the NIH’s division of blood resources. Felix’s widow, Shulamith, is a writer whose work includes children’s books on Einstein and on the Holocaust.

The Temple Israel Cemetery in Wakefield preserves more than 160 years of the rich history of the congregation and of Boston's Jewish community in a lakeside setting of dignity and natural beauty. For information on available burial plots, please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 or [email protected].

26 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. CONTRIBUTIONS (JANUARY 2 - APRIL 5, 2021)

BARRON BIBLICAL GARDEN FUND Josh and Jessica Lutzker Arlene B. Seal • In honor of Emily’s Bat Mitzvah • In loving memory of Etta & Robert Barron & Lillian Robbins Emily and Richard Perlman th CARL STEINBAUM CONTINUING EDUCATION • In honor of our father Joe Steinberg’s 100 birthday FUND Bobbie, Gregg, and Polly Ribatt Stewart and Meg Russell • In appreciation of the care and compassion Rabbi Zecher and • In loving memory of Carl Steinbaum her team gave to our family on the loss of our dear father, father-in-law, and grandfather Don Ribatt CLERGY DISCRETIONARY FUND Anonymous Alberta Richmond • In memory of my beloved sister, Ronna Dambrov, and my dear Doug and Sara Berkson friend, Dr. Robert Rosenthal • In honor of Rabbi Jacobson and Cantor Stillman on the occasion of Eva’s Bat Mitzvah Faye Romm • In memory of Steve Cutler and Patty Goldman Leonard and Christine Bierbrier • In support of Temple Israel’s sacred work, fostering the The Sarkis Family connection of mind and body; and in celebration of receiving • In loving memory of Bubbe Rhoda Lee Frankl my vaccine at Temple Israel Arthur Segal and Patti Saris Herman and Judith Chernoff • In memory of L. Dennis Shapiro • In appreciation of TI Cares at Purim Lisa Robinson Schoeller The Diller Family • In memory of my mother Estelle Robinson Klemer • In memory of Don Ribatt Ellen Sigman Sherry Gold • With appreciation for Rabbi Zecher’s support after a recent • In honor of Rabbinic Intern Andrew Oberstein family loss

Benjamin Holtz Kathy Sillman and Ray Lewis • In memory of my mother Jane Holtz • In appreciation of Rabbi Jacobson and Cantor Stillman for Jules Sillman Lewis’ beautiful Bar Mitzvah service Howard and Ann Katz • In celebration of the birth of our grandson, Oscar John Charles Erica and Don Stern Katz, son of Greg and Abbie Katz • In honor of Rabbi Zecher with gratitude for our grandson Mason’s wonderful Bar Mitzvah service Jonathan and Linda Sloane Kay • In appreciation to Rabbi Zecher for overseeing the funeral of Emily Tatelbaum my father Millard Kay • In sincere appreciation for Rabbi Gubitz’s comfort and care after the loss of my father, Doug Badgley. She made such an Richard and Wendy Levine effort to meet our mixed family where we were and support • In memory of Robert Wyner us all. We are beyond grateful.

Sandra Levine • In appreciation of the clergy who supported our family and EDUCATION FUND led Shiva Minyan at the time of my father’s passing Susan and Mitchell Halpert • In honor of Sally Mechur for her devoted friendship Sally Kaplan Levy • In memory of Carol Kur Susan Beth Yesley • In honor of Dana & Andy Snyder Leonard Lewis • In memory of Ann Marie Lewis and in appreciation of Rabbi ROSE FEINBERG LECTURESHIP FUND Mehlman and Rabbi Zecher Paul Feinberg | 617-566-3960 27 CONTRIBUTIONS (JANUARY 2 - APRIL 5, 2021) GALE RAPHAEL TILLI FUND Deborah & Robert Gandre SOCIAL ACTION FUND • In loving memory of Robert Martin Sr. Dennis Doughty and Carol Rosenstock • In honor of Sam and Sandra Levine for including us in their Rosalyn Abrams and Arthur Gold seder

Naomi Gordon Helen Kolsky • In loving memory of Juan Tirado • In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Evan Ommen, grandson of Judy Herman Sylvia E. Green • In loving memory of Malcolm C. Green Paul and Pamela Paternoster • In honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Juno Matilda Nancy Raphael Paternoster • In loving memory of Barnett Berliner • In loving memory of Stephen Cutler Lisa Wyett • In honor of Charlie Carroll on his Bar Mitzvah Rhoada Wald • In loving memory of Sue Misselbeck’s cousin Barbara Kissin TEMPLE FUND Nancy & Curt Civan, Josh Civan & Katherine Newbridge, Marshall LIBRARY FUND & Olivia Civan Henry and Linda Okun • In honor of Henry H. Banks, MD. Happy 100th birthday • In loving memory of Philip Okun Joanie Daniels Jerome and Miriam Smulow • In loving memory of her husband, Lee Daniels • In loving memory of Juan Tirado, brother of Abner Marin & Juan Marin Reuben and Lizzie Grossman Foundation • In loving memory of Bob Rosenthal • To help continue the good work at Temple Israel

LOUISE A. FREEDMAN CHILDREN’S Deborah Hollenberg BOOKSHELF • In loving memory of Norman K. Hollenberg Louise Freedman • In loving memory of Bess Soffer Home Maintenance Organization • In loving memory of Donald Ribatt Lois Jacobs GROSSMAN CARING COMMUNITY • In appreciation for the zoom Passover seders this year Jerome and Miriam Smulow Alice Cutler Myra and Gary Janko • In honor of Rabbi Elaine Zecher and Susan Misselbeck • In celebration of Joseph Z. Steinberg's 100th birthday

MARK YESLEY BOOKSHELF Mark Kaplan Marlene Yesley & Family • In loving memory of Regina Kaplan • In loving memory of Robert Rosenthal • In loving memory of Patty Goldman Ellen & Arnie Offner

NEMZOFF RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Shmuel Rubens Alan & Judi Nemzoff Josephson, Jamie, Josh, Kyra & Talia Brown, and Jeff Josephson John A. Russo • In loving memory of Samuel & Sophie Nemzoff • In appreciation for opening up the temple for our Covid vaccinations REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT FUND Sarah Lesher Rosalie and Stephen Snyder • In loving memory of Patricia Goldman

RIVERWAY PROJECT FUND Enid and Seymour Zimbler Johanna Ledley • In loving memory of Charles W. Beller David Sperber • In honor of Rabbi Gubitz and the great work and community 28 she has Living developed Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS (JANUARY 15 - MARCH 26, 2021)

Boston Cambridge • Amy Sandler • Lynde Folsom Ash Quasney-Sandler Maddox Quasney-Sandler Medford • Kendra Klein • Elise Huerta & Nicholas Kern • Stacey Marmorstein & Andrew Macey • Daniel Willey & Emily Willey Lynnfield Colette Willey • Samuel & Marilyn Sloan • Rachel Zelkowitz & Sai Rajagopalan • Randall Zigler Wayland Desmond Zigler • Tom Dretler


UNDERSTANDING Robert Sege & Karen Victor Marian Mandell Kenneth & Gerri Sweder Abraham Morse & Loren Watson ($15,000 - $19,999) Robert Weinstein & Elizabeth Ginsburg Paula Noe Georgia & Jesse Feldman • Thank you for supporting us and FRIENDS keeping us engaged in Jewish STRENGTH community through virtual (UP TO $999) explorations, services, programs, music, ($10,000 - $14,999) Anonymous Meryl LeBoff and Family holidays, education, prayers, Torah, Anonymous social justice, children and more, all Beverly Barisano the while caring and including. You are KINDNESS Merwyn & Marion Bear helping to repair the world - thank you. ($5,000 - $9,999) Patience Berkman Henry & Linda Okun Cameron Kerry & Kathy Weinman Marcy Bienen Paul & Pamela Paternoster Irma Bubis Brenna Pradell-Boyd INSPIRATION Ann Buehrens Jane Prager Arthur Canter & Gary Brissette Rebecca Price & Cara McKenna ($3,600 -$4,999) Robert & Emily Carroll Elliot & Jami Rice Ellen Cohen & Daniel Haber Herman & Judith Chernoff Diane Rose Aaron & Lauren Lapat Ellen Zucker & Ellen Clegg Judith Rothenberg Alice Cutler Shmuel Rubens VISION Rose M Dacorta Joshua & Jennifer Segal Joanie Daniels Gary & Amy Seligson ($1,800 - $3,599) Rina Dubin Mel & Hope Barkan Avishai Shafrir & Roberta Steinberg James Ellis Robert Bechek Sidney Sherter Nathan Rothstein & Caroline Gammill Dayl Cohen Alan Shuchat Arthur Gold & Rosalyn Abrams Robert & Glenda Fishman Jose & Amy Sicairos Andrew & Shoshanna Goldberg Libby Keller Ellen Sigman & Howard Marget Elliott & Heidi Gordon Don & Fran Putnoi Robert & Claudia Slipakoff Adam & Jeanie Gorlovsky-Schepp Alex & Alexis Rogers Seymour Small & Joan Rachlin Abby Greenberg Michael & Nancy Sandman Jerome & Miriam Smulow Joanne Grossman David & Terry Yoffie Lionel Spiro Laura Guggenheimer & Aaron Deutsch Melissa & James Wright Sherrill Hannon Angela Yudzinsky CONNECTION Lesley & Ben Inker ($1,000 - $1,799) Barry & Carla Jentz John & Bette Cohen Richard Kalish & Elisabeth Keller Dan & Amy Deutsch Jane Lewis Alan & Pamela Goodman Don, Eric & Steven Lipsitt Sylvia Green Les & Phyllis Litwin Bruce & Sally Levy Sharen Litwin Robert & Sandra Marcus Francesjec Maloney | 617-566-3960 29 ALWAYS FAMILY-OWNED. ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE.

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For more than 165 years, Temple Israel has provided a home to the Boston Jewish community. We are proud to uplift our spirits in song, to unite in our commitment to justice, and to serve as a refuge in times of joy and in times of sorrow.

The Ner Tamid is the light that shines above the ark in every synagogue of the world, a symbol of our presence and determination to sustain our traditions, even as we respond to change. The Ner Tamid Society honors supporters who perpetuate the legacy of Temple Israel. By including Temple Israel in your estate plans, you ensure that the eternal light continues to burn strongly for generations to come.

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Marc Maxwell, President Laurence Bailen, Vice President Barbara Cevallos, Treasurer

Dan Deutsch, Executive Director Helen Cohen, FJECC Preschool Director Emma Koblick, Director of Communications


2021 Virtual Annual Gathering of the Congregation June 10, 7:00 p.m.

Join us as we celebrate our accomplishments of this past year, honor our 2021 N’divei Lev Award recipients, elect and welcome new leadership, review our financial standing, and preview some of the exciting changes coming in the next year! Zoom link available at

32 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.