Clean Water Act NPDES Permit Impacts on Mo
KEY COMMITTEES IN THE SENATE Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Issues: Clean Water Act NPDES Permit Impacts on Mosquito Control Programs Endangered Species Act Considerations and Mosquito Control Mosquito Control on National Wildlife Refuges and Other Federal Lands Boxer, Barbara (CA) , Chairman Vitter, David (LA), Ranking Member Baucus, Max (MT) Inhofe, James M. (OK) Carper, Thomas R. (DE) Barrasso, John (WY) Lautenberg, Frank R. (NJ) Sessions, Jeff (AL) Cardin, Benjamin L. (MD) Crapo, Mike (ID) Sanders, Bernard (VT) Wicker, Roger F. (MS) Whitehouse, Sheldon (RI) Boozman, John (AR) Udall, Tom (NM) Fischer, Deb (NE Merkley, Jeff (OR) Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (NY) Highlighted = members of the Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife which oversees the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, and National Wildlife Refuges Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Issue: Clean Water Act NPDES Permit Impacts on Mosquito Control Programs Stabenow, Debbie (MI) , Chairman Cochran, Thad (MS), Ranking Member Leahy, Patrick J. (VT) McConnell, Mitch (KY) Harkin, Tom (IA) Roberts, Pat (KS) Baucus, Max (MT) Chambliss, Saxby (GA) Brown, Sherrod (OH) Boozman, John (AR) Klobuchar, Amy (MN) Hoeven, John (ND) Bennet, Michael F. (CO) Johanns, Mike (NE) Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (NY) Grassley, Chuck (IA) Donnelly, Joe (IN) Thune, John (SD) Heitkamp, Heidi (ND) Cowan, William M. (MA) Highlighted = members of the Subcommittee on Conservation, Forestry, and Natural Resources which oversees pesticides Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Issue: Mosquito Control on National Wildlife Refuges and Other Federal Lands Wyden, Ron (OR) , Chairman Murkowski, Lisa (AK), Ranking Member Johnson, Tim (SD) Barrasso, John (WY)* Landrieu, Mary L.
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