E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2013 No. 93 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was receive the Nobel Prize and Pulitzer To say this championship winning called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Prize for literature. A prolific writer, game was a nail-biter would be an un- pore (Mr. RIBBLE). she also advocated on behalf of wom- derstatement. The Blackhawks came f en’s rights and minority groups, while from behind twice to overcome an her efforts for her care and adoption of amazing effort by the Boston Bruins, DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Asian and mixed-race children are leg- scoring two goals just 17 seconds apart TEMPORE endary. Pearl Buck will be remembered in the final minute and a half of the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- for her achievements as well as for her game. Unbelievable goals scored by fore the House the following commu- writing. Bryan Bickell and Dave Bolland en- nication from the Speaker: And we acknowledge the renovation sured their names will be inscribed for- ever in Blackhawk history books as WASHINGTON, DC, recently of her 19th century farmhouse June 26, 2013. in Bucks County, notably a national well as on Lord Stanley’s Cup. I hereby appoint the Honorable REID J. historic landmark that will be sus- With outstanding efforts by Captain RIBBLE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this tained for new generations to learn and Jonathan Toews; Conn Smythe winner, day. emulate Pearl Buck’s love for the Buffalo native, Patrick Kane; the best JOHN A. BOEHNER, struggling, the misunderstood, and the defenseman in hockey, Duncan Keith; Speaker of the House of Representatives. children. and, of course, the best goalie in the f We honor her life and we treasure her playoffs, Corey Crawford, the entire memory. team made good on a promise that this MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Original Six team is a true legend to be f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- reckoned with. ant to the order of the House of Janu- HONORING THE CHICAGO As I have mentioned before, hockey ary 3, 2013, the Chair will now recog- BLACKHAWKS never left Chicago, but Rocky Wirtz nize Members from lists submitted by The SPEAKER pro tempore. The brought it back. The owner of the the majority and minority leaders for Chair recognizes the gentleman from Blackhawks has once again made our city proud. morning-hour debate. Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. The entire organization is the The Chair will alternate recognition Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, after 23 classiest in sports, the model in hock- between the parties, with each party NHL Playoff games, 10 overtimes, and ey. Led by John McDonough, Jay limited to 1 hour and each Member 64 goals, the Chicago Blackhawks have other than the majority and minority Blunk, Stan Bowman, and Coach Joel won their second Stanley Cup in the Quenneville, they have enshrined Chi- leaders and the minority whip limited last 4 years. Congratulations to the to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall cago as a hockey town for the 21st cen- greatest team in hockey on being the tury. debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. 2013 Stanley Cup Champions. But the Blackhawks don’t just unify f The impressive regular season began our city, they also are committed to with a record-breaking streak of 24 serving the community and making it ACKNOWLEDGING THE LIFE OF straight games with a point earned, PEARL S. BUCK better. Their StreetHawks program has and it ended with a Presidents’ Trophy worked to promote fitness and leader- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The for the most points in a regular season. ship skills to local youth through Chair recognizes the gentleman from This success set the stage for an out- street hockey initiatives and commu- Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 standing playoff run, a promise of nity skating facilities. minutes. things to come. The Hawks made good Through the NHL’s Hockey is for Ev- Mr. FITZPATRICK. This morning, on that promise this week in one of the eryone program, I’ve had the pleasure Mr. Speaker, I rise to acknowledge the most incredible and improbable Stan- of working with the Hawks to expand memory and the life of Pearl S. Buck, ley Cup Final games in NHL history. hockey access to at-risk and LGBT an author, humanitarian, and political Having already tamed the Minnesota youth; because no matter what your activist who made her home in Wild, taken down our archrival, the background, every child should have Hilltown, Bucks County on Green Hills Detroit Red Wings, and dethroned the the opportunity to play the greatest Farm, where she wrote 100 books. Los Angeles Kings, the Blackhawks sport in the world. During this week, the anniversary of grinded through the finals to one of the The Blackhawks have also been her 121st birthday, we note that Pearl craziest and most exciting Stanley Cup strong supporters of America’s vet- Buck is the first American woman to wins ever witnessed. erans and wounded warriors. Just this b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4041 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:55 Jun 27, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26JN7.000 H26JNPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 26, 2013 year, I joined the Hawks and the USA Moreover, this disastrous climate that middle class families can afford Warriors veterans team for an outdoor change plan is a plan for America’s college and that college is accessible. I hockey game at Soldier Field. The economic and security decline. This do not understand an economic strat- Hawks gave these vets—most of whom plan would only lead to higher electric egy that says that you make it harder are Purple Heart recipients—a once-in- bills and increased dependence on for- and more expensive for the middle a-lifetime experience they will never eign enemy sources. And to think class to go to college; nor do I under- forget. someone has the audacity to say, ‘‘We stand an argument that we cannot af- And I suppose this is what the Hawks need a war on coal.’’ Well, what we ford to keep the interest rate low, but do best, provide their fans—fans in Chi- need is a war on that line of thinking. we can spend $40 billion subsidizing the cago and around the world—with This administration’s stringent rules five richest oil companies in America memories they will never forget. I look and absurd mandates are simply meant who do not need those subsidies. forward to the new memories yet to be to force coal-fired power plants to stop The middle class deserves those sub- made during future Stanley Cup vic- burning coal or shutter the facilities sidies. Middle class students trying to tories, games with Blackhawk players altogether. I call it strangulation by get into college deserve subsidies. But who are just kids right now with the regulation. to say that they cannot have those sub- memory of shots heard around the sidies and that we’re going to double hockey world ringing through their b 1010 the interest rate on them while pre- heads. Mr. Speaker, more than 200 coal serving a $40 billion subsidy to the Mr. Speaker, hockey is a special plants have already closed across 25 richest oil companies on Earth is not sport that brings people together, im- States, and now seven new EPA regula- only bad policy; it’s ruinous economic proves our communities, and, most im- tions are on track to do even more strategy. portantly, makes people dream the im- damage. I’m losing one of the biggest Mr. Speaker, I do not know why any- possible and do the improbable. The en- employers in Lawrence County to this body in this body would want to make tire world saw that this week thanks to onslaught—1,200 good-paying jobs. it harder and more difficult for stu- the 2013 Stanley Cup Champion Chi- In total, the closure of mines, shut- dents to go to college at a time when cago Blackhawks. tering of power plants, and resulting we are competing with China and Go Hawks. And as always, my kind of hikes in electric rates are expected to South Korea and other countries town, Chicago is. cost the U.S. economy some 887,000 jobs around the world to continue our f per year. Please tell me how this is in strength and power over the next sev- OBAMA’S WAR ON COAL our national interest, how this is lead- eral decades. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing America forward. In 2008, the Presi- It is essential that we find a com- Chair recognizes the gentleman from dent promised to bankrupt the coal- promise, Mr. Speaker. There is an un- Kentucky (Mr. ROGERS) for 5 minutes. fields. And yesterday, he took a giant quenchable thirst by Americans for Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. step toward that reckless, shameful compromise in this body. I, for one, as Speaker, American coal families are goal. well as members of the House Demo- under attack, not from a foreign power f cratic Caucus, am ready, willing, and or a natural disaster, but by an admin- able to compromise over the next 5 istration that has resolutely, per- STUDENT LOAN INTEREST RATES days.
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