Online items available Guide to the Robert Hofstadter Papers SC0426 Ashley McDonnell Lawyer, Aimee Morgan, & Jenny Johnson This collection was processed with support from the American Institute of Physics' Grants to Archives Program. Department of Special Collections and University Archives January 2012 Green Library 557 Escondido Mall Stanford 94305-6064
[email protected] URL: Note This encoded finding aid is compliant with Stanford EAD Best Practice Guidelines, Version 1.0. Guide to the Robert Hofstadter SC0426 1 Papers SC0426 Language of Material: English Contributing Institution: Department of Special Collections and University Archives Title: Robert Hofstadter papers creator: Hofstadter, Robert Identifier/Call Number: SC0426 Physical Description: 83.75 Linear Feet(66 boxes) Date (inclusive): 1931-1993 Abstract: This collection contains the papers of former Stanford professor and Nobel Prize winning physicist Robert Hofstadter. Included are lab notebooks and research data; lecture notes and teaching materials; writings, drafts, and reprints; grant proposals; incoming and outgoing correspondence; travel and conference papers; legal papers; biographical and personal materials;clippings; photographs; and a small amount of audiovisual material. The papers cover a wide swath of Hofstadter's career, including his student and postgraduate work at Princeton University; wartime positions at The United States National Bureau of Standards and Norden Laboratory; Stanford research including electron scattering and coronary angiography; and his collaboration with NASA personnel on the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET). Arrangement The papers are arranged in four accessions, mirroring how the collection was received. One additional catagory, Oversized Items, was created during processing and consists of large items removed from elsewhere in the collection.