IMPACT FACTOR 6.639 an Open Access Journal by MDPI Biomarkers in Interventional Oncology Guest Editors: Message from the Guest Editors Dr. Marianna Alunni-Fabbroni Targeted minimally invasive procedures are being Department of Radiology, increasingly used in multimodality concepts of University Hospital, LMU Munich, personalized cancer treatment. Interventional oncology 81377 München, Germany applies thermal energy, radiation, or local delivery of marianna.alunni@ med.uni- chemotherapeutic agents at a high dosage directly into the tumor under image guidance in order to treat cancer more Prof. Dr. Moritz Wildgruber effectively. Interventional oncology plays an increasing role Department of Radiology, and is now considered the fourth pillar of oncology University Hospital, LMU Munich, particularly for oligometastases where patients with 81377 München, Germany limited metastatic disease are still considered curable. moritz.wildgruber@ med.uni- Response assessment of those minimally invasive therapies is nevertheless limited. Traditional imaging Prof. S. Nahum Goldberg criteria, such as the response evaluation criteria in solid Department of Radiology, tumors (RECIST), frequently fail to assess, in a timely Hadassah Hebrew University manner, the effect of minimally invasive cancer treatment. Medical Center, Ein Karem, Jerusalem 91120, Israel Liquid biopsies (i.e., blood analyses) can greatly supplement response assessment by non-invasively
[email protected] providing very specific biomarkers of tumor biology and its spread, or response to treatment. The role of biomarkers to gauge the response to minimally invasive tumor Deadline for manuscript treatments is the primary topic of this Special Issue. submissions: 30 June 2022 SpeciaIslsue IMPACT FACTOR 6.639 an Open Access Journal by MDPI Editor-in-Chief Message from the Editor-in-Chief Prof.