THE GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1421

The Saskatchewan Gazette


Volume 104 REGINA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2008/REGINA, VENDREDI, 8 AOÛT 2008 No. 32/nº 32



APPOINTMENTS/NOMINATIONS ...... 1423 PROGRESS OF BILLS/RAPPORT SUR L’ÉTAT DES PROJETS DE LOIS (First Session,Twenty-sixth Legislative Assembly) ...... 1423 ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED/LOIS NON ENCORE PROCLAMÉES ...... 1423 ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR SUR SANCTION ...... 1426 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC DATES/LOIS EN VIGUEUR À DES DATES PRÉCISES ...... 1428 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC EVENTS/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR À DES OCCURRENCES PARTICULIÈRES ...... 1428 ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2008) ...... 1428 BOARD ORDERS/ORDONNANCES DES CONSEILS, COMMISSIONS, RÉGIES ...... 1429 The Assessment Management Agency Act ...... 1429 MINISTERS’ ORDERS/ARRÊTÉS MINISTÉRIELS ...... 1432 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997 ...... 1432 The Municipalities Act ...... 1433 CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES/AVIS DE LA DIRECTION DES CORPORATIONS...... 1434 The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les coopératives ...... 1434 The Business Corporations Act ...... 1435 The Business Names Registration Act ...... 1446 The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif...... 1454 PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS ...... 1455 Highway Traffic Board ...... 1455 The Medical Profession Act, 1981...... 1456 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN/ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE DE LA SASKATCHEWAN ...... 1457/ 1458 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS/AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS...... 1458/ 1459 1422Volume 104 REGINA,THE FRIDAY, SASKATCHEWAN AUGUST 8, GAZETTE, 2008/REGINA, AUGUST VENDREDI 8, 2008, 8 AOÛT 2008 No. 32/nº 32


PART II/PARTIE II G-5.1 Reg 148 The Saskatchewan Infrastructure Growth Initiative Program Regulations ...... 531 E-0.2 Reg 18 The 2007-2008 School Grant Regulations ...... 559 E-10.01 Reg 1 The Enterprise Saskatchewan Regulations ...... 585 SR 61/2008 The Child Care Amendment Regulations, 2008...... 594 SR 62/2008 The Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Repeal Regulations ...... 595 SR 63/2008 The Saskatchewan Pension Annuity Fund Amendment Regulations, 2008 ...... 595 SR 64/2008 / The Vital Statistics Amendment Regulations, 2008 / RS 64/2008 Règlement de 2008 modifiant le Règlement sur les services de l’état civil ...... 596/597 SR 65/2008 The Disability Housing Supplement Amendment Regulations, 2008 ...... 598 SR 66/2008 The Rental Housing Supplement Amendment Regulations, 2008 ...... 607 SR 68/2008 The Summary Offences Procedure Amendment Regulations, 2008 (No.2)...... 613 SR 69/2008 The Training Allowance Amendment Regulations, 2008...... 614 SR 70/2008 The Public Employees Pension Plan Amendment Regulations, 2008 ...... 616 SR 71/2008 The Superannuation Acts Uniform Amendment Regulations, 2008...... 619

PART III/PARTIE III SR 67/2008 The Saskatchewan Assistance Amendment Regulations, 2008 ...... 11 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1423


CANCELLATION OF HONORARY AIDE-DE-CAMP TO THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF SASKATCHEWAN The following Honorary Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan has been cancelled, effective August 15, 2008: Lieutenant (N) Jayna Cayer


PROGRESS OF BILLS/RAPPORT SUR L’ÉTAT DES PROJETS DE LOIS (First Session, Twenty-sixth Legislative Assembly) ______

Government Bills Bill Coming No. Name (listed Alphabetically) into force 31 The Executive Government Administration Act ...... On Assent 32 The Executive Government Administration Consequential Amendment Act, 2008/ Loi de 2008 apportant des modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Executive Government Administration Act ...... On Assent, Specific Event 9 The Superannuation (Supplementary Provisions) Amendment Act, 2008 ...... On Assent



Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Aboriginal Courtworkers Commission Act, S.S. 1995 Assented to May 18, 1995 ...... A-1.1 The Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008/Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi sur l’administration des successions, R.S. 2008 Assented to April 28, 2008 ...... 2 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2005, S.S 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, L.S. 2005 Assented to May 27, 2005, subsection 26(2) not yet proclaimed ...... 3 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2008/Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard Assented to May 14, 2008, clauses 3(b) and (c), subsections 9(2) and 11(2), clause 12(1)(a), subsection 12(2), sections 15 and 17 to 22, subsections 23(2) and 24(2) not yet proclaimed ...... 8 The Certified Management Accountants Act, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 21, 2000 ...... C-4.111 The Child and Family Services Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003 ...... 17 The Community Cablecasters Act, R.S.S. 1978 Assented to May 10, 1977 ...... C-17 The Consumer Protection Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to April 28, 2008 ...... 4 1424 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Credit Union Act, 1998, S.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998, clauses 2(1)(v) and (aaa), subsection 9(2), clause 10(c), Parts VI and XXI, clauses 440(1)(o) to (s) and (hh), and subsection 440(2) not yet proclaimed ...... C-45.2 The Crown Minerals Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... 23 The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act, S.S. 1998/ Loi sur les conventions sur l’exécution de jugements, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998 ...... E-9.13 The Film and Video Classification Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006 ...... 20 The Forest Resource Management Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003 ...... 24 The Freehold Oil and Gas Production Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... 26 The Health Information Protection Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 17(1), 18(2) and (4), and section 69 not yet proclaimed ...... H-0.021 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, section 13, subsections 37(8) and (9) not yet proclaimed ...... H-3.01 The Horned Cattle Purchases Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002 ...... 20 The International Interests in Mobile Aircraft Equipment Act, S.S. 2007/Loi sur les garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement aéronautiques mobiles, L.S. 2007 Assented to March 21, 2007...... I-10.201 The International Protection of Adults (Hague Convention Implementation) Act, S.S. 2005/ Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention de la Haye sur la protection internationale des adultes, L.S. 2005 Assented to May 27, 2005 ...... I-10.21 The Land Surveys Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, section 22 and Parts IV and VII not yet proclaimed ...... L-4.1 The Land Titles Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, sections 51 and 151 and subsection 167(2) not yet proclaimed ...... L-5.1 The Medical Radiation Technologists Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006 ...... M-10.3 The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 7(2) to (5), sections 8 to 10 not yet proclaimed ...... M-14.1 The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal (Regulatory Reform) Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to November 30, 2004, section 3 not yet proclaimed...... 61 The Mortgage Brokerages and Mortgage Administrators Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... M-20.1 The Paramedics Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007, sections 1 to 53,and 55 to 57 not yet proclaimed ...... P-0.1 The Payday Loans Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... P-4.3 The Podiatry Act, S.S. 2003 Assented to May 27, 2003, clauses 14(2)(n) and (o) not yet proclaimed ...... P-14.1 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 15 not yet proclaimed ...... 30 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1425

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Powers of Attorney Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi de 2002 sur les procurations, L.S. 2004 Assented to June 10, 2004. That portion of section 14 which enacts clauses 16(1)(b) and (c) of The Powers of Attorney Act, 2002 not yet proclaimed ...... 21 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, section 4 not yet proclaimed ...... 22 The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994 Assented to June 2, 1994, subsection 73(5) not yet proclaimed ...... P-37.1 The Public Health Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 17, 2004, section 7 not yet proclaimed ...... 46 The Public Trustee Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 18 and subsections 22(3), (8), (9) and (11) to (14) not yet proclaimed ...... 33 The Regional Health Services Act, S.S. 2002 Assented to July 10, 2002, subsections 3(4) and (5), 65(1) and (3), clause 77(2)(f), section 88, clauses 95(b) and 97(3)(b), subsections 99(1) and (4), section 105, subsections 114(1), (5) and (7), sections 115, 120 and 123 not yet proclaimed ...... R-8.2 The Regional Health Services Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... 36 The Respiratory Therapists Act, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006 ...... R-22.0002 The Saskatchewan Association of School Board Officials Repeal Act, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008 ...... 22 The Saskatchewan Insurance Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003, clauses 3(a), (c) and (f), that portion of clause 3(h) which repeals clauses 2(1)(p), (q), (r), (t), (u), (w), (bb), (cc), (ff), (kk), (ll), (mm), (ww) and (bbb) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act, clauses 3(k) and (m), section 4, subsection 13(3), sections 14, 37, 38 and 39, clauses 97(a) and (b) and that portion of clause 97(c) which enacts clause 97(c.1) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act not yet proclaimed ...... 38 The Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001 ...... 41 The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007, subsections 3(19) and 10(3), sections 15, 16, 32 (that part of section 32 that repeals section 79 of The Securities Act, 1988), 42, 56(1) and 58 not yet proclaimed ...... 41 The Social Workers Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008 ...... 23 The Statutes and Regulations Revision Act, S.S. 2008 Assented to April 26, 2007 ...... S-59.01 The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 17, 2004, clauses 8(1)(a) and 8(2)(a) not yet proclaimed ...... 51 The Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to April 26, 2007 ...... T-14.2 The Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to April 27, 2006, clauses 4(a) and 6(a) not yet proclaimed ...... 9 The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, sections 35 to 40, clause 44(a) and section 57 not yet proclaimed ...... T-22.2 1426 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Trust and Loan Corporations Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996 Assented to June 25, 1996 ...... 66 The Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, sections 8 and 11 not yet proclaimed ...... 25 The Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 10, 2004, sections 11, 16 and 24 not yet proclaimed...... 32 The Vital Statistics Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... V-7.2 The Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 1998, S.S. 1998/ Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur les services de l’état civil, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998 ...... 44 The Vital Statistics Administration Transfer Act, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008 ...... V-7.3

Note: This table is for convenience of reference and is not comprehensive; it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes published by the Queen’s Printer. Please refer to the Separate Chapters and the Tables for any additional information regarding Proclamation dates and Coming into Force dates for the Statutes listed above. / Le présent tableau a pour but de faciliter la référence et n’est pas complet; il est utilisé en conjonction avec le Tableau des lois de la Saskatchewan (Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes) publié par l’Imprimeur de la Reine. Veuillez vous référer aux chapitres tirés à part et au Tableau pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements relatifs aux dates de proclamation et d’entrée en vigueur des lois susmentionnées. ______


Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2008/Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard (Assented to May 14, 2008, sections 1 and 2, clause 3(a), sections 4 to 8, subsection 9(1), section 10, subsection 11(1), clauses 12(1)(b), (c) and (d), subsection 12(3), sections 13, 14, and 16, subsection 23(1) and 24(1), sections 25 to 32) ...... 27 ...... 8 The Appropriation Act, 2007 (No. 4) (Assented to December 20, 2007) ...... 7 ...... 45 The Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 1) (Assented to March 18, 2008) ...... 16 ...... 1 The Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Assented to April 28, 2008) ...... 39 ...... 3 The Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 3) (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 41 ...... 9 The Briercrest College and Seminary Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 901 ...... 01 The Corporate Capital Tax Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 38 ...... 10 The Enforcement of Canadian Judgments Amendment Act, 2008/ Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi de 2002 sur l’exécution des jugements canadiens (Assented to April 28, 2008) ...... 11 ...... 5 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1427

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Graduate Retention Program Act (Assented to May 14, 2008, retroactive and is deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2008) ...... 34 ...... G-5.11 The Growth and Financial Security Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 1 ...... G-8.1 The Income Tax Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008, sections 3, 4, 5, that portion of section 6 that enacts section 39.1 of The Income Tax Act, 2000, sections 7, 8, 9, and 10 are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2008) ...... 35 ...... 13 The Irrigation Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008, retroactive and is deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2006) ...... 22 ...... 14 The Legislative Assembly and Executive Council (Fixed Election Dates) Amendment Act, 2008/Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi de 2007 sur l’Assemblée législative et le Conseil exécutif (élections à date fixe) (Assented to April 28, 2008) ...... 4 ...... 6 The Midwifery Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 26 ...... 15 The Miscellaneous Pensions Statutes (Commencement of Pension) Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 10 ...... 16 The Municipal Revenue Sharing Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008, retroactive and is deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2008) ...... 23 ...... 17 The Natural Resources Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 8 ...... 18 The Northern Municipalities Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to April 28, 2008) ...... 15 ...... 7 The Potash Development Repeal Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 3 ...... 20 The Public Service Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 18 ...... 21 The Public Service Essential Services Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 5 ...... P-42.2 The Teachers’ Life Insurance (Government Contributory) Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 13 ...... 24 The Teachers Superannuation and Disability Benefits Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 21 ...... 25 The Trade Union Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 6 ...... 26 The Trade Union Amendment Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 24 ...... 27 The Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 40 ...... U-0.1 The Wildlife Habitat Protection Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 25 ...... 28 1428 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008


Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Active Families Benefit Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) (Specific Date: January 1, 2009) ...... 33 ...... A-4.01 The Assessment Management Agency Amendment Act, 2006 (Assented to April 27, 2006) (Specific Date: subsections 6(1), 7(1) and (2), effective January 1, 2009) ...... 4 ...... 2 The Cities Amendment Act, 2006 (Assented to April 27, 2006) (Specific Date: clause 3(a), sections 13 and 14, subsections 15(1), (2), (4) and (7), sections 16, 17 and 19, clause 31(b), sections 38 and 39, subsection 40(2) and sections 42 and 50, effective January 1, 2009) ...... 5 ...... 4 The Income Tax Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) (Specific Date: portion of section 6 that enacts section 39.2 of The Income Tax Act, 2000, effective January 1, 2009) ...... 35 ...... 13 The Municipalities Amendment Act, 2006 (Assented to April 27, 2006) (Specific Date: clauses 3(a) and 15(a) and (c), section 16, subsections 17(1), (3) and (6), sections 18, 19, 21, 30, 36 and 37, and subsections 38(2) and 40(2), effective January 1, 2009) ...... 6 ...... 7



Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Vital Statistics Consequential Amendment Act, 2007 / Loi de 2007 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Vital Statistics Act, 2007 (Assented to May 17, 2007) (Specific Event: on the coming into force of section 1 of The Vital Statistics Act, 2007) ...... 42



The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 2008/Les proclamations suivantes ont été lancées et entrent en vigueur le 1er janvier 2008 ou après cette date: The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2002 (No. 2), S.S. 2002, c.42/Loi de 2002 (n°2) modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, L.S. 2002, ch.42. Clauses 3(a), (b), (c), (d) and (f), sections 4, 7, 22 to 25 and clauses 28(g) and (l), proclaimed in force June 1, 2008. The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2005, S.S 2005, c.3/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, L.S. 2005, ch.3. That portion of clause 3(a) that adds the definition for “gaming regulator”, clause 3(b), sections 4, 15 to 22, clauses 24(a), (b) and (d), subsections 26(1), (3) and (4), proclaimed in force June 1, 2008. The Class Actions Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007, c21/Loi de 2007 modifiant la Loi sur les recours collectifs, L.S. 2007, ch21. Proclaimed in force April 1, 2008. The Education Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008, c11/Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2008, ch11. Proclaimed in force June 27, 2008. The Enterprise Saskatchewan Act, S.S. 2008, cE-10.01. Proclaimed in force July 29, 2008. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1429

The Highways and Transportation Amendment Act, 2008, c12. Proclaimed in force June 27, 2008. The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999, cM-14.1. Sections 18 to 43, 47 and 49, proclaimed in force March 14, 2008. The Parks Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008, c19. Section 3 proclaimed in force July 29, 2008. The Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation Amendment Act, S.S. 2007, c38. Proclaimed in force April 1, 2008. The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007, c41. Section 50 proclaimed in force January 1, 2008. Sections 39 to 41, 51 to 54 and subsection 56(2) proclaimed in force February 15, 2008. Sections 25 to 31, that part of section 32 that repeals section 80 of The Securities Act, 1988 and section 33, proclaimed in force March 17, 2008. *Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print. / Une loi proclamée qui figure pour la première fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras.



The Assessment Management Agency Act [clause 12(1)(p)] ______

CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS This is an Order pursuant to clause 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act confirming the 2007 assessment roll for each municipality listed in Schedule 1, as at the date of each municipality’s 2007 assessment return. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan on July 31, 2008.

Craig Melvin, Chair, Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency. Irwin Blank, Board Secretary. ______


CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS This is an Order pursuant to clause 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act confirming the 2008 assessment roll for each municipality listed in Schedule 1, as at the date of each municipality’s 2008 assessment return. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan on July 31, 2008.

Craig Melvin, Chair, Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency. Irwin Blank, Board Secretary. 1430 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1431 1432 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008



The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997 [section 20.1] ______

SPEED LIMIT ORDER — PROVINICAL HIGHWAY NO. 35 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister establishes a speed zone by erecting official signs stating the speed limit at the following location: 60 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 35 from its east junction with Provincial Highway No. 10 to a point 1000 metres north of its east junction with Provincial Highway No. 10, east of the Town of Fort Qu’Appelle. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 15th day of July, 2008. ______

Terry Schmidt, Assistant Deputy Minister, Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1433

The Municipalities Act, 1997 [sections 53 and 61, subsection 63(4)] ______

DISSOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF WILLOWBROOK 1 Pursuant to section 53 of The Municipalities Act, the Village of Willowbrook has applied to dissolve into the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244. 2 It is deemed appropriate and in the public interest to dissolve the Village of Willowbrook at this time. The undersigned, therefore issues an Order pursuant to section 61 of The Municipalities Act to: (a) dissolve the Village of Willowbrook and include its area within the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244; (b) designate this area as a “special service area” for the purpose of assigning different tax rates, applying different tax tools and providing different service levels within the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244; (c) confirm the designated “special service area” as being within the boundaries of the former Village of Willowbrook; (d) confirm any additional terms and conditions of the restructuring agreement entered into by the Village of Willowbrook and the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 as follows: (i) this agreement has been entered into by the Village of Willowbrook and the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 for the purpose of the dissolution of the Village of Willowbrook; (ii) a municipal council consisting of a Reeve and six (6) councillors will continue to govern the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244, with the Village of Willowbrook being designated a special service area for the purposes of assigning different tax rates and/or application of tax tools and providing different service levels; (iii) the designated service area being within the boundaries of the former Village of Willowbrook; (iv) this agreement may be amended by the Council of the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 only when an amendment is in the best interests of the ratepayers of the former Village of Willowbrook and the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244; (v) the assets and liabilities of the Village of Willowbrook shall become the assets and liabilities of the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 upon dissolution of the Village of Willowbrook; (vi) cash assets remaining subsequent to settlement of the Village of Willowbrook’s assets and liabilities will be set aside for provision of services and/or benefits within the former Village of Willowbrook; (vii) the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 agrees to provide streetlights as required, subject to periodic review; (viii) the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 agrees to provide snow removal within the former Village of Willowbrook; this may be changed or adjusted as required by the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244; (ix) the Rural Municipality may impose special levies for the following purposes if required: • renewing municipal infrastructure; • remedying and reclaiming contaminated sites; • settling any liabilities of the parties; (x) the Rural Municipality of Orkney No 244 will ensure that fire protection services are inclusive and consistent with fire protection service agreements currently established by the municipality; (xi) the administrator for the Village of Willowbrook, Mary Jo Thibodeau, will not continue as an employee of the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244; (xii) this agreement will come into effect on the date of dissolution as set out in the Minister’s Order; (e) authorize the imposition of special levies on affected properties for a period not greater than 10 years or in the case of retiring a debt of the municipality not greater than the term of the debt, for the following purposes: • renewing municipal infrastructure; 1434 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

• remedying and reclaiming contaminated sites; • settling any liabilities; (f) confirm that the dissolution shall take effect on July 31, 2008; (g) appoint Donna Litzenberger to adjust and settle the assets and liabilities of the Village of Willowbrook including: (i) the sale of, the disposition of and the conversion into money of sufficient assets to satisfy the liabilities of the village and pay the remuneration of the person appointed by this order; (ii) the allocation of any grants, surplus funds and reserves; and (iii) the manner of dealing with the liabilities and pursuant to subsection 63(4) of The Municipalities Act, if there are insufficient realizable assets to satisfy the liabilities of the municipality to: assess, levy, collect and enforce payment of any amount that may be required to satisfy the liabilities of the municipality and all associated expenses and pay the remuneration of the person appointed pursuant to this order; (h) determine the remuneration payable to Donna Litzenberger to be $30.00 per hour of work, and $0.3888 per travelled kilometre and reimbursement of related miscellaneous expenses. Dated at the City of Regina, in the Province of Saskatchewan, this 25th day of July, 2008.

Maryellen Carlson, Assistant Deputy Minister, for and on behalf of the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ______


The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les coopératives ______

NOTICE OF STATEMENT OF DISSOLUTION AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Take notice that the members of Fairhaven Co-operative Preschool on the 27th day of February, 2008, passed a Special Resolution authorizing the voluntary dissolution of the said co-operative under the provisions of The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les coopératives and the resolution was approved July 22, 2008, by the Registrar of Co-operatives, pursuant to section 162 of the Act. Further take notice that: Christina Glowa, of 502 Hull Place, , Saskatchewan, was appointed Liquidator and hereby serves notice to any person indebted to the co-operative to make payment to the Liquidator, within 30 days of this notice. Additionally, persons having claims against the co-operative are hereby notified that such claims, accompanied by proof of claim, must be filed with the Liquidator within two months of the date of this notice, after which time the property of the co-operative will be distributed in accordance with the resolution to dissolve, having regard to the claims of which the Liquidator has notice. ______

CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Ohpahow Wawesecikiwak – Arts Marketing Co-operative Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 519, Debden ...... market authentic Cree art and functional handmade goods produced by local artisans ______

Philip J. Flory, Registrar. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1435

The Business Corporations Act ______

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101126434 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 18 ...... 116 Albert St., Regina ...... property management 101126514 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 20 ...... 659 Sangster Blvd., Regina...... financial and lifestyle educational products marketing 101126537 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... 313-20th St. E, Saskatoon ...... land holding company 101126540 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 233, Archerwill ...... diamond drilling 101126542 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 326, Archerwill ...... diamond drilling 101126549 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126554 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126555 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126556 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126557 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126558 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126559 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126560 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126562 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126563 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126564 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 2680, Melfort...... holding company 101126565 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126575 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina .... holding company 101126588 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... 2009 Dufferin Rd., Regina ...... retail tea, coffee and chocolate products 101126598 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... 4166 Rae St., Regina ...... taxi franchise 101126604 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... 231-1061 Central Ave., Prince Albert ...... holding company 101126633 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon .... salon and spa 101126644 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... 1312-4th St., ...... holding company 101126646 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... 1312-4th St., Estevan ...... holding company 101126657 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... 1630 Quebec Ave., Saskatoon ..... hold and manage property 101126699 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... Box 311, Bienfait ...... holding company 101126701 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 760, Tisdale ...... drilling company 101126713 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 19 ...... Box 724, Davidson ...... custom work and livestock 101126718 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 1010, 5012-49th St., ...... oilfield trucking 101126749 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina ..... holding company 101126753 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina ..... holding company 101126755 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina ..... holding company 101126756 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 250, Langenburg ...... autobody shop 101126759 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina ..... holding company 101126762 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina ..... holding company 101126790 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... 1100-1801 Hamilton St., Regina ...... holding company 1436 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101126795 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... Box 1983, Nipawin...... holding company 101126806 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 24 ...... 600, 105-21st St. E, Saskatoon ..... holding company 101126814 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 24 ...... 17A Brodie Ave., ...... exterior finishing, roofing, siding, doors, windows, etc. 101126818 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 20, 5009-47th St., Lloydminster ...... holding company 101126825 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 24 ...... 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina .... holding company 101126830 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 17 ...... Box 1037, Regina ...... holding company 101126831 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 23 ...... 500, 111-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon .... holding company 101126834 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 23 ...... 500, 111-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon .... holding company 101126835 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 23 ...... 500, 111-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon .... holding company 101126836 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 23 ...... 500, 111-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon .... holding company 101126838 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 23 ...... 500, 111-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon .... holding company 101126839 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 23 ...... 500, 111-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon .... holding company 101126856 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 24 ...... 410 Ludlow St., Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126870 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 27 ...... B0x 682, Lloydminster ...... holding company 101126871 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 27 ...... Box 662, Lloydminster ...... holding company 101126882 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 27 ...... 10th flr., 744-4th Ave. SW, Calgary AB ...... holding company 101126885 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 27 ...... 10th flr., 744-4th Ave. SW, Calgary AB ...... holding company 101126889 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 27 ...... 10th flr., 744-4th Ave. SW, Calgary AB ...... holding company 101126908 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 27 ...... 279-3rd Ave. N, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126915 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126916 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126917 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126921 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 231, Langham ...... holding company 101126924 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 402-24th St. W, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101126925 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 802, Esterhazy ...... personal care home and quilting 101126929 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 129, Mossbank ...... design and general contracting 101126943 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 305, 1133-4th St., Estevan ...... oilfield trucking 101126948 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 517 Main St., Box 1030, Humboldt ...... holding company 101126950 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 517 Main St., Box 1030, Humboldt ...... property development 101126965 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 30 ...... 201, 129-3rd Ave. N, Saskatoon ..... financial services 101126973 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina .... holding company 101126975 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina .... holding company 101126976 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina .... holding company 101126986 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 5-1st Ave. NE, ...... holding company Aaron Heintz Welding Ltd...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 908, ...... commercial welding Absolute Stucco Ltd...... Jne. 23 ...... 321 Halifax St., Regina ...... stucco Aim Holdings Inc...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 172, Margo ...... trucking and farming THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1437

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Barry & Isobel Sample Holdings Inc...... Jly. 25 ...... 5-1st Ave. NE, Weyburn ...... holding company Barry’s Eavestroughing & Exteriors Ltd...... Jne. 25 ...... Box 145, Hague ...... install eaves and soffits Bertoia Enterprizes Ltd...... Jne. 16 ...... Box 1367, 5014-48th St., Lloydminster ...... mixed farming Blue Bird Cafe Inc...... Jne. 23 ...... Box 95, Regina Beach ...... food services/restaurant Carwell Construction (Saskatchewan) Limited ...... Jly. 18 ...... 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina ...... construction Casa Linda Homes Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1148, 7 Broadway St. E, Yorkton ...... sell homes CDZ Consulting Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... 305, 1133-4th St., Estevan ...... oilfield consultant CMMC General Contractors Inc. ... Jly. 25 ...... Box 69, Melfort ...... contract builder Crawlin King Snake Trucking Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... Box 820, Shellbrook ...... trucking and labour services Cyclone Construction Inc...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 168, Warman ...... commercial and industrial concrete work, general constrution D & T Morrice Farms Ltd...... Jne. 17 ...... Box 564, Eston ...... farming Dalai Consulting Inc...... Jne. 24 ...... 719 Bramar Cres., Saskatoon ..... engineering and management consultant Dale Wiggins Oil & Gas Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... 1138-3rd St., Estevan ...... holding company Dales Service & Repair Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 2000, Melville ...... automotive repairs Dela Farms Ltd...... Jly. 4 ...... 201-4401 Albert St., Regina ...... grain farming Design Build MB Inc...... Jly. 23 ...... 1043-8th St. E, Saskatoon ...... landscaping and real estate development Double J G Farm Ltd...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 520, ...... grain farming Dr. Alika Lafontaine Medical P.C. Inc...... Jly. 22 ...... 800, 230-22nd St. E, Saskatoon .... medical professional corporation Dr. David N. Morton Medical Prof. Corp...... Jly. 24 ...... 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon ...... medical professional corporation Dr. J. Steenkamp Medical Prof. Corp...... Jne. 19 ...... 701 Broadway Ave., Saskatoon.... medical professional corporation Dr. L.N. De Beer Medical Professional Corporation ...... Jne. 25 ...... 1335B-2nd Ave. N, Prince Albert ...... medical professional corporation Dr. Nashat S. Wanis Medical Prof. Corp...... Jly. 24 ...... 36-4th Ave. N, Drawer 188, Yorkton ...... medical professional corporation Dr. Paul Olszynski Medical Professional Corporation ...... Jly. 23 ...... 243 Beckett Green, Saskatoon .... medical professional corporation Dry Lake Land Co. Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 69, Melfort ...... holding company Dyer Financial Consulting Inc...... Jly. 23 ...... 300-203 Packham Ave., Saskatoon ...... financial consultant Earth Bound Bakery and Delicatessen Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... 235 Ball Cres., Saskatoon ...... bakery and delicatessen ECI Steel Inc...... Jly. 9 ...... 20-12th St. W, Prince Albert ...... sell steel products 1438 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: EZ Blast Do It Yourself Sand & Bead Blasting Ltd...... Jly. 18 ...... 2100 Scarth St., Regina ...... sand blasting/metal resurfacing Forest Bank Ranch Ltd...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 520, North Battleford...... mixed farming Forty Acre Productions Inc...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 69, Balgonie ...... television series production Friesens Meat Processing Inc...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1100, Warman ...... process meat Glacier Refrigeration Ltd...... Jne. 26 ...... 2505 Jarvis Dr., Saskatoon ...... heating and air-conditioning GN Holmes Land Co. Ltd...... Jne. 16 ...... Box 69, Melfort ...... farming Good Value General Contracting Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... 489-2nd Ave. N, Saskatoon ...... general construction Gung Ho Consulting Ltd...... Jne. 25 ...... 489-2nd Ave. N, Saskatoon ...... business consultant Hein’s Trucking Ltd...... Jly. 2 ...... 223-6th St. NE, Weyburn ...... haul water and crude oil High Grade Concrete Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... 106 Overholt Cres., Saskatoon ... concrete finishing Hopehill Hauling Ltd...... Jne. 27 ...... Box 819, Whitewood ...... custom trucking Itech Mobile Welding Inc...... Jne. 26 ...... 26, 1501-8th St. E, Saskatoon..... mobile welding Jess Carles Farms Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 70, ...... farming John C. Will Legal Professional Corporation ...... Jne. 26 ...... 602-9th St., Humboldt ...... legal professional corporation Kevin Hall Consulting Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... Box 214, Ituna ...... oilfield consultant L. Beatch, Chartered Accountant, P.C. Inc...... Jne. 16 ...... Box 1037, Regina ...... chartered accountant Lefebvre Ripplinger Holdings Ltd. .... Jly. 22 ...... 1920 McAra St., Regina ...... financial holding company Lehnert’s Farms Inc...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 187, Landis ...... farming Lewansale Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... 1000-2002 Victoria Ave., Regina .... holding company Living Sky Trucking Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... Box 1115, Wadena ...... trucking services Lou Beatch, C.A., Professional Corporation ...... Jne. 16 ...... Box 1037, Regina ...... chartered accountant professional corporation Lounsbury Consulting Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 8, Weyburn ...... directional drilling consultant M & B Harris Insurance Ltd...... Jly. 18 ...... 110 Saskatchewan Ave. W, Outlook ...... insurance agency Merit Homes Inc...... Jly. 24 ...... 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon ... general contractor Mike Boyce Photography Inc...... Jly. 25 ...... 718 Lynd Cres., Saskatoon ...... professional wedding, portrait and event photography Mironatel Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... 3334 Queen St., Regina ...... holding company New Sunrise Cafe Ltd...... Jly. 16 ...... Box 610, Nipawin...... restaurant Nextep Consulting Inc...... Jly. 24 ...... 3132 Avonhurst Dr., Regina ...... digital and educational consultant Niicol.Williston Land Development Incorporated ...... Jly. 3 ...... Box 858, Moosomin ...... land development Noteworthy Music & Media Inc. .... Jly. 24 ...... 6 Palenchuk Pl., Meadow Lake.... retail music store Oko Haus Design Inc...... Jne. 18 ...... 1000-2002 Victoria Ave., Regina .... residential and commercial design consultants Overhead Door of Prince Albert Ltd...... Jne. 26 ...... 110-11th St. E, Prince Albert ...... sell, install and service overhead doors Parkview Villa Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... 2600 Victoria Ave., Regina...... personal care home THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1439

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Pasqua TLE Holdings Inc...... Jly. 4 ...... 484 Hofer Dr., Regina ...... act as a bare trustee to receive, hold, manage, and transfer title to lands acquired by the Pasqua First Nation Permanent Roofing Systems Inc..... Jly. 4 ...... 800, 230-22nd St. E., Saskatoon .... contract roofing services and installations Queen City Painting Inc...... Jly. 3 ...... 310-31 Rodenbush Dr., Regina .... residential and commercial painting, spraying, texturing Quick Draw Consulting Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... Box 454, Arcola ...... oilfield service rig consultant Rae Street Villa Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... 2600 Victoria Ave., Regina...... personal care home Resurrection Films Inc...... Jly. 24 ...... W211-2440 Broad St., Regina ..... film and television production Rodeo Canada Television 1 Inc...... Jne. 16 ...... 100-33rd St. E, Saskatoon ...... television series production Royal Land International Consulting Service Inc...... Jly. 25 ...... 1143 Lakewood Crt. N, Regina .... immigration, investment, international student and labour consultant Rumblin Valley Acres Inc...... Jly. 25 ...... 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon ...... farming Second Chance Ranch Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... 305, 1133-4th St., Estevan ...... farming and ranching Semaco Developments Ltd...... Jne. 23 ...... 2398 Scarth St., Regina ...... real estate development Shane McIntosh Consulting Ltd. .... Jly. 22 ...... 305, 1133-4th St., Estevan ...... oilfield/rig management consultant Slick Logistics Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 433, Marshall ...... haul oilfield fluid Sonic Energy Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... 501, 224-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon ... rent water trucks and tractors ST Home Buyers Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 1143 Lakewood Crt. N, Regina .... home renovations and rentals Sumassure Services Inc...... Jly. 22 ...... 200, 2222-13th Ave., Regina ...... facilitate a reciprocal insurance program T & J Schmidt Holdings Inc...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 1030, Humboldt ...... holding company T.G. Builders Ltd...... Jly. 3 ...... 452 N Charlton Pl., Regina ...... home building, general construction Terry Marshall Construction Inc. ... Jly. 25 ...... 108-54 Ominica St. W, Moose Jaw ...... construction The Firm Marketing Inc...... Jne. 23 ...... 2238 Munroe Ave., Saskatoon .... sell and market electronics Twin Acre Farms Inc...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 7, Lang ...... farming Westgate Developments Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 1965 Albert St., Regina ...... real estate development Whitmore Avenue Villa Ltd...... Jly. 22 ...... 2600 Victoria Ave., Regina...... personal care home Wongtsoi Holdings Ltd...... Jne. 18 ...... 110-11th St. E, Prince Albert ...... restaurant ______

CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION (2008) Incorporating Head or Main Type Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Registered Office: of Business: 1315358 Alberta Ltd...... Jly. 21 ..... Alberta ...... 5105-49th St., Lloydminster AB...... holding company 1414026 Alberta Ltd...... Jly. 23 ..... Alberta ...... Box 7804, Drayton Valley AB ...... holding company 1440 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

Incorporating Head or Main Type Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Registered Office: of Business: 1750548 Ontario Ltd...... Jne. 23..... Ontario ...... 53 Hertle Ave., Toronto ON ...... holding company A-1 Homes Ltd...... Jly. 24 ..... Manitoba...... 4250 Portage Ave., Headlingley MB ...... sell mobile homes Bally Gaming Canada Ltd...... Jly. 22 ..... New Brunswick ...... 600-570 Queen St., Fredericton NB ...... virtual office Brake Solutions Canada, Inc./ Solutions de Freins Canada, Inc...... Jly. 2 ...... Quebec ...... 1400-1501 McGill College Ave., Montreal QC ...... sell automated brake lathes BWH Oilfield Contracting Ltd...... Jne. 18..... Alberta ...... Box 1367, 5014-48th St., Lloydminster SK ...... contract oilfield services Cedaridge Holdings Inc. .... Jly. 23 ..... Alberta ...... 200, 10350-172nd St., Edmonton AB ...... property development Chocolates By Abrielle Incorporated ...... Jne. 23..... Canada ...... 318 Mulcaster Crt., Saskatoon SK...... make and sell chocolate and candy DK Ford Sales Ltd...... Jne. 27..... Alberta ...... 1000, 400-3rd Ave. SW, Calgary AB ...... car dealership, parts sales and service Earle Antony Design & Development Inc...... Jly. 4 ...... Ontario ...... 400-152 King St. E., Toronto ON ...... property development Eden Textile Ltd...... Jne. 18..... Alberta ...... 10934-120th St., Edmonton AB ...... sell textile products Genstar Electrical Constructors Ltd...... Jly. 22 ..... Alberta ...... 4-26029 Twp Rd. 512, Spruce Grove AB ...... electrical constructors Harms Management Inc. ... Jly. 18 ..... Alberta ...... 1400, 10303 Jasper Ave., Edmonton AB ...... holding company J & S Equipment Co. Inc. .... Jly. 24 ..... Manitoba...... Box 22105, 110-11th St., Brandon MB ...... holding company Jabulani Kosmetic Laser Spa Inc...... Jly. 22 ..... Canada ...... 2-132 Centre St., Meadow Lake SK ...... laser spa JKCB Consulting Inc...... Jne. 23..... Alberta ...... 3rd flr., 14505 Bannister Rd. SE, Calgary AB ...... consultant Kingsett Canadian Real Estate Income Fund GP Inc...... Jly. 23 ..... Canada ...... Brookfield Pl., 3140-161 Bay St., Toronto ON ...... real estate and real estate securities investments M. Cream Consulting Ltd. .... Jly. 2 ...... Alberta ...... 109-1899 Dunmore Rd. SE, Medicine Hat AB ...... oil and gas drilling consultant THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1441

Incorporating Head or Main Type Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Registered Office: of Business: Maple Grove Equine Ranch Ltd...... Jne. 25..... Manitoba...... Box 1114, Swan River MB ...... horse ranch Moonbeam Resources Ltd. ... Jne. 20..... Alberta ...... 378-1st St. SE, Medicine Hat AB ...... oil and gas services Omega Securities Inc...... Jly. 23 ..... Ontario ...... 101-103 Richmond St. E, Toronto ON ...... alternative trading systems Prairie Land Consultants Inc...... Jne. 27..... Alberta ...... 420 MacLeod Trail SE, Medicine Hat AB ...... oilfield consultant Purchasing Options Inc. .... Jly. 2 ...... Alberta ...... 1, 61-34th Ave. SW, Calgary AB ...... purchasing and procurement consultant, materials management and expedition Safe-Guard Products International, LLC ...... Jly. 21 ..... Georgia USA ..... 400-3500 Piedmont Rd. NE, Atlanta GA USA ...... sell warranty products Schierbeck Financial Services Ltd...... Jly. 22 ..... Alberta ...... 103, 5004-18th St., Lloydminster AB...... financial services Speedy Corporation ...... Jly. 3 ...... Ontario ...... 1100-365 Bloor St. E, Toronto ON ...... automotive franchise Stratacon Inc...... Jly. 23 ..... Ontario ...... 641 Chrislea Rd., Woodbridge ON ...... utility management consultant The Regal Press Inc...... Jne. 18..... Massachusetts USA ...... 129 Guild St., Norwood MA USA ...... manufacturing, printing and engraving Tightly Held Inc...... Jne. 25..... Ontario ...... Box 60, Consul SK ...... film production services Tru-Roc Gypsum Distributors Ltd...... Jly. 24 ..... Alberta ...... 8, 5602-4th St. NW, Calgary AB ...... distribute gypsum Tutoris Inc...... Jly. 24 ..... Canada ...... 1700-360 Main St., Winnipeg MB ...... provide warranty services to customers of The Dufresne Group Inc. Visalus Sciences Canada Inc...... Jne. 27..... British Columbia ...... Box 49122, 2300-1055 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver BC ...... sell health products Wells Energy Inc...... Jly. 17 ..... Canada ...... 615 Main St., Saskatoon SK...... holding company Westside Energy Corp...... Jly. 24 ..... Alberta ...... 3500, 855-2nd St. SW, Calgary AB ...... acquire, own and distribute oil and gas industry property 1442 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

CERTIFICATE OF AMALGAMATION (2008) Amalgamating Registered Main Type Name: Corporations: Date: Office: of Business: E & A Wilson Holdings Ltd...... E & A Wilson Holdings Ltd.; E. & A. Wilson Farms Ltd...... Jly. 26 ..... 528 Stenson Pl., ...... holding company ______

CERTIFICATES OF CONTINUANCE (2008) Precontinuance Main Type Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Mailing Address: of Business: 101126978 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 3 ...... Alberta ...... Box 218, Leask ...... pipeline excavations Complete Investments Inc. .... Jne. 20..... Alberta ...... 300, 1133-4th St., Estevan ...... general contractor, construction, exploration and development of resource property Habermehl Investments Ltd...... Jly. 23 ..... Canada ...... 600, 105-21st St. E, Saskatoon .... investment company Lloydminster Auto Body Ltd...... Jly. 17 ..... Alberta ...... Box 440, Lloydminster ...... autobody repair and refinishing PPC Professional Psychologists and Counsellors Prof. Corp. (formerly: Personnel Performance Consultants Inc.) ...... Jly. 21 ..... Canada ...... 200, 111-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon ...... business and labour relations consultant Tradex Commodity Group Inc...... Jly. 17 ..... Alberta ...... Box 638, Saskatoon ...... agricultural feeds broker ______

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (2008) Name: Date: Amendment: 101025833 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 26 ...... changed name to Shaw Ventures Ltd. 101072357 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 27 ...... changed name to DC Capital Ltd. 101081329 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 19 ...... changed name to Marian Enterprise Ltd. 101101253 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 7 ...... changed name to My Link Training and Development Inc. 101108151 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... changed name to Battle Creek Resources Corp. 101110485 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 25 ...... changed name to L & B Family Meats Ltd. 101112254 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... changed name to Allan Homes Ltd. 101115458 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 4 ...... changed name to J.C. Capstone Development Inc. 101117460 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 3 ...... changed name to Great West Auto & Agro Supply Ltd. 101117897 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 18 ...... changed name to Digimax Media Ltd. 101117942 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 19 ...... changed name to Wascana Development Ltd. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1443

Name: Date: Amendment: 101118386 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 7 ...... changed name to Eye Witness Security Systems Ltd. 101121057 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... changed name to L.M. Grain Systems Ltd. 101122237 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 18 ...... changed name to Sahara Spa Inc. 101123747 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 25 ...... changed name to Tappit Investments Inc. 101123827 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 3 ...... changed name to Richmond Auction Services Ltd. 101123912 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 18 ...... changed name to Dalziel Ranches Ltd. 101124528 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 25 ...... changed name to Brennan Jardine Aerial Spraying Ltd. 101124980 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 27 ...... changed name to Dirty Works Oilfield Services Ltd. 101125411 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 24 ...... changed name to Zaterra Holdings Ltd. 101125692 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 11 ...... changed name to Dak Holdings Ltd. 101125694 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 11 ...... changed name to RRK Holdings Ltd. 101126098 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... changed name to Little Pipestone Farm Ltd. Aksu Medical Professional Corporation ...... Jne. 23 ...... changed name to K & A Urmson Medicine Professional Corporation Bill’s House of Flowers Ltd...... Jne. 26 ...... changed name to Bill’s House of Flowers & Management Ltd. Dr. Marguerite Caldwell Dental Prof. Corp. ... Jly. 7 ...... changed name to 101125161 Saskatchewan Ltd. Le Vu Dental Clinic P.C. Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... changed name to Le Vu Dental Clinic Prof. Corp. Sahara Spa & Fitness Inc...... Jly. 22 ...... changed name to 101038709 Saskatchewan Ltd. ______

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (Extra-provincial Corporations) (1994) Incorporating Name(s): Jurisdiction: Date: Amendment: Hilderman Environmental Design Limited ...... Manitoba ...... May 31..... amalgamated into Hilderman Environmental Design Limited ______

(2007) Incorporating Name(s): Jurisdiction: Date: Amendment: Capital Commercial Pipe Services Ltd. ....Ontario ...... Oct. 1 ...... amalgamated into Capital Sewer Services Inc. North Star/Fairmont Plating Ltd.; Santos Holdings Ltd...... Manitoba ...... May 1 ...... amalgamated into North Star/ Fairmont Plating Ltd. ______

(2008) Incorporating Name(s): Jurisdiction: Date: Amendment: Baytex Energy Ltd.; Burmis Energy Inc...... Alberta ...... Jne. 4 ...... amalgamated into Baytex Energy Ltd. Berkshire Investments Group Inc./ Groupe d’Investissement Bershire Inc...... Ontario ...... Jne. 6 ...... changed jurisdiction to Canada 1444 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

Incorporating Name(s): Jurisdiction: Date: Amendment: Berkshire Investment Group Inc./Groupe d’Investissement Berkshire Inc.; Manulife Securities International Ltd./Placements Manuvie Intern Groupe d’Investissement Berkshire Inc...... Canada ...... Jly. 2 ...... amalgamated into Manulife Securities International Ltd./Placements Manuvie Intern Groupe d’Investissement Berkshire Inc. Berkshire Securities Inc...... Ontario ...... Jly. 2 ...... changed name to Manulife Securities Incorporated/Placements Manuvie Incorporée Burns Financial Group Inc...... Manitoba ...... May 2 ...... changed jurisdiction to Canada Contract Freighters, Inc...... Missouri USA ...... Jan. 1 ...... changed name to Con-Way Truckload Inc. Great Plains Exploration Inc...... Canada ...... Jne. 17 ..... changed jurisdiction to Alberta Laidlaw Transit Ltd...... Ontario ...... Mar. 30 .... amalgamated into Laidlaw Transit Ltd. Manulife Securities International Ltd...... Canada ...... Jly. 2 ...... changed name to Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc./Manuvie Services d’Investissement Inc. Medtronic of Canada Ltd./Medtronic du Canada Ltée ...... Canada ...... Apr. 26 ..... amalgamated into Medtronic of Canada Ltd./Medtronic du Canada Ltée MTS Allstream Inc...... Canada ...... Jne. 1 ...... amalgamated into MTS Allstream Inc. North Star/Fairmont Plating Ltd...... Manitoba ...... Apr. 22 ..... changed jurisdiction to Canada North Star/Fairmont Plating Ltd...... Canada ...... May 1 ...... amalgamated into Collision Parts Specialists Inc. Second Wave Petroleum Ltd...... Alberta ...... Jne. 25 ..... changed name to Second Wave Petroleum Inc. Superior Plus Inc...... Canada ...... May 10..... amalgamated into Superior Plus Inc. Tisi Canada Inc.; Tisi Inspection Services West, Inc...... Ontario ...... Jne. 1 ...... amalgamated into Tisi Canada Inc. Volkswagen Canada Inc...... Canada ...... Jan. 1 ...... changed name to Volkswagen Group Canada Inc. W.P.C. Holdings Ltd...... Manitoba ...... Jly. 14 ...... changed jurisdiction to British Columbia ______

CERTIFICATES OF DISSOLUTION (2008) Name: Date: 567187 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 30 101031630 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 17 101053270 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 26 101092768 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 19 101097082 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 7 Allison Klein Designs Inc...... Jne. 24 Bre Enterprises Ltd...... Jne. 24 Frenchman Valley Tours Inc...... Jly. 7 Harvey G. Brooks Consulting Ltd...... Jne. 23 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1445

Name: Date: Haztech Transportation Incorporated ...... Jne. 27 Headset Factory Direct Inc...... Jne. 20 Highland Farms Ltd...... Jly. 2 Holdspar Property Limited ...... Jne. 30 Karl’s Home Renovations Inc...... Jne. 26 Katch-All Services Ltd...... Jne. 18 Kimmatt Enterprises Inc...... Jly. 2 Lines Mineral Corporation ...... Jly. 4 Magnum Energy Resources Ltd...... Jne. 24 Mid-Sask Terminal Ltd...... Jne. 20 Midnite Oil Battery Operating Ltd...... Jne. 23 Oak Farms Ltd...... Jne. 30 Saskatoon Genesis Fund Ltd...... Jne. 20 Smith & Dibb Electric (1981) Co. Ltd...... Jne. 30 Southtown Business Centre Inc...... Jne. 24 Stranger Than Fiction Productions Ltd...... Jne. 27 That Wire Guy Inc...... Jly. 2 Turtle Cove Development Inc...... Jly. 3 Venables Steel Structures Ltd...... Jly. 7 Windsphere Transportation Ltd...... Jne. 24 Yamniuk Farms Ltd...... Jne. 19 ______

CERTIFICATE OF REVIVAL (2008) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Bob’s Gun Shop Ltd...... Jne. 17 ...... Saskatchewan ______

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2008) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 575641 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 7 ...... Saskatchewan 610622 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 23 ...... Saskatchewan 612565 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 25 ...... Saskatchewan 625577 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 17 ...... Saskatchewan 101016872 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Saskatchewan 101048453 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 24 ...... Saskatchewan 101052361 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 26 ...... Saskatchewan 101061709 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jne. 27 ...... Saskatchewan 317554 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 3 ...... Saskatchewan 0746620 B.C. Ltd...... Jly. 3 ...... British Columbia A & G Stucco Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... Saskatchewan Accredited Home Lenders Canada Funding Corp./Société de Financement Preteurs Hypothecaires Agrees du Canada Corp. ... Jne. 17 ...... Canada 1446 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Anand Choubal DMD Professional Corporation ...... Jly. 2 ...... Saskatchewan Arlynn Holdings Inc...... Jly. 4 ...... Saskatchewan Bowman Core Consulting Ltd...... Jne. 17 ...... Saskatchewan Counterforce Inc...... Jne. 25 ...... Ontario Dayfa Developments Inc...... Jne. 24 ...... Saskatchewan Delisle Meats Ltd...... Jly. 7 ...... Saskatchewan Dfratt Consulting Ltd...... Jne. 25 ...... Saskatchewan Digz Hydrovac Excavation Limited ...... Jly. 2 ...... Saskatchewan Dr. S. Amadala Medical Prof. Corp...... Jly. 7 ...... Saskatchewan Elk Ridge Contracting Ltd...... Jne. 24 ...... Saskatchewan Enviromax Solutions Ltd...... Jly. 21 ...... Saskatchewan Full Throttle Consulting Ltd...... Jly. 2 ...... Saskatchewan G-5 Trucking Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... Saskatchewan Hilderman Environmental Design Limited ...... Jly. 18 ...... Manitoba Jubilee Development Co. Ltd...... Jly. 2 ...... Saskatchewan K.V. Holdings Ltd...... Jne. 24 ...... Saskatchewan Leader Agri-Motive & Industrial Supply Ltd...... Jly. 4 ...... Saskatchewan Melfort Auto Body Ltd...... Jne. 18 ...... Saskatchewan Mikki Enterprises Ltd...... Jne. 23 ...... Saskatchewan P.A.L. Auto Sales & Rentals Inc...... Jly. 18 ...... Saskatchewan Peacock Industries (1988) Inc...... Jne. 19 ...... Saskatchewan Presstek Canada Corp./Corporation Presstek Canada ...... Jly. 4 ...... Nova Scotia Quantum Genetics Canada Inc...... Jly. 21 ...... Canada Saskatoon Genesis Fund Ltd...... Jne. 20 ...... Saskatchewan The Upstairs Cappuccino Bar & Restaurant Ltd...... Jly. 7 ...... Saskatchewan Toh-Ga Trucking Ltd...... Jne. 18 ...... Saskatchewan Trophy Book Adventures Ltd...... Jne. 26 ...... Saskatchewan ______

Philip J. Flory, Director. ______

The Business Names Registration Act ______

CANCELLATIONS (2008) Name: Date: Place of Business: Barry’s Eavestroughing & Exteriors ...... Jne. 25 ...... Hague Brown Sugar Tanning ...... Jly. 2 ...... Regina Castrol Consumer North America ...... Jly. 2 ...... Toronto ON Dazzle & Razzle U Enterprises ...... Jne. 24 ...... Kindersley Design Build Mark Bobyn...... Jly. 23 ...... Saskatoon Directcash ATM Management Partnership ...... Jly. 4 ...... Calgary AB Directcash ATM Processing Partnership...... Jly. 4 ...... Calgary AB THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1447

Name: Date: Place of Business: Eye Witness Security ...... Jly. 7 ...... Saskatoon Friesens Meat Processing ...... Jly. 21 ...... Warman Glacier Refrigeration...... Jne. 26 ...... Saskatoon Great Canadian Pizza ...... Jly. 2 ...... Regina Gung Ho Aboriginal Consulting ...... Jne. 25 ...... Saskatoon Hein’s Trucking ...... Jly. 2 ...... Lake Alma Herbert Truck & Auto Centre ...... Jly. 2 ...... Herbert Hopehill Hauling ...... Jne. 27 ...... Whitewood Itech Mobile Welding ...... Jne. 26 ...... Saskatoon Joenvi Enterprises ...... Jne. 25 ...... Regina King’s Chicken & Pizza ...... Jne. 25 ...... Rosthern L & B Family Meats ...... Jne. 25 ...... White Fox Lampman Meat Market ...... Jne. 26 ...... Lampman Larry Skogen Trenching ...... Jly. 3 ...... Sturgis Leroy Confectionary & Pizza ...... Jly. 25 ...... Leroy New Sunrise Cafe ...... Jly. 16 ...... Nipawin Oko Haus Design ...... Jne. 18 ...... Regina Overhead Door of Prince Albert...... Jne. 26 ...... Prince Albert Permanent Roofing Systems...... Jly. 4 ...... Rebecca Gillis Design and Photography ...... Jne. 24 ...... Bushell Park Revive The Home Staging & Design Co...... Jly. 3 ...... Saskatoon Richmond Auction Service ...... Jly. 3 ...... Gravelbourg Speakeasy Enterprises...... Jne. 25 ...... Regina Stonebridge Dental Centre ...... Jne. 25 ...... Saskatoon William’s Bay Coffee House ...... Jly. 2 ...... Carnduff Zachs Family Restaurant ...... Jne. 24 ...... Warman ______

EXTRA-PROVINCIAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CANCELLATIONS (2008) Name: Date: Place of Business: Cage Transportation Limited Partnership...... Jne. 24 ...... Calgary AB First Asset Renewable Power Flow-Through Limited Partnership ...... Jly. 3 ...... Toronto ON First Asset Renewable Power Flow-Through LP II ...... Jly. 3 ...... Toronto ON First Asset Renewable Power Flow-Through LP III ...... Jly. 3 ...... Toronto ON First Asset Renewable Power Flow-Through LP IV ...... Jly. 3 ...... Toronto ON Mavrix Explore 2006-I FT Limited Partnership ...... Jne. 27 ...... Toronto ON Mavrix Explore 2006-II FT Limited Partnership ...... Jne. 27 ...... Toronto ON 1448 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

JOINT VENTURE REGISTRATION (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: M & T Gutters Plus Eaves and Exteriors ...... Jly. 21 ...... 1444 York St., Regina ...... eavestroughing, siding, soffit, fascia ______

SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: A.C.K.S Driving School ...... Jly. 22 ...... Box 610, Delisle ...... Class 5 driver education instruction ABO Environmental Services...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 346, Craven ...... trucking Aequalis Research and Capital Management ...... Jly. 21 ...... 3004 College Ave., Regina...... investment research and financial consultant Arc Property Maintenance...... Jly. 24 ...... 140 Deborah Cres., Saskatoon .... property maintenance Arnie’s Carpentry ...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 797, Warman ...... finishing carpentry/renovations Bookwurm Tax Services ...... Jly. 22 ...... 105 Laurier Ave., Yorkton ...... income tax preparation/ bookkeeping services Brown Sugar Tanning ...... Jly. 2 ...... 2100D Dewdney Ave., Regina..... indoor tanning salon Canvas By Design ...... Jly. 23 ...... 12166 Wascana Heights, Regina ...... assemble and sell magnet boards Carl’s Contracting ...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 252, Beauval ...... mobile mechanic operator Cen-Bin Service ...... Jly. 2 ...... Box 1855, Humboldt ...... grain bin set-up and repairs Central Auto Repair Service ...... Jly. 23 ...... 2275 Broder St., Regina ...... automotive repairs Chip Home Income Plan ...... Jne. 24 ...... 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina ..... reverse mortgages Choice Auto Body ...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 250, Langenburg ...... autobody shop CK’s Custom Blasting ...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 233, Fillmore ...... custom metal sand blasting Clear Environmental Solutions ..... Jne. 25 ...... 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina ..... oilfield services Custom Aftermarket Group of Companies ...... Jly. 23 ...... 111 Stechishin Cres., Saskatoon ...... aftermarket services D & G General Contracting ...... Jne. 18 ...... Box 34, Drinkwater...... general contractor Day Spring Bed and Breakfast ...... Jly. 4 ...... Box 44, Cumberland House ...... bed and breakfast Derkson’s Dairy Mart ...... Jly. 22 ...... 1901 Rose St., Regina ...... fast-food/ice-cream drive-in Diamond Willow Enterprises ...... Jly. 23 ...... 29 Morin Cres., Meadow Lake .... carpentry Direct Response Advertising ...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 2985, Regina ...... direct mail advertising Diva Office Cleaning ...... Jne. 17 ...... 240B Hanley Cres., Regina ...... cleaning services Durabull Poly Products...... Jly. 21 ...... 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon ... wholesale and retail sprayfoam insulation and coatings Eagle Eye Paint Supply ...... Jly. 3 ...... 1023-4th St., Estevan ...... automotive refinishing Edwards Mechanical & Contractors ...... Jly. 25 ...... 211 Alport Cres., Regina ...... plumbing, heating and air-conditioning Evolution Presentation Technologies ...... Jne. 25 ...... 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina ..... sell and rent audio-visual equipment THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1449

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Fixation Accessory Store ...... Jly. 24 ...... 2333 Clarence Ave. S, Saskatoon ...... retail accessory and footwear Flatlanders Mini Truck Sales ...... Jly. 26 ...... 1070 Albert St., Regina ...... sell mini trucks FNA ...... Jne. 26 ...... 318-111 Research Dr., Saskatoon ...... member services to farmers to improve farm profitability Focus Supply...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 758, Stn. Main, Moose Jaw ..... sell closed circuit television equipment and related hardware Full Spectrum Enterprises ...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 165, Grandora ...... residential and commercial construction, building design consultant, property management Gillis Construction ...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 96, Theodore ...... general wood construction and home renovations Git-R-Done Rentals ...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 252, Oxbow ...... communication phones for drilling rigs Grizzly Enterprises ...... Jly. 2 ...... 2304 Bedford Ave. E, Regina ...... small tool repairs H2 Roofing ...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 1583, Martensville ...... roofing services HB Skidsteer Contracting ...... Jne. 26 ...... Box 37, Site 14, R.R. 5, Prince Albert ...... contract skidsteer services Herbert Truck & Auto Centre ...... Jly. 2 ...... Box 519, Herbert...... sell and service new and used auto parts HLE Roofing ...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 229, Warman ...... roofing services Inspiration Photography ...... Jly. 21 ...... 7 Stinson Ave., Regina ...... photography services J. Cat Contracting ...... Jly. 24 ...... GBS 1-25, R.R. 2, Lloydminster .... oilfield, skidsteer and dump trailer operator Jocelyn’s Fine Art Studio ...... Jly. 22 ...... Box 1494, Esterhazy ...... artist Joenvi Enterprises ...... Jne. 25 ...... 8531 Thurston Cres., Regina ...... natural health consultant JSM Decks Plus ...... Jly. 21 ...... 3747 Cormorant Dr., Regina...... deck construction and renovations Jtech Consulting ...... Jly. 21 ...... 301 Willow St., Saskatoon ...... logistics, business furniture, personal computer, audio-video consultant King’s Chicken & Pizza ...... Jne. 25 ...... Box 97, Rosthern...... restaurant Kingdom Contracting...... Jly. 7 ...... 0-5 McNab Park, Saskatoon ...... construction, renovations, framing Lakeland Cottage Care & Property Management ...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 307, Meota ...... property management, rentals, yard and house care, cottage clean and maintenance Laquers of Canada ...... Jly. 2 ...... 206-1020 Matheson Dr., Saskatoon ...... surgical and dental instruments Lattery Renovations ...... Jly. 3 ...... Box 175, ...... home repair and renovations, roofing, decking, drywalling, etc. Leroy Confectionary & Pizza ...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 193, Leroy ...... fast-food/pizza LG Construction ...... Jly. 21 ...... 302, 4305-39th St., Lloydminster ...... carpentry/framing construction Maid O’ Miles Driver Services ...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 123, Lampman ...... driver services Mary Chanalquay Waterfront Restaurant ...... Jne. 25 ...... Box 550, Buffalo Narrows ...... restaurant 1450 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Matrix Business Park...... Jne. 24 ...... 325, 2550-15th Ave., Regina ...... property development Maunula Sign Service ...... Jne. 27 ...... 2122-95th St., North Battleford .... install and service luminated signs Maxium Exteriors ...... Jly. 4 ...... 9-219 Grant St., Saskatoon ...... exterior work Meets The Eye Photography ...... Jly. 26 ...... 43 Carter Cres., Regina ...... photography MZ. Destinys Fantasies ...... Jne. 25 ...... 523 Candle Way, Saskatoon ...... adult entertainment, sell lingerie, leather and novelties Nak Enterprises ...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 8962, Stn. Main, Saskatoon .... e-commerce marketing/drop shipping Natural Balance Equine Therapy .... Jly. 23 ...... 5-1002 Main St. E, Saskatoon .... equine therapy services: massage, chiropractics, energy balancing, nutrition assessment, tack fitting, aromatherapy and herbal remedies Newhaven Crossing Townhomes .... Jly. 3 ...... 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina ..... condominium development North West All Terrain Outfitters ... Jly. 24 ...... Box 1929, Battleford ...... mobile ATV service, rentals and repairs Nudelta Safety and Construction .... Jly. 21 ...... 4723-41st St., Lloydminster ...... contract safety instruction and drywalling servcies Parkland Business Machine Repair ...... Jly. 24 ...... 359 Maple Ave. N, Yorkton ...... sell and service cash registers and business machines Peak Contracting ...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 234, Vonda ...... commercial and residential contractor Poplar Bluff Harness & Tack Shop .... Jly. 3 ...... Box 16, R.R. 1, Arran ...... harness and tack shop Prairie West Management Group .... Jly. 18 ...... 1706 Springs Dr., Swift Current .... land holdings consultant Pro-Built Contracting ...... Jly. 2 ...... Box 376, Warman ...... contract carpentry/renovations Professionnal Tile Design and Installation ...... Jly. 22 ...... Box 7652, Stn. Main, Saskatoon .... install tiles Pure Essence Salon & Spa ...... Jne. 25 ...... Box 223, Lampman ...... haristyling salon Ranger Insurance ...... Jne. 24 ...... 724-240 Graham Ave., Winnipeg MB ...... insurance services Redwater Ranch ...... Jly. 20 ...... Box 25, Parkside ...... beef cattle ranch, registered horned Herefords, grain farming Reliance Window & Door ...... Jly. 2 ...... 123 Devonshire Cres., Regina ..... install, repair and fabricate windows and doors Rem Communications & Photography ...... Jly. 24 ...... 805 Ave. H S, Saskatoon ...... media services, copywriting, photography, newsletter design and publishing Revive The Home Staging & Design Co...... Jly. 3 ...... 323 Epp Crt., Saskatoon ...... interior design/stage homes for sale Robert Scott Enterprises ...... Jly. 22 ...... Box 583, Assiniboia ...... writer and editor of fiction and non-fiction books, short stories and articles Saria Fashions ...... Jly. 22 ...... 1113 Grayson Cres., Moose Jaw .... sell clothing at home parties Say Claire Services ...... Jly. 22 ...... 644-9th Ave. NE, Swift Current ... graphic design services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1451

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Shalom Homes ...... Jly. 22 ...... Box 60, Site 503, R.R. 5, Saskatoon ...... contract construction services Shutdown Master Distributing ...... Jly. 24 ...... R.R. 2, Lloydminster ...... distribute positive air shutdowns to oilfield companies SNG Quality Home Builders ...... Jne. 26 ...... Box 310, Meadow Lake ...... build basements and homes Sobeys Lakeshore ...... Jly. 3 ...... 115 King St., Stellarton NS ...... supermarket/full service grocery store Solar Guys ...... Jly. 22 ...... 708 Lansdowne Ave., Saskatoon ... supply, install and repair solar heating panels Speakeasy Enterprises...... Jne. 25 ...... 206-2244 Smith St., Regina ...... writing and professional speaking Spinnaker Artforms ...... Jne. 24 ...... 2317 McKinnon Ave., Saskatoon .... custom crafted pens, gifts and laser engraving Squirrel Trucking ...... Jly. 4 ...... 301, 4522-45th St., Lloydminster ...... transport and deliver fluids to the oil and gas industry Starmaker Entertainment ...... Jne. 25 ...... 523 Candle Way, Saskatoon ...... mobile entertainment/music Stonebridge Dental Centre ...... Jne. 25 ...... 4-303 Stonebridge Blvd., Saskatoon ...... dental office Storage First ...... Jly. 22 ...... 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon ...... storage facility Studio 3...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 183, Gull Lake ...... fitness and dance studio Stump It Tree Services ...... Jly. 22 ...... 334 Assinboine Dr., Saskatoon .... tree services Taylor Mechanical ...... Jly. 25 ...... 19-809 Kristjanson Rd., Saskatoon ...... plumbing services The Church Hair Salon ...... Jly. 22 ...... 312 Ave. I S, Saskatoon ...... hair salon The Little Olive Health Market ...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 126, R.R. 1, Watrous ...... health food store The Neu Character Builder ...... Jly. 23 ...... 415-6th Ave. SE, Swift Current .... project management and consultant Tick Bang Const...... Jly. 4 ...... 309-895 Confederation Dr., Saskatoon ...... framing construction U2 Success Consulting ...... Jne. 25 ...... 1067-2nd St. E, Prince Albert ..... human resources/staffing consultant Vandewoestyne Holdings ...... Jly. 2 ...... Box 256, Kenosee Lake ...... janitorial services Veda Therapeutic Massage ...... Jly. 2 ...... Box 434, Gravelbourg ...... therapeutic massage West Wind Oilfield Services ...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 268, Fillmore ...... oilfield consultant services Western Auto Body (Wilkie) 2008 .... Jly. 2 ...... Box 359, Wilkie ...... autobody shop William’s Bay Coffee House ...... Jly. 2 ...... Box 160, Carnduff ...... coffee house and confectionery X6 Excavating ...... Jly. 21 ...... 84 Athabasca St. W, Moose Jaw .... excavations Yanko’s Contracting ...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 1003, Foam Lake ...... haul dirt and gravel Young Guns Construction ...... Jly. 24 ...... 108-219 Heath Ave., Saskatoon .... general construction, renovations and framing of new homes ______

PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: B27 Construction ...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 322, Colonsay ...... building construction Casa Holdings...... Jly. 22 ...... 144-12th St. E, Prince Albert ...... real estate transactions 1452 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Choq-Ice Glass Art Studio ...... Jne. 27 ...... 507-3136 Edinburgh Dr., Regina .... design, etch and carve artistic images on glass D.C.P. Innovations ...... Jne. 27 ...... 2075 Fleury St., Regina ...... home improvements/ construction Desautels Contracting ...... Jly. 22 ...... Box 1878, Martensville ...... commercial and residential construction and renovations Directcash ATM Management Partnership ...... Jly. 4 ...... Bay 6, 1420-28th St. NE, Calgary AB ...... deploy and service ATM devices Directcash ATM Processing Partnership ...... Jly. 4 ...... Bay 6, 1420-28th St. NE, Calgary AB ...... deploy and service ATM devices Eco Soy Paints & Products ...... Jly. 23 ...... 2002 Lorne Ave., Saskatoon ...... soy paints and products Freedom Lane Marketing ...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 56, Mervin ...... online marketing and advertising services GAT Enterprises ...... Jly. 25 ...... Box 278, Lebret ...... wellness issues consultant, massage therapy, property rentals Grain Bags Canada ...... Jly. 23 ...... Box 151, Lake Lenore ...... distribute retail/wholesale grain storage equipment Great Canadian Pizza ...... Jly. 2 ...... 3779 Sherwood Dr., Regina ...... pizza shop Hard Core Lawn Care & Snow Removal ...... Jly. 22 ...... 202-18 Lorne Pl., Regina ...... general yard care, snow removal, garbage clean-up Lampman Meat Market ...... Jne. 26 ...... Box 33, Lampman ...... retail meat market Linch Pin Designs ...... Jly. 22 ...... 3070 Elphinstone St., Regina ..... design and print T-shirts, etc. LMR King Family Farm ...... Jly. 21 ...... 1368 Nicholson Rd., Estevan ...... grain farming My Purseona Traveling Boutique ..... Jly. 24 ...... 3719 Cormorant Dr. E, Regina .... purse parties in Regina and area Olson Stock Farm ...... Jne. 24 ...... Box 239, Hanley ...... trucking Pamper Me Pooches Salon ...... Jly. 22 ...... 602 Highland Pl., Swift Current .... dog grooming Pasquia Trading Post ...... Jly. 4 ...... Box 1111, Carrot River ...... sell outdoor goods Prairie Dog Electric ...... Jly. 21 ...... 1114 Hastings St., Moose Jaw .... contract electrical services Pretty Shoes Wedding & Event Planners ...... Jne. 24 ...... 570 Appleby Dr., Saskatoon ...... wedding and event planning consultant Primrose Trailer Sales ...... Jly. 24 ...... 2-3210 Millar Ave., Saskatoon .... sell trailers Sangster Group Partnership ...... Jly. 21 ...... Box 327, Silton ...... develop, build and operate motels/hotels in South-eastern Saskatchewan Skogen Trenching ...... Jly. 3 ...... Box 303, Sturgis ...... excavations, trenching and haul gravel Swan Enterprises ...... Jne. 27 ...... 506 Queen St., Saskatoon ...... office rentals The Bid Canada Network ...... Jly. 22 ...... 1004-1914 Hamilton St., Regina .... online auctions Wallace Properties...... Jly. 4 ...... 2819 Regina Ave., Regina ...... residential property management THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1453

EXTRA-PROVINCIAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATION (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Kingsett Canadian Real Estate Income Fund LP ...... Jly. 23 ...... 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina ..... real estate and real estate securities investments ______

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (Extra-provincial Limited Partnerships) (2008) Originating Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Amendment: Chip Reit No. 19 Operations Limited Partnership ...... Jly. 4 ...... British Columbia ...... changed name to Silverbirch No. 19 Operations Limited Partnership Chip Reit No. 20 Operations Limited Partnership ...... Jly. 4 ...... British Columbia ...... changed name to Silverbirch No. 20 Operations Limited Partnership Chip Reit No. 33 Operations Limited Partnership ...... Jly. 4 ...... British Columbia ...... changed name to Silverbirch No. 33 Operations Limited Partnership Discovery 2008 Flow-Through Fund ...... Jly. 16 ...... Ontario...... changed name to Discovery 2008 Flow-Through Limited Partnership Iron Solutions, LLC ...... Jly. 2 ...... Missouri USA...... changed name to IS Liquidating, LLC ______

ALTERATION IN MEMBERSHIP (2008) Name: Date: Solvera Solutions ...... Jly. 2 ______

EXPIRATION (2008) Name: Date: Place of Business: Fresh Face Exteriors ...... Jly. 10 ...... Regina ______

Philip J. Flory, Registrar. 1454 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucrative ______

NOTICES OF INTENT TO DISSOLVE Name: Date: Big Brothers and Big Sisters of The Battlefords and District Inc...... Jly. 22 Discovery Asthma Camp Inc...... Jly. 22 Nehiyaw Awasis Siceca Cistinna Child and Family Services Inc...... Jne. 13 ______

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Activities: Parkland Gun Club Inc...... Jly. 24 ...... Box 302, Kennedy ...... operate a recreational shooting/gun club Prairie-To-Ports Gateway and Inland Port Inc...... Jne. 18 ...... Dept. of Animal & Poultry Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon ...... investigate and operate an inland port University Women’s Club of Estevan, Inc...... Jly. 4 ...... 1601 Grundeen Cres., Estevan .... present a scholarship to a graduating high school student, contributions to the Estevan art gallery and museum, the Souris Valley Theatre, Estevan Music Festival Association, Estevan Arts Council, giving food hampers at Christmas, etc. Urban Adventure Camp Inc...... Jne. 19 ...... 700, 2103-11th Ave., Regina ...... youth programs ______

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (2008) Name: Date: Amendment: 101114144 Saskatchewan Inc...... Jly. 23 ...... changed name to Choices Saskatchewan Advocates For Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities Inc. Saskatchewan World Junior Hockey Group Inc...... Jly. 18 ...... changed name to Saskatchewan 2010 World Junior Hockey Championship Inc. St. Elizabeth’s Foundation, Inc...... Jly. 22 ...... changed name to Humboldt & District Hospital Foundation Inc. ______

CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION (2008) Name: Date: Latinamerican Foundation Inc...... Jne. 16 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1455

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 272 (2008) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Canadian Dance Teachers’ Association (Saskatchewan Branch) Inc...... Jly. 25 ...... Saskatchewan Okanese Holding Corporation ...... Jly. 21 ...... Saskatchewan The New Aboriginal Sports Group Inc...... Jly. 21 ...... Saskatchewan ______

Philip J. Flory, Director. ______

PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS ______Highway Traffic Board ______

NOTICE OF APPLICATION 1 The Highway Traffic Board gives notice of receipt of the following application. 2 Any party wishing to oppose an application must complete and file a Statement of Objection on or before September 2, 2008. Please reference the file number when filing opposition. 3 Where opposition is filed to any application, a public hearing will be scheduled. All hearing participants will be advised of the hearing date. Any interested party may contact the Board at (306) 775-6672, to obtain information respecting hearing dates and locations.

Marian Ross, HTB Administrator, Highway Traffic Board. ______

Applicant: BUFFALO TRAIL PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGIONAL DIVISION NO. 28 Address: 1041-10A St., Wainwright AB T9W 2R4 File: B/08/14 Application: For an Operating Authority Certificate as follows:

Extra-provincial Commodity Description: Origin: Destination: Conditions: passengers Alberta/Saskatchewan points in Saskatchewan nil on charter boundary and vice-versa 1456 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

The Medical Profession Act, 1981 ______

COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF SASKATCHEWAN — REGULATORY AMENDMENTS – BYLAW 1 Bylaw 1 of the bylaws of the College of Physicians and Surgeons is amended by adding the following after the definition of “Resident of Canada” “‘Telemedicine’ means the provision of a medical opinion concerning diagnosis or treatment of a patient in Saskatchewan by a physician located outside of Saskatchewan as a result of transmission of individual patient information by electronic or other means from within Saskatchewan to such physician or his or her agent; or The provision of treatment to a patient in Saskatchewan by a physician located outside of Saskatchewan as a result of transmission of individual patient information by electronic or other means from within Saskatchewan to such physician or his or her agent”. Certified a true copy of a bylaw passed by the Council of the College of Physicians by email vote. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY: Dr. D.A. Kendel, Registrar. Date: July 2, 2008. APPROVED BY: Honourable Don McMorris, Minister of Health. Date: July 23, 2008. ______

BYLAWS 21, 59 AND 63 The bylaws of the College of Physicians and Surgeons are amended by adding paragraph (s), (t) and (u) to Bylaw 21, paragraph 6 as follows: “(s) The Council may register and issue a special licence under subsection 30(1) of the Act to a person who produces evidence in a form and manner that is acceptable to the Council that the person: (i) is of good character; and (ii) possesses good standing as a medical practitioner; and (iii) meets the requirements for registration under section 28 of the Act; and (iv) is fully licensed, without restrictions, in another province or territory of Canada; and (v) has signed a declaration that the person will limit his/her practice of medicine in Saskatchewan to the practice of telemedicine with the number of patients located in Saskatchewan that corresponds to the fee required under section 45 of the College bylaws. (t) A licence issued pursuant to paragraph (s) will contain a restriction, limiting the physician named therein to practicing telemedicine while the physician is physically located outside the province of Saskatchewan. (u) A physician may, during the course of a year, sign a substitute declaration that the person will limit the physician’s practice of medicine in Saskatchewan to a larger number of patients than specified in the original declaration, and pay the additional fee corresponding to the fee required under section 45 of the College bylaws”. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008 1457

Bylaw 59 of the bylaws of the College of Physicians and Surgeons is amended by adding the following paragraph to Bylaw 59, as follows: “(5) In addition to complying with paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 above, a physician who seeks to renew a special licence issued under Bylaw 21(6)(s) and (t) shall be required to sign a declaration that during the preceding year, the physician has limited his/her practice of medicine in Saskatchewan to the practice of telemedicine with the number of patients located in Saskatchewan that corresponds to the fee paid to the College under section 45 of the College bylaws”. The bylaws of the College of Physicians and Surgeons are amended by adding Bylaw 63, as follows: “63. Telemedicine for follow-up care A person who: (a) holds a full licence to practise medicine granted by a medical regulatory body in Canada; and (b) resides in another province or territory of Canada, and practises medicine in that province or territory; and (c) has received a referral from a Saskatchewan physician to provide medical care to a Saskatchewan patient; and (d) has provided medical care to that patient in the province or territory where the physician resides; and (e) intends to provide follow-up care to that patient with respect to the condition for which the patient was referred by the Saskatchewan physician, from the physician’s province or territory of residence, while that patient is located in Saskatchewan is authorized to provide such follow-up care without being licensed to practice medicine in Saskatchewan”. Certified a true copy of bylaws passed by the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons on April 18, 2008. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY: Dr. D.A. Kendel, Registrar. Date: April 19, 2008. APPROVED BY: Honourable Don McMorris, Minister of Health. Date: July 23, 2008.


Rules Relating to Petitions and Private Bills The Rules of the Legislature with regard to the time for filing Petitions and Private Bills with the Clerk and other matters relating thereto can be obtained at any time by those interested, by visiting the Legislative Assembly website or on application to: Gregory A. Putz Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Room 239, Legislative Building Regina SK S4S 0B3 Telephone: (306)787-2377 E-mail: [email protected] * For further information regarding the Private Bills Committee, visit the Committees pages of the Legislative Assembly Website at 1458 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 2008

Règlements relatifs aux pétitions et aux projets de loi d’intérêt privé Les règlements de l’Assemblée législative relatifs aux délais prescrits pour le dépôt de pétitions et de projets de loi d’intérêt privé, ainsi que d’autres renseignements à ce sujet sont disponibles en tout temps au site Web de l’Assemblée législative ou auprès de la greffière en s’adressant à: Gregory A. Putz Greffièr de l’Assemblée législative Bureau 239, Palais législatif Regina SK S4S 0B3 Téléphone: (306) 787-2377 Courriel: [email protected] * D’autres renseignements au sujet du Comité des projets de loi d’intérêt privé sont disponibles sous le titre « Committees » au site Web de l’Assemblée législative au :


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