DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. "Silver Theater" star

LOWELL THOMAS In "Spelling Bee"

MAE WEST Visits with Charlie McCarthy

ROSE BAMPTON On "Chesterfield Hour"

ERNA SACK World's highest soprano

CORDELL HULL Tells what the Bible means to America


Helen Jepson -of "General Motors" program As she appears in costume in "The Goldwyn Fol "ies" SCOOP: AN EXCLUSIVE PICTURE -STORY OF THE LIFE OF ELSIE HITZ Vol. 7. No. 9 HAPPY


Nothing Sacred HAVE you ever taken a long trip - just to get away from it all -and run into your next -door neighbor when you got there? Funny, isn't it, how Medal of Merit glad you are to see a familiar face after us a couple A Weekly Award for Excellence in Broadcasting all! That's what happened to of nights back. We got to thinking about "King Pop" lying in his bed in Cleveland- remember, James H. Street AWARDED TO ANDRE KOSTELANETZ told his story in last week's Radio Guide? It began to get us. "Jim Street," we determined, "you can't get away with HE first story we shall tell about achievement is always mysterious this!" So we went to a movie to forget IAndre Kostelanetz has to do and wonderful. It is said of Tosca- the whole thing, and saw Fredric March with some of the physical facts nini that he lives only for perfection and Carole Lombard in "Nothing Sa- cred." As soon as we stopped sitting in of his life. His birth, for example, in in music; that he drives himself to ladies' laps and spilling all our popcòrn, the great swampy city of St. Peters- achieve it, that he spares no one the first thing we saw flashed on the burg, Russia. His first public ap- who delivers less than perfection. screen was "From an original story by pearance as a pianist at the age of Great artists must all have this inner James H. Street!" And were we glad! fun than meeting your eight. His early tutelage in German, fire. This is not the place to probe It was much more roommate in Somaliland -and better French, Italian, Spanish, Finnish. Mr. Kostelanetz' heart or mind while still, Street turned out a comedy this As a youth of twenty, he was the he sat in a humble Columbia Broad- time that laughed our hat right off our assistant conductor of the Imperial Grand casting job hearing the golden knock of op- lap in every scene. We recommr'nd it House. He struggled through the portunity. Let it only be said that he rose for you, whether or not you're unhappy You revolution, rehearsing when bullets were steadily in the esteem and praise of all who about "King Pop" or anyihing else. won't be when you've seen it! He has whistling overhead, giving performances worked with him. a swell story in this week's Radio Guide, was when the opera singers were forced to wear When the Chesterfield program to be too, on pages 2 and 3. fur coats and the orchestra and audience sat placed in new hands several years ago, its wrapped in great bear rugs. That is the fa- direction was entrusted to this newcomer Swing Scenes about the nicest thing we've ever miliar story of the background of the gen- who seemed to do everything so well. JUST tlemanly conductor who has become one of His subsequent record is well known. In seen Bob Crosby do is refuse to sing. That doesn't mean we don't think Bing's the great maestros in American broadcasting. 1936 Radio Guide's readers demanded an little brother hasn't got a swell voice and a he had made The second and lesser -known story has to acknowledgment of program a swell band. He can croon in our ear do with the Kostelanetz who was at first into a genuine contribution to finer broad- any evening, and George Gershwin's holding just one of those many jobs broad- casting. Accordingly, he was awarded his "Summer Time" is never so welcome as casters give to men of musical knowledge first Radio Guide Medal of Merit. when it themes Bob's band into our loud- speaker. But this particular time when and background. Certain programs and cer- With this issue, the editors of Radio Guide Bob didn't sing was when he held a tain responsibilities were entrusted to him in are acknowledging again the qualities which benefit "jam session." He said that his the course of the day's work. What began make the man, and the qualities which make singing wasn't as "hot" as his band's to happen thereafter is at least par- his Chesterfield program the stimu- music, so lie wouldn't intrude. That kind in tial proof of the ancient story of lating and satisfying joy it is. of Crosby modesty showed up right our own ranks last week. Gene Lester, the world beating a pathway to Because of a career which has Radio Guide's "singing cameraman," whoever builds a better mousetrap. demonstrated once again that solid who's been appearing on shows to take For soon the world was at Mr. merit can triumph above flashy su- pictures of the things you'd see if you Kostelanetz' door. Opportunity was perficialities, and because a world were broadcasting yourself, went to the Swing Session bring knocking not loudly but gently. It of radio listeners beats a weekly Saturday Night to back alive a set of pictures of the na- was enough for the man who had path to his musical mousetrap, we tives and their rites. Paul Douglas, the survived the Russian revolution by are awarding for the second year in talking witch -doctor, asked him to sing, living on thin soup from a communal succession to Andre Kostelanetz and but Gene allowed he was a "singing cameraman," not a "swinging camera- pot in a Russian opera house. Andre K ostelanetz his Chesterfield program Radio man." So,- while Gene didn't sing, he The way of a man's personal ...hear d a knock Guide's Medal of Merit. did capture some tricky shots for pages 6 and 7 of this week's issue. Swing right over and have a look, won't you?

RADIO GUIDE (Trade Mark Registered U. S. Pat. Office). Volume VII. Number 9. Week Ending December 18, 1937. Published weekly by Ilegal Press, Inc. Entered as second -class matter at the Poet Office. Chicago, Illinois, February 24, 1932, under act of March 3, 1879. Authorized by Post Office Department, Ottawa, Canada, as second -class matter. Copyright 1837, by Regal Press, Inc. All rights reserved Editorial. Adret tiling, Circulation and Business Offices, 731 Plymouth ('curt, Chicago, Illinois. Arnold Kruse. President; George d'Utass,y, General Manager; Curtis Mitchell. Aire- President: Ed Zoty. Circulation Manager. Unsolicited manuscripts should he accompanied by stamped. self -addressed em-elope for return. Ten cents per ropy in the United States. Subscription rates in the U. S. and possessions and countries of the Pan -American Postal Union: six months, $2.50; one year, $4.00. Subscription rates in foreign countries: six months, $5.00; one year, $8.110. Remit by postal money order, express money order, or check drawn to order of RADIO GUIDE. Currency sent at subscriber's risk.

N 7/9 SUNDAY, DEC. 12 PREVIEWS OF SOME OF THE BETTER WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15 Music ... Elizabethan REGULAR AND SPECIAL BROADCASTS Rose Bampton ... all- American The Madrigal Singers, assisted by Andre Kostelanetz introduces Rose Yella Pessl, begin a new series. Bampton on "Chesterfield Hour." NBC, Sunday, 10:30 a.m. EST. CBS, Wednesday, 9 p.m. EST. Listeners will hear madrigals popular guest of "Chase and Sanborn." 's great master- Miss Bampton, American -born, Amer- in England during Elizabeth's time, NBC, Sunday at 8 p.m. EST. piece to be broadcast over NBC, her debut Monday, at 11:30 p.m. EST. ican- trained soprano, made interspersed with harpsichord music Possessor of America's most famous at the House of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, feminine form, Miss ( "Come Up and Singing the leading roles will be when she was only _twenty- three. Miss Bampton's picture and complete program are to played by Miss Pessl. See Me Sometime ") West always "gets , soprano; Lauritz be found on page 8. Fora complete Story about "The Madrigal Singers," please turn to page 5. her man." This Sunday evening she'll Melchior, tenor; Gertrud Wettergren, "get" Casanova McCarthy. contralto, and Emanuel List, basso. American Art ... symposium Lowell Thomas Bob Trout conducts a preview of George Bye ... orthography the American Artists' Congress. "NBC Spelling Bee" features teams CBS, Wednesday, 10:45 p.m. EST. of Commentator Thomas and Au- A three- cornered discussion between thor's Agent Bye. Over NBC Sun- day at 1:30 p.m. EST. William Gropper, young American art- ist; Jerome Klein, art critic of New This week brings together Thomas' York Post, and Mrs. Julianna Force, "Nine Old Men" and Bye's "Prehis- head of the Whitney Museum of Art. toric Sluggers." The names are carried over from last wars, summer's softball Studio Apartment horrific which saw both teams in action. ... For more information about this "spelling Bee," pleas, turn page 4. "Lights Out" thriller will be "Stu- to dio Apartment." Over NBC, Wed- nesday, at 12:30 a.m. EST. Cordell Hull ... sacred This is a dramatic tale of fantastic hap- Universal Bible Sunday, cele- penings which rapidly take place when brated by Protestant churches, an internationally known sculptor in- has Secretary of State Hull as to life a Thing be- speaker. CBS, at 1:30 p.m. EST. advertently brings yond all understanding. What the Bible means to the Ameri- can nation will be told by Secretary 16 Hull. Designed to encourage a wider THURSDAY, DEC. circulation of the Scriptures, this ob- Boake Carter ... newscast servation is held every year. "Commentators' Forum" presents Boake Carter as guest speaker. Conference ... economics MBS, Thursday, 10 p.m. EST. Seventh Conference on World Eco- Boake Carter, heard thrice -weekly on nomic Cooperation to be broadcast his own show, will mount the rostrum over CBS, Sunday at 2 p.m. EST. for a thrilling account of events and In cooperation with the League of Na- highlights of people in the news. tions Society of Canada and the U. S. National Peace Conference, a discus- FRIDAY, DEC. 17 sion of "Labor's Share in World Eco- nomic Cooperation" will be heard. Ariel and Caliban ... for Campbell THE SEX- APPEAL BATTLE OF THE CENTURY -MAE "Hollywood Hotel" play stars Elaine Barrie and John Barry - Philharmonic ... all- Wagner WEST versus CHARLIE McCARTHY -THIS SUNDAY more. CBS, Friday at 9 p.m. EST. Under the direction of John Barbi- A preview of "Bulldog Drummond's rolli, a Wagner program will be offers fans an opportunity to broadcast by New York's Phil- Revenge" harmonic. Heard over CBS, Sun- hear the much- publicized Elaine and daring. day at 3 p.m. EST. Erna Sack ... high C's TUESDAY, DEC. 14 John in drama that's tense, Music-lovèrs will hear Prelude to "General Motors Concert Com- Farm Bureau 19th Convention "Lohengrin "; Overture and Bacchanale pany" features Erna Sack over ... Max Schmeling from "Tannhauser "; Siegfried's Rhine NBC, Sunday at 8 p.m. EST. "National Farm and Home Hour" Harry Thomas ... fisticuffs Journey, from "Gotterdammerung "; soprano, airs meeting of Farm Bureau. and Luminous German coloratura NBC, Tuesday, 12:30 p.m. EST. Fight between Max Schmeling prelude to Act I of "Tristan and Isol- Miss Sack is reputedly the world's Harry Thomas to be aired over de"; and excerpts from "Die Meister- highest soprano. Sunday dialers will Representing some thirty -six agricul- NBC. Friday, 10 p.m. EST. singer" in this request broadcast. be held spellbound by her high trills tural states, the Bureau will have as Two of the world's crack heavy- as she becomes the featured guest on guest speakers Secretary Wallace, Sen- weights, Germany's Max Schmeling Berry, Barkley Pope, Douglas the General Motors Hour. ators Capper, and and - Minnesota's Harry Thomas, mix Fairbanks, Jr.... sprightly and Marriner Eccles, head of the Fed- it up next Friday evening. Galliano Masini air debut eral Reserve System. Movie Actor Douglas Fairbanks, ... A complete story about the "Farm Bureau" and its broad cast over "National Farm and Home Hour" may be found DEC. 18 Jr., stars in "Silver Theater" play. Galliano Masini is guest singer on page 5. SATURDAY, CBS, Sunday at 5 p.m. EST. on "Ford" with Eugene Ormandy Concert ... for tots Doug Jr.'s name is synonymous with hour. CBS, Sunday, 9 p.m. EST. Italian tenor, came to this First Young People's Concert this fine performance on the screen. He Masini, Cary Grant ... for Packard year will be aired over CBS this recently returned to Hollywood from country just a few weeks ago after Saturday at 11 a.m. EST. lengthy sojourn of film-making completing a rousing tour of Europe Cary Grant of the films is "Holly- a in wood Mardi Gras" guest. NBC, Under the baton of John Barbirolli, and his appearance is South America. Music -lovers London heartily and Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. EST. English -born conductor, children will by American fans. everywhere await his appearance. welcomed Grant, handsome leading man, will hear symphonies of great masters, and MONDAY, DEC. 13 soon be seen in a new picture, "Bring- commentaries. Adults will also extend Mae West -... visits McCarthy ing Up Baby." He'll be heard in an a welcome to the series. A story about the "Young People's Concert" may Mae West of the films will be Chicago Opera ... Tristan and Isolde amusing sketch and interview. found by turning to page 4.




THE Montauk lighthouse, lonely as right out the middle of Long Island, the lonesome pine and almost as skip by Sag Harbor, the old whaling old as American independence, is capital of America, and through the a family institution, and so are the famous Hamptons, past the picturesque three little battery radio sets that keep house where John Howard Payne lived its tenders in touch with the world. before he wrote "Home Sweet Home." Guardian of Long Island Sound, a Then set your course for the very tip forlorn shaft of black and white in a of the island. Civilization seems to wilderness of sand dunes, Montauk vanish -houses become few and far stands like those Druids of old, its apart. A fringe of hills rises suddenly voice sad and pathetic, flashing and and lopes toward the sea, and when bellowing a warning out to sea. you drop over those hills there stands "Sailor beware! Slow down! Steer Montauk. clear!" its fog horns seem to say, over Its masonry is of fine -hammered and over again, hoarsely- ghastly- Chatham freestone. It is painted black like the pounding of surf on the dead- and white and looks like a tarnished ly reefs that stretch away from the barber -pole standing there at the very shore below. end of the island. You will have to bend to walk against the wind. Sand LJERE'S land! Here's land!" seems will cut your face. There is a three - " to be the song of the light, as it family barracks in front of the shaft. turns slowly and faithfully, sending its Two boys were tumbling on the porch glare into the mist, or the fog, or the when I approached. snow, or the rain, or the moonlight - to dance and skip over the billows of IITHE Captain," said the pleasant the Atlantic Ocean. lady who answered the door, "is The wind always whistles there, an in the engine- room." eerie, creepy whine. And the sea al- I found Captain Buckridge oiling his ways moans a throbbing, resonant machinery, polishing brass and daub- boom, boom, boom. The sea -gulls al- ing splashes of white paint on the walls ways call, and shriek. The sand shifts of the neat room. and rustles, as silk rustles in a breeze. "I want to learn all about light- The gnarled trees bend and scrape and houses," I said blithely. bow. Their trunks are twisted gro- "Blast me! I been in this business tesquely, their branches warped, their ABOVE THE MOANS OF AN ANGRY OCEAN since I was little as a minnow, and my growth stunted by an unceasing war father was in it before me, and I don't with the winds. know anything about 'em yet," the Here, more than anywhere else in COMES RADIO TO OLD MONTAUK, BRING- Captain mumbled. the world, perhaps, can one feel the "But what makes 'em burn ?" I littleness of man and the might of the asked. Creator. For here is the loneliness of ING THE WORLD TO ITS FAITHFUL TENDERS "Kerosene, you dummy! What do sheer desolation. There are no twin- you think does it, fireflies? Come on kling lights to cheer you, and it seems up, I'll show you something." He that between you and civilization is raked his brush across the wall and let eternity. it plop into the paint bucket. "Can you Yet old Montauk, with few of the ed incredible, "Sweet Leilani" on go to sleep on their watch, and their climb? Hold tight." modern conveniences of a soft civiliza- Montauk! I stared at the Captain, and lights never fail. Through the engine -room we walk- tion, is in the front yard of the world's he laughed. There are all kinds of monuments ed, and then into a tiny but spick and greatest city! "That's that Bing Crosby -he's good, to men who kill, but only a few to span outer room. The narrow, tortuous ain't he? He's my wife's favorite ra- men who save. And yet here at Mon- stairs began there. 'Round and 'round I STOOD at the lighthouse and watch- dio singer." tauk are three families who spend we went up, like a whirlwind turned ed Captain T. A. Buckridge trim his A radio? I had forgotten there was their lives making the sea lanes safe. inside out lamps. The sun seemed to have fallen such a thing in the world. Bing Cros- And they live without electricity or into the Sound to our west. Streaks by never sounded so good to me before. running water. The Government can CAPTAIN BUCKRIDGE has white of dirty gray hung over the sea to our The chill seemed to vanish, and the build hospitals for dogs and cats, and hair and frosty -blue eyes, but right. Fog rolled in in waves-sticky, loneliness to go away. yet not give its servants the simple when he reached the top he was not clammy. Old Montauk's horn -it "Do you listen to the radio much, comforts. There would be something even breathing heavily. sounds like a river steamboat's whistle Captain ?" I said, just to make a bit of tragic about that if it were not so "The tower's only eighty feet," he - grunted and groaned. The wind conversation. cock -eyed. The only modern touch at said. "But we are a hundred and sixty - caught patches of sand and swirled it old Montauk are the three little radios. eight feet from sea level because Mon- in little spirals. The sea tumbled in WHEN I ain't polishing and paint - "They are a heap of comfort, ain't tauk sits on a bluff, you see. No! This with a booming sound, and then a ing, I listen. My wife listens all they ?" said the Captain. "It's mighty is not tall -why, out on Cape Men- swish. The world was blotted out by the time. There ain't much else to lis- fine to sit around the fire when you docino, California, the light is four darkness, and only the steady mel- ten to out here except the sea and the are off watch, and the winds are roar- hundred and twenty -two feet. My ancholy blare of old Montauk told me wind, and you get mighty tired of them ing, and listen to that Bing Crosby candle -power here is a hundred and that I was anywhere near the habita- all the time. We haven't got anything sing `Sweet Leilani.' Blast me! I thirty thousand. Bright? No, that's tion of mankind. but a battery set. You see, there's no sometimes wish I had me a lighthouse not bright, blast me! Down at Nave= But I knew that back there, be- electricity out here-or running water. out in those Hawaiian Islands where it sink, New Jersey, the light is nine mil- yond those sand dunes, was New York or things like that." don't get cold, where you don't have lion candle -power, and they've got a City -only a hundred miles away. I And a hundred miles from New to fight ice and snow. I wonder what light over in Portugal that is fifty -five knew the lights of Times Square were York City -from Broadway! those fellows out there do besides million. It's not how bright the light sparkling, that multitudes were hurry- Governments are funny things. polish and paint. Blast me!" is that makes it important, it's the lo- ing home to dinner; that musicians There are no famous shafts of granite cation. Folks have a funny idea about were tuning their instruments, that or marble to lighthouse keepers. There I WANTED to visit a lighthouse to see candle -power -they think my light is people were laughing. are no ballads to their courage. If a I if the old salts who tend the lamps as bright as a hundred and thirty It all seemed a million miles away. soldier goes to sleep at his post an were radio fans. I wanted to find one thousand candles. Blast me! That's And then above the booming and the army may be lost; but the world at far removed from everything. So I crazy. Candle -power is simply the in- swishing of the sea and the swirling least knows his name. But if a light- asked a few questions and learned that tensity of light. You see ?" of the sand, the bellow of the fog- house keeper goes to sleep, a ship may old Montauk on the tip of hurly -burly He began to get enthusiastic as I horn and the whistling of the wind, vanish. If the light goes out the ship Long Island is just as lonely as any plied him with questions. "The earth came a melody, haunting and tantaliz- may be lost. But it simply doesn't of its fellows. curves -it curves about nine inches ing. "Sweet Leilani," it said. It seem- happen. The lighthouse keepers do not The best way to reach it is to go for the first mile-well, when you

2 Radio Guide Week Ending December 13. 1937 x build lighthouses you've got to keep We are all married, and all have chil- rie laughed. "Did you ever hear the out here on the island and started that in mind. In other words, you got dren. My youngest daughter is going story about Captain Rensselaer Conk - making purple and black wampuni by to build your light high enough and to be a trained nurse. She was grad- ling? No? Well, he was a whaler- machinery. That was in 1830. It ruined strong enough to get over the curve. uated with honors from high school one of the best. He harpooned a whale the Montauks." My light was built to show for nine- last year. Now Cap'n Miller is a man not so far around that bend, in the bay Then he chuckled. "Along about the teen miles, although it has been seen you want to meet. There's a lighthouse right back yonder. And he wouldn't turn of the century they had a lot of for forty -six on good nights. At a keeper for you. He's been here a long turn his harpoon aloose. He was on litigation over those Indians. Many of height of five feet you can see 2.96 time, and his father was here before the whale's back and the whale took them married Negroes, and when the land miles, at two hundred feet you him, and his grandfather before that. him out to sea. Well, no one ever land back around the Hamptons got so can see 18.71, and at five hundred feet, The first man who ever trimmed a heard of him again. valuable, folks began la wing each 29.58 miles. That's the average, of wick on old Montauk was a Miller. other. So in 1910 an American court course. However, before I show you "This light used to be more import- CURE that story's true, blast me! held that the Montauks were no more. the light I want you to look at the ant than it is now. That was back in J The Montauk Indians used to live A vanished tribe." He snapped his island from here." the old whaling days when the ships out here. The Montauks were pretty finger. "Just like that. A court held There are scores of tiny little win- would go out for a year or so and then good Indians, as Indians went, and they that a whole tribe had just simply dows on top of the shaft. I looked come back to Sag Harbor loaded with were smart. They were about the best vanished. toward the sea. Long Island comes to oil- greasy luck, the boys called it. wampum makers in these parts. They "Talk about the last of the Mo- a point like a dolphin's fin, and every Most folks don't know that Sag Har- had a real system of money with wam- hicans, the Mohicans were killed by ship that bears down toward the is- bor was the whaling capital of the pum. Purple or black wampum was gunpowder and daggers, but the Mon - land, headed for the Sound or turn- world at one time. They always think worth twice as much as white, and the tauks were killed by the stroke of a ing the point, must pass Montauk. To of Nantucket, but they brought a lot Indians did a lot of business that way pen. So, legally, there are no more my back was Long Island, stretching of whales by this old lighthouse." Then until some smart white man s ssttled Montauks. like a long, lazy whale with waves "Camp Wycoff was right over there pounding against its sides. I looked by the bay. After the Spanish- Ameri- at the numerous little windows and can War, twenty -five thousand sick whistled. soldiers were brought there from Cuba. "How in the world do you keep all A hundred and twenty -six of them of those clean ?" died. "Naw! the Point ain't valuable much IITOU would ask a silly question like except for scenery. You can't raise an too ii that. Sounds like a tourist. I can't umbrella on this land. It's sandy. wash windows; in the first place, I Those little scrub trees you see out can't get out there. And in the second there are bayberries and beach plums. place, that's one break that Nature Funny thing about that, though." He gives us. The sea blows salt on there, covered his light as he talked, after and then comes a rain and the wind examining the jet very closely. "This washes the windows off. They always Point cost the English one hundred stay clean. pounds back in 1680. That's more than "Look -a here and I'll show you was paid for Manhattan Island. And something about this light." look what they got. He pulled a canvas covering from in 1797 the United States the head of the light. The light looked "THEN 11 like a crystal ball with thousands of Government built this lighthouse. prisms -like a huge diamond. "Those It hasn't changed much since. Of things," he pointed to the prisms, "are course, we've got kerosene now, and what give me my light. The more there is a - Coast Guard station over prisms, the more light. See ?" He there on the bluff. They've got electric opened his light like a banker opens lights over at the Coast Guard station, his huge safe. There was a combina- but for some reason they never ran tion. He twisted it, and pulled. The electricity over here. open. It did look "How do we spend our time? Paint- huge light swung our like a vault. Inside was a tiny goose- ing and polishing and watching neck jet. It looked like those old lights and standing our watches, talk- fashioned gas -jets in a tenement hall. ing to our folks, fishing and playing "Do you mean to say that your light the radio. Thank God for the radio! comes out of that little thing ?" I was Mister, we wouldn't know what went amazed. on if we didn;liehave a radio. I've got "It's not the size of the flame or the a whole attic full of battery sets. You light itself that makes the reflection. see, lot of people out here on the island It's the prisms. A spray of kerosene know us tenders, and when they get comes out of this jet, like gasoline is electricity installed they get electric sprayed into the carburetor of your sets and they give us their battery sets. automobile. We simply light the spray, Each family down in the barracks has then these prisms reflect the light, and got one. When one goes on the blink there you are. The real job is to keep we go over and listen to the other. this light burning." He looked at me No need of playing all three of them and smiled. "The light mustn't go out, at the same time. Might as well save you know," he said softly, firmly. the batteries. You got any other ques- "But what if it does happen to go tions? If you have, shoot 'em, cause I out ?" I asked. want to get back and hear that Bing "We have an auxiliary light. We Crosby fellow." throw that one on until we can re- "Do you get in much fishing ?" I pair this one. The only thing that asked. usually makes the big light go out is faulty kerosene. Sometimes we get a A"ALL LL I want. A heap of tuna run bad batch of kerosene and our light /`1 out there in the Atlantic. I doesn't burn right, but recently we've hooked one the other day that weighed been getting good oil. We light her seventy -five pounds. Yeah, he got at dusk and then stand watch." away. You think that's a big one? "Do you stay right here by it ?" Huh, some fellhws get three- hundred- pound tuna out there. President Roose- OF COURSE. It's my job to see that velt was up herz. fishing a while back. 1 t this light burns. However, I don't Naw, he didn't catch much. What do I keep my eye on it all the time. I can think is the best fish you can look for tell with my back turned whether or in these waters? Well, pound to pound, not my light is out. It's a sort of in- our bluefish is the gamest and best stinct, I guess. You see, I've been in fish that can be caught." the lighthouse service a long time, and We were descending the stairs as he my father was in the same work. I've talked. I clung to the guard rail, but been right here for eight years. My old Captain Buckridge sort of galloped father was in Japan with Admiral down. The wind almost knocked us Perry, and lest a leg in the United from our feet as we hurried toward States Navy during the Civil War, and the barracks. Inside, the kitchen was then he settled down tending a light. warm and cozy. And sure enough, I guess I took up where he left off." Bing Crosby was singing -a recording. "There are three of us here-G. A. "Sure glad that Crosby fellow makes Warrington, John Miller and myself. (Continued on Page 15)


PEOPLE MUSICIANS are commonly held to be impractical. But no one in who saw the old- fashioned spelling match go into limbo along his right mind would say that of Ernest Schelling, beloved con- with McGuffey's readers, Ray's ductor of the Young People's Concerts sponsored each year by the arithmetics, the little red schoolhouse, The records with and the waspish old -maid teacher New York Philharmonic -Symphony Society. society must be rejoicing greatly at its emer- gratitude that since Schelling began his work of popularizing the sym- gence into new glory. phony fifteen years ago thousands of children have listened to him and Within the last eighteen months the of the reg- hum of the spelling -bee has again be- learned, and many have become subscribers and supporters come loud in the land. It has recap- ular Philharmonic series. tured popular fancy, established itself This year, because Schelling ( "Uncle Ernest ") is under the care of as a radio entertainment feature, be- in suffering from an eye injury, he will come a parlor pastime in the houses oculists Lausanne, Switzerland, of sophisticates, and been written be unable to conduct the half -dozen children's concerts marking the about in periodicals. One enterpris- fifteenth anniversary of the undertaking so closely associated with his ing publisher has even brought out a name. Instead, John Barbirolli, brilliant young book about it. It may not replace the cross -word to great Toscanini as British -born successor the Film comedienne Zasu Pitts will puzzle, beca -se it isn't a solitaire game conductor of the Philharmonic, will open the be on Al Jolson's show Tuesday and you almost have to have the series Saturday morning, and Rudolph Ganz, neighbors over when you want to have a whirl at it, but it is at Ieast one of the foremost of living pianists and corn - as firmly entrenched as the question - posers, will wield the baton at the other sched- and- answer craze which swept the nation a few on 15 29, Feb- years ago. uled performances January and In spelling -bees broadcast last sea- ruary 12 and 26, and March 12. son, teams of husbands spelled against The season about to begin marks not only teams of wives, the firemen of Chi- fifteenth of the Young People's cago tussled with the firemen of New the anniversary York, the grandmothers of Boston Concerts but the eighth anniversary of their sent a team against the grandmothers broadcast over the Columbia network. From Carnegie Hall in New York of New York, and the postal clerks of Buffalo City, of hears the sym- matched learning with the where an audience children and studious adults postal clerks of Philadelphia. phonies of the masters, listens to commentary, and sees stereopticon This week brings together two slides of the scenes they portray, the concerts are annually carried by teams of celebrities in a match which radio to the entire nation. will be broadcast over NBC Sunday afternoon -a contest between Lowell Although Schelling will be unable to take part in the series this year, Thomas' "Nine Old Men," and George it is inextricably identified with his own personality and history. He is a "Hol"ywood in Person" stars Film Bye's "Prehistoric Sluggers." (The Youngster Jackie Cooper Monday Born names are carried over from last sum- skilled composer and a virtuoso among pianists. in Belvidere, New mer's softball wars, which saw the Jersey, he made his debut at four, toured Europe at eight, moved on to same two teams in action.) enduring fame as he grew older. He was a captain in the American army THOMAS will pick a -man during the World War, emerged with a Distinguished Service Medal and ten start- ing line -up from a squad composed the French Legion of Honor. His writings include compositions for both of Frank Parker, Frank Cox, Colonel the violin and the piano and many songs. William Donovan, Bill Spence, F. is no "in a series Chase Taylor, Eddie Egan, Paul Webb, "There use," Schelling himself once said, having Lou Lehr, Homer Croy, Dale Carnegie, of great symphonic concerts all over the country if we are to be forever Ted Shane, James Melton, Gregory fighting for audiences. The real lover of symphonic music in most cases Mason, and Prosper Buranelli. will not be the person has gained his first acquaintance with music Bye, as an authors' agent, has an who abundance of talent on hand. His men in adult years. The time to begin is with children, and the interest must will be chosen from this list: Frank be aroused not by the mere dragging of children to concerts but by more Buck, Gene Tunney, Westbrook Peg - is that child should ler, Jack Pegler, Stànley High, H. T. active and direct means. The great possible danger a Webster, Quentin Reynolds, Heywood ever become bored. Broun, Deems Taylor, Frederick S. "The desire for song, for melody, harmony and rhythm exists in Tisdale, Harold W. Ross, Hendrik Wil- Filmdom's, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., lem Loon, and Michael A. of us. It is a of taste at early an van Connor. most only matter awakening good as is "Silver Theater" star Sunday The umpire will be NBC's im- age as possible. You may be sure that children who are having their presario of orthography, Paul Wing, interest aroused by concerts especially prepared for them will develop who has become official spelling - master for the network. Wing culls such a genuine love for symphonic music that they will always be patrons newspapers and periodicals for the of symphony concerts. words he uses in the matches, back- "Giving concerts for children is not at all like giving concerts for stopping himself with real puzzlers taken from dictionaries. He goes into adults. In the first place, children must be kept at attention every minute, each bout with four lists, graded from the beginning to the end of a performance, which lasts about an progressively as to difficulty. If at the hour and a quarter. There is no intermission and there are hardly any end of the first ten minutes of a half - hour broadcast he hasn't eliminated a pauses. The affair must be what the children call 'snappy' or they are third of the contestants, he shifts to likely to grow restless. You must never watch children play. You must a harder list of words. Other changes get right down on the floor and play with them. It is for this reason that are made at the end of fifteen and twenty minutes, as the situation I talk to the children at my concerts and ask them to answer; that we happens to warrant. sing themes, and that we look over the different instruments." For your station, turn to the program For your station, please turn to the program page for Saturday, 11 a.m. EST, Sunday "General Motors" features page for Sunday, 1:30 p.m. EST, 12:30 10 CST, 9 MST, 8 PST. Austrian Tenor CST, 11:30 a.m. MST, 10:30 PST.


MOST readers of the daily news- ENGLAND in Elizabeth's time was fat and prosperous, and the arts papers know what part a Chamber of Commerce plays in flourished bravely. Home -made music was as common in the the life of the average American com- great houses of the merchants as contract bridge is in America munity. Few know what a Farm Bu- today. Thomas Morley wrote, in 1597, that in Hengrave Hall, home of reau is, how important it is to Amer- ican agriculture. Fewer still know Sir Thomas Kytson, wool- merchant, it was the custom to hand song -books how great a factor it is in the social to the guests after supper each evening (supper was served at 5:30) with and economic lives of the people it the request that they all join in the singing of madrigals. represents, how close it is to them. Tuesday of this week, with Congress The madrigal is hard to define, and its origin is almost lost in the meeting in a special session and the mists of time, but it reached a peak of popularity in the England of perennial farm problem at the door, the American Farm Bureau Feder- Elizabeth's day, and set patterns both in music and in poesy. Musically, ation, representing some thirty -six it is a pastoral lyric, a shepherd's song, often amorous, designed for agricultural states, holds its nine- part- singing; poetically, it is a short lyric of from six to thirteen lines built teenth annual convention in Chi- cago, entertaining among its guest - on three rhymes. speakers Secretary Wallace of the De- It came from sunny Provence, home of the troubadours, but it was partment of Agriculture, Senators Ar- Commentator Lowell Thomas takes thur Capper, George L. Berry, Alben part in "Spelling! -Bee" Sunday not until two centuries after the last of that madcap race of gentleman W. Barkley and James P. Pope, Mar- adventurers had vanished that it appeared as an art form. Adrian Wil- riner S. Eccles, head of the Federal laert, a Flemish musician, who moved to Italy from the Netherlands Reserve System, and Robert H. Jack- son, assistant Attorney- General. Part early in the sixteenth century is generally credited with developing the of the proceedings will be aired during madrigal and bringing it to popularity. England at that time was caught the National Farm and Home Hour in the throes of the Reformation, and the effects of the Italian Renais- over NBC to a vast farm audience. sance were somewhat slow to be felt, but when the madrigal did reach in the American England it flowered fully, then slowly died. MEMBERSHIP Farm Bureau Federation at the NBC's a revival end of November was approximately Last summer Lee Jones of music library undertoók 400,000 families, which, at the Depart- of interest in the madrigal. This Sunday his Madrigal Singers -Elizabeth ment of Agriculture average of 4.1 Fackimer, Eileen Ellsworth, Virginia Walker, Charles Harrison, and Earle persons per family, means that the of With them federation represents some 1,640,000 Stires-will be heard in the first of a series three broadcasts. farm folk. An auxiliary organization, will be Yella Pessl, famed harpsichordist, playing music of the sixteenth, the Associated Women of the American seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the heyday of the harpsichord. Farm Bureau Federation, founded in Among the Elizabethan poets whose words were set as madrigals December, 1935, boasts a membership Boake Carter will be "Commenta- of 425,000, and is said to be the first tor's Forum" speaker Thursday by the expert composers of the age were Edmund Spenser, Philip Sidney, nation -wide federation of farm women. Drayton, The American Farm Bureau Feder- Ben Jonson, Robert Greene, Christopher Marlowe, Michael ation roosts comfortably at the apex of Thomas Campian, John Donne and Sir Walter Raleigh. Curiously, how- a pyramid built on 15,000 community ever, there is no record that any of the writings of their great contem- farm -bureau units, 1,800 county units. It maintains national headquarters in porary, Shakespeare, were set to music in madrigal form. Chicago, publishes an ably edited -mag- There were no concert halls in England in that day, and music grew azine, "The Nation's Agriculture" (for- best in the homes of the wealthy. In the great houses of the merchants, merly "The Bureau Farmer "), and has legislative offices in Washington, where composers were often retained as resident mu- its representatives hopefully sow seeds sicians. Among the most distinguished writers among the assembled legislators and of madrigals in England were William Byrd, cultivate their programs. The federation, at the last regular John Wilbye, John Dowland, Thomas Morley session of Congress, fought for the and Orlando Gibbons. There are extant today, proposed Agricultural Adjustment Act from all sources, more than 1,000 madrigals of 1937, a rebuilt version of the old A. A. A., which was invalidated by the written by about 100 different composers. Supreme Court; it has backed the Soil As the madrigal captured popular favor in Conservation and Domestic Allotment Australian Ran. s- Fercy Grainger Merrie England, collections came to be printed Act, the Commodity Exchange Act of is on Bamberger Symphony Fri. 1936, rural electrification on a cooper- and distributed. In 1604, one famous volume, ative basis, the construction of farm - "The Triumphs of Orcana," was published. In to- market roads, and scores of other in the composition and legislative undertakings. the late seventeenth century, however, interest The county agent and his helpers singing of madrigals had dwindled, and although part- singing was still a act as advisors. In many counties favorite pastime, the songs lacked the characteristics of the madrigals, home bureaus, headed by women into schooled in domestic science, assist which passed gradually the shadows. farm wives. For the sons and daugh- The program offered by the Madrigal Singers this Sunday will con- ters of farmers, there are 4 -H clubs, sist not only of madrigals of the Elizabethan period but of other early the Future Farmers of America, fairs, Miss exhibits and vocational training. In vocal music, interspersed with harpsichord music played by Pessl. this fashion the farm bureau plays The harpsichord, one of the predecessors of the modern piano, was a an important part in the daily lives of popular musical instrument in the seventeenth century. It has a brilliant its member families; a more important it the to of feeling part in the history of the times. tone, but critics say lacks power convey the depth that can be realized with piano music. For your station, please turn to the program page for this Tuesday, 12:30 p.m. EST, 11:30 a.m. CST, 10:30 MST, Cary Grant of the films is "Holly- For your station, please turn to the program page for Sunday, 10:30 a.m. 9:30 PST. wood Mardi Gras'' guest Tuesday EST, 9:30 CST, 8:30 MST, 7:30 PST.

Ab Radio Guide Week Ending December 18. 1937 5 Everyone wonders what happens at a broadcast- wwhat the stars see. Gene Lester. Radio Guide's "singing cameraman." shorvs -by broadcasting and picturing what he sees! Cn Nov. 27 he took these pictures of the "Saturday Night Swing Club." He talked but didn't sirg because he doesn't "swing"

Handling production of the Swing Club are (left to right): Al Rinker. Bob Smith, Ed Cashman. They check manor details before Engineer Frank Protzman (right) gives the "go- ahead' signal

Above: Swing is at its best as Maestro Leith Stevens COLUMBIA'S "Sa -urday Night directs his guest. Rhythm Songstress Kay Thomp- Swing Club," a weeley session son. in a hot spec,alty number. Seared is Announcer of hot music for rhythm fans, Paul Dc.rglas, swing commentator extraordinary starring Leih Stevens, orchestra leader, and guests from every de- partment of torrid harmony, has become a radio insr!f- ution. It ranks as a standard guide for every swing fan. Fat books con- tain the praises of listeners written from all parts of the United States and a couple of places somewhat beyond the borders_ Since the Swing Club's debut last year, it has urcovered con- siderable talent, most notably Ray- mond Scott, whcse recordings with his Quintet top most sales in swing disks. Among promirent guests heard on the Swing Club have been , , , Tommy Dorsey, Duke Ellington and . Joining in the Sw ng Club just for the love of ii as gaes- soloists or merely to play with the Stevens regulars, fellow artists look forward to a "jam sessicr" because 't is a musician's show, respected for its Leslie Lieber gets that "different" rhythmic The "session" is on and it's a race between one of abandon swing fans love by playing a ten -cent authenticity, admir d universally radio's '"hottest" drummers, Billy Gussak, and Wal- flute. He appears regularly, claims to be for its conviction ''nat what it is ter Groes, ace pianist, as they swing out in a fast first to play the instrumert on a radio program doing is art in a popular medium. arrangemen'. Real "jam seasons" often last for hours

N 6 Radio Guide Week Endirg December 18, 1937 Above: The Swing Club -in the Below: Kay Thompson. A few months groove, Lou Shoobe plays the , ago she was leader of her own Dick McDonough the guitar, Hank choral group heard over CBS. She Ross the tenor sax. Stevens directs is married to Trombonist Jack Jenny

Announcer Paul Douglas presides Right: Swing is here to stay and so over the Swing Club in a most infor- is the "Saturday Night Swing Club," mal way. Listeners find it difficult gaily declares Producer Ed Cashman to believe that scriipts are used! as the popular show goes on the air!

N Radio Guide Week Ending December 18. 1937

1 .. The March of Music Edited by Leonard Liebling

"... An ampler Ether, a diviner Air ... "- Wordsworth

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 vocal arias, so here are the approxi- CONDUCTORS of today at 3 p.m. EST on CBS symphony concerts assume such importance mate translations: "Recondita Armon- and reap such generous honors and moneys that it is difficult to ia" is "Strange Harmonies "; " Questo The New York imagine a time when they played a minor role and represented e Quella" is "This One and That One "; Philharmonic Orchestra "E Lucevan le Stelle" means "The Presents merely a part of the orchestra. Nevertheless, history records just such Stars Are Shining "; "Celeste " An All- Wagner Program a picture. translates into "Celestial Aida." In the earliest symphonic days, the player who sat at the first -violin John Barbirolli, conductor MONDAY, DECEMBER 13 desk gave the starting signal, and by nods of his head indicated the Prelude to " Lohengrin" at 9 p.m. EST on NBC proper tempos. In a later era, he with his Then came the Prelude to Act III of " Lohengrin" beat time bow. The Associated Banks period of the leader who was not a playing member of the band but Overture and Bacchanale from Pres1nts "Tannhaeuser" stood up facing it and functioned by giving directions with his hands. Siegfried's Rhine Journey from The baton did not come into use until the early part of the eighteenth The Philadelphia Orchestra "Goetterdaemmerung" century when an obscure German started the custom. However, it be- Fritz Reiner, conductor Prelude to Act I of "Tristan and Isolde" came generally popular only after Mendelssohn adopted the innovation Overture to "The Flying Dutchman" Prelude to Act III of "Tristan (Wagner) and Isolde" and did his conducting with an unusually long wand. Don Juan (Symphonic Poem) (Strauss) Excerpts from "Die Meistersinger" Strange how things move in cycles, forward and backward! Wassili Mephisto Waltz (Liszt) WAGNER'S music in concert tells Safonoff came from Russia to lead the New York Philharmonic in 1904, Overture to "Benvenuto Cellini" eloquent stories even without the and he astonished the natives by discarding the baton for his hands. (Berlioz) aid of stage sets and costumes. They Sometimes, in fact, when he interpreted like the thunderous TITHE Flying Dutchman," not per- are absorbing tales, grandiose in theme material march from Tschaikowsky's "Pathetic Symphony," Safonoff even beat the formed as of ..'n as Wagner's later and treatment. Profound philosophies, , neverthe,ess is an absorbing some of them applicable to the life air with his balled fists. Leopold Stokowski was the next to cultivate the work, with its ghostly story of the sea- and politics of our own time, are to be purely manual method. You have him in the films and know how farer condemned to endless voyaging, found, particularly in the four music - seen eloquently he pantomimes with his arms, wrists and fingers. Eugene Or- and the maiden who renounces love dramas comprising the mammoth cy- and life to bring him peace. cle, "The Ring of the Nibelung." mandy is another batonless one. The Titan of them all, however, retains In the Overture, the composer paints The two "Lohengrin" Preludes heard the conventional for still forth his magic with the might of angry winds and waves. today are striking contrasts, one mys- style, Toscanini conjures his characteristic small stick. One also hears the longing theme of tical, the other ardent. Listening to the Eternal Wanderer, and excerpts the "Tannhaeuser" Overture, one mar- When social equality followed the Revolution in Russia, no instru- from the Ballade in which Senta (the vels that at its first production in Paris ment- player was or- sacrificial maid) chants the story of (when the opera had its premiere willing to be commanded, and so conductorless chestras became the vogue, all the details of a performance being set and his tragic trouble. there in 1861) the work was vocifer- ' "Don Juan," one ously hissed and jeered on account of agreed upon by the players at the rehearsals. Other countries then tried of his earlier symphonic scores, is Wagner's political intrigues against a unit without a based on dramatic verses by the Aus- sponsor, Napoleon III. the experiment, even America having such symphonic pilot for several concerts given at Carnegie Hall in New York. The trian poet, Nicholas Lenau, whose hero Siegfried's horn -call proclaims its ... is a seeker after the one charmer who own eloquence as that mighty hero experiment was everywhere deemed unsatisfactory and soon gave way represents all the allurements of wo- journeys on to doughtier deeds. to the old order of things. manhood. Strauss' tone picture reflects Some in still look the the Don's audacity, passion, disillu- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 persons unversed matters symphonic upon sionment and death. at 9 p.m. EST on CBS conductor as merely the man who signals "go" and "stop," "fast" and The Ford Motor Company "slow," "loud" and "soft" to the players who follow his baton. Most of TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14 Presents us know, however, that he is the key -note of the performance, the one at 9 p.m. EST on NBC who fashions the entire interpretation and molds it into a complex expres- and Galliano Masini, tenor WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15 Eugene Ormandy, conductor sion of his own ideas and feelings in relation to the composer's music. at 4 p.m. EST on NBC The conductor is to the what a is to a play. Overture from "Tannhaeuser" orchestra stage director The Whittall- Stradivarius Series (Wagner) Sometimes I am glad that radio listeners cannot see conductors but The Orchestra Presents only hear them, for their gestures and bodily movements often engage the "Recondita Armonia" from "Tosca" eye at the expense of the ear, and detract attention from the music itself. Two Sonata Recitals (Puccini) Adolph Busch, violinist "Questo e Quella" from "" In I once saw a conductor weave and jump up and down so vio- Rudolph Serkin, pianist (Verdi) Galliano Masini Sonata in D Op. 12, No. I (Beethoven) (Dec. 14) Bacchanale from "Samson and Delilah" (Saint Saens) Sonata in F Op. 24 (Beethoven) Intermezzo from "Cavalleria Rusti- (Dec. 15) cann" (Mascagni) eminent German artist pair The Orchestra THISchooses to perform two essentially Triumphal March from "Aida" (Verdi) amiable examples by Beethoven, com- Chorus and Orchestra posed in his younger period before "E Lucevan le Stelle" from "Tosca" ironic tragedy had entered his soul. (Puccini) Opus 12 dates from 1799 (Beethoven "Celeste Aida" from "Aida" (Verdi) was then twenty -nine) and Opus 24 Galliano Masini from 1801. The latter's sunshiny con- Ride of the Valkyries (Wagner) tent has led to its being known as tie The Orchestra "Spring Sonata." The radiant music smiles infectiously. One Holy Church of God (hymn) Opus 12 is dedicated to Antonio Sa- (Zeuner) lieri, and I feel inclined to say that the Mr. Masini, Chorus and Orchestra honor is too good for him. Although COMES Eugene Ormandy with a he served as the teacher of Beethoven welcome program altogther opera- and Schubert, Salieri (director of mu- tic. Most of the numbers in this sic at the Royal Court) was shower of lyrical abundance are quite the jealous composer who repeatedly familiar. And yet, all of us might not Fritz Reiner (left) directs the Philadelphia Orchestra concert Monday night. prevented the impoverished young understand the Italian names of the Soprano Rose Bampton is the Chesterfield guest Wednesday (9 p.m. EST) Mozart from obtaining favors.

N 8 Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18 at 10:30 p.m. EST on M BS at 1:45 p.m. EST on NBC The Bamberger Symphony The Metropolitan Opera Co. Orchestra Presents Presents "DIE WALKUERE" Percy Grainger, pianist -composer by Richard Wagner Leon Barzin, conductor The Cast: n Siegmund . Lauritz Melchior An All -Grainger Program Hunding . Ludwig Hofmann Lord Peter's Stable Boy Wotan Friedrich Schorr Sieglinde . . Kirsten Flagstad Youthful Rapture Bruennhilde . Marjorie Lawrence Handel-in-the-Strand Fricka Kerstin Thorborg Down Longford Way Conductor, Artur Bodanzky Indicating the tremendous popularity Green Bushes of the later Wagner operas, Edward Johnson, artistic director of the Metro- ELSEWHERE on this page a para- politan, made "Tristan and Isolde" the graph tells about Percy Grainger's attraction on his opening night Novem- ber 29. A record -breaking house and an love for English folk- music. He seems ovational audience proved the wisdom most happy when he is arranging and Kirsten Flagstad . . . "Sieglinde" Lauritz Melchior . . "Siegmund" of his choice. playing those old airs, whose harmon- Veterans like myself well remember ies he modernizes somewhat, but with- when Wagner was boredom and a pen- lently that he fell from the platform, and I could not help feeling that ance for the fashionable box -holders at out disturbing the contours of the tunes. the Metropolitan, who succeeded in Handel -in- the -Strand, however, is a he had been justly punished. Toscanini sways a bit now and then, but keeping him out of the repertoire en- twentieth century inspiration by mostly his attitude is quiet and concentrated. The posing, theatrical type tirely for several seasons. Grainger (adapting the ancient style) "Die Walkuere" (The Valkyr) has of leader might well take a lesson learn that sym- come into such vogue that four of its descriptive of Handel's reactions if from the Maestro and numbers frequently figure on the "Pop" that composer could walk along the phonic interpretation does not emanate from the acting of the conductor programs of symphony orchestras -the famous London thoroughfare today and "Spring Song," the "Magic Fire Music," but from his mind, heart and imagination. "Ride of the Valkyries" and Bruenn- note the changes since he trod that hilde's ringing cry of challenge, "Yo- street on his first visit to the English Ho-To-Ho." capital in 171e, where he later became Deems Taylor, whose radio talks about music on the Sunday Phil- Second of the "Ring of the Nibelung" cycle of four operas, `Die Walkuere" is a permanent resident, and finally dy- harmonic and the Wednesday Chesterfield programs are so informal and perhaps most consistently appealing, ing there in 1759. with its poetical story of the youthfully Handel's popularity in England was informative, tells friends that in two years at most he intends to retire romantic Siegmund and Sieglinde, the sensational, and climaxed with his from all activities except composing. be missed from the introduction of the vital Bruennhilde, While he will and the despair and forced vengeance of "Messiah," even though thé premiere ether, his admirers may look forward to added fine works from his the god. Wotan. of that masterpiece took place in Dub- musical pen. His "Peter Ibbetson" is the most successful American opera Act I lin during the last year of his life. After a storm prelude tonalizing the To this day, the immortal oratorio is ever produced at the Metropolitan, and his "Looking Glass Suite" ranks fury of the elements, we see the interior almost as familiar to English people of Hunding's forest dwelling. He has with the best symphonic suites. abducted Sieglinde and entrapped her as their "God Save The King." in unwilling marriage. Hunding is the avowed enemy of Wotan, father of Sieg- Europe has recently acclaimed Rose Bampton, who is to be a Ches- mund and Sieglinde, who are brother SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18 and sister, but were separated in early at 10 p.m. EST on NBC terfield artist Wednesday. Now a soprano, Miss Bampton started her childhood. They do not recognize each career a contralto alti- other when the exhausted Siegmund The National Broadcasting Co. as but gradually moved her voice into the higher (fleeing the pursuit of Hunding) stag- tudes. The transition is not unique in operatic annals. Olive Fremstad gers into that savage warrior's home. Symphony Orchestra They immediately fall under the spell sang both soprano and contralto roles at the Metropolitan Opera. So did of a strange attraction. Hunding re- Presents turns, and bowing to the law of hospi- Artur Rodzinski, conductor Margaret Matzenauer. The celebrated Jean de Reszke was first a baritone, tality, bids Siegmund tarry overnight, then a tenor. For some strange reason, singers never revise their range but warns him that he must fight to the "Military" Symphony in G Major death in the morning. Sieglinde puts a (Haydn) downwards, or perhaps the reason is not so strange after all, because sleeping- potion in Hunding's drink. She tells Siegmund of a sword which a mys- Symphony No. 4 in E Minor (Brahms) higher voices get the higher pay! terious stranger (Wotan) has thrust into the huge ash -tree (whose trunk rises Salome's Dance from "Salome" from the center of the chamber) and Fritz Reiner, in charge of the Banks program Monday, also puts art that he had declared only a true hero's (Strauss) strength could remove the weapon and above athletic display, and confines himself strictly to giving cues to his rescue the unhappy wife of Hunding. JOSEF HAYDN (1732- 1809), known Siegmund exerts his power and draws as "the father of the symphony," orchestra and carrying out the interpretations explained at his rehearsals. forth the sword. He and Sieglinde elope was not really the originator of that He shines in as well a few led after singing their marvelous duet of opera as symphony, and only weeks ago passion. The finest music of the act is form, but he did compose an almost the Los Angeles performance of "Tristan and Isolde" which netted $24,000. in the finale, and in the recurring love incredible number of symphonies, 125 measures heard after their first meeting. in all. Only about a dozen of them re- That short season, by the way, garnered $100,000 in gross receipts. Act II main in our repertoire. He wrote with Hunding pursues the fleeing Siegmund and Sieglinde. Fricka (wife of Wotan), amazing facility and speed and his The Bamberger concert Friday features Percy Grainger, Australian goddess of matrimonial sanctity, de- output included 77 string quartets, 51 mands that he avenge the violation of concertos, 53 sonatas, about the same pianist and composer, known best perhaps for his finely felt arrangements Hunding's hearth. Knowing of Wotan's number of trios, 14 operas, etc. of old English folk-tunes. He had the privilege of knowing intimately device of the fabulous sword, Fricka de- crees that he shall nevertheless permit Haydn had plenty of time to pile up Norway's greatest composer, Grieg, and having that master tell him, Hunding to triumph. Radiant Bruenn- his musical legacy, for he enjoyed hilde appears (she is the daughter of many years of employment as conduc- "You play my piano Concerto better than anyone else in the world." Wotan and leader of his band of Val - kyries or heroic Amazons who ride fly- tor at the palace of Prince Esterhazy ing steeds through the clouds and bear who treated the composer with every fallen warriors to Valhalla, the heaven consideration, for he fully recognized Also Recommended of heroes). Her "Yo- Ho- To -Ho" call is his genius. As a consequence of free- soon silenced by Wotan. She tells him For Stations See Our Program Pages that she intends to help the hunted cou- dom from financial worry (the un- ple but he commands her to leave them happy lot of his younger contempor- SUNDAY, December 12 10:00 p.m. EST-Symphonic Strngs to their fate. Siegmund and Hunding 10:30 a.m. EST-The Madrigal Singers: harpsi- 10:45 p.m. EST-"A Little Night Music ": Ernest duel, and just as the former is winning aries, Mozart and Schubert) Haydn chordist Wolff, harpsichord was predominantly cheerful in his the victory, Wotan shatters the mighty 12:30 p.m. EST-Salt Lake City Tabernacle Choir WEDNESDAY, December 15 sword with his magic spear, and Sieg- music, but he had also deeply feeling 12:. EST -Dr. Charles Courboin, organist 3:45 p.m. EST-Metropolitan Opera Guild mund is killed by Hunding, who in turn moods in the slow movements of many 12:30 p.m. EST-Music Hall of the Air 4:00 p.m. EST-Curtis Institute of Music dies at the hands of the wrathful god. 1:00 p.m. EST-Salzburg Choir Singers (from of his works, and in his two towering THURSDAY, December 16 Bruennhilde disobeys his orders and Vienna) spirits away the fainting Sieglinde. oratorios, "The Creation" and "The 2:00 p.m. EST-The Magic Key 2:00 p.m. EST-NBC Music Guild 5:00 p.m. EST- Metropolitan Auditions of the Air 9:30 p.m. EST-Sinfonietta Act III Seasons." In the "Military" Sympho- In the final act, preceded by the blaz- ny, the martial episodes are easily 8:00 p.m. EST- General Motors Concert Co. FRIDAY, December 17 10:00 p.m. EST- Rising Musical Star EST ing orchestral "Ride of the Valkyries," recognizable and carry their own vivid 2:00 p.m. -Music Appreciation we learn that Sieglinde is being shel- 10:30 p.m. EST- Impressions 3:00 p.m. EST- Columbia Concert Hall tered by the Valkyries, soon terrified explanation. MONDAY, December 13 6:00 p.m. EST -Victor Bay's Essays in Music by the descent of the enraged Wotan, The E Minor Symphony is Brahms' 3:00 p.m. EST-Rochester Civic Orchestra SATURDAY, December 18 who decrees that the pleading' Bruenn- last, and might be regarded as a sort 7:00 p.m. EST-Music Is My Hobby 11:00 a.m. EST -N. Y. Philharmonic Children's hilde steep on a rocky height surrounded 8:30 EST-Voice of Firestone X8:30 PST) of apotheosis of nature, for a verdant p.m. Concert: John Barbirolli by magic fire, until a hero conquers the 11:30 p.m. EST-Chicago Civic Opera 5:45 p.m. EST- Ceolidge String Quartet flames and rescues her. After the touch- fragrance permeates the - score, .which TUESDAY, December 14 8:30 p.m. EST -Whittall -Stradivarius Series ing "Farewell" of Wotan, the opera breathes a deep love of humanity. 2:30 p.m. EST-Music Guild: Kreiner Quartet 9:15 p.m. EST -Chicago Symphony Orchestra ends with the beautiful "Fire Music." N Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 9 k-tetit x s

Speakers Condemn, Values . . . Praise Radio at Keep a Hearty Appetite for Learning - WILL THE HOME SURVIVE? Conference SATISFY IT WITH EQUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Thursday. NBC -Blue, 4:30 to 5 p.m. The and the into the .field church, the school Radio's development HOW frequently have the embar- home of educational service met with both you watched uncomfortable have publicized the ominous back -slapping rassment of men or women in the presence of others whose threats to the most universal institu- criticism and verbal today home. from speakers who featured the Sec- tion in the world -the learning seemed more extensive than their own? How often Now the General Federation of Wo- ond Annual Conference on Educational have Broadcasting in Chicago recently. you perhaps, felt the pang of frustration when confronted men's Clubs takes up the radio cudgel to clarify threats and the William S. Paley, president of the with the conversational or other brilliance of persons whose knowl- further the Columbia Broadcasting System, in bulwarks of this ancient and beloved edge seemed to show up gaps in your own mental background? center of individual and social life. stressing his point that radio's purpose in should be one of offering information These feelings are common in life today. But the intelligent These cudgels will be powerful of individual interest, cited the spec- man and woman reckons them as challenges rather than obstacles and thoughtfully analytical hands when New York's Mayor LaGuardia, a tacular development of broadcasting on the roadway to richer friendships, broadened social opportunities in the United States, and the manner champion of social reform, Mrs. Eu- in which it has become a "driving and success. For deep as the immediate sense of one's inferiority gene B. Meyer, wife of the publisher force for democracy." may be, these differences in mental equipment and ability are for of the Washington Post, and authoress Kathleen Norris speak on the problem - He emphasized the tremendous part the most part more apparent than real-small, in fact, and more that radio has played in producing a subject "Will the American Home more enlightened public consciousness easily overcome than most of us suspect. Survive," Thursday. and interest in national and interna- Down through the ages it has been the wise man who has This broadcast is one in the monthly series on the topic "Education for Liv- tional affairs. known himself to be a fool, while the ignoramus has strutted his On the other hand, in one of the ing," under the auspices of the Gen- most challenging address before the self- conscious learning. And today, it is equally true that the per- eral Federation. conference, Merrill Denison, critic and son whose education you may envy, whose seeming knowledge author, told the assembled educators and grasp of information and affairs makes you ill at ease, is simply Mothers . . . and broadcasters that the blight of cul- parading an educational polish, a veneer as thin and as easily ex- tural anarchy - incompetency, ineffi- CHILD GROWS UP problems ciency, and a lack of better program posed as the veneer on a cheap "reproduction" of an antique ... leadership permeates the entire radio colonial highboy. Sat., NBC -Blue, 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. industry. Prof. T. V. Smith, well -known par- Such intellectual sugar- coatings usually lead their possessor Mothers from Coast to Coast are ticipant in the University of Chicago making profit of that pause between into a satisfied sense of superiority quite as dangerous and quite baking time and the regular Saturday "Round Table" broadcasts, argued that as unsound as the sense of inferiority that frequently blights the the answer to the problem of basic morning shopping tour to confer at improvement in broadcasting lay in a lives of those whose schooling has been limited. their loudspeakers with Miss Kather- more stringent governmental `control, ine Lenroot, chief of the Children's Bureau of the United States Depart- a viewpoint which was contested by The New Bridge Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase, chancellor for Educational Gaps ment of Labor. Miss Lenroot brings to this new NBC educational feature a of New York University. Dr. Chase A thousand avenues of learning are open to the man or woman asserted that a censor's curb throttles long and intensive experience in the freedom of expression, without which with that desire to learn. The way of books and the classroom is but field of mental hygiene and social radio's contribution to public enlight- orie. The new way of educational -cultural radio is sound, exciting, work with children. She offers prac- enment and education is sterile. tical hints and expert advice on prob- Both educators and broadcasters at- interesting. It is today's most potent medium for the effective en- lems pertaining to child rearing. tending the conference expressed the largement of mental horizons, for the dissemination of knowledge- In addition to her own discussions convictions that even since the first the fundamental tool from which we can all forge a greater success she presents, from time to time, guest meeting a year previous there had speakers who are outstanding authori- been a closer cooperation between ed- in a world that increasingly demands facts and sound thinking. ties in the branches of pediatrics. ucational and broadcasting interests Educational radio bridges swiftly and effectively the gaps in in the use of the facilities available for mental equipment left by interrupted schooling, and offers a widen- public enlightenment. That an .even Liberal Divine . . . greater development of those facilities ing opportunity to supplement whatever background we have with and closer cooperation would be exist- new ideas, wider understanding and deeper appreciation of the National Vespers ... realities ent during the coming year was the forces that determine our thoughts and actions. Sundays, NBC -Blue, 4 to 4:30 p.m. general conclusion of the delegates. One of its chief merits is that it is free. You pay tuition with a Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick!- that's twist of the dial -and herein lies one of the great challenges to the true title line for the announce- Brilliant . . . ment that brings you "National Ves- those of us who intend to use it profitably. We are prone to ignore pers" each Sunday afternoon. For the Lewis Browne Interprets ... events whatever costs nothing, or at best to give it indifferent notice. We intense personality that throbs behind must remember that in education there are no bargains! If we are every word he utters means much Mondays, CBS, 7:15 to 7:30 p.m. more to his radio audience of un- truly to benefit from the wealth of informational programs on the air When a sensitive thinker, a biog- counted thousands than sermon sub- rapher and thoughtful critic of time - today we must invest time and patience. We may have occasionally jects or scripture lessons. honored institutions, takes the air to to forego a few minutes' witless pleasure with our favorite comedian Here is a man of wisdom, of in- tellectual depth and breadth, and interpret domestic and foreign news of of from a great the moment, the listener may expect for the greater personal profit quiet stimulation withal a firm grasp on common reali- new, and thought -provoking angles. scientist, a thoughtful editor, a great teacher or thinker. But who ties that is found all too infrequently Such a man is Lewis Browne, who will question the difference in value? We must combine the desire among our inspirational leaders. Dr. Fosdick's talks are more than starts a four -week series of CBS news to learn the will to listen regularly. In listening to learn we commentaries on the evening of Mon- with sermons, messages or spiritual lessons day, December 13. Mr. Browne dis- must overcome the simple problem of learning to listen. -they are the stuff of life seen continues his bi- weekly participation Keep a hearty appetite for learning. Start today to make serious through the eyes and the heart of a man with a mind as true to itself as in the "Headlines and Bylines" Sun- listening play the part that it can in your effort to expand your day night broadcasts to assume full his faith is true to God. responsibility for his own airspot. He interests and knowledge. For radio brings us now the soundest of We pay sincere if inadequate tribute will be missed from the popular com- schooling in the greatest classroom of all-the classroom of life, to Dr. Fosdick and his splendid work when we say that National Vespers pany of H. V. Kaltenborn and the brisk portrayed in its infinite phases and with increasing vitality on the Bob Trout -but congratulations to would be as great and as good as Columbia for the persuasion that networks of the nation. afternoon spice for our busy week- brings him back in what should prove days as it is the outstanding program a brilliant and stimulating solo! of our Sunday afternoons.

N 10 Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 These Recommended Programs Will Be Broadcast This Week

Times indicated on this page are for Eastern Stanadard Time. For CST subtract 1 hour; MST, 2 hours; PST, S hours

PEOPLE -THOUGHT- COMMENT The Catholic Hour. 6 -6:30 p.m. NBC -Red. Rev. York Times. Interesting digest for adults as bama" and "Listen for a Lonesome Drum," Father James M. Gillis: "Paul and Agrippa." well as young people. talks on "American Folk Lore." Sunday, December 12 American Bible Society. 1:30 -1:45 p.m. CBS. Brave New World. 10:30 -11 p.m. CBS. The his- Secretary of State Cordell speaks on be- of Thursday, December 16 University of Chicago Round Table. 12:30.1 p.m. Hull tory South America through dramatizations half heroes. This NBC -Red. World trends, problems and per- of the American Bible Society. of events in the lives of its School of the Air. 2:30-3 p.m. CBS. Dorothy week: Efforts for an American League sonalities discussed by members of the faculty. "Early Gordon presents a Christmas party for young Monday, December 13 of Nations." of the Panama Congress Concise, challenging, constructive. Story folks and a dramatization of the legend of of 1826. "The Golden Pebbles." Radio Newsreel. 3 -3:30 p.m. NBC -Red. Persons Time for Thought. (Daily except Saturday and in the headlines brought to the microphone for Sunday.) 12 -12:15 p.m. NBC -Blue. Monday: close -up commentaries and personal interview. Dr. Ralph E. Davis, "Some Needed Attitudes." PERSONAL PROBLEMS Tuesday: Dr. John Sutherland Bonnell, "Prayer SCIENCE Interesting Neighbors. 7:45 -8 p.m. (11 p.m. EST Is Power." Wednesday: Dr. William Hiram for West). NBC -Red. Jerry Belcher's informal Wednesday, December 15 Foulkes, "Homespun." Thursday: Dr. Alfred December 12 interviews with unusual American families in Sunday, Grant Walton, "A Guide for Giving." Friday: Your Health. 2 -2:30 p.m. NBC -Red. A member their own homes. Dr. Leslie Bates Moss, "Economic Release." of the American Medical Association discusses The World Is Yours. 4:30 -5 p.m. NBC -Red. The Headlines and Bylines. 10:30 -11 p.m. CBS. Sig- "Vitamins, Minerals and Common Sense." One Smithsonian Institution directs the dramatiza- nificant news of the week reviewed by ace re- Saturday, December 18- of series on diet and "your health." tion of the Aztecs: "Venetians of the New world." The story of a wandering Lydian porters and interpreters. H. V. Kaltenborn, Academy of Medicine. 3:45 -4 p.m. CBS. Dr. Call to Youth. 12 -12:15 p.m. NBC -Blue. In- tribe marooned on an island in a volcano - foreign news; Bob Trout, latest news; Erwin Leo Schwartz speaks on "Facts and Fallacies spirational message by Dr. George Stewart, girt lake--how they turned their refuge into Canham of the Christian Science Monitor, on Sinus Trouble." Washington Staff, domestic news. "Comradeship." the capital of a great empire and laid the foundations of the modern Mexico City. Religion in the News. 6:45 -7 p.m. NBC -Red. Friday, December 17 Monday, December 13 Dr. Walter W. Van cues his talk from Kirk Vocational Guidance. (School of the Air.) 2:30- Monday, December 13 Current Questions Before the House. 4:30 -4:45 current events that spark with religious im- 3 p.m. C13í. A dramatic sketch under the p.m. CBS. Leading congressmen discuss im- plications. direction of the Radio Committee of the Na- New Horizons. 6:15 -6:30 p.m. CBS. Famous portant issues before the House of Represen- The Message of Israel. 7 -7:30 p.m. NBC -Blue. tional Vocational Guidance Association, "Do scientists and explorers present vivid accounts tatives. Talk by Rabbi Barnett R. Brickuer. We Know Ourselves ?" of adventure in far places. This week: The mystery of the rarest bird in Africa and how New Horizons. 6:15 -6:30 p.m. CBS. "Discovery the grimy feathered headdress of a savage of the Congo Peacock." James Chapin, -Dr. chieftain led to the "Discovery of the Congo explorer. See listing under SCIENCE for Peacock," by Dr. Chapin, has descriptive data. James who just returned from his African safari. News Interpretations. 7:15 -7:30 p.m. CBS. Lewis American Scholar Goes on the Air Browne, author, lecturer, biographer, interprets Tuesday, December 14 foreign and domestic news. Science in the News. 6 -6:15 p.m. NBC -Red. National Radio Forum. 10:30.11 p.m. NBC - From the University of Chicago the Blue. A popular forum on plans and University problems Broadcasting Council presents current reports confronting the nation. Leading figures in na- tional life of news in which science has played a dramatic speak from Washington. part.

Tuesday, December 14 Science vs. Crime. 11 p.m. NBC -Red. "Institu- tions: Social Work Agencies" discus- Let's Talk It Over. 2:15 -2:30 p.m. NBC -panel -Blue. sion and dramatization of the outstanding point (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, weekly.) of the discussion, conducted by Capt. P. B. A series of especial interest to women. Tues- Kelly. day: June Hynd, m.c., interviews a woman member of New York's pickpocket detective Wednesday, December 15 squad. Subject is "Protecting Yourself in the Christmas Crowds." Wednesday: Alma Kitchell, The Hamilton Family (School of the Air). 2:30- m.c., talks about Norway's baby prince, first 3 p.m. CBS. Our far -traveling friends visit prince in 600 years. Subject is "Little Prince "Slovakia and the Carpathian Mountains" . . . Harold and His First Christmas." Thursday: discover little -know-n facts about this entranc- Lisa Sergio, m.c., interviews Mrs. F. D. Roose- ing lost corner of Central Europe. Geography velt and Earline White, President, National and travel dramatized. Federation Business & Professional Women, on "Women in the Field of Legislation." Thursday, December 16 As I See It. 4:20 -4:35 p.m. NBC -Blue. Interna- Science Service Series. 4:15 -4:30 p.m. CBS. tional broadcast from England presenting (Note new time.) Rev. Edward Ward of the British personalities. They speak on "As See I Catholic University of America and Watson It " may be anything from plays to -"it" York- Davis of Science Service, Washington, discuss shire puddings. Terse, informative commentary an amazing custom of the African aborigines, from the British point of view. This week: "Wives by the Dozen in Africa." Gilbert Murray, author.

Wednesday, December 15 ART H. L. Mencken (right), philosopher, philologist and veteran jouster Youth in A Modern Community. 4:30 -5 p.m. NBC -Blue. Dr. Joseph M. Amman, Character on the literary battlefield. was a recent "School of the Air" guest. He Wednesday, December 15 Education Chairman, and Mrs. Jennie R. Nich- spoke on "The American Language." With him: Producer Earl McGill. American Artists Symposium. 10:45 -11 An. ols, Humane Education Chairman of the Na- CBS. Bob Trout previews tional Congress, Parents & Teachers, the American Artists' Con- discuss gress. "What is Character?" Symposium interviews with William Gropper, American artist, Jerome Klein, art Thursday, December 16 BUSINESS MUSIC critic of the New York Post, and Julianna Force of the Whitney Museum. Will the American Home Survive? 4:30 -5 p.m. Sunday, December 12 Tuesday, December 14 NBC -Blue. December broadcast in monthly series by General Federation of Women's Clubs. World Economic Cooperation. 2 -2:30 p.m. CBS. Fun in Music. 2 -2:30 p.m. NBC -Red. Practical Speakers: Mrs. Eugene B. Meyer, Kathleen Leaders of Labor and Industry discuss the free lessons on how to play instruments for Check -Up Norris, authoress, and Fiorello question of world economic cooperation and band and orchestra. Instruction by Dr. Joseph H. LaGuardia, A Challenge for Serious Listeners mayor of New York City. its relation to the problem of peace. Maddy, leading musical educator. Learn through playing all- American, old songs. 1. What two South American statesmen and The March of Time. 8:30 -9 p.m. NBC -Blue. favorite 14 soldiers met for the "World's Most Famous In- News of the day crisply, cogently dramatized. Tuesday, December terview"-and for what purpose? Spot news. Terse comment. Excellent drama. The Story of Industry. 4:30 -5 p.m. CBS. De- INTERNATIONAL 2. Review in your mind the arguments pro Interprets personalities behind the headlines AFFAIRS partment of Commerce Series on American In- and con for government planning of the national today. A must program for serious listeners. of by dustry. Subject: Tobacco. Title talk J. Sunday, December 12 economy discussed on last week's Town Meeting T. Trippe, Pan Airways: America's Town Meeting. 9:30 -10:30 p.m. NBC - president -American program. Who were the speakers? For what are Blue. Three leading national figures pose the "Your Grandmother's Day and Your Grand- Conference on World Economic Cooperation. 2 -2:30 they noted? question "Should the Government Regulate daughter's." p.m. CBS. Seventh conference in series pre- 3. What was the reward of the Sun God as Wages and Hours ?" Gen. Hugh Johnson leads sented by League of Nations Society of Canada told in the legends of the Hopi Indians? the opposition speakers. Following the regular Thursday, December 16 and National Peace Conference of the U. S. 4. Why should every American home with addresses, the Town Hall audience Leading figures in both countries discuss "La- participates How to Open a Shop. 2:30 -2:45 p.m. NBC -Red. children endeavor to /not to develop an executive the discussion a bor's Share in World Economic Cooperation." in -always lively affair. Practical hints from successful small -shop own- in the family? 5. What have improvements in scientific ers interviewed by Alissa Keir, newspaper Monday, December 13 Friday, December 17 woman. methods of exploration meant to (1) science, Current Questions Before the Senate. 4:30 -4:45 Brave New World. 10:30 -11 p.m. CBS. See (2) our every -day lives? p.m. CBS. Companion program to the Mon- descriptive listing under History. 6. Name to yourself three important questions day program "Current Questions Before the HISTORY currently before the House, and /or the Senate of House." the U. S. Have you formed any definite convic- People in the News. 10:45 -11 p.m. NBC -Red. Monday, December 13 LITERATURE tion regarding these questions? How? Why? 7. Where is Siberia? (Check yourself with a Dorothy Thompson, ranking woman journalist. School of the Air. 2:30 -3 p.m. CBS. Program Tuesday, December 14 map.) What are the principal characteristics designed for classroom listening. Dramatizations of this vast country? Is Manchukuo part of Siberia? of current events with analytical commentary School of the Air. 2:30 -3 p.m. CBS. Carl INSPIRATION 8. What are the foundations of a sustaining by Shepard Stone, staff historian of the New Carmer, noted author of "Stars Fell on Ala- philosophy? Your own? Those discussed by Dr. Sunday, December 12 Harry E. Fosdick on the National Vespers program? Radio Pulpit. 10 -10:30 a.m. NBC-Red. Dr. Ralph 9. best the 1V. Sockman, sermon: "Help from Above and Is the general diet one that is Below." Here, is we confined to several foods with specific food values it hoped, shall meet each week for a quick discussion or the one that combines a wide variety of good Church of the Air. 10 -10:30 a.m. and 1 -130 p.m. foods? sermon by Edgar of programs CBS. Morning the Rev. De- that will most actively help us to understand better 10. What national institution collected a thou- Witt Jones of Detroit. Afternoon sermon by sand rare animals and birds alive in Sumatra and the Most Rev. John F. Noll, Bishop of Ft. the world in which we live, and how in practical ways we can shipped them half -way 'round the globe? How Wayne, Ltd. was this accomplished? And why? National Vespers. 4 -4:30 p.m. NBC -Blue. Dr. make it spin more successfully and happily for us. Harry Emerson Fosdick, sermon: "The Validity ALL ANSWERS TO FACTUAL QUESTIONS of Abiding Experience." were given in programs recommended last week.

N Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 11 AIRIALTO LOWDOWN BY MARTIN LEWIS

SOME people seem to believe that I'd like to make a prediction that the His face looked familiar and soon I program; then he has to run over to radio is dependent on the movies tune, "Rosalie," from the picture of learned it was John Holbrook, who, NBC and rehearse with Eddy Duchin for talent. Well, maybe it is for the same name, will be No. 1 in the some of you may remember, was the for the Elizabeth Arden show heard names, but not entirely for good pro- Hit Parade before many weeks have winner of the diction award some the same night. After his rehearsals, grams and talent. While sponsors are passed. It's so easy on the ears. My years ago. This award used to be given he goes to his hotel and puts on a tux- conducting a search for something new personal Recording Hit Parade of the to the year's outstanding announcer. edo, dashes to the studio for the "Hob- -a search usually ending up with the Week includes, "I Want to Be In Win - by Lobby" program; then back to NBC much -worn variety type of show, chell's Column" as played by Isham One of my informants passes the for the Duchin show. You think he's slinging "names" at the listeners with Jones; Horace Heidt's recordings of word along that two of radio's popular through ? -by no means! He then goes disappointing results - many good, "Sweet Someone" and "Mission by the daytime serials will fold some time in to the Essex House, where he sings popular radio programs are on the air Sea "; and "Rosalie," quite ably played January. "Today's Children" (which with Dick Himber's orchestra; back unnoticed by the advertisers but heard by Art Kassel's orchestra. has been on the air for the same spon- again to CBS for the "Hobby Lobby" and liked by the listeners. The NBC repeat show; and once more to the "Breakfast Club" is one of the most Essex House until 1 p.m. No, Stuart popular sustaining shows on the net- has no trouble at all falling asleep works, and yet Don McNeill and his that night! gay troupe have never been able to lure a sponsor. The CBS "Saturday Pretty Betty Winkler is also kept Night Swing Club" is tops right now, busy by radio. She is the star of the and has a huge following. Mutual net- "Girl Alone" series, which is heard work has a novel musical program five times a week. Now she is a per- called " Nocturne." It presents manent member of the "Fibber Mc- musical numbers in a way that's un- Gee and Molly" programs on Monday usual and interesting -and its popular- nights, and she is also on the Eddie ity is attested to by the years that it Guest show on Tuesdays nights. has been on the air. Then there's Ted Malone's poetic "Between the Book- Sportscaster Ted Husing wants me ends": the NBC Radio Guild, one of to announce for him that despite any- the finest dramatic programs on the thing you may have heard or read in air; Harvey Hays' "Words and Music "; various columns and newspapers, he is and many others, too numerous to not getting married; nor is he even it. mention . All fine programs that thinking about have been ignored because most spon- sors believe they must have big names, Ork Pilot Abe Lyman spent most of and therefore seek movie stars. This is the summer in Hollywood and likes it a big mistake, in my 'umble opinion. so much that he planned a return trip These programs we have mentioned for an indefinite stay. However, the are not new they have been on the lanky maestro and his orchestra will ... in New air for several years . and a radio go into the French Casino, program has to be good to last. Think York, when it reopens around Christ- it over, Mr. Sponsor. mastime, and I hear that he will have n financial interest in the place. Our Mr. Fairfax reports that he has had more requests regarding the This is the tale of a dog. Warner whereabouts of Joan Blaine, the pop- Brothers Writer George Bricker 'breeds ular radio actress, than for any other Great Danes. As a friendly gesture, particular star. Your reporter imme- he gave a female of the species named diately donned his Sherlock Holmes "Wally" to Phil Harris. Harris, with outfit and did some sleuthing, with the an overstock of pooches, donated Wally result that I can now tell you that Miss to Ken Murray as a fitting mate per- Blaine will be back on the air early in haps for Ken's Irish Setter, "Duke." 1938 as the star of a new dramatic But Duke and Wally began to make show. Since leaving radio last spring, history by overturning the Murray she has received many handsome of- dwelling, so Ken, recalling his long- fers, but, I am informed, the one she standing friendship for Edgar Bergen, accepted is the best by far. It will presented the Great Dane to Charlie establish her among the higher -paid McCarthy's mouthpiece . and now dramatic artists of radio. McCarthy wants Bergen to give Wally to Dorothy Lamour for Christmas! Scores of inquiries have also been received regarding stars who were Received a letter from the West heard over the air several years ago Coast advising me that Eddie Cantor but who have not been broadcasting will broadcast from New York for recently. I know many readers will eight weeks, starting January 5. Un- be happy to learn that quite a few of doubtedly many New Yorkers would them are being brought back via the like to attend a Cantor program, but "Musical Moments" transcription se- next week I will tell you why it is ries which is heard over many stations almost impossible for the average per- throughout the country. Among those son to obtain tickets for a broadcast. who are being presented as guest art- ists are , Willie Mor- Announcer Dell Sharbutt came to ris, Stuart Churchill (former Fred New York several years ago to make Waring tenor), Shirley Howard, Jack his musical way as a concert baritone. Although his father, a Methodist min- Arthur, Arlene Jackson, Virginia Rea, Top: Betty Grable of Friday night's CBS "Song Time" was recently selected by Walter Cassel, Lois Ravel, Irene Beas- ister, had sent him to Texas Christian a group of famous Hollywood artists as representing "The Ideal American Girl." University to study law, Dell was more ley and several others. Victor Arden her new million- dollar husband, Jackie Coogan. Left: and his orchestra supply the music. She's shown here with interested in music. He played the I can't help but remember that it Commentator John Nesbitt recently signed a five -year contract with M -G -M organ, saxophone, flute, oboe, clarinet wasn't so many years ago that Annette to direct short film subjects. He'll soon be heard in a new show. Right: Rudy and piano, and wound up receiving a Hanshaw used to be one of the biggest Vallee has completed his Hollywood stay. His show is now aired from New York two -year scholarship-for his singing! the air. She has been absent Shortly after graduating, he won an names on Atwater -Kent audition and set out for from the studios for almost two years the sor since 1933) is one of them, and and I am quite sure her host of fans Richard Himber is supplying New York. It didn't take him long to welcome her back. music for a very novel radio program "Betty and Bob" is the other. I am realize that more study was in order which is sponsored by Lucky Strike told that the new show starring Joan and that unknown singers faced an Another program that will be heard called "Melody Puzzles." It is heard Blaine is scheduled to replace the almost impossible task. He turned to Coast to Coast but on the Mutual net- over WOR in New York. Listeners "Betty and Bob" series. announcing in order to pay for sing- work, starting the latter part of this send in short dramatizations which ing- lessons and acquire a certain month, will be your old friend, "The imply the titles of songs, and members Announcer Andre Baruch may have amount of fame. Apparently, he Voice of Experience." He will answer of the audience are supposed to guess an announcement of his own to make. proved to be better than a country letters from listeners who seek advice. what the titles are. There are cash Andre and Fredda Gibson, who both hand at announcing, for this current awards for the winners. It's a swell work on the Saturday night "Hit Pa- season finds him on nearly a dozen Readers are constantly requesting idea and very entertaining. This show rade" show, arm -in -arm it out of the major network shows, including "We, information about Frank Parker. Re- will soon be heard on an NBC Coast - studio after each program. the People," "Hobby Lobby," "Song cently I reported that there was a to -Coast network. Shop" and the Guy Lombardo pro- possibility of Parker going on the new Stuart Allen is one of the busiest gram. Now, after all these years of cigarette show which will feature Paul Mentioning old -timers of the air - boys in radio, and it really has him waiting and studying music, Dell has Whiteman and his orchestra. However, lanes calls to mind one of the men I hustling around. To give you an idea, been adjudged ready to make his con- this deal has gone with the wind; so saw on a recent Tommy Dorsey pro- here's all he has to do on Wednesdays: cert debut. He admits, too, that his big- Frank, who is playing vaudeville dates, gram, whose only job was to say a few In the early afternoon he must re- gest problem will be to make his audi- is still available for radio work. lines in the advertising announcement. hearse for his CBS "Hobby Lobby" ences forget that he is an announcer. Week December 18. 1937 12 Radio Guide Ending HOLLYWOOD SHOWDOWN BY EVANS PLUMMER

MAE WEST, of the alluring lips while her theater rehearsals were Fred disgustedly piped up, "Well, for 28 was second only to her great stair- and hips, at last has become a handled by a vocal "stand -in," Mar- Zanuck's sake! My tapeworm will case scene in the picture "Stage Door" radio mercenary not, please garet Brayton. Miss Sullavan man- think I've gone crazy, too!" To Stoopnagle and Budd for their understand, for the money,- but for tiie aged to attend the final dress rehearsal, good work on the "Hollywood Mardi publicity of the thing. You see, Mae give a stellar performance for the Off a Live Mike: Alice Faye, accord- Gras," a belief shared by the sponsor, has a new picture, "Every Day's a actual broadcast -and then was put ing to friends, would welcome to her who expects to call upon them soon Holiday," that is due to hit the nation's back to bed in ice -packs. home the pitty -pat of baby shoes . . . again . To former Al Pearce Gang- screens the middle of next month and Joe E. Brown and Patsy Flick were sters Tony Romano and Morey Am- Charlie McCarthy has promised to Unsettled at press time was the fate paired in one of three show set -ups sterdam, whose new song, "You're bring the celluloid opus to the atten- of Oakie College. To be renewed or auditioned last week for a tobacco ad- Priceless," introduced by Pinky Tom- tion of the Chase and Sanborn audi- shaken up was the question, with the vertiser . . . Allan Jones, the heart- lin, is worth many rehearings. ence providing Mae will come up and odds stronger on renewal. However, throb tenor at M -G -M, fancies he'd see him, the sometime being this Sun- Sid (he loves Hollywood) Skolsky day, December 12. Of course, the tin -typed Charlie McCarthy on a re- money won't be bad. Claims are that cent broadcast. Charlie retaliated, next the sum paid will break all records for week made Sid air a pinetype of Skol- a one -time broadcast. But don't get sky as composed by McCarthy. Mae wrong. Dollars alone won't buy her talents. She's steadfastly refused Los Angeles' latest bid for front several standing offers for her to work pages across the country, the caving - regularly on the radio for varying in "mountain," has set the gagmen to stipends reaching up to $5,000 a week. work. Al Jolson's contribution to the Mae has appeared on the air commer- spirit of the occasion has to do with cially once before in 1933 on Rudy some enterprising realtors who are Vallee's hour. She played a role from selling large tracts of "restless real one of her pictures on "Hollywood estate" which "may possibly even Hotel" once, but accepted no salary for wind up at the valuable corner of Hol- it. Her other microphonings have been lywood and Vine." Phl Baker, on the few and non -commercial. They were other hand, ad- libbed a nifty to his a local community -fund broadcast, a studio audience when the theater's "Hello" at the Adolph Zukor jubilee lights suddenly went out just before banquet and another short greeting at his program went on the air. "So long, the premiere of her "I'm No Angel" folks," he shouted. "I guess the mov- film. Quite frankly, Mae will tell you ing mountain is headed this way!" she doesn't like radio ... but she does kinda go for Charlie McCarthy. Neat Trick Department: If you're walking down a partly dark street and Mae also may mention the news that see two chaps stretching a rope across she'll go personal- appearance touring your path, look first to see if they're soon, and when she does, you'll hear Lum 'n' Abner, and then, if they are, her singing six new tunes especially don't bother to step over or walk whipped up for her by Harry Barris, around the "rope," which really is only the Oakie College professor. Two imaginary . . . They have more fun! you'll be whistling are "North, South, East and WEST" and "That Drummer Rudy Vallee's last broadcast from Man." Incidentally, Barris has caught Hollywood had its good and bad spots. the Christmas spirit and composed Rudy himself seemed nervous, stum- "Angelus Bells" for the College's De- bled repeatedly. Eddie Green, the col- cember 21 broadcast. ored comic, read off a gag on "making doilies" that was decidedly blue and Jack Benny is having more trouble should never have been permitted. But with that old Maxwell than goes on Marek Windheim, the opera- singing the air. Joke -minded listeners have comic, was decidedly a bright and en- been sending him spare parts express tertaining spot. His novel introduc- collect! ... Last week he received an tions and his singing of "Mother Ma- offer from a fan in Bloomington, N. J., chree" in Russian touched off a mirth - who promised, for $1,000, to drive his quake. Arch Oboler's "Lo, the Poor 1925 Maxwell (in good shape) to Hol- Indian" was well written, too ... The lywood and present it to Jack. Or, as show had a happy ending for Rudy, an optional proposition, the writer said nevertheless. He walked away from that if Benny would come and get the the studios, by the back -door exit, heirloom car, he could have it for $100. hand -in -hand with his beautiful bru- net Hollywood flame, Gloria Young- Jell -O's head man, by the way, an- blood ... Ahhh! ticipated Christmas by sending Phil Harris a couple of prize goats for the Feg Murray received a most unusual bandman's San Fernando Valley ranch. letter the other day signed "Santa They've been christened "Buck" and Claus" but postmarked Hollywood. "Daisy" . and while out at the The letter went on to eulogize at great Harris ranch, be it known that recipi- length the deportment of Feg's eleven - ents of its Christmas cards will find year -old son, Johnny, for the past them to be bids to a Christmas Eve twelve months. Feg suspects collusion. Tom and Jerry party -with road map Some concert tours are flops, but if to the tucked -away home though fully Maestro Johnny filed printed on their backs. Top: With ink scarcely dry on his divorce decree, Green you'd hear Guizar's account intention to wed Film Actress Betty Furness and married her November 26. of Hubby Tito's recent,. vocal conquest Eddie Cantor, will soon be east- Green will soon be back on the air. Left: Eddie Cantor is turning author these of South and Central America, you'd ward bound with his entire troupe days. He has a magazine order for a 2,000 -word story on his young singing be convinced Tito really slayed them! (except Deanna Durbin) to air from star, Deanna Durbin. Right: Filmdom's Andrea Leeds: She's been seen To quote the lovely Carmen: "We ar- New York for eight weeks beginning around Hollywood gay spots with "Hollywood Hotel" Comic Ken Murray rived in Chile and there were about January 5. Theater work is the lure, 15,000 people waiting for Boy Friend but Eddie will return to Hollywood in Tito to arrive. I am telling you this March. Deanna, still busy on her lat- the anticipated changes won't take not mind being regular master of was one thrilling experience. There est picture, "Mad About Music," won't place before the new year dawns, and ceremonies for the Maxwell House were really riots to get into the thea- be able to join the Texaco Towners even then these may simmer down to "Good News" airing, but his movie ters to hear him sing and all the four until February 9. Deanna's birthday, a mere removal of the College to the producers feel otherwise; don't want days we were there he had to be pro- by the way, brought her a brand -new NBC network at an earlier hour, plus him tied up with weekly rehearsals tected by fifty carabinos (cops to you). red convertible roadster with bright - a shifting of the Goodman swing ses- . Kenny Baker has been renewed, Then at Lima, there were people killed red leather upholstery, but Papa will sion to the CBS spot now occupied by with salary increase, for 26 weeks with or hurt all during our stay there and drive it 'til she can be licensed. the Oakie pocus . But-IF Jack Jack Benny effective Jan. 2. both Tito and I thought this was too Oakie is dropped, Stuart Erwin will wonderful for words, as we really d d Two years ago Margaret Sullavan take over the comedy show, which Ken Murray will probably check out not think he was as popular as that" missed her appearance on the Lux Ra- would then be changed somewhat. of "Hollywood Hotel" after December A§ I said before, Tito slayed 'em! dio Theater because of an acute attack 25 and may turn the keys to his room Right now, since finishing a picture of laryngitis. This year, five days be- Fred Allen keeps the 20th Century - over to a master of ceremonies of for Paramount, Tito and Carmen are fore she was to appear in the lead of Fox lot in laughing mood. The other name caliber. Ken wants to go east resting in Hollywood . where the "Petrified Forest" for the same pro- day he had to go through the same in order to do show work. only riots are those which occur in the gram, she had an acute attack of ap- action seven times -the scene being his advertisement-subsidized trade papers pendicitis! But she wasn't going to miss drinking of a strongly sugared cup of Plums: To Andrea Leeds, whose when a movie review broadcaster fails again. Surrounded by ice -packs, she re- coffee and eating a sandwich. But realistic characterization in "Dark Vic- to rate a premiering picture as highly hearsed at home as much as possible, when the eighth retake was ordered, tory" on the coffee show of November as the trade press! n Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 13 SO YOU LIKE CONTESTS?

THIS department is frying some- contesting. As yet its influence has But there are legitimate complaints - they had a contest on! When Pontiac thing new this week. In the ad- been little felt, but the venture seems constructive suggestions which will had a contest, I went to their dealer joining columns, where previously destined to make itself prominent in help contesting. Here are a couple for a blank, and he told me he had "Your Opportunity Guide" has listed the minds of many a contest sponsor we've received: just thrown them all out! all the prominent current contests, this and contestant. It is the new National "As a contester who gets a lot of "Then, too, the dealers seem to treat week you'll find two listings under Contesters' Association, brain -child of pleasure out of contests -win or lose - you with suspicion unless you want to "This Week's Prize Special." There's a Everett Lane, of Mine Run, Virginia. I am against one large first prize, all buy something. They don't seem to reason for this change. We call the The ideals of this organization are out of proportion to the remaining realize that these contests start people new system "fixed focus" contesting. high, and the help it offers contesting ones ... For a weekly contest like the talking about their products and have The object of it all is simple. One is much needed. The association urges Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. 'Ann a cumulative effect from which they of the first things we suggested to its members to use products advertised Page' contest, I think the prize allot- may reap profits for years to come those who intrusted their contest ca- ."- ORLAND DEANE, Kankakee, Ill. reers to us was that they overcome the temptation to enter every contest that came along. "One at time!" we urged. Meet the Winners! Letters addressed to us lead us to believe that our readers are reducing $1,550 for Their Skill! their chances of winning by entering THIS WEEK'S PRIZE SPECIAL If you won in all the contests we announce. So each these contests, you These are this week's best contest bets! is the last week you can know about it already, but if you en- week we're concentrating our own This tered and attention on just two or three con- enter! RADIO GUIDE has singled out these contests for special attention didn't win, you'd probably to increase your chance to win. Read the exclusive winning tips below like to know who did. In the ninth tests -and hoping our readers will fol- - "Phyl Coe" contest, Miss then read in column 1 the new "fixed focus" contest victory system! mystery low our lead and select just one of Blanche Evans, Big Bend Hotel, Spo- them to enter each week. kane, Wash., won the first prize of The fact that we're not repeating Three $200 Silver Fox Furs $1,000 Cash $500. Miss Nell Smith, 920 East Lin- announcements week after week al- wood Street, Kansas City, Mo., was lows us to add some things to this PRIZES: (Weekly) Three $200 silver PRIZES: (Grand) $1,000 in cash second, winning $250. Third prize of department. Under the "Contests of fox furs and 500 pairs of $2 hose. (or $500 -see below) and letters $125 was won by Peter Hinrichs, 318 the Week" you'll find some tips on from favorite radio stars. Gibbson Street, Eau Claire, Wis., and how to win these particular ones. TO ENTER: Add fifty words or less to "I like Admiracion Shampoo TO ENTER: Write a letter of any fourth prize of $75 went to Mrs. Maud And there's more space for us to give Hart, 530 Chetwood, Oakland, Calif. you the news of contesting, too. because ..." Mail your entry, with length to Eaton's Fine Papers, Pitts- a box -top, to Tim and Irene, Mutual field, Mass., naming your favorite In addition, there are 122 winners of ' We're not going to force anyone to small cash "awards each week follow our "fixed focus" system. Once Broadcasting System, 1440 Broad- radio star and explaining your -and way, N.Y.C., or to your station. choice. Letters written on Eaton weekly winners are eligible for grand each month we will list all the impor- prizes which total $10,000 in cash. tant contests -just as we have before. Contest closes December 15. water -marked stationery eligible for $1,000 prize; others eligible for Incidentally, because the mysteries We'll do that in the first issue for each have become more difficult each week, month. And more than that you half that amount. Participating ra- -if TO WIN: If you've entered this dio stars will personally answer ten it is now necessary to submit only two can't wait for the first issue of the contest before, do it clews instead of three, which makes it following month -we'll send you an again this last best letters from their supporters. week-whether you won or lost! Contest closes December 15. easier to stay within the 50 -word limit. advance copy of the listings if and There have been dozens of "repeat- Entry blanks are available at Philco when you ask for it. Just send a ers." Several facsimile box -tops stores. Note: Next week this contest stamped, self -addressed envelope to have won prizes -which makes this TO WIN: Don't be afraid that the closes. Get in it now if you're going to! "So You Like Contests," Dept. CL1, c/o an unusual contest indeed (see col- radio star you choose to write about The November 28 Admiracion Sham- RADIO GUIDE, 731 Plymouth Court, umn 1)! The judge has shown a may not be eligible in this contest. poo winners are Mrs. T. W. Van De Chicago, Ill. We'll send it to you right tendency to favor entries which are If your radio favorite is on a Coast - Sande, Locust Terrace, Toms River, away. Let us know what you think well under the word limit. She to -Coast network program, chances N. J.; George Harrington, 532 Howard of this system, will you? seems to have no objection to puns. are all with you that he is par- Street, S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich., and Particularly does she like unusual ticipating in this competition. Do Louisa Haskin, 51 University Avenue Facsimile Facts entries -those with remarkable set- not worry over details of form in West, St. Paul, Minn. They all win tings or approaches to the rather your letter. Whispers seem to indi- $200 silver fox furs. This is the last Play The Hard Way! standard statement. Here's a prod- cate that you can be as fervent as week you can enter this one! Many contestants must have en- uct tip: Admiracion likes the angle you like in your praise, too. It tered the recent Old Gold contest that the shampoo conditions and stands to reason that a letter on more than once! That's the only way cleanses at gee same time. If you Eaton paper has a better chance to Winning Entries we can explain the sudden increase in use this, be careful, though, because win the one big prize, although the Make Yours Like These! inquiries about facsimiles. We're un- others who read this may duplicate sponsor has not admitted this pos- happy to have to report it, but there is your entry! Note that "Admiracion" sibility. Decide for yourself - but We've promised readers examples of no definite answer to such questions. is spelled with a "c." Last week we we'd buy his paper and use it! Em- winning entries every week. Here's The statement that facsimiles qualify printed four winning Admiracion phasize the personal relationship our batch of "this is how you should entrants in contests is included in the entries, offered readers who sent you have with your favorite radio have done it" information this week. rules because of federal law. In this stamped, self- addressed envelopes star-even if it is no more than Hal R. Doolittle, writing in Contest way sponsors disclaim any intention Miss King's critical analyses, telling that you are always blue on Mon- World, reports that he won twice in to force the purchase of their product. why they won. This offer remains day because of washing all day, and the recent RCA -Victor weekly contests In a strict interpretation, which the open until December 15. he happens to be on the air Monday with these entries: to cheer you sponsor is free to make if he wants to, For more facts, listen to "Tim and nights up! "Press the button. Zip! Your 1938 a facsimile must be an exact reproduc- Irene." MBS, Sun., 6:30 p.m. EST For more facts, see Eaton's adver- RCA -Victor does the rest. Accurately, tion of the original. In most rules, (5:30 CST, 4:30 MST, 3:30 PST). tisements in current magazines. silently, instantaneously, RCA Electric "reasonably exact" facsimiles are ad- Tuning thinks -then acts. A new thrill mitted -but how reasonable? in radio!" The point at which facsimiles be- come "unreasonable" depends on the "First, Magic Eye. Next, Magic individual sponsor. For all sponsors, by contests; to pledge themselves never ment is almost ideal -although it may Brain. Then, Magic Voice. Today - it's wise to make printing the same to write a crank letter to a sponsor; not attract the 'jack pot' contesters engineered by pioneers - RCA -Victor width and height as the original let- to organize mutual -aid chapters in I think prizes along the lines of presents the Magic Wand of radio - ters, to use color, and to outline them. their own neighborhoods. the recent Crisco contest are very Easy, Accurate, Electric Tuning." If it can be done, put it on the same This last is the most important ob- good: First prize, $1,000; second (ten It's not often we can't find a way weight cardboard or paper as the origi- ject of the association as far as most prizes), $100; fifty to one hundred to agree with the judges in their selec- nal. And then don't expect too much! of us are personally concerned. Meet- prizes of household items worth about tions. We think our good pal Helen There are many, many cases on rec- ings of local chapters can bring fine thirty to forty dollars . . . ' -LEx E. King slipped when she awarded a $200 ord in which entries sent in with fac- advice and criticism. Mrs. Zella Bo- TRUMBO, Galesburg, Ill. similes have won. However, fur to this entry, however: statistics teler, secretary of the new association, . . I want to protest about spon- seem to reveal very few large prizes has asked whether the readers of this sors who have one send in entries on "I like Admiracion Shampoo better going to "fac" contestants. More often department are interested in forming Official Entry Blanks which you have because in our house it covers a wide the smallest awards go to such en- local chapters. We'd like to know, too, to get from dealers. Here are some of range of requirements like a thorough- trants. Despite the federal law, that so that if you are, we can print more my experiences: In the 'Phyl Coe' con- bred ... from softening dandruff and seems all right to us. If you don't want news of the meetings and activities of test, I got the first bulletin all right, making my husband's fine -textured to play along with the sponsors, you the association. Will you let us know? but had to look up the second myself, blond hair grow like sunshine to giv- don't have to enter their contests. That because the dealer didn't know he ing my heavy midnight tresses health- may be a harsh attitude, but our view- On Complaints had any! ful cleanliness and a velvety sheen." point is that you're playing another "I have been to Public Service, the That may have what Miss King fellow's game, and if you want to stay These Are Constructive! General Electric dealer, three times for wants -but to us it sounds manufac- on the field, you have to follow his Too many contestants spend their an entry blank and haven't been able tured, is too flowery to be sincere, and rules. Isn't that fair enough? time complaining. A negative attitude to get one. They sent me to another doesn't give us a single original or un- doesn't win in contests, and whining is dealer who handles some G. E. items, usual impression of the product. We Contest Association a habit that grows when it gets started. and he told me, he didn't even know know that most of the winners in this contest aren't this kind -and we sug- Want to Join? If you have a contest question, send if, with stamped, self -addressed envelope. gest that you follow the analyses writ- There is a movement afoot that is fo "So You Like Contests." Dept. GC, c/o Radio Guide, 731 Plymouth Court, Chica- ten by Miss King which we offered last going to be powerful because it has its go, III. Send your stamped, self- addressed envelope to Dept. CL1 if you would like week. Don't pattern your entry after roots firmly buried in the rich soil of the complete list of current contests from which those above are selected. this one if you agree with us! 14 Radio Guide i Week Ending December 18. 1937 N RADIO GUIDE'S X -WORD PUZZLE VOICE OF THE LISTENER IT'S BEAUTIFUL-AND 7 10 1 y 2 3 4 5 6 B 9 * - THE RIGHT SIZE The "Voice of the Listener" letter II 12 13 I* 14 015 *16 17 IS JUST forum is a regular feature in Radio Guide each week, offered to the read- 19 20 Q 21 Q 22 ers as a means for expressing and ex- changing opinions about radio. 23 Each week Radio Guide will publish letters deserving our readers' attention. 25 r .* .. 27 THEY LIKE THE IDEA © * *M© Dear VOL: Prizes or no prizes, I do 2s 29 -: 30* 31 enjoy the Voice of the Listener and +MO will be glad to see it back. I like to ©.. write about my likes and dislikes and 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 also enjoy reading the views of others. ` AND BOY ! WHAT .' TONE -Jeane Husebur, Berkeley, Cal. 39 40 * ..:iï .:R> * * VOL: Concerning letters to this col- 41 42 43 -LIKE A MILLION DOLLARS umn, this reader harbors the opinion . a.. that while lack of monetary return Q44 45 ©4b 47 448 Q may discourage the volume of letters 49 50 51 52 submitted, it will tend to increase -sr their sincerity, rather than have them *53 54 be a presentation of phrasings which * /938 writers feel the powers- that -be would 55 Sb 57 SS 59 60 have them voice. Thus VOL becomes less of an echo and more of a true 61 62 63 4 .. :* 64 ;: 65 bb consensus of opinion, tinged with con- t structive criticism and providing step- bs 69 70 167 Emerson ping-stones along the pathway toward Q a desired perfection. Mary E. Lauber, Germantown, Pa. HORIZONTAL 60. Initials of Al Goodman 7. Nola -, songstress 61. To publish 8. Half an em XIX de 2 Whose orchestra plays on 64. Black horn -like fungus 9. Fly aloft MORE CHRISTMAS MUSIC the Fred Allen program? 65. Hess, concert soloist 10. Greatest in length Voice of the Listener: Now that the 11. An island 67. City in Nevada 12. Slipped /id holiday season is approaching and 14. Rowing implement 68. Pig pen 13. Dorothy -, songstress ro e ON Christmas only a few weeks off, I am 15. Seymour, announcer 69. Article 17. Restrains DESIGNED 16 -City in Norway 70. To lamb 18. Occupation looking forward to mu- THE ACOUSTIC the Christmas 19 Buddy -, singer 20. Roberts, announcer sic. I do so hope that radio will do 21 Abounding in palms VERTICAL 22. -Small fragments of wood PRINCIPLES its share fabric 29. chalcedony to enlighten the homes for 22 Closely woven Yellow OF THE HUMAN 23. Last name of in the 1. First name of the star in 31. Marshall, singer those who are confined and cannot star ITSELF! hear music and songs by any other portrait the portrait 32. Found under theater seats VOICE means. Last year it seemed as if the 24 Fred -, bandleader 2. Part of speech 33. Except, if not 25. Confusion 3. Negative 34. Masculine name 9be singers were afraid to sing the carols. 4. Juice of a plant Mecr To me 26. Baker, tenor 36. Island of medieval romance ucentarPnutD there really isn't any music 27 -Born 5. Exchanged 37. Wood joints as nice and sweet as the Christmas 28 Jimmy -, bandleader 6. Ruffner, announcer 38. Past of sit music and songs. Because we have to -brown - 42. Embraces the opinion of 30 Reddish wait a whole year for it, let's play 32 Cowboy of South American Solution to Puzzle one party and sing Christmas music until it pampas Given Last Week 43. Sinks in the mud hurts. I am sure that none tire of it.- 35 Narrates 45. Orderly, tidy Mrs. Gilbert J. Parik, Nutley, N. J. 39 Inner bone of the fore -arm 47. Lyman, bandleader 40 Van, songstress 48. -Slow moving streams 41 Billy -, orchestra leader (Scotch) 43 Edouard -, pioneer 49. Harry -, bandleader PROTEST French painter 50. Outdoor shooting game VOL: Here's to agree with the lady 44 Ethelbert -, famous 51. Molar from Des Moines who composer 52. Ann Leaf, "Little writes protest- 46 Victor -, maestro Annie" - ing about the yelling when announcers 48 A guide 56. Lyrical poem read their commercials. I am also one 49 Lives in, dwells 58. A sly inspection of the many who turn down the vol- 51 City of Will Osborne's birth 59. Decay ume when the "shouters" come on. 53. Petty thief 60. Constellation Am a steady listener to "The Gold - 54. Masculine name (poss.) 62. Within bergs." The announcer on that pro- 55. Thus 63. Preposition 57. Gait 65. Possessive of I gram tops them all by using the word Lanny tenor 66. Old form of you "Oxydol" so many times. I counted 59. -- them this morning and to my horror found that he actually named the Model AM -169 American, Foreign, Police Some Price Everywhere 539957 sponsor's article twenty times in the THE LIGHT MUSTN'T FAIL five minutes allotted before the sketch. last a small radio has been de- -Mrs. R. Dawe, New York, N. Y. N veloped that, for sheer beauty (Continued from Page 3) out to sea. And yet you can't hear 'em and naturalness of tone, for astonishing BIASED COMMENTATORS right down there under that bluff. power, ear -pleasing clarity, is so far out Voice of the Listener: I have often records," the Captain said. "He just They are what we call vibrating horns. in front it just has to be HEARD to be inside." wondered how other listeners react to makes me feel warm The vibrations are hurled out over the believed. It's the 1938 Emerson with the the product "And me, too," said Mrs. Buckridge. if at that the biased commenta- water, but you get down there set that is tors are trying to put over. Personally, "He always sings such soothing songs. the sea's edge you can't hear 'em at Miracle Tone Chamber -the I have not only turned the dial on Out here where the wind howls and all. In weather like this you can't see already acclaimed from Coast to Coast. them, but have refused to purchase the almost freezes the marrow in your my light very far, but you can hear No makeshift haphazard throwing to-. product because I felt confident that bones you like those comfy songs." my fog- horns. So the minute the look- gether of parts could achieve this new no matter how much the announcer took a set continues to say, "His remarks are un- "Well, what else do you listen to on outs on the ships hear 'em they start kind of radio performance. It censored," I am positive that his spon- the radio ?" I inquired. peering around -they know they are ingeniously engineered from top to bottom sor is in agreement. With so many "Everything. I turn it on in the getting close to old Montauk. to do it ... crowned with radio's outstand- dictators flourishing, we in America morning and it stays on until I go to "Do all sailors stay on the lookout ing achievement for 1938 -the Miracle have something to be proud of, but I sleep. We like the funny stuff, too - for lighthouses ?" Tone Chamber -designed on the acoustic wonder if we have to reason be proud Jack Benny and Eddie Cantor." "Only the lookouts and the men on principles of the human voice itself. of our free speech when it is so wan- Crosby had switched to "The Moon the bridge. When the weather gets tonly abused. On the radio we hear in My Eyes," but there was no soupy you will see 'em clasp a mega- Hear These 1938 Emersons such vitriolic utterances, the commen- Got tators not stating that they are merely moon visible at Montauk. The clouds phone to their ears and listen. Then They offer every modern accepted radio giving their own personal opinions but were black and ominous, and the sea when they hear the fog -horn they principle cabinets fashioned of beauti- from out of a light." ... giving them as if they were facts. We was surly. And suddenly start peering for ful hand -rubbed walnut. 48 different mod- a long, low rumbling. your big light and believe in free speech and endorse all the night came "But suppose majority debates which give both sides of the "What's that ?" I demanded. your emergency light and your fog- els and types to choose from -the question a chance to be heard, but the "Them's the fog -horns," said Cap- horn all went out? And there was in the smaller modern sizes. Priced from biased commentator makes untrue tain Buckridge, smiling. "Did you no- nothing but darkness here ?" n $14.95 up. Write for catalog and statements with no one following to tice those two trumpet -looking things The captain squared his shoulders I name of nearest Emerson dealer. refute or explain the wild statements. engine house? Well, those and looked at me. In our family we have taken a vow out by the are the fog- horns. When the weather "Supposing the world came to an 'EllErsó><, EMERSON RADIO AND PHONOGRAPH never to buy anything that is sold by tlet CORPORATION, NEW YORK, N.Y. the sponsor of a biased commentator. gets soupy they sound off every min- end," he said a bit sarcastically. "The v -Mrs. Flo Garon, Katonah, N. Y. ute. You can hear 'em for thirty miles lights mustn't fail." WORLD'S LARGEST MAKER OF SMALL RADIOS

N Radio Guida Week Ending December 18. 1937 15 NEWS COMEDY Sunday Sunday Ei..dlines & Bylines. H. V. YOUR PROGRAM Baker, Phil, comedian; Lu- ]teibern; Bob Trout; SELECTOR cille Ball, comedienne; Le is Browne, 10:30 p.m. Beetle and Bottle; Oscar CBS. This Is An Exclusive Radio Guide Feature, Published on Alternate Weeks Bradley's orchestra, 7:30 R.sd1. Newsreel. Parks John - p.m. CBS. se and Wallace Butter- Bicycle Party. Swor and Lu- worth Interviewing persons brit, Slater, Eastern Standard Time 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 comedians; Bill Ls the week's headlines, 3 Ci... I. Li.,i.9, as. ..w. e.,.. sports commentator, mas- RI.. I .a ... P. P.., P... Pa P... P... F. P.a p... p.. .id. p m. SC-R. a. Pa ter of ceremonies and in- V.iaebell, Walter. 9:30 & Central Standard Time 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 terviewing sports celebri- ..a .a .a ..a ... p... p... P... p... p... P... P... p... 11:15 p.m. NBC -B. Pa P... P. ties ; Bert Whaley, bari- tone; Hugo Mariani's or- 9.55 a.m CBS; 11 a.m. Mountain Standard Time 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .... a...... e...... Pan. chestra, p.m. NBC- a »e. p... p... p . p... p... p... p... p... p... 3:30 NBC-R & NBC -B; 11 R. p.m. NBC -B; 11:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Chase & Sanborn. Don Ame- NBC-R. ..a ..a e.-. .... e... ..a .e« p... p... p...... p... p... pa.. p. . p... che, m.c.; Nelson Eddy, Monday baritone; Stroud Twins, comedians; Edgar Bergen Baker, Captain Bob. Holly- & Charlie McCarthy; Dor- wood News and Interviews. Program Selector Time Is Eastern Standard. Use This Table to Find Yours othy Lamour, songs; Or- Mon. thru Fri. 1:45 p.m. dir. Robert Arm- CBS. chestra, The Program Selector is a classified index of network programs -listing each pro- bruster, Sun. 8 p.m. NBC- Carter, Boake. News Com- gram in complete mentator. Mon. Wed Fri. detail under its particular classification and that of any one of its Fun Bug. Billy Franz, com- 7:45 p.m. (11:15 p.m. for individual stars. For example: if the program as a whole is of a varied nature you will edian; Male West) CBS. Chorus; Or- find it under "Variety." However, should there be a comedian or concert star on the chestra, 2 p.m. CBS. Cravens, Kathryn. News same program it can also be found Jell -O Program. Jack Benny; Through a Woman's Eyes, under "Comedy" or "Classical." Look for your favor- ite program in the Selector in Eastern Mary Livingstone ; Kenny Mon. Wed. Fri. 2 p.m. Standard Time, find your time in the table above, Baker; Sam Andy (5:30 p.m. for West) CBS. to RADIO Hearn; then turn the GUIDE program pages to find your station carrying the program. Devine ; Phil Harris' Or- Hill, Edwin C. News Com- chestra; Don Wilson, Sun. mentator. Mon. thru Fri. 7 p.m. (11:30 p.m. for 12:15 p.m. CBS. West) NBC-R. Johnson, General Hugh. News Smallens, director Sym- Bill Perry, tenor; Mixed Coolidge String Quartet. Metropolitan Opera Com- Penner, Joe, comedian. Gene Commentator. Mon. & phony orchestra; Mixed Chorus; Gus Haenschen's 5:45 p.m. CBS. pany. 1:55 p.m. NBC -B. Austin, tenor; Julie Gib- Thurs. 8 p.m.; Tues. & Chorus, directed by Hans orchestra. 9 :30 p.m. CBS. Malt, Fuerst; Richard Gordon, Metropolitan Opera Com- Saturday Night Serenade. son, songs; Coco and Wed. 10 p.m. NBC -B. pany. 1:55 p.m. NBC -B. Mary Eastman, c o m i c instrumentalists; commentator; Guest, 10 CLASSICAL soprano; Jimmie Thomas, Lowell. News Cotn- p.m. NBC -R. Saturday Night Serenade. Bill Perry, tenor; Mixed Grier's orchestra. mentator, Mon. thru Fri. Mary Eastman, soprano; Chorus; Gus Haenschen's 6. p.m. CBS. 6:45 p.m. NBC Romantic . Rhythm. Sally Sunday orchestra, -B. Nelson, songs; Barry Mc- Bill Perry, tenor; Mixed 9:30 p.m. CBS. Sen. Fishtace and Prof. 9:25 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. CBS; Kinley, baritone; Seymour Chase & Sanborn. Don Ame- Chorus; Gus Haenschen's Figgsbottle, comedians. 9:40 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Simons' orchestra; Basil che, m.c.; Nelson Eddy, orchestra. 9:30 p.m. CBS. DANCE Jack Douglas, master of NBC-R; 9:40 a.m. & 5:10 Ruysdale, master of cere- baritone; Stroud Twins, ceremonies ; The Showmen p.m. NBC -B. comedians; Edgar Bergen ORCHESTRAL Sunday Quartet; Norman Clou - monies. 6:30 p.m. CBS. tier's orchestra. 3 :30 p.m. Tuesday Talley, Marion,' soprano. Jo- & Charlie McCarthy; Dor- Calloway, Cab, orchestra, othy Lamour, songs; Or- Sunday Sun. 11:30 NBC -B. Fidler, Hollywood sef Koestner's orch. 5 p.m. p.m. & Thurs. Jimmie, NBC chestra, dir. Robert Arm- Chase & Sanborn. Don Ame- 11 p.m. CBS. Tim and Irene. Hal Gordon, News, Tues. & Fri. 10:30 -R. bruster. 8 p.m. NBC-R. che, m.c.; Nelson Eddy, songs; D'Artegá s orches- p.m. NBC Lombardo, Guy, orchestra. -R. Monday Fireside Recitals. Helen baritone; Stroud Twins, Sun. tra, 6:30 p.m. MBS. Hollywood Screen Scoops. Marshall, comedians; Edgar Bergen 5:30 p.m. CBS. Contented Hour. Lullaby soprano; Sigurd Ozzie Nelson's Time of Your Life. Shelia George McCall. Tues. Thur. Lady; Male Quartet; Or- Nilssen, basso; Frank St. & Charlie McCarthy; Dor- Orchestra. Barrett, impersonator; 7:15 p.m. (11:15 p.m. for Leger, pianist othy Lamour, songs; Or- Harriet Hilliard, songs; chestra directed by Frank - composer. Feg Murray, Graham McNamee, master West) CBS. Black; Choir directed by 7:30 p.m. NBC -R. chestra, dir. Robert Arm- cartoonist; of ceremonies; Joe Rines, bruster. 8 p.m. NBC -R. Guests. 7:30 p.m. NBC - 9:25 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. CBS; Noble Cain. 10 p.m. NBC- General Motors Concert B. comedian & orchestra lead- 9:40 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. R. Company. Symphony or- General Motors Concert er. S:30 p.m. NBC -R. NBC -R; 9:40 a.m. & 5:10 chestra, Company. Symphony Or- Romantic Rhythm. Sally Nel- Hour of Charm. Phil Spital- direction Erno son, songs; Thirty Minutes in Holly- p.m. NBC -B. ny's Girl Orch. 9:30 p.m. Rapee. 8 p.m. NBC -B. chestra, direction Erno Ra- Barry Mc- wood. George Jessel, co- pee. 8 p.m. NBC Kinley, baritone; Seymour Wednesday NBC -R. Magic Key. Symphony Or- -B. Simons' median; Norma Talmadge; Magic Key. orchestra ; Basil Amy Arnell; Tommy Poetic Melodies. Jack Fulton, chestra, direction Frank Symphony Or- Ruysdale, master of Skolsky, Sid. Hollywood Black; chestra, direction Frank cere- Tucker's Orchestra ; The News. p.m. NBC tenor; Franklyn MacCor- Linton Wells, jour- monies, 6:30 p.m. CBS. 8:30 -B. mack; Mon. nalist; Milton Cross, nar- Black; Linton Wells, jour- Tommy Tucker Trio; Dor- Orchestra. othy McNulty. 6 p.m. 9:25 a.m. & i.30 p.m. CBS; thru Fri. 7 & 11 p.m. CBS. rator. 2 p.m. NBC -B. nalist; Milton Cross, nar- 9:40 a.m. & p.m. rator. 2 p.m. NBC-B. Monday MBS. 6:30 Voice of Firestone. Charles Metropolitan Opera Audi- Gray, NBC-R :40 a.m. & 5:10 tions Open House. Guest; Josef Glen, Orchestra. Mon. Monday p.m. NBC-B. Kullman, tenor; Orchestra, of the Air. Wilfred 11 p.m.; Fri. 11 p.m. CBS. direction Alfred Wallen- Pelletier Conducting Met- Pasternack's Orchestra. 7 Burns & Allen. Ray Noble's ropolitan Opera Orch.; p.m. CBS. Hall, George, orchestra, Mon. orchestra; Tony Martin, Thursday stein. 8 :30 p.m. (11 :30 Tues. 6:30 p.m.; Sat. March of p.m. for West) NBC-R. Guests. 5 p.m. NBC -B. Philharmonic-Symphony So- 12:30 tenor. 8 p.m. (10:30 p.m. Time. News Dra- ciety of New York. John p.m. CBS. for West) NBC -R. matization, 8:30 p.m. Tuesday Open House. Guest; Josef Heidt, Horace, NBC-B. Pasternack's Orchestra. 7 Barbirolli, conductor, 3 orchestra. 8 Fibber McGee and Molly. Hollywood Mardi Gras. Lan- p.m. CBS. p.m. CBS. p.m. (12 mid. for West) 9:25 a.m. & p.m. CBS; CBS. Marian and Jim Jordan; 6:25 ny Ross, tenor; Jane Radio 9 9 :40 a.m. & 6 :30 p.m. Philharmonic -Symphony So- City Music Hall. Sym- Ted Weems' orchestra, Rhodes, songs; Charles ciety of New York. John phony Orchestra, directed Himber, Richard, Orchestra. p.m. (12 mid. for west) NBC-R; 9 :40 a,m. & 5:10 Butterworth, c o m e d is Wed.- 11:30 p.m. NBC-B. n; Barbirolli, conductor, 3 by Erno Rapee; Guest p.m.; Thurs. NBC -R. Ruby Mercer, soprano; p.m. CBS. Artists. 12:30 p.m. NBC - 12:30 a.m. CBS. Pipe Smoking Time. Pick Raymond Paige's Orch.; B. Hour of Charm. Friday Guest. 9:30 p.m. NBC-R. Radio City Music Hall. Sym- Phil Spital- and Pat, blackface come-. Holmes, George phony Orchestra, directed Rising Musical Star. Alex ny's Girl Orchestra. 9:30 dians; Edward Roecker, R., chief of Vocal Varieties, T u e s., Smallens, director Sym- p.m. NBC -R. baritone; Benny Kreuger's the Washington Bureau of Thurs. by Erno Rapee; Guest International News Ser- 7:15 p.m. (11:15 Artists. 12 :30 p.m. NBC - phony orchestra; Mixed King, Wayne, orchestra. Mon. orchestra, 8:30 p.m. (11:30 p.m. for West, Tues. only) Chorus, directed by Hans 10 p.m for west) CBS. vice. 11 p.m. NBC -R. NBC-R. B. p.m. CBS; Tues. Wed. Rising Musical Star. Alex Fuerst; Richard Gordon, 8:30 p.m. NBC -R. Tuesday Thompson, Dorothy. People Wednesday commentator, 10 p.m. in the News, 10:45 p.m. Smallens, director Sym- NBC -R. Tuesday Al Jolson Show. Martha Raye, NBC -R. Chesterfield Program. Andre phony orchestra; Mixed ; Chorus, Sunday Evening Hour. Sym- Fio-Rito, Ted, songs Parkyakarkus,com- a.m. & 6.:30 p.m. Kostelanetz' Orch.; Deems directed by Hans orchestra, edian; Victor Young's or- 9:25 CBS; Fuerst; Richard Gordon, phony Orchestra, direction Tues. Fri. 12:30 a.m. 9:40 a.m. & 6:30 p.m Taylor, commentator & of Eugene CBS. chestra, 8:30 p.m. (11:30 Guest Artist. 9 p.m. CBS commentator; Guest, 10 Ormandy; Melody Puzzles. p.m. for west) CBS. NBC -R; 9:40 a.m. & 5:10 p.m. NBC-R. Guest Artists, 9 p.m. CBS. Richard p.m. NBC -B. Your Hollywood Parade. Dick Himber's Orchestra. 8 p.m. Sunday MBS. Hollywood Mardi Gras. Lan- Powell, m.c. ; Rosemary Evening Hour. Sym- Monday ny Ross. tenor; Charles Saturday Lane, vocalist; phony Orchestra, direction Orchestra of Eugene Contented Hour. Lullaby Olsen, George, orchestra, Butterworth. comedian: 9:55 a.m. & 6:25 p.m. CBS; direction Leo Forbstein; Ormandy; Lady; Male Quartet; Or- Tues. Thurs. 11:30 p.m. & Ruby Mercer, soprano; Choral Ensemble directed Chorus; Guest Artists, chestra directed Sat. 5:15 p.m. 9:40 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. p.m. CBS. by Frank CBS. Jane Rhodes, songs; Dan NBC -R & NBC -B. by Dudley Chambers; Film Black; Choir directed by Swing School. Wilson; Raymond Paige's 10 Benny Good - Guest Stars. p.m. Talley, Marion, soprano. Jo- Noble Cain, 9:30 p.m. man's orchestra. Wed. 10 orchestra. 9:30 p.m. NBC- LIGHT MUSIC NBC -R. sef Koestner's orch. 5 NBC -R. p.m.; Sat. 11 p.m. NBC -R. p.m. CBS Jack Thursday Hour of Charm. Phil Spital- Oakie's College. Stuart Sunday Monday ny's Girl Orch. 9:30 p.m. Wednesday Erwin, Raymond Hatton Kraft Music Hall. Bing Cros- NBC -R. comedians; Harry Barris, American Album of Familiar by, Bob Burns, Chorus, Philadelphia Orchestra. Guest Dailey. Frank, orchestra songs; Camel Chorus; Music. conductor. 9 p.m. NBC -B. Philadelphia Orchestra. Guest Wed. 6:15 p.m.; Sat. 4:45 Georgie Stoll's orchestra Jean Dickenson, Johnny Trotter's Orch. conductor. 9 p.m. NBC soprano; Frank Munn. and Guests. 10 p.m. Voice of Firestone. Charles -B. p.m. CBS. 9:30 p.m. CBS. tenor; Arden and Arden, NBC-R. Kullman, tenor; Orchestra, Voice of Firestone. Charles Dùchin, Eddy, orchestra. 8 Watch the Fun Go By. Al Kullman, tenor; p.m. NBC -B. piano duo; Bertrand Good News of 1938. Film direction Alfred Wallen- Orchestra, Pearce and His Gang; Ar- Hirsch, violinist; Haen- stein. 8:30 p.m. (11:30 direction Alfred Wallen- line Harris, human chat- Stars; Meredith Willson's stein. 8:30 p.m. (11 :30 Thursday schen Concert Orchestra p.m. for West) NBC -R. terbox ; Tizzie Lish, come- 9:30 p.m. Orch. Chorus. 9 p.m. p.m. for West) NBC -R. NBC -R. NBC-R. Tuesday Vallee, Rudy, orchestra. dian; Carl Hoff's orchestra, American Radio Warblers Tuesday Tommy (Betty Lou) 9 p.m. (12 mid. for west) Friday Music Riggs; CBS. 11:45 a.m. MBS. Guild. Guest Instru- Hollywood Mardi Gras. Lan- Guests, 8 p.m. Chase & Sanborn. Don Ame- Cities Service Concert. Lu- mentalists, Tues. 2:30 p.m. NBC -R. Wednesday cille Manners, soprano; NBC -B, Thurs. 2 p.m. ny Ross, tenor; Jane che, m.c.; Nelson Eddy. NBC -R. Rhodes, songs; Charles Friday Minstrel Show. Gene Arnold. baritone; Stroud Twins, Revelers Quartet, Rosario Butterworth, comedian; interlocutor. Wed. 9:30 comedians; Edgar Bergen Bourdon's orch. 8 p.m. Wednesday Ruby Dorsey, Tommy, orchestra. p.m. NBC NBC -R. Mercer, soprano; Edythe Wright -B. & Charlie McCarthy; Dor- Andre Raymond Paige's Orch.; & Jack Texaco Town. Eddie othy Lamour, songs; Or- Hollywood Hotel; Ken Chesterfield Program. Leonard, songs; Neil O'- Castor Mur- Kostelanetz' orch. ; Deems Guest. 9:30 p.m. NBC-R. comedian; Deanna Durbin chestra, dir. Robert Arm- ray & Hara's Oddities in the Oswald, comedians Taylor, commentator & soprano; Pinky Tomlin. bruster 8 p.m. NBC -R. Anne Jamison, soprano Wednesday News; Paul Stewart, m.c. Guest Artists, 9 p.m. CBS. 9:30 p.m. songs; Jacques Renar'' Fireside Raymond Paige's Orch. Chesterfield Program. Andre NBC -B. orchestra; Vyola Vonn; Recitals. Helen Jerry Cooper, baritone Curtis Institute of Music. 4 Kostelanetz' orch.; Deems .Music from Hollywood. Hal Marshall, soprano; Sigurd Frances Langford, p.m. CBS. James Wallington. 8:30 Nilssen, basso; Frank St. blues; Taylor, commentator; Kemp's orchestra; Alice p.m. (11:30 p.m. for West) Leger, pianist - composer. Louella Parsons & Guests, Friday Guest Artists, 9 p.m. CBS. Faye, songs. 8:30 p.m. CBS. 9 p.m. CBS. Curtis Institute of Music, 4 11:30 p.m. for West) 7:30 p.m. NBC -R. Cities Service Concert. Lu- p.m. CBS. CBS. Town Hall Tonight. Fred Manhattan Merry- Go-Round. Song Shop. Kitty Carlisle; cille Manners, soprano; Allen & Portland Hoffa; Frank Crumit; Reed Ken- Revelers Quartet; Rosario Friday Walsh, Mary Jane, songs. Town Hall Quartet; Peter Rachel Carley; Pierre Le- nedy; Alice Cornett; Song Nat Brusiloff's Orchestra. Kreun; Men About Town Bourdon's orch. 8 p.m. Cities Service Concert. Lu- Van Steeden's orchestra: Shop Quartet; Twenty -two NBC 7:45 & 8 p.m. (11:15 p.m. Guests. 9 p.m. (12 mid. Trio; Don Donnie's orch., Voice Glee Club, direction -R. cille Manners, soprano; for West) MBS. 9 p.m. NBC -R. Columbia Concert Hall. Guest Revelers for West) NBC-R. Ken Christie; Orchestra, Quartet; Rosario Waltz Time. Abe Open House. Guest; Josef direction Gustave Haen- Instrumentalists. 3 p.m. Bourdon's orch. 8 p.m. Lyman's Your Hollywood Parade. Dick CBS. NBC-R. orchestra; Frank Munn, Powell, master of cere- Pasternack's Orchestra. 7 schen. 10 p.m. CBS. tenor. 9 p.m. NBC p.m. CBS. Music Appreciation Hour. Music Appreciation Hour. -R. monies; Rosemary Lane, Waltz Time. Abe Lyman's Dr. Walter Damrosch, vocalist; Orchestra direc- Radio City Music Hall. Sym- Orch.; Frank Munn, tenor. Dr. Walter Damrosch, Saturday Leo conductor. 2 p.m. NBC-B conductor. 2 p.m. NBC -B tion Forbstein; Choral phony Orchestra, directed 9 p.m. NBC-R. at NBC -R. Your Hit Parade. Harry Ensemble directed by Dud- by Erno Rapee; Guest & NBC -R. Salter's Orchestra; Fredda ley Chambers; Film Guest Artists. 12:30 p.m. NBC- Saturday Saturday Saturday Gibson & Buddy Clark, vo- Stars. 10 p.m. NBC -R. B. Saturday Night Serenade. Cincinnati Conservatory of Coolidge String Quartet. calists; Male Quartet, 10 Rising Musical Star. Alex Mary Eastman, soprano; Music, 11 a.m. CBS. 5:45 p.m. CBS. p.m. CBS. (Continued on Page 18) 16 Rodio Guide Week Ending December 18. 1937 a ive Practical "GLORY IN THE AIR" (":::j BY A. E. ALEXANDRE iffs This Christmas.

T'S TEN O'CLOCK on Sunday night. method of doing their job with re- Radio Guide Christmas subscription is The shouting and the tumult of sults that have astounded them. A A the "show" programs of Jack look at the columns of RADIO GUIDE a that will last all year. Let fine music, Benny, Joe Penner and the rest proves this assertion. Rev. Harry Fos- gift have died out, and the families of dick, famed pastor of the Rockefeller drama, world affairs, inspiring America are getting ready to retire Church in New York, reaches millions stirring with jokes, laughter and music ring- with his inspiring talks where here- personalities express your Christmas spirit ing in their ears. It's been an excit- tofore thousands unsuccessfully sought ing night. entrance to his church in the metropo- Suddenly into a million homes so lis. The Roman Catholic Church, the We can announce SPECIAL CHRISTMAS RATES -U. S. AND CANADA quietly after the hectic radio applause Jewish Synagogues, all . are using and clatter of clapping there comes radio with mounting success. It is your gift Christmas ] Yearly Subscription of 52 issues $ 4.00 a soft voice singing a tune familiar to one program, apart from sustaining week with a rich 2 Yearly Subscriptions of 52 issues 7.00 of programs, the gets millions of listeners: "Sweet Hour where listener 52 issues 10.00 Prayer, sweet hour of prayer that calls what he says he seeks, "education Christmas gift let 3 Yearly Subscriptions of is no 1 Six Months Subscription of 26 issues 2.50 me from a world of care ." A hush minus advertising," for there ter over your name. comes over the family circle . . commercialism in these broadcasts 2 Six Months Subscriptions of 26 issues 4.50 On Sunday night . . . it's still the and no one must buy a cake of soap 3 Six Months Subscriptions of 26 issues 6.00 "Lord's Day" to millions of Americans or a can of coffee. . God speaks a world of comfort and cheer to His people before they ONE of the earliest of the nationally retire to their beds in peace and well -known evangelists to give up Radio Guide, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago. quietness. It's a strange and a wel- the tabernacle and joint -meeting meth- come aftermath to the mentally ex- ods of conducting great revival cam- Please send Radio Guide as ordered herewith to the following per- hilarating programs of the earlier paigns, like those of the late Billy sons. Also, send, in my name, your special Christmas Gift Letter: of prayer." and Smith, was Rev. hours, this "sweet hour Sunday Gypsy Name 1 yr. Finally at 10:30 the words of the F. F. Bosworth, who hails from River speaker come: "Good night, and God Forest, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Address 6 mo. bless YOU," a personal benediction on For twenty years Mr. Bosworth which thousands of listeners retire conducted some of the biggest meet- Name 1 yr. with a sense of security. ings ever conducted in America and That's radio. The particular pro- Canada, where thousands packed the Address 6 mo.

gram referred to comes from station largest auditoriums of the country to Name 1 yr. WCFL, Chicago. Listeners have heard hear him. it now continuously every Sunday Today, after three years on the Address 6 mo. night for almost three years; thou- radio from Chicago, he says he can sands upon, thousands have written reach more people in a week of Enclosed herewith is my remittance of $ the preacher, Rev. F. F. Bosworth, of broadcasting than he preached to in River Forest, Illinois, telling him these two decades of constantly going My name is what peace it brought to them on the up and down America. Address Sunday night and the courage it gave If Billy Sunday were alive today he them to face the tasks of Monday. could talk to a greater audience in Clip This Coupon and Mail to RADIO GUIDE, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois Every week sees an increase in the one broadcast than he spoke to during number of little church bells shown his entire lifetime or would speak to on RADIO GUIDE'S program announce- if he conducted meetings for another ments, the tiny bells calling the peo- thousand years! And other great ple to worship, and more and more are evangelists, like Bosworth in Chicago, AT LAST! preachers of all sects and denomina- are doing it, with spiritual results that, All your prints in natural color. Amazingly AND PAY YOU UP TO 410 IN A DAY beautifuL Roll developed, 8 natural color Amazing new ideal Wear this splendid suit and III tions coming of radio says, pike for it if you'll follow my easy, plan_ and alify. to see the value he are "so astonishing that they prints, 25c. Reprints, 3c. Fast service. wilt fine woolens, Onion tailored totto your as a means of spreading the message are breath -taking sometimes." eh ÿur friends. upp NATURAL COLOR PHOTO honor, Noi`xper nceineeded. ACTUAL of religion. Radio is becoming the The writer talked to Mr. Bosworth, SAMPLESg FREE! Write today for details of sensa- "hand -maid of the church," not only who because he has made a record by Dept. C -100, Janesville, Wis. tional e w plan and .tuai Samples. SEND NO Id t l NNH. J. Graves, Pres. SNE -FIELD CORP., in America but throughout the world, broadcasting every day of the week 1300 W. Harrison, Dopt. i -71 s, Chicago. especially in England where the very for nearly three years over six sta- conservative Church of England has tions now (two being by means of recently put on special radio services electrical transcription) and every direct from the studios of the British morning without a break from Station Broadcasting System with tremendous WJJD in Chicago, delivering a thou- * GET ON "UNCLE SAM'S" PAYROLL. * increase in church attendance. sand different sermons in that time, itself a record. Mr. Bosworth was TIME was when evangelists looked just getting into his car at the time. on the radio as an instrument which It was a striking outfit, black with Many 1938 Appointments Expected kept people away from church. It was gold letters on its side and back tell- not so long ago that preachers and ing the whole story. Even more strik- evangelists believed that if they in- ing was the car adjoining, which his $1140 TO $2100 FIRST YEAR stalled radio microphones in their wife, who also broadcasts every Sun- churches and tabernacles the people day morning, was entering to person- INFLUENCE NOT NEEDED would sit home and listen and not ally visit some of her listeners in Most Government examinations include Mental Tests. Try yourself. Answer the following problems and mail at once. Our examiners will correct your work, and return it. The come out to hear them in person. All Chicago who had asked for a personal result U. S. Examination. efforts of radio broadcasting studios visit of a pastoral nature. It was should tell you the possibility of a high rating on the Government to get them to install remote controls snow -white with the story of the MENTAL TEST met with rebuffs. Today all that is National Radio Revival on the sides. changed, and the very reverse of what 1. The presiding officer of the Senate is the (1) President, (2) Vice President, (8) Secretary of War. the clergy felt would happen has come IWHEN God spoke to Moses," said No. of Answer to pass. By broadcasting of sermons, Mr. Bosworth, "He spoke in a 2. A mail carrier sorts 9/10 of his mail in 72 minutes. Now many minutes will it take him to sort people, the Federation of Churches of voice of thunder, and the radio is sim- all his mail Christ in America has said, get a hun- ply a iltilization of the electrical thun- Answer ger for religion and the first thing der that has always been in the air, 3. Roof is to building as ceiling is to (1) house, (2) barn, (8) room, (4) cottage. they know folks who have not at- harnessed to carry His message today Answer tended church in years are back in to the peoples of the world. He still 4. To be sure of the meaning of a word refer to a (1) paper, (2) magazine. (8) dictionary. the pews again, because of listening literally speaks in a voice of thunder!" Answer to some preacher on the air! 111ír. Bosworth said that he thought he 5. Profit is to loss as plenty is to (1) people. (2) money, (8) famine, (4) business, (5) country. Some of the world's most famous spoke for every preacher and evangel- Answer "big name" preachers are now on the ist in America when he declared that e. If I can read 10 letters in 40 minutes, how long will it take me to read 28 letters! air, and the number is increasing con- "tens of thousands of people have been Answer stantly. Censorship, such as is con- given the opportunity of hearing re- 7. New York City is (1) North, (2) South, (8) East, (4) West, of Los Angeles, California. stantly threatening the motion- picture ligious principles who otherwise Answer industry, need never be feared by would have died in darkness, despite 8. The saying, "Haste makes waste" means most nearly: (1) Do not let haste betray you into radio as long as the airlanes are open all church efforts." He said: "I will imprudence. (2) It is injurious to be precipitate and delay is also frequently injurious. (8) The .to the call of the churches, because, never get tired thanking God for man is wise who does everything in its proper time. despite all assertions to the contrary, putting it into the heart of scientists Answer Americans are God -loving people. to invent this instrument which trans- Franklin Institute, Dept. L198, . Shut -ins, who before religion went mits and enables people to hear the Rochester, N. Y. on the air, had to be satisfied with the gospel message, and I am sure every I send you my work on Mental Test No. 4. Kind! y have your examiners correot this work and return to me with my rating and at no cost to me. Kindly send 82 page book "How to Get a II. 8. occasional visit of their pastor, "for minister and evangelist feels as I do." GOVERNMENT JOB" and full information regarding Government Jobs. Send list of Jobs and tell a moment of prayer'," now can sit in These religious programs, which are me how to get one. their wheel- found chairs and literally revel "belled" with the chime in the Name in that which means so much to the daily programs shown in RADIO GUIDE, sick person - religious consolation. are well worth while and have mil- Address From Coast to Coast ministers and lions of "fans," if such a word can Age evangelists are now utilizing this be used without sacrilege.

E Radie Guido Week Ending December 18. ley 17 (Continued from Page 16) March of Time. Dramatiza- Martha and Hal, songs and Glenn Cross & Genevieve Jack Haley, comedian. Vii Tom Mix' Straight Shooters tion of the week's news. otter. Sun 11 a..,mS. Wed., Rowe, vocalists Ray ginia Verrill, songs; Wen- Mon. thru Fri. 5:45 & Thursday 8:30 p.m. NBC-R. p.Fri., 9:45 a.m. ME Block & Swing Fourteen. dy Barrie; Warren Hull, 6:45 p.m. NBC -B. We, The People. Gabriel Nelson's, Ozzie, orch.; Har- Tues. 8 p.m. (11:30 p.m. master of ceremonies; Ted Kate Smith Hour. Benny for West) NBC-R. Sat. Rito's Uncle Ezra's Radio Station Youngman, Jack Heatter, director; Mark riet Hilliard, songs; Feg Fio- orchestra. 8:30 E- Z -R-A. Pat Barrett; comedian; 7 8:30 p.m. (11:30 p.m. for p.m. (12:30 a.m. for Miller's orchestra; Guests. Warnow's orchestra. :30 Murray, cartoonist; Guests, Mon. Wed. Fri. 7:15 p.m. p.m. (10:30 p.m. for West) 7:30 p.m. NBC -B. West) CBS. West) NBC -R. (11:15 p.m. for West) 8 p.m. (11 :30 p.m. for CBS. west) CBS. Penner, Joe, comedian; Gene Watch the Fun Go By. Al Johnny Presents. Chas. Mar- NBC -R. Pearce & His Gang; Arline tin; Russ Morgan's Kraft Music Hall. Bing Friday Austin, songs; Julie Gib- Or- Vic & Sade. Mon. thru son, songs; & Malt, Harris, human chatterbox; chestra; Frances Adair, Crosby; Bob Burns, come- Death Valley Days. 8:30 Coco Tizzie Lish, Carl Fri. 11:30 a.m. NBC -B & p.m. NBC comic instrumentalists;iJimmy comedian; Glenn Cross & Genevieve 3:30 p.m. NBC-R. dian; Johnny Trotter's -B. Hoff's orchestra. 9 p.m. Rowe, vocalists; Ray orchestra; 10 p.m. Grier's orchestra. Guests. First Nighter. Barbara Lud- p.m. CBS. (12 mid. for West) CBS. Block & Swing Fourteen. Tuesday NBC -R. dy & Les Tremayne. 10 8:30 p.m. (11:30 p.m. for Good News of 1938. Film p.m. NBC -R. Radio Newsreel. Parks John- Wednesday West) CBS. Easy Aces. Jane & Goodman son & Wallace Butter- Ace, Tues. Wed. Thurs. 7 Stars; Chorus; Meredith Grand Central Station. 8 worth Interviewing Per- Hobby Lobby. Dave El- Willson's Orchestra. 9 p.m. NBC -B. man; Stuart Allen, tenor; p.m. NBC -B. p.m. NBC sons in the Week's Head- SERIAL -R. True Story Court. 9:30 p.m. lines. 3 Harry Salter's Orchestra. Famous Actors' Guild. Helen p.m. NBC -R. in Second Vallee's Varieties. Tommy (11:30 p.m. for West) Sen. Fisbface & Prof. Figgs- 7:15 p.m. (10:30 p.m. for Sunday Menken "Her (Betty Lou) Riggs, come- NBC -R. bottle, comedians. Jack West) CBS. Husband." 7 :30 p.m. dian; Guests. 8 p.m. NBC - Douglas, master of cere- Minstrel Show. Gene Arnold, Jean Hersholt in "Dr. Chris- CBS. R. TALKS monies; The Showmen interlocutor. Wed. 9:30 tian." 2:30 p.m. (5:30 p.m. Wednesday Quartet; Norman Clou- p.m. NBC -B. for West) CBS. Friday Sunday tier's Hello, Peggy. Wed. & Fri. orchestra. 3 :30 p.m. Texaco Town. Eddie Cantor, One Man's Family. (12:30 11:45 a.m. NBC -R. Hammerstein's Music Hall. Cheerio, inspirational talk. NBC -B. comedian; Deanna Durbin, a.m. for West only). Wed. Ted Hammerstein, m.c.; 10:30 p.m. NBC-B. Sunday Afternoon with Smil- soprano; Renard's 8 p.m. NBC -R. One Man's Family. 8 p.m. Jerry Mann, comedian; ing Ed. McConnell. Choral Jacques (Sun. 12:30 a.m. for West) Music Hall orchestra; The Zenith Foundation. 10 Group; Robert Orchestra: Pinky Tomlin; Tale of Today. 6:30 p.m. NBC-R. p.m. CBS. Trendler's Vyola Vonn; James Wall- NBC -R. Guests, 8 p.m. CBS. Orch. 5:30 p.m. NBC -B. ington. 8:30 p.m. (11:30 Hollywood Hotel. Ken Mur- Monday Thirty Minutes in Holly- p.m. for West) CBS. Monday CHILDREN'S ray & Oswald, comedians; wood. George Jessel; Nor- Anne Jamison. soprano; Dafne, Dr. Allan Roy, Medi- ma Talmadge; A m y Town Hall Tonight. Fred Amos 'n' Andy. Mon. thru Sunday Frances Langford, blues; cal Talk for Mothers, Mon. Arnell; Tommy Tucker's Allen & Portland Hoffa; Fri. 7 & 11 p.m. NBC -R. Wed. Fri. 4:45 p.m. CBS. orchestra; The Tommy Town Hall Quartet; Peter Arnold Coast To Coast On a Bus or Jerry Cooper, baritone; Van Steeden's Orchestra; Grimm's Daughter. White Rabbit Line. Mil- Loucha Parsons & Guests. Kingsley, Myra, astrology. Tucker Trio. 6 p.m. MBS. Mon. thru Fri. 1:30 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. 11:45 a.m. Tim and Irene. Hal Gordon, Guests. 9 p.m. (12 mid. ton J. Cross, conducting, 9 p.m. CBS. for West) NBC CBS. 9 a.m. NBC -B. (1:30 p.m. for West) songs; D'Artega's orches- -R. Aunt 6 Jenny's Real Life Sto- Musical Plays. Ireene Saturday MSS. tra. :30 p.m. MBS. Your Hollywood Parade. Dick ries. Mon. thru Fri. 11:45 Wick- 7 ime of Your Life; Sheila Powell, master of cere- er. 5 p.m. MBS Jack Haley, comedian. Vir- McBride, Mary Margaret, Barrett, a.m. (2:15 p.m. for West) ginia Verrill, songs; Wen- Cooking Talk, Mon. Wed. impersonator; monies; Rosemary Lane, CBS. Sunday Morning At Aunt Fri. 12 noon CBS. Graham McNamee, m.c.; vocalist; Orchestra direc- Susan's. 9 a.m. CBS. dy Barrie; Warren Hull, Joe Rines, Bachelor's Children. Mon. Home. comedian & or- tion Leo Forbstein; Choral master of ceremonies; Ted National Farm & chestra leader, Sun. 5:30 Ensemble directed by Dud- thru Fri. 9:45 a.m. CBS & Monday Fio- Rito's orchestra. 8:30 Guest Speakers; Walter p.m. NBC-R. ley Mon. thru Fri. 11:15 a.m. 12:30 a.m. for West) Blaufuss' orchestra. Mon. Chambers; Film Guest MBS. Don Winslow Of The Navy, NBC 12:30 NBC Stars. 10 p.m. NBC -R. Mon, thru Fri. 5:15 p.m. -R. thru Sat. p.m. - Monday Backstage Wife. Mon. thru Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten. B. NBC -B. National Radio Forum, guest Thursday Fri. 11:15 a.m. NBC -R. Bruce Kamman; Johnny Breakfast Club. Don Mc- Betty Dorothy Gordon. Mon. Wed. Wolf, Thor Ericson, Mer- speakers. 10:30 p.m. NBC - Neill, master of ceremon- Amateur Hour. Major Bowes. & Bob. Mon. thru Fri. Fri. 5:30 p.m. CBS. 9 p.m. CBS. 1 p.m. CBS. rill Fugit; Harry Kogert s B. ies; Soloists; Orchestra, Jack Armstrong, Mon. thru orchestra. 5 :30 p.m. NBC - Tuesday Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 a.m. Kate Smith's Hour. Henny Big Sister. Mon. thru Fri. Fri. 5:30 p.m. NBC -R. R. Fairfax, Beatrice, Advice To NBC-B. Youngman, comedian Jack 11:30 a.m. (2 p.m. for The Lovelorn, Tues. thru. Miller's orchestra; Guests. West) CBS. Junior Nurse Corps, Mon. National Barn Dance. Joe Burns & Allen. Ray Noble's 5 & 6 2 MBS. 8 p.m. thru Fri. p.m. Kelly, m.c. Sat. 9 p.m. (11 Fri. :45 p.m. Orchestra; Tony Martin, (11:30 p.m. for Dan Harding's Wife. Mon, NBC -B. p.m. for West) NBC -B. Homemakers' Exchange. Ele- tenor. 8 p.m. (10:30 p.m. West) CBS. thru Fri. 1:45 p.m. NBC- anor Howe. Tues. Thurs. p.m. for West) NBC Kraft Music Hall. Bing R. Little Orphan Annie, Mon. -R. thru Fri. 5:45 & 6:45 p.m DRAMA 11:30 a.m. (12:45 p.m. for Carson Robison's Buckaroos. Crosby; Bob Burns, come- David Harum. Mon. thru NBC -R. West) NBC -R. Mon. Wed. Fri. 1:15 p.m. dian; Johnny Trotter's Or- Fri. 11 a.m. NBC -R. chestra; Guests. 10 p.m. Singing Lady. Ireene Wick- Sunday Mills, Marjorie, Homemaking MBS. Follow the Moon. Elsie Hitz er; Nursery Jingles, & NBC -R. songs Cooking Talk, Tues. Fibber McGee & Molly. & Nick Dawson, Mon. thru & Mon. Thurs. Chase & Sanborn. Don Ame- Thur. & 1:45 p.m. Good News of 1938. Film stories, thru che, dramatic star; Nelson 1:15 Marian & Jim Jordan; Ted Fri. 5 p.m. CBS. 5:30 p.m. NBC -B. MBS. Weems' orchestra. 9 p.m. Stars; Chorus; Meredith Girl Alone. Eddy, baritone; Stroud Willson's 9 Betty Winkler & Terry and the Pirates. Mon. Twins, comedians; Post, Emily. Etiquette Prob- (12 mid. for West) NBC- Orchestra. Pat Murphy, Mon. thru Edgar R. p.m. NBC -R. Tues. Wed. 5:15 p.m. Bergen & Charlie McCar- lems, Tues. Thurs. 10 :30 Fri. 12 noon NBC-R. NBC -R. thy; Dorothy Lamour, a.m. CBS. Kitchen Cavalcade. Crosby Magazine of the Air. Mark Goldbergs. Gertrude Berg; songs; Orchestra, direction Science in News. Gaige, m.c. Mon. Warnow's Orchestra. Tom Mix' Straight Shooters, the Guest thru Fri, Mon. thru Fri. 12:15 p.m. Mon thru Fri. 5:45 & 6:45 Robert Armbruster. 8 p.m. Speaker. Tues. 6 p.m. 10:45 a.m. NBC -B. Guests. 3:30 p.m. CBS. NBC -R. NBC p.m. NBC -B. -R. NBC-R. National Farm & Home. Vallee's Varieties. Tommy Guiding Light. Mon. thru Court of Missing Heirs. 10:30 Story of Industry. 4:30 p.m. Guest Speakers; Walter (Betty Lou) Riggs, come- Fri. 4:15 p.m. NBC -R. Tuesday p.m. CBS. CBS. Blaufuss' Orchestra. Mon. dian; Guests. 8 p.m. NBC - R. Hilltop House. Bess John- Dear Teacher. Madeline Dog Heroes. 4:45 p.m. NBC - Taylor, Mary Lee, Cooking thru Sat. 12:30 p.m. NBC - son, Mon. thru Fri. 5:45 Gray, Tues. Thurs. 5:30 B. Talk, Tues. Thurs. 11 a.m. B. We, The People. Gabriel p.m. CBS. p.m. CBS. (3 p.m. for West) CBS. Pipe Heatter, director; Mark Good Will Hour. 10 p.m. Smoking Time. Pick How to Be Charming. Mon. Friday MBS. Wednesday & Pat. blackface come- Warnow's orchestra 7:30 dians; Edward Roecker, p.m. (10:30 p.m. for West) Wed. Fri. 11:30 a.m. (2:30 Music Appreciation Hour. Hollywood Playhouse. Ty- Hobby Lobby. Dave El- baritone; Benny Kreuger's CBS. p.m. for West) NBC -R. Dr. Walter Damrosch, rone Power. 9 & 11:30 man; Stuart Allen, tenor; orchestra. 8:30 p.m. Friday Jack Armstrong. Mon. thru conductor. 2 p.m. NEC -B p.m. NBC -B. Harry Salter's Orchestra. '11:30 p.m. for West) Fri. 5:30 p.m. NBC -R. & NBC -R. Irene Rich. 7:15 p.m. (10:30 p.m. for Dorsey, Tommy, orchestra. Sun. 9:45 p.m. CBS. Edythe Wright & Jack Jenny Peabody. Mon. Wed. Saturday (11 p.m. for West) NBC- West) CBS. Poetic Melodies. Jack,Fulton, Leonard, songs; Paul Fri. 3:30 p.m. CBS. B. Thursday Let's Pretend. 10:30. a.m. tenor; Franklyn MacCor- Stewart, m.c.; Neil O'Ha- John's Other Wife. Mon. CBS. On Broadway. 3 p.m. NBC- Science Service Series. Wat- mack; Orchestra. Mon. ra's Oddities in the News. thru Fri. 10:15 a.m. (1:30 B. son Davis, director. 4:15 thru Fri. 7 & 11 p.m. 9:30 p.m. NBC-B. p.m. for West) NBC -R. Our Barn. Conducted by Silver Theater. p.m. CBS. CBS. Madge Tucker. 11:30 a.m. Conrad Na- Hammerstein's Music Hall. Just Plain Bill. Mon. thru NBC -B. gel, director, 5 p.m. CBS. Town Meeting of the Air. Tony Wons. Mon. Wed. Fri. Ted Hammerstein, m.c.; Fri. 10:30 a.m. (1:45 p.m. Round Table Discussion; 10:30 a.m. CBS. Music Hall Orchestra; for West) The Shadow. 4 & 5:30 p.m. NBC -R. RELIGIOUS MBS. Prominent Speakers; Geo. Vox Pop. Parks Johnson & Guests; Jerry Mann, come- Kitty Keene. Mon. thru Fri. V. Denny Jr., moderator. Wallace Butterworth, con- dian. 8 p.m. CBS. 4:45 p.m. NBC -R. The Zenith Foundation. 10 9:30 p.m. NBC-B. ducting interviews with Hollywood Hotel; Ken Mur- Sunday p.m. CBS. People Life of Mary Sothern. Mon. Friday on the Street, Tues. ray & Oswald, comedians, thru Fri. 5:15 p.m. CBS. Catholic Hour. Guest Speak- Monday 9 p.m. (Mon. 12:30 a.m. Anne Jamison, soprano; ers. 6 p.m. NBC -R. Dr. Karl Reiland. Inspira- Lorenzo Jones. Mon. tional Talk. Fri. 7:15 p.m. for West) NBC -R. Frances Langford. blues; thru of Air. Behind Prison Bars. War- Raymond Paige's Orch.; Fri. 4 p.m. NBC -R. Church the Guest den Lewis E. Lewes. 10 NBC-B. Speakers. 10 a.m. & 1 p.m. p.m. NBC -B. Tuesday Jerry Cooper, baritone; Lum & Abner. Mon., Wed., CBS. Saturday Louella Parsons & Guests, Fri. 7:30 p.m. (11:15 p.m. Grand Hotel. 8:30 p.m. Al Jolson Show. Martha 9 p.m. CBS. for West) NBC The Radio Pulpit. Dr. Ralph NBC Religion in the News. Dr. -B. W Sockman, speaker 10 -B. Walter Van Kirk. 6:45 Raye, songs; Parkyakar- Pontiac Varsity Show. Paul Ma Perkins. Lone Ranger. kus, comedian; Victor Mon. thru Fri. a.m. NBC -R Mon. Wed. Fri. p.m. NBC-R. Young's Dumont, m.c. Fri. 9 p.m. 10:15 a.m. NBC -B & 3:15 7:30 & 8:30 p.m. (10:30 orchestra. 8.30 NBC -B. p.m. NBC -R. National Vespers. Dr. Harry p.m. for West) MBS. The Child Grows Up. Kath- p.m. (11:30 p.m. for West) Emerson Fosdick. Sun. 4 arine Lenroot, Chief of the CBS. Song Shop. Kitty Carlisle; Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Public Here No. One. 10:30 p.m. NBC -B. Children's Bureau, U. S. Hollywood Mardi Gras. Frank Crumit; Reed Ken- Patch. Mon. thru Fri. 10 p.m. NBC -R. Department of L s b o r. Lan- nedy; Alice Cornett; Song a.m. (1:15 p.m. for West) Lutheran Hour. Guest Speak- Radio Theater. Cecile B. de 10:30 a.m. NBC -l. ny Ross, tenor; Charles Shop Quartet; Twenty -two NBC ers, Sun. 4:30 p.m. MSS. Mille. producer Butterworth, comedian; -R. 9 p.m. Voice Glee Club, direction Myrt & Marge. Old Fashioned Revival. 10:30 CBS Jane Rhodes, songs; Ray- Ken Christie; Orchestra, Mon. thru p.m. MBS. VARIETY mond Paige's orchestra; direction Gustave Haen- Fri. 10:15 a.m. (4 p.m. for Tuesday Guest. 9:30 p.m. NBC -R. schen. 10 p.m. CBS. West) CBS. Big Town. Edward G. Robin Sunday Husbands and Wives. Allie Neighbor Nell. Mon. Wed. Monday - Bicycle Party; Swot & Lu- Walsh, Mary Jane, songs. son and Claire Trevor. 8 Lowe Miles and Sedley Nat Brusiloff's Orchestra. Fri. S p.m. NBC-B. Making Use of Religion. Dr. p.m. CBS. bin, comedians; Bill Slater. Brown. Tues. 8 p.m. NBC Ralph Emerson Davis. 12 sports commentator, m.c. & - Fri. 7:45 & 8 p.m. (11:15 O'Neills. Mon. thru Fri. 11 Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost interviewing sports celebri- B. p.m. for West) MBS. a.m. NBC -B; 3:45 p.m. noon. NBC -B. Persons. Tues. Wed. Thurs. ties; Bert Whaley, bar.; It Can Be Done. Edgar NBC -R. Tuesday 7:15 p.m. NBC Guest; Frankie -B. Hugo Mariani's Orch., Masters' Saturday Our Gal Sunday. Mon. thru Our Spiritual Life. Dr. John 3:30 p.m. NBC -R. Orch.; Singing Ensemble; Fri. 12:45 p.m. CBS. Wednesday Guest Speaker. 8:30 p.m. National Barn Dance. Joe Sutherland Bonnell. 12 Chase & Sanborn. Don Ame- NBC -B. Kelly, m.c. Sat. 9 p.m. (11 Pepper Young. Mon. thru noon NBC -B Cavalcade of America. 8 p.m. che dramatic star; Nelson p.m. for West) NBC -B. Fri. 10:30 a.m. NBC -B (12 mid. for West) CBS. Eddy, baritone; Stroud Jack Oakie's College. Stuart & 3 p.m. NBC -R. Wednesday Twins, Edgar Erwin, Raymond Hatton, Prof. Quiz. 9 p.m. (12 mid. Gang Busters. Phillips Lords. comedians; comedians; Harry for West) CBS. Pretty Kitty Kelly. Mon. thru for Thought. Dr. Wil- Bergen & Charlie McCar- Barris, Fri. 10 a.m, (4:15 Time 10 p.m. CBS. thy; Dorothy Lamour, songs; Camel Chorus; Robert L. Ripley. B. A. p.m. for liam Hiram Foulkes, 12 Lights Out. Mystery Drama. Georgie Stoll's Orchestra. Rolfe's orchestra Guests. West) CBS. noon. NBC -B. songs; Orchestra, direction Road of Life. 12:30 a.m. NBC -R Robert Armbruster. 8 p.m. 9:30 p.m. CBS. 8 p.m. (12 mid. for West) Mon. thru Fri. Thursday Your NBC Johnny Presents. NBC-R. 11:15 a.m. NEC -B & 4:45 Hollywood Parade. Dick -R. Chas. Mar- p.m. NBC -R. The Church in the World Powell, master of cere- Interesting Neighbors; Jerry tin; Russ Morgan's Or- Uncle Jim's Question Bee, Romance of monies; chestra; Frances Adair, 7:30 p.m. NBC-B. Carol Kennedy. Today. Dr. Alfred Grant Rosemary Lane, Belcher. 7:45 (11 Mon. thru Fri. 11:15 a.m. Walton. 12 noon NBC -B. vocalist; Orchestra direc- p.m. for West) NBC -R. (3:15 p.m. for West) tion Leo Forbstein; Choral CBS. Friday Jell -O Program. Jack Benny, Romance Ensemble directed by Dud- of Helen Trent. in the World. ley Chambers; Film Guest Mary Livingstone; Kenny Virginia Clark, Mon. thru At Home Dr Baker. tnr.; Sam Hearn; Fri. 12:30 Leslie Bates Moss. 12 Stars. 10 p.m. NBC -R. Andy Devine; Phil p.m. CBS. noon NBC -B. Harris' Airway Index Story of Mary Marlin. Orch.; Don Wilson, Sun. Anne Saturday Thursday 7 p.m. (11:30 p.m. for Seymour, Mon. thru Fri. 10 Columbia Workshop. Directed The most comprehensive list of radio programs a.m. NBC -B & 4:30 p.m. Call to Youth. George Stew- West) NBC -R. NBC -R. by Irving Reis. 10:30 p.m. Magic Key. Symphony Or- published is Radio Guide's exclusive, last- minute art, 12 noon NBC -B. CBS. chestra, direction Frank Program Locator. Look for it here next week! Sue Blake. Mon. thru Fri. Message of Israel. Guest Good News of 1938. Film Black; Milton Cross, nar- It lists network broadcasts under names of stars, 1:30 p.m. NBC -B. Speaker, 7 p.m. NBC -B. Stars; Chorus; Meredith rator; Linton Wells, jour- sponsors and programs week! Terry & the Pirates. Mon. Religion in the News. Dr. Willson's Orchestra. 9 nalist; Guests. 2 p.m. -every other Tues. Wed. 5:15 p.m. Walter Van Kirk. 6:45 p.m. NBC -R. NBC -B. NBC-R. p.m. NBC -R. 18 Radio Guide ! Week Ending December 18, 1937 t, PM I 1 C R RN IVA L Radio Guide's PictureI Panorama of Broadcasting


OF THE scant half -dozen actresses who owe their claim to fame solely 4o ra- dio, Elsie Hitz unquestionably stands frst. Others have brought stage and s :Teen reputations to radio, but few have eirned them by air performances. Yet that's how Elsie Hitz gained recognition. Attempting as: acting career in radio when it was scarcely beyond the novelty stage, sie grew up with the new medium. Now a veteran of ten years' experience, she is distingu shed fo- having made good on what in the be- ginning seemed a foolhardy ventLre- aid is today an unparalleled acccmplish- ment. To thousands of listeners, the rame "Elsie Hitt" is synonymous with "romarce."


I Elsie Hitz, second of six children. was Above: A few of Elsie's baby shoes which Above: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hitz and family. The girls (left I born in Cleveland, Ohio, July 21, 1902. 2 hold a sentimental value. The one to the 3 to right): Gertrude. Elsie. and Thelma. Edward, Jr., sits on Above: Elsie when she was 9 months old right has since been made into a bronze ash -tray Mr. Hitz' lap. Elsie's sisters, Isabel and Norma, were born later

As a high - school girl (left), Elsie acted in many At 17 (above). Elsie married Jack Welch. 4 class plays, dreamed of a stage career -and 5 with whom she was playing in a St. Louis wrote many sentimental poems like the one above stock company. He now sells bonds it Buffalo

Despite her youth at the time of Meanwhile Elsie's family had moved to New York -so her marriage, Elsie (above) had 7 the newlyweds moved there, too, lived in this house been a professional actress 3 years in Garden City, Long Island. Jack's parents owned it Elsie first starred on "The Magic Voice." Today the heroine of "Follow 9 the Moon" is distinguished for being one of radio's highest -paid. for having carried on from her bed when she had scarlet fever (clippings above)


IN A sense, Elsie Hitz has not led a Q When Elsie turned to radio real life, for she's always been an O ten years ago (above), she actress. When she was scarcely in had already had several minor her teens she was active in school dra- roles on Brcadway, seemed set for a successful stage career matics, and by the time she was 15 she was appearing on the professional stage. Two years later, she was a mar- ried woman -and still she was an ac- tress above all else. Even when she gave up Fer stage career to enter ra- dio, she remained an actress, and to- fever in April. day she is still on the same course. In When Elsie, went to the hospital with scarlet equip- In another sense, however, she has 1933, her inderstudy- radio's first -carried on. Later, ment installed in her home enabled her to return to the show (above) lived a very real life. She has known the hardships of show business, has known the hard work and lack of glory that goes with secondary roles, and has had her share of trying times. But through tEem all she has shown that she is not only a romanticist but a trouper as well. When she was bedridden with scarlet fever, she broadcast just the same-and this incident typifies her courace. That it has carried her to the top, however, cannot be doubted. Two years ago a New York newspaper de- clared she was as well known in radio as Ethel Barrymore! At the present time she is Starred as Judith Page in "Follow the Moor," with Nick Dawson, heard on CBS at 5 p.m. EST, Mon. thru Fri.

Above: Daughter Jean lives with 12 Elsie in a sixth -floor apartment on East 56th Street in New York City

Else modeled these clay figures 8 13 Right: Elsie Hitz at home. Every II yeas ago, using a nut -pick. Now piece of furniture in her $200 -a- she has sculpturing tools -but little time month apartment is a family heirloom '

t fr`'

CONFESSION for RADIO GUIDE) (Written Especially woman a man and a is the way OP This fact we are human. hiding the car-. see: Eternally g where strangers Posing and shamr,tin that we clways. priqending On dress parade has meant th? Good Lord Are more than us to be. whenever we roam all wear a rn.3ize-ur) of hone. We in the shelter tve are ourselves we tvin? But fame or the fortune What matters the is tbin. hearts the veneering We knotv in our under the skin. Eddie Guest lives like the average bueinesturnan-wsth one exception. His home and family are in and sisters just and he has to take the train to Chicago eery week for his broadcast. Eddie in his We are brothers Detroit, Above: GUEST. room at the Drake Hotel in Chicago, getting dressed for an appearance before the microphone -EDGAR A.

N 11

t:A. 41.


Ruth Doering (left), the low-voiced leader of the `Doring Sisters," heard on tie program, isn't conceited about the success of the trio she ,)rganized. She still leads a rather simple life in simple surroundings. Judith Lowry (above), who plays the mother parts on the program, spends mud- of her spare time knitting I.

- . 5r,

JUST FOLKS the salt life, stability is the spice of IFVARIETY is more than anything And stability, the peo- of the earth. success of the continued name else, explains a star whose Guest. Today, he re- ple's poet, Edgar A'16 naton, word throughout when he a household as he was is ard unaffected Press. as s mple Detroit Free mains reporter on the. peo- was an unknown have loved common said, "God must Guest has the Lincoln them -and so many of note that ple; he made same sincere Today, the in his same conviction. 19 17 is evident "Just Folks" in dominated poems. down-to-earth of his cast. homely, so are the members is real-5nd of ordinary Guest act the parts It's only human to love a dog-and Deft!! Donna Dae (above) doesn't find life very Be Dore," they por- "It Can ¡lye up to their a She sings and on the In At home, they Winkler (above, center) finds "Penny" real exciting. tap-dances and women. too! show-and spends her spare time exercising men stars-but "j.Ist folks," pal. She lives in Chicago's Ambassador Hotel trayals. They're


Orchestra leaders are known for Actress Joan Winters, Mrs. Frank Bering in private their extrzvagence-but Frankie life, spends most of her time with her children, Masters (above) is an exception. Frank and Nancy (above). Right: Announcer Vin- Success hasn't gore to his head cent Pelletier, like most men, has tie trouble! A NEW SONG GOES TO has a song which inter- Three song -pluggers surround George Griffin 2 Nick Campbell (standing) I isecond from left) after a rehearsal and en- ests Griffis". In Campbell's office he follows a score deavor to interest him in their new numbers MARKET as the number, "I Know Now," is played from a record




BEHIND the scenes of your fa- vorite air programs move many unseen, unheard, and unheralded figures. In the indus- try they are known as "song -plug- gers." Representing music -pub- lishing houses, it is their business to contact radio artists and per- suade them to use their new songs, thereby popularizing them -and increasing sales. The artists in turn must determine whether the numbers have possibilities, if they are suited to their styles. In the accompanying pictures, George Griffin, popular NBC lyric baritone, illustrates the many steps a new song goes through before it reaches the air. Above: Campbell stands by hopefully while Bee George Griffin is a 25-year -old Music publishers, as advertising, provide thousands of Texan who has been in ra- 3 Walker, one of the few feminine song - pluggers, runs active 4 free copies annually to artists and bandleaders. Above: over the melody as Griffin tries the melody and style dio for eleven years. Until re- Orchestrations are shown racked, awaiting distribution cently he was featured on NBC's "Castles of Romance." Now he is heard Thursdays on NBC. He is typical of the popular artists whom song-pluggers contact to introduce their numbers.

Photos by Gene Lest...,

Left: Griffin checks with Richa-- J Vannier (seated) of NBC copy- right department to see that "I Know Now is released. licensed for rad'c

6 Right: Griffin's schedule book. in which he records every song he has and will sing. avoiding constant repetition and for filing purposes With Contralto Alice Remsen, Griffin gets together with his 7 George visits the NBC library to arranger, Walter Fleisher, to pick other tunes for his program ready the new song for broadcast

1 _ ,4 -

Lower left: While. The arrangement made, it is rehearsed in the baritone's íI I Allen Ducovny, a staff member of the George B. Evans IO goes 9 apartment. Fleisher, at the piano, is also a song - plugger, Griffin N office, publicists employed by Griffin, phones Radio for another publishing house, but that makes no difference through his dress re- Guide and other publications about Griffin's program hearsal, John Holmes makes a recording in order to check er-ors before the broadcast

That evening IA" Lyric Bar tne George Griffin sings the new sang hit "I Know Now." and an- other song- plucger's persistence is -ewarded IT'S A DATE WITH JANE RHODES

GOING places is still a novelty was brought tc the film capital for to Jane Rhodes. Singinä a movie role. Last summer when starlet of Tuesday night... JoFnny Green took over the Pack- NBC "Hollywood Mari Gras' ard Hour for the vacation inter- and RKO player, she has little time lude, she was chosen as its feminine for "dates." Then, too, Jane i. singing star. Reaction from listen- only sixteen. Born in Rockford, Illi- ers was so favorable that a con- nois, April 21, 1921, Jane took her tract for the fall Packard series first audition at a broadcasting stu- followed. Jane, whose full -and dio there at the age of seven, and rea -name is Betty Jane Rhodes, became widely known as a child is fair, with blue eyes and light - prodigy. Her charming natural brown hair, weighs 112 pounds and voice and sparkling personality is five feet four and one -half. She caught the eyes of Hollywood tal- lives with her folks on a ranch ad- ent scouts, and as a girl who had joining Bing Crosby's-never goes scarcely entered her teens, she out without her parents' consent.

Left: "It's a date," says Jane, Above, right: Like any other as she accepts a rare invita- girl, Jane wants to look her tion to dine and dance at Hol- best, and choosing the perfect lywood's Cocoanut Grove. gown is important. She selects Above: First step in glamoriz- one that's becoming. in good ing for the event is a hair -do, taste. She pays $50 for formals, and Jane has one -for $2.00! $40 for street and sports wear

Left: Bathing is a daily ritual Above: Jane needs little make- with Jane, and a regular pro- up for her youthful skin, sel cedure before going out. She dom uses any. Confident, with knows the necessity of scrupu- every detail in her appearance lous cleanliness to the well - pleasing, she gains an added groomed woman. Is usually poise and self -assurance as escorted by her elder brother (right) she awaits her "date" THIS WEEK'S PROGRAMS

9:30 WLS -Grace Wilson, songs NBC -The Magic Key of RCA; NBC -Madrigal Singer s; Vella LOG OF STATIONS WOC -Ports of Call Symphony Orch.; Frank Black. Pessl, harpsichordist: WBOW LISTED IN EDITION E- MIDWESTERN WTMJ -That Was the Year cond.; Milton J. Cross, m.c.; Read the article about the Madrigal Guest: WLW WMT KWK WMT Sunday Singers on page S. 11:45 WBOW WENR WIBA WOW(. Call Kilo- Power Net- CBS -Salt Lake City Tabernacle: CBS -Walberg Brown Strings: WTMS (sw15.21) Letters cycles Watts Location work WFAM WKBH Lauritz Melchior, Joseph Vito, December 12 WCCO WFAM WKBB WMBD WAAF -Last of the Mohicans harpist, will be the guests. (sw- 21.52) WISN -Swingtime Syncopation Frank Black will conduct Piano NBC- Dreams of Long Ago: WIRE KMOX 1090 50,000 St. Louis, Missouri CBS WLS -Helen Jensen, organist Concerto. A broadcast from the WOWO KWK KOA (8 pm on) 830 '0,000 Denver, Colorado NBC -R Holden Expedition in Africa WMBD -For Men Only will be heard. MORNING KMOX -Piano Recital KSD 550 J,000 St. Louis, Missouri NBC -R WMT -Hit Tunes WBBM -Organ Recital KWK 1350 5,000 St. Louis, Mo. NBC -B & MBS WTMJ Hollywood Casting Office NBC -Paul Martin's Music: KSD WCBD -)Rev. Zoltan Vajda WAAF 920 1,000 Chicago, Illinois Local WMAQ (sw- 15.33) 8:00 am CST WCFL- Musicale WBAA 890 1,000 West Lafayette, Indiana Local MBS -The Right Job: WGN NBC -Coast to Coast on a Bus, WFBM- Christian Men Builders WBBM 770 50,000 Chicago, Illinois CBS To he announced: WKBH WTAQ children's prgm.: WMAQ WIBA WHO -Hour of Music WBOW 1310 250 Terre Haute, Indiana NBC AFTERNOON WAAF- Remember With Joy (sw- 15.21) WIBA -University Club Round WCBD 1080 5,000 Chicago, Illinois Local WCFL -Man On The Street CBS- Morning at Aunt Table WCCO 810 50,000 Minneapolis -St. Paul, Minn. CBS WFAM -News; Hungarian Hour Susan's; News: WFBM WCCO WCFL 970 5,000 Chicago, Illinois NBC 12:00 WIND -I Ans, Reading Room NBC -Radio City Music Hall; WFBM- Christmas Playlet WBBM WKBB -2L52) WENR 870 50,000 Chicago, Illinois INBC -B (sw WISN- Sunday Morning Revue Salon Orch.: WENR WHO -Curt Rogosinski, pianist NBC -Turn Back the Clock: WFAM 1200 100 South Bend, Ind. CBS WJJD -Happy Go Lucky Time CBS -)Church of the Air: WIND -Down the Mississippi WCFL WBOW WHO WLW- Moving Finger Writes WFBM 1230 5,000 Indianapolis, Indiana CBS WJJD -Extra, Extra MBS WCCO WFAM KMOX- )Church of the Air WMAQ -News; Morning Melodies WGN 720 50,000 Chicago, Illinois The speaker will be the Most WMBD -From Many Lands KWK -Uncle Bill Reading the WOC -Hour of Music WHA 940 5,000 Madison, Wisconsin Local Rev. John F. Noll (Catholic), WMBI -Men's Voices in Song Funnies WROK -Rhythm Makers WHASt 820 50,000 Louisville, Kentucky CBS Bishop of Fort Wayne, Iud. WOC -Out of the Past WAAF -Carnival of Comics WTAD -Bill Sohm, news WHO 1000 50,000 Des Moines, Iowa NBC -R NBC -Folk Songs from Vienna: WROK-Symphonique WIBA NBC WCBD -North Park College 9:45 1280 5,000 Madison, Wisconsin WMAQ WHO WBOW (sw- WTAD- Lawrence Glosemeyer, tnr. WFAM -)Sunday School WIN D 560 5,000 Gary, Indiana Local 15.33) News: WMBD WLS WIND-AL Baptist Church WIRE 1400 5,0')0 Indianapolis, Ind. NBC -R & MBS The Deutsche Volksgesang- 1:15 verein of Salzburg, Wilhelm WIRE- -Sunday Devotions KMOX- Travelogue WISN 1120 1,000 Milwaukee. Wisconsin CBS NBC -Cook's Travelogues by Mal- WAAF- Melody Parade Promok conducting, will pre- WISN Boniface Church WJBC* 1200 250 Bloomington, Illinois Local of folk songs. colm La Prade: WMAQ -8St. WCFL -New Songs sent a program WJJD -Rose Vattderbosch, pianist WJJD 1130 20,000 Chicago, Illinois Local MBS -Chamber Orch.: WMT WIND- Remote Control NBC -Bennett & Wolverton: KSD WLS-Everybody's Hour WJRt 750 50,000 Detroit, Michigan CBS News: WMBD WOC WHO (sw- 15.33) WJJD -This Curious World WKBB 1500 250 Dubuque, Iowa CBS WAAF -Musical Hour WLW- Father Cox Miracles MBS -Pauline Alpert, pianist: WMBD -Uncle Bill Reads Funnies WIW- Modern WKBH 1380 1,000 La Crosse, Wisconsin CBS WBBM- Rhythms at Noon WMAQ -To be announced WGN WIRE WMT -Reading the Comics WLS 870 50,000 Chicago, Illinois NBC -B WCFL -Laff Parade WMT -Musical WAAF- Deserving of Credit WOWO -/\Old -Time Religion Clock WLW 700 500,000 Cincinnati, Ohio NBC & MBS WFBM-Bohemians WTAD -Dance Review WFBM -To be announced WTAD -Gospel Singers WMAQ 670 50,000 Chicago, Illinois NBC R WGN- Reading the Comics WJJD -Melodies That Endure WTMJ-/\Church Services 10:00 WMBD 1440 5,000 Peoria, Illinois CBS, WIBA -Tony Salerno's Orch. WKBH -Heralds of Destiny Local CBS -Texas Rangers: WCCO WOC WMBI 1080 5,000 Chicago, Illinois WIND-German Hour WMBD -Buddy & Ann 8:15 WBBM WMBD WMBI WFAM WMT 600 5,000 Cedar Rapids, Ia. NBC-13 & MBS WIRE -Melodiers WMBI-Message NBC -Tom Terriss: WCFL WBOW NBC -News; Alice Remsen. con- WOC 1370 250 Davenport. Iowa CBS WISN- Hollywood Matinee WTAD -Quincy Marches On WCBD -)United Swedish Service tralto: WOWO (sw- 1511) WOWQ 1160 10,000 Fort Wayne. Indiana NBC -B WKBB -W. P. A. Prgm. 1:30 WHO- )Bible Broadcaster NBC -News; Ward & Muzzy, WRJN 1370 250 Racine, Wisconsin Local WKBH -)Cathedral Hour WJJD -Happy Go Lucky Time piano duo: WBOW WHO WROK 1410 1,000 Rockford, Illinois Local CBS -Jean Hersholt in "Doctor WTAD -James Moseby Christian," sketch (Chese- 8:30 WCFL WSBT 1360 500 South Bend, Indiana CBS WTAQ-Duchow's Orch. MBS- Reviewing WSUI 880 1,000 Iowa Iowa Local brough) : WFBM KMOX WBBM NBC -Coast to Coast on a Bus, Northwestern City, WTMJ -He'nrie's Grenadiers Stand: WGN KWK WIRE WTAD 900 1,000 Quincy, Illinois Local 12:15 WCCO (sw- 11.83) KWK NBC -R KMOX WJR KMOX -Joe Karnes, pianist WTAMt 1070 50,000 Cleveland, Ohio News: WKBB WIRE WKBH NBC -Gale Page, contr.; Chas. CBS -Aunt Susan's: CBS WAAF-)Bible Stories WAAF -Theater of the Air WTAQ 1330 1,000 Green Bay, Wisconsin WBOW Melody Weavers Sears, tnr.; Harry Kogen's Or- Hour WTMJ 620 5,000 Milwaukee, Wisconsin NBC WBOW -)Rev. Archie Brown WCBD -Jewish WFBM -)Indianapolis Hebrew chestra: WMAQ WHO (sw- WCFL -Melody Moments WIBA -News; World Varieties Frequencies of Stations Carrying Rebroadcasts: KSL, 1130; KNX, Congregation 15.33) WIBA -Fiore Melodies WIND -Leaders in Dance Time 1050; KPO, 680; KPRC, 920: WBAP, 800; WOAI, 1190; WSM, WbIBD -Roy Evans CBS -To be announced: WKBB WIND -Hungarian Air Theater WJBC -)Church of the Air 650; KFI, 640 WOC- Smooth Sailing KSD- Community Forum WIRE-)Church Christ WJJD- Bureau of Missing Per- WROK -News; Musicale WAAF -Tower Tunes WISN- Fellowship sons WTAD -Storyland Lady WCFL -Cooncert Hour )Spiritual Revue NBC -National Broadcasting SHORT WAVES WJJD -Vaudeville how WKBB- Sunday Morning Company 12:30 WGN -Alice Blue, pianist CBS -Columbia Broadcasting Symbol after a pro- WROK -Morning Musicale WLS -Folks Worth Knowing System NBC -Smoke Dreams (H. Fend - WIND -Dance Parade MBS -Mutual Broadcasting System gram. like (sw- 9.53), WTAD- Variety Prgm. WLW -Cadle Tabernacle Choir rich) -Orch. & Guest: WLW WIRE- Extra! Extra! NBC -B- National Broadcasting Company means that program WTMJ -Our Club WMAQ- Sunshine Hour KSD WHO WMAQ (sw- 15.33) WISN- Jewels of the Air WROK -News; Morning Concert Basic Blue Network is broadcast on snort 8:45 WJJD - Sunday Matinee WTAD -WPA Prgm. NBC -R- National Broadcasting Company waves on 9.53 mega- NBC -Spelling Bee: WENR KWK WKBH -Sunday Varieties WA AF -Organ Melodies Basic Red Network cycles. The details of this novel spelling WTAQ -)High Mass bee may be found in a story on W'MBD -Hod Hiatt WCBD -)Polish Bible Class page 4. 10:15 .1.-Night Programs Only WMBI-Young People's Hour WIBA - )Bible School e a.m. to 5 p.m. Only NBC -Neighbor Nell, philosophy: -10 CBS -)Universal Bible Sunday WOC -Maple Leaf Quartet 9:00 WOWO KWK WIRE (sw- Prgnt.: WMBD WFBM WCCO WROK -Honolulu Melodies NOTICE: The programs as presented here were as correct NBC -Russian Melodies, dir. Alex- 15.21) WKBB WTAQ -To be announced and as accurate as the broadcasting companies and RADIO GUIDE ander Kiriloff: WMAQ WLW NBC -Silver Flute: WBOW WHO Secretary of State Cordell tsw- 15.21) could make them at the time cf going to press. However. emer Hull will be the chief speaker 1:45 CBS -Texas Rangers: KMOX MBS -To of the Air WCCO gencies that arise at the studios sometimes necessitate eleventh on this program in recognition be announced: WIRE CBS-Church WCCO-Musicale of Universal Bible Sunday. Mu- WGN KMOX WBBM WMBD (sw- hour changes in program listings, time. etc. WCFLHit Review sic will be furnished by a 38- WAAF -Kay Armen 21.52) WGN -Morning Melodies Bell indicates religious services and programs. voice boys' and men's choir. The speaker will be Rev. Ed- ) WISN -Symphonetta gar De Witt Jones, D.D. (Dis- WJJD -Dick Jurgen's Orch. If your favorite station is not listed at quarter or half hour MBS- Gotham String Quartet: WMBD -Dean & Gail ciples of Christ), of the Central 10:30 periods, consult the time listings immediately above The chances WGN WOC-Sunday Serenade in Detroit. Woodward Church CBS -Major Bowes' Capitol Fam- are that a network program of 30 or 60 minutes duration is on the WBOW -/\Rev. Drake WROK-Musicale NBC -Radio Pulpit: WCFL air at a quarter-hour when you do not find your station listed. WTAD- Public School Prgm. Dr. Ralph W. Sockman will ily; Dalton Bros.; Helen Alex- WCFL -Melodiana speak on "Help From Above ander, sop.; Nicholas Cosen- WFAM -Funny Paper Man 2:00 and Belur.." tino, tnr.; Charles Magnante, WIBA -News; Concert Hall NBC -On Broadway, sketch (Dia- News: WROK WTMJ WMT accordionist; Sam Herman, MBS- American Warblers (Amer. 11:15 WIRE- Footsteps to Beauty KWK WBBM -Quarter Hour of Romance mond Crystal Salt): (sw- 15.21) KWK -)Bible Auditorium xylophonist; Robert Reed, m. Bird Prod.): WGN WISN -Smooth Sailing The play today will be it WAAF -Waltz Time c; Waldo Mayo's Orch.: WFAM KMOX -Musical Cavalcade WFAM -)Presbyterian Church WJJD -Grand Central Station farce about a playwright who WIBA famous WBOW- Sunshine Hour WCCO WKBB WMBD WOC WAAF -The Symphonic Hour -)First Congregational WKBH -Variety Prgm. becomes through his pen WBBM- Modern Miracles WIND- Singing Canaries name but can't reveal his true WCBD -)Meditation Moments (sw-21.52) WMBI -Organ Melodies identity because he Is a profes- WFAM -News; )Old Time Gospel NBC-Felix Knight, tar.: WOWO WBOW -WPA Prgm. 11:30 WMT- Anter. Radio Warblers sor in a small college that 'tabernacle WIND- Sunday Morning Varieties would not understand his liberal WAIT WIBA (sw- l5.21) City Music Hall: WOWO- Missionary Hour WFBM -Stamp Stories WJBC -)Park M. E. Church NBC -Radio WROK -Dan, Funny Man writings. Girl reporter falls in KMOX- Employment Service KWK WLW WOWO (sw- 15.21) the love with him. WGN -Sunday Morning Concert KWK- Charities Reporter WJJD -Yuletidings WTAD -On to Adventure For news of Broadway, road "Airi- WKBH Service Henrietta Schumann will play alto Lowdown" in every issue of WHO -/\Christian Science Prgm. WAAF -Do You Remember? -)Church the second and third movements WTMJ -Park Ave. Hill Billies Radio Guide. .WIBA- Norwegian Hour WBBM- Sunday Sunshine WMAQ -Perry Como, bar.; Mar- from Tschaikowsky's B Flat 12:45 piano duo Minor WIND- Cadets on Parade WCBD -)J. C. O'Hair, pastor lowe & Lyon, Concerto. The orchestra CBS- Poet's Gold; David Ross; NBC -Radio Newsreel (Energine); WROK - Mission offers Sibelius' Sixth Symphony Parks Johnson & Wallace But- WIRE -Jake Feld Varieties WCFL-Varieties /\Swedish and Peasants' Festival (Ondri- Orch.: WFBM KMOX WCCO WISN- Breakfast Club WFBM -Stardust Melodies cek). WKBB terworth Interviewing: WHO 11:00 For newß f Broadway, read "Airi- KSD WIRE WMAQ (sw- 1533) WJJD-ZIkt Bible Sunday Broadcast WGN -To be announced alto Lowdown" in every issue of WCFL -Music in the Air WKBB- Church Service WIND -Listen to Yourself NBC- Denver String Quartet: Radio Guide. WIRE - Rosario Bourdon CBS -Philharmonic Symph. Society WLS -)Little Brown Church WIRE- Melody Hour WCFL (sw- 15.33) NBC -Univ. of Chicago Round WISN -Coplin Concert of New York; John Barbirolli, WOC- Sunday Recital WISN- German Hour NBC -The Southernaires: WENR WJJD -Musical Highlights cond.: WMBD WFBM KMOX Table Discussion ; Guest Spkrs.: WOWO- Christian Science Reader WJJD -Happy Go Lucky Time KWK WOWO WMAQ (sw- 1533) WKBH -Salon Musicale WOC WKBB WCCO WFAM 9:15 WKBH- String Ensemble )Church Service: WHO WMT WMBDAladdins Lamp WBBM WKBH WTAQ (sw- NBC- Russian Melodies: WOWO WLS- Concert Orch. WBBM -Rhythmic Melody CBS -Salt Lake City Tabernacle WMBI -Round Table 11.83) Choir & Organ: WCCO For the music detail on this pro- KWK WLW -Rural Roundup WBOW- )Evangelical Chut ch WMT- Drama; Interlude gram turn to page 8. )Seventh Day Adventist: WHO WMAQ -Modern Miracles WFAM -Recollections WKBB WTAQ (sw- 21.52) WOC- )Country Church of Hol- WOC WROK -Organ Reveries WGN- )Univ. of Chicago Chapel WAAF -Orchestra Pit lywood NBC -There Was A Woman, dra- WTAD Blended Voices WAAF -Encores WTAD - )Methodist Church WHA -Homemakers WBBM -Magic Number ma: WENR WFBM -WPA Prgm. WTAM -News; Blue Barron's Or- WIBA -Communist Party WCCO -Musical Prgm. WTAQ -News MBS -On a Sunday Afternoon: WIND-Contrast in Harmonies chestra WJJD -)Dr. Preston Bradley WCFL -Contrasts in Rhythm WTMJ -New Voices of 1938 WGN WMT -Salvation Army Prgm. 10:45 WMAQ- Silver Streak Review WFBM- Birthday Party 1:00 KWK- Captains of Industry WROK -On the Mall NBC -Highlights in Sports: WMT WMBD- )Trinity Tabernacle WIND -/\Methodist Church Prgm. CBS- Fun -Bug (Barnsdall Refining WAAF-Quickies WTAD -)Church in Wildwood WOWO WIBA (sw- 15.21) WMBI -)Moody Church WIRE -Rhythm Makers Revue Co.): WBBM WCCO KMOX WTMJ- Master of Rhythm NBC -Peerless Trio: WHO WCFL WTAQ -Organ Melodies WISN -Rhythm of the Rhumba WKBB WISN NTAQ (Continued on Next Page)

Symbol in parentheses, such as (sw- 9.53), appearing after a program listing indicates that this program may be heard by PLEASE NOTE: tuning in 9.53 megacycles frequency on your short -wave dial. For foreign short -wave programs, please see page 44

s Radio Guide 0 Week Ending December 18, 1937 27 3:45 5:45 CBS -People's Choice: KMOX WJR NBC -Ranch Boys: WENR Good Listening for Today WHO-News WHAS WSBT WFBM WMBD Sunday WAAF -St. Francis Retreat League WMT- Sports; Headlines; Serenade WCCO WISN WTAQ WOC Prgm. Stations which will broadcast these programs may be found in WKBB WKBH (sw- 17.76) WHO -Lyman Cooley's Travel the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated WBBM- Manhattan Mother Club MORNING WCFL -Polish Prgm. December I2 WIND -Hits of the Week NIGHT WIND -Know Your Authors WLW- Singing Violin 9:30 CST MADRIGAL SINGERS with Vella WROK -Memory Songs WROK -Shep Field's Orch. Pessl, NBC. 6:00 7:15 WTAD - Revival fjlnterchurch CBS -Vick's Open House; Nadine WIND- Supper Club 4:00 11:30 CST RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL, sym- Conner, sop.; Wilbur Evans, WROK-Musicale NBC -Metropolitan Opera Auditions phony orchestra, Henrietta Schumann, NBC. bar.; Josef Pasternack's Orch -: 7:30 of the Air (Sherwin Williams WJR WCCO WHAS WBBM 11:30 CST UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ROUND CBS- Earaches of 1938 with Harry Co.); Wilfred Pelletier, Orch. KMOX WFBM (sw- 17.76) Conn; Beatrice Kay & Barry cond.; Guests: WENR WOWO TABLE DISCUSSIONS. NBC. Wood, NBC -Jell -O Prgm.; Starring Jack vocalists; Bill Jones, WMT KWK (sw- 15.21) comedian; Mark Warnow's Or- Morton Bowe, tenor of New AFTERNOON Benny, comedian; Mary Liv- York, will sing Le Fleur from ingstone; Kenny Baker, tnr.; chestra: WOC WKBB WSBT "Carmen" (Bizet) and Love 12:30 CST SPELLING BEE, Lowell Thomas' Sam "Schlepperman" Hearn; WFBM WCCO WHAS WJR Went A- Riding (Bridge). Jean WMBD WKBH KMOX WTAQ Merrill, dramatic soprano of "Nine Old Men" vs. George Bye's "Prehis- Andy Devine; Don Wilson, an- Everett, Washington, will sing nouncer; Phil Harris' Orch.: (sw- 17.76) toric Sluggers." NBC. WBBM -The Dich Teure Halle from "Tenn- WBOW WIRE WMAQ WTAM Headliner, Don Han- hanger" (Wagner) and Sweet- 12:30 CST UNIVERSAL BIBLE SUNDAY PRO- WIBA WTMJ WHO KSD WLW cock MARY LIVINGSTONE heart (Romberg). Earl Lippy, WCFL- Lithuanian Prgm. baritone of New York, will sing GRAM. Cordell Hull, speaker, CBS. (sw -9.53) (also see 10:30 p.m.) "Jell -0 Program" comedienne De Provenza fr$-- "La Travi- WGN -Wayne King's Orch. Sun. 6 pm CST ata" (Verdi) h..d Life. To- 1:00 CST THE MAGIC KEY, symphony orches- NBC -Popular Classics; Laura Cas- WIND-Songs They Write gether they will sing In the tra, tellano, sop.; Margaret Brill, WISN- Archbishop Stritch The will Frank Black, conductor; Lauritz Melchior Gloaming. orchestra h11.87arpi) WCFL (sw- WROK-Pilgrim Rest Hour play March from "Tannhauser" and Joseph Vito, guests, N BC. st; Orch.: (2:00 p.m. Continued) and selections from "Die Fle- 7:45 dermaus" (Strauss). 2:00 CST PHILHARMONIC- SYMPHONY SO- News: WMT WROK CBS -Earaches of 1938: WISN WBOW -Professor Stumpus CIETY of New York, John Barbirolli, con- KWK -Sport & Pianist New= WKBB WTAD WCFL- Concert Hour NBC- Marion Talley, sop. (Ry- ductor; Deems Taylor, CBS. WENR -Marek Weber's Orch. WBBM- Sports Huddle WIBA -Dave Machtel, soloist Krisp) ; Josef Koest.ner's commentator, WGN -Freddie Martin's Orch. WGN- Arthur Sears Henning, WIND -Ray Sinatrá s Orch. Orch.; chorus: WIRE WMAQ 4:00 CST METROPOLITAN OPERA WIND -Polish Prgm. WHO WTMJ WIBA KSD AUDI- commentator W1SN- Polish Merrymakers TIONS by Wilfred Pelletier, NBC. WISN -Down by Herman's WBBM-Twilight Musicale WJJD -Professional Championship (sw- 15.33) WKBB- On Miss Talley will sing My Dubuque Marches 8 :nn Football Game 4:00 CST SILVER THEATER starring Douglas WKBH -J Ave Maria Hour Hero from "The Chocolate Sol- NBC -Hollywood Playhouse (Wood- WLW- QChurch by the Side of Learken, La Zingara WMBD -Land & Hiatt dier," Fairbanks, Jr., and Andrea Leeds; Conrad bury): Presents Tyrone Power Road (Donizetti) and Saviour, Like a Nagel, narrator, CBS. WOC -Sport Summary WMBI-Singers Shepherd Lead Me. The Paul & Guest; Harry Sosnik's Orch.: Taylor Chorus will sing Sail WROK -News; Dinner Music WM1 Tangled Tunes WSBT -Dance Parade WMT WENR WLW KWK (sw- Along, Silvery Moon and with NIGHT 11.87) (also 10:30 WOWO -To be announced Miss Talley and orchestra Blos- WTAQ -Dance Orch. WSM at WROK -News; Sunday Song Ser- soms on Broadway. 6:00 CST JACK BENNY with Mary Livingstone, p.m.) vice 6:15 "Never See Snow Again" by MBS- Singing Lady (Kellogg): Kenny Baker. Andy Devine, Sam Hearn, Ursula Parrott will be Mr. WTMJ -Musical Spelldown Don Wilson, NBC -Popular Classics: WMT Powers vehicle tonight. 2:15 WGN WLW Phil Harris' orchestra, NBC. News: WMBD WOC The musical play: "Beethoven MBS -On a Sunday Afternoon: 6:00 CST OPEN HOUSE KWK -Santa Claus CBS -Ford Sunday Evening Hour; and Anna." with Nadine Conner, Symphony KWK CBS -Silver Theater; Conrad Na- WROK- Veterans of Foreign Orch. & Chorus; Wilbur Evans, chorus, Josef Pasternack's or- Eugene Ormandy, dir.: WSBT WAAF -Stephen Foster Echoes gel, dir. & narrator; Felix Wars; Dinner Music chestra, CBS. WKBB KMOX WIBA -The Vilas Park Zoo Mills' Orch.: (1847 Rogers): WTAQ-To be announced WTAQ WHAS WCCO WIND- Hawaiian Melodies WFBM KMOX WCCO WBBM 6:30 CST PHIL BAKER, Bottle and Beetle, Lu- 6:30 WFBM WBBM WMBD WJR WOC WKBH WMT- jWalnut Street Church (sw- 11.83) cille Ball, Oscar Bradley's orchestra; guest. NBC -Fireside Recitals (American WISN WOWO -News Radiator) ; Sigurd Nilssen, bas- (sw- 17.76) To be announced: WKBB WTAQ CBS. Gel 1inno Maninl, tenor, will WTAD -Billy Bob Richardson & so; Helen Marshall, sop.: KSD be the Ford guest tonight. Jane WAAF -Int'I Potpourri 6:30 CST BAKER'S BROADCAST with Ozzie WMAQ WHO WIRE WTAM For the music detail en this peen WBOW -Xmas Merry Go Round gram turn to page 8. 2:30 Nelson's orchestra, Harriet Hilliard, Feg Sigurd Nilseen will sing West- NBC -Bicycle Party (Cycle Trades) WCFL-n,Father Justin's Rosary ern Wind, Gaily the Troubadour Murray; Glenda Farrell and Edmund (Bailey) Old Winter Comes NBC -Manhattan Merry -Go -Round Swor & Lubin, comedians; Hour Lowe, and guests, NBC. (Woodman). Helen Marshall (Dr. Lyons) ; Pierre Le Kreeun, Bert Whaley, bar.; Hugo Ma- WFAM -Down the Mississippi; will sing It Must Be a Wond- tnr.; Men About Town, trio; riani's Orch.: WMAQ WIRE News 7:00 CST CHASE AND SANBORN HOUR with 'roue Thing (Ries) and Trees. Rachel Carley, vocalist; Don WHO WIND- Memories that Endure WLW Nelson Eddy, Don Ameche, Dorothy Lamour, NBC -Baker's Broadcast with Donnié s Orch.: WTAM KSD WISN- Treasure Hunt WIBA WTMJ WMAQ WIRE NBC -Sen. Fishface & Prof. Figgs- Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, Stroud Ozzie Nelson's Orch.; Feg WKBH -Twilight Reverie KOA WHO (sw -9.53) bottle: WBOW WENR WIBA WMBD -Afternoon Party Twins, Robert Armbruster's orchestra; Mae Murray & Harriet Hillard: WTMJ WIBA Miss Carley sings Remember (sw- 15,21) WOC -News West, guest, NBC. KWK WMT Me, and with Mr. LeKreeuu, KWK- Secondary Schools WROK -News; Afternoon Concert WLS (sw- 11.87) Once lu a While. The trio offers Qui C'est Paris, Liana and t'ne WAAF- Jimmie Kozak, pianist WTAQ -Ave Maria 7:00 CST GENERAL MOTORS CONCERT COM- CBS -Phil Baker, comedian (Gulf WCBD -QZion Sunday Services PANY with Ron Movement. Mr. LeKreeun 4:15 symphony orchestra. Erno Rapee, Oil) with Bottle & Beetle; sings La Rosita. The orchestra WCFL -Organ Recital conductor; Erna Sack and Richard Tauber, Oscar plays Ames voti, Chile foal limn WISN -Down the Avenue Lucille Ball, comedienne; Pee and medley of El Heli- WIND -Dixieland Band NBC. Bradley's Orch.; Guests: WJR a WISN-The Treasure WJJD- Pickard Family cario. Quienemo, Mucho and Hunt WSBT WFBM WHAS (sw- Margot. WOWO- WKBH -Waltz Time Iva QChurch of Nazarene 8:00 CST FORD SUNDAY EVENING HOUR, 17.76) For of roadway, read "Atri- WROK -Amateur Hour WOC- Geraldine Morrissey alto Lowdown.' in every issue of WTAD -Barney Thompson, bar. Eugene Ormandy. conductor; Galliano Masini, Radio Guide. WTAD -"Messiah," choir guest, CBS. CBS -Twilight Musicale: WKBB WTMJ -German Hour 4:30 WKBH WISN WMBD WOC WBOW- Sunday Song Service 2:45 CBS -Guy Lombardo's Orch. 8:00 CST HOLLYWOOD PLAYHOUSE, with WCCO WCFL -Irish Hour -Elsa (Bond Bread): KMOX WFBM Tyrone Power MBS -Ted Weems' Orch.: WGN WGN -Kay Kyser's Orch. WAAF Mayer, contralto and Ann Dvorak in "Never Variety WIND -Sterling Young's Orch. (sw- 11.83) News: WTAQ WCFL WROK -News; Hour See Snow Again," NBC. Vespers, Dr. W. P. WISN -Curtain Calls KMOX -The Land We Live In, WSUI -, NBC -The Time of Your Life drama Lemon WMT -Richard Wilson, talk (Gruen Watch Co.): WMAQ 9:00 CST ZENITH FOUNDATION, experiments in telepathy. CBS. WBBM -Spelling Bee 8:15 3:00 WHO WLW WIRE KSD (sw- WBOW -Rudolph Friml Jr.'s Orch. WGN -Broadway Comedy Stars NBC- ANat'l Vespers: WENR 15.33) 9:00 CST RISING MUSICAL WLW -Newspaper of the Air WSUI- Christmas Carols NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Swing 'Con- STAR, Alex Smal- NBC -Sunday Afternoon with lens and symphony orchestra; WROK -House by the Side of the 8:30 cert : WHO WMAQ WBOW mixed chorus, Smilin' Ed McConnell (Acme Hans Fuerst, director; Richard Road NBC -American Album of Familiar WIRE WLW sw- 15.33) Gordon, com- 6:45 Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick Paint) ; Irma Glenn, organist: mentator; guest, NBC. Music (Bayer's Aspirin) ; Frank will speak on "The Validity of WENR WMT KWK (sw- 15.21) NBC -Interesting Neighbors; Jerry Munn, tar.; Jean Dickenson, Abiding Experiences." Belcher (F. W. Fitch Co.): sop.; Amsterdam Chorus; Ar- MBS-The MBS -World Neighbors, drama: Shadow (D. L. & W. WHO WMAQ KSD WLW den & Arden, piano duo; Ber- Co.): WGN WGN e' WIRE WTAM WBOW (sw- trand Hirsch, violinist; Gus KWK -QRev. Gerald L. K. Smith 953- (also see 10 p.m.) Haenscheii's Orch.: WHO KSD CBS- Howard Neumiller, pianist: MBS- Thirty Minutes in Holly- WROK -Marimba Melodies WAAF- Matinee Melodies WIRE WMAQ WTAM WIBA WTAQ WISN WKBB WBBM wood; George Jessel; Norma WTMJ -Musical Spelldown CBS -Twilight Musicale: WTAQ WCFL-News WTMJ KOA -9.53) WCCO -Hugh Aspinwall Talmadge; Jack Raymond; Epy WCFL -Dance Orch. (sw WIBA ¿Lutheran Hour - WCLS -For Your Information Persons; Tommy 5:30 WIND -Waltz Time Tucker's Or- WMBD -On to Adventure NBC -Walter Winchell's Jergen's (1310 kc) chestra; Guests: WGN KWK WROK- Music WISN -Organ Melodies MBS -Tim & Irene (Admiration Dinner Journal: WENR WMT WLW WFAM - -America in Peace Ben Blue will be George des KWK (sw- 11.87) (also WSM WJBC- Concert WIBA -American- Scandinavian Hr. sel's guest. Laboratories, Inc.) with D'Ar- 7:00 NBC -Chase Sanborn Hour; at 10:15 p.m.) WMT -QRev. Gerald L. K. Smith WIND- Moissaye Boguslawski tega s Orch.: WIRE WGN & NBC -Catholic Hour: WMAQ Nelson Eddy, Don Ame- For news of Broadway. read "niri- WOWO- Temple Radio Service WKBH -Not So Long Ago KWK bar.; alto Lowdown" in every issue of WROK- WBOW WIBA WIRE (sw- Details of the contest on this pro- che, m.c; Edgar Bergen, ven- Radio Guide. Ave Maria Hour -Bill Vickland's Vespers gram may be found on Page WMBD 9.53) 14. triloquist; Dorothy Lamour, 3:15 WOC- Hour CBS- Romantic Rhythms (Chev- MBS -Forum Commentator: WGN ANazarene NBC -Original Microphone Play: sop.; Stroud Twins, comedians; WCFL -Soloist WROK -Dance Hour rolet); Seymour Simori s WCFL (sw- 15.21) Orch.; WBOW -Dance Orch. WIND -Rhythm in Red WTAD- Sports Summary Sally Nelson, vocalist; Barry Robert Armbruster's Orch.; W1A1) Bessie Dean Reinert KSD -News; Xavier Cugat's Orch. Guest: WTMJ WTAM WIBA WIND-Evening Club WTMJ- Barber Shop Quartet WENR -Sach's Amateur Hour McKinley, bar.; Basil Ruys- 3:30 dale, m.c.: WFBM WIRE WHO WLW WMAQ 8:45 4:45 WHO- Broadway Comedy Stars WISN NBC -Irene Rich, drama (Welch MBS- jLutheran Hour: WMT WBBM KSD (sw -9.53) NBC -George Hessberger's Orch.: WIND -Armand Buisseret's Orch. WSBT WKBB WCCO Mae West will be the guest. Grape Juice): WENR WOWO KWK WIRE WCFL WMBD WOC WTAQ WENR KWK (sw- 15.21) WISN- Melody Hour KMOX Nelson Eddy will sing 'Neath WMT KWK (sw- 11.87) (also NBC -The Wood Yours: WKBH (sw- 17.76) the Summer Moon and The Owl h WIBA CBS -Eddie House, organist: WOC WKBH -Gems of Melody and the Bob-Cat both from WSM at 10 p.m.) WBOW (sw- 1533) WKBB WTAQ WBBM WISN WLW- Around the World -A Tale "Naughty Marietta," In the Si- Irene Rieti stare tonight In NBC of Today, drama "Simple Arithmetic." NBC -Nola Day, songs: WLW WKBH WMBD -Hit Parade (Princess Pat): WMAQ (sw- lence of the Night (Rachmanin- off) and On Road to Man- News: WTAD WAAF WJBC -Crime Quiz WMT-Varieties 9.53) the WGN -News; Sports Review WENR dalay: Don Ameche will sing -Music in the Air WMBD -Talk by Dr. Townsend WOC- QSunday School I Still Love to Kiss You Good- WLW-Unhroken Melodies WGN -'s Orch. WMT -Fingers of Harmony WROK -Buccaneers NBC -Green Brothers' Orch.: night. 9:00 WHO -Ferde Grbfé s Orch. WROK -Music by Cugat WSBT- Evening Meditations WCFL (sw- 15.21) NBC -General Motors Concert NBC -Rising Musical Star (Seal - WIND -Swing Serenade WTMJ-Spice of Life WTAQ -Beacon Lights KSD - Pepper -Uppers test); Alex Smallens' Symph. WISN -QL u t h e r an Laymen's 5:00 WTMJ -Billie the Brownie WBOW- Concert Hall of the Air Company; Symphony Orch. & Soloists; Erno Rapee, cond.: Orch.; Mixed Chorus, dir. Hans League CBS -Joe Penner with Jimmie WHO -To be announced Fuerst; Richard Gordon, com- WJBC- Matinee Players Grier's Orch.; Gene Austin, WIBA- Concert Trio WBOW WMT WLS KWK 5:15 (sw- 11.87) mentator; Guest: WHO WIRE WMAQ -Question -Air with Donald songs; Gay Seabrook, come- WIND -Builders of America WTAM WTMJ WIBA WMAQ of Relations Erna Sack and Richard Tau- McGibeny dienne; Julia Gibson, vocalist; KSD -Tales of Foreign Legion WLW -Court Human ber will be the soloists. WOWO- Lutheran Hour Coco & Malt, comedians (Coco WHO -Melody Time WMT -Frank Robinson, talk CBS -Zenith Foundation: WFBM WROK -Music Graphs Malt) : KMOX WCCO WFBM WKBH -Phyl Coe Mysteries WROK -Gospel String Band MBS -Epic of America, drama: WBBM KMOX WJR WCCO WTMJ -Tea Dance WBBM WHAS WJR WOC -Songs of the Church WTMJ-Chorus WGN WHAS (sw- 17.76) 28 Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 E 11111$,PM'

WMBD- Comedy Stars of Broad- WROK-Ferde Grofe's Orch. WOWO -Back Home Hour MBS -Bert Block's Orch.: WLW Frequencies way WTMJ-Will Osborne's Orch. WTAM -Tom Ireland; Musical WIRE RMOX -1090 WYBC-1200 WMT -Court of Missing Heirs Bulletin Board News: WBBM WMT Sunday KOA -830 WJJD-1130 9:45 KEW 550 WJR -760 WOC- Romantic Musings WTMJ -News; Moonlight & KMOX- Headline Highlights KWK -1360 WRBB-1500 WROK -Little Theater of the Air NBC -Cheerio, Inspirational Talk: Shadows WCCO-Musicale WAAF -920 WRBH-1380 WSBT -Answer Me This KWK WCFI. Jack Kelly's Orch WBAA -890 WLB-870 News: WHAS December 12 WBBM WTAQ -Dance Orch. WROK 10:15 WGN- Freddie Martin's Orch. -770 WLW-700 KOA -Girls of the West WBOW -1310 WMAQ-670 9:15 NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.: WHO- Sports Review WCBD -1080 WGN -Hockey; Chicago Black - WIBA -Helen & Sonya W MBD-1440 WBOW -Slumber Hour (sw -6.14) WCCO -810 WMBI-1080 hawks vs. Montreal Maroons CBS -Jay Freeman's Orch. WOC WIND- Peacock Court WCFL -970 WMT-800 WENR -Eddie Varzos' Orch. WIRE -Dept. Public Welfare WENR -870 WMBD WTMJ -Dance Orch. V'OC-1370 WIND- Walkathon WOWO -Mel Marvin's Orch. WFAM -1200 WOWO-1180 WMBD -Back Seat Driver NBC -Dance Orch.: KSD 10:45 WFBM -1230 WRJN-1370 WTMJ -Dance Orch. News: WIRE WHO CBS -Cab Calloway's Orch.: WGN -720 WBOR-1410 9:30 KMOX -Jay Mills & Orch. WBBM WCCO WHA -940 WSB T-1360 CBS -Skelly Court of Missing 10:09 NBC WMT WHAS-820 WSIII.880 NBC-Interesting Neighbors; Jer- KOA- Melody Masters -Maurie Stein's Orch.: Heirs: WBBM KMOX WISN NBC -Jerry Blaine's Orch.: WHO WHO -1000 WTAD-900 ry Belcher (F. W. Fitch Co.): IVBBM- Melodie Time WIBA -1280 WTAM-1070 WMBD WOC WTAQ WKBH MBS -Bert Block's Orch.: KWK KFI KOA (also at 6:45 p.m.) WCCO- Cedric Adams WIND -560 WTAQ-1330 WCCO WENR -Earl Hines' Orch. KMOX -Geo. L. Scott, organist WIRE -1400 WTMJ-620 WISN -1120 CBS -Headlines & By-Lines: CBS -Jay Freeman's Orch. WISN WIBA -Club Chanticleer WIBA -In a Sentimental Mood WFBM WKBB WSBT (sw- WSBT WCCO WKBH WHAS WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WIND -News 17.76) WJR WFBM (sw- 15.27) WTAM -Music You Want 11:00 NBC -Do You Want to Be an NBC -News; Jimmy Dorsey's Or WTAQ -Dance Orch. CBS -Henry King's Orch.: KMOX MBS -Good Will Hour: WGN WFBM Octor 1'; Haven McQuarrie, chestra: WMAQ 10:30 WJR OZZIE NELSON CBS -Frankie Masters' Orch.: CBS -To be announced: WKBH dir.: WHO KSD WBOW NBC -Dance Orch.: WHO WBOW NBC -0 prgm.; Starring Jack "Baker's Broadcast" Mclntire's Orch.. -Je1l WBBM WISN WKBB WMBD NBC -Marek Weber's Orchestra: WMAQ WTAM (sw -9.53) MBS-Lani Benny: KFI KOA (also at 6 orchestra leader WOWO (sw -1L87) NBC -Cheerio; Talk & Music: WIRE p.m.) WTAQ WOC Sun. 6:30 pm CST MBS -Paul Whiteman's Orch.: WIRE WENR (sw11.87) News: WIBA WMBD WTAQ MBS -Paul Whiteman's Orch.: Vocal Varieties: WENR WHAS MBS -,Old Fashioned Revival: WOC NBC -News; Jerry Blaine's Orch.: WIRE WGN KWK iv() Golden KMOX -Don't Be Swindled WBOW WMAQ KSD (sw- NBC -Benny Meroff's Orch.: WLW Melodies WMT WIND WHAS-Dance Band KSD -Rosario Bourdon's Orch. MBS- Impressions: WGN KWK- Hockey Game 9.53) WHO KSD WTAM WBOW WBBM -Horace Henderson's Or- CBS -Cab Calloway's Orch.: WOC (sw -953) WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WBOW- Master Singers Comedy Stars of Broadway: KOA 11 :30 WCFL-Amateur Hour WOWO WHAS chestra WHAS WISN WMBD WTAQ NBC -Eddie Varzos' Orch.: WCFL ,National Revival WKBB WSBT WJR WFBM WMAQ WIBA (sw -6.14) NBC -One Man's Family: KPO WIND -News KWK -Range Riders KFI (also see Wed. Prgm. at WISN WENR -News: Globe Trotter WKBH (sw-17.76) KOA -Night Editor -Songs of the Islands WIRE -Carl Baker 8 p.m.) WKBB -To be announced WJR -ln the Hermit's Cave WJBC -,M. E. Church NBC -Freddie Nagel's Orch.: WCCO -Red Norvos' Orch. WLW- Unsolved Mysteries WLW -To be announced WLW -Paul Sullivan, news WENR WENR -Music As You Desire It End of Sunday Programs

Monday December 13, 1937 Monday

WTAD -Airline News NBC -Breakfast Club: WBOW 9:30 WIND- Traffic Court Broadcast CBS -Aunt Jenny's Real Life WTAQ -Today's Almanac WCFL WOWO CBS -Tony Wons' Scrapbook WJBC -Organ Dreams Stories (Spry): WBBM WCCO MORNING CBS -Bachelor's Chlidren, sketch (Vicks): WCCO KMOX WBBM WJJD -Sons of Pioneers KMOX WMBD WFBM W1SN 8:00 (Old Dutch Cleanser): KMOX NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch (An- WKBH-Home Economics Party Line: WIRE WOWO acin): WMAQ WIRE WHO WLW -News; River; Weather 7:00 CST NBC -Breakfast Club; Vocalists; WCCO (sw- 21.52) KWK -The Morning After am Don McNeill, m.c.; Orch.; WFAM Devotions NBC -Bennett & Wolverton WMT-Frank Voelker, organist WAAF -Foolish Questions NBC -Norsemen Quartet WLW -,Morning News: WOWO WCFL WBOW WFBM -Apron Strings WCFL WROK -News & Markets; Organ WFAM -Morning Melodies CBS- Fiddlers Fancy: (sw- 21.52) CBS -Metropolitan Parade; News: WHO- Musical Clock NBC -Pepper Young's Family WSUI -Home Decoration WGN- Morning Melodies Musical Clock : WROK WOC WFBM WTAQ WFAM WKBB WIBA -Interlude; Variety Prgm. (Camay): WLS WMT (sw- WTAQ- Hawaiian Melodies WHA Operetta Favorites WCFL WBBM WKBB WIBA (sw- 21.52) WIND -Mind Your Manners 15.21) WTMJ- Household Hints WIBA -Tonic Tunes WKBH WMT WIRE News: WMBD WKBH WIRE -Room Melody; Calendar; MBS -Get Thin to Music: WGN WIND -News & Livestock Mar - KMOX -Sing, Neighbor, Sing 10:15 Coffee Pot Inn : WMT WHO News KWK -Party line WJBC -Payne Pioneers KWK -Sunny Time KMOX -Views on Piews WJJD- Tuberculosis Institute WAAF-Soliloquy WJJD -Yuletidings WAAF- Eye -Opener Prgm. CBS -Romance of Carol Kennedy, KSD -News; WKBB-Tonic Tunes WBOW -Home Folks WKBB -Ma Perkins WBOW -Open Your Eyes Dance Orch. sketch (Heinz): KMOX WOC KWK -Pep -Up Parade WKBH -Rapid Ad WCBD- Deutsche Liederstunde WKBH- Beauty Box Revue WCCO Almanac WISN WBBM WFBM WCCO -Air WCBD Meditations WLS -The Hilltoppers WFAM -Fashion Pointers WLW -The Goldbergs -That Morning -,Morning WOC WFAM Bugle; WGN -The Merrymakers WLW -Young Widder Jones WFBM- Kitchen Clinic WMAQ- Rhythm in the Air News NBC -Josh Higgins of Finchville: WHA -Band Wagon WMBD -Women of Today WHA- Afield with Ranger Mac WMT -Treasure Chest WFBM -Early Birds WBOW WCFL WIND -Harry Zimmerman, organ- WOC-News WIBA -,Church of the Air NBC- Backstage Wife, sketch WOC-Organ Melodies WGN- California Sunshine ist WROK -Town Crier WIND -Eb & Zeb, dramatic sketch WROK -Broadway Carolers WHO -Lem & Martha (Dr. Lyons) : WMAQ WTMJ WIRE -Musical Clock WTAQ -Coffee Hour WISN New= WTAD -Betty & Bob WIND -Polish Program WIRE KSD WHO WIBA WJJD -Sports Edition Handicap- WTMJ- Bandmasters WJJD -Aduh Educational Council NBC -Road of Life, sketch (Chip- WTMJ -U. W. Extension Division WISN -Early Risers Club per WKBB -The Mixing Bowl WJJD -Dude Martin's Rangers so) : WLW WLS (sw- 15.21) WLS -Lulu Belle & Scotty 9:00 WKBH -Morning Melodies KWK -Range Riders 11:00 WLS -News WLW -Hymns of all Churches CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch WLW -Betty & Bob WAAF -Mid- Morning Varieties - NBC -Making Use of Religion: WMAQ -Suburban Hour WMAQ -Your Neighbor (Wonder Bread): WISN WOC WMBD -Irene's Grab Bag WMBD- Melodies WGN- Bachelor's Children WOWO Breakfast WTAD- Storyland Lady WFBM WCCO KMOX WBBM WOC-Morning Parade WMBI- ,Sunrise Service WJBC- Theater Time; News CBS -Mary Margaret McBride, WTMJ -Your Winter Wonderland NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage WOWO -Richard Trojan columnist (Minute Tapioca): WOWO- Morning Roundup English MUD-Two of a Kind Patch, sketch (Old WROK-Intimate Review WJR -Peaceful Valley WBBM WFBM KMOX WISN ft hews: Notes 8:15 Wax): WMAQ WIRE WHO WTAD -Dance Review WTAD- Airline News NBC -Sunshine Express; News: WKBB -Rhythm & Romance WOC WCCO WFAM WMBI) KSD WTAQ-Melody Lane NB( Girl Alone sketch (Kel- WTAQ -Reveille KSD of Mary Marlin WKBH -Your Home NBC -The Story WTMJ -News WMBD- Linda's First Love logg/ WMAQ WLW WTMJ-Livestock Market; Top o' KMOX -Ozark Varieties (Ivory Flakes) : WLS (sw- WMT- Singer of Sacred Songs NBC -Happy Jack Turner, songs - the Morning; News KWK -Mrs. O'Brien's Boarding 15.21) 9:45 WOWO-News WCFL (sw- 15.33) House NBC -Breen & de Rose, songs: NBC -Today's Children, sketch 7:15 WBAA- Morning Melodies WROK- Woman's Forum KSD -News; Kay White, sketch; WBOW (Pillsbury) : WMAQ WIRE WSUI- Musical Favorites Night Letter News: WHO WCCO WMT WLW WCBD -,Christianity in Action News: WMT WTAD WROK WHO WTMJ KSD WGN -Everyday Words; Good WTAD- Morning Varieties KWK -Young Widder Jones WAAF KWK -Top o' the Morning CBS -Ruth Carhart, contralto: WAAF- Lane KMOX-Travelogue Morning Prgm. WTAQ -Radio Vocals Memory WAAF -There Was a Time WCCO WFAM WTAQ WKBB WBAA -Amer. Institutions; Prof. WBOW -Musical Clock WHA -Morning Melodies WCBD- Italian Prgm. WKBH WJJD Risin' Time WHO -Neighbor Jim 10:30 Phillips -It's WCFL -Party Line NBC -Viennese Ensemble: WBOW WBOW -Neighbor Jim WLS -Pokey & Arkie WIND -Latin American Melodies NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Cris WFAM -Organ Recital KWK WGN -Woman in the WKBH -Melody Time WIRE -Dessa Byrd co): WLS (sw- 15.21) Store WGN -Martha Crane & Helen News: WLS WMBD WHA -Talking Book WMBD -Eye Openers WJJD -Toastmaster Joyce Party Line: WTAD WOC CBS -Big Sister, sketch (Rinso): WKBH -Music Box WCCO WBBM WISN WMBD WHO-Pretty Kitty Kelly WTAD -Good Morning Melodies WIBA -Dolly Madison, Christmas KMOX -Ma Perkins WIBA-Linda's First Love WLS -News Shopping WAAF -Hawaiian Echoes KMOX WFBM 7:30 WI.W -Hope Alden's Romance NBC -How to be Charming. WIND- Sketches in Melody WIND -Meat Market of the Air WBBM -Man on the Street WIRE -Your Home Town WMT -Day Dreamer sketch (Phillips) : WMAQ WHO NBC -William Meeder, organist: WJJD -Nick Cucas' Playboys WCFLSwíngtime WJBC Shoppers Personality Hr. KWK WTAD- aChurclr in the Wild - WKBi1 Chancel Steps WGN -Musical Mail Box WIRE WTMJ WIBA KSD wood organist KWK -News; Musical Interlude WJJD- Bureau of Missing Persons CBS -Fred Feibel, organist: (sw- WKBH -Olive Hagen, WIBA -Gems of Melody WKBH -Musical Gadgets 21.52) WTMJ -Your Home Town WLW- Linda's First Love WAAF -Sweet & Slow WIND- Musical Varieties WLS-Virginia Lee & Sunbeam News: WTAQ WIBA WKBB WMBD- Messenger; Weather WISN -Ann Leslie's Scrapbook WBOW -Harry Rieser's Orch. 8:30 WCFL-Peeker in the Pantry WMT -Christmas Party Musical Clock : WMBD WMT -Morning Moods: WFBM WOWO -Bill Board WJJD -Harry Zimmerman, organ- CBS WFAM -Health Talk; Gypsy Fid- WSUI- Within the Classroom ,Devotions: WKBH WLS (sw- 21.52) WSW Within the Classroom ist WTAD-News KMOX dles -Tick Took Revue Morning Melodies: WHA WHO WTAQ -Santa Claus Parade WLW- Houseboat Hannah WTAQ- Hollywood on Parade WAAF- Breakfast WTMJ -Belle & Martha: What's WGN- Painted Dreams Express KMOX -Joe Karnes, pianist WMT -Young Widder Jones WTMJ -Love for a Day WCBD -,Gospel Tabernacle New in Milwaukee I WIBU -Aid Parade KWK -Candid Camera ; News WOWO- Modern Home Forum l CCO- Musical Chimes WCBDPolish Prgm. WSUI- Program Calendar WIND- Musicale 9:15 WJBC-Dollar Daze 11:15 WCFL- Melody Parade WCCO- Ramona & Karen CBS -Your News Parade (Lucky WGN -Music Box NBC -Oxydols Own Ma Perkins, 10:00 WJJD Women's Exchange Prgm. WFAM -Your Engagement Book Strike Cigarettes); Edwin C. WHO -Good Morning Time sketch: WLS (sw- 15.21) NBC The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory WKBB -Musical Almanac WIBA- Today's Almanac Hill, . KMOX CBS -Myrt & Maree, sketch (Su Flakes): WLS (sw- 15.21) WKBH-Troubadour commentator: WIRE -Varieties WIND -Early Edition WCCO WBBM WISN WMBI) per Suds): KMOX WFBM CBS -Jack & Paul: WISN WOC WLW- Carson Robison's Bucka- WJJD -,Christian Science WJJD -Happy Go Lucky Time WOC WKBB WFBM WLW- Before Breakfast WKBB -Musical Breakfast WCCO WISN WBBM WMBD WFBM WMBD roos WTMJ -Top o' the Morning NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch NBC -David Harum, sketch (Bab - WMBI -,Devotional Hour NBC -Cadets: WCFL WKBH -Uncle Bob Numerical WLS Kettle (Louis Phillippe): WMAQ O): KSD WIRE WMAQ WHO WMT- Jamboree NBC -The Goldbergs, sketch -Kitchen WOC Melodic 7:45 WLW -Lady Be Good WIRE WHO KSD NBC -Norm Scherr. pianist Serenade (Oxydol): WMAQ (sw- 15.33) WOWO- Linda's First Love NBC -Lucille & Lanny, songs WMAQ- Whistler & his Dog; News NBC -Vaughn de Leatn, songs: WCFL WBOW WIBA KWK NBC -Bailey Axton, tr,r.: WOWO WCFL WBOW WCFL KWK News: WKBB WTAD WSUI -Book Shelf %v sicßD- Bauuwagun KSD -Marie Harrington, talk Musical Clo k: WKBB WIBA WMT -Musical Clock WAAF -King of the Kitchen Jean Abbey, radio shopper: WTAD -Ma Perkins KWK -Rapid Service KMOX-Let's 'Compare Notes WROK- J,Morning Devotions WHA- American Observer KMOX WCCO WTAQ -News; Morning Concert WAAF -News KWK -,Devotional Prgm. WJJD -Eddie Fitzpatrick's Orch. WAAF -Woman's Page WBOW -Farm Prgm. WSUI -Daily Iowan; Morning Mel- 10:45 WHO- Favorite Melodies odies; Reports WKBB -News WBBM -Hollywood Spotlight WCAZ -Movie Gossip (1070 kc.) WJJD- Hawaiians WTAD ,inter- church Revival WKBH -Ma Perkins WCBD -Hit Tunes NBC -Edward MacHugh, Gospel WFAM- Visitors Welcome WKBH-Lone Cowboy WTAQ -Song Title WLW -All the Answers WFAM -Mrs. Riley, Shoppers' Singer (Ivory Soap): WLS WGN -Len Salvo, organist WLS -Jolly Joe's Pet Pals Club WTMJ -Party Line WMT -Morning Matinee Guide (sw- 15.21) WHO -Party Line WLW The Gospel Singer WOC- Neighbor Jim WGN -Don Pedro & Piano NBC -Hi -Boys, vocal & Instru- WIBA- Neighbor Jim WMBD -Police Flash 8:45 WROK -On the Mall WHA - Homemakers mental group: WHO KSD WOWO. aConcordia Chapel NBC -Landt Trio: WMAQ KSD WTAD-Jane Romar WIBA -The Fiddlers Three WBOW (Continued on Next Page) E Radio Guide Week Ending December 18. 1937 29 . -

WBOW -Street Reporter MBS -Sid Gary, bar. & Orch.: CBS -To be announced: WKBB WCFL -Hit Review Good Listening Today WON News: WOC WOWO Monday WGN -Bob Elson en State Street for KMOX -One Woman's Opinion KSD- Washington U. Educational WHA -Noon Musicale Stations which will broadcast these programs may be found in KWK -This Womans World Series the adjacent program WHO- Markets & Weather columns at the time hereunder indicated WBBM -Hour of Romance WAAF -Sport Shots; Shadowlattd December 13 WIND -Tango Orchestra WBOW -Talk of the Town WBOW -Xmas Merry Go Round WIRE- Markets; News NIGHT WCCO- Ladies First WCFL-Make -Believe Night Club WKBB- Luncheon Musicale WFBM -Fed. of Church Women WENR -Music Circle WKBH -Heat Wave 7:00 CST BURNS AND ALLEN; Tony Martin WIBA- Today's Front Page WFAM -Hot Spell WLS -Dinnerbell Prgm. and Ray Noble's orchestra, NBC. WIND -Happy Harmonies WGN -Ozark Minstrels WMBI- QMidday Gospel Hour WMT -At Your Service WHA -Moods & Melodies WMT -Hillbillies; Question Man; 7:30 CST VOICE OF FIRESTONE; Charles Kull - WIND-Musical Mirror Voice of Iowa mann, Alfred Wallenstein's orchestra, NBC. 3:00 WISN -Organ Melodies WOC -Farm Bureau; Markets NBC -Club Matinee: WENR WMT WJBC -Wesleyan Hour WOWO- Consolaires 7:30 CST GRAND HOTEL, drama, NBC. WOWO KWK WBOW (sw- WJJD -Ridge Runners WSBT -Blue Streaks 8:00 CST 15.21) WKBH -Questions and Answers WSUI- Rhythm Rambles FIBBER McGEE AND MOLLY with CBS -Ted Malone's Between the Ted Weems' NBC. WMAQ -The Children Speak orchestra, Bookends: WSBT WKBB WOC WMBD- Dorothy June & the 12:15 8:00 WFBM WTAQ WKBH (sw- Ramblers CST LUX RADIO THEATER; Ida Lupino, 11.83) CBS -Hymns of All Churches guest, in "Thirty -Nine Steps," CBS. WMBI- Birthday Request Prgm. (Gold Medal) : WBBM KMOX NBC -Lorenzo J ones, sketch WMT -Radio Gossip; Tunes & WFBM WCCO WISN (sw- 8:00 CST PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA; Fritz (Phillips): WMAQ WIRE WHO Topics PHIL SPITALNY 15.27) Reiner, conductor, NBC. (sw- 15.33) WROK- Markets; News "Hour of Charm" maestro MBS -Carson Robison's Bucka- KMOX -Kitty Keene, Inc. WSUI -Stephen Foster Melodies WBBM- Houseboat Hannah Mon. 8:30 pm CST roos (Musterole) : WGN 8:30 CST HOUR OF CHARM, Phil Spitalny's WTAD- Freshest Thing in Town Man on the Street: WJBC all -girl orchestra, NBC. WCFL-News WTAQ -Sweet Songs WKBH WGN -Four Stars Tonight WTMJ -Friendship Circle News: WKBB WOWO 10:30 CST CHICAGO CIVIC OPERA, "Tristan WHA- Extension Faculty Forum (11:15 a.m. Continued) WBAA -Social Security Talk; and Isolde," with Kirsten Flagstad, Lauritz WIBA -The Shut -In Hour 4:15 WIND- Trading Post Floorwalker WIND -Ben Kanter & Rose Van - Luncheon Dance Time Melchior, Gertrud Wettergren and Emanuel NBC -Terry & the Pirates, sketch WISN -Even As You & I deroosch WBOW- Fields & Hall List, NBC. (Dari -Rich) : (sw- 15.33) WIRE -Singin' Sam WCFL- Luncheon Concert WJBC -God's Cheer for the Shut CBS-Life of Mary Sothern, sketch WJBC- Parade of Bands WHO -Pappy's Matinee Ins (Hind's): WBBM KMOX WJJD- Criminal Court Interviews WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WLW -Dr. Friendly WCCO (sw- 11.83) WKBH -Club Calendar WJJD -QNoon -Day Service WMBI -ARadio School of the CBS -To be announced: WKBB WIBA- Melody Moments WLS -Chuck, Ray & Others WMBD -Town Crier; Markets 2:00 Bible NBC -Don Winslow of the Navy, WIND -Italian Hour NBC WLW =Doc Schneider's Texans WOC- Inquiring Mike -Rochester Civic Orch.; Guy WROK -Women of the Hour sketch: WIBA WMT (sw- 15.21) WJJD- Mid -day Roundup Fraser Harrison, WROK- Varieties WROK -Column Left, news cond.: WOWO WSUI -Radio Review NBC-Bennett & WKBH -Lone Wolverton: KSD WSM Musicale WSBT -News; Stork Report Rangers WCFL WIRE WBOW WTAD -On the Mall WENR WLS-School Time Program : Overture to "Semi- WTAD -Duke Otten WTAD -Cy & Freckles WTMJ -Home Harmonizers WFBM Tea Time Tunes WLW -Nation's School of the Ait ramis" (Rossini), Aus Holberg's WTMJ -Biue Room Ensemble Zelt for s t WHO- Variety Hour WMBD -Man on the ring orchestra 12:30 Street (Grieg), Rhapsody No. 1, Opus 3:15 WIND -Musical Mirror 11:30 NBC -Sue Blake, sketch: (sw- WMT -Many Happy Returns; Jam- 45 (Dvorak), two preludes Bru - NBC -The Guiding Light (White WIRE -Minute Interviews boree yeres and La Fille aux Cheveux Naptha): WHO NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour; 15.21) WMAQ WTMJ WLW -Jack Armstrong WOWO- Agri. de Lin (Debussy) and Capriccio (sw- 15.33) Guest Spkrs.: KWK WIBA CBS -Arnold Grimm's Daughter, Purdue Prgm. Italien (Tschalkowsky). WMAQ -Tea Time Varieties WBOW WMAQ WLW (sw- sketch (Gold Medal): KMOX WSBT -News; Farm Flashes NBC- Pepper Young's Family, CBS -Sing & Swing: WKBB WMBD- Bargain Counter WSlil- Musical Chats WOC WTAQ WISN WSBT 15.21) WCCO WBBM WFBM WISN sketch (Camay) : WMAQ KSD WOC -Organ Moods Monthly program of the Fu- (sw- 15.27) WTMJ- Livestocks ; News ; Weath- WHO WLW WTMJ (sw- 15.33) WFBM WMBD WKBH (sw- WROK- Birthday Club ture Farmers of America: Music NBC -Words & Music: (sw- er; Police Reports 11.83) by Army Band. 1533) CBS -Romantic Music: WSBT WSUI -Art News News: WIBA WOC WHO WIRE WKBB WISN WTAQ WOC NBC -Club Matinee: WIRE WTAD -Speed Gibson CBS -Romance of Helen Trent; KMOX- Farm' Prgm.: WMBD WHA 1:15 WKBH (sw- 11.83) Houseboat Hannah WTAM -News Virginia Clark (Edna Wallace WBBM -Linda's First Love Rhythm Rascals: WTMJ WTAQ CBS -Rex Ingram's Deep River News: WIND WTAM WFBM WTAQ -Swing Session Hopper): WBBM KMOX KWK -Organ WCCO -May Robson NBC Thompson's Melodies Boys: WOC WKBB WKBH WAAF WTAD -Lang Orch.: WBAA- Sports WCFL -Organ Recital WCFL KSD Review WSBT KMOX -Magic Kitchen 4:30 WBOW -Home Folks Frolic KWK -Today at Two WGN -Lady of Millions Hymns of All Churches: WHO MBS -Helen Yanke, sop.: WIRE WIND -Fred Beck, organist NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady, WCFL -Young Widder Jones Hope WBBM -Radio Gossip Club Ireene WOC Alden's Romance: KMOX WLW -Life of Mary Sothern Wicker: WLW (sw WGN -Markets; Mid -day Service WCCO WFBM WCBD -Polish Prgm. 15 -21) WAAF -Myrna Dee Sergent WIND -Livestock; WSUI -Musical Varieties WCCO -Ma Perkins Interlude KMOX -Hope Alden's Romance WCCO- Siesta Story: Terry dog playa Santa WKBB -Man WTAD- Lawrence Glosemeyer ('lain. WFAM -Homespun Verse on the Street KSD -Allan Clarke, bar. WGN -Marriage License Romances WKBH- CBS -Dorothy WFBM-Hoosier Farm Circle Luncheon Music KWK -Concert Melodies WHA- Trailer Travels Gordon: WKBH WLW -Voice of WIBA- 3:30 WFAM WOC WISN WCCO WGN -Quin Ryan's News Experience WAAF -Waltz Time Concert Hall WMAQ -Dan Harding's Wife NBC -The Story of Mary Marlin WTAQ (sw- 11.83) WHA -Organ Gems WBBM -Kitty Keene. Inc. WJJD -The Sports Edition WMT- (Ivory Soap) : WHO WLW NBC -Jack Armstrong, WIND -Harry Zimmerman, organ- Markets; Hillbillies WGN -Wife vs. Secretary WLS -Homemakers' Hour sketch WOWO -Hey, Mr. Motorist WMBD-Trading Post WMAQ (sw- 15.33) (Wheaties) (sw -9.53) ist WIIA- Musical Varieties CBS Questions WROK -Couple on the Street WHO -Lady WMT- Afternoon Recess -Current Before NBC -Julane Pelletier, pianist: WIRE -Linda's First Love of Millions the House: WFAM WTAD WISN -Voice Experience WSBT -In Movieland WIBA -Carson Robinson's Buck- WROK -News; Musicale WMAQ of WTAD WKBB WOC WTAQ WISN NBC- Vagabonds: WJBC- Singin' Sam -Farm; Weather; Markets aroos WSUI- Poetic Interlude WIBA WENR WFBM WMBD WKBH (sw- KMOX -The Fun Quiz WJJD- Safety Court Broadcast WISN-Musical Heat Wave 11.83) 12:45 2:15 KSD -Interview - WKBB -Farm Flashes; Do You WLS -Old Timers with Dale Car CBS - Hollywood to Person (Gold NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, News: WJBC WTAD negie Want a WMBD -His Majesty, the Baby Job? Medal): KMOX WCCO WBBM sketch: WMAQ WTMJ WLW KMOX -Singin' Sam WBBM -Truman WKBH -Magic Violin WMT -German Band Bradley WFBM WISN (sw- 15.27) WHO KSD (sw- 15.33) WAAF -News & Weather WBOW -To be announced WLS -Grace Wilson, contralto Capt. Baker previews scenes WOWO -Jack Tilson's Orch. WBBM -Missus Goes to Market WTAD-Quincy Marches CBS -Romantic Music : WFBM WCLS -For Your Information WMBD- Thrift Message; Miss El- from Jackie Cooper's starring On WAAF- WBOW -QRev. Archie Brown picture, "Boy of the Streets," WTAQ -Man on the Street Matinee Revue (1310 kc.) ectrolux; Popular Melodies WBBM -Meet the Missus WCCO- Grandma Travels WIND WMBI- from Monogrsm studios. Mau- WTMJ -Dance Orch. -News Continued Story Reading reen O'Connor will sing few WCCO -Markets WCFL -Hour of Friendship WIRE WMT -German Band a -Organ Recital songs from the picture. WGN -Home Management WGN -Len Salvo, organist W J BC- Varieites WOWO- Market Service For news of Hollywood, read HOI. 1:30 lywood Showdown" in every issue WHA -Organ Interlude WHA- P. -T.A. Message WKBB -Story Lady WROK -Helene Kimberley, songs of Radio Guide. CBS -American School of the Air: WIND -Waltz Time WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WMBD-News ; Pet Corner WTAD -Police News NBC -Jack & Loretta Clemens, WSBT KMOX WFBM WKBB WIRE- Matinee Varieties WMBI- QSacied Music WTAQ-Mailman WCCO WMT -Santa Claus Gives a Party songs: WOWO (sw- 15.21) WTAQ WBBM WISN WISN -Mary Ann Presents WROK -College Hour WROK -Top WTMJ- Behind Mike WKBH Hatters' Orch. the MBS -Rex Battle's Concert Orch.: (sw- 11.83) WLS- Homemakers Matinee WSUI- D.A.R. Prgm. WSUUElementary KWK NBC -Navy Band: WIBA WOWO German WMBD -This Business of Beauty; WTMJ- Around the Town WTAD -Jack Armstrong 11:45 Man on the Street: WSBT WCFL NBC -Ranch Boys (sw- 15.33) CBS -Our Gal Sunday. sketch Tuneful Moments 3:45 WTMJ -Kitty Keene, Inc. News: WTAQ WIND WKBH MBS -Lucky Girl. sketch: WGN WSUI- Within the- Classroom (Anacin): WBBM KMOX KSD -Mort Dennis' Orch. News: WHO WMAQ WBAA NBC -The Road of Life (Chipso): News: WBAA WMT WTAD- Mid -Afternoon Interlude WMAQ WTMJ (sw- 15.33) 4:45 WBAA -Don Bowden KSD -Judy & Jane CBS -Hilltop House, Betty & Bob: WOC CBS -Dr. sketch (Palm- WHO WBOW -Tune of the Day KWK -News; Pianist 2:30 Allan Roy Dafoe (Ly- olive WAAF- Markets; Swing High sol): WBBM WFBM Soap): WISN WCCO WHO -Musiral Day Dreams WAAF -Live Stock Markets; Bet- NBC -Roch. Civic Orch.: (sw KMOX WBBM KMOX WFBM WCCO -Kitty Keene WCCO WMBD WIBA- Market Reports ter Housing Speaker 15.21) (sw- 11.83) 11.83) WCFL- Fashions on Parade NBC -Kitty Keene, Inc. (sw- WIRE -Police Court WBOW- Melody Time CBS -Jenny Peabody, sketch (F. (Dreft)j NBC -Little WFAM -Organ Recital BO WHO Orphan Annie (Oval_ WKBB -Song Hit of the Day W; Lion Poop. & F. Cough Drops): WBBM tine) (sw -9.53) WFBM- Marxets; Farm Prgm. WHABackgrounds MBS -To be announced: KWK WLS -Voice of the Feed Lot in Agri. WFBM KMOX WISN WCCO NBC -Tom Mix Straight Shooters WGN -We Are Four WLW -Kitty Keene, Inc. WHO- Houseboat Hannah WOC KSD -Afternoon Varieties (sw- 11.83) sketch : (sw- 15.21) WIRE -Grace & WAAF (Purina) Eddy; Farm & WMAQ -The King of Hearts WIND- Public Welfare Talk NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Cris- -Estelle Barnes, pianist Home Hour WIRE WFAM- Matinee Melodies NBC -The Californians: WENR WMBD-Carson Robison's Bucka- -May Robson co): WLW WHO WMAQ KSD KSD -Young WISN -Symphonetta WJJD- Livestock WGN -Margery Graham America Speaks roos Markets WTMJ (sw- 15.33) WEBQ -Movie Gossip (1210 kc) WJBC -Reid & Vin WLS- WIBA- QBible Readings WMT -Joe Doakes; Cousin Elvira; Market Reports CBS -Broadway Matinee: WKBB WFAM WKBH -Sports; Livestock Reports WMBD -Party WIND -Cappy's Cabana Dance Parade; Voice of Troubadors Line MBS -Good Health & Training: Carelessness WLS- Markets; Weather; News WMT -Tom WISN -You Shall Have Rhythm WOC -Russ Morgan's Orch. Owen's Cowboys WGN WHO -News WMBD- Window Shopper WOC- Afternoon WJBC -Classified Time WROK- Service Sam; Home Folks Recess KWK- Siesta Time WIBA Dance Hour WOWO -Home Folks' Frolic WROK -Melodies from WKBH -Zeke Manners' Gang WTAD- Comedy Stars of Broad. the Sky WAAF -Red Hot & Low Down WIND -Dramas of Life W ROK- 'Round the Town WLW -Mad Hatterfields way WTAD- County Medical Assn. WBOW- QChristian Science WIRE -Master Singers WSUI Farm Flashes WTAM -Dick WMBD- Hawaiian Melodies WTMJ- Sidewalk Reporter Sanders WCBD -The Word of Truth WJBC Movie Gossip WTAQ -Farm Hands WMBI -Ministry of the WHA -Music of the Masters Printed WKBH-Pianology WTMJ- Heinie & His Grenadiers 1:45 Page 1:00 WIBA- International Scene WLW WOC- Linger -Singing School CBS -News Through a Woman's NBC -Girls of the West: KSD WIND -Stars Over Hollywood Awhile WMAQ -Romance WTAD -Musical Maniacs & Rhythm Eyes (Pontiac): WISN WBBM MBS -Leo Freudberg s Orch.: WKBH -WPA Prgm. WOC Man on the Street WCCO WFBM WTAQ -To be announced AFTERNOON WKBB KMOX WGN KWK WIRE WLS -Musical Roundup WROK The Old Sona Shop r WOC WTAQ (sw- 15.27) Judy & Jane: WHO WOC WMBD- Petticoat Parade 4:00 WTAQ -To be announced NBC -Norman Cloutier's Orch.: WAAF -Driskill Wolfe, tnr. NBC Nell, WMT -Ralph Shade's Orch. -Neighbor philosophy; WTMJ-News ; Moment Musicale 12:01) WMAQ WBOW KSD WBAA-Markets & Weather WROK -Music Box Melodies News: WIBA NBC -Joe White. tnr.: (sw MBS -Don't Look Now: WIRE WBOW- QDevotional Service WSBT- Monday Varieties NBC- Bonnie Stewart, songs: 5:00 15.33) News WTAD WHA WGN -Silver Serenade WTAD- String Trio WHO WIRE NBC -Army Band: (sw- 15.21) CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold KWK -Carson Robison's Bucka- WIND -Ben Kanter, pianist WTAQ -To be announced CBS -Follow the Moon (Pebeco) NBC -John Gurney, basso: WCFL Medal) : WCCO KMOX WISN roos WJJD -Happy Harmonies with Elsie Hitz & Nick Daw (sw -9.53) WFBM WBBM (sw- 15.27) WAAF -Sliver Notes; Hoosier Phi - WLS -Priscilla Pride & Howard 2:45 son: WBBM WFBM WCCO NBC -Jr. Nurse Corps (Sunbrite) News: WJJD WJBC WMBD losoper Peterson NBC -The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory KMOX (sw- 11.83) WENR KWK WTAD WBAA -Can You Pronounce It? WMAQ -Bob Hawk's Fun Quiz Flakes): WHO WMAQ WLW NBC -Jr. Nurse Corps (Sunbrite): CBS -Howard Phillips, bar.: WOC KSD -News; Grace & Eddie. WCBD- QBible Class WMBD- Shut -In Prgm. WTAQ WTMJ KSD (sw- 15.33) WLW (sw- 15.21) WTAQ WBBM sketch; Markets WCFL -Melody Hour WMT -Closing Markets CBS -Broadway Matinee: WSBT MBS -Charley Stookey's Hillbilly Santa Claus: KSD WFAM WFBM WAAF- Symphonic Hour WGN -Concert Trio WROK -Melodeers WKBB WISN WOC WKBH Show (Consol. Drug Trade KMOXLinda's First Love WBAA -Agricultural Forum WHO Your Home Town WTAD -Margot WTAQ (sw- 11.83) Co.) : WGN KWK WBOW- Sundown Express 30 Radio Guide Week Ending December 18. 1937 is WIND- Listen to Yourself WTAM -Sammy Watkins' Orch. WCFL -Organ Recital NBC -Public Hero No. I (Fal- Frequencies WISN- Sports WTMJ-Reddy Kilowatt's Orch. WIND -News staff): WMAQ WHO KSD KMOX-1090 WJBC-1200 WMBD- Sports; Where to Go & WKBB -World Dances Monday ROA-830 WJJD-1130 CBS -Brave New World: WCCO What to Do in Peoria 7:00 WKBH -Barn Dance - RSD-550 WJR-750 WKBB WOC WMT- Jordan's Revue; Did You NBC -Burns & Allen (Grape WMT- Welcome Stranger WTAQ WISN RWK-1300 WKBB-1500 WBBM WSBT WKBH (sw- WAAF -920 WKBH-1380 Know? Nuts); Tony Martin, vocalist; WOWO -Phyl Coe Mysteries 13 WBAA -890 WLS-870 Ray Noble's Orch.; Guest: WROK -News; 17.76) December WBBM WOC -Jack Armstrong, sketch Musicale "Early Efforts for an Ameri- -770 WMAQ-670 WIRE WHO KSD WTMJ WTAQ WBOW -1310 WLW-700 WROK -Dance Hour -June Gross, vocalist can League of Nations" will be WCBD -1080 WMBD-1440 WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air WMAQ WTAM WLW WIBA 8:30 the subject of the dramatiza- WCCO-810 WMBI-1080 WTAQ- Bureau of Public Service (also see 9:30 p.m.) NBC -Hour of Charm (General tion. WCFL -970 WMT-800 WTMJ- Sports Electric) Phil Spitalny's All - NBC -Nat'l Radio Forum: WENR WENR -87o WOC-1370 CBS -Horace Heidt's Orch. (Ale - WMT (sw -6.14) WFAM -1200 WOWO-1160 WBBM WHAS Girl Orch., with Maxine; Rosa - mite): WFBM line KSD NBC -Music for Moderns: WBOW WFBM -1230 W RJN-1370 WJR WCCO KMOX (sw- Greene, m.c.: WTAM WGN -720 WMAQ WIRE WTMJ WIBA (sw -9.53) WROK-1410 17.76) KNX KSL at WHA -940 WSBT-1360 NIGHT (also WLW WHO KOA (sw -9.53) Vic Arden's Orch.: WMBD WHAS -820 WSIII-880 11 p.m.) - WOWO WHO -1000 WTAD-900 NBC -Philadelphia Orch.: WENR KMOX- WIBA-1280 TAM-1070 6:00 NBC -Gen. Hugh Johnson, com- Comedy Stars of Broad- W WCFL -WPA Singers way WIND -560 WTAQ-1330 CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's mentator (Bromo Quinine): WIRE -1400 WTMJ-620 WGN -Ennio Bolognini & Orch. KWK -Range Riders : (sw- 17.76) KWK WMT WLS (sw- 11.87) WIEN -1120 Gum) WJR (also WIND -Two Pianos WCFL -To be announced see 10 p.m.) NBC -To be announced: KSD WKBB -World Entertains WFBM -Three Victors NBC -Amos 'n' Andy (Pep- WBOW -Green Bros.' Orch. WMT -Evening Serenade WCCO -Livestock WHAS- Here's To You sodent): WHO WTAM WLW WCFL-News WOC- Sesqui- Centennial Speaker WGN -Jolly Joe WIBA -Smoke Rings KSD (sw -9.53) (also see 10 WFAM -News & Notes WOWO -Jack Tilson's Orch. WIND -Stars Over Manhattan BENAY VENUTA WHO- Sunset Corners Opry p.m.) WGN -Foreign Affairs WROK- Komedy Kingdom "Musical Cartoons" vocalist WIBA -Outdoor Wisconsin WIRE- Forward with Indianapolis WIND-Talk WTAQ-News WJR- Presentation WIND -Stamp Man CBS -Not So Long Ago: WTAQ WISN -Down by Herman's 8:45 WROK -Lou Orch. WIRE -Terry & the Pirates WISN WKBB WCCO WBBM Blake's WKBH- Singing Strings WGN -News; Sport High Lights WTAM- Symphonic Variations NBC -Chicago Civic Opera Co.: WISN -Show Window WKBH WMBD -Brain Teaser WIND -Collegiate Episodes WKBB -Univ. of Dubuque WTMJ -Glen Gray's- Orch. WMAQ WBOW WLW WIBA NBC -Music Is My Hobby: WENR WOC- Bernice Engdahl WMT -Dream Songs WKBH -Rhapsody WBOW (sw- 11.87) 9:45 (sw -9.53) WROK- Affairs of Mrs. Swenson WOC- Vivian Benshoof MBS -Henry Weber's Pageant "Tristan and Isolde," pre- WLW -Angelo, Italian troubadour NBC -Hal Totten, sports: WMAQ WSUI -Children's Hour WROK -Vic Arden's Orch. of sented by the Chicago City WMAQ -Don Winslow of the Navy MBS- Concert Trio: WGN WIRE Melody: WGN Opera Company, will be broad- WTAQ -Kinney's Hawaiians WTAQ -Organ and Poetry cast from WMBD -Happy Train KWK 9:00 News: WROK WOWO the Chicago Civic -A Vic Arden's Orch.: WFBM KMOX Opera House. Singing the lead- WMT Hit for Today; Minute Sports: WKBH WHAS WOC 7:15 NBC Conteneted Pro- ing roles -Carnation KWK-String Nocturne will be Kirsten Flag - Drama; Frank Wood, talk KMOX -To be announced NBC -Jimmy Kemper & Roy gram; Dir. Frank Black: KSD stad, Lauritz Melchior, Gertrud : WCFL -Illinois WROK -Songs at Twilight KSD -News Organist Campbell's Royalists: (sw- WHO WMAQ WTAM WTMJ Industrial Comm. Wettergren, and Emanuel List. WSUI -Elementary Spanish WCFL -News WIBA -Dick Liebert 11.87) WIBA KOA WIRE (sw -933) CBS -Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WOC WTMJ -Jack Armstrong, sketch WFAM-Crimecasts KWK -Key Men The Lullaby Lady will sing WIND -News & Sports WLW -Sweet WISN WKBB WTAQ WSBT WFBM- Phenomenon WBOW -Vic Arden's Orch. Love's Old Sweet Song (Molloy) Adeline 5:15 WIBA -Dane Farm Hour and the quartette will sing WMBD -Del Mar Orch. WHAS WFBM WKBH (sw- County WCFL- Philip Kinsman 17.76) CBS -New Horizons: WKBH WIND- German Hour Roses in December and Sylvia WTMJ-Dance Orch. WFAM -Faculty Talks from Notre (Speaks). A soprano solo, One NBC -Magnolia Blossoms: WOWO WKBB WTAQ WMBD -Roy Evans Kiss, from "New Moon" (Rom 10:00 Dr. Dame WCFL (sw -6.14) James Chapin will speak WMBI- Sunset Hour berg) will be offered. The or- NBC -Amos 'n' Andy (Pepso- on "The Discovery of the Congo WGN- Charlie Gaylord's Orch. chestra will play Knights- MBS -Art Kassel's Orch.: WIRE Peacock." WMT -Lucky Lyric; Interlude WIND -Colonial Ensemble dent): WMAQ WIRE WLW -News; Music bridge from "London Suite" WMT WROK Dinner WISN- Concert Contrasts (Coates), Para Vigo Me Voy KOA KFI (also at 6 p.m.) KMOX -Morning's Headlines NBC -Rhythmaires: WCFL (sw- WSUI -Dinner Hour WKBB- Safety Lane and a Rodgers and Hart med- 9.53) CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigely's KWK -News; Musical Interlude WTMJ -Tunesmiths WLS -Dr. H. N. Wheeler, ley consisting of I Must Love NBC -Army Band: WENR WMT talk You, Dine Room, Girl Friend Gum); Frankyln McCormack, WBBM -News WMT -Carson Robison BuckaroosB Jack Armstrong, sketch: WCCO 6:15 and My Heart Stood Still. Ma- poetry; Jack Fulton, tnr.; WCCO - Rollie Johnson WOC -Swing Is the Word for You ria Kureuko, soprano, will be Orch.; WJR WHAS KSL WENR -Maurie Stien's Orch. WTAD NBC -Uncle Ezra's Radio Station WROK -The Builders guest of this program singing KMOX -Lady of Millions WFBM WCCO KMOX WBBM WGN -Art Kassel's Orch. (Alka- Seltzer): WIRE WMAQ WSUI -Basketball; Washington Les Filles du Cadiz (Delibes) KSD -News; George Hall's Orch. U. and The World Is Waiting For (also at 6 p.m.) WHO- Sports WHO WTMJ WTAM WIBA vs. Iowa the Sunrise (Seitz). WIND -Peacock Court KWK -Santa Claus (also see 10:15 p.m.) CBS -Glen WBBM WTAQ -Symphonic Hour Gray's Orch.: WSBT WMBD -Value Hints -Eleanor Howe CBS -Wayne King's Orch. ( ILady (sw- 17.76) WFAM- Sports Review CBS -Lewis Browne, commenta- 7:30 WTMJ -Dance Orch. NBC -The Voice Esther): WJR WFBM WHAS NBC- Freddy Martins,s Orch,: WFBM -Let's Talk Psychology tor: WBBM WTAQ WISN of Firestone; Charles Kullmann, tnr.; Chor- WCCO WBBM KMOX (sw- WCFL WBOW (sw -9.53) 10:45 WGN -Buddy & Ginger KMOX WCCO WFAM WHAS us; Symphonic Orch., dir. Al- 17.76) Sports Review: KWK WOWO NBC -Chicago Civic Opera Co.: WIBA -Santa Claus at the North (sw17.76) WHO fred Wallenstein: WMAQ KSD NBC -Behind Prison Bars, drama News: WIBA WTAQ WMBD Pole NBC -Three Cheers: WMT WBOW CBS -Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WTMJ WIRE WTAM WIBA s Liniment) ; Warden WJR WOC WKBB WKBH WIND-Sons of the Pioneers (sw- 11.87) (Sloañ WBBM KMOX WMBD WCCO WHO (sw -9.53) (also see 10:30 Lewis E. Lawes: WENR WMT WENR -Globe Trotter WIRE -Three Little Words News: WOC WMBD News: WIND WHAS p.m.) WOWO KWK (sw -6.14) WHO -Dick Leibert, organist WLW- Supper Serenade KSD- Xavier Cugat's Orch. WIND- Swedish Prgm. KSD -Noble Sissle's Orch. & KWK -To be announced "The Biter Bit," a story of WMAQ -Terry the Pirates CBS -Pick & Pat (Model Smok- an ex- convict's attempt to go WISN-Moon Magic KWK -Roller Derby WBOW -Si & Ezra WMBD -Music Prgm.; Jack Lyon, ing Tobacco); Benny Krueger's straight against the wishes of WLW WIRE -Variety Show WCFL- Dinner -Paul Sullivan, news pianist Concert Orch.; Edward Roecker, bar.: his old gang, will be drama- WMT -Swing Time W-J R -Solay WENR- Better Business Prgm. WBBM WHAS tized. WOC -Speed Gibson WCCO WFBM WTAM -Musical Bulletin Board 11:00 WMBD -Music Prgm. ; To be an- WFBM- Sports Review KMOX (sw- WJR 17.76) (also MBS- Famous Jury Trials (Men - WTMJ -News; Sports NBC- Fibber nounced WGN -Henry Weber's Concert Or- KNX KSL at 10:30 p.m.) McGee & Molly chestra nen's) : WGN WLW 10:15 (Johnson's Wax): KOA KFT WROK Sports NBC -Uncle Ezra's Radio Station WTMJ -Billie the Brownie WJR -Vocal Varieties NBC -Grand Hotel, sketch (Cam- WBOW- Master Singers (also at 8 p.m.) pana) : WLS KWK (Alka- Seltzer) : 1(3A (also at WKBH- Dinner Music WMT W(l't. News NBC -Chicago Civic WOWO (sw- 11.87) 6:15 p.m.) Opera Co.: 5:30 WLW -Four Stars Tonight WIND -Man on the Ice, interviews WHO WBOW WIBA KSD NBC -Joan Edwards, songs: (sw- WROK -Voice of Carelessness MBS -Lone Ranger, drama (Sil- WISN -Rendezvous CBS -Glen Gray's Orch.: WTAQ (sw -9.53) 9.53) vercup) : WGN WKBB -Gaslight Harmonies WISN WKBB WHAS WOC NBC -Bubbles Becker's Orch.: CBS -News; George Hall's Orch.: 6:30 WKBH- Rapid, Ad WKBH WOWO (sw -6.14) WTAQ WFBM WKBB WFAM NBC -Horlick's Lum & Abner, WBOW- Fireside Hour WMBD -Peoria's Calling NBC -Dance Orch.: WOWO (sw- CBS -Geo. Hamilton's Orch.: WCCO sketch: WENR WLW (also WCFL -Streamline Melodies WOC- Monday Presents 6.14) WSBT WFBM WKBB CBS-; American Red Cross, KGO at 10:15 p.m.) WFAM- Polish Hour WROK -Joe Gerken's Orch. MBS -Henry Weber's Orch.: KWK MBS -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: Spkr.: (sw- 17.76) WIND -Sing & Swing WSBT -Dance Parade News: WHO WMT WIRE WFBM - WMT WGN WLW WIRE CBS -Jay Freeman's Orch.: WFBM Jack Armstrong, sketch: KMOX WISN -Dr. Koehler WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air Musical Moments Revue: WTAQ -Al Trace's Orch.: WBBM WFAM WISN WMBD WCCO CBS WHO WMAQ WKBH -True Detective WTAQ-Dance Orch. WBBM WMBD WOC WISN WTAQ WOC Chan: KSD WGN WLW -For Men Only 9:15 KMOX -Jimmy Garrigan's Orch. KMOX -Pappy Cheshire's Hill Bill- Charlie NBC -Carol Weymann mezzo KWK -Coyita Bunch WMBD -Music Hall Vic Arden's Orch.: WSBT WTAQ WCCO- Cedric Adams ies Cheshire sop.: KSD WOC -QAve Maria Hour WBOW-Dance Hour WENR -King's Jesters Orch. WBBM -Pappy NBC WMT KWK -Ran Wilde's Sundown Express -John Herrick, bar.: WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WCFL -Labor Flashes WIBA -Helen & Sonya WBOW -News; (sw- 11.87) WCCO -Red Norvos' Orch. WCCO- Homecoming Prgm. 7:45 WIND -W alkathon WJR-Peaceful Valley WENR -Royal Ambassadors' Orch. News: WTAQ WHO WMAQ WKBB -Hollywood on Parade W'LW -Paul Sabin's Orch. WCFL- Musical Varieties KMOX- WCFL -Herr Louie & the Weasel WHAS -Dance Band WENR- News? Sports WKBH -Barn Dance WMAQ- Norman Pearce, the bach- What's the -Sports News WIND -Talking Drums WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WIBA -News KWK Review; WMBD -Jack Lyon, pianist elor poet Deutsch's Orch. WBBM -Phyl Coe, radio mystery WISN -Xmas Guide WJR -Emery WIND -Bill, Mack & Jimmy WROK -Al Horst, In the Gloam- WMBD- Sports Californians WBOW -Hit Tunes WMAQ -The WIRE -Little Orphan Annie 8:00 ing WTAM -Music You Want WTAM -Blue Barron's Orch. WCFL -Sunny Sam CBS -Lux Radio Theater; Drama WISN -News; Musical Interlude 9:30 WTMJ -Moonlight and Shadows 11:30 WHAS -Glen Gray's Orch & Music: WISN WJR WHAS (Grape WKBH- Kiddies' Hour NBC -Burns & Allen 10:30 NBC -Vox Pop: KFI (also see WIBA -Univ. School for Workers WBBM KMOX WCCO WFBM Nuts); Tony Martin, vocalist; NBC -Voice of Firestone; Charles WLW -Sports WIRE -Man to Man Sports News Tues. at 8 p.m.) WMBD -Speed Gibson WMBD WTAQ (sw- 1736) Ray Noble's Orch.; Guest: Kullmann, tnr.: KFI KOA (al- -Message and Music WJR -Vic Arden's Orch. KOA KFI (also at 7 p.m.) so at 7:30 p.m.) End of Monday Programs WMBI WKBB -Speed Gibson NBC -Philadelphia Orch.; Fritz WMT -Puzzle Club; News WROK -House by Side of Road Reiner, cond. ( B a n k i n g WOC -Hits & Bits WTAM -Lois Miller, organist Group) : WLS KWK WBOW WROK -Jack Maxedon, ballads WTMJ -Easy Aces (sw- 11.87) DISCARD WSUI- Musical Moods For the music detail on this pro- YOUR OLD AERIAL gram turn to page 8. It Is Most Likely Corroded and Has Poor or Loose Noisy Connections WTMJ -Heinie & His Grenadiers 1 6:45 Complete No MORE BUZZES, CLICKS and shorts from summer rains and winter snow and CBS -Boake Carter, commentator NBC -Fibber McGee & Molly Does away with sleet when using an F & H Capacity Aerial Eliminator. Anyone can connect it in a 5:45 WBBM WJR Johnson's Wax); Marian & Aerial entirely moment's time to the radio set-occupies only 1 i inch by 4 inch space behind the (Philco): WCCO set, yet enables your radio to operate without an tune stations over CBS -Bob Byron, songs: WKBB WMBD Jim Jordan; Hugh Studebaker; -Just place an aerial and in KMOX WISN WHAS F & H Capacity the entire broadcast band frequencies and short wave channels. (sw- 17.76) WFAM (sw- 17.76) (also KNX Bill Thompson; Clark Dennis, Aerial Elimin- NBC -Lowell Thomas, news com- Ted ELIMINATE THE AERIAL FOR GOOD KSL at 10:15 p.m.) vocalist; Betty Winkler; ator (size 11 Attach this unit to your radio -make your set complete in itself-forget z 4 mentator (Sun Oil): WLW Weems' Orch.: WIRE WTAM in. in.) aerial wires and troubles --move your set anywhere -no more roof climbing. Johnson, within your set. unsightly lead -in or wires. (sw- 15.21) NBC -Christine sop.: WIBA WMAQ WTMJ WLW Simple instructions aerial Not New-Value Already Proved. NBC -Tom Mix Straight Shooters WMT (sw- 11.87) WHO KSD (also see 11 p.m.) furnished with unit. On the market five years. 100,000 customers in U.S. and foreign countries. In from Norway ( Purinp): WMAQ KWK WIRE NBC-Top Hatters Orch.: KSD Easily connected by use the Arctic Region of to the Tropics of Africa. Each KOA -Paul Martin's Music anyone to aerial and factory tested on actual long distance reception. Cannot harm set -Easily NBC -Escorts & Betty: WENR WMAQ WCFL -Jam Session ground of set. Your connected to any radio, including radios having no ground or radios for - doublet aerial. Note : It will not operate on or automobile radios. NBC Little Orphan Annie (Oval MBS- Concert Trio: WGN WGN -Kay Kyser's Orch. radio will then operate battery and tune in the same Mail coupon at once. Pay poulinas $1.00 tine) : KSD News: WFBM WKBB WKBH WIND -Tommy Ott, organist 5 DAYS TRIAL plus Orch.. WHO WIBA manner as if it were con- few pennies postage on delivery. It not entirely Orphan Annie: WHO WGN Vic Arden's WKBB -Hits & Encores nected to an aerial. Operates at laved, return within five days and your dollar will be refunded without question. Time waves. KMOX- Adventures of Jimmy Al- KWK -Tonic WKBH -John Gruber on both short and long JUST MAIL THIS COUPON - - - - len WBOW -Home Decorators WMT -Over the Transom WHAT USERS SAY F &H Radio Laboratories, Dept. 67, Fargo, N. Dak. LaPorte, Tex. After using the Capacity Aerial Elimin- Send F & H Capacity I WBOW -Jerry of the Circus WCFL -Pat Kennedy WOC -St. Ambrose on the Air Aerial. Will pay postman $1 plus Prgm. ator over a year on my 1935 small 7 tube set can say it few rents postage. It not pleased will return within 5 days I WCCO -Front Page Parade WENR -Chicago Opera WOWO -To be announced brings in reception with One volume and clarity, pulling for Is refund. Check here D if sending e1 with order- thua saving postage cost WCFL -Stanley Hickman WIRE -Charlie Chan, sketch WROK- Informer Hour in stations from Japan, Europe, South America, and -same refund guarantee. Check I broadcast stations from all over the U. S. Efficiency pro- hare Q if interested in dealer's proposition. WFAM -Speed Gibson WLW -To be announced I WSBT -Polish Hour ven, 1 took down my old outside aerial. Signed: WFBM- Carson Robison's Bucka- WOC -Jimmy Odette's Orch. Davenport, Ia. Received your Radio Aerial Eliminator NAME coos WROK -On to Adventure 8:15 and it sure works fine. Also works swell on Short Wave WIBA- Today's Birthdays; Sports WTAQ- Dinner Music KOA- Captains of Industry band. Wish I had found it long ago. Signed: ADDRESS

R Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 31 Tuesday December 14, 1937 Tuesday

WFBM- Kitchen Clinic Hymns of All Churches: WHO Farm Prgm.: WHA WMBD WGN -Get Thin to Music WOC Man on the Street: WJBC WKBB WHA -Story Time Good Listening for Today WAAF -Myrna Dee Sergent KWK-Organ Melodies WIBA- QChurch of the Air Stations which will broadcast these programs may be found i n WBAA -Morey Doyle, pianist WBAA -Russ, Bob & Martha the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated WIND -Eb & Zeb WCCO -Ma Perkins WBOW -Home Folks Frolic WISN -News MORNING WFAM- Safety Council WCFL -Young Widder Jones WJJD- Illinois Medical Society WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle WGN -Markets; ¿Mid -day Service WKBH -Morning Melodies 11:30 CST NATIONAL FARM AND HOME WIND -Harry Zimmerman, organ- WIND -,Christian Science Prgm. WLW Betty & Bob HOUR, highlights of American Farm Bureau ist WKBH- Luncheon Music WMBD -Irene's Grab Bag Federation Convention, NBC. WGN -Quin Ryan, news WLW -Voice of Experience WOWO -Mary Berghoff WIRE- Linda's First Love WMAQDan Harding's Wife WROK- Intimste Review AFTERNOON WISN -Voice of Experience WMT- Markets; Hillbillies WTAD Dance Review WJBC -Singin' Sam WOWO -Hey, Mr. Motorist WTAQ -Melody Lane 3:20 CST "AS I SEE IT," Professor Gilbert Mur- WJJD- Safety Court WROK- Couple on the Street WTMJ -News ray, from London, NBC. WKBB -Farm Flashes; Do You WSBT -The Bandstand RUTH LYON 9:45 Want a Job? WTAD -Farm; Markets; Weather "Words & Music" soprano NBC -Today's Children. sketch NIGHT WKBH -Magic Violin WTMJ -Dance Orch. Tues. 12:15 pm CST (Pillsbury): WMAQ WIRE WLS -Organ Moods 12:45 KSD WTMJ WHO 6:30 CST FAMOUS ACTORS GUILD with Helen WMBD -Homemaker NBC -Roch. Civic Orch. Educa- WMBI -Continued Story Reading CBS- Surton & Bliss, pianists: Menken in "Second Husband," CBS. tional Concert; Guy Fraser WKBB WFAM WKBH WMT- German Band Harrison, cond.: KWK WOWO 7:00 Russ Morgan's WOWO -Market Service MORNING NBC- Viennese Ensemble: KWK CST JOHNNY PRESENTS (sw- 15.21) KMOX -Ma Perkins orchestra, Charles Martin, Frances Adair, WROK - Helene Kimberley, songs CBS -Hollywood in Person (Gold WAAF- Hawaiian Echoes Glenn Cross, Genevieve Rowe, Ray Block and WTAD -Police News Medal): WBBM KMOX WCCO WTAQ-Mailman 7:00 am CST WBBM -Jean Abbey, shopping Swing Fourteen, and guest, NBC. WFBM WISN (sw- 15.27) NBC -Charioteers: WLW WTMJ- Behind the Mike For news of Hollywood, read "HOI- news IywOod Showdown" in every issue CBS- Arthur Godfrey; Organ: WBOW- Looking Around 7:00 CST "BIG TOWN" with Edward G. Robin- 11:45 of Radio Guide. (sw- 21.52) WCCO-Musicale son and Claire Trevor, CBS. CBS -Our Gal Sunday, sketch News: WIND WKBH WTAQ Musical Clock: WBBM WROK WCFL -Jwi ngtim e (Anacin): KMOX WBBM Man ira the Street : WCFL WSBT WOC WKBB WIBA WCFL 7:30 CST IT CAN BE DONE; Edgar A. Guest, Markets: WLS WIBA WGN -Musical Mail Box NBC - Hollywood High Hatters: WKBH WMT WIRE WIBA -,Music Graphs Frankie Masters' orchestra; guest, NBC. WCFL KSD -Mort Dennis' Orch. 7 :15 WIND -Rhubarb Red Beth & Bob: WOC WHO WBAA -Tom Stephenson, bar. 7:30 CST AL JOLSON SHOW with Martha Raye, WBOW -Twee of the Day CBS -Poetic Strings: (sw- 21.52) WISN Ann Leslie's Scrapbook Parkyakarkus, Victor Young's orchestra; KSD- Vlelodeers News: WMT WLS WCCO WHO WJJD -Harry Zimmerman, organ- WAAF- Markets; Swing High WHO- Luncheon Music WAAF ist Zasu Pitts, guest, CBS. WBAA -Purdue News W ,RL -Police Court 7:30 WLS -News; Markets WCCO -Kitty Keene WKBB -Song Hits of the Day, 8:00 CST WHITTALL STRADIVARIUS CON- Pet Corner News: WIBA WKBB WTAQ W'LW- Houseboat Hannah CERT, NBC. WFAM -Luncheon Dance Musical Clock: WMT WMBD WMBD -News WFBM Markets; Farm Prgm. WLW -Kitty Keene, Inc. 7:45 WMT -Young Widder Jones 8:30 CST HOLLYWOOD MARDI GRAS with WGN -We Are Four WMAQ -Perry Como, bar.; Mar- lowe & Lyon, piano CBS -Eton Boys: (sw- 21.52) WOWO- Modern Home Forum Lanny Ross, Charles Butterworth, Jane WIRE -Farm & Home Hour . WMBD -Coloney Beeney; Ram- Musical Clock WKBB WIBA WSUI-Prgm. Calendar; Weather Rhodes, Ruby Mercer, Raymond Paige's or- WISN -Ivory Interlude 8:00 WTAD -Party Line R.-IBC-Guest Artists blers CBS -Music in the Air; News: 10:00 chestra; Cary Grant, guest, NBC. WKBH- Hillbilly Parade WMT Joe Doakes; Cousin Elvira; Cornhuskers WFAM WFBM WTAQ WKBB NBC -The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory WLS Weather ; Markets: News 8:30 CST JACK OAKIE'S COLLEGE with Stuart WoC Guy Lombardo's Orch. (sw- 21.52) Flakes) : WLS (sw- 15.21) WMBD -Window Shopper NBC Erwin, Raymond Hatton, Harry Barris, WROK -Man Off the Street; Home -Breakfast Club; News: NBC -David Harum, sketch (Bab - WMT News: Hillbillies; Question chorus; George Stoll's orchestra, CBS. Folks Hour WCFL WBOW 0) : WIRE WMAQ WHO KSD Mdlt News: WMBD WKBH CBS -Mary Lee Taylor (Pet WOWO -Home Folks Frolic WTAD -Musical Moments Coffee Pot Inn: WHO WMT Milk): WOC WMBD KMOX W Rl ti' Hound the Town W'r31.1- Sidewalk Reporter 8:15 WFBM WBBM WSUI -Faros Flashes 1:00 NBC- Sunshine Express; News: NBC -Norm Scherr, p i a n i s t: WFAM -Fashion Flashes WBBM -Furniture Bungalow WTAQ -Fai mhauds CBS -Milton Charles, organist: KSD WBOW KWK WGN-Painted Dreams WCCO Wandering Minstrel WTMJ- Heinie's Grenadiers; Mer- WKBH WCCO WKBB WOC 8:30 WAAF- Soliloquy WIBA -,Church in Wildwood WHA Music Appreciation cantile Quotations NBC -Fun in Music; Dr. Mad - CBS- Richard Maxwell, songs: WCBD -Uncle John WIBU -Aid Parade WHO- Pretty Kitty Kelly dy's Band Lessons: WBOW (sw- 21.52) WCCO- Musicale WIND Speaking of Love WIBA Linda's First Love WMAQ (sw- 15.33) NBC -Breakfast Club; News: WCFL- Morning Melodies WJBC -Neighbor Jim WIND- Sketches in Melody Aï`! ERìvO:iiw CBS -Molly Steinberg, stage relief WOWO WFAM -Shoppers' Goble WJJD -Women's Exchange Prgm. WIRE -Your Home Town spkr.: (ew- 15.27) MBS- Victor H. Lindlahr (Journal WGN -Don Pedro & Piano WKBB -Musical Almanac WISN -Movie Chat MBS -Concert Orch.: WIRE KWK of Living) : WGN WHA -Homemakers WKBH -Amer. Family Robinson WJBCPersonality Hour 12:00 News: WJBC WHA 8:45 WIBA -The Fiddlers Three WLW -Paul Robbins' Orch. WJJD- Bureau of Missing Per - CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold Man on the street: WBBM NBC -Aunt Jemima (Quaker WIND -Municipal Court WMBI-Home Hour sons Medal): WBBM KMOX WISN WMBD Oats): WMAQ (sw- 15.21) WISN -Your Neighbor WMT -Numerical Jamboree WLS -Don & Helen lVCCO WFBM (sw- 15.27) KMOX Inquiring Reporter CBS -Bachelors Children, sketch WJBC -Organ Dreams WOC- Melodic Serenade WMBD Dr. Kadesky; Police Bul- NB15.0 Dick Fidlers' Orch.: (sw- KSD -News; Revelers Quartet (Old Dutch Cleanser) : KMOX WJJD -Sons of the Pioneers WOWO- Linda's First Love letins WAAF-Silver Notes; Hoosier Phi- WCCO (sw- 21.52) WKBB -Movie News WSUI Rnok Shelf WMT -Christmas Party News, WJJD WTAD WJBC losopher NBC -Breakfast Club WCFL WKBH -Home Economics WTAD.Ma Perkins WOC- Extra! Extra' WMBD WBAA- Journalism Today WBOW WOWO WLW -News; River; Weather; WTAQ -News; Morning Concert WROK- jTabenacle Hour KSD -News; WCBD J. C. O'Hair NBC Harry Reser's Orch. -Landt Trio: KSD Markets W'S(II- W,thin the Classroom. VeAP.F Symphonic Hour WCFL- Melody Hour News: WOC WKBB WMT -Frank Voelker, organist 10:45 WTAD -News WFBMBohernians NBC Edward MacHugh, the WBAA -Noon Melodies 9:00 WROK -News & Markets; Food WTAQ -Theater Organ WBOIV- Street Reporter WGN -Concert Orch. CBS- Gospel Singer (Ivory Soap): Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch Facts; Organ WTMJ -Love for a Day WCFL Hit Review WIBA- Melody Moments (Wonder Bread) : WLS (sw- 15.21) WISN WOC WSUI -Molly & Max 11:15 WGN -Man on State Street WIND Italian Hour IVBBM WFBM WCCO KMOX CBS -Aunt Jenny's Real Life WTAD -News CBS -Your News Parade (Lucky )V'llA Noon Music,. e WI-.N Musical Heat Wave NBC Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Stories (Spry): KMOX WISN WTAQ -Hawaiian Melodies Strike Cigarettes), Edwin C. WHO -Markets & Weather WJJD -Mid -Day Round -Up Patch, sketch (Old English WCCO WFBM WBBM WMBD W I.-, Time WTMJ -Household Hints Hill commentator : WBBM WOC WIND -Tango Orchestra turf : NBC -Mystery Chef (Regional Ad- Wax) WMAQ WIRE WHO 10:15 WISN WMBD WFBM KMOX WIRE- Markets WLW Nation's School of the Air KSD CBS -Romance of Carol Kennedy, vertisers, Inc.).: (sw- 15.33) WKBB -Luncheon WSUI -Ensemble Romantique KSD WCCO WKBB Musicale NBC -The Story of Mary Marlin, sketch (Heinz): WFBM WOC NBC -George Hartrick, bar.: WKBH -Parade WM 1 -Many II a p p y Returns; WBOW WIBA of Melodies sketch (Ivory Flakes): WLS KMOX WBBM WCCO WISN NBC -The Goldbergs. sketch (Oxy- WLS- Diunerhell Prgm. tronbaderos; Cornhuskers NBC -Originalities: WMT (sw- 15.21) NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch dol): WMAQ (sw- 15.33) WMBI ,f\Midilay Gospel Hour WOWO -Jolly Bakers Party Line: WIRE WOWO NBC -Bailey NBC -Shelter & Brenner: WBOW (Dr. Lyons) : WMAQ WTMJ Axton, tor.: WOWO WOC -Farm WSBT -News; Farm Flashes KWK -The Morning After Bureau; Markets News: WMT WTAD WROK WIRE KSD WHO WIBA NBC- Cadets: WCFL WCWO- Consolaires tv r'I tiusical Chats WAAF -Foolish Questions KSD 9:15 NBC -The Road of Life, sketch -Marie Harrington, talk WSBT -Two Way Harmonies WTAD Phyl Coe Mysteries WCFL -Voice of Cookery EWE Rapid Service NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, (Chipso) : WLW WLS (sw- WSUI- Rhythm Rambles WTAQ Matinee sketch: WLS (sw- 15.21) 15.21) WFAM -Morning Melodies WAAF -News WTMJ- Livestock; News; Weath- 12:15 CBS My rt & Maree. sketch NBC -Josh Higgins of Finchville: WGN- Morning Melodies %WBAA -PTA Council er ; Police Reports (Super Suds): WFBM KMOX WCFL WBOW WHA -Novelty Shop WBOW -Farm Prgm. mns nt All Churches 1:15 (Gold Medal) WBBM KMOX WISN WBBM WCCO WMBD Varieties: WTAD WTAQ WHO -Robt. Hood Bowers' Band WCAZ -Movie Gossip (1070 kc) CBS- Cheri & Three Notes: WKBB NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch KWK Range Riders WIND-Markets WFAM- Visitors Welcome WCCO WFBM WISN (sw- WKBH WOC WSBT (Louis Philippe) WHO KSD WAAF -Zeke Manners' Gang WJBC -Payne Pioneers WGN -Len Salvo, organist NBC -Let's Talk It Over: (sw- WMAQ WIRE WGN -Bachelor's Children WJJD -Yuletidings WHO -Party Line NBC -Words & Music: (sw- 15.33) 15.21) NBC -, songs WIND -Sons of Pioneers WKBB -Ma Perkins WIBA -The Master Singers MRS -Marjorie Mills (Maine De MBS -Mary Williams, sop.; Or- WBOW KWK WJBC- Theater Time; News WKBH -Pianology WIND -Ben Kanter, pianist velopment Com.): WGN chestra: KWK . News: WKBB WOWO WAAF King of the Kitchen WJJD -Two of a Kind WLW Goldbergs WIRE-Singin' Sam Hope Alden 's Romance: KMOX Man on the WJBC WFAM -Organ Recital WKBB- Rhythm & Romance WMAQ- Rhythm in the Air WJBC -Parade of Bands Street: WFBM WCCO WKBH WHA -World Observer WKBH -Your Home WOC-Organ Melodies WJJD -Criminal Court Interviews KSD Ebony & Ivory, piano duo WBAA WIND- Remote Control WMBD- Linda's First Love WROK -American Family Robin- WKBH -Club Calendar -Luncheon Dance Time WAAF -Waltz Time WBOW WKBB -News WMT -Singer of Sacred Songs son WLS- Chuck, Ray & Others -Fields & Hall WBA.V Electrical Shop WCFL- 9:30 WOWO -News WTAD -Betty & Bob WLW -Vic Arden's Orch. Luncheon Concert WBBM -Kitty Keene, Inc. WHO - CBS -Emily Post, "How to Get WROK- Woman's Forum WTMJ -P. -T. A. Talks WMBI- Chorus Time Songfellows WCFL -Melody Hour WIND- the Most Out of Life" (Florida WSUI- Yesterday's Musical Favor- 11:00 WROK-Varieties Livestock Markets WGN -Wife vs. Secretary WTAD WJJD ,Noonday Service Citrus) : WBBM ites NBC -Girl Atone. sketch (Kel- -Duke Otten WHA -Musical Varieties WMBD -Town Crier, Markets NBC -Bennett & Wolverton: 10:30 logg) : WMAQ WLW WTMJ -Blue Room Ensemble WHO -Lady of Millions WMT -Voice of Iowa WCFL NBC -Homemakers' E x c h a n g e CBS -Swing the Blues: WFBM 11:30 WIBA -Dance Hour WOC- Inquiring Mike CBS -Jack & Paul: WOC WCCO (Nat'l Ice Adv., Inc.): WHO KMOX WKBB WFAM WKBH NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour; WIRE -Music Memories WROK- Column Left, news W KB'B WMAQ WTMJ WIRE NBC Life: Spkrs.; Walter Blaufuss' Or- WLS -Otto & Novelodeons KSD -Our Spiritual -News; NBC -Pepper Young's Family, (sw- 15.33) WOWO chestra: WIBA WMAQ WBOW WSBT Stork Report WMBD -His Majesty, the Baby WTAD -Cy & Freckles sketch (Camay): WMT WLS NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch: WLS NBC -Happy Jack Turner, songs: KWK WLW (sw- 15.21) WMT- German Band A brief history of American Farm 12:30 WOWO Tilson's Orch. (sw- 15.21) (sw- 15.21) WBOW (sw- 15.33) Bureau Federation may be found -Jack NBC -Just Plain Bill. sketch CBS -Big Sister, sketch (Rin- MBS -The Boy & Girl Friend: on page B. NBC -Sue Blake, sketch: (sw- WTAD- Quincy Marches On (Anatin): WMAQ WIRE WHO so) : WCCO WBBM WISN WGN 15.21) WTAQ -Man on the Street KMOX -Komedy Kingdom WMBD KMOX WFBM KSD -News; Kay White, sketch; NBC -Carlile & London, pianists: CBS -Arnold Grimm's Daughter WTMJ -Dance Orch. KWK- Party Line KWK -News; Musical Interlude organist KSD WCFL sketch (Gold Medal): WCCO 1:30 WAAF- Hollywood Brevities WAAF -Sweet & Slow KWK -Young Widder Jones CBS -Romance of Helen Trent KMOX WBBM WFBM WISN NBC -Music Guild: WOWO WBOW -Home Folks WBOW- Melody Weavers WAAF -Melody Parade (Edna Wallace Hopper) : (sw- 15.27) NBC -Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs: WCBD- IJeutsche Liederstunde WCFL Peekers in the Pantry WBAA- Dentist Says KMOX WBBM News: WOC WHO WIBA WIRE WIBA (sw- 15.33)

H 32 Radio Guide Week Endieg December 18, 1937 {{. :sc vv-4w', .:.:c-_-. . .F..wse

KWK- Siesta Time WAAF -Jimmie Kozak, pianist WIRE -What Do You Know? CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's Frequencies WAAF-Red Hot & Low Down WBAA -The Question Man WJBC -.Christian Messengers Gum): WJR (sw- 17.76) (also KMO%-1090 WJBC-1200 see 10 Tuesday WBAA -Melody Time WCCO -Women's Clubs WKBH -WPA Prgm. p.m.) KOA-830 WJJD-1130 Neighbor & Mine WCFL -Varieties WLW- Singing School KSD-560 WJR-750 WBBM-Your NBC -Hal Totten, WMAQ WGN- Margery Graham WMAQ -Romance & Rhythm sports; KWK-1350 WKBB-1500 WCBD -Rhythm Review WBOW WAAF-920 WKBH-1380 WCCO -News X -rays WHA -In Deutscher Sprache WOC -Man on the Street December 14 WBAA-890 WLS-870 WROK Hour Vic Arden's Orch.: WCCO WTMJ WHA -Music of the Masters WIND -At the Tavern Children's Sports WBBM-770 WLW-700 WTAQ -To be announced Review: WKBB WOC WBOW-1310 WIBA- Travel Prgm WJBC -Classified Time WKBH WMAQ-670 WJBL Behind the Microphone WTMJ -News; Moment Musical WCBD-1080 WMBD-1440 WIND -Stars Over Hollywood KMOX -Five Star Final News WCCO-810 WMBI-1080 WLS -Musical Roundup WLW -Mad Hatterfields 5:00 WBBM The Headliners WCFL-970 WMT-600 WMBD- Petticoat Parade WMBI- Golden Nuggets WENR-870 WOC-1370 CBS -Doris Kerr, songs: WKBB WCFL -News; Piano Recital WFAM-1200 WOWO-1160 WMT -Ralph Sladé s Orch. WROK -Piano Moods WTAQ WOC WBBM WKBH WFAM-Crimecasts WFBM-1230 WWII-1370 WROK -Music Box Melodies WTAD -Musical Maniacs NBC -Science Ti the News: WFBM- Phenomenon WGN-720 WROK-1410 WSUI -Child Study Club 4:00 WCFL (sw -9.53) WGN- Concert Orch. WHA-940 WSBT-1360 2:45 WHAS-820 WSUI-880 NBC- Nellie Revell Interviews: NBC- Junior Nurse Corps. sketch WHAS -.Baptist Seminary WHO-3000 WTAD-900 NBC The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory WHO WIBA KSD WIRE (Sunbrite) : WENR KWK WIBA- Dinner Melodies WIBA-1280 WTAM-1070 Flakes): WMAQ KSD WLW Alma Kitchell will be inter- NBC -Rakov's Orch.: WMT WIND -German Hour WIND-660 WTAQ-1330 WHO WTMJ (sw 15.33) viewed. Claus: WFBM WFAM KSD WIRE-1400 Santa WISN Down By Herman's WTMJ-620 KMOX -One Woman's Opinion CBS -To be announced: WKBB KMOX- Linda's First Love WIBN-1120 CBS- Follow the Moon with Elsie WMBD -Roy Evans KWK-Nat'l Council of Jewish WBOW- Sundown Express WROK -News; Dinner Music Women; Piano Interlude Hitz & Nick Dawson (Pebe- CBS- American School of the Air: WCCO-Livestock WSUI- Dinner Hour WBAA- Treasure Chest co) : WBBM KMOX WCCO KMOX WSBT WCCO WTAQ WGN -Jolly Joe AL JOLSON WBBM-Hour of Romance WFBM (sw- 11.83) WHO Opry 6:15 WBBM WKBB WFBM WISN -Sunset Corners CBS comedian WBOW -Talk of the Town NBC -Junior Nurse Corps, sketch: WIND -Stamp Man NBC -Vocal Varieties (Turns); WKBH (sw- 11.83) Tues. 7:30 pm CST WCCO -Ladies First WLW (sw- 15.21) WIRE -Terry & the Pirates Smoothies; DeVore Sisters; Literature lesson by Carl Wnt. Stoess' Orch.: WHO Cornier on American Folk WGN -Harold Turner, pianist MBS- Charley Stookey's Hillbilly WISN -Show Window WLW Lore." WIBA -Today's Front Page Show ( Consol. Drug Trade WLW -Angelo, Italian trouhador WMAQ WIRE KSD WTAM MBS -Lucky Girl, sketch: WGN WIND -Happy Harmonies Co.) WGN KWK WMAQ -Don Winslow of the Navy WTMJ WIBA (sw -9.53) (also MBS -Crime Clinic: WGN News: WMAQ WBAA WLS-Home Service Club News: WOC WOWO WMBD -Happy Train see 10:15 p.m.) NBC- Vivian Della Chiesa, sop.; WAAF- Sports.; Shadowland Market Reports: WJJD WLS WMT -At Your Service WROK -Make Believe Ballroom NBC -Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Orch.: WENR -Story Book Hour KSD -Judy & Jane WTAD -Ruth & Florence Brown WBAA WSUI- Spanish Reading Persons, drama (Amer. Home News: WFBM WKBB WKBH WBOW -Xmas Merry -Go -Round KWK -News; Pianist 3:00 WTMJ -Jack Armstrong, sketch Prod.): WENR WMT KWK Phyl Coe Mysteries: WFAM WAAF-Live Adult WCFL -Make Believe Night Club Stock Markets; NBC -C I u b Matinee: WOWO 5:15 (sw- 11.87) WMBD WIBA WMT Education Council WENR -Music Circle WENR WMT WBOW KWK Hands on Deck: WMBD KWK -Whispering Jack Smith WBOW -Melody Time WFAM -Hot Spell CBS -All CBS -Hollywood Screen Scoops NBC- Loteuzu Jones, sketch WOC WFAM WKBB WTAQ WBOW-Home Decorators WCBD -Zion Prgm. WHA -Organ Reveries by George McCall (Ohl Gold (Phillips): WMAQ WIRE NBC -Rhythmaires: WCFL (sw- WCCO Broadway Stars WIND -You, the Story & the WHA- Following Congress WHO (sw- 15.33) 9.53) Cigarettes): WJR WBBM WGN -Rube Appleberry WHO -Houseboat Hannah CBS -Ted Malone's Between the Music WCCO WHAS KMOX WISN WHO -The Song Fellows WISN- Hour NBC -Rakov's Orch.: WENR WIND -Federal Housing Prgm. Bookends: WSBT WFBM WOC German WGN WOC (sw- 17.76) (also see WIRE -Charlie Chan. sketch WJRC- Wesleyan Hour MBS -Len Salvo, organist: WIRE -May Robson WTAQ WKBB WKBH (sw- Armstrong, sketch: WCCO 10.15 p.m.) WISN -Musical Reminiscences WMBD Line -Ridge Jack For news of Hollywood, read "Hol- -Party 11.83) WJJD Runners WTAD lywoodShowdown" every issue WLW-Tonic Time -Tom WKBH- of Radio Guide. WMT Owen's Cowboys KMOX -Kitty Keene, Inc. Matinee Music KMOX -Lady of Millions WMAQ -Doctor Dollar WOC- Afternoon Recess WMAQ -The Children Speak WBAA- British Isles Talk KSD -News; George Hall's Orch. CBS -To be announced: WOC- Hidden Melodies WROK-Master Singers WMBD Tabernacle WKBB WBBM- houseboat Hannah -.Trinity KWK -Santa Claus MBS -Luigi Romanelli: WGN WROK- Dinner Music WTAD -Music Graphs WMBI -Grace Notes WCFL -News WBBM -Eleanor Howe WBOW -Si & Ezra WTAQ- Ramblin' Trio 1:45 WMT -Radio Gossip; Today's WGN- Concert Orch. WFBM -.Christian Science Prgm WCFL- Dinner Concert 7:00 NBC -Armchair Quartet: WIBA WHA -American Life & Books Tunes; Drama WFAM- Dinner NBC -Johnny Presents (Philip WROK Markets; News WIBA -Santa Claus at the North Dance; News (sw- 15.33) - WIBA -The Shut -In Hour Pole WFBM- Sports Morris) Russ 1vlorgañ s Orch.; Fairfax (Hecker vVSUI- Travelog MBS Beatrice WIND- Orchestra; Streamliners WIND -Sons of the Pioneers WKBH Melody Time Charles Martin's Thrill; Gene- WTAD -Freshest' Thing in Town Products): KWK WIRE WISN-Even As You & I WIRE-Three Little Words WMBD -News vieve Rowe, sop.; Frances WTAQ -Sweet Music WGN WJBC -.Bible Study Hour WKBH -Town Hall Players WROK -Motor Draina Adair, contr.; Glenn Cross, & WHO WOC WTMJ- Friendship Circle Judy Jane: WLW -Dr. Friendly WLW- Supper Serenade WTAQ -To be announced tnr.; Ray Block & Swing Four- KSD -Contract Bridge Lesson Liquor Problem W'MBI- 4:15 WMAQ -Terry & the Pirates 6:30 teen: WHO KSD WTMJ WLW WAAF -Kay Armen WROK -Women of the Hour & The Pirates, sketch WIRE WMAQ WTAM WIBA NBC -Terry WROK- Sports Review CBS- Famous Actors WBAA- Markets & Weather VSUl -lnt'I Scene (Dari- 15.33) Guild Pre- Rich): (sw- WTMJ -Billie the Brownie sents Helen Menken (also see 10:30 p.m.) WBOW- .Devotional Service WTAD -Organ Reveries in "Sec- NBC -Bennett & Wolverton: ond WIND -Ben Kanter. pianist WTMJ -Home Harmonizers WENR KSD 5:30 Husband," drama (Bayer NBC -Husbands & Wives (Ponds The Mika- Aspirin): KMOX WJJD-Happy Harmonies 3:15 NBC -Don Winslow of the Navy, CBS -Selections fruit WHAS WJR Cream) Conducted by Sedley WKBB WLS -How I Met My Husband CBS- Tribute to Dexter Fellows: (sw- do": News: WFBM WBBM (sw- 17.76) Brown & Allie Lowe Miles: sketch: WMT WIBA WISN WMAQ -Bob Hawk's Fun Quiz WKBH WTAQ WSBT WFBM 15.21) WTAQ WFAM WMBD WMT WLS KWK (sw- 11.87) WCCO 17.76) NBC -Glenn Darwin, bar.: WENR WMBD- Shut -In Prgm. WOC WMBD WKBB WISN -Life of Mary Sothern. (sw- CBS Page, KWK WMT CBS-"Big Town," drama; Edward WMT-Closing Markets (sw- 11.83) sketch (Hind's): WCCO NBC -Gale contr.: Armstrong, sketch WMAQ NBC -Rudolph Frittil Jr.'s Orch.: G. Robinson and Claire Trevor WROK- Modern Marco Polo NBC -Club Matinee: WIRE (sw- WBBM KMOX (sw- 11.83) lack WHO KMOX WLW (Rinso): KMOX WISN WJR WTAD- Bessie Dean Reinert 15.21) WBAA- Campus Customs News: WTAQ WHO WMAQ WFBM WBBM WMBD WHAS 2:00 NBC -The Guiding Light, sketch WFBM Tea Time Tunes News: WENR WIBA Sports: KSD WLW WOC WCCO (sw- 17.76) CBS -Col. Jack Major: WSBT (White Naptha) : WHO WTMJ WHO- Variety Hour WBBM -Pappy Cheshire KSD -Vic Arden's Orch. The- hostess racket, by which WOC WKBB WISN WKBH WMAQ (sw- 15.33) WIRE -News night club hostesses steal the WC-BD Salon Group KWK- Sports; News drunken patrons. WTAQ (sw- 11.83) KMOX-Houseboat Hannah WLW -Jack Armstrong WBOW-Hit Tunes bank roll of Band: WOWO WCFL WCFL -Musical Varieties will be exposed in tonight's NBC -Marine WBAA -Ivah Swaynie. sop. WMAQ-Tea Time Varieties WCCO -Home Town Memories drama. - Family, WGN -Charlie Chan NBC Pepper Young's WBBM Linda's First Love WMBD -Bargain Counter WCFL-Sunny Sam sketch (Camay) WMAQ KSD WCCO -May Robson Gospel Music WIND -Bill, Mac & Jimmie News: WCFL WIND WMBI- WIRE- Little Orphan Annie WFAM -Hits from the Shows WHO WLW WTMJ (sw- 15.33) WCFL -Organ Recital WOC -Organ Moods WFBM -Piano WBOW -Green Bros.' Orch WIRE WKBH -Kiddies' Hour Twins MBS- Concert Trio: WGN WGN-Lady of Millions WROK- Birthday Club WGN -Harold Stokes' Orch. WFAM- American Family Robin- WMT -Puzzle Club; News . News: WIND WTAD WFBM WIND -Fred Beck, organist W Interlude son SUI- Musical WOC Hits and Bits WIBA- Dinner Melodies WAAF WLW -Life of Mary Sothern WTAD -Phyl WGN -Whispering Jack Smith Coe Mysteries WROK -Home Folks Frolic WIRE -Man to Man Sports; News KMOX -Magic Kitchen WMBI- Sacred Music WTAQ -Swing Se30ssion WISN -Down WKBB -Sports Parade Two WSUI -Musical Moods the Avenue KWK -Today at WSUI- Melody Time x: WKBB -Speed Gibson WKBH -Swing Time WBAA -Story Time -Loreine Meyer Hughes WTMJ -Heinie & His Grenadiers WOC -Close Harmony WTAD NBC - Kellogg's Singing Lady: WKBH- Dinner Music - 5:45 WBBM -Radio Gossip Club 3:20 (lreene Wicker): WLW (aw- WMBD -Broadway Comedy WROK Piano Moods NBC -Little Orphan Annie (Oval - Stars WBOW- Indiana State Teacher's NBC -'As I See It," Prof. Gilbert 15.211 WSUI- Children's Hour tine): KSD WMT -Life' Savers; Lucky Lyric; College Prgm. Murray from London: WIRE Story:The House With the Interlude WTAQ- American Scene WCBD -Polish Prgm. Golden Windows. CBS -Bob Byron, songs: WFBM WOWO WMT WENR WBOW WROK -House by Side of Road 7:15 WCCO -Siesta CBS -Dear Teacher: WCCO WISN WKBB (sw- 17.76) KWK WTAM -Lee Gordon's Orch. WBOW- Xavier Cugat's Orch. WHA -Let's Draw WKBB WFAM WKBH WTAQ NBC - Lowell Thomas, news corn- 3:30 Table of Air WCFL- Georgia Erwin : WLW WTMJ- Dinner the WIBA -Memoirs of a Concert Mas- CBS -Story of Industry: WKBB WOC (sw- 11.83) mentator (Sun Oil) WFAM- Remember When ter NBC-Vagabonds: WBOW WIBA (sw- 15.21) 6:45 WFAM WTAQ WISN WFBM NBC -Freddie Martin's Orchestra: WGN Victor Arden's Orch. WJJD -The Sports Edition KSD WENR NBC -Escorts & Betty: WENR WMBD WBBM WOC WKBH KSD (Continued on Next Page) WLS -Homemakers' Hour; Fan (sw- 11.83) NBC -Jack Armstrong. sketch NBC -Tom Mix' Straight Shoot- fare by Wilma Gwillian Henry R. Daniel of the U. S. (Wheaties) (sw -9.53) ers (Purina) : WMAQ WIRE WMBD Trading Post Department of Commerce dis- NBC -Julane Pelletier, pianist: KWK WMT- Afternoon Recess cusses the tobacco industry, WMAQ Sports: WTMJ WISN and J. T. Trippe. President of WROK -News; Musicale the Pan -American Airways, will KMOX -The Fun Quiz Speed Gibson: WBOW WFAM OLD BOOKS WSUI- Campus Activities; Organ speak on "Your Grandmother's WBBM- Truman Bradley Orphan Annie: WGN WHO Recital Day and Your Granddaughters." WCLS For your Information KMOX -Adv. of Jimmy Allen 2:15 NBC -The Story of Mary Marlin, (1310 kc) WCCO -Front Paai, Parade NBC- Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins. sketch (Ivory Soap): WMAQ WIND -News WCFL- Stanley Hickman WANTED sketch: WMAQ KSD WTMJ WLW WHO (sw15.33) WIRE -String Ensemble WIBA-Today's Birthdays; Sports We pay big cash prices for thousands of different titles. WLW WHO (sw15.331 News: WJBC WTAD WJBC -Varieties WIND Listen to Yourself We bought over 7,500 books in past twenty-one months, as for a single book For example, NBC- Band: WBOW WCFL l .\IOX-Singui' Satis WISN- Sports Parade paying as high $500 Marine WMBD -News; Pet Corner we will pay you cash for the following books as described CBS -Colonel Jack Major: WMBD WAAF-News & Weather WMBI -.Foreign Language Ser- WMBD -Sports; Where to Go & In our price list: WAAF- Matinee Revue WBAA-Afternoon Musicale vice What to Do in Peoria Pilgrim's Progress $4,000.00 WBAA Metal Shops WBOW -.Rev. Archie Brown WMT -Santa Claus Gives a Party WMT- Jordan's Revue; Did You Adventures of Tom Sawyer 200.00 WBBM Meet the Missus WCCO- Grandma Travels WROK -Top Hatters' Orch. Know? Old Swimmin' Hole 75.00 WCCO- Markets; News WCFL -Robt. Van Tress WSUI- Elementary German WOC -Jack Armstrong, sketch Black Beauty 100.00 WFBM -Art Treasures WGN- Rhythm Rambles WTAD -Jack Armstrong, sketch WROK -Don & Sleepy, songs Treasure Island 50.00 WGN -Home Management WHA-Spanish Quarter Hour WTMJ -Kitty Keene, Inc. WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air Scarlet Letter 35.00 Venus and Adonis .. 5,000.00 WHA -Organ Interlude WIND-Waltz Time 4:45 WTAQ -Bureau of Public Service 250.00 WMBI -1 by the Papers Leaves of Grass WIND -Tommy Ott. organist See CBS- Hilltop House, sketch (Palm- Snow -Bound 45.00 WIRE -Matinee Varieties; News WOWO- Old Time Religion olive Soap) : KMOX WFBM Uncle Tom's Cabin 100.00 WROK Two Guitars WROK- Church in Wildwood WMBD WCCO WISN WBBM NIGHT Ben Hur 50.00 WTAD -Matinee Jamboree WSUI- Famous Short Stories (sw- 11.83) Last of the Mohicans 50.00 2:30 WTMJ- Doghouse Court NBC -The Californians: WENR Moby Dick 100.00 CBS -Hollare Shaw, sop., & 3:35 NBC -Tom Mix' Straight Shoot- 6:00 Little Women 25.00 100.00 Orch.: WTAQ WKBB WSBT NBC -Club Matinee: WIRE WMT ers(Purina) : (sw- 15.21) NBC -Easy Aces, sketch (Anacin): McGuffey Primer 5,000.00 WKBH WFBM WISN WOC WENR KWK NBC -Little Orphan Annie (Oval - WENR WMT WIRE KWK (sw- Tamerlane & Other Poems (sw- 11.83) 3:45 tine) : (sw -9.53) These are but a few of the many thousands of books 11.87) checked : we want. DON'T SEND BOOKS until you have NBC- Marine Band: (sw- 15.21) NBC -Kitty Keene (Dreft) WHO University Concert Band: WHA delay NBC -Amos 'n' Andy (Pepso- our latest list giving full information. Don't -a NBC-Vic & Sade. sketch (Cris- NBC -The Road of Life, sketch WIBA single old school book, story book, bible, poetry, his. co): WHO WMAQ KSD WLW (Chipso) : WMAQ WTMJ (sw- KSD -Careful Children's Club dent) : WHO WTAM WLW tory, travel, almanacs, newspapers, letters, etc., may WTMJ (sw- 15.33) 15.33) WBAA -Jane Robinson KSD (sw -9.53) (also see 10 bring you $25. $50, $100, $500 or even $5,000 cash for certain books. Better investigate NOW. Send 10e to the MBS -Good Health & Training: MSS -To be announced: KWK WFAM -Dance Parade P.m.) American Book Mart, 140 S. Dearborn St., Dept.5101, WGN KMOX -Meet the Missus WIND -Once Upon a Time CBS -Herbert Foote, organist: Chicago, ads we will send you latest list of old books KMOX -Travelogue KSD -Afternoon Varieties WHO -News WTAQ we want to buy and cash prices we will pay. E Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 33 NEC- Hollywood Mardi Gras MBS- Symphonic Strings: KWK CBS- Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's NBC -Johnny Presents (Philip 14 (Packard); Lanny Ross, tar.; WCFL Labor Flashes Gum); Franklyn MacCormack; Morris) ; Russ Morgan's Orch; Tuesday December Chas. Butterworth, comedian; WENR -Eddie Varzos' Orch. Jack Fulton, tnr.; Orch.: Charles Martin's Thrills: KOA Wilson, m.c.; Jane Rhodes, WIND-Walkathon KMOX WHAS WCCO WFBM KFI (also at 7 p.m.) Ruby Mercer, sop.; Orch.: WKBH -Rapid Ad WBBM KSL (also at 6 p.m.) WOC-Voice of Friendship NBC-Al Donahue s Orch.: WCFL WIRE WTMJ WMAQ KSD WMT -Vic Arden's Orch. WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. CBS -Tommy WBOW (sw WOWO -Mel Orch. Dorsey's Orch.: -9.53) 7:45 WIBA WHO KOA WTAM (sw- Marvin's WSBT (sw- 17.76) WTAQ -Dance Music CBS-Leighton Noble's Orch.: WCFL -Herr Louie & the Weasel 9.53) Cary Grant will be the guest. NBC -'s Orch.: WCFL WOC WTAQ WKBB WSBT WFAM- Little Jamboree 9:30 WMT WISN WKBH (sw- 17.76) WIND -Talking Drums CBS -Jack Oakie's College (Camel CBS -Poly Follies (Phillips): WOC NBC- Science vs. Crime: WBOW MBS -Freddy Martin's Orch.: WKBH-Evensong Cigarettes); Stuart Erwin, WCCO WFBM WSBT KMOX (sw -9.53) WMT WIRE 8:00 Raymond Hatton, comedians; WBBM WMBD Leonard W. Mayo of the News: KMOX WBBM WFBM CBS -Watch the Fun By: Patsy Flick, comedienne; Harry Welfare Council of New York Go NBC -Jimmie Fidler's Hollywood will speak on "Social Work KWK -News; Musical Interlude (Ford); Al Pearce's Gang; Barris, songs; Camel Chorus; A WCCO -Rollie Gossip : KSD KOA -enei es." Johnson WISN (Drene) Arlene Harris, human chatter- George Stoll's Orch.: WIBA WTMJ WMAQ WLW MBS -Developments of Music: WENR -Maurie Stein's Orch. WMBD KMOX WCCO WHAS box; Carl Hoff's Orch.: WJR WHO WTAM WIRE (sw -9.53) WGN WGN -Anson Weeks' Orch. WHAS WISN WKBB WSBT WBBM WFBM WSBT WKBB For news of Hollywood, read "Hol- News: WIBA WMBD WJR WOC WHAS -Swing Low lywood Showdown" in every issue WBBM WCCO KMOX WOC WOC WJR (sw- 17.76) of Radio Guide. WENR WTAQ WKBB WKBH WHO-Sports WTAQ WFBM WMBD WKBH MBS -Jazz KWK Sports Review: KWK WOWO WIBA -In a Sentimental Mood 17.76) Nocturne: CBS -Tom M. Girdler, talk (sw- (sw- (also KNX KSL WCFL -Crime Catches WHO -Comedy Stars of Broad- WIND- Peacock Court LAN NY ROSS at 11 p.m.) 17.76) WGN -Comedy Stars of Broadway way WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. "Hollywood Mardi Gras" star NBC -Celia Gamba, violinist; Or- WMBD -Value Hints NBC -Vox Pop (Molle Shave) WIND -Job Market WIND- Hawaii Calls Tues. 8:30 pm CST chestra & Girls' Trio: WBOW WISN -Moon WTMJ -Dance Orch. conducted by Wallace Butter- WKBH -Betty Simonson Magic WENR (sw -6.14) WLW -Paul Sullivan, news worth & Parks Johnson: KSD WLW-Melodrama 10:45 Broadway Comedy Stars: WHAS WTAM- Musical Bulletin Board WHO WIRE WTAM WMAQ WMT -String Ensemble WOWO CBS -Leighton Noble's Orch.: (7:15 p.m. Continued) WTMJ -Sports; News KOA (also see Mon. prgms. at WROK -David Lundberg, Make KWK -Range Riders WFBM WCCO WMBD WIND -Colonial Ensemble 11:30 p.m.) Believe WCFL -Vella Cook 10:15 News: WHAS WIND WSUI -Mexican Orch. & Chorus NBC -Vocal Varieties (Tunas) : KMOX- Forest Crawford's Orch. WOC -WPA Program NBC -Whittall Stradivarius Con- WGN -The Northerners WTAQ -City Band Concert KOA KFI (also at. 6:15 p.m.) KWK -Roller Derby WROK -Russell Anderson, tnr. cert: WLS WTMJ WBOW WIND -Stars Over Manhattan 8:45 WBBM -Horace Henderson's Orch. WSUI- Television Prgm. WOWO 11.87) WISN -Helen Wittman, songs CBS -Hollywood Screen Scoops (sw- WCFL- Campus Conclave WHO- American Legion Auxiliary WTAQ -Bob French, tnr. Adolf Busch, violinist, and WKBB -Swing Your Partner (Old Gold) : KNX KSL WFBM WGN -News; Sport High Lights WIBA -Easy to Remember 7 :30 Rudolf Serkin, pianist, will WKBH- Vocational Radio Guild (also at 6:15 p.m.) offer Sonata in D Major No. 1 WIRE- Show CBS -Al Jolson Show with Mar- WKBH -John Gruber, pianist WJR -News Comes to Life Variety (Beethoven). WROK -Joe Gerken's Orch. NBC -King's Jesters': WENR WJR-/Meditation tha Raye, Parkyakarkus & For the music detail on this pro- WMT -Dance Band gran, turn to page 8. WSUI -Daily Iowan WTAQ -Continental Nights WBOW (sw -9.53) WLW -Art Kassel's Orch. Victor Young's Orch. (Life - CBS -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: : WBBM 9:00 buoy) KMOX WISN MBS -Paul Whiteman's Orchestra: 9:45 WOC WISN WTAQ WKBH 11:00 WFBM WCCO WJR WHAS WGN KWK NBC -General Hugh Johnson (Lis - NBC -Joe Reichman's Orch.: terine): WENR WOWO KWK NBC -Serenade in the Night: WKBB (sw -6.14) WMBD (sw- 17.76) (also KNX WCFL -Jam Session WTAM KSD (sw -9.53) NBC-Glenn Miller's Orchestra: WIBA WCFL KSL at 10:30 WMT (sw -6.14) p.m.) WIBA -Dick Liebert, organist CBS -A Little Night Music: (sw- WOWO NBC -Trump Davidson's Orch.: WIND -Tommy Ott, organist NBC -It Can Be Done (Household CBS -Swing School (Camel Cigar- 17.76) MBS -Dick Jurgen s Orch.: WGN WBOW WHO KSD (sw -9.53) WLW-Hoosier Housewarmers CBS -Orrin Tucker's Orch.: WOC Finance) ; Drama of ettes) ; 's Or- News: WIND WROK WOWO KWK Success WMT -A Gift Free WISN WTAQ chestra & Guests: WCCO Vic Arden's Orch.: WHAS WIRE News: WMT WHO WBBM WMBD Stories; Edgar A. Guest; WROK -Verna Davis, songs -Emery Deutsch's Orch.: Frankie WLW WMBD WISN KMOX WHAS KOA -The Three Keys KMOX -Jimmy Garrigan's Orch. CBS Masters' Orch.: WSUI -Evening Musicale. WKBB WSBT WFBM WJR WLS WMT KWK (sw- 11.87) WBBM WFBM WOC WSBT KWK- String Nocturne WBBM -Melodie Time 8:15 WJR WKBB (sw- 17.76) WCFL- Social Security Talk WCCO- Cedric Adams MBS- Horace Heidt's Orch.: WGN NBC -Wayne King's Orch. (Lady NBC -Whittall Stradivarius Con- WHO -Glen Gray's Orch. WHAS- Carioca Rhythm WMT WLW WIRE WBOW Hour Esther): WHO WTMJ WMAQ cert: WIBA -Dance WIBA -Helen & Sonya WIBA -Club Chanticleer KMOX -Pappy Cheshire's Hill Bill- WIBA KSD WIRE WTAM MBS -Paul Whiteman's Orch.: WCFL -News WISN- Service League Drama WIRE -News; Basonology ies (sw-9.53) WMT WGN -Ennio Bolognini; Orch. WKBB -Gems of Melody WJR-Reminiscing KOA -Dance Hour WCFL -Organ Recital WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WLW -Count of Monte Cristo WLW -Paul Sabin's Orch. KWK -Glenn Hartmann's Orch. MBS- Symphony in Rhythm : WIND -News WKBH -Sentimental Mood Tonight WCCO -Red Norvo's Orch. WGN WMAQ -Four Stars WMAQ -Eddie Varzos' Orch. WROK -News; Musicale WLW- Mid -Western Stars WTAQ -Let's Dance WMBD- Review WENR -Music As You Desire It Theater of the Air: WSIII WTAQ Sports; Program WSUI -Woodland Rambler WROK -Wrestling Matches WTAM -Music You Want WHAS-Dance Band Varieties: WBOW WKBB WTMJ -Hollywood Spotlight 8:30. WSUI -Opera in Miniature WTMJ -Moonlight & Shadows WIND-Bob Tinsley's Orch. WCFL -Streamline Melodies NBC -Night Club; Ransom Sher- WTAQ -Dance Orch. 10:00 WMAQ -Streamline Revue WFAM- Dixieland Band man, In.c.; Roy Shield's Or- 9:15 NBC -Amos 'n' Andy (Pepso- 10:30 WTAM Blue Barron's Orch. WIND -Sing & Swing chestra & Guests: WENR NBC -Kidoodlers: WBOW (sw- dent): WMAQ WIRE KOA NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.: WKBH -Boy Scout Prgm. WBOW WOWO (sw -6.14) 6.14) KFI (also at 6 p.m.) WMAQ End of Tuesday Programs

Wednesday December 15, 1937 Wednesday

WIBA -Today's Almanac WHA -Your Health WISN -News WHA- Homemakers WJBC -Dollar Daze WIND -Early Edition WIBA -World Entertains WJJD -School for Taxpayers WIBA -The Fiddlers Three WJJD -Women's Exchange Prgm MORNI NG WJJD -Happy Go Lucky Time WIND -Meat Market of the Air WKBB- Mixing Bowl WJBC -Organ Dreams WKBB Musical Almanac WKBB- Musical Breakfast WJJD Bosworth Broadcast WKBH -Ma Perkins WJJD -Sons of the Pioneers WKBH- Troubadour 7:00 am CST WKBH -Uncle Bob WKBB -Chancel Steps WLW -Betty & Bob WKBH -Home Economics WLW -Carson Robison NBC -Four Showmen, quartet: WLS -Morning Roundup WKBH -Olive Hage, organist WMBD -Irene s Grab Bag WLW -News; River; Weather; WMRI- Shut -In Request Prgm WLW WLW -Lady Be Good WLW-Linda's First Love WOC- Library Prgm. Markets WMT -Numerical Jamboree CBS -Arthur Godfrey & Organ: WMAQ- Whistler & His Dog WMBD- Messenger; Weather WOWO- Richard Trojan WMT -Frank Voelker, organist WOC- Melodic Serenade (sw- 21.52) WMBD -Bandwagon WOWO -Bill Board WROK -Intimate Review WROK -News & Markets; Organ WOWO- Linda's First Love Musical Clock: WBBM WROK 8:45 WSUI -Within the Classroom WTAD -Dance Revue WSUI- Magazine Notes WSUI-Book Shelf WCFL WKBB WIBA WKBH CBS -Bachelor's Children, sketch WTAQ -Santa Claus Parade WTAQ -Melody Lane WTMJ -Household Hints WTAD -Ma Perkins WIRE WOC WMT (Old Dutch Cleanser) : KMOX WTMJ -Belle & Martha; What's WTMJ -News 10:15 WTAQ -Trans Radio News; Morn- WCCO (sw- 21.52) New in Milwaukee 9:45 NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch (Dr. ing Concert 7:15 Lyons): WMAQ WTMJ WIRE 10:45 CBS -Salon Musicale: (sw-21.52) NBC -Breakfast Club: WCFL 9:15 NBC -Today's Children, sketch WBOW WOWO (Pillsbury) : WMAQ ESC) WHO KSD WHO WIBA NBC -Edward MacHugh, Gospel WCCO WHO WMT News: NBC Jemtma (Quaker NBC Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, WTMJ CBS- Romance of Carol Kennedy, Singer (Ivory Snap): WLS WAAF WKBB -Aunt WIRE Oats): WMAQ (sw- 15.21) sketch: WLS (sw- 15.21) CBS -Ruth Carhart, contralto: sketch (Heinz): WOC WCCO (sw- 15.21) 7:30 NBC -Landt Trio: KSD CBS -Myrt & Marge, sketch WKBB WFAM WCCO WKBH WISN WFBM- WBBM KMOX CBS -Aunt Jenny's Real Life CBS -Greenfield Village Chapel: (Super Suds). WISN WBBM WFAM -/Morning Devotions NBC - Viennese Ensemble: WBOW NBC -Josh Higgins of Finchville: Stories (Spry): WBBM WISN (sw- 21.52) WFBM -Apron Strings WCCO KMOX WFBM WMBD KWK WBOW WCFL WCCO KMOX WFBM WMBD NBC -William Meeder,, organist: WHO- Musical Clock NBC- John's Other Wife, sketch Party Line: WOC WTAD NBC -The Road of Life, sketch NBC -Hello Peggy, sketch (Dra- KWK WIBA -Interlude; Baron's Prgm. (Louis Phillippe) - WMAQ KMOX -Ma Perkins, sketch (Chipso): WLS WLW (sw- no): WHO KBD WMAQ Musical Clock: WMBD WMT WIND -Mind Your Manners WIRE WHO KSD WRAF- Hawaiian Echoes 15-21) WTMJ (sw- 1533) News: WIBA WKBB W1At- WIRE -Rose Room Melody NBC -Vaughn de Leath, songs: WBBM -Man on the Street KWK -Range Riders NBC -Larry Larson: WBOW /Morning Devotions: WKBH WJJD -Chicago Tuberculosis Inst. WBOW WCFL KWK WCFL -Swingtime WAAF- Mid -Morning Varieties Parry Line: WIRE WOWO WLS WKBB -Tonic Tunes News: WKBB WHA WGN -Musical Mail Box WGN- Bachelor's Children KWK -The Morning After 7:45 WKBH-Rapid Ad WAAF -King of the Kitchen WIBA -Melody Time WIND -Sons of the Pioneers WAAF -Foolish Questions CBS -As You Like It: WTAQ WLS -The Hilltoppers WFAM -Organ Recital WIND- Rhubarb Red WJBC- Theater Time WCFL Voice of Cookery (sis- 21.52) WLW -Young Widder Joues WIND -Hawaiian Serenade WISN -Ann Leslie's Scrapbook WJJD -Police Headquarters WGN -Harold Turner, pianist Musical Clock: WIBA WKBB WMBD -Women of Today WKBH -Ma Perkins WJJD -Harry Zimmerman, organ- WKBB- Rhythm & Romance WHA -Operetta Favorites 8:00 WOC -News WLW -All the Answers ist WKBH -Your Home WIBA -Tonic Tunes NBC -Breakfast Club, News: WROK -Town Crier WMT- Morning Matinee WLS -News; Markets WMBD -Linda's First Love WIND -Livestock Markets; News WCFL WBOW WIRE WTAQ- Coffee Hour WOC- Neighbor Jiw WLW- Houseboat Hannah WMT -Singer of Sacred Songs WJBC -Payne Pioneers CBS As You like It WFAM WTMJ -Bandmasters WROK -On the Mall WMBD -News WOWO-News WJJD -Yuletidings WFBM WKBB (sw- 21.52) 9:00 WTAD -Jane Romar WMT -Young Widder Jones WROK-Woman's Forum WKBB -Ma Perkins News: WKBH WMBD CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch 9:30 WOWO- Modern Home Forum WSUI -Musical Favorites WKBH- Beauty Box Revue Coffee Pot Inn: WHO WMT (Wonder Bread): WOC WISN NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch (An- WSUI -Prgm. Calendar; Weather WTAD- Variety Prgm. WLW -The Goldbergs 8:15 WBBM WFBM KMOX WCCO acin): WMAQ WIRE WHO 10:00 WTAQ -Radio Vocals WMT- Treasure Chest CBS- Richard Maxwell, songs. NBC Story of Mary Marlin, NBC -Pepper Young's Family, CBS -Four Stars: WOC WCCO- 10:30 WOC -Organ Melodies News: WFAM WTAQ WFBM sketch (Ivory Flakes): WLS sketch (Camay): WLS WMT WISN WBBM WTAQ WFBM NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Cris- WROK- Broadway Carolers WKBB (sw- 21.52) (sw- 15.21) (sw- 15.21) KMOX WMBD co): WLS (sw- 15.21) WTAD -Betsy & Bob NBC -Sunshine Express; News: NBC Mrs. Wiggs at the Cabbage CBS -Tony Wons' Scrap Book NBC -The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory CBS -Big Sister, sketch (Rinso) : 11:00 KSD Patch, sketch (Old English (Vicks): WBBM KMOX WCCO Flakes): WLS (sw- 1521) WBBM WISN WCCO WMBD NBC -Girl Alone, sketch (Kel- News: WIND WLS Wax): WMAQ WIRE WHO NBC -Bennett & Wolverton: NBC -Norm Scherr, pianist: KMOX WFBM logg): WMAQ WLW 8:30 KSD WCFL WBOW KWK NBC -How to be Charming, sketch NBC -Time for Thought: WOWO CBS -Fiddler's Fancy: WFBM NBC -Breen & de Rose, songs: KWK -Party Line NBC -David Harum, sketch (Phillips): WMAQ WTMJ NBC -Happy Jack Turner, songs (sw- 21.52) WBOW WAAF- Soliloquy (Bab -O): KSD WMAQ WHO WHO WIRE WIBA KSD WCFL (sw- 15.33) NBC -Breakfast Club; News: News: WROK WMT WTAD WBOW -Home Folks WIRE KWK -News; Musical Interlude CBS -Mary Margaret McBride, WOWO WCFL KWK -Top o' the Morning WCBÌ)- Deutsche Liederstunde News: WIND WTAD WKBB WAAF -Sweet and Slow columnist (Minute Tapioca) : KMOX-Joe Karnes, pianist WAAF -There Was a Time WFAM- Fashion Pointers WAAF-Woman's Page of the Air WBOW -Harry Reser's Orch. WBBM KMOX WFBM WISN KWK -Candid Camera; News WCBD -Italian Prgm WFBM -Kitchen Clinic WCBD -Uncle John WCFL -Peekers in the Pantry WOC WFAM WCCO WMBD WCBD -Polish Prgm. WCFL -Party Line WGN -Get Thin to Music WCFL- Morning Melodies WFAM- Morning Melodies KSD -News; Kay White, sketch, WCCO- Ramona & Karen WFAM -Meet Miss Miller WHA-Nature Tales WFAM-Mrs. Riley's Shoppers' WGN- Painted Dreams Night Letter WFAM -Your Engagement Book WGN- Martha Crane & Helen WIBA -/Church of the Air Guide WIBU Aid Paade KWK -Young Widder Jones WHO -Morning Melodies Joyce WIND -Eb & Zeb, sketch WGN -Don Uedro & Piano WIND-Musicale WAAF -There Was a Time 34 Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 E WJBC -Reid & Vin WMT -Joe Doakes; Cousin Elvira CBS -Ray Block's Varieties: WOC Frequencies WKBH -4 -H Club; Markets W'OC -'s Orch. WSBT WKBB WTAQ WKBH December 15 KMO%-1090 WJBC-1200 WLS Markets; Weather; News WOWO- Beauty Chat WISN (sw- 11.83) Wednesday KOA-830 WJJD-1130 LED-550 WJR-750 WMBD -Window Shopper WROK- Service Sam; Home Folks NBC -Pepper Young's Family, sketch (Camay): 'KSD WHO KWK-1350 WKBB-1500 WMT-News; Hillbillies ; Question Hour WGN -Four Stars Tonight WAAF-920 WKBH-1880 Man WTAD -Comedy Stars of Broad- WMAQ WLW WTMJ (sw- WBAA-890 WLS-870 15.33) WHA -Know Your Child WOWO -Ohio Agriculture way WIBA -The -In WBBM-770 WLW-700 News WIND WTAD WFBM. Shut Hour WBOW-1310 WMAQ-670 WROK -'Round the Town WTAQ -News; Music Box WIND -Trading Floorwalker WAAF Post WCBD-1080 WMBD-1440 1 \'SL1 Farm Flashes WTMJ -Sidewalk Reporter WJBC -Christian Story Hour WCCO-810 WMBI-1080 W" FAQ -Farmhands KMO\ Magic Kitchen WCFL-970 1:00 WLW -Dr. Friendly WMT-800 WTMJ -Heinié s Grenadiers KWK -Today at Two WENR-87l' WOC-1370 NBC -To be announced: (sw- WMBI- PiSunday School Lesson WFAM-1200 WOWO-1160 15.21) WBAA -Grade School Prgm. WBBM -Radio Gossip Club WROK -Women of the Hour WFBM-1230 VVRJN-1370 CBS -News Through a Woman's W'SUI Forensic WGN-720 WROK-1410 WBOW- Indiana State Teacher's Forum WHA-940 WSBT-1360 AFTERNOON Eyes (Pontiac) : WBBM WISN WTMJ -Home Harmonizers WKBB WCCO KMOX WFBM College Prgm. WHAS-820 WSUI-880 :vCBI) i'alish Prgm. 3:15 WHO-1000 WTAD-900 WOC WTAQ (sw- 15.27) NBC -The Guiding Light. sketch WIBA-1280 WTAM-1070 12:00 WCCO -Siesta WIND-560 NBC -Your Health, "Diet": (White Naptha): WHO WTMJ WTAQ-1330 CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold WCFL -Continental Revue WIRE-1400 WTMJ-620 WMAQ WBOW (sw- 15.33) WMAQ (sw 15.33) WISN-1120 Medal) WFBM KMOX WISN MBS -Don't Look Now: WIRE WDZ- Birthday Party WGN- Marriage License Romances CBS- Curtis institute of Music: GERTRUDE BERG WBBM WCCO (sw- 15.27) News: WTAD WHA WISN WMBD WHA -Professor Gordon's Singing Molly of "The Goldbergs" NBC -Dick Fidler's Orch.: (sw. KSD -News; Dance Music KIVIOX- Houseboat Class Itannah Wed. 11:15 am CST WBAA- American Institutions 15.33) KWK- Carson Robison's Bucka- WBAA -The American Scene WBOW- Neighbor Jim News: WJJD WTAD WMBD roos WIBA -The Pop Concert WJJD -The Sports Edition WBBM- Linda's First Love W'GN -Women in the Store WJBC WIBA WAAF- Sliver Notes; Hoosier Phi- WCCO -May Robson WHA- Talking Book KSD -News; Grace & Eddie, losopher WLS -Homemakers Hour WMAQ -The Children Speak WMBD- Trading Post WCFL-Organ Rccital WHO -Pretty Kitty Kelly sketch; Markets WBAA -t, Medita Lions WMBD-Trinity Tabernacle WMT- Afternoon Recess WGN-Lady of Millions WIBA-Linda's First Love WAAF -Symphonic Hour WCBD -J. C. O'Hair WMT-Radio Gossip; Tunes & WROK -News; Alice Blue, songs WIND -Fred Beck. erganist WIND-Sketches in Melody WBAA -Farm Facts for Farm WY:FL- Melody Hour WIRE- Rosario Bourdon's Orch. Topics; Drama WIRE WSUI -Poetic Interlude -Your Home Town Folks WGN -Concert Orch. WLW -Life of Mary Sothern WROK- Markets; News; Musicale WJBC -Personality Hour WBOW- Street Reporter WHO -Your Home Town 2:15 WTAD- Lawrence Glosemeyer WSUI -Iowa State Med. Society WJJD- Bureau of Missing Persons WCFL -Hit Review WIBA -Melody Moments NBC -Continental Varieties: 3:30 WTAD- Freshest Thing in Town WKBB -To be announced WGN -Man on State Street WIND- Italian Hour WBOW CBS-Curtis Institute of Music: WTAQ -Sweet Songs WKBH- Musical Gadgets WHA -Noon Musicale WJJD- Mid -Day Round -Up CBS -Ray Bloc k's Varieties: WFAM W'lvl.l Friendship Cirrcle WLS- Virginia Lee & Sunbeam WHO- Markets & Weather WKBH -Lone Ranger WMBD NBC -The Story of Mary Marlin, 4:15 WMT- Christmas Party WIND-Musical NBC -Oxydol's Ma Perkins, Interlude WLS -School Time Own sketch (Ivory Soap): WLW NBC -Don Winslow of the Navy, WSUI- Within the Classroom WIRE- Markets WLW- Nation's School of the Air sketch: WMAQ WTMJ WLW WMAQ WHO (sw- 15.33) WTAD-News sketch: WIBA WMT (sw- WKBB -Luncheon Musicale WMBD -Man on the Street WHO KSD (sw- 15.33) NBC -Nat'l Congress of Parents & 15.21) WTAQ -Hollywood on Parade WKBH-Parade of Melodies WAAF- Matinee Revue WMT -Many Happy Returns; Jam- Teachers: WENR WMT KWK NBC -Bennett & Wolverton: KSD WTMJ -Love for a Day WLS- Diruterbell Prgm. boree WBAA -This Week in Literature WIRE (sw- 15.21) WENR WMBI -day Gospel Hour WBBM -Meet the Missus 11:15 -QMid WOWO- Melody Weavers News: WJBC WTAD CBS -The Life of Mary Sothern News Parade (Lucky WOC -Farm Bureau; Markets WROK -Lions' Club Luncheon WCCO- Markets CBSYour KMOX -Singin' Sam (Hind's) : WBBM WCCO WOWO- Consolaires WFBM -The Dentist Says Strike Cigarettes); Edwin C. WSBT -News; Farm Flashes WAAF -News & Weather KMOX (sw- 11.83) WSBT-Blue Streaks WGN -June Baker, home manage- Hill, commentator: WBBM WSUI -Illustrated Musical Chats WBAA -Music with the Masters NBC -Terry & the Pirates (Dari- WISN WMBD WFBM WOC WSUI -Rhythm Rambles WTMJ -Livestock Market; News; ment WBBM -Missus Goes to Market Rich) taw- 15.33) WHA -Organ Interlude WCCO KMOX WKBB 12:15 Chamber of Commerce WBOW -QRev. Archie Brown WBAA-Marjory Sterrett, sop. WIND -Tommy Ott. organist CBS -Betty Crocker. cooking talk 1:15 WCCO- Grandma Travels WFAM -Man -in -the-Tower NBC -Edward Gainage. tor.: Medal): WBBM KMOX WIRE- Matinee Varieties; News WOWO (Gold NBC -Let's Talk It Over: WIRE WCFL -Hour of Friendship WFBM -Tea Time Tunes WCCO WFBM WISH (sw- WISN -Mary Ann Presents NBC -Goldbergs, sketch (Oxydol): (sw- 15.21) WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHO- Variety Hour 15.27) WROK- Musicale WMAQ (sw- 15.33) CBS Jack Shannon, tnr.: WKBB WHA Deutsche Musik Stunde IVIND-Man At the Mill -Maxim Lowe's Ensemble: WSUI- Within the Classroom NBC -Cadets: CBS WOC WKBH WSBT WIND -Waltz Time WIRE -Minute Interviews WCFL WKBB WTAD- Mid -Afternoon Interlude KSD Marie Harrington, talk Hope Alden's Romance: KMOX WMksl -Hymns You Love to Sing WKBH -Melodic Moods NBC -Christmas Carols by Bar- WFBM 2:30 WOWO- Old 'rime Religion WLW -Jack Armstrong, sketch KWK -Rapid Service CBS -Jenny Peabody, sketch (F. nard College Students: WIRE KSD -Mary Carolyn Henry, sop. W ROK- Swedish Gospel Service WMAQ -Tea Time Varieties WAAF -News & F. Cough Drops): WBBM (sw- 15.33) KWK- Concert Melodies WSUI- Congress of Parents & WMBD -Bargain Counter WHOW -Faret Prgm. WISN WOC MBS- Carson Robison's Buckaroos WAAF -W altztime WFBM KMOX Teachers WMBI -Tract League WCAZ Movie Gossip (1070 kc) 11.83) (Musterole) WGN WBAA- Vocational Guidance WCCO (sw- WTMJ -Around the Town WOC -Organ Moods WFAM- Visitors Welcome & (Cris- Man on the Street: WJJBC WKBH WBBM -Kitty Keene, Inc. NBC -Vic Sade, sketch 3:45 WROK- Orch.; Joseph Copeland. WGN- Morning Melodies WHO WMAQ WLW KSD WBAA- Social Security Talk; WCCO -Hope Alden co): CBS -Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe (Ly- director WHO -Party Line WTM,I (sw- 15.33) Luncheon Dance Tinte : WIBA -The Master Singers WGN -Wife vs Secretary sol) WBBM WFBM KMOX WSUI -Los Angeles Symph. Orch. WBOW- Fields & Hall WHA- Musical Varieties CBS -Rex Ingrate's Deep River WCCO (sw- 11.83) W'TAD -Speed Gibson WIND -Ben Kanter & Rose Van - Boys: WKBB derbosch WCFL -Noonday Concert WHO -Lady of Millions NBC -Kitty Keene. Inc. (Breit): WTAQ -Swing Session WHO -Pappy's Matinee NBC -Little Variety Show: WCFL WIRE -Singin' Sam WIBA-Carson Robinson's Buck- WHO 4:30 WIND -Tommy Ott, organist aroos WOWO (sw- 15.21) CBS -To be announced: WKBB NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady, WJBC- Parade of Bands MBS -Debate: WGN WJJD- Criminal Court Interviews WJJD - ,NoonDay Service W1SN-Musical Heat Wave WTAQ Ireene Wicker: WLW (sw- WMBD -Town Crier; Markets WLS -Old Timers KWK- Siesta lime NBC -The Road of Life, sketch 15.21) WKBH -Club Calendar WAAF & 41, MT-Voice of Iowa -Red Hot Low Down (Chipso): WMAQ WTMJ (sw- Store: Yebudl J[enuhiu, Part W LS- Chuck, Ray & Others WMBD -His Majesty, the Baby WOC- Inquiring Mike WBAA You & Your Child 15.33 ) I. WLW -Doc Texans WMT- German Band Schneider's WOWO -Bob Wilson, news WBOW- QChristian Science NBC -Jack Armstrong, sketch WROK -Community News WOWO Jack Tilson s Orch. MBS -To be announced: KWK W ROK- Column Left, news WCBD -Ilit Tunes (Wheelies): (sw -9.53) WTAD -Duke Otten WTAD- Qvincy Marches On KSD- Afternoon Varieties Stork Report WHA -Music of the Masters NBC -Vagabonds: WIBA WMAQ WTMJ -Blue Room Ensemble WSBT -News; WTAQ -Man on the Street WAAF- Jimmie Kozak, pianist WTAD -Cy & Freckles 1:30 WIBA -Arts & Decoration WFAM- Matinee Melodies KSD 11:30 12:30 NBC -Waltz Favorites: WOWO WIND-Stars Over Hollywood WGN -Margery Graham NBC -Harry Kogen's Orch.: NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour; NBC -Sue Blake, sketch: (sw- WIBA WLS -Musical Roundup WIND- Cappy's Cabana WEN!) Speakers: WIBA WLW WBOW 15.21) CBS- American School of the Air: WKBH-WPA Prgm. WISN -Xmas Seal Speaker; You CBS -Dorothy Gordon : WFAM WMAQ KWK (sw- 15.21) CBS -Arnold Grimm's Daughter, WSBT WTAQ WBBM WFBM WMBD- Petticoat Parade Shall llave Rhythm WOC WISN WKBH WTAQ Land Grant College broadcast KMOX WMT -Court Hussey's Orch. (sw- 11.83) from the campus of the Univer- sketch (Gold Medal): WKBB WCCO KMOX WISN WJBC -Classified Time sity of \Visronxln. WFBM WCCO WBBM WISN WKBH (sw- 11.83) WROK -Music Box Melodies WKBH -Zeke Manners' Gang KMOX -The Fun Quiz NBC -Through the Years: WCFL (sw- 15.27) NBC-Carlile it London, piano WSBT- Wednesday Serenade WLW -Mad Hatterfields WB4A- Better Vision Prgm. WTAQ -To be WBBM- KSD Man on the Street: WOWO duo; Frances Carrot, songs: announced WMBD -Bean & Gail Truman Bradley CBS- Romance of Helen Trent WKBB (sw- 15.33) 2:45 WMBI-Question Hour WCBS- Behind the Microphone (Edna Wallace Hopper): Rhythm Rascals: WTAQ WTMJ MBS -Lucky Girl, sketch: WGN NBC -Metropolitan Opera Guild: WOC- Linger Awhile (1420 kc) WBBM KMOX News: WHO WOC WIBA Melody Time: WBOW WTAD WOWO WCFL (sw- 15.21) WROK -Easy to Remember WCCO-North Star School of WL'LS Information Hymns of All Churches: WOC KWK -Organ Melodies KSD -Judy & Jane CBS -Academy Medicine: WISN WTAD -Musical Maniacs -For Your WHO WBAA -Sports Review KWK -News; Pianist WTAQ WFBM WSBT WKBH 4:00 (1310 kc) WBOW -Home Folks Frolic WAAF -Live Stock (sw- 11.83) CBS -To be WHA- Deutsche Musik Stunde WAAF Myrna Dee Sergent Markets; Dr. Lee Schwartz of Beth announced: WKBB WCCO -Ma Perkins WCFL -Young Widder Jones Health Talk; Encores CBS -Follow the Moon with Elsie WIND -News Israel Hospital, New York City, WIRE -Master Singers WFAM -P. -T. A. Prgm. WGN- Markets; QMid -day Service WBAA -News speaks on "Facts and Fallacies Hitz it Nick Dawson (Pebeco): WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle WHA -Farm Prem. WCBD- Scripture Truth Hour of Sinus Trouble." WFBM WBBM WCCO KMOX WJBC-Varieties WKBB -Story Lady WGN -Quin Ryan, news WIND -Livestock ; Interlude 1\ 11A -Over At Our House NBC-The O'Neil's, sketch (Ivory (sw- 11.83) WHA -College Broadcast WIRE- Reporter WHO- Houseboat Hananh Flakes): WLW WHO WMAQ NBC -Not for Ladies: WHO WIBA WMBD -News; Pet Corner WIND Harry Zimmerman. organ- WKBH -Luncheon Music WIND -Tuberculcsis Ass'n Talk WTMJ KSD (sw- 15.33) NBC -Junior Nurse Corps. sketch WMBI Sacred Music of KMOX -One Woman's Opinion WMT -Santa Claus Gives a Party ist - WLW -Voice Experience WIRE -May Robson (Sunbrite): WLW (sw- 15.21) WSUI- Clinic WIRE- Linda's First Love WMAQ -Dan Harding's Wife WJJD Livestock Markets KWK -This Woman's World MBS -Charley Stookey's Hillbilly Speech WTAD -Jack Armstrong WISN Voice of Experience WMBD -Farm News WLS-Market Reports WBAA -Hymn Echoes Show (Consul. Drug Trade WMT- Markets; Hillbillies WMAQ -Fort Pearson WBBM- Quarter llour of Romance WTMJ -Kitty Keene, Inc. WJBC -Singin' Sam Co.): KWK WGN 4:45 WJJD- Safety Court WROK -Couple on the Street WMBD-Partv Line Wi30W -1'alk of the Towu News: WOC WOWO CBS -Hilltop House, sketch (Palm- WKBB Farm Flashes WSBT In Movieland WMT -Tom Owen's Cowboys WCCO- Ladies First KSD -Washington U. Educational olive Soap) . KMOX WISN WKBH -Magic Violin WTAD -Farm ; Markets ; Weather WOC-Afternoon Recess WGN-Harold Turner, pianist Series WBBM WFBM WMBD WCCO WLS -Grace Wilson, contralto 12:45 WROK- Melodies from the Sky WIBA -Today's Front Page WAAF- Sports; Shadowland 1:45 WIND-Happy Harmonies (sw- 11.83) WMBD -Thrift Message; Songsters NBC -Jack & Loretta Clemens: WBAA -Story Book Hour Annie. sketch WMT-German Band NBC-Men of the West:- KSD WLS- llolne Service Club NBC -Little Orphan (sw- 15.21) WBOW -Xmas Merry -Go -Round (sw -9.53) WOWO- Market Service (sw 15.331 WOC -This & That (Ovaltine)' CBS -Hollywood in Person (Gold WCFL -Make Believe Night Club NBC Californians: WENR WROK -Helene Kimberley. songs KMOX WBBItI WCCO MBS- Beatrice Fairfax (Hecker WTAD -String Trio WENR -The Medal): -Music Circle NBC -Tom His Straight ,hooters WTAD -Police News WFBM WISN (sw- 15.27) Products): KW K WIRE WGN 3:00 WFAM -Hot Spell (Purina): t sw-15.21) WTAQ- Mailman For news of Hollywood, read "Hol- Judy & -lane: Writ- WHO NBC- Whittall Stradivarius Con- W'IIA A Novel in Review lywood in every issue KSD -Young America Speaks WTMJ- Behind the Mike ef Radio o down WAAF -Driskill Wolfe, tor. cert: WMT KWK WENR WIND -Musical Mirror WBAA -Twilight Musicale 11:45 MBS -Rex Battle's Orch.: KWK WBAA- Market & Weather WOWO WBOW (sw- 15.21) Prgm. WIRE -I. U. VEBQ- Behind the Microphone CBS -Our Gal, Sunday. sketch News: WIND WKBH WBOW- QDevotional Service .Adolf Rns,-h, violinist, and WJBC Wesleyan Hour (Anacin): WBBM KMOX Man on the Street: WCFL WSBT WIND-Ben Ranter, pianist Rudolf Sorkin. pianist, will (1210 kc) otter Sonata in H' MaJor (Bee - WJJD -Cumberland Ridge Runners NBC -Student Science Clubs of KSD -Mort Dennis' Orch. WJJD -Happy Harmonies thoreal, WKBH- Winona P. -T. A. (Continued on Next Page) For the music detail on this pro- America: KSD WBAA -Songs and Melodies WLS- Priscilla Pride gram turn to page 8. Betty & Bob: W110 WOC WBOW -Tune of the Day \\' M \O Roh I l:m is 'rut Quiz Kitty Keene, Inc.: WCCO WLW WHO- Musical Day Dreams WMBD- Shut -in Prgm. CBS-Cturtii Institute of Music: NBC COAST TO COAST WAAF -Live Stock Markets; Swing WIBA- Market Reports WMT- Closit,g Markets WKBB WTAQ WSBT WOC WJZ WLW High WIRE -Police Court WROK-Melodeers WFBM WKBH (sw- 11.83) WEAL WBAA -News WKBB -Song Hits of the Day; WTAD -Market NBC- Lorruzo Junes, sketch (Phil- WBZ WCFL-Fashions on Parade Pet Corner WTMJ -Dance Orch.; Weather; lips) WMAQ WHO WIRE WBZA WFAM Organ Recital WLS-Voice of the Feed Lot Police Reports (sw- 15.33) WSYR WFBM Markets; Farm Prgm. WLW -Kitty Keene, Inc. 2:00 KMOX -Kitty Keene, Inc. WENR WGN -We Are Four WMAQ -The King of Hearts NBC -Continental V a r i e tie s: WBAA -The Home Decorator WSB WMC Bucka- WCFL WIRE WOWO (sw- WBBM- Houseboat Hannah WIRE -Grace & Eddie; Farm Hr. WMBD- Carson Robison's FRI WISN -Symphonetta roos 15.21) WCFI--News MON. WED. E Radio Guide Week Ending December 18. 1937 35 WSUI- Christmas Vesper Concert CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's 8:15 Gum) ; Franklyn MacCormick, Wednesday December 15 Good Listening for Today WCFL -Organ Recital Jack Fulton, tnr.; Orch.: KSL Stations which will broadcast these programs may be found in WIND -News W'CCO WFBM WBBM KMOX the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated WOWO-George Hall's Orch. WHAS (also at 6 p.m.) NBC - Lowell Thomas, news corn - WROK -News; Musicale mentator (Sun Oil): WLW AFTERNOON 8:30 NBC -Amos 'n' Andy Pep - (sw- 15.21) sodent): WMAQ WIRE KOA 3:00 CST WHITTALL STRADIVARIUS CON- CBS -"Tish," drama: WCCO WJR CBS -Bob Byron, songs: WKBB WHAS WFBM WISN WTAQ KFI (also at 6 p.m.) (sw- 17.76) CERT, NBC. (sw- 17.76) NBC -Earl NBC -Escorts & Betty: WENR Hines' Orch.: WMT NBC -New England Conservatory NBC NBC -Tom Mix' Straight Shooters NIGHT -Wm. Scotti s Orch.: WBOW of Music: WOWO WENR WMT WCFL (sw -9.53) (Purina): WMAQ KWK WIRE MBS -Let's Visit: KWK NBC-Little Orphan Annie (Oxal- 6:15 CST HOBBY LOBBY, Dave Elman, director; News: WIBA WENR WKBB Stuart Allen, Harry Salter's orchestra and Vic Arden's Orch.: WOC WSBT WMBD WJR WTAQ WOC tine)! KSD KMOX- Robert Preis' Orch. Orphan Annie: WGN WHO guests, CBS. WKBH WTAQ WBBM -On to Adventure Sports: WOWO KWK KMOX- Adventures of Jimmy Al- WCFL -Bob Smith len 7:00 CST CAVALCADE OF AMERICA, drama- WEDC -The Movie Questionaire tizations, CBS. WGN -Ennio Bologini; Orch. (1210 kc) WBOW -Jerry of the Circus WIND -Two Pianos FRED ALLEN WCCO Page Parade WHO -Dick Leibert, organist -Front 7:00 CST ONE MAN'S NBC. WKBB- Memoirs of a Concert "Town Hall Tonight" comedian WCFL -Stanley Hickman FAMILY, WIND-Swedish Prgm. Master WISH -Moon Magic Wed. 8 pm CST WFAM -Speed Gibson 7:30 CST TEXACO TOWN with Eddie Cantor, WKBH -Singing Strings WFBM- Carson Robison's Bucka- WLW -Paul Sullivan, news Deanna Durbin, Jimmy Wallington, Pinky WMBD -Good Neighbor WTAM- Musical Bulletin Board roos Tomlin, Vyola Vonn, Jacques Renard's WROK-Kontedy Kingdom Today's or- WTMJ- Sports; News (4:45 p.m. Continued) WIBA- Birthdays; Sports chestra, CBS. WTAQ -News WIND- Listen to Yourself 8:45 10:15 WFAM -Dance Parade; Voice of WISN- Sports 8:00 CST TOWN HALL TONIGHT with Fred NBC -Ranch Boys Trio: WOWO NBC -Uncle Ezra's Radio Station Carelessness WMBD- Sports; Where to Go Allen, Portland Hoffa, Walter Tetley, quartet; WBOW WENR (sw- 11.87) (Alka- Seltzer): WIBA KOA WHO -News WMT-Jordan's Revue; Did You KFI (also at 6:15 p.m.) Peter Van Steeden's orchestra, N BC. WBBM -Orrin Tucker's Orch. WIBA-The Master Singers Know? WCFL-Union Label League NBC- King's Jesters; Orch.. WIND -Once Upon Time WOC -Jack Armstrong, a sketch 8:00 CST CHESTERFIELD PROGRAM with WGN -News; Sport Highlights WOWO WENR WIRE -Yes Hour or No WROK -Dance Andre Kostelanetz' orchestra, Deems Taylor; WIND- Contemporary Problems CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.: WKBH -Jungle Jim WSUI -Daily Iowan Rose Bampton, guest, CBS. WKBH -John Gruber WOC WTAQ WISN WKBB WLW -Singing School WTAQ- Bureau of Public Service WMT Dream S'ongs WKBH WMAQ -Romance & Rhythm 9:00 CST YOUR HOLLYWOOD PARADE with WOC -Swing It News: WHO WMT WFBM WMBI -Boys & Girls' Story Time Dick Powell, Rosemary Lane, choral ensem- WROK -Vic Arden's Orch.; Guests KMOX -Jimmy Carrigan's Orch. WOC -Man on the Street ble, Leo Forbstein's orchestra; guests, NBC. WSBT -On to Adventure KWK -Allan Dale, vocalist WROK -Music by Cugat NIGHT . 9:00 WBBM -Vic Arden's Orch. WTAQ -To be announced 9:45 CST AMERICAN ARTISTS CONGRESS, NBC -Your Hollywood Parade WCCO- Cedric Adams WTMJ -News; Moment Musical 6:00 interviews by Bob Trout, CBS. (Lucky Strike Cigarettes); WGN -Anson Weeks' Orch. 5:00 NBC -Amos 'n' Andy Pepso- Dick Powell, m.c.; Rosemary WHAS- Remembering CBS -Barry Wood's Music: WOC dent) : WHO WTAM WLW 11:30 CST LIGHTS OUT, "Studio Apartment," Lane, vocalist; Choral Ensem- WIBA -Club Chanticleer WTAQ WKBB WKBH KSD (sw -9.53) (also see 10 experimental drama, NBC. ble; Leo Forbstein's Orch.; drama: WIRE -News; Basonology ABC -America's Schools, Pm.) Guests: WHO WTMJ WTAM WJJD -Harry Owen's Orch. WCFL (sw -9.53) WIBA WIRE KSD KOA WLW W JR- Beachcomber Corps, NBC -Easy Aces, sketch (Ana - NBC -Junior Nurse sketch WMAQ (sw -9.53) WLW -Los Amigos (Sunbrite): WENR KWK cin): WENR WMT WIRE Pat O'Brien, Wayne Morris, KWK (sw- 11.87) WKBH- Dinner Music 7:30 George Brent and Voris Weston WMAQ -The Bachelor Poet Santa Claus: KSD WFAM WFBM WMBD- Sports; Program Review KMOX- Linda's First Love WMT -Etchings in Ivory NBC -Skolsky from Hollywood will present a preview of "Sub- CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's marine D -1." A tribute to Paul WTAM -Music You Want WBBM -Herbert Foote, organist WROK -House by Side of Road (Bromo- Seltzer): WMT WLS Gum) : WJR (sw- 17.76) (also WTAM -Dick Fidler's Orch. WOWO KWK (sw- 11.87) Muni will also be featured. WTMJ- Moonlight and Shadows WBOW- Sundown Express see 10 p.m.) For news of Hollywood, read "Hol- WCCO -Livestock WTMJ -Easy Aces lywood Showdown" in every issue CBS -Gang Busters (Palmolive 10:30 WGN -Jolly Joe NBC -Hal Totten, sports: WMAQ 6:45 of Radio Guide. Shave Cream); Phillips Lord, CBS -Richard Hiutber's Orch. WHO- Sunset Corners Opry WBOW CBS -Boake Carter, commentator CBS -Texaco Town with Eddie dir.; True Crime, drama: WFBM WSBT WKBH (sw. WBBM WFBM WHAS WJR 17.76) WIBA -Bob White & Whippoor- CBS -Obbligato: WTAQ WKBB (Philco): WCCO WFAM WJR Cantor, comedian ; Deanna Dur- will MBS- George Markowsky & Orch.: WBBM KMOX WISN WMBD bin, songs; Jimmy Wallington; KMOX WCCO WISN (sw- NBC -Maurie Stein's Orch.: WIND -Stamp Mau WGN WHAS (sw- 17.76) (also KNX Vyola Vorn; Jacques Renard's 17.76) WENR WBOW (sw -9.53) Dinner Hour: WIBA WSUI KSL at 10:15 p.m.) CBS -Orrin Tucker's Orch.: WOC WIRE -Terry & the Pirates Orch.: WBBM WISN WFAM NBC -Gen. Hugh Johnson, com- WISN -Show Window News: KMOX WCFL WHAS WCCO WMBD WFBM WKBB WTAQ WISN NBC -Charlotte Lansing, sop. & mentator (Bromo- Quinine) : WLW -Angelo, Italian troubador Sports: WHAS WOC WKBH KMOX WTAQ MBS -Leo Reisman's Orch.: WMT Orch.: (sw- 11.87) WOC WKBH WOWO KWK WMT WENR WMAQ -Dort Winslow of the Navy WBBM -The Headliner WJR (sw- 17.76) WIRE NBC -Jean Sablon, songs: KSD (also KNX (sw -6.14) WMBD -Happy Train WCCO -Glen Gray's Orch. KSL KMOX -Morning's Headlines MBS -Harold Stokes' Orch.: WGN at 10:30 p.m.) WMT.A Hit for Today; Interlude; WFAM -Crimecasts Dance Orch.: WTAQ WBOW KOA -Light on the West WFBM -Phenomenon News: WFBM WKBB WKBH NBC -Wayne King's Orch. (Lady KWK -News; Musical Interlude Frank Wood, talk Arden's Orch.: WHO WIBA Vic Arden's Orch.: WMBD WKBH WIND- Hour Vic Esther): WMAQ WTMJ WHO WBBM -News with Todd Hunter WROK -Songs at Twilight German KWK -Tonic Time WCFL -News WISN -Down By Hermans WIBA WIRE WTAM KSD WCCO -Rollie Johnson WSUI- Matinee Dance WBOW -Home Decorators WGN -Paul Whiteman's Orch. WMBD-Roy Evans Ice, WGN -Dick Jurgens' Orch. WTMJ -Jack Armstrong, sketch WCFL -Pat Kennedy MBS -Lone Ranger. drama (Silver - WIND -Man on the interviews WROK -News; Dinner Music WKBB -Gaslight Harmonies W HO- Sports 5:15 WENR -Pleasant Valley Frolics cup) : WGN WTMJ -Tunesmiths WOC -Gwen Bower WIBA -Helen & Sonya CBS- George Hall's Orch.; News: WLW -Glen Gray's Orch. MBS -Operetta; & Chorus Solo- WROK -Joe Gerken's Orch. WIND -Peacock Court WTAQ WKBH WKBB WFAM 6:15 WMAQ -Eddie Varzos' Orch. ists: WLW WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. NBC -Rhythmaires: WCFL (sw- Buckaroos The second part of "Pirates WSBT -Dance Parade NBC -Uncle Ezra's Radio Station WMT- Carson Robison's 9:15 WMAQ -News; Jimmy Dorsey's 9.53) (Alka- Seltzer): WMAQ WHO WOC -Jimmy Odette's Orch. of Penzance" will be presented. WBOW NBC -Joan Brooks, contr.: WBOW Orch. NBC -Marek Weber's Orch.: WIRE WTMJ WIBA WTAM WROK-Dinner Music -Holsum Honey Bunners WCFL- Streamline Melodies WOWO WENR (sw -6.14) WMBD -Value Hints WENR (also see 10:15 p.m.) WSBC -Movie Review Bounds KWK WIND -Sing & Swing KWK -Piano Portrait WOWO -Out of Santa Claus Prgm: WIBA WTAM -Sammy Watkins' Orch. WTMJ -Dance Orch. KMOX -Lady of Millions NBC -Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost WTAQ -Organ Reveries WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WCFL- Labor Flashes KSD -News; Geo. Hall's Persons, drama (Amer. Home WSUI- Evening Musicale WIND -Walkathon 10:45 Orch. WTM,f -Reddy Kilowatt's Orch. NBC- WHO WBBM -Eleanor Howe Products): WMT KWK WENR WKBB -Hollywood on Parade Maarie Stein's Orch.: 7:00 7:45 -Orrin Tucker's Orch.: WCCO -Jack Armstrong, sketch (sw- 11.87) NBC -Choir WKBH -Rapid Ad CBS NBC -One Man's Family (Tender. Symphonette: WOWO WMBD WBBM KMOX WFBM- QWheeler Mission Prgm. (sw- 11.87) WMBD -Real Life Dramas CBS -Hobby Lobby; Harry Salt - leaf Tea) : WTMJ KSD WMAQ News: WHAS WIND WGN -Buddy & Ginger The numbers tonight will be WMT -Symphony Orch. er's Orch.; Stuart Allen, bar. WIBA WHO WLW WTAM - Derby WIND -Sons of Pioneers Fitter Patter (Mac Arthur), If WOC- Wednesday Presents KWK Roller (Hudson Motors) : WFBM (also see Sun. Prgms. at 11:30 It's the Last Thing I Do, An- WIRE -Three Little WROK- Barney Whisman, tnr. WCCO -Cecil Hurst's Orch. Words WJR (sw- 17.76) (also see 9:30 p.m.) dante from "Fifth Symphony" It Boys WLW- Supper Serenade (Tschalkowsky) WSBT- Komedy Kingdom WIBA -Swing P.m.) and Sweet and WIRE- Variety Show WMAQ -Terry & the Pirates CBS -Cavalcade of America (Du how. WTAQ -Dancing 9:30 WJR -Solay WMBD -Music Prgm.; Jack Lyon, CBS -Herbert Foote Ensemble: Pont) ; Don Veerhees' Orch.: KWK -Symphony Prgm. WCFL -Herr Louie & the Weasel CBS -Hobby Lobby; Harry Sal - WLW -Paul Sabin's Orch. pianist WCCO WTAQ KMOX WFBM WBBM WCCO 11:00 WMT- German Band MES -Les Cavaliers de La Salle: WHAS WJR (sw- 17.76) (also WIND -Talking Drums ter's Orch.; Stuart Allen, bar. WLS WFBM CBS -Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra: WOC -Speed Gibson WGN KNX KSL at 11 pan.) -To be announced (Hudson Motors): News: WMBD WOC The life of Edward Living- WMT -Safety Talk WBBM WHAS KMOX WISN WOC WSBT WKBB WFBM WROK -Sports Review WMBD WTMJ -Billie the Brownie Sports Review: WROK WFBM stone Trudeau' pioneer fighter WSUI- Iowans in the News WMBD WSBT WOC WCCO WBBM WISN WTAQ 5:30 KMOX against tuberculosis, and foun- (also at 6:15 p.m.) NBC -Eddie Varzos' Orch.: WIBA der of the sanitarium at Lake 8:00 WBOW WCFL KSD (sw -9.53) CBS -George Hall's Orch.: WFBM KSD- Xavier Cugat's Orch. N. T., will be told CBS -Chesterfield Presents Guest Saranac, NBC -Minstrel Show: WENR NBC -Glenn Miller's Orch.:WOWO WCCO (sw- 17.76) WBBM -Edna O'Dell dramatically. with Kostelanetz' Star Andre WBOW (sw -6.14) MBS -Gu) Lombardo's Orch.: NBC -News; Joan Edwards, songs: WBOW-Si & Ezra Deems Taylor, NBC -Eddy Duchin's Orch. (Eliza- Concert Orch.; CBS -Patti Chapin songs: WKBB WMT WLW WIRE (sw -9.53) WCFL- Dinner Concert WFBM WHAS WGN beth Arden): WOWO WLS commentator: WKBH (sw- 17.76) -Peppy Cheshire's Hill Bill- Jack Armstrong, sketch: KMOX WFAM -Dinner Dance; News WBBM KMOX WKBB KMOX WMT KWK (sw- 11.87) WCCO MBS -Melodies From the Skies: ies WHO WMAQ WHAS -Vocal Varieties WOC WTAQ WISN WSBT WGN - Hour Charlie Chan: KSD WGN WKBB -Theater Review WBOW -Green Bros.' Orch. WMBD KOA -Dance WJR WKBH (sw- } WK -Range Riders Time KWK -Ran Wildé s Orch. KWK Coyita Bunch WKBH- Melody WCFL -News 17.76) WCFL-Pat Kennedy WLW Listen Banipton be WCCO -Red Norvo's Orch. WBBM -Pappy Cheshire -Don't WFAM -News & Notes Rose will the WIND -Stars Over Manhattan WCFL -Musical Varieties WROK -Voice of Carelessness WGN- Concert Trio guest. WENR -Music As You Desire It The announcement of the presen- WJR- Diesel Opportunities; Mu- WHAS -Dance Band WENR -What's the Ne.vs? WIND -Traffic Court tation of the "Medal of Merit" 6:30 award to Andre Kostelaneta and sical WHO -Veterans Forum WFAM -Tunes of Today WIRE -To be announced the Chesterfield program may be NBC -Horlick's Lum & Abner, found on the inside front cover. WOWO -Vic Arden's Orch WIND-Bob Tinsley's Orch. WIBA -News WISN- Concert Contrasts WROK-Lou Orch sketch: WENR WLW (also WKBB -Festival Time Blake's WJR -Emery Deutsch's Orch. WIND -Bill, Mac & Jimmie KGO at 10:15 p.m.) NBC -Town Hall Tonight (Sal 9:45 WKBH -Music on the Upbeat WMAQ -Streamline Revue WIRE-Little Orphan Annie Hepatica) ; Fred Allen & Port- CBS- American Artists Congress: WTAM -Blue Orch. WMBD -Bradley A Cappella Choir Barron's WISN -Musical Interlude; Variety NBC -Alistair Cooke: KSD land Hoffa; Quartet; Peter Van WTAQ (sw- 17.76) 11:30 WOC WOC-German Band Prgm. CBS -Aeolian Trio: WMBD Steeden's Orch.; Guest: WIBA - As a preview to the Ameri- NBC- Lights Out, experimental WROK- Affairs of Mrs. Swenson WKBH- Kiddies' Hour WCCO WISN WMAQ WLW WHO KSD can Artists' Congress, being KSD WGN WSUI- Children's Hour held ou December 17th in Car- drama: WENR WIRE WLW -Bob Newhall, sports MBS-Concert Orch.: WTAM WTMJ WIRE KOA WIBA WTAM WTAQ -Clara Dawes negie Hall, a symposium on WHO WBOW WMBD -Speed Gibson News: WHO WTAQ WMAQ (sw -9.53) (also KFI at 11 American art will be conducted WMAQ KOA WTMJ (sw -9.53) WMT -Puzzle Club; News KMOX -Glen Gray's Orch. 7:15 p.m.) with Bob Trout as interviewer. "Studio Apartment" is a WOC -Hits & Bits KWK- Sports Review; News Vic Arden's Orch. & Guests: thriller concerning the fautas- WRJN -Behind the Microphone WBBM Airflow Harmonies WISN WBOW NBC -New England Conservatory News: WIND WOWO WROK tic things which take place in (1370 kc) WBOW -Hit Tunes WCFL -Stars of Tomorrow of Music: WBOW (sw- 11.87) KWK -String Nocturne the studio apartment of an in- WGN WCFL -To be announced ternationally known sculptor WROK -Home Folks Frolic WCFL -Sunny Sans WFAM -Notre Dame Prgm. MBS -Kay Kvser's Orch. who, inadvertently, brings to WSUI Stamp Collector WFAM -Dinner Dance WGN- Concert Orch. KWK WMT WJR- Sports life a Thing beyond all under- -Vic Orch. WTMJ -Heinie & His Grenadiers; 11FBM -Vic Arden's Orch WIRE -Beauty Box WCFL -Jam Session WKBB Arden's standing; no trite version of WISN -Xmas Guide WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air the "Galatea'' story is this. Sports WHAS -Herbie Koch, organist but a chill- packed tale of hor- 5:45 WIBA -Dinner Hour Melodies WKBB -Amer. Family Robinson WLS -Don & Helen 10:00 rible revenge. NBC -Dick Fidler's Orch.: (sw- WIRE -Man to Man; News WROK-Clarence Lindsey, tar. WOWO- Whispering Jack Smith CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.: Programs 9.53) WKBB -Speed Gibson WTAQ -Piano Musings WROK-Alexander Sisters WSBT (sw- 17.76) End of Wednesday E 36 Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 Thursday December 16, 1937 Thursday

9:00 NBC -David Harum sketch (Bab - lt'AQ- Rhythm in the Air WBAA- Purdue News CBS- Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch O): KSD WIRE WMAQ WHO 11l)(' Orean Melodies WCCO Kitty Keene MORNING (Wonder Bread): WOC WBBM CBS -Mary Lee Taylor (Pet WROK- American Family Robin- WFAM- Luncheon Dance WFBM KMOX WCCO WISN Milk): WBBM WMBD WFBM son WFBM- Markets; Farm Prgm. 7:00 am CST NBC -The Story of Mary Marlin, WOC KMOX WTAD -Betty & Bob WGN -We Are Four CBS- Arthur Godfrey & Organ: sketch (Ivory Flakes): WLS NBC -Norm Scherr, pianist: KWK WTMJ -Radio Forum WIND -Farm Talk (sw- 21.52) (sw- 15.21) WBOW 11:00 WIRE -Farm Hour NBC- Southernaires: WLW NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage News: WIND WTAD NBC -Girl Alone. sketch (Kel- WISN -Ivory Interlude WJBC -Guest Artists Musical Clock: WBBM WROK Patch, sketch (Old English WAAF -Musicale Moderne logg) : W ?-IAQ WLW WCFL WKBB WIBA- WOC Wax): WMAQ WIRE WHO WCBD- Us,cle John CBS -Cheri & the Three Notes: WKBH -Hillbilly Parade WKBH WMT WIRE KSD WCCO-Musicale WOC WFAM WFBM KMOX WLS-Weather ; Markets: News 7:15 NBC -Charles Harrison, tnr.: WCFL -Morning Melodies WKBB WKBH WMBD -Window Shopper CBS -Eton Boys: (sw- 21.52) W BOW WFAM -Shoppers' Guide NBC -.Church in the World WMT -News; Hillbillies; Question News: WHO WCCO WMT WLS News: WMT WTAD WROK WGN -Don Pedro & Piano Today: WOWO Man WAAF WLW KWK -Top the Mornine WHA -Homemakers NBC -Happy Jack Turner. songs: WOWO- Rondaliers BETTY LOU GERSON Mercedes 7:30 WAAF -This Rhythmic Age WIBA -The Fiddlers Three WBOW WCFL (sw- 15.33) WROK- 'Round the Town Colby in CBS -Poetic Strings: (sw- 21.52) W t BD- Italian Prgm WISN -Your Neighbor WSUI -Farm Flashes "Don Winslow of the Navy" MBS -The Boy & Girl Friend: Thurs. .Morning Devotions WKBH WCFL -Party Line WJBC -Organ Dreams WGN WTAQ -Farmhands 4:15 pm CST WLS WFAM -Meet Miss Miller WJJD -Sons of the Pioneers KSD -News; Kay White, organist WTMJ- Heinie s Grenadiers News: WIBA WKBB WTAQ WGN- Martha Crane & Helen WKBB -Movie News KWK -Young Widder Jones Musical Clock: WMBD WMT Joyce WKBH -Home Economics WAAF -Melody Parade 7:45 WHA -Your Health WLW -News; River; Weather; WBAA -Morning Melodies FATTERNOON WIBA- Market Reports Musical Clock: WIBA WKBB WIBA -Dolly Madison Markets WBBM -Furniture Bungalow WIRE- Police Court KMOX -Let's Compare Notes WIND -Meat Market of the Air WMT -Frank Voelker, organist WCCO- Wandering Minstrel WKBB -Song Hit of the Day: 8:00 WJJD- Bosworth Broadcast WROK -News & Markets; Food WHA -Music Appreciation 12:00 Pet Corner NBC -Breakfast Club; News: WKBB -Chancel Steps Facts; Orean WHO- Pretty Kitty Kelly NBC -Jean Ellington, songs: (sw- WLS-Markets WCFL WBOW WKBH -Babbett & Christy WSUI -Homemaker's Chat WIBA -Linda's First love 15.33) WLW -Kitty Keene, Inc. CBS -Dear Columbia; News: WLW-Linda's First Love WTAQ -Hawaiian Melodies WIND- Sketches in Melody CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold WMAQ -Perry Como, bar.; Mar- WFBM WTAQ WKBB WFAM WMBD-Messenger; Weather WTMJ -Household Hints WIRE -Old Home Town Medal): WBBM WCCO KMOX lowe & Lyon, pianists (sw- 21.52) WOWO-Bili Board 10:15 WISN -Movie Chat WFBM WISN (sw- 15.27) WMBD-Peoria Ramblers News: WMBD KMOX WKBH WSUI- Within the Classroom NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch (Dr. WJBC -Personality Hour News: WJJD WJBC WMBD WMT -Joe Doakes; Cousin Elvira; Coffee Pot Inn: WHO WMT WTAQ -Santa Claus Parade Lyons) : WTMJ KSD WIRE WJJD- Bureau of Missing Per- WIND WTAD Iowa Cornhuskers KSD -News; Rhythm Makers WTMJ -Organ & Poetry; What's WMAQ WHO WIBA sons KSD -News; Harry Reser's Orch.; WOC -Eddie Duchin's Orch. KWK- Pep -Up Parade New in Milwaukee CBS -Romance of Carol Kennedy, WLS -Don & Helen Markets WROK -Man Off the Street; WCBD -.Meditations 9:15 sketch (Heinz): KMOX WOC WMBD -Lady & the Doctor; Po- WAAF -Symphonic Hour Home Folks Hour WFBM WISN WCCO WBBM -Reba WTAD WGN -Good Morning Prgm. NBC- John's Other Wife. sketch lice Bulletins WBAA Harwood, sop. -Musical Moments NBC -Road of Life. sketch W'HA-Band Wagon Philippe) 0/ MAQ WMT -Christmas Party WBOW -Strcet Reporter WTMJ -Sidewalk Reporter (Louis WLS WLW (sw- WIND -Harry Zimmerman, organ- WIRE WHO KSD (Chipso): WROK -.Tabernacle Hour WCFL -Hit Parade 1:00 15.21) WGN -Man on State Street CBS -Talk on Readers & Books: ist CBS -Myrt & Marge, sketch (Su- WSUI-Within the Classroom WIRE -Musical Clock NBC -Josh Higgins of Finchville: WTAD -News WHA -Noon Musicale WOC (sw- 15.27) per Suds) : WFBM KMOX WBOW WCFL WHO -Ma:ke:s & NBC -Music WJJD- Sports Edition Handicap- WISN WBBM WCCO WMBD WTAQ- Theater Organ Weather Guild: WBOW (sw- KWK -Range Riders WIRE- Markets 15.33) per NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins. WTMJ -Love for a Day WAAF -Zeke Manners' Gang WKBB- Luncheon Musicale CBS -Howard Neumiller. 8:15 sketch: WLS (sw-15.21) 11:15 pianist W'GN- Bachelor's Children WKBB WTAQ WKBH NBC -Sunshine Express; News: NBC -Vaughn de Leath, song's: CBS -Your News Parade (Lucky WKBH -Long Rangers WCCO WIND -Sons Pioneers WLS-Dinner bell Prgm. NBC -Edward Davies, KSD WCFL WBOW KWK of the Strike Cigarettes); Edwin C. vocalist; WJBC -Theater Time; News WMBI- Gospel Hour Piano & WMAQ (sw- KMOX -Ozark Varieties WAAF -King of the Kitchen Hill, commentator: WBBM .Midday Organ: KWK-Mrs. O'Brien's Boarding WJJD -Two of Kind WOC -Farm Bureau; Markets 15.21) WFAM -Organ Recital -Rhythm WISN WMBD WOC KMOX MBS- Concert WIRE House WHA -International Scene WKBB & Romance WOWO -Consolaires Orch.: KWK WCCO WFBM WKBB Man on the WBBM WCBD -.Nazarene Prgui, WKBB -News WKBH -Your Home WSBT -Two Way Harmonies Street WMBD- Linda's First Love WSUI -Rhythm Rambles WMBD WGN -Everyday Words WKBH -Ma Perkins NBC -George Griffin, tor.: WOWO WMT -Singer of Sacred Songs News: WHA WTAD WHA -Morning Melodies -All Answers (sw- 15.21) 12:15 WLW the WOWO KMOX- Inquiring WHO- Melody Time Louise Hathaway -Tri Topics NBC -The Goldbergs, sketch (Oxy- CBS -Hymns of All Churches Reporter WMT- WROK -Woman's Forum KSD -Rudolf Friml Orch. WIND -Latin-American Melodies WOC- Weekly Shopper dol): WMAQ (sw- 15.33) (Gold Medal): WBBM WCCO Jr.'s WIRE -Dessa Byrd WSUI- Yesterday's Musical Favo- KSD -Marie Harrington, talk KMOX WFBM WISN (sw- WAAF -Silver Notes; Hoosier Phi- WROK-On the Mall losopher WJJD -Toastmaster WTAD rites KWK -Rapid Service 15.27) -Jane Romar WBAA -Melody WKBH -Song Fest WTAD -Footsteps to Beauty W'AAF -News NBC -Words & Music; Vocalists Time 9:30 WCBD -J. C. WLS -News WTAQ -Varieties WBAA-PTA Council & Organ: (sw- 15.33) O'Hair CBS -Sutton & Bliss, pianists: -Melody WI.W -Hope Alden's Romance 1U:8Ú WBOW -Farm Prgm. MBS- Marjorie Mills (Maine De- WCFL Hour WMT -Musical Clock WOC WKBB NBC -Homemakers' Exchange WCAZ-Movie Gossip (1070 kc) WFBM -Bohemians NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch (An- velopment Comm.): WGN WTAD- Church in the Wildwood (Nat'l Ice Ad. Inc.) : KSD WCFL- Interlude WGN- Concert Orch. WHO Man on the Street: WJBC WTMJ -Your Home Town acin): WMAQ WIRE WHO WMAQ WTMJ WIRE WFAM- Visitors Welcome WHO -New Tunes CBS -Emily Post, "How to Get WKBH WIBA -Melody 8:30 (sw- 15.33) WGN -Len Salvo, organist News: WKBB WOWO Moments the Most Out of Life" (Florida WIND- Italian Prgm. NBC- Breakfast Club; News: NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Cris- 11 HO -Party Line WBAA -Luncheon Dance Time WOWO WCFL Citrus): WBBM co): WLS (sw- 15.21) WIBA- Master Singers WISN- Musical Heat Wave Family, WBOW -Fields & Hall CBS -Richard Maxwell, tnr.: NBC -Pepper Young's CBS -Big Sister, sketch tRinso): WIND -Rhythm for Two WJJD- Mid -Day Round -Up sketch (Camay): WLS WMT WCFL- Luncheon Concert WLS (sw- 21.52) WCCO WBBM WISN KMOX WIRE- Singnn' Sam WHO-Songfellows School Time (sw- 15.21) WLW- Nation's School of the Air MBS- Victor H. Lindlahr (Journal WMBD WFBM WJBC- Parade of Bands WIND -Tommy Ott, organist NBC -Bennett & Wolverton: WMT -Many Happy Returns; of Living) : WGN KWK -News; Musical Literlude WJJD -Criminal Court Interviews -day Service WCFL WOWO WJJD -.Ncon Troubadors; Cornhuskers KMOX -Melody Spinners WAAF Sweet & Slow WKBH -Club Calendar WMBD -Town Crier; Markets MBS -Get Thin to Music: WGN WOWO Purdue Agri Prgm KWK -Candid Camera; News WBOW -Harry Reser's Orch. WLS- Chuck, Ray & Christine WMT -Voice of Iowa KMOX- Konedy Kingdom WSBT -News WCBD -Polish Prgm. WCFL-Peekers in he Pantry WLW -Vic Arden's Orch. WOC- Inquiring Mike Farm Flashes KWK -Party Line WCCO -Dinty Moore WFAM -Style Flashes WROK -N. Y. A. Drama WROK -Column Left, news WSUI- Musical Chats WAAF-Hollywood Brevities WTMJ -Livestocks; News; WFAM -Your Engagement Book WGN- Painted Dreams WTAD -Duke Otten WSBT -News; Stork Report Wea- WBOW -Home Folks Police Reports WFBM -Morning Chat WIBA- .Church in Wildwood WTMJ -Blue Room Ensemble WTAD -Cy & Freckles ther; WHO -Morning Melodies WCBD- Deutsche Liederstunde WIBU -Aid Parade 11:30 12:30 1:15 WIBA Today's Almanac WCCO -Peggy Tudor WIND -Speaking of Love NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour; CBS -Arnold Grimm's Daughter, NBC -Let's Talk It Over: WMAQ WIND -Early Edition WFBM- Kitchen Clinic WJBC -Neighbor Jim Spkrs.: KWK WMAQ WLW sketch (Gold Medal): KMOX WIBA (sw- 15.21) WHA -Music CBS & WJJD -Happy Go Lucky Time for Children WJJD- Women's Exchange Prgm WBOW WIBA (sw- 15.21) WCCO WBBM WFBM WISN -Jack Paul: WKBB WSBT WKBH -Uncle Bob WIBA -.Church of the Air WKBB -Musical Almanac CBS -Romance of Helen Trent (sw- 15.27) WKBH WLS -Kitchen Kettle WIND -Eb & Zeb WKBH -Amer. Family Robinson (Edna Wallace Hopper): NBC -Sue Blake, sketch: (sw- Hope Alden's Romance: WCCO WISN -Alan Hale, news KMOX WFBM 11 LW -Hello Peggy WLW -Peggy Tudor WBBM KMOX 15.21) WMAQ- Whistler & his Dog; News WJJD -Illinois Medical Society Wi11BI- .Missionary Echoes NBC -Vincent Curran, bar.:WCFL KSD- Joseph Milsteen, violinist WKBH News: WHO WOC WIBA KWK -Peggy Tudor WMBD- Bandwagon -Morning Melodies WMT -Numerical Jamboree KSD KWK -Organ Melodies & Bob WAAF -Waltztime WROK -Morning Devotions WLW -Betty WiO Melodic Serenade Hymns of All Churches: WHO WBAA- News Bag Scientific WBAA -Better Expression WSUI -Iowan of the Air; Morning WMBD-Irene's Grab WOWO- Linda's First Love WOC WBOW -Home WROK -Intimate Review Folks Frolic WBBM -Kitty Keene. Inc. Melodies; Service Reports WSUI -Book Shelf WAAF -Myrna Dee Sergent WCFL -Young Widder Jones WTAD -Dance Review WGN -Wif- vs Secretary WTAD- .Innterchurch Devotional WTAD -Ma Perkins WBAA -Parade of Melody WGN -Markets; Mid -day Service WTAQ -Melody Lane WHA -Musical Varieties WTAQ -Song Title WTAM- Women's Hour WCCO -Ma Perkins WHA-Farm Prem. WHO -Lady of Millions WTMJ -Party Line WTMJ -News WTAQ -News; Morning Concert WFAM Four Eleven Alarm WIND- Markets; Interlude 8:45 9:45 10:45 WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle WIRE -Reporter WIRE -Music Memories WLS-Otto & Novelodeons NBC- Breakfast Club: WBOW NBC -Today's Children, sketch NBC - Edward MacHugh, Gospel WGN -News WKBB -Man on the Street WMBD -Hip .Majesty. the Baby WCFL (Pillsbury): WMAQ WTMJ Singer (Ivory Soap): WLS WIND -Harry Zimmerman WKBH- Luncheon Music WMT -German Band CBS -Bachelor's Children, sketch KSD WHO WIRE (sw- 1511) WIRE-Linda's First Love WLW -Voice of Experience WOC- (Old Dutch Cleanser): KMOX CBS -The Instrumentalists: WFAM CBS -Aunt Jenny's Real Life W'1SN -Voice of Experience WMAQ-Dan Harding's 1Vife Christmas Party WCCO (sw- 21.52) WCCO WKBH Stories (Spry): WISN WCCO W,IBC- Sinein' Sinn WMBD -Farm News WOWO -Jack Tilson's Orch. WTAD -Quircy Marches On NBC -Aunt Jemima (Quaker NBC -Viennese Ensemble: KWK WMBD WFBM KMON WBBM WJJD -Safety Court WMT- Markets; Hillbillies WTAQ -Man on Oats): WMAQ (sw- 15.21) Party Line: WOC WTAD NBC -Cobwebs & : WKBB -Farm Flashes; Do You WOWO -Hey, Mr. Motorist! the Street KSD WBOW Want a Job? WTMJ -Dance Orch. NBC -Landt Trio: KSD News: WLS WMBD WROK- Couple on the Street 1:30 WFAM KMOX -Ma Perkins. sketch NBC -The Mystery Chef (Region WKBH -Magic Violin Ewing & Dick -.Morning Devotions WSBT- Robert of the Air: WFBM WAAFHawaiian Echoes al Advertisers): (sw- 15.33) WLS -Organ Moods CBS -American School -Apron Strings Cover WISN WBBM WFBM WKBH WHO- Musical -Carolyn Pryce, shopping NBC -Originalities: WMT WMBD -Songsters WTALZFarm; Markets: Weather Clock WBBM WCCO WTAQ WSBT KMOX WIBA- Variety Prgm. WBOW- Looking Around Party Lune Wll1V I A IRE WMBI- Continued Story Reading WTMJ -Dance Orch. (sw- 11.83) WIND -Mind Your WCFL- Swingsime KWK -The Morning After WMT -German Band 12:45 Manners NBC -"How to Open a Shop," WIRE WGN -Musical Mail Box WAAF -Foolish Questions WOWO- Market CBS -Hollywood in Person (Gold -Rose Room Melody; Bet- Alissa Keir: (sw- 15.33) ter Health; News WIBA -Melody Time WCFL -Voice of Cookery WROK -Helene Kimberley, songs Medal): WCCO WFBM KMOX NBC -El Caballero: WIBA WOWO WJJD -Illinois League of Women WIND- Rhubarb Red WFAM -Morning Melodies WTAD -Police News WBBM WISN (sw- 15.27) read MBS -Lucky Girl, sketch: WGN Voters WISN -Ann Leslie's Scrapbook WGN -Morning Melodies WTAQ -Mailman For news of Hollywood. "Hol- lywood Showdown" in every issue News: WBAA WMAQ WKBB -What's New? WJJD -Harry Zimmerman, organ- WHA -Song Favorites WTMJ -Behind the Mike of Radio Guide. WKBH-Rapid ist WHO -Robt. Hood Bower. Baud 11:45 NBC -Larry Burke, tor.: WOWO KSD -Judy & Jane Ad KWK -News; Pianist 11 LS- Morning Minstrels WLW -Houseboat Hannah WIBA -Adele Genschaw; pianist NBC -The Escorts & Betty: KSD KWK WAAF -Live Stock Markets; En- WLW -Young Widder Jones WMT -Young Widder Jones WIND -Livestock Markets; News - WCFL News: WIND WKBH WTAQ WMBD -Women Home Forum WJBC -Payee Pioneers CBS Our Gal, Sunday, sketch Man on the Street: WCFL WSBT cores n of Today WOWO- Modern WBOW -Melody Time WOC-News WSW -Program Calendar W JJ D- Yuletidings (Kolynos): WBBM KMOX KSD -Mort Dennis' Orch. WCBD -Zion Prgm. WROK -Town Crier 10:00 WKBB -Ma Perkins Betty & Bob: WHO WOC WBAA -Edith Hines, songs WHA -Music in the Air WTAQ- Coffee Hour NBC-The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory WKBH Pianology WAAF -Live Stock Market; Swing WBOW -Tune of the Day WTMJ- Bandmasters Flakes): WLS (sw- 15.21) WL1V -The Goldbergs High , WHO - Silver Serenade. (Continued on Next Page: E Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 37 : `'y.: rY i.r c.

MBS -Good Health & Training: WBBM- Pantry Party_ CBS -To be announced: WKBB WGN WCCO -Jack Armstrong sketch WBOW -Si & Ezra Thursday KWK-Siesta Time Good Listening for Today WCFL- Mundeleiq College Radio WCFL- Dinner Concert WAAF -Red Hot & Low Down Stations which will broadcast these programs may be found in Shop WFAM -Dinner Dance; News WBAA -Keeping Ahead of the the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated WFBM- J.Christian Science Prgm WFBM -Sports December 16 Joneses WIBA -Santa Claus at the North WGN -Concert Symphony Orch. WCBD -Radio Debuts NIGHT Pole WKBH -Drama WHA-Music of the Masters 6:30 CST WE, THE PEOPLE, Heatter, WIND -Sons of the Pioneers WMBD -News WIBA -Travel Prgm. Gabriel WIRE Three Little Words WTAQ -To be announced Mark Warnow's orchestra; guests, CBS. WIND -Stars Over Hollywood WKBH -Town Hall Players 6:30 WIRE -Matinee Varieties NeWs 7:00 CST KATE SMITH HOUR, Henny Young- WLW Supper Serenade CBS -We, the People; Gabriel WLS- Musical Roundup man, Jack Miller's orchestra; guest, CBS. WMT -To be announced Heatter, dir. Mark Warnow's WMBD- Petticoat Parade WOC -Hita & Hits Orch. (Sanka Coffee): WBBM WMT-Ralph Sladé s Orch 7:00 CST RUDY VALLEE'S VARIETY HOUR, WROK -Sport Review KMOX WISN WCCO WOC WROK -Music Box Melodies guest, NBC. WTMJ -Billie the Brownie WJR .WHAS WMBD (sw- WSBT -School Musicale 5:30 17.76) (also KSL KNX at 9:30 WSUI -Child Study Club 7:30 CST THE MARCH OF TIME, news drama- CBS -George Hall's Orch.: KMOX p.m.) 2:45 tizations, NBC. WBBM WFBM WKBB WISN NBC -The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory WTAQ WCCO (sw- 17.76) NBC -To be announced WENR 8:00 WMT - Flakes): WLW WMAQ WTMJ CST GOOD NEWS OF 1938, film stars, NBC -Tony Russell, tor.: KWK NBC WHO KSD (sw- 15.33) chorus, Meredith Willson's orchestra, NBC. Jack Armstrong, sketch: WMAQ -Benno Rabinoff, violinist: WLW MBS- Walter Ahrens, bar.; Orch.: 9:00 CST KRAFT MUSIC HALL Bing WHO BING CROSBY WGN KWK with Sports: KSD WLW News: WHO WTAQ WMAQ KSD -Vic "Music Hall" star WBAA -Treasure Chest Crosby, Bob Burns, Johnny Trotter's orches- WCFL -Musical Varieties Arden's Orch. Thurs. 9 pm CST WBBM -Hour of Romance tra; Anne Shirley & Simon Barer, guests, WENR -News; What's the News? KWK -Sports; News WAAF- Tuning WBOW -Talk of the Town NBC. WFAM- Rhythm Time Around WGN- Charlie Chan WBOW -Hit Tunes WGN- Harold Turner, pianist 9:00 CST WIBA -Today's COMMENTATOR FORUM. Boake WIBA -News Edition WCFL -Sunny Sam Front Page WFAM -Hits (1:30 p.m. Continued) WIND -Happy Harmonies Carter, M BS. WIND -Bill, Mac & Jimmie from the Shows WFBM -Glen WMT- Tovlaud WIRE -Little Orphan Annie Gray's Orch. -WHO -Houseboat Hannah 9:30 CST COLUMBIA WORKSHOP, experimen- WGN- Concert Trio WTAD -Florence & Ruth Brown WKBB- Riding the Airways WIND -Gary, Civic Theater tal drama, CBS. WIBA- Dinner Concert WIRE -May Robson 3:00 WKBH -Kiddies' Hour WMBD -Dr. Sumner Miller WIRE -Man to Man Sports WJJD- fjZion Tabernacle NBC -Club Matinee: WENR 10:15 CST ELZA SCHALLERT interviews Alan WMT WMT -Puzzle Club; News WKBB -Speed Gibson WLS- Market Reports WOWO KWK WBOW (sw- Hale, NBC. WKBH- Dinner Music WMBD -Party Line 15.21) WOC -To be announced WRJN -Movie Gossip (1370 kc) WROK -House by Side of Road WMT -Tom Owen's Cowboys CBS -Ted Malone's Between the WTAM -Lois Miller, organist WOC-Parliamentary Hour Bookends: WKBB WSBT WOC WROK -Home Folks Frolic WSUI- Musical WTMJ- Dinner Table of the Air WROK-Master Singers WCCO WFBM WTAQ WKBH Moods WTAD -Hannibal Merchants (sw- 11.83) WAAF -Jimmie Kozak, pianist NBC -Harry Kogen's Orch.: WTMJ -Heinie & His Grenadiers ó:4h NBC -Lang Thompson's NBC- Lorenzo Jones, sketch WBAA -Interesting People in the WENR 5:45 Orch.: 1:45 NBC- Lowell Thomas, news com- KSD WCFL NBC -Armchair Quartet: WIBA (Phillips): WIRE WMAQ WHO News NBC -Vagabonds: WIBA WMAQ (s».15.33) WCCO -Art Institute KSD mentator (Sun Oil): WLW MBS -Sammy Kaye's Orch.: KWK (sw- 15.33) (sw- 15.21) News: WFBM WKBB WKBH KMOX -Kitty Keene WCFL -Organ Music NBC -Jack Armstrong, sketch NBC -Ranch Boys: WOWO NBC -Tom Mix' WBOW -Home Decorators WBAA -Community Chest Prgm. WGN- Margery Graham (Wheaties): (sw -9.53) Straight Shoot- MRS- Beatrice Fairfax (Hecker ers (Purina): WMAQ WIRE WFAM -We Salute Products): WIRE KWK WGN WBBM -Houseboat Hannah WIND -At the Tavern News: WIND WJBC WJBC- Classified Time KMOX -The Fun Quiz KWK ' WGN -Rube Appleberry Judy & Jane: WOC WHO WCFL -News WHO WGN -Concert WLW -Mad Hatterfields WBAA -You & Your Radio CBS -Bob Byron, songs: WFBM -The Song Fellows KSD- Contract Bridge Lesson Orch. WKBB (sw- 17.76) WIBA -Sports WHA -Youth Looks Ahead WROK- Margaret Ekolf, piano WBBM -Truman Bradley, com- WAAF -Sylvia Stone NBC -The Escorts & Betty: WIRE -Charlie Chan, sketch WIBA -The moods mentator WBAA -Market & Weather Shut -In Hour WENR WLW -Pleasant Valley Frolics WBOW- jDevotional Service WIND -Streamliners WTAD- Musical Maniacs WCLS -For Your Information NBC- Little Orphan Annie (Oval - WMAQ -Eddie Varzos' Orch. WIND -Ben Kanter, pianist WISN -Even As You & I 4:00 (1310 dcc) tine) : KSD WROK -Dinner Music WJBC-Prophetic Hour CBS -To be announced: WKBB WIRE- Toyland WKBB- Luncheon Musicale Orphan Annie: WGN WHO WTAM -Dick Fidler's Orch. WLW -Dr. Friendly NBC -Golden Melodies: WHO WMBD -News; Pet Corner WLS -How I met My Husband Jack Armstrong: WOC KMOX WTAQ -Phyl Coe Mysteries WMBI -Feature KSD WCFL WMBI- ,iForeign Language Ser WMAQ -Bob Hawk's Fun Quiz Hour Sports: WISN WTMJ WRAK -Women of the Hour CBS -Follow the Moon with Elsie vice 7:00 WMBD -Shut -In Prgm. Speed Gibson: WBOW WFAM WSUI- Previews and Hitz & Nick Dawson (Pebe- WMT -Santa Claus Gives a Party NBC -Rudy Vallee's Variety Hour WMT -Closing Markets Reviews WBBM -Pappy Cheshire WROK-Modern Marco Polo WTAD- Travel Interview co.): WBBM WFBM KMOX WROK -Bob Kail, songs (Royal Gelatin): WTMJ WHO WSUI -Elementary French WCCO -Front Page Parade WLW KSD WIRE WTAM 2:00 WTMJ -Home Harmonizers WCCO (sw- 11.83) WCFL -Stanley Hickman CBS- Theater Matinee: WKBB NBC -Junior Nurse Corps, sketch WTAD -Jack Armstrong WIBA WMAQ (sw -9.53) 3:15 WTMJ -Kitty Keene, Inc. WIBA- Today's Birthdays; Sports (Sunbrite) : WLW (sw- 15.21) WSBT WOC WISN WTAQ NBC -Club Matinee: WIRE WIND- Inquiring Reporter NBC -General Hugh S. Johnson, WKBH (sw- 11.83) MBS -Charley Stookey's Hillbilly 4:45 CBS -Science Service Series: WOC WMBD -Sports; Where to Go commentator (Bromo- Quinine) : Show (Consol. Drug Trade CBS -Hilltop House, sketch (Palm- NBC -To be announced: WOWO WMBD WSBT WKBB WISN WMT-Jordan's Revue; Did You WMT KWK WENR (sw- 11.87) : olive : WCFL WTAQ WKBH (sw- 11.83) Co.) WGN KWK Soap) WCCO WBBM Know? NBC -Pepper Young's Family, Rev. Edward Ward of the News: WOC WOWO WFBM WMBD KMOX WISN -Don CBS -Kate Smith's Hour with Catholic University of America WROK & Sleepy, songs sketch (Camay): WMAQ KSD Madison Concert Orch.: WHA NBC -Tom Mix' Straight Shoot- WSUI -Daily Henny Youngman, comedian; will discuss -Wives by the ers (sw- 15.21) Iowan WHO WTMJ WLW (sw- 15.33) Dozen in WIBA (Purina) WTAQ- Bureau of Public Jack Miller's Orch. (Calumet Africa." NBC -The WIBA Service MBS -Concert Orch.: WIRE WGN NBC -The Guicmg Light, sketch KSD -News; Rhythm Makers Californians: Baking Powder): WHAS WJR News: WIND WBAA WTAD (White Naptha): WTMJ WHO WAAF -Sport Shorts; Slladowland WENR WFBM WCCO WISN WOC NBC- Little Orphan Annie, sketch WAAF WFBM WMAQ (sw- 1533) WBAA -Story Book Hour WBBM KMOX WTAQ WMBD (Ovaltine) : (sw -9.53) NIGHT KMOX -Magic Kitchen KMOX Houseboat Hannah WBOW -Xmas Merry -Go -Round WKBB WKBH (sw- 17.76) KSD -To be announced WCFL -Make Believe Night Club KSD- Careful Children's Club (also KNX KSL at 10:30 p.m.) WBAA -Paul Worcester, tnr. WBAA -Twilight KWK -Today at Two WBBM -Linda's First Love WENR -Music Circle Melodies 6:00 WFAM -Dance Parade; Motor Andy WAAF - Vesper Singer WBAA -Geography in the News WCCO -May Robson WFAM -Hot Spell NBC -Amos 'n' (Pepso- Dramas : WBOW -Green Bros.' Orch. WBBM -Radio Gossip Club WCFL -Organ WIND -You, the Story & the dent) WHO. WTAM WLW Music WHO -News KSD -9.53) 10 WCFL -News WBOW -Ind. State Teachers Col- WFBM -Fed. of Women's Clubs (sw (also see WIRE -YMCA Prgm. WIBA -The Dance Hour p.m.) WFAM- American Family Robin- lege Prgm. WGN -Lady of Millions WIND -Once Upon a Time son WCBD -Polish Prgm. WIND WISN -Organ Melodies -Fred Beck, organist WIRE -What Do You Know? NBC -Easy Aces, sketch; Jane WGN -Whispering Jack Smith WCCO-Siesta WLW -Life of Mary Sothern WJBC -Weslyan Hour WHA -State Capitol Visit WJJD -Cumberland Ridge Runners WJBC-Christian Messengers Ace (Anacin): WENR WMT WIND -J. Roscoe Miller, talk WSUI- Favorite Melodies WKBH-Pianology WIRE KWK (sw- 11.87) WKBB-Sports \VISA- Concert Hall of the Air WTAD -Loreine Meyer Hughes WKBH -German Hour WJJD -Sports Edition WMAQ -The Children Speak WLW -Singing School WROK -Boy Scout Prgm. 3:30 CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's WLS -Homemakers' Hour; Fanfare WMBD- aTrinity Tabernacle WMAQ -Romance & Rhythm Gum): WJR (sw- 17.76) (also WSUI- Cbildren's Hour CBS -Army Rand: WFBM WOC by Wilma Gwillian WMBI -(,Scandinavian Service WOC -Man on the Street see 10 p.m.) 7:15 WMBD- Trading Post WFAM WKBB WTAQ WKBH WMT -Radio Gossip; Tunes & WROK- Variations in Rhythm NBC -The Liedersingers: WLS WMT- Afternoon Recess WMBD WISN (sw- 11.83) Topics.; Drama WTAQ -To be announced CBS -Herbert Footé s Ensemble: (sw- 11.87) WROK -News; Musicale NBC -The Story of Mary Marlin, WROK- Markets & News; Birth- WTMJ -News: Moment Musical WTAQ KWK -Four Key Men WSUI- Campus Activities; Organ sketch (Ivory Soap): WMAQ day Club 5:uu NBC -Hal Totten, sports: WMAQ WBOW- Xavier Cugat's Orch Recital WLW WHO (sw- 15.333 WSUI -Jr. Acamedy of Science CBS -Buddy Clark, songs: WKBB WBOW WCFL- Chicago Housing Authority 2:15 NBC -General Fed. of -Women's WTAD- Freshest Thing in Town WOC WBBM WTAQ WKBH News: KMOX WCFL WFAM- Harmoneers NBC -Rochester Philharmonic Or- Clubs: WENR WMT WIRE WTAQ -Sweet Songs NBC -Marek Weber's Orch.: Sports: WKBB WKBH WOC WGN -Vic Arden's Orch. chestra; Guy Fraser Harrison, KWK (sw- 15.21) WTMJ- Friendship Circle WIRE WBBM -The Headliner WIND -Colonial Ensemble A IIisellssio11 of the question, cond.: WCFL WOWO (sw- 4:15 NBC -Chick Webb's Orch.: WCFL WCCO- Victor Arden's Orch. WMT -Band Wagon "Will the American Home Sur- W i' AM- Crimecasts 15.21) vive?" will be by (sw -9.53) WROK- Musicale - presented NBC -Don Winslow of the Navy, WFBM- Phenomenon CBS -Theater Matinee: WMBD emiuenl speakers in four of the WMT NBC -Junior Nurse Corps. sketch WSUI- Television Prgm. leading cities of the country. sketch: WGN -Concert Orch. NBC- Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, CBS -To be announced: WKBB KWK WENR 7:30 sketch: WMAQ WTMJ WLW News: WJBC WTAD Santa Claus: KSD WFBM WFAM WHAS -Herbie Koch, organist KMOX -Singin' Sam NBC -Golden Melodies: WENR WIBA -Dinner Music NBC -The March of Time (Time, WHO KSD (sw- 15.33) (sw -9.53) KM' X- Linda's First Love Inc.): WMT WOWO KWK WAAF-Matinee WAAF-News & Weather WIND -German Hour Revue CBS -Life of Mary Sothern, WBOW- Sundown Express WLS (sw- 11.87) WBAA -Piano Harmonies WBAA- Afternoon Musicale WCCO-Livestock WISN -Down By Herman's WBOW -QRev. Archie Brown sketch (Hind's) : KMOX WMBD -Roy Evans WBBM -Meet the Missus WBBM WCCO (sw- 11.83) WGN -Jolly Joe MBS -Shep Fields' Orch.: WGN WCCO- Markets; News WBBM -Quarter Hour of Romance WHO- Sunset Corners Opry WROK -News; Dinner Music; WBOW- Varieties WCCO -Grandma Travels WBAA -Gordon Graves, pianist Motor Drama WFBM -The Dentist Says WFBM Tea Time Tunes WIBA -Wisconsin Wildlife Fed. WCFL -Streamline Melodies WGN WCFL -Illinois Federation of Wo- WSUI- Dinner Hour WFAM -Dixieland Band -June Baker, home manage- WHO- Variety Hour WIND -Stamp Man ment men's Clubs WTMJ- Musical Moments WGN -Radio Varieties WIND -You, the Story & the Mu- WISN -Show Window WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WGN -Harold Turner, pianist WLW -Angelo, Italian troubador 6:15 WIND -Sing & Swing WHA -Short Story sic WIRE -Public School Prgm WIRE -Minute Interviews WMAQ -Don Winslow of the Navy NBC -Vocal Varieties (Turns); WROK -Lou Blake'. Orch. WROK -Two Guitars WIND -Waltz Time WMBD -Happy Train Smoothies; DeVore Sisters; WSUI -Evening Musicale Time Religiojt WLW -Jack Armstrong WTAD- Matinee Jamboree WOWO -QOld WMT -Cedar Rapids P. T. A. Win. Stoess' Orch.: WHO KSD 7:45 WROK- j,Church in Wildwood WMAQ -Tea Time Varieties 2:30 WMBD -Bargain Counter WROK -Make Believe Ballroom WIBA WIRE WTMJ WTAM WCFL -Herr Louie & the Weasel WS) 1 Far Lands CBS -Heinz Magazine of the Air; WOC-Organ Moods WSUI -Short Story WLW WMAQ WFAM -Music Dept. Recital Channing Pollack; David Ross; WTMJ -Guess Who? WTMJ -Jack- Armstrong, sketch WIND Talking Drums WSUI -Los Angeles Colored Orch. NBC -Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Bill Adams; Morton Bowe, 3:45 5:15 WSUI -Fed. Bus. & Prof. Women's WTAD - Barney Thompson Persons, drama (Amer. Home tor.; Mark Warnow's Orch.: NBC -The Road of Life, sketch NBC -Chick Webb's Orch.: WMAQ Prgm. WTAQ -Swing Session Prod.): WENR KWK WMT Club KMOX WFBM WISN WCCO (Chipso): WMAQ WTMJ (sw- 4:30 CBS -Four Clubmen; News: 8:00 WOC WBBM (sw- 11.83) (sw- 11.87) 15.33) NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady; WFAM WMBD WTAQ WKBB NBC -Symphony Orch.; Frank -To be announced: CBS WKBB NBC -Kitty Keene, Inc. (Dreft): Ireene Wicker: WLW (sw- NBC -Marek Weber's Orch.: CBS -Hollywood Screen Scoops; Black, cond.: WCFL WBOW WTAQ WKBH WHO 15.21) WENR Geo. McCall (Old Gold Ciga- (sw- 11.87) NBC -Vic & Sade. sketch (Cris- MBS -To be announced: WIRE Story: Yelmdi Menuhin, Part MBS -Harold Turner, pianist: rettes): WISN WBBM KMOX American debut of Heinz and co,: KSD WLW WMAQ WHO KWK II. WGN WJR WCCO WHAS WOC (sw- Robert Scholz duo- pianists, with WTMJ (sw- 15.33) -Army Band: WBBM -Dear Teacher: WISN WKBB KMOX -Lady of Millions the NBC Symphony Orchestra, CBS CBS 17.76) (also see 10:15 p.m.) Frank Black conducting. They NBC -Pochester Philharmonic Or- KMOX -Meet the Missus WCCO WFAM WKBH WTAQ KSD -News; Rhythm Makers For news of Hollywood, read "Hol- lywood Showdown" in every lieu* will oser Concerto in E Flat chestra: WBOW KSD- Afternoon Varieties WOC (sw- 11.83) KWK -Santa Claus of Radio Guide. (Mozart). 38 Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 8 8:30 WOC -Phyl Coe Mysteries WMBD- Comedy Stars of Broad- WIBA -Club Chanticleer Frequencies NBC -America's Town Meeting of KROK -Girl Scout Prgm. way WIRE -News; Basonology KMO%-1090 WJBC-1200 the Air: WBOW WENR WTAQ -Dance Orch WMT- Electric Park Band WJR- Marked Hours Thursday ROA-830 WJJD-1130 WLW- Theater Digest KSD-550 WJR-7b0 WOWO (sw- 11.87) 9:15 10:00 KWR-1350 MBS -Sinfonietta: WMT KMOX- Hollywood Reporter NBC -Amos 'n' Andy (Pepso- WMAQ -Eddie Varzos' Orch. s WMBD- Sports; Prgm. Review WAAF-920 WKBH-1380 KWK- Secondary Schools Prgm. KWK -Ran Wildé Orch. dent) : WMAQ KOA KFI December 16 WBAA-890 WTAM WLS-870 WCFL- Robert Harmon WCCO- Musicale WIRE (also at 6 p.m.) -Music You Want WBBM-770 WLW-700 WTAQ -Dance Orch. WBOW-1310 WMAQ-670 WGN- Broadway Comedy Stars WCFL -Labor Flashes CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's WIND WGN -Paul Orch. WTMJ -Moonlight & Shadows WCBD-1080 WMBD-1440 -Night Court Whiteman's Gum) ; Jack Fulton, tar.; WCCO-810 WMBI-1080 WKBB -Globe Trotter WHAS -Herbie Koch, organist Franklyn MacCormack; Orch.: 10:30 WCFL-970 WMT-600 WROK -South Sea Island Magic WIND Walkathon WENR-870 WOC-1370 WFBM WBBM WHAS KSL CBS -Leighton Noble's Orch.: WFAM-1200 WOWO-1180 WSUI -Musical Prgm. WJR -Sports KMOX WCCO (also at 6 p.m.) WISN WSBT WKBB WTAQ WFBM-1230 WRJN-1370 8:45 WKBB- Hollywood on Parade WOC WKBH (sw- 1776) W GN-720 WROK-1410 WCFL- Campus WKBH -Rapid Ad NBC -Blue Barron's Orch.: WCFL NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orchestra: WHA-940 WSBT-1360 Conclave -9.53) WGN -News; Sport High Lights WMBD-Playhouse WBOW (sw WBOW (sw -9.53) WHAS-820 WSIII-880 CBS Lab Callow aÿ s Orch.: WHO-1000 WTAD-900 WIRE -Al Wynkoop WMT -Vic Arden's Orch. NBC -Dance Orch.: WMT WCFL WIBA-1280 WTAM-1070 WKBB- Sentimental Mood Music WOC -To be announced WSBT (sw- 17.76) (sw -6.14) WIND-580 WTAQ-1330 WROK -Joe Gerken's Orch. WROK -Rock River Barn Dance News: WENR WMBD WJR WOC News: WBBM WFBM WIRE-1400 WTMJ-820 WKBH WTAQ WIBA WKBB WISN-1120 WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air 9:30 KMOX- Headline Highlights CBS -Columbia Workshop: WSBT Sports: WOWO KWK KWK -News; Musical Interlude 9:00 WHO- Comedy Stars of Broad- NBC -Good News of 1938 (Max. NBC -Kraft Music Hall, starring WWCO WHAS WKBH KMOX WCCO Rollie Johnson WOC WJR (sw- 17.76) way WENR -Maurie Stein's Orch. well House) ; M -G -M Film Bing Crosby; Bob Burns, come- "Mr. Justice," Irving Reis' WIND -Hawaii Calls WGN -Dick Jurgens' Orch. Stars; Chorus; Meredith Will - dian; Johnny Trotter's Orch.; KATHRYN play about Justice Oliver Wen- WISN -Moon Magic WHA Musical Varieties WITWER son's Orch.: KSD KOA WHO Guests: KSD WTAM WIRE dell Holmes, will be drama- WLW -Paul Sullivan, news "Musical Revue" soprano WIBA WTMJ WMAQ WTAM WHO WMAQ WIBA WTMJ tized WHAS -Swing Low WMT- Etchings in Ivory WHO-Sports Thurs. 9:30 pm CST WLW (sw -9.53) KOA WLW (sw -9.53) NBC WENR WBOW WTAM -Musical Bulletin Board Sinon Barer, pianist, will be -Jamboree: WIBA -Helen & Sonya CBS -Major Bowes' Amateur Hour tonight's guest. (sw -6.14) WTMJ- Sports; News WIND- Peacock Court (Chrysler) : WBBM WHAS MBS -Henry Weber's Musical Re- 10:15 WIBA -In Mood Forum: WGN a Sentimental CBS -Emery Deutsch's Orch.: KMOX WMBD WISN WCCO MBS- Commentator vue: WGN CBS -Hollywood Screen Scoops WIRE -To be announced WJR WOC WFBM Boake Carter will be heard KWK WFBM WJR WSBT WTAQ on tonight's forum. -Range Riders (Old Gold) : KNX KSL KFBM WMAQ -News; Dorsey's Orch. WKBH (sw- 17.76) WBBM -Glen Gray's Orch. NBC -Freddie Nagel's Orch.: (sw- (also at 6:15 p.m.) WMBD -Value Hints 6.14) Binghamton, New York, will CBS- Herbert Hoover, talk: WCFL -Fed. Women's H. P. WTMJ -Dance Orch. be the honor city. WFBM WISN WSBT WBBM Teachers NBC -Elza Schallert Reviews: CBS -Orrin Tucker's Orch.: WOC 10:45 WMBD WKBB WISN WBBM MBS -Kay Kyser's Orch.: KWK (sw- 17.76) WFBM- N.Y.A. Forum WOWO WCFL (sw -6.14) Elza will interview actor CBS -Leighton Noble's Orch.: WTAQ WGN Speaking from Chicago on the WIND -Stars Over Manhattan subject "Economic Security and Also Hale regarding his work KMOX WFBM WMBD WCCO MBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.: WIND -Tommy Ott, Organist WISN -Phyl Coe Mystery as Little John in the forthcom- the Individual," Herbert Hoo- WJR WGN WMT WIRE WIRE -Vic Arden's Orch. ver will be heard from the door WKBB -Swing Your Partner ing technicolor Warner Brothers WKBB -Hits & Encores of the Grand Ballroom in the production or "Adventures of NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.: KMOX -Pappy Cheshire's Hill Bill- WMT -Danceland Orch. Robin Hood." WHO WLS -Don & Helen Palmer House where the quar- of Broadway ies ter-annual meeting of the Eco- WOWO -Stars News: WROK WIND WHAS Hour WMT -A Gift Free WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. CBS -Cab Calloway's Orch.: WOC KOA -Dance nomics Club of Chicago will be KOA- Comedy Stars Orch. WOWO -20th Century Serenade in session. WTAQ -Dance Orch. WISN WKBB WKBH KWK -Glenn Hartmann 's WROK- Keeping the Peace Broadway Comedy Stars: KMOX 9:45 News: WMT WHO KWK -Roller Derby WCCO -Dance Orch. WBBM- Horace Henderson's Orch. WENR -Music As You Desire It WSBT -Hayloft Jamboree WCCO WHAS News: WOWO WROK KMOX -Jimmy Garrigan's Orch. WIBA -In a Mood WHAS -Dance Band WSUI -Univ. Sports Review KWK -Musical Headlines KWK -String Nocturne KOA- Supreme Ranger Serenade Sentimental WIRE- Show WHO -Blue Ribbon State 8:15 WCFL -News WBBM- Sports Huddle KWK-Allan Dale, vocalist Variety WLW Orch. WIND MBS -Kay Kyser's Orch.: WMT WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WCFL -Sons of America, Talk LVBBM- Melodie Time -Art Kassel's -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WLW -Clyde McCoy's Orch. WIND -News WJR- Diesel Flashes; Musical WFBM- C.M.B. Glee Club WCCO -Cedric Adams 11:00 WIRE -Outside Looking In WKBB -This Woman's World WIND -Russ Hodges, comments WENR -To he announced NBC -Eddie Varzos' Orch.: KSD WMAQ -Dance Orch. WTAM Barron's Orch. WKBB -World Dances WKBH -John Gruber WISN -Arm Chair Chat on Art WGN -Anson Weeks' Orch. WBOW WIBA WCFL (sw- -Blue WROK-News; Musicale WMT- Tehel's Bohemians WKBB -Gems of Melody WHAS- Romance Time 9.53) End of Thursday Programs

Friday December 17, 1937 Friday

KMOX -Let's Compare Notes NBC -Breakfast Club: News: KWK -Top o' the Morning WISN -News WTAD -News KWK -.Devotional Prgm. WCFL WOWO WAAF -There Was a Time WJJD -Parent-Teacher Assn' Talk WTMJ- Househnld Hints MORNING WCFL -Morning Melodies KMOX -Joe Karnes, pianist WBOW -Jane Justice WKBB -The Mixing Bswl 10:15 WHO- Favorite Melodies KWK - Candid Camera; News WCBD -Italian Prgm. WKBH -Morning Melodies NBC -The Road of Life, sketch 7:00 am CST WIRE- Varieties WCBD -Polish Prgm. WCFL -Party Line WLWBetty & Bob (Chipso): WLW WLS (sw- NBC -Four Showmen Quartet: WJJD- Hawaiians WCCO -Ramona & Karen WFAM -Meet Miss Miller WMBD -Irené s Grab Bag 15.21) WLW WKBH -Lone Cowboy WFAM -Your Engagemene Book WGN- Martha Crane & Helen WOC- Morning Parade CBS -Romance of Carol Kennedy: CBS -Novelteers: (sw- 21.52) WLS -Romulus, the Wolf Boy WFBM -Value Variet -es Joyce WOWO- Richard Trojan (Heinz): KMOX WCCO WOC Musical Clock: WROK WBBM WLW -The Gospel Singer WHO -Morning Melodies WHA -Your Health WROK -Intimate Review WISN WBBM WFBM WOC WKBB WIBA WCFL WMBD- Police Flash WIBA- Today's Almanac WIBA -Dolly Madison, Christmas WTAD -Dance Revue NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch WMT WKBH WIRE WOWO- .Concordia Chapel WIND -Early Edition Shopping WTAQ- Melody Lane (Dr Lyons) WMAQ WHO KMOX -Sing, Neighbor, Sing WTAD -Airline News WJJD -Happy Go Lucky Time WIND-Meat Market of the Air WTMJ -News WIRE KSD WTMJ WIBA KWK -Sunny Time WTAQ -Today's Almanac WKBB- Musical Breakfast WJJD -Bosworth Broadcast -9:45 NBC -Josh Higgins of Finchville: WAAF- Eye -Opener Prgm. 8:00 WKBH -Uncle Bob WKBB -Chancel Steps NBC -Viennese Ensemble: WBOW WBOW WCFL WBOW -Open Your Eyes NBC -Breakfast Club; News: WLS- Kitchen Kettle WKBH -Olive Hagen, organist KWK KWK -Range Riders WCCO -Air Almanac WCFL WBOW WLW -Lady Be Good WLW -Linda's First Love NBC-Today's Children, sketch WAAF- Mid -Morning Varieties WFAM Morning Bugle; News CBS -Metropolitan Parade: WFBM WMAQ - Whistler & his Dog; News WMBD-Messenger; Weather (Pillsbury); WMAQ WTMJ WGN -Bachelor's Children WFBM -Early Birds WTAQ WKBB (sw- 21.52) WMBD- Bandwagon WOWO -Bill Board KSD WHO WIRE WJBC- Theater Time; News WGN- California Sunshine Coffee Pot Inn: WMT WHO WMT -Musical Clock WSUI- Within the Classroom CBS -Ruth Carhart, songs: WJJD -Happy Harmonies WHO -Lem & Martha News: WMBD WKBH WROK -.Morning Devotions WTAQ -Santa Claus Parade WKBB WFAM WCCO WKBH WKBB- Rhythm & Romance WIND- Polish Prgm. KMOX -Views on News WSUI -Iowan of the Air; Morning WTMJ -Belle & Martha; What's News: WLS WMBD WKBH -Your Home WISN -Early Risers Club KSD -News; Rhythm Makers Melodies; Service Report New in Milwaukee? Party Line: WTAD WOC WMBD- Linda's First Love WJJD -Dude Martin's Rangera KWK- Pep -Up Parade WTAD- .Interchurch Devotional 9:15 KMOX Ma Perkins, sketch WM1- Singer of Sacred Songs WLS -News, Julian Bentley WCBD -.Morning Meditations WTAQ -Song Title NBC- Johns Other Wife, sketch WAAF- Hawaiian Echoes WOWO -News WMAQ- Suburban Hour WCCO -Musical Chimes WTMJ -Party Line (Louis Philippe): WMAQ WBBM -Man on the Street WROK-Woman's Forum WMBD -Breakfast Melodies WFAM- Kitchen Clinic WIRE WHO KSD WCFL -Swingtime WSUI -Yesterday's Musical Fa- WGN -Good Morning Prgm. 8:45 CBS -Myrt & Marge, sketch WGN-Musical- Mail Box vorites WMBI- .Sunrise Service -Breakfast WOWO- Morning Roundup WHA -Band Wagon NBC Club: WCFL (Sper Suds): WFBM KMOX WIBA -Melody Time WTAD- Variety Prgm. WTAD -Airline News WIND -Harry Zimmerman, organ- WBOW WISN WBBM WCCO WMBD WIND- Rhubarb Red WTAQ- Vocals WTAQ -Reveille ist NBC -Aunt Jemima (Quaker NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Perkin, WISN -Ann Leslie's Scrapbook 10:30 Oats) : WMAQ (sw- 15.21) WTMJ- Livestock; Top o' the WIRE -Musical Clock sketch: WLS (sw- 15.21) WJJD -Harry Zimmerman, organ- NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Cris- NBC -Landt Trio: KSD Morning; News WJJD- Sports Edition Handicap- NBC -Vaughn de Leath, songs: ist co) : WLS (sw- 15.21) 7:15 per CBS -Bachelor's Children, sketch WBOW WCFL KWK WLW-Houseboat Hannah CBS -Big Sister, sketch (Rin- (Old Dutch Cleanser): KMOX News: WCCO WHO WMT WAAF WLS -Lulu Belle & Scotty WAAF King of the Kitchen WMT -Young Widder Jones so) : WMBD WISN WCCO KMOX- Travelogue WLW -Betty Crocker WCCO (sw- 21.52) WFAM -Organ Recital WOWO -Modern Home Forum KMOX WBBM WFBM WFAM WBOW -Musical Clock WMAQ -Your Neighbor -.Morning Devotions WHA -World Peace News WSUI- Program Calendar NBC -How to be Charming, sketch WCFL-Melody Revue WOWO- .Radio Bible Class WFBM -Apron Strings WKBB -News 10:00 (Phillips): WMAQ WIRE WHO WJJD -It's Risin' Time WTAD- Storyland Lady WHO-Musical Clock WKBH -Ma Perkins CBS- Sutton & Bliss, pianists: WTMJ WIBA KSD WKBH- Melody Time WTMJ -Your Winter Wonderland WIBA- Variety Prgm. WLW -All the Answers KMOX WCCO WBBM WOC KWK -News; Musical Interlude WIND -Mind WLS -Pokey & Arkie 8:15 Your Manners WMT -Morning Matinee WTAQ WFBM WMBD WISN WAAF -Sweet & Slow WLW -Peter Grant, news NBC -Sunshine Express; News: WIRE -Rose Room Melody; Bet- WOC- Neighbor Jim NBC -The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory WBOW -Harry Reser's Orch. WMBD -Eye Openers KSD ter Health WROK -On the Mall Flakes): WLS (sw- 15.21) WCFL-Peekers in the Pantry WTAD -Good Morning Melodies CBS -Richard Maxwell, songs; WJJD -Know Your Postal Service WTAD -Jane Romar NBC -David Harum. sketch (Bab- WFAM-Morning Melodies WKBB Tonic 7:30 News: WTAQ WFBM WKBB Tunes 9:30 0): WIRE WMAQ KSD WHO WGN -Painted Dreams Ad CBS -Fred Feibel, organist: WFAM (sw- 21.52) WKBH-Rapid NBC- Pepper Young's Family, NBC -Norm Scherr, WIBU-Aid Parade (sw- WLS pianist: 21.52) KMOX -Ozark Varieties -The Hilltoppers sketch (Camay): WLS WMT WBOW KWK WIND- Musicale -Young MBS William Meeder. organist: KWK -Mrs. O'Brien's Boarding WLW Widder Jones (sw- 15.21) WAAF- Woman's Page WJBC Dollar Daze WMBD -Women of Today WCFL KWK House CBS -Tony Wons' Scrapbook WCBD -Uncle John WJJD-Women's Exchange Prgm. WOC-News .Devotions: WKBH WLS WCBD -.Christianity in Action (Vicky): WBBM KMOX WCCO WCFL -Morning Melodies WKBB- Musical Almanac WROK -Town Crier Musical Clock: WMBD WMT WGN -Everyday Words NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch WFAM -Mrs. Riley's Shoppers' WKBH-Troubadour WTAQ- Coffee Hour News: WTAQ W1BA WKBB WHA -Morning Melodies (Anacin): WMAQ WIRE Guide WLW- Carson Robison WTMJ -Bandmasters KMOX -Tick Tock Revue WHO -Neighbor Jim WHO WGN -Don Pedro & piano WMBI -.Radio School of the WAAF- Breakfast Express WIND -Latin American Melodies 9:04 NBC- Bennett Si Wolverton: WHA Homemakers Bible WCBD -.Gospel Tabernacle WIRE -Dessa Byrd CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch WCFL WIBA -The Fiddlers Three WMT- Numerical Jamboree WCCO- Musical Chimes WJJD -The Toastmaster (Wonder Bread): WOC KMOX MBS -Get Thin to Music: WGN WIND-Municipal Court WOC -Organ Melodies WGN -Music Box WKBH -Music Box WCCO WISN WBBM WFBM KWK -Party Line WJBC -Organ Dreams WOWO-Linda's First Love WHO -Good Morning Time WLS -News NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage WAAF- Soliloquy WJJD -Sons of the Pioneers WSUI -Book Shelf WIRE- Varieties WLW -Hope Alden's Romance Patch, sketch (Old English WBOW -Home Folks WKBB -Movie News WTAD -Ma Perkins WJJD -.Christian Science Prgm. WMT -Dav Dreamer Wax): WMAQ WIRE WHO WCBD-Deutsche Liederstunde WKBH -Home Economics WTAQ -News; Morning Concert WLW- Arthur Chandler, Jr., or- WTAD -.Church in the Wild - KSD WFAM- Fashion Pointers WLW -News; River; Weather; 10:45 ganist wood NBC -The Story o( Mary Marlin, WFBM- Kitchen Clinic Markets CBS -Aunt Jenny's Real Life WTMJ -Top o' the Morning WTMJ -Your Home Town sketch (Ivory Flakes): WLS WHA -Art Appreciation WMT -Frank Voelker, organist Stories (Spry): WBBM WCCO 7:45 8:30 (sw- 15.21) WIBA -.Church of the Air WROK -News & Markets; Organ KMOX WISN WMBD WFBM Musical Clock: WIBA WKBB CBS -Sunny Melodies: (sw- 21.52) News: WTAD WMT WROK WIND -Eb & Zeb, sketch WSUI -Are You a Collector (Continued on Next Page) $ Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 39 NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: WIRE- Public School Prgm. WAAF -News ; Sports; Weather WBOW WIBA WLW WMAQ WJJD -The Sports Edition WBAA- Concert Review Friday KWK (sw- 15.21) Good Listening for Today WLS- Homemakers' Hour WBBM -Missus Goes to Market CBS -Romance of Helen Trent Stations which will broadcast the programs may be found in WMB''.- Trading Post WBOW -J Rev. Archie Brown (Edna Wallace Hopper): the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated WMT- Afternoon Recess WCCO- Grandma Travels December 17 WBBM KMOX NIGHT WROK -News; Musicale WCFL -Hour of Friendship Betty Crocker: WOC WHO 2:15 WDZ-Behind the Microphone WAAF Myrna Dee Sergent 7:00 CST CITIES SERVICE CONCERT with Lu- NBC- Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, WGN -Len Salvo, organist WCCO Ma Perkins cille Manners, quartet, Rosario Bourdon's or- sketch: WMAQ WLW WTMJ WIND -Waltz Time WFAM- Readers' Review KSD WHO (sw- 1533) WMBI -Music WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle chestra, NBC. CBS - Concert Hall: WMBD WOWO- Old Time Religion WGN -Quin Ryan, news 7:30 CST MUSIC FROM HOLLYWOOD, Alice WAAF-Matinee Revue WROK-/Church in Wildwood WHA- French Lesson Faye and Hal Kemp's orchestra, CBS. WBAA -Magic Carpet WTMJ- Around the Town WIND Harry Zimmerman, organ- WBBM -Meet the Missus 3:45 ist 8:00 CST HOLLYWOOD HOTEL with Frances WBOW -Melody Time NBC -The Road of Life, sketch WIRE -Linda's First Love Langford, Anne Jamison, Jerry Cooper, Ken WCCO- Markets; News (Chipso): WMAQ WTMJ (sw- WISN -Voice of Experience Murray and Oswald, Raymond Paige's or- WFBM -There Was a Time 15.33) WJBC Singin' Sam chestra; John WGN -June Baker, home manage- CBS-Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe (Ly- WJJD- Safety Court Barrymore and Elaine, guests, in "Bulldog Drummond's Revenge," CBS. ment soI): WBBM WFBM KMOX WKBB -Farm Flashes; Do You WHA -Organ Interlude WCCO (sw- 11.83) Want a Job? 9:00 CST MADISON SQUARE GARDENS BOX- -WIND -Tommy Ott, organist NBC -Kitty Keene Inc. (Dreft): WKBH -Magic Violin ING BOUTS, Max Schmelling vs. Harry WISN -Mary Ann Presents WHO WLS -Grace Wilson, contralto Thomas, NBC. WTAD- Mid -Afternoon Interlude MBS-To be announced: KWK BETTY WRAGGE WMBD- Thrift Message; Miss El- 2:30 KSD- Afternoon Varieties Peggy in ectrolux; Popular Melodies 9:00 CST THE SONG SHOP CBS -Ann Leaf, organist: WKBB WAAF- Jimmie Kozak, pianist "Pepper Young's Family" with Kitty Carlisle, WMBI- Continued Story Reading Frank Reed Kennedy, CBS -Jenny Peabody, sketch (F. WFAM- Matinee Melodies Fri. 2 pm CST WMT- German Band Crumit, Alice Cornett, quartet, glee club, orchestra; guest, CBS. & F. Cough Drops): WFBM WGN -Margery Graham WOWO- Market Service KMOX WISN WBBM WCCO WIND-Cappy's Cabana WROK -Helene Kimberley, songs WOC (sw- 11.83) WISN -You Shall Have Rhythm WSUI -Book Chat NBC Vic & Sade, sketch (Cris- WJBC-Classified Time (10:45 a.m. Continued) WTAD- Police News co): WMAQ WLW WHO KSD WKBH -Zeke Manners' Gang WTAQ -Mailman CBS -Arnold Grimm's Daughter, WOWO -Wilbur Picket's Orch. WTMJ (sw- 15.33) WLW -Mad Hatterfields NBC -Edward MacHugh, Gospel WTMJ- Behind the Mike sketch (Gold Medal) : KMOX WSBT -News Farm Flashes MBS -Good Health & Training: WMBD -Dean & Gail Singer (Ivory Soap): WLS WBBM WCCO WFBM WISN WTAD-News Summary 11:45 WGN WMBI -The Jew (sw- 15 -21) (sw- 15.27) WTAD- Livestock Market; News; KWK- Siesta Time WOC- Linger Awhile : CBS -Our NBC -Hello Peggy (Drano) Gal Sunday, sketch News: WOC WHO WIBA Weather; Police Reports WAAF -Red Hot & Low Down WROK- Josephine Harmon, songs (Kolynos) : WBBM KMOX WMAQ WHO KSD WTMJ Man on the Street: WOWO 1:15 WBAA- Afternoon Musicale WTAD -Cy & Freckles BC- Larry Larson: WBOW Betty & Bob: WHO WOC WKBB CBS- Merrymakers: WKBB WOC WBOW- QChristian Science WTAQ -To be announced arty Line- WIRE WOWO WAAF -Live Stock Markets; Swing Rhythm Rascals: WTMJ WTAQ WKBH WSBT WCBD -Hit Tunes 4:00 KWK -The Morning After High KWK -Organ Melodies MBS -Sylvia Clyde, sop.: WIRE WHA -Music of the Masters CBS -To be announced: WKBB WAAF- Fo.11isb Questions WBAA- Purdue News WBAA -Sports Review Hope Alden 's Romance: KMOX WIBA -W. C. T. U. Prgm. CBS- Follow Moon WCFL -Voice of Cookery WCCO-Kitty Keene WBOW -Home Folks Frolic WCCO WFBM the with Elsie WIND -Stars Over Hollywood Hits & Nick Dawson (Pebe- WGN - Morning Melodies WCFL Fashions on Parade WCFL -Young Widder Jones KSD -Allan Clarke, bar. WIRE- Matinee Varieties KMOX WFBM WBBM WHA- Operetta Favorites WFAM -Organ Recital WGN- -day KWK -Concert Melodies co): Markets; Mid Service WKBH -Frank Modahl, pianist WCCO (sw- 11.83) WIBA -Footsteps to Beauty WFBM Markets: Farm Prgm. WHA -Farm Prgm. WAAF -Waltz Time WLS -Musical Roundup NBS -Felix Knight, WIBA WIND- Markets; Life Saving Talk WGN -We Are Four WIND- WBAA -You & Ynur tnr.: Livestock Markets; Piano Health WMBD -Petticoat Parade WHO WJBC -Payne Pioneers WHA Organ Gems Interlude WBBM -Kitty Keene, Inc. WMT -Ralph Slade s Orch. NBC -Jr. Nurse Corps (Sunbrite): WJJD -Yuletidings WIRE -Grace & Eddie; Farm & WIRE- Reporter WGN -Wife vs. Secretary WROK -Music Box Melodies WKBB -Ma Perkins Home Hour WKBH- Luncheon WHA -Musical Variety WLW (sw- 15.21) Music WSBT- Friday Serenade MBS -Charley Stookey 's Hillbilly WKBH- Beauty Box Revue WISN- Symphonetta WLW -Voice of Experience WHO -Lady of Millions WTAD- String Trio Show (Consol. Drug Trade WLW-Goldbergs WJBC-Reid & Vin WMAQ -Dan Harding's Wife WIBA- Carson Robinson Bucka- WTAQ -To be announced Co.) : WGN KWK WMT -Treasure Chest WKBB -Ma Perkins. sketch WMBD -Farm News roos 2:45 News: WOC WOWO WROK- Broadway Carolers WKBH -Music & Livestock WMT- Markets; Hillbillies WISN -Musical Heat Wave NBC -The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory KSD- Washington U. Educational WTAD -Betty & Bob WLS Markets; Weather : News WROK -Couple on the WLS -Old Timers Street Flakes): WHO WLW WMAQ Series 11:00 WMBD Fredman Jubilee WSBT -In WMBD -His Majesty, the Baby Movieland WTMJ KSD (sw- 15.33) WAAF -International Potpourri NBC -Girl Alone, sketch (Kel- WMT -News ; Hillbillies ; Question WTAD -Farm: WMT- German Band Markets; Weather CBS-Four Clubmen: WOC WISN WBAA logg): WMAQ WLW Man WOWO -Story Book Hour 12:45 -Jack Tilson's Orch. WTAQ WSBT WKBB WTAQ WBOW NBC -At Home in the World: WOWO -Home Folk Frolic WTAD- Quincy On -Xmas Merry -Go -Round NBC -Dan Harding's Wife: (sw- Marches WKBH WFBM (sw- 11.83) -Make WOWO WROK -Round the Town WTAQ -Man WCFL Believe Night Club 15.33) on the Street KMOX -One Woman's Opinion WENR -Music Circle CBS -Mary Margaret McBride, WSUI -Farm Flashes CBS -Hollywood in Person (Gold WTMJ -Dance Orch. KWK -This Woman's World columnist (Minute Tapioca): WT1Q Farmhand, WFAM -Hot Spell Medal): WBBM WCCO KMOX 1:30 WBBM-Hour of Romance WHA WBBM WFBM WISN WFAM WTMJ- Heinie's -Don Reynolds, tnr. Grenadiers WISN WFBM (sw- 15.27) CBS- American School of the Air: WBOW -Talk of the Town WIND -Musical Mirror WOC KMOX 1VCCO WMBD For news of Hollywood, read "Hol- lywood Showdown" in every issue WSBT WCCO KMOX WTAQ WCCO- Ladies First WIRE-P. -T.A. Safety Prgm. NBC -Happy Jack, songs: WCFL of Radio Guide. WFBM WBBM WKBB WISN WGN -Harold Turner, pianist KSD -News; Kay White, sketch; WISN -Organ Melodies AFTERNOON NBC -Jack & Loretta Clemens, WKBH (sw -1L83) WIBA -Today's Front Page WJBC Wesleyan Hour Night Letter sones: WOWO (sw- 15.21) NBC -Music Apreciation: WIBA WIND- Remote Control KWK -Young Widder Jones WJJD -Ridge Runners MBS -Rex Battle's Concert Orch.: MBS -Lucky Girl, sketch: WGN WLS -Home Service Club WKBH -St. WAAF -Melody Parade Mary's College 12:00 KWK KSD -Judy & Jane WMT -At Your Service WMAQ -The Children Speak WBAA -Principles of Sociology CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold News: WKBH WIND KWK -News; Pianist 3:00 WMBD- Dorothy June & Ram- WBOW- Neighbor Jim Man on the Street : WCFL WSBT Medal) : WCCO KMOX WBBM WAAF -Live Stock Markets; NBC -Club Matinee: WENR WMT blers WGN -Women in the Store WFBM WISN (sw- 15.27) KSD -Mort Dennis' Orch. Health Talk WOWO WBOW KWK (sw- WMT -Radio Gossip; Hit Tunes WHA -Talking Book News: WJJD WMBD WTAD WBAA -Frank Triboulet, tnr. WBAA -News 15.21) & Topics WHO- Pretty Kitty Kelly WJBC WBOW -Tune of the Day WLBD -Zion Prgm. NBC -Lorenzo Jones, sketch WROK- Markets & News; Birth- WIBA -Linda's Love First KSD -News; Grace & Eddie, WHO- Musical Day Dreams WHA- Contemporary World Af- (Phillips): WMAQ WIRE WHO day- WIND- Club Sketches in Melody sketch; Markets WIBA- Market Reports fairs (sw- 15.33) WTAD -Freshest Thing WIRE -Your Home in Town Town WAAF -Symphonic Hour WIRE -Police Court WHO -Houseboat Hannah CBS-Ted Malone's Between the WTAQ -Sweet WJBC -Personality Songs Hour WBAA -Agricultural Forum WKBB -Song Hits of the Day, WIND- Indiana Elks Safety Prgm. Bookends: WTAQ WOC WKBB WTMJ Friendship Circle WJJD -Bureau of Missing Per- WBOW- Street Reporter Pet Corner WIRK -May Robson WSBT WFBM WKBH (sw- sons WLS -Voice of the Feedlot WLS- Market Reports 4:15 WCFL -Hit Review 11.83) NBC -Don Winslow of the Navy, WKBH -Musical Gadgets WGN -Man on State Street WLW -Kitty Keene, Inc. WMBD- Shut -In Prgm. KMOX -Kitty Keene, Inc. WLS- Virginia Lee & Sunbeam WMAQ -King of Hearts sketch: WMT WIBA (sw- I4KA-NOEM Musicale WMT -Tom Owen's Cowboys WBAA -West Lafayette High 15.21) WMBI -Gospel Music WMBD -Carson Robison's Bucka- WOC -Front Page Drama WHO- Markets & Weather School Music CBS -Life of Mary Sothern. WMT-Christmas Party WIND-Musical Interlude roos WOWO -20th Century Serenade WBBM- Houseboat Hannah sketch . WROK-Varieties WMT -Joe Dokes; Cousin Elvira; (Hind's) WBBM WIRE- Markets; News WROK- Melodies from the Sky WCFL -News KMOX WCCO (sw- 11.83) WSUI,Men Behind the Classics; WKBB- Luncheon Musicale Troubaderos WTAD Medical Assn. WGN -Four Stars Tonight Organ Recital NBC -Carlotta Dale, songs: KSD WKBH -Romantic Melodies WOC -Tommy Dorsey's Orch. 1:45 WHA- Better Speech WENR WTAD -News Home Folks (sw 15.33) WLS -Dinnerbell Prgm. WROK-Service Sam; MBS -Beatrice Fairfax (Hecker WIBA -The Shut -In Hour WBAA -Melody Moods WTAQ -Hollywood on Parade WTAD- of Broad- WMBI -QMid -day Gospel Hour Comedy Stars Products): WGN KWK WIRE WIND- Trading Post Floorwalker WFBM -Tea Time Tunes WTMJ -Love for a Day way 11:15 WOC -Farm Bureau; Markets Judy & Jane: WHO WOC WISN -Even as You and I WHA -Organ Reverie WOWO -Consolaires WTAQ -News; Musical Box WJBC- QSunday School Lesson CBS -Your News Parade (Lucky KSD -Dick Leibert, organist; WHO- Variety Hour WSBT -Blue Streaks W'LYId Sidewalk Reporter Honeymooners WLW -Dr. Friendly Strike ; WIND -Man at the Mill Cigarettes) Edwin C. WSUI- WMBI -J Radio Bible School Hill, Rhythm Rambles 1:00 WAAF -Driskill Wolfe, tar. WIRE- Ltdianapolis Symphony commentator: WBBM WROK -Women of the Hour WISN WMBD WKBB WOC 12:15 NBC -Music Appreciation Hour: WBAA- Market & Weather WLW -Jack Armstrong WLW WBOW (sw- 15.21) WIND -Ben Kanter, pianist WTAD -On the Mall WMAQ -Tea Time Varieties KMOX WCCO WFBM CBS -Betty Crocker, cooking talk WTMJ -Home Harmonizers (Gold Medal) WBBM WCCO NBC -Music Appreciation Hour: WJJD -The Serenader WMBD- Bargain Counter NBC -The Goldbergs, sketch WISN KMOX WFBM (sw WMAQ (sw- 15.33) WLS -Big City Parade 3:15 WMBI -J Sacred Music tOxydol) : WMAQ ( =w- 15.33) 15.27) CBS -News Through a Woman's WMBD -Shut In Prgm. NBC -The Guiding Light. sketch WOC -Organ Moods NBC -Edward Gamage, tnr.: NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Eyes (Pontiac): WCCO KMOX WMT-Markets (White Naptha): WHO WTMJ WTAD -Speed Gibson WOWO Patch, sketch: WIRE WFBM WKBB WBBM WISN WROK -Rippling Melodies WMAQ (sw- 15.33) WTAQ -Swing Session NBC -Cadets: WCFL WOC (sw- 15.27) WTAD -Margot NBC -Words & Music: (aw- 15.33) WTAQ CBS -Music from the Gold Coast: 4:30 KSD -Marie Harrington. talk MBS- Carson Robison's Bucka- MBS -Don't Look Now: WIRE 2:00 WKBB WSBT WFBM WISN NBC -Rakov's Orch.: WENR KWK -Rapid Service KSD -News; Harry Reser's Orch. NBC -Radio Guild: WOWO WOC WTAQ WMBD WKBH roos (Musterole) : WGN (sw- 15.21) WAAF -News KWK- Carson Robison's Bucka- WCFL (sw- 11.83) CBS- Dorothy Gordon: WFAM News: WKBB WOWO WROK CBS-Columbia Concert Hall: WBOW -The Farm Program Man on the Street: WJBC WKBH roos NBC -Club Matinee: WIRE WISN WCCO WKBH WTAQ WCAZ -Movie WOC WKBB WSBT WKBH Gossip (1070 kc) WBAA- Lumheon Dance Time WAAF -Silver Notes; Hoosier Phi- Lady of Millions: WGN WCCO WOC (sw- 11.83) WFAM- Visitors losopher WISN WTAQ (sw- 11.83) KMOX- Welcome WBOW- Fields & Hall Houseboat Hannah NBC -Vagabonds: WIBA WMAQ NBC- Pepper Young's Family, WGN- Harold Turner, pianist WCFL- Luncheon Concert WBAA- Behind the Scenes of WBBM-Linda's First Love KSD WHO -Party Line Merchandising sketch (Camay) : WMAQ KSD WCFL -Organ WHO -Pappÿ s Matinee Recital NBC -Jack Armstrong, sketch: WHO WLW WTMJ (sw- 15.33) WIBA-The Master Singers WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WCBD -J. C. &Hair WIND -Piano Harmonies (sw- 15.33) WIND -20th WCFL- Melody Hour News: WIND WTAD WFBM Century Serenade WJJD -QNoon -day Service WLW -Life of Mary Sothern KMOX -The Fun Quiz WIRE- Singin' Sam WGN- Concert Orch. WAAF WTAD- Lawrence Glosemeyer WBAA- Parade of Nations WLS-Dinnerbell KMOX -Magic Kitchen WJBC- Parade of Bands -Town Mar- WHA -What About Taxes? 3:30 WBBM- Truman Bradley WMBD Crier; Farm KWK -Today at Two WJJD- Criminal Court Interviews kets WHO -Your Hcme Town NBC -The Story of Mary Marlin. WCBS -Movie Gossip (1420 ke) WIBA -Melody WBAA- Lafayette Grade Schools sketch WHO WKBH -Club Calendar WMT -Voice of Iowa Moments (Ivory Soap): WCLS -For Your Information WLS- WBBM -Radio Gossip Club WLW WMAQ (sw- 15.33) 1310 Chuck, Ray & Christine WOC- Inquiring Mike WIND- Italian Hour ke) WBOW- Teachers WLW -Doc Schneider's Texans -News; WJJD- Executives' Club; Will Indiana State CBS- Current Questions Before WIND-News WSBT Stork Report; Durant, College Prgm. the WFAM WROK- Community News Adult's Camera Club philosopher Senate: WKBB WIRE -Toyland WTAD -Duke Otten WKBH- Community Prgm. WCBD -Polish Prgm. WFBM WISN WOC WTAQ WJBC-Varieties WTAD Cy & Freckles WTMJ- Footsteps to Beauty WLS- School Time WCCO- Siesta WMBD WKBH (sw- 11.83) WKBB -The Story Lady 11:30 12:30 WMBD -Man on the Street WGN- Marriage License Romances News: WJBC WTAD WLW- Fairyland Lady NBC -Dick Fidler's Orch.: WCFL NBC -Sue Blake, sketch: (sw- WMT -Many Happy Returns; WHA- Rhythm & Games Voice of Wisconsin: WHA WIBA WMBD -News; Pet Corner KSD 1521) Jamboree WIBA- Studio Party KMOX- Singin' Sam WMBI-Auditorium Choir 40 Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 E Frequencies WIRE -Little Orphan Annie WFBM- Christmas Seal Speaker; WBOW -Music by Cugat WIND -Walkathon WISN -News; Musical Interlude Bohemians WCFL -Herr Louie & The Weasel WKBH -Rapid Ad Friday KMOK-1090 WJBC-1200 WKBH- Kiddies' Hour WIBA -Dinner Hour Melodies WSUI -American Scene WROK -Harry Garland, vacation- ROA-830 WJJD-1130 WLW Bob Newhall. sports WIRE- Sports; News 8:00 ing KSD-550 WJR-750 WTAQ -Vic Arden's Orch. KWK-1350 WKBB-1500 WMBD -Speed Gibson WJR -Vic Arden's Orch. CBS -Hollywood Hotel (Camp- WAAF-920 WKBH-1380 WMT- Puzzle Club; News WKBB -Speed Gibson bell's Soup) ; Jerry Cooper, 9:30 December I7 WBAA-890 WLS-870 WOC Hits & Bits WKBH- Dinner Music m.c.; Anne Jamison, sop.; NBC -Jimmie Fidler's Hollywood WBBM-770 WLW-700 WROK -Home Folks Frolic WMBD -Royal Quartet Ken Murray & Oswald; Frances Gossip (Drene): KSD WLW WBOW-1310 WMAQ-870 WMAQ WTAM WIRE RDA WCBD-1080 WMBD-1440 WSUI- Musical Moods WMT- Etchings in Ivory Langford; Raymond Paige's WCCO-810 WTMJ -Heinie & His Grenadiers WROK -Italian Prgm. (sw953) WMBI-1080 Orch.: WHAS WBBM WCCO For news of Hollywood, read "Hol- WCFL-970 WMT-800 WTAM -Jr. Safety Police Club KMOX WFBM WOC WMBD lywood Showdown" in every issue WENR-870 WOC-1370 5:45 WTMJ -Easy Aces of Radio Guide. WFAM-1200 WOWO-1180 NBC -Lowell Thomas. news com- WJR (sw- i7.76) WFBM-1230 6:45 Tonight's guest offering will NBC -Boxing Bouts: WBOW WRJN-1370 mentator (Sun Oil) : WLW be "Bulldog Drummond's Re- WGN-720. WROK-1410 (sw -1511) CBS -Boake Carter, commentator venge'' with John Barrymore WENR (sw -6.14) WHA-940 WSBT-1380 KMOX WJR WHAS-820 NBC -Tom Mix Straight Shooters (Philco): WBBM and Elaine Barrie. KWK -Range Riders WSIII-880 WCCO WMBD WISN For news of Hollywood, read "Hol- WHO-1000 WTAD-900 (Purina): WMAQ KWK WIRE WFAM lywood Showdown" in every issue WCFL -Pat Kennedy WIBA-1280 WTAM-1070 CBS -Bob Byron, songs: WKBB WHAS (sw- 11.83) (also KSL of Radio Guide. WGN -Curtain Time WIND-580 WTAQ-1330 KNX at 10:15 p.m.) (sw- 17.76) NBC -Waltz Time (Phillips); WHO -George Jessel; Orch. WIRE-1400 WTMJ-820 W:BA Nights WISH-1120 NBC -Escorts & Betty: WENR MBS -Arthur Godfrey; Nat Brusi- Frank Munn, tnr.; Abe Ly- utinental WIND -Man on the Ice, interviews NBC -Orphan Annie, sketch loff's Orch. (Barbasol) : KWK man's Orch.: WMAQ WTAM WKBH- American Weekly WMT -Santa Claus Gives a Party (Ovaltine): KSD KSD WIRE WHO (sw -9.53) WROK-Musicale Orphan Annie: WGN WHO NBC -Louis Panico's Orch.: KSD WMT -Dance Band -Jack Sports: WISN WTMJ MBS -Henry Weber's Concert Or- NBC- Pontiac Varsity Show; Paul WOWO- Victor Arden's Orch. WTAD Armstrong Dumond, WOWO ROSARIO BOURDON WTMJ -Kitty Keene, Inc. KMOX- Adventures of Jimmy Al- chestra: WGN m.c.: WLS WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. News: WKBB WFBM WKBH WLW KWK WMT (sw-11 87) WTAQ -To be announced "Cities Service" batoneer 4:45 len WBOW WBOW-Horne Decorators Tonight's program will come WTMJ Hollywood hputlight Fri. 7 pm CST CBS -Hilltop House, sketch (Palm- -Jerry of the Circus from the campus of University WCCO -Front Pare Parade WCFL -Pat Kennedy of Missouri. 9:45 olive Soap) : WMBD WBBM WCFL- Stanley Hickman WENR -Vocal Varieties NBC -People in the News; Dor- WCCO KMOX WISN WFBM W HO- Frolics MBS -Kay Kyser's Orch.: WGN othy Thompson, commentator (sw- 11.83) WFAM -Speed Gibson WIRE -News; Basonology W IBA -Trouble -Shooters KOA- Harmonico Hi -Hats (Pall Mall) : WIRE WTAM NBC -Orphan Annie, sketch WFBM-Carson Robison's Bucka- WJR -This Week in Review roos WIRE -Charlie Chan, sketch WBOW -Basketball Game WMAQ KOA KSD WLW WLW -Salute to Laredo, Texas ( Ovaltine): (sw- 15.21) WLW -Singing Cinderella WCFL -Jam Session NBC -The Californians: WENR WIBA-Today's Birthdays; Sports CBS -M. T. Hari, talk: WTAQ WMAQ -Norman Pearce. bachelor WIND -Inquiring Reporter WMAQ -Eddie Varzos' Orch. WIBA -Moods in Black & White poet NBC -Tom Mix Straight Shooters WMT- Carson Robinson's Bucka- WIND -To be announced WCCO (sw- 17.76) (Purina): (sw- 15.21) WMBD- Sports; Where to Go Major Hari, National Com- WMBD -Sports; Program Review roos WISN -Music Continental mander of Disabled American KSD -Young America Speaks WMT- Jordan's Revue; Did You WTAM -Music You Want Know? WOC -Jimmy Odette's Orch. WKBB. News War Veterans, takes for his WBAA -Twilight Musicale topic "The Employment of WTMJ -Moonlight & Shadows WOC -Jack Armstrong, sketch WTAQ -Organ Meditations WKBH- Concert Hall WFAM -Dance Parade; Voice of WTMJ -Reddy Kilowatt's Orch. WROK -Songs of Ireland; Johnny Veterans." 10:30 Carelessness WROK -Dance Hour NBC -Boxing Bouts: WBOW -NBC -Court of Human Rela- WSUI -Iowan of the Air 700 Murphy WHO -News WSBT-Sports WENR (sw -6.14) tions: KFI J(DA (also at 8:30 WIBA -Dance Hour WTAQ -Bureau of Public Service NBC -Cities Service Concert; News: WOWO WROK Lucille Manners, sop.; Rosario WSUI- Parade of Events P.m) WIND -Once Upon a Time Vic Arden's Orch.: WHAS WFBM Bourdon's Orch. Revelers WTAQ- Master Singers NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.: WIRE -Yes or No WTMJ -Question Bee WOC WKBB KMOX WJBC- Behind the Microphone Quartet: WMAQ WTMJ WIBA KWK- String Nocturne WBOW (sw -9.53) NIGH] KSD WHO WTAM -953) WKBH -College Hour (sw 8:15 WBBM- Sports Huddle CBS-Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WOC Miss Manners will sing I'll KOA- Melody Time WSBT WLW -Singing School WCFL -J. Robt. Johnson WTAQ WFBM WKBB Take Romance (Oakland), WCFL -Ballads 17.76) WMAQ- Romance & Rhythm 6:00 Who'll Buy My Violets (Pa- WHO -Home Town Memories WKBH WISN (sw- WIBA -Music by Cugat WOC -Man on NBC -Amos 'n' Andy (Pepso- dilla), In the Gloaming (Harri- WIND-Russ Hodges. comments NBC Maurie Stein's Orch.: the Street son) and Mr. WIND -News WROK -Arnie dent) : WHO WTAM WLW with Graham, WISN -Post Office WMT WENR WOWO (sw -6.14) Arnold, songs Whisper Waltz (Burke). Mr. WISH- American Weekly WTAQ -Jungle Jim KSD (sw -9.53) (also see 10 Graham will also sing Sailing WJR -Musicale MBS-Vincent Lopez' Orch.: WLW WKBB -World Dances WIRE WTMJ -News ; Medical Society P.m.) Home (Powell). The Revellers WKBH -To be announced will sing Current Popular and WROK -News; Musicale KMOX -Morning's Headlines CBS- Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's WMBD -Hollywood Spotlight 5:00 Hallelujah (Youmans). The or- WSBT- Invitation to the Waltz WMT -Band KWK -News; Musical Interlude CBS -Essays in Music; Victor Gum): WJR (sw- l7.76) (also chestra will play March (Bour- Wagon WSUI -N. Y. State Symphonic WSBT -Dance WBBM -News Bay's Orch.: WOC WTAQ see 10 p.m.) don), Sleeping Beauty Waltz Parade (Tsehaikowaky), Invitation to Band WTMJ -Screen & Radio Preview WI CO Rollie Johnson NBC- Education in the News: WTAQ -House of Peter M'Gregor NBC -Mary Small, songs: WENR Romance (Bratton), The But- 10:00 WCFL-Concert Ensemble WCFL (sw -9.53) terfly (La Vallee), Scheherazade 8:30 WGN -Anson Weeks' Orch. NBC -Marek NBC -Hal Totten, sports: WMAQ (Rimsky- Korsakoff) and Dance NBC -Amos 'n' Andy (Pepso- Weber's Orchestra: Story Court of Hu- WHO -Sports WIRE CBS- Northwestern Univ. Book- of the Automatons (Delibes). NBC -True dent): WMAQ NIRE KOA shelf: WTAQ WCCO The ensemble will play Girl man Relations. drama: WMAQ WIBA -Helen & Sonya NBC -Jr. Nurse Corps (Sunbrite) - KFI (also at 6 p.m.) MBS -N. W. High School Xmas Crazy (Gershwin) and I'll See WHO KSD WTAM WIRE (sw- WIND-Peacock Court WENR KWK You In My (Jones). WGN Dreams 9.53) (also see 10:30 p.m.) CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley's WMAQ -News; Jimmy Dorsey's Santa Claus: WFBM WFAM KSD Prgm.: WAAF KMOX WCFL Music Hall Gum); Jack Fulton, tnr.; Orch. KM1IOX-I.lnda's First Luvs News: CBS -Hammerstein NBC -Tommy Dorsey (Raleigh & Sports: WKBB WOC WHAS (Kolynos Tooth Ted Franklyn MacCormack; Orch.: WMBD -Value Hints WBBM- Herbert Foote Paste); Kool), His Trombone & Orch.; WKBH Hammerstein, m.c.; WFBM WBBM KMOX WHAS WTMJ -Dance Orch. WBOW -Sundown Express Jerry Edythe Wright & Jack Leon- Hour: WSUI WIBA KSL WCCO (also at 6 p.m.) WCCO- Livestock Dinner Mann, comedian; Guest; Orch.: ard, vocalists; Neal O'Hara's 10:45 WGN -Jolly KWK- Improve My Music Club KMOX WBBM WFBM WHAS Paul NBC NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.: Joe Headliners Oddities in the News; -Panchito's Orch.: WCFL WHO- Sunset Corners Opry WBBM -The WCCO WJR (sw- 17.76) Stewart, m.c.: WIBA WENR WMT (sw -6.14) WHO Lovely Lady WIBA-Silver Springs Prgm. WBOW- WTMJ WOWO WMT KWK NBC -George R. Holmes, political CBS -Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WFAM- Crimecasts NBC -Grand Central Station, WIND -Stamp Man sketch (Listerine): KWK (sw- 11.87) news: WBOW (sw -9.53) WMBD KMOX WBBM WISN -Show WFBM- Phenomenon News: WIND WHAS Window German WLS WMT (sw- 11.83) CBS -Glen Gray's Orch.. WSBT WKBB -Univ. of Dubuque WIND Hour KOA -Vic Arden's Orch KWK -Roller Derby Mysteries (sw- 17.76) WKBH -Concert Orch. WIRE -Phyl Coe MBS -Arthur Godfrey; Nat Brusi- WCFL- Dramatic Group News: WIBA WKBB WKBH WCCO -Cecil Hurst's Orch. WISN -Down By Herman's WLW -Angelo, Italian troubadour Ioff's Orch. (Barbasol): WGN WGN -Ennio Bolognini; Orch. WMBD WJR WOC WTAQ WIBA -Swing It Boys WMBD -Roy Evans WIND-To be announced WIRE -Variety Show WMAQ -Don Winslow of the Navy WBOW -Green Bros.' Orch. Sports: KWK WOWO WMBD -Happy Train NMtil sunset !lour WISN -Woods Dreyfus WENR-Globe Trotter WJR -jMeditation WMT- Lyric; In- WCFL -News - WMBI- Twilight Musings Drama! Lucky WKBB Success Story WHO -Dick Leibert, organist WLW -Paul Sabin's Orch. terlude WFAM -News & Notes WKBH-Evensong WMT -A Hit for Today; Interlude; WIND- Swedish Prgm. 11:00 WROK -News; Dinner Music; WIND- Business Today WLW -Cafes of Yesteryear NBC -Chick Webb's Orch.: WIBA Frank Wood, talk WISN Twenty Fingers of Melody WISN -Moon Magic WROK -Songs Voice of Carelessness WROK -David Lundberg, Make WLW -Paul WBOW WHO KSD (sw -9.53) at Twilight -Tunesmiths WKBB -Festival Time Sullivan, news WTMJ -Jack Armstrong, sketch WTMJ Believe WTAM -Musical Bulletin Board CBS- Richard Himber's Orch.: 6:15 WKBH- Singing Strings W 3131 Musical Mirror WOC WTAQ WSBT WMBD WLW -Tonic WTMJ -Sports; News 5:15 NBC -Uncle Ezra's Radio Station Time WSUI- History in Review WBBM WISN WKBB WFBM NBC WMAQ (sw- -hhythmaires: (Alka- Seltzer); Pat Barrett: WMBD -Brain Teasers WTAQ -Dance Orch. 10:15 NBC -Wm. Scotti s Orch.: WOWO 9.53) NBC Ezra's Radio Station WMAQ WIRE WHO WTMJ WOC- German Band 8 :45 -Uncle WCFL (sw -6.14) CBS -Essays in Music: (Alka : KOA KFI WKBB WIBA see 10:15 WROK -Affairs of Mrs. Swenson KOA -The Three Keys Seltzer) MBS -Guy Lombardo's Orch.: NBC -Marek Weber's Orch.: WTAM (also p.m.) WSUI- Children's Hour WGN -News, sport High Lights (also at 6:15 p.m.) WIRE WMT WGN WENR WMT 7:15 WIND Diamond Drama KMOX-Pappy Cheshire's Hill Bill- Sports Review: WFAM WROK NBC -Dr. Karl Reiland, commen- NBC -King's Jesters: WENR MBS -The Charioteers: WGN WISN -Reflections WBOW (sw -9.53) ies hMOX -Lady of Millions tator (Pepperell): KWK WMT WBOW -Vic Arden's Orch. WKBB -Sentimental Mood Music KOA -Dance Hour KSD -News; George Hall's Orch. WENR (sw- 11.87) CBS -Glen Gray's Orch.: WOC WCFL -Stars of Tomorrow WKBH -John Gruber WTAQ WISN WKBB WKBH KWK -Ran Wilde's Orch. KWK -Santa Claus WFAM- Echoes of the Islands WROK -Alice Blue, songs WCCO -Red Norvo's Orch. CBS -Chrysler Sports Parade: NBC- Panchitu's Orch. . WOWO WBBM Pantry Party WIND -Friendly Philosopher WsDi Daily Iowan or the Air WENR -Music As You Desire It WCCO -Jack Armstrong, sketch (sw- 1736) News: WHO WMT WFBM WIRE -To be announced WTAQ -Organ & Poetry KMOX -Jimmy Garrigan's Orch. WHAS -Dance Time WCFL -New Songs CBS -Margaret Daum, sop.: Con- WISN -Xmas Guide 9:00 WIND Bob Tinsley's Orch. WFBM -Butler Forum KWK -Allan Dale, vocalist cert Orch.: WTAQ WFAM WKBB -American Family Robin- CBS -The Song Shop (Coca - WJR -Emery Deutsch's Orch. WGN -Buddy & Ginger WBBM -Vic Arden's Orch. WHAS WCCO son Cola) ; Starring Kitty Carlisle; WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WIBA -Santa Claus at the North WCCO- Cedric Adams News: WMBD WOC WLW -Homer Griffith Frank Crtunit; Reed Kennedy, WGN -Dick Jurgens' Orch. WMAQ -Dance Orch. Pole Sports Review: WROK WFBM WROK- Livingston Trio Alice Cornett; Songshop Quar WTAM -Otto Thurn's Orch. WIND -Sons of the Pioneers WHAS -Derbytown Rhythm KMOX WTAQ -Piano Musings tet; Glee Club; Gus Haen- WIBA -Club Chanticleer End of Friday Programs WIRE -Three Little Words KSD- Xavier Cugat's Orch. 7:30 schen's Orch.: WISN WCCO WLW -Supper Serenade WBBM- Northwestern Univ. Book- CBS -Music from Hollywood KMOX WHAS WFBM WBBM WMBD Lyon -Jack Entertains shelf (Chesterfield) ; Hal Kemp's WKBB WMBD WSBT WOC WOC -Speed Gibson WBOW -Si & Ezra Orch.; Alice Faye, vocalist: WJR (sw- 17.76) WTMJ -Billie the Brownie WCFL- Dinner Concert WFBM WOC WMBD WTAQ 5:30 WJR -Vocal Varieties WISN WJR WKBB WFAM NBC -Campana's First Nighter, drama: WHO WTMJ WIBA FRIDAY CBS -News; Boy Scout Prgm.: WKBB- Theater Review WCCO WBBM KMOX WHAS KSD WTAQ WKBB WFBM WCCO WKBH-Unsolved Mysteries WKBH (sw- 11.83) (also KSL WMAQ WTAM WLW AND NBC BLUE NETWORK WIRE KOA (sw -9.53) WJZ (sw- 17.76) WLW -Four Stars Tonight KNX at 10:30 p.m.) 6:15 . 6:30 P.M. C. S. T. Dr. James E. West, Chief - NBC- Scout Executive, and Colonel 6:30 NBC -Death Valley Days, drama Madison Square Garden & Boxing Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., ex- NBC -Horlick's Lum Abner, (Borax): WLS WLW WMT Bouts: WENR WIBA plorer, will speak on "The sketch: WLW WENR (also KWK WOWO (sw- 11.87) WOWO (sw -6.14) Reading Program of the Boy KGO at 10:15 p.m.) Scouts of America." KWK -Your Good Health DR. NARB REILAMD Jack Armstrong: MBS-Lone Ranger, drania (Sit - WHO KMOX CBS -Margaret Daum, sop.: WOC vercup): WGN WCFL-News WMAQ WISN (sw- 17.76) WGN -Shep Fields' Orch. NEW DIFFERENT Charlie Chan: KSD WGN NBC -Louise Florea, sop.: KSD WBOW -Phyl Coe Mysteries WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. KWK - Coyita Bunch MBS- Concert Orch.: WGN WCFL -Streamline Melodies WKBH- Musical Moments COURTESY OF WBBM -Pappy Cheshire News: WHO WTAQ WMAQ WIND -Sing & Swing WMT -Style Talk; Bohemian Hour WCFL -Musical Varieties KMOX -Phyl Coe Mysteries WIRE- Master Mind WROK -Joe Gerken's Orch. WENR -What's the News? KWK-Sport Review; News WROK-Lou Blake's Orch. WTAQ Dance Orch. WFAM -Gately's Gaieties WBBM -Airflow Harmonies WSUI- Evening Musicale 9:15 WIBA-News WBOW -Hit Tunes 7:45 KWK -To be announced WIND -Bill, Mac & Jimmie WCFL -Sunny Sam Talking Drums: WIND WTAQ WCFL -Labor Flashes s Radio Guide Week Ending December 18. 1937 41 Saturday December 18, 1937 Saturday

WMT- Musical Clock WIND- Sketches in Melody WHO -Corn Belt Farm Hour WJJD -The Toastmaster 'WIRE -Your Home Town WIBA -Noon News Edition WTMJ -Your Home Town Good Listening for Today WJBC -Personality Hour WIRE -Farm Hour; News 8:30 Stations which will broadcast these programs may be found in WJJD -High School Hour Vs-ISN- Musical Heat Wave the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated WLS- Fanfare Interview WKBH-Saturday Sesenade CBS - Richard Maxwell. tnr.: WFAM WFBM (sw- 21.52) MORNING WMBD- George McDonald; Police WLS- Poultry Service Time MBS -Vic:or H. Lindlahr (Journal Bulletins WMBI Gospel Music of Living): WGN 10:00 CST YOUNG PEOPLE'S CONCERT, John WSUI -Prgm. Calendar; Weather WSLI- Rhythm Rambles News: WTAG WIND Barbirolli, conductor, CBS. WTAD -News 12:15 KWK -Candad Camera; News WTAQ -Piano Improvisations NBC -Don Bestor's Orch.: WMAQ WCBD -Polish Prgm. AFTERNOON 11:15 (sw- 15.33) WCCO -Dinty Moore CBS -Captivators: WCCO WOC CBS-John Sturgess, bar.: WKBB WHO- Morning Melodies 12:45 CST METROPOLITAN OPERA, "Die WKBB WFAM WISN (sw- WSBT WFBM WOC WCCO WIBA -Today's Almanac Walkuere," NBC. 21.52) Man on the Street: WJBC WKBH ANN LEAF WJJD -Happy Go Lucky Time NBC-Bailey Axton, tnr.: WOWO WBAA- Luncheon Dance Time CBS organist WKBB- Musical Breakfast NIGHT WCFL WBBM- Herbert Foote Sat 1:15 pm CST KW K -Rapid Service WKBH -Uncle Bob 6:00 CST SATURDAY NIGHT SWING CLUB, WBOW- Fields & Hall WLS -Old Kitchen Kettle WAAF -News WCFL Luncheon Concert WMAQ -Whistler & His Dog; CBS. WBAA -Don't Listen WGN -Harold Turner, pianist News 7:00 CST ROBERT L. RIPLEY and B. A. Rolfe's WBBM -Meet Chicago WIND -Tommy Ott, organist MORNING WMBD-Bandwagon orchestra, NBC. WCAZ -Movie Gossip (1070 kt) WJJD- Sterling Young's Orch. WROK -.Morning Devotions WGN -Harold Turner, pianist WKBB -News 7:00 am CST WTAD- Inter -church Revival 7:30 CST JOHNNY PRESENTS Russ Morgan's WHA -Music Album WLS -Fr. Marquette Anniversary CBS -Poetic Strings: (sw- 21.52) WTAQ -Song Title orchestra, Charles Martin, Frances Adair, WHO -Iowa Health Prgm. WMBD -Town Crier; Farm Mar- WIND- Twentieth Century Seren- Musical Clock: WROK WBBM WTMJ -Marching Along Cross, kets Glenn Genevieve Rowe, Ray Block and ade WMBI -Organ Melodies WIBA WOC WKBB WCFL 8:45 Swing Fourteen, and guest, CBS. WKBH WMT WIRE NBC -Landt Trio: KSD WIRE -Ho Po Ne WMT -Voice of Iowa -Home Folks' Hour Club WCFL 7:30 CST JACK HALEY'S LOG with WJBC -Parade of Bands WOWO -Bob Wilson, news KMOX NBC -Breakfast CABIN WKBH KWK -Sunny Time WBOW WIRE WOWO Virginia -Club Calendar WROK- Column Left, news Verrill, Warren Hull, Wendy Barrie, WLS-Chuck, Ray & Christine WAAF- Eye-Opener Prgm. NBC -Aunt Jemima (Quaker WTAD -Cy & Freckles Ted Fio- Rito's orchestra, NBC. WLW -Vic Orch. WBOW -Open Your Eyes WMAQ (sw- 15.21) Arden's 12:30 Oats): WMBD- WCCO -Air Almanac CBS -Fiddler's Fancy; News: 8:00 CST PROFESSOR QUIZ, CBS. Juvenile Theater NBC -Club Matinee: KWK WMAQ WMBI -Age Bible Study WFAM -That Morning Bugle; WFBM (sw- 21.52) -.Teen WOWO (sw- 15.21) News KMOX- Better Films Council, 8:15 CST CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHES- WMT- Christmas Party CBS -Buffalo Pfesents: KMOX -Helen Benson, 7:15 spkr.; Organ Interlude TRA, MBS. WROK cowgirl WFBM WSBT -Lure News: WMT WHO WCCO WLW WCCO WSUI of Perfume NBC -Campus Capers: WCFL -Time Signals 9:00 CST LUCKY STRIKE HIT PARADE, Harry WTAD -Duke Otters WAAF WFAM -.Nazarene Church WLW (sw- 15.33) KMOX- Shumate Bros WHO- Musical Clock Salter's orchestra, vocalists, quartet; guest, WTAQ -Hollywood on Parade News: WHO WOC WBOW- Musical Clock. WIBA -Interlude; Variety Prgm. CBS. WTMJ- Marquette University Markets: WCCO WLS WDZ 11:30 WJJD -It's Risin' Time WJJD -Salvation Army Choristers 9:00 CST SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Artur WBAA- Footnotes on the Headlines WLS- Evelyn & Hilltoppers WKBB -What's New? NBC -Nat'l Grange Prgm.: WIW WBBM- Modern Medicine WMBD -Eye Openers WKBH -Rapid Ad Rodzinski, conductor, NBC. WBOW WMAQ WIBA KWK WBOW -Home Folks Frolic WTAD -Good Morning Melodies WLS -Morning Minstrels (sw- 15.21) WGN- Markets; .Midday Service Monthly program of the Na- WHA -Farm 7:30 WLW.Synagogue of The Air tional Grange; Music by Army Pram. CBS -Jack Shannon. tnr.: (sw WMBD -Women of Today Baud. WIBA -Melody Moments 21.52) WOC -News WMBD- Irene's Grab Bag WCBD- .Lutheran Prgm. CBS- George Hall's Orch.: WFAM WIND -On the March News: WTAQ WIBA WKBB WROK -Town Crier WROK- Intimate Review WCFL -Fed. Hour Speech WOC WKBB WKBH (sw- WIRE- Reporter Musical Clock: WMBD WMT WTAQ- Coffee Hour WTAD -Variety Prgm. WGN- Melody Time 21.52) WJJD -Uncle Joe Dobson .Morning Devotions: WKBH WTMJ -Piano Impressions 9:45 WIBA -Piano Recital NBC Hex Battle's Ensemble: WKBB -Man on the Street WLS 9:00 NBC -Manhatters: KSD WBOW WIND -Sons of the Pioneers KSD WCFL WHO WKBH- Luncheon Music KMOX -Tick Tock Revue NBC -Breen & de Rose, songs: WHO WJBC -Theater Time; News WAAF -Myrna Dee Sergent WMBD-Farm News KWK -Three Say Men WOWO WCFL WIRE (sw- NBC -Bill Krenz' Orch.: WMAQ WJJD -Fed. of Women's Clups WBAA -4 -H Club Prgm. WMBI -Young People's Hour WAAF -Breakfast Express 1521) WMT WLW WIBA KWK WKBB -News WBBM -Amer. Dental Ass'n WMT- Markets; Hillbillies WCBD -.Gospel Tabernacle NBC- Amanda Snow. songs: WHO MBS -Organ Recital: WIRE WKBH -Your Home WCCO- Safety Talk WROK- Couple on the Street WCCO- Musical Chimes WMAQ KMOX- Inquiring Reporter WLS- Priscilla Pride WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle WTAD -Farm; Markets; Weather WCFL -Melody Revue CBS -Fred Feibel, organist: WKBB WAAF- Hawaiian Echoes WLW -My Health WGN -Quin Ryan, news WTMJ -Farm Roundup WGN -Music Box WFBM WISN WCCO WKBH WCCO -Dr. O'Brien WMBD -Advs. in Scoutland WHA -Consumer Facts 12:45 WHO -Original Chippewas WOC (sw-21.52) WCFL- Swingtime WMT- Singer of Sacrei Songs WIND -Sterling Young's Orch. NBC -Metropolitan Opera Co., WIRE- Varieties News: WTAD WMT WROK WGN- Musical Mail Box WROK -Woman's Forum WISN -German Hour WIBA WMAQ WMT WOWO WJJD -.Christian Science Prgm. KMOX -Carolyn Pryce WIND -Remote Control WTAD -Popular Dance Revue WJBC -Uptowners Quartet (sw- 15.21) WLW- Cornbread & Caviar KSD- George Hall's Orch. WISN -Your Neighbor WTAQ- Varieties WJJD- Safety Talk CBS -Buffalo Presents: WMBD WTMJ -Top o' the Morning KWK -Top o' the Morning WJJD -Sterling Young's Oreh. 10:30 WLS -Fur People Only 7:45 WAAF -This Rhythmic Age WLS -News & Markets WOC (sw- 15.27) CBS -Young People's Concert: WMB1,Church School Hour CBS -Leon Goldman. violinist: WBBM- Pantry Party WMBD -News News: WKBH WTAQ WIND WFAM WISN WMBD WOWO- Market Service (sw- 21.52) WBOW -4 -H Club Prgm. WOWO- Modern Home Forum KMOX-Live Stock Exchange NBC -Our Barn, children's for- WROK - Helene Kimberley, songs Musical Clock WIBA WKBB WCBD- ballads KSD -Mort Dennis' Orch. Italian Prgm. WROK -Jack Maxedon, um: WOWO WIBA (sw- 15.21) WSUI- Musical Favorites KMOX-Let's Compare Notes WFAM -Meet WTMJ -Boy Scouts cf America WBAA- Market Reports Miss Miller NBC -Instrumental Ensemble: WTAD -Ponce News Prgm. & 10:00 WBBM- Chicago Park District KWK -.Devotional WGN- Martha Crane Helen WMAQ WHO KSD WTAQ- Mailman WHO- Favorite Melodies Joyce CBS -Young People's Concert; WTMJ -Singing Strings WBOW -Tune of the Day Philharmonic- Symphony Orch., MBS -Army Band: WGN WMT WCCO -Front Page Parade WJJD -Hawaiians WIBA -Dolly Madison, Christmas KWK- Kiddie Klub 11:45 WKBH -Lone Cowboy Shopping John Barbirolli, cond.: WKBB WHO -Lem Turner & Four Dons WAAF -Sweet & Slow CBS -George WLS -Jolly Joe's Pet Pals WIND -Meat Market of the Air 21.52) Hall's Orch.: WBBM WIRE -Farm Talk WCCO WOC (sw- WBOW -Harry WMBD- Police The first Young People's con- Rieser's Orch. WAAF -Live Stock Markets; Swing WKBB -Song Hit of the Day. Flash WJJD- Bosworth Broadcast WCFL -Peekers in Chapel WLS cert of the season, with John the Pantry High Pet Corner WOWO-.Concordian -Junior Stars Barbirolli conducting, will be WFBM- Children's Hour WTAD -Airline News WLW -Ladies Day WCCO Musical Prgm. WLS -Weekly Livestock Market broadcast at this time. WIND -Speaking of Love WCFL-Fashions WTAQ-Today's Almanac WMBD -Messenger; Weather A story about this series may be on Parade Review found on page 4. WIRE -Music Spelling Bee WFBM-Markets ; Farm 8:00 WTAQ -Santa Claus Parade Prgm WROK -Man Off the Street. News: NBC -Florence Hale's Radio For- WJBC- Neighbor Jim WGN -To be announced Home Folks Hour NBC -Breakfast Club, WTMJ -What's New in Milwau- WJJD- Chicago Dental um: WBOW WIBA WMAQ Society WHA- Federal Music Prgm. WSBT-Man-on-the-Street WCFL WOWO WBOW WLW kee?; Organ & Poetry Round Table (sw- 15.21) 9:15 WHO WHO -Gov. N. G. Kraschel, talk WTAD -Comedy Stars of Broad- WKBH- Concert Hall WIND -Harry Zimmerman, organ- CBS -Ray Block, pianist: WFAM NBC- Charioteers: WHO WBOW NBC -Maida Severn, songs: (sw- way WLS -On Parade WKBB WFBM WTAQ (sw- KSD 15.21) ist WTNIJ- Sidewalk Reporter WLW- School of Music WJBC -Guest Artists 1:00 21.52) NBC -Swing -Serenade: WOWO MBS- Walter Ahrens, bar.; Orch.: WMBI- K.Y.B. Club WIRE WJJD -Debators' Forum CBS -Madison Ensemble: WTAQ News: WKBH WMBD WMT WCFL (sw- 15.21) WTAD- Concert Hall Pot WHO WMT Feibel, WMBD News: WIND WTAD WLS- Markets; Weather News WOC WFBM WKBB WSBT Coffee Inn: CBS -Fred organist: WTAQ -News; Morning KMOX -Views on News KMOX- Religious Pappy Hillbilly Band: Concert WMT -News: Cedar Valley Hill- WISN .Informative Cheshire's WTMJ -Fed. of Women's Clubs KSD -News; Rhythm Makers Talks KMOX WBBM billies; Question Man NBC -Your Host Is Buffalo: KWK- Pep -Up Parade WAAF-King of the Kitchen KSD- Xavier Cugat's Orch. 10:45 WOC- Weekly Chats AIRE WHO KSD (sw- 15.33) W'CB0- 8Mowing Meditations WFAM -The Sunshine Express KWK -News; Fed. of Women's NBC -Jerry Brannon, tnr.; Doc WOWO -Consolaires MBS Concert Orch.: WGN WCCO -Musical Chimes WHA -International Sceae Clubs Whipple, organist: KSD WHO WROK- 'Round the Town KMOX -St. Louis Medical Society; -Farm WGN -Good Morning Prgm. WIRE -Hymn Singer WAAF -Soliloquy WBOW WMAQ WSUI Flashes WCCO -To be announced WHA -Band Wagon WKBH -WPA Prgm. WCBD -To be announced WAAF -Foolish Questions WTAQ -Farmhands WAAF- Silver Notes; Waltz Time WIND- Harry Zimmerman, organ- WMAQ- Morning Greetings WCFL -The Shopper WCFL -Voice of Cookery WTMJ -Heinie's Grenadiers WBAA -Radio Stage ist WROK -On the Mall WFAM -Shoppers' Guide WHA -Robert Yaseen, pianist WBBM -Man on the Street WIRE -Musical Clock WTAD -Jane Romar WFBM- Shoppers' Serenade WIND-Valpar aiso Univ. Prgm. WBOW -.Rev. Archie Brown WJJD -Sports Edition Handicap- 9:30 WGN-Home Management WJBC -Payne Pioneers AFTERNOON WCBD -J. C. O'Hair per CBS -Let's Pretend, children's WHA-Homemakers WMT- Kiddies Revue WCFL -Melody Hour WLS -Lulu Belle & Scotty Prgm.: WFBM WFAM WOC WISN -Let's Pretend WROK- Kiddies Club WIND -Italian Prgm. WMAQ -Your Neighbor WTAQ (sw- 21.52) WJBC -Organ Dreams WTMJ -Carla Pestalozzi 12:00 WJJD -Mid -day Roundup WTAD -Quincy Mikronicle NBC -Manhatters: WCFL WLW WJJD -Sons of the Pioneers 11:00 CBS- Detroit A Cappella Choir: WKBH-Dance Orch. WTMJ -Your Winter Wonderland NBC -The Child Grows Up: WKBH -Home Economics NCB -Allen Leafer's Orch.: KSD WBBM WKBB WCCO WSBT WLS Honte Talent Prgm. 8:15 WOWO WMAQ WMT WIBA WLS -High School Prgm. WBOW WIBA WTMJ WMAQ WOC WMBD-Man on the Street CBS -Eton Boys Quartet: WFAM KWK (sw- 15.21) WLW -News; River; Weather; WLW NBC -Don Bestor's Orch.: WMAQ WMT -Iowa Cornhuskers WTAQ WKBB WFBM (sw- News: WISN WTMJ Markets CBS -Young People's Concert: (sw- 15.33) WTAD -News 21.52) KMOX -Travelogue WMBD -Window Shopper WOC WKBB WFAM WKBH News: WJJD WMBD WTAD WTMJ -News; Moment Musicale; NBC -Sunshine Express: News: WAAF -Hollywood Brevities WMT -Magic Kitchen WISN (sw- 21.52) WJBC WIND Weather & Police Reports KSD WBOW -Home Folks WROK -News; Markets; Organ NBC -.Call to Youth: WOWO KMOX- Junior Parade 1:15 KMOX- County Fair with Pappy WCBD- German Musirale WSUI -Illustrated Musical Chats KMOX -Magic Kitchen KSD -News; Rhythm Makers; CBS -Ann Leaf, organist: KMOX Cheshire WCCO -FHA Prgm. 1VTAQ- Hawaiian Melodies WAAF -Music in the Air Markets WOC WFBM WKBB WISN WCBD -.Nazarene Prgm. WGN -Get Thin to Music WTMJ- Victorians WBAA -Just Kids WAAF -Symphonic Hour WSBT WHA -Morning Melodies WHO -Public Service 10:15 WBBM- Furniture Bungalow WBAA -Tune Time WAAF-Front Page Drama WHO -Melody Time WIND-Eb & Zeb, sketch NBC -Minute Men: WOWO KWK WCCO- Wandering Minstrel WBOW- Street Reporter WBBM -Meet the Missus WIND -Latin American Melodies WIRE- Talented Musicians NBC -Ford Rush & Silent Slim, WCFL- Interlude WCFL -Hit Review WGN -Three Graces & Piano WIRE -Dessa Byrd WJJD -Story Book Lane songs; philosophy: WHO KSD WGN -Poetry, Margery Graham WFBM -.Midday Meditation WHA -Die Deutsche Musik Stunde WKBH -Music Box WKBH -Morning Melodies WMAQ WBOW WHA -Questions Parents Ask WGN -Man on State Street WLS -Otto & Novelodeons WLS -News WLS- Variety Pram. WAAF -Zeke Manners' Gang WHO -Rural Life WHA -Noon Musicale WMBD -His Majesty, the Baby

td 42 Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 CBS- Dictators: KMOX WCFL -Clayton Richotto WHAS -Dr. Charles Welch WLS -Barn Dance Party Frequencies MBS- International House: WGN WFBM -Santa Claus WKBH -Melody Time WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. KMOX-1090 WJBC-1200 WBAA- Campus Varieties WHO -News WMT -Sen. Clyde L. Herring, talk WTAQ- American Weekly Saturday ROA-830 WJJD-1130 RSD-550 WJR-750 WHA -Hour of Drama WIND -The Stamp Man WROK -Motor Drama 7:45 RWK-1350 WKBB-1500 WIND- Symphony Hour WLW Truly American WTMJ -Larry Lawrence WBOW -To be announced WAAF-920 WKBH-1380 WJBC -Children's Hour WMT -Gov. Karschel, talk 6:30 WBAA-890 WCFL -Herr Louie & the Weasels December 18 WLS-870 WMBI -String Choir & Message WROK- Air Stars CBS -Carborundum Band; Edward WBBM-770 WLW-700 Junior WIND -Talking Drums WBOW-1310 WMAQ-670 WROK -Moods in Blue WTMJ- College Speech Class D'Anna, cond.: KMOX WHAS WKBB -News WCBD-1080 WMBD-1440 WTAD- Sunday School Lesson 5:15 WCCO WBBM WJR (sw WTAQ -Sports Column of the Air WCCO-810 WMBI.1080 NBC -Linton Wells, commentator: 17.76) WCFL-970 3:15 8:00 WMT-600 WOWO WENR Colby Chester, chairman of WENR -870 WOC-1370 CBS -To be announced: WKBB the board of General Foods NBC -Alka- Seltzer National Barn WFAM-1200 wowo-1160 WOC WSBT WISN WCCO MBS - Harold Turner, pianist: Corp., will be speaker. Dance; Henry Burr; Verne, WFBM -1230 WRJN-1370 WMBD WTAQ WKBH WBBM WGN Lee & Mary, Hoosier trio; WGN -720 W R OK-1410 NBC -Uncle Jim's Question Bee KMOX (sw- 11.83) KMOX- Hollywood Reporter Lulu Belle & Scotty; Uncle WHA -940 WSBT-1360 -News; (G. Washington Coffee) WHAS -820 WSTJL880 WFBM -Jordan Conservatory KSD Robert Hood Bowers' Ezra; Lucille Long & Joe Kelly, WHO -1000 WTAD-900 WROK -Musicale Band WMAQ WTAM (sw- 11.87) m.c.; Guests: WLS KWK WMT WIBA -1280 WTAM-1070 WTAD -Loreine Meyers Hughes WBBM -Lee Francis WBOW WIRE WLW (sw- WIND -560 WTAQ-1330 WCCO NBC -Ricardo & His Caballeros: Tourist Bureau 11.87) (also see 10 p.m.) WIRE -1400 WTMJ-620 3:30 WCFL -Youth Around the World WMT WISN -1120 NBC -Willie KSD News. WTAQ WHO Bryant's Orch.: WFAM -Playshop of the An CBS -Prof. Quiz with Bob Trout WTMJ WHO KSD- Amateur WBOW WIRE WFBM -This Rhythmic Age; News Varieties (Nash Motor Car Co.). WISN WTAD -Quincy Marches On (sw- 15.33) WIND -Sons of Pioneers KWK- Sports Review; News KMOX WHAS WBBM WCCO CBS -To be announced: WFAM WBOW -Hit Tunes WTAQ -Man on the Street WI' N Show Window WFBM WJR WISN (sw- 17.76) News: WJBC WTAQ WCFL-Tenpin Tattler CHARLES MARTIN WTMJ -Dance Orch. WMBD- Cathedral Melodies (also KNX KSL at 10 p.m) WAAF -News Flashes; Weather WENR -Eddie Varzos' Orch. "Johnny Presents" 1:30 WMT- Parade of Features drama director NBC -Golden Melodies: WBOW WBBM -Let's Hear Your Side WROK -Sports Review WFAM -News; Moderate Melodies NBC -Al Roth's Orch.: WIBA WGN- Arthur Si Organ KSD WTAM Sat. 7:30 pm CST WHO KSD (sw- 15.33) Wright WTMJ -Billie the Brownie WFBM- Bohemians KOA (sw -9.53) CBS -Ann Leaf, organist: WTAQ WROK-QChldren's Bible Story WGN- Concert Trio MRS-John Steele, commentator, WCCO WBBM WKBH (sw- Hour 5:30 WIBA- luteinati nal Club from London: WGN 11.83) WTAD -What Do You Think of CBS -To be announced: WFBM WIRE- Sports; News WCFL -Adult Education Council WMT -Hi -Way Dance Melodies .WTAQ WBBM KMOX WCCO To be announced: That 1 WISN -Vocal Varieties WHO -Sunset Corners Frolic WROK -Lou Blake's Orch WLW WIRE WISN (sw- 17.76) KSD -News; Robert Hood Bowers' 3:45 WKBB- Sweetheari Serenade WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WTMJ -Dance Orch. Band CBS -Frank Dailey's Orch.: WOC NBC -News. Strolline Songsters: WKBH-Dinner Music WKBB -Hits & Encores WTAQ WHO WMAQ (sw-9.53) 9:45 WAAF -Live Stock Market a; WKBB WKBH WMBD WLW- Rentro Valley Barn Dance WKBH -Week's Activities at the CBS -Patti Chapin, WFAM WCCO WISN (sw- NBC -News; Alma Kitchell. WMBD -Happy Family State Capitol songs: WTAQ Health Talk; Encores WISN WKBB WSBT WOC WBAA- Methodist Choir 11.83) contr.: WOWO WOC -Organ Moods WMAQ -Marek Weber's Orch. KSD s WKBH (sw- 17.76) WCBD -Front Page KMOX -Meet the Missus -Ferde GrofQ Orch. WROK -House by Side of Road WMBD -Happy Family Drama WBOW -News; Sundown Express MRS- Chicago Syn ph.: KWK WGN- Concert Orch. WAAF -Piano Novelties WTMJ -Dinner Table' WOC Vivian Benshoof George WFBM House WCFL -Organ Music WROK -Ranch Jessel: WFBM WHAS WIND -WPA Prgm. -Flanner Prgm. 6:45 Boys KMOX WBBM WGN- Dipper WENR -News; Music Circle WJJD- Rosary College Literary MBS- Johnny Messner's Orch.: WSBT -In the Gloaming WCCO-Sportsmen's WJBC-Classified Time WFAM -Rhythni Time; Every- WTAQ Master Special WLS- Market Summary WGN KWK Singers WIND -Russ Hodges, WROK -Easy to Remember body's Problem WTMJ- Basketball comments WMBD -Party Line NBC -Ricardo's Caballeros: WIRE WJR -The Soap Box WROK- WTAD- Musical Maniacs WGN -Afternoon Musicale 8:15 Master Singers WIBA -News NBC -,lean Sablon. songs. WtU WMBD -Value Hints WTAD -Music Graphs 4:00 WBOW MBS- Chicago Symphony Orch.: WMT WIND -Bill, Mac 8- Jimmie Electric Park Band 1:45 NBC -Rakov's Orch.: WENR News: WFBM WKBB WKBH WGN WROK-News KWK WOWO (sw- 15.21) WIRE -Nat Shilkret's Orch. NBC -Opera: WIRE (sw15.21) WKBB.lfidiug WCh1. Musical KOA -Music By Cugat WTMJ -Last Word in Sports CBS -Tours in Tone: WCCO NBC -Top Hatters: WBOW WMAQ the Airways -Rube WKBH -Kiddies' WGN Appleberry WCFL -Concert Gems 10:00 WMBD WOC WFBM WISN WIBA KSD WHO WLW WIRE Hour WROK- Uinnei Music WLW -Bob Newhall, sports WIND -News NBC -Alka- Seltzer Barn Dance: KMOX WKBH WBBM WSBT (sw -9.53) WTAQ -Organ Melodies WMBD- Peoria's Church World WKBB -World Dances WIBA WTMJ KGO KOA (also WTAQ WKBB (sw- 11.83) CBS -Frank Dailey's Orch.: WMT -Hits and Encores; Sports 7:00 WKBH -John Gruber at 8 p.m.) WAAF -Charlie Johnson, Duke of KMOX WBBM NBC -Robert L. (Believe- It -Or- MESS- Sammy WMT WOC -To be announced WOC- Jungle Jim the Uke Kaye's Orch.: Not) Ripley (Huskies) ; B A CBS -To be announced WFBM WROK -Home Folks Hour WROK -News; Musicale WCBD -Radio Gossip WAAF -Sport Shorts; Shadowland Rolfe's Orch.: WLW WTAM WKBB WISN WBBM WSBT WBOW -Xmas Merry -Go -Round WTMJ -Heinie & His Grenadiers WTAQ -House of Peter McGregor (sw- WGN -Concert Trio WHO W'IMJ WIBA WIRE 8:30 17.76) WIND -Ben Kanter WCFL -Make Believe Night Club 5:45 WMAQ KSD (sw -9.53) (also NBC- Symphony Orch.: WMAQ WFBM- CBS- Saturday Night Serenade WJJD -Happy Harmonies Scholarship Hour CBS -Ben Feld's Orch.: WBBM KFI at 11 p.m.) KSD (sw -953) -Ozark (Pet Milk); Mary Eastman, WLS -Don & Helen WGN Minstrels WTAQ WFAM WKBB WCCO NBC -Symphony Orch.: WCFL sopr ; Bill Perry, tor.; The WROK -Rippling Melodies WHA -Organ Reverie (sw- 17.76) CBS -Your Unseen Friend (Per- News: WOC WTAQ WMBD WIND -Fred Beck, sonal Loan) ; Harry Salter's Serenaders: Gus Haenschen's WTAD- Bessie Dean Reinert organist NBC - Religion in the News: KSD WKBH WJBC- Hawaiian Melodies WHO WMAQ (sw -9.53) Orch.: WBBM WJR WHAS Orch.: WMBD WOC WBBM KMOX -Jimmy Garrigan's Orch. 2 :00 WHAS KMOX WFBM WJR CBS -Bob Trout in Toyland: WOC WJJD -Cumberland Ridge Runners NBC- Johunp O'Brien s High KMOX (sw- 17.76) KWK -Sport Review WMBI -Mother Ruth WKBB WKBB WSBT WBBM WKBH Hats: WOWO WIRE WENR NBC -Harry Lewis' Orch.: WBOW WHAS- Kentucky Play Patty WTAQ WISN KMOX WCCO WOC -News KMOX -Adventures ut Jimmy Al- 11.87) CBS -Among Our Souvenirs: (sw- WIND -In the Gloaming WROK Birthday isw (sw- 11.83) -News; Club len MBS -Pat Barnes' Barnstormers: 17.76) WLW -Paul Sullivan, news NBC -Concert Miniatures: WBOW WTAD -Dance Hour W'BOW Speed Gibson NBC- Special Delivery, sketch: WMT -Hi -Way Dance Melodies WTMJ- Friendship Circle WHIT KWK WHO KSD WIRE (sw- 1533) WCFL -Stanley Hickman To be announced: WBAA WKBB WMAQ KSD KOA WIBA (sw- 10:15 News: WTAD WFBM WIND 4:15 WFBM -Extension Division Prgm. WO..-0-Barnyard Follies 9.53) CBS -Frankie Masters' Orch.: WAAF CBS -George Olsen's Orch.: WOC WGN -Red Grange Sports Gossip WCFL -News WCCO -Dick Long WJR WOC WKBH WJR WBAA- Saturday Musical Review WFAM WKBB WTAQ WISN WIBAToday's Birthdays. sports WFAM -Music by the Modernaires WCFL-Montparnasse WBBM ii, 1.1) Polish Prgm KMOX WCCO (sw- 11.83) WIND-Musical Interlude WFBM Christmas Seal Prgm.; WIND -Book Review MBS- Horace Heidt's Orch. : KWK WCFL -To be announced WBBM -AI Trace's Orch. WISN- Sports Parade Bohemians WISN- Curtain Calls News: WKBB WCCO WFBM WGN- Rhythm Rambles WIND- Studio Orch. WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WGN -News; Sport Highlights WKBH Saturday Night at a WIRE WMT WHO WHA -Music of the Masters WKBH -Rose Green, pianist WMBD -Sports; Where to Go WIND -Tango Orch. Country Parsonage Dance Orch.: WTAQ WHAS WMT -News KMOX-Forest WJJD- Sports Edition WMBD -Bargain Counter W .a,\ Uuw a ft} Herman's WROK -Dance Hour Crawford's Orch. WLS -Homemakers' Hour; Fan- WROK- Esther Nelson, poetry WOC -Hits & Bits WKBH -Accordion Band WSBT-Cafe Continental WGN -Dick Jurgens' Orch. fare by Wilma Gwillian WTAD -Barney Thompson WROK -Don & Sleepy, songs WLS -Meet the Folks WTAM -Sammy Watkins' Orch. WIRE -News -Daily WLW -Art WMBD -Trading Post 4:30 WSUI Iowan of the Air WOC -Prof. Bowersocks Sr Lena WTAQ -News Kassel's Orch. WROK -News; Musicale NBC -To be announced: WOWO WTMJ- Sports Review WROK- Fireside Bible Talks 8:45 WMBD- Sports; Prem. Review WTMJ -Week-End Revue WENR KWK WBOW WTAQ -Frankie & Johnny WCCO- Musicale 10:30 2:15 NBC -Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten 7:15 WIBA -News NBC -Al Donahue's Orch.: WBOW CBS -To be announced: WMBD (Quaker Puffed Wheat) ; Bruce NIGHT WCFL -Interlude WIND -Rhythm in Brass CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.: WKBH WTAQ WKBB WOC Kamman: WIBA WLW WMAQ WFBM -Int'l Relations Council WKBB Sentimental Mood Music WJR WMBD WOC WTAQ WSBT WBBM WISN KMOX WHO KSD WIRE (sw- 15.33) WGN -Vic Arden's Orch.; guest WROK -Joe Gerken's Orch. WSBT WBBM WISN WKBB WCCO (sw- 11.83) CBS -Geo. Olsen's Orch.: WKBH 6:00 WIND -Colonial Ensemble WSBT -Komedy Kingdom WKBH WFBM (sw- 17.76) WAAF -Matinee Revue News: WMBD WIND CBS- Saturday Night Swing Club: WOC- Saturday Jamboree WTAQ -Dance Orch. NBC - Freddy Matins Orchestra: WFBM -Children's Symphony KMOX -The Fun Quiz WISN WTAQ 'WMBD WFAM WTAQ -To be announced 9:00 WCFL WLW WMT WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WBBM- Truman Bradley WHAS (sw- 17.76) CBS -Lucky Strike Hit Parade; MBS -Horace Heidt's Orch.: WIRE Turn to pages 6 and 7 for pictures 7:36 WROK -Two Guitars WCLS -For Your Information of the artists on this program. NBC -Jack Haley's Log Cabin; Harry Salter's Orch.: Fredda KMOX -Barn Dance WTAD -Matinee Jamboree (1310 kc) Virginia Verrill, songs; Wendy Gibson & Buddy Clark, vocal- KSD -News; Dance Parade NBC- QMessage of Israel; Guest 2:30 WJBC -News Barrie; Warren Hull, m.c.; Ted ists; Songsmiths Quartet; WI t'O- Rollie .Inhnson NBC -Fashions in Music: WBOW W 1t RI QForeign Language Ser- Speaker: WENR (sw- 11.87) Guest: WJR WOC WSBT WGN -Anson Weeks' Orch. NBC-Wm. Fio -Ritó s Orch.: WMAQ WHO KSD WHO WIRE (sw15.33) vice Scotti's Orch.: WHO WIBA WLW WIRE WBBM KMOX WKBB WTAQ WHO- Christmas Fund KSD WBOW WCFL (sw -9.53) WTMJ NBC -Opera: WENR (sw- 15.21) WMT -Santa Claus Gives a Party WTAM KSD (sw -9.53) WHAS WISN WCCO WMBD WIND, Peacock Court MBS -Concert Orch.: WGN Ialso CBS -Waltzes of the World: WOC WROK -Top Hatters Orch. KFI at 11:30 p.m.) WFBM WKBH (sw- 17.76) WLS- Fireside Party WKBB WISN WTAQ WMBD WTAD -Football Review Sports: WKBB WKBH WOC WMAQ -Maurie Stein's Orch. WSBT WKBH WCCO KMOX WTMJ -Wis. League of Women KMOX -Five Star Final News CBS -Johnny Presents (Philip NBC -Symphony Orch.; Artur WTAM -Musical Bulletin Board WFBM (sw- 11.83) Voters KWK -Range Riders Morris) Russ Morgan's Orch., Rodzinski, guest cond.: KOA 10:45 WAAF-Red Hot & Low Down 4:45 WBBM -The Headliner Frances Adair, contr.; Glenn WIBA WTAM WBOW WMAQ NBC -Al Donahue's Orch.: WTAM WBAA CBS -Coolidge String Quartet: WCCO- Victor Arden's Orch. Cross, tnr.; Genevieve Rowe, KSD (sw -9.53) News: WROK WIND -Stamp Club Meeting For the music detail on this pro- WBBM -Your Neighbor & Mine News: WFAM WKBB WTAQ WFBM -Piano Twins sop.; Charles Martin's Dramati- gram turn to page 9. KWK -Roller Derby WCBD -Radio Debuts WKBH WISN WMBD WBBM WIBA- Dinner Concert zations; Ray Block & Swing WCCO -Cecil Hurst's Orch. NBC -Symphony Orch.; Artur WGN -Len Salvo, organist KMOX (sw- 11.83) WIND German Hour Fourteen: WHAS WOC WFBM WMAQ Eddie t,irzos' Orch Rodzinski, guest cond.: (sw- WHA -Music of the Masters The program: Terzetto for WIRE- Football Scores WBBM WCCO KMOX WJR WMBD -Walkathon Derby Show Two Violine and Viola (Dvorak) WJR-News Comes 11.87) WIND -Studio Orch. and String Quartet -Ind and to Life WMBD WISN (sw- 17.76) (also 11:00 WLS -Merry -Go -Round 3rd movements only (Debussy). WLW- Renfro Valley Barn Dance KNX KSL at 10:30 p.m.) MBS- Chicago Symph.: KWK NBC -Eddie Rogers' Orch.: WCFL WROK -Music Box Melodies NBC -Music & American Youth: WMAQ -Louis Panico's Orch. -Bob (sw -6.14) NBC -Whittall Stradivarius Con- WIND Tinsley's Orch. 2:45 (sw- 15.21) WMT- Drama; Evening Serenade WIRE -Vic Arden's Orch. NBC -Don Bestor's Orch.: WHO WOWO -To be announced cert: WBOW (sw- 11.87) WBOW WLW WTAM CBS -Dictators: WKBB WOC WCCO -Uncle Ray Wolfe Woltinsohn, Samuel WI.S- Barnyard Jamboree a WROK -News; Dinner Music CBS -Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WOC WTAQ WISN WSBT WBBM WIND -Once Upon Time . Gardner, Bernard Robbins and WLW -Paul Sabin's Orch. WMBD WKBH WFBM (sw- WOC -Man on the Street W SUI-Dinner Hour Edwin Dieter, violinists: Marcel WMT -Swing Time WISN WKBB WTAQ WMBD 11.83) WROK -Music by Cugat WTAM -Dick Fidler's Orch. Dick and Conrad Helt, violists: WROK -Studio Party WFBM WSBT WBBM WTMJ -Dance Iwan d'Arehambeau and Horace KMOX -One Woman's Opinion WTMJ -News: Moment Musical Orch Britt, 'cellists trill offer Octet 9:15 MBS-Isham Jones Orch.: WMT WCCO- Ladies First 5:00 6:15 in E Flat (Men,lelssohn). WCFL-Labor Flashes WGN WIRE WBAA -Melody Time CBS - Coolidge String Quartet; CBS Saturday Night Swing Club MBS -Olga Baclanova's Revue: WIND Walkathon Dance Orch.: WMAQ WTMJ WGN -Harold Turner, pianist News: WOC WCCO WKBB WMT WIRE -To be announced KOA Nick Stuan WIND -Happy Harmonies NBC -El Chico Spanish Revue: NBC -Wm. Scotti's Orch.: WIRE KWK Feature Parade WMT- Danceland KSD -Mort Dennis' Orch. WTAD -Ruth & Florence Brown WBOW WIBA WMAQ WIRE MBS -Dick Stabile's Orch.: WGN WCFL -Armour Institute of Tech- 9:30 KWK -Ran Wildé s Orch. 3:00 KSD (sw -9.53) News: WOC WMBD nology, talk NBC -Symphony Orch.: WCFL WCCO-Gophers NBC -Opera: WOWO WENR (sw- NBC -News; Marek Weber's Or- Sports Review: WFBM WMAQ WFAM -Goldman Band (sw- 11.87) WIBA -Club Chanticleer 15.21) - chestra: WOWO WENR KMOX WGN -Shep Fields' Orch. NBC- Symphony Orch.: WTAM WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. NBC -Lang Thompson's Orch.: MBS -Len Salvo, organist: WGN KWK -Santa Claus WIND-Sing Sr Swing RWK -Glenn Hartmann's Orch. WJR -Emery Deutsch's Orch. WBOW KSD WHO WIRE KMOX -Piano Recital WBBM -Melodies of Yesterday WKBB -Bordertown Barbecue WIND -Stars Over Manhattan WLS -National Barn Dance WTMJ (sw -1521) KWK -Ozark Minstrels WCCO- Broadway Stars WKBH-Evensong WLW -Benny Meroff's Orch. End of Saturday Programs K Radio Guide Week Ending December 18. 1537 43 WE TEACH YOU TO DANCE IN 5 DAYS -or you don't pay a penny! You become the life SHORT can quickly WAVES of the party . even though you can't dance a step now. A short time each day in the privacy of your own home is snfihient. You BY CHAS. A. MORRISON, president. INTERNATIONAL DX -ER'S ALLIANCE don't even need a partner or a liand.nme getudoe Y,IIs. Gold Plated "10 HEART teacher -this MODERN way. BANGLE BRACELET" of latest style -A "10 -fold" charm of Good in Love strilsli FRIENDS Broadcasts mentioned below are Eastern Standard Time. For CST subtract 1 Lurk for girls. Also the AMAZE YOUR "4 Leaf Clover Horse Shoe Ring" . both age old hour; for MST, 2 hours; for PST, 3 hours. Don't say YOU can't dance until you have given yourself this symbols of Good Luck - Genuine Gold Plated of matchless chance. Get your copy of "How to Dance" and "Tip Top beauty. A welcome gift to urn and women. A true expres- Tapping" and say good -bye to "stay -at- home" nights. This sion of sincerity and affection. Send $1.00 for bracelet or Quick, easy, sensiblemethodoften succeeds where others fail. SERIES of three unique broad- of London, fired in honor of the birth- 75v for ring ... he sure to enclose strip of paper for ring Simple as A.B.C. Everything fully explained and illustrated. size. You can have both for special combination price of casts, the first ever to originate day of King George VI. s1.40. Will ship C.O.D. plus postage and charges; pay in icy anda d mysteriousy st ous Labrador, mail Ivan on arrival. If net delighted, return within 14 COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON OVER 49 A days and money refunded. Order today. Dreyer Products. DANCE STEPS INCLUDING have been arranged by the Interna- St. Kitts, British West Indies, an 3410 W. 00th Place, Dept. 10, Chicago, Illinois. Swing Waltz -Ritz - Carlton- Harvard Hesita- tional DX'ers Alliance. island so tion- Savoy- Picturesque Turn -Valencia Turn tiny that it can not be found Waltz Canter Double Hesitation- Pivot- The first of these transmissions, in the ordinary Atlas, is soon to have - - Pivot which are to over short- Walk and Pivot Hesitation - Chassez - broadcast a 500 -watt short -wave station, accord- #1+4RD Regal Turn -La Bomba -Suzi -Q- Shim - Silam - wave station VO6D (14.28), located at ing to Clive OF fIEARING? Shimmy- Trucking -Rhumba -Lindy Hop - Peterson of Philipsburg, Tango- Virginia Reel- Quadrilles -etc, the Grenfell Mission Hospital at St. Martin, Dutch West Indies. The USE 7-4-11S EASY Northwest River, will be heard on new broadcaster whose experimental SIMPLE ftOME METHOD/ Both books only $1.39 postpaid if remittance is Sunday, December 12, at 4:30 p.m. call will be VP2LO, will employ the sent with order. If you prefer, order C. O. D, and EST. frequencies of 6.383 and 12.765 If you suffer from lioni:o or l ir;iriug on arrival pay postman $1.39 plus few cents post- megs or head noises caused I.y la rrh of the head, you age. Nothing more to pay. If not delighted, your Fur trappers will relate their thrill- respectively and will radiate programs will be glad to know of iii, we lio c e improved the money promptly refunded. Get over the blues. ing experiences in running traps in the daily to approximately 10 p.m. EST, hearing of many suffering from rid, ,oudilion. with Get into the the swing. Rush your order now. frozen North, genuine Eskimos will aril. simple house treatment. Nillhing to iw ear -no is expected on the air in the very near one need know. Send today for proof and :5 l.ilil If you wont only one book instead of tolls, xperily which sing and you wont, and it will be sent to you for only 79e. speak before the microphone, future. Listeners who will certainly Trial offer. No obligation. and attendants from the hospital will want a souvenir card from this inter- THE ELMO COMPANY. Dept. 111, Davenport, Iowa THE EMSTIRE CO., tell tales of the North and of their 126 -R Lexington Ave.. New York City esting station, can address reports to work in this bleak outpost, where six ICA Radio Sales & Service, P. O. Box feet of snow has already fallen. A 88, Basseterre, St. Kitts, British West Post Pd. MORE HEAT broadcast of the famed twilight Ves- Indies. FILMS DEVELOPED 11 FROM pers Service will be a feature of one Eight beautiful, neverfade prints and two handsome of the broadcasts. Tommy Cunning- enlargements from each roll of W. E. Caulfield, former size 127, 120 or 116 ham, radio operator of VO6D, will act British Con- 20 reprints front negatives all of FORD V -8 as m.c. sul to the Canary Islands, writes that one size 127, 120 or 116, 25c. C for the shows, and will be glad the Highest Quality. Immediate Sec. HOT WATER HEATERS to hear from all listeners who have broadcasts of "Radio Nacional," vice. We Guarantee all our work! With Sahara Heat Booster enjoyed the broadcasts. Inasmuch as Salamanca, Spain, heard nightly from DIXON PHOTO CO., DIXON. ILL. COIN Get more Heat from your is received Mr. 9 to 9:45 p.m. EST, on frequencies in Ford Hot Water Heater. In a mail only twice a year, the vicinity of 10.37 few minutes time you can easily Cunningham requests that all reports megs, are actually attach a Sahara Heat Booster to be sent to W2IXY, Mrs. Dorothy L. being transmitted over EAJ43 at El the thermostat and have 160 to 165 Tablero, in the Canaries . EA8AD, degrees heat passing through your heater Hall, 186 -18 Williamson Avenue, the RAISE CANARIES at all motor Springfield, Long Island, original station of the Radio Club speeds. Can be used with any N. Y., who Tenerife, Tenerife, Canaries, which MEN & WOMEN, Get into this anti -freeze solution. Results guaranteed. will read the letters to Mr. Cunning- new pleasant profitable business. Fits all models Ford V-8 up to and includ- ham has been silent for quite some time, ing 1936. in the course of their amateur will soon return to the air, using Small investment, big profits. Send $1.00 We Will Ship phone contacts. Later in the year, alter- -or nate frequencies of 7.45 or 7.5 megs. birds, other markets C.O.D. Plus Few Cents Postage when Mr. Cunningham visits his home We Buy your THE SAHARA HEAT BOOSTER in Toronto, Canada, he will send sou- waiting.Sendforfreebooklet Dept. "B" Benton Harbor, Mich, venir QSL cards to all who have cor- Louis Ambrosius of Louisville, Ky., kIII. Bird Co., Dept. 202, Olney. III. rectly reported the Labrador programs. is the first to report reception of the new COCA, Cuban station which was Willie çMç;Grègor. The best in Brazilian music is now heard on Sunday, November 21, at 4 Only being radiated over Short -Wave Sta- a.m. EST, testing on a frequency of VENTRILQQUAT 9.62 . . . Frei for Asthma tion PSH (10.22), daily from 7 to 9 p.m. megs Several of the Cuban 't.Dt1MMY'r. EST. These programs, which originate stations are changing in frequency so MORE FUN THAN in the studios of broadcast station rapidly that one can only guess where ABarrel of Monkeys they will be heard next. COCQ has PRF4 in Rio de Janeiro, will be con- Laughable, lile -1 il:e. vvisecracking Willie McGrer During Winter been testing on various frequencies ventriloquist "dummy," only 61.01 complete with tinued as a regular feature, if favor- humorous dialogues and easy instoletiims on how to If you suffer with those terrible attacks of between 9.02 and 9.78 megs, and at "throw your v, ice.' Makes you big hit at home. Asthma when it is cold and damp; if raw, able reports are received from a parties, picnics. ' Just set Willie on your knee and start if gasp sufficient the time of going to press, is be- him talking. You'll have crowd splitting sides with Wintry winds make you choke as each number of international lis- laughter. afi inches tali. Not an all card -board cut. for breath was the very last; if restful sleep is teners. Since all announcements are ing heard near 9.68 megs. COBC nut. Life -like colorful head made of strong cast impossible because of the struggle to breathe; is jumping about in the vicinity of material. Mouth and stead n . Anyone a operate if you feel the disease is slowly wearing your made in English and Portuguese, high - a itII minutes practice. i SEND NO MONEY-rush 9.024 megs, while COKG, came and address, and I'll mail Willie to you, with life away, don't fail to send at once to the class talent is featured and signal after an ex- dialogues and instructiulsl. Pay pistman only $1.00 Frontier Asthma Co. for a free trial of a strength is excellent. It is a real pleas- perimental sally down to 8.89, is once plus onstage. Mail order n w PAT McGREGOR. remarkable method. No matter where you live more back on 8.93 megs. It would seem Dept. D-1205, 4218 Davis Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. or whether you have any faith in any remedy ure to sit back and enjoy these pro- under the Sun, send for this free trial. If you grams from Rio. that Cuban authorities, who have just have suffered for a lifetime and tried every- been hosts to an International Radio thing you could learn of without relief; even Convention, would first seek to clean if you are utterly discouraged, do not aban- VP3THE, the base -camp station of don hope but send today for this free trial. the Terry -Holden Expedition, at Isher- up their own radio situation by seeking It will cost you nothing. Address ton, British Guiana, now using either to stabilize the frequencies of their BOYS WANTED Frontier Asthma Co. 59 -C Frontier Bldg. stations. 462 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. one of two frequencies, namely 13.74 or 14.3 megs, is still providing many STEADY WEEKLY INCOME! thrilling moments of reception, during Many complaints have been received PLEASANT, EASY WORK! from short -wave listeners the irregular evening contacts with decrying the FREE PRIZES! civilization. Thus far, contacts be- fact that reports sent to PZH (6.8), tween VP3THE at the base -camp and have not been answered. The Ameri- We are looking for bright, e VP3THE two, at Kuyuwini, can Consulate in Paramaribo, Dutch hans 30 number ambitious boys to sell RADIO ARONCHi!!years from ch ronic Bronchitis temporary camp of the advance party, Guiana, has informed Guy Bigbee of 1 discovered a preparation which have only been partially successful. Fort Benning, Ga., that letters up to GUIDE, the national weekly of .I :: lay relieved my tormenting bronchial .1k.w... It goes right to the seat of the trouble. As soon as the party again takes to this time have been incorrectly ad- programs and personalities in Checks constant coughing, difficult breathing. Write for boats for the long journey into the dressed and that any reports sent to their neighborhoods. Write to FREE PARTICULARS AND TRIAL offer today. AVROS, c/o Mr. S. M. Levie of Para- REV. J. J. RICHARDS, Dept. 97, Harpster, Ohio Amazonian interior, a higher fre- Al Jones, RADIO GUIDE, 731 quency will be employed. It is ex- maribo, Dutch Guiana, will gladly be pected that reception of the explorers answered. Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill., WAVE Your HAIR AT HOME group will be more satisfactory than and give full name, full ad- the Wave Setter broadcasts from the base -camp. Harold Schrock of Bloomington, Ill., dress and age. Send the cou- with "JACKEY" Reports on reception of VP3THE may has just received a letter from J. pon today! New amazing device be sent to Mr. Orrin Hungerford, Na- Estrela, chief of Radio Station CQN, gives you professional tional Broadcasting Company, Radio Macao, Macao, in which he states that wave in 6 minutes- also re -sets your per- City, New York City, N. Y. the station has closed down ... N. F. C-O-U-P-O-N manent. Just place Kriebel of Ambler, Penn., notifies me "JACKET" on your hair, push thumb and On Sunday, December 12, at 6 p.m. that KZRM, Manila, Philippines, which Mr. Al Jones, Radio Guide, forefinger together and EST, Schenectady Short -Wave Stations broadcasts daily from 4:30 to 9 a.m. 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. it automatically draws W2XAF (9.53) and W2XAD (15.33) EST, will soon change to a winter fre- any type,of wave. void I want to get started selling RADIO of amateurish look - will feature a program to the Latin - quency of 11.84 megs . R. C. Messer best suited to your per- American countries by the students of of South Portland, Me., writes that GUIDE. Please send catalog and information. sonality -saves $13.50 to $20.00 a year on beauty bill. Uses no beat; no the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in HAT4 (9.125) of Budapest, Hungary, electricity; no dangerous chemicals. Made of sturdy Troy, New York. Twenty -eight stu- has been testing a new directional Name comb -like material, lasts many years. Light as a feather, a child can handle it. Costs little. SEND dents, whose homes are in Central or aerial which produces greatly improved NO MONEY, just name and address. Give mail South America, will speak for one min- signals from that station. man $1.00 plus charges when "JACKET" arrives. ute each to their families and native According to August Balbi of Los St. No. If not delighted we insist you return it within ten for your MONEY countrymen. Appropriate Latin music Angeles, Calif., XEWW, powerful days BACK. Order today. City JACKET PRODUCTS, Box 61 -K, Louisville, Ky. will be included on the program . , short -wave station of Mexico City, is Excellent Christmas. Gift On December 14, at 7:55 a.m. EST, lis- now being heard nightly from 8 p.m. AGENTS: Women tiny "JACKET" on sight. It's Age new,, patented. Nothing like it on the market. teners to Daventry, England, will hear to 12 mid. EST, on a frequency of 15.16 State Write for sales plan. a salute of sixty -two guns at the Tower megs. 44 Radio Guide Week Ending December 18, 1937 Na Log of Short -Wave Stations 9:15 p.m.- Concert by Cologne Broadcasting Sta. 7:30 p.m.- Christmas Carols: DJB DJC DJD Whose Programs Are Listed tion Orchestra: DJB DJC DJD 7 :45 p.m.-Organ recital : 2R03 *11 English programs: XEXA COBC 8 p.m.- Empire exchange talks: GSC GSD (Megacycles or thousands of kilocycles shown) p.m.- *11 :45 p.m. (ex. Sat.) -Program from South Af- 8 p.m.- Rosita Jemma Wade: 2R03 CJRO, Canada 6.15 ¡VI, Japan 9.535 rica: Klipheuvel (9.61) 8 p.m. -Luis Alvarez, songs: YV5RC CJRX, " 11.72 JZJ, 11.80 12 mid. -One hour with the Bible: COCQ 8 p.m.- Latin -American night: W3XAL (17.78) COBC, Cuba 9.31 JZK, " 15.16 *12:30 a.m.-Dance music: HP5A 8 p.m. -Happy program: PCJ (9.59) COBZ, 9.03 KIO, Hawaii 11.68 JZK songs: 2R03 SICK CO CD, 6.13 KKK, 7.52 *12:30 a.m.-Overseas hour (Pacific Coast): 8:15 p.m. -Folk- ONE COCH, " 9.43 KKP, 16.03 12:45 a.m.-English comments: COCQ 8:45 p.m. -For the short -wave listener: W1XAL COCO. 6.01 Klipheuvel, *1 a.m.-English DX program: XEUZ (6.04) HEADACHE COCQ, ' 9.75 South Africa 9.62 *3 programs from Siberia: RV15 9:20 p.m. -BBC Empire orchestra: GSC GSD CSW, Portugal 9.94 LRU, Argentina 15.29 a.m.-English AFTER ANOTHER DJB, Germany 15.20 LRX, " 9.68 10:25 p.m.- Technical tips: DJB DJC DJD DJC, 6.02 LSX, " 10.35 Key to Symbols Used: *Daily; ?Week Days; 10:30 p.m. -The Escape of the Calliope: GSC GSD DJD, " 11.77 OLR3A Czecho- 4:Monday. Wednesday, Friday; §Monday, Thursday. BUT THAT DJL. " 15.11 slovakia 9.55 EAJ43, Canarias 10.37 OLR4A, 11.84 Thursday, December 16 IS ALL OVER. EAR, Spain 9.49 OLR5A, 15.23 EA9AH, Spanish ORK, Belgium 10.33 Monday, December 13 9 a.m.-Netherlands piano -duo: PHI NOW IFEEL grand since I Morocco 14.05 OZF, Denmark 9.52 4:05 a.m. -In Town Tonight: GSO GSB 10:15 a.m.- Bournemouth Municipal orchestra: began taking the FNSK, S.B. Nor- P. J. Holland 9.59. 15.22 Listening," Sir H. GSF GSJ mandie, 8.823, 13.276 PHI, 17.775 4:55 a.m.-"Long Distance ALL -VEGETABLE Laxative, Nature's Rem- FO8AA, Tahiti 7.11 PRADO, Ecuador 6.82 Walford Davies: GSO GSB 11:35 a.m. -Hotel Victoria orchestra: GSF GSD edy (NR Tablets). One NR Tablet convinced me 9.50 in African life: GSP GSI GSA, England 6.05 PRF5, Brazil f5:30 a.m. -Fiji hour: VPD2 1:25 p.m. -Music - , so mild, thorough, refreshing, invigorating. GSB, 9.51 PSH, " 10.22 §8 a.m. -Siamese broadcast: HS8PJ (9.51) 2 p.m.- London preparing for Christmas: GSP Dependable relief from sick headaches, bil- GSC, 9.58 RAN, U.S.S.R. 9.60 variety: ZBW3 GSI when GSD, DI 11.75 RKI, 7.54 §8 a.m. -Oriental ious spells and that tired -out feeling, GSF, 15.14 RNE, " 12.00 2 p.m. -Stars of the cabaret world: GSG GSI 2:30 p.m.-The Messiah (Handel); The North caused by or associated with constipation. GSG, tit 17.79 RV15, 4.273 2:45 p.m. -Tale of Mr. Augustus Plum and Fami- Staffordshire district Choral Society; City of a25cboxof NRs from any GSH, 21.47 RV59, " 6.00 Birmingham Orchestra: GSP GSI get V ly: GSP GSI Without Risk druggist. Use fora week. If OSI, 15.26 SPD, Poland 11.53 GSP GSI 4:45 p.m. dancing: GSO GSD GSJ, PP 21.53 SPW, " 13.64 3 p.m. -Rocky Mountaineers: -Stop not more than pleased, return the box and we GSL, Pt 6.11 TFJ, Iceland 12.23 4:20 p.m.- "Witch Doctors and Music," Prof. 6:15 p.m.- Studio orchestra: DJB DJC DJD will refund purchase GSO, 15.18 TPA2, France 15.24 Kirby: GSO GSD 6:20 p.m. -The week's news from London: GSC fair. Á 1- TPA3, " 11.88 price. That's GSP, " 15.31 4:35 p.m.-Amateur Ice Figure Skating Champion- GSD Try it-NR Tonight j e HAS3, Hungary 15.37 TPA4, " 11.71 YV5RC NR-PR - TABLETSTABLET s HAT4, 9.12 VE9DN, Canada 6.005 ships: GSO GSD 7:15 p.m.- Mariblanca: - Tomorrow Alright. Brazil: PRF5 7:45 Opera: 2R03 HBH, Switzerland 18.48 VK2ME, Australia 9.59 4:45 p.m.-English hour from p.m.- °Beautiful 9z -color 1998 Calendar -Thermometer. Alec HBJ, 14.535 VK3LR, 9.58 t4:50 p.m.-Science news: WIXAL (11.79) 8 p.m. -Sea Chanteys: GSC GSD pies of NR and Toms. Send stamp for packing and 9.34 VK3ME. " 9.51 FREE pó°'oetage to Lewis -Bowe Co.. Desk 133 -T, St. Louie, Igo-o. HBL -1-5 (ex. Sat.) -News: W2XAF (9.53) 8:30 p.m.- "Augustan Exhibition," John Puglisse: HBO, 11.402 VPD2, Fijis 9.54 p.m. HBP. 7.80 W1XAL, Boston, Mass. W2XAD (15.33) 2R03 HC2RL, Ecuador 6.66 15.25, 11.79 and 6.04 $5:15 p.m.- Sports in America: W2XAF (9.53) 8:45 p.m. -Talk, "The Tree of Life ": DJB DJC HH2S, Haiti 5.925 XEUZ, Mexico, D.F. 6.12 W2XAD (15.33) DJD Colombia 9.5 XEXA, 6.172 HJIABE, 5:30 p.m.-Headlines & By-Lines : W2XE (11.83) 9 p.m.-At the Black Dog: DJB DJC DJD HJ1ABP, 9,618 XGOX, China 9.8 HP5A, Panama 1I.7 YSD. El Salvador 7.894 t6 p.m.- Monitor news: W1XAL (11.79) 9 p.m.- Spanish popular music: PRADO Best Support HP5J, 9,60 YV5RC, Venezuela 5.80 6 p.m. -Gay dance music: DJB DJC DJD 9:15 p.m.- Heinrich Nelting, pianist: DJB DJC HS8PJ, Siam 9.51, 19.01 ZBW3, China 9.525 6:15 p.m.- American Travelog: W2XAF (9.53) DJD HVJ, Vatican City 15.12 2H03, Italy 9.696 W2XAD (15.33) 9:30 p.m. -Jack Payne's orchestra: GSC GSD JDY, Kwantung 9.925 2ß04, 11.81 far Rupture JVN, Japan 10,66 9MI, B.S. Kanimbla 6.01 t7 p.m.- Dinner music: W1XAL (6.04) 10 p.m.- Canadian hour: HH2S 7 p.m.-Story of the old tavern "Cheshire Short -wave programs of American stations are Is thP Haman Hnnd beginning Cheese': GSC GSD shown along with the regular listings 7:30 p.m. and customs of home: DJB Friday, December 17 Why worry and aufferwith that rup- on page 27. These are indicated, for example, by -Songs ture any longer? Learn about my per- (aw- 11.87) in parentheses following a program list- DJC DJD 9 a.m. -Visit to the Cafe Collette: PHI fected invention. It has brought ease, same from Italian prose and poetry: 9:30 a.m.-Discussion of the chess-champion- comfort and happiness to thousands ing. This means that on 11.87 megacycles the 8 p.m.- Readings who suffered from reducible rupture. program may also be heard over an American short- 2R03 . ships: PHI Cushion do It has an Automatic Air wave station. Please note that foreign stations 8 p.m.- Tipica music: YV5RC 11:30 a.m.- Musical comedy, "Marry the Girl ": which softly yet securely bolds the not always adhere precisely to their announced rupture in any program schedules. 8 p.m. -Big Bill Campbell's hillbilly band: GSC GSF GSD position. GSD 2 p.m.- Helsingfors Municipal Orchestra: GSP ,nost 8:15 p.m.- Chamber music: 2R03 GSO h News Broadcasts 8:30 p.m.-Mail bag: 2R03 2:30 p.m. -Five Hours Back: W3XAL (17.78) . Apptttsei hrtctt+ Daily -12:30 a.m., JZK; 4:35, GSB GSD GSG, 9:15 p.m.- Program of the Pan -American Union: - W2XAD (15.33) r( GSO; 7:30, XGOX; 7:45, JDY; 8:30, GSG, YV5RC 3 p.m.- Scrapbook for 1913: GSP GSI % e GSG, carols: GSO GSD 'resembles esupport GSH, GSO; 8:35, JZJ; 11, GSD, GSF, 9:30 p.m.-Drama, "The Goddess Fortune': GSC 4:40 p.m.- Christmas cloy e rupture N steel O de. No GSH; U :10, 2R03; 1 p.m., GSB, GSD, GSG, GSD 5 p.m. -Ultra -high Frequencies: W2XAF (9.53) pt14* - springs r y salves or plasters. Durable cheap. GSI; 2:40, 2R03; 3, OLR4A; 3:10, TPA3; 4, 9:30 p.m.- Dainty dishes and hints for the Christ- W2XAD (15.33) Santo trial to prove it. Beware of imita- 6:30, Technical by Noel Ashbridge: tiona. Never sofa in stores nor by ,game. write to- GSB, GSD, GSO, GSP; 4:45, EA9AH; mas dinner: DJB DJC DJD 5:15 p.m.- talk Sir day for full information sent free in plain, sealed envelope. EAR, HP5A; 7 EA9AH HP5J, RAN, RKI; 10 p.m.- Swabian winter in song and verse: DJB GSO GSD BROOKS CO., 351F State St., Marshall, Mich. 7:15, CSW; 7:J0, EAJ43; 7:35, 2R03; 7:40, DJC DJD 5:30 p.m. -Talk, "Pathways to Peace ": W1XAL GSB, GSC, GSD; 8.15, EAJ43, DJB, DJD; 10:30 p.m. -Brave New World: W2XE (1527) (11.79) 1010, GSB, GSC, GSD; 10:30, DJB, DJD; 6:20 p.m.- Monologs in melody: GSC GSD 10:45, CJRO, CJRX; 11:30, TPA4. 6:30 p.m. -"As I See It," Gilbert Murray: GSC AN IDEAL GIFT for a RADIO FAN Daily except Sundays-6 a.m., VK3ME; 7:30, Tuesday, December 14 GSD ROBERT EICHBERG'S BOOK VK3LR. 4:55 a.m.- -Empire exchange talks: GSO GSB 6:45 p.m. -Bach Choir of Kronstadt: DJB DJC Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri.-4 p.m., RNE. 7:55 a.m. -Birthday of King George VI: GSJ DJD RADIO STARS ofI'ODAY Mon. & Thurs. -10:30 p.m., OLR3A. GSG GSO 6:45 p.m. -BBC Empire orchestra: GSC GSD Takes you behind the scenes, 9:20 a.m. -Dutch variety program: PHI 7:15 p.m. -Concert orchestra: YV5RC shows you what makes the wheels 10:15 a.m.-King George VI birthday celebration: 7:30 p.m.- English program: HBL (9.345) go 'round. Friendly, chatty talks Sunday, December 12 GSF GSJ 8 p.m.- Woman's Page: W3XAL (17.78) with over one hundred rediohead- 9MI 10:45 by 8:05 Arnold Goldsbrough, organ: GSC GSD linen. Stories of radio rescues, 7 a.m. -Program from S.S. Kanimbla: a.m.-Technical talk Sir Noel Ashbridge: p.m.- police and amateur broadcasting. *7 a.m.-Program from Darien, Kwantung: JDY GSF GSD 8:15 p.m.- Across the Footlights: W1XAL (6.04) *8 a.m. -International church: COCQ 11:20a.m.- Keyboard Music through the Ages: 8:30 p.m.- "Midnight Voice," Amy Bernardy: Like amending a month of *8 a.m.-Variety program: DJL GSF GSD 2R03 broadcasts yourself *8 a.m.-Overseas hour for Australia: JZJ 11:45 a.m.-"World Affairs," J. L. Brierly: GSF 9:20 p.m.- Circus in Prospect: GSC GSD Material gathered in interviews 8:45 a.m. -50th anniversary " Concertgebouw" : GSD 9:30 p.m. -Final scenes of well -known operettas: with leading radio etarsottending PHI 12:20 p.m. -"This Is England," Major G. H. B. DJB DJC DJD hundreds of broadcasts. Author is 9:10 a.m. -Chess- championship between Dr. Max De Chair: GSG GSI 9:40 p.m.- Musical comedy, "Marry the Girl ": noted radio writer. Nontechni- GSD cal, informative, authentic, thrilling. Euwe and Dr. Aljechim: PHI 2:30 p.m.-Sea Chanteys: GSP GSI GSC Most complete book on radio ever published. GSF GSD 3 Snooker; H. Lindrum vs. T. Newman: 10:35 p.m.- Sprites and Goblins: GSC GSD 11:10 a.m. -Congregational services: p.m.- GIVE IT FOR CHRISTMAS! GSG GSI 11 Program from Tahiti: FO8AA 12:20 p.m. -Fred Hartley's sextet: GSP GSI p.m.- Size 8 x 11 232 pages 275 illustrations 1:30 p.m.- Cultural activities: W3XAL (17.78) 4:20 p.m.-"As I See It," Gilbert Murray: GSO 12:15 a.m.-DX Club: W8XK (6.14) Mailed postpaid anywhere in U.S. - $3.50 1:40 p.m.- Iceland hour: TFJ GSD *2 p.m.- Danish program : OZF 4:40 p.m.- American cabaret: GSO GSD 18 L. C. PAGE & COMPANY, 53 Beacon Street, Boston 2 p.m.- Leslie Bridgewater's quintet: GSP GSI 6:45 p.m. -Hans Martin Theopold, pianist: DJB Saturday, December Send me "Radio Stars of Today' 2:55 p.m.-St. Paul's services: GSP GSI DJC DJD 3:55 a.m. -"Sportsmen Talking," W. W. Wake- Check enclosed Send by postman C. O. D. 4 p.m.- Chapel Organ: W2XAF (9.53) W2XAD 7 p.m.- Potpourri, "Themes of London ": GSC field: GSO GSB (15.33) GSD 8:30 a.m. -Dutch folk -songs: PHI 4:30 p.m.- Broadcast from Northwest River, Lab- 7:30 p.m.-Geber Hernandez' orchestra: YVSRC 9:20 a.m. -Microphone debutantes: PHI s4sftd41 sQ,7tetti. P&1'(Luh rador; featuring talent by fur trappers, Es- 7:30 p.m.- "Splendors of Literature," Prof J. P. 9:30 a.m. -Happy program : PHI kimos, and personnel of Grenfell Hospital: Scammell: W1XAL (6.04) 9:40 a.m. -Meeting of the Phohi Club: PHI PICTORIAL RING ANY PHOTO OR PICTURE V06D (14.28) 7:45 p.m.- Tuesday symphonies: 2R03 10:10 a.m.-Football; England vs. Australia: GSJ reproduced. permanentlyq on hour JZJ JZI 8 p.m.- Future of the Law: W1XAL (6.04) GSF ite gam -Ike ring. I1t *4:30 p.m.- Overseas (East): prices new secret F uarl *4:55 Greetings to listeners: DJB DJC 8 p.m.- "Monte Valerio, an old mine rediscov- 12:30 p.m.- Sydney Lipton's band: GSG GSI e keepsake' Guaran- p.m.- teed! Sample ring from DJD ered": 2R03 1 :25 p.m.- Northfleet Silver band: GSG GSI phot you SEND NO i OÑEY!Everyone 5 p.m.-Our American neighbors: W2XE (15.27) 8 p.m.- Man -About -Town: W3XAL (17.78) 1:45 p.m.- Football Game: W1XAL (11.79) wants PICTURE RING. Show ring-take orders - Drosselbari DJB 8:15 p.m.- Choral concert: 2R03 2:30 p.m. Town Tonight: GSP GSI money! lust end photo with strip off paper 5 p.m. -Fairy play, "King ": -In tekerimmed w ends meet around finger for size. poet - DJC DJD 8:30 p.m. -Beate Roos - Reuter, soprano: DJB DJC 5 p.m.- Tourist hour: HP5A only 59e plus (ow ernte Scolaro Photo return mifb ring. fdpas back if not delighted. Order NOW 5:30 p.m. -Dance orchestra: YV5RC DJD 6 p.m.- Military concert: DJB DJC DJD Ring Hand- Tinted In Lifelike Colors-100 extra RING CO.. Dept.HH-34,Clncinnati, O. 6 p.m.- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute broad- 9:15 p.m.- Special broadcast for Wisconsin: DJB 6 p.m.- Program from Budapest: HAT4 PICTORIAL cast: W2XAF (9.53) W2XAD (15.33) DJC DJD 6:45 p.m.- Variety program: HBO HBL *6 p.m.- American hour from Poland: SPW SPD 10 p.m.-Play, "The Trans -Atlantic Cable ": DJB 7:15 p.m.-Conchita Ascanio, singer: YV5RC 6:05 p.m.- Bronkhurst trio: GSC GSD DJC DJD 7:30 p.m.- Peasant songs and dances: DJB DJC 6:35 p.m.- Episcopalian services: GSC GSD 10:30 p.m -- Wheels: GSC GSD DJD BE A RADIO EXPERT 7 p.m.- Chimes and church services: WIXAL 11 p.m.- Program from Tahiti: FO8AA 7:45 p.m.- Symphonic concert : 2R03 Learn at Home -Make Good Money (6.04) 11:30 p.m.- Salute to Latin America: W8XAL 8 p.m.--Cocktail musical program: W3XAL Many men I trained at home in spare time make $30, 7 p.m. -Happy program: PCJ (9.59) (6.06) (17.78) $50. $75 a week. Many make $5, $10, $15 a week extra LRX in spare time while learning. Illustrated 89 -page book *7 p.m.- Brazil on the Air: PSH (10.22) 3:30 a.m. -From the popular operas: GSO GSB 8 p.m. -Cuban music: ran learn YV5RC points out Radio's opportunities, also how you *7 p.m.- Program from Moscow: RAN RKI 8:30 p.m. -Continentals: Co be a Radio Expert through my practical 50 -50 method 7 :45 p.m.- Concert of light music: ?803 8:30 p.m. -Folk- songs: 2R03 of training. Television training Is included. Money Back Wednesday, Agreement given. Mall coupon today. Get book FREE. 8 p.m. -La Orquesta Cugat: YV5Rt December 15 8:45 p.m. -Talk, "Diet in the Tropics ": DJB DJC 8 p.m.- Complete opera: COCH 2:30 p.m.-Peter Yorke's orchestra: GSP GSI DJD 8 p.m. -Band concert: COCO 3 p.m.- Variety: GSP GSI 9:15 p.m.-Dance music: DJB DJC DJD J. E. SMITH, President, Dept. 7NT6, 8:15 p.m.- Survey of folklore: 2R03 5:15 p.m.-Talk, "Porcelain': DJB DJC DJD 9:30 p.m.- "Stradivarius," by Joan Adeney Eas- National Radio Institute, Washington, D. C. is coming: DJB DJC DJD 6 p.m.-Opera, "The Rauenstein Wedding ": DJB dale. A program to commemorate the bi- Send me, without obligation, your 64 -page book "Rich 8:30 p.m.- Christmas Rewards In Radio" FREE. (. lease write plainly.) 9 p.m. -H. M. Royal Horse Guards band: GSC DJC DJD centenary of the death of Antonio Stradivar- 6:20 p.m. the Hill Came GSD 18, 1737: GSC GSD GSD --Over Love: GSC ius- December NAME AGE *9 p.m.- Cararo's tango band: LRX 7 p.m.- Budapest program: HAT4 12 mid. -Northern Messenger; messages to those *9 p.m. -El Salvadorian program: YSD 7:30 p.m.-World of Science: WIXAL (6.04) in the Arctic: VE9DN CRCX ADDRESS CITY STATE Time shown in programs is EST. For CST subtract 1 hour; for MST, 2 hours; for PST, 3 hours