Complete Programs for Week Ending December 18 a E Radio Guide Ten Cents

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Complete Programs for Week Ending December 18 a E Radio Guide Ten Cents COMPLETE PROGRAMS FOR WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 18 A E RADIO GUIDE TEN CENTS DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. "Silver Theater" star LOWELL THOMAS In "Spelling Bee" MAE WEST Visits with Charlie McCarthy ROSE BAMPTON On "Chesterfield Hour" ERNA SACK World's highest soprano CORDELL HULL Tells what the Bible means to America LISTEN TO THEM! Helen Jepson -of "General Motors" program As she appears in costume in "The Goldwyn Fol "ies" SCOOP: AN EXCLUSIVE PICTURE -STORY OF THE LIFE OF ELSIE HITZ Vol. 7. No. 9 HAPPY C U R T I S LISTENING MITCHELL Editor Nothing Sacred HAVE you ever taken a long trip - just to get away from it all -and run into your next -door neighbor when you got there? Funny, isn't it, how Medal of Merit glad you are to see a familiar face after us a couple A Weekly Award for Excellence in Broadcasting all! That's what happened to of nights back. We got to thinking about "King Pop" lying in his bed in Cleveland- remember, James H. Street AWARDED TO ANDRE KOSTELANETZ told his story in last week's Radio Guide? It began to get us. "Jim Street," we determined, "you can't get away with HE first story we shall tell about achievement is always mysterious this!" So we went to a movie to forget IAndre Kostelanetz has to do and wonderful. It is said of Tosca- the whole thing, and saw Fredric March with some of the physical facts nini that he lives only for perfection and Carole Lombard in "Nothing Sa- cred." As soon as we stopped sitting in of his life. His birth, for example, in in music; that he drives himself to ladies' laps and spilling all our popcòrn, the great swampy city of St. Peters- achieve it, that he spares no one the first thing we saw flashed on the burg, Russia. His first public ap- who delivers less than perfection. screen was "From an original story by pearance as a pianist at the age of Great artists must all have this inner James H. Street!" And were we glad! fun than meeting your eight. His early tutelage in German, fire. This is not the place to probe It was much more roommate in Somaliland -and better French, Italian, Spanish, Finnish. Mr. Kostelanetz' heart or mind while still, Street turned out a comedy this As a youth of twenty, he was the he sat in a humble Columbia Broad- time that laughed our hat right off our assistant conductor of the Imperial Grand casting job hearing the golden knock of op- lap in every scene. We recommr'nd it Opera House. He struggled through the portunity. Let it only be said that he rose for you, whether or not you're unhappy You revolution, rehearsing when bullets were steadily in the esteem and praise of all who about "King Pop" or anyihing else. won't be when you've seen it! He has whistling overhead, giving performances worked with him. a swell story in this week's Radio Guide, was when the opera singers were forced to wear When the Chesterfield program to be too, on pages 2 and 3. fur coats and the orchestra and audience sat placed in new hands several years ago, its wrapped in great bear rugs. That is the fa- direction was entrusted to this newcomer Swing Scenes about the nicest thing we've ever miliar story of the background of the gen- who seemed to do everything so well. JUST tlemanly conductor who has become one of His subsequent record is well known. In seen Bob Crosby do is refuse to sing. That doesn't mean we don't think Bing's the great maestros in American broadcasting. 1936 Radio Guide's readers demanded an little brother hasn't got a swell voice and a he had made The second and lesser -known story has to acknowledgment of program a swell band. He can croon in our ear do with the Kostelanetz who was at first into a genuine contribution to finer broad- any evening, and George Gershwin's holding just one of those many jobs broad- casting. Accordingly, he was awarded his "Summer Time" is never so welcome as casters give to men of musical knowledge first Radio Guide Medal of Merit. when it themes Bob's band into our loud- speaker. But this particular time when and background. Certain programs and cer- With this issue, the editors of Radio Guide Bob didn't sing was when he held a tain responsibilities were entrusted to him in are acknowledging again the qualities which benefit "jam session." He said that his the course of the day's work. What began make the man, and the qualities which make singing wasn't as "hot" as his band's to happen thereafter is at least par- his Chesterfield program the stimu- music, so lie wouldn't intrude. That kind in tial proof of the ancient story of lating and satisfying joy it is. of Crosby modesty showed up right our own ranks last week. Gene Lester, the world beating a pathway to Because of a career which has Radio Guide's "singing cameraman," whoever builds a better mousetrap. demonstrated once again that solid who's been appearing on shows to take For soon the world was at Mr. merit can triumph above flashy su- pictures of the things you'd see if you Kostelanetz' door. Opportunity was perficialities, and because a world were broadcasting yourself, went to the Swing Session bring knocking not loudly but gently. It of radio listeners beats a weekly Saturday Night to back alive a set of pictures of the na- was enough for the man who had path to his musical mousetrap, we tives and their rites. Paul Douglas, the survived the Russian revolution by are awarding for the second year in talking witch -doctor, asked him to sing, living on thin soup from a communal succession to Andre Kostelanetz and but Gene allowed he was a "singing cameraman," not a "swinging camera- pot in a Russian opera house. Andre K ostelanetz his Chesterfield program Radio man." So,- while Gene didn't sing, he The way of a man's personal ...hear d a knock Guide's Medal of Merit. did capture some tricky shots for pages 6 and 7 of this week's issue. Swing right over and have a look, won't you? RADIO GUIDE (Trade Mark Registered U. S. Pat. Office). Volume VII. Number 9. Week Ending December 18, 1937. Published weekly by Ilegal Press, Inc. Entered as second -class matter at the Poet Office. Chicago, Illinois, February 24, 1932, under act of March 3, 1879. Authorized by Post Office Department, Ottawa, Canada, as second -class matter. Copyright 1837, by Regal Press, Inc. All rights reserved Editorial. Adret tiling, Circulation and Business Offices, 731 Plymouth ('curt, Chicago, Illinois. Arnold Kruse. President; George d'Utass,y, General Manager; Curtis Mitchell. Aire- President: Ed Zoty. Circulation Manager. Unsolicited manuscripts should he accompanied by stamped. self -addressed em-elope for return. Ten cents per ropy in the United States. Subscription rates in the U. S. and possessions and countries of the Pan -American Postal Union: six months, $2.50; one year, $4.00. Subscription rates in foreign countries: six months, $5.00; one year, $8.110. Remit by postal money order, express money order, or check drawn to order of RADIO GUIDE. Currency sent at subscriber's risk. N 7/9 SUNDAY, DEC. 12 PREVIEWS OF SOME OF THE BETTER WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15 Music ... Elizabethan REGULAR AND SPECIAL BROADCASTS Rose Bampton ... all- American The Madrigal Singers, assisted by Andre Kostelanetz introduces Rose Yella Pessl, begin a new series. Bampton on "Chesterfield Hour." NBC, Sunday, 10:30 a.m. EST. CBS, Wednesday, 9 p.m. EST. Listeners will hear madrigals popular guest of "Chase and Sanborn." Richard Wagner's great master- Miss Bampton, American -born, Amer- in England during Elizabeth's time, NBC, Sunday at 8 p.m. EST. piece to be broadcast over NBC, her debut Monday, at 11:30 p.m. EST. ican- trained soprano, made interspersed with harpsichord music Possessor of America's most famous at the Metropolitan Opera House of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, feminine form, Miss ( "Come Up and Singing the leading roles will be when she was only _twenty- three. Miss Bampton's picture and complete program are to played by Miss Pessl. See Me Sometime ") West always "gets Kirsten Flagstad, soprano; Lauritz be found on page 8. Fora complete Story about "The Madrigal Singers," please turn to page 5. her man." This Sunday evening she'll Melchior, tenor; Gertrud Wettergren, "get" Casanova McCarthy. contralto, and Emanuel List, basso. American Art ... symposium Lowell Thomas Bob Trout conducts a preview of George Bye ... orthography the American Artists' Congress. "NBC Spelling Bee" features teams CBS, Wednesday, 10:45 p.m. EST. of Commentator Thomas and Au- A three- cornered discussion between thor's Agent Bye. Over NBC Sun- day at 1:30 p.m. EST. William Gropper, young American art- ist; Jerome Klein, art critic of New This week brings together Thomas' York Post, and Mrs. Julianna Force, "Nine Old Men" and Bye's "Prehis- head of the Whitney Museum of Art. toric Sluggers." The names are carried over from last wars, summer's softball Studio Apartment horrific which saw both teams in action. ... For more information about this "spelling Bee," pleas, turn page 4. "Lights Out" thriller will be "Stu- to dio Apartment." Over NBC, Wed- nesday, at 12:30 a.m. EST.
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