God’s Happy Thought

Heaven’s Handyman

Table of Contents

1. Rick Joyner ………………………………………p Free the beat

2. Charles Ndifon ………………………………..p Presence

3. Michael Zeitler ………………………………..p Foreign language

4. Barbara Yoder …………………………………p There comes a place

5. Sandra Kennedy ………………………………p Mouth command

6. Cherie Calbom ………………………………..p Teach them

7. Barbie Breathit ……………………………….p Only believe

8. Rodney Howard Browne …………………p Heal mom at home

9. Randy Clark …………………………………….p Hot pan healing

10. Sandra Teplinsky …………………………….p Life force

11. Mel Bond ……………………………………….p Release the anointing

12. Mary Baxter ………………………………..…p 30 Nights

13. Bruce Marchiano ……………………………p Punch line

14. Larry Randolph ……………………………...p Like a haze

15. Paul Keith Davis ……………………………..p Militant people

16. Steve Thompson …………………………...p Hot lines

17. Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda ………....p Ruling class

18. Patricia King …………………………………..p Sacred time

19. Aliss Cresswell ……………………………....p Free miracles

20. Kathie Walters ……………………………….p Three people

21. Joan Hunter …………………………………...p Witty inventions

22. John Bevere …………………………………..p Please don’t stop!

23. Jim Stanley …………………………………….p Will you come out? 24. Bill Morford ……………………………………p Defined eye

25. David Jones …………………………………….p Trembling and shaking

26. Gary Whetstone …………………………….p Effectiveness

27. Mike Shreve …………………………………..p To the Lord

28. Tommy Welchel …………………………….p Box

29. Norvel Hayes …………………………………p Could have got healed

30. L.A. Marzulli ………………………………….p Fallen

31. Don Gossett ………………………………….p Speak the authority

32. David Herzog ………………………………..p For My glory

33. Craig Hill ……………………………………....p Blessing Principle

34. Tom Horn and Cris Putnam …………..p Part pope

35. Marilyn Hickey ………………………………p Go

36. John Benefiel ………………………………..p Transfer to the church

37. John McTernan ……………………………..p For Israel

38. Faisal Malick & Khalida Wukawitz …p Into the light

39. Walid Shoebat ……………………………….p Jihad to Jesus

40. Rebecca Greenwood ………………..…..p She looked up

41. Bill Ligon ……………………………………....p Break the curse

42. Mark Virkler ……………………………………p God in a dream

43. Matt Sorger …………………………………..p Deep roots

44. Chuck Pierce ………………………………….p Relate to Israel

45. Leif Hetland ………………………………....p Dream loan

46. Renny McLean ……………………………….p Work your faith

47. Peter Horrobin ……………………………….p Jesus in a genocide

48. Charles Vance ………………………………..p Wealth transfer 49. John Paul Jackson ………………………….p Invading places

50. Dutch Sheets ………………………………….p Violent love

51. Peggy Joyce Ruth …………………………..p Psalms 91 science

52. Caroline Leaf, Ph.D ………………………..p Brain beauty

53. Dean Braxton ………………….…….……….p Biggest family reunion

54. John Fenn ………………………….…………..p Heaven trained

55. Robert Heidler …………………….…………p Church sweep

56. Brian Lake …………………………….……….p Floor things

57. Bobby Conner …………………………….…p Think function

58. Becky Fischer ………………………….…….p For those

59. Brigitte Gabriel ……………………….…….p Protection point

60. Jim Rutz …………………………….………….p Hear this

61. Tommy Tenney ………………….…………p How to enter

As Jim Rutz told Sid Roth, we’re not “backsliding.” The day I left the Revelation 3:16 church, I started hearing from God. Our intimacy and level of trust have grown to the point where together, in three (3) days’ time, God and I edited the interviews and transcribed the quotes in this book, so you could read His happy thought. Sections were removed (like commercials in the middle of a good movie) so He can enjoy some alone time with you. It results in a book that silences other voices allowing you to learn the truths He wants you to.

He teaches us to take our thoughts captive the same way He does. There is spiritual terminology that is normally capitalized, however He and I want to set the record straight. So you will find them in lower case, while His name will always be lifted up. You’ll notice that grammar was not our focus. You’ll read country talk, terms heard around the word, slang, proper speech… Demonstrating how much He loves us, you’ll actually hear God respond in each person’s vernacular. Yet, I learned from Him that words matter a lot! I also learned what a true testimony sounds like to Him. As human beings we speak from our own unique cultural and spiritual context, as do those quoted in this book. While we all have stories to tell, the ones He’s interested in, center on what He’s doing in and through those who are willing to believe.

I learned how much He enjoys the way we cycle through Dr. Caroline Leaf’s 7 pillars of thought, from Psalms 9:1. Use the quotes you’re about to read, to help identify where you and your child are spiritually.

The most fun I had while co-working with God on this project, was learning about His comforting sense of humor. We played a game of word search where I identified the headings He wanted for each quote. I’d scroll down line by line, and He’d let me know where to stop. When I would come to a topic that really excited me, and right when I was ready to ask Him for words for a particular author, He’d switch the game to freeze tag. Did you know He’s child-like too? Like when I was reading about Rebecca Greenwood’s ministry of deliverance for troubled children. It’s a topic that hit a personal pain point, so He lightened that burden fast! Thinking I’d found which word He wanted me to emphasize, suddenly I realized He didn’t want anything from that section at all, completely moving the bar on me. I laughed so hard, because I started to sense when He was about to do it again! He’s the ultimate Friend and Lover!

Since God said He would be our children’s Teacher, resulting in them having great peace, invite Him to read this book with you and your child. Respond by focusing on what gets their attention. Take a break when your child(ren) signal(s) you. Set aside your agenda, your history and the rules that others play by. Expect to interact with your child on a higher level than you do now. Since it’s a place that belongs to them, this will expand your understanding of what heaven is like.

You’re certain to encounter stealing, killing, destruction and more. Ask God to show you His heart. And overriding it all, you’ll be awakened by an eternal sense of purpose that invites you to combine Mark Virkler’s steps to dreaming, along with Joan Hunter’s tool for discovering witty inventions. Upgrade your concept of the kitchen with Cherie Calbom. Or ride along when Barbie Breathit mistakes God’s voice for her horse. With so many heavenly resources to choose from, my youngest and I co-create an entire curriculum that includes take-a-ways from these interviewees. So do share yours. Adelaide Home Office Mommy Zindler

There is a religious spirit that I don’t believe is the Holy Spirit, that puts a great yoke of restraint… They [musicians] felt like in church they could not use their gifts… When we first started that channel in Europe, we were drawing sometimes 50% nonbelievers… We tell people not to listen to it while they’re driving because so many get speeding tickets. It’s intense!

(1) Rick Joyner, Prophet on Its Supernatural

There’s one thing about reading about a person and getting to meet the person….I read that scripture that says “If anyone loves Me, My Father and I will come and manifest ourselves to them.” When I read that I said, “Jesus, I love you! Show yourself to me!” When a gentleman laid hands on me and went to the next person, Jesus appeared to me… The first thought that came to my mind was, ‘I really am dead. Oh Jesus I’m so sorry! I repent of everything over and over again’. I could not contain His presence. I got to meet Jesus… It was amazing!”

(2) Charles Ndifon, Prophet on Its Supernatural

Joe Cohen says to me, “That was a nice story but do you know Jesus?” and he witnessed to me, and spoke to me about his story of how he came to know Jesus, and said, “Do you want to know Him?” And I said, “Yes!” That night that I accepted him, it was over and hour and half in the parking lot with him [Joe]. And I gave up all these little good luck things and paraphernalia that I use to carry around with me. I threw it all in the garbage can that night…

They were very insistent about me being Jewish and knowing Jesus… And at the end the leader invited me up, and they said, “Let me lay hands on you!” And they put their hands on my body and said, “There it is! There it is!” And I’m, “What?” All of a sudden I feel something bubbling Sid, out of my stomach and language, sounded like a foreign language came out of me, and it went on for 2-hours. Yeah! I couldn’t stop!

(3) Michael Zeitler, Rabbi on Its Supernatural

He [Dietrich Bonhoeffer] said that, “There comes a place where every single one of us has to take a leap of faith…” I was trying to figure out if God existed or not. And that one line caused me to stop immediately and say, “God if you exist I have a few things to talk over with you.” What do you do? You take a leap of faith. I had no idea what faith was. I mean it was miraculous, because I was as cold, as calculating as you could be. I had no access to my emotions. But the minute I said that I felt down deep inside of me a door open up, because Jesus walked into the room. I mean, you know what an intellectual’s like. And I was considered at the time an intellectual’s intellectual…

(4) Barbara Yoder, Pastor on Its Supernatural [At 9-years old] I was just walking around my house one day, and I heard Him say one day, “I will use you in the healing ministry…” [then as an adult] I got to the hospital and the very first thing the nurse said to me was, “Where is your lip?” … I grabbed hold of the doctor’s hands, and I said, ‘Well, you know this is my lip, my face. Let’s pray. I’ll never have surgery!’ When they told me that no matter, even with the surgery they said I’d never be able to smile again, I’d never see all my teeth again and I’d never even be able to speak. I’m a preacher!… So when the conference came around my nose is sitting basically over here. My whole mouth is wop-sided. I can speak only out of this side of this little corner of the mouth...

[10 days later] I went on and had the conference. And I’m teaching um on healing and I’m on, ‘I’m a who- so-ever going after my what-so-ever, and in between me and my what-so-ever is a mountain. And the says, “Speak to that mountain!” Well my mountain was this mouth and this lip.’ And so when I got to that place in the service teaching them how to grab hold of their healing, I turned around and said, ‘It’s every man for himself!” And I turned my back to the complete audience, threw my hands up in the air, and began to tell that lip in the name of Jesus to move itself, because I had already been speaking to it Sid. I had already told the doctor I would not look at any book that had any cleft lips or anything in it. I would not look at it! I would not get that picture in my mind. I had already put on every wall in my house a picture of me smiling, and I mean a beautiful smile of course, all over my house! And that’s what I looked at. That’s what I wanted in my mind. So when I turned my back on the congregation I began to command that lip just like this. ‘In the name of Jesus I command you lip, in Jesus name to reform, reshape, and to materialize, and to grow in Jesus name!’ I took my fingers and I began to speak to it. ‘I command you to move!’

(5) Sandra Kennedy, Preacher, on Its Supernatural

In my dream I saw Jesus come into the room where my lifeless body was lying, at the door where I had fallen, and pick me up and He did CPR. Jesus does CPR like nobody with His mouth over my nose and mouth, then blew into my body the breath of life... And I saw like an electric shock: like my body just came to life, and then I saw Him carry me out all the way out the door, out of the bedroom… There just happened to be the top hand surgeon in all of Orange County, California at the hospital, at 6:30 in the morning, when they needed to do surgery. But he said, “I could only sew you up. You will never use your right hand again. It’s just bone fragments and powder… Cracked teeth… Part of my scalp was torn off of my head… I was praying and crying out to the Lord. “Where do I stand with You? Will I be healed? Will I be deformed and handicapped?’ I heard the voice of an angel the next morning at 5 in the morning …. A beautiful voice saying, “Cherie! Look at your hand.” It was out of the removable cast and moving…

And it was a vision. And the Lord took me to a battlefield, and I saw His soldiers lying on the battlefield with their armor askew: helmets and swords and shields. And I saw labels on these people of what they were suffering from. Arthritis, headaches, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, fibromyalgia, limes disease… on and on. And I saw because they were down, they weren’t up with their armor the enemy was especially beating up on them, kicking them and beating them because they were down. And the Lord said to me, “Go to my people and speak truth to them. Teach them how to care for their bodies, because they are down, because they’re eating the same foods the world is eating. And He said, “Come out from among them My people, and be you separate!” (6) Cherie Calbom, Nutritionist on Its Supernatural

‘Pastor, when are we going to do the stuff?’ He said, “What are you talking about?” I said, ‘You know! The things we hear about in the Bible, raising the dead, blind eyes opening, cripples being healed, the lame walking…’ He goes, “Oh honey! That was only for a certain dispensation of time, and that time has passed. That was only for the time of the apostles.” So I thought, ‘Well why did God stop loving people, caring about people: being relevant for the time that we live in now, because I knew there were people that I knew that were sick, that needed healing… I was pondering these things in my heart and I said, ‘Why did You change? Why are You not the God that did these miracles?’ And an audible voice of God spoke to me as I was riding my horse and I thought, ‘Must be the horse talking to me.’ And I heard my name called three times… And again the voice of God called me by name… and what He said to me was, “I change not! I am the same yesterday, today and forever.” He said, “Barbie, if you will only believe, the same anointing that flowed through the apostles of old, will flow through you with signs, wonders and miracles.”

(7) Barbie Breathit, on Its Supernatural

Well I walked in the living room and mom was sitting there just beside herself, laughing uncontrollably! And I said to my father, to my dad, I said, ‘What’s happening to mom?’ He said, “Jesus is touching her.” Now what people don’t know, was that my mom had fallen and broken her arm in about 3 different places: very bad break, and God had miraculously healed her. And it was actually that afternoon and she was being healed. Well she ended up cutting the cast off of her arm after 4 days totally healed… She was being touched by the power of God in her home, and I saw that!

(8) Rodney Howard Browne, Preacher on Its Supernatural

[At 5 years old] It was my grandmother, my mother’s mother, and she was illiterate, a simple woman but she had just been saved: and she hadn’t been a Christian very long. And she hears the audible voice of God tell her that, “If you will go into the other bedroom (it was about 10-feet away) and pray, I’ll heal you. So she just simply steps into the other bedroom and just prayed. She said, “It felt like a hot pan went down my throat and it instantly vanished.” And that was my first story of healing, and it made me interested in healing ever since.

When I went into the ministry I went into a Baptist college, but I went very liberal, and went into religious studies, and it almost caused me to lose my faith. What kept me from losing my faith was I knew the healings were real, and I couldn’t deny that. And so almost everything else supernatural was being denied by my teachers, and I couldn’t buy it because I’d been healed.

He was spiritualizing the text of the woman with the issue of blood and I was spiritualizing the same way he had many times, and in the middle of that I started, just tears gushing down my eyes… I felt like they were shooting out and I’m thinking, ‘What is it? It has nothing to do with the sermon. It’s not that good! What are you doing?’ And I felt like I heard an impression. “I want you to teach that I still heal today to this church, and I want you to have a conference on healing in this church. And I want you to preach differently, more of My words and less of yours.” He said, “No more three points and a poem.” (9) Randy Clark, Pastor on Its Supernatural

I was brought up to believe it [the New Testament] was the forbidden book. And actually the reason that I took one in my hands and read it, was that I was attempting to disprove the gospel… When I read the New Testament it conveyed a love and life force, which we know is the Holy Spirit, that seemed to jump off the pages and into my heart like nothing else that I had read. And it was also so Jewish a book. It was so Jewish that as I flipped through the pages I thought, ‘Either, this is the world’s best kept secret, this is what so-called is, or because I’m finding myself believing it and I’m finding it so consistent with the old testament, which I knew as the Hebrew scriptures, that if I believe this I’m really going to hell! I’m doomed: one extreme or the other…’ I became convinced it was true.

(10) Sandra Teplinsky, Attorney on Its Supernatural

Well they laid the child on the platform. It was a little boy. He was dead. And they said he was dead. They said they’d taken him to the doctor. And the doctor said, “He’s dead!” He looked dead, you know. So they asked me if I would pray, so I did pray. And the real truth of the matter is after I prayed he didn’t rise up immediately… I am convinced that the Word of God is truth, and once we release the anointing of God we’ve got to have confidence that it has gone forth. And then I went ahead and started preaching, and it wasn’t within my goodness, couldn’t have been more than 4-minutes, and the little boy got up and started walking. That’s when the crowd came unglued!

(11) Mel Bond, Pastor on Its Supernatural

I was in and Jesus Christ appeared to me in human form. There was a brilliant light came into my bedroom. When the light cleared up, there stood Jesus. And He said, “I have appeared to you for a reason and a purpose, that I may take you on a journey and show you the depths, the degrees, the levels and torments of hell.” He said, “It’s for the whole world. It’s not for a handful of people.” And He explained to me how ahead of me it would be horrors and sorrows and grief, because he would actually talk to some of the dead in hell. And I would have to record it.

It was like the 20th night into hell. I went to hell every night, 3-hours a night for 20 nights. It bothers me because of people that go to hell are lost, and there’s no more hope for them. It’s in the middle of the earth, and it’s in the shape of a human body. And it’s on its back. And there’s different levels, different degrees, different fires of torment. There’s a gateway. It’s called tunnels. There’s kind of like tunnels or tornados, and they spin around and back again in the atmosphere, and they’re hooked to the earth. And they call them tunnels, but Jesus calls them gateways to hell. And that’s when they die, and they rejected God. They actually descend down this gateway into hell. Well it was on about the 20th night and the Lord told me. He said, “You may not see me but I’m here. There’s something you have to go through for this revelation, because you’ve got to know that you know that you know that this is real!

And an evil presence, an evil demon, they came over and they touched me and they said, “Your Jesus has left you. And when they did, it was like a million raiser-blades went through my body, and I was in the spirit form, but I had all my senses, you know. And my body was at home on the bed and I understood everything. I understood why people were in hell, the moans and the screams of the dead. And then another demon came up and they said, “We’re gonna put you in this compartment, and Jesus has left you.” And they were laughing and mocking. And I was put in an area where the fire was racing toward my feet in a jail cell, and Sid it burned! I could actually feel it burning me. I was in the spirit and it was burning my legs, and I was screamin and screamin and screamin. And I said, ‘Jesus where are You?’ and I began to quote the Word of the Lord, and as I did that, the demons would scream and they would back up. And I’d say, ‘By the blood of the Jesus I’m saved. I’ve been redeemed. What am I doing here?’ Cause it was like the lost sinner. It really was! The smell of stench, of sewers, the smell of burning rotten flesh. The air was so thin you could hardly breathe. And the awful part was the cries of the dead, the moans and the groans of the regret, because they missed Jesus. And demons remind them that they could have had Jesus. They could have been born again, and been saved from eternity damnation.

Jesus spoke to many, but the main one that really was comin to mind was a woman, Ok? She used to be a minister of God’s word. Ok? And her husband committed adultery. He fell from grace and so he went to her, and told um that he had been tempted and did the sin, and would she forgive him. And she told him, “NO!” And he went to the pastor and asked the pastor. And they all forgave him and prayed for him, because he was tempted of the devil. And the woman got very angry and she said, “Here I am preachin God’s word and I’m so holy and he’s so sinful!” But what happened. She quit reading her Bible. She quit praying. And she eventually let satan in her heart with hatred and malice. And she took a gun, and she killed the other woman, and she killed her husband, and she killed herself! She ended up in hell. And the affair had ended a long time ago, but she had such bitterness Sid that Jesus spoke to her. He said, “You should have lived what you preached. You should have forgiven. You should have understood…” That’s what Jesus told her. And He said, “Instead you yielded to the devil and sin entered into your heart: hatred and sin.” That’s what He told her.

Many of them would [try to talk to Him]. They were from different nations. Ok! Different languages, but He understood all of them. And when people go to hell Sid, it’s a, whatever lifetime of sin they committed. If they were liars they’re put with liars. If they were murderers. Yeah! Like in Galations, the book of Galatians, the 17 works of the flesh. If they were murderers they’re put with murderers. And as Christ would walk they would reach their bony hands up, because they were skeletons: dead man’s bones. They didn’t have hair, flesh, bones or organs. But they could talk. They could turn and they would scream and they’d say, “Put the fires out! Don’t let us burn anymore! And they would cry for repentance some of um. But some would curse the Lord! Some would scream at Him and say, “Why didn’t my neighbor warn me? Why didn’t they take me to church?” And you would hear the cries of the multitudes…

[He did this…] For the purpose to win the lost, and to let them know, and prepare them for the coming of the Lord… Some of the worst things. There were two very, very dramatic! One was the vats of fire. Like on the 15th night the angel of Lord was in the presence there, but Jesus was with me. And there was a place where people’s souls that just died on the earth came, and they would throw um into liquid, boiling fire mixed with hot lava. And this was the judgment of God upon the abominables. People that taught false doctrine to people: people that lied and deliberately blasphemed God that knew better... And then there was a river that flowed all through the beginning of my journey. It was maybe like 6ft wide and so deep, and flames came up like 10-feet, and in it was chained together their skeletons by the thousands. And the Word of God was written in the fires, Lovers of their own flesh more than God’s commandments. Men lovin men and women lovin women… They were chained with a black chain Sid, that they went through the current of fire all through hell. And like 60 to 80 miles an hour. Well their bones were charred red. And they would scream and scream saying, “No man cares for my soul!” And they would say, “Warn the people not to come here!” And most of the people in hell would scream that. “Tell my family not to come to hell! Tell um to accept the Messiah as their Savior!” That’s what they would say. They cry and no one cares, and they’ll curse each other you know. It’s horrible! And there’s another section of the heart of hell that’s bad. The heart of hell is for hypocrites and backbiters. It’s a real heart, big as a football field. And its’ got snake’s skin on it. And it beats like a real heart, and in it is put people that are hypocrites, backbiters, that really hurt the church’s, hurt the pastors, even hurt programs that are real like yours. And they get warnings and warnings and warnings on the earth, but they don’t stop.

Hell is very, very real! There’s no escape once you get there. There you’re turned over to your tormenters. While you’re on the earth you need to repent and turn into God. But when you’re down there you cry for mercy. There’s no mercy! Those demons in hell and so evil! They will touch you. Like I said before, like thousands of raiser-blades go through your body. And also there’s worms that bore on your bones and that’s out of Ezekiel about the worms. And the cries of the dead Sid are so awful! They moan. They regret wishing they’d listened to a preacher, wishing they’d read their Bible, wishing they’d gave their lives to the Lord Jesus, so they wouldn’t be in this place. And there’s no more hope. No more destiny and then they know it, the minute they descend in this gateway down to hell, that they missed God. And they became, like one preacher said, “They believe then the Bible.”

There was quite a few talkin to Jesus. They always talk to Jesus. And there was a man, really. He was really tall. His skeleton was tall, and he had a make believe Bible in his hand, and it was on fire. And he was preaching the word of the Lord in hell. And demons were stabbing him and telling him to shut up, and that satan was their god and all that. And I began to listen to them and I turned to Jesus. And Jesus was in the human form Sid, by the way. He was all in the human form. He actually cried in hell. Tears would come down His face… That’s why Christ was crying. He said, “I shed my blood that they would not come here.” You know God is a righteous God and He has to judge righteously. Sid they were talkin. This man was talking. Ok? “Peace be still old man!” And he said, “Lord I repent now to You! I’ll do the right thing now Lord, if You’ll just give me back my body.” He said, “I know you can do this!” He said, “I won’t be prejudice anymore. I won’t lie anymore.” He said, “I won’t steal from the church anymore.” And he said, “I was a preacher of Your word and sin entered in my heart, and I yielded my heart to the devil, and I compromised.” He said, “I compromised You and I did wicked things.” And he said, “Lord I’ve been here many years and I cannot die.” And he was judged, you know burnin in hell. Ok! There was another person. There was like on one side of the belly of hell. You know the belly of hell was 17 miles long and 3 miles high. There was a whole bunch of people back over there moanin and groanin and screamin… And one man in particular was screamin. And we went over to him and Christ said, “Peace! Be still.” He was in hell. He had a skeleton form. He had real blood on his hands. And Jesus said, “The blood of many is upon your hands.” Cause he used to serve the Lord, and he used to teach about the Holy Spirit. He had the Holy Spirit and then he quit teachin, and the Holy Spirit left him because of his sins Sid. The man began to sin against serving God. He was serving God. That’s in Ezekiel. You know the righteous? You know if you see the sword comin you have to warn the people. But he wouldn’t do that. He would compromise. He wanted money more than God’s commandments, and he told God. Him and Jesus talked. And He said that, “When you began to open seminars and to sin against the Holy Spirit is when the judgment came upon you.” He said, “If you’d have judged yourself you would not be here. If you’d have repented.” It’s always about repentance.

Jesus would stress about His blood to these souls that were lost. He would say, “If you’d only believed the gospel. If you’d only believed that my blood was shed to wash away any sin you ever committed, I would have done it. If you’d have only repented and called upon Me!” He stressed that all through hell. And He means just what He says, that it was His blood that was shed on Calvary, if we would believe that He’s the Son of God, that He came to wash away our sins. And He’d stress that and say, “You wouldn’t be in hell if you’d only have believed.”

[Now back on earth] I was praying for this person that was choking: actually chocking. And I believe in the blood of Jesus and I believe in the covenant of Jesus Christ. As we began to pray, all of that immediately left, cause it was a spirit that attacked them. And another one, a child had a high fever and we covered um with prayer and the blood of Jesus. And the Spirit of the power of God came on me, and I rebuked and it instantly broke through the blood of Jesus… We were in a church Sid where angels were standing as we were praying. Excuse me. Singing the song, ‘The Blood Line’. As we sang it I saw a line of large angels standing and holding a line of the blood, what’s called the blood line all around the church, all around the people. And at times when we’d plead the blood I actually, you’d see a shield of red come down over that person and they’d begin to get healed. They’d begin to get delivered. And if there was a cancer in their body, sometimes God lets me see it, red goes on the dark spot and burns out the cancer.

…. Children grow up in heaven to the age of maturity. They’re called the innocent. Ok! And the other scripture Sid is when, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, for such is the Kingdom of God.” And they go to school in heaven. They’re taught by the redeemed and they’re taught by angels… Sid God gives um [the elderly] a glorified body. If they die a hundred when the angels get done with um and take um before God, they look 33-years old.

There were different praises, different types and levels of music. There was a piano 40-feet across. There was a trumpet 35-feet long, and different types of different music now. Like we have the Italian band in the Bible, they actually, I saw people dancing and spinning to what sounded like Italian music. There was Jewish music too. Yep!

Well Ok! There’s archives in heaven. Rooms of books, Ok! The first, I saw several rooms, but one room particular I feel like sharing was where God has books He wants to bring down, and give people to write: books from heaven. Yes! He wants to give um revelation knowledge. And then there were other books of prophesies, prayer… And there’s also anointing oils to be released. There’s like viles of oil up there in a certain room. It’s for certain ministers too. God will send the angels to anoint us more sometimes… And also there was a group of angels that God sends, and He calls um the Northern army. And Sid they’re very, big, big angels, 30-ft high. They have huge wings. They have a face like you wouldn’t believe of determination. They have a sword on their side bigger than a man, with flames coming out of them. The stallions that they’re on are so high, and 4-ft across… When the of the saints come up to God, then they go to the record room. Then they come before the throne. The Lord opens up the prayer book and smoke comes out of it and perfume. And the Lord speaks and His voice is like many waters. He tells them, “Go to earth and answer her prayers. Go to earth and answer her prayer.” And when the book is opened the pages come out and go in the rider’s hands. And they gallop to earth to answer our prayers. They do warfare for us.

I’ll tell you the truth Sid. Most places I go, everywhere I go they hear the story and they want to be saved. They want Christ in their heart. And once you get to talk, to really talk, their little hearts just melt, because they really don’t want to go to this place. So I rarely meet anybody that doesn’t want to be saved.

(12) Mary Baxter, Priest on Its Supernatural

The film that we did was literally word for word, the gospel of Matthew. So as an actor I had to memorize every word… So I had to really have those words down. And for a serious season of life all I ate was the word of God… I remember it was the second or third day of shooting and I had yet to grasp this about Jesus. And cameras were being set up and we were in a marketplace scene… And I was just praying, ‘Lord show me what it all looks like through Your eyes.’ I was just trying to gain a mindset, a perspective… I’m praying that prayer, and in the middle of it just a shot of pain, and I mean heart pain like never imagined a heart could hurt, just riffled me through my heart. And it was just a moment of a moment… Yeah! It was like an elephant had stepped on my heart and remember I just exploded in tears … I couldn’t regain myself for a good hour, hour and a half. Just weeping at the depth of pain. And here’s the punch line. And in the middle of it scripture kind of rose in my heart. “He had compassion on the crowds, because they were harassed and helpless without a shepherd.” And I knew that the Lord was giving me just a billionth of a billionth of a glimpse of His heart for lost people who won’t come to Him. His heart for anyone and this is it: who would choose to live his or her life outside of the fullness of the plan and the hope He has for their lives.

(13) Bruce Marchiano, Actor on Its Supernatural

My first memories of life is under a church pew, and hearing my father preach. But my father really did have an extraordinary gift. He knew things… For instance when people would come to the church for the first time, there would be on occasion he would know their names. He would know their cities…

In a nutshell broken receivers actually have its beginnings in the Garden of Eden. It was in the Garden of Eden that God created Adam and Eve, and there was this incredible communication. Scripture said that He walked and talked with Adam and Eve. And because of the fall there was this disconnect. Adam and Eve were disenfranchised from the voice of the Lord. And so they lost that sweet communication. That talk. That fellowship with God in the garden for centuries and centuries, which of course is being reestablished through Jesus. And He is the Reconnector to those broken receivers. Actually He’s called the Word of God. There is no other way to regain that. He is the only way. He is the voice. He is the express image of the Father, is what the Bible says. And He is the door. He Himself said, “I’m the door.” Impressions and what I mean by impression. There’s a feeling. A intuition. A perceptiveness. A gut feeling. I know you’ve had it where you go. It’s that faint feeling where you feel something but you’re unsure. And you go, ‘ Oh! That was just me.” And a week later you find out that was absolutely correct. That was true.

And as this noise turned the corner I realized that it was a divine being…The awe was incredible and it was Jesus. He stooped over, and put His cheek on the screen window. And began to radiate the most incredible love I’ve ever seen in my life. Sid I don’t know how to say... Its’ been that long and I still want to weep when I think about it, because anything I’ve ever done. Anything I’ve ever thought. Anything I was ever going to do was just unconditionally forgiven by Him. If I would ask forgiveness I would be forgiven totally. But it was so strong that it took on form. It took on a red cloud. It was like a haze that hung in the atmosphere. And when I breathed it in I was breathing the liquid love of God, and I could hardly breathe!

(14) Larry Randolph, Prophet on Its Supernatural

When I was 12-years old I was standing in a window. And looking outside the window a cloud descended right outside the window and started talking to me, which was obviously pretty unusual for a young man. Was not churched and no real background of anything like that. But I said, ‘Who are you?’ In my mind, in my heart I asked the question, but to me an audible answer came back and said, “I’m God.” And through that experience the Lord set parameters in my life, knowing that I was going to go through several years of great hardship in our family following that experience. And the Lord just deposited in me an awareness of Him, and a love for Him, even though I didn’t understand it. Didn’t know the term being born again and knowing how to pray. But I knew He was out there and that He loved me.

…. With my wife laying in bed it was as if the back wall of our bedroom vanished. This happens in revelatory type encounters. I saw a wall of fire which startled me obviously. And behind the wall of fire was a man standing there. He was 3 dimensional, a very well built man if you want to put it in that term. He had a sword in his right hand lifted above his head. It was fear multiplied a thousand times, but it was the most wonderful and the most terrifying experience of my life clearly. And he looked at me and when he did, it was as if I was reduced to the cellular level, honestly. That’s the only description you can give. And he identified himself as part of; I believe it was the Captain of the Host. We find him in Joshua, you know chapter 5, verse 13 where he comes to help the people of Israel to distribute, to take the land of the promise and to distribute the inheritance. I believe he’s doing the same thing today. That we as a generation of people are about to inherit our promises… God is going to raise up a militant people that will begin to take the promise, to live it out in this generation...

(15) Paul Keith Davis, Prophet on Its Supernatural

The Bible says that every believer can prophesy. What that simply is, is hearing from God in any form or fashion, and speaking that to another person to help them along their way. I was 5 or 6-years old and began having dreams. And I would hear the Lord speak to me at night. I would hear my name called and I had no idea what this was. So I was just lost as to what this was. My family actually wondered if it was some sort of psychic phenomenon. So since this was the late 60’s, early 70’s this was a whole proliferation of psychic phenomenon and interest in that. And so for me I have a passion to see the supernatural taught and understood, so that little kids don’t go through what I went through...

This was down in South Florida, and this was a pastor we had trained to be able to hear from the Lord and minister prophetically. So he began doing some meetings in the Ft. Lauderdale area and inviting people. They would teach. And they would provide an opportunity for folks to move in the supernatural, hear from the Lord and speak to other people. This woman heard about it, comes to the meetings, went down, someone prayed for her: and began to speak into her life things that she knew no one could know about her naturally: only supernaturally. She began to tell them her story. She was actually an employee of one of the psychic hotlines, and she was so shocked by the voracity of their revelation, that she ended up giving her life to God and leaving her job at the Psychic Friends Network.

(16) Steve Thompson, Associate Director on Its Supernatural

We were in the ruling class called Rajput. Raj means king. And put means sons of kings… and I could trace back my name. In our ancestral home there was log of the names of past parents, great- grandparents. And there were, we could trace it back nearly about 800 years. I was brought up Hindu… so we had a little shrine in our house that she [my mother] would get up every day 5:00 in the morning and around 6 we would join her there… Around 15 [years old] or so I went to bow to the different images and talked to the priests there. And I came out and remember crying out, looking up at the sky. I said, ‘God I know you’re out there somewhere. I can’t sense your presence anywhere in this state. Where are You? I want You to know that if You are truth, show me Your truth.’

… He [Mahesh] proceeded to put his hands on me and prayed in the name of Jesus. And I was more astounded than anyone when I actually saw figures of three frogs that sort of came out of my mouth and hopped off. And I knew that the people around me didn’t necessarily see that. But I could see something real in the spirit realm that had been oppressing me, that I had opened my life to… in the name of Jesus now had left.

(17) Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, Pastors on Its Supernatural

My question was, “Dr. Oral Roberts, how could you be so immersed in all that you do. You know, as a televangelist, as a author of books, as a builder of medical clinics, and universities and missions, how do you keep your time with the Lord what it should be, relational time? He said, “Oh! That’s easy!” I thought. ‘Easy! Ok! Let’s have the secret.’ He said, “It’s simply putting God as a priority every day.” And he said, “I call it my sacred time and my sacred place. “ He said, “I go into my prayer closet wherever that is and when I shut the door, my own little isolated place with God, everyone knows that they don’t dare bother me during that time with God. And no one’s more important than God. He’s the greatest Person in all the universe! And for my life He has #1 priority.” He said, “My wife doesn’t interrupt me, my children. Even if the President of the United States were to come he could not interrupt me in that place.”

(18) Patricia King, Apostle on Its Supernatural I’m surprised by the number of people that come in. They’re just walking down the street. They’re doing their shopping. They’re coming to... they’re tourists, you know visiting Chester, and they see the sign. They come in asking about the free miracles.

(19) Aliss Cresswell, Café Chain Owner on Its Supernatural

It didn’t matter where you sat because the person next to you would tell you your name and address, or whatever. But I remember one Sunday this young guy got up, and he said, “The Lord showed me there’s three people here that are in adultery, I give you 10-seconds to stand up. And if you don’t stand up I’m gonna come in front of you. So people like shot to their feet! People around them prayed for them and it was just all over, and the meeting carried on.

(20) Kathie Walters, Angelologist on Its Supernatural

She [a hairdresser] was in a service and I spoke about finances, financial breakthrough… And I prayed over everybody to get witty inventions. So what happened is that God in the nighttime gave her a vision, and a dream about a piece of equipment for an opthamologist. She wasn’t even sure how to spell opthamologist. And so here she got this opthamologist design for eyes and so forth. And she goes, “What do I do with it?” So she kind of had it drawn up a little bit more professionally than just out of a deep sleep. She takes it to a group of opthamologists and they say, “This is absolutely the most incredible design I have ever seen in my entire life! Every opthamologist will have one of these. What we want to do before we go into manufacturing, before we go in we want to give you an advance on this invention. Now is it Ok? I know it’s really low they kept going.” And it was like ‘Uh! Yeah Ok! Give me a couple thousand dollars would be good.’ And the lady said, “We, we want to offer you $20,000,000 for your idea.”

(21) Joan Hunter, Pastor on Its Supernatural

What was normal for the church back then is not normal for us today, because they completely depended on the Holy Spirit.

I’m doing a national conference. It was a large Bible school and it was our 10th meeting. And I remember I had the women up front. And I remember all of a sudden all the women said they were called to ministry. You know Malaysia’s a Muslim state. All of a sudden the Spirit of our Father came in. The Spirit of God in the most loving way and these women start laughing hysterically. And they all collapsed all over the floor. Nobody caught um. Nobody touched um. And they were on the ground literally laughing hysterically… So I just sit down on the platform cause I’m out of this. Right? So I’m enjoying this. And I’m literally seeing these Asians, because they’re very quiet and reserved, on their backs rolling back and forth with their hands on their guts laughing hysterically. And I go, ‘That must be where holy rollers came from.’ I’m just a Catholic boy that got saved, so I’m just like, ‘Wow!’ Well then all of a sudden this loving presence lifts and an awesome presence comes in, almost wonderfully terrifying if this makes any sense. And I remember when this presence came in I thought, ‘Oh my goodness! Something’s changed.’ All of a sudden all these women at the same time without anybody saying a thing, stop laughing, and within seconds they start screaming like they were on fire. Now it wasn’t demonic. They were like on fire! Right? So I’m walking back and forth on the platform and I’m going, ‘Oh! My God!’ And that’s when I found out there’s a difference between my soul and my spirit, because my head was going, ‘I can’t handle this!’ And my heart was going, ‘God please don’t lift! Please don’t lift!’

(22) John Bevere, Speaker on Its Supernatural

I’m in Catholic school, 6th grade… All I know is what I just saw was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen! And I went back and there was a gentleman, a friend of mine named Mika. And one of his legs was a little bit shorter than the other, so people always made fun of him because he was limping around. And we went into the bathroom and I said, ‘Can you sit down for a second? I want to pray for you.’ I was just doing what I saw. I didn’t know any better. Right? I didn’t know any magic words or anything. I just, I took his leg and I did exactly what they did and I just said, ‘Leg will you come out?’ And it did!

(23) Jim Staley, Pastor on Its Supernatural

… Both the Hebrew and the Greek are very expressive languages. They have commands. They use different moods… We’re all told its,

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the Lord lift His countenance to you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-28

But let me tell you what the Hebrew really says. Right. Its,

The Lord will bless you and He will keep you; The Lord will make His face to shine upon you, and He will be gracious to you; The Lord will lift His countenance to you and He will establish you in shalom. Numbers 6:24-28

…In Matthew 5:29:

And if your right eye causes you to sin, you must tear it out at once and cast it from you.

He’s saying, “Stop doing it!” And what the evil eye is, is being stingy or greedy. And that’s defined in Deuteronomy 15:9…

Both the Latin text and the Greek text have Jacob for the name of the book. King James does not appear. The first appearance of the name James is the King James Bible.

When you go from Chronicles with its genealogies and move into Matthew, starting out with the genealogy of Jesus, there’s just a flow. It actually surprised me. I wasn’t looking for that, but it’s there.

She [Phoebe] was a patroness… My verse says,

“I am introducing my sister Phoebe to you, since she is also a minister of the congregation in Cenchrea, so that you would welcome her in the Lord as befitting the saints and you would stand by her in whatever matter she would have need of you: for she has also become a patroness of many, even of me. Romans 16:1-2 He [Paul] made prayer shawls, cause there were other Greek words used for tent makers. Two of um, one for making the small pup tent that a traveler might carry, and one for the huge tents like the Bedouin live in.

(24) Bill Morford, on Its Supernatural

All of a sudden I heard a woman scream. And it’s not like it was in front of the house or behind the house. It’s just like in the air. So as I went to go toward the window I stopped and I said, ‘No! No! No! No! Wait! Wait! Wait! If I go toward that window I’m gonna see something that I don’t want to see. But Sid I was compelled to go. And so I pulled back the curtains. I was on the 2nd story, and I looked down and I didn’t see anything. I was like, ‘There’s nothing wrong.’ And then when my eyes caught the stars in the heavens, all of a sudden just like a big movie screen, in color, the moon appeared. And it’s like someone took a ice pick and poked the moon. Then blood began to ooze out of the moon. Then all the stars in the heavens began to fall all at once. And then the sky itself began to roll up as a scroll. And it was happening simultaneously! The moon turned to blood. The stars fall from the heavens. The sky rolled up as a scroll.

Then all of a sudden I saw a woman with long black hair. She was beholding what was happening coming upon the earth. And she began to take her fingernails and dig in her face and scream and holla. Then I saw hundreds of people running, thousands of people running, and the horror on their faces. And God allowed me to sense what they were feeling: total helplessness! Total terror!

And all of a sudden the vision disappeared and I fell to the ground. And I was trembling and shaking. And I was like, ‘Oh my God, what did I see.’ Sid I didn’t know anything about visions at the time. And I was like, ‘What should I do? Maybe I’ll get the Bible. Get the Bible!’ And I was walking through the house, and I said, ‘Please Lord don’t let me see nothing else. Please! Please don’t!’ I thought something was going to come again. I said, ‘Please!’ And I got the Bible and I opened it up and I went to Revelations the 6th chapter beginning at the 12 verse. And it began to tell about the Day of the Lord and the moon turning to blood. And I would say, ‘Oh God!’ And I began to look at that and I said, ‘Lord Jesus what’s happening? I saw this with my eyes.’

All of a sudden I called my Uncle Eddie. He was a preacher and I told him what happened, and he said, “Son, God just showed you a vision.” I said, ‘You mean to tell me I’m not going crazy?’ He said, “No! You’re not going crazy. God gave you an open vision. When you gonna say yes to Jesus? When you gonna serve the Lord? He’s called you to be a preacher of the gospel.” I said, ‘I don’t know if I can live saved! I don’t know if I can do it!’ And from that day I knew within myself there’s something I must do for God.

(25) David Jones, Author on Its Supernatural

You know Sid, if every pastor only did exactly what God said, we’d have far less out there and much more effectiveness in the Kingdom of God.

(26) Gary Whetstone, Pastor on Its Supernatural I was running a yoga ashram at the time, which is a commune where people live and study on a more disciplined level. And all of my students in the commune gave their hearts to the Lord.

(27) Mike Shreve, Pastor on Its Supernatural

Seymour, he’s the son of a slave. He wasn’t that awful educated, but they said when the anointing came on him, he’d start preaching. Man, he’d say words so everybody could understand him, but they were so intelligent. Had an anointing on him all the time and he was obedient. I don’t know that if a pastor could get away with this today, but he’d set on a pew and put a box over his head, a wooden box. He said God told him to. And sometimes he’d set there for 10-minutes. They said he’d set there for over an hour. He’d always get up and then everybody would set down and start listening. Lot of times he’s just walk around the body and tell. He’d say, “Charles!” He’s talking to Brother Signs. “Play this tune.” And when Charles Signs would start playing the tune they said it wouldn’t be long. He said, “Brother Tommy, I’d just set back and watch my fingers play. And the people in the audience says it sounds like a thousand pianos playin.” And he said he’s setting and looking at the people. Finally he said, “Now start singing in tongues.”… When they start singing in tongues that Shekinah glory that lingered on the floor would start rising, and it would fill the whole building. And then a flame would shoot up out of the roof, a big flame. And the fire department was called many times. It would shoot up about 50 feet they said… And then about 50 feet from that a ball of fire would appear, and flames would start shooting down and go through the flames that were coming up… I had a Jewish Rabbi explain to me that there are flaming angels mingling through each other in the Bible. This is known. He said that the flames coming down were angels bringing miracles to Azusa Street, and the ones going up were going back to get more miracles. And during that time of flames is when the great miracles would happen.

(28) Tommy Welchel, on Its Supernatural

[At 14-years old] I ask God, ‘Why didn’t you heal her [my mother].’ I said, ‘…because I know You’re a Healer Jesus. I don’t understand why You didn’t heal her. She’s a soul winner and You say that one soul is worth more than the whole world! Well, if You would have let my mother live she could have won more souls for you worth more than the whole world. And You are a Healer. Now You are a Healer, why didn’t You heal her?’ And He said, “I didn’t kill your mother with cancer.” God said. “I had nothing to do with it! Nothing!” He said, “I couldn’t heal her.” I said. ‘That makes no sense to me if You say that, cause I read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And You healed everybody in town! And You don’t heal now the same as You was then?’ He said. “The church she went to. They failed to teach her about My divine healing power. So therefore she didn’t know anything about it. If they’d have taught her correctly she could have got healed.”

(29) Norvel Hayes, on Its Supernatural

Jesus tells us that it will be like the days of Noah when He returns. We’re dealing with a demonic hybrid known as the Nephilim. We know that 100-150 years ago as settlers pushed westward they found burial mounds. They would dig into these mines and they would find 9, 10, 11 footers, sometimes with 6 fingers, double rows of teeth, copper ornaments and red hair. These were not [First Nations People]. Then when you talked to the [First Nations] they’d tell you that, “Oh No! There was a race of giants that predated us. They were here when we arrived… the Paiute tribe for instance. There was a cannibal giants. They were very large. And the Paiute would fight against these giants, and one point in time they herded them into a cave, and they set the mouth of the [Lovelock] cave on fire. And they wiped out that tribe of giants. Interestingly enough, that cave still exists today.

This skull here looks sort of human, except its elongated. You can see the way the sides of the skull go up. The normal human skull consists of four plates. The frontal plate, and by the way these are sutures here. The frontal plate, then you would see another suture that would go and split the parietal, which is the center plate, in two pieces. Well and then of course the occipital, the rear plate. What you see here is a frontal plate which has been greatly enlarged, and it’s got this very strange ridge bone on top of it. And then where there should be two parietal plates, there is only one parietal plate. We saw many, many, many skulls down there with these characteristics. We also believe that this is a female skull... The male skulls are much, much larger, more robust. The hair on many of these skulls is red, sort of a reddish auburn color…

According the Darwinian theory all these people should have black hair, because they came across the Bering Strait 10, 12, 20,000 years ago… And so these have red hair, But we wanted to see if the hair was dyed. So we took some hair samples. And there’s a machine called Raymond’s estroscopy. What this does is it shows us each of these hairs. So we took a control sample of normal human hair, we took the red hair from the mummy, and then we took a dyed hair, dyed human hair, and then we took a hair from a man who claimed to have been abducted by aliens, and forced to have sex with a hybrid. So we have four hairs… The dyed sample went… right through the roof! It’s interesting… The days of Noah and the presence of the fallen angels. The red hair, the hybrid hair track like this over the graph the same way all over the graph to the very end. And remember this hair that came off was about 2,500 years old…

In this one particular place called Huaytara. It’s about 9,000 feet above sea level, literally in the middle of nowhere, there are these ancient megalithic {ancient stone work} ruins. And on top of these ruins… What’s fascinating about this is when you see these ruins, it’s a Catholic church. and there’s these icons and statutes and all this. But at the base of the church about to the 8 foot level, are these ancient stones, which are laid without mortar. And the joinery is so precise you cannot fit a human hair between the stones. And they are polygonal shaped. What I mean by that: many different sided shapes, not one stone is the same. You’d be hard pressed to achieve that type of masonry in today’s world. You could do it but at what expense. And the technology was done thousands and thousands of years ago. It defies imagination! Here’s a people that really didn’t even have the wheel as far as we know, yet they’re taking these 4 ton, 10 ton, 20 ton and even greater blocks of stone. And when they join them Sid, the sides are completely smooth… This is where I factor in fallen angels… The fallen angels have technology. They have powers. They have supernatural powers that defy what we do here, defy our physics, defy our natural laws.

There was an ancient grid system over this planet at one point, with points of connectivity. This grid system may have been used, not only as a communication, but perhaps to control the weather. To bring rain in, all sorts of things… We are looking at fallen angel technology. We get some of this in the book of Enoch, when it tells us that they came to give secrets of heaven to the men and women of earth. The Circle Mound is a Henge. It’s a very large Henge at over 150-200 feet in diameter. Henge means circle, but it also has a waterway in the inside. And the construction of this is incredible, because at least this particular Henge dates about 3,000-3,500 years ago, which again fits the timeline of a diaspora when Joshua and Caleb are moving with the Israelites into the promised land, and the Nephilim tribes are scattering. They show up there about 3,000-3,500 years ago in the Ohio Valley. They create this Henge with a body of water in the middle of it. In the center of it excavations prove that there was an altar, and they found human remains on the altar, and that’s huge! America’s Stonehenge is in New Hampshire… Things are coming to light… because we’re in the last days.

(30) L.A. Marzulli, on Its Supernatural

The Holy Spirit… I embraced His truth and it just burned in my spirit… I always prepare my heart by the Word of God in the name of Jesus… impossible to lay hands on them all. So I simply speak the authority of Jesus name. I mean it’s with such confidence. It’s His name, above every name!

(31) Don Gossett, on Its Supernatural

I was 13-years old at this youth camp, and they said, “Who wants the Holy Spirit?” I said, ‘I do!’ I ran up there waiting in the line, and this guy in front of me starts crying, before we got to the front to get prayer. And I said, ‘Why are you crying? Does it hurt?’ “No! It feels great!” I thought it hurt cause he was crying. Why would a guy cry unless it hurts? So I waited and suddenly this warmth came on my body and I started crying. And I felt this pure liquid love. And suddenly I was taken into heaven, and I saw the thrones of God. I saw the Father, the Son and suddenly this voice came out and said, “You’re gonna travel for my glory.” And I think all night I was praying in tongues, which is a foreign language from heaven. And I couldn’t stop praying, and I knew from that day something changed in my life when I saw heaven.

I was asked to teach a little group of young people. They were like 7-8 years old on a Sunday morning. So I taught them from this manual that they gave me. So I kind of went off the script and I said, ‘Listen kids, let’s just pray for someone that’s sick. Don’t tell the Pastor cause I might get in trouble. But let’s just pray and see what happens. Don’t tell him I didn’t follow the weekly thing cause they might not like that.’ And so a little girl comes up and says, “Look at my leg. It’s so short compared to the other one I’ve got.” I think it was scoliosis. I said, ‘Sure! Let’s pray for that and see what happens.’ And I closed my eyes on my first miracle. And her leg instantly began to grow out and the kids began screaming! “Look at her leg! Look at her leg!”

(32) David Herzog, Evangelist on Its Supernatural

…Jewish people understand a principle of blessing Sid… Jewish parents know how to release blessing to their children… speaking into another person’s life what God says about them… When you speak what God says about another person to them, it releases something supernatural, and empowers them to prosper.

(33) Craig Hill, on Its Supernatural When most people today hear about the stem cell science they don’t realize a great deal of that is talking about the creation of a part human, part animal embryo that then can be used of experimental purposes. Now trans-humanism itself is the idea that we’re going to use that kind of science, and other kinds of science to create a new form of mankind… If you talk to the trans-humanists their utopians, they believe…. We can have immortal life without the bother of having to ask Jesus to give it to us.

(34) Tom Horn, Pastor on Its Supernatural

We made a prediction that Pope Benedict would retire in either March or April of 2012, citing health reasons… Now we’ve learned by the way, from the Editor of the L’Obsservatore Romano, which is the vatican’s own official media outlet, that in fact Pope Benedict officially resigned at the end of March, 2012 privately to a handful of cardinals, who had held it in a strict reserve confidence. It couldn’t be told even to other cardinals… He made it official in 2013.

The records in the Vatican go back centuries… They have a whole theology developed around what they call the Principle of Plentitude (anything that God ‘could’ do He ‘would’ do). So they consider the existence of aliens an inevitable consequence of God’s omnipotence.

…He [Dr. Guy Consolmagno, vatican Astronomer] says without apology that, “Very soon the nations of the world are going to look to the aliens for their salvation.”

Tom Horn, Pastor and Cris Putnam, Theologian, on Its Supernatural

I love Muslims and Muslims love me!... Many years ago I prayed over the nations of the world, and I always had a warm feeling toward Pakistan. And then I had a warm feeling toward Sudan and some of these Muslim countries. You realize 1/5th of the world’s population is Muslim. And how are they to know the gospel if we don’t go? Now here’s what they love. They love healing miracles because in the quran it says that Jesus heals. Well, you got a bridge!

(35) Marilyn Hickey, Evangelist on Sid Roth

If he’s [baal] the ruler of the demons, then all of culture is under his authority in one way or another. But for instance, he is baal –hamon. He’s the one stopping the great wealth transfer to the church. He’s the one that’s behind poverty and systemic poverty. And also he’s the one behind sexual perversion, all kinds. Jeze-baal named herself that because she was a worshiper of baal… So, today when someone engages in pornography of any form, whether they realize it or not, they’re engaged in baal worship. And baal has a legal right to operate in their lives. He’s gone by thousands of different names and faces over the centuries, because he wants to appear as an angel of light….

On the back of the U.S. dollar you see the seal of the United States. Part of it on the back of the dollar is the pyramid. And at the top of the pyramid is the all seeing eye. It’s a truncated pyramid. There’s this all seeing eye, which is the eye of lucifer... The history channel gave an hour special on this… exposing that the statue of liberty is actually a statue of lucifer. The originators of that statue were 3 French free masons, who admitted this is lucifer, but they said it’s not really satan. It means the light bearer… Albert Pike was a confederate General who was convicted of treason… He wrote Morals and Dogma which is the bible for Free Masonry. What he wrote was and what’s revealed in the 33rd degree of Free Masonry, is that lucifer is god, and our God Adonai is the evil god, as perverted as you can get! Albert Pike started the klu klux klan in the United States, and his friend in Italy, Mazzini the mafia at the same time. They were both Masons… There’s only 2 kingdoms. There’s the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness…

Well columbia is the queen of heaven. The statue on top of our nation’s capital is called the statue of freedom… it’s the statue of columbia… That thing is given authority over our nation… Then what you have at the other end of the mall is the Washington monument which is an obelisk, which is a Free Masonry symbol… and that thing is a male phallic symbol, which is also a part of the baal worship system. So from one end of our mall to the other you’ve got baal.

(36) John Benefiel, Apostle on Its Supernatural

George Washington loved the Jewish people. His chief of staff during the war was [Jewish] and his personal physician was [Jewish]. And in America in general, the Colonial America it was not an impediment to be [Jewish]. [Jewish people] had reached great heights. They were completely free and they wrote about that. They wrote how free they were with seven Jewish communities in America. And in 1790 he wrote a letter to each community. And two in particular, one to Savannah, Georgia, and the one to Newport, Rhode Island were fantastic! I’ll sum them up. Basically, he connected America becoming a nation with the Holy God of Israel, as Israel had been delivered from Egypt into the promised-land. He made a direct, in fact he quoted Psalms 144, blessed is that nation whose Lord is God.

President Roosevelt met with the King of Saudi Arabia in Egypt, and they had a one day meeting. And as a result of the meeting, Saudi Arabia agreed to make special deals with America with oil. And then America would protect Saudi Arabia. That’s what the official history says. But also connected with it, President Roosevelt agreed to the king that he would not allow a Jewish state in Palestine. So that really, I see it as I look at history, in my mind there’s no doubt President Roosevelt traded what God’s prophetic plan was, and America was a part of it, for the creation of the nation of Israel. He traded that for oil. Well Sid there was a letter from the king of Saudi Arabia to Roosevelt, articulating that meeting that took place in February. This letter was dated March 10, 1945, and it said incredible things about Jewish people. He actually likened them to the Nazis. He said that a state of Israel in Palestine would be like creating a Nazi state. What happened was, Roosevelt responded to the king and said, “No! No! America is never going to allow a Jewish state in Palestine.” That letter was dated April 5, 1945. Roosevelt died on April 12, exactly 1 week later.

Right after that [Gay Pride Parade] the stock market started to crash. It had the biggest one week percentage wise crash in the market in history. Then the following Monday we had the big crash, 508 points, and the market had contracted a third.

(37) John McTernan, Evangelist on Its Supernatural

Suddenly God showed up. I didn’t know this was even possible. I remember standing there and His presence went right through me, right around me. I was completely surrounded with the presence of God and I had all these questions going through my heart and mind, like, ‘What is going on? How is this possible?’ First of all I didn’t understand why God would even manifest amongst a people that I thought were blaspheming him, by worshipping Jesus. And so this is going through me and I’m in His presence, and all these questions are disappearing, except one question that was burning in my heart. And I said, ‘God, what are You doing here?’ I thought. ‘These are the bad guys!’… And then I heard an audible voice. And He said, “No! These are my children!” And He said it again. “No! These are my children.” And a third time. “No! These are my children.” And when He said that it was like everything I’d experienced as a Muslim, all that I’ve ever known about God immediately was gone. And I was only conscience of one reality. ‘That Jesus, You are the Son of God!’

In Islam they teach men that they need to correct their wives so he was just giving me a good lesson, and it was very good to break my jaw… I needed to run for my life. I heard a voice… saying to me, “Leave the darkness into the light…” ‘Might as well. I’ll follow that voice. I’m not gonna loose anything more than what I lost.’ I met a Christian lady that took me in as her own daughter, and told me about the love of Jesus. And my conflict was always, ‘How can I believe that God have a son?’ Because they taught us in Islam that God cannot be weak and have a son. That’s a sign of weakness. So I struggled with that. I wanted to have the love that that woman had. And that was the breaking point. I saw her joy. I saw her love. I saw her life being simple. But she always connecting to God and I was hungry for that. I remember feeling sick and tired of the bein sick and tired. And remember prayin asking Jesus, ‘If You really Who You are, what people say You are.’ Because I didn’t know is it true or not really. ‘If people say that You are the Son of God then show me! And come to me and show me that You are the Son of God.’ And I didn’t think anything was gonna happen out of that prayer. But the result of that simply prayer was, Jesus appearing to me and having encounter with the Lord in the supernatural. I saw worship. I saw how much heaven adores Jesus as the Son of God! Exalted as the King! Some of the things I saw that babies, people beings were throwing a crown at the feet of Jesus. He was strong and majesty!

(38) Faisal Malick and Khalida Wukawitz on Its Supernatural

I wanted to kill Jews in America. We were planning for Jihad in America, for destruction, mayhem, all kind of things. What part of “kill” Americans don’t get? The Council of American Islamic Relations says we are a “peaceful” entity, was born from the IAP (Islamic Association of Palestine) branch Hamas in the U.S. Hamas was acted in the U.S. My mentor Jamal Shahid, he was a colleague of Abdulla Azzam. Most Americans don’t understand. I say those names like Abdulla Azzam. Abdulla Azzam was the god-father of Al-Qaeda. Most Americans don’t know that the real god-father of Al-Qaeda was not a Saudi. He was a Palestinian… There is no such thing as peace loving Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella organization that gave birth to all the Islamic terrorist groups.

(39) Walid Shoebat, on Its Supernatural

If you start seeing drastic or even gradual personality changes, if a child is full of joy and they become fearful, if they start to withdraw, if they’d start to be drawn to wanting to watch shows of darkness. Even with teenagers you’ll even see their wardrobe will start to change. For girls their makeup will change. Their hair will change. And you’ll even begin to feel in your home, you won’t feel that freedom of relationship. They’ll be tension that will be there. And sometimes they’ll become depressed. You’ll see a lot of depression that will begin to rest on a child or a teenager, nightmares, bad dreams, nightmares, night terrors. There are many open doors. It could be the form of entertainment that we’re choosing to allow our children or our teenagers to watch, or that they’re watching that we don’t know about. It could be the Internet.

You know, children are brilliant on the computer and on the Internet. And so we have to understand that there are open doors that they can stumble into of darkness. When they play these violent video games, what happens is they believe that violence becomes a way to solve problems. They themselves are suspecting that people are going to be violent of them. They become suspicious. One of the quotes I talk about and that we teach is, you know, a child can get really good at scoring basketball hoops. If you practice thousands of times scoring that hoop you’re gonna get good. You’re gonna make those baskets. Well the same thing is true, if we practice thousands of times, hours every day shooting someone in a violent video game, we become desensitized. And that’s what happens with our youth and our children. And they think violence is a way to solve their problems. They expect the world to be a place of violence and they become very superstitious. Their grades will start falling and they even become withdrawn.

Yes! We know another open door that we’re seeing children is. There is a vampire movement that is out there with this generation. And what this has done is its made evil look good. And what it has caused, the young children and teenagers to begin thinking that it’s ok to step into darkness. There are even 8-year old girls now who after watching these movies, will come up to the actor who starred in the show and they’ll say, “Please bite me so I can become a vampire like you!” The author of the book series and the movie, she purposely chose that music, because she said it will put you in a suicidal state faster than anything else you can listen to.

When a [pornography] door is opened what happens is then that spirit of seduction or perversion will attach itself to that child. And then what will then happen is that child is going to need freedom and deliverance. This is what we’re so passionate about. We don’t have to see our children and our teenagers walk through their young years tormented. This 9-year old girl that we prayed for, we were ministering at a church and the pastor said, “She’s really struggling. Can you meet with her?” So my husband and I did and we began to pray for her, and I knew by word of knowledge that she hadn’t received salvation. So we prayed for her. But the reason that they brought her to us was because she was having repeated nightmares, in the midnight hours. And in this nightmare this snake would come and bite her in the stomach. And from the time she had that first dream she literally was living in chronic pain. They had taken her to the doctor, run every medical test. They could not find anything wrong with her. And so they had prayed for her.

So when they brought her to us, the Lord told me she wasn’t saved. So we led her to the Lord, got her saved. After a few minutes she said, “Mrs. Becka, I feel good!” But then a few minutes later she said, “But Mrs. Becka, this pain is back!” And we knew at that moment this was a deliverance issue. So we prayed and asked the Lord, and the Lord showed me prophetically that there were horror movies in the home. So I asked the mother. I said, ‘Are you allowing her to watch horror movies?’ and the mother said, “Well! No!” And I said, ‘But are there horror movies in the home?’ and she said, “Well yes! Dad loves it! Has a whole bookshelf full of horror movies.” Then I explained to the mother. ‘It doesn’t matter that she’s not allowed to watch them. Having them in the home is a red carpet invitation to the demonic to harass your child.’ And so we prayed Sid, and we broke the power of witchcraft that was coming from those horror movies. And as soon as we did, this 9-year old little girl, we’ll call her Sarah, she looks up and she grins: living in chronic pain for at least 9-months at that time. Looks up and grins. She said, “Mrs. Becka, the pain is gone!”

(40) Rebecca Greenwood, Pastor on Its Supernatural

He was going through the same thing in his church, and asked me to come and see him, and after dark so that no one would see me coming in. So I went to his home, went in the back door like he asked. And when I walked into his den, he was a friend of mine, he was going through the same thing and he was internalizing the curses that the people were speaking over him. And no matter what I told him, I said, ‘Let me show you what God’s been teaching me about how to break the curse, how to bless those who curse you, and how to break the curse.’ But he wouldn’t listen. He just said, “But you don’t know what they’re doing to me. You don’t know what they’re saying to me.” Sid, that terminated his ministry. He had been in ministry for 40, over 40 years. It terminated his ministry. He went into secular work, and in 2- years he was dead. His wife asked me to do his funeral. I said, ‘What happened?’ She said, “He had all kinds of tests, a battery of tests. They couldn’t find anything wrong. I think he died of a broken heart.”

When the criticism began in the church over me… I went away and prayed for 2-days. And God spoke to me and told me to come back begin to bless those who were cursing me. He said, “If you’ll do that, I can open doors for you that no man can close. And I’ll put a hedge of protection around you.” That’s exactly what has happened!

(41) Bill Ligon, Pastor on Its Supernatural

Nebuchadnezzer, he received a warning from God in a dream. He’s got arrogance in his heart. He says, I’m the greatest king that’s lived forever. He has a dream that night of a tree being chopped off at the roots. And the interpretation of course is, I will cut you down. This is Council saying, look you need to deal with your pride. If you don’t deal with your pride I’m gonna cut you down. And Daniel came to Nebuchadnezzer and said, look why don’t you repent now, because if you repent maybe this won’t happen, cause dreams aren’t fatalistic. They don’t have to happen. And a year later, the Bible says a year later, God cut him down. And he took him out to the field to live with beasts for 7-years. But he had one year to repent from that warning that God gave him, and he refused the repent, and so he suffered the consequence for it.

First step is you need to say to yourself. “I believe God speaks through the dream. I believe in dreams. I believe they’re important.”

Another way you can signal your heart, is you put pencil and paper next to your bed. And say, “Look! You give me a dream and I’ll write it down when you wake me up.”

The symbols come out of my heart, cause my heart’s writing the script….

(42) Mark Virkler, Pastor on Its Supernatural This was before I had stepped into ministry. I was just getting a since of my call, and it was the first prophetic word God ever spoke to me. And He said to me. “The top of His list for me was the bottom of my list, and the bottom of my list was the top of His list.” And He was gonna invert it correctly. And He said, “The top of My list for you is the refinement of your character, and the bottom of My list is the fulfillment of your ministry.” And He said that, “I am gonna cause your roots to go so deep in Me, that when the day comes in the future and you will experience success in ministry, that you will be solid and you will not be moved to the right or to the left, because your roots have had time to go down in Me with the refinement of your character.”

“I [The Holy Spirit] wanta spend this whole day with you.” The heavy, heavy. I mean it was so heavy of His presence. There was one time I was so thankful for this presence of God that I was feeling, I went to say thank you God. But as the words came out of my mouth I would feel His presence lift off of me. So I just grew quiet. And then the Lord spoke to me. He said, “This is not about you speaking any words right now. This is Me being with you, and you just being with Me. Just be in My presence.” And then as a few hours went by my mind started to go. ‘You have to do this! You have to do that! You have to do this!’ And I actually felt guilty for praying. And the Lord spoke to me something that changed my life forever… and He said, “Matt, if you don’t have this time with Me now, you won’t be able to step into what I have for you in the future…”

(43) Matt Sorger, Pastor on Its Supernatural

God is a God of restoration. He wants to restore us back to His original covenant plan… He wants the blessings of heaven to align with earth… With that in America, the real issue is going to be each states relationship with Israel, not just a nation relating to Israel, but each state… you will start seeing how states are blessed based upon their relation with Israel. Right now Texas for instance, has an economy that’s growing. Texas has made a proclamation that it is aligned with Israel. You will see its economy shift differently than other economies.

(44) Chuck Pierce, Prophet on Its Supernatural

[At 9-years old] Well I was sitting under a tree in Tsunis, Norway as a little boy. I was actually very shy at that time. And many times I’d put my finger in my mouth and suck my tongue, even at that age. As I was sitting there, there was a wind that came into that tree that was outside our house. And there was all this tingling. I didn’t know what was going on. What happened, all I knew there was a voice that spoke inside my heart. Well I knew I was called to go to the nations of the world.

Well Edwin is a business man. He sat under my teaching. And I released this actually to all of my team in the Philippines, because I wanted every single one of them to be able to realize that there’s a dream in your life. But I realized many of them had a funeral of their dream. So actually the dream was dead. And they buried their dream. And Edwin is also a dreamer, and he is a business man, owns a construction company, and he also has one of the greatest real estate companies. But during the recession they were hit very hard. And so he went up on a mountain area where he goes alone with God. And the good news he is a son. He’s just finding his place in the Father’s embrace and love… And he started to dream with God. But his dilemma was he didn’t have money to be able to pay his workers. And all of those workers that is construction workers, they get paid. But not just paid. That’s his ministry. That’s his ministry in the business. So Edwin, he started then to dream with God, and God gave him a word. He said, “Your dream is whoever lends to the poor lends to Me, and I’m going to show you.” And he was driving down from that mountain, and he saw a poor beggar sitting on the street. And Edwin said, “What would you like God to do for you?” And this guy said, “I just would love to have a home.” He was homeless. So Edwin, he gathered his crew and he started to dream. So they didn’t have money to pay their workers, but they build this guy a beautiful house, a home. And while they were building his home a Korean business man, he calls him and he ordered a house. Now another group of people called in, and they order a whole set of upper middle class houses. And later on there was a school. And in a matter of two months there was so many orders that came in for Edwin, that he had made more money during the first two months of the recession, than all the previous year back together.

(45) Leif Hetland, Dream Releaser on Its Supernatural

You work your faith but you don’t work the glory, because the glory is the realm of rest. Its’ work to get to the glory, but when you’re there you step into the glory and the presence of God… God inhales our worship but He exhales the glory.

(46) Renny McLean, Pastor on Its Supernatural

Freda was in an incident in the middle of the Rwandan Genocide, where all her family had been gathered together, and they were about to be murdered. And the people who were doing the killing just gave them the option of how they were going to die. And they all chose how they were going to die. And they were too poor to buy a bullet, which would have been quick. And so they were hit on the back of the head by machetes. And she watched as her younger brothers and sisters were murdered one-by-one in front of her, and her mother there. And all the rest of the family: 15 members of her family. She was 16. All of them were put into a shallow grave. Fourteen hours later someone sat on their grave, and heard a noise from underneath. She was buried. They thought she was dead, and she made a noise, and they scrambled underneath and they pulled her out. So she’d been lying for 14-hours with 15 dead members of her family. She fled the country. Out of the country she made a friend who introduced her to Jesus, and she began to read what she called, “The Book”. And in the book she began to see that not only had Jesus given her new life and a relationship with God, but He wanted to live His life through her. And in the book it said forgive. And so she said, “I’ve got to forgive!” And when she came back to Kigali after the Genocide was over, she went to the jail where the man who had done the massacre was in jail. And she spoke forgiveness to him for what he had done.

(47) Peter Horrobin, Pastor on Its Supernatural

When material things move they just shift hands. Science has proved that you can’t destroy matter. It just moves from one place, changes forms: moves from one person to the other. You know, when Israel left out of 30-years of bondage to Egypt as slaves, overnight there was a wealth transfer that took place. They took with them the silver and the gold of the Egyptians, and the Egyptians were glad to see um go… There is a wealth transfer that is taking place in the world right now… Everybody’s going to be involved in it… (48) Charles Vance, Pastor on Its Supernatural

Israel and Iran are going to have a conflict. There will be explosions that take place in Iran and also in Israel, to some degree. Again, God is going to show His hand of protection and His hand of provision for this incredible nation that He has chosen to speak messages into His Kingdom, and to advance His Kingdom.

He [Jesus] actually came into my office early in the morning. I was there before the sun even came up. And I was writing about His names, and had this put on my heart: a burden on my heart… His glory and His acts and His names are inseparable.

Some of the things I saw that were going to be coming were quite shaking, and one of them was the issue of drought, and the issue of water becoming very, very expensive. At some point there will be cities that water from the tap, right from your kitchen faucet will be more expensive than oil is. So it’s not like going to the store and buying a gallon of water. We’re talking about water that’s normally fairly inexpensive, becoming very expensive. In fact, some of the things I saw was, there would be various cities in the United States that would have to evacuate thousands of people, because there wasn’t enough water in the reservoirs, the aquifers that they get the water from, to give water to all the people. I saw a blight coming to hybrid seeds, that would bring a type of famine to the United States. So the hybrid seeds that have been propagated by various large, huge corporations, supposedly resistant to all kinds of things. There’s something in the DNA structure of how they propagated everything. And that will actually allow for blight to come. Some of the seeds won’t break the ground. Some of the seeds will break the ground but never bear fruit, and so you’ll end up seeing maybe green out in the fields. They’ll be enough rain for them in curtain areas, but they won’t come to seed. So there won’t be the corn that is normally in the ear, the wheat that is normally in the head of wheat. So that creates a major, a major food shortage, which would increase crime, Right. Crime, well crime I saw increasing for several reasons.

One economically, because there were so many people unemployed, where double digit unemployment, and I’m talking about over 12% unemployment before it’s all said and done. But I also saw unemployment because of the economic decisions that are going to be made. But I also saw the food then further harming the unemployment. Because food all -be-it so expensive, they couldn’t afford to get it. And so then you end up seeing people actually robbing food trucks that would carry food to grocery stores. The day would come when there would have to be armed guards riding with food trucks, in order to keep the food truck from being waylaid or high-jacked… One of the plans of the enemy is going to try to capitalize on that fear. So you have enemies of the United States that are gonna be doing issues.

Both China as well as the Islamic community are gonna to be doing things to the United States. They’re going to begin to generate fear. And so they’re gonna to be doing things with the school systems. They’re gonna to be doing things with malls, shopping malls. There’ll be explosions in shopping malls that will make people afraid to go to high traffic areas, like malls would be. I saw a lot of malls closing down and interestingly enough, because of the storms that happen in some of the cities, the malls were actually used as housing for the people who didn’t have homes. I saw a migration of people out of the big cities, because of the fear that was there. Because there was fear of what would happen in the school systems. There was fear of what was gonna be happening in just high traffic volume areas. Various bombs would go off and people would be killed, and so people were afraid to go in, almost like suicide bombers in Israel, when they had suicide bombers on the buses and things, which by the way is going to be increasing. But it is going to be happening here in America, not just suicide bombers but actually bombs that would be left in various places that were detonated at certain time.

People are gonna be moving to rural areas in order to keep their children safe from the urbanization and fear issues. There was a couple of cities where people in various inner city areas, would actually try to dig up the pavement. They would get unused backhoes and use that to try to pull the asphalt street up and try to then plant seeds underneath, in the dirt underneath the asphalt streets. The areas in war are gonna become increasingly more and more hostile. The issue with North Korea is not as trite as a lot of Americans might think it is. And what they’re going to be doing especially in furnishing materials to other nations is scary, and will actually lead to some detonation… The issue of Pakistan is probably the most serious of them, other than Egypt. The issue, I saw Pakistan turning into a terrorist community that will cease being friendly to the United States. It will be overthrown in some way... I saw tunnels underground in the city [in America] and I saw those tunnels full of water… I also saw some type of biological warfare coming through, that the Islamic people would pay some of the people in Mexico, like mules, to carry biological and chemical weaponry in these tunnels to the United States, and then release them in curtain areas, or deliver them to somebody who would release them in a large populated area.

The Islamic community is going to continue to make inroads into the political arena. They’ve got a multiplication project that is designed specifically on their part. It’s a hundred year plan… basically to have a President of the United States by 2024. That their plan is to have, before that date, to have mayors of cities, governors of states elected, and in place. Before then, to have congressmen and senators in place before then. And then after that to have a judge, more than one judge, on the supreme court, to change the laws and implement more of an Islam into the United States. Islamic prayer, Actually Islamic prayer would be allowed and Christian prayer would not be allowed… because of the fear factor they will allow Islamic prayer in the United States, but not Christian prayer in the United States. They will allow time for Islamic children to pray but not time for Christian children to pray.

I saw that there was going to be an attempt upon his [President Obama’s] life. I saw that it was going to be by the Islamic community, but they would make it look like it was racially motivated. Then there would be incredible race riots in the streets, like we’ve never seen before in this nation. And it would be worse than Rwanda.

I saw the glory of God invading His church again. I saw the glory of God invading homes again. I saw the glory of God invading places of worship again… It was thick. It was honey like. It was like you see on the road on a hot day you’ll look down the road, and you’ll see kind of like a shimmering on the highway, Well, this happened in the church that I saw, places where the glory came down. There was a shimmering like a cylinder, a large cylinder and varying sizes of this shimmering honey colored, amberesk colored light. But it was very thick. It was thinker than what you thought. When you got into it you found it very difficult to move, not because you were paralyzed, but because of the thickness of the presence of the Lord. And whoever entered Sid, whoever walked into that glory was healed! Anybody! (49) John Paul Jackson, Prophet on Its Supernatural

He [my brother] was actually allowed to go into the operating room and stand at the head of a patient, actually 3 of um. He had a heart surgeon in his congregation. And he watched them open the person, take the heart work on um, and then sometimes they would actually disconnect it from the arteries, take it out and work on it, and hook the person up to a machine that would do the work of the heart. When they were finished they’d reconnect everything, but they had to get the heart beating again. And everything worked fine until the last patient. And he didn’t know exactly what was happening, but he could tell they’re trying to get this heart to beat, and tension. You could feel the tension start coming into the operating room. Finally he realized, “They can’t get this heart beating.” And in desperation when they exhausted all of their methods, the lead surgeon leaned down to this obviously unconscious person, whispered in her ear and said, “Mam I need your help. We can’t get your heart to beat. Please tell your heart to beat again.” Instantly the heart began! The surgeon, all the people around the table looked up at each other. He looked up at them… And they went on with the surgery. And he [my brother] of course realized, “That’s what we have to do with our emotional and our spiritual heart.”

God said to me, “Listen son, I know it’s not your fault that you are in this condition. You didn’t know how to deal with this. I’m not angry with you that you turned to these things. But it will be your decision if you remain this way, cause I’m here to heal you.” And I had to activate my will and say, ‘I choose to live again. I’m gonna choose to dream again. I’m gonna choose to not allow this to define me. I’m gonna let God define who I am. Alcohol is not who I am. Depression is not who I am. Anger’s not who I am.”…

I was teaching, just talking to a group of people. And all of a sudden I was seeing a scene in front of me. It was in 1991. I saw stadiums filled with young people, teenagers, college age, passionately worshipping, praying, crying out to God. Then I saw them go to the parking lot to leave, and they were transported back to their cities, and became balls of fire. Revival began to spring up all over the nation.

Ten years later the week of 911, I was preaching at a conference… As I was speaking I had another open vision. It was like the finger of God began to write on the back wall of that auditorium the words, “ACTS reference 3:19.” I saw it as a neon light, huge! And then it began to flash on and off, on and off. Then I knew that that verse talked about times of refreshing coming from the presence of the Lord: that were refreshing. It’s a revival word. It means the blowing of breath, a wind again, intensely. God was saying to me, “I’m about to send the winds of revival again with intensity.” And then I closed, I didn’t know what else to do, so I closed my eyes and began to pray. And I saw it was like someone flipped on a television screen, and I began to watch a movie. And I saw this awakening that was coming.

I began to see the, all of high schools, all over America. High schools, college campuses, fires of revival! I saw groups of kids where healings would just start happening. They didn’t know what to do with it. Somebody would scream, “Yeshua, Jesus just healed me!” Someone else would just jump up and say, “I’ve been delivered from sexual abuse. The pain of it is gone!” And someone else would say, “I don’t want these drugs anymore!” And it was just spontaneous. And they would worship. I saw meetings go for days without stopping! I saw administrators come and say, “We’ve gotta get these kids back in class!” They would walk in the room. The power of God would overcome them. They couldn’t talk. They would fall on the floor and begin to weep. I saw this all over America. I saw it spread from high schools to college campuses, to universities, to the streets. It was not orchestrated. God would see to it that these things would go on for 24-hours at a time, without stopping. It was amazing! Signs and wonders, deliverances, lives transformed. And the most amazing thing? They were falling enlove with Jesus! It was not religious. It was love! It was violent love! It’s the whole world! I saw it beginning here because that’s where God uses me the most. But I knew immediately this is going to go around the world! That’s how we’re gonna see these billion souls saved. All over the world people are going to begin to have supernatural encounters with God.

I saw in Tennessee recently, Chattanooga, Tennessee, in fact, before the meeting started he called me one day, texted me and said, “Pray for me right now! God is beginning to move in a truck stop I’m in.” He had prayed for a waitress. She fell to the floor under the power of God. Other people came in and said, “Would you pray for me?” The owners of the truck stop, I don’t know. They must have had a hand in that. They must have been believers. They put worship music on. He said, “I have people on the floor all over this trust stop receiving God.” Then he started ministering in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and for 9- weeks now God has been moving. Signs, wonders, miracles, over 800 people have received the Lord, been baptized. I actually went and saw it myself! God is just pouring out His spirit! Children, young people, adults, marriages being transformed, drug dealers being transformed. Two drug dealers, one that had a gun to the head of the other one, two weeks before this, were both in the same meeting, being born again… This is just God breaking out!

(50) Dutch Sheets, Conference Speaker on Its Supernatural

I left Chub Cay, Bahamas on Tuesday on a twin engine airplane. I was on my way to Ft. Lauderdale to attend a friend’s funeral right before Thanksgiving. I was on the airplane with a deep sea diver, a attorney and his wife, and a pilot and the dog. I looked out the window and I seen one engine go out, and I noticed that the pilot was very concerned. When the second engine went out, there was so much confusion on the plane that the pilot forgot to put out a mayday signal.

We were waitin at the airport for Dale to come in, and the plane didn’t come in. The time went on by. And then it was that night. Then the next thing we knew it was Wednesday, and the next thing we knew it was Thursday morning. Then about a total of 40-hours we’d had not the first word from anyone about what had happened to the airplane.

The plane went down about 25 miles from Bemine, and the 5 of us were very cold in the salty water. I did not have time to be afraid. I was only trying to survive.

It was a miracle Dale didn’t freeze to death in those waters. It was an unusually cold time. The weather was in the 50’s in the water. The temperature was in the 60’s I believe. One of the news anchors there in Miami, happened to be a professional diver, put on his wet suit, went down to the bay and they showed it on the news. As he was comin out of the water, he told the news media he could not stand that water even with his wet suit on. And this is what they were all enduring out there in the water all those hours. … What really gave me hope was that my wife and I had been studying Psalm 91, and God said He would give His angels charge over me. And He did. We released the body [of the attorney]. Thank God the shark did not attack us. The water was so cold that my one leg had cramped, and I couldn’t use it. And I would just throw up my hands and praise God for His help.

That night I finally laid down and went to sleep. Just after I dozed off I heard in my spirit to get up and confess the Word of God over Dale. I started confessing, “Yes Lord I confess! Dale Hicks is rescued safe and sound. With my heart I believe Dale’s rescued safe and sound.” And then I called my pastor, and his wife answered the phone, and I said, “Can’t you feel it? Can’t you feel it that whatever’s happened to Dale it’s over?” I said, “It’s over!” I didn’t know it but she turned to her husband and said, “Pat’s lost it! We better get over there!”

I was unconscious and I got separated from the pilot, and when the coast guard flew over me they thought I was dead.

I believe it was an angel that lifted Dale’s arm [so the coast guard could see he was alive]. It just had to be an angel. We know that God did a miracle. In this circumstance surrounding this airplane crash, His word is true… We have really studied Psalms 91 for a long number of years.

(51) Peggy Joyce Ruth, Teacher on Its Supernatural

You actually don’t have weaknesses built into you. We’re actually built with strengths. You’re wired for giftedness. You’re wired for strengths… There are groups of nerve cells in each of those areas that are responsible for specific types of thought… pillars of thought… That’s interesting because in Proverbs 9:1 its talks about, “Wisdom has built her house on seven pillars.” It’s like when we digest food or a thought is developed, it goes through these stages, same thing with your thinking. Thinking goes through seven (7) different stages… Every one to two seconds you will cycle through all seven.… Everyone starts at the front… The second part… is your interpersonal area… Every one to two seconds, every time all day long, every 1-2 ½ thousand to 3,000 times an hour, for up to 60,000 times a day as you are thinking you’re gonna shift all the time…

I believe I’ve become a better mother by understanding my children… Gift is the unique way we cycle through these [7 pillars]. The result of that is we go into bold memory… The nerve cells of the brain look like trees… Our brain is neuro-plastic, which means it can grow these branches… In order to use my gift properly I have to go through all seven [pillars]… They did an experiment with rhesus monkeys… they took those baby monkeys that were quite sick and they put them with a mommy who loved them, touched them, hugged them and those baby monkeys got better... If you take the concept of touch, and what it did in the body... We have sense receptors in our body… Women have ten times more than men in our body… And so when you touch, we actually release those chemicals, which the endorphins then send a message to the brain that, “Hey, I’m calm. I’m peaceful...” And you find yourself thinking clearly. So just by going up to someone and smiling at them and… giving them a hug, that kind of touch reflects that you are showing love to them… When we memorize scripture, when we’re praying, when we worship God the brain gets thicker. Peace is gonna flow through their body because that sends a message from the brain down to the heart. (52) Dr. Caroline Leaf, Cognitive Neuroscientist on Its Supernatural

I was moving so fast before you could blink I was there, that’s how fast. That’s my first memory. Also what was passing me by as I was moving, was the prayers that people were praying for me and others... If you were praying that day your prayers passed me by at that moment. And you gotta remember how fast I was moving… As you were just blinking right there I was in the presence of the Lord, and yet the prayers that people were praying for me and others, and I always put that in there because I want people to know. It was just not the prayers that were for me, but I saw prayers that were coming from this planet from other people pass me by like I was standing still. I knew they were praying for me because those prayers that were going by me, I literally knew what those prayers were. You know. I literally knew what they were praying. You know, my wife was praying that I would not only be healed, but I would come back and be alive. I wouldn’t die. That was her prayers. That was my children’s prayers. That was the prayers of the family members. You know. But there were also prayers going past me for people that were praying for their loved ones. And they were praying that their loved ones, the same thing. That healing would take place or a situation would change. But the prayers that really got me, that were going by me was, the ones that were praying for their loved ones…

When I first got there I was at the feet of Jesus. And I can remember looking at Him and saying these thangs. ‘You did this for me?’ And then all I could say was, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” And at that moment I came to really understand the only reason I was there, is was because of what Jesus Christ had done. It wasn’t because of what I had done, but what He had done. And then I came to realize even the works I did in life, even the works I’m doing right now is Him working through me.

My body wasn’t there. It was my soul and my spirit. That’s what was there. Everything about me was praising Him. And I tell people that if I didn’t open up my mouth and praise Him, everything else would have kept on praising Him. I could not stop thanking Him. Oh His eyes are, you know. They’re just like what we read in the Bible, firey red. Different colors. But what got me about His eyes is, I literally saw the love for me, like I was the only creation of His that He loved. Knowing that He loved everyone else… I came to understand that in His eyes… He loves me like I’m the only creation that He loves. People gotta really understand that. And sometimes we don’t understand the deepness of His love for us. It was created just for me… His love that He has for you, understand this Sid, is created literally for you. Oh when I looked at His feet, what I’m talking about this love that’s created just for me, if I didn’t see another part of Him, and His feet just like it said in Revelation… What got me about His feet is that His feet loved me... It seemed like I was literally turning into that love as He was looking at me...

The first one I saw was my Grandmother Mary… Not only my Grandmother Mary was there, but other family members that had accepted Jesus Christ or the Messiah as Lord and Savior, they were there. And it was something! It wasn’t just the ones I knew, but generation after generation after generation after generation of those that had accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; that helped to make this man who I am on this planet right now, they were there to greet me into heaven. I mean, I tell people you will have the biggest family reunion you’d ever think of! My Grandmother said something to me, said really two things to me. One thang she wanted me to know, and Jesus said this same thing, that this was not my home, and that I’m just passing through. That’s what one of the thangs that Jesus Christ really wants me to get across to people as I talk to um. You’re just passing through this. You are not staying on this planet. The other thing Grandma said to me, which is really impact me really greatly, when Jesus was tellin me to leave. She said to me. She said, “Bring as many of us back with you as you can.” And I came back with a understanding of how important family is to God. And it seems like you should have known that beforehand. But see, I’d accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I was the first one in my family. The rest of my family, my immediate family of 3 brothers and a dad and a mother, they didn’t come to know Jesus Christ when I came to know Jesus Christ. Ten years later my mom accepted Jesus Christ. And so it was only me and her that were what we would call Christians at the time. The rest of um, no! And here I am. I separated myself, not only in the sense of spiritual, or physically rather, I also moved all the way up to Seattle and they all lived in California. And I had very little to do with them, and here’s my Grandmother saying to me, “Bring as many of us back with you as you can.” And I have a renewed understanding of in going back and making sure my family members know about Jesus Christ. It’s very important, even to the point that when we don’t look at it that way sometimes…

If you look at even the Jewish families, and I’m uh bring this in here... because it relates so closely to Jewish families, and keeping that blood line, as the Jewish people try to keep that blood line pure, because they understood how important family was to God. We sometimes have gotten away from that. Still God is saying the same thing to everyone that comes to know Him as Lord and Savior. Your family’s important to me, and so much that I literally want you to go back to your family, and make sure they know who I am. I really believe that each and every one of us that are born again, that if we go back just to our family, and reach out to them, we’ll be ministering and evangelizing more people than we’ll ever come to understand…. I’ve reached out to my brothers. My Dad came to know Jesus Christ about a year and a half ago. You know he’s 78-years old now, and a good father. But he made that commitment. He says he’s a believer now. Do you know how much joy that brings me? How much joy does it bring the Lord? I was there when people got born again. I was there when people asked Jesus Christ the Messiah to be their Lord. When I was there what happened was, literally their name is shouted from one end of heaven to the other.

… I saw many people that I thought would not make it there, and then I looked around and I said, ‘But there’s people that I thought would make here, that is not here.’ And I came to understand that a lot of those people that were not there, that I thought were there, were people that we would call pastors, leaders in churches, or in ministries. But they weren’t there. And you know when I came back I really pondered on that. ‘Why Lord weren’t these men or women there that you would think that would be there, and here are people that I wouldn’t thought. No! They didn’t make it into heaven and yet they were there!’

I came to understand because of what happened to me with one of my own family members, my Aunt Barbara. She was there. Aunt Barbara was a lady that I would have told you to this day, if I didn’t have this experience in my life, ‘She didn’t make it there. She did not go there. She went to hell.’ That’s what I would have told you because of the lifestyle that she lived, that I saw in front of me. And the last two years of her life, I was not around her. And so I didn’t see the last two years of her life, so I was basing it on everything up to that point... It’s a heart thang! It really is a heart thang! God knew my Aunt Barbara’s heart. She must have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, or the Messiah as Lord and Savior because, that’s the only way you got in, is by knowing Him. These men or these women of God that we would think that know Jesus Christ, He knows their hearts. They are not fooling Him! He knows exactly what they’re thinking! He knows why they’re doing it. He knows the motives behind it. See everything in heaven’s motive is to get people to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior on this planet… there was even this strategy piece.

Well you gotta understand that the strategy, or the prompting for the strategy, comes from us praying on this planet. We don’t understand that sometimes, but even Jesus Christ said that we’re to pray that more laborers go into the field. Well we sometimes pass that by. But when He said that, that’s a reality, because God’s gonna move off of our prayers that are from the heart. And literally these prayers would go to the Father. He would communicate to Jesus.

Jesus had around Him a number of… beings, being everything that God created them to be. Some had been redeemed. Some of um we would have called angels. They were there and He would communicate with them about plans that He had about how to get someone on this planet moved in a direction to accept Him as Lord and Savior. I can remember Him looking at them and when He would look at them, they literally would bow before Him, not take their eyes off Him and back out, and go do their assignment. Now I came to understand. He wasn’t looking at them so much as what the strategy should be, because they were obeying Him. They were not back talking or coming up with a different plan. What He was looking at is this planet. He was seeing down here, who would fulfill their piece of the part of the strategy on this planet. The closest I can come to any example would be like Saul, when He was talkin to Saul, and He told Saul to go wait. And then Ananias, told Ananias to go and talk to Saul. Remember Ananias when He first talked to Him said, “Ah! Wait a minute! Do you know who this is?” Many people on this planet when the Lord is telling them to do something they balk at it, or they reject it. And He’s sayin, “Ok! I can’t count on them. I gotta find somebody else. You know. And He goes and tries to find someone else. That’s what the strategy is all about…

One of the places I saw, I saw when I was there. You could see where the prayers were coming from. You could literally see prayers coming from this planet into heaven. And literally I could say, ‘This area’s got this much of a percentage of prayers, maybe 1 in 10. You had anywhere from maybe a 1 to a 10 coming from this planet. One of the areas I saw a lot of prayers coming from, was what we call the Far East… He is reaching out to that part because of the prayers coming from that area. And in the sense that I saw Him look at these beings, and part of these beings were Peter and James. He looked at their group. And literally several of the angels we would call, left their group to head down to that part of our planet.

Everything there worships the Lord. I came to understand what true worship is. Anytime you’re doing the will of the Father, you’re worshipping Him. When I was there, there was a time that I saw… And every creation of God literally was sending up prayers or praise to the Father in such a way, they were individual… It wasn’t like a group of praise. It would be like you’re praising the Lord individually. I’m praising the Lord individually and it did not clash. The biggest impact was seeing the love that the Father had for us. When during that praise time, I literally saw Him sing back to every creation. I even see now when we’re praising Him or giving Him glory that He literally is singing back to us… When we say the glory of God’s here… it’s His singing to us. That what we’re experiencing! That changed me, because I came to understand how much the Father really loves us. You know the Bible says, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son? Yes! That’s reality. He loves us that much!

(53) Dean Braxton, Assistant Pastor on Its Supernatural

In the middle of worship I had my eyes shut. I had my hands up. I was worshipping and suddenly my head turned. And this is important to understand, my spirit-man’s head turned. My body is still there, but I turned and I saw Jesus walk in the back of the church. And He stood at the end of the row and He said, “Come with Me.” And it was one of those experiences where at the time, I didn’t know if I was in the body or out of the body. I just knew I walked down the row, went up the aisle, stood in front of a Navajo Pastor, who was the only one in the congregation sitting down during worship service. And Jesus stepped to the side and He said, “I have a word for him and I’d like you to give it to him.” And this was a Pastor that our church supported, so he was just visiting. I looked at him and I said, ‘Lord, You’re here!” And long before it ever became a motto He just looked at me and said, “Just do it!” And so I put forth my hand and put it on this Pastor and there was a prophesy that came forth. And just a word of encouragement and appreciation of how much the Lord loves him. And as that word started trailing off, it was like somebody shutting off a faucet, gradually just trailing off, the Lord Who’s about 5 feet 11, and I’m 6 feet 6, melted somehow to fill my space, and as He did that He said, “Remember my son, when you lay hands on a person in My name, it’s as if I am laying hands on that person.” And instantly I was back standing next to my wife… It wasn’t until after I was back that I realized, ‘Oh!’ And checked with my wife. She said, “You never left my side.”

Well I was minding my own business. That’s probably the biggest thing to know right off the bat… Suddenly inside of me there was an excitement in my spirit man, not like butterflies being nervous. But was an excitement! And I didn’t know what that was. It was like the presence of God but it was much stronger. And finally I turned the corner and I was contemplating, ‘What is that? What is that?’ And suddenly up out of me I heard, ‘It’s Jesus.” And when I did that my head raised up, and there about 15 feet away Jesus was standing right in the bend of the rural road. And I was so startled. I looked at Him. I said, ‘What are You doing here?’ And He looked at me and said, “I’m here to meet the needs of the village.” And I said, ‘Well, how can I help?’ And He looked at me and said, “Meet the needs of the village.”

And some other things were said, and He said, “I want to teach You how to hear the voice of the Father and know the ways of the Spirit.” And that began about a 45 or 50 minute teaching time, where He explained to me… about what we were talking about earlier, where the spirit-man is really the eternal part of us. Our spirit and soul are eternal. And when somebody for instance goes to heaven, it’s their spirit and soul which is in heaven. And He pointed to the very first example, was in Luke chapter 16, where two men had died. One man ended up in hell, the other man in paradise or Abraham’s bosom. And He began teaching me. He said, “Notice their bodies are dead and buried. But they saw each other, heard each. They spoke to one another. One wanted water because of the torment of the flame. And He said this. He said, “The root of your senses is actually in your spirit-man.”

…There was a particular store that my wife and I knew, and we had been in there, and there was just a heavy feeling there. And we recognized that as a wrong spirit. And the Lord pointed that out, and He said, “How did you know that?” And I said, ‘It didn’t feel right.’ And He said that, the Bible uses the words perceive and discern. And He said that, “That describes the process by which your mind picks up on what is happening in your spirit.” And that’s what happened. When we walked in and our mind is like a teeter totter. You take in the physical senses. But also you check on the inside, not with just physical but of the inside of you, and sense that spiritual atmosphere. And what He pointed out to me is that, that spirit- man is how we make contact with the spiritual realm. In other words there are people who say that they have had… a premonition maybe... And you say different things, premonition maybe, or they have a hunch. Someone has a peace about something that they’re doing. Or that it doesn’t feel right. All those are senses in the spirit-man…

And He referred to examples in His own life. For instance He, one of the examples He used from His own life, was when the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of His garment. And Luke 8 tells us that He was hymned in and pushed and thronged and mobbed by a group of people. But He stopped. He said, “Who touched My clothes?” And the disciples are like, What do you mean, who touched You? Everybody’s touching You. But He said, “No! I felt power leave me. I felt power go out of Me”. And then that woman being afraid came forward and said, I got healed. And so what He told me. He said, “You have to train yourself, even mobbed with all your physical senses in operation. Notice how I trained Myself to perceive what was happening in My Spirit, and I felt that power go out of me.” He said, “I want you to train yourself to do that same thing.”

…One night in the living room… suddenly the Lord was there. And He came over and actually sat down in the spirit. Suddenly I could see both in the spirit and in the natural realm. And He said this. He said, “I wanta teach you a little bit. You’re a product of what you’d call the Charismatic renewal.” He said, “At that time many of my people came out of the denominational churches because their needs weren’t being met.” And He said, “Thus, what you would call para-church organizations started. And you’ve heard of prayer groups and Bible studies: people meeting on their own.” And He said, “Out of that sprang up a whole new breed of churches, a whole new generation of churches.” And He said, “You’re a product of that.” And that was exactly the case. Then He said this. He said, “Many of those churches have become as rigid and structured and set on their own agenda as the denominational churches that preceded them. And once again you’re going to hear of My people leaving them because their needs aren’t being met, because they want more of Me...” That was a little bit scary because I was a Pastor of a traditional church… I had to plead guilty. I was as guilty as anyone else as a Pastor. You know, four songs, announcements, worship. Get to the buffet line before the next church down the street. And it began birthing in me a desire to just let go and let God. ‘Why did we have to cut off the worship if the worship was going strong and the presence of God was so strong?’

One of the first things that I noted was that every single book in the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation was written to people in living rooms. There were no big buildings at the time or anything like that. Secondly, not a single letter in the New Testament was written to leaders… The idea of the Pastor being the head came about 300 and some years later. It was jointly governed by the people. I discovered that when I was reading some of the problems. Look for instance in the first Corinthians letter, there was a situation with incest, and Paul said, “You should have handled it!” He didn’t say, get the Pastor. Get the elders… in the very next chapter two brothers are suing one another, and he says the same thing. Instead of get the leaders, or anything. He says, You should have handled it! Why don’t you guys pick two of the least in the church and let them decide the issue?

In 313 AD… He [Constantine] issued what’s call the Edict of Milan which legalized Christianity, which brought Christians out of the homes they’d been in for more than 2 centuries. And actually gave them a bunch of money, took over pagan temples and set up the whole auditorium style church we have today…

In February of 2001 I was about to minister in the Toronto area, and during the worship suddenly the Lord was there, right up by the worship team, about 6 or 7 steps away. And He came walking over to me. And one of the things He said was this, “See what I see. People running to and fro to this meeting and that, looking for the spectacular, thinking that’s supernatural. But they miss the supernatural work in their midst and in their hearts. For the process of discipleship is supernatural.” He said some other things and said this, “As it was in the beginning so it must be now. I’m moving in relationships.”

(54) John Fenn, on Its Supernatural

… in 1997 I was asked to teach a course in church history from a Messianic Jewish perspective… And the first question I had was, ‘When did the church stop being Jewish?’ …And so I went back to the book of Acts to find out where the break from Judaism came… They still celebrated the holidays of the Old Testament scriptures. Even at the very end of the book of Acts Paul is saying, “I am a Jew.” …cause I thought if the apostles never divorced the church from Judaism, where did it happen? And you study through the 2nd century, through the 3rd century, you see the church for the most part still celebrating Shabbats and holidays and very Jewish. And it wasn’t really til you get to the 4th century under the Roman Emperor Constantine, when he made the church an offer it should have refused. Because basically he said, if you will let me change the church I will stop the persecution. And so the church because of the persecution they’d been under, they agreed and they compromised.

Well as a Roman he hated the [Jewish people]. He viewed the Jewish people as a rebellious people that had been conquered by Romans. And so basically he came right out and said, we want to remove everything Jewish from Christianity. A man removed it, a pagan Roman emperor. He wanted to unify his empire. And he felt the best way to do that was to take Christianity, and make it a little bit more pagan, so all the religions of the empire could merge together and be happy together.

Ah! It really got rid of a whole Biblical mindset, because the Christianity of the early church was based on the scriptures, both old and New Testament. It had a Biblical attitude toward God, a Biblical attitude toward the home, Ah! A Biblical attitude toward the scriptures. You know, it’s interesting in the early church, was their attitude toward the scriptures was every believer needs to understand the scriptures… Well, see in the Greek mindset Greek religions were mystery religions, which meant that the leaders, the priests were initiated. They were able to understand the sacred mysteries, and the common people worshipped in ignorance. They weren’t allowed to read the sacred books. So when that mindset came over into Christianity. Instead of having people taught the scriptures and expected to understand them, you had the priests who knew the scriptures. The were written in a language the people didn’t know. They were chained to a pulpit where they couldn’t be read, and the people would come in and worship in ignorance…

He [Constantine] started building large church buildings all over the empire, and once they were built he outlawed the house church. He outlawed houses and prayer. And said, because he couldn’t control what happened in a house church. But he could control what happened in the one’s he built… Mithraism, which is a religion, it was Constantine’s religion. And in mithraism, the priest was called, in each congregation, each temple had a priest who was called father. The high priest wore a special hat called a miter. His symbol was a shepherd’s staff and a key, and he ruled his religion from his temple on the vatican hill in Rome. But as you look at the church 2 centuries later, the church is made up of priests. The leaders are priests who are called father, and the high priest has his church, his temple on vatican hill in Rome, with the same symbols the Hebraic priest had.

Let’s imagine we’re walking down the street in the city of Rome. It’s the year 90 AD and we’re going to visit an early church. Ah! Of course they met in homes. They weren’t in church buildings… But we’d walk up to a house, and we’d walk in the door, and what we see is not anything like what we ever imagined church to be. Um! There was no special clothing worn. There’s no hymn books. there’s no pews. There’s no pulpit. The building doesn’t have a steeple on top. No crosses. As we walk in through the door what we see, we look around, there’s not a platform built. As a matter of fact, the church takes place in the large open courtyard, which most homes had at that time. And the open courtyard in the middle of the home, and we walk into it. And it looks like there’s a party going on. They’re playing flutes and lyres and tambourines. They’re dancing Jewish style ring dances. And we look. You think, “Did I come to the right place? This doesn’t look like church. They’re having fun! It’s exciting!”

And we walk in and we listen to the words, and we realize they’re singing about Yeshua. This is church! And you read many, many historical descriptions of the early church that say that it was typical for them to begin with just a prolonged period of joyful singing, dancing. That was just a typical way for them to start church. I imagine they knew who could play… It was very free. It was very open. It was very joyful. And uh, if that didn’t surprise us enough the next thing they would do would surprise us even more, because when that slowed down and stopped, the next thing they’d do is start bringing out food. And people would sit down together and have a meal together. It’s called the agape. The New Testament describes that, and they would eat together. They would fellowship together. They would share about the Lord in the process. And because it was a family they knew each other. They loved each other.

We have been [robbed]. As they continued on they would worship. They would sing, and at some point, the Bible describes this when it says, and when the power of the Lord is present, there would come a time in the midst of this when the Spirit of the Lord would just drop down in a very tangible way. And as that happened, miracles began to take place. Irenaeus describes even at the end of the 2nd century it was very common for healings and tongues, prophetic words, miracles. He said even common to see people raised from the dead by the prayers of the church. The Spirit of God would, I sort of picture it this way. You’re sitting there and you’re looking and there’s a family in the back, and they’re looking uncomfortable. They’ve never been here before. They have come because their daughter has contracted a disease that’s left her blind. And they have nowhere else to turn to. But they have a friend that’s invited them to church. They bring their daughter in and when the Spirit of God falls people gather around and they begin to pray for her. And suddenly she begins to weep and cry, saying, “I can see! I can see!” And soon the whole family’s saved, and we think that sounds like a dramatic thing. But as you read, that is what saved most people in the Roman Empire.

Even historians say it’s the power of the church to heal and deliver people that caused the church to want to brave the threat of persecution, to come to know this Yeshua. If you look at the church in Jerusalem, it started with 120, moved up to 3,000. By Acts chapter 4 it was probably over 10,000, said there were 5,000 males in the church by that time. And then you’d estimate by the time of the martyrdom of Steven, it would be up to 20,000 by that time. When Paul comes into Jerusalem in Acts chapter 19 or 20, James comes up to him and says, look how many 10’s of 10,000’s of Jews have come to believe in Yeshua, and are zealous for Torah. Well Sid, you know, God had chosen the Jewish people to be priests to the nations. And He had spent 2,000 years giving them an understanding of the things of God, so that they would be able to disciple the nations. What happened early in the 2nd century is the gospel began to move out into the Gentile world. Men began to rise up into leadership who did not have that understanding. And a lot of these men are called the church fathers.

They were originally trained in Greek philosophy. But they came to know Yeshua, but they didn’t understand the things of God. They didn’t understand what God was like. And so as they began to write, they would deliberately attempt to take what they knew from Greek into what they knew of Christianity. One of the first of these was Origen. His stated goal was to take stoicism and neoplatonism and merge that with Christian theology. Augustine did the same thing. Augustine is the father of the theologians for Catholics and Protestants. But his goal, according to any encyclopedia was to take the things of Christianity and merge them with platonism and Neoplatonism, and make a Christianity that was acceptable to the Greek pagan mind.

When I started studying church history I was so excited to get to read the church fathers, because I thought these were men that lived a generation after the disciples. They would have wonderful insights. And what I saw was that they didn’t understand anything! They quoted the scriptures a lot, but they not understand it. And so much of what they said was almost laughable.

One of books called the Didache, it talks about how to baptize people. And what’s important, its’ main point is you really need to baptize people in cold running water. If it’s not running water that’s ok, but make sure it’s cold. And that was their insight for effective baptism. Ah! They did not understand the spiritual truths behind it. They didn’t know the nature of God. Ah! Philip Schaff, who was one of the most recognized church historians said, “Going from the writings of the Hebrew apostles to the Greek church fathers, is like going from a beautiful well watered oasis, out into a dry desert wasteland. That was my experience. It was a dramatic difference... In order to merge Greek philosophy with the Bible he [Origen] had to find a new way of interpreting the Bible, and he called it algorism. In that he took the text of the Bible, but he didn’t pay attention to what it said, and just put his ideas over it. And one of the ideas that he came up with was replacement theology. He said, ah, we don’t like all this Jewish stuff, so we’re gonna say that God is finished with the [Jewish people] now. And all the promises that God gave the [Jewish people] he’s now giving the church… But there were also others that were willing to follow it, because they were enamored with the Greek philosophy, the Greek mindset of the day, and it was a tragic thing because basically they’re saying that God divorced His first wife and married a second. And all of the promises that God gave to Israel He just wiped away. And if we have a God that could wipe away promised like that, then we don’t have a God we can trust…

Yes! Many Jewish people have rejected the Messiah. But’s he [Paul] said that’s only a temperature thing. He said the time will come when all Israel will be saved. And he said when that begins to happen, when you begin to see the [Jewish people] turning back to the Messiah, what that will mean is the Gentile church will be plugged back into its roots. And he said that will be life from the dead. If you go anywhere in the world today, the church is praying for one thing. It’s praying for revival. Revival is when the life of God comes into His church. Revival is when a dead church coming to life. And I believe Paul is saying that when the [Jewish people] begin to turn back to Messiah, that is when the long time awaited end-time revival is going to sweep the church.

(55) Robert Heidler, Pastor on Its Supernatural

The favor in my life comes from the intimacy with God, the relationship that I established with Him. Even as a young boy when I was 10, 12-years old, I would spend literally hours and hours just fellowshipping with Him, just in my prayer closet. You know, reading my Bible, listening to tapes, and just listening to His voice. This was a key time that I gave… Listen to His voice when He speaks to us to give, because really God was setting me up. He was setting me up for a great blessing, and I gave that seed of $500.00, which for me at that time was a lot of money. And I sowed that seed, and I’m still seeing the harvest today from that seed years ago... I planted that seed and from that I actually won an award. And as I sowed that seed, an seen that award in business, things began to happen and I was setting at tables like this here, surrounded by multi-millionaires in business. And I was just a young boy and thinking to myself, ‘Why am I here? How am I here?’ But I knew it was the favor of God on my life, because I sowed that seed. And to this day forward I’ve been working with corporations because of that seed.

Well everything that I do today is a result of being in that secret place, fellowshipping with Him. You know, spending time so I can never leave that place. We’re created to fellowship with Him, to be in worship with Him, because it’s in that place, when you’re in that place the favor of God comes on your life… the level of our favor is linked to the level of our relationship with Him. And give you an example. Even with my children, they have favor with me. Because you know, there’s people that I know, but I just know about them. But my children know me. So I can be in my office working. I can be on the phone, in a meeting or whatever. My kids can come knock on the door and run in there. They have access to me, because of the favor that we have. But if a stranger came to me and did the same thing, they wouldn’t have that same access, because they wouldn’t have the same level of favor... That’s what I was birthed into, and that book is the purpose is to lead people into the presence of God, into a place that many people may have not been into before, into the deep, you know, inner chambers of the King’s palace.

What I seen in the vision was that, I seen the hand of God actually go out over the people. You know, the believers and just, just His hand went over the people and began to release to all the people spiritual wealth, natural wealth, just the blessing of God were coming on these people. In the vision the people were so excited. And this was a multitude of people, just everybody so excited because of all the blessing. You know, the spiritual and the natural wealth. But what I seen next really changed my life, because I seen His hand go back out over the people. And when He stuck His back out over the people, He did this. His hand actually began to motion for those people to come. And what happened was, not all the people started coming. Only a few, only a rare few began to come.

All the people were content with all the stuff. And you know, they were excited. But it was radically changing my life what I was seeing in that vision, because I realized that He was calling us to intimacy, to relationship. And the people that came to Him and was wanting that relationship with Him, their blessing began to expand even more. The blessing just kept flowing and flowing and flowing. But the people who did not come, I believe that’s where we’re at right now, that people that aren’t in a relationship with Him their blessing began to dry up. And it just time after time was drying up.

I was in my office. I was on my typewriter typing, and my little dog was laying at my foot on the left side of me. And I was home alone and I was typing, and all of a sudden I felt this presence enter my room. And even the dog on the floor noticed something, and turned to look, As I turned to look, now I didn’t see it in the natural but the spirit that was so profound, so real to me. I seen a man sitting there in white robe, and throughout that week there was another encounter which later God was revealing to me the rooms of the heart. He was showing me what people’s hearts look like. And I remember this room that I walked out, looked like a hotel room. On each side there was doors, but this room was deteriorating. The floor was, you know, just really weathered and even the smell. It smelled like musty and the walls were just, was coming off, dark colors. And the Lord led me down these hallways and looked at each one of these rooms. As we walked down these rooms, I remember looking in these rooms as He was showing me in each one of these rooms, different ones.

One of them was filled up with like entertainment. You know there’s TV sets in there. People were just consumed, their life was consumed with entertainment. You know watching TV and just ongoing. Went into another room, and there was a room there filled up with trophies, all these awards people won. And I noticed distinctly that there was one guy in there that was actually polishing these awards that he’s won. And I remember that guy turning to look at the door to see who it was. This gentleman looked at Jesus and just kind of nodded and grinned and turned back around and went back to polishing his trophies, the awards that he’d won… there was party atmospheres and different things. But when we got to the end of the hallway I remember so clearly that Jesus turned to me and looked at me. There was a tear running down His face. He said Brian, “There’s no room in this heart for Me.” And you know, I began to weep and cry at that point, you know, because our life is so filled up with other things and the Bible says, you know, one thing that I desire. So it was radically changing my life by seeing that. And it made me evaluate my heart. What’s in my heart? (56) Brian Lake, Businessman on Its Supernatural

My father, this is 1943. My father was a heavy equipment operator and he begin to travel all over the place, but he began to sleep with strange women. And he caught a venereal disease, and it traveled up his spine, settled in his brain. He died of a lunatic in an insane asylum. And the doctors interviewed my mother and said the baby in her womb, would have the same disease that had killed his father. So my mom’s desperate. Well she already had two children. She had my brother a year older than myself, my sister, two years older than myself. And so my mother’s desperate. She takes a coat hanger, turns it into a hook, opens her womb, inserts the coat hanger into her body, and attempts to pull my life out. And the hand of the Lord came and pushed me aside, and kept my mother from extracting my life out of her body. “How does a fetus know such things?” Me and John the Baptist do. Member John the Baptist got full of the Holy Ghost, where? In his mommy’s tummy, but it’s Jeremiah 1:4. Before I formed you in the belly I knew you. Before you came out of your mommy’s womb I ordained you, and sanctified you and set you apart to be a prophet to the nations.

She [my mother] came to one of the coliseums where we do our meetings, a demonstration of God’s power meetings, and she watched the supernatural take place, and it so gripped her til she was real remorseful about almost taking my life. So she came to me to try to tell me all about it. I armed her up and said, ‘Oh mom! I know all about that.’ Ah! She was stunned…

I’d walk into a place to eat, or something, maybe several hundred people in there. I could distinctly hear everything they said and thought. And I thought, ‘Ah man! I don’t know if I can function like this,’ because I could clearly hear. I could hear what the camera man would think, what the people seated over there would think. And so I thought, ‘That must be why prophets got out and lived on a rock…!’ Something like that. And so I thought, ‘I can’t function like that.’ So I said, ‘Lord what are we gonna do?’ And He said, “I’ll tune it back like a radio receiver, and then when I get ready to use you I’ll tune it in.” So that took all the sweat out of it… He [Jesus] said, “I only say what I hear My Father saying. I only do what I see My Father doing.”

When I was 5 is when the first time I was without my brother or sister. They’d gone to public school. And so I walked down behind my mother’s house, and it seemed like I’d walked for miles, but actually maybe 200 yards at the most. And I’m a little bitty 5-year old boy. And I lay down on the ground under a big old tree, and I’m laying there on my tummy with my face in my hands like this. And I say out of my mouth. “Well, I guess I’ll have to be by myself!” …A wonderful wind came and got in the tree above my head, begin to spin around. And Sid, a voice spoke to me out of the wind and said, “No Bobby! You’ll never be by yourself. See!” And when He said, “See!” The heavens where the birds fly, the heavens rolled back just like that, and I could see horses running back and forth with their mane and their tails on fire. Now I’m a little 5-year old Texas boy, so what I’m seeing is angels, but I think that it’s horses. And so that’s when all of this really, really started…

(57) Bobby Conner, Prophet on Its Supernatural

This is a generation that’s been created for the supernatural, and it’s amazing the number of children across the world that are being used by God, when you create a platform for them. And what they will do is they will grab, if you give um one ounce of opportunity to press into the presence of God, they will grab it and run with it… I think of one time when I was holding a vacation Bible school… And I taught the children on healing. And I told them, as right before the service I had a sense from the Lord that there were going to be children there that were going to get a sensation in their body. This is typical of some ministers on TV, where they would, maybe a pain that they had never had in that place before. And that, that was a signal from the Holy Spirit that there was someone in the audience who needed healing in that area. And so when I called for those kids to come forward, there was at least 15 children who came up and said, “I got a pain here. I don’t ever have pain there.” We called the audience. Someone would come forward, that child would pray for um, and they were healed right then and there.

John G. Lake said, “When you hear the children travail…” Travail is one of the deepest forms of prayer that you get so into the world of prayer, that you can’t even say anything with your mouth. It just is groanings that come up from the bottom of your heart. And, “when you hear the children begin to travail in prayer, know that Jesus has one foot in the door.”

(58) Becky Fischer, Youth Pastor on Its Supernatural

Lebanon use to be known as Paris of the Middle East, and the banking capital of the Middle East. Many people don’t realize today that Lebanon use to be the only majority Christian country in the Middle East. We were open-minded. We were fair. We were tolerant. We were multi-cultural. We prided ourselves on our multi-culturalism. We had open boarder policy. We welcomed everyone into our country, because we wanted to share with them the Westernization which we had created in the heart of the Middle East. Education was very important to us as a part of our Judeo-Christian culture. You know, we focused on education and commerce. We had built the best universities in the Arabic world. Muslims use to send their children from the Arabic world to come to our universities to study, then graduated and worked in our economy because we had built the best economy in the Arabic world, even though we did not have any oil. Sadly, all that began to change after 30, 40 years.

This is exactly a preview of what’s going to happen in the United States, because what happened in my country, was once the Muslims became a majority of their birth rates, and the way they multiply, even though we started as a majority, but we don’t have many children.

You know, Christians and Jews and now, we are seeing this throughout the Western world, including the United States. We’re not multiplying enough! We have two, three children from by the time our kids are born, we start thinking what college we’re gonna send them to. The Muslims multiply much faster. And in Lebanon, because there were a lot of them to begin with, they multiplied to become the majority. We always had the situation contained in Lebanon until the influx of the Palestinians out of Jordan, when Yasser Arafat tried to overthrow the king, and establish a base from which to fight Israel, kill the Jews and throw them into the sea. He failed to do so because of the dictatorship of the king. Jordan wasn’t a democratic, open-minded, tolerant and fair society. We, Lebanon were the only, the Christian country in the Middle East, the only country to accept the 3rd wave of Palestinian refugees into the country. They were majority Muslims. They put their heads together with the Muslims in Lebanon and declared holy war on the Christians. No! The Christians were not causing them a problem, because like you said, we Christians are taught to give, to love, to treat our neighbor the way we want to be treated, and this is how Lebanon operated as a democratic, mostly as Judeo-Christian society. But what happened was Islam is an intolerant religion. So when you have intolerant people coming into society that chose intolerance, we literally tolerated intolerance, and allowed intolerance to take us over. We judged our people. We reflected our standards, our Judeo-Christian standards of love, acceptance, tolerance, respect, multi-culturalism, diversity. Like you said, on people who did not value the same values we did. And they used our democracy, our open- mindedness, our fairness and our tolerance against us to destroy our democracy. And I see the same signs happening in America today. We are seeing the God of tolerance in the United States allowing intolerant people who are not tolerating our Western system, who are trying to impose their own point of view on the rest of us, including they do not agree with our freedom of speech. They do not agree with our freedom of religion, yet they’re using our freedoms to get a foothold in our country.

Islam is a violent religion. It is not a peaceful religion. The word Islam means submission. Salam means peace. But many times the Muslim lobby groups, and the Muslim talking heads confuse the two together… It’s not the same word. Salam means peace, but Islam means submission. There are verses in the quran that talk about peace. Those verses began when Muhammad was trying to appeal to the Jews to accept him as the last prophet. When Muhammad’s own people rejected him in mecca, he decided if he goes to the Jews and appeals to the Jews to accept him, he had to borrow some of their verses, and this is why we see in the early verses of the quran, there’s a lot of peaceful verses about the people of the book. This is when Muhammad was trying to recruit them. He went to medina. When the Jews refused him, this is when he declared all the wars against them and against the infidel, and this is when Muhammad became a military man. So all the other verses, all the following verses of the quran are violent verses, calling for the destruction of Jews and Christians.

…surar #9 is all about declaring war against the Christians and the Jews. But here’s the interesting thing. In the quran, in the Islam there is the law of taqiyya, or memsahid, which I discuss in my book, Because They Hate. Under the law of taqiyya a Muslim is allowed to tell a lie, even knowing that it is true, that he is telling a lie, but knowing he is forgiven by the quran. And here is why, because under the law of taqiyya and memsahid mensu, there is the law of abrogation of the quran. If there are two verses contradicting each other, the later verse wipes out the first verse, wipes out the later verse, and the later verse becomes the truth.

Well, the war began in 1975 in Lebanon and that’s when my 911 happened to me, when our lives turned upside down is when the Muslims were attacking our town, and trying to take us over. We woke up from a dream life into a nightmare. We ended up living in a bomb shelter for seven years of our lives, fighting for our existence. While the world was asleep and no one paid attention, it was Israel that came to aid the Christians of Lebanon. Lebanon up until 1965 considered Israel the enemy, because they thought if they go along with the mostly Arabic religions surrounding us, Arabic states that, that would win them protection point, you know, brownie points with the Arabic countries. Little did we know how much they resented us. When the war started and the Muslims started massacring the Christians, I lived in a little town in South Lebanon. A few people from my town went to Israel and begged for help. And Israel started helping the Christians and protecting the Christians, and this is how we survived. While the rest of the Christian world was asleep, the Jews who came and shed their blood to defend the Christians of Lebanon.

And this is how we survived until about 1982 when Israel invaded Lebanon. And the only reason Israel invaded Lebanon, was because Syria and Iran had gotten involved in the war. And at that time we had 11 Muslim terrorist organizations. They’re operating out of Lebanon to overthrow Lebanese democracy, grab a hold of the country and create a base from which to attack Israel. So Israel started working with the Christians trying to take back, help the Christians take back their democracy to get re-strengthened. Israel invaded Lebanon. During that invasion the Muslims were shelling us frantically as they were retreating.

My mother became wounded, and we had to take her to an Israeli hospital for treatment. For my mother it was a life saving experience, but for me it was a life changing experience. That was the first time I was in Israel by myself, my mother unconscious going from one surgery to another in the hospital, where I was able to see the Jewish people, the way they were treating and reacting to the Lebanese wounded, and even their enemy. My mother was wounded and we had to go to an Israeli hospital, and I ended up spending 22-days in that hospital. What I saw was amazing! I saw Israeli doctors treating Lebanese wounded people in the emergency room, treating terrorists brought in from Lebanon, Muslims, Palestinians.

They didn’t see religion. They didn’t see religious affiliation or nationality. First of all, if a Jew made it even to the hospital, he would be lynched, and thrown to his death, and butchered as screams of joy would echo through the hospital and down the surrounding streets. Shouts of alaba akbar would echo because they killed an infidel, a filthy Jew! I experienced a human quality in Israel, that I knew for a fact my culture will not be able to show their enemy in their most trying moments, the way the Jews did. I realized that the Arabic world feeds its population fabricated lies about the Jews that are so far from reality.

I was in the hospital for 22-days, and during those days people would come. Jews came from all over Israel knowing that there were Lebanese wounded in the hospital, bringing baklava and bringing foods, and bringing chocolates, and telling the Lebanese, “How can we help? What can we do for you? Our homes are your homes. Just let us know how we can serve you.” It was an unbelievable scene! One of the ladies with my mother who was wounded from Lebanon, she was a Muslim. She was in the hospital for 10-days, and the Jews had saved her life. And as the doctors would do their round up, and even after 10- days she’s been in the hospital, they checked on her and they left. She looked at them and she would say, “I hate you all! I wish you were all dead!” And the first time in my life I experienced evil. I saw evil, because when you are unable to be grateful for those who saved your life, you have no soul.

And Muslims are raised from their mother’s milk to hate the Jews. They are raised not only because the culture teaches them to hate he Jews, but the quran itself. The holy books that they read, the quran, the hadid and the surat. Muhammad specifically, even in his dying bed, his last words was urging his followers to fight the Jews until the end. Well, there are millions of moderate Muslims in the world. There are millions of wonderful souls who do not want to kill anybody, who want to live their lives just like you and me, who want to raise their children, educate their children. They want their women to work. Those are the wonderful people that we are not talking about. We are talking about the radicals right now, who are devout Muslims, the “good Muslims”. What we call today as radicals, are not those who hijack the religion. The radical follow the religion by the word, in the footsteps of the prophet Muhammad.

We are being infiltrated big time in our universities by Saudi Arabia and Gulf Shaikh’s, sending in millions of dollars, and buying influence in universities. And our universities are just lapping up those funds. What’s been happening is Saudi Arabia has been able to exploit a program called, the Title 6 program that was instituted by our government, after World War II, to teach American students about foreign languages, and foreign cultures, so they may be an asset to our country. But with the oil wealth coming out of the Middle East, the Saudi’s wanting to spread their radical ideology, have been funding, sending millions to universities setting up Middle East departments, and political science departments, and appointing professors, giving them tenure who hate America, hate Israel, and are literally brainwashing our children. And the extent of Saudi peddling is incredible. They are giving money by the millions! Harvard University, $20,000,000, Georgetown University, $22,000,000. And actually since my book was written and I discussed the $20,000,000, they just gave another $20 some million dollars… to Georgetown. So you are seeing the influx of the money… When they receive millions of funds coming from shady sources in the Middle East, they are just wanting to keep the peace, and wanting to keep that money coming over. And when you have Saudi’s sending their children, and you have Muslim countries sending top dollar tuitions to columbia, to Harvard, to all the universities across the nation. And by the way, this is a problem, not only on the Ivy League schools. This is a problem from the community colleges, all the way up to the Ivy League. What we are seeing now is few who think that we are the problem. America is the source of the problems in the world. Israel is the problem, and the rest of the world is oppressed because our success and our wealth. It’s amazing…! They overcompensate because they are Jews. That’s the problem we are seeing, because it is Jewish attorneys who go and fight for these Muslims to have the right. For example, Harvard instated… hours just for Muslim students. If you and I have a son paying $50,000 a year to go to Harvard, and in his tuition its included that he can use the gym, he’s not allowed to use the gym certain days, because its only allotted times for the Muslims. We are seeing segregation on our college campuses that’s not now limited to the student housing, where Muslim woman want to pray by themselves in a group in their dorms. They are now enforcing this segregation on the facilities that is used by the larger student body.

What’s so concerning about these mosques is the hate literature that has been found in these mosques. We all know that Saudi Arabia supports and finance 90% of the mosques throughout the world. So that goes the same way in the United States. In undercover study which I discuss in my book, done by Freedom House, where they went undercover, some of the most prominent mosques and Islamic institutions in the United States, and they collected books in Arabic provided by the government of Saudi Arabia, that teach Muslims living in America how to deal with infidels living in infidel land. In all these books and publications they exhort Muslims to oppose them for their religion, meaning us Christians and Jews, to hate for allah’s sake, to oppose them in every way, maintain a wall of resentment against them. So while we’re teaching love, they’re teaching hatred. They say that democracy is responsible for all the horrible wars of the 20th century. And that attracted names like democracy, justice, freedom, and brotherhood. There are many cell groups in the United States. hamas, hezbollah, Islamic jihad. They are all up and operating in the United States. Hamas which people think is an Israeli problem. Hamas has cells in over 40 states in the United States. Hezbollah which people think is a Lebanese problem. Hezbollah has 11 cells running on American soil. Islamic jihad. Sami Adnan who was a professor at the University of Florida, who was convicted now and expelled out of the country, was the head of Islamic jihad in the United States, raising millions of dollars to fund Palestinian suicide bombers, to go into Israel and commit suicide bombing. This is the extent of the infiltration into our society. My book, Because They Hate details such information.

(59) Brigitte Gabriel, Lebanese American Journalist on Its Supernatural

Everybody’s used to coming and sitting in a pew, or sitting in rows of chairs and having a building with a steeple on it and so forth, pastor, program, you know, all that… That sort of style is shrinking as a whole… You’re going to see that the entire church… becomes 1/3rd of the whole, the traditional church, because the other 2/3rds is going to be your relational church where you and I, are talking with each other, and a dozen other people in a living room. And we are communicating, and God is there changing lives. We’ve seen dropouts before. This one’s different. People are not backsliding. They’re not leaving the church because they’ve lost God. They’re leaving the church because they’re not finding God there anymore, or as much as they want to, and they’re wanting more! And so they are dropping out, looking for something… a lot of um are looking for house churches, campus, office church, Starbuck’s church, where ever it is that they’re going to be meeting.

The world is rapidly becoming Christian. In fact, at the rate we’re growing now… expanding the way we are now, everyone in the world will be a Christian by 2032. It’s happening in places like China. It’s happening in India. It’s now starting to happen in Pakistan and Bangladesh, hardcore Muslim countries. Countries that have never been known for being Christian, and they’re turning to Christ. And they’re turning to Christ in mass… the whole last century, 1900-2000. It started with about 2,000,000 Christians in Africa and grew to 200,000,000… Latin America there started about 1,000,000 Christians and grew to 170,000,000 Christians. China started with probably fewer than 1,000,000 Christians in about 1950… and now I counted about 120-150,000,000 born again Christians in China. So the growth is from about 4,000,000 in one century to 190,000,000 million. And that is pretty remarkable!

Her name’s Esther. She is from the village of Suprabath… in the middle of India. And on September 1, 1999 she was born in the evening. And her parents were horrified to say the least, because they imagined they were gonna put her in a clay pot, and throw her out in the jungle for the animals to eat. But then they thought well we just became Christians. We probably shouldn’t do that. What do we do? Well let’s pray. So they brought in 5 or 6 Christian friends. That’s about all they had in that village at the time, and they started praying. They prayed all night over this horrible looking little thing. And now if you look in the book you see a cute little girl… The two heads became one, and the one real eye stayed there and the other eye got just normal, and so by the next morning she had two eyes… Then a prophet in Switzerland… got a hold of that and God spoke to him strongly and said, “This is not an ordinary miracle.” This is a message from God, cause God is saying for too long the church has been a two-headed monster. Men have set themselves up as the head of the church. Jesus wants to be the head. Men have said, “NO! We’ll be the head!” So the church has been a two-headed monster, and the world looks at that and says, “Hey, what’s to explain? We know. We have our armies run that way. We have our corporations, our governments. The guy at the top gives the orders and everybody else follows the orders. I see that in church. So where’s your God?” So, now God is wanting to make a perfect church, a church body with one new man, everything under the headship of Christ.

Over the course of the first couple centuries you got a shift in the church from being the house-to-house church we read in the book of Acts, to being a pyramidal, top down, organizational structure…

Mrs. Chang is dying, and over the course of a few years she just had to go to the hospital. So her son peddled her 20 kilometers to a hospital. Doctors there quickly discovered all of her organs were basically almost dead. “Just go home and die peacefully with your family.” But before she left, there’s some unknown nurse that came up to her with a gospel of Mark and said, “Just read this when you get home.” And she did. And they get home. She asked her son to read this, and he opens it up and starts reading, “This is the good news of Jesus Christ...” And her arm moved. Her arm hadn’t moved for years. And she started moving, and she sat up and she was completely healed: just from a few verses of this gospel of Mark, that had been snuck into her hands.

And so then the next morning, she is walking down to the village well to get some water, and everybody’s looking at her. “Aren’t you Mrs. Chang? What doctor did you use? We want to use Him too!” So she told um about Jesus. That night she had everybody she could cram into her house. Everybody became Christians. And so there was a huge spread of the Word of God in that area, and the army found out about it: the police, public security, obviously. And they came and they beat up all the people, beat the villagers. They killed all their cattle, burned their crops and they left figuring that this Jesus business was taken care of. But years later there was just thousands and thousands of people all through the whole region, because there was one nurse that was faithful to say, “Just read this when you get home.”

One [church] takes place in a small living room usually, an ordinary living room. And the other is in a building that is paid for, maybe several million dollars, a long difficult process. But really it’s a question of lifestyle. The question is, “Is Sid empowered to do anything but sit in a row on Sunday morning. Are you free now to do what God has gifted you to do?” And as we come along in the house church movement, we’re saying, “You can do this. We see that God has a gift in you for teaching, or praying, or singing, or helping other people in some way in their lives.” Just start in. See the old rule was, “If you’ll believe our set of beliefs, in my particular church, and you’ll go through a confirmation class, then we’ll let you sit for a few years, soak things up. Maybe you’ll become a Sunday school teacher. But if you want to actually get up in front and minister, you’re going to have to go off to seminary for 3-years, and when you come back, well, we already got a Pastor. You’re gonna have to go someplace else.”

So there’s a lot of these road blocks. And what we’re having now is something that the post-modern young people are very much in tuned with, which is, “Let’s be friends. Let’s relate to each other.” I wanta start helping you, and enabling you to minister to other people. I’m going to mentor you and as things go along, as I’m discipling you, then you change your heart. You repent and you see that God is real. And you become a Christian. So it’s all reversed. Praise God! Free at last!...

As you look at the church as a whole, the new coming thing, the attention of the Holy Spirit is on empowering individuals in a free atmosphere… The question of finance comes up, the heads move this way. The question of counseling or Biblical truth comes up, the other way. In some groups, lower economic strata people have lots of needs, and so they give for each other. And upper middle class, upper class house churches, they’re frequently giving outside the group for mission work… we emphasize the truth of God’s word and we look out for each other. So there’s really no need for a seminary doctrinal policeman…

In the New Testament leaders are supposed to be at the bottom… “Is the Pastor there to support you in your own personal ministry? It’s your identity. It’s your relationship.” Sid if you and I were in a house church, we really belong to each other. It’s kind of a 24-7 thing, rather than a Sunday go to meetin thing… If you’ve got a problem, I got a problem, and I don’t rest until your problem is solved… I’m there to cover you. You’re there to cover me. We belong to each other. You know, you can’t buy that kind of loyalty these days! So that’s why house churches are growing. People are really hungry for that kind of belonging, and responsibility, and accountability. If I see you slipping off the track. You’re startin to do some things that are wrong, I’m gonna take you aside and say, “Sid, this is not good in your life.” The fun thing is you can never know what’s happening. When you open it up and the Holy Spirit is in charge, Yeshua is there. Jesus is there, and you might have a habit of say, starting off with some singing… People don’t plan these things… You say a scripture verse, and that reminds me of something in my life, inspires somebody else to pray something, somebody else thinks of a song out of that. And it just flows… Even if you’re a new Christian, you’re going to learn to open up your Bible and say, “You know I was reading in this book… and God spoke to me…

We had a meeting in Pueblo, just South of Springs, Pueblo, Colorado. A friend of mine had broken her angle into a million pieces. It was terrible, and so they gathered around, “Let’s pray for Jeannie.” And so they all came around and put hands on Jeannie. And here’s this 2-year old boy named Moses. From across the room he walks over, puts his little 2-year old hands around her angle, and everybody in the room hears all these bones snapping back into place. Two-years old!

(60) Jim Rutz, on Its Supernatural

I love to teach people about the presence of God, and to give them a road map for how to enter His presence… God puts you through school, so that you thoroughly learn what you’re assignment is and you stay on that theme… [Intimacy with God and favor] it was three things. There was a sense of incredible hunger… God does not mind sacrificing our comfort to develop our character, or point us to our assignment… I got so desperately hungry that I prioritized God. And all of a sudden He showed up… After hunger comes an encounter. As you handle that encounter properly comes favor… It’s about a relationship… Esther found incredible favor in a hostile environment. Esther was an orphan, which that means that the deck is stacked against her. She’s not only an orphan but she’s a foster child. Everybody knows foster children don’t have half a chance. She was a minority. She was a [Jewish person] living in Persia… That’s ancient Iraq and Iran, and the same prejudice that exists today, existed then.

For a Jewish lady to become Queen of Persia was unprecedented. But she rose above all of those obstacles, somewhere between 400 and 1,400 other girls were brought into the palace. How did she get picked? What happened to create that moment of favor? …The word favor is the repetitive word in the book of Esther. It’s found in virtually every chapter. How a peasant girl was plucked up off of a farm so to speak, placed into a palace, into an unfamiliar environment, learned, and here’s the key. She learned the protocol of the palace. She learned how to act in the king’s presence. Where to walk, where not to walk, what to do, and then rose above all, the Bible says in Esther 2:17. The king loved Esther above all the rest, so that he placed the royal crown on her head…

There came a day where Esther walked into that palace a peasant, and she had one encounter with the King, and walked out a queen… One night with the King can change everything… One of the most freeing statements that I’ve ever discovered, I learned from studying the book of Esther… You don’t need everybody to like you… One nod from God is worth more than an arena’s applause from man-kind. Just as Esther prepared 12-months. She soaked 6-months in oil of myrrh, 6-months in other spices. Twelve months of preparation for one date with the King. But one night with the King changed everything.

(61) Tommy Tenney, Pastor on Its Supernatural