JAMES WILCOX SAG-AFTRA / AEA AGENT: Eddie Rabon Height: 6'0" 1406 Broadway, 8th Floor Hair: Salt & Pepper / Short / Bald | Eyes: Blue New York, NY 10036
[email protected] | 646.289.3915 FILM The Equalizer Suppor0ng Lead (Pederson) Sony/Columbia PiCtures / Dir: Antoine Fuqua Bleed for This Featured PrinCipal Mar0n SCorsese / Chad Verdi ProduC0ons Sex Tape Featured PrinCipal (Charlie) Sony/Columbia PiCtures / Dir: Jake Kasdan Being Dead Suppor0ng Lix Films / Dir: John Meyers Child Eater (Feature) Suppor0ng Lead (Connolly) Wheelhouse Crea0ve/Dir: Erlingur Thoroddsen Frank the Bastard Suppor0ng Lead (Jinx) Big Indie PiCtures / Dir: Brad Coley TV FBI Co-Star CBS Wolf Films / Dir: Carl Seaton Castle Rock Co-Star Hulu Originals/J.J. Abrams / Dir: Greg Yaitanes Bull Co-Star CBS Studios / Dir: Alex Pillai Nos4a2 Co-Star AMC / Dir: John Shiban The Village (NBC Pilot) Co-Star NBC Universal / Dir: Minke Spiro Mr. Robot Co-Star USA Networks / Dir: Sam Esmail The Blacklist Co-Star NBC Universal / Dir: Andrew McCarthy House of Cards Co-Star Ne^lix Originals / Dir: James Foley Last Week Tonight w/ John Oliver Co-Star HBO / Par0ally Important ProduC0ons For Jus`ce (CBS Pilot) Co-Star CBS/Eye ProduC0ons / Dir: Ava DuVernay NEW YORK THEATRE Inappropriate Rela`onship Marty Sanborn (Lead) NY Winterfest / Dir: Joan Kane Driving Herd Cowboy (Lead) Take Ten Playfest / Roy Arias Studios Andromache Peleus Apoloniad ProduC0ons REGIONAL THEATRE Seneca’s Oedipus Oedipus Salem Theatre Company The Crucible John ProCtor Salem Theater Company Hamlet Hora0o Vokes Theater, Boston Macbeth Banquo Vokes Theater, Boston Book of Days Len HoCh Salem Theater Company Safe Luke Boston Center for the Arts TRAINING Barrow School, Winter Workshop Seth Barrish Barrow SChool New York Audi`on Psych 101 MiChael Kostroff Kostroff Audi0on Workshop Audi`on Psych Comedic Intensive MiChael Kostroff Kostroff Comedy/Improv Workshop Private Training/Coaching Rob SedgwiCk SedgwiCk-Russell AC0ng Studio Private Training/Coaching Dossy Peabody AC0ng Coach EDUCATION: New York Film ACademy, 2003; B.A.