H|||||||||I|| USOOSO91 189A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,091,189 Heafield Et Al
H|||||||||I|| USOOSO91 189A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,091,189 Heafield et al. l 45) Date of Patent: Feb. 25, 1992 54 CONTROLLED RELEASE DOSAGE FORMS (56) References Cited HAVING A DEFINED WATER CONTENT U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,965,256 6/1976 Leslie.................................... 424/22 75 Inventors: Joanne Heafield; Stewart I. Leslie; 4,743,247 5/1988 Wong .................................. 424/468 Sandra T. A. Malkowska; Philip J. Neale, all of Cambridge, United 4,753,800 6/1988 Mozda ................................. 424/440 Kingdom 4,844,910 7/1989 Leslie et al. ......................... 424/470 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 73) Assignee: Euroceltique S.A., Luxembourg, 97523 1/1984 European Pat. Off. Luxembourg 109320 6/1986 European Pat. Off. 251459 1/1988 European Pat. Off. 21 Appl. No.: 704,714 270305 6/1988 European Pat. Off. Primary Examiner-Thurman K. Page (22 Filed: May 17, 1991 Assistant Examiner-Leon R. Horne Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Nixon & Vanderhye Related U.S. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT A controlled release, solid, oral dosage form containing 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 355,417, May 23, 1989, aban a 3-alkylxanthine, preferably theophylline, at least one doned. hydrophilic or hydrophobic polymer, at least one wax having a melting point between 25' and 90° C. and (30) Foreign Application Priority Data between 3% and 10% (by weight) water. Jun. 2, 1988 GB) United Kingdom ................. 88.3064 Preferably the dosage form is a tablet and the water content is between 4% and 9% (by weight). The 51) Int. Cl................................................. A61K 9/52 amount of water present in the dosage form determines 52 U.S.
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