Thirty-Second Annual Report of the Woman's Foreign Missionary
• :annual l^eport • Wioman'^ JForeign £0issionarj> ^ocietp CpiiB^copalCliurcl) 19004901 8 CONTENTS. PAGB. PAGE. Act of Incobpobation, - - - - 246 Philadelphia, - _ _ _ eO Appbopbiations foe 1901-1903, - - 94 Baltimore, ----- 64 " summaby of, by coun- Cincinnati, ----- qq TRIES, -------253 Northwestern, - - - - gg By-Laws of Geneeal Executive Com- Des Moines, - _ _ _ 75 mittee, ------ 235 Minneapolis, - - - - 79 By-Laws of Woman's Fobeign Mission- Topeka, - - _ _ _ gg ary Society, ----- 236 Pacific, _____ 85 Limits Bbanches of Teebitobiali and Columbia River, - - _ gy Address of Officers, - _ - 210 Gebman Wobk, Report of, - - 90' Committee of Reference, - - - 212 " " Statistics of, - - Constitution of Woman's Foreign 92 Literature Committee, Report of - 40 MissioNABY Society, - - - 229 Literature Committee, Treasurer's Cobbespondents—Official, - - 212 Report, ______ 206- 'Committees FOE 1901-1902, - _ - 4 Minutes of General Executive Com- Depots of Supplies, - Cover. 3d page mittee, -_--___ 8 EVANGEL-INE PEBPETUAL BIBLB WOM- Missionaries, List op, in Active AN'S FUND, ------ 257 Service, ______ 21 Kxecutive Committee—Geneeal, - 3 Missionaries, List of, Sent Since " Oflacers and Delegates, - 3 Organization, - _ - _ _ 214 " Sessions of , When Held, - 2 Missionaries, List of, Deceased, - 228 " Thirty-second Session, - 5 Missionaries, List op. Accepted And Fobeign Money, Value op. Cover, 3d page Retired, ------ 227 FOEM OF ANNUITY, - - - - 246 Postage to Foreign Lands, Cover, 3d page FoBMS FOB Will AND Devise, - - 249 Proposed Changes in Constitution,
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