The Neonatal Transfer Service Neonatal Transport Service The ambulance that comes to collect your for London baby will be specially designed and equipped with the necessary specialist equipment to provide intensive care for sick newborn ba- Parent Information Leaflet bies. Your baby will be placed in an incubator to keep it warm, will have its heart rate, breath- ing and blood pressure monitored and may require equipment to help with breathing. The Whittington This will ensure a safe transfer to the unit Hospital that will care for your baby. Neonatal Unit The transport team will all be specialists in Whittington Hospital NHS Trust, the care of sick, newborn babies and will in- Highgate Hill, clude a doctor or an advanced neonatal London nurse practitioner, a senior neonatal nurse N19 5NF and a Paramedic. They will all have under- taken specialist transport training. (Map on the back page) To contact our service: 0203 594 0888
[email protected] Tel: 020 7272 3070 / 020 7288 5550 Information on about the Neonatal Cash points Description of Neonatal Unit Unit and local Amenities There is a local Lloyds Bank and Westminster We look after babies who need special intensive Bank and in front of the hospital there is a Abbey care. We have three nurseries, one for intensive cash point care, one for high dependency and the other for Parking special care. Catering/refreshments Babies who are admitted to the NICU are small or There is no parking within the Hospital grounds are sick (because of being born prematurely or Monday to Friday.