Incorporating Early Learning Strategies in the School Improvement Grants (SIG) Program How three schools integrated early childhood strategies into school turnaround efforts to improve instruction for all students Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) Center on School Turnaround (CST) Authors Lori Connors-Tadros, CEELO Director, NIEER,
[email protected] Lenay Dunn, CST Senior Research Associate, WestEd,
[email protected] Jana Martella, CEELO Co-Director, EDC,
[email protected] Carlas McCauley, CST Director, WestEd,
[email protected] Acknowledgments The Center on School Turnaround and the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes greatly appreciate the time and cooperation of the following state, district, and school leaders who provided information for this brief. MASSACHUSETTS Andrew Bott, Principal, Orchard Gardens K–8 School; Erica Champagne, Office of District and School Turnaround, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; Jocelyn Lumley, Assistant Principal, Orchard Gardens K–8 School; Jason Sachs, Early Childhood Director, Boston Public Schools; Donna Traynham, Office of Learning Supports and Early Learning, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education MISSOURI Kelvin Adams, Superintendent, St. Louis Public Schools; Carla Ament, First-Grade Teacher, Horace Mann Elementary School; Nicole Conaway, Principal, Horace Mann Elementary School; Dennis Cooper, Assistant Commissioner, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; Paula Knight, Assistant Superintendent,