Ciklum Reference List January 2010

Ciklum is very pleased that a number of our clients have agreed to let new potential clients contact them for feedback on Ciklum and the services we provide.

Please note that the list below is just a sample from our current 100+ clients‟ portfolio. Please contact us directly for assistance if you feel that you need additional or specific industry/company references. Several other clients of Ciklum are happy to give the one-on-one references, but for various reasons they prefer not to be listed in this “public” document.

Best Regards,

Torben Majgaard Founder and CEO of Ciklum E: [email protected]

Customers‟ References

Lasse Meilsoe, Administrative Director

Country: Phone: +45 39 56 39 55 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 33 specialists Technologies: Java, J2EE, Web Development 2MBA works with Ciklum as of February 2005 and during the peak workload times it had 60 people on the nearshore team. Professional Software Development for Business 2MBA is a digital consulting company that works with strategic communication Applications and branding. Furthermore it offers development of professional software solutions like online booking and portal systems and digitalization of processes.

Read 2MBA case story

Bent C. Kjeldsen, Development Manager

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 2010 44 88 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 16 specialists Technologies: VB.Net (2.0), SQL Server 2005, Asp.Net. WebServices, XML “When Intranote established an team in Kiev in 2005 it was done without visiting . Thanks to thorough preparations and firm cooperation Software Development for with Ciklum‟s professional Human Resources department, Intranote was able to Knowledge Sharing deal with the challenges of setting up an entire development team in Ukraine remotely…”

Read Intranote case story

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Harald Riis Thomsen, Owner & Founder

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 2425 25 25 E-mail: [email protected] Team Size: 3 specialists Technologies: J2EE, IBM WebSphere, IBM DB2 When the company was founded in 2006 its entire research and development department started right away at Ciklum. Sales Support Systems Development for Call Centres "What I like about Ciklum's model is that it's transparent. You see, what you get. And what you get is an employee for a certain price with administration, office facilities and everything included. And most importantly – it works," says Harald Riis Thomsen, the Owner and Founder of CC-Interactive.

Read CC-Interactive case story

Jorgen Franck, SW Manager

Country: Denmark Team size: 5 specialists Platform: .NET Framework 2.0, Microchip PIC, ATMEL AVR Technologies: Windows Forms, GDI+, ADO.NET “Following the recommended best practices from Ciklum has resulted in Wireless Mesh nearshore operations reaching the productivity level comparable to an onshore Networking Technology team in less than two years and making the Ukrainian team an invaluable and integral part of Zensys‟ development department.

The productivity of my team in Ukraine is as what I would expect from a Danish team but the total cost of ownership is only about 50% of what I would have to pay in Denmark! I can't imagine not having my nearshore team aboard.”

Read Zensys case story

Thor Angelo, Managing Director

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 70 23 00 44 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 13 specialists Technologies: ASP, ASP.NET, MS SQL, Trados LanguageWire has cooperated with Ciklum since May 2005. The team in Kiev has helped LanguageWire to stay in front of the technology development in the Leading Provider of Translation translation industry. Special credit is given to the team‟s work on LanguageWire & Other Language Services Globalisation Platform that has made a great impact on the company‟s success today.

LanguageWire is a leading provider of translation and integrated language technology services.

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Ogi Bataveljic, CTO

Country: Phone: +44 1234 783822 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 4 specialists Technologies: ASP.NET 3.5, WinForms (.NET 2.0), Java 1.5, SQL Server 2005

MiLife has been building its development team in Ukraine with Ciklum to complement its staff in the UK since March 2008. Towards the end of 2008, looking for ways to improve the quality of their deliverables MiLife came for help to Ciklum Services and Consulting department. Using the best practices Ciklum has generated over years, the solution turned to yield great results: “The bottom Online Coaching System line is that not long after we extended our team with a QA manager we saw two main benefits: the quality of the delivered software went up, as did the productivity (initial assessment suggests an improvement in the region of 20- 30%)..."

Read MiLife case story

Dan Kjaergaard, Consultant

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 33 25 65 55 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 32 specialists

Technologies: C#, VB, XML

Traen started working with Ciklum in February of 2005. Development and Delivery of During the peak workload times the team in Ukraine was reaching 67 full-time IT Business Critical specialists. Software Solutions

Traen Group develops and delivers business critical software solutions. The main areas are electronic case and document handling (ESDH, EDH), scanning solutions output management, internal intranet and portal solutions.

Jens Peder Persen, Project Manager

Web: Denmark Phone: + 45 72 14 4123 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 7 specialists

Technologies: Java, ERP & CRM systems development Excel Data is a Danish private company established in 1989. Company produces Business Intelligence Area, Business Intelligence, Budgeting and CRM module build systems and sells them in Selling a Module Build System Denmark, , , Germany and France. It has been working with Ciklum since 2002 and has a good long term experience. Ciklum team participates in development of Java based Business Intelligence and Budgeting Systems.

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Bo Altofte Hansen, Director

Country: Denmark Phone: + 45 75 53 23 59 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 1 specialist Technologies: .NET, C#, SQL

Indicom is a web agency specializing in web projects and Search Engine

Optimization (SEO). Indicom was one of the first companies that started using Ciklum Team Infrastructure (CTI), an integrated bundle of best practice tools

within software development, introduced at Ciklum in the last quarter of 2008. CMS and Web Agency

“If I should describe the biggest benefit of CTI in a few words it would be transparency and measurability, because the tools gives us a good - and required - overview of procedures, helps us to determine goals and estimate deadlines and thus helps us track each part of the development process…”

Read Indicom case story

Jorgen Ostergaard, CTO & Co-Founder

Country: Phone: +45 70 22 83 00 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 8 specialists Technologies: C#, .NET 2.0, WinFX

"In 2002 we started a software development team with Ciklum and within a year we had a fully operational 6-persons development team. Our team in Ukraine which is today is up to 8 people is a natural part of our company‟s culture and activities, and is indeed a business equivalent to our in- Software House, Specialized in house employees. The quality and productivity we experience is fully in line with Service Management Solutions what we have back home in Switzerland. With Ciklum we gained the advantage of having our own resources at a lower cost as well as an opportunity to focus on our core activity, avoiding administrative issues that have been taken care of by Ciklum,” says Jørgen Østergaard, the CTO and Co-Founder of Wendia.

Read Wendia case story

Anders Bondorf, CEO

Country: Denmark Phone: + 45 3527 2408 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 17 specialists Technologies: JDK 1.6, Swing, JIDE, XML

Global Provider of Industry- Maconomy is a global provider of business management solutions for project and Specific Solutions knowledge intensive organizations (Professional Services Organizations). Today more than 100,000 users around the world use Maconomy‟s solutions to power their daily work. Maconomy has been successfully working with Ciklum for more than two years now.

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Glen Mansberg, Administrative Director

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 3613 2444 E-mail: [email protected] Team Size: 4 specialists Technologies: SQL, VB.Net, C#/ASP.Net, .NET (1.0., 2.0.), MS SQL Server (2000, 2005), MS Exchange Server 2003

Founded in 2000, The Danish IT company, Mutax, began outsourcing with Ciklum in late 2006 strictly to lower costs. But since then Mutax has found skills in Ukraine which can't even be found in Denmark. The company was one the first Time Management and Project users of „Peak Resources‟, the service introduced at Ciklum at the beginning of Handling Systems Development the 2007. This service allows Ciklums‟ clients to make temporary use of an expert with rare and highly specialized skills when an immediate problem needs to be solved. Mutax has already used Peak Resources several times with great success.

Read Mutax case story

Morten Raaschou-Jensen, CEO

Couontry: Denmark Phone: +45 70 20 67 50 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 2 specialists Technologies: MSSQL, WinForms, WebServices, WinServices, XML/XSL Image House supplies a complete line of products for fertility clinics and research Imaging Solutions for Medical in ART for image recording, visual analysis and resulting data analysis that ensure Professionals maximum consistency and objectivity wherever they are used. Image House works with Ciklum since February 2006.

Sten Selin, CEO

Country: Sweden Phone: +46 706 490 601 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 5 specialists Technologies: Java "First contact with Ciklum was in August 2006 and very soon

thereafter the first employee was hired… For a smaller business as Viskan, India Experts in Retail and Mail was not an option when taking travelling and other practical issues in account. Ordering Systems Ciklum understands the needs of Viskan and have always been able to help us out in the best of ways…"

Read Viskan case story

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Anders Gjetting, Director

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 28 14 16 42 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 2 specialists Technologies: Java

Design, Development and Releaze has cooperated with Ciklum since September 2005. During the peak Service within Digital and workload times it had 19 employees on the team in Urkaine. Releaze is a service Analog Medias bureau working with innovative and well-functioning communication solutions. Its specialty is communication across media. The company works daily with solutions which combine the Internet with mobile phones, PDAs and text-TV.

Richard Kuiper, Head of Development

Country: The Phone: +31 010 409 0999 E-mail: [email protected] Team Size: 5 specialists Technologies: VB.NET, ActiveX, ADO, ADO.NET, SQL Server 2005, XML, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XSL/XSLT, COM+

“So in February 2007 we started with 2 skilled developers in Kharkiv. The timing was perfect because our team in Kharkiv could participate in our newly started project from the beginning, where they soon proved themselves to be valuable professionals… For us the whole concept of nearshore development was new so Software for Dynamic Session we tried to get as much 'real world' information as possible. This, and the help of Control Ciklum's technical consultants, gave us a head start.

Having a team of developers working dedicated on our project is of great value to us, not only because of the great work the team delivers, but also because of the flexibility and cost savings we get from having the team with Ciklum.

Read Scense case story

Morten Lindaa, International Development Director

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 70 23 23 12 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 5 specialists Technologies: Flex, Flash, AIR, ActionScript, PHP, MySQL

Leading Provider of Closed-loop Agnitio started working with Ciklum in January 2007. Marketing Software Agnitio is a leading provider of closed-loop marketing software aimed at supporting the sales and marketing organization.

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Jacob Lund, R&D Manager

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 45 47 07 00 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 10 specialists Technologies: C#, .NET Remoting, ASP.NET Qualiware is successfully working with Ciklum since November 2005. QualiWare is Development and Marketing a global company headquartered in Denmark. The company was established in IT-tools 1991 with the purpose of developing and marketing IT-tools for use in process development, quality management, environmental management, and system development.

Read Qualiware case story

Ole Stouby, CEO

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 7572 3232 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 5 specialists

Technologies: ASP.NET, C#, Java Script, ColdFusion is a travel search engine, searching hundreds of different Internet Solutions for the Travel websites to find the best value air fares. Travelmarket has started with Ciklum Industry over a year ago and is successfully continuing its cooperation with us to date.

Lars Kroyer Kristensen, Director

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 24218841 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 1 Technologies: .NET, С#, MSDE Administration Tools for Dentist Clinics “Dentavison has worked with Ciklum since 2005. Our team is highly skilled with a very good technical understanding. Besides that the team has a good understanding of our products and can work more or less independent.”

Nils Granath, Investment Officer

Phone: 41 79 370 12 51 E-mail: [email protected]

“When considering whether to invest in a company I in general look more

positively at companies that have Outsourcing as part of their overall R&D strategy. The simple reason is that I would like to see Management thinking both cost effectiveness and scalability into their strategy. I have personally used Swisscom Ventures Ciklum for some of our portfolio companies as Ciklum offers the strategic advantage of having an IT Team that belongs exclusively to the customer and thus keeps & builds knowledge internally.”

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Nick Dendris, Senior SW Development Manager

Country: Greece Phone: + 30 2106 3788 00 #839 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 11 specialists Technologies: Java 1.5, Spring, Java Servlets, XML/XSL, Javascript, Ajax, Oracle 10g XE; Tomcat Velti has been working with Ciklum since Summer 2007 and at peak times of its Technology Powering Mobile workload the nearshore team in Ukraine was reaching 17 IT specialists. Velti is a Marketing and Advertising leading platforms and services provider enabling mobile marketing, advertising and value-added services for advertising agencies & brands, media groups, mobile operators and large enterprises.

Jakob Pilegaard, Head of Development

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 70 22 55 35 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 9 specialists Technologies: JSP, JSTL, JSF, Hibernate, Spring “In the spring of 2005, Encode used Ciklum's services to create a team in Kiev. The main thing that attracted Encode to Ciklum was it's concept of dedicated The Encode Solution for team. Ciklum provides the necessary infrastructure, and allows us to manage the Marketing Process Optimization team in a way that best fits our organization. Encode decided from the start to move all it's development activities to the team that Ciklum provides…”

Read Encode case story

Jesper Kristensen, VP, Design & Projects

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 7220 2358 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 2 specialists Technologies: Auto CAD

“Danfysik has been working with Ciklum since 2008. Our team at Ciklum is good and has a good knowledge in many of our products. The productivity of the team

is 80-85% (incl. onshore management) compared with a local employee. This is Hight Performance Particle what we see as the highest possible to achieve, thinking of the distance. Accelerators & Related Compared to the total costs of ownership of our team in Ukraine this is a very Equipment good value for our money.”

Danfysik is one of the world‟s leading companies within the development and manufacturing of high quality equipment for particle accelerator laboratories, healthcare and industry.

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Frank Birk-Jensen, VP, R&D Manager

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 43 48 99 33 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 4 specialists

Technologies: C#, C++, .NET, Delphi, VB basic

“API Maintenance System A/S has had its own team at Ciklum since 2005. Our Flexible Maintenance Solutions nearshore developer‟s productivity can be compared equally with many of our

onshore developers. The team has in cooperation with two onshore managers

developed the main part of the latest version of our system.”

API Maintenance Systems develops, markets and supports maintenance management software.

Michael Sloth, Head of Project Management

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 31 21 49 19 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 1 specialist Technologies: .NET, C#, AJAX, MS SQL “Come & Stay has recently in August 2009 started a team in Ciklum. Our Global E-mail & Mobile first developer is so good that our Danish developers are noticing it… in a positive Advertising way.”

Come & Stay provides brand owners with permission-based eMarketing services, for both their customer acquisition and customer retention program owing to its state-of-the-art interactive marketing solutions. It has developed unique programs for specific industry sectors, including automotive, real estate and retail.

Carsten Eliot, CTO

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 29 36 94 44 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 12 specialists Technologies: J2ME, J2EE

“Excitor A/S has been with Ciklum since 2007. Our team in Ukraine is built with sub teams where they are working closely together with our onshore employees in a scrum based environment. The teams at Ciklum are taking ownership of what Dynamic Mobile Exchange they develop and are coming with good suggestions and/or solutions on how to improve the product."

Excitor is a software company that develops and sells DME (Dynamic Mobile Exchange) to organizations across Europe.

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Ciklum Project Office

Uwe Holmsgaard, IT Director

Phone: +45 43 71 2772 E-mail: [email protected] Technologies: Web Development, PHP, MySQL

Payment Solutions for retail "It has been a very positive three months experience right from the day we financial services and wholesale presented our requirements till we received the final solution. Initially Ciklum banking made a lot of effort in making sure that our requirements were well understood."

Read Eurogiro case story

Simon Kaastrup-Olsen, eMarketing Manager

E-mail: [email protected] Technologies: Microsoft .NET, MSSQL2005, EpiServer Relate+, Amazon EC2, load-balancing and failover

“Having chosen to engage with Ciklum for our EPiServer portal development it has been a relief to see technically competent, intelligent and pro-active Ciklum employees handle all matters contractual, planning, estimation and development - in a manner most IT-management consultancy houses in Western Europe would be hard pressed to top. With the first sprints in place you have truly surprised all of us here in ! The site is beautiful, functional, exciting, cool, interesting and exactly what our users and partners are looking for. We are blown away by how fast you have developed all of the new functionality – before we just had a pretty graphical interface – now we have a site which we can be proud of!”

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Sample of Other Current Customers

Business Process Management Web Content Management & Creative Production Studion Software Online Social Community Platforms

E-Invoice System Online Gaming Portal IT-Infrastructure Products & Services

Development of Broadband Collaboration/Workflow Solutions First European Portal for Customer Premised Equipment & Business Intelligence Systems the Electrical Industry

Danish Media Company Denmark’s Largest Retail Group Online Backup Software & Services

PC-Client infrastructure Online Mobile Data Storage Denmark’s Fourth Largest Pension Fund

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Past Customers*

*The following customers have completed the development of their product and/or service needed to be done nearshore and have thus closed down their corresponding teams at Ciklum.

Thor Kristensen, CTO

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 31 23 32 63 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 3 specialists Technologies: Web Java

“We knew from the beginning that we wanted the team based model, since we, in this way, would have a full control over the team and its deliveries and they would be integrated into our organization. We believed that this approach would optimize the teams‟ chance of acquiring the most knowledge about the product we were to develop and through this, a sense of ownership… Control over Brand Key Visuals & Campaign Files World Wide To our experience, the key advantages of working with Ciklum are the full- service offering that Ciklum provides and the fact that the Ciklum organization is there for us; always willing to help and support. These are the main factors that helped us realize that making the investment in starting up with outsourcing was worthwhile…”

Read Northmann case story

Matt Colebourne, CEO

Country: Switzerland Phone: +44 7717 416825 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 21 specialists Technologies: Java SE, JSP & servlets, Struts, Sprint, Hibernate, JUnit, Adjax, Java Script, COM, Oracle 10.0 “Ciklum was a clear winner; in particular since we wanted to have a retained

team that was part of our company as opposed to a team of contract Services for Online programmers and developers for whom coComment was just another project. In Conversations essence, we ended up using Ciklum as the provider of infrastructure, admin, HR and payroll which removed the administrative headache we would have faced in setting up our own entity in Ukraine whilst still allowing us to directly manage and build our own team…”

Read coComment case story

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Menno Biesiot, VP Marketing & Fouder

Country: The Netherlands Phone: +31 10 2827 061 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 7 specialists Technologies: C++, Java

Revolutionary Online “Adjustables has been working with Ciklum since January 2007. The co-operation Video Advertising is efficient as well as effective. In a short time we were able to attract 7 skilled, capable and motivated employees, exclusively working for Adjustables. We regard the professional attitude of Ciklum as well as the employees as very valuable,” says Menno Biesiot, the Founder and VP of Marketing of Adjustables.

Jan Christensen, Managing Director

Country: Denmark Phone: +45 7020 73 30 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 1 specialist Technologies: electronic document development

Within just two weeks after presenting the qualifications they were looking for, the Danish IT-company Edmware had a highly qualified engineer working full

time at Ciklum in Kiev. "Ciklum made it easy," says managing director of Electronic Document Edmware, Jan Christensen. Management

Edmware was founded in 2002 and specializes in electronic document management, scanning, electronic archiving and work-flow. Edmware started outsourcing with Ciklum in November 2005.

Read EDMware case story

Mattias Nygren, CEO

Country: Sweden Phone: +46 325 669040 E-mail: [email protected] Team size: 6 specialists

Technologies: .NET

NYCE has been working with Ciklum since Summer 2005 for almost 3 years. Inventory & Logistic System

Development NYCE was developing inventory and logistic systems.

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