If you require further information about this agenda please contact: Carol Stiles on 020 8583 2066 or email
[email protected]. CHISWICK AREA COMMITTEE (PLANNING) A meeting of the Chiswick Area Committee (Planning) will be held in The Hogarth Hall, Chiswick Town Hall, Heathfield Terrace, Chiswick W4 on Wednesday, 10 January 2007 at 7:30 pm MEMBERSHIP Councillor Oulds- Chair Councillors Barwood, Samantha Davies, Kinghorn, Lee, Lynch, McGregor, Thompson and Todd. AGENDA Communications 1. Apologies for absence, declarations of interest or any other communications from Members Minutes 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2006 (Pages 1 - 18) Speakers 3. Items on which there are speakers Protocol for Speakers i) Members of the public, objectors and applicants must contact the Committee Administrator, Carol Stiles on 020 8583 2066 with details of the proposed submission no later than 5.00pm on the Thursday prior to the Committee meeting. The Chair will decide whether or not to grant the request to speak. ii) For planning applications, the applicants will only be allowed to speak if there is an objector who wishes to address the Area Committee. In exceptional circumstances the Chair may agree that an applicant who would significantly add to the information already available will be allowed to speak at the Area Committee in the absence of an objector. If refusal is recommended then speakers would not normally be permitted. iii) For all highway matters, if there are members of the public with opposing views regarding the proposal the Chair will allow both sides to speak. Generally, speakers will only be allowed to speak on issues where funding is available.