Crime and Victimology 1
© Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LLC. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION CHAPTER Crime and Victimology 1 by Ann Wolbert Burgess and Albert R. Roberts 44 LEARNING OBJECTIVES 44 KEY TERMS • Describe the victims of violence Costs of victimization • Outline the costs of criminal victimization Criminology • Describe the methods used to measure victimization Forensic victimology • Describe the origin of the crime victims’ movement National Crime Victimization Survey • Illustrate forensic victimology’s contribution to cold case analysis (NCVS) Victimology Introduction The unsettling reality regarding crime in the United States and Can ada today is that it is widespread, very often violent in nature, and it completely disregards all boundaries. There is no home, no com munity, and no region in North America that can consider itself to be safe from the risk of criminal assault. With recent estimates of the number of crime victims in the United States reaching as high as 38 million, it behooves all of us, both individually and collectively, to support emerg ing efforts aimed at two distinct but related areas: crime prevention and crime victim assistance. To be sure, averting criminal behavior altogether is the more preferable of the two. Given the improbability of accomplishing this in the immediate future, however, it becomes all the more urgent to be prepared to assist those who are victimized. Unprecedented numbers of victims are turning to victim assistance programs, mental health centers, domestic violence shelters, and victim compensation programs. Research, as well as experience, has shown that these individuals frequently suffer from significant emotional pain and trauma, physical injuries, and/or financial loss, and “second ary victims”—the relatives and close friends of victims—also endure both mental anguish and economic hardship.
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