5989 Turcica 35 05 Berksoy
Funda BERKSOY 165 RUDOLF BELLING AND HIS CONTRIBUTION TO TURKISH SCULPTURE During the years following the World War I Rudolf Belling (1886- 1972), a pioneer of abstract sculpture, became one of the most celebrated artists in Germany (Fig.1). His fame was based primarily on works such as his Triad (1919) and Sculpture 23 (1923), in which he strove toward a synthesis of Russian revolutionary art with the current modernist trends. As a member of the Arbeitsrat für Kunst (Workers’ Council on Art) and a cofounder of the Novembergruppe, he also sought a closer relationship between sculpture and architecture, successfully collaborat- ing on many occasions with architects. In the German literature on mod- ern art of the period, Belling was highly praised and embraced as one of the spokesmen of the new art1. When the National Socialists came to power in 1933 and started their campaign against avant-garde art, like many other artists, Belling too sought refuge abroad∞; accepting an invitation from the Turkish govern- ment he left Berlin for Istanbul in 1937. When his professorship at the Kunstakademie (Berlin-Charlottenburg Academy of Art) was interrupted Funda BERKSOY is associate professor, Uludag University, Department of art history, Görükle Kampüsü, Bursa, Turkey. * Unless otherwise indicated, translations are mine. 1 Carl EINSTEIN, «∞Die Kunst des 20 Jahrhunderts∞», Propyläen Kunstgeschichte 16, Berlin, 2nd ed., 1928, p. 228-29∞; Paul Ortwin RAWE, Deutsche Bildnerkunst von Schadow bis zur Gegenwart, Berlin, 1929, p. 223-25. For a list of publications with state- ments by Belling, see J.A. SCHMOLL gen. EISENWERTH, Rudolf Belling, vol.
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