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The Ledger & Times, November 13, 1930

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Kentuckys Most Progressive Weekly Newspaper'

Retired Farmer of Murray State Adds Nmv Buildings STATE CASES BRIDGE WORK Buchanan Di< MURRAY HIGH COUNTY WINS | ON TENNESSEE Mr. BUM* Morris. 78. rati rod HOME COMING LAURELS IH ARE TRIED IN farmer of Buchan«n, Tenn., died I at hia home Tuesday night of IS UNDER WAY pneumonia. SET FOR 26TH STATE MEET CIRCUIT COURT He ieavea a wife. Mra. Anna Morrla and one daughter. Mra. Court, Grand Jury Adjourn* Contractors Are Clearing the Lula Simpson of Murray. All Former Students Expect- Mr. Morris waa a fine Christian Wednesday Afternoon Right of Way, Erecting ed Back for Game With man and will be greatly missed by . Until Monday Construction Huts a wide circle.of relatives and Clay High Here (head*. m - RUSH WORK TO BEAT Funeral services will be held CONTEST TO BE STAGED JUDGE SMITH ATTENDS STATE JUDICIAL MEET RIVER'S WINTER RISE from the Mt. Pleasant Church ON NOVEMBER 26TH 1 with burial in the church ceme- tery. * Murder Case Set for Mon- Work Also Begun on Canton Entertainment, "Big Doings' M. O. Wrather in Charge of day; Civil Docket to be Span; Company's Presi- Planned for Old Grada Calloway County Called Wednesday dent Visits City on Reunion STORES TO CLOSE Group •^Homecoming" Day for all (•rami Jury graduates and former students of - W. E. Gilbert, foreman, Hicff Murray high school is being plan- FOR GAME FRIDAY Wilson. John Rowlett, Red Ray. orns. W B. Crouch. John C. Dunn, Edd •nter ned for Wednesday. November 2€, the day before Thanksgiving. Gibbs. Robert L. Spencer. O. A. r. lc Butterwofth. Charlie Brinn, Milt On that afternoon the Murray Miles, Evert "Norsworthy. •tter high school Tigers will engage inks, Clay, Ky.. high school on the hiph Petit Jury John Moore,' Guss Grogan, ltp school athletic fi$l( Half Even. wealths Attorney John King pros- next week. ecuting the case. Court adjourned Wod{i£§0*y as Judgti Smith attended the Judicial council at Frankfort. It wills re- convene Monday when Herbert Foster will be charged with .the murder of his cousin John Fos- ter in April. The case of Paul Dismukes. who •Mi.DHir> MpnUM, Will was* charged with storehouse ak F»»rm«*r* in t'oiyt breaking, was held over until lioiiMe Thursday. „ Mra. W. O. Wear Better Monday when he will face two charu*>« of storehouse breaking and taking property front a public building... A hkng jury resulted in the case of Hafford Littleton for uttering a forged instrument. The case will lie tried in. next court* Gladys Jones. Haael Ingram and Oiey Blanton will he tried on liquor charges of. the second of- fonse Maadu The grand jury adjourned Wed- nesday until Monday. The civil docket will be taken up Wednesday. November 19. Cases «et down for that day are: First National Bank, administra- tor of W. R. Bourne, deceased, vs. Intey-Southern Life nsuranee Co.; H B. Rhodes vs. Hardin Bank; C. H. Beam an vs. Home Insurance Co ; J. S. Caraway etc.. vs. Edd I'tterback: Farmer-Purdom Motor Sidewalk Reporter Co.. vs. John Grogan; M. T. Cun- ningham vs. J. E. Waldrop. —

Two Tundr-pl M.iu»**r«»hip Set For Goal in Year of f»:*1. .

The American Legion of Callo- way county held its annual meet- ing .-for the election of officers in the court house Thursday evening. November it 7 niir^- Aft^r winnm^-rm*""cup for the Pout making/most progress in membership in the state meet held in Mayfield last October, the Bncopnters to be Held at Paducah. Murray -Post set a high goal for MUITH\. Hopkins vllle. Mayfield 1931 with expectation of 200 and Russellvllle Nov. 14^ 15. members. Th** Murray organize tion had 12?. members In 1929. The debating teanift of the Mur- George Hart was re-elected ray .collet:*- will open their season commander and Cl«tpde Anderson, Friday and Saturday November was ' re-elected vice-corn mander. 14 and 15 when they meet the OtJiens elected were; W. E. Wyatt, University of Kentucky at I'adu- adjutant: Charlie Gnegan. finance cah, MawTeld. Hopkinsville, Mur- Attractive Fall Window office: Dr Hugh McElrath. chap- ray and Russellvllle. '"Thia will be at E. J. Beale Motor Co. Ian; Dr Earl Adams, historian; the first contest between the two H. T Waklrop. service officer; Joe institutions as they d<«bnfe the T I,ov*»tt, publicity officer, and qoestion. "Resoled that the All the realism of autumn is Maynard Racsdale, Master -of - ^mergence of the wt&ian from the represented in the corner display home 1 i^rettable feature of window of the E. J. Beale Motor arms. modem life": Co. *Tlte window was trimmed The membership committee was under the direction Bttrtiis" -comnosed of; Earl Littleton.* Cnaa. C&ly Copeland and Forrest Denham. Tommie Cochran Dr. F. Pogiie^APill uphottt the negative Waters, assisted by all members of the force. E Cniwfard-^lLon Barnett. Make against r K at Mayfield at 8:30 Erwin. and Burte Garland. and at Pailucah at 11 a. m. Friday Autumns leaves are scattered lover the floor as if they had just At the close of the.meeting hot Novem ber 14. does and coca-cola were served. Holtuan Jones, jparl Ronton and 1 fallen from trees and shocked Harlsn I Moody are Murray's' rep- Brownies Grow Up corn and pumpkins recall \hat line resent.! tives of the affirmative from James Whitcomb Riley, Padgett'* Infant Son who will University at "when the frost is on the pump- Hop kins vi Ue and Russeilville.' kin and the fodder's in the shock". Ir- Taken by Pneumonia The fwo colleges will meet at MnTrar Saturday evening. Novem- Union Grove Church of Jack Walker, three- months old. ber is. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Padgett, Christ Notes. died Tuesday. a-t t,h.- Mason Hos- New Colored School pital'following a four days illness of pneumonia. The little fellow Regents Buy Equipment Next Lord's day. Nov 16. Bibie Is Opened Nov. 3 was not strong and was study at 10:On o clock a. m'. stand' the ravages of the disease. Equipment lor the new library Preaching at JJ;00 a. in. by^E. and bo>> . dormitory. costing H. Pogue. ' A "cordial imitation is He leaves .his parents, one,sis- $250,00 afternoon. delavd f>mewhat hx^^wlated slklpmenfs of cut stoffv Marriage licenses

n»e« were Issued Thoroughbreds Will Engage LamhutFT at C«»ort Clerk. No- Paducah Next Tuesday* November 18 is- frilbj Russell. re Day was quietly ob- >lr. and Mrm. ZH- would"Carefully transfer one p^s Murray. only remini- iton. Ky and Mr. from that pocket on"the otfcet, <»id^ th' tension and display I'ndes the auspices of the Padu- T. P. I. Pushes Through of Mr. and round the court square of th» coat At night Mr Osbura • * tunninghar cah Lions Club and Tilghman . of Mur» he*"lath anniversary of oounted out hi* peas and mP! >»". Mos, Cann band, the Murray State Teachers Murray to Win 26-6 i-sued waa of th^ World War No th^ election >e'urns according toi™^' T" „ r, Cojlcec Thoroughbred football 3*. Mur- whatever, were ob- Republlran claims, in defijnee to! I*t t^am will meet the I^ambuth the n^W MI called ' Hnrv.=t eWtion i >ar®*r ' Dunn. 18r f7agle« 'of Jackson. Tenn Tues- Law The TVmocrjrs of course Mnrrav D. Smith galled, for. day. Nox'-jnber 18 at 2:30' on silence in circuit >.^d to be satisfied «rith what wa% ~ two m Keller field. Paducah. 11 lervahee of the oc- JWWlb Speaks at Mayors Meeting conrC^ Thiir»conte*»t, which was ijHiyed castor"* is. howerer. rated. This Mayor Edd Republican led the dlsen tion rather latlve progra »e reported Cities" b»-fore rfteetli »f [>-aa was 9V* whH» the and efty offiH Only pction commissdoi n for Cal- Henderson. K acted, County .save t•ul v ut only S3 t. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 6, 1930 THURSDAY AFTERWOWTNOVEMBBR 18

ed to a large crowd at the Metho- The following patients have re- dist church here last Sunday at HOSPITAL NEWS turned to their homes after hav- eleven o'clock a.. aa. ing been at the hospital tor opera-. * K MHW and :irm. Or»_Vfct, w mud , it the VMmr lions and tr* Jtrr/f>ni: M. i Ura "arren. wife children, of New Concord! Ry.. tlon of being u»ir buffalo Ind half Saurells. Paducah; Mr1. John Society 'native cow, I. again back at the Bridges. McKenzie, Tenn.; Mr and 'u»". vl were week-end quests of Mr. and "und.y. .. We Mra. AI vis Wise hart htta£)tal loo To give this calf Clarence Milan. Henry: Earl Gall- every ehanee for growth U has more". Whitlock; Mr. P. Baucuui, tlrcedy happ. Mis. Margaret Campbell Dr. C..D. Paschall. of Puryear. 1 been on the farm near Haiel. Murray; Miss Virginia Joyner. * *ome on. Mlas Grace Wyatt entertained* was In town Monday. > Sliioe many of the people la this Luray, Tenn.; Mrs. M. G. Carman, "Ilwl II dead wtth a lovely bridge lea Saturday Mr. and Mra. C. W. Denhani s.-cLon had not yet seen this calf Murray. Mrs. Minnie Ryan. Mur- Ret J. M. 1 afternoon at the home of Mra. spent Saturday night with Mr. and it brought-back to the lios_ ray; Rev. H. A, Butts. Somerviile, '•"<1 M. brothe M rs W A Her son Of Tobacco. * |>ITIT \It" can sow he" ieeaTn the Tenn.; K. C. Fraiee, Murray; Jas. day Fern., pot geraniums and Taae. "MTV and Mrar Hancy Hall, and pen wtlh the two buffaloes Deweese. WickHffe. Ky.; C. B. Judge Smoot Is Mr and Mr of large chrysanthemums were children. Miss Louisa. George, and The following patients * have Richardson. Jr.. Murray; Mrs. Seriously III 1 ' Alliuo, Tai used ia tbe »M a par tor. llviag room, J. C-. of Paducah. were week-end te-en admitted to the hospital Lena Dolan. Greenfield. Tenn. "•"l his .lull library, and dining room, which guests of Mra Hall s brother. Mr. during the past week: Miss ''•run, Mo., 1 were thrown together . Tom Clanton. and Mrs.. Clanton. Margaret King. Fulton. treat ,,r lii.I week. and other relatives in the county. Six tables were placed for meat; Miss Virginia Joyner. Lu- Mist Maggie Fowler, 25, . Mn. Alvls bridge a ad' a large number of Mr. and Mrs. Boh Hicks and ray. Tenn., operation; P. G. llau- "oodrow W gueata called far tea. & laat we Thomas. Robert and O. B. Jr.. Mr. treatment; K»C Fraiee. Murray, awarded Mrs B. O Langston and Miss Maggie Fowler. SS years M,-sdamaa J. T. Turnbow. Mr HI. Ne«ly operation; Arthur Bourland. Mur. Sl \he rot prise was drawn by Mis* old. of Buchanan, Tenn died ®r.v h'red 8 and son. Sam Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. ray. operation; tlrs. CUfton Friday here at the Mason Hospital Truman Kdws E. M. Mason, and daughter. Betty Parker and Ba^y Thomas Graves. triaborate refreshments were following a chronic Illness of pel- "on Cpfe, Hi dried The plate* held dalaty Gean. Misses Stella and Eva Per- Murray; Oscar Shoemaker. Mur- Bula i IA.T. irraineHt. — — — la^ra. Mi»a i'owlor ii»d been suf- fakirs-for the gyeata. u ferint from tbe disease for the W-r Worts; fgtn gueet list Included: Overcast. and Mr and Mra R. B. Stun,.', W|t)i •"'Mia. Desjree Beale. Mr. Buist Chrisman. of Henry. Tenp., join.,1 made a beau! Scott. Mrs. B O. Lancsuni. Miss the party at Paris, i|d motored 'or Mr.. Beec Ten ale Breckinridge Miss Nadiae over to Dover,' Tenn., and spent contmU i.t I Overall. Mia. Beatrice Frye. Mrs. Sunday afternoon. While there I iiijoyed th Joha Burnhain. Miss Floy Rob- they visited Several places of of Duma. Nix, t'lns. Miss Saaaane Snook. Miss Interest, the National Cemetery. last weel( S pi Margaret Tandy. Miss Margaret Museum, new bridges over the ">«• ' ightles Bailey > TennesK*- and Cumberlaad rivers, grandpa Rl|ey Miss Saomi Maple -Miss Ktiia and enjoyed the good road from Ceorge Hollar heth Lovett Mrs. Joe Lovett. Miss Haiel-to Dover. ^ the bis drygoc Sutan IVBer. «rs A B Austin While choi xHck "blew-ut Miss Mary Graydon. Mrs. Cleo First Christian Church Heater. .Mis* Mary Evelyn Ekvea. Miss Maryleaaa Bishop. Mrs Vesper Service Herbert Drennon. Miss Ruth Sex- ton. Mrs. C. 3. feowry. Miss Lillian 5 O'Clock. f Bird Season Waters. Misa Grace Post. Opens Tea fmti: . ' Everybody cordially Invited' to Mrs. R. T. Wells. Mrs. J: W attend the vesper .service at the Carr. Miss, -Beale. Miss First Christian church next Surf Saturday. Mildred Beale. Mrs. T H. Stokes. day esenlng at 5 o'clock. Miss Emma Helm. Mrs. Mary Projerliea Gardner. Mrs W J Capllnger. Organ Prelude — Miss Ruth Mrs. J W. Compton. Miss Evelrn Cutchin Let Us Supply Your Unn. Mrs. Hugh McElrath. Miss Hymn—"Come. We That Love Nellie Wyman. Mrs. H W- Gatlln the Urrd .Watts Miss Verna Goode. Miss Vel- , Invocation—Pastor ma Goode. Mrs A F Wolfson. Hymn—"Love Divine". Wealey Hunting Needs! Mrs. Wolfson. Miss Anas Augus- Scripture Lesson a Funeral Director—-you cannot tas. Mra Charles Hire. Miss Ilee Hymn—"He Leadeth Me", Gll- Keys. Mra. John Keys, Mra, Ben more be too sure as to his fitness. This Key.. Misa Erie Key.. Miss Ruby It's no fun to go hunting unless you bring back Evening Prayer Keeaey. Mra. R. E. Broach meana more than one can imag- Anthem—"Hark! Hark. Mv the birds' Therefore, use nothing but the best guns Soul". Shelley ine. and the most accurate ammunition. We have MU» Have- IVlichtful Announcements MaaCftag Solo—"O. Divine Redeemer . both. Mrs. Wilbert Outland and Miaa Gounod—Mrs. G. Turner Hick. We have but one standard of Evelyn Linn were ho&u to the Sermon—E. R.Motley service and' appointments—**the NV> matter what your favorite~cartridge or shell men's Hat* Delta Department Tuesday even- Hymn —"Jesus Is Tenderly is, we have it. Hunter's cqats, caps and everything Parcel f ing at the--home of_the latter^. Calling". Crosby best." The expense ia a matter of packing. Mrs. Geo. Hart presided over Benediction « your own desire. the:successful hunter will need. the business hour. -w Main Plan I "Music" was the subleet of the Then Daviess county farmers program which was given as fol- Despite the dry year, birds are reported fairly ry Stations sowed alfalfa this fall for the streets. " lows : first time. Farmers who have j. H. Churchill plentiful. Go out and enjoy the sport and get your "Lucia di Lanemermoore' with sowed this crop before expect to records of same—Mrs. Joe Lovett make muctTlarger seedings next Funeral Director and Embalmer supplies at . Hymns. Their Writhers and .year. Piano Selection®— M rs. Robert "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Jones The Simpson County Poatlry Phone 7 Murray, Ky. •\A. B. BEALE & SON National Anthemns and Whv Associalion has completed ar- Written—Mrs. A. B. Austi* rangements for blood testing and "FARMERS HEARQUARTERS" Delicious refreshments were accrediting flocks owned by mem bers. . ~

TO OUR CALLOWAY TABLE CRISP SODA Mrv Otis Hvriya Is COUNTY FRIENDS I-oo< be.,n Hoat Friday Mrs. Otis Harrison, of West When in Paducah, park your- Main street, was a delightful car with us at hostess .at a luncheon last Fri- CRACKERS day Fourth and Kentucky Awe., Tbe lunch jras served at half or Fifth and Jefferson past twelve and the afternoon .was enjoyably spent with hantfa-ork "WE NEVER CLOSE" and interesting conversation. Tlte following guests were Day & Theater Parking 25c present: , * All night aOc LOWEST PRICE FOOD STORE IN TOWN Mr. and Mrs Robert Myers. THOMAS SERVICE CO. 15 Pound POTATOES Peck


SUGAR, 10 lb. cloth bags 49c White PEAS, No. 2, 15c size Golden Dawn Naptha 2 can* for . 23c STRING BEANS, 15C cam, 3 for . 31c Martha Tailored s Ann ious Fur tf PORK & BEANS, 2 for 15c . . . . Fine thwe is ev KRAUT, No. 2 1-2 size, 3 cans for 29c desire . . . SALMON, Mack, per can Red Globe ONIONS every purs LARD, pound Martha 3 Small Bottles or SOAP, White Eagle, same a* Ben Hur, 10 bars for ...... Ann CATSUP 2 Large Bottles BULK RAISINS 3 Pounds PURE HOG Pound MURRAY 5-cent MATCHES, 6 boxes for 12c Pounds OLEO BUTTER, Silver Nut, pound 15c NEW RACK PRUNES 3 FRESH SWEET Pounds FLOUR, Dove, Hopkinsville, al- Cans LAMBUTH MAXWELL HOUSE Pound ways perfect, per sick .-. ... 68c PINK SALMON 2 COFFEE HOMINY, 2 cans for 15c NOVEMBER 18 Pounds PEACHES, Silver Bar No. 2 1-2, CREAM MEAL lp JEWEL COFFEE 3 heavy syrup, per can . ^ ...... 19c All Brands KEILER FIELD CHEESE, Swift's Cream, pound „ . 29c MATCHES 6 Paducah PEANUT BUTTER, 15c e. CLUB LIBERTY or C. CLUB tops, 2 jars for PORK & BEANS 3 FLOUR We invite the Thoroughbreds and their supporters SLICED BACON, Old Hicker, lb. .20c NEW PACK LYON'S BEST to make tbeir headquarters at the TOMATOES 3 GOLD MEDAL PEACHES, Standard, per lb FLOUR HOTEL IRVIN COBB EARkY JUNE Cans KARO SYRUP PINTO^BEANS, 3 Ibs.-for 18c LARGE YELLOW Hotel Jrvin Cobb will give Special APPLES, per bus. S1.25;peok 35c BANANAS CRANBERRIES Thoroughbred" Luncheon, 75c OATS, Quaker Quail, 3 pkgs. for 25c LARGE FIRM HEAD ch Dinner'SI.00 CABBAGE, per 100 lbs. .'. S1.35 GRAPE FRUIT 2 LETTUCE " 10 ,Y AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 18. 1980 THE LEDGER K TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY ThovLXovughhredt Meet. Lambuth on . ; Nat O Walker. Mr. Graham Is the eon of Mrs. Osla Graham, of Murray, and la a Keiler Field, Paducah, Tuesday 2:30 brother to Foreman and Hobart Graham, also of this city. Sills, Denton Wynn, James Patter- The complete program follows:* son, Cotland- Futrell, and Frank 10,000 May See Paducah's Group 1 > County Agent*~'Joe Hurt of Bucy. First College Football 1. Llebesfrend—Kreisler Boyd county wyf that the dry Grade 2: All A s; L. T. Ratoree. , Game on Keiler Field 2. Andalusian Romance-^-Sarasatd season has strengthened farmer*- East Shannon AH A s and B's: Alfred Cunn- faith ln better practices, since ingham, Rudene Ratoree. Jessie 3* Twa - Mexican Melodies—Ponce crops were surprisingly good Lou Cottom, Irine Smith, Rudolph Lions will entertain racehorses 4. Tambourine Chinoise—Kreisler where the soil was in a high state Chilcutt. Boyd Champion. J. Jr. and eagles! of cultivation. Futrell, Nathon Moody, Earl Grop II Keith Moody, Copas Wynn. College football will be inaug- Concerto in D Minor by Wlenia- Grade 1: A's and B's; Allene urated in "Paducah on Tuesday. wski Chilcutt, Max Oliver, Keys Patter- Novertiber 18, when the Murray Allegro Moderato son. Genella Evans, Eugene Chil- State College Thoroughbreds cutt, Barbary Evans, and Dale Romance clash wjth the strong Lambuth Hodges.—Echo. Allegro I „ Our "Temperance'* program Eagles In the sixth contest be- Group III tween the two institutions. It is given the 24th Was well attended. MiSB Mary Evelyn .EaveB, Piano We wish our superintendent estimated that approximately would send them out regularly. Selections The War taught us a great 10,000 people will witness the game, Wtlch will be played on 1. Llebestraume—Liszt Murray Pastor Speaks Keller Field. 2. Caprice Viennoise—Kreisler at Golden Pond Meet The Paducah Lions Club, host 3. On Wings of Song:—Mendels- many things besides fighting According to old school men, to the two teams on this occasion, sohn the largest crowd that ever gath- is making elaborate plans for the 4. SpadQsh Dance No. Villi— ered between the rivers and pos- game. According to-A. L. Camp- sibly at a meeting of its'kind in Sarasate Trigg county,, met at the school bell, chairman, of major activities ' ~ —College News rally and spelling bee at Golden of tbe club, 10,000 programs con- RtfgKjj ,:J of the lessons the War taught mil- Pond High School.-last Friday, taining group pictures, individual October 31. Visib-Silver Springs HWWj lions of people was the value of good players, and coaches from the two » More than 500 children, repre- Mr. and Mrs. R.""C. Hurt, of Schools will be distributed by the ^ijjf sound investments. During the War sented. sixteen schools in District Hazel, were recent visitors at the No. tArontested in niusic, dra- club. famous Silver Springs, In^fTorida, they put their funds in government bonds. Since the War matics/spelling, and athletics. In previous encounters with the where undersea anim^hrand plant The Rev. J. O. Ensor. pastor of life are viewed tftrjutigh glass-bot- many of these ho»d holders have learned to their increased Tenneseans. the • Cutchlnmen the First Methodist church of tom boats. Murray, delivered an interesting have always emerged victorious, AccordingXJ^Mrs. Hurt, "words profit that securities of certain business enterprises offer Curtains speech at 11 o'clock on the sub- only one time allowing the Eagles cannqt depcube the beauty of the sound investments. ject, "Results of Choice." "Proper to carry the ball over 'Murray's under .^ter scenes at Silver choice at the proper^tlme and con- 'goal line,. In 1929, in the game Really Cleaned secrating that choice to the ser- vice of God means the success of played at Mayfield, the Lambuth- The county farm agent haa ar- DID YOU LEARN THIS LESSON? ittes, made one" touchdown add E bare a special depart- every normal person." asserted ranged terracing demonstrations the speaker.—Cadiz Record. Murray won 14-6. Scores In on four QI the main roads leading 114,741 investors have purchased Associated se- ment, with special equip- W Barnes prior to thatrtime are as Into Kusaellvllle. ment, processes and person- curities—largely for long term permanent investment. The Birthday Dinner 1 follows: 1928, Murray 13. Lam- nel, for taking expert care of buth 0; 1927. Murray 12, Lam- investor,who places his funds in Associated securities obtains your household furnishings On last Sunday, Nov. 9. the children and grandchildren, buth 0; 1926. Murray 19, Lam- the protection afforded by the stability and long continued . . . for maintaining the orig- brothers, sisters, and friends buth 0; and 1925, Murray 38, gathered at the home of Mr. inal attractiveness of your Lambt&t}. 0. J success of a company with operating properties dating back curtains, drapes, wall-hang- Johny Farrls to celebrate his 79th birthday. Well filled baskets of To date thlB season, the Thor- to 1852. f) ings, ruga. good things to eat were spread in oughbreds have won three games the snow white dining room. During 1930 there has been an average increase and have suffered three defeats, The delivered prices are: Suits, dry cleaned and pressed, Mr. Farris, although . quite of 3,000 new investors each month. This large addition dur- SI: Plain Dresses, 91; Men's Straw or Felt Hats, SI; Wo- feeble, enjoyed the day very much. with a total of 97 points to their men's Hats, SOc. Those present at this occasion opponents' 70. Following the ing a period marked by hesitancy in acquiring new securities were: game In Paducah, the racehorses Parcel Post service at delivery prices. Add 10c extra for Mr. and Mrs, Johny Farris, Mr. is a commentary on the investment standing of Associated packing. and .Mrs. SheUie Farris. ,Mr. and will make one more trip to foreign Mrs. Joe Rains, Mr. and Mrs. turf when they go to Memphis securities. Main Plant lOth and Broadway., Convenient Cash and Car- Pliny Farrls. Mr. and Mrs. Will November 22, to engage their ry Stations In Hotel Irvin Cobb and at Bridge and Clements Rowland, and family, Mr. Samrflie 3 heavy rivals, the West Tennessee A Yield of Over 5 4% streets. Farris, Mr. Hugh Farrls and family, Mrs. Hester Walker and Teachers: < Combined with Bond Safety children, of Hopkin|vllle; Mr. —College News Lowry Rains, of Clay StaUon,, Associated Gas and Electric Company Gold De- Tellus Hutchins, Allen Farrls, Violinist and Pianist of Harmond Greenllef. and family; benture Bonds, due 1968, offer a fixed and regular return. Mr. and.Mrs. Wilbert Farrls, Mrs. Murray State Are He's Happy Because Claud Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Buster Investment may be made outright, or out of income with a Rowland and family; Miss Martha on Program. He Called Ellen McWaters of Benton. first payment of $10 and $ 10 monthly for each $100 grincipal All departed hoping that he * A former member of the Keith's would enjoy many more mile- amount. Vaudeville Circuit, Prof. Bueil PADUCAH, KENTUCKY stones of life.—-^ira. Mattle Row- land and Pat Rowland. Agey, instructor in Murray State Teachers College, will present a For further information, or to subscribe, ask any employee violin recital at the college Thurs- day, November 20. Miss Mary Welcome, FootbalL Visitors! Use Our Store for Evelyn Eaves, accompanist, will present piano solos. Happy is the man with a Associated ^as and Electric Securities Co., } Z —-Incorporated Your Convenience hile You Are Here Professor Agey was a student bin-ful of Murray Con- in the Conservatory of Music, Cin- Office of cinnati, O., where he received his sumers Coal .for he knows FADUQA H*S BEST STORE f diploma in June, before coming to Murray as an instructor. Before^ that he's prepared for the Kentucky-Tennessee Light & Power Company Murray, .Ky. going to Cincinnati he attended very coldest weather with the Pea body Music Conservatory in Baltimore, Md., where he re- the best fuel for the price. ceived a teacher's certificate in violin. Just phone and we'll send

You Will Find the Smartest During the past four years Pro- your order in a jiffy. fessor Agey has given private les- Winter Fashions in ions in violin. He has had four Call us for years experience in the Norfolk '"Symphony Orchestra, and he play- KINDLING WOOD ed ime year in the Norvan Thea- AMPLE RESOURCES tre Orchestra of Norfolk. He has MURRAY had professional experience in trios and stringed Quartets. CONSUMERS While in high sclioqLMr. Agey at Guthrie's played the clarinet in^be high COAL & ICE school band. < He has had- charge of a Jiigh school orchestra. Ills, CO., Inc. It's just a habit of-tturs—having the newest fashions here STAND BEHIHD home Is in Norfolk, Va. first, and especially proud are we pf the stun- ning Coats we are showing . .. for Sports . . . Utility . . . Dressy Wear Come to us^. . . for

Tailored styles that charm with their simplicity . . . Luxur- FREE TRIAL ious Fur trimmings . . . for those who prefer the dressy type EASIEST PAYMENT'S .... Pine Fabrics . The very finest tailoring . In fart there is every detail in these coats that one could possibly on the amazing new desire . . . And best of all they are priced within the limit of every purse . . . Prices ranging—For the better grades—

ACQUAINT And You Can Hardly Believe That These YOURSELF Wl Lovely New

Dresses Complete with Tubes * ... THE SERVICE Are Priced at Only Come in. Get the $16.8$ thrill pf this new- The styles . . . The fabrics . . . The tailoring . . . The-beauti- day radio. We make ful colorings .... The variety . . . . The same as you usually it easy to try — easy OFFERED BY find in much higher priced frocks . . ."But . >v-we specialize in "Marion Lewis" Frocks at this price. to buy — with guar- THE OLD RELIABLE' anteed service! We would like you to see them . . . There is a frock for ev- ery occasion . . . For every hour of the day . . . And there Is a wonderful collection from which to choose ... . sizes for Misses and Women. JOHNSON MUSIC COMPANY AN EXTRA MEASURE OF SERVICE NORTH SIDE COURT SQUARE MURRAY, KY. THE LEDGER it TIMES. MURRAY. KENTUCKY THURSDAY AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER 18, 1930. THURSDAY AJTERNl

To Overcome the Prevailing Depression

Occasioned by present economic conditions the wheels of industry must be kept going. This can By co-operating with the public to better times by the inauguration i be accomplished only by everyone lending their moral and financial assistance. If the public WARD REVISION OF PRICES that will afford the purchase of MI buys, the merchant sells, and in turn the merchants will place orders with the 'manufacturers of the better grades at the lowest prices that have prevailed in years. 1 who necessarily MUST EMPLOY HELP TO PRODUCE THEIR GOODS. People employed will be none other than our usual standard lines of DEPENDABLE anc will earn and those who earn will spend. • * ducts.


Contains Suits and Overcoats Assembled in this group .are that sold regularly u p t o $25.00 and $28.00 Suits and $22.50 and include single Overcoats and garments of garments that sold at $25.00 depleted lots that sold up to NOW— $35.00. NOW—

The Downward Revision of Prices is Reflected in the Liberal Discount Qi





It Will be to Your Material Interest to Take Advantage of the Above AND M

Home of Worsted Tex Suits and Knit Tex Coats 217 Broadway, j V


O * re, of the Responsibility More Than 1,500 Suits and 1,000 Top Coats » • » ties by the inauguration of DRASTIC DOWN- And OVERCOATS, the products of such well-known makers: "HIGH ART," "SILVER- afford the purchase of MEN'S AND BOYS' wear TON," "MANORBROOK," "MIDDIESHAD E," "MICHAELS-STERN," "GRIfFCpM," and t have prevailed in years. The merchandise offered other fine makes are included. Each and every garment bears our unqualified guarantee. The ties of DEPENDABLE and nationally known pro- revised price* represent but a small part of their actual value. In each of the following four groups are sizes and models for men of all builds.

GROUP NO. 3 GROUP NO. 4 V' tt r This group affords the pur- \ A wqnderful selection of reg- * Ij- -,, chase of the finest $40.00, s ular $35.00 and $38.00 gar- $45.00 and $50.00 Suits pro- ments with a good range of duced by the very finest mak- one and two Suits of a kind of. ers in a wide choice of pat- $40.00 Suits. NOW— terns and models. NOW— o • 1 'I $23.75 ' $28.50

% ' ;•...-? Discount Quoted Below on the High Class Lines of Men's Furnishings



f 4 Home of Incorporated Friendly Five Shoes Paducah, Kentucky —~ and Oxfords



warded the resolutions to Wash- Twenty-five purebred Jen ington for presentation In Berlin. bulls are now owm-d in Maii r e >iagerie THE LEDGER & TIMES But you can' Imagine Just about county, where dairying ia bel how much effect the protests wJM' developed i bro Ugh h tatty hi VJr*. hare while we contlnus on t^nk he will be willing to house m»tr,>i o( bring back your stuff wht-n you a coll'-cUon."?. . makV no offer tor return his but rather propose to keep it? " ,'A l.-w »..ekg | The high tariff boot doesn't had lhn» uttle rjJ ™ V seem lo feel so well when It's desk lor , pap, Member^ yanked on our own.ft*>t, And we datin brough KtlfflJCKY PRESb> HanosAi tuTOMM. will find that It will be utterly futile to protest other nations' in- to make life mi /•^ASSOCIATION/ creases unless we come, to our the monkeys, senses and"* repeal this obnoxious< law. They are defending thei* until n«, eve; own- interests just as we are en- brtnglns t|lw#B u deavoring to e|Z» for ours and we lilac*.- »|| cannot expect them cheerfully to Mm. 'tarnnay ^ pay our increases and let us go free." . j is •rirnali. . TZ International relations, just as | Tl, . uni 00 The Election crati<^_ national leaders for their individual dealings, depend -upon timt-ajiioald hat expressed intention £ot to use the a consideration for th© other fel- Mrs. Garduer by power they have gained to em low and a willingness to do what harass President Hoover but is right and fair. If we choose to faculty, ptople , rather to work with him loyally commit folly we mtis% expect to and iy Ihe young ^nd sincerely to bring about a re- pay the penalty for it. Hall who knew si turn of belter conditions. If Germany carries out her NEW SHOE REPAIR In tin Day |„lage Prom the ashes of crushing de threat and this~~H^m>dy" tariff SHOP In till! collect! feats in th4 pastt a newer, clean- is not repealed we will find our er more virile Democracy has selves in the uncomfortable posi- pig. rabbit, cam arisen, stripped of many of its tion of having to pay more for the families The co faults and failing?. R ha* a I way* JMSsssfiUes of lift1 and hit ring leSa big bear. mlQdle- be*-n the patty of the common with which to pay it. man and. ably and conscientiously bear. monkeys, directed, it will grow in vigor, in l>hant> rati, dogi ware of Greek* bearing gifts*. SAME PRICE Especially ridiculous was Mr Rob- isirtr aa4 prestige to reader even Brown's Grove a mouse, cow, fro sion s bid for the soldier vote; ex- greater servkre to a|l the people. I wish to announce to my giraffe duck, cb pressly reproachful and shameful a dog With a fly wasAhis appeal to relirious preju- friends that I have opened a dice whik- his con ten ; hie chi- \ Lesson Brought The*.' : : mail palgn It is likely that they canery ^n yelling "Raskob' as an Home.. rShoe Repair Shop in the rear of now bitterly reesnins those issue failed to fool anyone. the SEXTON BROS. Hardware propriate line* from Burn?-. Another factor that was no TURKEYS Ismail one and dine bed tbe con M. Store, in fine shap J ciusjon that Mr Robsion is lust climb the short steps on North Fourth, just I not the type of man desirable in your order I the United Stales senate was his off the corner. NEW MACHINERY and equipment j duplicity conc+rain? posuaaster- I ships and other Federal appoint of the besReat Brtype .Gatli C. . Worn CASTLEBERRBuildingk guaranteed, Nort,h priceFourtY s hfight . stents in the state Except in a yrf BAKING [\v POWDER It's double acting Use K C for fine texture ORAf •nd Urge volume in youi bakings. BIGGEST—QUICKEST—BEST

Well* Purdom, Manager During t number of . the use of tuce in addi tion of tool hard sound ties are els tests made ,

One grou \.-v> Mnlirtne I n. I. Two Yean of adult diet o Misrr) hmfn SlomjM-h Traablc ELECTRIC mm —Ham. twicer l-nbe head of lett orange juici vegetables, OVEN meat once d "They clai teeth and g orange jflic Holds that Turkey Fl avor least one qu WE ARE ALWAYS GLAD TO HAVE YOU Have you SHOP IN PERSON If to we wot have found.

HEAL FOR LIMITED TIME Hotpoint Electric This New Powder Kills Rata and Mice . Ranges But Nothing Else ONLY C«|/N DOWN •Rid your premises of fats ainl mice without danger to ydvr livestock", pets and poultryXThi- means more 24 Months to Pay to you thabsvou think. Tbe United StateV Department of AgriculIureXestimates the cost <5f each >at per year at $1.36 in foodveon- sumed and property oc- troyed. Maro can be used freely in the-home, barn or poul- try house witlr^ absolute safety,. , • . . NOT A POISON Maro is a Red Squill prepara- tion. Red £quUL-is-ceeoinmend- ed br tbe_bepartme»t of ArrV culture as beiaar taken .readily by rata, and relatively harm- leas lo bumaa t*eing» and do NTIL you've tasted turkey coolfed met tic animals Mara retails at Uelectrically, you don't, know 51 Demand Maro. Accept how good turkey can be. Roasted to a tempting ao substitute. brown on tbe outside, the inside is so tender it Gomes'apart at the touch of a fork. All the savory Konjola la -old in Murray, Ky, -

Thanks for past fasrors and hoping to share a » *• • . . V part of-your patronage in the future, I am, very truK . ' - KNOXALL GROCERY Associated Gas and Electric System Ktirtudcy.Tennessee Light and Power Company [wsttucmcj — — R-CtJIYTWC 0»;htr

Murray, Kentucky merry melange of fun, frivolity seeuttve . biH utw*))y ou **•> and ornate which ccmea to tb» count at graduation we ffntf that soybean crop, and hay Is being Capitol Theatre tor 9 days begin- It. takes about four years to build sold to farmers in other counties. ning on Wednesday next presents up a consistent winning team. what is believed to be the most im- RALPH'S posing aggregation of Hollywood's TO MY CIKTOMKIW AND younger CQmedy and music cele- I'ltlKMis OP (AIXOWAY UO. brities since "Paramount on Pa- rade." _ RANGLES I meant in this way to express Jeanfctte MacDonald and James to you my appreciation for the Hall play the romantic leads and sing two gergeOus songs, "My Mad patronage you have given me and f scriptiod Moment" and "It seems -To Be for your loyalty to me through all Spring." Jack( Oakie and Skeets Iter Re lid thfcse years-1 have been selling Gallagher provide much of the fun you merchandise. I regret leav- iJn and dii as a wayward taxi driver and a ing more than I can express to •<>at. Use 1 tropical island king respectively. you and by biggest regrets are at tailed Thol Mr. Oakie sings three songs, "Joe with tn WMJIKIM'S FACEHIS Jazz," "Let's GBC countenance lg Production Cost Union county farmers are buy- •want a bit of food to cat. It was best known for Its hardboiled, yet so hard for me to do my housework, sympathetic appearance and its ing superphosphate in large quan- tities. following tests . which and care far my" family. Sincc I crooked nose, wap born iu. New have been taking Herbine all of this York. His early education was showed a lack of phorphorus in the soil. trouble is behind me and I am so obtained in city schools. He glad." studied mechanical engineering at Herbine is a vegetable liquid which the City (Allege of New York. does nothing more than help the Columbia and Cornell universities. stomach and bowels take care of the After leaving college with an food you eat. That prevents excess is a doctor's Prescription for engineering degree, he returned acidify because it moves oat all waste to graduate school for a Ph. D., COLDS and HEADACHES matter. Being vegetable you do not paying his expenses by instructing It is the most speedy remedy have bad after-effects from Herbine in mathematics. like you do from calomel, aalts or known. After appearing- in many silent Oil ~ 1, jllflt pictures, Wolheim turned to the 666 also in Tablets Wear Drug Company >ment stage for further laurels and ap- peared with great Success in the leading roles ojT "The Hairy Ape,' "What Price Glory/' and others On the screen he, was notable in "All Quiet on the Western Front" before appearing in "Danger Lights."



During the past year there have been a large "The Cuckoos^" a spectacular musical comedy produced bf number of articles in various magazines relative to Radio Pictures, wljl have Its inital formance at the Capitol Theatre the use of milk, orange and lemon juice, and let. Monday and Tuesday. tuce in addition to your regular diet for the preven- Two comedians, and Robert Woolsey. head the all- tion of tooth decay in adults and the growing of star cast. They will be remem- Sensational Come- bered for theih clever antics In hard sound teeth by the children. Reliable authori- "Rio Rita." dians of "Rio Rita" run wild in riotous ties are claiming wonderful results from several Dorothy Lee, Who also played in "Rio Rita." again is teamed new hit! 1 tests made along this line. with Wheeler and Woolsey and scores with ^ her Inimitable sing- Mad waggery . . . ing and dancing. riotous fun . ,. de- One group of research workers advises as an Jobyna Howland, six foot lirious nonsense in adult diet one-half to one quart of milk, one-fourth comedienne from Broadway, makes her talking picture debut the comedy sensa- head of lettuce daily, the juice of half a lemon or In "The Cuckoos." She is said to tion of all time! be a ludicrously funny foil for orange juice up to half pint twice daily, with eggs, Wheeler and Woolsey. June Clyde and Hugh Trevor DAZZLING vegetables, whole wheat bread and cereals and furnish the romantic love interest SCENES IN meat once daily if needed. -* in a charming manner. GORGEOUS Although nine featured players are Included In the cast, " The TECHNICOLOR "They claim wonderful results in improving the "Cuckoos" is not a revue. teeth and gums. For the children the amount of Taken from the stage play. "The Ramblers," the picture orange jtfice can be cut down, but .give them at definitely carries the plot of an least one quart of milk a day. exciting story in a hilarious man- ner. Comedy predominates ovur thp - Have you tried this plan out in your family? musical and dancing, episodes. If so we would appreciate hearing what results you have found.


Also News Reel and Comedy—"FRENCH KISSES'

FRIDAY and SATURDAY W EDN ESDA Y-TH URSDAY November 14-IS SATURDAY MAT November 19-20 Blazing Inferno of Giant Passions As Wheels Fly!

Radio's Welcome "Murray! Great Heart- ^ = Santa Says:— Thriller of . ..vs — —- ' . , - The City Consumers Co. joins all Paducah ih extending a the Rail- road's Select Your Diamond hearty welcome to the Throoughbreds, the students and Overpow- ering in faculty of Murray State Teachers College and the citizens Drtuiw . . . Ring for Christmas Now Action . . . of Murray and Calloway cOunty to the M. S. T. C.—Lam- Sound! at Bailey9s , PEEL the tropic berets! See the buth football game on Keiler Field, Paducah, "next Tues- hula gals cavortln'! Hear the songs, the fun and joy! Come. Every diamond In our stock has beeij carefully graded, day. weighed and marked so that you know exactly the quality of eac'h stone. Mountings are of the very finest material and workmanship. Just a little more than a Players and fans alike, enjoy GOLDBLOOM Ice Cream. It's recom- lfTS ;; month uritiT~Christmas" and Vy no means too early for mended for athletes because GoTcTbloom, Tee Cream builds muscles and GO NATIVE [ the wise sho'pper to begin ma.kiiUt selections. A sma'll sinews. Made in a snow-white plfent with only the purest ingredients III JACKOAMB deposit will reserve any article m.'til Chrsitmas. jtANtmtrwMU under perfect conditions. There is a GOLDBLOOM dealer near you. „' a gamuMi Qumx

LOUIS WOLHEIM With Skeets Gallagher. Kay Fran- H. B. BAILEY ROBERT ARMSTRONG cis. Eugene Pallette and William JEAN ARTHUR THE QUALITY JEWELER Austin. It's swell! Atso Ninth Chapter "Jade Box" and Comedy— Also Talking Comedy- "FOLLOW THE "MANHATTAN Paducah, Ky. Tenth and Monroe SWALLOW" SERENADE" THE LEDGES & TIMES. MUMTAY. KENTUCKY

Dexter News | How Education Has Paid Murray ID communities ot Kentucky •afen ( Good tiro practice* „ la "a Tueada depleted because ol short crops, during crop, and livestock Crtac. o. Leader farmers can aecurv credit oa satis T. Adequate farm ntni a lowlu highly coi factory term from the Federal Previous to the reorgai tafia. > .mcermiag Credit Bank at Louisville. Halph the total value ol prodaeti- .«, Kual, Our, ia Pi (arm amounted to about I - , . KMt WIMCT war The wer. .bo,,, This line of credit will aot oaly i-unlce O »7S0. leaving oaly »l.l»111 lotal claas ... the Chria power, and la this, way the eatlre $3.»»0 will be .boot day. No, 14. at " community will ahare ia the bene 11.150. leaving SI."It a. , re- *»» Oury and fits to be derived through the Ju turn to labor and capital. hare ided aot dicioas use of federal Intermediate -ion to their litti. credit. Mr. Sams state - Five carload, or gidfcn.l :in#_ Ilea or the adml .ton. were taken into lake u» . collect county laat month. On. r^raaar concluding aumb Income Doubled by ground over 10« ton. on kis firm, inly Chest and other, are piling rock for the Reorganizing Farm

The story of reorganizing a LYON'S BARBER SHOP Kentucky farm so that the Income to the owner was more than doubled is told by Z. T~ Galloway, of the department of farm eco- nomics. University or Kentucky or Agricultural la a circular called. -'A Kentucky Farm Which Was Organised Into an Evident Busi- ness I'nit." After a careful study of the UAKK KKI> IRISH SKTTlai. farm, previous to the reorganiza- tion. some or its weak points were FKMA1.K. HIS LARUE. I1IUIAD listed as follows: HKAD. RATH Fit SHOK1 T1IL 1. Poor balance crops aad live- H AS LAST SKKN Will Mrt*. stock eaterpriaes. . 3TH. RKWAKli FOR HU: KB- "Heron I started taking 2. No adequate provtaion for Biack-Draaght, three years maintaining soil fertility. TIIU. UH lXFOBJMSaON I.KA0- ago, my health was very bad," S. No systematic crop rotation. IV, TO HU1 ItHWBIV writes Mia. C C Carson. 945 4. Inefficient layout of farm. K. M. GRAHAM. j Cotvcord St, Beaumont, Texas. The strong 'pdiau In the re- la tare Tt'KNKRH STUNUC organized plan for the farm are: **1 suffered constantly from MIKK.IT, KT. constipation. I had headache 1. A Well balanced business when I got up in the morning, unit. Deliciou and I felt dufl and sluggish- I hardly ate a meal that my food agreed with me. Frequently We cor I would have gas on my stom- Calloway ach. and felt awful. games ant "I read about Black-Draught, and I thought it might help w e ser me. After I had taken it a lit- hot choco tle while. I felt much better. pafAing s| JCssie Puckett were-visitors is Pi-- ducah Thursday. Mr. Will Reeves has excepted work with the bridge company building the Smithland - Orio bridge. Do Not Let Your Radiator Freeze

WANTED TO BUY Take no chances, freezing weather is over-due. We have CALVES, COWS, HOGS, all the well known brands, such as GLYCERINE, EVER- LAMBS, Etc. READY PRESTONE, and ALCOHOL We Will Pay Market Price For Stuff "Delivered ANY DAY We have a wonderful line of winter accessories— Truck Runs to St. Louis Heaters for all makes of cars $3 Three Times a Week Batteries, Ford, genuine I 3-plate, your old battery SHROAT BROS. and . . r The Ford battery will fit 75 per cent of all cars. Regardless of what car you drive, come down and let us wait on you; we-are always anxious to render you real service. T " . • .

Shoe* For the Entire Family 309 Broadway Paducah, Ky.

V Women's Shoes Assorted . styles* Save Money .a:! - - * - th- \ tot but rot ery style. 38th ANNIVERSARY SALE 600 Pr. Women's New Shoes \ Originally Made to Sell "for doable or more s sold at our extreme low price for our Anniver- sary Sale. Sell Your Tobacco On ' P.tests. Strap. A JM Satins. Oxford 3 ^MB S. Tie.. ~ W S aede.. Bow H f ^^^^ Pomp*. H I High. Cob. a. • OUTLAND'S need and P^^Ep©;... Low Heel. Ik the H f group. All .i sc. K2 outfitted

Boys' and Girls' High Shoes and Oxfords LOOSE LEAF FLOOR

High shoes and ox- fords, Patent, Tan. The best lighted house in town. Gunmetal. good Boy's \ • olid soles for ^KW^^rf Shoe. Storm 'school or dress We have had life-time experience in tobacco business Boots wear many style* Wt /Chil ren's i to select from. I The programs for the Epworth 12 inch ^^ Black. Brown League for the reat of the month as growers and dealers. TS and Paten- boot black are as follows: V. o r brown. / Blurfier JBjrf November IS: "Evangelism st Sizes 11 to or High QC« Home" We are located at the Association Receiving station, while they last.*' • — Leader: Mrs. ?Jix Harris J Song— just east of the freight depot. Scripture Reading. 2 Cor. 1-2; Aets 9:25-27 Prayer "^•r Toung People -in Evange- lism"—Theora Blalock "G^d's Plan for Evangelism"—' Anna Mary Rudd Market Opens — v.Whcn and How to Begin Evangelism—Mrs. Edward James. Benedict ion. November 23: Evangelism Wednesday, Dec. 3rd While Chicago, cannot pay Its Abroad * • With the purchase of the interest of Mr. Herbert Wall, Leader: Hollls Rogers teaehera. the Murray city school Song Sr., in Wall-Houston Company we wish to announce that board has just added a 157,000 Free stalls and sleeping quarters. the firm will be known in the future as Owen-Houston unit to Its present city high ^Scripture Reading, lake 12:31- Company. Mr. Elmus Houston retains his interest in the school. The new unit consists of Prayer Prompt settlements after each sale. additional class rooms aad a large "What Is Evangelism Abroad?" firm as before. gjjanaatam. This n&kea tbe city — Reba Ford high school one Che bnt equip- "Stewardship As Partnership- James Hugh Smith Best market in the Western District, ped high schools ip^ West Kentuc- Mr. Cyrus E. Owen, who has purchased Mr. Wall's in- Song—Mildred Swana. Ruhena ky. t'ousty Superintendent M. O. Ford. Tennle Rogers and Odine terest, will be glad to see his friends here. Wrather estimates the eonsjnie- Swann 'K»n .of additioaal county high "Shariag Through Oar, Money aad How Much are we Sharing" SAME PLACE AS LAST YEAR -'hool.unltaat flTI.««». We wish to announce that there will be no change in -^-Mrs. Nix Harris 'CXbe Stewardship Covenant"— Murray State Teachers College. policy but that we shall continue striving to give you qual- Mis. SJHie Howard •mrr-Sevea -years old. ia adding Announcements Association Receiving Station ity merchandise at the fairest prices and serve you with at- two more unit, to lta college Benediction — tention and courtesy. y »re a men s dorMI- NdvemUer 3»- The Colon irary bulLdiag. costing Communion East of Freight Depot »». The library hulld- Leader: Dah-|e Mae Swann Your Patronage Always Deeply Appreciated. to be the beat la the „ , Scripture 1Readiag . Theae two units la. 22:3-14; Cor. II 22-34 college plant value tS ' .A Pre-Comimdnloi n St the Holy u ' • Rlt-ial for A twist Owen-HOuston Co om all Part, of the ,^d„r yy,,,^ SwMn (Jutland's Loose Leaf Floor find you m fme. I«- jwcelv. —t^.^,. FdT^rt. THE MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE the at the Maaoa Memor- on once yoi This medical plant Second Assistant Leader. Mr. A. G. Outland, Manager the for* Successors to Wall-Houston Company a qnarur ot a mlllio. dollars i array la the borne of Smwrt thysieiaas and sur- —Candle Light Service, that insi f recently ooostructad Benediction. JSDAT ATTBSMOOM. NOVSMBKB 1». 19»0

[Thoroughbreds To First Christian Church KrjLyubuth la lu Tuesday's edition the (Continued from Page Ooe> Hrtaoi,.,: carried the fol- Karl Fipsee has been accused Forty farmers In Calloway' lowing tiighty complimentary edl- fire poloU. Tt . firs! four JW/1 of coming off second best tn a do- county are cooperating.with E. a»aal«l teacher of eipreaalon la of Dr. R. M. Mason. this city snnouncea a very com Vas m bSwUurrajr 11-1. mead., le purpose ta coanectioa Coach Cutchin and Lusky are Mrs. C- R l>ee has received an with th. recital to be given by her puttlac their men through exten- announcement of the birth of a rlaas si the christian Church. Fri- sive drill In preparation for the son on Nov. 7. to Mr. snd Mrs. day. Nov 14. at 7 OS p. m. Meador T. Wells ot Atlanta. Georgia. A message followed stat- *la.- Oury and her clever pupils The officials of the game are; ing Its de^lh on Nor. 9. Ml* Wells hare U**-tde4 not lo charge admla- referee. Hale (Rice Institute), umpire, Shaw (California I. Head Is a son of Mrs. Udle A. Wells, -loo lo their little program, but In Llnesmsn. Hamilton rTTttwois) who Is a sister of Mrs Lee. They Um of the admission charge, to snd ri.-lii Judge, Govriel Rosen- formerly resided ln Murray. take u» a rollectloa following the thal. Information of the players Mr. and .Mra C R°. Lee snd coadu.lmit number, for tbe local Is £S follows: t'o«a> jmty Chest Fund. This more thelfr dsugbWN, Lucy Lee and lAinbutli KagV-* Mrs. Elra Wilson and children spent Saturday and Sunday In CORRECTION 100.000 Tolumas and will be ade- quate for tbe granting of mas- Th? Johnson Music Company is located in the tar's degrees. old stand on the WEST side of tha-*«Urt square and not on the north side as erroneously stated in ad- vertisements m the Ledger & Times this week and • I ...l 111., - - k i Ul — TL last. srou uu NOI j DUIIQIBKS. I BEY ace: Shakespeare, Milton. Homer. : The Johnson Music Company now has on dis- -Virgil. Emerson. Goethe, Long- play the new Majestic Refrigerator,, "Mighty fellow. Tennyson, Poe, Burns. Monarch of the Aj-ctic." Come in and see it. HO go. Lowell. Bacon. Dickens. , Hawthorne. Eliot. Aristotle. Michelangelo, Newton. Mann, JOHNSON MUSIC COMPANY Herodotus. Beethoven. WEST SIDE COURT SQUARE On the ground floor there are a bookstore, postoffice, cataloging Drive Out for room, receiving room, and stock rooms. The first floor consists of reading rooms, lobby, reference Delicious FOOD—Courteous SERVICE rooms, and stock rooms. The lobby has corn-tiled floor with We cordially invite the people of Murray and several marble fountains. Two Calloway county to vyrit us before and after the offices are on this floor.. games and events at the college. . On the second floor, are senior We serve las^y luncheons, delicious sandwiches, class ofTice. lecture room, two of- fjm^i/ hot chocolate, every fountain delicacy. Plenty of fices, upper section of the read- ing room. dnd rooms for the two pankinx spaee, come out and enjoy yourself.- 17 Years of Value-Giving and Honeat Dealing. literary societies. A wrought iron railing surrounds tbe mezzanine BEFORE and AFTER the GAME Stop at Evans QIW 10 17 Years of Progress and Service floor and the lobby leads into the Foster. HB 11 society rooms. -The museum will Byrd. HB 11 CELEBRATING • THE 17th ANNIVERSARY OF occupy the third floor the third Perdue. O 14 PADUCAH'S MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN'S ' AMBROSE TEA ROOM Newton, TV 16 floor. It -will have leaded tapes- WEAR STORE , At THE COLLEGE CAMPUS try sky-lights. Powell. E 1C Z. Wells. E 17 Modern Dormitory Reed. G ^ 18 Embodying'..the most modern Miller, E 19 ideas in men's dormitories, the Brewer, QB" 10 Celebrating 17 Years of Success Murray home for college men con- Haynes. HB"' 21 Brodie, HB " 13 sists of three stories and a spac- Scores of New York's best makers have Mahew. FB»/ 23 ious basement. The structure, Wfckltffe. E 24 co-operated with us, making extraordin- which is being constructed hy W. Smith, T 25 M Hill snd Son of Fulton. Ken- Traughber. CV 26 ary price concessions to help make this tucky, is madfe of face ^ brick, J. Heath. G 30. Todd. T - 18 the greatest value-giving sale of our-sev- {rimmed in white stone. Tile Ware. G 29 enteen years' career. Come expecting brick and gypsum are used on the H. Heath. C 27 interior. Bowman, T ^ 31 values in new high class apparel. You'll Chambers. T 33 The rooms are arranged in W. Wells. Ffl*' "»•» not be disappointed. It is an unusual event suites of five,. consisting of two that will be welcomed by women of this, bedrooms, two studies and a bath. Each suite accommodates four vicinity. men. On the first floor Ihere is a large common room, similar to the lobby of a hotel. Iif this re- ception room two fireplaces are constructed with the shield of the college on the back mantels. A suite, consisting of a living room, dining room, and kitchen, Quail Season is on the first floor for the use of the house matron. There will be no dining room for the 'men, but they will dine In the cafeteria at Opens Wells Hall, the women's dormi- tory. The new dormitory, located During the Great 17th Aiyiiversary in the northeast corner of the lT»e truest end^ of life is to Sale — — campus," will be ready for occu- know the life that^ never ends. Saturday pancy at the opening of the second semester in February. Welcome to Paducah for the For many years we have furnished hunters G. Tandy Smith of Paducah was NOTICE Automobile Sale for Storage and Bladder architect for both structures. Ray- THOROUGHBRED-LAMBUTH with comfortable clothing at the right prices. I/abor. mond Construction Company. 1 .will on Monday. November GAME Bowling Green, Kentucky, Is 17th, 1930, at my garage at Lynn Weakness It Getting Up Nights. Backache, November 18 C Our stock is complete with every thing you erecting the library. Bids were Grove, Kentucky, offer for sale. frequent day calls. Lee Pains. Nerv- Look in your mirror—there is To the highest and best bidder for opened by the board of college >uanesa, oj Burning, due to function- cash, one automobile. Overland il Bladder Irritation, in acid condl- your enemy. / - , . * need and we urge that you come in to see us and get regents April 10, 1930. The ac- .iona, makes you feel tired, depressed Little Four, the property of-M. T. ind discouraged, try the Cystex Test. outfitted right for a syccessful season. cepted bid for the dormitory was Hickman. Hopkinsville, Ky. Works fast, starts circulating thru Said.jcar is being sold for re- ihe system ln 15 minutes. Praised by $91,000. For the library, the thousands for rapid and positive ac- successful bid was $200,763. Wir- pairs and storage due me by the •Jon. Don't grive up. Try Cystex (pro- said party or owner, who left his nounced Slss-tex) today, under the ing, plumbing, beating, ftxtures, car with me for repair in 1929. Iron-Clad Quarantee. Must "quickly illay these conditions, Improve rest- and equipment are bfeing installed This November 10. 1930. ful sjeep and eoexKT* or money bach. Soots Hunting Coats Shirts at additional cost. /' Curtis .Veal , Garageman, UVIMH Lynn Grove. Ky. ltp Jones Drug Company Caps Wool Sox Sheep-lined Coats Officials responsible for the con- struction of the buildings include: Leather Boots Game Bags State Legislature; Dr. Rainey T. Wells, president; Board of Re- Full Line of Ball Band Boots and 0*Shoes gents. Supt. W. C. Bell, Mrs. W. H. Mason. S. J. Snook^Claude T. Winslow; G. P. Ordway. —College News THE FAMOUS NOTICE ! ! On Wednesday. November 19. W. T. SLEDD & COMPANY at 10:00 o'clock. I will, oner for ^ KILLS COLDS Neede sale to the highest bidder the little log school house and grounds, 2 P*^STOP THAT COLD BEFORE IT 2S< If It's New, We Have It miles South of Kirksey. Sale to be ma de on grounds. STOPS YOU-ASK FOB THI 11. O. WRATHER. PURPLE BOX-AT YOUR DRUGOIST Look jf*Bob White! They'll be after you early next Saturday morning. The successful hunter, the man who enjoys the Personal Service When Welcome sport, is dressed for the occasion. The Comer Store in- vites the hunters to come here for their equipment. Misfortune Strikes Thoroughbreds Hunting Coats Hunting Jackets Hunting Caps and Boots Heavy Shoes Woolen Sox Sweaters When one of our policyholders has the misfortune to figure in an accident we. always devote every facility MURRAY FANS! of this office not only to adjusting the loss but to look- Sheep-lined Coats Rain Coats , Heavy Underwear ing after every detail connected with the accident for you. We will be glad to Flannel Shirts Leather Coats Hunting Shirts^ Following a recent accident In which one person was have you make killed, three otjMff* ?eriously injured and a car demolish- ed involving a car covered by this office, two members of the this firm made a 175 mile trip, arriving at the scene of the accident less than five hours after It was reported HOTEL R1TZ Considerable road graveling has been done this fall. to us, prepared to render every possible service. Now that the election is over let's give our attention to Oar connections have at least one approved firm of Your Headquarters for the building more roads in Calloway county. can u/ipe out attorney ta-erery county la the, t'nlted States and pro- vince in Canada to serve you. wherever you may be mo torlng. Adjustments receive the personal attention or a Neighbors should work together in keeping the roads i/oursavinqs member ot this firm Automobile and oth4 casualty LAMBUTH GAME open this winter. Winter is the best time to clean up your losses are paid vftth draft drawn in this office and de- of years-/ livered to the claimant the day settlement II a*reed upon TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 farms and roadsides. % - . •

A twist of Fate! And you Every Facility of This Modern Hostelry find yourself.wasting regrets is at Your Command orr the wreckage that was oner yonr car. Or hare "you Frazee, Berry £ Melugin Inc. tho foresight to pay a tejr •hone 331 Gatlm Building dollars a year for Insurance THE HOTEL RffZ THE CORNER STORE that insures? , H Hum Make a Difference Who Write- Your In—trance'' PADUCAH THE LEDGER * TIMES. MURRAY,

sheats, the journal i^ attractively Mr. and Ha Joe Glaagow spent tality war®: * others for the mttj kind deed* Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Horru and tmt. hr * Jem. W vT. CNL J. WPPfmx^j * UUla Doctlu ware SAMB.FARR1S,&4, WILL RUK FECIAL KU.sU> ol Mr »i »*»• ^ KStat J Maude Barnert, edrtor-m-chlaf, t hats; sunu>tlflh«( snappy and at Kirkpatrlck. Miss 11a B. Brock, tiful floral offerings. — J. A. day i vonlnK with Mlfe O'Laaa editor; Louise Waldrop. Thomas prices to milt all. We feature Mrs. Trousdale. Miss Lillian Wat- Anderson and family. McDaniel. Crawford. Inex Motheral. proof Metmwi and I><>bb» hat».—W. T. ters. Miss Nellie Wyman .Mr and Mrs T. >.,fcols vlilted readers; Van JJuie. Fred Robert- •%ledd * Co. * Mlsa Bettle Thornton. Mrs. hi* mother In Paducah last week- MrrC. B. Porter and IJttle son, EthePWard. Mra. Treman Beale, Vancleave News sop. TTuaineas managers; Ruby Dee end. of Memphis, arrived Tuesday to Miss Mildred Beale, Miss freslree Mr*. Minnie H»le waa (he *u«»t • Sam Brown Farrls. resident of Franklin. Harold Story, reporters; spend several- days with Mrs. Becto, Miss Lillian Hollowell. Mlsa tola Workman and Mr of Mn. Wllke[aon Krld.i> .inning. Cherry, died at his home Novem- Bobby Hester. James Thurman, Porter's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. O. president, Mrs: B. B. Keys, Mra. Jessie Sheltoo conducted chapel ber C, 19)0 mt the age or 84 locals; Billy Pollard. Edward J. Jennings. Mrs. C. A. Jennings Tai Miller. Mrs. Henrv Gmlln Wednesday morning. Mrs. Ada Workman has beeo a patleat of Ma»on Memorial Hos- He la survived by a daughter- Thornton, advertisefnenta; Miss who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Melus " Lynn, Mrs. Neva Our school l> still growing and in-law. Mrs. Addi** Farrls. all Mra^. Jennings ileft Tuesday for Waters, M rs. O. C. Wellg^ Mrs. every one la liking better every pital for a treatment but Is at 1 Emma J. Helm, critic. grandchildren, seven great grand- California to join her husband Amanda White. day. The teachers are still giving hojjie al lhl» writing and Bure hope she will Lunay. Half or Whole lb. New laundry, completely eqnip- FRESH PORK HAM night. , " l»e

WANTED—Antique Sliver cups All tobacco sold on this floor will have our~perspnal at-- without handie Will pay $15.00 each. These are old time fair Closing Out Sale tentiort at all times, and it shall bfe our desire to sell your premium^ cups. Mrs. Mack Grundy; tobacco at the highest market price, and will be glad to Shelbyville, Ky. ltp FOR RENT—My home 714 W advise..with you at all times regarding the^^arketing of Main street, Murray, Ky. Ad- dress me, Mrs. H. B. Scott, Cadiz, Going Full Blast your tobacco to the very best advantage: KV tf j- h * NOTICE!- We will conduct daily salerwith prompt settlement after New spring styles in Prints, yard wide, Women's Rayon Bloomers, 89c fast colors. See them . each sale. _ ' . - By mutual agreement, I this day set Lom-uj Holland free to Women's Outing Gowns contract and he contracted with Standard Outing Flannels, yard wide, in as of age and wlij not be further solid colors, stripes and checks. Yard ... Each Our floof will be open day and night with free stalU and responsible for his contracts. This 3rd IHv of Nov. 1930.—W C. Children's Ribbed Hoae in asaorted colors. lose, 59c value sleeping quarters. Holland JH3p A real 25c number, all sizes > HATCRDAY HIGH BOOS— Ladies Merccrized Cotton Hose, and ribbed Men's Fancy Mercerized Sox Sell your tobacco on the Murray Market this season, the LOW GROCERIES 2 cans lJork & Beans .1$ -fll^wanted colors Per pair . . . . highest market in the Western District for the past five 2 Corn Flakes. . .S .15 Fre*h lettuce 7 or Sc Oil Cloth Runners or Scarfs, good assortment Boys' Brown Jer•aei y Gauntlet Gloves years. . " , Tj. * 61'Cis S*lnv Washlnc prrwder of patteri**. Sale, each 2fi lb Bo* Peaches 2 <5

Pounds Rice .17 Another lot of T«Ht Oil Cloth, staple Men's Brown Jersey Work Gloves lbs. Good Coffee 1 doz.EKfC* Pair « P Berry Coffee . 1 doz EMS patterns, stands goods, per yard >> Bs? Peach flour »S' , fine Red Wlnetsp spples IK A good 4-4 Browr- Domestic, CUT PRICES ON SWEATERS FOR WOMEN „ bucket ficoo 105 Special ..... T~ AND CHILDREN „' CO In y©Or bucket .98 Women's Shoes at Bargain Prices. Extra val- 1 Pr spathettl or Cm Laces of all kinds 2c yard and up ues at $3.49, $2.69, and down to—pair 1 J t bo,. "Wl*1- Big Reductions—Many LESS THAN HALF the for- 10 lh« -arti »••••••• •« 100 lbs Cabl ,0"» •« PRICES CUT ON EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE mer price. Loose Leaf Floor llulk flits, per, • ...,1.35 - t._P. Earroer Manager . Holland's * West Side Square