
Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 11-13-1930 The Ledger & Times, November 13, 1930 The Ledger & Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger & Times, "The Ledger & Times, November 13, 1930" (1930). The Ledger & Times. 106. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/106 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. uceft unty «tl» Kentuckys Most Progressive Weekly Newspaper' Retired Farmer of Murray State Adds Nmv Buildings STATE CASES BRIDGE WORK Buchanan Di< MURRAY HIGH COUNTY WINS | ON TENNESSEE Mr. BUM* Morris. 78. rati rod HOME COMING LAURELS IH ARE TRIED IN farmer of Buchan«n, Tenn., died I at hia home Tuesday night of IS UNDER WAY pneumonia. SET FOR 26TH STATE MEET CIRCUIT COURT He ieavea a wife. Mra. Anna Morrla and one daughter. Mra. Court, Grand Jury Adjourn* Contractors Are Clearing the Lula Simpson of Murray. All Former Students Expect- Mr. Morris waa a fine Christian Wednesday Afternoon Right of Way, Erecting ed Back for Game With man and will be greatly missed by . Until Monday Construction Huts a wide circle.of relatives and Clay High Here (head*. m - RUSH WORK TO BEAT Funeral services will be held CONTEST TO BE STAGED JUDGE SMITH ATTENDS STATE JUDICIAL MEET RIVER'S WINTER RISE from the Mt. Pleasant Church ON NOVEMBER 26TH 1 with burial in the church ceme- tery. * Murder Case Set for Mon- Work Also Begun on Canton Entertainment, "Big Doings' M. O. Wrather in Charge of day; Civil Docket to be Span; Company's Presi- Planned for Old Grada Calloway County Called Wednesday dent Visits City on Reunion STORES TO CLOSE Group •^Homecoming" Day for all (•rami Jury graduates and former students of - W. E. Gilbert, foreman, Hicff Murray high school is being plan- FOR GAME FRIDAY Wilson. John Rowlett, Red Ray. orns. W B. Crouch. John C. Dunn, Edd •nter ned for Wednesday. November 2€, the day before Thanksgiving. Gibbs. Robert L. Spencer. O. A. r. lc Butterwofth. Charlie Brinn, Milt On that afternoon the Murray Miles, Evert "Norsworthy. •tter high school Tigers will engage inks, Clay, Ky.. high school on the hiph Petit Jury John Moore,' Guss Grogan, ltp school athletic fi$l<L The game Rudy Hendon. W. C. St. John, with Clay was arranged following i Richard Roberts. Will Poyner. G. cancellation of the annual game C. Burkeen. Amos Workman. W. with Paris. Tenn. Above—The $125,000 men's dormitory being completed on the R. Ixjvins. T. P. Guler. JefT Arm- While definite plans have not east side of the campus. Below—The $250,000 library bullflin-- bein^, completed on the strong, Albert Ellison. Parl^er yet taken~»hape. members of the Harrell. M P. Olliyer. Robert faculty, students and local 'ahimnf east side of the campus between the old librafVy building and the college auditorium. ' Owen. R. W. Hendrix, Marvin ten- are making elaborate arrange- Dootes B. B. Cotham, J D. Nix. nlles ments for the biggest day in Mur- Bob Watson. V. A. McAllen, Con- ray high school history. The in- George Mi Her. LiiUk Kale, A_ J„ •nts:, stitution haB made tremendous Burkeen. •oom growth in the past few years, cul- minating in the addition this ibac- YUli Marvel was eiven one^year summer of a beautiful ,and com- well In life penitentiary on a second of- modious .new unit and an encldsed flop- fense liqubr charge Wednesday, gymnasium,, one of the finest in N6c' November 12. ln*the third day of Western Kentucky. Powerful Dawson spring-* , Eleven Circuit Court, with Judge Ira D. Further Announcements of Held Here Vrkl»y; Smith presiding, and Common- home coming plqns will be made U>( Half Even. wealths Attorney John King pros- next week. ecuting the case. Court adjourned Wod{i£§0*y as Judgti Smith attended the Judicial council at Frankfort. It wills re- convene Monday when Herbert Foster will be charged with .the murder of his cousin John Fos- ter in April. The case of Paul Dismukes. who •Mi.DHir> MpnUM, Will was* charged with storehouse ak F»»rm«*r* in t'oiyt breaking, was held over until lioiiMe Thursday. „ Mra. W. O. Wear Better Monday when he will face two charu*>« of storehouse breaking and taking property front a public building... A hkng jury resulted in the case of Hafford Littleton for uttering a forged instrument. The case will lie tried in. next court* Gladys Jones. Haael Ingram and Oiey Blanton will he tried on liquor charges of. the second of- fonse Maadu The grand jury adjourned Wed- nesday until Monday. The civil docket will be taken up Wednesday. November 19. Cases «et down for that day are: First National Bank, administra- tor of W. R. Bourne, deceased, vs. Intey-Southern Life nsuranee Co.; H B. Rhodes vs. Hardin Bank; C. H. Beam an vs. Home Insurance Co ; J. S. Caraway etc.. vs. Edd I'tterback: Farmer-Purdom Motor Sidewalk Reporter Co.. vs. John Grogan; M. T. Cun- ningham vs. J. E. Waldrop. — Two Tundr-pl M.iu»**r«»hip Set For Goal in Year of f»:*1. The American Legion of Callo- way county held its annual meet- ing .-for the election of officers in the court house Thursday evening. November it 7 niir^- Aft^r winnm^-rm*""cup for the Pout making/most progress in membership in the state meet held in Mayfield last October, the Bncopnters to be Held at Paducah. Murray -Post set a high goal for MUITH\. Hopkins vllle. Mayfield 1931 with expectation of 200 and Russellvllle Nov. 14^ 15. members. Th** Murray organize tion had 12?. members In 1929. The debating teanift of the Mur- George Hart was re-elected ray .collet:*- will open their season commander and Cl«tpde Anderson, Friday and Saturday November was ' re-elected vice-corn mander. 14 and 15 when they meet the OtJiens elected were; W. E. Wyatt, University of Kentucky at I'adu- adjutant: Charlie Gnegan. finance cah, MawTeld. Hopkinsville, Mur- Attractive Fall Window office: Dr Hugh McElrath. chap- ray and Russellvllle. '"Thia will be at E. J. Beale Motor Co. Ian; Dr Earl Adams, historian; the first contest between the two H. T Waklrop. service officer; Joe institutions as they d<«bnfe the T I,ov*»tt, publicity officer, and qoestion. "Resoled that the All the realism of autumn is Maynard Racsdale, Master -of - ^mergence of the wt&ian from the represented in the corner display home 1 i^rettable feature of window of the E. J. Beale Motor arms. modem life": Co. *Tlte window was trimmed The membership committee was under the direction Bttrtiis" -comnosed of; Earl Littleton.* Cnaa. C&ly Copeland and Forrest Denham. Tommie Cochran Dr. F. Pogiie^APill uphottt the negative Waters, assisted by all members of the force. E Cniwfard-^lLon Barnett. Make against r K at Mayfield at 8:30 Erwin. and Burte Garland. and at Pailucah at 11 a. m. Friday Autumns leaves are scattered lover the floor as if they had just At the close of the.meeting hot Novem ber 14. does and coca-cola were served. Holtuan Jones, jparl Ronton and 1 fallen from trees and shocked Harlsn I Moody are Murray's' rep- Brownies Grow Up corn and pumpkins recall \hat line resent.! tives of the affirmative from James Whitcomb Riley, Padgett'* Infant Son who will University at "when the frost is on the pump- Hop kins vi Ue and Russeilville.' kin and the fodder's in the shock". Ir- Taken by Pneumonia The fwo colleges will meet at MnTrar Saturday evening. Novem- Union Grove Church of Jack Walker, three- months old. ber is. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Padgett, Christ Notes. died Tuesday. a-t t,h.- Mason Hos- New Colored School pital'following a four days illness of pneumonia. The little fellow Regents Buy Equipment Next Lord's day. Nov 16. Bibie Is Opened Nov. 3 was not strong and was enable.to study at 10:On o clock a. m'. stand' the ravages of the disease. Equipment lor the new library Preaching at JJ;00 a. in. by^E. and bo>> . dormitory. costing H. Pogue. ' A "cordial imitation is He leaves .his parents, one,sis- $250,00<i and $12",,000 respective- • \ tended to allr ter. Bobbif" Jane., all four grand- ly, was purchased by the college Mrs. Mason Honored • liarenas. \Tr._and Mr Dave Padg- ett. of Murray .and Mr. and Mrs. board of regents-in session here Service and ex-service men and Jam*** Walker, of Dickson. Tenn. Tuesday. ML members of the their families find « constant Re\ E. B Motlev conducted board, wer- present. friend afid servant In the Ameri- funeral sesrvices from the home The boys ' dormitory will be ^an Re<l Cross in camp and in hos- Wednesday morning at eleven ready for occupancy by February pital. and In the furthering of o'clock and the remains were laid 1 while if will somewhat later compensation and other claims. to r«-st in Martin'* Chapel ceme- before tn- Jibr TV Is ready. Con- Th»- Red "Cross still "carries on. Do struction on flu* HbrtfRj has been tery Wednefttla> afternoon. delavd f>mewhat hx^^wlated slklpmenfs of cut stoffv Marriage licenses n»e« were Issued Thoroughbreds Will Engage LamhutFT at C«»ort Clerk. No- Paducah Next Tuesday* November 18 is- frilbj Russell.
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