Life Innovation with Therapeutic Robot, Paro

Takanori Shibata Introduction In medical applications, especially in the Intelligent Systems Research Institute, National Institute of Interaction with animals has long been United States, animal-assisted therapy and Advanced Industrial Science and known to be emotionally beneficial to people. activities (AAT&AAA) are becoming widely Technology. Japan In recent years, the effects of animals on used in hospitals and nursing homes (Delta humans have been researched and proved Society, 1996; Fine, 2006). AAT has clear scientifically. Friedmann investigated the goals set out in therapy programs designed one-year survival rate of patients who were by doctors, nurses and social workers, in discharged from a coronary-care unit and cooperation with volunteers, while AAA refers found that survival among those who kept to patients interacting with animals without pets was higher than among those who particular therapeutic goals, and depends on did not (Friedmann et al., 1980). Baun et volunteers. AAT and AAA are expected to have al. reported that patients’ blood pressure three effects: dropped when they petted their dogs (Baun et 1. a psychological effect (relaxation, al., 1984). Garrity et al. studied older people motivation); who were socially isolated and had lost their 2. a physiological effect (the improvement partner during the previous year, and found of vital signs); that the intensity of depression among those 3. a social effect (stimulation of who had no pets was higher than among communication among inpatients and those who did (Garrity et al., 1989). Lago et caregivers). al. researched through telephone interviews For example, a hospitalized child, who the influence on older people of owning pets. was in significant pain on account of his They found that mortality and attrition were illness, was afraid to get up and walk around. higher for former owners than for current However, when he was asked to take a owners (Lago et al., 1989). Hart et al. studied therapy dog for a walk, he immediately the social influence of animals on people, and agreed and walked off happily, as if all his found that those with dogs were approached pain had disappeared. Moreover, the dog in a friendly way by strangers more frequently acted as a medium for interaction between than those without dogs (Hart et al., 1987). him and the other children (Kale, 1992). In

Takanori Shibata 351 another case, a boy who was born as a crack- Mental-health care for the elderly is an exposed baby was unable to speak or walk. important issue for caregivers at nursing However, through interaction with therapy homes (Daies and Knapp, 1981) as depressive dogs and birds, both his linguistic and motor disorders are common among old people who abilities improved (Delta Society, 1991). have experienced difficult situations such as For AIDS patients, it is important to the loss of their family, friends, social roles, reduce their stress as it greatly affects the and physical functions (WPA/PID). In addition, complications of immune deficiency. AAT those who suffer from mental diseases such helps them to relax and stay connected with as dementia, hallucinations, aggression and the world (Haladay, 1989). wandering cause psychiatric and behavioral In addition, AAT and AAA at nursing homes disturbances (ADI, 1999). Such disorders have help to rehabilitate older people, make them a negative impact on their quality of life and laugh, and bring happiness to patients who that of their caregivers. In order to improve have only a short time to live (Gammonley communication with older people, caregivers and Yates, 1991). AAT reduces loneliness conduct recreational activities, such as in residents of long-term care facilities singing songs, coloring, drawing pictures, (Banks and Banks, 2002). The presence of and origami. However, some people are too therapy animals has been particularly useful embarrassed to sing songs, and others lack in reducing agitated behavior, decreasing finger mobility when attempting to draw. In episodes of verbal aggression and anxiety, addition, communication is complicated on and increasing social interaction among account of a lack of common topics. institutionalized old people suffering from This paper introduces robot therapy dementia (Richeson, 2003; Fick, 1993; Fritz et for “life innovation”, and discusses its al., 1995). potential in care for the elderly. The next However, most hospitals and nursing section describes the new area of robotics: homes, especially in Japan, do not allow human-interactive robots for psychological animals, although they recognize the positive enrichment. We then explain the required effects of AAT and AAA. They are afraid of the functions for therapeutic robots and the seal negative impact of animals on human beings, robot, Paro. Finally, we describe examples of in the form of allergic reactions, infection, robot therapy for older people, and present bites, and scratches. our conclusions. Society in most advanced countries is aging. Among them, Japan has the most Human-interactive robots for psychological old people: 23.1 percent of the population enrichment (29.4 million out of 127 million) in 2010 are Industrial robots have been used widely more than 65 years old. Many old people stay in manufacturing industries since the healthy, but some of them need care at home early 1960s. Industrial robots typically or in institutions, depending on their levels of perform welding, assembling, painting, physical disabilities and cognitive disorders. packaging, and palletizing in automotive Among the cognitive disorders, dementia manufacturing and other industries. Such presents the most problems. About 2 million robots work very fast and accurately, people suffer from dementia in Japan In although initially they need to be taught by a 2010. human operator and their environment needs

352 to be especially designed to enable them to These robots offer more interaction accomplish their tasks. Most industrial robots with humans than industrial robots. They are considered a potential danger to humans, are evaluated not only in terms of objective and therefore are kept isolated from them. measures, such as speed and accuracy, Meanwhile, the rapid development in high but also in terms of subjective measures technology has produced robots not only for regarding interacting with humans, such as factories but also for our living environment, providing comfort and happiness. Robots such as homes, offices, and hospitals. For for entertainment are good examples of the example, wheelchair robots enable elderly importance of a subjective evaluation of their people to move easily outside (Matsumoto et value (fig. 1). al., 2006). Robotic suits, which can expand the There are four categories of human physical capability of humans, are expected interactive robots for psychological to reduce the workload of caregivers (see enrichment, in terms of their relationship HAL). A horseback-riding robot promotes with humans: 1. performance robots; 2. tele- a patient’s physical strength (see JOBA). operated performance robots; 3. operation, Human-interactive robots for psychological building, programming, and control robots; enrichment, in particular, are expected to and 4. interactive autonomous robots. be a new application of robotics and are attracting many researchers and companies 1. Performance robots: (Shibata, 2004). Human-interactive robots are Performance robots have a long designed for entertainment, communication history and they execute movements that (social activity), guidance, education, welfare, express meanings to humans, mostly for mental therapy, and other purposes. Various entertainment. Mechanical puppets that were types of robots, such as humanoid, animal, able to play an organ, draw pictures, and and robots with a unique appearance, have write letters were developed in Switzerland been developed. in the 18th century. Karakuri dolls were

Figure 1. Objective and Subjective Measures for Evaluating Artifacts

Medical Robot Welfare Robot

Industrial Robot Aesthetic Objects Automatic Machine working with Human


Home Appliance

Objective Evaluation: Subjective Evaluation: fast, accurate, cheap, etc. interesting, beautiful, comfortable, etc.

Takanori Shibata 353 developed in Japan during the same era One) are popular examples, as are LEGO- to dance, perform magic tricks, and so on. Mindstorms and I-Blocks. Because building Recently, many performance robots have and programming robots can stimulate been used at exhibitions, museums, movies, children’s creativity, this activity combines and amusement parks such as Disneyland entertainment with education, and is often and Universal Studios. Recent humanoid referred to as “edutainment” (Druin and robots, such as Honda’s ASIMO and Sony’s Hendler, 2000; Lund, 2004). QRIO, can be included in this category (Hirai, 1998; Kuroki et al., 2002). Performance robots 4. Interactive autonomous robots: are able to amuse sizable audiences at any Interactive autonomous robots connect time. However, their movements are probably with humans in the physical world. They preprogrammed and mostly repetitive; use verbal and nonverbal communications, therefore, they are not usually very interactive depending on their functions. Contrary with humans. A high degree of complexity in to the interactions of robots in the other performance robots is required in order to categories, human-robot interactions keep humans amused. are mostly personal. For example, Sony’s dog robot, AIBO, which is designed for 2. Tele-operated performance robots: entertainment, has a mechanical appearance Tele-operated performance robots are and attracts people’s interest using controlled remotely by hidden operators. nonverbal communication (Fujita, 2004). Their movements can appear reactive to the The communication robot, Ifbot, produces humans who interact with them because conversation using facial expressions and the operator, based on the audience’s a large number of prepared conversation actions, sends commands to the robots to scenes (see ifbot). The human-friendly simulate reactive behavior. At exhibitions information terminal, PaPeRo, can control or amusement parks, for example, human- home electric appliances and collect type robots are used as tele-operated information via the Internet by voice performance robots. command, and even entertain people by dancing and playing games (see PaPeRo). 3. Operating, building, programming, and Guide robots in museums and exhibitions controlling robots: (Bischoff and Graefe, 2004), and mental- Humans derive a great deal of commitment robots described in this paper entertainment from operating, building, also belong to this category. programming, and controlling robots. In the area of welfare and mental therapy, Moreover, they can watch the performance of Shibata et al. studied and developed a the robots that they are operating. A simple mental-commitment robot, which aims to example of this is the “UFO catcher”, a engender mental effects, such as pleasure stuffed-animal game machine at amusement and relaxation, in its role as a personal centers. Building and programming a robot robot (see Shibata, 1996-2009). They also is also included in this category. Contests proposed “robot therapy,” which used robots between robots such as Micro-mouse, as substitutes for animals in animal-assisted RoboCup (robot football, Kitano et al., 1998), therapy and activity. Robot therapy targets and RoboOne (robot wrestling, see Robo- the people in medical and welfare institutions

354 where animals are not allowed. A seal-type their physical strength and healing capability mental-commitment robot, named Paro on account of aging or illness are expected to (fig. 2), was developed especially for robot interact with the robots. Therefore, the robots therapy and is used at pediatric hospitals must be easily accepted by people and also and facilities for elderly people in several be harmless and hygienic. A cause of concern countries. Recent research has revealed regarding such robots is that individuals are that robot therapy has the same effects on expected to physically interact with them by people as animal therapy. Robot therapy, in touching and hugging them, and therefore particular, is recognized as a new method there exists a possibility of them being of mental health care for elderly people harmed. Furthermore, in case robots are (including dementia patients). used by hospital patients with deteriorated immune systems such as leukemia, the Therapeutic robot robots may transmit germs. Furthermore, Required functions some people visit medical-welfare facilities In robot therapy, it is important to stimulate for a few hours at a time for day care and people’s knowledge and experience of animals ambulant treatment, but some stay or are through interaction with the robots, and to hospitalized for years (e.g., in nursing homes touch their feelings when they are interacting for long-term care). Therefore, the robots with animals. Therefore, the shapes, have to sustain long-term interaction with feelings of touch, autonomous behaviors people in their daily lives. and responses that mimic animals are the These robots are used by doctors, nurses, features that are required in the robots. therapists, caregivers, and volunteers for In addition, the devices are used not only long periods of time. In addition, users play in people’s homes but also in hospitals and with them whenever they want. Therefore, it nursing homes. Many people who have lost is important that the robots be designed in

Figure 2. Seal Robot, Paro

Takanori Shibata 355 such a manner that anyone is able to operate using its three internal elements, sensory them, and that no specialized knowledge is information from its sensors, and its own required to do so. diurnal rhythm (morning, afternoon, and night) to perform various activities during its Mental-commitment robot, Paro: interaction with people. Mental-commitment robots are not Subjective evaluations of the cat and seal intended to perform physical work or robots were conducted using a questionnaire service (see Shibata, 1996-2009). Their (Shibata et al., 1999; Shibata and Tanie, 2000). function as personal robots is to engender Both robots were evaluated highly. However, mental effects, such as pleasure and subjects complained about the softness and relaxation. These robots have a purpose reactions of the cat robot in comparison and act independently, although, like living with their knowledge of real cats. On the organisms, they receive stimulation from the other hand, most people do not have much environment. Their actions during interaction knowledge of seals, and hence were unable with people make it seem that they have to compare the seal robot with what they hearts and feelings. knew about them. Therefore the evaluation Mental-commitment robots are able to of the seal robot following the interaction stimulate the different senses of human was higher. These results revealed that more beings through physical interaction. people accepted the unfamiliar animal shape. Thus, the primary characteristic of Cross-cultural studies on the subjective mental-commitment robots is nonverbal evaluation of the seal robot were conducted communication. A basic psychological in seven different countries: Japan, the UK, experiment was conducted on the subjective Sweden, Italy, Korea, Brunei, and the US interpretation and evaluation of robot (Shibata et al., 2002; Shibata et al., 2009). behavior following human-robot interaction. The data were obtained from about 2,000 This study showed the importance of respondents. The subjective evaluation appropriately stimulating the human senses provided overall high scores, and revealed and extracting associations. Sensor systems, that the seal robot could be widely accepted consisting of visual, aural, and tactile senses despite cultural and religious differences. for robots, were studied and developed. A However, from the results of the principal plane soft tactile sensor was developed to component analysis, there were two different cover the robot to enhance bodily contact sets of expectations regarding Paro: one was between people and the robot (Shibata, 2004). as a pet, and the other was for therapy (fig. 3). This sensor can detect position and force In Asian countries, Japan and Korea, people when people touch the robot, and at the same accepted Paro as a pet, but not for therapy. time, it is soft to touch. In European countries, the UK, Sweden, and There are three categories of animal Italy, people accepted Paro for therapy, but robots: not as a pet. In the US and Brunei, people 1. familiar animals (e.g., dog, cat); accepted Paro as a pet and for therapy. This 2. unfamiliar animals (e.g., seal); may be because of the different relationships 3. imaginary animals or characters. between humans and pets, and the attitudes The dog, cat, and seal robots were toward robots in general. In Asia, pets are developed as models. Each robot operates popular, but their status is lower than that

356 of humans. In addition, animal therapy is Figure 3. Expectations of Paro from Results of Questionnaires in not known or trusted very much. In Western Seven Countries countries, however, pets are loved and their Pet status is equal or higher than that of humans. US Japan Brunei In addition, animal therapy is well known and Korea is practiced. However, robots are considered to be dangerous or even evil, and there is a Sweden Italy fear that jobs might be taken by them. UK The seal-type mental-commitment Therapy robot, Paro, was designed both as a pet and for therapy. Even though Paro’s surface is covered with pure white or light fur (fig. 2), Paro contains high-tech mechanisms of sound source direction and speech (fig. 4). Ubiquitous surface tactile sensors are recognition), balance, and a tactile sense. inserted between the hard inner skeleton and In addition, Paro has a temperature sensor, the fur to create a soft, natural feel and to which maintains a constant warm body permit the measurement of human contact temperature. His mobile parts are as follows: with Paro. His weight is approximately 2.7 vertical and horizontal neck movements, front kg., his weight and size simulating those and rear paddle movements, and independent of a human baby. Paro has four senses: movement of each eyelid, which is important sight (light sensor), audition (determination for creating facial expressions.

Figure 4. Sensors, Actuators, Distributed Control System, and Artificial Intelligence in Paro

CPU Microphone (32 bit RISC)

Posture sensor Light Sensor

Temperature sensor Whisker Tactile Sensor


Ubiquitous Surface Tactile Sensor (head, under jaw, back and Actuators side,front flipper, (eyelid, neck, front flipper, rear flipper) rear flipper)

Takanori Shibata 357 Figure 5. Handcrafted Processes

(a) Process of Trimming Fur

(b) Process of Sewing Eyelashes

In order to be evaluated highly by people enables users to learn Paro’s name and interacting subjectively with him, Paro was become acquainted with his behavior, thereby functionally designed to be soft and evoke a preventing them from losing interest, allowing feeling of warmth. Each Paro was trimmed them to gradually build a relationship with with artificial fur, and eyelashes were sewn him, and showing their affection for him. In onto him by craft workers to achieve high addition, baby harp seals were investigated so quality (fig. 5). In addition, his artificial fur that their liveliness and cuteness could serve is antibacterial and dirt resistant, and will as models for the robot; real baby seal calls not fall out. An electromagnetic shield was were sampled and used. installed in the internal circuit to prevent any ill effects on pacemakers. The withstand- Robot therapy voltage test, a drop test, a one hundred- Robot therapy using seal robots is thousand times stroking test, and a long-term conducted at hospitals and nursing homes in seven- year clinical test confirmed that Paro many countries: Japan, Sweden, Denmark, is very safe and durable. Paro was designed Italy, the US, and so on. Robot therapy to be simple enough for anyone to operate. consists of robot-assisted therapy programs He has only one on/off switch for power, and designed by doctors, nurses, and social a pacifier-type charger. Artificial intelligence workers, and also robot-assisted activity,

358 which allows patients to interact with robots ability to overcome stress also improved. without any particular therapeutic goals. Moreover, the stress levels of the nursing Such activities do not depend on volunteers, staff decreased because the old people but are conducted by facility staff. Robot- required less supervision while interacting assisted therapy is mainly conducted at with the robots. medical facilities, such as hospitals and A long-term experiment was conducted clinics, and also at welfare facilities such as at a health-service facility, starting in August nursing homes (fig. 6) 2003 (Wada et al., 2004). Approximately 10 people joined the interaction with Paro for Robot therapy for the elderly one hour, twice a week. One or two caregivers As an example of robot therapy, Paro was managed the interaction with Paro. To used to assist elderly people at a day service investigate the effects of Paro, face scales center (Shibata et al., 2001; Saito et al., 2002; and geriatric depression scales were used Wada et al., 2004). To investigate the effects (Yesavage, 1988). The results showed that of seal robots on the elderly, their moods the feelings of the old people improved over were evaluated using face scales (Lorish the year, and depression in the participants and Maisiak, 1986) and questionnaires. was also reported to have decreased. The Changes in their reactions to stress were caregivers commented that interaction with measured by the hormones in their urine: Paro made the old people laugh and become 17-ketosteroid sulfate (17-KS-S) and 17 more active. Their facial expressions changed, hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OHCS) (Selye, softened, and brightened. On the day of the 1970; Nishikaze et al., 1995). In addition, the activity, they looked forward to interacting stress that the nursing staff experienced was with Paro, sitting down and waiting even investigated by questionnaires -- i.e., the before the interaction session began. Some burnout scale (Pines, 1981). The day service people who usually stayed in their rooms center was provided with seal robots for five came out and willingly joined the activity. weeks, and the feelings of the old people In addition, Paro encouraged people to improved as a result of their interaction with communicate with each other as well as with the robots. Urine samples showed that their the caregivers by becoming their common

Figure 6. Interactions between Older People and Paro

Takanori Shibata 359 topic of conversation. Thus, the general diet cure are expected to slow the progress atmosphere became brighter. Even now, of dementia (Andrade and Radhakrishnan, these older people enjoy playing with Paro. 2009). But unfortunately, there is no In another example, Paro was introduced permanent cure for dementia at present. in the public area of a care house, a type of Recent data suggest that art, music, and communal housing for older people, and was learning, which stimulate patients’ emotions activated for over nine hours each day for and brain, can slow its progression once it the researchers to investigate the effects of has begun (Kimura et al., 2002; Brotons and free interaction with him (Wada and Shibata, Koger, 2000; Kawashima, 2002). However, 2007).To examine the psychological and there is room for improvement in all such social effects, each subject was interviewed treatments. and his or her social network analyzed. As for the interaction between Paro In addition, the activities of the residents and dementia patients in nursing homes, in public areas were video recorded. For behavioral improvements were observed in physiological analysis, residents’ hormones in several cases. For example, a patient who urine; 17-KS-S and 17-OHCS, were analyzed. moaned continuously was able to relax and The results indicate that interaction with then started to talk to the therapist (Marti et Paro increased their social interaction. al., 2006). After playing with Paro, another Furthermore, the urine tests showed that patient who often tried to return home the reactions to stress of the subjects’ vital stopped doing so; her wandering symptom organs improved after interacting with Paro. improved. Robot therapy for dementia patients Effects on patient with dementia was conducted at a neurosurgery clinic to Dementia is a major problem in care for investigate the physiological influences the elderly. According to Alzheimer’s Disease of the treatment (Wada et al., 2008). International (ADI), an estimated 24.4 million Diagnosis Method of Neuronal Dysfunction people suffer from dementia worldwide, and (DIMENSION) was used to record each the number will increase to 82 million by patient’s EEG before and after 20 minutes of 2040. Dementia is a progressive, disabling robot therapy (Musha et al., 2002). In addition, neurological condition that occurs in a wide a questionnaire concerning each subject’s variety of diseases. The most common cause impression of Paro was conducted. The of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease (AD), results showed that 50% of 14 valid subjects’ which accounts for approximately half of the condition of cortical neurons activity improved people with dementia. Other causes include by interacting with Paro. This was especially vascular disease, Lewy body dementia, true for patients who were particularly fond and many other diseases (see ADI, 1999). of Paro. Psychiatric and behavioral disturbances, In Japan, the cost of care for a dementia such as personality changes, hallucinations, patient by social welfare insurance is about paranoid ideas, aggression, wandering, 40,000 USD per year, and the patient’s life and incontinence are common features of expectancy is about 8 years. In Denmark, dementia and are the leading causes of the cost is about double. This represents an the need for long-term care (Garrity et al., enormous burden on the municipalities that 1989). Donepezil, physical exercise, and provide long-term care insurance. Useful

360 and convenient methods for the prevention Kanamori et al. examined the effects of AIBO of dementia are urgently needed. Paro has on the elderly in a nursing home (Kanamori been on the market since 2005. The price is et al., 2002). By measuring the hormones in about 4600 euros. However, the running costs saliva, they found that stress decreased after consist almost only of a battery-recharging a one-hour interaction with AIBO, and that fee as the battery is designed to last for over loneliness was reduced after 20 sessions over 10 years. Paro can be used even without a a seven-week period. Tamura et al. compared specially-trained therapist although people the exposure of patients to AIBO with the must attend a one-day seminar in the EU in effect of exposure to a toy dog (Tamura order to use him. Several municipalities in et al., 2004). They found that AIBO did not Japan know about Paro’s effects and support encourage much interaction, and required his introduction. For example, Nanto city, more intervention from an occupational Toyama, bought eight Paros and introduced therapist. them to day-service centers in the city. Because they are not designed for Tsukuba city, Ibaraki, established a subsidy therapy, these commercially-produced robots for purchasing Paro. easily break while interacting with people. Meanwhile, a dementia-care center in Therefore, it is difficult to use them in long- Copenhagen, Denmark, investigated the term situations. effects of robot therapy on dementia patients as part of the national project “Be-Safe”. Conclusion Twelve Paros were introduced in 10 different Various robots have been developed places. The results obtained from the seven- and are being introduced into our lives as month clinical trial showed that Paro had commercial products. Each robot is designed positive effects on the patients. Based on for a specific purpose. The seal-type mental- the results, the Danish government decided commitment robot, Paro, whose goal is to to introduce 1,000 units of Paro to nearly all enrich daily life and heal human minds as the elderly-care facilities in Denmark. So far, “life innovation”, is designed to maintain more than 100 institutions, with more than long-term interaction with people and provide 200 licensed staff, have been using Paro in them with psychological, physiological, and 2010. In addition, other European countries social benefits. including Norway, the Netherlands, and Robot therapy, or mental-health care Germany, have adopted the same system, using animal-type robots, is an emerging and have started to use Paro with licensed field. The results of exploratory experiments staff. showed that Paro has a great potential to provide mental-health care for older people. Other research However, more subjects and a control Robot therapy, using commercially- group are necessary to scientifically verify available animal-type robots, such as AIBO its effects. Further experiments will be and NeCoRo has been attempted (Libin and conducted in this respect. Libin, 2004; Kanamori et al., 2002; Tamura As for ethical issues, the experiments et al., 2004). For example, Libin introduced using Paro mentioned above were conducted NeCoRo to a nursing home and observed the under the supervision of the ethical patients’ interaction (Libin and Libin, 2004). committee of each organization. Only people

Takanori Shibata 361 who, and whose relatives who, agreed with Figure 7. Paro as Social Mediator between the Elderly and robot therapy, participated. In addition, some Caregiver (at an Assisted-Living Center in Denmark) were worried that old people would be left alone with Paro when the caregiver left them to interact with him. But, the opposite has proved true. Paro acts as a social mediator, providing a common topic for the elderly and encouraging them to communicate with each other (fig. 7). Currently, the methods used in robot-therapy are the responsibility of the caregivers and its effects are influenced by them. To ensure Paro’s potential by developing effective ways to use it is the next step. At present, approximately 1700 units of Paro have been sold worldwide (about 1500 units in Japan, 120 units in Denmark, and Bibliography 100 units in other countries). Paro has a high ADI Factsheet (1999), “The Prevalence of Dementia”, Alzheimer’s Disease International, 3. rate of acceptance and similar psychological ADI Factsheet (1999), “Psychiatric and Behavioural Disturbances in Dementia”, Alzheimer’s Disease International, 7. effects are seen in each country. However, An d r a d e , C. and R. Ra d h a k r i s h n a n (2009), “The Prevention and there are initially some cultural differences Treatment of Cognitive Decline and Dementia: An Overview of Recent Research on Experimental Treatments”, Indian J in the acceptance of Paro. People in Europe Psychiatry 51(1), pp. 12-25. Ba u n , M., N. Be r g s t r o m , N. La n g s t o n and L. Th o m a (1984), tend to note the effects of interaction with “Physiological Effects of Human/Companion Animal Bonding”, Nurs. Res. 33(3), pp. 126-129. Paro and accept him as a therapeutic tool Bi s c h o ff , R. and V. Gr a e f e (2004), “HERMES—a Versatile Personal because animal therapy has been used widely Robotic Assistant”, Proceed IEEE 92(11), pp.1759-1779. Br o t o n s , M. and S. Ko g e r (2000), “The Impact of Music Therapy in hospitals and nursing homes. Therefore, on Language Functioning in Dementia”, J Music Ther 37(3), pp. 183‑195. all Paros are used at institutions in Europe. Da i e s , B. and M. Kn a p p (eds.) (1981), Old People’s Homes and the Production of Welfare, Routledge & Kegan Paul PLC. Meanwhile, in Asian countries, animal Delta Society (1991), Animal-Assisted “Therapy and Crack Babies: a therapy is not commonly accepted although New Frontier”, Newsletter 1(2). Delta Society (1996), Standards of Practice for Animal-Assisted many people have owned pets recently. In Activities and Therapy. Dr u i n , A. and J. He n d l e r (eds.) (2000), Robots for Kids; Exploring New Japan, nearly 70% of users are individuals. Technologies for Learning, Morgan Kaufmann Pub. Fi c k , K. M. (1993), “The Influence of an Animal on Social Interactions They tend to accept Paro as their companion of Nursing Home Residents in a Group Setting”, Am J Occupat more than as a therapeutic tool. In the U.S., Ther 47(6), pp. 529-534. Fi n e , A. H. (2006), Handbook on Animal Assisted Therapy: Theoretical they tend to accept Paro as a therapeutic tool Foundations and Guidelines for Practice, 2nd edition, Academic Press. as well as a companion (Shibata et al., 2009), Fr i e d m a n n , E., A. Ka t c h e r , J. Ly n c h and S. Th o m a s (1980), “Animal though the Food and Drug Administration Companions and One-year Survival of Patients after Discharge from a Coronary Care Unit”, Public Health Rep; 95(4): pp. 307-312. (FDA) of the U.S. certified Paro as a “medical Fr i t z , C. L. et al. (1995), “Association with Companion Animals and the Expression of Non-cognitive Symptoms in Alzheimer’s device” in 2009. Therefore, it is important to Patients”, J Nerv Ment Dis 183(7), pp. 459-463. Fu j i t a , M. (2004), “On Activating Human Communications With Pet- introduce Paro in a suitable manner based on Type Robot AIBO”, Proceed IEEE 92(11), pp. 1804-1813. the cultural differences. Ga m m o n l e y , J., J. Ya t e s (1991), “Pet Projects Animal Assisted Therapy in Nursing Homes”, J Gerontol Nurs 17(1), pp. 12-15. Robot therapy in medical and welfare Ga r r i t y , T., L. St a l l o n e s , M. Ma r x and T. Jo h n s o n (1989), “Pet Ownership and Attachment as Supportive Factors in the Health of facilities is spreading in our society. Further the Elderly”, Anthrozoos 3(1), pp. 35-44. HAL, http://wwwcyberdynejp. studies should be conducted to integrate Ha l a d ay , J. (1989), “Animal Assisted Therapy for PWAs—Bringing a robot therapy into our societies at large. Sense of Connection”, AIDS Patient Care, pp. 38-39.

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