THE SPORT OF ROWING To the readers of Many thanks to everyone who has al- The following .pdf is in the format in- ready reserved a copy of the limited collec- tended for the final printed book. It is from tor’s edition of The Sport of Rowing, Two the third of four volumes. Centuries of Competition. The response has been very gratifying so far. Each person I need you! who pre-purchases a collector copy prior to publication will be listed as a subscriber in If you find any typos in this chapter, or both the regular and collector editions. if you have any questions, comments, sug- I encourage everyone to visit gestions, corrections, agreements, disagree-, read the blog ments, additional sources or illustrations, if and sign up for the newsletter. Those who you would like to add your own perspective, wish to reserve a low number or a special etc., please email me at the address below. number for their collector edition should Your input represents an essential contribu- hurry and email me directly at pmal- tion to what has always been intended to be
[email protected]. a joint project of the rowing community, so please contribute. If you and I end up final- Those of you who have been reading ly disagreeing on some relevant point or these excerpts on during other, I will be thrilled to present both alter- the last five years might get the impression natives so the readers can decide for them- that the book is just about rowing in the selves.