Renee Unterman COMMITTEES: District 45 Gwinnett County Health and Human Services, Chairman Appropriations, Vice Chairman Post Office Box 508 Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Buford, GA 30518 (Human Development and Public Health) Finance, Ex-Officio Regulated Industries and Utilities, Ex-Officio
[email protected] Insurance and Labor, Member 121-F State Capitol Rules, Member Atlanta, Georgia 30334 The State Senate Lake Lanier Caucus Chairman (404) 463-1368 Chairman’s Caucus Chairman Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Committee on Assignments Administrative Affairs, Member JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE TO: Senate Health and Human Services, Education and Youth, Appropriations Fiscal Management & General Government Subcommittee, and Appropriations Human Development & Public Health Subcommittee Members Health and Human Services Education & Youth Committee Committee Senator Dean Burke,11th, Vice Chair Senator Lindsey Tippins, 37th, Chairman Senator Fran Millar, 40th, Secretary Senator John Wilkinson, 50th , Vice Chair Senator Chuck Hufstetler, 52nd Senator Freddie Powell Sims, 12th, Secretary Senator Gloria Butler, 55th Senator Ellis Black, 8th Senator Bill Cowsert, 46th Senator Matt Brass, 28th Senator Steve Henson, 41st, Ex-Officio Senator Donzella James, 35th Senator William Ligon, 3rd Senator Fran Millar, 40th Senator Lester Jackson, 2nd Senator Elena Parent, 42nd Senator Greg Kirk, 13th Senator Jesse Stone, 23rd Senator Kay Kirkpatrick, 32nd Senator Horecena Tate, 38th Senator Ben Watson, 1st Senator Nan Orrock, 36th Senator David Shafer, 48th Senator Larry Walker, 20th Appropriations Fiscal Management Appropriations Human Development & Public Health & General Government Subcommittee Subcommittee Senator Michael Williams, 27th, Chairman Senator Dean Burke, 11th, Vice Chair Senator Gail Davenport, 44th Senator Chuck Hufstetler, 52nd Senator David Shafer, 48th Senator Butch Miller, 49th Senator Lindsey Tippins, 37th Senator Horacena Tate, 38th FROM: Senator Renee Unterman DATE: Monday, October 15, 2018 TIME: 10:00 A.M.