Essex Waste Partnership

Courtauld Road,

Environmental Site Appraisal (EnSA) Report


January 2010

Entec UK Limited

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Document Revisions

No. Details Date

1 Draft Report November 2009

2 Final Report January 2010



1. Introduction 1 1.1 Terms of Reference 1 1.2 Purpose of this Report 1 1.3 Legislative Context 1 1.4 Information Sources 1

2. Site Setting 3 2.1 Site Status 3 2.2 Site Description 3 2.3 Site History 4 2.4 Environmental Setting 5 2.5 Regulatory Databases 7 2.6 Review of Previous Reports 8

3. Preliminary Environmental Risk Assessment 15 3.1 Potential Contamination Sources 15 3.2 Receptors and Exposure Pathways 15 3.3 Initial Site Conceptual Model 16

4. Conclusions and Recommendations 19 4.1 Conclusions 19 4.2 Recommendations 19

Appendix A Preliminary Pollutant Linkage Risk Table Appendix B Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Classification Appendix C Envirocheck Data

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1. Introduction

1.1 Terms of Reference Entec UK Ltd (“Entec”) was commissioned by Waste Partnership to carry out an initial environmental site appraisal (EnSA) of the proposed Courtauld Road Integrated Recycling and Waste Management Centre site at Courtauld Road, Basildon, Essex.

1.2 Purpose of this Report The principal aim of this report is characterise the environmental status of the site, and to provide a preliminary assessment of the potential for ground contamination issues to be present. The objective of the assessment is to identify potentially significant environmental issues or liabilities, predominantly with respect to ground conditions, associated with the subject site which could present issues or risks associated with acquisition, ownership, continued operation, and/or redevelopment of the site. This assessment is based on several assumptions, including: • that all information and/or documents provided to Entec by the client in connection with the preparation of this report are accurate, complete and not misleading. • that third party data and documents referenced in this report or provided by the client are accurate, complete and not misleading.

1.3 Legislative Context This appraisal has been completed primarily with regard to current potential contaminated land liabilities (under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act), and to future planning requirements (following Planning Policy Statement 23 guidance).

1.4 Information Sources The following site-specific information sources have been utilised in this report:

• Envirocheck Report and Historical Mapping (Appendix B).

• British Geological Survey mapping.

• Environment Agency Groundwater Vulnerability Maps.

• Previous environmental and archaeological reports relevant to the site.

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2. Site Setting

2.1 Site Status

Site Name & Address: Courtauld Road, Integrated Recycling and Waste Management Facility, Courtauld Road, Basildon, Essex.

Grid Reference: TQ 74089 91330 Site Area: 37 ha

Current Site Use: Agriculture/Open Land

Proposed Site It is understood that the client is proposing to develop the south part of the site as an Integrated Use: Recycling and Waste Management Facility and develop the area north of the site as flood plain.

2.2 Site Description

2.2.1 The Site The site comprises two parcels of land, situated to the north and south of the A127 near Basildon, Essex. Both land parcels, until recently, comprised open land. The southern portion comprised marsh land with some ponded water, trees and scrub. The northern portion was used for agricultural grazing land. Entec understand that site enabling works are currently in progress on the site. These enabling works comprise predominantly the excavation of soil from the northern portion, and its redeposition in the southern portion, thereby raising levels. These activities are being undertaken to facilitate future development on the southern half. This southern half was previously assigned as a flood-alleviation plain. These enabling works comprise re-allocation of flood-plain land in the northern half (via excavation and hence an engineered low-level flood basin), and raising site levels in the south. The soil redeposition in the south includes the re-alignment of a stream in this area, and deposition to engineering specification.

2.2.2 The Surrounding Area North: Immediately north of the site is agricultural land. Sporadic residential housing is situated beyond. A small commercial/industrial estate is situated close to the northeast boundary. The nearest residential properties lie approximately 80m north of the site.

East: North half: Small-scale mixed commercial and residential properties.

South half: Burnt Mills Industrial Estate

South: Courtauld Road, then Burnt Mills Industrial Estate. Beyond this lies residential housing.

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West: North half: Agricultural land, farm dwellings and a small number of residential properties.

South half: A sewage works and commercial property. Beyond this lies residential housing.

2.3 Site History A summary of the historical development of the site, based on historical OS maps, is presented below:

Table 2.1 Summary of Historical Development of Site

Date Description

1874 – On-Site: The site comprises fields with a number of footpaths and drainage channels and two footbridges 1879 both in the north and south of the site. The land is divided into irregular shaped fields which are delineated with fences or rows of trees. There appears to be three small ponds on the site in the north, centre and south. At this time there is no road passing through the site.

Off-Site: The predominant surrounding land use is agriculture and a number of farmsteads are present surrounding the site. Nevenden Hall is shown to the southeast of the site, beyond which lies Basildon. Adjacent to the west and northwest boundary, dwellings of ‘Fore Riders’ and ‘Chambers’ and Watts Farm are shown.

1924 On-Site: The gardens of residential property development and a small section of road encroach on a small portion of the southeast of the site. No other significant changes are evident.

Off-Site: To the southeast of the site, residential development has taken place. A water pumping station is shown 200m northeast of the south portion of the site.

1938-39 On-Site: A sewage pumping station is present in the centre of the southern portion of the site. A track leads from this station to join the A127 road which has now been constructed and passes through the centre of the site trending east-west. Three electric cable pillars have been constructed in the north of the site. The cabling trends east-west.

Off-Site: 150m northeast of the site, Cross Park Road is depicted with associated small buildings. Two tanks are depicted at the sewage pumping station to the northeast of the site.

1947 On-Site: No other significant features are visible. (Aerial Photo) Off-Site: No other significant features are visible.

1956-57 On-Site: A track is shown leading to sewage pumping station from the road in the southeast of the site.

Off-Site: The tanks associated with the water pumping station are no longer shown. Further residential development has taken place to the northeast and southeast of the site. A gas holder (associated with Gas Works facility) is shown approximately 400m southwest of the site.

1960 On-Site: No other significant features are evident.

Off-Site: A large sewage works is depicted 100m to the west of the site. To the north of the sewage works, a large embankment is shown. 750m west of the site, a large industrial estate comprising factories, works and a bakery is shown.

Residential development has taken place 400m south of the site.

1967 On-Site: Embankments are depicted along the southwest boundary of the southern part of the site.

Off-Site: No other significant features are evident.

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Date Description

1973 On-Site: No other significant features are evident.

Off-Site: No other significant features are evident.

1976 On-Site: The south of the site is shown to only consist of drainage channels and the embankments in the southwest, and two ponds. All other features are no longer shown.

Off-Site: Adjacent to the southeast boundary a caravan site is shown and close to the southeast and south boundary engineering works and a warehouse are shown (this is the early development of Burnt Mills Industrial Estate).

1981-85 On-Site: No other significant features are evident.

Off-Site: Burnt Mills Industrial Estate to the south has now assumed a similar layout to that of present day. Courtauld Road has been constructed to the south.

1999 On-Site: An embankment is depicted in the south of the site.

Off-Site: No other significant features are evident.

2009 On-Site: The south of the site is annotated as rough grassland and scrub.

Off-Site: The gasholder to the southwest is no longer present.

2.4 Environmental Setting

2.4.1 Geology and Hydrogeology Published British Geological Survey (BGS) mapping indicates the following sequence of strata is present beneath the site:

Table 2.2 Geological progression

Strata Typical Constituents Estimated Aquifer Thickness Status

Made 1. Northern Site: previous investigation described variable ‘topsoil’1 over 1. Majority of N/a Ground most of this area, including some archaeological features comprising northern part of shallow ditches, pits and postholes containing grey-brown, silty clay with site average some stones and charcoal flecks. Additionally three unurned cremation depth of ‘topsoil’ burials, charcoal, burnt flints and glass are identified. is 0.35m. 2. Northern Site: previous investigation described modern Made Ground in southeast corner of this area consisting of brick, wood and redeposited

clay. 2. At least 1.5m 3. Northern Site: BGS geological maps indicate Made Ground present in (base not the southeast corner of this area (which correlates with the area of modern reached) Made Ground in the investigation data). 4. Northern Site: Information supplied on behalf of the Local Authority indicates the presence of infilled land in the southeast corner of this area (same extent as that on BGS map – no further information provided). 5. Southern Site: BGS geological map indicates presence of Made Ground in northwest corner of this area (no investigation data for this area).

1 Previous report - Archaeological Evaluation by Trial Trenching (see section 2.6 for full reference).

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Strata Typical Constituents Estimated Aquifer Thickness Status

Head Grey/brown clay silt with variably pale brown, silty sand. <10m Secondary Deposits Aquifer Present in the majority of the site, with the exception of a small portion of the east of the site. Grey, occasionally sandy or silty, clay is present beneath the Head <70m Non- Clay Deposits, and shown as outcropping in the east of the site (southern site Aquifer only).

The Head Deposits in the west and centre of the site are classed as a secondary aquifer (variably permeable). These comprise potentially fractured rocks or other formations of variable permeability including unconsolidated deposits which do not typically have a high primary permeability. Although not typically holding large quantities of water, these are important for local supplies and in supplying base flow to rivers. The secondary aquifer is associated with soils of Intermediate (1) Leaching Potential in majority of the site and soils of High (U) Leaching Potential in the southwest of the site. The London Clay which underlies the Head and outcrops in the east of the site is classified as an unproductive strata, which has a typical low permeability and thus reduces the potential for vertical or lateral migration of any shallow contamination (if present). The site is not located within an EA designated groundwater Source Protection Zone (SPZ).

2.4.2 Hydrology There are several land drains on site and bordering the site, which flow generally to the north and northwest. The only surface water drainage on the site is highway drainage which discharges to the local land drains. A rising main sewage pipe runs eastward across the site from the sewage treatment plant to the west of the site. The nearest significant surface water feature is Nevendon Bushes Brook (classified as a Main River) which runs from the southwest corner of the site, crosses the west of the site and is culverted under the A127. From here Nevendon Bushes Brook joins Nevendon Brook which eventually joins the River Crouch. Note: this brook is being re-directed around the site periphery as part of the enabling works currently underway. The site lies within the natural surface water drainage catchment of the River Crouch. The southern portion of the site is identified as an integral part of the drainage strategy for the expansion of Basildon in the post-war (WWII) years. The land serves as part of a flood plain which protects the downstream town of from flooding. Note: this flood plain capacity is being re-located to the northern portion of the site as part of the enabling works currently underway.

2.4.3 Sensitive Land Uses The area of the site to the north of the A127 is situated within an Area of Adopted Green Belt. This designation relate predominantly to town planning. No other designated environmentally protected areas are located within 1km of the site.

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2.5 Regulatory Databases Environmentally pertinent information relating to the subject site has been obtained via an Envirocheck data report, which comprises a search of databases held by various bodies including the EA, BGS, DEFRA, the Health Protection Authority (HPA), District and Borough Councils and County Councils. A summary of the principal data findings is outlined below:

Table 2.3 Summary of regulatory database information

Activity Proxi Proxi Details mity mity 0- 250- 250m 500m

Groundwater Abstractions 1 0 A revoked abstraction license for potable water supply is present 139m to the east of the site. This is likely to have abstracted from the deeper chalk which is a major aquifer, hence capable of sustaining abstractions. This former abstraction is therefore likely to be hydrogeologically separate from the site by the intervening London Clay. Surface Water Abstractions 0 0

Indicative Flood Plain 1 0 The site is located within an area liable to flooding from rivers or sea, without flood defences (Zone 2 and 3). Discharge consents 6 10 The closest discharge consent is 188m east of the site for discharge of ‘other matter-surface water’. Other discharges relate to sewage, trade effluent and other discharges are to land or surface water bodies. Contaminated land register 0 0 entries

Pollution incidents 4 15 The nearest pollution incidents occurred 32m, 141m, 183m and 234m from the site. All were classified as a Minor Incidents, associated with either vehicle washings, de-waxing pollutants or unknown pollutants. Enforcements, prohibitions or 0 0 prosecutions

Current registered landfills 1 0 A limited extent of landfilling is identified in the southeast corner of the north portion of the site. This information is sourced from the local authority - no further information is provided on the source or constituents of this landfilled material. This area is also identified as Made Ground on BGS mapping, and correlates with an area of variable, inert Made Ground in the previous ground investigation. Closed landfills 0 1 The nearest off-site historic landfill is situated 421m southwest of the site. No further details are provided. Current registered waste 0 9 Various waste transfer/treatment facilities are registered as present transfer/management/treatment in the surrounding area, the closest is situated 201m south of the facilities site.

Closed waste transfer/treatment 0 5 Various closed/surrendered/expired waste transfer/treatment sites facilities are registered in the surrounding area, which correlate largely with the presence of existing facilities. Licensed radioactive substances 0 0

Sites handling hazardous or 1 1 The closest COMAH site is G B Hard Chrome situated 135m south explosive substances (inc of the site. No further details of substances involved are given. COMAH or NIHHS) A Transco facility, situated 442m southwest of the site, is an NIHHS site.

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Activity Proxi Proxi Details mity mity 0- 250- 250m 500m

Authorised industrial processes 0 0 (former IPPC, LAPC sites)

Contemporary Trade Directory 1 1 None of the entries relate directly to the site. The nearest entry Entries (CTDE) relates to a Freight Logistics company on Courtauld Rd 6m south of the site. Two petrol filling station (PFS) are listed, and situated 198m east and 466m west of the site.

Radon The Health Protection Agency (HPA) reports that the site is located within an area where less than 1% of homes are above the Radon Action Level. Therefore no radon protective measures are considered necessary in new properties.

Flood Risk EA data indicates the site is located within the indicative extent of a fluvial floodplain.

2.5.1 Local Authority Consultation Information was requested from Basildon Council regarding any known contamination issues in the site vicinity or other known environmentally pertinent information. In summary, Basildon Council advised that they hold no specific information regarding land contamination affecting the subject site. However, they have advised that several small areas of the site have been identified as potential “small unknown infill”, including the area of previously identified infilling in the northern half of the site, in the south-east corner. No further details regarding the nature or the source of infill are provided. The council advised that these areas of potential infilling are included on their list for inspection for potentially contaminated land, and that they will be inspected at some point in the future.

2.6 Review of Previous Reports The following reports have been provided for review:

1. Ground Investigation at Basildon Industrial Park, Courtauld Road – report by RSA Geotechnics Limited (ref: 9624), dated Jue 2005.

2. Archaeological Evaluation by Trial Trenching, Integrated Waste Management Facility, Land North of A127, Nevendon - Report by Andrew Robertson, Essex County Council Field Archaeological Unit on behalf of Atkins Ltd (ref: 1563rep.doc), dated March 2006.

3. Environmental Statement, Courtauld Road Recycling and Waste Management Facility. - Report by Atkins Ltd (ref: 5035022), dated June 2006.

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4. Works and Surrender Agreement relating to land at Courtauld Road – between Essex County Council and Integra Developments Ltd - Report compiled by Nabarro (ref: E0521/00010/50936751 v.40), dated 27 May 2008.

The above report(s) have been reviewed and our assessment and conclusions are based partly on the information contained within them. It should be noted that Entec does not warrant the accuracy or validity of the data supplied within these reports or the opinions provided within them.

2.6.1 Ground Investigation at Basildon Industrial Park, Courtauld Road – report by RSA Geotechnics Limited (ref: 9624), dated Jue 2005.

Report Summary This report summarises the findings of a deskstudy assessment and intrusive ground investigation undertaken across the site, prior to the subsequent enabling works. The intrusive works comprised a series of exploratory positions, contamination testing, geotechnical testing, and environmental monitoring. The assessment included both geotechnical and contamination assessment, and recommendations. In summary, the deskstudy identified the same environmental setting information as identified in this assessment. Some additional previous site data was also included which has a bearing on the site status. Relevant additional environmentally pertinent information is outlined below: • The report indicates that the southern area was historically excavated to form a flood expansion area for the Nevendon Brook. Consequently, some of the pre- existing in-situ ground would have been removed to form this flood expansion void. • The existing bunds present on site were indicated as likely being formed from the surplus material from the historical excavation to create the flood expansion area. • The deskstudy concluded that potential contamination sources comprised fly-tipped material, variable Made Ground, contamination within Nevendon Brook, run-off pollution from vehicles on the A127, and use of pesticides and herbicides. The field work comprised: the excavation of 37 no. trial pits (26 no. in the south of the site and 11 no. in the north of the site); 7 no. Window Sampler boreholes with in-situ dynamic probe testing (6 no. in the south, 1 no. in the north); return monitoring for groundwater and ground gases was undertaken on three return occasions; and geotechnical and contamination testing of soil samples.

Encountered Ground Conditions: Ground conditions were identified as comprising: Made Ground deposits; Head deposits; and London Clay. Variable depths of Made Ground were identified in parts of the site, located in greatest thickness within the apparent earth bunds. This was described as variable grey and brown, silty sandy clay with some brick, rubble, tile, pottery and roots. Much of this was identified as re-worked natural soils, including within trial pits in the location of Landfilled ground in the north of the site.

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Natural ground comprised head deposits, described as firm, slightly fissured, mottled grey and brown silty clay. London Clay was described as firm to stiff, grey and blue silty clay. Groundwater monitoring reported groundwater within wells at varying depths from 0.19m bgl to 3.0m bgl, and that some areas of the site reported as consistently flooded.

Soil Testing and Interpretation The report includes a detailed appraisal of geotechnical testing of material sourced from the various strata on site. The suitability of future foundation options and in-ground structures is also discussed in detail. In-situ permeability testing was also undertaken within several trial pits. In summary, the findings indicate that the shallow strata are not suitable for soakaway drainage options. Limited contamination testing was undertaken on a total of 16 soil samples, including 6 samples for leachate testing and 2 samples for WAC testing. The principal reporting findings are summarised below: • The contamination data was assessed against available generic assessment criteria (GAC) for an industrial/commercial landuse scenario. In summary, the report concluded that no significantly elevated contaminant concentrations were detected, and that no remediation was required based on an industrial/commercial landuse.

• The report notes that some suspected asbestos containing materials (ACMs) were noted at the surface, and these materials should be removed from site prior to redevelopment/enabling works progressing.

• The assessment concludes that risks to controlled waters is generally low, based on the limited contaminant concentrations and the generally clayey (and hence low- permeability) nature of the shallow strata.

• The report recommended that some further investigation in the vicinity of the indicated Landfill area should be undertaken to confirm the absence of contaminative fill material. • Some elevated concentrations of ground-gases were detected (carbon dioxide only). These were reported as likely sourced from the Made Ground. Further monitoring and appraisal was recommended in areas of future development. • Consideration should be given the potential contaminative run-off during future construction stages.

• Consideration should be given to the suitablility of in-ground material for creation of future ecological habitats for amphibious fauna for biological and chemical quality. Some degree of H&S mitigation measures should be provided for future groundworkers, in the event that variable deleterious material is encountered during earthworks.

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2.6.2 Archaeological Evaluation By Trial Trenching, Integrated Waste Management Facility, Land North of A127, Nevendon - Report by Andrew Robertson

Report Summary This report summarises the results of an archaeological evaluation by trial trenching in the majority of the north portion of the site to the north of the A127. Its purpose was to determine the presence, nature, date and survival of any archaeological remains. A total of 55 trial trenches were dug over an area of approximately 18 hectares of the site. Archeological finds included evidence for activity from the Mesolithic, Early Iron Age and post-medieval periods. The majority of archaeological remains found were concentrated towards the southwest corner of the investigation area, adjacent to the A127. Due to the rarity of Mesolithic and Early Iron Age finds in the area of the site, the report states that the finds of this date are considered of high importance. The post-medieval finds were indicated as of low or no importance. In the southeast of the site, modern activity was evident in the form of an “extensive low-lying mound of 20th century building debris”. The report suggests that this is the result of the construction of the adjacent A127 road in the 1930s or when it was widened in the later 20th century. The encountered ground conditions reported for the site consist of an average depth of 0.34m of topsoil. Subsoil was absent at all locations at the site. Underlying the topsoil, clay (possibly London Clay or Head Deposits) was encountered across the site which is described as deposits of grey brown clay silt with patches of pale brown silty sand. Much of the archaeological fill material at the site is described as grey-brown silty clay with few inclusions other than stones and charcoal flecks. Additionally there was evidence of plough and machine truncation and reinstatement of topsoil. In the south of the investigation area, chalk was evident and there was a sharp interface between the topsoil and the undisturbed underlying clay which it is suggested indicates that this soil has been laid down relatively recently.

Entec Appraisal An appraisal of the archaeological findings is beyond the scope of this report. Reported ground conditions are consistent with published geology for the area – comprising possible Head deposits and/or London Clay. The building debris reported in the southeast of the site is likely to relate to BGS and local authority records of some Made Ground and landfilling in this part of the site.

2.6.3 Environmental Statement, Courtauld Road Recycling and Waste Management Facility - Report by Atkins Ltd (ref: 5035022), dated June 2006

Report Summary The above report was prepared by Atkins Ltd (Atkins); the report presents the findings of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed development of the waste management facility, including relocation of the flood plain capacity from land to the south of the A127 to land north of the A127.

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The report was prepared following a previous Scoping Opinion from the local authority. Land Quality issues were not included within the scope of the EIA, indicating these issues were not considered significant to warrant inclusion in this EIA. Chapter 4 (Hydrology and Drainage) of the EIA makes reference to a previous ground investigation report undertaken by RSA Geotechnics (Ref: 9624, dated June 2005) in which “… low levels of contamination” are described. Additional information on hydrology and site drainage within this EIA is identified in Section 2.4.2.

Entec Appraisal This EIA does not include much detailed information on land quality issues, hence it is primarily a basic information source only.

2.6.4 Works and Surrender Agreement relating to land at Courtauld Road

Report Summary This document outlines the contract details and conditions relating to the earthworks involved in the relocation of floodplain capacity to the north site, dealing with ecological issues, archaeological issues, and highway works associated with the enabling works for this site. Much of this document relates to specific legal matters and conditions. Additional annexed information details the required specification for the earthworks and geotechnical specifications of deposited material during the enabling works, and protocols for management of differing materials, including any encountered contaminated material or waste materials. The document includes reference to the previous site investigation report by RSA Geotechnics (Ref: 9624, dated June 2005). The document includes an outline specification for the management of any encountered contaminated material, including specification to not mix the following substances with topsoil: • subsoil, stone, hardcore, rubbish or material from demolition work.

• Oil, fuel, cement or other substances harmful to plant growth.

• Other grades of topsoil. Where recorded contamination features are encountered, there is a condition to remove and “disinfect” the material. Where encountered, any such features are required to be recorded and notified to the client. With respect to hazardous, aggressive or unstable materials, the following conditions are stated:

• General: Fill materials that would by themselves or in combination with other materials or groundwater give rise to a health hazard, damage to building structures, or instability in the filling, including material that is organic or contaminated, should not be used. With respect to placing fill material, there is a condition for the material to be free from loose soil, rubbish and standing water.

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Specifically with respect to contamination concentrations, there is a condition for inorganic and organic contaminants to not exceed the respective CLEA Soil Guideline Values (SGVs) for a commercial/industrial end-use. Further details include a maximum concentration for phenols of 0.3mg/kg which is not to be exceeded; and where concentrations of Total PAH are >50mg/kg, these are to be the subject of further analysis prior to decisions being made on the acceptability of the material.

Entec Appraisal The above document indicates that the contract for the site stripping and earth works has taken into consideration the potential for soil contamination to be present, and to emplace controls on the dispersal of such contamination and environmental limits to prevent this. Given the rather general nature of the specification, it is likely that these are somewhat generic conditions attached to an earthworks contract such as this. Overall, the documents do not indicate that contaminated materials are anticipated to be encountered, though state that any such material should specifically be removed from site, and not used as part of the soil redeposition actions. Consequently, such groundworks are unlikely to cause a deterioration in land quality at the site, assuming that these conditions are adhered to.

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3. Preliminary Environmental Risk Assessment

3.1 Potential Contamination Sources The following potential sources of contamination have been identified during this study:

No. Source and Comment Potential Contaminants Location

1 Historic landfilled demolition/building rubble (as Asbestos fragments, inorganic Northern Site: identified in BGS/LA data, and assumed to be the contaminants, hydrocarbons, southeast corner same rubble identified in the archaeological SI), ground-gases – although no which could potentially include ash and clinker contaminants identified in previous residues and asbestos fragments. investigation reports.

2 Historic landfilled demolition/building rubble (as Asbestos fragments, inorganic Southern Site: identified on BGS maps), which could potentially contaminants, hydrocarbons, north-west corner. include ash and clinker residues and asbestos ground-gases – although material is fragments. likely to be of similar nature to that of the above.

3 Earth embankments in west of south part of site, Hydrocarbons, inorganic Southern Site: unknown source hence could include variable contaminants, asbestos, ground- southwest area. deposited material (although likely to comprise re- gases. worked on-site soils).

4 Residues from historic sewage pumping station Hydrocarbons, inorganic Southern Site: activities (now demolished), potentially including contaminants, asbestos, ground- central part of the organic residues, rubble (including asbestos), gases site ground gases from organic residues.

If present, this material is likely to have been removed or reworked during historical creation of the flood extension area.

5 Off-site: industrial estate. Hydrocarbons/ground gases Off-site – to the south

6 Off-site: sewage works. Hydrocarbons/ground gases Off-site to the west

3.2 Receptors and Exposure Pathways

The following potential receptors have been identified during this study:

No. Receptor Exposure/Migration Pathway a Current commercial users of the site (agricultural site Direct contact, ingestion, inhalation (dusts, vapours and users in the north of the site). gases) b Future and current construction/redevelopment/ Direct contact, ingestion, inhalation (dusts, vapours and ground-maintenance workers gases)

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No. Receptor Exposure/Migration Pathway c Future on-site industrial users Direct contact, ingestion, inhalation (dusts, vapours and gases) d Building foundations and underground services Direct contact (aggressive ground conditions); (south of site) and electricity pylons in the north of permeation of plastic utility pipes; accumulation of the site. ground gases e Shallow groundwater (within the Head deposits). Leaching; migration f Drainage ditches, in the north and south of the site – Lateral groundwater migration; surface overland flow; leading to the River Crouch discharge via site drainage. g The River Crouch Lateral groundwater migration; discharge from site and migration within adjacent drainage ditch waters.

On consideration of the current usage and setting of the site, amenity impacts have not been considered.

3.3 Initial Site Conceptual Model A review of the likelihood and significance of environmental risks from the identified sources to potential receptors at the site and the surrounds is summarised in the Preliminary Pollutant Linkage Table presented in Appendix A. This table summarises the potential consequence of the SPR linkage (considering the sensitivity of the given receptor) and the likelihood of the SPR being realised. The risk classification is an overall assessment of the actual risk, based on the worst-case (i.e. full exposure) situation – with risks being assessed from: Negligible; Low; Moderate; High; to Very High. Details of the probability and risk classifications are summarised in Appendix B.

3.3.1 Review of Potentially Significant Pollutant Linkages Based on the Pollutant Linkage table presented in Appendix A, the following potentially significant pollutant linkages have been identified:

PPL PPL Summary Description No.

2, 9, Moderate to high risks to future construction workers exposure to any subsurface contaminants from one or 16, 23 more of the identified contaminations sources.

In summary, some Made Ground materials in parts of the site were identified as comprising variable inert fill material during a previous archaeological ground investigation. No evidence of contaminative materials was reportedly present. The source of this material is not clear, although in the absence of evidence of reported contaminative constituents, this material is considered unlikely to represent a significant contamination source. There are several areas of made ground reported elsewhere on site. However, assuming this material is of a similar source or generally similar nature to that investigated elsewhere, the absence of evidence of contaminative materials, and considering the proposed industrial use of

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the site, this material is unlikely to represent a significant contamination risk to future industrial site users or environmental receptors. The enabling works underway comprise excavation and redeposition of material from the north of the site to the south. These works include conditions for the removal of any contaminative or deleterious material encountered, and that any such material (if encountered) should not be retained on site. Consequently, these enabling works should result in a net improvement in ground conditions (if and where appropriate). There is the potential for some contaminative residues to be present from the historical sewage works facility formerly present in the south of the site. However, as any such residues (if present) have been present for a significant period of time, and as this area of the site is being built up, any such residues are unlikely to represent a significant risk to future industrial site users or environmental receptors. There is the potential that, should any ground contamination be present, this material could present potential exposure risks to future groundworkers or maintenance workers. However, any such risks could be mitigated by the adoption of appropriate health and safety measures during any such groundworks. There is also the potential for some limited ground-gases to be present, sourced from natural organic material within former agricultural soils, re-deposited agricultural subsoils, and/or remnant organic rich material associated with former silty stream deposits. However, any gases (if present) are likely to be present at relatively low concentrations and flow rates, and therefore are unlikely to represent a significant issue to a commercial/industrial landuse.

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4. Conclusions and Recommendations

4.1 Conclusions In summary, there is the potential for some limited contaminative residues to be present beneath the site associated with infilled/deposited material and/or residues from historical activities. However, these are likely to be relatively limited, and considered unlikely to represent a significant risk to the future industrial landuse. Despite the potential for residual subsurface contamination to be present, the risk of a significant pollutant linkage being realised is considered to be low to moderate only. The presence of impacted soils could present a potential risk to future groundworkers, assuming no mitigation measures are adopted. Based on the information contained in this report and assuming the site remains in an ‘industrial’ use, it is the opinion of Entec that the site represents a low to moderate risk of being classified as statutory contaminated land under Part 2A.

4.2 Recommendations Assuming the site remains in its current use and form, Entec has only limited recommendations for further work. Assuming the site is redeveloped for a future industrial landuse, no further detailed contamination risk assessment is considered necessary to facilitate such a scheme. However, it would be prudent to undertake some degree of verification investigation of ground conditions to confirm the absence (or otherwise) of soil contaminants; to manage potential H&S risks to groundworkers; and to confirm the ground-gas regime.

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Appendix A Preliminary Pollutant Linkage Risk Table

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Item Area/ Building Potential Pollutant Potential Receptor Potential Pathway to Associated Potential Likelihood of Significance: Risk Comment No. (Source) Receptor Hazard Consequence of S- Source-Receptor Classification R Link Linkage

1 Historic landfilled Inorganics, hydrocarbons, Human-health (current site Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate Previous site investigation data reported that landfilled material (Northern Site: pH, asbestos, ground- users & visitors) Inhalation material comprises inert soil and rubble fill - unlikely to southeast corner) gases contain significant contaminants.

2 0 0 Human-health Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Possible Moderate to High 0 (redevelopment workers) Inhalation 3 0 0 Human-health (future users: Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate 0 commercial/industrial) Inhalation

4 0 0 Human-health (neighbouring Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Very Unlikely Low 0 site users) Inhalation 5 0 0 Groundwater (Secondary Leaching Groundwater Moderate Unlikely Low 0 Aquifer) pollution 6 0 0 Surface Water (adjacent land Migration Runoff Water pollution Moderate Unlikely Low 0 drains and down-gradient rivers) 7 0 0 Property - Buildings & Buried Direct contact Degradation Moderate Unlikely Low 0 Services (current & future)

8 Historic Landfilled Inorganics, hydrocarbons, Human-health (current site Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate Landfilled material likely to comprise similar material as that material (Southern pH, asbestos, ground- users & visitors) Inhalation in the north - hence unlikely to contain significant Site: north-west gases contaminants. corner) 9 0 0 Human-health Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Possible Moderate to High 0 (redevelopment workers) Inhalation 10 0 0 Human-health (future users: Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate 0 commercial/industrial) Inhalation

11 0 0 Human-health (neighbouring Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Very Unlikely Low 0 site users) Inhalation 12 0 0 Groundwater (Secondary Leaching Groundwater Moderate Unlikely Low 0 Aquifer) pollution 13 0 0 Surface Water (adjacent land Migration Runoff Water pollution Moderate Unlikely Low 0 drains and down-gradient rivers) 14 0 0 Property - Buildings & Buried Direct contact Degradation Moderate Unlikely Low 0 Services (current & future)

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15 Fill material within Inorganics, hydrocarbons, Human-health (current site Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Very Unlikely Low Embankments anticipated to comprise predominantly soil, embankments pH, asbestos, ground- users & visitors) Inhalation unlikely to contain significant quantities of contaminants. (Southern Site) gases

16 0 0 Human-health Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Possible Moderate to High 0 (redevelopment workers) Inhalation 17 0 0 Human-health (future users: Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate 0 commercial/industrial) Inhalation

18 0 0 Human-health (neighbouring Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Very Unlikely Low 0 site users) Inhalation 19 0 0 Groundwater (Secondary Leaching Groundwater Moderate Unlikely Low 0 Aquifer) pollution 20 0 0 Surface Water (adjacent land Migration Runoff Water pollution Moderate Unlikely Low 0 drains and down-gradient rivers) 21 0 0 Property - Buildings & Buried Direct contact Degradation Moderate Unlikely Low 0 Services (current & future)

22 Historic sewage Inorganics, hydrocarbons, Human-health (current site Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate Some soil based contaminants may be present. However, pumping station pH, asbestos, ground- users & visitors) Inhalation any residual material likely to be further buried beneath (Southern Site) gases deposited soils in this area, and unlikely to represent a significant risk to a future industrial landuse.

23 0 0 Human-health Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Possible Moderate to High 0 (redevelopment workers) Inhalation 24 0 0 Human-health (future users: Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate 0 commercial/industrial) Inhalation

25 0 0 Human-health (neighbouring Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Very Unlikely Low 0 site users) Inhalation 26 0 0 Groundwater (Secondary Leaching Groundwater Moderate Unlikely Low 0 Aquifer) pollution 27 0 0 Surface Water (adjacent land Migration Runoff Water pollution Moderate Unlikely Low 0 drains and down-gradient rivers) 28 0 0 Property - Buildings & Buried Direct contact Degradation Moderate Unlikely Low 0 Services (current & future)

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29 Off-Site: Industrial Inorganics, hydrocarbons, Human-health (current site Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate Potential off-site contamination unlikely to represent a risk to Estate pH, asbestos, ground- users & visitors) Inhalation existing site users and/or future site users. gases

30 0 0 Human-health Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate 0 (redevelopment workers) Inhalation 31 0 0 Human-health (future users: Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate 0 commercial/industrial) Inhalation

32 0 0 Property - Buildings & Buried Direct contact Degradation Moderate Unlikely Low 0 Services (current & future)

33 Off-Site: Sewage Inorganics, hydrocarbons, Human-health (current site Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate Potential off-site contamination unlikely to represent a risk to Works pH, asbestos, ground- users & visitors) Inhalation existing site users and/or future site users. gases

34 0 0 Human-health Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate 0 (redevelopment workers) Inhalation 35 0 0 Human-health (future users: Dermal Contact Ingestion Toxic Severe Unlikely Low to Moderate 0 commercial/industrial) Inhalation

36 0 0 Property - Buildings & Buried Direct contact Degradation Moderate Unlikely Low 0 Services (current & future)

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Appendix B Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Classification

Table B1 Outline of Worst-Case Hazard Consequence Classifications for Receptor Types from Contamination Impact

Human Controlled Ecology Property Amenity Health Water

Structures Crops and Animals Classification

Severe Irreversible Substantial Significant Irreparable Loss in value Irreversible damage to pollution of change to the damage to of damage to or human sensitive water number of one buildings, livestock/crops Loss of health resources or more structures or resulting from amenities species or the death, disease ecosystems environment or physical damage

Moderate Non- Pollution of non- Change to Damage to Non Non permanent permanent sensitive water population sensitive permanent damage to health resources or densities of buildings, health effects, amenities effects to small scale non-sensitive structures or from disease humans pollution of species the or physical sensitive water environment damage which resources result in reduction in value

Mild Slight short Slight pollution Some change Easily Slight or short Slight/short term term health to non-sensitive to population repairable term health effect on effects to water resources densities but effects of effects which amenities humans with no damage to result in slight negative buildings or reduction in effects on the structures value. function of the ecosystem

Negligible No Insubstantial No significant Very slight No significant Very slight measurable pollution to non- changes to non-structural reduction in damage to effects on sensitive water population damage or value amenities humans resources densities in the cosmetic harm environment or to buildings or in any structures ecosystem

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Table B2 Likelihood Probability Classifications of SPR Linkage being Realised

Classification Likelihood

Very unlikely 0 to 5%

Unlikely 5 to 45%

Possible 45 to 55%

Likely 55 to 95%

Almost Certain 95 to 100% (i.e. impact noted during the investigation)

The risk classifications are assigned using the following matrix:

Table B3 Risk Classification Matrix

Likelihood Very Unlikely Unlikely Possible Likely Almost Certain Potential Consequence

Severe Low Low to Moderate Moderate to High Very High High

Moderate Negligible to Low Low Moderate Moderate to High High

Mild Negligible Low Low Low to moderate Moderate

Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible to Low Low Low

Overall risks are described as follows in the table below:

Table B4 Risk Classification Description.

Negligible The presence of the identified contaminant does not give rise to the potential to cause significant harm.

Low It is possible that harm could arise to a designated receptor from an identified contaminant; however, this is likely to be mild.

Moderate It is possible that harm could arise to a designated receptor from an identified contaminant, but it is likely that such harm would be relatively localised or non-permanent. Remedial action may be necessary.

High A designated receptor is likely to experience significant harm from an identified contaminant without remedial action.

Very High There is a high probability that severe harm could arise to a designated receptor from an identified contaminant without appropriate remedial action.

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Appendix C Envirocheck Data

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Envirocheck® Report: Datasheet

Order Details:

Order Number: 29208908_1_1

Customer Reference: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site

National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140

Slice: A

Site Area (Ha): 36.72

Search Buffer (m): 500

Site Details: Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility Courtard Road Basildon Essex

Client Details: Mr E Gilligan Entec UK Ltd 17 Angel Gate City Road London EC1V 2SH

Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Date: 27-Oct-2009 rpr_ec_datasheet v42.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Contents

Report Section Page Number

Summary -

Agency & Hydrological 1

Waste 14

Hazardous Substances 21

Geological 22

Industrial Land Use 23

Sensitive Land Use 41

Data Currency 42

Data Suppliers 46

Useful Contacts 47


The Environment Act 1995 has made site sensitivity a key issue, as the legislation pays as much attention to the pathways by which contamination could spread, and to the vulnerable targets of contamination, as it does the potential sources of contamination. For this reason, Landmark's Site Sensitivity maps and Datasheet(s) place great emphasis on statutory data provided by the Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency; it also incorporates data from Natural (and the Scottish and Welsh equivalents) and Local Authorities; and highlights hydrogeological features required by environmental and geotechnical consultants. It does not include any information concerning past uses of land. The datasheet is produced by querying the Landmark database to a distance defined by the client from a site boundary provided by the client.

In the attached datasheet the National Grid References (NGRs) are rounded to the nearest 10m in accordance with Landmark's agreements with a number of Data Suppliers.

Copyright Notice

© Landmark Information Group Limited 2009. The Copyright on the information and data and its format as contained in this Envirocheck® Report ("Report") is the property of Landmark Information Group Limited ("Landmark") and several other Data Providers, including (but not limited to) Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey, the Environment Agency and Natural England, and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by photocopying or any other method. The Report is supplied under Landmark's Terms and Conditions accepted by the Customer. A copy of Landmark's Terms and Conditions can be found with the Index Map for this report. Additional copies of the Report may be obtained from Landmark, subject to Landmark's charges in force from time to time. The Copyright, design rights and any other intellectual rights shall remain the exclusive property of Landmark and /or other Data providers, whose Copyright material has been included in this Report.

Natural England Copyright Notice

Site of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserve, Ramsar, Special Protection Area, Special Conservation Area, Marine Nature Reserve data (derived from Ordnance Survey 1:10000 raster) is provided by, and used with the permission of, Natural England who retain the copyright and Intellectual Property Rights for the data.

Ove Arup Copyright Notice

The Data provided in this report was obtained on Licence from Ove Arup & Partners Limited (for further information, contact [email protected]). No reproduction or further use of such Data is to be made without the prior written consent of Ove Arup & Partners Limited. The information and data supplied in the product are derived from publicly available records and other third party sources and neither Ove Arup & Partners nor Landmark warrant the accuracy or completeness of such information or data.

Peter Brett Associates Copyright Notice

The cavity data presented has been extracted from the PBA enhanced version of the original DEFRA national cavity databases. PBA/DEFRA retain the copyright & intellectual property rights in the data. Whilst all reasonable efforts are made to check that the information contained in the cavity databases is accurate we do not warrant that the data is complete or error free. The information is based upon our own researches and those collated from a number of external sources and is continually being augmented and updated by PBA. In no event shall PBA/DEFRA or Landmark be liable for any loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from the use of this data.

Radon Potential dataset Copyright Notice

Information supplied from a joint dataset compiled by The British Geological Survey and the Health Protection Agency.

Report Version v42.0

Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Date: 27-Oct-2009 rpr_ec_datasheet v42.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 251 to 500m On Site 0 to 250m Data Type Number (*up to 1000m) Agency & Hydrological

Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices

Discharge Consents pg 1 6 10

Enforcement and Prohibition Notices

Integrated Pollution Controls pg 4 1

Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control pg 5 3 1

Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control pg 5 1

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls pg 6 10 6

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements

Nearest Surface Water Feature pg 8 Yes

Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters pg 8 4 15

Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes pg 11 1

Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters

Registered Radioactive Substances

River Quality

River Quality Biology Sampling Points

River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points

Substantiated Pollution Incident Register

Water Abstractions pg 11 1

Water Industry Act Referrals pg 11 2 1

Groundwater Vulnerability pg 12 Yes n/a n/a

Source Protection Zones

Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences pg 12 Yes n/a

Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences pg 12 Yes Yes n/a

Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences n/a

Flood Water Storage Areas n/a

Flood Defences n/a Waste

BGS Recorded Landfill Sites

Historical Landfill Sites pg 14 1

Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries)

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) pg 14 1 6

Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites pg 16 1

Registered Landfill Sites

Registered Waste Transfer Sites pg 16 5

Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites pg 18 5

Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Date: 27-Oct-2009 rpr_ec_datasheet v42.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 251 to 500m On Site 0 to 250m Data Type Number (*up to 1000m) Hazardous Substances

Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) pg 21 1 1

Explosive Sites

Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) pg 21 1

Planning Hazardous Substance Consents

Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements Geological

BGS Recorded Mineral Sites

BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology pg 22 Yes n/a n/a

Brine Compensation Area n/a n/a

Coal Mining Affected Areas n/a n/a

Mining Instability n/a n/a

Natural and Mining Cavities

Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards n/a

Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards pg 22 Yes Yes n/a

Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards n/a

Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards pg 22 Yes n/a

Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards pg 22 Yes n/a

Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards pg 22 Yes Yes n/a

Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas n/a n/a

Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures n/a n/a

Shallow Mining Hazards n/a Industrial Land Use

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries pg 23 106 102

Fuel Station Entries pg 40 1 1

Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Date: 27-Oct-2009 rpr_ec_datasheet v42.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary

Page 251 to 500m On Site 0 to 250m Data Type Number (*up to 1000m) Sensitive Land Use

Areas of Adopted Green Belt pg 41 1

Areas of Unadopted Green Belt pg 41 1

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Forest Parks

Local Nature Reserves

Marine Nature Reserves

National Nature Reserves

National Parks

Nitrate Sensitive Areas

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones

Ramsar Sites

Sites of Special Scientific Interest

Special Areas of Conservation

Special Protection Areas

Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Date: 27-Oct-2009 rpr_ec_datasheet v42.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Details Reference Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass From Site

Discharge Consents 1 Operator: Mr R W Goldby A10SW 79 1 573640 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Other (W) 191220 Location: Foreriders Nevendon Road, Wickford, Essex, Ss12 0qd Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: Pr2nf540 Permit Version: 2 Effective Date: 28th January 1992 Issued Date: 28th January 1992 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Trib Nevendon Brook Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 1 Operator: Mr R W Goldby A10SW 79 1 573640 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Other (W) 191220 Location: Foreriders Nevendon Road, Wickford, Essex, Ss12 0qd Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: Pr2nf540 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 14th May 1987 Issued Date: 14th May 1987 Revocation Date: 27th January 1992 Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Unknown Trib. Nevendon Brook Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 2 Operator: Industrial Estate A7NE 87 1 574500 Property Type: Not Supplied (SE) 190800 Location: Hovefields House, Hovefields Avenue, Basildon Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: Pr2nfe01279 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 18th April 1979 Issued Date: 18th April 1979 Revocation Date: 10th March 1995 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Trib River Crouch Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 3 Operator: Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd A7NE 177 1 574630 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Other (E) 191030 Location: Service Area And Little Chef, A127 / Hovefields Avenue, Basildon, Essex, Ss13 1eb Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Outwood Common Brook Reference: Pr2nf896 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 30th June 1988 Issued Date: 30th June 1988 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Trib Nevendon Bushes Brook Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Date: 27-Oct-2009 rpr_ec_datasheet v42.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 1 of 47 Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Details Reference Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass From Site

Discharge Consents 3 Operator: Mr K Sathiyavageswaran A7NE 188 1 574650 Property Type: Not Supplied (E) 191000 Location: Hovefield Serv Wickford Southend Arterial Rd, Wickford, Essex Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: Prenf00808 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 8th May 1989 Issued Date: 8th May 1989 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Into And/Or Watercourse Environment: Receiving Water: Unnamed Watercourse Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Travelrest Services Ltd A11SE 231 1 574500 Property Type: Not Supplied (E) 191200 Location: 1474 Nevendon A127, Arterial Road, Nevendon Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: Prenf03473 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 28th August 1990 Issued Date: 28th August 1990 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Not Supplied Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 5 Operator: Anglian Water Services Limited A2NE 306 1 573900 Property Type: Not Supplied (S) 190400 Location: Devlpt Burnt Mills Rd, Basildon, Essex Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: Pr2nfe33166 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 21st October 1966 Issued Date: 21st October 1966 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Trib River Crouch Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 6 Operator: Anglian Water Services Limited A15SW 327 1 574300 Property Type: Not Supplied (N) 191900 Location: Outlet At Wickford, Essex. Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: Aw2nfe10661 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 4th January 1962 Issued Date: 4th January 1962 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Trib River Crouch Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Date: 27-Oct-2009 rpr_ec_datasheet v42.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 2 of 47 Agency & Hydrological

Quadrant Estimated Map Details Reference Distance Contact NGR ID (Compass From Site

Discharge Consents 7 Operator: Transco A6SW 348 1 573700 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (SW) 190500 Location: Archers Field, Basildon, Essex Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: Pr2nfe09363 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 30th August 1963 Issued Date: 30th August 1963 Revocation Date: 22nd January 1997 Discharge Type: Trade Effluent Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Trib River Crouch Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 8 Operator: Mr Abdul (Manager) A15SW 379 1 574200 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Other (N) 191950 Location: Bekash Restaurant Nevendon Road, Wickford, Essex Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Outwood Common Brook Reference: Prenf01517 Permit Version: 2 Effective Date: 14th January 1992 Issued Date: 14th January 1992 Revocation Date: 9th January 1995 Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Nevenden Brook Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 8 Operator: Mr Abdul (Manager) A15SW 379 1 574200 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Other (N) 191950 Location: Bekash Restaurant Nevendon Road, Wickford, Essex Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Outwood Common Brook Reference: Prenf01517 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 16th August 1989 Issued Date: 16th August 1989 Revocation Date: 13th January 1992 Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Nevendon Brook Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 9 Operator: Onyx Uk Ltd A6SW 393 1 573680 Property Type: Undefined Or Other (SW) 190450 Location: Pgr Waste Transfer & Recycling Centre, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildo Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: Prenf10337 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 12th February 1996 Issued Date: 12th February 1996 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Nevendon Bushes Brook Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Discharge Consents 10 Operator: Callendars Ltd A2NE 413 1 573860 Property Type: Not Supplied (S) 190300 Location: Burnt Mills Rd Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: Pr2nfe06572 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 23rd June 1972 Issued Date: 23rd June 1972 Revocation Date: 14th October 1998 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Trib River Crouch Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 11 Operator: R H Orrock A14SE 452 1 573792 Property Type: Domestic Property (Single) (N) 191999 Location: Borwick House Borwick Lane, Wickford, Essex, Ss12 0qa Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Given Reference: Pr2nfe34166 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 20th October 1966 Issued Date: 20th October 1966 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Discharge Into Land Environment: Receiving Water: Trib River Crouch Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 12 Operator: Basildon D.C. A15SE 470 1 574500 Property Type: Public Houses & Bars (NE) 192000 Location: Nevedon Road By-Pass & Wickford Inn, Nevedon Road, Wickford, Ss12 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Not Supplied Reference: Pr2nfe17772 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 22nd December 1972 Issued Date: 22nd December 1972 Revocation Date: 12th February 1992 Discharge Type: Discharge Of Other Matter-Surface Water Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: River Crouch Status: Pre National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date < 01/09/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 12 Operator: Anglian Water Services Limited A15SE 477 1 574470 Property Type: Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company (NE) 192020 Location: Lower Park Rd Wickford, Basildon, Essex Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Catchment Area: Low River Witham / South Forty Foot Reference: Asenf12114 Permit Version: 1 Effective Date: 12th August 1996 Issued Date: 12th August 1996 Revocation Date: Not Supplied Discharge Type: Sewage Discharges - Stw Storm Overflow/Storm Tank - Water Company Discharge Freshwater Stream/River Environment: Receiving Water: Nevendon Brook Status: Post National Rivers Authority Legislation where issue date > 31/08/1989 Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Integrated Pollution Controls 13 Name: Gardner Aerospace (Basildon) Ltd A7SE 174 1 574533 Location: 4 Rowhedge Close, Wollaston Industrial Centre, Burnt Mills, BASILDON, (SE) 190639 Essex, SS13 1QQ Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Permit Reference: BG2191 Dated: 29th September 1999 Process Type: IPC new application Description: 4.5 A (H) Inorganic Chemical processes within the Chemical Industry Status: Revoked - Now IPPC Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 14 Name: Phoenix Biofuels Limited A7SW 111 1 574341 Location: Phoenix Biofuels Ltd, Unit 6 Nobel Square, Courtauld Road, Burnt Mills (SE) 190580 Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LS Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Permit Reference: CP3636LY Original Permit Ref: Cp3636ly Effective Date: Not Supplied Status: Application refused Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Activity Code: 4.1 A(1) (A) (II) Activity Description: Organic Chemicals; Oxygen Containing Compounds Eg Alcohols Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 14 Name: Phoenix Biofuels Limited A7SW 112 1 574341 Location: Phoenix Biofuels Ltd, Unit 6 Nobel Square, Courtauld Road, Burnt Mills (SE) 190579 Industrial Estate, Baslidon, Essex, SS13 1LS Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Permit Reference: DP3035MT Original Permit Ref: Dp3035mt Effective Date: Not Supplied Status: Valid Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Activity Code: 4.1 A(1) (A) (II) Activity Description: Organic Chemicals; Oxygen Containing Compounds Eg Alcohols Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 15 Name: Alpheus Environmental Limited A6SE 190 1 573798 Location: Basildon Sewage Treatment Works, Courtauld Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 (SW) 190738 1DB Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Permit Reference: EP3838MK Original Permit Ref: Ep3838mk Effective Date: 19th September 2007 Status: Effective Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 5.3 A(1) (B) Activity Description: Other Waste Disposal; Waste Oils Greater Than 10T/Day Primary Activity: Y Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 16 Name: Gardner Aerospace - Basildon Limited A7SE 279 1 574644 Location: Wollaston Crescent Cadmium Plating, 11 Wollaston Cresent, Burnt Mills (SE) 190643 Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QD Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Permit Reference: Bw9611ib Original Permit Ref: Bw9611ib Effective Date: 18th August 2005 Status: Effective Application Type: Application App. Sub Type: New Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Activity Code: 4.2 A(1) (F) Activity Description: Inorganic Chemicals; Using Mercury/Cadmium And Compounds If Release Into Air Primary Activity: Y Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 17 Name: Seal Uk Ltd A3NE 480 2 574733 Location: Unit 1 Watkins Close, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1TL (SE) 190387 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: PA2/001 Dated: 4th May 2003 Process Type: Other Activities Description: Coating Status: Permit Issued Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location

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Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 18 Name: Tarmac Ltd A7SW 60 2 574083 Location: Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1EZ (S) 190593 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 0001354 Dated: 2nd April 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG3/1Blending, packing, loading and use of bulk cement Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 19 Name: Carlton Barclay A6NE 76 2 573938 Location: Carlton Court, Lords Way, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1TJ (SW) 191028 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 0070 Dated: 28th May 2002 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/16 Printworks Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 20 Name: Domino Promotions Ltd A7SE 129 2 574483 Location: 1 Rowhedge Close, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 (SE) 190638 1QQ Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 43 Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/16 Printworks Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 21 Name: Basildon Concrete Ltd A7SW 186 2 574094 Location: Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1LD (S) 190460 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 17 Dated: 19th May 1994 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG3/1Blending, packing, loading and use of bulk cement Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 22 Name: Essex Park Toyota A10NE 196 2 573873 Location: Nevendon Road By-Pass, WICKFORD, Essex, SS12 0NT (N) 191753 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 57 Dated: Not Supplied Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG1/14 Petrol filling station Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 23 Name: Hovefield Service Station A7NE 198 2 574663 Location: Arterial Road, WICKFORD, Essex, SS12 9HZ (E) 190987 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 001407 Dated: 28th April 1999 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG1/14 Petrol filling station Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 24 Name: Nuffield Webb Offset A7NE 205 2 574643 Location: Hovefields Avenue, BASILDON, Essex, SS14 3BS (SE) 190848 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 21 Dated: 23rd September 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/16 Printworks Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 24 Name: Bpc Colchester A7NE 209 2 574630 Location: Hovefields Avenue, BASILDON, Essex, SS14 3BS (SE) 190812 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 33 Dated: 10th March 1997 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/16 Printworks Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 24 Name: Europrinting Plc A7NE 209 2 574628 Location: Hovefields Avenue, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1EB (SE) 190804 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 33 Dated: 21st November 1996 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/16 Printworks Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 24 Name: Supreme Bodyworks Ltd A7NE 214 2 574633 Location: Supreme House, Hovefields Avenue, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, BASILDON, (SE) 190804 Essex, SS13 1EB Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 001374 Dated: 21st February 1996 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: Part B - General Coating Process (No Specific Reference) Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 25 Name: Rim Plastics Technology Ltd A7SE 310 2 574649 Location: 1 Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190565 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 001363 Dated: 17th August 2001 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: Part B - General Coating Process (No Specific Reference) Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 26 Name: Sainsbury'S Petrol Station A5NE 312 2 573403 Location: Cricketers Way, East Mayne, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1SA (W) 191086 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 001402 Dated: 28th April 1999 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG1/14 Petrol filling station Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 27 Name: Icopal Ltd A2NE 320 2 574032 Location: Harvey Road, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1EJ (S) 190336 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 37 Dated: 17th August 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/42 Bitumen and tar processes Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 27 Name: Ecotherm Ltd A2NE 320 2 574032 Location: Harvey Road, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1EJ (S) 190336 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 001357 Dated: 17th August 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/29 Di-isocyanate processes Status: Authorised Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 28 Name: Rimplas Plastics Ltd A3NE 473 2 574639 Location: Unit 6 Buckwin Square, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1BJ (SE) 190313 Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 29 Dated: 14th September 1993 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: PG6/29 Di-isocyanate processes Status: Authorisation revokedRevoked Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 29 Name: Seal Uk Ltd A3NE 480 2 574733 Location: Unit 1 Watkins Close, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 (SE) 190387 1TL Authority: Basildon District Council, Environmental Health Department Permit Reference: 001379 Dated: 1st August 2003 Process Type: Local Authority Air Pollution Control Description: Part B - General Coating Process (No Specific Reference) Status: Transferred to LAIPPC Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Nearest Surface Water Feature A10SE 0 - 573938 (NW) 191233 Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 30 Property Type: Road A10NW 32 1 573700 Location: District (NW) 191500 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Vehicle Washings And De Waxing Note: River Crouch Tributary Incident Date: 25th February 1998 Incident Reference: 3687 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Poor Operational Practice Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 31 Property Type: Other General Premises A10NE 141 1 573900 Location: Chelmsford District (N) 191700 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Vehicle Washings And De Waxing Note: Tributary Of Nevedon Bk Incident Date: 5th February 1995 Incident Reference: 2583 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Other Cause Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 32 Property Type: Not Given A7NE 183 1 574600 Location: Chelmsford District (SE) 190800 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Unknown Note: Nevedon Bushes Bk Incident Date: 28th June 1993 Incident Reference: 1971 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 33 Property Type: Not Given A11NE 234 1 574500 Location: Chelmsford District (NE) 191700 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Unknown Note: Ditch Tributary Of Nevendon Brk Incident Date: 27th September 1993 Incident Reference: 2084 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Not Given Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 34 Property Type: Industrial: Other A7NE 279 1 574700 Location: Chelmsford District (SE) 190800 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Chemicals - Solvents Note: Not Supplied Incident Date: 24th August 1994 Incident Reference: 2424 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Potential Surface Water Cause of Incident: Leaking Tank Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 35 Property Type: Not Given A15SE 300 1 574500 Location: Chelmsford District (NE) 191800 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Unknown Note: Tributary Nevedon Bk Incident Date: 15th November 1993 Incident Reference: 2124 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 36 Property Type: Not Given A6SW 304 1 573700 Location: Chelmsford District (SW) 190600 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Unknown Note: Nevendon Bushes Brook Incident Date: 7th January 1993 Incident Reference: 1766 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 36 Property Type: Water Company Sewage: Surface Water Outfall A6SW 305 1 573700 Location: Chelmsford District (SW) 190595 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Chemicals - Other Inorganic Note: Nevendon Bushes Brook Incident Date: 21st July 1998 Incident Reference: 3819 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 37 Property Type: Not Given A15SW 324 1 574200 Location: Chelmsford District (N) 191895 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Unknown Note: The Nevedon Bk Incident Date: 24th June 1993 Incident Reference: 1969 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 2 - Significant Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 37 Property Type: Not Given A15SW 329 1 574200 Location: Chelmsford District (N) 191900 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Unknown Note: Nevendon Bk Incident Date: 13th May 1993 Incident Reference: 1914 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 38 Property Type: Not Given A15SW 332 1 574100 Location: Chelmsford District (N) 191900 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Unknown Note: Nevedon Bk Incident Date: 20th July 1993 Incident Reference: 2000 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 39 Property Type: Not Given A6SW 346 1 573705 Location: Chelmsford District (SW) 190495 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Chemicals - Unknown Note: Nevendon Bushes Brook Incident Date: 18th June 1998 Incident Reference: 3791 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 39 Property Type: Not Given A6SW 350 1 573700 Location: Chelmsford District (SW) 190495 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Oils - Other Oil Note: Crouch Incident Date: 4th May 1994 Incident Reference: 2331 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 40 Property Type: Not Given A2NW 411 1 573700 Location: Chelmsford District (SW) 190400 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Miscellaneous - Unknown Note: Tributary Of Nevedon Bk Incident Date: 1st November 1995 Incident Reference: 2896 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 41 Property Type: Not Given A14SE 429 1 574000 Location: Chelmsford District (N) 191995 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Rubble/Litter Or Solids Note: Nevendon Brook Incident Date: 7th April 1997 Incident Reference: 3346 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Vandalism Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 41 Property Type: Not Given A14SE 434 1 574000 Location: WICKFORD (N) 192000 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Rubble/Litter Or Solids Note: Nevendon Brook Incident Date: 7th April 1997 Incident Reference: 3346 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Vandalism Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m

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Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 42 Property Type: Scrapyards A6SW 434 1 573600 Location: Chelmsford District (SW) 190500 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Oils - Diesel (Including Agricultural) Note: Nevendon Bushes Bk Tributary Incident Date: 17th February 1998 Incident Reference: 3699 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Leaking Tank Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 43 Property Type: Not Given A5NE 436 1 573300 Location: Chelmsford District (W) 191000 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Unknown Note: Tributary Of Nevendon Bushes Brook Incident Date: 18th March 1992 Incident Reference: 1449 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Unknown Incident Severity: Category 3 - Minor Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 44 Property Type: Waste Handling Facilities A2NW 488 1 573700 Location: Chelmsford District (SW) 190300 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Pollutant: Oils - Diesel (Including Agricultural) Note: Nevendon Bushes Brook Incident Date: 22nd March 1995 Incident Reference: 2650 Catchment Area: Not Given Receiving Water: Freshwater Stream/River Cause of Incident: Accidental Spillage/Leakage Incident Severity: Category 2 - Significant Incident Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes 45 Location: Nevendon Industrial Estate, Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DA A2NE 358 1 573975 Prosecution Text: EA Data 03/03/1999, Prosecuted due to improper storage of waste oil, car (S) 190315 parts and car batteries at the companies premises. Prosecution Act: EPA90 Hearing Date: 1st March 1999 Verdict: Guilty Fine: 9000 Costs: 2902 Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Water Abstractions 46 Operator: Essex Water Co A7NE 139 1 574600 Licence Number: 8/37/44/*g/043 (E) 191000 Permit Version: Not Supplied Location: Nevendon Borehole Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Abstraction: Public Water Supply Abstraction Type: Not Supplied Source: Well And Borehole Daily Rate (m3): 50 Yearly Rate (m3): 564000 Details: E chalk; Status: Revoked Authorised Start: Not Supplied Authorised End: Not Supplied Permit Start Date: Not Supplied Permit End Date: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Water Industry Act Referrals 47 Name: Rarechem Ltd A7SW 104 1 574288 Location: 14 Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190575 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Permit Reference: Bu6255 Dated: 4th March 2003 Process Type: Permissions or amendments to discharge under the Water Industry Act 1991 Description: Processes which result in the discharge of Special Category effluents under The Trade Effluents (Prescribed Processes and Substances) Regulations Status: Application cancelled Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Water Industry Act Referrals 48 Name: Alpheus Environmental Ltd A6SE 189 1 573798 Location: Waste Treatment Centre,Basildon Wastewater Treatment Works,Courtauld (SW) 190738 Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DB Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Permit Reference: Bq4203 Dated: 17th January 2002 Process Type: Permissions or amendments to discharge under the Water Industry Act 1991 Description: Processes which result in the discharge of Special Category effluents under The Trade Effluents (Prescribed Processes and Substances) Regulations Status: Application has been authorised and any conditions apply to the operatorAuthorised Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Water Industry Act Referrals 49 Name: Gardner Aerospace (Basildon) Ltd A7SE 279 1 574644 Location: Unit 11, Wollaston Crescent, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QD (SE) 190643 Authority: Environment Agency, Anglian Region Permit Reference: Bu5216 Dated: 6th March 2003 Process Type: Permissions or amendments to discharge under the Water Industry Act 1991 Description: Processes which result in the discharge of Special Category effluents under The Trade Effluents (Prescribed Processes and Substances) Regulations Status: Application has been authorised and any conditions apply to the operatorAuthorised Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Groundwater Vulnerability Geological Non Aquifer (Negligibly permeable) - Formations which are generally regarded A11SW 0 1 574223 Classification: as containing insignificant quantities of groundwater. However, groundwater flow (E) 191169 through such rocks, although imperceptible, does take place and needs to be considered in assessing the risk associated with persistent pollutants Soil Classification: Not classified Map Sheet: Sheet 40 Thames Estuary Scale: 1:100,000 Groundwater Vulnerability Geological Minor Aquifer (Variably permeable) - These can be fractured or potentially A11SW 0 1 574097 Classification: fractured rocks, which do not have a high primary permeability, or other (NE) 191160 formations of variable permeability including unconsolidated deposits. Although not producing large quantities of water for abstraction, they are important for local supplies and in supplying base flow to rivers Soil Classification: Soils of High Leaching Potential (U) - Soil information for restored mineral workings and urban areas is based on fewer observations than elsewhere. A worst case vulnerability classification (H) assumed, until proved otherwise Map Sheet: Sheet 40 Thames Estuary Scale: 1:100,000 Groundwater Vulnerability Geological Minor Aquifer (Variably permeable) - These can be fractured or potentially A11SW 0 1 574097 Classification: fractured rocks, which do not have a high primary permeability, or other (NE) 191160 formations of variable permeability including unconsolidated deposits. Although not producing large quantities of water for abstraction, they are important for local supplies and in supplying base flow to rivers Soil Classification: Soils of Intermediate Leaching Potential (I1) - Soils which can possibly transmit a wide range of pollutants Map Sheet: Sheet 40 Thames Estuary Scale: 1:100,000 Drift Deposits None Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Flood Plain Type: Fluvial A7NW 0 1 574078 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied (S) 191084 Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Flood Plain Type: Fluvial A11SW 0 1 574207 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied (NE) 191214 Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Flood Plain Type: Fluvial A6NE 0 1 574023 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied (SW) 191055 Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Flood Plain Type: Fluvial A6SE 230 1 573776 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied (SW) 190607 Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Flood Plain Type: Fluvial A14SE 238 1 573948 Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied (N) 191802

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Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences None Flood Water Storage Areas None Flood Defences None

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Historical Landfill Sites 50 Licence Holder: Not Supplied A6NW 421 1 573539 Location: Nevendon Road, Basildon (SW) 190774 Name: Nevendon Road Operator Location: Not Supplied Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied Provider Reference: EAHLD03359 First Input Date: Not Supplied Last Input Date: Not Supplied Specified Waste Not Supplied Type: EA Waste Ref: 0 Regis Ref: Not Supplied WRC Ref: Not Supplied BGS Ref: Not Supplied Other Ref: BAS009 Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 51 Licence Number: 71333 A6SE 201 1 573875 Location: Caxton House, Harvey Road, Burnt Mills Ind Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 (S) 190527 1QJ Operator Name: Beowulf Uk Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Material Recycling Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Modified Issued: 27th February 2004 Last Modified: 28th September 2005 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 52 Licence Number: 70367 A6SW 335 1 573652 Location: Courtauld Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DB (SW) 190732 Operator Name: Alpheus Environmental Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Physical Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Expired Issued: 17th June 1994 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 53 Licence Number: 71323 A6SW 381 1 573650 Location: Unit 17, Archers Field, Burnt Mills, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DH (SW) 190520 Operator Name: Cook John Gordon Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Special Waste Transfer Stations Licence Status: Modified Issued: 27th May 2004 Last Modified: 8th September 2005 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m

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Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 54 Licence Number: 71481 A2NW 413 1 573740 Location: Unit 6, Harvey Road, Burnt Mills Ind Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DG (SW) 190363 Operator Name: Robert Michael Walker & Victoria Kathleen Walker Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Transfer Stations Licence Status: Issued Issued: 21st July 2006 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 54 Licence Number: 71351 A2NE 417 1 573755 Location: 1-4 Off Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 IDG (SW) 190348 Operator Name: F S Centre Ltd. Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: End of Life Vehicles Licence Status: Issued Issued: 3rd November 2004 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 55 Licence Number: 70396 A2NW 444 1 573655 Location: Archers Field, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DH (SW) 190401 Operator Name: P G R Waste Management Ltd Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Material Recycling Treatment Facilities Licence Status: Modified Issued: 28th March 1996 Last Modified: 14th May 2001 Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 56 Licence Number: 70416 A2NW 467 1 573731 Location: Unit 8, Nevendon Ind Estate, Harvey Road, Burnt Mills, Basildon, Essex, SS13 (SW) 190304 1DG Operator Name: Stone Alan M Operator Location: Not Supplied Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Transfer Stations Licence Status: Issued Issued: 26th March 1997 Last Modified: Not Supplied Expires: Not Supplied Suspended: Not Supplied Revoked: Not Supplied Surrendered: Not Supplied IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Local Authority Landfill Coverage Name: Basildon District Council 0 3 576649 - Has supplied landfill data 191713 Local Authority Landfill Coverage Name: Essex County Council 0 8 573574 - Has supplied landfill data 187347

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Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 57 Location: A127, Opposite Hovefields A11SW 0 3 574148 Reference: PRBAS 10 (E) 191131 Authority: Basildon District Council Last Reported Closed Status: Types of Waste: Not Supplied Date of Closure: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier Boundary Quality: Good Registered Waste Transfer Sites 58 Licence Holder: P F Ahern (London) Ltd A6SE 279 1 573870 Licence Reference: 189/91 (S) 190440 Site Location: Unit 11 Harvey Close, Nevendon Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex Operator Location: 228 Crow Lane, , Essex, RM7 0HA Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Transfer Max Input Rate: Undefined Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrenderedCancelled Dated: 1st June 1991 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Solid, Non-Haz. Com./Ind. Waste Prohibited Waste Clinical Wastes (As In Hsc 1982) Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes Oils - Alone Or Admixed In Solids Registered Waste Transfer Sites 59 Licence Holder: A M Stone t/a Waste Control A3NW 315 1 574250 Licence Reference: 352/97 (S) 190350 Site Location: Unit 8 Nevendon Industrial Estate, Harvey Road, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1EP Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Transfer Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 26th March 1997 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Essex Cat.A - Waste V.Slowly Degrades Essex Cat.B - General Waste (Com./Ind) Max.Storage In Licence Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Prohibited Waste Clinical Wastes Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes Spec.Waste (Epa'90:S62/1996 Regs) Waste N.O.S.

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Registered Waste Transfer Sites 60 Licence Holder: P.G.R. Waste Management Ltd A2NW 487 1 573600 Licence Reference: 332/96 (SW) 190400 Site Location: Archers Fields, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, Ss13 1dh Operator Location: Onyx House, 401 Mile End Road, LONDON, Greater London, E3 4PB Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Transfer Max Input Rate: Large (Equal to or greater than 75,000 and less than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 15th May 2001 Preceded By 332/96 Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Approximate location provided by supplier Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Degradable Commercial Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics & Equivalent To 22.09.02) Degradable Household Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics & Equivalent To 22.09.01) Degradable Industrial Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics & Equivalent To 22.09.03) Inert Materials (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics And Equivalent To 21.00.00) Maximum Waste Permitted (From Subs. Charges) Prohibited Waste Liquid Wastes Material With Any Haz.Code (H1, H2, H3a,H3b,H4,H5,H6,H7,H8,H9,H10,H11,H12,H13,H14) Metal Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics And Equiv.To 23.00.00) - Except As Items In Com./Ind. Waste Other Waste / Waste Not Otherwise Specified Powders Sludge Wastes Special Waste (As In Epa 1990:S62 Of 1996 Regs) Registered Waste Transfer Sites 60 Licence Holder: P.G.R. Waste Management Ltd A2NW 487 1 573600 Licence Reference: 176/90 (SW) 190400 Site Location: Archers Field, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1DH Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Transfer Max Input Rate: Medium (Equal to or greater than 25,000 and less than 75,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrenderedCancelled Dated: 1st March 1990 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By 331/96 Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Solid Non-Haz. Com. + Ind. Waste Prohibited Waste Clinical Wastes (Para 4 In Hsc 1982) Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes Oils (Alone Or In Admixture) Spec.Waste (Epa'90:S62/1996 Regs) Registered Waste Transfer Sites 61 Licence Holder: Leigh Environmental Ltd A2NW 488 1 573700 Licence Reference: 154/89 (SW) 190300 Site Location: Unit 8 Nevendon Industrial Estate, Burnt Mills, Basildon, Essex Operator Location: As Site Address Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Transfer Max Input Rate: Small (Equal to or greater than 10,000 and less than 25,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrenderedCancelled Dated: 1st February 1989 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Applicable Authorised Waste Max.Waste Permitted By Licence Solid Com. + Ind. Non-Haz. Waste Prohibited Waste Clinical Wastes Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes Oils - Alone Or In Admixture

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 62 Licence Holder: Alpheus Environmental Ltd A6NW 283 1 573700 Licence Reference: 301/94 (SW) 190795 Site Location: Basildon S.T.Works, Courtauld Road, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1DB Operator Location: Cambridge Road, BEDFORD, Bedfordshire, MK42 0LL Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Treatment Max Input Rate: Large (Equal to or greater than 75,000 and less than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 1st March 1997 Preceded By 301/94 Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Approximate location provided by supplier Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Non-Special Liquid/Sludge Wastes Prohibited Waste Any Mat'Ls May Aft.Trt Break Dis.Cons. Likely Give Dang.-Fire/Expl/Fumes/Gas Mat'L.Capable Burn.Unsupported At 40 C Mineral Oils Pcb'S And Analogues Persistent Accumulative Organic Cmpds. Spec.Waste (Epa'90:S62/1996 Regs) Waste N.O.S. Waste With Ph < 4 Waste With Ph > 10 Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 62 Licence Holder: Alpheus Environmental Ltd A6NW 283 1 573700 Licence Reference: 301/94 (SW) 190800 Site Location: Basildon S.T.Works, Courtauld Road, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1DB Operator Location: Cambridge Road, BEDFORD, Bedfordshire, MK42 0LL Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Treatment Max Input Rate: Undefined Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Record supersededSuperseded Dated: 17th June 1994 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By 301/94 Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Com. & Ind. Waste Prohibited Waste Any Mat'Ls May Aft.Trt.Break Dis.Cons. Likely Give Dang.-Fire/Explos/Fume/Gas Mat'L Capable Burn.Unsupported At 40 C Pcb'S And Analogues Persistent Accumulative Organic Cmpds. Waste N.O.S. Waste With Ph < 4 Waste With Ph > 10

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 63 Licence Holder: P.G.R. Waste Management Ltd A2NW 487 1 573600 Licence Reference: 331/96 (SW) 190400 Site Location: Archers Field, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1DH Operator Location: Onyx House, 401 Mile End Road, LONDON, Greater London, E3 4PB Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Transfer - with treatment Max Input Rate: Large (Equal to or greater than 75,000 and less than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Operational as far as is knownOperational Dated: 14th May 2001 Preceded By 331/96 Licence: Superseded By Not Given Licence: Positional Accuracy: Approximate location provided by supplier Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Bonded Asbestos Degradable Commercial Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics & Equivalent To 22.09.02) Degradable Household Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics & Equivalent To 22.09.01) Degradable Industrial Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics & Equivalent To 22.09.03) Inert Materials (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics And Equivalent To 21.00.00) Maximum Waste Permitted (From Subs. Charges) Prohibited Waste Liquid Wastes Material With Any Haz.Code In (H1, H2, H3a,H3b,H4,H5,H6) Material With Any Haz.Code In (H8,H9,H10,H11,H12,H13,H14) Metal Waste (As In Post'98 E.A.Lics And Equiv.To 23.00.00) - Except As Items In Com./Ind. Waste Other Waste / Waste Not Otherwise Specified Powders Sludge Wastes Special Waste (As In Epa 1990:S62 Of 1996 Regs) Not Otherwise Specified Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 63 Licence Holder: P.G.R. Waste Management Ltd A2NW 487 1 573600 Licence Reference: 331/96 (SW) 190400 Site Location: Archers Field, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1DH Operator Location: Denbigh Road, Laindon, BASILDON, Essex, SS15 6PY Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Recycling / Reclamation Max Input Rate: Large (Equal to or greater than 75,000 and less than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Record supersededSuperseded Dated: 28th March 1996 Preceded By 176/90 Licence: Superseded By 331/96 Licence: Positional Accuracy: Approximate location provided by supplier Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Dry Waste Contam.With Mineral Oil Except Bonded/Cement Asbestos Max.Storage In Licence Non-Haz. Com. & Ind. Waste Prohibited Waste Clinical Wastes Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes Oils Putrescible Waste Spec.Waste (Epa'90:S62/1996 Regs) Waste N.O.S.

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Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 63 Licence Holder: P.G.R. Waste Management Ltd A2NW 487 1 573600 Licence Reference: 332/96 (SW) 190400 Site Location: Archers Fields, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, Ss13 1dh Operator Location: Denbigh Road, Laindon, BASILDON, Essex, SS15 6PY Authority: Environment Agency - Anglian Region, Eastern Area Site Category: Storage Max Input Rate: Large (Equal to or greater than 75,000 and less than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste Source No known restriction on source of waste Restrictions: Licence Status: Record supersededSuperseded Dated: 28th March 1996 Preceded By Not Given Licence: Superseded By 332/96 Licence: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Boundary Quality: Not Supplied Authorised Waste Max.Storage In Licence Non-Haz. Com. & Ind. Waste Prohibited Waste Clinical Wastes Liquid/Slurry/Sludge Wastes Oils Putrescible Waste Spec.Waste (Epa'90:S62/1996 Regs) Waste N.O.S.

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Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) 64 Name: G B Hard Chrome Ltd A7SW 135 4 574224 Location: 23-25, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 (S) 190528 1LP Reference: Not Supplied Type: Lower Tier Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) 65 Name: Hunt Graphics Europe Ltd A3NE 480 4 574734 Location: Unit 1/5, Watkins Close, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 (SE) 190387 1TL Reference: Not Supplied Type: Lower Tier Status: Record Ceased To Be Supplied Under COMAH Regulations Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) 66 Name: Transco A6SW 442 4 573617 Location: Archers Field, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1DL (SW) 190455 Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology Description: London Clay (S) 0 5 574186 186999 Coal Mining Affected Areas In an area which may not be affected by coal mining Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards No Hazard Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A11SW 0 5 574150 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 191143 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A7NW 0 5 574088 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 191075 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A11SW 0 5 574150 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 191143 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A6NE 23 5 573950 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SW) 190975 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A6SE 58 5 573950 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (S) 190650 Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards No Hazard Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A12SW 0 5 575000 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 191143 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: No Hazard A11SW 0 5 574300 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 191143 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A11SW 0 5 574300 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (E) 191143 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Moderate A6NW 0 5 573625 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SW) 190925 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A10SW 131 5 573575 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (W) 191143 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Very Low A6NW 227 5 573625 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service (SW) 190925 Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas Affected Area: The property is not in a radon affected area, as less than 1% of homes are A12SW 0 5 575000 above the action level (E) 191143 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures Protection Measure: No radon protective measures are necessary in the construction of new A12SW 0 5 575000 dwellings or extensions (E) 191143 Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Shallow Mining Hazards No Hazard

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 67 Name: Rhenus Freight Logistics Ltd A7SW 6 - 574151 Location: Rhenus House,Courtauld Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1RZ (S) 190646 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 68 Name: Friars Pride A7SW 44 - 574198 Location: 30, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190616 Classification: Oils - Edible Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 68 Name: Certex (Uk) Ltd A7SW 45 - 574219 Location: 29, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190619 Classification: Lifting Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 68 Name: Plumblink Ltd A7SW 45 - 574239 Location: 31, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190623 Classification: Distribution Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 68 Name: Friars Pride Ltd A7SW 45 - 574219 Location: 29, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190619 Classification: Oils - Edible Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 69 Name: Inform Display A7SW 47 - 574259 Location: 32, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190626 Classification: Plastic Products - Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 69 Name: S K Sales A7SW 49 - 574288 Location: Unit 31,33 Nobel Sq, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190632 Classification: Ventilators & Ventilation Systems Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 69 Name: Merry Maids A7SW 50 - 574288 Location: 33, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190632 Classification: Cleaning Services - Domestic Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 69 Name: Design In Fabrics A7SW 50 - 574288 Location: 33, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190632 Classification: Soft Furnishings - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 69 Name: Essencia Ltd A7SW 50 - 574288 Location: 33, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190632 Classification: Cosmetic Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 69 Name: Langdon Interiors A7SW 50 - 574288 Location: 33, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190632 Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 69 Name: M H S Boilers (Modular Heating Group) Ltd A7SW 51 - 574329 Location: 35, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (SE) 190639 Classification: Heating Equipment - Sales & Service Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 69 Name: Pembroke Engineering A7SW 51 - 574309 Location: 34, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (SE) 190635 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 69 Name: Dilan Fabrications A7SW 51 - 574329 Location: 35, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (SE) 190639 Classification: Sheet Metal Work Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 69 Name: Klm Ductworks A7SW 51 - 574329 Location: 35, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (SE) 190639 Classification: Sheet Metal Work Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 70 Name: Mulhouse Ltd A7SW 53 - 574350 Location: 36, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (SE) 190642 Classification: Lift Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 71 Name: Collin Burrows Air Conditioning Ltd A7SE 54 - 574422 Location: 9, Josselin Court, Josselin Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, (SE) 190685 SS13 1QF Classification: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 71 Name: A W Fabrications A7SW 60 - 574402 Location: 1, Josslyn Court, Josselin Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, (SE) 190650 SS13 1QE Classification: Metal Products - Fabricated Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 71 Name: Tandem Ltd A7SE 100 - 574465 Location: 3, Rowhedge Close, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QQ (SE) 190668 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 72 Name: Carlton Barclay Group A6NE 67 - 573950 Location: Lords Way, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1TJ (SW) 191013 Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 73 Name: Unique Pools A10SW 68 - 573652 Location: Arterial Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DE (W) 191118 Classification: Swimming Pool Contractors, Repairers & Service Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 74 Name: Tarmac Ltd A7SW 69 - 574114 Location: Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EZ (S) 190576 Classification: Concrete & Mortar Ready Mixed Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 75 Name: Kinswood Electronic Services A7SW 77 - 574404 Location: 2/4, Josselin Court, Josselin Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, (SE) 190632 Essex, SS13 1QE Classification: Telecommunications Equipment & Systems Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 76 Name: Scooby Sports A7SW 95 - 574217 Location: 28, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190568 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 76 Name: Italian Wheel Distribution A7SW 95 - 574217 Location: 28, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190568 Classification: Wheel Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 76 Name: Nobel Autos A7SW 95 - 574217 Location: 28, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190568 Classification: Mot Testing Centres Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 76 Name: British Refractory Metals Manufacturing Co Ltd A7SW 115 - 574220 Location: 27, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190548 Classification: Metal Industries - Primary Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 76 Name: Bingham Precision Engineers Ltd A7SW 115 - 574220 Location: 26, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190548 Classification: Gear Cutters Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 76 Name: G B Hard Chrome Ltd A7SW 135 - 574224 Location: 23-25, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190528 Classification: Metal Finishing Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 76 Name: Spear I T Ltd A7SW 135 - 574224 Location: 24 Nobel Sq, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LT (S) 190528 Classification: Computer Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 77 Name: J & M Print Finishers Ltd A7SW 102 - 574340 Location: 6-7, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LS (SE) 190590 Classification: Print Finishers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 77 Name: Phoenix Biofuels Ltd A7SW 102 - 574340 Location: 6-7, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LS (SE) 190590 Classification: Fuel Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 77 Name: Fine Edge A7SW 112 - 574341 Location: 6, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LS (SE) 190580 Classification: Print Finishers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 77 Name: Hiflex Fluidpower Ltd A7SW 122 - 574343 Location: 5, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LS (SE) 190570 Classification: Hose, Tubing & Fittings Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 77 Name: Bmi Hiflex A7SW 122 - 574343 Location: 5, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LS (SE) 190570 Classification: Hose, Tubing & Fittings Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 77 Name: Scopes A7SW 152 - 574348 Location: 2, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LS (SE) 190540 Classification: Laboratories Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 78 Name: Rarechem Ltd A7SW 104 - 574288 Location: 14, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190575 Classification: Chemicals - Distributors & Wholesalers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 79 Name: C K S Windings A6SE 109 - 573989 Location: 12, Swinborne Court, Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, (S) 190583 Essex, SS13 1QA Classification: Plastics - Injection Moulding Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 79 Name: Express Logistics A6SE 109 - 573989 Location: 12, Swinborne Court, Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, (S) 190583 Essex, SS13 1QA Classification: Distribution Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 79 Name: Micro Jacking Systems Ltd A6SE 120 - 573958 Location: 14, Swinborne Court, Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, (S) 190577 Essex, SS13 1QA Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: Ambassador (Cooked Meats) Ltd A7SW 122 - 574302 Location: 12-13, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LS (S) 190560 Classification: Meat Product Manufacturers & Wholesalers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: Kingfishers (Wickford) Ltd A7SW 129 - 574271 Location: 18, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190544 Classification: Print Finishers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: Hayward & Scott A7SW 132 - 574303 Location: 11, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LS (S) 190550 Classification: Classic Car Specialists Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: Rayleigh Engineering Ltd A7SW 138 - 574272 Location: 19, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190535 Classification: Tool Design, Manufacturers & Makers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: Clensta Janitorial Products A7SW 147 - 574274 Location: 20, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190526 Classification: Cleaning Materials & Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: Thomas P Headland Ltd A7SW 147 - 574274 Location: 20, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190526 Classification: Engineering Materials Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: A I S A7SW 147 - 574274 Location: 20, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190526 Classification: Control Panels Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: A I S (Southern) Ltd A7SW 148 - 574274 Location: 20 Nobel Sq, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190526 Classification: Control Panel Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: P W E Coatings A7SW 152 - 574305 Location: 9, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LS (S) 190530 Classification: Spraying - Paint & Coatings Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: C F Thompson A7SW 157 - 574275 Location: 21, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190516 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 80 Name: County Radiators Ltd A7SW 157 - 574275 Location: 21, Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LP (S) 190516 Classification: Car Radiator Servicing & Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 81 Name: Domino Promotions (Uk) Ltd A7SE 123 - 574470 Location: Unit 1, Rowhedge Close, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QQ (SE) 190630 Classification: Screen Process Printers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 81 Name: C K C A7SE 124 - 574445 Location: 14, Josselin Court, Josselin Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, (SE) 190602 Essex, SS13 1QF Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 81 Name: C H Motors A7SE 132 - 574460 Location: 16, Josselin Court, Josselin Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, (SE) 190605 Essex, SS13 1QF Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 82 Name: Phoenix Freight International Ltd A7SW 155 - 574093 Location: Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1EF (S) 190492 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 82 Name: Priorities Ltd A7SW 180 - 574131 Location: Swinbourne Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EF (S) 190466 Classification: Furniture Manufacturers - Home & Office Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 82 Name: Tarmac A7SW 180 - 574138 Location: Swinbourne Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EZ (S) 190467 Classification: Concrete & Mortar Ready Mixed Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 82 Name: Seba Logistics Ltd A7SW 180 - 574145 Location: Swinbourne Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EH (S) 190468 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 83 Name: Kolorsol A7NE 159 - 574578 Location: Unit 2, Hovefields Court, Hovefields Avenue, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EB (SE) 190810 Classification: PVC-U Products - Manufacturers & Suppliers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 83 Name: 1st Far Services A7NE 159 - 574578 Location: Unit 2, Hovefields Court, Hovefields Avenue, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EB (SE) 190810 Classification: Catering Equipment - Servicing & Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 83 Name: T W O Services Ltd A7NE 159 - 574578 Location: Unit 2, Hovefields Court, Hovefields Avenue, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EB (SE) 190810 Classification: Commercial Cleaning Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 83 Name: Newman International Ltd A7NE 177 - 574595 Location: Unit 1, Hovefields Court, Hovefields Avenue, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EB (SE) 190804 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 83 Name: Interface Marketing Logistics A7NE 177 - 574595 Location: Unit 1, Hovefields Court, Hovefields Avenue, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EB (SE) 190804 Classification: Distribution Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 83 Name: Anglo Greek A7NE 177 - 574595 Location: Unit 1, Hovefields Court, Hovefields Avenue, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EB (SE) 190804 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 84 Name: M G & A Engineering Ltd A6SE 165 - 574002 Location: 6,Swinbourne Court,Swinbourne Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 (S) 190524 1QA Classification: Gear Cutters Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 84 Name: A-One A6SE 177 - 573997 Location: Unit 4, Swinborne Court, Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, (S) 190513 Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QA Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 84 Name: Russell Gauges A6SE 208 - 573970 Location: Unit 5,Swinborne Court,Swinbourne Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, (S) 190486 SS13 1QA Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 84 Name: Xcel Print Finishers A6SE 220 - 573994 Location: Unit 1 & 12 Swinborne Court, Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, (S) 190461 Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QA Classification: Print Finishers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 84 Name: H D Ltd A6SE 220 - 573994 Location: 1,Swinborne Ct,Swinbourne Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 (S) 190460 1QA Classification: Print Finishers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 85 Name: Wollaston Steel Engineering Ltd A7SE 173 - 574533 Location: 2-4, Rowhedge Close, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QQ (SE) 190639 Classification: Sheet Metal Work Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 85 Name: Gardner Aerospace Ltd A7SE 173 - 574533 Location: 2-4, Rowhedge Close, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QQ (SE) 190639 Classification: Sheet Metal Work Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 86 Name: Motor Aid A6SE 173 - 573930 Location: Unit 5 & 6,Burnt Mills Indust Est,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DA (S) 190530 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 87 Name: Another Vehicle Repair Centre A11NE 185 - 574474 Location: Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191646 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 87 Name: R J Watling A11NE 188 - 574474 Location: Anderson Ind Park,Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191653 Classification: Car Breakdown & Recovery Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 87 Name: D H Motors A11NE 189 - 574474 Location: Lower Park Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191656 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 87 Name: J M A Refinishers A11NE 206 - 574476 Location: Andersons Yd,Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191686 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 87 Name: Suffex Motor Services A11NE 224 - 574462 Location: Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191731 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 87 Name: Mek Lift Fork Trucks A11NE 234 - 574478 Location: Unit 23 Andersons Yard,Lower Park Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191730 Classification: Fork Lift Trucks Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 87 Name: Anglian Commutators A11NE 236 - 574478 Location: 19,Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191732 Classification: Electric Motor Sales & Service Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 87 Name: Robinson Vehicle Services A11NE 237 - 574478 Location: Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191734 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 88 Name: S T I Global Logistics Ltd A6NW 185 - 573561 Location: 1, Lords Court, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1SS (W) 191045 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 89 Name: Packaging Aids Ltd A6NE 186 - 573762 Location: 1, Lords Way, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1TN (SW) 190957 Classification: Packaging & Wrapping Equipment & Supplies Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 89 Name: Power Adhesives Ltd A6NE 188 - 573755 Location: 1, Lords Way, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1TN (SW) 190956 Classification: Adhesives, Glues & Sealants Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 90 Name: Kingswood Precision Engineering Ltd A7SW 190 - 574080 Location: Swinbourne Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EF (S) 190458 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 91 Name: Hovefields Service Station A7NE 198 - 574663 Location: Arterial Road, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9HZ (E) 190987 Classification: Petrol Filling Stations - 24 Hour Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 92 Name: South Essex Tarmac A11NE 200 - 574495 Location: Southview, Lower Park Road, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191630 Classification: Asphalt & Coated Macadam Laying Contractors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 93 Name: Coolrec A6SE 201 - 573875 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QJ (S) 190527 Classification: Recycling Centres Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 94 Name: D W S A7NE 207 - 574637 Location: Hovefields Av, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EB (SE) 190834 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 94 Name: On Time Logistics A7NE 208 - 574637 Location: The Nore Est,Hovefields Av, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EB (SE) 190832 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 95 Name: Allthread Plastics Ltd A3NW 220 - 574131 Location: Ridley Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EG (S) 190425 Classification: Plastic Products - Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 95 Name: Meadows Forklifts A3NW 228 - 574168 Location: Ridley Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EG (S) 190423 Classification: Fork Lift Trucks Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 95 Name: C Bray A3NW 245 - 574171 Location: Ridley Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EG (S) 190406 Classification: Glass Engravers & Decorators Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 95 Name: Burnt Mills A3NW 274 - 574162 Location: Ridley Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EG (S) 190376 Classification: Mot Testing Centres Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 96 Name: Boc A7SW 223 - 574197 Location: Ridley Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EG (S) 190434 Classification: Gas Suppliers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 97 Name: Precision Louvre Co Ltd A7SW 226 - 574278 Location: Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EH (S) 190446 Classification: Lighting Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 98 Name: Wollaston Steel Engineering Ltd A7SE 228 - 574597 Location: Unit 5 & 9, Wollaston Crescent, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QD (SE) 190670 Classification: Sheet Metal Work Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 98 Name: Rolltech Ltd A7SE 237 - 574594 Location: Unit 4, Wollaston Crescent, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QD (SE) 190622 Classification: Aluminium Fabricators Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 98 Name: Equipment Solutions A7SE 256 - 574609 Location: Unit 6, Wollaston Crescent, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QD (SE) 190609 Classification: Garage Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 98 Name: Equipment Solutions Europe A7SE 256 - 574609 Location: Unit 6, Wollaston Crescent, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QD (SE) 190609 Classification: Garage Equipment Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 98 Name: Ideal Reprographics Eastern Ltd A7SE 263 - 574630 Location: Unit 8, Wollaston Crescent, Burnt Mills, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QD (SE) 190652 Classification: Photocopiers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 98 Name: Ideal Group A7SE 263 - 574630 Location: Unit 8, Wollaston Crescent, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QD (SE) 190652 Classification: Photocopiers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 98 Name: Wollaston Engineering A7SE 279 - 574644 Location: Unit 11, Wollaston Crescent, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QD (SE) 190643 Classification: Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 99 Name: Martinrea A6SE 228 - 574003 Location: Swinbourne Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EF (S) 190446 Classification: Car Component Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 100 Name: Gazzard Engineering Ltd A3NW 232 - 574232 Location: Rayridge House, Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, (S) 190431 Essex, SS13 1EH Classification: Engineers - General Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 101 Name: G K M Aerospace Ltd A7SE 235 - 574571 Location: 2, Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190578 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 101 Name: Gardner Aerospace Basildon A7SE 235 - 574571 Location: 2, Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190578 Classification: Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 102 Name: Minirecon A11NE 240 - 574478 Location: Andersons Ind Pk,Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191738 Classification: Car Customisation & Conversion Specialists Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 102 Name: B S T Motorcraft A11NE 241 - 574478 Location: Unit 21-22 Andersons Indust Park,Lower Park Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191740 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 102 Name: Crimsonwood Services Ltd A11NE 264 - 574482 Location: 17 Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191768 Classification: Electric Motor Sales & Service Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 102 Name: Andersons Contracts A11NE 269 - 574482 Location: Lower Park Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191774 Classification: Asphalt & Coated Macadam Laying Contractors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 103 Name: Sketchley Retail Ltd A6NW 241 - 573510 Location: Cricketers Retail Pk,Cricketers Way, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1SA (W) 191020 Classification: Dry Cleaners Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 104 Name: Phoenix Freight International Ltd A2NE 250 - 574005 Location: Swinbourne Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EF (S) 190420 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 104 Name: C Stokes Road Haulage Ltd A2NE 250 - 574004 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DF (S) 190420 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 105 Name: Galea Cam Chain Services A11NE 250 - 574534 Location: Unit 15,Andersons Ind Park,Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191671 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 105 Name: Wickford Car & Commercial Dismantlers A11NE 251 - 574536 Location: The Yard,Anderson Ind Park, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191668 Classification: Car Breakdown & Recovery Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 105 Name: Cyclone Motorsport A11NE 256 - 574541 Location: Unit 21,Andersons Ind Est,Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191670 Classification: Car Customisation & Conversion Specialists Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 106 Name: M L R Engineering Ltd A7SE 267 - 574575 Location: 79, Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190530 Classification: Grinding Equipment & Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 106 Name: A1 Automotive A7SE 269 - 574556 Location: Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190507 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 106 Name: Newbridge Accident Repair Centre Ltd A7SE 282 - 574580 Location: 78, Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190512 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 106 Name: Moonlight Uk A7SE 283 - 574580 Location: 80 Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190512 Classification: Photo & Digital Imaging Bureaus Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 107 Name: Recall A6SE 271 - 573887 Location: Harvey Cl, Pitsea, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EY (S) 190442 Classification: Shredding Equipment & Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 107 Name: P R Paper Services Ltd A6SE 274 - 573877 Location: Unit 7-9 Harvey Cl, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1BJ (S) 190443 Classification: Shredding Equipment & Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 107 Name: Recall Sds Ltd A6SE 284 - 573859 Location: Unit 6-10a,Harvey Cl, Pitsea, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EY (S) 190440 Classification: Shredding Equipment & Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 108 Name: Bowler Group A3NW 272 - 574274 Location: Unit A, Harvey Business Park, Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1FH (S) 190398 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 109 Name: Burnt Mills Auto Services A3NW 276 - 574252 Location: 2a Han Ho,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EP (S) 190390 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 109 Name: Century Salvage Sales Ltd A3NW 276 - 574252 Location: Han House,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EP (S) 190390 Classification: Salvage Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 109 Name: Mountfield Services Ltd A3NW 285 - 574235 Location: Unit 5, Han House, Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EP (S) 190378 Classification: Stairlifts - Manufacturers & Installers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 109 Name: Smiths Engines A3NW 293 - 574220 Location: Ridley Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EG (S) 190366 Classification: Engine Rebuilding & Reconditioning Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 109 Name: Century Salvage Sales Ltd A3NW 294 - 574238 Location: 7, Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EP (S) 190369 Classification: Salvage Dealers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 109 Name: Sealant Techniques Ltd A3NW 295 - 574256 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EP (S) 190372 Classification: Gum & Resin Manufacturers & Distributors Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 109 Name: Seitz A3NW 316 - 574233 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EP (S) 190346 Classification: Laundry & Dry Cleaning Supplies Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 109 Name: Firstek Ltd A3NW 316 - 574232 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EP (S) 190346 Classification: Sheet Metal Work Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 109 Name: Straightline A3NW 317 - 574253 Location: Off Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EP (S) 190348 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 110 Name: R F V Spares A15SE 279 - 574482 Location: The Yard,Andersons Ind Park,Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191788 Classification: Car Breakers & Dismantlers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 110 Name: Craig Bradbrook A15SE 299 - 574484 Location: 27 Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191812 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 110 Name: Suffex Ltd A15SE 303 - 574484 Location: Lower Pk Rd, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191816 Classification: Car Breakdown & Recovery Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 111 Name: Truck & Trailer A2NE 287 - 573950 Location: Unit 8 Nevendon Trading Est,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DA (S) 190408 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 111 Name: Waste Control A2NE 310 - 573956 Location: Unit 8,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DG (S) 190378 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 112 Name: P Copping Ltd A3NW 288 - 574382 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EP (S) 190409 Classification: Laundry & Dry Cleaning Supplies Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 113 Name: Balin Distribution Ltd A2NE 308 - 574075 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DF (S) 190339 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 113 Name: Balin Distribution Ltd A2NE 308 - 574075 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DF (S) 190339 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 113 Name: Lorrford Eurospan Ltd A2NE 308 - 574075 Location: Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1YY (S) 190339 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 114 Name: Rim Plastics Technology Ltd A7SE 309 - 574648 Location: 1 Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190564 Classification: Plastics - Injection Moulding Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 115 Name: Somerset Country Foods Ltd A8NW 315 - 574764 Location: Unit C3, Hovefields Avenue, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EB (SE) 190850 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Phoenix Mot Centre A2NE 318 - 573853 Location: 4, Harvey Close, Pitsea, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EY (S) 190406 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Merc Aid A2NE 330 - 573873 Location: Unit 5-6,Nevendon Trading Est,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DA (S) 190384 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: G S L A2NE 331 - 573874 Location: Unit 1,Nevendon Trading Est,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DA (S) 190382 Classification: Fork Lift Trucks Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Walkers Autos A2NE 334 - 573872 Location: Unit 3f,Nevendon Trading Est,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DA (S) 190380 Classification: Car Body Repairs Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Cats Tyres A2NE 336 - 573860 Location: Unit 3,Burnt Mills Ind Est,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QJ (S) 190383 Classification: Tyre Repairs & Retreading Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: D & R Finishers A2NE 342 - 573856 Location: Unit E, Nevendon Trading Estate, Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DA (S) 190377 Classification: Print Finishers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Shredding.Com Ltd A2NE 345 - 573845 Location: Harvey Close, Pitsea, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EY (S) 190380 Classification: Shredding Equipment & Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: E S S Logistics Ltd A2NE 368 - 573855 Location: Unit 2-4,Nevendon Trading Est,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DA (S) 190350 Classification: Distribution Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 116 Name: Norlaw A2NE 388 - 573842 Location: Unit 3D,Nevendon Trading Est,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DA (S) 190334 Classification: Print Finishers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: Ecotherm A2NE 320 - 574032 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QJ (S) 190336 Classification: Insulation Materials Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: Bsg Buildbase A2NE 320 - 574032 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QJ (S) 190336 Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: Bsg Builders Merchants Ltd A2NE 320 - 574032 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QJ (S) 190336 Classification: Builders' Merchants Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: R A Motors Ltd A2NE 320 - 574032 Location: Unit 1-4, Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QJ (S) 190336 Classification: Car Breakers & Dismantlers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: H & B Scaffolding Group A2NE 320 - 574032 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QJ (S) 190336 Classification: Scaffolding & Work Platforms Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: Image Optics Components A2NE 331 - 574063 Location: Image Ho,Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1ES (S) 190318 Classification: Optical Goods - Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: Road Transport Solutions A2NE 334 - 574053 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1ES (S) 190316 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: Basildon Diesel Services Ltd A2NE 335 - 574052 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1ES (S) 190316 Classification: Fuel Injection Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: A S A P A2NE 339 - 574040 Location: Unit 8,Harvey Road,Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DQ (S) 190314 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: F I E S A2NE 339 - 574042 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1ES (S) 190314 Classification: Diesel Engine Equipment & Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: Eco Therm Insulation (Uk) Ltd A2NE 341 - 574036 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QJ (S) 190313 Classification: Insulation Materials Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: George H Vaughan Contractors Ltd A2NE 343 - 574030 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1ES (S) 190312 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: George H Vaughan Contractors Ltd A2NE 343 - 574030 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1ES (S) 190312 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: Image Optics Components A2NE 344 - 574028 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1ES (S) 190312 Classification: Optical Goods - Manufacturers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 117 Name: Fuel Injection Equipment Services Ltd A2NE 374 - 574034 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1ES (S) 190279 Classification: Diesel Engine Equipment & Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 118 Name: Moonlight Uk A7SE 320 - 574613 Location: 80 Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190493 Classification: Photo & Digital Imaging Bureaus Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 118 Name: B & W Sheet Metal Co A7SE 331 - 574588 Location: Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190452 Classification: Sheet Metal Work Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 119 Name: P & L A3NW 323 - 574346 Location: Harvey Rd, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EP (S) 190364 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 120 Name: Bizzib Cleaning Specialists A3NE 335 - 574490 Location: Unit 2,Essex House,Josselin Rd, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 (SE) 190389 1EL Classification: Commercial Cleaning Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 121 Name: Motoraid Ltd A2NE 343 - 573789 Location: 6-10, Harvey Close, Pitsea, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EY (S) 190414 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 122 Name: Contacta A7SE 345 - 574660 Location: 3 Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Ind Est, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190514 Classification: Disability Equipment - Manufacturers & Suppliers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 123 Name: R F V Tyres A15SE 366 - 574525 Location: Unit 26,Andersons Ind Park, Wickford, Essex, SS12 9EJ (NE) 191864 Classification: Garage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 124 Name: Hellman Worldwide Logistics A3NW 385 - 574161 Location: Bowler House, Harvey Road, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1ET (S) 190263 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 125 Name: Raycom Marketing Services A3NW 386 - 574412 Location: The Pavilion, Josselin Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, (S) 190314 SS13 1QB Classification: Brewers' Equipment & Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 126 Name: European Spedition Ltd A3NW 389 - 574232 Location: Bowler House, Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DD (S) 190271 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 126 Name: Bespoke Logistics A3NW 389 - 574232 Location: Bowler House, Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DD (S) 190271 Classification: Freight Forwarders Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 126 Name: T J Hammond A3NW 389 - 574232 Location: Bowler House, Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DD (S) 190271 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 127 Name: Amalgamated Sheet Metal & Engineering Co Ltd A3NW 389 - 574330 Location: 8, Thomasin Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1LG (S) 190291 Classification: Sheet Metal Work Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 128 Name: P H Transport A7SE 392 - 574734 Location: Unit 5, Ryder Way, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QH (SE) 190555 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 128 Name: Waterjet Profiles Ltd A7SE 417 - 574746 Location: Unit 9, Ryder Way, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QH (SE) 190520 Classification: Engineers - General Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 129 Name: E S L Engineeers Ltd A3NE 405 - 574663 Location: Wollaston Way, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DJ (SE) 190421 Classification: Precision Engineers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 130 Name: Bobs Skip Hire A2NW 420 - 573726 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QJ (SW) 190365 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 131 Name: K F Freight A3NE 424 - 574418 Location: Josselin Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EW (S) 190277 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 131 Name: Nightline A3NW 428 - 574382 Location: Josselin Road, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QE (S) 190265 Classification: Road Haulage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: Hanabi Ventures Ltd A3NE 445 - 574541 Location: Unit 6, Brittania Court, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EU (SE) 190291 Classification: Cosmetic Manufacturers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: Apg Appliance Service Repair Ltd A3NE 445 - 574541 Location: Unit 6, Brittania Court, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EU (SE) 190291 Classification: Domestic Appliances - Servicing, Repairs & Parts Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: Direct Sealants Ltd A3NE 451 - 574509 Location: Unit 16, Brittania Court, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EU (SE) 190272 Classification: Gum & Resin Manufacturers & Distributors Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: Alert Fire Ltd A3NE 458 - 574508 Location: Unit 18,Brittania Ct, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EU (SE) 190264 Classification: Firefighting Equipment Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 132 Name: D & K Facilities Maintenance Ltd A3NE 476 - 574545 Location: Unit 11, Brittania Court, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EU (SE) 190258 Classification: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned in the proximity of the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 133 Name: Billet Auto Sales Ltd A6SW 455 - 573582 Location: Archers Fields, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1DN (SW) 190489 Classification: Commercial Vehicle Dealers Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 134 Name: Europress Ltd A3NE 456 - 574658 Location: 2, Buckwins Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1BJ (SE) 190349 Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 134 Name: Red Oak Roller Promotions Ltd A3NE 465 - 574653 Location: 4, Buckwins Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1BJ (SE) 190332 Classification: T-Shirts Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 134 Name: Armstrong Contracts (Se) Ltd A3NE 465 - 574653 Location: 4, Buckwins Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1BJ (SE) 190332 Classification: Carpet, Curtain & Upholstery Cleaners Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 134 Name: Prestige Engineering A3NE 475 - 574627 Location: 8, Buckwins Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1BJ (SE) 190302 Classification: Engineering Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 135 Name: Zone Environmental A15SW 457 - 574271 Location: 232, Nevendon Road, Wickford, Essex, SS12 0PU (N) 192030 Classification: Waste Disposal Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 136 Name: Supasnaps A5NE 459 - 573352 Location: Cricketers Retail Pk,Cricketers Way, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1SA (W) 190868 Classification: Photographic Processors Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 137 Name: Hsl (London) A3NE 463 - 574594 Location: Unit 7, Brittania Court, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EU (SE) 190297 Classification: Meat - Wholesale Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 137 Name: H S L London Ltd A3NE 463 - 574594 Location: Unit 1/5, Brittania Court, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EU (SE) 190297 Classification: Meat Product Manufacturers & Wholesalers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 137 Name: B S T Printers A3NE 463 - 574594 Location: Unit 1/7, Brittania Court, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1EU (SE) 190297 Classification: Printers Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 138 Name: Avilion Plating Ltd A3NE 477 - 574699 Location: 1, Buckwins Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1BJ (SE) 190356 Classification: Metal Finishing Services Status: Inactive Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 138 Name: Neschen (Uk) Ltd A3NE 480 - 574734 Location: Unit 1-5, Watkins Close, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 (SE) 190387 1TL Classification: Distribution Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 138 Name: Neschen Coating (Uk) Ltd A3NE 480 - 574734 Location: Unit 1-5, Watkins Close, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 (SE) 190387 1TL Classification: Coating Specialists Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 139 Name: Ecotherm Ltd A2NE 487 - 573789 Location: Harvey Road, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1QJ (S) 190248 Classification: Insulation Materials Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 140 Name: B M Aid Cars A3NE 490 - 574705 Location: 3, Buckwins Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1BJ (SE) 190344 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 140 Name: Motor Aid Cars A3NE 490 - 574705 Location: 3, Buckwins Square, Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1BJ (SE) 190344 Classification: Garage Services Status: Active Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Fuel Station Entries 141 Name: Hovefield Service Station A7NE 198 - 574663 Location: Arterial Road, WICKFORD, Essex, SS12 9HZ (E) 190987 Brand: Jet Premises Type: Petrol Station Status: Open Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Fuel Station Entries 142 Name: Sainsburys East Mayne A5NE 466 - 573295 Location: Cricketers Way, Nevendon, BASILDON, Essex, SS13 1SA (W) 190941 Brand: Sainsburys Premises Type: Hypermarket Status: Open Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Areas of Adopted Green Belt 143 Authority: Basildon District Council A6NE 0 6 574068 Plan Name: Basildon District Local Plan (S) 191043 Status: Adopted Plan Date: 25th March 1998 Areas of Unadopted Green Belt 144 Authority: Basildon District Council A6NE 0 6 574069 Plan Name: Basildon District Replacement Local Plan (S) 191043 Status: Revised Deposit Plan Date: 31st July 2005

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Agency & Hydrological Version Update Cycle

Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices Basildon District Council - Environmental Health Department April 2009 Annual Rolling Update Chelmsford Borough Council - Environmental Health Department December 2008 Annual Rolling Update Borough Council - Environmental Health Services June 2009 Annual Rolling Update Rochford District Council - Environmental Health Department May 2009 Annual Rolling Update Discharge Consents Environment Agency - Anglian Region July 2009 Quarterly Enforcement and Prohibition Notices Environment Agency - Anglian Region October 2009 As notified Integrated Pollution Controls Environment Agency - Anglian Region October 2008 Not Applicable Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Environment Agency - Anglian Region July 2009 Quarterly Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Basildon District Council - Environmental Health Department August 2009 Annual Rolling Update Castle Point Borough Council - Environmental Health Services February 2009 Annual Rolling Update Chelmsford Borough Council - Environmental Health Department February 2009 Annual Rolling Update London Port Health Authority - Environmental Services January 2009 Annual Rolling Update Rochford District Council - Environmental Health Department May 2009 Annual Rolling Update Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls Basildon District Council - Environmental Health Department August 2009 Annual Rolling Update Castle Point Borough Council - Environmental Health Services February 2009 Annual Rolling Update Chelmsford Borough Council - Environmental Health Department February 2009 Annual Rolling Update London Port Health Authority - Environmental Services January 2009 Annual Rolling Update Rochford District Council - Environmental Health Department May 2009 Annual Rolling Update Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements Basildon District Council - Environmental Health Department August 2009 Annual Rolling Update Castle Point Borough Council - Environmental Health Services February 2009 Annual Rolling Update London Port Health Authority - Environmental Services January 2009 Annual Rolling Update Rochford District Council - Environmental Health Department June 2008 Annual Rolling Update Chelmsford Borough Council - Environmental Health Department March 2007 Annual Rolling Update Nearest Surface Water Feature Ordnance Survey May 2009 Quarterly Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters Environment Agency - Anglian Region September 1999 Not Applicable Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes Environment Agency - Anglian Region October 2009 As notified Environment Agency - Southern Region October 2009 As notified Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters Environment Agency - Anglian Region October 2009 As notified Registered Radioactive Substances Environment Agency - Anglian Region July 2009 Quarterly River Quality Environment Agency - Head Office November 2001 Not Applicable River Quality Biology Sampling Points Environment Agency - Head Office January 2009 Annually River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points Environment Agency - Head Office January 2009 Annually Substantiated Pollution Incident Register Environment Agency - Anglian Region - Eastern Area July 2009 Quarterly Water Abstractions Environment Agency - Anglian Region July 2009 Quarterly

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Agency & Hydrological Version Update Cycle

Water Industry Act Referrals Environment Agency - Anglian Region July 2009 Quarterly Groundwater Vulnerability Environment Agency - Head Office January 1999 Not Applicable Drift Deposits Environment Agency - Head Office January 1999 Not Applicable Source Protection Zones Environment Agency - Head Office May 2009 Variable Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Environment Agency - Head Office September 2009 Quarterly Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Environment Agency - Head Office September 2009 Quarterly Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences Environment Agency - Head Office September 2009 Quarterly Flood Water Storage Areas Environment Agency - Head Office September 2009 Quarterly Flood Defences Environment Agency - Head Office September 2009 Quarterly

Waste Version Update Cycle

BGS Recorded Landfill Sites British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 1996 Not Applicable Historical Landfill Sites Environment Agency - Anglian Region - Eastern Area August 2009 Quarterly Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites Environment Agency - Anglian Region October 2008 Not Applicable Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries) Environment Agency - Anglian Region - Eastern Area July 2009 Quarterly Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) Environment Agency - Anglian Region - Eastern Area July 2009 Quarterly Local Authority Landfill Coverage Basildon District Council May 2000 Not Applicable Castle Point Borough Council - Environmental Health Services May 2000 Not Applicable Chelmsford Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Essex County Council May 2000 Not Applicable Rochford District Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites Basildon District Council May 2000 Not Applicable Castle Point Borough Council - Environmental Health Services May 2000 Not Applicable Chelmsford Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 Not Applicable Rochford District Council - Environmental Health Department May 2003 Not Applicable Essex County Council November 2004 Not Applicable Registered Landfill Sites Environment Agency - Anglian Region - Eastern Area March 2003 Not Applicable Registered Waste Transfer Sites Environment Agency - Anglian Region - Eastern Area March 2003 Not Applicable Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites Environment Agency - Anglian Region - Eastern Area March 2003 Not Applicable

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Hazardous Substances Version Update Cycle

Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) Health and Safety Executive April 2009 Bi-Annually Explosive Sites Health and Safety Executive January 2009 Bi-Annually Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) Health and Safety Executive November 2000 Not Applicable Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements Essex County Council December 2008 Annual Rolling Update London Port Health Authority - Environmental Services January 2008 Annual Rolling Update Chelmsford Borough Council June 2009 Annual Rolling Update Castle Point Borough Council May 2009 Annual Rolling Update Basildon District Council October 2009 Annual Rolling Update Rochford District Council - Planning Services September 2009 Annual Rolling Update Planning Hazardous Substance Consents Essex County Council December 2008 Annual Rolling Update London Port Health Authority - Environmental Services January 2008 Annual Rolling Update Chelmsford Borough Council June 2009 Annual Rolling Update Castle Point Borough Council May 2009 Annual Rolling Update Basildon District Council October 2009 Annual Rolling Update Rochford District Council - Planning Services September 2009 Annual Rolling Update

Geological Version Update Cycle

BGS Recorded Mineral Sites British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service April 2009 Bi-Annually BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service August 1996 Not Applicable Brine Compensation Area Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board November 2002 As notified Coal Mining Affected Areas The Coal Authority - Mining Report Service January 2006 As notified Mining Instability Ove Arup & Partners October 2000 Not Applicable Natural and Mining Cavities Peter Brett Associates April 2009 Variable Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2009 Annually Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2009 Annually Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2009 Annually Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2009 Annually Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2009 Annually Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2009 Annually Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service May 2007 As notified Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service May 2007 As notified Shallow Mining Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service August 2002 Not Applicable

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Industrial Land Use Version Update Cycle

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries Thomson Directories September 2009 Quarterly Fuel Station Entries Catalist Ltd - (Fuel Station Data) August 2009 Quarterly

Sensitive Land Use Version Update Cycle

Areas of Adopted Green Belt Chelmsford Borough Council April 1997 As notified Rochford District Council - Planning Services June 2006 As notified Basildon District Council March 1998 As notified Castle Point Borough Council November 1998 As notified Areas of Unadopted Green Belt Chelmsford Borough Council April 1997 As notified Basildon District Council July 2005 As notified Rochford District Council - Planning Services May 2004 As notified Castle Point Borough Council November 1998 As notified Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Natural England June 2009 Bi-Annually Environmentally Sensitive Areas Natural England June 2009 Annually Forest Parks Forestry Commission April 1997 Not Applicable Local Nature Reserves Natural England June 2009 Bi-Annually Marine Nature Reserves Natural England September 2009 Bi-Annually National Nature Reserves Natural England June 2009 Bi-Annually National Parks Natural England June 2009 Bi-Annually Nitrate Sensitive Areas Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) December 2003 Not Applicable Nitrate Vulnerable Zones Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) February 2009 Annually Ramsar Sites Natural England June 2009 Bi-Annually Sites of Special Scientific Interest Natural England June 2009 Bi-Annually Special Areas of Conservation Natural England June 2009 Bi-Annually Special Protection Areas Natural England June 2009 Bi-Annually

Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Date: 27-Oct-2009 rpr_ec_datasheet v42.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 45 of 47 Data Suppliers

A selection of organisations who provide data within this report

Data Supplier Data Supplier Logo

Ordnance Survey

Environment Agency

Scottish Environment Protection Agency

The Coal Authority

British Geological Survey

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Countryside Council for Wales

Scottish Natural Heritage

Natural England

Health Protection Agency

Ove Arup

Peter Brett Associates

Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Date: 27-Oct-2009 rpr_ec_datasheet v42.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 46 of 47 Useful Contacts

Contact Name and Address Contact Details

1 Environment Agency - National Customer Contact Telephone: 08708 506 506 Centre (NCCC) Email: [email protected] PO Box 544, Templeborough, Rotherham, S60 1BY

2 Basildon District Council - Environmental Health Telephone: 01268 294258 Fax: 01268 294162 Department Email: [email protected] The Basildon Centre, St Martins Square, Basildon, Essex, SS14 1DL Website:

3 Basildon District Council Telephone: 01268 294155 Fax: 01268 294162 The Basildon Centre, St Martins Square, Basildon, Essex, SS14 1DL Website:

4 Health and Safety Executive Telephone: 08701 545500 Fax: 02920 859260 HSE Infoline, Caerphilly Business Park, Caerphilly, CF83 3GG Email: [email protected] Website:

5 British Geological Survey - Enquiry Service Telephone: 0115 936 3143 Fax: 0115 936 3276 British Geological Survey, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, Email: [email protected] Nottinghamshire, NG12 5GG Website:

6 Basildon District Council Telephone: 01268 533333 Fax: 01268 294162 The Basildon Centre, Pagel Mead, Basildon, Essex, SS14 1DL Website:

7 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Telephone: 0113 2613333 (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) Fax: 0113 230 0879 Government Buildings, Otley Road, Lawnswood, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS16 5QT

8 Essex County Council Telephone: 01245 492211 Website: County Hall, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1YS

- Health Protection Agency - Radon Survey, Centre for Telephone: 01235 822622 Fax: 01235 833891 Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards Email: [email protected] Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RQ Website:

- Landmark Information Group Limited Telephone: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 The Smith Centre, Henley On Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 6AB Email: [email protected] Website:

Please note that the Environment Agency / SEPA have a charging policy in place for enquiries.

Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Date: 27-Oct-2009 rpr_ec_datasheet v42.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 47 of 47 Site Sensitivity Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Plot Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 1 of 4 Site Sensitivity Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Plot Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 2 of 4 Site Sensitivity Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Plot Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 3 of 4 Site Sensitivity Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Plot Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 4 of 4 Groundwater Vulnerability

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v12.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 1 of 3 Source Protection Zones

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v12.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 2 of 3 Sensitive Land Uses

Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v12.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 3 of 3 Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan, Additional SIMs and Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Historical Mapping & Photography included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg Essex 1:2,500 1874 2 Essex 1:2,500 1896 - 1897 3 Essex 1:2,500 1922 4 Essex 1:2,500 1939 5 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1956 - 1957 6 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1967 - 1990 7 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1968 - 1969 8 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:2,500 1973 9 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:2,500 1976 10 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1978 - 1989 11 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1981 - 1989 12 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1982 - 1989 13 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1982 - 1992 14 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1982 - 1993 15 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1983 - 1990 16 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1985 - 1992 17 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1987 18 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1990 19 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1993 20 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1993 21 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1993 - 1996 22 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1996 23 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1996 24

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 1 of 24 Essex Published 1874 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 2 of 24 Essex Published 1896 - 1897 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 3 of 24 Essex Published 1922 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 4 of 24 Essex Published 1939 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 5 of 24 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1956 - 1957 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 6 of 24 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1967 - 1990 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 7 of 24 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1968 - 1969 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 8 of 24 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information Published 1973 Source map scale - 1:2,500 SUSI maps (Supply of Unpublished Survey Information) were produced between 1972 and 1977, mainly for internal use at Ordnance Survey. These were more of a `work-in-progress' plan as they showed updates of individual areas on a map. These maps were unpublished, and they do not represent a single moment in time. They were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 9 of 24 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information Published 1976 Source map scale - 1:2,500 SUSI maps (Supply of Unpublished Survey Information) were produced between 1972 and 1977, mainly for internal use at Ordnance Survey. These were more of a `work-in-progress' plan as they showed updates of individual areas on a map. These maps were unpublished, and they do not represent a single moment in time. They were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 10 of 24 Additional SIMs Published 1978 - 1989 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 11 of 24 Additional SIMs Published 1981 - 1989 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 12 of 24 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1982 - 1989 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 13 of 24 Additional SIMs Published 1982 - 1992 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 14 of 24 Additional SIMs Published 1982 - 1993 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 15 of 24 Additional SIMs Published 1983 - 1990 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 16 of 24 Additional SIMs Published 1985 - 1992 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 17 of 24 Additional SIMs Published 1987 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 18 of 24 Additional SIMs Published 1990 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 19 of 24 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 20 of 24 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 21 of 24 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 - 1996 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 22 of 24 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 23 of 24 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A6

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 24 of 24 Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan, Additional SIMs and Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Historical Mapping & Photography included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg Essex 1:2,500 1874 2 Essex 1:2,500 1896 - 1897 3 Essex 1:2,500 1922 4 Essex 1:2,500 1939 5 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1956 - 1957 6 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:2,500 1973 7 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:2,500 1976 8 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1981 - 1986 9 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1982 - 1991 10 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1982 - 1992 11 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1986 12 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1988 13 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1990 14 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1992 15 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1993 16 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1993 17 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1993 - 1996 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1996 19 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1996 20

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 1 of 20 Essex Published 1874 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 2 of 20 Essex Published 1896 - 1897 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 3 of 20 Essex Published 1922 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 4 of 20 Essex Published 1939 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 5 of 20 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1956 - 1957 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 6 of 20 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information Published 1973 Source map scale - 1:2,500 SUSI maps (Supply of Unpublished Survey Information) were produced between 1972 and 1977, mainly for internal use at Ordnance Survey. These were more of a `work-in-progress' plan as they showed updates of individual areas on a map. These maps were unpublished, and they do not represent a single moment in time. They were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 7 of 20 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information Published 1976 Source map scale - 1:2,500 SUSI maps (Supply of Unpublished Survey Information) were produced between 1972 and 1977, mainly for internal use at Ordnance Survey. These were more of a `work-in-progress' plan as they showed updates of individual areas on a map. These maps were unpublished, and they do not represent a single moment in time. They were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 8 of 20 Additional SIMs Published 1981 - 1986 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 9 of 20 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1982 - 1991 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 10 of 20 Additional SIMs Published 1982 - 1992 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 11 of 20 Additional SIMs Published 1986 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 12 of 20 Additional SIMs Published 1988 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 13 of 20 Additional SIMs Published 1990 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 14 of 20 Additional SIMs Published 1992 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 15 of 20 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 16 of 20 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 17 of 20 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 - 1996 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 18 of 20 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 19 of 20 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A7

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 20 of 20 Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan, Additional SIMs and Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Historical Mapping & Photography included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg Essex 1:2,500 1874 2 Essex 1:2,500 1896 3 Essex 1:2,500 1922 4 Essex 1:2,500 1939 5 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1956 - 1957 6 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1967 7 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1969 8 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1978 9 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:1,250 1982 10 Additional SIMs 1:1,250 1982 11 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1986 - 1989 12 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1992 13 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1993 14 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1993 15 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:1,250 1995 16 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1996 17 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1996 18

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 1 of 18 Essex Published 1874 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 2 of 18 Essex Published 1896 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 3 of 18 Essex Published 1922 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 4 of 18 Essex Published 1939 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 5 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1956 - 1957 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 6 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1967 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 7 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1969 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 8 of 18 Additional SIMs Published 1978 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 9 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1982 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 10 of 18 Additional SIMs Published 1982 Source map scale - 1:1,250 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 11 of 18 Additional SIMs Published 1986 - 1989 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 12 of 18 Additional SIMs Published 1992 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 13 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 14 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 15 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1995 Source map scale - 1:1,250 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 16 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 17 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A10

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 18 of 18 Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan, Additional SIMs and Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Historical Mapping & Photography included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg Essex 1:2,500 1874 2 Essex 1:2,500 1896 3 Essex 1:2,500 1922 4 Essex 1:2,500 1939 5 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 1957 6 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1986 7 Additional SIMs 1:2,500 1992 8 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1993 9 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1996 10 Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 1996 11

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 1 of 11 Essex Published 1874 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 2 of 11 Essex Published 1896 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 3 of 11 Essex Published 1922 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 4 of 11 Essex Published 1939 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 5 of 11 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1957 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 6 of 11 Additional SIMs Published 1986 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 7 of 11 Additional SIMs Published 1992 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 8 of 11 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 9 of 11 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 10 of 11 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Segment A11

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 100 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 11 of 11 Site Sensitivity Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 1 of 3 Flood Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 2 of 3 For Borehole information please refer to the Borehole .csv file which accompanied this slice.

A copy of the BGS Borehole Ordering Form is available to download from the Support section of

Borehole Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 3 of 3 Historical Mapping Legends

Ordnance Survey County Series 1:10,560 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1:10,000 Raster Mapping

Historical Mapping & Photography included:

Mapping Type Scale Date Pg Essex 1:10,560 1880 - 1881 2 Essex 1:10,560 1898 3 Essex 1:10,560 1924 4 Essex 1:10,560 1938 5 Historical Aerial Photography 1:10,560 1947 - 1948 6 Historical Aerial Photography 1:10,560 1947 7 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1960 8 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1968 - 1969 9 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1972 - 1976 10 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1978 11 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1981 - 1985 12 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1992 - 1993 13 10K Raster Mapping 1:10,000 1999 14 10K Raster Mapping 1:10,000 2006 15 10K Raster Mapping 1:10,000 2009 16

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 1 of 16 Essex Published 1880 - 1881 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 2 of 16 Essex Published 1898 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 3 of 16 Essex Published 1924 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 4 of 16 Essex Published 1938 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 5 of 16 Historical Aerial Photography Published 1947 - 1948 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The Historical Aerial Photos were produced by the Ordnance Survey at a scale of 1:1,250 and 1:10,560 from Air Force photography. They were produced between 1944 and 1951 as an interim measure, pending preparation of conventional mapping, due to post war resource shortages. New security measures in the 1950's meant that every photograph was re-checked for potentially unsafe information with security sites replaced by fake fields or clouds. The original editions were withdrawn and only later made available after a period of fifty years although due to the accuracy of the editing, without viewing both revisions it is not easy to spot the edits. Where available Landmark have included both revisions.

© Landmark Information Group and/or Data Suppliers 2008. Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Aerial Photography - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 6 of 16 Historical Aerial Photography Published 1947 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The Historical Aerial Photos were produced by the Ordnance Survey at a scale of 1:1,250 and 1:10,560 from Air Force photography. They were produced between 1944 and 1951 as an interim measure, pending preparation of conventional mapping, due to post war resource shortages. New security measures in the 1950's meant that every photograph was re-checked for potentially unsafe information with security sites replaced by fake fields or clouds. The original editions were withdrawn and only later made available after a period of fifty years although due to the accuracy of the editing, without viewing both revisions it is not easy to spot the edits. Where available Landmark have included both revisions.

© Landmark Information Group and/or Data Suppliers 2008. Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Aerial Photography - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 7 of 16 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1960 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 8 of 16 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1968 - 1969 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 9 of 16 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1972 - 1976 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 10 of 16 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1978 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 11 of 16 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1981 - 1985 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 12 of 16 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1992 - 1993 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 13 of 16 10k Raster Mapping Published 1999 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were produced from the Ordnance Survey`s 1:10,000 colour raster mapping. These maps are derived from Landplan which replaced the old 1:10,000 maps originally published in 1970. The data is highly detailed showing buildings, fences and field boundaries as well as all roads, tracks and paths. Road names are also included together with the relevant road number and classification. Boundary information depiction includes county, unitary authority, district, civil parish and constituency.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 14 of 16 10k Raster Mapping Published 2006 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were produced from the Ordnance Survey`s 1:10,000 colour raster mapping. These maps are derived from Landplan which replaced the old 1:10,000 maps originally published in 1970. The data is highly detailed showing buildings, fences and field boundaries as well as all roads, tracks and paths. Road names are also included together with the relevant road number and classification. Boundary information depiction includes county, unitary authority, district, civil parish and constituency.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 15 of 16 10k Raster Mapping Published 2009 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were produced from the Ordnance Survey`s 1:10,000 colour raster mapping. These maps are derived from Landplan which replaced the old 1:10,000 maps originally published in 1970. The data is highly detailed showing buildings, fences and field boundaries as well as all roads, tracks and paths. Road names are also included together with the relevant road number and classification. Boundary information depiction includes county, unitary authority, district, civil parish and constituency.

Map Name(s) and Date(s)

Historical Map - Slice A

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574090, 191140 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500 Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 16 of 16 Index Map

For ease of identification, your site and buffer have been split into Slices, Segments and Quadrants. These are illustrated on the Index Map opposite and explained further below.

Slice Each slice represents a 1:10,000 plot area (2.7km x 2.7km) for your site and buffer. A large site and buffer may be made up of several slices (represented by a red outline), that are referenced by letters of the alphabet, starting from the bottom left corner of the slice "grid". This grid does not relate to National Grid lines but is designed to give best fit over the site and buffer.

Segment A segment represents a 1:2,500 plot area. Segments that have plot files associated with them are shown in dark green, others in light blue. These are numbered from the bottom left hand corner within each slice.

Quadrant A quadrant is a quarter of a segment. These are labelled as NW, NE, SW, SE and are referenced in the datasheet to allow features to be quickly located on plots. Therefore a feature that has a quadrant reference of A7NW will be in Slice A, Segment 7 and the NW Quadrant.

A selection of organisations who provide data within this report:

Envirocheck reports are compiled from 136 different sources of data.

Client Details Mr E Gilligan, Entec UK Ltd, 17 Angel Gate, City Road, London, EC1V 2SH

Order Details Order Number: 29208908_1_1 Customer Ref: 26619 - Courtald Road Waste Management Site National Grid Reference: 574100, 191150 Site Area (Ha): 36.72 Search Buffer (m): 500

Site Details Integrated Recycling and Waste Mangement Facility, Courtard Road, Basildon, Essex

Tel: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Web:

A Landmark Information Group Service v40.0 27-Oct-2009 Page 1 of 2 LANDMARK TERMS AND CONDITIONS Version 6.04 28 Jul 2007 Definitions claim that these sources represent an exhaustive or Services or severable elements within any one or more responsible for error or corruption in the Services resulting negligent or incorrect entries, or errors or corruptions, complying with any other reasonable request by Landmark, "Authorised Reseller" means an agent or reseller of comprehensive list of all sources that might be consulted. Services, any failure by Landmark or its Authorised from inaccuracy or omission in primary or secondary subject to the terms and conditions on which they supply Landmark shall not be required to pay any Contribution. Landmark whom Landmark has duly appointed to resell its 3. Intellectual Property Reseller to provide an element or elements of the Services information and data, inaccurate processing of information the Third Party Content to Landmark. Notwithstanding the payment of the Contribution by Reports and Services. a. You acknowledge that all Intellectual Property Rights in the shall not prejudice Landmark's or its Authorised Reseller's and data by third parties, computer malfunction or 7. Contribution Landmark the First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender "Content" means any data, computing and information Services are and shall remain owned by either Landmark ability to require payment in respect of the Services corruption of data whilst in the course of conversion, geo- a. Save where expressly provided, this clause 7 shall apply as applicable shall take all reasonable steps to mitigate services and software, and other content and documentation or or our Suppliers and nothing in these Terms purports to delivered to You. coding, processing by computer or electronic means, or in solely to Envirosearch Residential Reports (regardless of any costs incurred in connection with the conduct of works support materials and updates included in and/or supplied by transfer, assign or grant any rights to You in respect of the 5. Termination the course of transmission by telephone or other the result of such Report). Nothing in this clause 7 shall required under the terms of any Notice. or through the Websites, in Reports or Services or in any other Intellectual Property Rights. a. Landmark may suspend or terminate Your rights under communication link, or printing. operate to override or vary the provisions of clause 6. h. In the event that the First Purchaser or First Purchaser's way by Landmark and shall include Landmark developed and b. Subject always to these Terms You may, without further these Terms without any liability to You with immediate v. Landmark will not be held liable in any way if a Report b. Landmark are prepared to offer, at their sole discretion, Lender receives any communication from a statutory Third Party Content. charge, make the Services available to; effect if at any time:- on residential property is used for commercial property and without any admission or inference of liability a authority to the effect that there is an intent to serve a "First Purchaser" means the first person, or legal entity to i. the owner of the Property at the date of the Report, i. You fail to make any payment due in accordance with or more than the one residential property for which it contribution towards the costs of any remediation works notice received under PartII(A) of the Environmental purchase the Property Site following provision of a Report. ii. any person who purchases the whole of the Property clause 4; was ordered. required under a Notice (as defined below) on the terms of Protection Act 1990 they will advise Landmark within a "First Purchaser's Lender" means the funding provider for the Site, ii. You repeatedly breach or commit or cause to be vi. the Services have not been prepared to meet Your or this clause 7 ("the Contribution") maximum period of two months from receipt of such First Purchaser iii. any person who provides funding secured on the committed any material breach of these Terms; or anyone else's individual requirements; that You c. In the event that a Remediation Notice is served on the communication. This clause 7h and the service of any "Information Pack" means a pack compiled by or on behalf of whole of the Property Site, iii. You commit a breach and You fail to remedy the assume the entire risk as to the suitability of the First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender of a Property notice under it shall not affect the provisions of clauses 7 e the owner or prospective buyer of the Property Site, designed iv. any person for whom You act in a professional or breach within 7 days of receipt of a written notice to do Services and waive any claim of detrimental reliance Site under Part II(A) of the Environmental Protection Act and g, and any such communications, even if advised to to aid the marketing or purchase of the Property Site and commercial capacity, so; additionally, without prejudice to the foregoing, upon the same; and You confirm You are solely 1990 ("the Notice") Landmark will contribute to the cost of Landmark will not operate as notice under clause 7e. containing information provided by or on behalf of the owner or v. any person who acts for You in a professional or Landmark may remedy the breach and recover the responsible for the selection or omission of any such works as either the First Purchaser or First i. Landmark reserve the right at any time prior to a claim for prospective buyer of the Property Site. commercial capacity; and costs thereof from You. specific part of the Content; Purchaser's Lender (but not both) are required to carry out Contribution being made in accordance with clause 7 g) "Intellectual Property Rights" means copyright, patent, vi. prospective buyers of the Property Site as part of an b. If Your rights are terminated under this clause and You vii. Landmark offer no warranty for the performance of any under the Notice subject to the provisions of this clause 7 above, to withdraw the offer of payment of Contributions design right (registered or unregistered), service or trade mark Information Pack but for the avoidance of doubt, have made an advance payment We will refund You a linked internet service not operated by Landmark; and on the following terms: without further notice. (registered or unregistered), database right or other data right, Landmark shall have no liability to such prospective reasonable proportion of the balance as determined by Us viii. You will on using the Services make a reasonable i. the Contribution shall only apply to contamination or a 8. Events Beyond Our Control moral right or know how or any other intellectual property right. buyer unless the prospective buyer subsequently in relation to the value of Services previously purchased. inspection of any results to satisfy Yourself that there pollution incident present or having occurred prior to a. You acknowledge that Landmark shall not be liable for any "Order" means the request for Services from Landmark by purchases the Property Site, and the prospective (or c. Landmark reserves the right to refuse to supply any or all are no defects or failures. In the event that there is a the date of the Report; delay, interruption or failure in the provision of the Services You. actual) buyer shall not be entitled to make the Service Services to You without notice or reason. material defect You will notify us in writing of such ii. the Contribution shall only apply where the Property which are caused or contributed to by any circumstance "Property Site" means a land site on which Landmark available to any other third party. 6. Liability defect within seven days of its discovery; Site is a single residential dwelling house or a single which is outside our reasonable control including but not provides a Service. Accordingly Landmark shall have the same duties and a. We provide warranties and accept liability only to the ix. Any support or assistance provided to You in residential flat within a block of flats. For the avoidance limited to, lack of power, telecommunications failure or References to "We", "Us" and "Our" are references to obligations to those persons in respect of the Services extent stated in this clause 6 and clause 7. connection with these Terms is at Your risk; of doubt, this obligation does not apply to any overload, computer malfunction, inaccurate processing of Landmark Information Group Limited ("Landmark"), whose as it has to You. data, or delays in receiving, loading or checking data, registered office is 7 Abbey Court, Eagle Way, Exeter, EX2 b. Nothing in these Terms excludes either party's liability for h. All liability for any insurance products purchased by You commercial property, nor to any Property Site being 7HY. Where You are not ordering the Services directly from c. Each of those persons referred to in clause 3.b. shall have death or personal injury caused by that party's negligence rests solely with the insurer. Landmark does not endorse developed or redeveloped whether for residential corruption of data whilst in the course of conversion, geo- Landmark, but from an Authorised Reseller, references to the benefit and the burden of Your rights and obligations or wilful default, and the remainder of this clause 6 is any particular product or insurer and no information purposes or otherwise; coding, processing by computer in the course of electronic "Landmark" or "We", "Us" and "Our" shall be construed so as to under these Terms. The limitations of Landmark's liability subject to this provision and Your statutory rights. contained within the Services should be deemed to imply iii. the Contribution is strictly limited to the cost of works communication, or printing. mean either Landmark and/or the Authorised Reseller as the as set out in clause 6 shall apply to all users of the Service c. As most of the information contained in the Services is otherwise. You acknowledge that if You Order any such at the Property Site and at no other site. 9. Severability context shall indicate. in question in aggregate and Landmark shall not be liable provided to Landmark by others, Landmark cannot control insurance Landmark will deem such as Your consent to iv. the Contribution will not be paid in respect of any of a. If any provision of these Terms are found by either a court References to "You/Your/Yourself" refer to the contracting to any other person. its accuracy or completeness, nor is it within the scope of forward a copy of the Report to the insurers. Where such the following: or other competent authority to be void, invalid, illegal or party who accesses the Website or places an Order with d. All parties given access to the Services agree that they will Landmark's Services to check the information on the policy is purchased, all liability remains with the insurers Radioactive contamination of whatsoever nature, unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed to be Landmark. treat as strictly private and confidential the Services and all ground. Accordingly, Landmark will only be liable to You and You are entirely responsible for ensuring that the directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to or deleted from these Terms and never to have formed part of "Report" includes any information that Landmark supplies to information which they obtain from the Services and shall for any loss or damage caused by its negligence or willful insurance policy offered is suitable for Your needs and arising from ionising radiations or contamination by these Terms and the remaining provisions shall continue in You including all reports, services, datasets, software or restrict any disclosure to employees or professional default and subject to clause 6.o below neither Landmark should seek independent advice. Landmark does not radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear full force and effect. information contained in them. advisors to enable the relevant party to conduct its internal nor any person providing information contained in any guarantee that an insurance policy will be available on a waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or the 10. Governing Law "Services" means the provision of any service by Landmark business. The requirement in this clause to treat the Services shall in any circumstances be liable for any Property Site. All decisions with regard to the offer of radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous a. These terms shall be governed by and construed in pursuant to these Terms, including without limitation, any Services as confidential shall include a requirement to inaccuracies, faults or omissions in the Services, nor shall insurance policies for any premises will be made solely at properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or accordance with English law and each party agrees Report. maintain adequate security measures to safeguard the Landmark have any liability if the Services are used the discretion of the insurers and Landmark accepts no nuclear component thereof. irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the "Landmark Fees" means any charges levied by Landmark for Services from unauthorised access, use or copying. otherwise than in accordance with these Terms. liability in this regard. The provision of a Report does not Asbestos arising out of or related in any way to English courts If any dispute arises out of or in connection Services provided to You. e. Each recipient of the Services agrees (and agrees it will d. Save as precluded by law, Landmark shall not be liable for constitute any indication by Landmark that insurance will asbestos or asbestos-containing materials on or in with this agreement (a "Dispute") the parties undertake "Suppliers" means any organisation who provides data or cause its employees, agents or contractors who may from any indirect or consequential loss, damage or expenses be available on the property. structures or services serving the structures. that, prior to the commencement of Court proceedings, information of any form to Landmark. time to time have access to the Services to agree) it will (including loss of profits, loss of contracts, business or i. Professional opinions contained in Reports are provided to Naturally occurring materials arising from the presence they will seek to have the Dispute resolved amicably by "Terms" means these Terms & Conditions. not, except as permitted herein or by separate agreement goodwill) howsoever arising out of any problem, event, Landmark by third parties, and such third parties are solely or required removal of naturally occurring materials use of an alternative dispute resolution procedure "Third Party Content" means the services, software, with Landmark:- action or default by Landmark. liable for the opinion provided. For the avoidance of doubt, except in circumstances where such materials are acceptable to both parties with the assistance of the Centre information and other content or functionality provided by third i. effect or attempt to effect any modification, merger or e. In any event, and notwithstanding anything contained in those parties providing assessments or professional present in concentrations which are in excess of their for Dispute Resolution (CEDR) if required, by written notice parties and linked to or contained in the Services. change to the Service, nor permit any other person to these Terms, Landmark's liability in contract, tort (including opinions on Landmark products include RPS Plc & natural concentration. initiating that procedure. If the Dispute has not been "Websites" means websites hosted by Landmark and includes do so; or negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise Wilbourn Associates Limited, and any issues with regard to Intentional non-compliance arising from the intentional resolved to the satisfaction of either party within 60 days of the Content and any report, service, document, data-set, ii. copy, use, market, re-sell, distribute, merge, alter, add howsoever arising by reason or in connection with this the provision of such opinion should be taken up with the disregard of or knowing wilful or deliberate non- initiation of the procedure or if either party fails or refuses software or information contained therein, derived there from or to or carry on any redistribution, reproduction, Contract (except in relation to death or personal injury) relevant third party. compliance by any owner or occupier of the Property to participate in or withdraws from participating in the thereby. translation, publication, reduction to any electronic shall be limited to an aggregate amount not exceeding £1 If Landmark provides You with any additional service Site with any statute, regulation, administrative procedure then either party may refer the Dispute to the 1. Terms & Conditions medium or machine readable form or commercially million if the complaint is in relation to a Report on obtained from a third party, including but not limited to any complaint, notice of violation, or notice letter of any Court. a. These Terms govern the relationship between You and exploit or in any other way deal with or utilise or residential property and an aggregate amount not interpretation or conclusion, risk assessment or Regulatory Authority. 11. General; Complaints Landmark whether You are an unregistered visitor to the (except as expressly permitted by applicable law) exceeding £10 million in respect of any other Report or environmental report or search carried out in relation to a Any condition which is known or ought reasonably to a. Landmark may assign its rights and obligations under Website or are purchasing Services. Where these Terms reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Service purchased from Landmark. Report on Your Property Site, subject to clause 6.o below have been known to the First Purchaser or the First these Terms without prior notice or any limitation. are not expressly accepted by You they will be deemed to Services, Content or Website; or f. Landmark will not be liable for any defect, failure or Landmark will not be liable in any way for any information Purchaser's Lender prior to the purchase of the b. Landmark may authorise or allow our contractors and other have been accepted by You, and You agree to be bound iii. remove, alter or in any way change any trademark or omission relating to Services that is not notified to contained therein or any issues arising out of the provision Report. third parties to provide to Landmark and/or to You services by these Terms when You place any Order, or pay for any proprietary marking in any element of the Services and Landmark within six months of the date of the issue of those additional services to You. Landmark will be Any condition which is caused by acts of War or an Act necessary or related to the Services and to perform Services provided You shall acknowledge the ownership of the Content, becoming apparent and in any event, within twelve years of deemed to have acted as an agent in these circumstances of Terrorism. Landmark's obligations and exercise Landmark's rights b. If the person communicating with Landmark is an where such Content is incorporated or used into Your the date of the Service. and the supply of these additional services will be Any property belonging to or in the custody or control under these Terms, which may include collecting payment Authorised Reseller, they must ensure that You agree to own documents, reports, systems or services whether g. You acknowledge that:- governed by the terms and conditions of those Third of the First Purchaser which does not form a fixed part on Landmark's behalf. these Terms. or not these are supplied to any third party. i. Subject to clause 6.o below You shall have no claim or Parties. of the Property Site or the structure. c. No waiver on Landmark's part to exercise, and no delay in c. The headings in these Terms are for convenience only and iv. create any product which is derived directly or recourse against any Third Party Content supplier nor j. In any event no person may rely on a Service more than 12 Any fines liquidated damages punitive or exemplary exercising, any right, power or provision hereunder shall shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of any part of indirectly from the data contained in the Services any of our other Suppliers. You will not in any way hold months after its original date. damages. operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial these Terms. f. The mapping contained in any Services is protected by us responsible for any selection or retention of, or the k. If You wish to vary any limitation of liability as set out in Any bodily injury including without limitation, death, exercise of any right, power or provision hereunder d. Landmark may modify these Terms, and may discontinue Crown Copyright and must not be used for any purpose acts of omissions of Third Party Content suppliers or these Terms, You must request such variation prior to illness or disease, mental injury, anguish or nervous preclude the exercise of that or any other right, power or or revise any or all other aspects of the Services at our outside the context of the Services or as specifically other Suppliers (including those with whom We have ordering the Service. Landmark shall use its reasonable shock. provision. sole discretion, with immediate effect and without prior provided by these Terms. contracted to operate various aspects or parts of the endeavours to agree such variation but shall not be Any financial loss in respect of any loss of any rental, d. Unless otherwise stated in these Terms, all notices from notice, including without limitation changing the Services g. You are permitted to make five copies of any Report, but Service) in connection with the Services (for the obliged to do so. profit, revenue, savings or business or any You to Landmark must be in writing and sent to the available at any given time. Any amendment or variation to are not authorised to re-sell the Report, any part thereof or avoidance of doubt Landmark is not a Third Party l. Time shall not be of the essence with respect to the consequential indirect or economic loss damage or Landmark registered office (or in the case of an Authorised these Terms shall be posted on our Websites. Continued any copy thereof unless you are an Authorised Reseller. Content supplier). Landmark does not promise that the provision of the Services. expense including the cost of rent of temporary Reseller, to its registered office address) and subject to use of the Services by You shall be deemed an acceptance Further copies may not be made in whole or in part without supply of the Services will be uninterrupted or error m. Ordnance Survey have undertaken a positional accuracy premises or business interruption. paragraph e below all notices from Landmark to You will be by You to be bound by any such amendments to the the prior written permission of Landmark who shall be free or provide any particular facilities or functions, or improvement programme which may result in discrepancies Any losses incurred following a material change in use displayed on our Websites from time to time. Terms. entitled to make a charge for each additional copy. that the Content will always be complete, accurate, between the positioning of features used in datasets in the of, alteration or development of the Property Site. e. Any complaints in relation to the Services should, in the e. These Terms, together with the prices and delivery details 4. Charges precise, free from defects of any other kind, computer Services and the updated Ordnance Survey mapping. d. The maximum sum that shall be contributed by Landmark first instance, be in writing addressed to the Customer set out on our Websites, Landmark's Privacy Policy and a. VAT at the prevailing rate shall be payable in addition to viruses, software locks or other similar code although Subject to clause 6.o below, Landmark and its Suppliers in respect of any Contribution shall be limited to £60,000. Service Support Manager at the Landmark registered Your Order comprise the whole agreement relating to the the Landmark Fees. You shall pay any other applicable Landmark will use reasonable efforts to correct any exclude all and any liability incurred as a result of the In the event that more than one Report is purchased on the office. Landmark or its agents will respond to any such supply of Services to You by Landmark. No prior indirect taxes related to Your use of the Services. inaccuracies within a reasonable period of them implementation of such positional accuracy improvement Property Site the Contribution will only be payable under complaints in writing as soon as practicably possible. stipulation, agreement, promotional material or statement b. An individual or a monthly invoice showing all Orders becoming known to us; programme. the first Report purchased by or on behalf of any First f. A person who is not a party to any contract made pursuant whether written or oral made by any sales or other person created by You will be generated subject to these Terms. ii. Landmark's only obligation is to exercise reasonable n. Where Landmark provides its own risk assessment in Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender and no Contribution to these Terms shall have no right under the Contract or representative on our behalf should be understood as a You will pay the Landmark Fees at the rates set out in skill and care in providing environmental property risk connection with any Report, Landmark shall carry out such will be made in respect of subsequent Reports purchased (Right of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any terms of variation of these Terms. Save for fraud or Landmark's or its Authorised Reseller's invoice. The information to persons acting in a professional or assessment with all reasonable skill and care but shall by or on behalf of such First Purchaser, First Purchaser's such contract and Landmark shall not be liable to any such misrepresentation, Landmark shall have no liability for any Landmark Fees are payable in full within 30 days without commercial capacity who are skilled in the use of have no liability for any such risk assessment conclusion Lender or any person connected to them. third party in respect of any Services supplied. such representation being untrue or misleading. deduction, counterclaim or set off. You acknowledge that property and environmental information and You which is provided for information only, save where e. Landmark shall only pay a Contribution where the Notice is g. Landmark's Privacy Policy as displayed on the Website f. These Terms shall prevail at all times to the exclusion of all time is of the essence with respect to the payment of such hereby acknowledge that You are such a person; Landmark conducted the same negligently, in which case served within 36 months of the date of the Report. governs the use made of any information You supply to other terms and conditions including any terms and invoices. Landmark reserve the right to amend the iii. no physical inspection of the Property Site reported on the provisions of clause 6 shall apply. Notwithstanding the f. Any rights to a Contribution under this Clause 7 are not Landmark. conditions which You may purport to apply even if such Landmark Fees from time to time and the Services will be is carried out as part of any Services offered by provision of any such risk assessment conclusion you assignable in the event of a sale of the Property Site and other provisions are submitted in a later document or charged at the Landmark Fee applicable at the date on Landmark and Landmark do not warrant that all land should carefully examine the remainder of the Report and Landmark will not make any Contribution after the date of purport to exclude or override these Terms and neither the which the Service is ordered. uses or features whether past or current will be should not take or refrain from taking any action based completion of such sale. course of conduct between parties nor trade practice shall c. We may charge interest on late payment at a rate equal to identified in the Services. The Services do not include solely on the basis of the risk assessment. For the g. In the event the First Purchaser or First Purchaser's act to modify these Terms. 3% per annum above the base lending rate of National any information relating to the actual state or condition avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this clause 6n apply Lender wishes to claim any Contribution, it shall notify 2. Services Westminster Bank plc. of any Property Site nor should they be used or taken solely to risk assessments conducted by Landmark, and Landmark in writing within 3 months of the date of the a. Landmark will use reasonable care and skill in providing d. Landmark or its Authorised Reseller shall not be obliged to to indicate or exclude actual fitness or unfitness of a the provision of any other risk assessment by a third party Notice. The First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender the Services to You, however, the Services are provided invoice any party other than You for the provision of Property Site for any particular purpose nor should it shall be governed by such third party's terms in (as applicable) shall comply with all reasonable on the express basis that the information and data Services, but where Landmark or its Authorised Reseller be relied upon for determining saleability or value or accordance with the provisions of clause 6i above. requirements of Landmark with regard to the commission supplied in the Services are derived from third party does so invoice any third party at Your request, and such used as a substitute for any physical investigation or o. Landmark obtains much of the information contained in its and conduct of the remediation works to be carried out sources and Landmark does not warrant the accuracy or invoice is not accepted or remains unpaid, Landmark or its inspection. Landmark recommends that You inspect Report from third parties. Landmark will not accept any under the Notice, and in the event the First Purchaser or completeness of such information or data. Such Authorised Reseller shall have the option at any time to and take other advice in relation to the Property Site liability to You for any negligent or incorrect entry, or error First Purchaser's Lender (as applicable) does not do so, information is derived solely from those sources cancel such invoice and invoice You direct for such and not rely exclusively on the Services. or corruption in the Third Party Content supplied to including without limitation, obtaining Landmark's prior specifically cited in the Services and Landmark does not Services. Where Your order comprises a number of iv. Subject to clause 6.o below, Landmark shall not be Landmark, but Landmark's Suppliers may be liable for such written consent to any estimates for such works or Landmark Information Group Limited, 7 Abbey Court, Eagle Way, Exeter, EX2 7HY Email: [email protected] © Landmark Information Group Limited Order Number: 29208908 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 2 of 2