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THE OMICRON ORACLE APRIL 2017 ➤ VOLUME XII UNDER REVIEW RETURNING COLUMNS ➤ Cover Story: Under Review ➤ Cornell Today: Cornell’s New President ➤ Greek Life: More Staff Support ➤ President’s Report: Challenging Times ➤ Travel Nuggets: More than Holland ➤ Hort Sense: Redbuds Welcome Spring ➤ The Wine Rack: Top Wines of 2016 ➤ The Recipe Box: Salsa Cheese Dip ➤ Alumni Milestones: Jonathan Turell, Doc Dirghalli ➤ News from Alumni BEYOND THE COVER... ➤ Omicron’s Newest Members COVER STORY: UNDER REVIEW By Sandy Gilbert ‘62 Omicron Alumni Association. The restructuring was suggested by the National Lambda Chi Headquarters is disappointing to report that the Omicron as a means to insulate and protect the Edgemoor prop- Chapter is currently under suspension by the erty in the event of any litigation that might arise from It University for alleged hazing violations during activities at the House. It was felt this move was espe- spring Rush. The current Alpha, Max Wulff’ 19, cially important for Omicron given the major invest- has been fully cooperat- ment we have made to upgrade the facility. ing with both the Uni- versity’s OSFL staff and The creation of ISWZA, Inc effectively makes this Board the IFC, but it appears it the landlord for the Chapter House. Other advantages will be sometime before of the reorganization include allowing Board members the situation is resolved. to better focus on the repair and ongoing maintenance Alumni president, Rick of the building and grounds and making it easier to re- Meigs ’80, will inform cruit new alumni Board members with a less inclusive, our alumni of the out- more precise job description. come of the review pro- cess as soon as a decision The ISWZA, Inc. Board includes the following alumni: is reached. Doug Levens ’92 President On a much brighter note, Phil Prigmore ’69 Vice President a lot has happened at Ed- Chris Turner ’95 Secretary/Treasurer gemoor since the Grand Sandy Gilbert Opening back in Septem- In their attempt to continue to upgrade Edgemoor, ber of 2015. The ongoing ISWZA, Inc. has signed a one year agreement with renovation has seen the staining of the rear decking to the Telluride Association to rent the House during match the traditional siding on the building and the the summer for their student education program that second and third floor bathrooms have been refur- will net $15,000 to $20,000 in income. If the relation- bished and retrofitted with a more efficient venting ship works well for both parties, the contract will be system. Thanks to the leadership of Beth Mezitt ’64 and extended for other summers to build up funding that the generosity of some ‘60’s era wives, the renovation will be used to open the new bathrooms on the sec- of the first floor Ladies Room is nearly completed. ond and third floors. Obviously, this was not an easy decision to make with the many Omicrons who have The Omicron Capital Campaign to continue the reno- enjoyed staying in the House over the summer. How- vation of the Chapter House has now passed $2.9 mil- ever, with the prospect of expediting the improvement lion including alumni pledges, The Brother Bonds Pro- of the House, even the undergraduates supported the gram and the undergraduates’ contribution making it concept and acknowledged that it is a prudent move. the largest fraternity funding effort in recent Cornell history. The rate of compliance on alumni pledges is The new Omicron Alumni Association will assume the also a landmark accomplishment as over 95% of all remaining duties and services not performed by land- pledges have been paid to date. lord ISWZA, Inc. This includes: As requested by many of our contributing alumni, the • Promoting fellowship and social interaction among Edgemoor Ten Year Plan that has been in development our alumni since the Grand Opening will soon be available on the House website. In the meantime, here are some high- • Handling alumni communication like The Oracle, lights from the plan: President’s Letters and event announcements for Home- coming and Reunion The former ISWZA Alumni Association has been reor- ganized into two separate Boards, ISWZA, Inc. and the • Managing Homecoming and Reunion events 2 COVER STORY • Overseeing the annual dues process and raising any other necessary fund- ing • Maintaining periodic contact between alumni Board members and our interns (undergraduate of- ficers) The Board for the Omicron Alumni Association cur- rently consists of the fol- lowing alumni: Rick Meigs ’80 President Mark Fernau ’82 Treasurer/Secretary Alex Aidun ’06 Event Manager Jason Cho ’98 Communications Director Joe Willis ’72 Property Manager The primary funding for the Omicron Alumni As- sociation will come from alumni dues and services performed for ISWZA, Inc. Edgemoor at Twilight like snow plowing and needed repairs. MENTORING OPPORTUNITY: The undergraduates are very interested in learning ANNOUNCEMENTS: about career opportunities from our alumni. To facili- All alumni should note the following important 2017 tate this process, the High Rho, Sam Marchildon ‘18, is events at Edgemoor: putting together a database on alumni work experienc- es so undergrads know who to contact about advice on Reunion: June 8-11 potential jobs and career choices. Homecoming: October 21-22 (The Brown Game) If you would like to participate, either as a career con- More details about House activities for Reunion and tact or just as an advisor with a set written statement Homecoming will be announced shortly and we hope about how to enter your industry, please register for many of you will plan to return to campus for at least the database at the following link: one of these popular events. ❖ 3 CORNELL TODAY: A NEW PRESIDENT AND OTHER CAMPUS JOTTINGS By Stephen Ashley ‘62 artha Pollack, currently Provost at the University of Michigan, was elected by the Cornell Board of M Trustees in November 2016 to be Cornell’s 14th President. She will assume office on campus in mid- April 2017. Her scholarly work has been in comput- ing science and informa- tion, and she is described by Hunter Rawlings as “an absolutely top-flight administrator”. We often think of Cornell as be- ing large, complex and at times, unwieldly. Those two years at Oxford. He was born in Somalia to a single adjectives could be applied mother and has expressed his love for Cornell and the great to the University of Michi- opportunities it has provided for him. He also stands as tes- gan, only more so. More on timony to Hunter Rawling’s policy. Martha at a later point. Stephen Ashley The foregoing is a logical segue to the announcement of Hunter Rawlings III, has Vijay Pendakur as the new Staley Dean of Students. Vijay once again given Cornell took office January 1, 2017 following a long tenure by Kent and its various constituen- Hubbell, who is well known to the Brothers of Lambda cies exemplary service and leadership. He has led during Chi over the past 15 years. The search for Vijay was com- this interim period with strength, vision and humor. A re- petitive and open, which means that the candidates were cent example of his leadership is his message to the Cornell made known to the campus community and were given community following the President of the United States’ the opportunity to present themselves to various constitu- Executive Order on immigrant and non-immigrant entry encies. Vijay has had student affairs positions at the Uni- into the United States from seven predominantly Muslim versity of Wisconsin – Madison, DePaul University and nations. Given Cornell’s global diversity – more than a fifth California State University – Fullerton. He has indicated of Cornell’s students come from countries from outside the three major goals to work on in his tenure at Cornell: U.S. and students and faculty are involved in programs throughout the world – Hunter’s statement acknowledges • Enhance Cornell’s commitment to diversity and inclu- “assistance and unwavering support” and further states sion. that Cornell will “not compromise its admissions or hiring standards of excellence and will continue to solicit, accept • Be an advocate for students within the administration. and process applications from international students from around the world including from the impacted countries.” • Create a cohesive, healthy and safe student experience The recent Trustee Meeting highlighted some of the issues at Cornell. of our students and visiting faculty who are impacted by He undertakes his responsibilities at a time when students the Executive Order and the campus climate in which this are engaged with questions of dignity, inclusion, free is playing. At this meeting, the Trustees were introduced to speech and educational opportunity. Ahmed Ahmed, a Cornell senior who was recently award- ed a Rhodes Scholarship. Ahmed will study chemistry for continued on page 12... 4 GREEK LIFE: MORE STAFF SUPPORT By Ralph Wilhelm ‘67 grams. The intent was to focus on the things we did well & improve them, along with the items that we struggled ever-changing landscape of Greek Life with and thus find ways to make them work better and at Cornell can be dizzying to follow more effectively. Much of the work has been on going even from “inside the tent”. Our intent through a variety of sub-committees. As a result of Tra- The vis leaving, this effort will be put on hold at the end of with this column is to clarify that un- derstanding as best we can. February. The intent is to have the new Director of So- rority & Fraternity Life decide on how to restart this ef- As many of you know, fort after he or she gets on campus in the fall.