deafscotland’s Scottish Sensory and Equality Awards Friday 15 March 2019 Glasgow deafscotland Proudly sponsored by The ALLIANCE and Sign Language Interactions NRCPDThe National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and Deafblind People Mersey House | Mandale Business Park | Belmont | Durham | DH1 1TH Setting the Standard NRCPD regulates communication professionals working with D/deafness and deafblindness. Our purpose is to promote the best possible communication between D/deaf, deafblind and hearing people. We do this by: ● Setting high professional standards and a Code of Conduct ● Registering practitioners who meet these standards ● Investigating complaints and taking appropriate action Benefits for Registrants ● Endorsement of your professional status by our prestigious badge ● Enhanced work opportunities ● Promotion on our website Benefits for service users ● Reassurance of our Registrants’ high standards ● Access to over 1500 registered professionals ● A way of complaining if things go wrong Tel: 0191 323 3376 Text: 07526 173329 Fax: 0191 383 7914 Email:
[email protected] Find a registered communication professional at Page 2 Scottish Sensory and Equality Awards 2019 Welcome Janis McDonald Morven Brooks deafscotland Chief Officer Disability Equality Scotland Chief Officer It is with great pleasure we welcome you to the Scottish Sensory and Equality Awards 2019. We are delighted that Kelly-Ann Woodland from STV has agreed to present the awards tonight, ably assisted by the dynamic duo, Janis and Morven. We are joined by Signed Songs R Us who are performing deafscotland’s very own single “Communication” written and performed by Lady Geraldine, who is with us tonight. Best wishes, #CommunicationForAll Page 3 Your Host Kelly-Ann Woodland Kelly-Ann Woodland is a newsreader and journalist based in Edinburgh who co-presents with John McKay on STV News.