MMMiiicccrrrooobbbiiiaaalll DDDiiissscccooovvveeerrryyy AAAccctttiiivvviiitttyyy PPPooonnnddd SSScccuuummm::: IIInnnvvveeessstttiiigggaaatttiiinnnggg MMMiiicccrrroooooogggrraaannniiisssmmmsss Author Mark Gallo, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology Niagara University, NY 14109
[email protected] Contributor George A. Jacob, Ph.D. St. Xavier High School Cincinnati, OH 45224
[email protected] Intended Audience K-4 X 5-8 X 9-12 X Activity Specifications Classroom setting X Requires special equipment X Uses hands-on manipulatives X Requires mathematical skills Can be performed individually X Requires group work Requires more than one (45 min) class period X Appropriate for special needs student X American Society for Microbiology Education Department 1752 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036
[email protected] IIInnntttrrroooddduuuccctttiiiooonnn Description In this exercise, students discover a diversity of microorganisms living in a small drop of pond water. Abstract Little else can stimulate a student’s interest in biology like a drop of pond water teaming with invisible life viewed with a microscope. This activity describes two means of observing pond water other than the traditional hanging drop or temporary wet mount slide preparation. Core Themes Addressed Microorganisms and the Environment Keywords Aquatic, Environment, Protozoa, Biofilm, Water quality, Classification Learning Objectives At completion of this activity, learner will be able to: • appreciate (acknowledge) the previously unseen life in pond water. • prepare a biofilm slide. • draw and describe a microorganism. National Science Education Standards Addressed Unifying Concepts and Processes – This activity incorporates evidence of microscopic life. Standard 1: Science as Inquiry – In completion of this activity student performs directed, inquiry based observations of microorganisms. Standard 3: Life science - In completion of this activity student will have had a chance to view living organisms from an environment and determine the characteristics of the microorganisms.