Karnataka Bank Ltd. Your Family Bank, Across India. Regd. & Head Office Phone : 0824-2228180 Fax: 0824-2228142 P. B. No.599, Mahaveera Circle E-Mail :
[email protected] Kankanady Website : www.karnatakabank.com Mangaluru – 575 002 CIN : L85110KA1924PLC001128 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Notice to the public is hereby given to the effect that the immovable property described hereinbelow mortgaged to Gangavathi Branch has been taken Symbolic Possession thereof by the Authorised Officer on 20.07.2017 in pursuance of Section 13(4) of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002. The same will be sold by inviting tenders from the public on the date, place and time mentioned in this notice, on “as is where is condition” and on the terms and conditions mentioned below. Tenders in sealed covers are invited from the public for the purchase of the immovable property more fully described below. This Notice should be treated as Notice under sub-rule (6) of Rule (8) of the Security Interest Enforcement Rules 2002 to the Borrowers/co.obligant. [A] Name and Address of the Borrowers / Co-obligant: 1) M/s SVB Borewells , MB No.9/7/680/913, Kantwesa Swami Nilaya Mahantaiah Mutt Road, Opp: BTP, B.T Patil Nagar, Koppal District - 583231 2) Mr. Veerabasappa Naregal S/o Mr. Veeranna V Naregal Prop: M/s SVB Borewells, No.4-386, Irakalgada Post, Koppal District -583237 3) Mr. Gopal S/o Mr. Veeranna V Naregal Irakalgada Post, Koppal District -583237 [B] Name and address of the secured creditor: Karnataka Bank Ltd., Gangavathi Branch.