WIML Pol J Aviat Med Psychol 2015; 21(2): 33-34 DOI: 10.13174/pjamp.21.02.2015.05 CHRONICLE



Source of support: Own sources

Author’s address: Mirosław Hermaszewski; hermaszewski.com; email: [email protected]

Alexey Leonov, a pilot, general of the Russian onov’s fl ight was organized in a hurry. This resulted Air Force was the 11th Russian cosmonaut and the in several malfunctions that Leonov was able to 15th man in space. Since 1960, he had been one of single-handedly overcome thanks to his determi- the 20 pilots selected to be a part of the fi rst cos- nation, competence and intuition. Consequently, monaut group, the so-called Gagarin group. Ow- his mission turned out to be a success and was ing to his abilities, determination and remarkable described as an achievement of the Soviet space personality traits, Leonov was appointed with the exploration program. In 1967, Leonov’s courage most diffi cult and pioneering tasks including mis- and competence made him a candidate for the sions in space. Moon fl ight that eventually did not go ahead ow- For the fi rst time Leonov went into space on the ing to technical diffi culties with the N-1 rocket. spacecraft together with Pavel Belyayev Subsequently, Leonov held several important on March 18th, 1965. It was during that fl ight that positions including that of deputy commander at he performed the fi rst ever extravehicular activity the Yuri A. Gagarin State Scientifi c Research-and- in outer space – wearing a spacesuit he was fl oat- Testing Cosmonaut Training Center in Zvyozdny ing for 12 minutes in the proximity of the Voskhod. gorodok. Because NASA were planning a similar mission, Le-

Full-text PDF: h p://www.pjamp.com • Copyright © 2015 Polish Avia on Medicine Society, ul. Krasińskiego 54/56, 01-755 Warsaw, license WIML • IndexaƟ on: Index Copernicus, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Educa on

© The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine and Psychology 2015 | Volume 21 | Issue 2 | 33

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On his second spacefl ight, Leonov was the the history of . As regards interpersonal re- commander of the Soyuz-19 spacecraft that went lations, Leonov was always kind, thoughtful and into space in 1975 as a part of the Apollo-Soyuz caring. After many years he allowed me to call him program. During that mission Russian and Ameri- a friend. Alexey is a humanist and artist. With his can spacecraft communicated with one another drawings, he documented the most important for the fi rst time. This was refl ected by a symbolic milestones of astronautics. Leonov is also one of hand-shake in outer space between Leonov and the founding fathers of the International Asso- Straff ord – the commander of the Apollo. Moreo- ciation of Space Explorers for which he designed ver, Russian and American cosmonauts carried out a logo. a number of joint scientist experiments. After he retired, he engaged in educational and Leonov played an important role during the artistic activities. He paints cosmos – both real- creation of the fi rst Interkosmos group, when he istic and futuristic, as well as landscapes and old was a supervisor of candidates from Czechoslova- Russian architectural landmarks. He lives in the kia, and Poland. He was a demand- vicinity of Zvyozdny gorodok in a house that he ing but also a caring supervisor – he and his wife had designed himself and which is also his artis- Svetlana helped us overcome the language bar- tic workshop. He enjoys spending time with his rier but also the barrier of insecurity. Their house grandchildren and stays up to date with current was always open to us. Leonov’s demeanor and astronautics. kindness were diff erent from the stereotypes of For his bravery and courage Alexey Leonov was that time. He spoke Russian with eloquence and awarded twice as the Hero of the USSR. He also cared about it very much. He taught these values received various distinctions from other countries to the candidates. He was interested in the history but despite this remains a humble person. He is of the world and Europe in particular. He was able generally respected and appreciated. He publicly to objectively approach the diffi cult moments in expresses his sympathy towards Poland.

Excerpt from the speech given by general Miroslaw Hermaszewski during the scientifi c session of the Space and Satellite Research Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences that took place in the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine, Warsaw, May 8th, 2015.

Fig. 1. General Miroslaw Hermaszewski during the scientifi c session of the Space and Satellite Research Committee.

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