
(c)Karen E. Smith 2018 UM Math Dept licensed under a Creative Commons By-NC-SA 4.0 International License. Math 412. The First Theorem.

φ NOETHER’S FIRST ISOMORPHISM THEOREM: Let R −→ S be a surjective homomor- phism of rings. Let I be the of φ. Then R/I is isomorphic to S. More precisely, there is a well-defined isomorphism R/I → S given by r + I 7→ φ(r).

A.WARM-UP: (1) Prove that the kernel of any ring φ : R → S is an of the source ring. (2) Prove that the of any φ : R → S is a of the target ring.

(1) This is proved on page 155 (Theorem 6.10). Actually, here is a better proof. We need to show that ker φ is closed under addition and under both left and right multi- plication by arbitrary element of R. Say x, y ∈ ker φ. To check that x + y ∈ ker φ, apply φ(x + y) = φ(x) + φ(y) = 0 + 0 = 0. So x + y ∈ ker φ. Take r ∈ R arbi- trary. To check that rx is in ker φ, apply φ: φ(rx) = φ(r)φ(x) = φ(r) · 0 = 0, so rx ∈ ker φ. Likewise, applying φ to xr, we haveφ(xr) = φ(x)φ(r) = 0 · φ(r) = 0, so xr ∈ ker φ. QED (2) This is proved on page 77 of the text (Corollary 3.11). We do have one extra thing to check, since our definition of rings (and ) include the multiplicative identity. We check that 1S ∈ im(φ), which is easy, since φ(1R) = 1S by definition of ring homomorphism, so 1S is in the image of φ.

B: Consider the canonical homomorphism:

Z → Zn a 7→ [a]n (1) Make sure everyone in your can explain why this map is a surjective ring homo- morphism. (2) Compute the kernel. (3) Find a generator for the kernel. (4) Verify the first isomorphism theorem for this ring homomorphism.

(1) We’ve proved this multiple times but no shame if it is not clear: Please come talk to me if you are unsure. (2) The kernel is the ideal of multiples of n. (3) A generator is n (another generator is −n). (4) The first isomorphism theorem says that the ring Z/(n) is isomorphic to Zn. This is indeed true: you proved it on the last worksheet in the first problem. Even more than isomorphic: these are literally the same of sets (congruence classses mod n).

C: Fix any a. Consider the evaluation map η : R[x] → R f 7→ f(a) (1) Make sure you understand why the evaluation map is a surjective ring homomor- phism. 1 (2) Prove that the kernel of η is the ideal I of R[x] generated by (x − a). (3) Use the first isomorphism theorem to prove that R[x]/(x − a) is isomorphic to R. ∼ (4) Give a direct proof that R[x]/(x − a) = R by thinking about the congruence classes [f](x−a). Why is there a with R that preserves the ring structure?

(1) Please come talk to me if you are unsure why this is a ring homomorphism. To prove it is surjective: take arbitrary λ ∈ R (the target). Let f(x) ∈ R[x] (the source) be the constant polynomial f(x) = λ. Then the evaluation map sends f to λ. So it is surjective. (2) The kernel is {f ∈ R[x] | f(a) = 0}. By the Remainder theorem, f(a) = 0 if and only if (x − a) is a factor of f. This means the kernel is {(x − a)g(x) | g ∈ R[x]}. So (x − a) is a generator. (3) Apply the first isomorphism theorem to the evaluation map R[x] → R f 7→ f(a). The kernel is (x − a) so the R[x]/(x − a) =∼ R. (4) Each class in R[x]/(x − a) is uniquely represented by the common remainder of the elements in it when divided by (x − a) (from worksheet last time). These remainders have degree less than 1 (the degree of x − a). So they are constant polynomials. So there is a So when we add/multiply classes in R[x]/(x − a), we can represent them all by [λ]x−a where λ ∈ R. The way we add/multiply is “the same” as the way we add/multiply in R. That is: [λ]x−a · [µ]x−a = [λµ]x−a and similarly for addition. Clearly this is a bijection: each λ ∈ R lies in exactly one class [λ]x−a and each class [g]x−a contains exactly one constant polynomial (which we know from the remainder theorem to be g(a).) When we identify the class of g with the remainder after dividing by (x − a), we get f(a) by the Remainder theorem. This is the evaluation map!

√ D: Let i be the complex number −1. Consider the ring homomorphism φ : R[x] → C f 7→ f(i) (1) Prove that φ is surjective. (2) Prove that x2 + 1 ∈ ker φ. (3) Prove that the kernel contains no (non-zero) polynomial of degree less than two. (4) Prove that x2 + 1 generates ker φ. [Hint: If f(x) is in the kernel, use the algorithm to divide f by x2 + 1 and see what happens under φ.] (5) Use the First Isomorphism Theorem to explain how to think about the complex numbers as a quotient of the R[x].

(1) Take arbitrary a+bi in the target C. The polynomial a+bx in the source satisfies φ(a+bx) = a+bi, so φ is surjective. (2) φ(x2 + 1) = i2 + 1 = 0. So x2 + 1 ∈ ker φ. (3) Take arbitrary a + bx of degree one or less. Apply φ to get φ(a + bx) = a + bi which is not the zero complex number unless a = b = 0. So no non- of degree one or less is in the kernel. (4) We need to prove ker φ = (x2 + 1). First we show (x2 + 1) ⊂ ker φ. Take arbitrary g(x)(x2 + 1) ∈ (x2 + 1). SInce the kernel is an ideal and x2 + 1 ∈ ker φ, every multiple of x2 + 1 ∈ ker φ. So (x2 + 1) ⊂ ker φ. For the other direction: Take f ∈ ker φ. Use the division algorithm to write f = (x2 + 1)q(x) + r(x) where r = 0 or degree r < 2. We need to show r = 0. Apply φ: φ(f) = φ(x2 + 1)φ(q) + φ(r). SInce f and x2 + 1 are in the kernel, we see that 0 = 0φ(q) + φ(r). So φ(r) = 0. But the kernel has no element of degree 1 or less! So r = 0. This means f ∈ (x2 + 1). So ker φ ⊂ (x2 + 1). (5) The map φ is a surjective ring homomorphism and the kernel is (x2 + 1). So the first isomorphism theorem says that C =∼ R[x]/(x2 + 1).

E: Let n and m be .

1One direction is easy. For the other, say g ∈ ker η, and use the division algorithm to divide g by (x − a). Then apply η. (1) There is a unique ring homomorphism φ : Z → Zn × Zm. Find it. Why is it unique? (2) Prove that the kernel is generated by the least common multiple of m and n. In par- ticular, if m and n are relatively prime, explain why the kernel consists of multiples of mn. (3) Let d be the least common multiple of m and n. Use the first isomorphism theorem to ∼ prove that there is a ring isomorphism Zd = im(φ). (4) Explain why if m and n are relatively prime your ring homomorphism φ is surjective.2 (5) Use the first isomorphism theorem to prove that if m and n are relatively prime, then ∼ Zmn = Zn × Zm. [You gave a different proof on Problem Set 5.]

(1) Define φ : Z → Zn × Zm by φ(x) = ([x]n, [x]m). It is easy to check that this is an homomorphism (do it!). Note that because 1 7→ ([1]n, [1]m), the entire mapping is completely determined! Every element of Z is either 1 + 1 + ··· + 1 (x times say, to get x) or the additive inverse of this, and ring respect addition, we know x = 1 + 1 + ··· + 1 MUST go to ([1]n, [1]m) + ([1]n, [1]m) + ··· + ([1]n, [1]m) = ([x]n, [x]m) (and similarly for −x). This argument shows that there is ONLY ONE homomorphism from Z to any ring, in fact. (2) An a is mapped to ([0]n, [0]m) if and only if ([0]n, [0]m) = ([a]n, [a]m), which is to say: a is a multiple of both m and n. Every multiple of both m and n is a multiple of the least common multiple, so the least common multiple generates the kernel. If m and n are relatively prime, then the lcm is mn, as follows from the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. (3) Since the image of φ is a ring, the map Z → im(φ) sending x 7→ ([x]n, [x]m) is a surjective ring ∼ homomorphism. Its kernel is generated by the lcm d. So Zd = im(φ). (4) To show φ is surjective, take any ([a], [b]) ∈ Zn × Zm. We need to find x ∈ Z such that [x]n = [a]n and [x]m = [b]m. That is, we need x ∈ Z such that x ≡ a mod n and y ≡ b mod m. The Chinese Remainder Theorem exactly says that when (m, n) = 1, such an x always exists! So the map is surjective. (5) This is a special case of (3), noting that the lcm is mn and the image is the full target because the map is surjective when m and n are coprime.

F:PROOFOFTHE FIRST ISOMORPHISM THEOREM. Fix a surjective ring homomorphism φ : R → S. Let I be its kernel. Define φ : R/I → S by φ(r + I) = φ(r). (1) Show that φ is a well-defined map. (2) Show that φ is a surjective ring homomorphism. (3) Show that φ is injective. (4) Prove the First Isomorphism Theorem.

This is on page 157 in the text. The proof of Theorem 6.13.

G: Let f ∈ F[x] be a polynomial of degree d. Consider the quotient ring R = F[x]/(f). (1) Suppose f factors as f = gh where g and h have strictly smaller degree than f. Prove that the congruence class g + (f) is a zero divisor in R. (2) State and prove a necessary and sufficient condition for R = F[x]/(f) to be a domain. (3) Prove that if f is irreducible and g is arbitrary, then the greatest common divisor of f and g is 1 unless f|g. (4) Prove that if the greatest common divisor of f and g is 1, then the class g + (f) is a unit in R = F[x]/(f). Clearly state the relevant theorems you use. (5) Prove that R = F[x]/(f) is a field if and only if f is an irreducible polynomial.

2Recall you proved the Chinese Remainder Theorem on Problem Set 5: Fix m and n relatively prime integers. For any a, b ∈ Z, there is always a solution to the pair of congruences x ≡ a mod n and x ≡ b mod m. (1) gh = f means [gh] = [g][h] = [f] = [0]. Note that since g, h have degree less than f, neither one is in (f), so the classes [g] = g + (f) and [h] = h + (f) are non-zero. So [g] = g + (f) is a zero divisor. (2) R = F[x]/(f) is a domain if and only if f is irreducible. Proof: Say f is NOT irreducible. Then f = gh, where g, h are not constant polynsomials, so by (1), [g][h] = 0 and R is not a domain. For the converse, say f is irreducible. Take classes [g] and [h] in R = F[x]/(f) whose product is zero. This means [g][h] = [gh] = 0. So gh ∈ (f). So f|(gh). But f is IRREDUCIBLE, so it must divide g or h. So [g] or [h] is zero. (3) See Theorem 5.10 on page 135 in the text for (3), (4) and (5). This is an exact analog of the corre- sponding fact for Z: namely Zn is a field if and only if n is prime.

H: Let S ⊂ Q be the of rational numbers with odd denominators (when expressed in lowest terms). (1) Prove that S is a subring of Q. (2) Let I ⊂ S be the subset of rational numbers with odd denominator and even numerator (when expressed in lowest terms). Prove that I is an ideal of S. (3) Show that the quotient ring S/I is isomorphic to Z2. [Hint: The elegant proof uses the first isomorphism theorem.]

a b (1) Take 2n+1 , 2m+1 ∈ S. We need to show that a b a b a(2m+1)+b(2n+1) (a) 2n+1 + 2m+1 ∈ S. This is true: 2n+1 + 2m+1 = (2n+1)(2m+1) ∈ S. Note that the denominator is odd. a b a b ab (b) 2n+1 · 2m+1 ∈ S. This is true: 2n+1 · 2m+1 = (2n+1)(2m+1) ∈ S. a (c) − 2n+1 ∈ S, obvious. 1 (d) 1 = 1 ∈ S. QED. (2) We need to show 2a 2b 2a 2b 2a 2b (a) If 2n+1 , 2m+1 ∈ I, then also 2n+1 + 2m+1 ∈ I. This is true: 2n+1 + 2m+1 = 2[a(2m+1)+b(2n+1)] (2n+1)(2m+1) . 2a b 2a b 2a b (b) For 2n+1 ∈ I and 2m+1 ∈ S, we have 2n+1 · 2m+1 ∈ I. Also clear: 2n+1 · 2m+1 = 2ab (2n+1)(2m+1) ∈ I. So I is an ideal. ∼ (3) S/I = Z2. The elegant argument use the first isomorphism theorem: Define a homomorphism S → Z2 which takes the even-numerator-fractions to [0] and the odd-numerator-fractions to [1]. It is easy to see this is a homomorphism, surjective with kernel I. So S/I = Z2. Alternatively, here is another more hands on argument. First observe that there are two congruence classes, 0 + I, which is just I, the fractions with even numerator and odd denominator (in lowest terms), and 1 + I, which consists of the fractions with odd numerator and odd denominator (in lowest terms). So the quotient ring S/I has two elements, 1 + I and 0 + I. This is clearly isomorphic to Z2. We can define a map S → Z2 which takes the class of even-numerator-fractions to [0] and the class of odd-numerator- fractions to [1]. To check that this map preserves addition and multiplication you can write out the tables and observe that they are the same after this nenaming.

I:PRIME IDEALS An ideal I in a R is prime if whenever rs ∈ I, it follows that either r ∈ I or s ∈ I. (1) Prove that I is prime if and only if R/I is a domain. (2) Find all prime ideals in Z. (3) Find all prime ideals in R[x]. (1) is Theorem 6.14 on page 163. See the proof there. Prime ideals in Z are the zero-ideal and the ideals (p) of multiples of a prime number. Prime ideals in F[x] are the zero-ideal and the ideals (f(x)) of multiples of an irreducible polynomial.