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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 4iH MARCH 1983 3199 Court of Justice). No. of Matter—23x of 1982. Trustee's Matter—2507 of 1976. Last Day for Receiving Proofs Name, Address and Description—Knight, William Jeremy —18th March 1983. Name of Trustee, and Address— Jonathan, 52-53 Old Stelne, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 Dolman, Dennis Eric, Thomas More Building, Royal 1PH, Chartered Accountant Date of Certificate of Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2JY, Official Appointment—25th February 1983. Receiver and Trustee. WILLIAMSON, William, of 13 Smith Square, Bracknell, CANT, Terence, residing and lately carrying on business Berkshire, and trading as Deepfield Stores from 68 at 3 Queens Comer, West Mersea in the county of Deepfield Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, GENERAL GRO- Essex, BUILDER. Court—COLCHESTER and CLAC- CER. Court—READING. No. of Matter—3 of 1983. TON. No. of Matter—18 of 1981. Last Day for Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Kirkpatrick, Receiving Proofs—18th March 1983. Name of Trustee, John Arthur, 9 George Street, Reading, Berks, Accoun- and Address—Horton, John Anderson, Knapton House, tant. Date of Certificate of Appointment—9th Febru- 12 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich IP4 1AT. ary 1983. GREEN, David, Bus Driver and General Grocer (des- BONTOFF, John Henry, residing at "Moss View", cribed in the Receiving Order as a Tobacco Dealer), Dyke Lane, Combs, Chapel-en-le-Firth, Derbyshire, and residing and trading from Leicester Stores, 40 Leicester carrying on business as a JOINER therefrom and also Avenue, Intake, Doncagter in the county of South from Gisboume Place, Manchester Road, Chapel-en- Yorkshire, lately trading therefrom in partnership with le-Firth aforesaid. Court—STOCKPORT (by transfer another as GENERAL GROCERS under the style of from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—51 of Green and Cook. Court—DONCASTER. No. of Mat- 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— ter—26 of 1980. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—21st Upton, Robin Andrew, of 325 Clifton Drive South. March 1983. Name of Trustee, and Address—Priestley, St Annes-on-Sea, Chartered Accountant Date of Cer- John Herbert, 93 Queen Street, Sheffield SI 1WF. tificate of Appointment—17th January 1983. CRUWYS, Peter Gilbert, of Rising Sun, Stockland, Honiton KEMP, Richard Lance, Barman, residing at 133 Dartmouth Devon, FARMER. Court—EXETER (by transfer from Avenue, Cannpck in the county of Stafford, lately resid- High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—25 of 1980. ing and carrying on business at 5 Hawks Green Lane, Last Day for Receiving Proofs—18th March 1983. Name Cannock, as a SCRAP METAL MERCHANT and also of Trustee and Address—Gilderthorp, Robert Stanley, lately carrying on business in partnership with others Raymond Wright & Co., 9 Market Place, Shepton Mallet, under the style of "Dards Restaurant Club" from Somerset BA4 5AZ. Church Street, Cannock in the aforesaid county as RESTAURANT and CLUB PROPRIETORS. Court— MORRIS, Arthur Harold, of Lynn House, 46 Wells Road, WALSALL (by transfer from High Court of Justice). Fakenham in the county of Norfolk, previously residing No. of Matter—39A of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address at 9 and 11 St Dominies Drive, Thetford Road, and Description—Halls, Nigel John, Lennox House, Brandon in the county of Suffolk, unemployed. Court Beaufort Buildings, Spa Road, Gloucester GL1 1XD, —KINGS LYNN. No. of Matter—24 of 1970. Last Chartered Accountant Date of Certificate of Appoint- Day for Receiving Proofs—28th March 1983. Name of ment 23rd February 1983. Trustee and Address—Wade, Bernard Coultas, 4th Floor, Norvic House, 29-33 Chapelfield Road, Norwich NR2 1TG. INTENDED DIVIDENDS DEWHURST, Joseph Perry, of 118 Ashton New Road, CANDLER, Ramon Phillip, whose present address is un- Beswick, Manchester 11 in the county of Lancaster, known, lately of "Georgian Villa", Station Crescent, TOBACCONIST. Court—MANCHESTER. No. of Rayleigh, Essex, and WATKINSON, Stanley Walter, of Matter—27 of 1964. Last Day for Receiving Proofs— 7 London Road, Benfleet, Essex, lately of "The Lan- 17th March 1983. Name of Trustee and Address— terns", Southwell Road, Benfleet, Essex (carrying on Bishop, Walter Arthur, Townbury House, 11 Blackfriars business as Overseas Accommodation Bureau at 34-36 Street, Salford M3 SAB. Wardour Street, London W.I, lately trading as New Life Cleaning at 30 City Road, London E.C.1 £s a HENRY, Eustace Augustas, also known as Sidney Davis, SUB-CONTRACTING BUILDINGS CLEANER and of 29 Duke Close, Hempshill Vale, Nottingham in the DECORATOR), both trading together in partnership as county of Nottingham, occupation unknown, lately Mr. Ray's Employment Agency at 34-36 Wardour Street, CRANE DRIVER. Court—NOTTINGHAM. No. of London W.I as HOTEL CATERING and DOMESTIC Matter—27 of 1981. Last Day for Receiving Proofs— STAFF AGENCY, described in the Receiving Order 23rd March 1983. Name of Trustee and Address— as Raymond Candler and Stanley Watkinson, proprietors Eckley, Neville Richard, 10 Bramley Hill, South Croydoa of a Hotel Catering and Domestic Staff Agency. (Separ- CR2 6LL. ate Estate of Stanley Walter Watkinson). Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—759 of 1977. COLLEY, Bernard Andrew, of 144 Sherwood Street, Read- Last Day for Receiving Proofs—18th March 1983. Name ing, Berkshire, ASSEMBLER. Court—READING. No. of Trustee—Auger, George Albert, Stoy Hayward & of Matter—12 of 1980. Last Day for Receiving Proofs Partners, 44 Baker Street, London W1M 1DH. —24th March 1983. Name of Trustee and Address— Eckley, Neville Richard, 10 Bramley Hill, South Croydon CONROY, Timothy, of "Mondello", Wood End Close, CR2 6LL. Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire, COMPANY DI- RECTOR, lately of 19 Antbonv Road, Boreham Wood, WILSON, Gerald, residing at and carrying on business Hertfordshire, lately a SELF-EM PLOYED CAR SALES- from 11 Springvale Close, Wickersley, Rotherham in the MAN, described in the Receiving Order as of Station county of South Yorkshire under the style of G. Wilson, Parade, Whitchurch Lane, Edgeware, Middlesex. Court PLUMBER (described in the Receiving Order as G. —HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—2183 Wilson (male) occupation unknown). Court—SHEF- of 1976. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—25th March FIELD. No. of Matter—56 of 1980. Last Day for 1983. Name of Trustee, and Address—Thome, Derek Receiving Proofs—22nd March 1983. Name of Trustee Arthur, Thomas More Building, Royal Courts of Justice, and Address—Priestley, John Herbert, 93 Queen Street, Strand, London WC2A 2JY, Official Receiver. Sheffield SI 1WF. WRIGHT, Malcolm Frederick, of 8 Tadema Road, London BECKLES, Julian Avonda, also known as John Beckles, S.W.10, of no occupation, lately of 181 Cavendish Avenue, LORRY DRIVER, of 3 Rosebank Avenue, Sudbury London W.I 3, lately a COMPANY DIRECTOR, for- Hill, Wembley and lately of 21 Dormers Avenue, South- merly of and formerly trading at 24 Lille Road, London all, both in the county of Middlesex (described in the S.W.6 as Falcon Transport as a HAULAGE CONTRAC- Receiving Order as Julian Beckles). Court—SLOUGH. TOR and also formerly so trading at 2A Darwin Road, No. of Matter—62 of 1977. Last Day for Receiving Baling, London W.I3, described in the Receiving Order Proofs—18th March 1983. Name of Trustee and Ad- as of 38 Wood Lane, London W.I2, occupation un- dress—B. Lyons, Official Receiver and Trustee, Monarch. known. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of House, 77-79 Caversham Road, Reading RG1 SAW. F2.