
Reader (not Wi-Fi)

Before you transfer eBooks to your (not Wi-Fi), you need to download the following to your computer. You also need to create an Adobe ID if you do not already have one.

1) Create an Adobe ID: http://www.adobe.com ; click on “Sign In”. 2) Download Sony Reader Library: http://ebookstore.sony.com/downoad/. 3) Download : http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/.

An is the digital, onscreen version of a physical . eBooks can be read on a computer or transferred to an eReader. This handout will take you through the steps to download an eBook and transfer it to your Sony Reader (not Wi-Fi). Remember, you can only download the following formats onto your Sony Reader: EPUB, PDF, OEPUB, OPDF and MP3.

3) Find something to READ! Search the catalog http://austinlibrary.lib.overdrive.com . When you find a title you’re interested in, click on “Add To My Cart”. Click on “Proceed to Checkout”. Sign in with your library card number and PIN if you are not already signed in. Select the checkout period you want, 7 or 14 days. Click on “Confirm check out”. Click on “Download”. In the “File Download” box, click on “Open”. Your Sony Reader Library will open automatically. You will see your selected eBook in your title list. Plug your Reader into your computer with its accompanying USB cord. Click on the title and drag it to the Reader icon in the left navigation bar. This will place the eBook on your Reader. 4) To read the eBook on your Reader, close the Sony Reader Library on your computer and safely eject the device. Unplug the USB cord. Find your eBook in the “” section of your Reader, select it, and read away! 5) To return an eBook before its due date: Open the Sony Reader Library on your computer. Right-click the title you want to return. Click on “Return Borrowed Item”.

Austin Public Library Need help? Call 512-974-7400.

Revised 10/12