Avoragf Dolly Clrcalatkn Par ttta lUMtb o f DaWmbar. IK *

W omen Fiffht R eport N ew H em isphere D edl Says Some

British Start Big Bomber F ii^

Assault on A r v 0 Near London Officials of Britain ^

I P a t O u t *Incendiari«.i’ Defending Tobruk A s T hey F aU ; W eather 4' Favor U. S. at War H alts B ig Flights on - 4 ^ A ir F orce P repares W ay B oth S id ^ o f ChanneL May Puuiah Othors Disagree With F or Attack on Libyan LoBdoa, Jan., *1— —Hooae- Army Planes Former WPA View; Those FaYoriag jn gh old w ith Series Officer Who wlve* ware reported to have drop­ EnU^ce BeHeve U. S. ^ m f Night Raidn' Un- ped their kitchen work ta * town Stale Head on the -iitakirta of London today In Test Fight der Siege Sipce Cap- KOpS OtherS * w o i U 4 ^ to smother fire bomba unloaded by C s a x f Itv ThroMg^h;’ la Indicted tu re o f B ardiai, J an . 5. a Ctatiman raider. Off Bpmbers Drattic DUciplinary Ac­ Three alarma aounded in the I O pponents sAM ert A c- • Cairo, Egjrpt, Jan. 2 1 .— (ff) capital after * raid-free night I tion W ould C ot D ow n tion Demanded in See- ((„ , W.,. Sxl**®*’* E i g h t O t f c * — British forces aurrciunding throughout the British Isles. Brlt- Defend ’ N w E n gU ^ W ar M a t e r i a h r Jlwd beleagured Tobruk launched sion of Commons on lah acootmta said the Nata Inoen- From Iffir-H” Cam* reports that a deal waa imder conal^ratlon for And New York W l*! ^ C o n - a major aaaault on the SO.- Working-Class Critic, dlarias were extlnqulahed as quick­ eooDaratlon hetwash the United States and ikuador ta buU^ng Air Aid of Observers; Bos­ Washington, Jan. 2 1 .— ^ 000 Italian defenders of the ly as they fall. uS^l^val baits to the Oalapagoa Islands and hMp arblUtt* the lOTg- nection with Work, Ambassador Joseph P.' Libyan stronghold today af­ London, Jan. 11—(SV -'1D «*tlo A atngta German plana waa said rti»v—Army j . Suntvan, Bridgeport, former gress today that some W flk than dumped high explosivesaxploalvea. A c- Sifted area, v raids, . “Eariy this nioroing ta^rattacks asld only pfusult planes auccesafully state WPA administrator, and British officials'believed the on attack was launched on fended” New Enpand and New ______Lond^J^ea that , the workingw or^ - eight other WPA ometata, have united States should go to Tobruk and the operations slight damage done. York today from a score of theo­ class men now eervlerving as Army been Indicted by a Federal •rjth their nation agoiost ore proceeding satisfactor­ officers had **laffay^ y nUlen down ’ London’s first alarm came late retical stuck! by "enemy" bomb­ In the roorntag-and^two other* 1m ^ Jury for aUeged IrregutariUeB tajconnany but that other* ily,” the -British Middle East cn the Job. ers ta the flrat testa of the '■•Never wag an old school tie the eariy afternoon. ■coitaectlon with ^ Works command announced. and the best It stands for more Bxidoeions which sounded like defense command’s aircraft warn­ Tobruk, 80 mU«a liurtda Libya, iSB-d to- Those Who favored United Justified than today,” Bingham bomba ware heard outside an East ing system haa bean under stage by land, M aaia I- hta tatter. Angeltan town'and distant blasts Reported in Rumania In the mock attack on New day at*^tha direction of Fadarai I States entrance into the w o e * and air since the Brittab captured During the Commons dlacuaslon also developed down the Thamee England six group! of bombers Judge CarroU C . Hlncks, at New | g|^id th* retiring envoy to ^ardta, 10 mUes from the Egyp­ ofi the Tetter, Tetter, Lady Nancy Aator estuary, where anti-aircraft guns were labeled "deatroyed" and four Haven aa a result of the aecret ta- London, did. so becansc tjiiT tian frontier, on Jan. 5. Mrted; fired a few rounds at another sin- others were beaUn off to s m Iw dictment which. waa raturnad by felt that this nation “wouUI VatoBB Target Of Aaaault "Bear in mind that a peat I gta plane ahortly before noon. Street FighUng, Bomb- F u clire ra D uCC the Jury at Hartford Monday. speedy pursuit planes which took find a way to carry k many ordinary soldiers think > Weather Stalls Ffight I n g a Injure Civilians; . _ to th.e air after ma the ’anamy "enemy" n«had U.- 8. DIatrict Attorney Robert there ta a good deal of substance Bad weather, over the EngUab P. Butler'# office polated out that through.” Offidoli opposod Uie .JV. r . mUMVUUVWM a In thta matter and everybody Channel which .waa said to have g SU h SoWier. «id Ponder United b s " y thaaa ara ax parts Indtctmante aad to the idem, he said, briievod was attacked heavily, seven planes knows it ' prevented any major air operations tha accuaed have not been heard or wars daatroyad in an attack on M ot Give Explanation Communists in Cities. • ' a -a *In the New 'York area,‘ ""one that it would cut down tha by either aide during the night "enemy” bomber over Oyster tried. Catania, Sicilian base of Axis fliers Capt. H. D. F. Marpaaon, gave way today to a light fog. To Appear Thureday flow of war materials to raiding Britlah Mediterranean retary of state for war, told Com States Action Bay. Long Island, waa Intercept­ Heavy aeaa were running from a Sofia, Bulgaria, Jan. 2 1 .— ed four minutes after It waa flrat Tbegr will appear ta Federal 'M t a lR . ablpplng, and Vahma was made mona that Bingham bad been di­ Kamady. who esrred ,. the target of the heaviest aaaault rected to pve an exptanatlcn and aouthwestarly gale which taahed (/P) Widespread disorders spotted. court at Hartford 'Thursday at 10 the channel during the night. ~ m. RooMTHt In London for 18: yet looeed on that ntajor Italian Laborito Malcolm MacMQlan de­ American Aid to Britain Flrat BepOited at 1#:14 The allegations Involve the flUag aft« Brttate want to — port of entry Into southern At manded •’draatle” dtadpUnary ac- An ofllclal anouneement eariy in RumonU, with street Tha bomber wSa flrat rtportad tonight nid there waa "consider- of falee'travel vouchers, and dtvar- at through more than B Uon against Bingham, aaaerttag fig h t in g and bombings in­ A Topic of Axis Par­ at 10:14 a. m. (e^ .t.) over Oyatar raids,da, appeand . bMhea the In the attack on Tobruk, car­ that Kf ulationa forbid officers able enemy activity'’ over East­ Bay. One minute latar Inter­ slon of WPA tabor aad matartal ern England in the daylight hours, juring civilians, German sol­ ley; May Bring At­ for the Improvomant of l| r . SulU- ForelgB’rein^RslstlonB------OamnStt leam ried out the night o f Jan. 19-20, the ajd aoldlera f-jm writing to the ceptor planes took off from Mltdi- tasttty on tlM ------, R. A. F. said direct hits . were press. but that no important attack de­ diers and Oimmimista in the vaa'a private home ta Bridgeport veloped. tempt to Get Dakar. el field and at 10:19 a. m. the ta and tha North Cromwall bom# of for lease land-aid to Britain ragtatorad ea marina repair’'abopa When Margeaaob asked for ac­ streets of Bomreat and terceptton waa completed. other "demoeiaelan.’* Md military barracks. One artil­ tion "to make sure more dtacre- v / one of tha other acouaad, Frsdarick other cities, wsre reported in 21—(O —Vlrglnlo Earlier, two bombers were WeO* Lbalt aai_ _.. lery battery of four guns — tlon ta exerctaed.m • _ e.t^.a over ae publicationpubUcaUon D W | f,L Shin Loaaea Rome, Jan. spotted flying high In a south­ J. Mayo, former WPA director of He egreed with variooa atteneed, the communique said, and of letters of thla kind," the Houae aruian ontp LMSSes dlplomatlp dispatches todsy Gaydx Indicated today that Unit­ operations ta the state. westerly direction over Greenport tlona put forward by co- •'many bomba" fall on a camp of ec' oed with a chorus of assent ta' F or Week Are Nino to Sofia, Belgriule and Buda ed Statea acUvlty—"the eharpen- In the Northeastern end of Long msm ena for UmiUag about 300 tents. which Prime Mintatcr Churchill London, Jan. 31.—(SV-Britain (Oeqttoaafl On Bigs WgMI graated the Joined. n»«TT-^*,SSlpe 8t . S o m e .sources in lingtag of warlike trande acrowacroea ttow iuiaaq.Island. Puroult j planes took ofl w ^ w o t d d "Anti-aircraft lira waa intense, lost nine merchant sUm toUlltag ‘ iM, aatl-atrcratt preeldeBt tgr but our aircraft praaaed boms the S0,3M------tons ta the -----*- . ___ , , and tha hombere provtag among othens a attack,” tba It A. F. communique B ^ t o MuaaoUnl. were Intercepted about IS min­ |» keep the ‘ said . jia idthorttative editor of II utes later over Wading River, Jap Minister for eon i-, duty. ag Itallra Faroea Britain Will Authoritative gircke eaid the tremist and mor* eonssrva- Giornale d’ltalia ouUlned these Long Island, about 40 miles from ____ coneeated. Elsewhere m the Battle of Afri­ tetal was sUU “weD below" the il n,,mania’s five "Well-defined phesee” of the tha spot whtra they w en first Jt he aeld theit the ■ ca, the Middle East command ra- high averages which marked lb# BumontaS war eituatlon which he said called slfhtad. ^ Hits American before this aattaoi ta tii p

—Tba aaara- Gorinaa troope and pro-Oerroan tbe BriUxh fleet, thereby cloe-Uroctj,^ moved back 13 hours atgna" Athana, Jan. 3L— —^Ths should not bo ordered imtU the Ouardtata on one aide and Anton- pmpre n Olornata d'ltalla reported the aea to convoys and reduc- J ,^aue negotlatota workad vW oaM Net UalF faaeo BACK . 'Ororiis reported today their forces government had drafted *WsaIth, today aa air raid yosterday cn the ooen Bupportcra on te* o 4 ^ . "1, for one." Matauoka declared. property s"d lend ta the national Rumania’a frontiar with Y , tag Britaln'a hopefully toward an tgreemenL had repulsed w>uit they deecribed main Greek military base At against the Italians effort." ■tavto and Bulgaria waa dosed I •ta to Harry C. Malcom, federal coo- aaBagaBIsM) task was paaaad hyBta^M the targeat and most carefully Inraeus, the seaport of Athena, I giro cutting off British I Italian coimter-attack yrt an axeert a few travetaro “ cUtator la wage negottatkma be­ ------dav 139 la 9 aa* atari to Wlnterton wainad that tA BriU "damaged aad destroyed a targe dipt t p Greece. tween the company aad CLO. ttempted ta the Tepeleni sector tab psflpta had "g ot into a n ^ of the Albsalaa front 'amount of mertaiaat ■ tonnage ta United AutomoMle Workera, Workers, #»• ‘D.rt.mra dangwona state of mind of think- aa ragangi^ (OaottaoB* oa rags Two) nounoed the agraeinent to port- | O O V S Aa n resolt of thta ttahpanto tag that If we o>^ .watted tong. the waB-protectod bay." « sttampt to halt the Gratae ad- pooe the strike deadline from 7 I J Tw o targa ahlpo and a steam­ a-m.. Paclfle coast Uma, to 7 p.m. vaaook the Italians were declared ea fags Tara) have lost thetr original poql* ( er” ware badty damaged by bombs Ha aald the delay was...... agrood to Shot in West ”, to ta the port of Leontoa, arhUe four the union nagotiaton after Pr. )OB elp«g with grant numbsn ahlpo o ff Caps Themiatoctaa atao Wagner Sees $30 to $40 tbolr attnektag fores. John Staalmaa. natlooal dlraetor ware bombed, the naarapapat aald. o f oonclllattan. aad John Owan o f Italian ptanes, ta two wavoa of 15-Ye«r-Old Lawrence Nazis Again the Netlooal Defense COmmlaaloa On the frant north o f KUsura I I five boiaben each, raided Piraeus Monthly Old Age Benefits had conferred with them. tha Oreaka raportod they also The groupe apparently ware Lad Killed in Gun poorad important gains la attacks . Attack MaltatetaSSSri?^ SS near agraamont One aegottator, Battle With Coast Copa lundted ta Mtad% anowatormn iG reA ptanes. It aaaayteil Tha New York aenator aald he in fact, ventured loot night: "you -Ogr trooni ndvanoed their —■— the areeoal. Wariitfigtoii, Jan. « — tor Wagnarrt>., N.Y.), predlc^^ I working on amandmento caa go far out. on tha Umb with iraes of poaUM tram where It ■ofaty to saying tbara will ha no Urn Aagatas. Jaa. 31— Im — ’ to reach tbair ob- ScoDlins raghi* 2 a SXi,SS5. todar-nat cingraaa to tha social security act to bring wm will abaet l#gtatattaa granting old- about 11,000,000 persona now strik#.** 18-yearraM Msasaetaisetto youth. Made Over Britain De* age htaMOto of $30 to $40 a m o ^ oxenmt under the provlalona for Moloom stated ahortly batora Oscar Daoota o f Lawrenea, waa Tkls retort other wavea o f ------old-age taouranee.* These arould In­ --fiOfieht that the nagotiaton Wtaed a haigbt M tlra 1 were aald to have bowbefl miU- to an unemployad peraosia over 08. ■hot and fatally wounded ahortly spite ' Bad Weatli«r.| •Tt wm he difficult new. whOe wa clude agricultural workera aad "ware not far apeit, but potato on ' more than 100. j ______. Jtaiy wochsat aoda, oatbe Albao- which there still waa dtaagr^ bafora m ldail^ last night la a three ta ara engacad to the defooaa pto- enployaa of munlclpaliUea which gTsaa^taod w ogoi*, wim fodrarad do not have peneton plane for rW n»sntant werewars vital to both tadaa" . 1 nnwtag gun battle with two do* 1 * CALUNG U Btod guna. ttnr Both eompaay eodunScaapekeo-Tteettvae ta tba downtown dlrtrict. j*** ■» ”7 ' * • aaortaia aad & aectol aeeuiuy low, 'to ri evaO- tired workers. aald they war# optimistic. A nn- I The datoettvto and oMtoar ^ ^ s t e e e "of eaitrtdgea. tuaHy Is wlwt wa are coming Weridng aa Savtogs Ion negotiator bbaarved "we may iLawrenoe youth, Herbert_____ Ottvar. TL. Bitttrii RJLF. to." In addition. Wagner declared, be arark right up to 4 ee< U ^ 17. - wars aertouaiy wounded, hut tha Orarit taud foroaa, troop Rtratlons Wagner said ouch bantau riamld hnpea to tatrodnee at thia aaorion Ibe-wage imue,Mua, which resultedreauttod I pi^ctaaa aald *ii|«* Valoota a port vital for attacke*i^ . '...iha-Psik riffarfliaaa af tha staasori a * ' amendment permi tting volun- taadoodk)^:lost moodoy. app^ su nrohahly tary aavtngs for old age. U »^ ^ I the BMjor ohtaaeta.|oUvar fort teM ft’s •Ian. aa tnOMdual eould maka da- original^ oak#* 0 ^ 1 area J oa ______Boatta ragalatty with aerae Fadarai the kourfy scale -he | LeC-Lieut. C. H. itaaa of tha aoMuot af ’ ^ yV pM lS y through hta local hft-ftaed from OO to 78 cents. Inra youths hod bn Ivldad by tba stotaa. taOca. When he retired, the . ItkN fobbtfs aa aatattaa _ „ u y w ^ b# roteined. wttb to- T r ^ g o r y B oIoim. lomrartg.^ Isa* o f Grata, taraat. ta th# forta of aa annuity. atrihla Wagner aald that tba ptaa would ,^ ^ ;;^ ltta a Wttb aatoMMto* fo- unrom borinaaom. and wool* aB asoppurti^ty r jraleaa to Al-|toaitai< SXmjSHMAMi

^ 7 ^ ■} -'I?.'-

F A S S t l 1 M y r n ’Rai.1V MANCHESTER, CONN. 'TUESDAY, JANUARY 21,1941

and iBooma. Tka flanaar gate * Town biltoia amoimting to |rAiLM;ny«j:- '' '"■VKNi’.n r:T«w-'^n_ r.:XrnV*:£T:cn* rf^N'N. TUEsnAY, jAKSAsyzi, m\ new year Vbat* were 788 pend­ 703.81 V orom d pRtd. Ho8pit$^Paii7' market fa r hto products ing mudring a total to 4,780 ap- Board Scans which might «i auqihto • Cooking Talks pUcanta to ba bandied. market and bring very Ulfla fe* UoB win hava to oaU late muni* Laaf year the oommlfrioner Tomorrow N%hi^ more Gradiiatioii Exerci^s turn. By promtotag the use to Mrs. Inez T clalnto would fata much tioiis and aircraft facU^aa "nuuiy M ardi o f Sports Medical Board Local Draft New Officer noted 4,008 to tbe appUcatlone Food Stamps] certela auiptaia eommodltles at a awaiomically. ' ' ^ Local Priest woman who, ia aormal eircum* By. Mrs. Mixter were disposed to, 8,(Kn being Mm. Riehatd N. Meonrtim sit Sidewalks Oartain intaraatt ttot benaflt atancaa, would M t taka em ploy.' eactata aaoaMat, the BavaRiaseat ChoBen lent awarded: TOO rajaeted'aa beta* in- redueae larga crop er produce, r ^ Phelpa 'Roed. to ehainnen aa tea ftam tha opaiatton to tha tow mant.” Aids'111 Youth W ill Be Held lonight committee arrangteg ter tea 4ifl- Appeals Seen Are Installed eUglbto and 880 withdrawn either Solectm____ en Disrtiss New| aervea and alda to malnteln micht fttht tor ita rataaUon, hot * In Pictiures "A s mora maa are caUad up far Popular Home Econo­ voluntarily by tha fipidicaat or aert- tomorrow at irSS m '1^ Probleni tha taxpeyrera might aaeure the forcM." he said, "industry through death to the applicant. Plan to Deal WUhW ith R e.|-«* ^ __ Thiax. to Sprues Odd Frtwwa halt, under auafitean w ill have to ahaoiH. womaa far Local Draftee Di4 Not, mist 1^ Give Lecture 1 eletoed president of the its rapaal. Selective Service Board Sunset Rebekali Lodge Fifty-Seven Students Proposed legtolatlon of various of tha Woman's Auxfllasy to Ma»> Rev. Fr. Suck Shown mors than it la doing. lief Cases in Town. Manchester tt la Indicated, may society to Chrlotlan Chester Memorial HoeptteL tete K now It U ntil Notified;"! Water Changes H ere at Gas Go. O ffice. types all aiming at UberaUaatlon Oauiiot Eaforee ‘Tiia state will hava to taka Notified o f HeariiigB Holds Colorful Rites; M id-Year Class; Pito- of the old ago aaaistance act, ex- soon adopt this ayatem. to ilM . Booth Metluxflat wm be aaetoted by M ra Bowarfi J. Celebrating much gTMter, tatoionaibility for The Selectmen laat night signed Roy. who ia in charge to mfreah Fuehrer, Duee Now in Hospital. j tending benefits and MtUng up Mancheater shortly may adopt chwfch at the monthly meeting to _ But Seems IM the care of childran whera woman Before F ili^ Notice. List o f Those Seated. dpai Speaker Prof. Again to Fore Many Manchester women will the annual old age aSolstance MigTOUpe of tbe flbclete last roente; M ra Harry L Retoboan, Magasine Artidel further safeguards for benefici­ tbe *Tood atamp plan" ta relief Mm. Elmer A. Weden, M ra 0 . I L in Dunsge Soils. ara rendering national Mrvlca.” M i^ this with special Interest aa it aries wiD he Introduced ii the warrant Hating 18A87' persona night. She aucceede Mrs. Edward Bavin gave point by point a re­ PoaalbUlty of two appeals being Btmaat Rabakah Lodge inatallad An unusual medical c s m , haa , Robert H l^gWorth. « wT a 1 haa to do with the fact that Mrs eaaea tt waa le a r n t here foUow- here liable to pay the tax. _/ oi^feiUey who moved lasL mcotb CeMweU and a number to tee Ate- Pouder United la tha current lasue to "Oolum* developed in thn examlnatton bare preaent General Asaemblyr'sexatal er members, to different gmapati- cital of increased British produc* taken from darialoaa of tba Mat^. its new officers lost nlpht in Odd Selectm en T a k e N o A c- xm Button Mixter. home econom- different sources have indicated. tag dlscuarton to tbe plan laat A report to progrem was mue to Lewleton. Maine. Mrs. Carl t e m to wttbout authority to Ma" the official ntogaaloe to the tion In the past few months, de­ to draft raglatraats, it waa learn­ teat ntoht by the Board’s Watet Johnaon was elected financial sec- 'Them win he table prtma aad cheater Selective Service bbard on Fellows hall, following n supper at Fifty-seven^ atudenta w ill be •• A fw v Hartford Gas Co., w ill night at a maaion to tha Board to O * ^ » nito eentoE f * W t i w Kaighta to Oolumhua, thcra la a spite German attempts to bomb tba baato to dependency loomed ed at the local SalecUve Servlca graduatedRi the dam of 1041A'at tion; rire instnci snother of her popular epok- conimluee In regard t o t retary. a valuable door prises amd a In n s States Action Selaatman. ’The proposal baa beta attendance la hqped for, afl tee ^ar MaOac tow ***23SSi itory under tha heading "Oolor factortaa, fumaeaa and aircraft t o ^ y aa Appeal Agent Judge 0:80 under tha dteactlon of Mrs. bfflca today. One of the racenUy Jfaachaaw- High achooTs auditor­ Ing talka at the local office at the Uation with the South Maficheo- 'The epeaker laat zdght waa Mm. S Goes to Maaa” which ahowa plc- plants out of exlstanca. Ha report­ Raymond A. Johnaon asked the Naemto HUdlng and” her aaatolanta. axamlaad ragtotraata. whoM name under dtocuadoa with local mer- 1 ter Fire Dlltrict relative to the Harold Holehouaa of Danlelaon. cause Is a worthy ana prortdtag (Oentttaod frem (toga Oaa) ium sit 8 o’clock tonight — the I Manchester civiaion o4 ’The Gas Society Opens funds for linen and other coraferta V ibiA flUitot 9^^ FlorencB M. S^elBrt tuina of the different parta of the ed: board for haartnga btoora flUfig Tha hnnquat hnU waa taatefuUy la wllhhald. waa suffering from n sfrtnth and laat mid-year com- ebaate fo r aoaie weeks, but haa Dlstrlct’a requeat tor a water delegate from this conference to Wato Omtor ttrert' protaatto maoa aa ahown in oolorad moving When the bokm to artectmen at -Hiurwlay. Jan 30 sU rtlng at for the patients at tbe Mfmortat 1. An Increaaa by mora than notice of an appaaL Tha ragto* doborntad and patriotic colors o f serious disease and did pot know miencement to be heW at the echool not prevtousty beea publiciaed. rate reduction. ’The final report the jurtedictlonal conference in S t o on Victoria road hava A aupptotoantary mH"g last night failed to 18 P- ® o f the Selectmen's committee wlU Plttaburgh ta December, who gave Hospital.. aervera My, m u lit t»e a O a f i ^ to* this state laat summer with rad, whlU, and blue, with match­ ' ’The principal speaker w ill be Pro- Social Season Laat flight the Selectmea referred M l hoan ctoM«d conatrucUrii In tha last half of IMO riaaaifleattona made by tha local medical board. feseor Robert Illingworth of Clarke t-ir« final aettoa on water charges be auhmltted at the next Board a report of the high apota to that fort to obtain Daikar, chlar port of eBevl Thomas 8Uck. ah instructor ing candles and aprlga of aver- axalnat the South Mancheater Fire the <)ueatioo to Its charity com- Sflfteretltlon prompte Tha tocoBfrirtty over tha first half: draft board are Wadsworth Me- groan adomad' the tabiM. ’The Found Saelsqtoy m University in Worcester, MSaa., mtftoe for further oonsideratloa. meeting. It is' expected that to meeting. moon tfl ^ m tk in AppartnUy old ai>t at French tVeat Africa, aa a baae for at Bt. Thomas Seminary. Bloom- 3. An Increased produetloa to Kinnay, to 14 Arch atnsft and Wben this regliS^t’a medical District it made the district a rate reduction wUl be recommend­ Membera of Uyi Aabury group terow a kiss to the ope* M lu ItMlt on Uie Board operatlona agalnat \Britl«h or field, and a Sunday f aaslaUnt at meal conalated of baked beans, whoee subject will be “Now St. James’s H oly Name Spedto Food Depet were hoeteeeee for the evening. itasure them e lucky engageiniart. airplanes "since the bagbuiing to Htm an Mmlar to ST Btgrkwaath* salads, cold cuts, ralishas, rolls, papers were ret'Jitted to the.Jgk- W here?" debtor to the town. Under •*w te Hie food stamp plaa to a ae«r ed. aaaasiMia. eventual American oFaratlpna In Septambar, weak by w m "; ar atraat. lecUve Sendee office it Was noted passed by the aelectmen laat faU To Show Movies and On the ana hand the Boart laat the Atlantic. coffee, apple pie and chaaaa. Student Spenketi way to dtotributing aurplua com- S. Maintenance of the high arms Both to thaaa ragtetrante ware Officers inatallad that ha waa dtoqaaliftod for mil­ Miae UlUan KitUe wUl deUver 5 a water WU waa not paid the modltlea to famlUea getting pub­ Land torcaa would haVc to ba production rata of last summer married laat tall totar tha Satoc- itary service due to suffering from wRter could be shut olf* If the Enjoy a Luncheom moved acroM tha Maditerrfnean Dlatrtct Deputy Elate MUlar of the valedictory address on "What lic aaeiatanoe. A t tbe preeent Unse through the air aiega months of tlva Service and Training act had Rockville waa unable to serve ^aa acuta nephritis. It was npte^ water department carries out the aiurplua comaiodttiea, sent here oa a e iiie e from falto or injuriaa aua- for any German occupation of gone into affect Thalr vdvM are aerlca Means to Me” and Mias autumn and "In many cases In- Installing officer owing to ItoeM by the examining doetora iIMt Thumer’s salutatory will be order of the aelectmen over two- The next meeting to S t Jamea*a cooslgnment, are handed out to t S w on icy walka. It North African baaea but tt *waa creaaeB’’ In tbs rate. now dependent upon them. and Mrs. Helen ()ulan of nock- "This man to aarloualy lU, a thlrda of the town Of Mancheater Holy Name Society WIU be held on reUet cUenta as thay iflay apply. OM noich claim. The town ia racM potntad out that the Germane dem- In the labor d ra ft Bavin said, If appeals ara takaa from tba / ’The American Way to Life." vlUa, who formerly held that of­ Poatinaater Tbomaa J. Quiah, should ba notifiad to pmault^ brief address to welcome will be wUl be without water for Are pro­ Tueaday, February 4 in SL James’s A apeclal food depot U the handler mith rialma paynMnta or tna\iraaoa onatratad their atoUlty to ferry "there will ba no axcaption of rank darislona la thaM two casM thay family phyalolaa." uiamhiin pnyinanta, _ . ' fice, with Mia. EUaabath Hawitt chairman to the Birthday Ball for given by William Rice, president of tection. , H ail on Park street. Thla w ill uaher o f Uito huataeos. ’The new plan guno, tanka and men when they or anything alaa.” wUl be tha jlrst to be filed la dis­ of that placa aa marshal SMtad Acute nephrltla to described ar At the annual meeting of the in the wlnterli activities of the or- would operate through the Uau- SaaSa VIeleao Otoda pute with ideal board dddalona. the NaUooal Infantile Parnlyala the claae, which baa as its motto E Ad tm» new tUngi tB moved Into Norway. Bavin', a hard-handed union boM, the officara, who are aa followa: FoundnUon, appointed John E. aa aedta form of kidney inflnm- South Mancheater Fire District ance to stamps which would be re­ Wthis yeer’e Ford that Jhit it no atapa to rula out Tha newapaper n Piccolo dea- risked dlMpproval of hla main TOsy w ill ba the first based oa da* *nil desperandum" or "Never Des­ ganlxatloiv. Noble Qraad, Mra. Ruth Wad­ Dwyer chairman of the March mnUoa or tha more aarara type pair," ’The a cappella choirs and held on November 31, a motion T h e new officers wUl be in deemable in aay parUcipattag lo­ women tell ui make all the dif­ it e naoaaaity to mahinc auch pay> ertbed the war council between Utlcal backers—0,000,000 mam* pendency. Oaa other o sm to ax* o f Bright’s dtoasM. made by the commisalonera that m dell; vice grand, Aroalto Craw­ of Sports, designed locally to charge of the meeting at that time cal food store. Such partlclpaUng U im a O iB ference ta tbe world to theni. manto, paid for arith U tahpay' 'ad to ba appealed , on the baala the orchestra will furnish special hluaaollnl afid H itler—ballaved to rs of tha Tradta Union Congress ford; reconUng aacratuy, Mildred Ordarad to Hospital 818,000 be appropriated to pay for and for entertalnroent aix reeto of etorea would be stocked with cer­ fanw tha circla to circum- K—In announcing tha oonacriptton ttoPloymeni la a key taduatry. bolater tha oommittea'a benefit music. Diplomas will be presented First, we made the car much hava takaa placa at Berehtaagaden Miller; financial aecreta^, Edith fund. Chairman Dwyer will ar­ Tha yoiuig man went .lb hto the water uaed by the district for I moving pictures w ill be ahown. tain lines of iurplua commodities itonaa aaaaa compl*t*- tha icy —•a a ’tecnnlcal maetlng of tha policy. This laat ease may ba brought aa by Edward J., Murphy of the Board hiJJer. Front eeating width ^miMfnlh condiUona cant ha p r^ Walah Smith; treasurer, ' Emily range benefit basketoall games family phynuan who cha^bd the the coming year, waa turned down Three wUl be sport pictures, showi eapecially sent in fo r relief cue- drat order,*’ aa Indication that In making the announcement. a test, bowavar, and not because oondiUon and Immediately order­ of ICducatlon. tomera was tacrcesed M mud) as seven wntod. Kalthar can ranting vxi^ tha rnrlstrant dtsi^aad with the Klasmaim; warden, Grnea Hatch; and aporta fo r the local fund. Ctaaa Day Exerotoea and only 06,000 waa voted. ing different football games, a m niaiislm m military p r^ e m a predomlnatad, Bavin pledged that the government ed him taken to the^ Menaorlal How ’Tke Plaa Works inebea Bodiee were lengthened :totoMk IVatthar can raaultlni elatma. local board’s claaatfleatlon. conductor, Virginia Armstrong; Mrs. Maa E. Holden and H. COaaa Itey exercises were held Rej^rt of Auditors cross-country run, skating and Thta waa Interpreted In foreign soon would preaent a Mil provid­ chaplain, Marlon Straugban; jnu- Hospital. He to now.dmder treat­ The auditors report, read at the ’The plaa would work out like and widened. ■ S I * , tt aaama can ba dona ing for restoration of union and Wadsworth McKlnfiay la em­ Olln Grant distributed over 100 yesterday afternoon and the Pro­ aiding. THere wOl be two reela of . nhoot tha prohlam—that to, to etrolea aa meaning, poaaibly, that airian, Thors Stoehr. March of Dimes containers in ment there and r^ rta are that meeting showed there was comedy and one to travel. thla. A person on rellsf, receiving The Ford car now exceeds individual righta at tha end o f the ployed by the FTatt and Whitney phecy and History were preaented a sum to weekly oubetstence, H itler has decided to act over tha Right support to tha nobta local acboola, buslnaM places and ba U responding katlafactorily to dua as to November 1 fo r - the Over 000 Membera everythtag in ita price Add in « a t t head of the Vichy govammant to war. Aircraft divlaion of the United grand, Mra. Mlnala Smith; left, a t Ctem N ight last evening. ’The would be given the opportunity to a m ■ a t i f tha Salactman do go out Aircraft Corporation in Bast Industrial pliuita. Mra. Holden treatments, ’ / months of September and October Mrs. Arra Sn The aociety, which baa a mem­ total inside length . . . fai total bring conquarad Pranca Into Una The number of munitions work* Mrs. Beatrtoa Manning; right sup­ It to poSMbto^ that U the young graduates, attired in traditional buy 30 cent orange food otampe. ; try to forca aldawalh miain- Hartford and Harman Slmlar to heads the committee on the March ciq>a and gowns, sang tha cl 83.183 for water. Also due waa bership of over 000, is the largest seating widte . . . mA in wind- with tha totalitarian program Tor era la gteatar than In IBIS, when porter to the vice grand, Mra. man in quagUon had not been about 8000 aa a half month’s Various dlsplaW at tbe local of ’These be could uae ta any pnr- hy tha adjoin^ SJjSuS World War production waa at its employed by the Pratt and Whit­ o f Dimes. ■ong compMWd by' Miss Kittle. organisation o f the church. A t sUdd and window area. Europe. Minnie Krause; left, Hasal Patar- called for /medical examination pay for employees of tha de­ flee of the G aa^. will be moved Uclpattag store to buy aay ataple (B rief, Identical oommunlgues peak, he aaia, and he assured Com* ney division of NUes-Bemaat-Pond Progress reports wUI be given preaent the offlcere are working on product. For every w o orange And our other Ug improve­ in West Hartford. In neither case oon; inolda guardian. Arllna Kea- for the dribt.the c sm might-hava ! partment. ’1 ^ cash balance on aside and pleiity o f cbalre wUl be EOTBrni by chairmen and workers at a a card index correcting the malUng I O f Walka ad yaatarday In Roma andAd Bar* mona that “If 1 were at liberty to outalda guardian. Annatta devalopad beyond medical aaalat- provided for the audience of Man­ ■tamps so uaed a free blue atamp, ment this year ww an enUrdy reveal the rate at which we now did the employer request dafar* meeting o f tba BaU Commlttaa hand at the end of tbe year was Uat M it la ptannto to have each new Ford ride. A soft and quiet m p a tj ownari actuaUy Jmra Iln told naltbar when nor where ^ ^ g a r t . ■nce. /The Belacttva Sarvioa of­ chester Fomen who always attend worth 30 cants would be given. tha Axla leaders mat nor what thay are able to equip a division with ment of the registrant. tomorrow avaning la the poat- Reveals Laws 87,037.78. With the unpaid balance member notified by a letter at least This would be apent on the opecial fide, on dty etrest or cenntty p ofinatMUp tntaraat in thalr Right wpporter to the chaplain, maater*a office at 7:00. A ll mem- fice aUff feela that thla one good of salaries dua for October, plus those/riaases. Mrs. Mixter wlU be five days before each meeting. It amOto ancept a aaty Sctional dtonuaaad. Tha aimouneamanta guns and mawlne-guns It would Mra. Jaoaia Wallnea; toft, Etta renut of the medical examina­ ted by Mies Alice Salesbury, stock to aurpluB products sent ta road, that many people tcB ue aald only they wara la eomplata Stack give the House a great meaaiu-a of bars ara asked to ba preaaat at tha water bill for two months, with la also planned to serve lunches and by the government, or on those to ■ametUng new In cam at any i tttla that mataljr toaraa tham Loveland; right aupMrtar to tha tions to worth all the hard work the regular charges for tbe month Is also a home-economist and to make this possible the member- accord dn all quaatkma.) encouragement." British Start Big that hour. To Be Backed ataple products listed as being ta priocl a hag tor uiy B t Jaaaa's church, aa tha cela* past noble grand. Itey ’Tucker; they hava put in thus far in to be paid, tt would mean that the at this office of the Gas Co. fuU ship ia being divided Into classes PeUtical clitUaa -aaeumad also As one means o f spaading pro­ left, Etoanor Youiag; d^paa mis­ surplus at that time. Stamps may Btmie at I< brant district has contracted ia regular time. which wlU take turns In providing only be used te buy necessltlaa. So for room or fids or atyte, voaan of tha that the taro ehtoft had agraad on Blddsb Prom Laymen duction, ho said, workman’s boa* tress, Oraoa Lathrop; aaatotaat, Mrs. Mixter, using a modem a joint attitudw toarard davalop* tela will bt built near faetorlM. Assault on Army Connecticut Temper­ blUa slnca tha Mat report of* the fo r tbe Itmch. In clUsA Uke New Haven, — teare’s a car at your Ford tonH Tight to torca a man Tha artlcla prints out that much Jaasta Wallaoa; spot ligh t opera­ Greeks Beat dtotrlct omcer, 011,883. This does gas range will demonstrate new ' -Ddder'a that’s worth taking aB manta In Unitad Stataa aid to Besldet the general arma speed tor, Cla

MANCHE8TEB BVENINO HERALD. *lANCHE8tI»/OOKN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2L 1941 of ttb lado-Chtaa aids of t t s ; Indo’China Lotie« (br free U*afi*P»abeaE 89 Galt of Siam aloo w Geneixd Motors Will Make Report^ Heavy by Thai ^dera, the from tha proooBo* of eoM aad the svm be able to attend the fuaeral. HEALTH AND DIET long nights of the wintar Later Information I* th at he Winarit k Reported Choice British Women Share tsspected to be able to proceed to ADVICE J,5W> Plane Engines Month ithA' I Stssdard ‘ Bangkok, Thailand, Jaa. 21--arta and sub-assembUea, requir­ It was during tha year ba- Joseph P, Kennedy as ambassador for Ufe abundance of foods of every women could be kept away from Tneaday, Jaa. 81 B. Wlbon, Oanoral Motors, prasl- wen be the tragedy aad the af­ New York, Jan. S':— ^ dent, oald th* corporaUon, one of ing tha Ubor of aa addlUoaal 15.- fora the srar. to Great Britain. kind avribble In the markets all London — (Correspondead* of dangerous work In defense of t]jelr P. M. OM men, wlU b* undartaksn by fect of the accidents will deprive Informants close to tb* Whit* over North America. Whan w* The Associated sTessy—British country and If they are ready for 4 :0 that sleeping in a>r raid shelters "Flrst,t’ says an Associated and post-war rehabilitation. the word "diet" that they are go­ services as well aa In civil defense. nesses where they work- as front­ 6:16—StrlcOy Sport* with Bob fl88JWfiJM)0 ta Costraets 85S Mfitai Strtfft RaMiiow BaikHng ing to learn about some food fad For the first Urn* in history, from tha audbnea, the argument bllaa would bagth tmmedbtoly oo *11 Press story this morning, "Oar- No Objection Prom Keaaedy line fighters will moke a special Steele. All told, the government, under "W hwt Thrifty Shopptffi Shop" riphu *f rapabllaaUoB *r and living la rooms bereft of Kennedy, who tendered hb resig­ or fast, and since we have ao women worked side by side with appeal to them." -Lud Gluekln and hb or­ w in b* turned over to the floor al- that final aosambllss by North ••••lal *lM«trhM karats ara alas windows and sometimes of fuel nelN^BCovered that the two silk men as flre-flghters In the Auxil­ tosrether. The only man on the American AvbUon at a plant to b* th* aaUonal defsna* program, nation some time ago. was report­ many diets coming under‘*^hat Britain’s women were not slow chestra has pbced 8266,900,142 In ordera gas was. (fom tha point of view bats he^swna were at Uvalde, Tex. ed to have been informed of category, I can hard^ bbme iary Fire Bei^c* during. .16^. io respond to the call. pbtform will b* the moderator, built ta Kansas aty "can start by Pan aaralaa aliasi af N. B. *. I^ey also have braved the branbe 6:II^Lowen Thomas. (jaorg* V. Denny, Jr. bto summer." for aviation engtaea In Michigan, driver of of hygiene, a beneficial eaperi- One of ukin he acquired on a trip Winant’s selection and to have ex­ them. Certain of these unsuper- L7;00_Fred Waring’* orchestra. bringing to more than $700,000, Economy srtaner ta its prica claaatOlen Whlto, of Detroit, Wednesday Morning Specials •arrtea Isa. pressed no objection. vbed diets have wrought irrepar­ and the anti-aircraft barrage as Wm IkBpley 40J)89 Os Parts ling Hudson, being con around JLIis ^ ’^rld and Is dubbed *7:16—History ta the Headline*^ Ha added Uiat. at tha peak of 000 th* amount of defense con ta tb* GUmor* Grand Canyon V»* winning Hudson. Pakltakara RasrsaaslailTaa. Tka ence. AuthoriUtlve reports arid the able harm on the health of their A. R. P. wardens, ambubnee driv­ Andre Schenker. The row over music fees took a ^ '__lgratuUt*dd % . Earl B. OUmore, StoraClofied A tl P-M. W od itasd aj^ ____ Jallsa Hatkawa ■saatal Ac« his ‘Oriental tbppe^’The other he ers and first aid workers. baejt seat for the broadcaot of the program, tha corporaUon will tracU awarded to firms through Run, colorful #iMtorn economy I right, ______head ofth* Ollmora Oil •1*aw Park. Ckleapa. DatraTt as< It la most Improbable that that president probably would send the enthiuiastic advocates, and often Sea Situation 7:30—Studio ITogram. bought.” nomination to the Senate in the the lesson was learned too b t*. Although women served as Monday's Inauguration pared*. hava 40,000 msn sm^oyad ta the out th* eUto. classic, thb stock 194fi Hudson | Co., of Los Angalea, aponsora of •eaias IS the case. More likely tha health 8;0(>—Johnny Presents. Such tunes aa "Stara and Stripas manufacture of aln>len* pert* Ganeral Motors. Ford aad FBESB—SUCro We have said a\good\many next few days, and well-informed Of course great benefit may^be "land girts" during the last war, Six Sedan averaged 24.96 miles the annual avant At left b How­ FRANKFURT8‘ m bm sbr audit atmBAO OP services ara not getting aa fuU re­ Hampshire Legislature In 1917, members of the Women's land 8:80—Musical Treasure Chest. Forever” and "Anchors Asrslgii," alone. Chrjsler have agreed to become leaders on Capitol Hill said there expected from a restricted diet or 9:00—Battle of the Sexes. per giOlon for 600 miles at an ard P. Qrova, itaoifle (joast Sale* M INCED HAM CIRCULATIOm. ports as they would la ordinary things about Cactus \lsck Wlnant hardly took his seat be­ army now are also driving tract­ Seen Better under copyright to tbs Amaricon At present, th* Ford Motor (k>. primary subcontractor* for |>*rts Manager for Hudson, who accom­ waa little doubt that he would be fore leaving for Paris to enlist in even a fast, under certain specific 9:30—Fibber Mc(3ee and ‘Molly. and Bub-assembllea , In the pro­ average eiwed of 43.19 miles per BOLOGNA B e e f Tka HataM PrtsUa« Caaipaiv. times. But It doaa seem to be may have not been altoj^ther rmed promptly, r ors and attending to farm ma­ Society of (jompoeen and I*ublbh- aad CSirysler (k>rp. have co-opera- hour, accordtag to offlffal find­ panied the party. SUrUng at Los the First Air Squadron of the oonditloas, but these should be chinery. 10:00—Bob Hope. _ ers, want on tba air as If nothing Uva agraemanto with avtatlon duction of an esU^mated 13,000 laa. aaaasiaa aa rtsaaatai raapasal* indicated that there have been, at Bpect^ll but we never had any and tousle-halred. Wlnant, property prescribed by one who 10:30—Uncle Waljef’s Dog House ings of the (kMitest Board of the Angalea, the 600 mile routs loads fcflii* far tpaacraaktaal arrara as- now 61, waa named as first A.B.P. He was honorably dis­ Eves Homebodies Help Britain Building More had happened In tb* sray of non­ firms for the producUon of thou­ bombers. / Amtrican AutomobUe AssoebUon across thro* statos, through bar­ s ^ S A Is s4»artiaa*anta Is tka least, none of the sn’aeping epi­ pictures of him lurking around charged as a captain In 1919. has studied the subject complete­ Even the woman who stays at 11:00—News and Weather. renewal of contracts between moot sands of hug* bombing {denes to Ford with a 9122,838,020 War llasfkaatar Baawira HaraH chalrmalKpf the Social Security ly and b capable of determining Than 100 Ships for 1 1 :16—^The Party Line ITevlew, who supervbad th* run. The car ren desert waotea and over moun­ demics which so many pretty sen­ cloakrooms of hotels iK Par East At 86, he was elected governor home, minding her childrni, b broadcaatem and A8CAP coat mllUona of doUara. Dapartment contract for airplane tain ranges 7,000 feat high before Board In 1M5. He resigned during what b required for the Individual. 11:30—Polbh orchestra. Wlbon said construcUoa of a carried an official obaervar, two sible persona fully expected would cities looking for a chance to ac­ the 1636 campqUm to defend tb* of New Hampshire, and then was ^repaired to tockle the Incendiary Navy and Air Force. engtaea’ and parts, rscenUy en­ finishing at the South Rim of th* TuMdaV*. January 21 the youngest governor la the Diets are never cureaUs, and it b Mmh which may fall In her attic, 12:00—War News. Tuning tonight: The srar—NBC- $34,818,160 plant for tha produc­ tered Into a cobperaUve arrange­ {lasaengera and a full load of bag­ ED b A c o m develop during tha tough winter quire top hats without laying out social security aqt against the sometimes. necessary to make va­ 12:06—The Party Line. gage. Shown above, center, b Grand c:anyon ta Arisons. OYSTERS criticbm of Alf MMAndon, then country. He waa re-elected for to brew hot tea for-bombed-out Red 7:15, 7:45: MBS 8. 10, 11, Uon of 3,060 Pratt and Whitney ment with U)^ Consolidated Air­ weather. eight or ten bucks. Looks like a second and third term, but de­ rious laboratory, chemical and neighbors, bUlet a few soldiers, or London, Jan. 21 — (F) — Lord 12 :66—News. 13:30; CBS 8:66, 10:46; WJZ-NBC Aircraft engtaea at a coat of 336,- craft Oorp. f^r the producUon of Siglit^«Or Courae*^ the Republican presidential noml other tests to determine just how ^ve lifts to stranded wayfarers In Chatfleld, admiral ot the fleet, told 1:00—Silent 497J120 and at tha rata of 800 a l i e ■’ Perhapa soma part of tha ability the A. P. owes the old man an nee. . ^ clined a fourth on the ground that 6:30; NBC 12. B-24 four-onglned bombers. taxes {Miyabla by Japanasa fishtry pt- much of a certain kind of food a her automobile If she still has one. WEAF-NBC, 8— Johnny Pro- memth would soon b* uadartakaa Another ,boo{»eraUve plan be­ JaiMuies* reUUons." rraM aat RooaawJfk brief In- of the English people to stand so apology. Or does ItT Since that time Wlnantxhaa others should have an opportunity the Royal Empire Soebty today owners. Teas reported. to hold tha office. patient b capable of assimilating If she lives In a big city, she faces Britain b building more than 100 Tomortow** Program sente; 9—BatU* of Bexas; 9:30— by th* Bulck Motor INvbiao. The tween ChiYsler. the Goodyear Tire The renewed agreement, signed AB(urAl aiMraak waa ^ the very much hardship with apparently been mentioned on several oci with safety. the nightly terror of air raids. If locatkm of th* plant has not yet by Premier-Foreign (k>mmbear Last year, tbe agency said, Ja- JUICY TANGERINES Indian Rlvar OnMgw slons for various cabinet posts. regarded as a friend by ships for Naval and Air Force A. M. „ . Fibber McGee; 10—Bob Hope; A Rubber Co. and the Glenn L. (Nuieae |>aymenta for exploltaUoii aKyataUaatlan of faith la daino* BO Ilttla bad affect upon the gen­ Wlnant was mentioned The cccrat in eating for health b she lives in the country, she may purposes and "the sea sttuatlon b 6:00—KnlghU of the Road. 10:30—Uneb Walter Doghouse. been announced. MarUn Qo. calls for producUon of Vyacheelaff Molotbff and Japa­ oe He' was selected,director of the have half her house filled with Thb {wojact alone, he said. nese Ambassador YoahlUugu Ta- of canneries and 29 fishing lots ' 2 Dob. 25c 2 D . ^ Amerlcaa deaiocracy eral health may be due to their League of Nations'x International proaiqmtly among the list of pos­ to find out those foods which are showing continual Improvement.” 6:25—News. . WABC-CB8, 8—Court of Mba- 100 Martin B-26 bomber* a in Soviet tariitorial waters totaled sible Rhppbllcaa presidential nom­ good lor the average person In evacuees and share her precious (Construction of the new veoseb, 6:80—Gene and Glenn. tag Helrsi 8:80—First Nightor; 9 would requtn 10,000 emplovaa. It month .ivlth Chrysler manufactur­ tekawa last night, requires a 30 BMPlnc forward toward compulsory absorption with other Labor Office In 1938,'recelvlng 28 kitchen with people she barely b ta addition to tha manufacture {>er cent Increaae in rentab and 6,965,007 rubles. Washington of a possible 32 votes and becom­ inees In good health, and also knowmg which will Include 64 patrol ships 7:00—Morning Watch. —We the l>aopb; 9:80—I*rof*aaor ing ft^lages. Doodyear the un- UM goal of comptat* juatlca; reao* matters than being sick. We fear what ones to avoid—Urns* which knows. and 26 mine sweepers, show Brit­ 8:00—New* and Weather. Qub; 10:16—InvlUtion to Learn­ of th* asm* tyi>e of engtaea and dercamagea, and Martin th* en- ing the first American tp hold Despite dlnqmroval by some of and of bomber part* and auh-aaaem- M a to loaa aothlng of Its fra*- that our friends tbs doctors won't hb party coubagues, he was are not good, and which when eat The caH-up of men to the fight­ ain firmly bellfves that ships and 6:16—News from Here ing. */. glW . that position. The Labor Cjfflce ing forces has left vacancies for not pUnes . conunand the seas. blles now under Vay at th* Alli­ Omm, kaowtag not ratraat and Im- give any measure of approval to Daybook now has Its headquarter* at Ot­ prompt to endorse President en over a long period of time, Abroad. WJZ-NBC. 8—Ben Beniia Qub; Tjts Itackard Motor (Nir Co. b cause fermentation In the Intes­ women In fbUto they never before Lord (Chatfleld said. 8:30—Radio Baxaar. . 8:30—Question Baa; 9— Grand son Division ta Xndianapolb. hastening conatrucUon of a plant fngmaM* against aU thraats. By Jack Stinnett^ tawa, Canada. Roosevelt’s NRA and to^rge that have been able to enter. T * Step Up Ptodoettos such a theory, however vague It its labor provblons be made per­ tinal tract, and consequent sya "If that had not been true the 8:56—WTKTs Program I»ararogram. Britain and the United States. may coddle himself Into a pre­ (Devonshire) was appointed tem­ I month at the AUison Division Mb*d to haar. Tbosa. for Instaaca, the people and. In the United each Friday, you would hardly and Hb majesty's dominions and 9;30__Harry Horllck’s orchestra. MBS, 8:80—Nad Jordan Drama disposition to tllaess. and a good porary clerk of the House of 0>m- colonies parcelled out to other en­ 9:30— Morten Gould Orcheotra; ahaW tnrlir abovalaasar coiutd- States at least. It seems to be go­ " 1 thb...... a diet, and...... yet that b 9:48—The (31tadel. thah^r people believe that, doctors ing back to the people. wboi^t However when follow­ mons. Not only b she the first wo­ vious racea," he declared. 10:00—^Thb Small Town. 10:45—SanUmsntal (Toncart. Women of Manchester afwttoas, who arsr* listening avidly or no doctors—It follows, perhaps, When the great doors swing 17tllJ)arth ing them through the week, you man to hold this post, but she b Must Expect Leases 10:16—Ellen Randolph. tor aoasethlng that would giv* open here on the late Andrew W. Man About will notlto that they are delicious, the first woman (other than a wo­ "We need not be concerned by 10:46—The Guiding L l^ L What to expect Wednaaday: !Savy Probes that the situation of most people man M. P.) to set foot on the the recent air attack in the Medi­ Overnight News to o * a pag oa which to hang sbma Mellon’s 115,000,000 NaUonal Gal­ easily digested, and the food com­ l l : 00- r A f .Man I Married. The war, NBC 8 a. m., 1:45 p. la England, during this winter, has lery of Art, Mr, and Mrs. John Q. Tremor Felt binations are such that no ill ef­ floor of the chamber while the terranean,” he said. "It was no ra.: CBS 8 a. m.. 8:46 p. m.; MBS mw tag or tatter of obatructlva Il:l5-^gatast the Storm a long way from fostering Publii will walk between the tow­ Manhattan fects ara experienced, and what b House b sitting. more severe than the home fleet 11:30—^The Road of Life, 10. 11, 11:46 A m.. 1:16. 2 p. m. Of Connecticut Flag Ripping attldaBi: thoaa who, tai Orsat that sort of ancourageroant of ering columns, stand In a rotunda more, they are satisfying from In humbler spheres, there are suffered In the North Sea years 11:45—David Harum. / WEAF-NBC 12:80—NalU* Ravell and ^ Britain, hoped for soma saw that stretches 100 feet to the By George Tucker viewpoint of - quantity. These women porters shouting "mind the ago. If you fight hard, you must Interview; 8:30—Pepper Y o ^ : By Aeeoebted Ulnaaa. Latest at Center Ossipee, doors” on the crowded subwajrs, BXp€Ct IftMflg 13:00 Noon—Your Treat. ttaaal aaaouaceiacnt af a purpoaa vaulted dome, and take over one menus are arranged to give liberal 6:46— Sport Pag*. WABC-(3B8 Sailon Coniricted of Ma* Whan you’re ttvlng under con­ of the world’s greatest collections N. H., Causes Little, If amounts of the ritamins and min­ women "clippies" punching Uckets "We take confidence that if w* 12 “•80 [■3:16—^Treaeury of Song: 8:80— I have spent an interesting on the buses, and even some wo­ lost a cruiser (the Southampton), : —Weather Men. New Haven. — Two resoIuUone t * aRtaod soBW oohcluatv* foi ditions whar* you don’t know of paintings and sculpture. eral salts ao necessary for good 12:85—Day Dreams. Hugo Balxo, piano: 8:lfi—Hadd* Ucioufi Mischief in Qy> The National Gallery b a stag­ morning sorting and classifying men chimney-sweeps. It was the first large ship sunk 1 16 adopted by the New Haven chapter af aM. magically ooojurad out of whether or not you ara going to several hundred letters from peo­ Any, Damage. health qnd to raise th* resbtance 12:46—Rhythms of the Day. Hopper; W JZ-N Ba : —Batwaan of th* Keep America Out of War gering, wtndowlesB expanse of of the bMy against disease. They One group of young airwomen, as a consequence of sir attack In the Bookends; 2:16—Let’s Talk It il Court Hearing. tka air, which arould surely guar* be all In one piece ten minutes ple whose careers I hava ad­ mem'ber* of the Air Transport 18 months of war. 1:00—News, Weather. CongreoB opixjaed tha leasa-lend pinklah-white Tennessee marble Center Osslpee, N^ H., Jan. 21 ate also planned according to the 1:16—The Uttle Show, Over: 4:45 (network only)—Edgar bill now bm ra 0>ngraas and a pro­ ■Btpa Britain’s survival. Thoaa hence you don’t bother much that runs along between Constitu­ mired. —(A)—Ufe b getUng to be one Auxiliary, are ferrying new air­ "The empire b a sound affab, A. Guest. MBS. 2:80—Radio Gar­ San Francisco, Jan. 21— Mark These Dates On Your Rome of these letters are *1* seqp^ps, with tho lighter foods for and we need not fear It b going 1:30—Marjorie Mills. posal by a League of Womens who sought saasatlonallsm and hunting around to discover some tion and Pennsylvania avenues shocks after another to residents the summer months and the ” heat craft from the factories where ;00__How to Enter a Contest and den (31ub; 4:46—Johnson Family. Voters spokeaman for consoripUng Inveotlgatlon of tha riiipln^ of a thoaa who sought blunders failed within hailing distance of the Cap­ or seven year* old, and a few bear of thb ordinarily placid commu­ they are built to R. A. F. stations to perish from air attack. . . Short waves: D JB DJD Bsrtta 8:16 Nasi flag at tha German consubte new allergy that you may have itol. Even In a city that contains a IM l date, and all have been and enefgV’ foods for the winter in various parts of the Britbh Declaring “not one battleobip women ta the present emergency. ayaally of realisation of their nity—with 17 earth tremors In months. TTiose of my readers j ; 15—X cilean BUI of — Opera Melodies? JVZ JIXH Waterbury. — Ernest H. Plum­ by two Amtrican aaUora was tak­ acquired since lari week. buildings whose . floor-space can accumubted at the whim ot the little more than a month. Isles. Before the war they were bos so far been sunk by enemy air Tokyo 8:80—New Japanee* M u^: who would Dke to know more action," Lord Chatfleld said the Henry P. Talbot, M.D. mer, 46, praaldent of th* Wator- en over by th* Navy today aa Con­ Calendar NOW Perhaps a bomb a day keep* be measured only in acres, the Na­ postman over a period of year* The latest, causing little. If keen members of flytng clubs. Now OSC OSD London 9—BBC Salon buiy Ebotrie Motor Company, sul OenerM Frits Wiedemann tional Gallery b an eye-stopper. and tossed Into whatever box, about healthful eating are Invited they pilot anything from fast "battlefleet truly controb the seas J;80—Melody Time. Thera asay have bean thoaa who the allergies away. any, damage, came last night and to writ* for Dr. McCoy’s . special 2:80—Concert Matin**. Orchestra; 2RO Itom# 10-^N*wa. who bad bean missing otooe Frt shopped for now headquarters. But what la In It la far more ar­ drawer or coat pocket that seem­ fighter-trainers to heavy twln- and the war. It b the queen on the A Naval Itoard of Inquiry look­ tumad away from the ooncluskm Anyhow, It Is good news that at was felt over a radius of about arUcles entitled “CONStRUCT- ^esaboard, the fullback of the 6:00—Mary Marlin. (by, waa found hanging from ( resting and many times more ed convenient. 25 miles. eitgined ships. It was on such duty ed Into tha cassa of Harold J. ad tha addraas with oom* isnsa of least a major part of the fears valuable than the building Itself, ING A GOOD MENU" and another that Amy MoUbon, world-renown­ 'British Navy." 3:15__Ms Parklni. tree ta a wooded eecUon n ey Sorting them b a task I have Sebmologbts have pronounced INEXPENSIVE MEN^.” Just 8; j0—i>epper Young’s Family. home. Medical Examiner Edward Sturtovant 19. of XUverhill, tmoat hacauss It did not of vast epidemic* In England, as for Mr. Mellon not only gave the needed to perform for a long ed aviatrix, met death recently. Maos., aad Ervin O. Lackey. 30. building to the nation but threw Center Ossip** as the epicenter of address wur request to ' 3:46—Vic and Bade. 1Three Cult/ XL Klrachhaum______said tha:(bath waa a toot In tha ana to a consequence of the war, havmi’t while — for when I'need to. spell a series of shocks that started Womaa Doctors la Service of Ctaarlotto, N. C . the enlbted In. to boot, 123 great paintings Health Servlc* In care Last July the Royal Navy ap­ Milk Necessary the name of Stephen Vincent Dec. 20 with an earthquake that newspaper and enclose men who tor* down the flag Sat­ thilr eaaselqdg, Pht'*<>ti*>'t- Claar- developed; at least not ao far — and numerous pieces of fine sculp­ Benet’s youngest daughter, or re­ pointed its first woman physician, urday whlb they ware on laava ture, valued In the neighborhood shook objects from Pennsylvania self-addraascd envelope and 9 cen1 Leaders Free Commltto* for the XnfanUl* February 18 -19 - 20 - 21 ■if U r. Raoosvalt'a aolaan dsclara- with spring not so very many e b Mrs. Attracta Genevieve from a Naval iwchopathlo ward. fer to the description of a Con­ to Quebec. In stamps. These articles should In Balanced Meal I>aralyrta Relief Fund ■ announced ttaai waa not ealeulatad to bo 4 of $65,000,000. necticut farm house that Phil iwcaatle 4nd she'sports the gold ______by Jodg* weeks ahead. ’ Mars (Mfta reOewed lAtost TemUer Slight be in the kitchen of every house­ that six h l^ school baakatbaU pap talk. But la flttlngnaao to Strong has written o* about, I The Rev. James J. Devlin, Wes­ It a surgeon-lbutenant, on WDRC toama would play ta a tripla- Tha pair war* coovtetod of ma- Alimenting thb within a few wife as a reliable standard on val-tyM uniform. Each year thousands of young I Six OlhcTfi Await Deci­ Udoua mischief yesterday by Mu­ months, Samuel H. Kress, the have to ransack the hpua*' and ton (Maas.) College sebmologbt, eating for health." Hartford hsadar hare January 39. tha aatraordtoary occasion and tear boxes apart and bring rum y, not to be outdone by peopb leave home to taka jobs In nicipal Judge Peter J. MuUtas, “S e e r tt" PmrlcyB New Tork flve-and-dlme tycoon, ■siA b st night's temblor waa Qoeetloos aad Answen other cities. As a result, there 8U oa sion on Retrial as Jury who denoumcad them for "an of­ tiw amra than oxtraordlaary ctr- to my quarters, and often without slight—"even for New England.” servwe. appointed Ito IflSO ke. annoonced hb gift to the Gallery QUESTION: Mrs. Mari* t , with SMlor may be many adjustments - t o fense against another nation" of Its dallvary It waa It has alarays been pretty arall of 376 printings by the old Italian avail. He said the coUege had record- make. In choosing the pbee to Disagrecfl. I was anxious to have these writes: "My husband has a blood She b Dr. Death Takes which ha said waa merely “youth uadoratod that showmanship con- masters and more sculpture. And «d 12 shocks since the dbturb- pressure of 160 and be has it Anna Reaveley and, with live, new friends, and new recrea­ Tneaday, Jan. 21 •'4. ta all its recklessneae. prompted And Reserve Them For A letters filed because I hope thev ances began and that the others L(0# Angelee, Jan. 31—Six taad* There must have been millions ktltuted a very Important element mon recently still, Joseph E. Wld- checked every ao often, and It relatlv ir in the tions. an ear might be kept to the b y bravado and tha wish to do, a ener, heir of traction magnate will serve me as a sort, of left protably were too slight to regb- ground, tte, for pUces where bal­ a n of thi- "X Am" morvamant— on hero ta the ayes of the crowd” the President finished in the tactics of both Adolf Mltlw handed diary. I have never kept a seems to be alwayp the same. Is Army she Is PorUa Faces U f* I Four Babies Ibter A. B. WIdener In Philadel­ ter on the Instruments. thb dangerous?" deputy osebtant dl: medl anced.meab may be secured eco­ 4 16 whoa* guilt or Inoocanc* of mall Judge MuIUns ordered, th* men I, said or thought to them- and Benito Mussolini. Pageantry, phia, announced that he would diary. I wish now that I had; for The first shock sms repeated by : —We; The Abbots ANSWER: You failed to men­ cal servlcea for the men’s) nomically. 4:w»—4 :80—HiUtop House fraud fraua chargeecnargasB a Federal court 4—aJury * ^ j to apiwar Thursday for aentonce : "Why, that was a fin* ad- bluster and brsA have had a tre­ strip the walb and pedestals of the nature of my work has led another of about equal Intensity tion your husband’s age aad this AuxlUary Territorial rvlca, It’s very true that If your body on th* mbdameanor charge. Big Event — The Lynnewoodry^hb ancestral home at me inevitably into conversations on Dec. 24. Those since then have 1 ptofrw Upo~4U.bll.Wt. .Ut- Molhw of (ju^pIcU oC course. But Jt seems to mendous lot to do with bringing has some bearing on the blood eastern command. V ISb weuwell irounnourished you will have a Meanwhile ha remanded them to Elkina Park, Pa., further to en­ and situations with many persona been of reduced strength. The last pressure. Not so long ago ' the Decorated for Braveiinr much better chancei of diring a new . 111. I .aed Pnrfavtoday U th*m uU.. S.8. attorney-gener*attomey-ganar- 1 o ^.1 Im YmmwkVM custody of Naval offidab who to have dealt with tha ob- about the present situation In the rich the museum. of consequence, and unless bne shock pfeylous to last night’s and not losing time from . 8:16—Th# O’Nellb Reported in Improved said they did not know how soon blood pressure was estlma.ted as, No woman has won the Vlctorto job well and 8:80—Ad Liner al’s decision regarding a retrial. eoursa w* b«|m un- world. It la next to Impossible to place keeps notes, which I do not — was felt m New Hampshire on Cross, Britain’s highest award for >rk because of minor Ulneesss V‘o Inquiry Board would submit any dollar-an-cents value on art^ "the .age, plus 100" which was 5:46—Bcattergood Balnea Tha Jury, weary Condition Today. \ahakably In democracy; ^ course It arould seem to be alnxwt principally because I am seldom Jan. 6. considered a normal pressure. valor, but several have been deco­ such as cearson. of Bt. Ives ((tornwall) all of whom/dled within six and Hera will be Rembrandt’s "The was the first member of the Wo­ quirements which., should be ob­ 6:46—The World Today oenlor Judge fOr resetting Feb. 8. months by owners of the building, through la arhatever 'strdggl* th ^ that Bhoarmanshlp—If there ever Mill," for which It Is reported the 1 am sending yon Dr. Frank Mc­ served to maliitaia. good healto^ 7 ;00—Amoa’n’ Andy MeanwhU* U. 8. Attorney Ymiam a half houtf after their delivery around vdileh a mllltag, chaarlng HERALD And .so I have attempted to We have found from experiends^ men’s Auxiliary Air Fore* to be elder WIdener paid England’s Coy's special article eatlUed The quota of at Isosttsm glasses 7:16—Lanny Roae Fleet Palmer aald h* would-aub- rby a Caeaamn «>p#ratloti. _^ throng gatharsd Satarday to may encounter. W* hardly ased- aras. Indeed, a meeting at all. guard against thb with a lUM* that t^e more able the man tb* N|^0H b l o o d PREdSURE ” decorated. She was awarded the I The 86-y4ar-old mother, provl- Lord Luidsdowne a tidy half mil­ system of my own. Not all ot more ready he b to barn new medal of the MiUtary Division of of milk dally and greem a^ yMbw y;S0—Helen Mencken— "Second ndt th# quartlon of a new trial to w at^ th* aeamen cut tba» flag sd to be told that." . No such meeting was necessary. lion and which has been called srhlch will give you a good under­ ouxly childUos, bora three girb from a staff 10 storbs above th* these letters ara from peopb who methods. the Order of the British Empire vegetables, fruit and whoq wheat Husband" • hb superior In Washington. and a boy yaaterday. They were And that, may hay* no All that HiUer had to do waa to on* of the world’s greatest pic­ standing of the subject. Any other bread In addltlcBi to 8:00—Court of Missing Hslra StTMt. are well known; some even ara —Jolla* Hochmaa. Indies’ Oar- reader deairtng a copy should for gMlantiy In risking her life to Mrs. Edna BaUard, preient gmjiaaian ■aid loto be Um first qUaibupleU detot, b praciaely the end for send' a messenger tcUtng Mussolini tures. There will be 22 other Rem­ from persons 1 have ngsver seen, meat Workers* ralon. rescue a^ Britbh pilot after hb will protect one agflnst the 8:80—First Nightor Am” leader, clad in whlto and (3*orga Q. Ctaoaa. oa* of the brandts, Including hb "Descent writ* to the McCoy Health Serv­ clenmes, of the average i Indians. owners, said he baUevad It would which the President aras striving. what ha must do — or not and I have kept them because of ice In car* of thb newspaper, en­ machine had crashed. 8:65—Elmer Davb—News wearing a large orchid, aald order of birth was: Janal- Prom the Cross. "The Man W'lth dbt. 9;00_W e, the People be "better for all concarnad" If He wanted hb great aatk^d rid a.^do —'\ and It arould be done, or a Tall Hat ” and ’’Lady With Os­ their lucidity, or because I have It’s 12 o’clock, aad the world la closing 6 cents In stamps ,aad a ”nire* other "WAAF'a"—Sergt. sUtomant: "Thar* always has pounds, 7 ounces; Philip, 2 found Jn them certain qualities of waiting to. find out whether It’s Joan Mortimer, Assistant Section man to start the day right with 9:80—I*rof. Qub crucifixion of thoaa wh* have car. tlu considate moved. aadlSBCs to feel that way when ■nbt done, as the case might be. trich Peather Pan.’.' . , large self-addrpaeert envelope. a hot bpeakfaat. every morning. potUMlt, V oimces; Phoebe, 3 'T hay* been looking around, There will be Vermeers, El Gr*r euphony and liveliness and style high’ noon or midnight QUESTION: Mr. H. C. V. Officer Elspcth Henderson and 10:00—Oleni) Miller’# orchestra fled th# light." _ pounds, .2 1-4 ounces, and Undo, but 1 have no Idas whar* we shall hs had finished. It aras not for n Dues b now completely at the —Dorothy Paldhstm, Oommittoa Sergt. Helen Turner—ara the first This should Include whob grain 10:16—Music I**ttorn#d for X>anc- Majertty far OaaVMtan cos, and Titians; 'Manet's |^at that I wiah were my own. writes: “What b the cans* of cereal with nillk, fruit-- or fruit 2 poun^ 4 mmeas. go," said Wiadsmann. y nothing that be spent days oa the disposal of ^ boas. Anything printing, "The Dead Toreador,' Most; however, ara from people to Defend Ansertca by Aldlag dropsy?" women to be awarded the military s jng . She b the widow of Guy W. tw * Live Hx aad Half Haora medal. They were decorated for juice, and If posslbb. eggs. For«.-| 10:30—On Wings Of Song Phoebe died 90 minute# after preparation of a talk that con­ like a oonfcrence of equals b out and works of Renoir and Degas. whose namra have “reader ap­ the AlUoa. ANSWER: Contrary to popular that mid-day lunch, remember that I Ballarda tb* nuiwiM&t'* founder. peal" and these are valuabb' to tha calmness and courage they • 11:00—Ess® Re{X»rtor 1 Foreman_ _ Laroy _ Haaderaoo BWEWW raweesaid tha I being WUVVfi^n*.dtUvsred. «#•****••••Jennifer was ^ tbe-- sumed acafosly a quarter of .an of the question. Prom the WIdener collection belief, dropsy b a symptom only, even if you eat- at a lunch counter will come one of the world's Jineat me—ilto because they arS a Col­ Hold our Republic as the ulti­ and not a dtomse. It may be pres­ showed under bombing attack at ll;05_8p orts Roundup luron hsA voUd 10 to S to con-1 ntxt to nooeiimb. dhrot Father Urges Girl a R. A. F. flghUr sUUon In the you can still buy an adequate meaj hour in Its drilberat*, palnstak- It doesn’t greatly matbr groups of canvases by Van Dyck, lection of “names," but because of mata bop* of man. ent in sooM fornm of heart db- If you will choose wisely; You 11:10—NeOrs of th* World rtet bar. and • to 8 for eoavictl(jd deUvary. Th# otban amwlv^ for lag delivery. whether the big showman and tha the Flemish portrait painter of the views and th* InformaUon —Rev. imnss fiheen Montgomery, abo in some kidney dbease south of England. 1 1 :26—Musical Interlud* / of thalr e-«j Donald. lalx and'S half Mnira ef the Boose, opsnlag I .verting "Wren" Nina Marsh and may order a nourishing soup— 1 1 80 To Communicate To Be Held On Those Four Daya^ It aras arorth all affort and all little abba'man met and talk ed ^ the. 17th century. they contain and because of ‘the and - other eondltlona. A proper especially on these cmd winter : —Bobby Byrae’s orcheOtr* “Tlersiisa unfortunate Indlvlduata jw ar* attrlbotod by Dr. Xtuaaell A. Beuaba of Baphaels light they throw on the back­ of Congress. examination aad dlagnosb ' must "Wren" Iren* May Marriott of tb* 12 :00—New* do not understand th* groater ao-1 OUmorajOrn a tte n d ^ physician, cars aad all heart and brain not. Ithat oounb b what Hitler Women’s Royal Naval Service, d a i^ -a salad or salad oa By a happy circumstance, the ground and the personality of tb* be made to determine the cause. and a tall glass of milk. Now yo]| 12 :06—Roy Fox’# orcheatra tboM th# bwa of Ufa whldi tb# to atMaetaab — pulmonary ool- searcMng to find exactly the plans to do. And that can be Gallery will bring together again senders. And also, 1 suspect, be* Tboso who foar the future are were cooking dirmer at a south 12:30-^oae Morand’e drehaatn Taooma, Wash, Jan. S L —(to — coast Naval establishment when a can work efficbntly d u r ^ ascandad mastars wield," Mta JbDes. tost. Flftoan-yaar-old C oroi Falk, who right angle of Approach, the discoversd, not by trying to watch two famous Raphaels which often cause—when chronoloidcally ar­ not anxious to help a neighbor long afternoon hocus before 12:56—Newa In Tke Beautiful,. Remodeled are mentioned In the same brMth fight for I t bomb crashed nearto., Nina, al­ vanlehad from aa axcluetva semi­ right phrasing, to cause tens . ot framed-up conferences In myrier' ranged—they suggest a sense of evening meal. And here, during Her hnabaad, Mflhert but long have been separated. The logic and sequence to my steps —Samoel Grafton In to* Now Re- No ‘Real Aid’ Yet though wounded, rafused to the bat meal ot the day. you will Teaeeiraw’B Piogtam v nary Saturday, was urged totgkms of people—some of a bom loua tryatlng places but only by pnbUe. In. Somehow or other a mi*®3 •UnvsUed Mysteries’ and Ths| O. iwaason, 23, b a foundry clerk. through a naws(>ap*r advartba Mellon collection contains the during the past few years that re­ have the opportunity to Include the IfiCarie Prasenes’ untrus." , had bscoms bosU to little secret good Intelligence service and aco’Jt famous “CowMr Madonna." and a. m. ^ Quadrnptet Mrtfas ara a com- meat today to communicate with] ally a'msn’t there. Longevity b exquisitely heredi­ Seen for Britain I ^ necessary meat or meat substitute, 7:00—Esro Reporter r-Y'beaato of thass aad otbsr books parattv* rarity ta madical annab arMaperlag doubts about the from the WImner crilectlon, the Thb b why X have utilised an vegetables and iMtato — and, of 7:10_Music Off Tbe Record her father. 1 Gallery also get ,th* "Little Cow- tary. QlvHS TImh KxsniplD by ttb late Guy W. Ballard was oM ssMam do oil Jour surviv*. Dr. R ^ h Falk, promtaantl entire morning In filing a'smy ‘‘She gave a 'flaa example to the course, milk, i^ eth er you eat to Ray Barrett ^ part ef tha allegsd fraud which the rightness'of tiw nation’s dlrecikm per .Madonna^' —Dr. L«weBys F. Barker, the a reetaurant or ta your apaitroenL Tho Amarican M ad^ Bob*. Idaho, physician who flew these people In a series of unat­ Johns Hepktas MeHcnl SchooL New York. Jan. 21—(F)—mi*- others.” a Wren officer said. So 7 :66—Esso Reporter govsnunsat chargod to the *T Am tion records showed 178 set of I —4o say at the and: "Tb* Pres­ The Ibt b almost endless and X tractive, brown pasteboard cas­ try to achbva*a feeUng of raetful- 120,000,000 Mrths. bare to bad tbe search for bb End of tke Rood? have only begun to mention print- Eve Chirie. daughter of radium Nina got the medai of the Military ness and quiet to t thb last meal 8:00—News of Btarope leaders. Ths movement now claims daughter, odverCbad ta ‘Th* SOat- ident was right—of courss." ings that reaembb overstoed books W* can meet tha.^manda of discoverer* Pierre and Maria Cu­ Division of the Order of the Brit­ 8 :18—8 hop|)ers Specbl 3,000,000 followsrs j 1 autiMrttI** estl- Ings-^and no sculpturs at all— and are Identified by the bbel of the day. Ua Post-IntoUigaoosr: At any other time the passing which, for centuries have set itch-. armament because w* are a peo­ rie, says Britain has not sret re­ bh Empire, and Irene was com­ BEATRKTE HALL, 8 :30—Esso Reporter _ — — — ____ more- than a dosen “CaroL pbona or tebgrapb your I LetUrs." They represent pr\xe- ple with the.will to defend and ceived any "real aid" from the mended for gallant conduct and 8 :85—Shopper# Special T b ^ acquitted were Charbslaeta survived aaMng 48 born ta of Dame Margaret Lloyd George, Ing the fingers of private col­ fightera, doctors. conUc strip art- Conn. Dairy and 1915 father eofiact Wtathrop ItotoL EagUnd'a Healtk lectors and museum directors. the means to defend. United States. devotion to duty. Food CouncU. 9 :00—^News ‘ I Stadriar, portrait painter, hb wife. the United Statos betwi TSeoma. He undorstands Htuatloa f «ife of Great Britain’s W’orld bta, novelist*, hula dancers, ad­ —President RooeaveR to Upon her arrival from Lisbon oa Both are stiU In the service but 9:15—American School of tbe Ab Peart, a ^ Prank von der hoys. and 1980. With Mellon’s marbb temple ot venturers, war corrsapondanta, I • • • and be will make any ar- ItiglaBd’s winter b mors than W’ar premier, would have attract­ art buttressed by. the PhlUlpe Me- the Amerlcaa Export Hner Ex- have been posted to anothw sta­ 8 :46—Morntag Uelodlca Th* remaining def*n(bnta, be- rangamento satbfaotory to yon." What that nwy mean ed much more atbntlon through­ n-orial Gallery (modem art), the actors, and cbnvlcta. Tbrir signa­ camblon yseterday. she said: tion. . 1 0 :00—By Kathleen Norris sKbs tbs BalMids, aad ths on- It Will Be A Morning School As Usual! Watch F oe tures betray characteristics that American youth, starting on Its "Is the United SUtea giving Nlnetoen-jrear-oll Sonb Straw, Will Have Opera llioyd C^rge Has For a wblb last nilgbt state of the Incraasing -im- out the English speaking World Freer Gallery (WhisUer and Jap­ 10:16—Myrt and Marge notmesd vote for thstr eonvietlon: poUca thought they bad found anese art), the Corcoran Gallery hand-writing experts would caU first worth-whU* job today, b go­ help 7 1 don’t feel that s*Hia» a first aid warden of Caterham 10:80—Stepmother WUUam J. Caasbre. former Louts- of SOBW sort of a Nasi than It will today, because Dame bold, Inespoostbte. adventurous. ing ‘o be proud*to remember *x- goods on a cash-an-carry basb b (Sum y) was the first woman to In Movie Theater CaroL a student at Annb Wright and the hundreds of murab in the 10:46—Wooum of Courage b aa pubUabar, aad Paul StlckaU, ^Road Mishaps^ aamtaary. They rsportod a gtri Time Announcemeiit Later. itioa in the apriag b. Margaret aras aa ouUtandlng per- govemmant bultdlnga,' Washing- secraUv*. Umid. Their etytos pericnclng^*^ helptng- It b selUag. be awarded the newly insUtuted 1 1 :00—Rhythm Roundup Cadcago lawysr, both 8 to 4; Loub* range from terse UtU* sprays of •%ut X do hear that aid to Brit­ Georg* medal, highest ranking who appaaiad to fit tha dsacrtp- which there b no aettage la her o«-n right. But In to., b bound to become one of the Beotoa, Jan. 21— (F)—Breaking 1 1 :16—Martha Webstar ^ Majeraa, 7-6. and Batty Mundy, n h u bean found a t C b Ehim, | world’s meccas for other* than word* to the easy opeohanded- hear adnslabtrntar. ain b about to start. 'gVom now award after Vlctorte Cross itlon. ^ t there b Infor- connection with it i i another fact a Bostoa tradiUca of two dacadpa. ll:8 0 -B lg Sbtor Mrs. Bonanrs sserstary, 6-6. London, Jan. S I.—(66— David ta eantral Wartdngtan. mere politicians.'" ness of goeetp. One caUa ms a liar on. you ariU have to give without Uqijch itself b asrarded only for tbs MatropoUtan Opera Onspony oa aaothsr mattaf baartng of much significance, even m a ^ accuses me ofplagarism. An­ I am coovlneed that tbs days of betog sure of getting paid." vabr.rin face of the enemy." Sonb 1 1 ‘46—Aunt Jenny^s Storbs Uoyd Gaorge, Britain’s W ortoV^ Dr. Folk, after checking , paid wUl perform ta a -«'movta" tbaatar 1 2 :00—Kats Smith Speaks prims mtebtor, was rsportod to- ths gtri was not hb daughter. ^ ralaUea to the dtaiab and thasa days of ^ ril for Britain — other expUlns the origtn of a separate nattOBS and empires ara Here for a lecture ^ received the medal for her bravery Plan To Attend! New Features! at an end. and that wwrid federa- moaths ta Londoo. Mm said hM | ttaatlag casueltles ta a badly —and at reduced ratoa—taatoad 1 2 :18—When A Girl Marries S iy Involved ta “rpad m b h ai^ on over ttaare. It b the lovely old south ssn legend, fiom* ta traatlag of ta tba opera bouaa arbea tt vb- Report Rumanian la fact because of them. Tha L aai N ight UU of voyages, asstonatlan, and tioos are the only 'sray of world object b to "bspress upon tha bombed huUdiag. 13:30—Romance of Helen Trent Mb way to Crtocbth. Wabs. w ^ of tbs pObUe baaltk. . cables tcU us that the wife of the chaos. Amerlcaa paopb^that Franc* b HOusewtvea, nurass and olBe* ita bare ta March. 1 3 :46—Our Gal Sundqjr. b b wSo, DasM Margsrat. 'dbd Russia and Japan duck hunta. Many dtoeuss the Uncertainty aa to wbetbar tba New Cooking Technique! New Recipes! be gravari af fete- great UtUa Welsh stotosmaa dlsd campaigns of Morgan, Sheridan. a . WaBs stm a eouatry." workers ara aomng asany otber l:0 0 -E#so Itoporter - Minister Resigns pMtarday bailor# b* co«fid reach O pm Houm arould be avaUabb 1 H)5—Mato Street—Hartford bar *—**^4*" ton as ts' what was. In her native town of CrtecbU Mlaod, PU.—Frederic E. Hum­ Jackson. Stuart aad Ena. All have wonwa ta tbe A. R. P. services Sign Fishing Pact I a color that are attracUv* to me who have receivad tb* Georfie led to tb* ahlft Private oamcre 1 :i5—Woman In Whit# Near Carrtg-y-Dnridlon^l^ fh b in a to tha psopls of phreys. 67, fenner brigadbr-g*n Loavs Ofieat of tbe bouse have offered K for Wales, before her husband could seal who clalamd the dbtinctloo aad that I wouldn’t want to be A Thought medal for their berotem In assbt- 1 :30—Tbe Right To Happtoesa Bartin. Jan. 3L —(ff>—General twice ran Into * 5 h s tr u r t^ " tbs other grant citlsa sab, rapartoi^y aa a bua tandhal : —Life Can Be Beautttal B oom guarda and vtoagers reach bar bedside. And the raa- of being the first U. S. A xtey man witbout. ' > ap—ga«i Jaa. 21 — Un — lh a tag air raid vitabm 1 45 jOsorgo Petnytosseu Has rsHgsmd Jaa. SI.—(to—Tadai la the way W damaged or a maifcat. 3t00—Young Dr. Maloa* I ss Bmnanb’s affinbtsr of tatorter. bUs fronith* ear aad took hUs to aon for that sad toct b that while to pUot an alrptona. Hj^TprSdant Taft wUl sail for In anaoirtiMng tba new arraage- K they had ta apaad as Orest Neck. N. Y,—WUllam T. _ . Ttoto Wi tbs united Btatas tomorrow with cC Hams Sacorlty Bar- "•16—joyca Jordan—Girt Into*®* VHtm (tm tui Oarasan aswa sgan- 6 ______" a . uxsay Uoyd Osorg* had left theb Bor- Icrriaoa dedarad recaatty BMBt, H. WeadMl Bndieatt, ptaM- 2 :C!)—Ptetehar Wiley 1^ ) rgortsfl todsy ta 'a of thatr righto haddlsd WaOaoe. 66. vto»T New Tork— ______of aa PRIZES! rsy hesM to be with hb w|f* to jobless clerk, tta t tbe day hod goo* by wkso dent o t tba Bbstoa Opera Aaam 2:46—Hosa* of the Bfar* Gulf OU Cofporatloo. * ■ £ clatiea. aald tba tbaatar—aatad- ^Sti0SSS,SS^^ cs go on to fSHBebik tor in to pentottiag Japanoas flohtag ini i osM air raid ahsttsrs hoars, ha bad bash In­ fieatOe Lettvstt. M. for­ train waiting - to tb* ~U. . Stpts Do­ wemoo could Mt q id e ^ at h o » S.-0O—Mary Margaret Mclbida IXIB saM ths srilttary ito^’ 8 deatly naarad tba Matropciltan ■ for ids ftuaaba oratora "dotihtlaaaly con- « Mito a f nnadlthris of to tw* aiitemBblle ac- mer Bwtar Itofflto hasshaU player wblb he seargked Ui* tracks for a itifi. t’s advtes. Xb* total , re- kaitthm yoos aad aaufitora whS* .3:16—Otoden Treasury of Song I (br o t . BmbsraM. ■mutM a atop forward In the I nlckal be kM dteeged.' "Teu'd do thMr mmfolk fought the srar tm- 1mA 4.30D mate, tbaa —Stndio Msltas*. mookAt-xpretnei M hb way aad early re- qad lator maMgef' of various tmjusL but God -to'juM^ to tba advice as a rsrtlt tbe Opera House, BHriHBf .bam M ttiix of Improvement of Soviet-1 lUoB that wui -oiwbt to about 4J W for alded. 3 :66-JEiK> Reportar. ; "lh a v * bsi ■ “ i ■ j ■ ' * ■ 'r - i : *

o TUESDAY, JA N U ^Y ja, 1941 M ANCli^TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESIER. COlW. ftAN Cm arail BVgWWO HXRALD. M a Wc HESTBR, OOMIf. TdCSDAT. /A3ftTAlrr sk. 1 9 ^ .I& IS O ff Nile M ethodist D>avies T outed School for Skaters: 10 Owen Hits “ Wildcat” Posts Here Legion*! Bolton Aircrmll W atchers Spot E nem j Plane Need Twenty Braftees Feller to Sign Today To Fine Start A n n ^ M e e t , As Best Cager " By Irriaf Jaffdk Pro Football; Games Here for Next Quota Undefeatkd Olympic SkatliiK Clikmploii < ^ n for 63 Hour Test At Salary of $30^000 Adams and Wsstrope ^ J r ------— Various Groups Roport SetoB Hall Player la Set Diaay Pace in Bid As Played on Coast Selective Service Board Hailed as Successor to Pjrogress; Rev. Wal­ Army Planes , Boy Wonder of Indians PUot For Turf Title. at s Jap Minister H a s O n l y EU^^ht M e n Famed Luisetti. Giants* Mentor Calla A f­ lace R ^ (i^ Leaving. Becomes Highest Paid Benefit Referee lb Tills Area; a • Classified at Present as Loa Angeles, Jan. 21—(/^—Two fair “ DUgraeefal;** A n Reported Over the ^ H ltS A m e n ca il Men o f the North MethoxUst In Test Fight Hurler in History of South Orange, N. J., Jan. 21— foioMr Amerioan riding champ- church put on the supper last lA ; To RnsfaTExams. . (F)—About xmee ta two or three Iona, Johnny Adams of tola, Kas., CoUegians Paid $10 ra»l«.b^ Porflion. I j £ggj night which preceded the annual Game; 17 Reds in Fold basketball geaerattona thare ap­ and Jackie Westrope, xrf Bteer, Off Bombers Mont., are putting wrl’nklea in the meeting. It conatoted of freah bam, Mancheater*a quoits In the third pears a real hero xif tbe hardwx>te For Servieos * as They mashed potatoea, turnips, coffee, —a fellow like Stanford's Hank fair young brow of the 1940 draft eta# poaaibly to corns daring aevelaad, Jan. 21.— (^ —Bob BeOcUnl rotto and jello. Every one at the (OMttaaeg Fima Fags One) Lxitaetti or Pittsburgh Chute jockey champ, Earl Dew. Defeat Bolldogs. BatclilBM>a. d iM Voentaoed Vrom Page Oaai more than 100 present had plenty ths'seemd week in Febrxiary win Peltor paid Cleveland a one-xlay Hyatt, xvhxMe fame spreaxto -out­ Dew bxwted ta hto 3ITUi xvtaner iS a m w of tM to eat. at a cost of only a quarter, attempted **bontbtag** o f Brock­ be 20 men, the local Selective Serv­ visit txiday to elgn hto 1941 ■ con*’ s i t hto oxvn Urritory. Dec. 31 to taka a photo dectolon tiaa Moti iBottoS two 'enemy* -believe that such a poelUon as- and beat of aU tha committee ton had resulted ta the "«iemy” tract xvlth tbe Cleveland Indiana Fans ta this xUstriot offer as one from Waltar Lee Taylor. Then 1,00 Angeles, Jan. 21—*Rlg at Mo otetlm at ice board haa been notified. It ta at a salary expaoted to ba about he set hto 1941 gotU at 800 xvta- fumed on the part of the United broke even. |Cark Holraaa, tb s being beaten off to aea before vital not yet certain that the local draft of this select group Bob Davies, a Stave Owen wss talking straight flK tt IM» oooeMa*. TtH! two States would not be calculated to supper chairman, pratoad the fine objectives were reached. 130,000, making him the highest- ■peedy apd tricky foru’srd from nert. Since Wen he has been ta board, will have that many men in paid pitcher ta the htotx»ry of baae- Seton Hall College. San Franotoco waiting for the new/ from the ahoulder, and thto hefty £3irT«4ai>tore4 |Oai*m were rontrtbuU toward promotion of cootaratlon he.reeetved. Txvo. Tnvadtag Anemy" bombers Claax XA. but the posalbtUty of Mcdef wool. > Them was a short musical pro­ baU. < Davies admittedly has plenty of Golden Gate track to open. coech of the New Tork OtosU world peace. _ roared ta from the see today off laaslng \more men through the Here' at Santa Amta park -Speaking frankly. I should e«- gram with Mrs. Karffery Daly at Bellport, Long Island, where they Peltor came in by alrplana and competition throxighxnit the coxm- posfesMenal football team has ion "Ustaolng ocal medtoal board than U ve been try. There are euch players as Adaroa and Westrope have been SteMaMter*! U f l « tremely regret such an btUtita ths piano, the stagers being Mrs. were spotted by volimteer observ­ examined we^Uy to being disenss- expected to return to htoxVan very large and very xvide ehauM- teoaUd In BoKolton, Olaston- of the United SUtee for tha sake Grtaxvold Chappell, Mrs. George ers of the Air Defenae Cxnnmanxl, ^Mater, la,, home a t t » thto after­ Ous Brxxberg; "Suts" MxxdselewaU netting a dUsy paoa. Sfoca the e: . •nd MarOwrongh , of peace In the Pacific and alao Shedd, Ralph Persaxm. Later Mrs. and were intercepted e few min­ noon's dotted Una formaUUaa. ^ a t Rhode Island State, the winter season began Adams baa "As Ixmg as you have soch 4to- _____ morning at 6 fc. m. Bight OaseUtod ' ‘Ihs boy xvxmder, a baseball vet- feet shot" a t a team that accepted 66 mounta, won 17 timea, graceful ‘xvikScaf games as ysa for the sUte of the world In gen- Marion McLagmn sang *T Love utes later by fighter planes over The local boaid^haa bxit Mgh( placed three times snd shoxved Wwnbere of the poet lo r the Tou Truly,** in honor of Mr. and Port Jefferaxm. B at we age of 22 yeara, never Uttl# else and the best bet to beat had Sunxtoy, you'll never aee maj­ tt-hour tw t bertod which will men alreaxly claaalfled in lA , ~ been difficult for vloe prest- Lxitoettl's all-time aooriim recxird: .’(SKi ■i's * seven times. Weatrx>pe has been or toagua pro foxrfball tn Lx» An­ The foreign ndnlater urged the Mrs. Walter E. Lydall. who ob­ In making the Interception about claaa calling for geneta nilUt up 68 times, xvith 14 xktansrs, 11 e i* m e e •ome 100 ehrtlian air- United SUtea to *'roallae her y served their Mth wedding annlr 17 miles from Heliport, the fighter at C. C. Blnpnloka to sign. Hto Hx>xvar4 (Rope) Bngieman of geles or California," te dcctaisd. ‘ elaae trotehen eaat,of the Hud* service, but there to 4bUlt lary has been raised every year Kanaaa, so nioknamed beoauaa ha places and nine shows. Owen, preparing to shove xrff eponiilblUty for the malntenailee verMry last Friday. planes, which took off from Simxtlk of two appeato among group Westrope has mada a gallant MB Mver for the next four daya. of peace, reflect deeply on her According to the new setup In ll3rtag field near the center o f Long Lmat season FaUer's a a la » handlea the ball as If thare xvere a for Nexv York, referred to a be­ Ttu tc*t ia bring conducted by and two more of these men are en- aatlmatad variously from 325,000 string tied to It; George Olamate oomeback since last winter when lated grid engagement tetxvscn stutude with truly Ood-fearlng the Methodist church, this annuel Island, successfully completed Itotlng ta the National Guard. Earl Robinson, named coach of the stewards grounded him for Um> Air Deforce Command of the dutv and bend her utmost efforts meeting In January to not tor the their mission ta the first teat' of to $37,000. Hto performanca of 27 of North CtorxdlM, who led the the Los Angeles Bulldogs snd a \/ar Department in order to pre* Two and not more than three., j tho New Haven Bagtee In We Southern Ckmference scorers last - - r Mveral mxmtha becauae xrf tha way hastily recruitexi, raplxUy-xirUled to alUy an Impen^ng crisis In election of offloera—that cornea In the four-day experlmantal exer- victories led American lAsgua ha roxla a horse named Sir Lan­ bm b for adequate defenae In thin examination periods are scheduled pltchxpitchers. American Hookey League In im season although he 3 haa to ahxMit Heekey aquad maxle up largely xrf college ocrantry fo r , potable Invaalon by civilisation.'* May—but to for the purpose of re­ ctoes of the air defenae eommanxL before the next quota U xhn. The prxiduced the beet team In New by “feel" because he can’t see tbe celot, Last xveek he gave a aplen- ■enlon who but a few xvMfcs agx> Retaa ta ABlBaea porting progroM In the different A second Initial "victory" for Half Reds ta FoM The bodykthen the other, then on both foet dld exhibition by bringing ta five ito Esvto a anoiSart which haa been local doctors have been examining CtoolnnaU, Jan. 31.—(fil—F in Haven's history. He plays wing. basket xvlthout hto glaases: Bob How to Stop Quickly were the toxut xrf their scattorod Pointedly Matsuoka refeir^ organisations, xiuvl 'according to the defending forces came almnl- 10 men at each weekly period, but Gerber ot 'Tolexlo, **bat ’em” Bob so that you can make any emerg- winners ta one xlay—a teat later edpiwl'from BrlUln’a inner de-- taneoxisty a few mllea from Provl- weeks before pitchers and xmteh- must te con^totely ralaxsd when Bd Kovls, former local c footbxm worixto. The pnvnottotL ' tame. to Japan's recent military alU* the reports submitted last night the average of men being ^ en Kinney a t Rice and plenty at tecy atop. Keep your weight con­ duplicated by Adams. ■tar who to now an official financially apeaktag, xvaa barxOy snee with Germany and lUly, the xlifferent societies are flourish­ denice. R. I., ediere txso more bomb, ars are caUed . out, the world making atopn -K m p your fuU centrated by keeping kneea to­ Jackie started his riding csreer .;;^8tatloa at Ealtoa the Class lA endorsement has been qhampton Rsxto have signed almost xitaera. ■toad of a player, haa donated hto a.auocaaa. A t d a. m. thia morning the Bol* whldi he aald. win Hurely- re­ ing and in a good flnancial condi­ era were intercepted b}- three pur­ But Honey Rxiaaell, the old-time weight balimced opposite te the gether and srroa close to your ta Montana and Ixlaho and ta 1932 ^*lt xvu a ahame.” coottaued suit ships from New London, low. Last week only four x>f the 16 half taelr players for 1941. ■erxrlcM for the Infantile Paraly-. tMiiiataning pcot waa manned by sult In establishment of a new tion. examined were paital by the local Local Sport ro xMiurt star who coacbea Seton direction In which your teateo face body. Puah your xvelght toxvards went to Cuba. The follxmlng year •to Fund benefit that will be>i(>wen, "to see thxiee kids explxitted world order. "If only time be Rev. WOIlam T. Wallace, pastor Conn., as the "invaders’* flew In Centerflelder Ml)te McCormlta tall, and the fans hereabouts the center of the akatea xvhere the he got hto 8rat xvinner and he OMBterfliM PIrle. Tony Anaaldi doctors. If this aversge continues Rod BdV R dOSRll. PbOklRR tUFIlRd iB so that tha blades xvUl out the Ice staged at thxL Eaht Blxla Rac on Out there, taking all kinds of boxU* ta d Kaeney Hutehlnaon aa obaerv* for the past three and a half years, from Narraganaett bay. thers will not be sxiffldent men Scan’t see anyone except Daxrtea. full force, xrf your body ertU mska went right xm to pick off We Na­ iy risks—and tor 110 a heaxL Too, iiU‘« home, n«ar the New England House stop Nigger HUl, Bolton, wss the scene this Almost at the aame time, spot­ papers yeaterxlay frith their s in s - as firmly and aecurely as poaslble. tional cnamplonahlp for 1933 with Tueaxiay night, Feb. 4, with Mori- taa aad tbeae three were relieved "There ta no room for doubt, who to leaving xm Thursday for hto clsssed In lA to meet the next Chatter He’a not exceptionally Mg. only 6 You mxiat use plenty of knee the itrongwt Imprestem x» the srty Brothers opposing the WU- that's xvftat some of the boys told •t S o'cloch by Mn. Oertnide he dectared. "that It wUl be morning' of great scUvity aa Legion and Auxiliary members manned the observation post for scouting new charge at Trinity Methodist ters reported a flight of bombera tures xm the dxrtted lines, bringing feet 1% Inohee tan and weighing 801 winners. me they got after the game xvaa flying high in the vicinity of the quota assignment. to 17 tbe nhmber signed. bend and shoulder bend at all times Ice. .• . . Umanttc Shell Chateau In We fea­ KoMa and Mra. Mary Nichota. crowned with brimant succeta.** aircraft Thoee on duty there today are (above, left to right) Chet PIrle, Tony Anaaldi, Keeney Hutch­ church, Norwich, made hto final Speolsl ExsmtastioBS JUi mtlraated 65,000 aandlot 170, but he’a speedy and agile. Finally, no matter ta xvhat type Tom Worden, Kansas City ture encounter. Kxixrto to handling over. A mlUlon dxUIare xvxwth of ^ThNiughout the day. unUI S He warned. ' however, that report and expreaaed regret that Maatashusetts ahoe manufactur­ Two teuthpaw twlrtors xvere baseball clubs frxnn cx>aat to exmat He’s the main reason xvhy Seton to cushion your body against mid­ sportsman, Immedlatsly purchased talent prxmtoted and sold tor 10 inson. chief observer, Mrr. FrlU Noren and Mrs. Mary Nlchola. It to possible that the three ex­ among the newly signed—Witt den Jar or atumble. Stiffening in­ xrf skating you are trying to excel, the games ta the Rec Senior o'etoMi meinbera o f the Bolton siiould the United SUtea become he had to sever hto connection with ing city of Brockton. amining phyaielana, Dr. Howard wtU offlclaUy open the 1941 sea­ HaU haa won Its last 36 games yxm must remember always to Weatrope'a cxmtract. Protebly the bucks a bead." Almost continuously, the New Gutoe, lanky knpckleballer from son simultaneously at 3 p. «>* vites a fall. highlight of bis entire career was League and also referees many in­ The all-etar coOeglana tacludsd O m g e and AuxlUaiy inambera involved in Ue European war and the church at this time. Richard Boyd, Dr. Mortimer Mortorty and snd to reported to have turned Practice stopping on one foot, > practice, practice ahd practice. dependent garaee locally. ataad two-hour Ustmtng poet -should Japan, too, ba compelled McLsgan. apsaklng for tha ejiureb, England air radio Informatlxm cen­ Cxdumbxu, 8. C., ftte Logan, (oat) on Sunday, May 4,—"Na- doxvn offers to play In Madtoxw hto feat of bringing ta Stagehand eexreral lads xvho to te tbaT>annai» ter at Chotoea, Maaa.. received re­ Dr. George Lxmdberg, xsUl agree to who tried the big Ome with tbe Anita WBteiMB at Bolton until again re- to perUdpate.** the reaulUng oon- aa one of the laymen, voiced the hold a special examination period Uonal Semi-Pro BaeebaU D » y '— SquareBqi <3arden beoauae of the alse to xvta . the $ 5 0 ^ ~8anta of the UnlverMty xrf SxraOiem Tleiiii by the men, Mario AneoKIl fllct might "the.downfall of W oman Forest Fire Lookout Heads Legion*s Observers regrets of all at their loss, and ports of approaching planes from Chicago (bibs and Detlrott and last .. to ibvealed ta the new 1941 Na- x>f Its home erowda. Derby of 1937. ' (taUfornta into the Rxwe Bowl two ' MaaaachuMtts lookout potato In so that stifficlent men will be plac­ year won li ot 32 xvlth teexmd- Uonal Beml-Pro Baseball Gulxta "Stagehand waa the greatest yean in aueceaelan. One xvaa Al ta d Mcn^nrd Chaae at 6 p. a t t t a dviUsatkm.** 4h xvtohed for Rev. Wallace success ed in CISM lA to al)ow for filling Davies* tricks Include faking Tulsa Rumored .•RmbMOB. AMaKU and Chase enll Throughout hU S.800-word ad­ and happlneM 4n hto larger field Wobator, Auburn, Worcester, Fra­ xUxrtolon Indianapolto at tbe Amer­ This xvlU mark what to beUexred pass ta one direction and toaalng horiM I ever rode," Westrope says Kriieger, the rangy end who xvaa mingham and Salem. the next qxx>ta. If not it will be X ican AsaodaUon. jia largest maaa May In htotory, High and Trade to Play xvlthout any heaitaUxm. a hero when he caught tbe pass tqmaht on daty until • e'otock this dress Matsuoka avoided refet- to Nonvlch. neceamry to defer sending men to ft another xvay while he’s In mid when they will be re* Last Sxjnday -IflS attended the Captain Frederic H. Smith x>f the Other new signerii include shxjrt- each game to be featured xvlUi a air; nxmchalantly passing or Adama, who welghta 106 to thot teat staunch Duke ta the cncca to recent oOldal uttenuta* the Hartford Induction atatlon un­ Waatrops'a 112, to a aelf-iuade Seeking Fmka clxinng secxmda xrf that liS t tet- Myroq tta and David in Washington regardtag thb In- morning service. The membership raghtb Pxirault Group, general stop Gorton Del Savlo and out- celebrity toesing first baU. Pub­ shoxdlng after a twtottag feint / headnuarters, at Mltxtael FlehL re­ til such time aa axiffident are fleldera Mike Dejan, Albert lished by the National Semi-Pro that pulto the opposing guard 2 Games Each This Week ockey. Owners advtosd hifo to Umstlonai sUuaUon. particularly is not large but every Sxmxiay the cUaalfled to meet the next quota. N ew 8tght*<< Barly attendance to well over 100, which ported that the work o f the clviUan "Dutch" Mole and Frank Soedry: BasebiUl Congreaa, this yearbook cxHnpIetely xrff balance, , and drib­ (ive up ridlM almost as soon as m g'M n r tnitollMitw ot Oregou Ma pbuwB were picked up by M It affecU the Far Bast.____ ■potters was "exoeUent.** Soextry waa xvlth Beaumont teat faataring thu Information and bling down the court with hto IS atartad. Thsy aald ha waa too Backfield Mentor at Statat'xme xrf the be«?fullbiMda in Dwells an Boenoode ruisanra speaks well for the fine aermons many ^ e r tatereating Items, to Manchester High and Manitaes-4when laaat axpexrfte. T r ^ won tte clumsy. Today, Johnny, all four the coast conference, xvaa an­ r'taa ofaaervta early thia morning Rev. Wallace haa delivered. Next Men of the Flying Corps, the year and the - others . were xvlth many oWer tntereaung iMms, » rlglK rtabt hand until a defense-man the Bolton Uatenlng poet al* He dwelt at length, however^ Signal Corps and the Coast Artil­ Widespread Riots Birmingham. largeat In Wstory xvlth a complete jj,„, then axvltchtar ’the ter Trade apprar In txvo home first enga|:enmnt feet, eight tachea ot him, to one of Temple Leads Candl other. sevenl fUghta of planee on economic preawra exerted hy Sundver Hungarian afternoon. , ‘ yaata, to something X can’t answ er., Id to the Mencheeter Ita lo n tlona Hons on< eadi occaaton. hut thU charted on the huge operationa Boston Center Sets Pace er contract syatem. the national a baseball player when he arrived. The aafkemen wUl be seeking of making the state tourney. Sec­ photo finish all saason. Ths claim mantor laat aeamm. ^ for tha fOur-dav tenddicy haa recenUy been so rallxvays. asaxmiatlxm xrf leaguea. Umpires may te extravagant, but Adama* While some repxurta xvent so tar ^ BuUxIogs haxT won the P ad - board, the track .determiped and Information the fighting, Al Mamaux. tbe baseball coach, their fifth victory In ten starts ondly, they must win to keep the period thia morning by CUf* neatly aggnvated that Japan (Oosttsned from Bags One) orden xvere Issued for the tater- ot In National Loop W ith and scorers ta adxUtlxm to the na- to the only one who can outxlo Invaders from taking ovsr aecxmd experience .helps blm Immeasur­ u to asMirt that the unlverMty flO Owat pro champtoMhlp tte which could not be confirmed Im- sgalnat Bulketoy and hope to gain aunxDsy baxrfe. Nxnv xvhat does and Philip OMney, and Bd- meet the aituatloa adequate- ceptom to go aloft, all in a mat­ tlon-xvlxle tournament progriun. Russell In praising the 21-year-old rexrenge for the 87-41 setback auf- placs ta the -Naxl Iron Guard, recently tag on High’s atate tourney proo- Traxle’s tuaals. xvlth Teaebtrs Morrison, head coach at Temple mit any of them to play in any tabacity tor thraa years, also Mra selt-sxjSlclcncy within the region n^ffeut, Rhode Island and Maaaa- piled up 61 potata In 44 games of Dximont, president of the orgahl- *3Vest Side Rex) JmagM Oollaga on Friday ahould also pro­ 1941. University, was ta toxvn but he ‘ ChevaSar, w ta of the the Anglo-Bgyptlan Sudgn because aboUebed the Green Shirt organl- tbe lMO-31 aeasxm until Bxmton'a xation. pecta, which are mighty dark at post season games except the o m of greater E ta Asia.' ot “the neceeai ties o f a etrateglc chuaetta. ' duce a rousing battls aa tha Taach- dismissed questions xvlth a smil­ out here, the pro-bowl gamo aaeh Bartford Ootaty Some 10,000 observers, mostly satixm’a px>Uce group which play­ Milt Schmidt xvon the title last , Paganl’s West Sides jumpte this xvrittag. era xmma bars dstermlnsd to axisn Uxda Chataler of Matsuoka left no doubt that .--m natftre," the Fascist high com­ ed a leading part ta the "revenge Trade, riding the croat of an ing "nothing to say." yoar. Japan ta "determined to go ffar- American Leglonnalrea, telephxme year no center-ice player hte cap- One of t^e b lg^ t furtter Into the------lead ta toe W ^ up tha aeriea after absorbing a Hoppe to Open Members of the athletic com- and Mra Bdsrard mand annoimced txxlay. slayings last November of 64 Cured the NaUonal League's acor- programs the a o ^ ^ gw* luc bowUng league last night eight-game xvlnnlng streak w d 'Tn that xvay tte Uds are pee- ward with the work of aUWUsaflon The daily commxmiqoe also re­ operators and Oxiaat Guardsmen, unbeaten In scholastic competition, 3^23 loss In the first game. Trade mlttoe said the T^mpto backfiMd and ao to tte puWto. No of O tal man the 700 observation poata ov­ former high officials ■ ta the re­ tag champlonsglp. But this year preawtte "^ u ^ y Fo«t defeating the SUbro^am 8 te was highly teepUcal of lU chances wQt remain on tor the eeaf ported Brittoh warplanes again had gime of ousted King Carol. isn't looking for much trouble from T T I t l f t D c £ c i l S C Invited to dtocum ^ I jj «^cpioited. I’m aony I atayod o r- er the 18,000 a<]xiare-mile area. ttere aren't any other playera In Guard HMl. H ^ord. i^while the Moriarty Bros, team ta that teat agMnst the WlUlman- X II'AC; ler to OM that oxhlblUoB." throughout tta days of the Adjoattag bombed Catania, Sicily, alto of an (Slma'a order waa construed as tha running. , Uu*® match for the improved their pOeiUon xvlth a 8 Etost Hartford and that conflxlenca To aid In thU work, Japan to en air base frxmt which Oermsn air­ From these observation posts, may te jurt We thing for an up- tlc school's xxarstty but ahowed a unxlar preaaura at tha and ot tbe ' will titaniet the other through "filter” stations and evidence that he and General An- BUI Cowley. Boston veteran who plonatap ^ to 1 xrlctory over the W*st Side lot of stuff ta gaining a decisive - , iMtaxm after Ida Golden Hurricane on duty daya ta deavortng to "bring about a far- craft made recent attacks xm the tonescu wete determined to xuean lon f r^mflrrtlj»d Rfl RI rRlentiRRR SIrvr cruRORT vRRey, Mt as Ooate Johnny McGrath's T. M. a A. Fla Beys reaching readjustment of diploma­ Brittoh Mediterranean fleet. Soime thence te ,huge operations boarxto house in the Iron Guard, ousting \ boys texre a khack tor xvlnnlng xretdlot. Expected to G>inpete in , ______umexed tha Mtowmrl Valley , Tte Y. M, C A, pin boys howl- obnerratlqii problem. In Information centen at New w .s-e a • avtaasMtairfWinhtfk. nsMbera Am Sighted tic relations xvlth Soviet Russia," xlamage waa reported, but there “imdeMrable” members and «c- great play-nmker, ^ ^ _ jaaunoe "ine *»«•», i triple xfXmir. cxmfcrence championship. . tag laagtM flniahexi anxrfher ef its York and Boston, the number, dl- ThreexGnshion 1 o u r * While un.na more than 60 coulM xxmebaa had I m a UW matcheanmtehes with the FltfrftoffFlshttoff no twta-motored, alngle-srtng the foreign minister asserted, em were no casualties, the xlatly war reeUxm, approximate apeed afid erdatag a firmer control over the iSi-Triroe aaMrta laat wrok crushed the crusher last year and Ml Evening ihara tram picked up by the pKaHHny that the thtee-power bulletin said. organtoatlxm.) who haa ataoe defeated all con- ___ East applied for the Job, the held ^ irtoh ecortag a total o f 1,197 ptos probable obJecUvea ^ the "invad­ brxnight hto total to 34 and hto tenders. Cassy however haa ex-1 Wedneaxiay evemnx tiw ney Saturday Night. rep^ed to have been narrowed in thru strings sgstast tte Pl- k TUoub HUl aUtlon In Glaa- pact xvaa ta no sray directed The Brittoh also were reported to ing” bombera are plotted and point total to 88. He’a made only S l d n '^ l nJoet Dlllona V8's while «ry at g:40 by Mra Bcarrooe Mrs. Lexwti Scarrone. registered State Forest Ftiv» warden (rlgixt. aboxre) to in charge of the Le­ have bombed Valona, Iteltan-held Interior Blntotar Quito tended Monsieur TUlet to We Urn- •hanUy the past week. ratu' L039 plM. This gave Jte sgstast Moeoow. gion's John Tomm Hill observation post which began a four-day test toxlay with 191 other state atationa. chartexL nine gxiato but he haa passed for Lee’s Esao team xvlU take on the Chicago, Ju. 21—*(SV—WUlle UnlverMty offlclato have coi^ ___ taf aasistant obnervera The In Une with Japan’s dealrs for Albanian port xm tbe Axlrtotlc sea* Almost before the "spotter" The official German ■lx more taUles than his nearest it in previous matches at Boston Sports Roundup Fighting Irish four poiata te oM Mrs. Scarrone was aastoted this morning In observing -by Mra. EMxvln Behrand, (left) and M n. Louto coast, anxi the Libiran port of To­ x ^ cy repotted today Jn a ^ and a fierce battle to expected In Fairfield Grocery. Hoppe, 53 yeSr-old New Yorker, ferred xvlth Spot Drew. to its league score fxm l8 points anqr pbuMs came Into alght from a rapprochement xprlth Russia, Mat- bangc ujp hto telephxme, waiting play-making rixxal, PhD Wataxin xrf Moriarty Bi m . ( i ) xrtll begin detenu of hto world’s southwest and were flying fuoka announced signing of a now Chevalier, (center). bruk, causing some "material dam­ flghter planes' at strategic flying Mtch to teriln from Bucha^ thia meeting. Supporting the main ■t Alabama; Dlxlf Howell of Art- ta alL age" at the latter place.. The raid that Gen, George Petrovlce^ the New Yoric Rangm. event .are three extraordinary P. Hanatn . . . 96 118 10$ *1* State Teachers Clottege of WUUam SOlUxru took individ­ I taSrards the aortheeat. When fisheries pact, replacing one which fields soar into the air for their Secxmd^^toce xm the list I! gt>es to A. Brown . . .127 100 111—838 By B«dto Brleta '^Bam Byrxt tha old major lea^r, J nighturUMi^*^ 12*"* , pets v»wuon o» a long distance off the two on Valona Was. aald to have exist resigned as Rumanlsn mlntoxer az time Uhxit bouts that brings to­ 86— 396 and PeU Caxvthon of ual aoortag bxmora with a sous expired Dec. 31 and giving Japan attempted'Interception of the "ta- another center, Syl Appe xrf J. Dletx ...... 101 109 New York, Jan. 21.—n-*"*«ing niah to akiu___ F, Mahoney i .117 106 gru t kicker. shorUy xvfll te order­ Matauo.ka declared the govern­ stead, N. Y„ .and New Haven, with 27 with^^^ Zahartos to te foUow- ed to Fort RoMnson, Neb_ for a describing the planes picked' i;)an were advised by the Waablng- three years, it is a "fair assump­ Shot in West 'repeatexUy bombed enemy preps- Conn., “ filter” statlxm obeervere There wna no toxUcatlxm w n ^ - 579 562 4M 1629 BU▲ubum Chapmu R hom$ *• bRRkRtoRli "'“^ ‘^am RRtnRR u 1i **2^* ^ whii« Hodm wrr r$ -1 1 RCROoironLT^xSIS oinciRiR y®***^™jy‘^Srx^rsnd';?!5 __ T. Mason . 78 78 n —122 ment was seeking a speedy , settle­ <:on'State Department last Octo­ centar, NeU .OolvIUe, foxirth xvlW ^ Tommy O’Toole and Andy year’s acUve duty with hit reurve their ptatloo. description tion" that Communtom will rations and tames" In North Afri­ for the New York aector receive er this change xvaa linked with the West SMs Tmvan (1) ud hu bought a cuperattag from pneumonia. Tour- mut more ^ sold R. Lucu .. . 97 85 28T ' iMgbt^ dlrectloe and three mta' ment of "the China Incident** and ber to leave Japan. China and oth­ over western Europe. (Conthiued From Page Om ) ca. Reported Bucharest outbreaks. 25. Mexlner. In ^ _ eeml-ftaal Joa regiment . . . , 78 IS 78—SI2 aald - armed .restotance by the xlata from apotten and flash It to Jimmy Orianxto at tha Detroit Armstrong .,.102 .102 iw106 lux—^107—816 to going to give Eddie Mead two- M. Murphy, ' I arterward. when the bombers er Oriental territories. Several Aid to Britain which mtgbt lead "Incraaaed artlUery acUrtty" ta tbe Informatlxm center. Other re-, The agenxw cxmflrmed a report Cox. the Kansu City roughlan, weni oowiuMi ^ --— y. SoUHru . 80 UT 101-808 . regime of Generalissimo Chlsng hundred already have left Japan. Red Wings is tb« league’s bad- xvlU have plenty xrf trxwble xvlth U FrM ^t . . , 89 102 8 9 ^ » the 219.000 te gxrf out of changed tbrtr course, the ob- to Involvement in xvAr, would.In­ fleer C. H. Hart In the aide. Oliver the Tobruk xone uraa noted, but ports are recelxred xUrect at tlto reaching Yugoslavia yerterday m u . He haa spent 80 minutes In tbe other nlfht, h**l **•*’••' **• i, aarver Oesbed a call in ataln noU- Kat-Shek haa "notably decUnsd." No new advice haa been Issued to clude American Naxml escxxrta for and Decola were struck In the ab­ there warn no ofthcr menthm ot Sammy Menacher, tha Jexvtoh lad Gustafson .. .Ill 101 ^to test fight instead of tha cus- 888 888 888 1888 centers ta New York and Boston. that a major xff the the penalty box. C. Frelhelt ..106 lU tow could do xvu a 128 . . . tJMbt Iba beadquarlera of the *rbe regime "to etlU advocating Americans recently. cargo convoys. When xme x>f the domen. Decola died ta a poUca groxmd opentlxma xm the Libjran Combined, they give officers an eral ataff had been a ^ to dMto xvho h u bald hto own xvlth tha national reconstructloa throxigb T te leading •xjortre: , top gnpptoro pf the country. C. Vennart ...lO l 128 118—880 pot take tho aO- Im v Juktaa. xvho ^o««*** • stage ta dlMctlon made. xvar vessels was Sxink, xvar, in bxwpital a few minutes later. xvaifrxmt. accurate pictor* of the "attebk." at thm door o f a BucharaRt hoUl« O. A . Pta. ds homo txvo xvMha dgOi h u put It B. MxdduUta .... 88 89 lM -"*2 The Marlborough aUtion la continued restotance against Empttea Two Fistoto and iwM tho RumaniRP fO'Vorn- Show goes on at 8:20. M lu e 1 fOQX'htag asMgnment (If eflbr- Kennedy's opinion, xvould result. Thrxnigh a cxunpllcated system Ooxvtoy. B oston ...... 9 24 U 808 848 818 1888 2 ffh t m )h ^ a u he refueu to lead on the market ■esMxm xrf first plau ta tha atud- Frnka. who Pl*y8. M J. Slou ...... 112 91 81'8ft ny J. C Vergaaon who Japan.” howeyer, largely due to Kennedy "has faith" ta the Hart reported that *be and Pow­ of rastbematical computation, aixl- ment had started an InveaUgntlon tags yutarday with four vlctortuj college of Texu u n ^ w v t^ , B. SulUvu ....1 8 8 111. M—MO ^tait heed a group of Marlborough "misplaced hopes In assistance Kennedy Asserts ers were cruising ta a px>lice car, and ordered thnt sternest meas- Apps. Toronto ...... 13 16 29 . Middletown whipped Woodrow /e\ a team agatnat the Chicago Basra. -i- GeedlowueAU ___ president’s ability and Integrity A b ou t Tow n ed by colored amnira and nutrkT Watson, Rangers .... 9 16 W Wttoxm High ta u tatra-city clash apiece. None hu dropp^ a decl-|hu been u F. Murphy . . . . 128 80 88—288 taluuTfiir 11. e department mem- from. Great Britain and the United in handling foreign affalra. saw the youth running through an en iMcatinA the type x>f "tavaxl- luea bo taken. *118-889 • • • Plttaburghm ^ S t Am brou OiUsge out ta loxva flxro seauM, the flret four at V u - States —especially the latter," ■Uey, and ordered them to atop. The repxjrt reaching Tugpatovto N. OolvUle, Rangers.. 9 16 25 laat night 21-10.. .It w u the 16th I r , Hagenow _' !%Ma In ooa&ucUng the four day British Officials Toxsrard the end of the hearing tag" plane, the time spotted and HextaU. Rangers ...,1 4 10 24 had a starttog footbaU Retoelt xtofuted Hete 448 882 288 118fT r. Inst obsarvatioa. , Matoxioka aald. "Hart’ caught one ot them," Caiartos FUtor, manager the__ ‘Track of tavaeton,” xrfflcen said police arrested a man of straight win for tha Tigers over jg. gchuhert ' u XM i S —806 Armatro n f , .took ^ k back A t PhUadelphla, Earl R. Y u - Kennedy said that "we admit that Drllton, T o ro n to ...... 14 2 22 their Mty rival ud their fifth r : poudrtor I 11AA mtootaAUlIKW b < > r !L » ^ _ y ^ ^ 2 ^ S I Il i t IdOUW,Louto. IPW80 VO to «l l ; . ^ Btot.cnC hupected The Netherlands East Indlea and Powers added, "and managed to Marlow's boxisserares department, I of the Air Defense (Command de- "Greek origin” na the alaiw . Ihu flvo ratal starttag for p»«l Lewta. Chlesu, 50 to mans, graduate manager of Favor War Entry rxre're ta no shape to fight, there­ Schrinar, Toronto ...1 4 9 28 I victory ta eight gam u thto aoa- r . AhdlMo . IM 147 1 1 8 -8 8 8 1 Bg-Mg Leagur M u Oottman-tr Elmer Weden of French Indo-Chlna.' "If only tor r fore I'm for all aid to Etagland." throxvn him down. I went after {■ attending the New Tork laim>|temilne how many inUrceptoni go Dtopatetaes from Ruae, Bulgaria Y08 142 118—881 j -r— Anetter FsrBtoasi ketiwll team. Bxmemu xtofuted Xrvtng Crane, tetlcs at Teaepto, said that while .nOworu-Conisll Post, American the other One. but just aa we got | ahow. ' | aloft and their Q,iaoion.mtoalxm. L. Patrick. R snfsrs ..1 1 12 » Ison .. . 1F. White . I Rochester, N. Y., 50 to 28 In Prnka "hu urved xmly one year gebphaphleal reasons, should be In When tlie bearing enxled he xvaa near the Rximanlan frontier, sals Howe, Detroit...... *11 11 M SutUe. Jan. 21—(fiV-iach 1^9* lAOlon. ..mede nn Inspection trip s state of intimate and Inseparable (Oniitteimd Frooi Fage One) asked by newspapermen to clari­ out into the street be tourned and Tbe operatlxma bxwrd In the ta- today large German troop con ^ - RTfUirai i A foxirexnne of Fair Shaxvnu, Tte Cravat isagM Othtr ARtChRR. ClRTRnCR JRCKROn* of a flvO-yur contract xvlth ue velt former m aju toaguer w te started sbox>tlng at me.” Wtoeman, Bxxeton . . , , 9 13 22 The New Britain ^ply Gross, 60S 558 575-17X7 | trudging oxmr (Marpbys Alleys) "«ar|y this mormnj, visiting each lelntlonahip" xvith Japan, Mat- fy hto statements. The Emblem Club win bold a formntlxm center ennbtee the nlr traUona a j ^ the Rumantao «d e Taylor, Toronto • 15 M Iholden of aecond place to the Detroit edgod out Ju Chamaco, U he gets a ebanu to te a heed managed Buttle to two etial^ eg the threa U^tentng posts man- tiioka asserted. low that democracy “can't come Tm for rearmament," he aald. Powers said he emptied one re­ public grxKsiy bingo at the Elks offloer to direct tbe tateroeptor* ot the Dteube had moxred _ ___ 1 the cxwuu e ^ n a bxtosy'o brother Mextoo d tj^ 50 to 48. and J u era wlU. not etand ta hto PnriaoCoast Leagu baeetell psM volver at hto assailant then Behmldt, Bxiston...... 9 U 20 PA’S in the State Italtob Learn, J. KlMn ...... 82 W *J9h;5si appured smuk ta the middle .of I Moriarty. , Chicago, d efu ^ Lu bad by looal Lc^ionnaries and ar- He recalled that "a cultural bhek.** 'Tbat'a our problem and by re­ home In ItockvOle tomorrow after­ ptonee directly nenwa the "track" at least’ trom oppxwlte the Ruse G. Allen, Chicago ...11 8 It knocked off Tbompsonville last I ««■»«♦* died tost night -txvo how s taasod Bthedules for the day. agreement" awa signed with Brasil Should Keep Out Of Wor swung aroimd to see ths other noon at 2:15. Mrs. Emma COnnore at the laooml^ tarniben. B. McOohkey g JSJliS SSH m w - * - • TXeam No. 4 ...... Kenney. Chicago. 50 to 42. after be wss stricken xvlth a heart arming the stronger we are able sector. Bauar. Boaton ...... ■ 11 M night 54-38.. .If boOi Mancbeatar C. tATROn 101 SBw9 AV* rYr 1I ^ aseimu I wteu n Ift X>rttor . . .._ tBRIRRtl Toxla^a afternoxm echedule pita ’ Due to slcknesa of many post 'ast September, and that Japan At another point that It was to aid Great Britain." youth firing at HarL Althxxigb of Rockvtlto to chairman o f tha The air xlefenae command, with These dispatches «lx) tha move­ Team No. 8 ...... * Om m U p u tp e u d attaxxk at a hasketban gaau „ Abal. Detroit...... , 7 12 » ud New Britain ly chambers IjslM Schaefer, Ctovelud agatast LeUveR had s p u t seore t h a n » bsM aurdlinry membera, fewer ob- and Argentina had agreed to ele­ "x^te unlikely" that England kennexly reported there was "no wxHinxlexl, Pxiwwa reported, be I eommlttee of arrangements. headquarters at Mltchel field, co- ment around ipeculatlxm as to Dumart, Boston ...... 10 2 18 in, tha League outcome xvlU xte-1 119 100 i n REo I ^ iii^ thR flnR Team No. 2 ...... * The ganu betxveen the Metexire anrvers wl’l be on duty through the ought land troops. x» the Euro­ emptied hto other ptotol at tbe| xwdtaatee aU Informatlxm from M. Zwlte Team No. 1 ...... John fltxpatrtck. __Lu Anil^u; of hto 58 years ta a baubaU uta- vate their legations to embaaalea. xinsnlmity” In British government wttother the Nasi forces bad swung SSars:Montreal ....10 8 12 I pend xm their clash here, xm March Low 06 T- ^ Kept thRlr hnOM tViR*# lu d Speedboys sUeduled tor to- daytlma that \rai a* first expected. pean coottaent and defeat Ger­ circles on the questlxm ot Ameri' ■eoond auspecL Tbe Past Chtota club o f Mamo- New York and Boston, althoute txmard the Yugoalav frxwttor, or II ta the final game xrf the aeason ------. - . William Diets,— — —Br., P®'*®"***11 Art TfiumbUd. Ksposhs. night ta tte Ru tatennedlale T t a aXternton Urs. Weden end Powers snd Hart were te plain rial Tample Pythian Stotars win tbe reepxxteiblUty fxw awixltag In­ M. Colville, R a n g en .. 2 10 18 ' --- xm tte bun • • • ’I*'®** fr*** ®”*ihrtlUutly to tahs high stofl*. Issatastagmtaat Art Rubta.Ruhln. Newwew York: xorx: »■»«■ ».»* rr.— waMitagtoa. New Ytek sas many. Ha reiterated hto expressed can entrance into the war. tx>ward the Black Sea and the 1 W . Carsa. O ilcaso . . . 4 14 18 . .which xvxould be tbe aanu utup 811 588 588-18381 «auksxr" Mwuted another . . | xianxiM. He also kept I Kennev ssatast Petera Igta. Vtltx McEvitt (vlU be on duty British AdtUod view, that the United States Miould clothes patrxtl at tbe time x>f the meet tomorrow night at tha boms terceptors aloft reata entirely ertth las last year w bu the PA’a tapi^ , "Sukey" shxMitod another Haao-enm* hxmora. He also ^ t JSiSnney agxtaat Petoraoi^^ ^So‘ OnoSit^^Ananeam of Mrs. Mercyl Pockhara of Rldge- Soviet sphere. ' I t Oonachar, Bxwton . .11 8 17 "Seat." ordwad a third hto nromtoe to hto eon, Jamu [night Welker Cbchran, fiu ,Tran-1 uto o —^ sohed-1 u a flrat bauman and autfielder. John Tomm HUl end will be re- keep Out x>f tha xtrar. shooting. Tsro other patrotmen, commanding xifflcen at tbe txeo In- Motter, Detroit ...... 10 7 17 the Hardwara Cttyltas ta a thfOtor rssd St thrc' .o'clock by Com To L e a v e Japan On the problem of aiding the x»Ued hy Omaerford after thel xeood atraet. Tha bxwtoee wlB be fonoetlaa eentera. I here to annex the title for tbe aec- SmJTdM^wlth the flu to tate muU Crane end ^to ildtone^ high 4t bat. McVeigh, V. P U M O fou potato u d the leagu’s lead- U^kateugh, Chicago, plays Juk-1,t 7:43. 1 xvent to tte Aneerican Aaeoriatton. Weden and -Mrs. Mary Tokyo, Jan. 21—(V)— A Brittoh Brittoh the emheeaedor expressed Former WPA dgmr store holdup, ieached thel aaatotod by Mra. Otodye Clarke Maj. Gen. James E. Cheney, re- Antonescu Order* iM gsere xmd time In four ]rsars...N ew Mru. Scarrone remaining on 'mxsular'ofnclal'a advice to certain the belief that Oxmgrcea should scene just as the gunfire stoppexL and Mrs. Ada Peckham. .This eently returned from BivMnd Britain hu now xvon five out of ty thr-nishout the day. Jack British residents to leave Japan have a cloeeiy exM^nated rela­ State Head Comertord said be Ixxst 32S ta the meeting eme poetponed from last xsh«re be stuxUed nlr itefenie meth­ A**a**in ExecitUd The South MethoxUst Intennedi- MX gxm u Top Foul Ckinteet "T xSiu NO. 2 u d No. 8 e p U t ^ and other hejionnartea will "before the tmpendtaig ertoto ta tionship with the praatdent. robbery. sfeek. ods, to oommnadlag general of the Berlin, Jan. 31—UTH- X aU Epworth Leagu played host * I way. on duty In Glastonbury thia American • Japanese relatlana A t uie aame tone he made It Oliver told botaidde xletectlx air xtofenae commaiMl, which German xtffictol news agency, xlja- Mtos Natalie Ctompnson of New I impi^raa^®t xrf Cyru Bluthard L a s t N i g h t V F i g h t s Myrtlo Rsvlsw. W JJL win to- to the BurnMxte Epworth Leagu comes to e bead" sraa' dtoclosed by clear that he favxxred fxill aixl— Is Indicted he anxl Decola "rode tbe roxls" here ataa xjnxtor Lieut. Gen Hugh A. patch toxlay from Bxichareat aalxl Saturxlaylay night and took a hut- Preston completod her semesters and Ftencto Huiphy h u ^ goM' reliable Informants toxlay. 'short x>f war"—to the British. a than a month ago. tta ofttcers tonight ta Odd Drum, First Army commander. Rumanian Premier Gen. Ixm An* B Sxmtb xjmircn nm work ta archery by breaktag_the (OMttauefi from Fage Om ) tag at tae Sxmtb Church gym, 40- By The Aasodated Proos WLfred W. MeVittie. acting con- Btattor tor HuB te Deride FeBxms hell, foltowtag n sapper nt When and where the bombera txmescu had xirxjered the summary May playod best for the wta- aU-time tadou UinixrerMty of Con S S s i f c « « "3*‘ eta o'clock ta the benxiuet heB. xeiU enter the sectora covered by execution a t the xmaasta oS a Ger­ with' eleven hoops and no one 1 necUcut record for sixty arrovra a xleaxlluk for first plsu h*txveu| cinctanatl — xve xvsnt. the | •** .*®^®^?. ■ H^aunond, lad. Selmea Mar- ^omeii Fiojht sxil grnersl ta Tokobama, waa Repreaentatlxre Tlnkham (R - CStargee also tachixle aUeged fil­ McVeigh and V. .Puxxo, uch with I Dodgera d ub, Lie." xvlth j meeting ^ said to have sent a totter of warn­ Maae) took up xwlth Kennexly the Had Tallen Part the teat, no xme knows except the man staff officer as soon as an In­ ■iiainrfl able to Mmck him d n rl^ la t ffUrty yards xvlth a f m ^ tag public reports ing of flcUUxxu claima fxw w hoard of strategy conducting tbe quiry Into the ktlUng to oomptoted. tho flr it quarter. F. WUson, who 484. The px^xm s fs conWrMpn. xmt «* » ^ xvoman's a^ MurohJTnO 115 ^Paycl^VlH . Dee Motou (10). Brltooa in hto district. Why these The aexren other accuaed are: in Crime Wave Public Records e x p e r i m e n t s . The "tavnxUng" aeven times, xvent beat fxmlxvu shot two years ago. by Miss nerup to Turklngton with 12 pxitata ererythtog • • • T h e [F , M t^ p y * BalUmora — Georgia Abrams, _Simiber Fires . xixrhlch the envx>y. forwarded to Jamea H. Beaty, New Haven, General Jtntonmcji waa said to [were selected was not explataed. Washington while he xvas ta Lon- Laxerenoa. Maas_ Jan. 21.—(A plsnie wUl take off from Mltdwl have inforaoed the Germea minis* too kicato. Tte Manchester Lu-lBqtty,Lsa«rholm of Bristol HJ* and Tedford to third with 11. ^ Laettamut wu ao gnat. Coach U Wmau .. lu u 160. Washtaftoa. outpatatad Jim- dxm. Kennedy said the matter ta' former W PA axbntalstratixre as- —Sergeant Francis Traynxir of •ekL n e to ff»*««xng a trip to Bsst [Laura AnSsto of Monrhuter x^^ e wUl oonttaurrfu flv* 1 Rx>y Hanaon fatatod on ^ Warner . . 1 , 3701 my Leto, IM, Hartfoit Oaaa. ' TVsxras* ¥ Tokyo atotant In the stata. ^ the Laerrcnce PoUoe Departaaent We ter o f hto ardor upon receipt x»f the entry hu taken 60 hto WeMern nui^ Stato Lc«r Man ... JO J 2 X x e J t r ¥.j0 11C I011| ^ ‘1 other clUee received no such volved policy consideratlona sfixi By warraatM xteeda rscofxlsd at The nnay win do notktag to news of the shooting of n Mnjoc E rttorttoplay tte Bast Hart- [nosed out Mtos Oemenson for fall (10). totten. John R. Beattie, brother of aald today tbe ahoottng of two champion to second xvlth 474 and S ata ' Teachera qutat ralltod ta tte laat ------New Jork-Monty Plgaa^. wea for tbs stats Departownt to tha offlcs o f ths town Clark, tha fol­ drnmnttae ths experiment There Dxxertng. member m the German ford Bpxvorth L ea g u ta tte . . . 421 404 407 1282 184 8-4, New York, outpotatad Text of Letter xtocide. James Beaty, who spelto hto natee Lawrence yxMmgsten by taw wlU be DO spectacular air maaeu- fob a e. B m su re : Mtoe Bernlu Baraforth of Rock- Tha atandtag. xvlth aU entriu I minata to Msi Fags One) differently, ot New Haven, fXxnacr Angelee. Caltf., xtetoctivee taat lowing oxmvaymncsB sro noted; Bx^tlxxinry force ta Rumania. ville to third xvlth 472. T beu Everett Rlghtmlre. 13114, Stonx The Informants said MeVltUe'a SubsexixMntly. at the Stats De­ • -«> ■ WnUM K. Hutchtaaoa to Edmond xrsrs,----- no si mule ted attacks end no Orden. Ik Otseka Arrestad havtag received 20 triea. to “ era. 52-60 • • • t * " ^ • ■ * 8 2 * ^ 88 288 letter read as follows: partment newsmen asked Secre­ WPA foreman nl^t had enxM a months-tongS S S Mornnxwy at ua. propsrty on Potw f l r ^ o f Bwchtos guns or artll- P Name acocu ara xrery good aad aU tbe 6: Gaudtao. 4; Me- Omaha, every noan on tte j y. rox aty. la.. (8). ^ fuitber pubHestlon and Joseph W. Macombar, Merlxtaa. seercb artotag xwt of Tbe tetef at state ordered the nmre remarkable stau aU thru BtoachilAi 'lM 101 Ite ^ New York—Tony MarteUtoao. "British subjects xsrtoe haxre no tary Hull about propoaeto that 't e r street terrace; .Osxwge H .JIciy^. n . . . nrreat'of llLdtotlagutobed awmben 0 C. Foley, rg o f Ths DaUy Worker and Important reason to remain ta xUplomatlc correepocMlence x>f both former WPA •up#rvtox>r. ertaae waxre ta this dty. at tbaaa gtrto xvere bsgtaaers ta 145 8-4. New Yx»rk, xmtpotated ^'Ttm Woek. a weekly news Brvan to lUchnrd E. Bryan, n ons-l Officers ta charge have o f the cured exfiony ta Bu'chareat 0 Hairto, Ig ., 108 105 804 Berger, 144, Mutreal (8). Japen are advtoed to leave by the Kennedy and WUlUun C. BuUItt, William M. Archar, New.Haven. Traynor said Oscar Decola, IS. b^taterost ta 7» n S s ta land. | P»»aatoed ths tyta are sxpsrtmsa;. 1 Kay, ...... September. About savuty-fixre Lafttot tendencies. regular ahipptxg rootM before the fxvmer ambeaeaxSer to Faria, be former senior property and sxrpply srbo was fatsUy eroundad; DNB aald, Mnoe the aamaein w u __ glm ta aU are on tte archery Holyoke? M au 8 ^ totwcoo on TOBaad I al ta Mture, U>nt_ nwny. toawte believed to be a Greek dttaen whe 1 J. Foley, Tf 401 1238 1128H. NSW Pork, outpotatad Mar- impending ertoto ta A ^ rlca n - submitted to eimgreaelniiel com­ clerk. Herbert Oliver 17. crltleaUy iargaly tonrnad trxmi the Biiixxpesn exxifilot 2 1 squad. Tte UnlverMty of Connee- TotaU Jx>ta> O. Hates, New Ravea, tnrnplka. to Biimaata with a Tlirktob 0 Doty. If — [tlent aieters have teu J a ia u t^ Deguitto. 8: Plerro. 2. Itla Thteur, 128, Proxrtdence, R. L| fatalitie* _ JapsneM relationa eomea to mittees. wouBxled. bad been sought ta wQl be toatod, ns weD as syrtsass 8. Vlnu. 4; V. PuxsO, 18; AjPlJW . Fifth A i__ _ ^ ed. Uneartela at OategsM fonm aa. oonnacUen xetth at leeat xma « psaapoct. Hto name waa not an* 2 Totals 18 2-8 40 tor tte Ftfst Gent—EvM ffte^, ) Me. 1 (8) Henry W. HuB, New HavsB. By warraatM dssd tas Man-’ tadapendMtly daveloped Iff ths ItfarMrySais. 158 8; O’Brien. 5; Alvot^ Pcotaer to xvrittag a book on "why I 28 88 ^^Miaml. Pla. — Jtoamy W M j Province^ "Should war be declared It to Hull BSM some State Depart- robbery and two kldn^tage ta army. ) aoxmeed. m th T. HoOand . probable that; oMnt docuaMaU could not be foreman. Chester eecneratL------‘nw news agency- said legion- itacU laat Mar hi taa Na- 11; Tnrktegton. •"ranu Pen.'** A. Larder . 114 108 Batober. 131%. Lske ( ^ . 2L — («) w The y . and CbthsrlM Day a I tional OoUagiate Tournam ut, BUaehaid. 8 Dancoue. 4; Cotter, OotMtatRd JORtO JIXDRORRe lS5Hs \ ef Luftwafla at- L Salltoge of todpe o f aU na- made public ta the interest of na- Chartoa P. Lmnxm. New Raxraa, Two xither Laxvrenoe high achoxfi to A ltrw l V. and CMthsrtns Day • I t o " ® k S r S 2 T ^ ' A ? N S 5 nalrm and stodeBts held demon- p Naau larnnil G ut—What a tot nf J. PoatUto .1 8 188 tksuiHttoe xriU be tlxmal defeneo and the netlon'a former WPA safety inspector. stndenU, 15 and 16 y ea n o f age, ntomaa drhra ■trntkma of sympathy before An* Oonnaettcut took third pi aea. 8; March, 4; Oormaa, 8: Krob, A ge^swuld rather know Is w ^ eer ] F. Dxvyer 87 118 " sdu (10). Britain stewed up _ York city, tacludes tbs Mstro- 1 D. Thxmipaon Ig . beaten only by L u AngMu City t anB^Me of the cssoal- "2: Uurrtod exnkcuatloii win not foreign ipletliMis but that he did It wxM revaetod that the entlrs have been arrested and hMd for tonesen'a office and the Gtemat R. Hnhnaa. rg . . . STcbu fe ll be paeatMe. tnveetlgatlen waa eoexle by the B v dssd BM M rty am I poBtan Area, Long latend and 1 lOollego and Oragon State Ooltoge^ 40S 428 884 IMS not kne# whether any of the dec- the Bksex oounta grand Jury la ^ I Y oHi stats sast ot tbs Rud- Ugatam. Rumanian Army tmiu 0 R. TUiktagton. rg "3. Brittoh subjects win not be umente frxxn Kennexly end BuUltt WPA Dlvtaton of Inveetlgatlow oonaecttan xstlth ooe er mora at [with SMh eamMlent material P o s fla T w S i i a I killed or ta- Steswood O. te late and nootb of a Ites aleo xqera aaU to have staged i 3 D. MosMar.’ lg *••* W r o s t U n g N 4<4) ftTM^to ISM their money or psn- caaM xetthta this category. wxwfctas ou t-of the Boston office the eaiM crimes. mourning march past the txvt t E- Wllaxxv o . • > • , u tteu thru Jadk Osespaaff to la lOr 88 -88 888 nonth e f Sag- which tuntod the matter exrar to and Rata 3L OUdwoO. I reegbly trom the town o f to d m e I than to lltUa f u A -T sdford were te ta the-aeane of na leagthy Ttayaxw sMutM that Idteap- a I (about half-way bstwoM Pougk- bnlhllngs, 3 P* W UaxuK • •• * .102 188 120 822 *^ They win not be able t o ___ eoeunlttee' heeling. K eaaedy Mr. Butler for pceeontatloa to the taga ta xxiwnsrtlan with wMsh 0 B. Rtahardaen. rf , 0 4 retatotag of tte 108. 147 U 2 888 muateeto wRh their eonauto and for Ikarpala aad JUhaaff) oaff) to taa Offlctal funeral mevlcm for to* Bjr TM Asweistid P«8f8 Otota. Sr- ■treeaiil aexrasel potate to the ooae- grand Jury. etas aad .Ottaar had basa aokgkt Mata oR ky wBl te held booigkt ai N. J.—Bmto Dusrb. pitot, X ■ ■ofae assy ba tatonwd. mlttte. These ttoduded:- Mr.’. Sx^e had hsM anpmmae tar tha p w ...... 18 0-1 8 Totals Cbi- a07 Oaotaa. xtafoaUd Yvon I *% A aexitral t n n ia iiiii « m With raoed to atetWi aid. *rthe R48BliiilkrRiMr to B e poaa o f ptsrVfitag aBtsmlSOis ta at baU: Mawchutu ~ 28, Tweeiln. two *of ta n a I then aodeavor to arraage for tbMr ptobtoas nm aa to canaldte to PTMk sf a FffNMSl the body to placed aboard k tnls 30. Bsfsraa; >fi tte paptetet of iJ iwltars beet tar m i "M (tastet ■ : ■‘ V ‘ y .1 : , ■ . /,'v . , ,i • • ' ■'•, S w- .■■''*■ • MANCHTSTER EVENING HERALD. M^NCHESTiai, CONN. TUESDAtr JANUARV 21,1941 . . . •. ' ■ ■ . . , \ ‘!'f ■ ■ IIANCHiSSI’ER EVKNIWO HKI^Al^. MA«»:Hls»Tlsti tAiWN. TUISBUAY^ JANUAKY 21.1941 / , t \- '•.■t I L U tld B m rrr I R E D R Y D E R wLi f - t r « ■fh and Nonsense _ e r tf

m. J FEW iUUB S O ______<«sr sonvaio. whdiaaalw. aw nreaent for dd aieuad^a Mt aad w two but after eon reaebse hlrt WHAT THEY HAVE your edlftbatlOH a few er the thou­ GOOD QUAUTXEA sands of lettars Prssideat Roost- school be soon oooviaoeo you that valt baa rsealved from tha public in you dMT know aaythiiig. reaponas to hla tavltatiOB, contain­ Another impedlmaat to i ed In some of the "flre-sido ehats," "I can’t gat hdc|c m ^ y dap^ r l M now-diqrs Is the tncreeelng | that tha Amariean peopla writs Ited la a bank during Mr. Hoover's dlAeulty in supporting the geveni- AstOBoMIds Fte Said 4 MMhincry dad Tooh St Trial of Negro direct to tho White Rouse when pregnancy." moat aad a wlfo on one tnoeina. Four Sailors Live to Tell Solons Getting Back the occasion demands. These are ’ HMTrrr USED OLIVER 6 cylinder tractor, 1M» CHIVROLJrr CXUB coupe, taken from a book antitled "Dear This seeAe fair enough: THE HOLE IN 170$ •ffckT C3HMCK lO S T —NotlM 1« 8no condition, uood CTotraco. Dub- Butler Begins mater Fresldsnt”. and the earn- Professor—Er. my deer, what a ^ m m w n ClT«n thrt ch«k ^ bw ter, $176 down. $M08 month. Iln Tractor Company, Wllllman- t h r o u g h WHICH 3iiuiiiier’B, $Q Onklond etroet. Of 18 Days of ^Torture ploe are lifted frmn Martin Ander- the meaning of this vast of flowtra CRANOB BSCAFBS/ BSC “ IS Uc. To Serious Problems Phono 8161. ______^ ^ son’s "Today" column ta tha Or- on the table todayt ^ ONE A T TE E TOF/ All But NewspapermeDf Isndo (Fla.) Monkg Sentinel. Wife—Meaning 7 Why today's :/Su m o hM b«« k-t A«3r*? An Easteni Canadian Port Jaa.^ Taepais HHa "Some of them."^ to Mr. Anderson your wedding anniversary. win 1640 NA8BI 8BDAN, Wearing Apgaral— fVra 57 At last a torpedo hit the Carlton fiw^ver tolerate either undeserved u BY J. R. WILLIAMS eHeepUiig to oWh this ton. 16U Noah oodan. 1687 21 __(JP) — Twelve eallora died— Witnesses and Attor­ Turn from Excit^ent points out, "may to a little risque, Professor—Indeed! Well, well, The proud fa< proMoutod‘ to tiM extent emldahlp. She went down In ala poverty or self-serving wealth."’ newspaper to.ry,------return Pockord oedan. wlto RESIDENT o r FLORIDA will some In agony and In madneae, Around the Ug white rostrum some are pitiful in their tragle do 1st me know whon irours Is, so *tt!rUta I U____h Uw. Finder and heatere Meealer Naah, 10 minutes, but the entire crew was in neys Are Barred. O f inauguration - to drama: hut, withal, there Is a defi­ 1 may do the iaihe for you. twins. The n sM etUtor, not bearing lUn* De- •ell her ooal fur coat, olxe 8*. some quietly In sleep—but tour Where he stood, were clustered his to the Ootporatn a aacriflce, good condition. Call the two lifeboats. nite skein of humor In the whble clearly, said/ MHoMat, Moln Cheney Hande**t*« Again the submarine came to Fulfilling of F.D .R.> wife, hla mother, his children, ahd 6337. Uved to tell here today of 18 days Bridgeport, Jan. 21— VP) —In a k>t of them.” Chubb—Huhr wise guy, eh? E ditor—win you repeat that? BtoUMt*. the surface. the highest public officials-of the Why. yo'j’re Just like n whip ta the Proud Fntber—Not U I of torture from thirst and ex­ courtroom from which apectators Pledge on Dem ocracy. nation. Nearby were envoys of a BMtocw Snrneai 0#6ff4 I» posure In an open lifeboat adrift "Tlie siib crew came on deck, bad been barred, a 81 year old hands of an . expert. It. Rooms WIthuat Board 59 Pearson said. "The cto>taln shouted half hundred nations, some in full ”F. D. Roosevelt Dear Mr. Duff—Smart, you meanr AhtoiBobUes Poc Snio 4 In the frigid North Atlantic. Negro chauffeur-butler went on Washington, Jan. 20. — UP) — President: I am the father of 16 b i u o h t e n u p t o u r HOMB. aomethlng like •‘Where is xe cap­ drees court uniforms with plumed Chubb—Naw, cracked. 131 ElAST CENTER Street, room An Italian submarine, which trial today charged with, raping From the excitement, the s .___ kmik hull likA their sleep the following night. pected to appear before the jury I French speak It; I want to see If decorated. Oarage. Call 5406 after | bounced off her They had cried for water, but the as Mr. Roosevelt and Vice Presl-1 A smile wreathed Garner’s face 4%w»ao6 4RY*fRlCE WDYAE I# R HSR. WANTED TO TUNE, repair and 4:80 p. m. hailstones. She dived out of sight had been chosen. dent Wallace took their oaUia of end spread almost to his bus^ there reaUy la fog in London. YaL toluSa eow iM ^O eaaeoviotic^ meager amounts their companions Huahoad In Courtroom rd be content if 1 could get aa fax' ^noh oooat oe a weed ood eemoewd regulate your piano or player A while later, we could see her „ . . . . I oIBce as the chosen leaders of white eyebrows as he put away his pleno. Tel. Manchester 5083. She followed, us all could spare wbre not enough. as California oi Waabtagtoo* or Weede- oo two word*. Mteiotam •••* periscope Others succumbed one by one ... ®y 130,(K’0,000 Americans. I hornerimmed glasses and gave I oriee of thrM Itneo. liotd For Said 75 his brother, Philip, a Philadelphia I chilled, windswept audience— I Wallace a fatherly handclasp. His ynirwhere. ^ ... Chn rotM oar dor for ti The last "Just sort of passed attorney, was in the courtrooip. Democrats and Republicana alike I duty was done. "There to a man who can taka Hdip Wantad— PSainId 55 FOR SALE—BUILDING lota 60x away like he was tired arid didn’t The Jury panel consisted m 29 —burst into cheers whon the Pres- Following tbr half-hour cere me to aU theae pUceo, but ha to BOOK) *tWm ry *IPQ SQObl wsi wnms4inBnic.ee.-»lij want to stay any longer,” Peartoh married. I was ghbeked when ha r 800, central location. 1 minute to chine-gunners persons including several v^omen ident confidently asserted that mony, the president and his offl- U .inw.*ai bus lino, gaa, electricity, water said. and two Negroes. The court, early "democracy is not dying.” And clai party sp^ back to the White suggested it. but my main pasekm- =8S 8Sl;:;|tsaj!« WANTBD-OIRL TO WAIT on and Bearer eveilable^ Price reaeon- the periscope, ata desire to to travel—to five. I d Everybodjr’fl Hnppy ...... (II etolU eie In questioning of jurors, sustained the cheers found echoes an hour House through the cheering hun- rather burn my soul away than BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES an ordaro for Irrosolor InMrtiou Ubie. Call at 61 Cheatnut street able. Glen Richard. Glastonbury. an objection by the state to a de- later in the rolling acclaim for the areds of th^wAnds who lined the ••e I wiH ha ahargod at tOa oaa tiaia rata 2077 or your broTcer. let It rot.” SOMial rataa tor load tarn avarr WANTED—TWO GIRLS as wa(t- fense question designed to show country’s newest martial men— route. There was time for a haatv u advartlateg givaa oooa raeaeau whether, greeter credltibility would the smart, greyHclgd cadets from '-—luncheon - -before - the president -- went ■' reesee, also women to work In State Reduces R ecreation West Point, the trim ranks of 'T am blond headed and trying 6a ofdotod Oafora tho U trd ^ r kitchen. Cell 3653. l.cfBl Nutircs .78 be given the testimony of ”a white to the reviewing stand to watch dap w ^ Oa eharood ■ oalp f^ person of high social standing" Annapolis midshipmen in Navy the march-past 'of troops and to live a Chrtotian life.” VM ____ tabor of Unae tho ad blue, and then a detachment of the ______ehaegtao at tho rata oara- WANTED—A CAPABLE GIRL LHUTOn PBItMIT Speed Limit I Center/ferns than that ‘’of a Negro butler." tanks. Actually, the Roosevelts v e ' d o ' p w Sk r , hat BO aUowaaeo oe rafaada oaa fo r gm eral hoosawork, Itva In or NoncB or APPi.irATiojf nation’s first selectees — a proud ThU la to sive nolle* that I Jamea were hosts to 1,003 persons tor y Y I made oa ala Uno ado atopaod out TOIepbone 7738 mornings. Kadlar of 4* Bonner atreet, Hart­ phalanx of khaki with serried bay the buffet luncheon, but the chief STORIES IN STAMPS tha dfth diw. Today: onets gleaming In the afternoon No m u torbtda ford. Conn., hav# Iliad an applloa- 6-9,' Junior boys’ game room executive and first lady greeted WOMEN—ADDRESS AdvertI tion dated 11th of January. 1»41 ITivp M lleS 811 o u r L e s s Fishermen Saved air. only intimate friends. with tha Liquor Control Commla- IF IV C «a* open E. S. and W. S. _ 4 Mr. Roosevelt’s eyes flashed as Tho Morald wUl aat bo raapo^bla material *at home. Federal Clul alon for a Packaga Baer Permit for 6- 7, Small gym open for boxing 8,000 Oeme To Tea dar awro t h a w ^ taaerraat taaae- Bnt. 413 Hudson street Hart­ I n C o n s t i ction Area these young Americaiu, swept ttoa of any advoctlaamaat ordarod tha aala of alcohollo liquor on the E. S By Coast Guard Five thousand came to tea after ford, Oona; rremlaea of A. A P. Tea Co.. 717 briskly by his reviewing Stand at 'E T naia tkaa one UOM. O f N e w al-H igbway. 7- 8, Small gym open for hand­ the parade, Jamming every cranny CBWL IHI IT HI* HtYICl. WK. T. S. The laadvactaiu an taalaa of aln atreat, Maacheatar, Conti. The the White House, marching ahead of the famous east room and the m i----- pabUeatloa of advartMag W034AN FOR COOKING, and hualneas la owned by The.areat At ball E. S. of crac!; detachments of steel- • wr w B bo toatidad oalp bp eaaaaUaUoa boueearork. 4 to 7:30. Call 4085, lantio A Paclfla Tea Co. of 19 7-9, Night school sewing class Stonlngton, Jan. 21.—UP)—Four I helmeted soldiers, bluejackets and other state chambers. ad tha ahargo auda for tba aarvtea WoelhtSKtea atreat, Rprlnallrld, Hartford, Jan. 21—(iP)—A speed E. S. ^ The president soon went up­ "I was sure I saw PriVate Flookay anaak in here." 86 Wuat Middle Turnpike, Apt 7 Maaa. and will ba conduated by limit reduction from SO to 25 miles Stonington fishermen told today“ devll dog” Marines, Jamaa J, Hadlay of 49 Bonnar atreat, 6- 8, Girt Scouts In Franklin stairs, hovrever, to return to his advoetlaanaau naOt aaafara how they spent Sunday night play- Climax of Display official duties which have kept la atpla.la. ooop aad tppograpbp with WANTED—GIRLS AND Toung Hartford, Conn., aa permlttae, an hour from the Hartford city room E. S. tag cards and listening to the The climax of the swiftly mov- Thr^ing Machines ,m nalattaaa aaiitarcad bp tha pobllab- aromen to new oovcra bn bi JAMRR J. HAnLKT Une and through the construction 7- 8:30, Intermediate basketball White House lights burning late FUNNY BUSINESS raaarva tha tight to Bated n th o f Jan.. 1941. radlo ta the cabin of their dls- tag military display came with the aeo aad thap balls at our factory. Apply to area on the new dual-highway In league E. S abled schooner, tossing ta high armored elite of the nation’s ex- ever since the European war be- Arff'Antiqucis Todoy a ^ ravtaa tov) or ra)aet Oap oapp or H-1-11.41. 7- 8, Women’s plunge period E. oblaatlaBabU. Tober Baseball Manufacturing Oo. Wlndror has been ordered by the seas about 10 miles off Watch pandtag land forces. They ru m bM -ventno^ iPnrmer v ie . XT'HE threshing matdiine, with Lift 1! OR PRBMIT State Traffic Commission, It was S HlU. R L along Pennsylvania avenue ta I And ta the evenly, Fo^r Vito ______HOUB»-OaaalhodINOH * steam engine and beltHdrivan And Where’s Vicki? «a ha pabUshod aaaM dap mbit b« WANTED—MIDDLE AGED lady NOTirs or Appl.imox announced today. 8- 9, Bob CTooper's swimming The schooner Mary M’» Pro- businesslike array—row after row Prerident Garner loft tto capital WASH TUBBS reoatvad bp it a'aloah noaa datar Thia la to give notira that I 1 separator, pictured on the U. 8. for housework, email family. In Charlaa liaccaxnt of 74 Cottage The commlBSlon at Its monthly group E. 8 fo r Texaia with less fuss than many dtoa U-AA 6 Haael street TSL 3406. peUer waa fouled by net Sunday o t speedy tanks, combat vehicles 76-ccnt parcel post stamp above, MiuX ««U HSMI10 66 gyraiM Ey atreet. Manbheatcr, Conn., have nied meeting also approved three ro- 8-10, Bowling alleys reserved afterndon, and the crew flew the m e^nl^ field equiJH of the thousands of homeward- X Uli« WOQklKD AiOtrr T d s r W a s t AM an application, dated I4th of Jkh- Ury .traffic ...... w.w.™circle* _ In _____ Newington,„ . for P. Emond’s group E. S. bound alghtseera was a familiar sight on American VICKI,lUH 5r«\ckafnji..-rt4g taieM.Mogr WANTED—CAPABLE GIRL for American flag upaide down as a ment. Scout cars J**^*^**^ f6UCM«06M P6IO 1 tAMSeHOOS %PMOVUMOm aia eeoMtad ease Ue Mle- uary, 1941 with tb# Liquor Control Rn,.ta 17A: at the 8:30-10, Sllbroe basketball game wheat farms when the stamps ALONt ano A M tha CHAnon EATB givaa Ught boueearork, care of child Commlaalon for a Reataurant I’rr- E. S. distress signal until sighted atl"™*®***"® | m«- • . o a. were issued in 1912. Today trac­ Mia / AU., l88ni.LTOBi es a eeovsaalaea to advar* mic for tho saU of alcoholic liquor | Intersection of Rouw TUtajU. AMO school age, 6:80 a. m to 3:30 p. on tha. pramtaaa of 14 Depot Square. and at the Intersection of Routes 6- 7:30, Junior group bowling y..l.nUy b, tt. SS! McFlt SySteiH tor-powered combines make cut­ AfiCOCMIBbR^ hat tha CASH RATBS wtU ba m., .five d a ^ good wages. Box I, fiMooretfirrouT as POLL PATMBNT It Manchaater, Conn. The hualneaa I* 176 and 176. W. 8. ting end threshing grata a single wrm ’068 MOt Herald. owned by Charlea Raccagnl of 74 operation, have practically driven Cottasa atraat. Mancheatar, Conn., Speed Umlto Approved 7- 9:30, Badminton for men W. Case Continued MTHtOMbriiy tha aavaath dap fallawtag tbs and will ba conductad by Charles Speed UmlU on vsrioue thor­ S. Coast Guard, and boats from the sharnly the old maditaes from the Amer­ 480Mff,iaU6O7, laaatUaa at aaeb ad ethanrloe Block Island. Point Judith and l __CaABOB______BATB.TB wlU be eeliaat. Raccagnl of 74 Cottags atraat, Man- oughfares were approved Jp R®^* 8- 10, Tw o bowling slleys ican ecene. NraiBiWUHe XI HdIp WBBtBd— Maid 56 ehaatsr. Conn., as parmittas. served for Mrs. Robb, W. S. Watch HlU stations towed the Combines are used almost ex­ IwiOIMf ' i t He roopeaaiblUtp far arrera ta CHARLES RACCAONl ding, Durham, Fairfield, Tolland, Hartford. Jan .-(F>-The state hiltphaase eda wUI to aae Datad 14th of Jan.. 1941. lUIUngly, ChwmweU. Briatol,. Wind­ 8-10, Two bowling alleys reserv­ I Mary M to port. clusively in winter wheat areas Iholr aaaaiaap eaaaat ba A GROCERY CLERK, ed for Mr. Palmer, W. 8. On board the schooner were Iwmbllng r<»r l merit system test case ta Superior m arortt. Manchester Public H-1-81-4I. ham. Colebrook and Wlnsted. and ar* raphUy moving into Parking regulation! on state I Captaincaptain Resendes John Faol. spring wheat disMcto. Three men highways were approved In Wo<^- Tom orrow : Joseph Madeira and Manuel Ra- ^ he-k *wid forth ta ^rfect for- Judge do the work of 10, in leas time. 8-9, Junior boys' game room bello^ Their wive. mlnUttad they S iK taeir^gs eSSta^ of premurepreesure of criminal CBD radio brldge, Southington, Ansonia, bustaeae. The case was to have - The tractor was almost unknown to take full charge Wage Rates Set Bristol, Riding, Newtown, Meri­ open E. S. and. W . S. were a Uttie bit worried when the gf the bright sunshine. in 1815; today thei* are approxl 6-6:45, Junior boys’ plunge pe­ Mary M failed to arrive here Sun­ lote been heard 'today. Laurence C. t Oood salary for den and Stratford. Rooeevelt Seta Keyni Smith, assiatant personnel direc­ m atcly 1,600.000 in use. o f Thaake ite Boa K, Herald Traffic light applications were riod E. S. day night, but they aasunied she| The prudent, unsmiling as he The pasting of the -thrashing Ih Hasaarlam For Beauty Shopg 6- 7, Small gym open for hand­had put into another port. faced the serious, attentive crowd tor, is trying to restrain the state Lest and Paaad approved for Waterbury, New from holding new examinations machint robs farming of much of ate WANTED —GROCERY CLERK Haven, New London, W atertq^, ball E. S. before the Capitol a little earlier, the co-operative a p i n t that Apply Grocery Meneger, 887 and T or- 7- 8, Small gym <^>en for boxing had set the keynote fo r this dis^ for the provisional post be how Stratford, Manchester holds. Mr. Smith, represented by markad agriculturt's growth in That’s TelliBg Him M a k1 istreet. Hartford. Jan. 21—(dV-Llttie' rlngton. B 8 Boys are Poisoned play by declaring ta We short In­ the V. 8. "bread baskat” Neigh­ ALLEY OOP opposition developed to a proposal a-'i, P. A. C. boys' beeketbell augural speech that preservation Attorneys William H. Blodgett The commission includes 0>m- and WUUam M. Harney, wanU the bors wotked without pay to bring aHae—TIr that minimum wage rates be ea- missloner WllUam J. Cox, High­ practice period E. S. of the nation’s spirit end faith grain from fields to -machine, llapelrtBS^-Palatlag . . . Oog»—Blr«B—Pdta 41 7- 8, Beginners swimming classBy Burning Sumac would Justify "every sacriflee court to order to Personnel Direc­ .Sehoala ...... tabUahed fo r men employed ta ways; Edward J. Hlckby, poUce tor WUliara H. Donning to proceed knowing they would be similarly and Michael A. Connor, motor for women B. 8., that we make in. the cause Aah kip bp Traak Connecticut beauty ahope, at 8- 9, Intermediate awimmlng with oral examinations called off ivpaid. On^ tba owner of the er Hlpa FEMAUC DOG bPAYBD. $8.80, vehicles. , Mitflt and bis machanics w« female cats spayed $8.80, public hearing before Deputy La class for women B. 8. Bouthbury, Jen. 21—(F)—Be-1***Democracy*camiot die, be said,ion the ground that ths' ^'rttfon ••aaeon* M oete altered $1.00. Dr. O. B. Bit 7:30-10, Bowling alleys reserved porta that a group of b<^ here because It alone "enllste the full I teste felled to deve^ emtable paid In cash. Wanta i Aasaa _ lio u iapalm _ ... ^ IS bor Commissioner Morgan R. The coming of the threshers was UijfcJll good. Mooney. for Miss Aoderaon B. were poisoned by cutting hockey]force of man's enlightened will.” Icandldgtesk Assistant Attorn^ 7-10, Senior beekctball league sticks from a clump sumac are | xt the seme time he warned that 1 General Joseph DiSesa represents ■n bfiportont annual event. And K MaaB Sarrlaaa OdataS ...... II Hartford, or 83 Silver street. Mid. The proposal, aired yesterday, 100 State Aliens no banquet can match the meals **Gentlemeh, since we all came together at the a ^ e timSt aaahald Sarvteaa OKarad ... .l l - A dletown. was based on recommendations by E« 8 'V is reflection on the wisdom *of the hopes of the republic cannot I the state. ' ling Chatraetlaa R* end••• It 6.9, Junior basketball league W. small town youths, declare South- (annwives cooked for tha craws. I auggeat we start the *Spare Auto Pnrta, Inc. ttaraarlaa II the State Beauty Shop Minimum May Be Let Stay DlrSatora 14 Wa Board. S. Game Xre: Frank’s Amoco va. bury residenta who say It didn’t iaiablng—Baaflag .. IT Artlctda PW Salt 45 Yankar Vikings vs. Falcone. I happen that way at all.' Id A 1936 amendment to the state BY FONTAINE POX law permitted the inclusion of, ^ __ , 7-10, v .. Four ... bowling aHeya re­ “ Countatry kids know too much roONERVILLE FOLKS klag ...... IS FOR SALE—MEN’S RebuAt and men’s employment In wage orders Hertford, Jan. ll-I F ^ ’rae ap- jerved for West Sidede Men’s leaguelee to cut hockey sticka from a poi­ Daily Pattern Pahlla Paasaegar darvlaa .8S-A relasted shoes. Better than new but rates established by Labor proxlmately 100 Connecticut slleM [ w . 8. son shrub,” said Winiam H. dar- Fitotbk»—Pspariag ...... tl cheep ehoes. See theM. Sam Commissioner Cornelius J, Dana-1 who gave themseivto up recimtly I rtguo, one of the boys' defenders Pattern >8631 L a t e s t r e a p i h © b y J o h M g r r b n l b a p W d r t l e ( p o e t l a u r e a t e Piafiaatnael ...... tl Yulyee, 70l Mata. with I What happened, he said, waa 8tnsetnag II ------— fli------her so far covert only women to Immigration authorities It’s really amazing bow alrader- ^ ^ OP^^KERVILOJO BREAKS UP THE IVEHINO MEAL Tenarlag—Opalng—Claaalag .. S« and minora ta In beauty shop, dry 1 admissions of illegal entry Into I Pneumonia Cases that some sumac got mixed with Tatlat .Oeada bb4 Sarvtaa . . . . . Ik cleaning______and ______laundry______Industries. the United States are offered an the firewood burned at the Pur- ixtag this very simple fashion is, laklaaaa Sarrlaa . . . . tS Fast and Fe^ 49-A The board’s minimum pay s ^ e I opportunity to apply for a specif w I chase Hill school,' and the smoke whetber you wear It arlth or with­ said S n o w JlnCrCSSC I poisoned some of the pupUa as Okaraaa aaS Claaaaa ...... tt SEASONED HARD WOOD for recommendation for men and I "suspension of deportation out the narrow bdt. The magical Rajectsd PHvata lastraeUana ...... I* women In the hairdreaaing bual- Dlvlrional Director L. L. Marti- wel es the teacher, Mies Olive PRECKUM AND HU FRIENDS JOanaiag' ...IS -A sale, cut any length for fire­ neau of the Immigration Bureau. Htae. effect la eccompUahed with such tomteeL—Oraakaile tt place or furnace, 89.00 a cord. neaa: easy detailing—long darts on the Three-year operators, ''$18 a They had admitted Illegal entiY Hartford, Jan. 21.—(F)—The taatractloBa ...... »• bomnald Gehrtag. Tel. 8758. I a result of the evidence dis­ 8tale Health Department report­ shouldera, a deep v-neckllne, and a tu m ir MOM HOtM OLD week; two-year operators and high-cut front pafid, topped by Boada—Steeba—Mortgagea clerks, 315.50 a week, and one- covered ta the registration and ed today that there were 108 cases Bridgeport Gml X.VUBIBH « — A U TOUT Ba slain Oppartaaltlaa ... fingerprinting of aliens. In general of lober pneumonia ta Connecti­ bodice gatbera that take off need-/ BUT ATTHB Maaap ta Laaa Gardes— Fan*— Odiry year operators 314.50 a week: for RATE JOA, all three cfaesiflcations, 60 qents such persons have been released cut 22 more than a week qgo. Long Unconscious ed bust fulness. Add them together, ^ ■alp mm4 mtrnmtUmrn P ro d o e td 59 and you have a eUbouette that de­ aAtalNG, ItL Kelp___ _ Wmslee—EeiBAle tt an hour for all work over 48 hours on their Own recojgnlsance. Colonel There were 1,718 cases of In­ •e UFTD 05" Metp WaateS—Male ...... 9t fluenza reported, and the depart­ tracts, deddedly, from width and FOR SALE— POTATOES field a weeki and $3 a day for part-time Martineau is Informed of a s e ­ Bel n an n W aste! ...... H-A work. rial procedure wWch may he fol­ ment estimate* that during the emphaataes hel|^L Thus design Nou Baip WaateS—Mala ar reniala 91 run. firats and aeconda. Frank V. epidemic such as has been ex-1 Milford, Jan. 21.—(FV-June M 8681 WtU make you look pounds l a ------WaotaS ...... 1 7 -A WUliams, Buckland, Conn. lowed In the case of deportable StaatleM WaataS—Faaiala t l aliens who apply for leniency be- perienced since early ta the month slimmer, and take little of your ■RRauaaa WaataS—Mala tf tore an action for deportation Ui *bout one case ta 25 Is r*-1 sewing time. •■ptexpieat Axaaolaa ...... ' M Open Safely Pin 500-hour mark in a state of uncon- ISaa eaaati >*4a r aaitar .RposehoM Gooda 51 Instituted. | ported. fever caaee Increased aclouMteae but doctors expected Make this up In smooth ana- Va Scarlet her to recover. -Fata . . . $88 WILL BUY THIS OUTFIT during the past week from 37 to teriala ipce rayim Jeramv Sat crepe, ___ dtoek-^Vaklalaa ...... Safely Removetl She was admitted to the hospi­ q>un rayon, or smaU-pnttemed allk rasUrt aaS •aarltea ...... Maple Dreeaer, -Bed, Chest. 50 and meeilri from 11 to IS, but tal with a brain concussipn earty ^ ‘ •—Pat^^raalirv—Steak Spring. Mettreee, 3 PlHows, 3 Pc. Tormey Will Run whooping cough cases dropped ] print—and remember that daric New Year’s morning after kn auto colors are more alenderlatng. Use a Boudoir Set; Studio Couch, Plat­ H srtford. Jan. 21— UP) — An from KB to 75. accidsnt She Jiaa been ta a coma Far Bala form Rocker, Occasional (Thalr, For Judgeship narrow frUl of lace, embroldary or »rtaa , open safety pin was removed from ■•“ ce. . ^ ^ organdy at the neckline. Matarlala ...... End Table, 'Ttble Lamp, Bridge the throat food paaaage of An­ However, Dr. Otiver B. Antarus a —Watakaa Tawetrr Lamp, Coffee Table, 3 Ruga, Winsted Mayor I apBUaaaaa—lu e ta .. nette Goodfleld. ' 13-months-old said that "barring infection or un­ •Pattern N a 8831 Is dealgneil for Faae 49—^1 Picture. GIVEN FREE-^5 Pc. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Francis Mansfield. Jan. 21.—. , , rat For a Pattern of this attractive Room Suita, End Table, Coffee down the peaaage after Mrs. convicted of embexalement from model aend Uc in Coin, Your PLAC68 aUTH UUtJ^ Table, Bridge end ‘Table Lamp, much for a part-time chief |U |>|eM orn'a | MYC Goodfleld had coosulted a ph^- the Stabt Welfare Department ttve. and he **«i"i« Wlnsted ahould I A *«trM W gAa a Name, Addraaa. Btjrla, Number and Smoker, 2 Picturea. GIVEN FREE clan and Annette had been taken .Tormey waa usmtaated . by ac­ Bias to Tba Herald Todaar's Pattern Pc. Porcelata Enamel Break­ another hospital not equipped adopt the city saanager form of clamation last night gOWRUMIlL. Rate Increased Serrioe, 108—7th avenue. New fast 8M. wi • necawary facilities York, N. Y. ■ $17$ WILL BUT THM OUTriT Mrs Goodfleld eald that she no- Mayor Maher, addreaetng the Rotary dub yesterday, said be Modanlatlc Waterfall large etait Urod the pin In Aaactta’e mouth Ca—Hag Aerti rat FAtal What’s new for q^rlngf What Dresser, and Cheat. Spring but that the time ahe reeawd believed that a topwn manager> en­ Hartford. Jan. *1.—WH—Hart­ gaged for $8,000 annually, could kind of clotbce top the Hat? Where Mattxeka. 8 PiUawa. Bed LAmp, the child It bad dlaappeared. Torttagton, Jan. 81— (F) — ford's tax rate for tbs fiscal qre waistlines? How do abodldera Boudoir iMmpe, 8 Scatter Ruga, George Kuraman. 15. son ot Mr. ve the city more . than that end Mrs. George T. Karxman of amount eadi year. look? To what length erUl sklrta large Sofa, Club Chair. Lounge »i3ne a half mill laereaie over the. go? YooT find an tbs aaawere la Chair. Itad ’TtMe. Coffee T ^ ^ 1118 Park avemio. New York city, dirraMt rate. ^ died at the Cbartotta Rttngerford our Spring Book— nOw. ready — (3 ^ Oecaateaal TtMe. TaMe. Bridge 8 8 8 • • • ______, Tbs aztra kalf.min.wni go i answers an worked oat In ea^ aad Floor Laatps, 6x13 Bug. Smell­ hb^tal today of Utiurles reerivad eUtaally toward meotlaff tba coot er. SUrror. Haasoek. Megaslae In a roaMIhig aorid i;* taWaMr- Stamford, Jah. of Oonwoctleiit ityer dtao ooBtamo- yatterae that you can asake tor M e K n n «T RlaMfiL 86|> died last night of a younielf. Mall your order now! . Rack. GIVEN FRBB-t-5 Pc. TuMar ihfftoM, Conn., yesterday. Th* was a student nt OunmMy Bkrn fracture Incurred MfesB be Stsel Breakfcst Set. ■rt at a xMetlW ^ Patterii. I5f Pattern hr write .for a Free FOR RRAL BTATB The boy. n Ouimery etudiMt for tr^gied aad M l down n fium of jd en een Mat n w b t three years, reeelv^ tatsmal In- ■tnlrf. He was tbs father « Joa- ^fl8A(l6.791 waa Oaa Ffitteni and Pattern, ‘Cburtasgr Auto.” No dhligatton. AND IVSURANCE J. RlnaML Btatafordrs 8 6 3 1 ALBBMra ruRscmiBB oo. Judea Me alad eoiltded wtUt aa MiiHaqflfliil ebM A .

4Umri|tatfr Sontitig B^ralli T the church this month Fathsr graatar .to his bonM with a cold, ttw Martna Oorp* busineas meeting last night was Jamaa P. Ttmndna raported a tT o w n Emerir«ncf Doctor* Harttard. Knights Hold eelded over by Deputy Grand Seek Ftmds most aueeeeeful year., and moi- - j ^ t OMUouetta. It was ■hort- ttoned that It was planned this l^jiymelanaorthaMahoheatar^---- ^Ma-^^Naokwith oT SUa :iawA aned to »How-UMr- aaaiibe** -to j«^-tiEjwaiii*tr~tlto ilttir. 'H b : Medloal■ Aaaodatlon ------—who----- will*•* ' ^ PoUc* Oommlaalonar WOltam Baiiquet Here gather In the lower part of the women a t the churdi have " ' raepood to emergency oalle ^ I IAum were namod to oommlttao building wbare a apaghettl and It upon themselves to take oar* morrow afternoon *r*: f poata'tn the organiaatioti. chicken dinner was served. It this part a t ths church program white and ptak. A buffet lunch WUUam U Cbnlon and Dr. pnOowlng I* tho entlr* commit­ At Business Session was preparad by the houM com­ St. Bridget’s Wbi and this was th* reason that the was served and Mtaa McOonvUle, Mdnay Aiken. tee named to bead up the tarawall mittee, beaded by Frank J. Qutoh. Mert; Plan Social meeting was held last night. whose marriage t6 Mr. Carinl will tk Orav om* te> party to the naUOnal guardaman: C a m p b e l l C o u n c i l State Dep*ty Spank* take place on Febroaiy S3, re­ ceived many beautlfal gifts. a t iMfected a wards purchasing n im w carpal for ■idlna and Prod E. Watigh. record Increase. There ^had been tbs altar, and also to pay the ooct be wakoma. <>)1. Joseph P. Nolan Is Show, Leonard Ladd, William more new members since the last foir the redecorating of the Allen. Daniel P. Walah. PaulDla- state convention than waa the r i ^ . C. fabott 8 r. of 18, Or- 1. John Breen. Ray Whita, . W. Wed. Morning Specials HtNid of Vets' Groups caee In a whola yeaVi said Um In reading th* annual report of hta brother Sidney Orlmahaw, Loula Blasick, Ed­ speaker. c t o Ulac atreat and. OHn To Arrange Event. ward SUllman. Edward Dion, He encouraged the part taken Green Stamps Given WKh Caati Sales. -Qala* of HlcUand Park left M a Joseph Petraa, Milton Rtehmnn. by members of the local councU laantni: tar norida, arbare they Colonel Joseph P. Nolan, retired, and Cecil Hedges. In visits to other councils in this ...... \ w n m ad aararal waiaka, atoppln* former Commander of the 188th Publldly, John J. Ooaa. SUn- secUon and gave dates of differ­ • t Mlaint and other place# of In- ley Wlnalaki and Joseph P. Nolan. FUNERAL Regiment. C. N. G., was named ent degree workings. He advised Cana general chairman of ths Votarana the oommltte* for the anntveraaiy Pard Dog Food 3 25c (Jommlttea of groater Hartford to aelect the date aa soon aa pot- Saaditara eC Uberty No. Its. planning a farewaU party for the $79,980 Building slbls. H Large Family Slia Caa U i a A, win boM Ita r ^ r officers and men of the IMth Regi­ Franda Ootemaa aHoUnc tonight at eight o clock ment on Sunday, Feb. 88. For Past Monlli "Francis Coleman, Junior past Can^ la Or*oc* hail. A aoclal will tallow Present at ^the meeting last grand knight, was named chair­ Friend's Beans 2 25c ttM brartneaa aaadon. In <**rge of night In Harttard wet* repreaanta- Margaret Bate and her coih- man of the committee on arrange­ Uvs* of. the American Lngton. Vet- ments and other members will be Vermont Maid , > na of Fotaign Wat*. Disabled Building valued at ITP.PSO waa American Vetarana. Jewish War ai^Orlaed bare during December naoMd later-. It la proposed to F. E. BRAY Orlsed have an exemplification of the n*nM Alan, waa bom Vatarana, Tankea Dlvlalon Val- according to the monthly repeat JEWELER Syrup Bottia 14c Third Degree and Dr,' George A. at St, Prancle Hoapltal erana AasodaUon. Italian Ameri­ died with the Board of Selectmen CalUouette deputy grand knight, can World War Vetarana, Mexican last night by Building Inspector State Theater Building m Mr*. A. R. Mancbuck la heading this committee. Mr*. Mancbuck waa Border Vetemna, First Connecti­ Edward C. Elliott, Jr. The Income 737 Main S tre|t Aant Jemhna cut Infaiitry Veterans AasodaUon. In the absence of Grand Knight ftarmar Miaa Ann Italey, daugh- to the department In fees during Thomas J.''Quinn. who la confined B R F A K F A S r ^ 80R- «r Mr. Bird Mr*. Oomeltua Spanish War Vatamns, Uthunalan the period waa 1843.50. Pancake World War Vatarana and the e 9M*y or Pine atreat. Tba total la much lea* than that Watch and Jewelry EGGS wkw of previoua months, due mainly* to PUBLIC SETBACK . SP A M & _ Flour br. Hendrik i. doLang*. C.8.B.. the ndverae winter weather condl- War. da- Wednesday, Jan 22, 8 P. M. •r New Tork Oty. winTacture oa tiona which have In many cases * Repairing At cans 49c 2 pkgs. 21c th* adideet “Chrlatian Sctenoa: PRE8CRIPTION3 made It appear advtaable to await V. F. W. HOME ' c t Chrlat" on Tbure* epring for new construcUon etarta. Amdopson January tS, In Hor> In December 10 dwellinga were Manchester Green Reasonabl^Prices ___BiBitaell Mamorlal HaS at Called For and DeHrered authorised with a value of 881,000, 3 Prizes! Eats! -Adm. 25c MSS e’dock.. ’Hm .lecturer la a Promptly . . < Call six gxragea were valued at |1,789, Greenhouses Cooking Apples 5 Lbs. 17c ar or the Cbitatlan Science and the balance was made up with iSlidid or tncturaahlp. The lecture 4253 • 3852 or 3856 Largest Assortment of. 18S Eldridge Street altaraUons and addltlona. Greeting Cards for i^ ia h I* tree to thrpubllo la im< AUUB OOFRAN And Flower Shop On uwpioaa or PiTst caiurdh All Purposes In Town Dos. ' Sclantiat. HaittanL (Raowa A* (|*ee* Alle*) TeL848g Tangerines 25c SPIRITtiAL MEDIUM Seventh Itanghter of ■ Seventh Son I Born With • Veil. " " a i— Readtag* Dally * A. M. to » P. M. I Or By Appointment. |n the Service | HEALTH MARKET a t the Pele tar M Tears. THE WAY TO nGURE: 171 Church Street, Hartford. Coaa. | TAXI JAN. 22. 1:30 P. M. Phono g-3tS7 0 * r cnatomera do not f*> Sausage Meat ODD FELIX)WS HALL gard Fuel Oil *a ao-mneh- Hamburg Aospicas of per-gallon. But ao-moch- Memorial Hospital Aux. .ta-he*ttag-**tiafaotto*l We Lamb Patties I O anl Valuable Door Prize! Start Now ^ Satisfaetloa, rather than tBarelaa At ABTIbm Table Prise*! Adm. 35c. THE CENTER J«at fneL Aad! —■ we deUv- To Refinish All Player* Welcome! er It! May we put a trial 1 Short Steak / Lb. 35c IC IT Y T A X I PHARMACY flUtag la yonr teak f M M m M c a m . PTCp. Your Floors Lb. police, 1 Pork Steak 35C/ NATURAL BEAUTY bs ^ OF YOUR FLOORS FUEL & RANGE OIL the P1NKHUR8T CLOSES AT NOON WEDNESDAY! In Any Quantity —p- Any Time 1 Pork Chops Lb. 25 c

B en Are A Fevr SsffcstloM To *Terk Up’* CpnvaMboent Wholesale and Retidl


Ihrianaood’g P n * Nateiid Clam Juice...... bottle 19c COMES SmTlING thru BANTLT on . COMPANY mission

Tea Gardea Gaava. Red Currant Jelly, or Wild Black­ CENTER STREET ir- PHONE 5293 ^ trthimal berry ...... ,..•...••••••.•.--•••0 Jar* 59c . . . 4*4 VevV SaMa Too... tar Ye* Serving the Public for 23 Years. SAVE Up ta % to* fftys/ar Coit Wh*» y*e Saad Year Own ftaera wito toi«

SPEBM)4ITE... M Hut Device Bo You^re IwmMlae. O . HEINZ SOUPS 83 par Man Leaves nothing to ^ess- YOU COOTBOi VNt COST— Cbolcc of Country Style Chicken. Vecretable, Munh- work in the delivering of oil outbreaks You Mt your own paymeau Chicked NAodle, Cream of Tomato, Celery, Gumbo to your house. aad pay onfy fbr the daya Missouri,

Creole or Scotch Broth. you UM th* cmh.

You get every bit of the YOU soeaGW ‘*on vouu That’s line,'because we know mor^ about .the quunty o v n r —We make loan* of 83S 2 iFor 25c dozen cans $1.45 amount of oil you order and togSMon JuMyour •ignatnra. of the coal we sell than we do abori high-pressure meth­

the Red Seal Meter on the ChargM arc 8% on unpaid truck fecords the amount »to8100. ods of selling It. / ^ \ CalTe** Foot Jelly (Cognac or Sherry). deUversd and the llgures 3% uMUtkly ouj - Birds Eye Asparagus Tips—Special! ...... S2c abova' are printed on a ticket do-

Bfrda Eye Llmaa^*^)pecia1! 23c HveftNl to you. LEHIGH VALLEY

An our oil trucks are trtal Tangerines . . extra large sIm equipped with meters.

a a a of exwptional quality . . dot.

25c. ^Mdal on 64 Sice Indian River Grapefruit at 5 for For service, quaUty, de­ pendability and accuiAcy, 26c. Oranges are from the Fori Pierce section . . In­ buy your oil from .... Rental Pries of ths Machine | dian River . „ very sweet and juicy . . doz. 33r. Ripe Avocados, special at 2 for 39c. Fretih rranberricH. 22e 14 Per Day. LV

lb. Red Grapes, 2 Ibe. 29c. Fneahly Made Sweet Cider, that

iSc gallon. LT^WoodCo. Johnsim Paint Co. £teeLui€jiA PHONE 4496 ANTHRACITE 699 Main 8L TeL 6854

^ ThtCoalTluitSatisfies 23c,~2 for 42c ^ WE PREFER TO LET LEHIGH VALLEY COAL

pEAK FOR ITSELF! lb. 36c

■Ak-tad rfh cho|i* at SSc lb. *r th* lota at 44c lb. ai* f That Is the/reaapn we ask you to try a ton or twd Tomorrow .Night i aiMi let the coeU Itsdf convince you Just how good it

fuuDy le- lb. 27c Can ns now and get a load and get Hrat, Comfort Buy 2 pounds for 55c and Economy all tn one.

B-IN-G-O• ' ^ a

^ St. Junea’s Sriiool HbIU Park St.

Plenty of P arkli« Sjpncel


P L A Y ^ A H T S AT 8 O’CLOCK ' ^

Deers win Bs Open At Seven. ^


4 DdOR PRIZES! • ^ ^^^ bat ^ ALL FOR 22.06 PRIZB ORDERS!


ADMISSION 25c. a L w niis & SON, he.

ilh AeesuHMdntefMt Lmnher and Fuel Co.


. A?--/ C • f* ’'.5