Says Some Officials of Britain Favor U. S. At

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Says Some Officials of Britain Favor U. S. At Avoragf Dolly Clrcalatkn Par ttta lUMtb o f DaWmbar. IK * W omen Fiffht R eport N ew H em isphere D edl Says Some British Start Big Bomber F ii^ Assault on A r v 0 Near London Officials of Britain ^ I P a t O u t *Incendiari«.i’ Defending Tobruk A s T hey F aU ; W eather 4' Favor U. S. at War H alts B ig Flights on ^ - 4 A ir F orce P repares W ay B oth S id ^ o f ChanneL May Puuiah Othors Disagree With F or Attack on Libyan LoBdoa, Jan., *1— —Hooae- Army Planes Former WPA View; Those FaYoriag jn gh old w ith Series Officer Who wlve* ware reported to have drop­ EnU^ce BeHeve U. S. ^ m f Night Raidn' Un- ped their kitchen work ta * town Stale Head on the -iitakirta of London today In Test Fight der Siege Sipce Cap- KOpS OtherS * w o i U 4 ^ to smother fire bomba unloaded by C s a x f Itv ThroMg^h;’ la Indicted tu re o f B ardiai, J an . 5. a Ctatiman raider. Off Bpmbers Drattic DUciplinary Ac­ Three alarma aounded in the I O pponents sAM ert A c- • Cairo, Egjrpt, Jan. 2 1 .— (ff) capital after * raid-free night I tion W ould C ot D ow n tion Demanded in See- ((„ , W.,. Sxl**®*’* E i g h t O t f c * — British forces aurrciunding throughout the British Isles. Brlt- Defend ’ N w E n gU ^ W ar M a t e r i a h r Jlwd beleagured Tobruk launched sion of Commons on lah acootmta said the Nata Inoen- From Iffir-H” Cam* reports that a deal waa imder conal^ratlon for And New York W l*! ^ C o n - a major aaaault on the SO.- Working-Class Critic, dlarias were extlnqulahed as quick­ eooDaratlon hetwash the United States and ikuador ta buU^ng Air Aid of Observers; Bos­ Washington, Jan. 2 1 .— ^ 000 Italian defenders of the ly as they fall. uS^l^val baits to the Oalapagoa Islands and hMp arblUtt* the lOTg- nection with Work, Ambassador Joseph P.' Libyan stronghold today af­ London, Jan. 11—(SV -'1D «*tlo A atngta German plana waa said ttetwiingrti»v<t«g boroarbemter ouqdlsi uieuto betweenoeiween incuauuiEcuador and Pefq^. The- - - -Ecuadorian - - — - - - -- ton Atucked 10 Times to have made four machine-gun at­ ter the R . A . F . had prepared disciplinary actlmt' was demanded ^ m i^ en t dacltaed ofltalal conllr^Uon Hartford, Jan. 3t-<SV-Vincent Kennedy reported to Co«- tacks on an East AngeUan town, mralated ta Wgh political circles. Thta map locatea^the talanda and the way with a series of njght ta the Houae of Commons today New Tork, Jan. 31.—<jr>—Army j . Suntvan, Bridgeport, former gress today that some W flk than dumped high explosivesaxploalvea. A c- Sifted area, v raids, . “Eariy this nioroing ta^rattacks asld only pfusult planes auccesafully state WPA administrator, and British officials'believed the on attack was launched on fended” New Enpand and New _______Lond^J^ea that , the workingw or^ - eight other WPA ometata, have united States should go to Tobruk and the operations slight damage done. York today from a score of theo­ class men now eervlerving as Army been Indicted by a Federal •rjth their nation agoiost ore proceeding satisfactor­ officers had **laffay^ y nUlen down ’ London’s first alarm came late retical stuck! by "enemy" bomb­ In the roorntag-and^two other* 1m ^ Jury for aUeged IrregutariUeB tajconnany but that other* ily,” the -British Middle East cn the Job. ers ta the flrat testa of the '■•Never wag an old school tie the eariy afternoon. ■coitaectlon with ^ Works command announced. defense command’s aircraft warn­ and the best It stands for more Bxidoeions which sounded like iSB-d to- Those Who favored United Tobruk, 80 mU«a liurtda Libya, Justified than today,” Bingham bomba ware heard outside an East ing system haa bean under stage by land, M aaia I- hta tatter. Angeltan town'and distant blasts Reported in Rumania In the mock attack on New day at*^tha direction of Fadarai I States entrance into the w o e * and air since the Brittab captured During the Commons dlacuaslon also developed down the Thamee England six group! of bombers Judge CarroU C . Hlncks, at New | g|^id th* retiring envoy to ^ardta, 10 mUes from the Egyp­ ofi the Tetter,Tetter, Lady Nancy Aator estuary, where anti-aircraft guns were labeled "deatroyed" and four Haven aa a result of the aecret ta- London, did. so becansc tjiiT tian frontier, on Jan. 5. dictment which. waa raturnad by Mrted; fired a few rounds at another sin- others were beaUn off to s m Iw felt that this nation “wouUI VatoBB Target Of Aaaault "Bear in mind that a peat I gta plane ahortly before noon. Street FighUng, Bomb- F u clire ra D uCC the Jury at Hartford Monday. speedy pursuit planes which took find a way to carry k many ordinary soldiers think > Weather Stalls Ffight I n g a Injure Civilians; . _ to th.e air after mathe ’anamy"enemy" n«had U.- 8. DIatrict Attorney Robert there ta a good deal of substance Bad weather, over the EngUab P. Butler'# office polated out that through.” Offidoli opposod Uie .JV. r . mUMVUUVWM a In thta matter and everybody Channel which .waa said to have g SU h SoWier. «id Ponder United b s " y thaaa ara ax parts Indtctmante aad to the idem, he said, briievod was attacked heavily, seven planes knows it ' prevented any major air operations tha accuaed have not been heard or wars daatroyad in an attack on M ot Give Explanation Communists in Cities. • ' a -a *In the New 'York area,‘ ""one that it would cut down tha by either aide during the night "enemy” bomber over Oyster tried. Catania, Sicilian base of Axis fliers Capt. H. D. F. Marpaaon, gave way today to a light fog. To Appear Thureday flow of war materials to raiding Britlah Mediterranean retary of state for war, told Com States Action Bay. Long Island, waa Intercept­ Heavy aeaa were running from a Sofia, Bulgaria, Jan. 2 1 .— ed four minutes after It waa flrat Tbegr will appear ta Federal 'M t a lR . ablpplng, and Vahma was made mona that Bingham bad been di­ Kamady. who esrred ,. the target of the heaviest aaaault rected to pve an exptanatlcn and aouthwestarly gale which taahed (/P) Widespread disorders spotted. court at Hartford 'Thursday at 10 the channel during the night. ~ m. RooMTHt In London for 18: yet looeed on that ntajor Italian Laborito Malcolm MacMQlan de­ American Aid to Britain Flrat BepOited at 1#:14 The allegations Involve the flUag aft« Brttate want to — port of entry Into southern At manded •’draatle” dtadpUnary ac- An ofllclal anouneement eariy in RumonU, with street Tha bomber wSa flrat rtportad tonight nid there waa "consider- of falee'travel vouchers, and dtvar- at through more than B Uon against Bingham, aaaerttag fig h t in g and bombings in­ A Topic of Axis Par­ at 10:14 a. m. (e^ .t.) over Oyatar raids,da, appeand. bMhea the In the attack on Tobruk, car­ that Kf ulationa forbid officers able enemy activity'’ over East­ Bay. One minute latar Inter­ slon of WPA tabor aad matartal ern England in the daylight hours, juring civilians, German sol­ ley; May Bring At­ for the Improvomant of l| r . SulU- ForelgB’rein^RslstlonB-------- OamnStt leam ried out the night o f Jan. 19-20, the ajd aoldlera f-jm writing to the ceptor planes took off from Mltdi- tasttty on tlM ------ , R. A. F. said direct hits . were press. but that no important attack de­ diers and Oimmimista in the vaa'a private home ta Bridgeport veloped. tempt to Get Dakar. el field and at 10:19 a. m. the ta and tha North Cromwall bom# of for lease land-aid to Britain ragtatorad ea marina repair’'abopa When Margeaaob asked for ac­ streets of Bomreat and terceptton waa completed. other "demoeiaelan.’* Md military barracks. One artil­ tion "to make sure more dtacre- v / Earlier, two bombers were one of tha other acouaad, Frsdarick other cities, wsre reported in 21—(O —Vlrglnlo J. Mayo, former WPA director of WeO* Lbalt aai_ _.. lery battery of four guns — tlon ta exerctaed.m • _ e.t^.aover ae publicationpubUcaUon D W | f,L Shin Loaaea Rome, Jan. spotted flying high In a south­ He egreed with variooa atteneed, the communique said, and of letters of thla kind," the Houae aruian ontp LMSSes dlplomatlp dispatches todsy Gaydx Indicated today that Unit­ operations ta the state. westerly direction over Greenport tlona put forward by co- •'many bomba" fall on a camp of ec' oed with a chorus of assent ta' F or Week Are Nino to Sofia, Belgriule and Buda ed Statea acUvlty—"the eharpen- In the Northeastern end of Long msm ena for UmiUag about 300 tents. which Prime Mintatcr Churchill London, Jan. 31.—(SV-Britain (Oeqttoaafl On Bigs WgMI graated the Joined. n»«TT-^*,SSlpe 8t . S o m e .sources in lingtag of warlike trande acrowacroea wtto iuiaaq.Island. Puroult jplanes took ofl w ^ w o t d d "Anti-aircraft lira waa intense, lost nine merchant sUm toUlltag ‘ iM, aatl-atrcratt preeldeBt tgr but our aircraft praaaed boms the S0,3M-------------------------- tons ta the -----*- . ___ , , and tha hombere provtag among othens a attack,” tba It A. F. communique B ^ t o MuaaoUnl. were Intercepted about IS min­ |» keep the ‘ said .
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