Planning Applications Report
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Planning Applications Report Planning and Highways Committee 13 December 2007 Bolton Council has approved a Guide to Good Practice for Members and Officers Involved in the Planning Process. Appendix 1 of the Guide sets down guidance on what should be included in Officer Reports to Committee on planning applications. This Report is written in accordance with that guidance. Copies of the Guide to Good Practice are available from the Development and Regeneration Department, Town Hall, Bolton. Bolton Council also has a Code of Practice for publicising planning applications and other submissions for approval. As part of this Code, neighbour notification letters will have been sent to all owners and occupiers whose premises adjoin the site of these applications. In residential areas, or in areas where there are dwellings in the vicinity of these sites, letters will also have been sent to all owners and occupiers of residential land or premises, which directly overlook a proposed development. The plans in this report have been annotated with the symbol • to show where a letter of objection has been received from an owner or occupier of a property shown on the Report Plan. The plans in this report have been annotated with the symbol S to show where a letter of support has been received from an owner or occupier of a property shown on the Report Plan. The plans in the report are for location only and are not to scale. The application site will generally be in the centre of the plan edged with a bold line. The following abbreviations are used within this report: - UDP The adopted Unitary Development Plan 2005 RSS Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West of England PCPN A Bolton Council Planning Control Policy Note PPG Department of Communities and Local Government Planning Policy Guidance Note MPG Department of Communities and Local GovernmentMinerals Planning Guidance Note SPG Bolton Council Supplementary Planning Guidance PPS Department of Communities and Local Government Planning Policy Statement TPO Tree Preservation Order EA Environment Agency SBI Site of Biological Importance SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest GMEU The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit The background documents for this Report are the respective planning application documents which can be found at:- 2 INDEX Ref. No Page Item Ward Location 78646/07 7 1 BRAD 484 HOUGH FOLD WAY, TURTON, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL2 3PT 78668/07 15 2 BRCR 49 HIGHER DUNSCAR, EGERTON, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL7 9TF 78572/07 21 3 CROM LAND AT WATERSMEETING ROAD/EAGLEY BROOK WAY, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER 78497/07 31 4 CROM 68 BRIDGE STREET, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL1 2EF 78720/07 49 5 CROM 15 SLEDMERE CLOSE, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL1 8JP 78506/07 55 6 GRLE 1 BISHOPS CLOSE, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL3 2JF 78706/07 61 7 HELO 231 - 235 GREENMOUNT LANE, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL1 5JB 78093/07 77 8 HOBL LOSTOCK INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, LOSTOCK LANE, BOLTON. 78560/07 99 9 HONE LAND AT HORWICH MOOR, OFF MATCHMOOR LANE, HORWICH 77958/07 111 10 HONE PORTMAN MILL, TELFORD STREET, HORWICH, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL6 6DZ 78547/07 131 11 HULT 764 ST HELENS ROAD, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL5 1AF 78704/07 137 12 KEAR 51 HOLCOMBE CLOSE, KEARSLEY, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL4 8JU 78657/07 143 13 LLDL LITTLE LEVER SCHOOL, CHURCH STREET, LITTLE LEVER, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL3 1BT 77913/07 147 14 WESO LAND OFF LEIGH ROAD, FORMER GREENVALE WORKS, WESTHOUGHTON, BOLTON. 3 4 77912/07 169 15 WESO HOSKERS NOOK FARM, EATOCK WAY, WESTHOUGHTON, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL5 2RB 78449/07 179 16 WNCM DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 60 ST JOHNS ROAD, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL6 4HA 78640/07 185 17 WNCM 692 CHORLEY ROAD, WESTHOUGHTON, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL5 3NL 5 Date of Meeting: 13 December 2007 Item Number: 1 Application Reference: 78646/07 Type of Application: Full Planning Application Registration Date: 19/10/2007 Decision Due By: 14/12/2007 Responsible Jeanette Isherwood Officer: Location: 484 HOUGH FOLD WAY, TURTON, BOLTON, GREATER MANCHESTER, BL2 3PT Proposal: DEMOLITION OF PORCH & GARAGE AT SIDE & PORCH TO FRONT & ERECTION OF TWO STOREY EXTENSION TO SIDE WITH PORCH TO FRONT. Ward: Bradshaw Applicant: Mr D Fogg Agent : David H Hyland Design Officers Report Background This application was deferred at the last meeting to enable Members to visit the site. Proposal A replacement porch and garage to the front and side projecting 3.6 metres forward of the main dwelling with the length of the garage being 6.5 metres is proposed. The rear of the garage is less than half way along the side elevation of the main dwelling. Above the garage it is proposed to construct an additional bedroom and create an en-suite bathroom to the main bedroom in the original house. Windows are to face front and rear. Overall the accommodation will be increased to a 4 bedroom house. Site Characteristics The application site is a 1960s design detached two storey home. There is a slightly staggered front building line present on this side of Hough Fold Way. The application property is on a hill and is at a higher ground level than 482 Hough Fold Way. The area is predominantly residential and the majority of properties in the area are either two storey detached properties or bungalows. Policy Unitary Development Plan 2005 D2 Design A5 Roads, Paths, Servicing and Car Parking A6 Maximum Car Parking Standards Planning Control Policy Notes: No.2 - Space Around Dwellings, No.3 - House Extensions. 7 History Application 75755/06 for the demolition of garage and front and rear porches. Together with the erection of two storey extensions at the front side and rear incorporating a dormer in the front with a front porch was refused by Members at the meeting of 25/01/06 on the grounds that the proposed extensions would represent an overdevelopment of the site and would impact detrimentally on the outlook and living conditions of neighbouring residents at 482 and 486 Hough Fold Way. An appeal was lodged on 16/02/07 and was subsequently dismissed on 13/08/07. Application 74606/06 for the demolition of an existing garage and rear and front porch and erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension, together with a two storey extension to the front, was refused by Members at their meeting on 8/9/06 on the grounds that the development would have an undue impact on the living conditions of adjacent dwellings and would be out of character with the surrounding area. An earlier identical application was withdrawn by the Applicant in May 2006 (ref: 73760/06). Technical Consultations None relevant. Representations Letters:- one letter of objection has been received from the neighbour at 482 Hough Fold Way with the following concerns:- 1. The Planning Inspectorate stated that the side windows are not classed as main windows however 25% of windows to the property will receive restricted natural light and will be presented with a tall gable brick wall view every day. The loss of view and subsequent security offered by two windows that will be completely blocked by the development will affect my living conditions at 482 Hough Fold Way. 2. The proposed extension would be constructed closer than the existing garage and extend to two storeys. The resulting extended dwelling would have a “towering” effect and would have a domineering impact. 3. The projection forward of the building is twice that of the original garage and porch and there are no other properties nearby with such a protrusion. This could set a precedent in the street scene. 4. The proposed development would, by virtue of its proximity, extent, design and size, result in the extension being over dominant and overbearing by reason of loss of outlook to the detriment of my living conditions. Analysis Section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires applications to be determined in accordance with policies in the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Applications which are not in accordance with Development Plan policies should be refused unless material considerations justify granting permission. 8 Similarly, proposals which accord with Development Plan policies should be approved unless there are material considerations which would justify a refusal of permission. It is therefore necessary to decide whether this proposal is in accordance with the Development Plan and then take account of other material considerations. The main impacts of this proposal are: * impact on character and appearance of the area; * impact on living conditions of surrounding residents. Impact on the Character and Appearance of the Area Policy D2 of the UDP seeks to ensure that proposals are compatible with or improve their surroundings in terms of layout, density, height, massing, architectural style and materials. The application property is of a 1960s design with one large window at the first floor on the front elevation. There is an existing adjoining side garage/porch and front porch which is to be demolished. This garage is to the side of the property and also extends out to the front of the property by 1.9 metres. Properties on Hough Fold Way are of varying design, although the majority are 1960s detached two storey properties. Hough Fold, opposite the site is a stone building and is Grade II Listed. The properties on the south side of Hough Fold Way are set with a slight stagger to the building line, this reflects the line of the road at this point. Both adjacent properties (482 and 486) are on a slightly more forward building line than the application property. The ground floor of 486 is set 2 metres forward of the lounge of the application property.