The Oxford Democrat

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The Oxford Democrat Ol.l) VOL. NO. 12. NEW SERIES. VOL 8, NO. 2. PARIS. ME., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1857. SERIES. 21, itit. own to upt the wall w.i* kill"! on aw aliowa what we hate al- hair* c <1 head, did I know luiuriant of RraM, and her iulilc« K-« H-". aheep and inc, ill No* -mlxT and follow itig ttMe just M I SCK \, L A N V. my tanptfld cru|« (lie «n inrr™*! of ami truly how much I urn an I thin tli«» am] the rtniiwkr of party luultipli-d and filial with thtt cltoicvut *!o- Heo'inber, !>«• nerer Urn no high through* leged, tint population »*mpathy ol wild Und* tu cli»M h »T'' * to d-mand of their fellow- I>«• ,*:»() lo >li«w of hesitation. IVr- ^Uricultural. tn<*tic annual*, a* the Creator designed, and out the •ountry aa it hiu thi* jear. The inure eitrnfite »nhjugation •'She has Outlived her Uiefalneu." right symptom* • to cKilum. Now I fori it. Our thi*, a turned round her »>il then will her »<n» and haa nercr in doine«tie Iim mother," reivinjj ymi>x *er;eant made *ecure, gvneral quality ranged higher Umdeney Not ainrc, a man, in "tritt rut rLow." long good looking ho aiM^I moit "who now lire* to hi* cumradca an'l ••Take me on hrr t<> lioutea embowered in thia while the nuuil«cr* CTvaiw tin. Dumber »t dttneatic animal*, und tenderly, auhi, jour daughter* cling city. weekly report- middle lifi', ratne to our d<w>r, u«king for in driith beforo wm a to me, •boulder* ami throw mr o*er the wall. I and vurmunded with the beauti- ed will a in oat abundant th«* nccr««itjr tor tlio |»-»|>lo to us, atr.uigwr DAKIUS FORBKS, Editor. ahruM«-rtr, prote aupply. produce "the Miniater." When Informed that he n* arc all her dcucendaote. All I •Kail !>• kilM, hut the r ft of the men will mi l wh.-n the frv*t», (lie howl, Then what ia the <-aua-> of the continued ami I'CiiM', in unto inr.miro, their meat-eating tbeM, ful biting w.n out of town, he N*«*mrd di*.i||>oint<-<! a know of her in what Ii«*r «m ha* told nn> to- M-ramhle afW me »>tueh<>w, in of the «I|4 iririrra In lifr.Mf wm the and adtamcment of mi l 11 it hahit*, an ! ■%* diet of r»it#, coreul*, *pit»> V'lih* m,| ;<ari>>aia( ing !», driting itonn*, driftin^ gradual price? 1**|*t and an lion* (hi bung «jue«tioned a* to !>i« C iwli I■ ik».| tiijair »hr w.i» to thia town from bullet*." Tln», afwr km rrm<m»trancr, IItri, »ru>w» winter will to t» ho or will the «1 -** •ml tr^uMn. Finn ■l.ijr brought f r»iat, they delight likely permanent? legumtna, culinary Imnineiw, lie | h!»\r» I «t mo- • i ■ lib " replied—" iay w«i man wa« kjiinhMyAHNti» •• " it a l»ri«le—that dine. The thrown over ; an<l, treatment warm to read (vim when we ahall rvturn to the »>d huttrr mill choc*' iuu*t Iw giteti up, in af*r, »iity yarn ago, happy gather in the g ther, an ) aa thi« u*- I to U< h-r home, " place hero »hr ha* iniwt of her in Inw tim<- than it take* t<» write the»e line*, to and *>ei.»l with the ol.l tiium of roaat ami when luraiure, or continue to grim in<>ro pM**l life, toiling and thir.k, enj'tr life, cheap beef, tfrcst and father lica here, w«« ha»ii cone to my aa to until hi* followed him in, ati I held Notice. •« ra- • nm* to the con*um< r, a* tlie mother* hav* etrength toil, cotiijmnioim Special fruit ba*kft loaded with hlu*hing ;»j j>! on the ordinary tluduatiina in trad* ahall and mure ei| her t*»i le Iiim." only connnunica- lay ■he htu> a of eon* an 1 mioii of the *ar, tho Agricultural E». an>l '• to we of tin-*' old *tat»« are con- mired larg* place, *trangoto hangra tb# in*t<*ad of hieing tahli«h curivapotiding prion with th>>««* groat |<a«tun^ Our hurt raw in nn<! wr family chimney j«ioce," «ymj*»tliT. miJ, wa* not I. •«* f >r thi* atjouM I* «lirv* t- or to aim lolt her homo her1, Hrxnuil, though wound"!, ilf'partitimt, diAUnt elimetto Iced on and hate atatcd ? The*' an verted into garden*, pro- " daughter*—that *rreriljr "hog hotninjr," in>|^>rtant <juea- graln-fielda you hare met with a great 1m." • " clad in the wwN nf t > dwell killed. Smio m month» aft< r thia event, I Oifnnl iWdcwril," S»utli P»ri*,Mo>. with f *.>r ti wo r»iu« fur the un of the c;ti<n and widowhood, and l-e thiVn out of their bjot* iim, and know that many |« ran- 4>M ♦'•getahle* tli"* man "Well—y," Prplinl atfinj; Iter children and that, till health I hear he ha* Iwvn mi l ha* aim aider the nt of nnsita en>rhiUnt the <lot»*. " among ; promote!, and afiif. pre* price* Voniuutlj increaainf, ljr j«.puU- with h'ulutx'*. a mother i« a gr- it !<««• in t • and Irft alio IWed for her dc« ha<l tll»« er\>m of tho of honor confer* Mvnr Ptan« I'uikn, are t«d rural ami district* or »ig»r her, you, h-^ioii Pomological Society. and unn-aihxiaMe, ••aipljr brcauae th<-* manufacturing t>ut our mother ha* outlire<| her I H \'.l r> general: J r •endante. liare •harm] red In in. I wonder what would hat* IIMIT Or (VHtTIU. \ ao much than haw Ixvn accua- to lurnwli the iuiiuena* demand f milli Yoo.who together up,n higher they u«efulnem: »ln» w.n inhrrMVon loliildhood, her lore and her know how well become of *uoh a nt* ant in Kn^Iaml! t.' run are w which the eitiea crmto, ami which carc, you T*i» corimittrr »p|* .n*« I namin* ih« t>>iu1 to, without thinking growing and hrr mini wan wrok a* l»or b TU fi'il wo article we would commend they jn»n.i> *ly, Wurda. g " iu a a have r> I her. <i*l I >rbi I that c m- • a* ot the hate nt< nded raiiu* of |uit< [HouaehoU <>( rihibitnl, Utv '•iily the work and railway* «) that »he »»* no comfort to and a •*»ilu4|<)jl-« tu r»• M| attention our reader*. It (peculator*," bi-raelf, the of *.< I.inner* can- eeienro should arena* of of > an 1 t«-.» i<^vo tu rv- a*»>oiiaa that era** the hundred mile* inland, that any you ingrati- •lu-tt J«i l that Jul*, that work price burden to Titers wore + ten of i■» tin- r I,, lu- in* arrited «t fi ui various wrjbody. tude or on account of the car Buchanan's Pea. will run d nil the acule to the old atandatd. ii it afford to manufucturu their inilk, whieh murmuring u«, (ton* and and a* w<» r >u1d •Uii*iicai tat!'*, which an' left out, to daughter*; haa to a laUt ran. ail Snat r w.u otln-rwiw worthier, Into I ut- •ho been yuu of late. Wh you £» ]>urin£ th' «i^n, Thtt founJ »i\ tariclKi of tlu« c'jm In that will illitnl. Meat* formerly n it > w*« to th*y •' ■ thry bediaapp And wh IxiAnl rt it tl article. It i* Ir 'tu t!.« N'»w an»h«>ly willing ><aek to tw careful of of u »« tho w* 1 in >ut.» ucter I- ter and at the old, or even at the your homo, your llrown, pr nlalmlnj; nt fruit <11 o1iiInIk«, All uf s»> th" I'nitnl will agtiu rlic-Me, h wo *.rr< • I (•> her u« a MUei**ippi, ,ual* r, among your < \ u Tribune. k*-"p word* »nd viior beforo own r of Mr. llurhaiun'e <•!. ti n, an wi n- r« » lit- • a* a n ral at the rir** w.- iiiw. Thin nulk l>u*nx««, nln, ciam|d» your rtaictjr it?. Tbw» of ihiw »[«viu»*i>« j Id, g thing, j prrw-i.t | about. Hut I've had m <v« than my »h*re < >!• for t.'ie fn:it of own over tin; crow«! of hearer*, ht hate in tl u article ; and the r-aaon ha* miother fleet up the r> children, your doing eagle, tljrir»K <lroj | I'ann'l Unfai r, h»|.,of larniirtg- IncrtftM >a the Cost of Food «|Unt<>d important of hrr, for *b« w »« too feeble to U» inore<| will mi jv.t fron them when a leather at the -mt it'* fit. It ha* i« of *- which we ahall i» ono which no inrr> ductiin of animal fo «d, Iwcauae it induce* you rely p you pi «Mi* of thi** i|i)'!ni wj Mf It uivr la- < u«i l<T-d a* one of the m •«! gitc when in▼ tiui" *m out an 1 that wn more t jtt- r 0:1 tiriuk -f U> Mr who will a- »>- .ii an entire of ralir* tin* the grate. leru forward*! lluclianan, r r Kti i w rt 1:t i ral cult it » cliant or tni«t will aluioat destruction yourwdin quality, £«d< rioo* >jiy «t. >n* in the j«>!iti al ecun unr <if pditnal i]uput<>, than thno month* before her iknlh. Hut to I entreat a« a friend, a* on who ha* writo hi* inaugural witli it.
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