Class of 1815-1819
U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 145 NUMBER. 181.5. CLASS RANK. GRADUATES OF 1815. 121....(Born S. C.) . ..HENRY MIDDLETON..•...... .. (Ap'd S. C.) Military History.-Cadet of the U. S. Military Academy from Dec. 24, 1813, to Mar. 2, 1815, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGL'IEERS, :rim. 2, 1815. On leave of absence, Mar. 2, 1815, to July 15, 1816. RESIGNED, JULY 15, 1816. Civil History.-Author of papers on "The Goyernment and the Currency," 1844-45. :L22 ....(BornN. Y.) ....WILLIAM F. RIGAL ............ (Ap'dN. Y.) Military History.-Cadet of the U. S. NIilitluy Academy from May 29, 1813, to Mar. 2, 1815, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to . THIRD LIEUT., ORDNANCE, ~fAR. 2, 1815. Servec1 on Ordnance duty, Mar. 2, 1815, to Jan. 1, 1818. SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, MAY 17, 1816. DROPPED, J .~N. 1, 1818. Civil History.-:Major of Engineers in the service of one of the South American States, 18-, to 18-. ' DIED,18-. 123....(Born N. Y.) .....JAMES SIMONSON.............(Ap'd N. Y.) Military History.·- Cadet of the U. S. ~Iilitary Academy from Aug. 7, 1813, to ~rllr. 2, 1815, when he was graduated a·nd promoted iIi the Army to THIRD LJEUT., ORDNANCE, MAR. 2, 1815. Seryed : on Ordnance duty, Mar. 2,1815, to Apr. 20, 1826; and in garrison at (SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, ~fAY 21, 1817) (FIRST LIEUT., ORDN.~NCE, OCT. 10, 1819) (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST Am:-r=ERY, IN RE-ORGANIZATION OF ARMY, JUNE 1, 1821) Ft. Monroe, Va.
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