SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST CATALOGUE 416.503.2517 [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

2 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST NOTES FROM CASEY Hi Everyone, thank you very much for taking a look at our catalog! Being at this for ten years now, we know that September is tradi�onally an intense �me for our industry. Co�age season comes to a close, NHL fandoms renew their hope before discarding it in abject betrayal by mid-November (wait, is that just me?), and we all go nuts preparing, a�ending, and reac�ng to the CHFA trade show. As Jonluca, I think our first �me formally a�ending CHFA was in 2014? If I remember, we shared a half booth gree�ng partners and introducing ourselves to new people. Last year, we enjoyed a full aisle and as many interac�ons as possible – the CHFA trade show can be exhaus�ng, but it’s really encouraging too. This year is going to be new, too. CHFA Connect is the virtual experience offered in place of the tradi�on trade show, and we intend to maximize it to our fullest ability. We want to support the CHFA, and we want to interact with as many partners as we can. No one can clairvoyantly predict what’s going to happen at the end of September, but we’ll be there with our full effort regardless. We’ve got other cool things coming down the pipeline, too. We’re ge�ng comfortable in our new DC, and tweaking process to meet our observa�ons regularly. We’re fortunate to partner with new brands and share their innova�ons through our infrastructure. We’re also inves�ng in technology in the background too (very Tony Stark-like Ops solu�ons). Once we’re through this, we’ll be incredibly excited to show interested partners what that looks like. Thank you all for your support, we are very apprecia�ve and very driven.

3 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

BUSINESS HOURS Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Jonluca is closed Saturday, Sunday and all Ontario Stat Holidays Orders received a�er 2pm may be delayed un�l the following delivery date

INSIDE SALES CONTACTS Please send orders by 2pm Order Desk: Orders: Tel. 416-503-2517 ext. 1 [email protected] Fax. 905-850-0799 Claims & Refunds: Email: [email protected] [email protected] 21 Keyes Court, Unit 1 General Inquiries: Vaughan, ON L4H 4V6 [email protected]

DELIVERY & SHIPPING Orders placed by 2pm will be picked & delivered based on your delivery schedule. Please do not leave orders on our voicemail.

PICK UP ORDERS & All orders on Jonluca truck lanes must meet $250 minimum. There is no op�on for less than minimum. COLLECT SHIPMENTS Based on geography, Jonluca may employ third party truck lanes. All delivery on third party truck lanes must meet minimum of $700. There is a delivery charge of $120 for orders less than minimum order quan�ty.

Please verify your order upon receipt, and if required, request a credit within 24 hours of delivery.

PRICES Jonluca will always try to uphold all prices outlined in our catalogue, butall prices and productavailability is subject to change without no�ce. Please look carefully at the legend to outline any pricechanges and be encouraged to contact your sales representa�ve.

TAXES All Products are subject to tax as mandated by CRA: * -HST 13% |** -GST 5% SPECIAL ORDERS & Special & Seasonal products can be purchased at your request. Please note, it can take up to 4 weeks for special order items to be shipped. SEASONAL PRODUCTS Please check with your sales representa�ve for availability and earliest ship �me.

CREDITS & CLAIMS Please see Jonluca Credit Policy. Please send all credits and claims [email protected] or via fax at 416.503.1212

COD CUSTOMERS Pick up are Wednesdays and Friday only between 10am - 3pm. COD payments occurring 24 hours a�er delivery are be subject to 3% surcharge per invoice.

BOTTLE DEPOSIT For full refund on all eligible deposits. Bo�les must be originally purchased from Jonluca, and returned with your Jonluca driver. In order for their respec�ve manufacturers to reuse the container, bo�les must be empty, clean, and free of any s�ckers or markings.

WAREHOUSE POLICY For everyone's safety, children & pets are not permi�ed in our DC. All customers must stay within the designated wai�ng area, please.

4 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

For accounts with a “receive upon delivery” program with Jonluca (i.e. wherein the receiver at the store is responsible CREDIT POLICY for valida�ng the delivery and invoice), a signed invoice will be considered valida�on of proof of delivery, and no credits will be provided. For accounts that have a “drop and release” or “drop and go” program with Jonluca (i.e. wherein a total case and/or pallet count is observed), the following standards are adhered to: 1. Customer agrees to no�fy Jonluca of any credit requests within 24 hours of receiving product (or next business day if received on a Friday). 2. Jonluca commits to a credit-request response within 24 hours of receiving credit request (or next business day if received on a Friday). Acceptable Credit Requests Include: • Products damaged at �me of delivery (not as a result of improper receiving), • Products received with less than guaranteed minimum code, • Defec�ve products (i.e. leaking milk bags), • Products shipped erroneously, • Products charged erroneously (i.e. wrong amount charged; products invoiced and not delivered). Jonluca Cannot Accept Returns on: • Expired products received with valid coding, • Store inventory over stocks, • Store discon�nua�ons, • Unauthorized deduc�ons for returned merchandise will not be accepted. Please note, credit will be issued in the form of a credit memo only. Jonluca will accept deduc�ons on cash remi�ances due from invoices in an�cipa�on of credit. Credit memos issued for all authorized product returns and bo�le and crate deposits must be used within 120 days of the issuing date of the credit memo, otherwise it will be expired and can’t be used to offset any payments. All credit requests can be made via email at [email protected], or via fax at 416.503.1212

5 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

VISION A world where ea�ng well and caring for the health of you and your family doesn’t come with paying premium pricing.

Our focus is respect and reliability. Respect allows us to understand your unique needs and goals. We strive for MISSON reliability and excellence.

VALUES We represent vendors who share our ideologies on sustainability and put emphasis on local products.

Jonluca is a company that fundamentally cares about our people, our suppliers and our customers. Service is our top THE priority. JONLUCA DIFFERENCE




Jonluca Enterprises

6 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


ALTERNATIVE DAIRY15 Good Drink ...... 37

Ac�via...... 15 Happy Planet, Beverages...... 37

Crosswind Farm...... 15 Icelandic Water...... 38

Daiya...... 16 KÖE Kombucha ...... 39

Earth’s Own ...... 18 Live Kombucha ...... 39

Riviera, Alterna�ve Dairy...... 20 Loop Juice...... 39

Maison LeGrand, Alterna�ve Dairy ...... 20 Mighty Fine Foods, Beverages...... 40

Silk Non-GMO Beverages ...... 22 Orangina...... 40

Yoso ...... 27 Phat Nutri�on...... 41

Vegan Magic ...... 27 Proud Source...... 41

ALTERNATIVE MEATS29 Protein 2.0...... 41

Big Mountain Foods ...... 29 Remedy Drinks ...... 42

Gusta ...... 29 Pulp & Press Juice...... 42

Sol Cuisine ...... 30 Rumble Supershake...... 43

Sober Carpenter ...... 43 BARS 32 Roar Organics ...... 43 Oatmega...... 32 Stok...... 44 Hornby Organic ...... 32 ToroMatcha ...... 44 Welo ...... 32 BONE BROTH 45 BEVERAGE33 Bo & Marrow...... 45 Booch Kombucha ...... 33 Broya ...... 45 Bec...... 33 Stock Exchange...... 45 1642 ...... 33

Buda Juice ...... 34 BREAKFAST46

Boylan...... 34 Terra Breads ...... 46

8 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

Nola Baking Co...... 46 DAIRY 66 Yumi Organics...... 46 A2 Milk ...... 66

CHEESE 47 Astro...... 66

Black River Cheese ...... 47 Best Baa Dairy ...... 67

Hope Eco Farms, Cheese ...... 48 Eby Manor...... 68

Ivanhoe Cheese ...... 48 Elite Dairy ...... 68

L’Ancêtre, Cheese ...... 48 L’Ancêtre, Dairy...... 68

Organic Meadow, Cheese...... 51 Gay Lea Foods, Dairy ...... 69

Riviera, Cheese...... 52 Harmony Organic Dairy Products Inc ...... 70

Hewi�’s dairy ...... 71 COFFEE & TEA 53 Hope Eco Farms, Dairy ...... 72 49th parallel ...... 53 Kawartha Dairy...... 73 Balzac’s Coffee...... 55 Nutrinor...... 74 Genuine Tea...... 56 Organic Meadow, Dairy ...... 74 Four O’Clock Tea...... 56 Pinehedge Farms...... 76 Level Ground, Tea and Coffee...... 58 Riviera, Dairy ...... 77 Good Food for Good, Teas...... 58 Rolling Meadow Dairy ...... 78 Millennia Tea ...... 59 Shepherd Gourmet Dairy ...... 80 Rain City Tea ...... 59 Siggi’s...... 80

CONDIMENTS 60 Sealtest...... 80 Acropolis Organics, Condiments...... 60 S�rling Creamery...... 81 Elias Honey...... 61 Villa Anna ...... 81 Fresh Dress...... 61 Stonyfield ...... 81 Good Food for Good, Condiments ...... 62 Western Creamery ...... 82 Just Sauce...... 62 83 Nanny Hudson’s...... 62 ALLFree...... 83 Pepper North...... 64 Everreal ...... 83 Pitmaster LT’s ...... 64 Mapleton’s Organic ...... 84 Simply Simple ...... 64 9 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

Nice Cream...... 84 O’Doughs...... 99

Piccola Cucina...... 84 HEALTH & BEAUTY 100 Snö Vegan...... 85 Hello Bello ...... 100 Sweets from the Earth...... 86 La�e Co ...... 101 Sweet Loren’s ...... 87 Lemon Aide ...... 102

EGGS 88 Maison Apothecare...... 102

Alderwood Farms, Eggs...... 88 Sapadilla ...... 103

Burnbrae Foods, Eggs...... 88 HEMP 104 Green Valley Farms...... 89 Planet Hemp Superfood ...... 104 Nature’s Farm...... 89 MEATS 105 Green Meadow Small Flock...... 89 Alderwood Farms, Meats ...... 105 Spring Creek Quail Farms ...... 90 Belmont Meats...... 105 Rowe Farms...... 90 Chicago 58...... 105 FERMENTED FOODS 91 Pure Burgers...... 106 Bubbies Fine Foods...... 91 RTE ENTREES 107 Chicago 58, Fermented Foods...... 91 Happy Planet, Entrees ...... 107 Mighty Fine Foods, Fermented Foods...... 93 Jaswant’s Kitchen ...... 107 Green Table Foods...... 93 Jyo� Natural Foods...... 107 Pyramid Ferments ...... 94 SALSA, DIPS & SPREADS 109 FROZEN FOODS 95 Fatso...... 109 Burnbrae Foods, Frozen ...... 95 Maison LeGrand, Dips ...... 109 Carb Smart Express...... 95 Sunflower Kitchen, Dips ...... 110 Cookin’ Greens ...... 96

Evive ...... 96 SAUCES 111

Holy Napoli...... 97 Pastaco, Sauces ...... 111

Mochi ...... 97 Nona Vegan Foods...... 111

Nudefruit...... 98 Signor Bio ...... 111

Pastaco, Frozen Foods ...... 98 Vegan Touch ...... 112 10 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST


Acropolis Organics, Snacking...... 113 Bio K +...... 128

Allergy Smart...... 113 Cultured Coconut ...... 128

Dandies Marshmallows ...... 114 Suku Vitamins...... 129

Cookie It Up...... 114 VEGAN CHEEZE 130 Bark Thins...... 114 Culchered ...... 130 Heavenly Organics...... 115 Fauxmagerie Zengarry...... 130 Gay Lea Foods, Snacks...... 115 Nuts for Cheese...... 131 Koukla...... 117 Maison LeGrand, Vegan Cheeze...... 131 Le Pain Des Fleurs...... 117 Spread ‘Em Kitchen ...... 132 Lilo & Co...... 118 SEASONAL PRODUCT 133 Level Ground Trading, Snacks...... 118

Lula Cookies...... 120 SPECIAL ORDER 135

No Whey...... 120

Los Cantores...... 120

Pirate Booty...... 122

Paqui...... 122

NoochPOP!...... 122

Shasha ...... 123

Sea�le Chocolate Company ...... 123

Skuta...... 124

Skinny Pop ...... 124

Vitali-T ...... 124


Happy Planet, Soups...... 125

Kensington Market Street Food...... 125

Maison Legrand, Soups ...... 126

Sunflower Kitchen, Soups...... 126


12 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST DISCONTINUED ITEMS Brand Item No. Item Descrip�on Unit UPC Le Pains de fleurs LP8054 Oat Crispbread Gluten Free 848206000000 Le Pains de fleurs LP0514 Crispbread with Chickpeas Gluten Free 848206000000 Le Pains de fleurs LP0491 Crispbread with Black Rice 848206000000 Le Pains de fleurs LP4148 Fig Crispbread 848206000000 Le Pains de fleurs LP4131 Cocoa Crispbread 848206000000 Bio-K BK2118 Fermented Pea & Hemp Probio�c Coconut 50B * 626608000000 Danone DA2195 Stok - Unsweetened 036632072191 Roar RR3033 Roar - Pineapple Mint 628250053234 Hope Eco HF0069 Water Buffalo Maple 629207900069 Hope Eco HF0108 Water Buffalo 629207500108 Garden Fresh GF000108 Unsalted Chips 647671000108 Garden Fresh GF000306 Blue Chips 647671000306 Garden Fresh GF0153 Jack's Special Mild Salsa 647671000153 Shockingly healthy SH9015 Single - Double 628055089018 Shockingly healthy SH9084 Double Chocolate Brownie 628055089087 Shockingly healthy SH9107 Salted Peanut Bu�er Chocolate Chip Brownie 628055089100

13 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST HOW TO READ THE CATALOGUE



Product/Price Change | Line Extensions | Discon�nued

Classifica�ons: O-Organic | K-Kosher | V-Vegan | GF-GlutenFree | N-Non-GMO | H-Halal | C-CanadianProduct

14 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] ALTERNATIVE DAIRY ACTIVIA

Ac�via We heard you and are proud to introduce the NEW plant-based Ac�via. Yes, that’s right, dairy-free Ac�via with all the amazing probio�cs* you’re already familiar with! @ac�via_canada Discover a whole new world of Ac�via delights with 8g of sugar per single serve of 145g. ac�

Almond Probio�c Yogurt Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Vanilla Cinnamon DA5158 0 36632 07515 4 8 145g CS N 16 Days R $1.62 $12.99 Peach Hibiscus DA5172 0 36632 07517 8 8 145g CS N 16 Days R $1.62 $12.99 CROSSWIND FARM

Cross Wind Farm has grown from its humble beginnings as a goat milk producer to a Crosswind Farm diversified dairy with over 20 SKUs and growing! @cross_wind_farm Cross Wind Farm sources local, sustainably produced goat milk to create award winning, authen�c, natural, wholesome, be�er for you, dairy products using tradi�onal, small batch food processing prac�ces.

Goat Milk Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Goat Milk CW0022 1 87260 00002 2 12 1L EA N 11 Days R $3.20 $38.40 Goat Milk CW0039 1 87260 00003 9 6 2L EA N 11 Days R $5.99 $35.94 Goat Milk CW0046 1 87260 00004 6 2 4L EA N 11 Days R $12.00 $24.00 Goat Yogurt Yogurt CW0107 1 87260 00010 7 8 450g EA N 15 Days R $4.25 $34.00 Goat Feta Tradi�onal Feta CW0206 1 87260 00020 6 8 250g EA N 60 Days R $8.03 $64.24 Sun-dried Tomato & Basil CW0251 1 87260 00025 1 2 250g EA N 60 Days R $8.75 $17.50 Goat Gouda Tradi�onal - Leah CW0985 1 87260 00098 5 10 200g EA N 60 Days R $7.56 $75.60 Smoked - Maggie CW0992 1 87260 00099 2 10 200g EA N 60 Days R $8.06 $80.60 Goat Cheddar Cheddar CW0053 1 87260 00005 3 12 200g EA N 90 Days R $6.95 $83.42 Goat Chèvre Original CW0305 1 87260 00030 5 6 250g EA N 24 Days R $7.55 $60.40 Italian Garlic Blend CW0299 1 87260 00029 9 6 250g EA N 24 Days R $7.55 $60.40 Toasted Garlic CW0312 1 87260 00031 2 6 250g EA N 24 Days R $7.55 $60.40 Caramelized Onion w/ Green Peppercorn CW0350 1 87260 00035 0 6 250g EA N 24 Days R $7.55 $60.40 Chive Onion CW0367 1 87260 00036 7 6 250g EA N 24 Days R $7.55 $60.40 Herbs de Provence CW0374 1 87260 00037 4 6 250g EA N 20 Days R $7.55 $60.40 Hot Chili Goat CW0398 1 87260 00039 8 6 250g EA N 24 Days R $7.55 $60.40 Lemon Thyme CW0411 1 87260 00041 1 6 250g EA N 24 Days R $7.55 $60.40 Cranberry Orange CW0268 1 87260 00026 8 6 250g EA N 24 Days R $7.55 $60.40 Creamy Dill CW0275 1 87260 00027 5 6 250g EA N 24 Days R $7.55 $60.40 Maple Cream CW0282 1 87260 00028 2 6 250g EA N 24 Days R $7.55 $60.40 S�nging Ne�le CW0220 1 82760 00022 0 6 250g EA N 20 Days R $7.55 $60.40

15 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] DAIYA

Daiya Foods Daiya makes dairy-free ea�ng a joy. @daiyafoods From the ooey gooey goodness of a grilled cheese to the rich and creamy taste of fruit-kissed yogurt, all our products taste great. And that makes you feel great. @daiyafoods

Slices Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Swiss Slices DY0306 8 71459 00030 5 8 220g CS K V GF C 30 Days R $3.98 $31.85 Provolone Slices DY0313 8 71459 00031 2 8 220g CS K V GF C 30 Days R $3.98 $31.85 Cheddar Slices DY0320 8 71459 00032 9 8 220g CS K V GF C 30 Days R $3.98 $31.85 Mozza Slice DY0337 8 71459 00033 6 8 220g CS K V GF C 30 Days R $3.98 $31.85 Smoked Gouda Slices DY0344 8 71459 00034 3 8 220g CS K V GF C 30 Days R $3.98 $31.85 Shreds Mozzarella Shreds DY1016 8 71459 00101 2 12 227g CS V GF C 30 Days R $4.02 $48.21 Cheddar Shreds DY1023 8 71459 00102 9 12 227g CS V GF C 30 Days R $4.02 $48.21 Pepperjack Shreds DY1030 8 71459 00103 6 12 227g CS V GF C 30 Days R $4.02 $48.21 Cu�ng Board Shreds Cu�ng Board Mozzarella DY3235 8 71459 00323 8 12 200g CS K V H C 30 Days R $4.02 $48.22 Cu�ng Board Cheddar DY3242 8 71459 003245 12 200g CS K V H C 30 Days R $4.02 $48.22 Cu�ng Board Pepperjack DY3259 8 71459 00325 2 12 200g CS K V H C 30 Days R $4.02 $48.22 Block Cheese Monterey Jack Cheese DY1119 8 71459 00111 1 8 200g CS K V GF N C 60 Days R $4.02 $32.14 Medium Cheddar Cheese DY1126 8 71459 00112 8 8 200g CS K V GF N C 60 Days R $4.02 $32.14 Jalapeño Havar� Cheese DY1133 8 71459 001135 8 200g CS K V GF N C 60 Days R $4.02 $32.13 Smoked Gouda Cheese DY1140 8 71459 00114 2 8 200g CS K V GF N C 60 Days R $4.02 $32.13 Deluxe S�cks Mozza Style DY1156 8 71459 00115 9 8 132g CS V N C 45 days R $5.79 $46.29 Cheddar Style DY1163 8 71459 00116 6 8 132g CS V N C 45 days R $5.79 $46.29 Cream Cheese Spreads Plain Cream Cheese DY1173 8 71459 00117 3 6 227g EA K V GF C 30 days R $4.02 $24.12 Strawberry Cream Cheese DY1180 8 71459 00118 0 6 227g EA K V GF C 30 days R $4.01 $24.06 Chive & Onion Cream Cheese DY1197 8 71459 00119 7 6 227g EA K V GF C 30 days R $4.02 $24.12 Garden Vegetable Cream Cheese DY4105 8 71459 00410 5 6 227g EA K V GF C 60 Days R $3.86 $23.16 Cheezy Mac Cheddar Cheezy Mac DY2337 8 71459 00233 0 8 300g CS K V C 60 Days D $3.97 $31.78 Alfredo Cheezy Mac DY2344 8 71459 00234 7 8 300g CS K V C 60 Days D $3.97 $31.78 White Cheddar Cheezy Mac DY2351 8 71459 00235 4 8 300g CS K V C 60 Days D $3.97 $31.78 Four Cheeze with Herbs DY2412 8 71459 00241 5 8 300g CS K V C 60 Days D $3.97 $31.78 Cheddar & Bacon Flavoured Bits DY2436 8 71459 00243 9 8 300g CS K V C 60 Days D $3.97 $31.78 Cheezecake New York Cheezecake DY2368 8 71459 00236 1 8 400g CS V GF C 45 Days F $5.80 $46.36 Key Lime Cheezecake DY2375 8 71459 00237 8 8 400g CS V GF C 45 Days F $5.80 $46.36 Chocolate Cheezecake DY2382 8 71459 00238 5 8 400g CS V GF C 45 Days F $5.80 $46.36 Strawberry Cheezecake DY2399 8 71459 00239 2 8 400g CS V GF C 45 Days F $5.80 $46.36 Pumpkin Spice Cheezecake DY2405 8 71459 00240 8 8 400g CS V GF C 45 Days F $5.72 $45.75

16 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Pizza Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Margherita Pizza DY2429 8 71459 00242 2 8 444g CS V GF C 60 Days F $7.15 $57.17 Fire Roasted Vegetable Pizza DY2528 8 71459 00252 1 8 444g CS V GF C 60 Days F $7.15 $57.17 Mushroom & Roasted Garlic Pizza DY2627 8 71459 00262 0 8 444g CS V GF C 60 Days F $7.15 $57.17 Supreme Pizza DY2825 8 71459 00282 8 8 444g CS V GF C 60 Days F $7.15 $57.17 Cheeze Lover's Pizza DY2320 8 71459 00232 3 8 444g CS V GF C 60 Days F $7.15 $57.17 Classic With Meatless Pepperoni Pizza DY2986 8 71459 00298 9 8 444g CS V GF C 60 Days F $7.15 $57.17 Meatless Deli Style DY2993 8 71459 00299 6 8 542g CS V GF C 60 Days F $7.15 $57.17 Burritos Santa Fe DY9305 8 71459 00930 8 12 160g CS V N C 90 Days F $3.96 $47.53 San�ago DY9312 8 71459 00931 5 12 160g CS V N C 90 Days F $3.96 $47.53 Tex-Mex DY9329 8 71459 00932 2 12 160g CS V N C 90 Days F $3.96 $47.53 Tuscan DY9336 8 71459 00933 9 12 160g CS V N C 90 Days F $3.96 $47.53 Greek Yogurt Alterna�ves 150g Strawberry Greek Yogurt DY5010 8 71459 00501 0 12 150g EA K V C 25 Days R $1.72 $19.80 Blueberry Greek Yogurt DY5027 8 71459 00502 7 12 150g EA K V C 25 Days R $1.72 $19.80 Peach Greek Yogurt DY5034 8 71459 00503 4 12 150g EA K V C 25 Days R $1.72 $19.80 Black Cherry Greek Yogurt DY5041 8 71459 00504 1 12 150g EA K V C 25 Days R $1.72 $19.80 Greek Yogurt Alterna�ves 454g Vanilla Greek Yogurt DY5072 8 71459 00507 2 6 454g EA K V H 25 Days R $4.54 $27.24 Plain Greek Yogurt DY5089 8 71459 00508 9 6 454g EA K V H 25 Days R $4.54 $27.24 Cheeze Sauce Cheddar Cheeze Sauce DY7042 8 71459 00704 5 8 402g CS K V GF 60 Days R $6.63 $53.01 Alfredo Cheeze Sauce DY7059 8 71459 00705 2 8 402g CS K V GF 60 Days R $6.63 $53.01 Zesty Cheddar Deluxe DY7097 8 71459 00709 0 8 402g CS K V GF 60 Days R $6.63 $53.01 Salad Dressing Dairy-Free Ranch Salad Dressing DY9107 8 71459 00910 0 6 237g CS V GF 50 Days D $4.41 $26.45 Creamy Cesar Salad Dressing DY9114 8 71459 00911 7 6 237g CS V GF 50 Days D $4.41 $26.45 Blue Cheese Salad Dressing DY9121 8 71459 00912 4 6 237g CS V GF 50 Days D $4.41 $26.45 Honey Flavoured Mustard DY9138 8 71459 00913 1 6 237g CS V GF 50 Days D $4.41 $26.45 Creamy Italian DY9145 8 71459 00914 8 6 237g CS V GF 50 Days D $4.41 $26.45 Coconut Non-Dairy Bars Classic Vanilla Bean DY9541 8 71459 00954 4 8 3x77ml CS V N C 90 Days F $5.43 $43.41 Chocolate Fudge Crunch DY9558 8 71459 00955 1 8 3x77ml CS V N C 90 Days F $5.43 $43.41 Salted Caramel Swirl DY9565 8 71459 00956 8 8 3x77ml CS V N C 90 Days F $5.43 $43.41 Gluten Free, Veg Crust Pizza Italian Herbs DY2498 8 71459 00249 1 8 382g CS V GF C 60 Days F $8.15 $65.17 Meatless Pepperoni with Jalapeño DY2504 8 71459 00250 7 8 405g CS V GF C 60 Days F $8.15 $65.17 Mediterranean DY2511 8 71459 00251 4 8 411g CS V GF C 60 Days F $8.15 $65.17 Non-Dairy Dessert Triple Fudge Chunk DY9800 8 71459 00980 3 8 473ml CS C 90 Days F 5.39 43.10 Salted Caramel DY9817 8 71459 00981 0 8 473ml CS C 90 Days F 5.39 43.10 Classic Vanilla Crème DY9848 8 71459 00984 1 8 473ml CS C 90 Days F 5.39 43.10

17 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] EARTH’S OWN

Plant-based means less water, less land and using less energy to Earth’s Own Canada produce. It means sustainable farming prac�ces, including organic or local when we can. No glyphosates and choosing Canadian grown @earthsowncanada oats. It means healthy plant-based fats, protein, vitamins, minerals, fibre and an�oxidants. Earth’s Own we are 100% vegan, 200% Canadian and make zero compromises when it comes to taste!

Almond SoFresh Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Original AL70001 6 26027 70001 5 6 1.89L CS K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Vanilla AL70002 6 26027 70002 2 6 1.89L CS K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Unsweetened Original AL70003 6 26027 70003 9 6 1.89L CS K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Chocolate AL70004 6 26027 70004 6 6 1.89L CS K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Coconut AL70005 6 26027 70005 3 6 1.89L CS K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Unsweetened Vanilla AL70006 6 26027 70006 0 6 1.89L CS K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Original Unsweetened SF0011 6 26027 81001 1 6 946mL CS K V GF C 15 Days R $2.59 $15.56 Vanilla Unsweetened SF0028 6 26027 81002 8 6 946mL CS K V GF C 15 Days R $2.59 $15.56 Cashew Cashew Original AL73001 6 26027 73001 2 6 1.89L CS K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Cashew Unsweetened Original AL73002 6 26027 73002 9 6 1.89L CS K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Oat SoFresh Oat Unsweetened Original SF1022 6 2602781102 5 6 1.75L CS K GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Oat Unsweetened Vanilla SF1046 6 26027 81104 9 6 1.75L CS K GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Soy So Nice SON0870 Soy Unsweetened Original 1 6 26027 08701 7 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 15 Days R $3.56 $21.35 SON0870 Soy Original 3 6 26027 08703 1 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 15 Days R $3.56 $21.35 SON0871 Soy Vanilla 3 6 26027 08713 0 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 15 Days R $3.56 $21.35 So Nice Organic Almond SON0878 Organic Almond Original 0 6 26027 08780 2 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 SON0878 Organic Almond Unsweetened 1 6 26027 08781 9 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Organic Almond Coconut SON0878 Unsweetened 2 6 26027 08782 6 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Organic Almond Vanilla SON1039 6 02627 12103 2 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Organic Almond Unsweetened Vanilla SON1046 6 02627 12104 9 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 15 Days R $4.02 $24.10 Almond Fresh UHT Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Original Prisma UHT AL0316 6 26027 70031 2 8 250mL CS K V C 60 Days D $3.27 $26.18 Chocolate Prisma UHT AL0323 6 26027 70032 9 8 250mL CS K V C 60 Days D $3.27 $26.18 Original UHT AL0118 6 26027 70011 4 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24 Unsweetened UHT AL0125 6 26027 70012 1 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24 Vanilla UHT AL0132 6 26027 70013 8 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24 Chocolate UHT AL0149 6 26027 70014 5 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24 Almond Unsweetened Vanilla UHT SF4048 6 26027 11404 1 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24 So Fresh Oat UHT Unsweetened Original UHT SF4023 6 26027 81402 6 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24 Unsweetened Vanilla UHT SF4047 6 26027 81404 0 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24

18 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Cashew Fresh UHT Cashew Original UHT SF4011 6 26027 31401 4 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24 Cashew Unsweetened Original UHT SF4028 6 26027 31402 1 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24 Almond SoFresh Original UHT SON7054 0 57864 08705 0 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24 Barista Blend UHT SON7707 6 26027 08770 3 12 946mL CS C 60 Days D $2.77 $33.24 Original Prisma UHT SON7608 6 26027 08760 4 8 250mL CS O K V C 60 Days D $3.27 $26.18 Chocolate Prisma UHT SON7639 6 26027 08763 5 8 250mL CS O K V C 60 Days D $3.27 $26.18 Earth's Own UHT Gluten Free Oat Chocolate EO4054 6 26027 81405 7 12 946mL CS GF C 60 Days D $2.75 $33.00 3x250 Oat Prisma Unsweetened EO5020 6 26027 81502 3 8 mL CS C 60 Days D $3.93 $31.40 3x250 Oat Prisma Chocolate EO5051 6 26027 81504 7 8 mL CS C 60 Days D $3.93 $31.40 3x250 Oat Prisma Unsweetened Vanilla EO5044 6 26027 81505 4 8 mL CS C 60 Days D $3.93 $31.40 Oat Naked EO1026 6 26027 87102 9 6 1.75L CS O GF C 15 Days R $4.90 $29.42 Oat Chocolate EO1053 6 26027 81105 6 6 1.75L CS C 15 Days R $4.31 $25.87 Oat Barista Edi�on EO4075 6 26027 81407 1 12 946 mL CS C 60 Days D $4.34 $52.13 Oat Creamers Café Series Coffee Creamer* EO8151 6 26027 81815 4 8 473ml CS C 14 Days R $2.79 $22.35 Culinary Series Oat Cream* EO8168 6 26027 81816 1 8 473ml CS C 14 Days R $3.47 $27.76

19 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] MAISON LEGRAND, ALTERNATIVE DAIRY

Maison Le Grand

LeGrand products are there to help make plant-based meals enjoyable – from meat eaters to vegans alike! @maisonlegrand

Alterna�ve Yogurt Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Plain ML2506 7 73798 01250 9 12 113mL EA V N C 25 Days R $1.51 $18.15 Vanilla ML2513 7 73798 01251 6 12 113mL EA V N C 25 Days R $1.51 $18.15 Lemon ML2520 7 73798 01252 3 12 113mL EA V N C 25 Days R $1.51 $18.15 Cold Brew ML2537 7 73798 01253 0 12 113mL EA V N C 25 Days R $1.51 $18.15 Raspberry ML2544 7 73798 01254 7 12 113mL EA V N C 25 Days R $1.51 $18.15 Mixed Berry ML2551 7 73798 01255 4 12 113mL EA V N C 25 Days R $1.51 $18.15 Bulk Product Garden Pesto (Food Service) ML0012 7 73798 03001 5 2 1kg CS V N C 18 Days R $17.35 $34.70 4 Nuts & Cheese Pesto (Food 107 73798 03002 Service) ML0022 9 2 1kg CS V N C 18 Days R $17.35 $34.70 Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto (Food 207 73798 01503 Service) ML5036 0 2 1kg CS V N C 18 Days R $17.35 $34.70 Vegan Style Bu�er Sea Salt ML2202 7 73798 10012 1 4 227g EA V N C 30 Days R $4.31 $17.24 Unsalted ML2219 8 73798 10012 1 4 227g EA V N C 30 Days R $4.31 $17.24


Maison Riviera A�en�ve to the needs of Canadians for more than four genera�ons, Maison Riviera is a transforma�ve leader in the dairy industry. Founded in 1920 in Sorel-Tracy, Québec, Riviera is an interna�onal award-winning brand that includes yogurts, @maison_riviera cultured products, fine cheeses and cheddars, milk and creams and plant-based product line.

Coconut Milk Vegan Delight Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Raspberry & Black Currant Coconut Milk RI6767 0 64912 08676 7 6 4x120g EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Mango & Fruit Passion Coconut Milk RI6774 0 64912 08677 4 6 4x120g EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Lemon Coconut Milk RI6835 0 64912 08683 5 6 4x120g EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Pineapple & Coconut Milk 4% RI7177 0 64912 08717 7 6 500g EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Mango & Fruit Coconut Milk 4% RI7184 0 64912 08718 4 6 500g EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Raspberry & Black Currant Coconut Milk 4% RI7191 0 64912 08719 1 6 500g EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Lemon Coconut Milk RI7245 0 64912 08724 5 6 500g EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Plain Coconut Milk RI7221 0 64912 08722 1 6 650g EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Vanilla Coconut Milk RI7238 0 64912 08723 8 6 650g EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Coconut Milk Kefir Plain RI7283 0 64912 08728 3 6 946mL EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Vanilla RI7290 0 64912 08729 0 6 946mL EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Raspberry RI7306 0 64912 08730 6 6 946mL EA V C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04

20 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


For more than 15 years, we’ve brought you simple, delicious food. And the philosophy behind it is simple, too: Start with ingredients that are grown responsibly, and keep them as close to nature as we can. Today more than ever, we want you to know exactly what that means.

Silk Non-GMO Alterna�ve Dairy Beverages Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Organic Soy Original SI2048 0 25293 60071 3 6 1.89L CS O K V GF N 18 Days R $3.57 $21.44 Organic Soy Vanilla SI2049 0 25293 60073 7 6 1.89L CS O K V GF N 18 Days R $3.57 $21.44 Soy Chocolate SI2050 0 25293 60075 1 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.57 $21.44 Organic Soy Unsweetened Original SI2052 0 25293 00073 5 6 1.89L CS O K V GF N 18 Days R $3.57 $21.44 Silk True Almond Beverages Original SI2059 0 25293 00100 8 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Unsweetened Original SI2071 0 25293 00150 3 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Dark Chocolate SI2072 0 25293 00135 0 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Vanilla SI2089 0 25293 00168 8 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Unsweetened Vanilla SI2120 0 25293 00188 6 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Silk Creamy Cashew Beverages Original SI2135 0 25293 00297 5 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Unsweetened Original SI2208 0 25293 00298 2 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Vanilla Unsweetened SI3699 0 25293 00369 9 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Silk True Coconut Beverages Almond Coconut Blend Unsweetened SI2123 0 25293 00250 0 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Coconut Original SI2105 0 25293 00152 7 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Coconut Unsweetened Original SI2106 0 25293 00244 9 6 1.89L CS K V GF N 18 Days R $3.80 $22.80 Silk True Almond Tetra Beverages Unsweetened Original SI2101 0 25293 00181 7 12 946mL CS K V GF N 18 Days R $2.13 $25.54 Unsweetened Vanilla SI2102 0 25293 00180 0 12 946mL CS K V GF N 18 Days R $2.13 $25.54 Vanilla SI2108 0 25293 00219 7 12 946mL CS K V GF N 18 Days R $2.13 $25.54 Original SI2109 0 25293 00218 0 12 946mL CS K V GF N 18 Days R $2.13 $25.54 Silk Coffee Creamers & Whiteners Almond Vanilla Whitener SI2209 0 25293 00263 0 12 473mL CS K V GF N 18 Days R $2.39 $28.68 Soy Original Creamer SI2121 0 25293 60076 8 12 473mL CS K V GF N 18 Days R $2.39 $28.68 Hazelnut Almond Whitener SI3705 0 25293 00370 5 12 473mL CS K V GF N 18 Days R $2.39 $28.68 Original Coconut Whitener SI4016 0 25293 00401 6 12 473mL CS K V GF N 18 Days R $2.39 $28.68 Vanilla Coconut Whitener SI4023 0 25293 00402 3 12 473mL CS K V GF N 18 Days R $2.39 $28.68 Oat Coconut Half & Half SI5912 0 36632 07591 8 12 890mL CS N 20 Days R $4.08 $48.90 Silk True Almond Shelf Stable Tetras Dark Chocolate SI5462 0 36632 07546 8 12 296ml CS N 45 Days D $1.81 $21.71 Vanilla SI5479 0 36632 07547 5 12 296ml CS N 45 Days D $1.81 $21.71 Silk Coconut Yogurts Unsweetened Plain SI3897 0 25293 00389 7 6 680g EA K V GF N 14 Days R $5.30 $31.80 Unsweetened Vanilla SI3903 0 25293 00390 3 6 680g EA K V GF N 14 Days R $5.30 $31.80 Raspberry Coconut SI4928 0 36632 07492 8 6 680g EA N 15 Days R $5.04 $30.24 Vanilla Coconut SI4935 0 36632 07493 5 6 680g EA N 15 Days R $5.04 $30.24 Silk Almond Dairy Free Yogurt Vanilla SI5365 0 25293 00536 5 6 640g EA K V N 14 Days R $5.30 $31.80 Mixed Berries SI5389 0 25293 00538 9 6 640g EA K V N 14 Days R $5.30 $31.80

22 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]

Oat Yeah! Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Original SI2409 0 36632 07240 5 6 1.75L CS N 18 Days R $4.41 $26.48 Chocolate SI2393 0 36632 07239 9 6 1.75L CS N 18 Days R $4.41 $26.48 Vanilla SI2416 0 36632 07214 2 6 1.75L CS N 18 Days R $4.41 $26.48 Unsweetened SI5325 0 36632 07532 1 6 1.75L CS N 18 Days R $4.41 $26.48 Almond Alterna�ve Yogurt Peach SI2245 0 36632 07224 5 8 150g EA N 16 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Strawberry SI2252 0 36632 07225 2 8 150g EA N 16 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Vanilla SI2269 0 36632 07226 9 8 150g EA N 16 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Berry Açai SI2610 0 36632 07261 0 8 150g EA N 16 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Coconut Alterna�ve Yogurt Blueberry SI2740 0 36632 07274 0 8 150g EA N 15 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Key Lime SI2757 0 36632 07275 7 8 150g EA N 15 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Strawberry Banana SI2764 0 36632 07276 4 8 150g EA N 15 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Silk Almond Dairy Free Yogurt Peach SI2245 0 36632 07224 5 8 150g EA 16 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Strawberry SI2252 0 36632 07225 2 8 150g EA 16 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Vanilla SI2269 0 36632 07226 9 8 150g EA 16 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Berry Açai SI2610 0 36632 07261 0 8 150g EA 16 Days R $1.69 $13.52 Almond & Cashew Protein Original Unsweetened SI2348 036632072344 6 1.75L CS N 20 Days R $4.73 $28.36 Vanilla Unsweetened SI2355 036632072351 6 1.75L CS N 20 Days R $4.73 $28.36 Dairy Free Whipping Cream Alterna�ve 33% Dairy Free Whipping Cream SI4144 0 36632 07414 0 12 473mL CS N 20 Days R $4.08 $48.90

25 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


New from Vegan Magic, it's an animal friendly parm topping with no soy, sugar, MSG or fillers of any kind.

With the right mix of simple, minimal ingredients and pumpkin seed base, Parmageddon brings the Magic to all your salads, pizza, pastas, popcorn & more!

Dairy Alterna�ve Cooking Aid Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Parmageddon (Vegan Parmesan Style Topping) SO0196 0 88234 78019 6 12 150g CS V C 30 Days D $4.44 $53.33


Yoso All of Yoso’s products are made in a facility that is gluten-free, wheat-free, dairy-free, egg-free, peanut-free, preserva�ve-free, carrageenan-free, casein-free, and vegan. @enjoyyoso We have a strong commitment to doing the best we can, to bring you the best, and strive towards con�nually improving our products, our availability and our service. @enjoyyoso

Soy Yogurts Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Mul�-Pack Soy Yogurt YO2214 8 34914 00221 4 6 125g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $3.68 $22.08 Plain Soy Yogurt YO2313 8 34914 00231 3 6 440g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $2.51 $15.06 Blueberry Soy Yogurt YO2320 8 34914 00232 0 6 440g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $2.51 $15.06 Vanilla Soy Yogurt YO2344 8 34914 00234 4 6 440g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $2.51 $15.06 Raspberry Soy Yogurt YO2351 8 34914 00235 1 6 440g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $2.51 $15.06 Coconut Dairy-Free Yogurts Unsweetened Coconut Yogurt YO2511 8 34914 00251 1 6 440g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $3.44 $20.64 Chocolate Coconut Yogurt YO2528 8 34914 00252 8 6 440g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $3.44 $20.64 Vanilla Coconut Yogurt YO2542 8 34914 00254 2 6 440g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $3.44 $20.64 Almond & Cashew Dairy-Free Yogurts Unsweetened Almond & Cashew Yogurt YO2610 8 34914 00261 0 6 440g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $4.16 $24.96 Vanilla Almond & Cashew Yogurt YO2627 8 34914 00262 7 6 440g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $4.16 $24.96 Strawberry Almond & Cashew Yogurt YO2634 8 34914 00263 4 6 440g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $4.16 $24.96 Cashew Based Cream Cheese Spreads Plain Cashew Spread YO1217 8 34914 00121 7 6 200g EA V GF C 45 Days R $6.86 $41.16 Garlic Cashew Spread YO1224 8 34914 00122 4 6 200g EA V GF C 45 Days R $6.86 $41.16 Single Serve Coconut Yogurt Lemon YO4553 8 34914 00455 3 8 150g EA O V GF C 28 Days R $1.56 $12.50 Unsweetened YO4515 8 34914 00451 5 8 150g EA O V GF C 28 Days R $1.56 $12.50 Vanilla YO4546 8 34914 00454 6 8 150g EA O V GF C 28 Days R $1.56 $12.50 Chocolate YO4522 8 34914 00452 2 8 150g EA O V GF C 28 Days R $1.56 $12.50 Mango YO4560 8 34914 00456 0 8 150g EA O V GF C 28 Days R $1.56 $12.50 Yoats Unsweetened YO2719 8 34914 00271 9 6 440g EA GF C 15 Days R $4.25 $25.50 Unsweetened Vanilla YO2726 8 34914 00272 6 6 440g EA GF C 15 Days R $4.25 $25.50 Unsweetened Blueberry YO2726 8 34914 00273 3 6 440g EA GF C 15 Days R $4.25 $25.50

27 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]



Big Mountain Foods Big Mountain Foods is a Canadian brand dedicated to crea�ng naturally vegan, plant based products that are free of common allergens (gluten free, soy free, dairy free) and made fresh with the use of whole food ingredients. @bigmountainfoods

We strive to be real, simple and good food! @bigmountainfood


GUSTA What does ea�ng vegan mean for GUSTA? It’s discovering new flavours that are good for the planet. @gustafoods We welcome all taste buds!

Ar�san Vegan Wheat Sausage Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Italiana GU1015 6 27843 57784 3 12 350g CS V N C 60 Days R $4.73 $56.75 Espanola GU1022 6 27843 57785 0 12 350g CS V N C 60 Days R $4.73 $56.75 Germaine GU1039 6 27843 57786 7 12 350g CS V N C 60 Days R $4.73 $56.75 Montrealaise GU1046 6 27843 57787 4 12 350g CS V N C 60 Days R $4.73 $56.75 Brunch GU1091 6 27552 10109 4 12 320g V N C 60 Days R $5.03 $60.35 Ar�san Vegan Seitan Roast Kebab Shawarma GU1053 6 27843 57790 4 10 400g CS V N C 60 Days R $5.09 $50.88 Classico GU1084 6 27552 10108 7 10 400g CS V N C 60 Days R $5.09 $50.88 Pizzaroni S�ck GU1077 6 27552 10107 0 12 200g CS V N C 60 Days R $3.23 $38.75 Vegan Gra�ng Block Cheese Original GU2012 6 27843 57789 8 12 227g CS V N C 30 Days R $4.06 $48.75 Americano GU2029 6 27843 57791 1 12 227g CS V N C 60 Days R $4.06 $48.75 Swisso GU2036 6 27843 57792 8 12 227g CS V N C 60 Days R $4.06 $48.75 Italiano GU2043 6 27552 10204 6 12 227g CS V N C 60 Days R $4.06 $48.75 Ar�san Vegan Seitan Roast Burger to Slice GU4023 6 27552 10402 6 5 800g CS 75 Days R $9.10 $45.48 Mex GU5037 6 27552 10503 0 10 400g CS 75 Days R $5.08 $50.84

29 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SOL CUISINE

Sol Cuisine has been the expert in gourmet, plant-based nutri�on since 1996. Its Sol Cuisine ar�sanal food nourishes the mind, body and “sol,” with high-quality, non-GMO ingredients. Sol Cuisine offers plant-based burgers and entrées that are both nutri�onally dense and delicious in taste. @solcuisine

To learn about our veggie SOLu�on,

Vegetarian Burgers Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Portobello Mushroom SL9257 6 28025 01925 0 12 284g CS K V GF N C 45 Days F $4.43 $53.11 Spicy Black Bean SL9295 6 28025 01929 8 12 284g CS K V GF N C 45 Days F $4.43 $53.11 Sprouted Quinoa Chia SL9318 6 28025 01931 1 12 284g CS K V GF N C 45 Days F $4.43 $53.11 Original Griller SL9325 6 28025 01932 8 12 284g CS K V GF N C 45 Days F $4.43 $53.11 Chickpea Sweet Potato SL9233 6 28025 01933 6 8 284g CS K V GF N C 45 Days F $4.49 $35.91 Sunflower Beet SL6201 6 28025 01620 4 12 226g CS K V GF N C 45 Days F $3.97 $47.65 Meatballs Greek Moussaka SL6003 6 28025 01600 6 8 300g CS K V N C 90 Days F $4.68 $37.40 Zesty Italian SL6010 6 28025 01601 3 8 300g CS K N C 90 Days F $4.68 $37.40 Chicken Tenders Ancient Grains Chicken Tenders SL6300 6 28025 01630 3 8 300g CS K V N C 90 Days F $4.68 $37.40 Appe�zer Bites Fishless Crispy Tempura Fillets SL6386 6 28025 01638 9 8 333g CS C 90 Days F $5.18 $41.46 Spinach Chickpea SL6393 6 28025 01639 6 8 304g CS C 90 Days F $5.18 $41.46 Spicy Black Bean SL6409 6 28025 01640 2 8 304g CS C 90 Days F $5.18 $41.46 Meatless Crispy Chick'n SL6416 6 28025 01641 9 8 300g CS C 90 Days F $5.18 $41.46 Chick'n Wings Hot N Spicy Chick'n Wings SL6423 6 28025 01642 6 8 225g CS K V N C 90 Days F $4.92 $39.38

30 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


@oatmega Oatmega is a protein bar created for people who need fuel on the run, who don’t want to compromise on quality of ingredients or taste! It has grass-fed whey from @oatmegabar New Zealand, 250 mg of Omega-3’s, 7g of fiber and only 5g of sugar!

Crisps Protein Bars Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Chocolate Peanut* OA0233 8 16926 02023 3 12 51g CS K GF N 60 Days D $1.92 $23.04 Chocolate Mint* OA0257 8 16926 02025 7 12 51g CS K GF N 60 Days D $1.92 $23.04 Vanilla Almond* OA0288 8 16926 02027 1 12 51g CS K GF N 60 Days D $1.92 $23.04 Chocolate Coconut* OA0295 8 16926 02029 5 12 51g CS K GF N 60 Days D $1.92 $23.04


Hornby Organic At Hornby Organic, simple recipes fuel a simple mission. We make affordable organic food without our planet and customers paying the price. Our bars are packed with everything you need, like cer�fied organic whole foods and we leave out everything @hornbyorganic you don't, like unhealthy fillers and ingredients you can’t pronounce. Leaving you with true value and a simply delicious bar.

Energy Bars Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Chocolate Chip Peanut Bu�er HO8212 6 28055 05807 6 12 80g CS O GF N C 90 Days D $2.35 $28.16 Carob Peanut Bu�er HO8229 6 28055 05805 2 12 80g CS O GF N C 90 Days D $2.35 $28.16 Oatmeal Raisin HO8243 6 28055 05808 3 12 80g CS O GF N C 90 Days D $2.35 $28.16 Chocolate Espresso HO8250 6 28055 05809 0 12 80g CS O GF N C 90 Days D $2.35 $28.16 Pumpkin Fudge HO8267 6 28055 05811 3 12 80g CS O GF N C 90 Days D $2.35 $28.16 Sunflower Cranberry HO8274 6 28055 05812 0 12 80g CS O GF N C 90 Days D $2.35 $28.16 WELO

As seen on Dragons’ Den, Welo (short for We Love) is a Mississauga-based gut- Welo health company founded by millennials. Welo’s locally-made probio�c bars, kids bars, and beverages are vegan, kosher, non-gmo and gluten/corn/soy free. @welo.probio�cs Its products support educa�on, food and water projects in Kikima, Kenya, and its kids boxes upcycle into different cra�s and ac�vi�es! @welokids

Probio�c Bars Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Coconut Cashew* WE4047 6 2811001404 7 12 40g CS K V GF N C 60 Days D $1.80 $21.54 Matcha Almond* WE4054 6 28110 01405 4 12 40g CS K V GF N C 60 Days D $1.80 $21.54 Peanut Bu�er Chocolate* WE4030 6 28110 01403 0 12 40g CS K V GF N C 60 Days D $1.80 $21.54 Probio�c Kids Bars Kids Chocolate Chip* WE4235 6 28110 01423 8 6 5x20g CS K V GF N C 60 Days D $4.15 $24.88 Kids Apple Cinnamon Bar* WE4242 6 28110 01424 5 6 5x20g CS K V GF N C 60 Days D $4.15 $24.88 Kids Cocoa Banana Bar* WE4259 6 28110 01425 2 6 5x20g CS K V GF N C 60 Days D $4.15 $24.88 Kids Mixed Berry Bar* WE4426 6 28110 01442 9 6 5x20g CS K V GF N C 60 Days D $4.15 $24.88 Kids Double Chocolate Bar* WE4433 6 28110 01443 6 6 5x20g CS K V GF N C 60 Days D $4.15 $24.88

32 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] BEVERAGE 1642

We are a proudly Canadian company specialized in premium mixers and tonics to 1642 make amazing cocktails.

We are natural, made in Canada, tasty and we support 400 jobs here.

If your gin is Canadian, why not your tonic water?

Premium Soda Mixers Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Tonic* SO9118 6 28055 80901 2 6 4x275ml CS K C 90 Days D $6.09 $36.54 Yuzu* SO9224 6 28055 80919 7 6 4x275ml CS K C 90 Days D $6.09 $36.54 Ginger Beer* SO9255 6 28055 80924 1 6 4x275ml CS K C 90 Days D $6.09 $36.54 BEC

Bec Cola All BEC’s flavours include pure and organic maple syrup in its recipe for a refreshing and unique taste never experienced before. Organic ingredients, pure maple syrup and a unique flavours are what makes BEC a true alterna�ve to generic sodas on the @bec_cola market.

Organic Soda with Maple Syrup Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Cola BC0120 6 27696 00001 7 12 275ml CS O C 90 Days D $1.89 $22.70 Lime BC0124 6 27696 20001 1 12 275ml CS O C 90 Days D $1.89 $22.70 Cranberry BC0127 6 27696 10001 4 12 275ml CS O C 90 Days D $1.89 $22.70 Cola BC0243 6 27696 00004 8 24 275ml CS O C 90 Days D $1.89 $45.39 Lime BC0240 6 27696 20004 2 24 275ml CS O C 90 Days D $1.89 $45.39 Cranberry BC0247 6 27696 10004 5 24 275ml CS O C 90 Days D $1.89 $45.39 BOOCH KOMBUCHA

Booch Organic Kombucha

Our line of kombucha is made with posi�ve energy, love, and care using only @boochorganickombucha cer�fied organic and some wild-cra�ed ingredients!

Ar�sanal Organic Kombucha Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Raspberry Lemonade Kombucha* BO3011 6 28110 75301 4 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 Citrus Twist Kombucha* BO3028 6 28110 75302 1 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 Ginger Kombucha* BO3035 6 28110 75303 8 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 Peppermint Ne�le Kombucha* BO3042 6 28110 75304 5 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 Old Fashioned Kombucha* BO3059 6 28110 75305 2 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 Chaga Chai Kombucha* BO3073 6 28110 75307 6 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 Blueberry Holy Basil* BO3080 6 28110 75308 3 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 Black Currant* BO3127 6 28110 75312 0 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 Cinnamon Rose* BO3110 6 28110 75311 3 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 Cherry Hibiscus* BO3196 6 28110 75319 9 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 Blue Mermaid* BO3363 6 28110 75336 6 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 33 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] BOYLAN

@boylancanada Boylan is known for its line of hand-cra�ed soda ranging from Ginger Ale and Black Cherry to Cane Cola, Crème… and Original Birch Beer. Non-GMO, hand-cra�ed and authen�c recipes.

Vintage Sodas Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Grape* PS1001 7 60712 07001 1 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Orange* PS1002 7 60712 06001 2 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Ginger Ale* PS1003 7 60712 05001 3 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Black Cherry* PS1004 7 60712 04001 4 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Creamy Red Birch Beer* PS1006 7 60712 02001 6 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Original Birch Beer* PS1007 7 60712 01001 7 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Root Beer* PS9100 7 60712 09001 9 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Crème* PS1000 7 60712 08001 0 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Cane Cola* PS1009 7 60712 16001 9 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Natural Root Beer* PS0109 7 60712 49001 7 24 355mL CS K C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Natural Crème* PS1008 7 60712 48001 8 24 355mL CS K C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94


Buda Juice Canada Buda shots come in single 60 mL bo�les and 6 packs ( 6 x 60 mL).

We currently offer 5 different types ranging from Ginger to B12, each offering @budajuicecanada unique health benefits.Their compact size makes them a great addi�on

Natural Soda Pops Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Ginger Immunity BJ2415 7 57932 50241 5 6 6x60mL EA O C 8 Days R $5.72 $34.32 Turmeric Healer BJ2422 7 57932 50242 2 6 6x60mL EA O C 8 Days R $5.72 $34.32 Remedy Mix BJ2439 7 57932 50243 9 6 6x60mL EA O C 8 Days R $5.72 $34.32 Matcha Energy BJ2453 7 57932 50245 3 6 6x60mL EA O C 8 Days R $5.72 $34.32 B12 Energy BJ2460 7 57932 50246 0 6 6x60mL EA O C 8 Days R $5.72 $34.32 Maca Joy BJ2477 7 57932 50247 7 6 6x60mL EA O C 8 Days R $5.72 $34.32

34 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] BULL’S HEAD

Our ginger ale started out in 1896, created by John Henry Bryant. Inspired by his Bull’s Head Irish roots and through much trial and error, he created a rich, Belfast-type ginger ale with an original flavour. His wife, inspired by her husband’s stubbornness, suggested he call the drink Bull’s Head and the name stuck.

Natural Soda Pops Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Blood Orange* BH2788 0 81246 81278 7 12 341mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.61 $19.33 Root Beer* BH2689 0 81246 81268 8 12 341mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.61 $19.33 Ginger Ale* BH2405 0 12468 00040 9 12 341mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.61 $19.33 Ginger Spruce Beer* BH2423 0 12468 00042 3 12 341mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.61 $19.33 Tonic* BH0485 0 12468 00048 5 12 341mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.61 $19.33 Ginger Beer* BH2412 0 12468 00041 6 12 341mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.61 $19.33 Natural Cola* BH2580 0 12468 01258 7 12 341mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.61 $19.33 CABANA

@CabanaLemonade Cabana is simply sunshine & happiness! Clean, crisp flavours and an ul�mate thirst quencher with all natural ingredients.

Natural Lemonade Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Original* PN3003 8 56190 00300 6 12 591mL CS 90 Days D $1.83 $22.00 Strawberry* PN3010 8 56190 00301 3 12 591mL CS 90 Days D $1.83 $22.00 Cherry* PN3027 8 56190 00302 0 12 591mL CS 90 Days D $1.83 $22.00 Tropical Mango* PN3034 8 56190 00303 7 12 591mL CS 90 Days D $1.83 $22.00 Coconut Pineapple* PN1729 8 53790 00172 2 12 591mL CS 90 Days D $1.83 $22.00 Peach* PN1712 8 53790 00171 5 12 591mL CS 90 Days D $1.83 $22.00 Natural Limeade Original* PN3133 8 56190 00313 6 12 591mL CS 90 Days D $1.83 $22.00 Raspberry* PN3201 8 56190 00320 4 12 591mL CS 90 Days D $1.83 $22.00

35 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] DOSE JUICE

Cold pressed because you deserve the best nutrients The benefits of consuming 8 Dose Juice to 10 por�ons of fruits and vegetables a day is undeniable. However, just a few you manage to win that challenge. Our solu�on: pressing up to 2 lbs of organic fruits and @dosejuice vegetables so you can drink all the nutrients you need on the go. By applying thousands of pounds of pressure with an hydraulic press, we keep all the nutrients intact.

Cold Pressed Organic Juice Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Cactus DJ1014 8 59127 00101 4 6 300mL CS O C 40 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Samba DJ1038 8 59127 00103 8 6 300mL CS O C 40 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Tango DJ1052 8 59127 00105 2 6 300mL CS O C 40 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Taxi DJ1076 8 59127 00107 6 6 300mL CS O C 40 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Yogi DJ1250 8 59127 00125 0 6 300mL CS O C 40 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Zest DJ1267 8 59127 00126 7 6 300mL CS O C 40 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Cactus DJ1882 8 59127 00188 5 6 750mL CS O C 40 Days R $8.33 $50.00 Yogi DJ1899 8 59127 00189 2 6 750mL CS O C 40 Days R $8.33 $50.00 Shot Gut Shot DJ1847 8 59127 00184 7 12 70mL CS O C 37 Days R $2.80 $33.60

36 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] GOOD DRINK

@GoodDrinkBeverages GoodDrink’s range of crisp, refreshing, and full-flavoured teas deliver just the right balance consumers are looking for. Lightly sweetened with pure cane sugar, all natural and real steeped tea in a premium glass bo�le.

Bo�led Teas Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Lemonade & Black Tea PD1064 8 53790 00106 7 12 473mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.82 $21.87 Green Tea with Lemon and Honey PD1026 8 53790 00102 9 12 473mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.82 $21.87 Mango Tea with Hibiscus and Vanilla PD1033 8 53790 00103 6 12 473mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.82 $21.87 Peach Tea with Apple PD1057 8 53790 00105 0 12 473mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.82 $21.87 White Tea with Blueberry PD1040 8 53790 00104 3 12 473mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.82 $21.87 Iced Tea with Lemon PD1019 8 53790 00101 2 12 473mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.82 $21.87 Pomegranate with Hibiscus Tea PD1071 8 53790 00107 4 12 473mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.82 $21.87 Passionfruit with Black Tea PD1088 8 53790 00108 1 12 473mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.82 $21.87 Strawberry with Green Tea PD1095 8 53790 00109 8 12 473mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.82 $21.87 Organic Spritzer Granny Smith* PD2016 8 53790 00201 9 12 355mL CS O K N C 90 Days D $1.51 $18.09 Wild Blackberry* PD2047 8 53790 00204 0 12 355mL CS O K N C 90 Days D $1.51 $18.09 Ruby Red Grapefruit* PD2030 8 53790 00203 3 12 355mL CS O K N C 90 Days D $1.51 $18.09 Eureka Lemon* PD2023 8 53790 00202 6 12 355mL CS O K N C 90 Days D $1.51 $18.09 Field Strawberry* PD2054 8 53790 00205 7 12 355mL CS O K N C 90 Days D $1.51 $18.09 Sweet Blueberry* PD2061 8 53790 00206 4 12 355mL CS O K N C 90 Days D $1.51 $18.09 Organic Sparkling Water Strawberry* PD4010 8 53790 00401 3 12 355mL CS O K N C 90 Days D $1.51 $18.09 Watermelon* PD4027 8 53790 00402 0 12 355mL CS O K N C 90 Days D $1.51 $18.09 Grapefruit* PD4034 8 53790 00403 7 12 355mL CS O K N C 90 Days D $1.51 $18.09 Blackberry* PD4041 8 53790 00404 4 12 355mL CS O K N C 90 Days D $1.51 $18.09 Good Water Spring Water PD3013 8 53790 00301 6 12 500mL CS K C 90 Days D $1.17 $14.04 HAPPY PLANET, BEVERAGES

We make food that tastes great and makes you feel good using only the freshest, Happy Planet natural and highest quality ingredients we can find. @teamhappyplanet That’s why we don’t need to use ar�ficial ingredients – it’s that simple! Not only that – we strive to source ingredients that are ethically, sustainably and organically grown. @teamhappyplanet

Organic Juices Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Valencia Orange HP417021 7 79172 41702 1 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 18 Days R $4.76 $28.58 Strawberry & Banana HP417182 7 79172 41718 2 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 18 Days R $4.10 $24.60 Mango & Peach HP417199 7 79172 41719 9 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 18 Days R $4.10 $24.60 Pomegranate & Blueberry HP417366 7 79172 41736 6 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 18 Days R $4.10 $24.60 Açai Berry HP417496 7 79172 41749 6 6 1.75L CS O K V GF C 18 Days R $4.10 $24.60 Daily Squeezed Vegetable Juices Green Apple, Kiwi & Spinach HP3793 7 79172 12379 3 6 900mL CS V GF C 14 Days R $3.94 $23.63 Mango, Carrot & Orange HP3816 7 79172 12381 6 6 900mL CS V GF C 14 Days R $3.94 $23.63

37 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Organic Smoothies Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 100% Pure Orange Juice HP121017 7 79172 12101 0 6 325mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $2.24 $13.43 Mango & Passion Fruit HP221635 7 79172 22163 5 6 325mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $2.03 $12.15 Blackberry, Boysenberry & Blackcurrant HP221642 7 79172 22164 2 6 325mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $2.03 $12.15 Raspberry & Cherry HP221659 7 79172 22165 9 6 325mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $2.03 $12.15 Coconut Pineapple HP221666 7 79172 22166 6 6 325mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $2.03 $12.15 Extreme Green HP231108 7 79172 23110 8 6 325mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $2.03 $12.15 Extreme C HP231610 7 79172 23161 0 6 325mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $2.03 $12.15 Extreme Energy HP231627 7 79172 23162 7 6 325mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $2.03 $12.15 Organic Smoothies Chocolate & Banana* HP223288 7 79172 22328 8 6 900mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $4.04 $24.23 Extreme C HP223614 7 79172 23361 4 6 900mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $4.04 $24.23 Extreme Energy HP223621 7 79172 23362 1 6 900mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $4.04 $24.23 Mango & Passion Fruit HP223639 7 79172 22363 9 6 900mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $4.04 $24.23 Blackberry, Boysenberry & Blackcurrant HP223646 7 79172 22364 6 6 900mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $4.04 $24.23 Coconut Pineapple HP223660 7 79172 22366 0 6 900mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $4.04 $24.23 Extreme Green HP233102 7 79172 23310 2 6 900mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $4.04 $24.23 Coconut Pineapple HP5661 7 79172 22566 4 6 1.5L CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $6.30 $37.80 Extreme Green HP9102 7 79172 22910 5 6 1.5L CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $6.30 $37.80 Organic Nut-Based Smoothies Coffee Nut-Based Smoothie HP263758 7 79172 26375 8 6 900mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $4.63 $27.80 Chocolate Nut-Based Smoothie HP263772 7 79172 26377 2 6 900mL CS O K V GF C 14 Days R $4.63 $27.80 Clean Protein Smoothie Fair Trade Chocolate Coconut* HP3900 7 79172 24390 3 6 900mL CS V N 14 Days R $3.94 $23.63 Banana Cashew* HP3917 7 79172 24391 0 6 900mL CS V N 14 Days R $3.94 $23.63 Creamy Vanilla* HP3948 7 79172 24394 1 6 900mL CS V N 14 Days R $3.94 $23.63


ICELANDIC Glacial is the Super-Premium Natural Spring Water from Iceland’s Icelandic Glacial Water legendary Ölfus Spring. Naturally balanced, environmentally kind, excep�onally pure. Home to glaciers, spou�ng geysers, volcanoes and raging rivers, Iceland is one of the world's cleanest ecosystems. The water is slowly and naturally filtered @icelandicglacial through layers of volcanic rock, thereby producing a natural spring water so pure that nothing is added or taken away.

Sparkling Water Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Natural* UF0383 56 90351 23038 3 24 500mL CS K 90 Days D $1.06 $25.33 Sicilian Lemon* UF0420 56 90351 23042 0 24 500mL CS K 90 Days D $1.06 $25.33 Tahi�an Lime* UF0468 56 90351 23046 8 24 500mL CS K 90 Days D $1.06 $25.33 Elderflower* UF0505 56 90351 23050 5 24 500mL CS K 90 Days D $1.06 $25.33 Glacial Spring Water S�ll Glacial Natural Spring (Glass) UF0154 56 90351 23015 4 24 330mL CS 90 Days D $1.67 $40.00 Sparkling Glacial Natural Spring (Glass) UF0178 56 90351 23017 8 24 330mL CS 90 Days D $1.67 $40.00 Sparkling Glacial Natural Spring (SC PET) UF2059 56 90351 23205 9 30 330mL CS 90 Days D $0.96 $28.67 Glacial Natural Spring UF2387 56 90351 23239 4 24 500mL CS 90 Days D $1.00 $24.00 S�ll Glacial Natural Spring (Glass) UF0192 56 90351 23019 2 12 750mL CS 90 Days D $3.00 $36.00 Sparkling Glacial Natural Spring (Glass) UF0215 56 90351 23021 5 12 750mL CS 90 Days D $3.00 $36.00 Glacial Natural Spring (SC PET) UF2370 56 90351 23237 0 12 750mL CS 90 Days D $2.11 $25.33 Glacial Natural Spring (SC PET) UF2127 56 90351 23212 7 12 1L CS 90 Days D $2.00 $24.00 Glacial Natural Spring (SC PET) UF2134 56 90351 23213 4 12 1.5L CS 90 Days D $2.50 $30.00

38 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] KÖE KOMBUCHA

KÖE® is a shelf-stable, Organic Cer�fied Kombucha in 355ml cans. Designed to be KOE Kombucha “fruit forward” & “friendly,” with all the benefits of tradi�onal kombucha with flavours that you’ll enjoy. @drinkkoe Imagine the bubbly refreshment of soda and the tangy, sweetness of juice, without the added sugar, caffeine, or calories. Packed with Probio�cs, Gluten Free. Vegan. Kosher. Non-GMO.

Organic Kombucha Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Mango UF0016 8 10031 20000 9 12 355mL CS O 90 Days D $3.67 $44.00 Lemon Lime UF0030 8 10031 20002 3 12 355mL CS O 90 Days D $3.67 $44.00 Strawberry Lemonade UF0054 8 10031 20004 7 12 355mL CS O 90 Days D $3.67 $44.00 Blueberry Ginger UF6603 8 57416 00659 7 12 355mL CS O 90 Days D $3.67 $44.00 Raspberry Dragonfruit UF6627 8 57416 00661 0 12 355mL CS O 90 Days D $3.67 $44.00 LIVE KOMBUCHA

Live Cold Brew Tea Kombucha is Guelph’s 1st brewed fermented Kombucha Tea, a Live Kombucha fermented tea full of probio�cs, flavoured with fresh fruit juices and naturally carbonated. @livekombucha We are commi�ed to brewing the highest quality cold brew tea, with the most delicious flavours. We value nutri�on, health, and environmentally sustainable methods.

Organic Kombucha Code UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Lemon Ginger* LK227243 6 27843 22724 3 6 375mL CS O V GF C 21 Days R $2.76 $16.54 Orange Oolong* LK227250 6 27843 22725 0 6 375mL CS O V GF C 21 Days R $2.76 $16.54 Naked Blend* LK227274 6 27843 22727 4 6 375mL CS O V GF C 21 Days R $2.76 $16.54 Citrus Heat* LK227281 6 27843 22728 1 6 375mL CS O V GF C 21 Days R $2.76 $16.54 Chaga Komb LK7267 6 27843 22726 7 6 375mL CS C 21 Days R $2.76 $16.54 LOOP JUICE

LOOP repurposes the outcasts of the food industry. LOOP is a circular economy LOOP Mission project created by like-minded dreamers sharing a common goal: to put an end to food waste. @loopmission It’s pre�y simple: we give value back to rejected food by transforming it into awesome products.

Raw Cold Pressed Juice Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Beach Bum* LJ0602 0 56719 90000 1 6 355mL CS V GF N C 30 Days R $3.63 $21.79 King of Hill* LJ0619 0 56719 90001 8 6 355mL CS V GF N C 30 Days R $3.63 $21.79 Undercover* LJ0626 0 56719 90002 5 6 355mL CS V GF N C 30 Days R $3.63 $21.79 High Achiever* LJ0633 0 56719 90003 2 6 355mL CS V GF N C 30 Days R $3.63 $21.79 Big Bang* LJ0657 0 56719 90005 6 6 355mL CS V GF N C 30 Days R $3.63 $21.79 Morning Glory* LJ0664 0 56719 90006 3 6 355mL CS V GF N C 30 Days R $3.63 $21.79 Loco Local* LJ0138 0 56719 90013 1 6 355mL CS V GF N C 30 Days R $3.63 $21.79 Morning Glory LJ0183 0 56719 90018 6 6 947mL CS V N C 30 Days R $5.52 $33.13 Be�er Together LJ0190 0 56719 90019 3 6 947mL CS V N C 30 Days R $5.52 $33.13 Spring Break LJ0206 0 56719 90020 9 6 947mL CS V N C 30 Days R $5.52 $33.13 Top Notch LJ0213 0 56719 90021 6 6 947mL CS V N C 30 Days R $5.52 $33.13 Lemonade Canadian Lemonade LJ0220 0 56719 90022 3 6 1L CS C 35 Days R $5.52 $33.13 39 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Shots Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Booster* LJ0145 0 56719 90014 8 12 60mL CS V N C 30 Days R $2.21 $26.54 Recover* LJ0152 0 56719 90015 5 12 60mL CS V N C 30 Days R $2.21 $26.54 Smoothies Green Vibes LJ0107 0 56719 90010 0 6 355mL CS V C 30 Days R $3.63 $21.79 Wild Summer LJ0114 0 56719 90011 7 6 355mL CS V C 30 Days R $3.63 $21.79 Early Bird LJ0121 0 56719 90012 4 6 355mL CS V C 30 Days R $3.63 $21.79 Green Vibes LJ0268 0 56719 90026 1 6 1L CS V C 30 Days R $5.66 $33.97 Wild Summer LJ0275 0 56719 90027 8 6 1L CS V C 30 Days R $5.66 $33.97 Early Bird LJ0251 0 56719 90025 4 6 1L CS V C 30 Days R $5.66 $33.97 Sparkling Tea Kefir Water Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Strawberry Lemon Labrador LJ0077 0 56719 90007 0 12 355mL CS V GF N C 45 Days R $2.78 $33.38 Orange Clemen�ne Sweet-Fern LJ0091 0 56719 90009 4 12 355mL CS V GF N C 45 Days R $2.78 $33.38 Ginger Goldenrod LJ0374 0 56719 90037 7 12 355mL CS V GF N C 45 Days R $2.78 $33.38 Everyday Soap Pineapple Ac�vated Charcoal* LJ1275 6 29283 00127 8 12 100g CS C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Lemon Honey* LJ1282 6 29283 00128 5 12 100g CS C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Cucumber Lime* LJ1299 6 29283 00129 2 12 100g CS C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Orange Turmeric* LJ1305 6 29283 00130 8 12 100g CS C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Grapefruit Ginger* LJ1312 6 29283 00131 5 12 100g CS C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 MIGHTY FINE FOODS, BEVERAGES

Mighty Fine Foods Pickles, Krauts, and Haymaker’s Punch. Mighty brings back heritage snacks and drinks that love your guts! @mightyfinefoods We work �relessly to re-create healthy, delicious, func�onal foods and beverages that have been adored for centuries, and that your whole family will love today.

Haymaker's Punch Apple Vinegar Drinks Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Apple Cinnamon MF1543 6 27843 55154 6 6 355mL CS GF C 30 Days R $2.65 $15.92 Cherry Lemonade MF1574 6 27843 55157 7 6 355mL CS GF C 30 Days R $2.65 $15.92 Pineapple Turmeric MF1581 6 27843 55158 4 6 355mL CS GF C 30 Days R $2.65 $15.92


Orangina US It’s here. The original all-natural sparkling citrus refresher from France — Orangina. A unique mix of real citrus juices, pulp from mandarin oranges and fine bubbles has made Orangina a beloved brand around the world. Just shake, pop, and sip to enjoy @oranginaus it au naturel, or mix it into a cocktail. Magnifique! Either way, Orangina is just the subtly sweet citrus sunshine you need to shake up the everyday — every day.

Sparkling Citrus Beverage Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Sparkling Citrus Beverage UF1231 8 49819 00105 7 12 250mL CS 60 Days R $2.02 $24.21

40 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] PHAT NUTRITION

Phat Tea is the an�dote to your sugar cravings. It's the healthiest Iced Tea you can Phat Nutri�on imagine as instead of adding sugars that cause you to crash, gain weight and get hungry it contains MCT oil and electrolytes to do the exact opposite. @phat_nutri�on Phat Tea is made to help you stay focused, stay hydrated, kick your sugary drink habit and help keep your energy levels stable throughout the day. getphatnutri�

Iced Tea with MCT Oil Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Keto Friendly Peach* PT5006 6 27843 88500 9 12 355ml CS GF C 90 Days R $2.09 $25.02 Keto Friendly Lemon* PT5013 6 27843 88501 6 12 355ml CS GF C 90 Days R $2.09 $25.02


Proud Source Water is 100% Rocky Mountain Spring Water that comes from the @pbwco ground with natural minerals and electrolytes. Our water has a balanced level of minerals with high levels of calcium and bicarbonates and is naturally high in alkalinity with a PH if 8.5. Packaged in aluminum bo�les/cans.

Spring Water Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 8.5 PH Mountain Spring Water PW7009 8 53303 00700 5 12 750mL CS 60 Days D $2.87 $34.49 8.5 PH Mountain Spring Water PW7026 8 53303 00702 9 24 473mL CS 60 Days D $1.60 $38.51



Protein Infused Water Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Mixed Berry UF4016 8 58379 00401 9 12 500mL CS K 90 Days D $2.48 $29.70 Harvest Grape UF4023 8 58379 00402 6 12 500mL CS K 90 Days D $2.48 $29.70 Tropical Coconut UF4092 8 58379 00409 5 12 500mL CS K 90 Days D $2.48 $29.70 Naturally Sweetened DragonFruit Blackberry UF4252 8 58379 00425 5 12 500mL CS K 90 Days D $2.48 $29.70 Naturally Sweetened Peach Mango UF4252 8 58379 00425 5 12 500mL CS K 90 Days D $2.48 $29.70 Protein Infused Water + Energy Blueberry Raspberry UF4337 8 58379 00433 0 12 500mL CS K 90 Days D $2.48 $29.70 Cherry Lemonade UF4344 8 58379 00434 7 12 500mL CS K 90 Days D $2.48 $29.70 Naturally Sweetened Pomegranate Blueberry UF4412 8 58379 00441 5 12 500mL CS K 90 Days D $2.48 $29.70

41 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] PULP & PRESS JUICE

Pulp & Press Juice Co. Pulp & Press is Canada's largest, cer�fied organic, cold-pressed func�onal beverage company! @pulpandpress They offer cold-pressed juices, vegan smoothies, probio�c hydrators and elixirs (wellness shots) to keep you healthy, happy, and hydrated!

Organic Cold-Pressed Juice Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Beta Blaster PP056041 6 28451 05604 1 6 473mL CS C 21 Days R $6.73 $40.38 Rinse & Rebeet PP056065 6 28451 05606 5 6 473mL CS C 21 Days R $6.73 $40.38 Hulk - Raw PP056089 6 28451 05608 9 6 473mL CS C 21 Days R $6.73 $40.38 Turbo - Raw PP056096 6 28451 05609 6 6 473mL CS C 21 Days R $6.73 $40.38 Green Glow PP056102 6 28451 05610 2 6 473mL CS C 21 Days R $6.73 $40.38 Envy - Raw PP056133 6 28451 05613 3 6 473mL CS C 21 Days R $6.73 $40.38 Spicy Lemon PP6140 6 28451 05614 0 6 355mL CS C 21 Days R $4.94 $29.62 Beta Blaster PP6164 6 28451 05616 4 6 355mL CS C 21 Days R $4.94 $29.62 Red Monster PP6171 6 28451 05617 1 6 355mL CS C 21 Days R $4.94 $29.62 Rinse & Rebeet PP6188 6 28451 05618 8 6 355mL CS C 21 Days R $4.94 $29.62 Hulk PP6201 6 28451 05620 1 6 355mL CS C 21 Days R $4.94 $29.62 Turbo PP6218 6 28451 05621 8 6 355mL CS C 21 Days R $4.94 $29.62 Green Glow PP6225 6 28451 05622 5 6 355mL CS C 21 Days R $4.94 $29.62 Envy PP6249 6 28451 05624 9 6 355mL CS C 21 Days R $4.94 $29.62 REMEDY DRINKS

OH, CANADA! With all the gut loving goodness going on in Australia, it was only Remedy Drinks natural that Emmet’s brother Dan and his Canadian wife, Lisa, decided to bring Remedy to the Great White North. In early 2019 they did just that and now Canucks from the streets of Vieux-Montréal to the ski hills of the Rocky Mountains are @RemedyDrinks downing Remedy’s drinks and realizing that healthy AND tasty, no sugar naturally, raw, live cultured drinks are possible.

Coconut Water Kefir Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Pure RD0277 93 50271 00027 0 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Lemon RD0284 93 50271 00028 7 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Passionfruit RD0291 93 50271 00029 4 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Can Organic Kombucha Ginger Lemon RD0109 93 50271 00010 2 24 250mL CS O 90 Days D $1.91 $45.84 Apple Crisp RD0116 93 50271 00011 9 24 250mL CS O 90 Days D $1.91 $45.84 Raspberry Lemonade RD0123 93 50271 00012 6 24 250mL CS O 90 Days D $1.91 $45.84 Cherry Plum RD0413 93 50271 00041 6 24 250mL CS O 90 Days D $1.91 $45.84 Bo�led Organic Kombucha Ginger Lemon RD0024 93 50271 00002 7 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Apple Crisp RD0062 93 50271 00006 5 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Raspberry Lemonade RD0086 93 50271 00008 9 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Cherry Plum RD0253 93 50271 00025 6 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Lemon Lime Mint RD0468 93 50271 00046 1 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Ginger Berry RD0505 93 50271 00050 8 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Peach RD0543 93 50271 00054 6 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Switchel Blood Orange RD0598 93 50271 00059 1 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 Ginger Lime RD0604 93 50271 00060 7 12 330mL CS O 90 Days D $2.39 $28.68 42 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Can Organic Kombucha Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Ginger Lemon* RD1823 93 50271 00175 8 6 4x330ml CS O 74 Days D $7.64 $45.84 Peach* RD1847 93 50271 00177 2 6 4x330ml CS O 74 Days D $7.64 $45.84 Raspberry Lemonade* RD1854 93 50271 00178 9 6 4x330ml CS O 74 Days D $7.64 $45.84


A standout line of low-calorie, organic electrolyte infusions, rooted in the principle ROAR Organic of clean hydra�on that feature delicious, unique flavour combina�ons and an ar�sanal aesthe�c. @roarorganic ROAR Organic embraces the consumer’s uniqueness and aligns with their core values – health, wellness, happiness and individuality.

Organic Beverages Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Strawberry Coconut* RR3019 6 28250 05321 0 12 532mL CS O V GF N 90 Days D $2.18 $26.15 Cucumber Watermelon* RR3026 6 28250 05322 7 12 532mL CS O V GF N 90 Days D $2.18 $26.15 Pineapple Mint* RR3033 6 28250 05323 4 12 532mL CS O V GF N 90 Days D $2.18 $26.15 Mango Clemen�ne* RR3040 6 28250 05324 1 12 532mL CS O V GF N 90 Days D $2.18 $26.15 Blueberry Açai* RR3057 6 28250 05325 8 12 532mL CS O V GF N 90 Days D $2.18 $26.15 Georgia Peach* RR3064 6 28250 05326 5 12 532mL CS O V GF N 90 Days D $2.18 $26.15


Sober Carpenter Sober Carpenter is a microbrewery dedicated to brewing premium cra� non- alcoholic beer. Great cra� taste made to enjoy without compromise. @sobercarpenter 100% cra� taste, 0% guilt.

Non-Alcoholic Beer Cra� Beer Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal White - Belgian Style SC0070 8 54531 00003 5 12 473mL CS C 90 Days D $2.00 $24.01 IPA - West Coast Style SC0087 8 54531 00004 2 12 473mL CS C 90 Days D $2.00 $24.01 Irish Red SC0230 0 85431 00022 6 12 473mL CS C 90 Days D $2.00 $24.01



This belief sparked our quest to create the world’s healthiest – and tas�est – @drinkrumble naturally awesome supershake. Rumble is though�ully made and loaded with natural goodness to fuel life on the go. @drinkrumble

Protein Supershake Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Dutch Cocoa RS0186 8 34642 00015 5 12 300ml CS GF 75 Days D $3.70 $44.34 Vanilla Maple RS0193 8 34642 00016 2 12 300ml CS GF 75 Days D $3.70 $44.34 Coffee Bean RS0209 8 34642 00017 9 12 300ml CS GF 75 Days D $3.70 $44.34

43 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] STOK

Stok Cold Brew Slow-Brewed, like all the best ideas! SToK Cold Brew captures mo�va�on in a bo�le. @stokcoldbrew SToK Cold Brew is steeped for at least 10 hours, has a slight natural sweetness and is smooth & full bodied.

Cold Brew Coffee Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Not-Too Sweet DA2171 0 36632 07217 7 12 405mL CS 45 Days D $2.89 $34.72 Mocha DA2188 0 36632 07217 7 12 405mL CS 45 Days D $2.89 $34.72

TOROMATCHA ToroMatcha is the first brand in Canada to introduce organic matcha-based energy drinks. ToroMatcha

Each can contains 2 grams of Japanese Uji matcha, which provides 6 hours of healthy energy. @toromatcha

With less than 60 mg of naturally occurring caffeine and only 50 calories per can, ToroMatcha will definitely be your new go-to energy drink.

Matcha Based Energy Drink Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Sparkling Peach TM2098 6 27843 71209 1 12 355ml CS O C 90 Days D $2.09 $25.12 Sparking Ginger TM2104 6 27843 71210 7 12 355ml CS O C 90 Days D $2.09 $25.12 Sparkling Lemon Mint TM2111 6 27843 71211 4 12 355ml CS O C 90 Days D $2.09 $25.12

44 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] BONE BROTH BO & MARROW

Bo and Marrow’s signature bone broths start with the highest quality ingredients. Bo & Marrow The broth is prepared tradi�onally, simmered for 30-48 hours. @boandmarrow While other methods are becoming increasingly common, Bo and Marrow prepare broth the old-fashioned way- The result is an en�rely sippable, collagen-rich broth that tastes delicious! @boandmarrow

Organic Bone Broth Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Classic Chicken BM3066 627843674306 12 591mL CS O V GF C 90 Days F $4.17 $50.00 Li�le Munchins BM3202 627843674306 12 591mL CS O V GF C 90 Days F $4.17 $50.00 Pho Real BM3370 6 28110 75303 8 12 591mL CS O V GF C 90 Days F $4.17 $50.00 Mushroom & The Sea BM3752 6 28110 75304 5 12 591mL CS O V GF C 90 Days F $4.17 $50.00 Classic Beef BM3820 627843674382 12 591mL CS O V GF C 90 Days F $4.17 $50.00 BROYA

Broya Broya makes ready to drink organic bone broths. Their broths are flavoured and the bones are slow simmered for 24 hours to create a nutri�ous, collagen protein-rich @broyaliving elixir that you can take anywhere with you. @broyaliving

Bone Broth Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Turmeric & Ginger - Chicken BR7033 6 28451 79703 6 6 295mL CS O GF N C 60 Days D $6.00 $36.00 Parsley & Cumin - Beef BR7040 6 28451 79704 3 6 295mL CS GF N C 60 Days D $6.00 $36.00 Sriracha & Chilli Chicken BR7057 6 28451 79705 0 6 295mL CS O GF N C 60 Days D $6.00 $36.00 Tomato & Smoked Paprika Beef BR7064 6 28451 79706 7 6 295mL CS O GF N C 60 Days D $6.00 $36.00 STOCK EXCHANGE

Stock Exchange At Stock Exchange Bone Broth; we partner with family farms who specialize in regenera�ve agriculture. Their passion to grow nutrient dense food and their commitment to nurture Ontario’s diverse ecosystem, has formed the base of our @stockexchangebroth ar�san kitchen since 2015. Our products are the closest to home-made available on the market and are only sold in Ontario. @stockexchangekw

Bone Broth Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Free Range Chicken ST9843 6 27843 58984 6 6 500mL CS GF C 90 Days F $10.07 $60.39 Grass-Fed Beef ST9836 6 27843 58983 9 6 500mL CS GF C 90 Days F $10.07 $60.39 Grass-Fed Beef Tallow ST9874 6 27843 58987 7 6 250mL CS GF C 90 Days F $6.04 $36.24

45 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] BREAKFAST NOLA BAKING CO.

The mission at Nola Baking Co. is to offer high quality products made with 100% real Nola Baking Co. food. @nolabaking Their all natural, gluten-free granola nut clusters are made with zero refined sugar, dairy, eggs or preserva�ves. Fuel your day with this protein packed granola - your taste buds will thank you!

Granola Nut Clusters Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Cashew Cranberry NO9767 6 27987 14976 0 8 60g CS C 90 Days D $3.60 $28.80 Coconut Quinoa NO9774 6 27987 14977 7 8 50g CS C 90 Days D $3.60 $28.80 Maple Cinnamon NO9781 6 27987 14978 4 8 60g CS C 90 Days D $3.60 $28.80 Vanilla Almond NO9798 6 27987 14979 1 8 60g CS C 90 Days D $3.60 $28.80 Coconut Quinoa NO9828 6 27987 14982 1 6 200g CS C 90 Days D $7.87 $47.23 Vanilla Almond NO9835 6 27987 14983 8 6 225g CS C 90 Days D $7.87 $47.23 Maple Cinnamon NO9842 6 27987 14984 5 6 225g CS C 90 Days D $7.87 $47.23 Cashew Cranberry NO9859 6 27987 14985 2 6 200g CS C 90 Days D $7.87 $47.23 TERRA BREADS

Terra Breads Long before fresh and local became the way to do things, it was the way we did things. @terrabreads It just never occurred to us that there was any other way — if you want a great result, start from a great place. Simple. @TerraBreads

Fresh Baked Granola Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Original Granola TB9385 7 79324 00922 7 8 340g CS N C 50 Days D $6.72 $53.76 Pure Crunch Granola TB9392 7 79324 00937 1 8 340g CS N C 50 Days D $6.12 $48.96 Pistachio Granola TB9408 7 79324 00927 2 8 340g CS N C 50 Days D $7.56 $60.48 Original Granola TB9453 7 79324 00236 5 8 1Kg CS N C 50 Days D $15.12 $120.96 Pistachio Granola TB9460 7 79324 00929 6 8 1Kg CS N C 50 Days D $16.80 $134.40 YUMI ORGANICS

Yumi Organics Keep it clean We're commi�ed to bringing clean label products directly to your door. @yumiorganics No ar�ficial flavours or colours. No chemical jargon you can't read.

Overnight Oats Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Overnight Jars YU2001 6 28504 38200 4 6 215g CS K C - D $2.04 $12.22 Blueberry Vanilla YU2114 6 28504 38211 0 6 330g CS K C 90 Days D $5.76 $34.55 Apple Cinnamon YU2558 6 28504 38255 4 6 330g CS K C 90 Days D $5.76 $34.55 Dark Chocolate YU2770 6 28504 38277 6 6 330g CS K C 90 Days D $5.76 $34.55 Matcha Green YU2886 6 28504 38288 2 6 330g CS K C 90 Days D $5.76 $34.55 Maple Cranberry YU2336 6 28504 38233 2 6 330g CS K C 90 Days D $5.76 $34.55

46 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CHEESE BLACK RIVER CHEESE

Gay Lea Foods Gay Lea Foods is a leading Canadian co-opera�ve. Dedicated to innova�on, the development of high quality products and growing the market for Canadian milk, we are 100% Canadian-owned, with members on 1,400 dairy farms in Ontario and @gayleafoodscoop Manitoba, with over thirteen trusted brands including Hewi�’s, Western Creamery, S�rling Creamery and others. @gayleafoodscoop

Cheese 200g Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Pepper Jack BR3864 7 71579 05386 4 10 200g CS K GF H C 21 Days R $35.54 $35.54 Cheddar Goat BR1495 7 71579 05149 5 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $25.74 $25.74 Cheese 280g White Old Cheddar BR2706 7 71579 05270 6 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $20.01 $20.01 Coloured Old Cheddar BR2645 7 71579 05264 5 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $20.01 $20.01 Mild Coloured Cheddar BR2348 7 71579 05234 8 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $17.92 $17.92 Cheddar Medium White BR2270 7 71579 05227 0 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $18.09 $18.09 Medium Coloured Cheddar BR2188 7 71579 05218 8 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $18.46 $18.46 Marble Cheddar BR1990 7 71579 05199 0 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $19.69 $19.69 Maple Cheddar BR1945 7 71579 05194 5 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $22.62 $22.62 Garlic Pepper Cheddar BR1372 7 71579 05137 2 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $18.79 $18.79 White 3 Year Cheddar BR0351 7 71579 05035 1 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $27.35 $27.35 Coloured 3 Year Cheddar BR0306 7 71579 05030 6 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $27.61 $27.61 White 2 Year Cheddar BR0221 7 71579 05022 1 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $26.02 $26.02 White 1 Year Cheddar BR0085 7 71579 05008 5 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $21.15 $21.15 Coloured 1 Year Cheddar BR0023 7 71579 05002 3 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $20.52 $20.52 Mozzarella BR2560 7 71579 05256 0 6 Random CS K GF H C 21 Days R $18.00 $18.00 Cheese Curds 200g Garlic Pepper BR1198 7 71579 05119 8 12 200g CS K GF H C 21 Days R $3.82 $45.87 Jalapeño BR1181 7 71579 05118 1 12 200g CS K GF H C 21 Days R $3.88 $46.58 White BR1174 7 71579 05117 4 12 200g CS K GF H C 21 Days R $3.60 $43.21 Coloured BR1167 7 71579 05116 7 12 200g CS K GF H C 21 Days R $3.60 $43.25 Cheese Shreds Cheddar Mild Coloured BR4202 7 71579 05420 5 12 250g CS K GF H C 21 Days R $4.47 $53.59 Mozzarella Part Skim BR4301 7 71579 05430 4 12 250g CS K GF H C 21 Days R $4.47 $53.59 Monterey Jack and Bell Peppers BR4400 7 71579 05440 3 12 250g CS K GF H C 21 Days R $4.47 $53.59 Cheese Cubes Cheddar Marble BR5327 7 71579 05532 5 6 280g CS GF H C 21 Days R $5.13 $30.80 Monterey Jack with Jalapeño BR5341 7 71579 05534 9 6 280g CS GF H C 21 Days R $5.13 $30.80 *Random weight cheese issold by kg. Each case is approximately1 .7 Kg

47 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] HOPE ECO FARMS, CHEESE

Based out of Aylmer, Ontario, Hope Eco-Farms is a community of small family farms working together to produce quality product. All of our products are made from Water Buffalo Milk or Sheep Milk; our cheese are hand-cra�ed, our bu�er is Grass-fed and Non-GMO, and all our products can be enjoyed by everyone, including those that are lactose intolerant.

Water Buffalo Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Buffalo Bliss Brie Cheese HF0054 6 29207 50005 4 10 Random KG C 15 Days R $39.00 $39.00 Big Buffalo Gruyere Cheese HF0061 6 29207 50006 1 12 Random KG C 45 Days R $45.00 $45.00 Elgin Buffalo Gouda Cheese HF0078 6 29207 50007 8 12 Random KG C 45 Days R $45.00 $45.00 Oka Style Sweetgrass Buffalo Cheese HF0085 6 29207 50008 5 12 Random KG N C 30 Days R $45.00 $45.00 Sheep Cheese Morning Mist Brie Cheese HF0023 6 29207 50002 3 10 Random KG C 15 Days R $39.00 $39.00 Shepherds Harvest Pecorino Cheese HF0016 6 29207 50001 6 12 Random KG C 45 Days R $45.00 $45.00 Black Velvet HF0122 6 29207 50012 2 12 Random KG C 45 Days R $45.00 $45.00 *Bulk cheese is sold by case and priced by KG in random weight. Average size is 3KG. IVANHOE CHEESE

Gay Lea Foods Gay Lea Foods is a leading Canadian co-opera�ve. Dedicated to innova�on, the development of high quality products and growing the market for Canadian milk, we are 100% Canadian-owned, with members on 1,400 dairy farms in Ontario and @gayleafoodscoop Manitoba, with over thirteen trusted brands including Hewi�’s, Western Creamery, S�rling Creamery and others. @gayleafoodscoop

Goat Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Cheddar Aged GA0427 7 72575 46042 7 12 235g EA C 21 Days R $6.18 $74.16 Jalapeño Peppers GA0458 7 72772 46045 8 12 235g EA C 21 Days R $6.08 $72.96


L’Ancêtre is a Quebec based company proud to offer cer�fied organic cheeses & L’Ancêtre bu�ers since 1992. Our goal is to offer consumers tasty, wholesome products through environmentally responsible farming prac�ces. ancetreorganic Most of our products are: Animal rennet free (vegetarian friendly), made with unpasteurized milk, naturally lactose free and also gluten free.

Goat Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Ripened Firm Goat Cheese FL9919 7 78177 49991 9 8 190g EA C 72 Days R $5.43 $43.44 Spreadable Goat Cheese FL9902 7 78177 49990 2 6 125g EA C 36 Days R $4.85 $29.10 Cheese Mild Cheddar FL9319 7 78177 14931 9 8 325g EA C 90 Days R $7.97 $63.76 Medium Cheddar FL9326 7 78177 14932 6 8 325g EA C 90 Days R $8.02 $64.16 Old Cheddar FL9333 7 78177 14933 3 8 325g EA C 72 Days R $8.26 $66.08 Extra Old Cheddar FL9340 7 78177 14934 0 8 325g EA C 90 Days R $8.82 $70.56 Marble Cheddar FL9364 7 78177 14936 4 8 325g EA C 72 Days R $8.02 $64.16 Mild Cheddar FL9315 7 78177 49931 5 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $5.07 $40.56 Medium Cheddar FL9322 7 78177 49932 2 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $5.11 $33.12 48 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Old Cheddar FL9339 7 78177 49933 9 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $5.26 $42.08 Extra Old Cheddar FL9346 7 78177 49934 6 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $5.58 $44.64 Marble Cheddar FL9360 7 78177 49936 0 8 200g EA C 72 Days R $5.23 $41.84 Light Medium Cheddar FL9438 7 78177 49943 8 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $5.45 $43.60 Light Old Cheddar FL9445 7 78177 49944 5 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $5.54 $44.32 Half Salt Cheddar FL9500 7 78177 14950 0 8 200g EA C 36 Days R $5.13 $41.04 Double Smoked Cheddar FL9452 7 78177 49945 2 8 190g EA C 90 Days R $5.71 $45.68 1 Year Cheddar FL9377 7 78177 49937 7 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $5.26 $42.08 2 Year Cheddar FL9384 7 78177 49938 4 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $5.58 $44.64 3 Year Cheddar FL9391 7 78177 49939 1 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $5.88 $47.04 4 Year Cheddar FL9414 7 78177 49941 4 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $6.48 $51.84 7% Frugal FL9371 7 78177 14937 1 8 325g EA C 72 Days R $7.93 $63.44 7% Frugal FL1965 7 78177 11196 5 8 200g EA C 72 Days R $4.99 $39.92 15% Par�ally Skim Mozzarella FL9388 7 78177 14938 8 8 325g EA C 72 Days R $7.86 $62.88 28% Mozzarella FL9425 7 78177 14942 5 8 325g EA C 72 Days R $7.75 $62.00 15% Par�ally Skim Mozzarella FL2979 7 78177 11297 9 8 200g EA C 72 Days R $4.96 $39.68 28% Skim Mozzarella FL2962 7 78177 11296 2 8 200g EA C 72 Days R $4.70 $37.60 Swiss FL9814 7 78177 14981 4 8 325g EA C 90 Days R $8.16 $65.28 Swiss FL9605 7 78177 49960 5 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $5.25 $42.00 Aged Gouda FL9014 7 78177 50901 4 8 175g EA C 90 Days R $6.03 $48.24 Gouda FL9957 7 78177 49995 7 8 170g EA C 90 Days R $4.73 $37.84 Parmesan FL9728 7 78177 49972 8 8 200g EA C 90 Days R $6.42 $51.36 Grated Parmesan FL9704 7 78177 49970 4 8 125g EA C 54 Days R $4.48 $35.84 Feta FL9926 7 78177 49992 6 8 150g EA C 90 Days R $4.14 $33.12 Feta with Herbs FL9933 7 78177 49993 3 16 150g EA C 90 Days R $3.78 $60.48 Shredded Cheddar & Mozzarella Blend FL9506 7 78177 49950 6 8 200g EA C 32 Days R $5.02 $40.16 Shredded Triple Cheddar Blend FL9575 7 78177 49957 5 8 200g EA C 36 Days R $4.99 $39.92 Shredded Swiss FL9650 7 78177 49965 0 12 200g EA C 72 Days R $5.02 $60.24 28% Shredded Mozzarella FL9858 7 78177 49985 8 8 200g EA C 36 Days R $4.99 $39.92 Sliced Mild Cheddar FL9803 7 78177 49980 3 12 180g EA C 36 Days R $5.21 $62.52 Sliced Swiss FL9810 7 78177 49981 0 12 180g EA C 36 Days R $5.29 $63.48 28% Sliced Mozzarella FL9834 7 78177 49983 4 12 180g EA C 36 Days R $5.14 $61.68 Fondue FL0003 7 78177 51000 3 8 350g EA C 27 Days R $11.27 $90.16 Cheese Curds FL8002 7 78177 10800 2 8 200g EA C 18 Days R $4.19 $33.52 Snack Size - Mild Cheddar FL9304 7 78177 50930 4 8 8x21g EA C 36 Days R $6.89 $55.12 Bio-Burger Burger FL5200 7 78177 51520 6 8 160g CS C 80 Days R $4.03 $32.27

49 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


Since 1989, Organic Meadow has been trusted by Canadian families to provide Organic Meadow high-quality organic dairy foods that taste true to nature. We cra� our full line of organic dairy products without compromise using the same care as our farmer founders. @organicmeadow

Our products are minimally processed, made using tradi�onal methods, and include only purposeful ingredients to ensure the highest quality product. @organicmeadow

Organic Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 31% Old Cheddar OM4404 0 62325 34004 9 12 340g EA O K C 21 Days R $10.28 $123.36 31% Medium Cheddar OM4414 0 62325 34002 5 12 340g EA O K C 21 Days R $10.16 $121.92 31% Mild Cheddar OM4424 0 62325 34031 5 12 340g EA O K C 21 Days R $9.85 $118.20 25% Mozzarella OM4445 0 62325 34010 0 12 340g EA O K C 21 Days R $9.89 $118.68 Marble Cheese OM4484 0 62325 34030 8 12 340g EA O K C 21 Days R $10.15 $121.80 Gouda Cheese OM4474 0 62325 34040 7 12 340g EA O K C 21 Days R $10.21 $122.52 Medium Cheddar Cheese S�ck OM4430 0 62325 54031 9 10 4x168g CS O K GF C 15 days R $5.47 $54.65 Mozzarella Cheese S�ck OM4447 0 62325 54010 4 10 4x168g CS O K GF C 15 days R $5.47 $54.65

51 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] RIVIERA, CHEESE

Maison Riviera A�en�ve to the needs of Canadians for more than four genera�ons, Maison Riviera is a transforma�ve leader in the dairy industry. Founded in 1920 in Sorel-Tracy, Québec, Riviera is an interna�onal award-winning brand that includes yogurts, @maison_riviera cultured products, fine cheeses and cheddars, milk and creams and plant-based product line.

Cheddar Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Medium White RI0992 0 64912 00099 2 12 200g EA C 45 Days R $4.12 $49.46 1 Year Aged RI1074 0 64912 00107 4 12 200g EA C 45 Days R $4.77 $57.24 2 Year Aged RI1319 0 64912 00131 9 12 200g EA C 45 Days R $5.55 $66.60 Shredded Old RI1395 0 64912 00139 5 12 150g EA C 22 Days R $4.62 $55.44 Shredded Goat RI1562 0 64912 00156 2 12 150g EA C 22 Days R $4.48 $53.76 Goat Cheddar RI1579 0 64912 00157 9 12 200g EA C 37 Days R $5.59 $67.08 White Cold RI1739 0 64912 00173 9 12 270g EA C 37 Days R $4.91 $58.92 Marble Cold RI1753 0 64912 00175 3 12 270g EA C 37 Days R $4.91 $58.92 White Cold RI1760 0 64912 00176 0 12 375g EA C 37 Days R $6.41 $76.92 Marble cold RI1784 0 64912 00178 4 12 375g EA C 37 Days R $6.41 $76.92 Organic Medium RI2523 0 64912 08252 3 12 200g EA O C 45 Days R $5.93 $71.16 2 Year Old Aged White Cheddar RI1326 0 64912 00132 6 2 2.25KG EA C 45 Days R $53.98 $107.96 Fine Cheeses Swiss Cheese RI4074 0 64912 01407 4 12 200g EA C 22 Days R $4.50 $54.00 Light Shredded Swiss RI4111 0 64912 01411 1 12 170g EA C 45 Days R $4.18 $50.20 Shredded Swiss RI4128 0 64912 01412 8 12 170g EA C 22 Days R $4.65 $55.80 Edam RI4500 0 64912 01450 0 12 200g EA C 45 Days R $4.04 $48.44 Light Swiss RI5071 0 64912 01507 1 12 200g EA C 45 Days R $4.66 $55.92 Parmesan RI7501 0 64912 01750 1 12 200g EA C 45 Days R $5.02 $60.24 Shredded Parmesan RI7549 0 64912 01754 9 12 170g EA C 22 Days R $4.11 $49.32 Flakes Parmesan RI7563 0 64912 01756 3 12 150g EA C 22 Days R $3.87 $46.39 Emmental RI8072 0 64912 01807 2 12 200g EA C 45 Days R $4.48 $53.71 Shredded Pizza Mozzarella RI6665 0 64912 01666 5 8 360g EA C 30 Days R $6.76 $54.08 Cheese Curds Firm Unripened Cheese Curds RI1043 6 41912 00104 3 30 200g EA C 11 Days R $3.76 $112.80 Organic Cheese Pe�t Gra�n Blend RI2011 0 64912 08201 1 12 170g EA O C 22 Days R $5.93 $71.16 Parmesan RI2509 0 64912 08250 9 12 200g EA O C 45 Days R $5.93 $71.16 Swiss RI2516 0 64912 08251 6 12 200g EA O C 45 Days R $5.93 $71.16 Medium Cheddar RI2523 0 64912 08252 3 12 200g EA O C 45 Days R $5.93 $71.16

52 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] COFFEE & TEA 49TH PARALLEL

49th Parallel has been cra�ing Specialty Coffee in the Pacific Northwest and is a local 49th Parallel Roasters Vancouver favourite.

To find these Coffee’s, 49th Parallel works directly with farmers who share the same @49th ambi�on and commitment for their cra� as they do. Every cup you drink should be exci�ng: a delicious representa�on of the region.

Whole Bean Coffee Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Swiss Water Process Decaf FN0048 8 83242 00004 1 6 340g CS O C 30 Days D $11.96 $71.77 Longitude 123 Filter FN0055 8 83242 00005 8 6 340g CS C 30 Days D $11.96 $71.77 Organic Breakfast Roast FN0062 8 83242 00006 5 6 340g CS O C 30 Days D $11.96 $71.77 Epic Espresso FN2004 8 83242 00200 7 6 340g CS C 30 Days D $11.96 $71.77 Old School Espresso FN2011 8 83242 00201 4 6 340g CS C 30 Days D $11.96 $71.77 Organic Espresso FN2035 8 83242 00203 8 6 340g CS O C 30 Days D $11.96 $71.77 Organic French Roast FN2042 8 83242 00204 5 6 340g CS O C 30 Days D $11.96 $71.77

53 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


Balzac’s Coffee

Ar�sanal coffee freshly roasted and delivered to your store. @balzacscoffee


Whole Bean Coffee Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Atwood Blend BA005 6 28614 00015 7 6 340g CS O K C 30 Days D $11.30 $67.80 Swiss Water Decaf Blend BA013 6 28614 00013 3 6 340g CS K C 30 Days D $11.30 $67.80 Colombian Las Rosas BA0406 6 28614 00040 9 6 340g CS K C 30 Days D $11.30 $67.80 Farmer's Fair-Trade Blend BA011 6 28614 00011 9 6 340g CS O K C 30 Days D $10.70 $64.20 Espresso Fair-Trade Blend BA012 6 28614 00012 6 6 340g CS O K C 30 Days D $10.70 $64.20 Bards Fair-Trade Blend BA0413 6 28614 00041 6 6 340g CS O K C 30 Days D $10.70 $64.20 Balzac's Blend BA010 6 28614 00010 2 6 340g CS K C 30 Days D $9.60 $57.60 ADarkAffair BA0164 6 28614 00016 4 6 340g CS K C 30 Days D $9.60 $57.60 Ground Coffee Swiss Water Decaf BA0253 6 28614 00025 6 6 284g CS O K C 30 Days D $11.30 $67.80 Winter Blend - Seasonal BA0218 6 28614 00021 8 6 340g SP/CS K C 30 Days D $11.30 $67.80 Farmer's Fair-Trade Blend BA0246 6 28614 00024 9 6 284g CS O K C 30 Days D $10.70 $64.20 Bards Fair-Trade Blend BA0284 6 28614 00028 7 6 284g CS O K C 30 Days D $10.70 $64.20 Balzac's Blend BA0222 6 28614 00022 5 6 284g CS K C 30 Days D $9.60 $57.60 A Dark Affair BA0239 6 28614 00023 2 6 284g CS K C 30 days D $9.60 $57.60 100% Compostable Coffee Pods Farmer's Blend BA1823 6 28614 00182 6 6 189g CS O K C 90 Days D $11.92 $71.54 Swiss Water Decaf BA1847 6 28614 00184 0 6 189g CS K C 90 Days D $11.92 $71.54 Bards Blend BA8418 6 28614 01841 1 6 189g CS O K C 90 Days D $11.92 $71.54 Balzac's Blend BA1816 6 28614 00181 9 6 189g CS K C 90 Days D $11.27 $67.64 A Dark Affair BA1878 6 28614 00187 1 6 198g CS K C 90 Days D $11.27 $67.64 Nitro Cold Brew Black BA3513 6 28614 00351 6 12 355ml CS O C 30 Days R $2.94 $35.25 Vanilla BA3520 6 28614 00352 3 12 355ml CS O C 30 Days R $2.94 $35.25 Mocha BA3537 6 28614 00353 0 12 355ml CS O C 30 Days R $2.94 $35.25

55 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] FOUR O’CLOCK TEA

Four O’Clock

Four O'Clock will accompany you by crea�ng happiness in your daily life. Live an @fouroclocktea unprecedented tas�ng experience while feeling the benefits of our teas.


Organic Fair Trade Tea Bag Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Black Tea FO2219 7 79192 40221 2 6 32g CS K N C 90 Days D $3.85 $24.96 Organic Peppermint FO2222 7 79192 20222 5 6 20.8g CS O K N C 90 days D $4.16 $24.96 Green Tea FO2226 7 79192 40222 9 6 32g CS K N C 90 Days D $3.85 $24.96 Organic Pomegranate Echinacea FO2246 7 79192 20224 9 6 28.8g CS O K N C 90 days D $4.16 $24.96 Herbal Tea FO2253 7 79192 20225 6 6 32g CS K N C 90 Days D $3.85 $24.96 Green Tea Decaffeinated FO2295 7 79192 40229 8 6 32g CS K N C 90 Days D $3.85 $24.96 Green Tea Japanese FO2325 7 79192 40232 8 6 32g CS K N C 90 Days D $3.85 $24.96 Chai Tea FO2356 7 79192 40235 9 6 32g CS K N C 90 Days D $3.85 $24.96 Chocolate Spice FO2455 7 79192 40245 8 6 35.2 CS K N C 90 days D $4.16 $24.96 Rooibos FO2578 7 79192 40257 1 6 32g CS K N C 90 days D $4.16 $24.96 Herbal Tea - Turmeric Cinnamon FO2721 7 79192 40272 4 6 32g CS K N C 90 Days D $3.85 $24.96 Coconut Ginger Green Tea FO2738 7 79192 40273 1 6 28.8g CS K N C 90 days D $4.16 $24.96 Spicy Orange Rooibos FO2813 7 79192 40281 6 6 32g CS K N C 90 days D $4.16 $24.96 Chai Espresso tea FO2820 7 79192 40282 3 6 32g CS K N C 90 Days D $3.85 $24.96 Japanese Sencha Matcha Green Tea FO2806 7 79192 40280 9 6 24g CS K N C 90 days D $5.04 $30.24


Genuine Tea At Genuine Tea, we pride ourselves on leading the Third Wave Tea movement in Toronto. The purpose of the Third Wave Tea movement is to close the gap between the tea in your cup and the people who have dedicated their lives to producing it. @genuinetea

It is a shi� in focus from convenience and quan�ty to freshness and quality. @genuinetea

Pyramid Tea Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Organic Sencha GT1167 8 54335 00116 0 8 15x36g CS O K V C 90 Days D $6.31 $50.50 Premium Jasmine GT1174 8 54335 00117 7 8 15x36g CS K V C 90 Days D $6.31 $50.50 Organic Assam Breakfast GT1181 8 54335 00118 4 8 15x36g CS O K V C 90 Days D $6.31 $50.50 Cream of Earl Grey GT1198 8 54335 00119 1 8 15x36g CS K V C 90 Days D $6.31 $50.50 Organic Masala Chai GT1204 8 54335 00120 7 8 15x36g CS O K V C 90 Days D $6.31 $50.50 Lemon Ginger Rooibos GT1211 8 54335 00121 4 8 15x36g CS K V C 90 Days D $6.31 $50.50 Organic Elderberry GT1228 8 54335 00122 1 8 15x36g CS O K V C 90 Days D $6.31 $50.50 Organic Morning Mint GT1235 8 54335 00123 8 8 15x36g CS O K V C 90 Days D $6.31 $50.50 Organic Sparkling Iced Tea Elderberry Hibiscus* GT1327 8 54335 00132 0 24 355mL CS O V C 90 Days D $2.36 $56.64 Lemon Ginger Sencha* GT1327 8 54335 00133 7 24 355mL CS O V C 90 Days D $2.36 $56.64 Peach Turmeric Ceylon* GT1341 8 54335 00134 4 24 355mL CS O V C 90 Days D $2.36 $56.64

56 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


Good Food for Good Good Food For Good is an organic food company, social enterprise and cer�fied B corpora�on. We create products that make it easy to eat well and do good! @goodfoodforgood Our healthy Ketchups, BBQ sauces and Cooking Sauces are sweetened with dates and are Whole30 Approved, Keto, Paleo and Vegan diet friendly. Good Food for Good

Organic Teas Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Dawn Energizing Chai Tea with Turmeric Root GG8057 6 27843 55805 7 6 28g CS O C 90 Days D $5.03 $30.18 Dusk Calming Lemongrass with Turmeric Root GG8064 6 27843 55806 4 6 28g CS O C 90 Days D $5.03 $30.18 Winter Ginger with Tumeric Root GG8088 6 27843 55808 8 6 28g CS O C 90 Days D $5.03 $30.18 Summer Mint with Tumeric Root GG8071 6 27843 55807 1 6 28g CS O C 90 Days D $5.03 $30.18


Our mission is to trade fairly and directly with small-scale producers in developing Level Ground Trading countries, and to market their products in North America, offering our customers ethical consumer choices. Since 1997, we’ve been all about connec�on. @levelgroundtrading It started with small-scale coffee farmers in Colombia, and it’s grown to a community of like-minded people connected by the belief that our choices ma�er.

Coffee Bean Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Decaf Colombian Dark Roast LG0002 6 61594 30000 8 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 French Roast LG0155 6 61594 00015 1 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Peru Medium Roast LG2004 6 61594 32200 0 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Andes Mountain Medium Roast LG3736 6 61594 00373 2 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Ri� Valley Dark Roast LG3750 6 61594 00375 6 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Bright Roast, Light & Juicy LG3774 6 61594 00377 0 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Ethiopian Medium Roast LG4008 6 61594 32400 4 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Colombia Dark Roast LG5008 6 61594 60500 4 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Ground Coffee Colombia Dark Roast LG0003 6 61594 60000 9 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Peru Medium Roast LG2509 6 61594 32250 5 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 French Roast LG3729 6 61594 00372 5 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Andes Mountain Medium Roast LG3743 6 61594 00374 9 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Ri� Valley Dark Roast LG3767 6 61594 00376 3 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Bright Roast, Light & Juicy LG3781 6 61594 00378 7 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Ethiopian Medium Roast LG4503 6 61594 32450 9 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Decaf Colombian Dark Roast LG5007 6 61594 30500 3 6 300g CS 90 Days D $7.87 $47.20 Tea Box Pyramid Black Tea LG3302 6 61594 00330 5 12 60g CS 90 Days D $5.73 $68.76 Earl Grey Tea LG3319 6 61594 00331 2 12 60g CS 90 Days D $5.73 $68.76 Green Tea LG3326 6 61594 00332 9 12 60g CS 90 Days D $5.73 $68.76 Tulsi Green Blend LG3333 6 61594 00333 6 12 60g CS 90 Days D $5.73 $68.76 Chai Tea LG3548 6 61594 00354 1 12 60g CS 90 Days D $5.73 $68.76 Lemongrass Tea LG3555 6 61594 00355 8 12 50g CS 90 Days D $5.73 $68.76

58 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Loose Tea Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Black Tea LG1674 6 61594 00167 7 12 70g CS 60 Days D $4.54 $54.42 Green Tea LG1681 6 61594 00168 4 12 70g CS 60 Days D $4.54 $54.42 Chai Tea LG1834 6 61594 00183 7 12 70g CS 60 Days D $4.54 $54.42 Smoked Tea LG1841 6 61594 00184 4 12 70g CS 60 Days D $4.54 $54.42 Lemongrass Tea LG2046 6 61594 00204 9 12 70g CS 60 Days D $4.54 $54.42 Tulsi Tea LG2053 6 61594 00205 6 12 70g CS 60 Days D $4.54 $54.42


Millenia TEA Why Millennia Tea? At Millennia TEA we DO tea opposite the rest of the world. Washing instead of drying. @millenia_tea Flash freezing instead of cooking. Maximizing the best features of the mighty tea leaf and delivering a powerful punch of 5X the an�oxidants.

Loose Green Tea Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Organic Loose Leaf MT1735 6 27843 85173 8 12 120g CS O V GF 90 Days F $24.30 $291.54 Raw, Chopped Loose Leaf MT1780 6 27843 85178 3 12 120g CS O V GF 90 Days F $12.09 $145.08 Green Tea Cubes Superfood Tea Cubes MT1773 6 27843 85177 6 12 81g CS O V GF 90 Days F $9.94 $119.23 Superfood Tea Cubes MT1766 6 27843 85176 9 12 162g CS O V GF 90 Days F $14.96 $179.54


Rain City Tea is all about organic, real, full leaf tea. Rain City Tea The company prides itself on delivering the experience of loose leaf tea brewed in a teapot with the convenience of a 100% plas�c-free pyramid tea bag. @raincitytea

Their packaging is colourful, modern, and a�rac�ve featuring beau�ful landmarks. @raincitytea Packaging is plas�c-free.

Organic, Compostable Pyramid Tea Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Capt. George's English Breakfast RC5001 6 28110 96500 4 6 45g CS O C 90 Days D $9.09 $54.55 Misty Earl Grey RC5018 6 28110 96501 1 6 37.5g CS O C 90 Days D $9.09 $54.55 Main St. Chai RC5025 6 28110 96502 8 6 37.5g CS O C 90 Days D $9.09 $54.55 Queen of Green RC5032 6 28110 96503 5 6 30g CS O C 90 Days D $9.09 $54.55 Peach Mango Swirl RC5049 6 28110 96504 2 6 30g CS O C 90 Days D $9.09 $54.55 Chamomile & Citrus Dreams RC5056 6 28110 96505 9 6 30g CS O C 90 Days D $9.09 $54.55 Maple Coconut Jive RC5063 6 28110 96506 6 6 37.5g CS O C 90 Days D $9.09 $54.55 Summer Fruit Trip RC5070 6 28110 96507 3 6 37.5g CS O C 90 Days D $9.09 $54.55 Perfect Mint RC5087 6 28110 96508 0 6 30g CS O C 90 Days D $9.09 $54.55


Acropolis Organics is a family owned company commi�ed to the ar�sanal crea�on Acropolis Organics of extra virgin olive oil, sourced from the home of the oldest olive tree in the world in Crete, Greece. @acropolisorganics We offer taste, health and tradi�on using the finest quality ingredients hand picked from our centuries old family estate. @Arcopolisorg

Bioharvest Agriculture Extra Virgin Olive Oil Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Extra Virgin Olive Oil AC0216 1 85782 00021 6 12 250ml EA O K N 90 Days D $7.43 $89.16 Extra Virgin Olive Oil AC0018 1 85782 00001 8 12 500ml EA O K N 90 Days D $13.33 $160.00 Extra Virgin Olive Oil AC0223 1 85782 00022 3 12 1750ml EA O K N 90 Days D $18.70 $224.43 Extra Virgin Olive Oil AC0025 1 85782 00000 0 12 1L EA O K N 90 Days D $22.74 $272.92 Extra Virgin Olive Oil AC0032 1 85782 00000 0 6 3L EA O K N 90 Days D $59.81 $358.87 Bioharvest Agriculture Extra Virgin Olive Oil Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil AC0049 1 85782 00004 9 12 500ml EA O K N 90 Days D $20.37 $244.45 Specialty Extra Virgin Olive Oil Organic EVOO with Fresh Mandarins AC0452 1 85782 00000 0 6 250ml EA O K N 90 Days D $7.78 $46.69 Organic EVOO with Fresh Lemons AC0469 1 85782 00000 0 6 250ml EA O K N 90 Days D $7.78 $46.69 Organic EVOO with Balsamic Vinegar AC0476 1 85782 00000 0 6 250ml EA O K N 90 Days D $9.07 $54.42 Balsamic Vinegar Organic Mousto Balsamic AC0056 1 85782 00005 6 12 250ml EA O N 90 Days D $9.36 $112.34 Organic Mousto Balsamic AC0087 1 85782 00008 7 12 500ml EA O N 90 Days D $15.70 $188.43 Organic Balsamic with Honey AC0414 1 85782 00041 4 6 250ml EA O N 90 Days D $9.34 $56.01 Tapenade Organic Kalamata AC0612 1 85782 00061 2 12 190ml EA O N 90 Days D $4.01 $48.09 Organic Green AC0629 1 85782 00000 0 12 190ml EA O N 90 Days D $4.01 $48.09 Combo Pack Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Balsamic AC0704 1 85782 00070 4 6 250ml EA O N 90 Days D $16.45 $98.72

60 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] ELIAS HONEY

Imagine a world without bees. There would be no fruit, veggies, and certainly no honey! In fact, with most of the food we eat we can pre�y much guarantee a bee Elias Honey had something to do with it. @eliashoney_ That’s why we work closely with our farmers and beekeepers to ensure good beekeeping prac�ces are followed. We want to see our hives not just survive—but thrive

Creamed Honey Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Creamed Honey - Tub EH0216 0 55013 00021 9 12 500g CS C 90 Days D $5.50 $65.94 Creamed Honey - Tub EH0117 0 55013 00011 0 12 1kg CS C 90 Days D $9.96 $119.52 Organic Creamed Honey Organic Creamed Honey EH6096 0 55013 00609 9 12 375g CS O C 90 Days D $8.55 $102.54 Creamed Raw Honey Creamed Raw Honey EH5075 0 55013 00507 8 12 500g CS C 90 Days D $6.95 $83.37 Creamed Raw Honey EH0079 0 55013 01007 2 12 1kg CS C 90 Days D $13.34 $160.04 Squeeze Bo�le Honey EH0223 0 55013 00022 6 12 500g CS C 90 Days D $5.50 $65.94 Honey EH0124 0 55013 00012 7 12 1kg CS C 90 Days D $9.96 $119.52 Honey - Bear Squeeze Bo�le EH0315 0 55013 00031 8 12 375g CS C 90 Days D $4.99 $59.91 Cold Pressed Honey Buckwheat EH7017 0 55013 00701 0 12 375g CS C 90 Days D $6.68 $80.17 Blueberry EH7024 0 55013 00702 7 12 375g CS C 90 Days D $6.68 $80.17 Clover EH7031 0 55013 00703 4 12 375g CS C 90 Days D $6.68 $80.17 Gourmet Liquid Honey Alfalfa Clover Blossom EH6072 0 55013 00607 5 12 375g CS C 90 Days D $6.68 $80.17 Buckwheat Blossom EH6027 0 55013 00602 0 12 375g CS C 90 Days D $6.68 $80.17 Wildflower Blossom EH6034 0 55013 00603 7 12 375g CS C 90 Days D $6.68 $80.17 Blueberry Blossom EH6041 0 55013 00604 4 12 375g CS C 90 Days D $6.68 $80.17 Raspberry Blossom EH6058 0 55013 00605 1 12 375g CS C 90 Days D $6.68 $80.17 Blackberry Blossom EH6065 0 55013 00606 8 12 375g CS C 90 Days D $6.68 $80.17 Alfalfa Clover Blossom EH0414 0 55013 00041 7 12 3kg CS C 90 Days D $14.57 $174.85 FRESH DRESS

Fresh Dress is a family owned business and our mission is to give your family the gi� Fresh Dress of delicious wholesome salad dressings that is so extraordinarily full of flavour, that you will never look at salad dressings the same way again. @freshdress_ Our dressings are All Natural, Gluten Free, Low sodium, Low Carb, Fish Free, Diary Free and Preserva�ve Free.

All Natural Salad Dressings Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Green Goddess (Sugar Free) FR0017 8 17387 00001 7 12 355mL CS K GF C 21 Days R $4.29 $51.50 Creamy Caesar FR0024 8 17387 00002 4 12 355mL CS K GF C 21 Days R $4.29 $51.50 Lemon Garlic FR0031 8 17387 00003 1 12 355mL CS K V GF C 21 Days R $4.29 $51.50 Green Goddess FR0055 8 17387 00005 5 12 355mL CS K GF C 21 Days R $4.29 $51.50 Wicked Caesar FR0062 8 17387 00006 2 12 355mL CS K GF C 21 Days R $4.29 $51.50 Greek Lightning FR0079 8 17387 00007 9 12 355mL CS K V GF C 21 Days R $4.29 $51.50 Asian Sesame FR0086 8 17387 00008 6 12 355mL CS K V GF C 21 Days R $4.29 $51.50

61 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] GOOD FOOD FOR GOOD, CONDIMENTS

Good Food for Good Good Food For Good is an organic food company, social enterprise and cer�fied B corpora�on. We create products that make it easy to eat well and do good! @goodfoodforgood Our healthy Ketchups, BBQ sauces and Cooking Sauces are sweetened with dates and are Whole30 Approved, Keto, Paleo and Vegan diet friendly. Good Food for Good

Vegan, Gluten-Free Ketchup Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Organic Ketchup GG2633 6 27843 40263 3 6 250mL CS O V GF C 30 Days D $5.47 $32.81 Organic Spicy Ketchup GG2640 6 27843 40264 0 6 250mL CS 0 V GF C 30 Days D $5.47 $32.81 BBQ Sauce Classic BBQ Sauce GG2692 6 27843 40269 5 6 250mL CS O V GF C 30 Days D $5.47 $32.81 Sweet & Spicy BBQ Sauce GG2715 6 27843 40271 8 6 250mL CS O V GF C 30 Days D $5.47 $32.81 Vegan, Gluten-Free Cooking Sauces For Bu�er Chicken GG2664 6 27843 40266 4 6 250mL CS V GF C 30 Days R $6.41 $38.46 For Coconut Curry GG2671 6 27843 40267 1 6 250mL CS V GF C 30 Days R $6.41 $38.46 For Tikka Masala GG2688 6 27843 40268 8 6 250mL CS V GF C 30 Days R $6.41 $38.46 Chile De Arbol Sauce For Tacos GG2701 6 27843 40270 1 6 250mL CS V GF C 30 Days R $6.41 $38.46 Ancho Chile Sauce For Tacos & Enchiladas GG2725 6 27843 40272 5 6 250mL CS V GF C 30 Days R $6.41 $38.46 JUST SAUCE

Simple Ingredients. Nothing Else. Mema Foods Interna�onal Just Sauce is our popular brand of comfort food with a light Sicilian touch! Lovingly cra�ed with the finest locally sourced and the freshest all natural ingredients. @memefoodsinerna�onal

The simplicity of Just Sauce allows anyone to adapt our tasty sauces to a whole host of crea�ve uses in the kitchen for a quick sa�sfying meal.

Gluten Free Sauce Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Marinara JS0687 7 75185 07068 0 12 580ml CS GF C 90 Days D $5.00 $60.00 Tomato & Basil JS0670 7 75185 07067 3 12 580ml CS GF C 90 Days D $5.00 $60.00 Roasted Garlic JS0694 7 75185 07069 7 12 580ml CS GF C 90 Days D $5.00 $60.00 Hot & Spicy JS0506 7 75185 03050 9 12 580ml CS GF C 90 Days D $5.00 $60.00 Rose JS0513 7 75185 03051 6 12 580ml CS GF C 90 Days D $5.00 $60.00 4 Cheese JS0520 7 75185 03052 3 12 580ml CS GF C 90 Days D $5.00 $60.00


Nanny Hudson's Homestyle Ketchup is a great accompaniment to your favourite egg and meat dishes, grilled cheese, meatloaf, stews and casseroles.

Homestyle Dressings Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Ketchup NAN546 0 65651 00545 3 12 375mL CS C 30 Days D $4.15 $49.82 Relish NA2086 0 65651 01208 6 12 375mL CS C 30 Days D $4.15 $49.82

62 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] PITMASTER LT’s BBQ Sauces are crafted of 100% natural ingredient blends that best represent the Barbecue Capital of the World: Kansas City. They give meats and baked beans a smoky-sweet (Classic) or smoky-spicy (Spicy) barbecue taste. PEPPER NORTH

Pepper North

Pepper North Ar�san Foods line of award-winning hot sauces and are made in @peppernorth Oshawa, Canada from locally sourced ingredients and Ontario grown hot peppers.


Hot Sauce Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Solar Flare PE2707 6 27843 58270 0 12 148mL CS V GF C 90 Days D $4.94 $59.23 Blueberry Plague PE2714 6 27843 58271 7 12 148mL CS GF C 90 Days D $5.08 $60.92 No Joke PE2721 6 27843 58272 4 12 148mL CS V GF C 90 Days D $4.94 $59.23 Momento De Muerte PE2738 6 27843 58273 1 12 148mL CS V GF C 90 Days D $5.08 $60.92 Northern Light PE2691 6 27843 58269 4 12 148mL CS V GF C 90 Days D $4.94 $59.23 Stargazer PE2783 6 27843 58278 6 12 148mL CS V GF C 90 Days D $5.91 $70.92 PITMASTER LT’S

PITMASTER LT’s BBQ Sauces are cra�ed of 100% natural ingredients that blend to form the best BBQ sauces from the BBQ Capital of the World: Kansas City, USA. They give all meats and baked beans a smoky, authen�c Kansas City-style BBQ taste.

BBQ Sauce Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Classic PI0014 6 15195 10000 0 6 473mL CS 90 Days D $5.96 $35.80 Spicy PI0011 6 15195 20000 7 6 473mL CS 90 Days D $.596 $35.80


Simply Simple Foods is privately owned importer, wholesaler and distributor of top- Simply Simple Foods quality vegetarian and vegan products made from simple ingredients and which contain no ar�ficial flavours or colours. @simplysimplefoods Our Simply Simple product line includes Vayonnaise® (Kosher & Vegan Cer�fied Mayo), Kosher Cold-Pressed Sunflower Oil, Pickled Green Mango and Mango Salsa.

Vayonnaise (Glass) Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Vayonnaise SS0039 6 28667 80003 2 12 450mL CS V GF N 90 Days D $2.54 $30.53 Vayonnaise SS0046 6 28667 80004 9 6 810mL CS V GF N 90 Days D $5.31 $31.87 Pickled Mango & Mango Salsa Pickled Green Mango SS0106 6 28667 50010 9 24 250ml CS GF 90 Days D $3.84 $92.21 Pickled Spicy Green Mango SS0113 6 28667 50011 6 24 250ml CS GF 90 Days D $3.84 $92.21 Mango Salsa SS0120 6 28667 50012 3 24 250ml CS GF 90 Days D $3.84 $92.21 Pickled Green Mango SS0205 6 28667 50020 8 12 750ml CS GF 90 Days D $10.28 $123.38 Pickled Spicy Green Mango SS0212 6 28667 50021 5 12 750ml CS GF 90 Days D $10.28 $123.38 Mango Salsa SS0229 6 28667 50022 2 12 750ml CS GF 90 Days D $10.28 $123.38 Sunflower Oil Pure SS1041 6 28667 20104 4 6 1L CS GF N 90 Days D $3.00 $18.00 Virgin SS1058 6 28667 20105 1 6 1L CS GF N 90 Days D $3.11 $18.67 Pure SS1140 6 28667 20114 3 6 3L CS GF N 90 Days D $8.00 $48.00

64 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


A2 Milk is an A1 protein-free meaning it comes from cows that naturally produce a2 Milk Canada only the A2 protein and no A1.

Research shows that some people may avoid diges�ve discomfort when they drink @a2milkcanada milk with only A2 protein. a2 Milk Company is the only milk validated to be A1 protein free from COW to CUP.

A2 MILK Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 1% Partly Skimmed AL6218 6 28011 25621 8 6 2L EA C 15 Days R $5.72 $34.32 2% Partly Skimmed AL6225 6 28011 25621 8 6 2L EA C 15 Days R $5.72 $34.32 3.25% Homogenized AL6232 6 28011 25621 8 6 2L EA C 15 Days R $5.72 $34.32


To be the #1 all natural yogourt brand in Canada, Astro yogourt is made with uncompromising quality and the best ingredients. Astro Yogurt

Whether plain or fruity, high fat or low, Balkan style or s�rred, there is a great tas�ng, authen�c yogourt to suit every foodservice need.

Discover the thick, creamy and delicious taste of Astro.

Balkan Style Yogurt Cups Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 6% Plain AS5116 0 57825 17511 6 12 175g EA K C 15 Days R $0.72 $8.64 6% Vanilla AS5130 0 57825 17513 0 12 175g EA K C 15 Days R $0.72 $8.64

66 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] BEST BAA DAIRY

Established in 2001 Best Baa Dairy Ltd. is family owned and operated. We u�lize the Best Baa Dairy milk of 8 small family farms. Each farm subscribes to high standards of animal welfare and environmental stewardship. @bestbaadairy Our product range includes award-winning cheese, yogurt, cultured beverages and bo�led milk.

Sheep Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Bonfeta Pasteurized Sheep Cheese BB300744 6 27843 61679 5 6 200g EA C 21 Days R $6.12 $36.69 Plain Brebis Sheep Cream Cheese BB433124 7 18122 43312 4 6 200g EA C 15 Days R $5.47 $32.83 Garlic Brebis Sheep Cream Cheese BB433223 7 18122 43322 3 6 200g EA C 15 Days R $5.47 $32.83 Rico�a Sheep Milk Rico�a Cheese BB300140 7 36211 30014 0 6 400g EA C 10 Days R $5.23 $31.38 Sheep Milk Sheep Milk BB6825 6 27843 61682 5 6 1L EA C 11 Days R $5.28 $31.67 Sheep Kefir Sheep Kefir BB6832 6 27843 61683 2 6 1L EA C 18 Days R $5.41 $32.45 Sheep Milk Yogurts Plain Sheep BB6849 6 27843 61684 9 12 175mL EA C 18 Days R $1.65 $19.78 Maple Sheep BB6856 6 27843 61685 6 12 175mL EA C 18 Days R $1.65 $19.78 Plain Sheep BB432820 6 27843 61680 1 6 500mL EA C 18 Days R $4.35 $26.11 Maple Sheep BB6818 6 27843 61681 8 6 500mL EA C 18 Days R $4.47 $26.81 Plain Sheep BB6863 6 27843 61686 3 6 900g EA C 18 Days R $7.34 $44.03

67 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] L’ANCÊTRE, DAIRY

L’Ancêtre is a Quebec based company proud to offer cer�fied organic cheeses & L’Ancêtre bu�ers since 1992. Our goal is to offer consumers tasty, wholesome products through environmentally responsible farming prac�ces. ancetreorganic Most of our products are: Animal rennet free (vegetarian friendly), made with unpasteurized milk, naturally lactose free and also gluten free.

Bu�er Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 84% Salted Bu�er FL6961 7 78177 10696 1 12 250 EA C 54 Days R $5.53 $66.36 84% Unsalted Bu�er FL6978 7 78177 10697 8 12 250 EA C 54 Days R $5.53 $66.36 Salted Bu�er FL6962 0 78177 10696 2 12 250 EA C 54 Days R $4.78 $57.36 Unsalted Bu�er FL6979 0 78177 10697 9 12 250 EA C 54 Days R $4.78 $57.36 Salted Bu�er FL6986 0 78177 10698 6 6 454 EA C 54 Days R $8.44 $50.64 Unsalted Bu�er FL6993 0 78177 10699 3 6 454 EA C 54 Days R $8.44 $50.64 EBY MANOR

Guernsey cow milk is naturally higher in Beta-Carotene, Omega 3, calcium and A2 Eby Manor Ltd. protein (the lesser known A protein), so the cows don’t need specially formulated feed to achieve these nutri�onal benefits. It’s pure and wholesome…naturally. @ebymanorltd These natural advantages simply create the creamiest, best tas�ng and nutri�ous dairy product we have ever tasted. @ebymanor

Guernsey Milk - Glass Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 2% Golden Guernsey Milk EB0013 8 73097 00001 3 12 1L EA C 11 Days R $3.13 $37.56 4.8% Golden Guernsey Milk EB0044 8 73097 00004 4 12 1L EA C 11 Days R $4.04 $48.48 4% Chocolate Guernsey Milk EB0051 8 73097 00005 1 12 1L EA C 11 Days R $4.35 $52.20 4% Golden Guernsey Chocolate Milk * EB0068 8 73097 00006 8 12 500mL EA C 11 Days R $2.38 $28.56 Guernsey Cream 10% Cream EB0037 8 73097 00003 7 12 1L EA C 7 Days R $3.49 $41.88 Guernsey Yogurt 4.8% Golden Guernsey Balkan Yogurt EB0075 8 73097 00007 5 6 750g EA C 18 Days R $4.00 $24.00 ELITE DAIRY

Elite Dairy

Just real, quality yogurt.

Bakers Cream Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 18% Bakers Cream Cheese EL200 N/A 1 1K EA K C 14 Days R $10.88 $10.88 Conven�onal Yogurt 0% Plain Yogurt VA750 8 32670 00020 8 6 750g EA K C 18 Days R $2.05 $12.30 2% Plain Yogurt VA752 8 32670 00021 5 6 750g EA K C 18 Days R $2.05 $12.30 3% Plain Yogurt VA753 8 32670 00022 2 6 750g EA K C 18 Days R $2.05 $12.30 5.9% Plain Yogurt Balkan VA759 8 32670 00004 8 6 750g EA K C 18 Days R $2.09 $12.54 Maslanka VA900 8 32670 00076 5 6 750g EA K C 18 Days R $2.10 $12.60 Kefir VA800 8 32670 00077 2 6 750g EA C 14 Days R $2.05 $12.30 68 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] GAY LEA FOODS, DAIRY

Gay Lea Foods Gay Lea Foods is a leading Canadian co-opera�ve. Dedicated to innova�on, the development of high quality products and growing the market for Canadian milk, we are 100% Canadian-owned, with members on 1,400 dairy farms in Ontario and @gayleafoodscoop Manitoba, with over thirteen trusted brands including Hewi�’s, Western Creamery, S�rling Creamery and others. @gayleafoodscoop

Bu�er Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Salted Bu�er GA8620 0 66013 59862 0 20 454g EA K H C 15 Days R $5.55 $111.00 Unsalted Bu�er GA5619 0 66013 90561 9 20 454g EA K H C 15 Days R $5.55 $111.00 Salted Bu�er S�cks GA5124 0 66013 59512 4 20 454g EA K H C 15 Days R $5.90 $118.00 Unsalted Bu�er S�cks GA5131 0 66013 59513 1 20 454g EA K H C 15 Days R $5.90 $118.00 Spreadable Bu�er GA8422 0 66013 80842 2 20 227g EA K H C 15 Days R $3.20 $64.00 Light Spreadable Bu�er GA8439 0 66013 80843 9 20 227g EA K H C 15 Days R $3.20 $64.00 Co�age Cheese 4% Nordica GA1603 0 66013 15160 3 12 500g EA K H C 15 Days R $2.89 $34.68 1% Nordica GA3669 0 66013 15366 9 12 500g EA K H C 15 Days R $2.89 $34.68 2% Nordica GA3638 0 66013 15363 8 12 500g EA K H C 15 Days R $2.89 $34.68 Fat Free Nordica GA3621 0 66013 15362 1 12 500g EA K H C 15 Days R $2.89 $34.68 1% Nordica GA2464 0 66013 15246 4 6 750g EA K H C 15 Days R $4.57 $27.42 2% Lactose Free Nordica GA3737 0 66013 15373 7 6 450g EA K H C 15 Days R $2.87 $17.22 Smooth Nordica GA4208 0 66013 15420 8 6 450g EA K H C 15 Days R $2.99 $17.94 Smooth Blueberry Açai Nordica GA4215 0 66013 15421 5 6 450g EA C 16 Days R $3.01 $18.06 2% Nordica GA3539 0 66013 15353 9 12 250g EA K H C 15 Days R $1.76 $21.12 1% Nordica GA3560 0 66013 15356 0 12 250g EA K H C 15 Days R $1.76 $21.12 1% Nordica GA3089 0 66013 15308 9 4 113g EA K H C 15 Days R $3.43 $13.72 Co�age Cheese Spread Vanilla Bean Smooth GA4031 0 66013 15403 1 4 100g EA K H C 15 Days R $5.11 $20.44 Lemon Smooth GA4040 0 66013 51404 0 4 100g EA K H C 15 Days R $5.11 $20.44 Sour Cream 14% Sour Cream GA1604 0 66013 14160 4 12 500ml EA K H C 18 Days R $2.20 $26.40 Low Fat GA3677 0 66013 14367 7 12 500ml EA K H C 18 Days R $2.20 $26.40 14% Lactose Free GA1659 0 66013 14165 9 6 450ml EA K H C 18 Days R $2.17 $13.02 Gold Sour Cream Premium GA3608 0 66013 14360 8 6 425ml EA K H C 18 Days R $2.27 $13.62 14% Sour Cream GA1505 0 66013 14150 5 12 250ml EA K H C 18 Days R $1.41 $16.92 Low Fat GA3578 0 66013 14357 8 12 250ml EA K H C 18 Days R $1.41 $16.92 Aerosol Whip Cream Coconut GA3524 0 66013 58352 7 12 225g CS K H C 60 Days R $3.22 $38.60 Original GA3555 0 66013 58355 8 12 225g CS K H C 60 Days R $3.22 $38.60 Light GA3654 0 66013 58365 7 12 225g CS K H C 60 Days R $3.22 $38.60

69 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] HARMONY ORGANIC DAIRY PRODUCTS INC

Harmony Organic Dairy Lawrence and Mathilde Andres, pioneers of organic dairy in Canada, work closely Products with 14 cer�fied organic family farms producing Harmony Organic milk. Focusing on the highest standards of animal welfare and environmental sustainability preven�ng @harmonyorganicdairy further pollu�on. Our cows graze on fresh grass during the growing season.

Harmony’s mission is to support sustainable agriculture and the family farm.

Harmony Organic Milk (Carton) Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 2% Milk HA2505104 8 39032 00204 7 48 250mL EA O K C 11 Days R $1.10 $52.80 3.8% Chocolate Milk** HA2525104 8 39032 00525 3 48 250mL EA O K C 11 Days R $1.54 $73.92 35% Whipping Cream HA2545104 8 39032 00351 8 48 250mL EA O K C 11 Days R $2.49 $119.52 2% Milk HA1505104 8 39032 00203 0 28 500mL EA O K C 11 Days R $1.90 $53.20 3.8% Chocolate Milk** HA1525104 8 39032 00502 4 28 500mL EA O K C 11 Days R $2.85 $79.80 Bu�ermilk HA1515104 8 39032 00701 1 28 500mL EA O K C 11 Days R $2.26 $63.28 10% Half & Half Cream HA1535104 8 39032 00101 9 28 500mL EA O K C 11 Days R $2.63 $73.64 Nature's Whole Milk Unhomogenized HA117104 8 39032 00400 3 16 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.50 $56.00 3.8% Whole Milk HA111104 8 39032 00382 2 16 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.46 $55.36 2% Milk HA112104 8 39032 00202 3 16 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.08 $49.28 1% Milk HA113104 8 39032 00152 1 16 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.08 $49.28 Skim Milk HA114104 8 39032 00003 6 16 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.08 $49.28 3.8% Chocolate Milk HA115104 8 39032 00503 1 16 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $5.15 $82.40 Bu�ermilk HA119104 8 39032 00700 4 16 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $4.08 $65.28 10% Half & Half Cream HA118104 8 39032 00102 6 16 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $4.43 $70.88 35% Whipping Cream HA116104 8 39032 00355 6 16 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $7.49 $119.84 Harmony Organic Milk (Bag) Nature's Whole Milk Unhomogenized HA47104 8 39032 00402 7 4 4L EA O K C 11 Days R $11.31 $45.24 3.8% Milk HA41104 8 39032 00381 5 4 4L EA O K C 11 Days R $11.33 $45.32 2% Milk HA42104 8 39032 00201 6 4 4L EA O K C 11 Days R $10.15 $40.60 1% Milk HA43104 8 39032 00151 4 4 4L EA O K C 11 Days R $10.15 $40.60 Skim Milk HA44104 8 39032 00002 9 4 4L EA O K C 11 Days R $10.15 $40.60 Harmony Organic (Glass Bo�les) 3.8% Chocolate Milk** HA525104 8 39032 00505 5 12 500mL EA O K C 11 Days R $2.81 $33.72 10% Half & Half Cream HA535104 8 39032 00100 2 12 500mL EA O K C 11 Days R $2.67 $32.04 35% Whipping Cream HA545104 8 39032 00350 1 12 500mL EA O K C 11 Days R $4.39 $52.68 Nature's Whole Milk Unhomogenized HA17104 8 39032 00401 0 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.52 $42.24 3.8% Whole Milk HA11104 8 39032 00380 8 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.44 $41.28 2% Milk HA12104 8 39032 00200 9 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.13 $37.56 1% Milk HA13104 8 39032 00150 7 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.13 $37.56 Skim Milk HA14104 8 39032 00001 2 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.13 $37.56 3.8% Chocolate Milk* HA15104 8 39032 00504 8 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $5.21 $62.52 *Please Note: There is a $2 deposit per bo�le and a $15 deposit per bo�le crate

70 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] HEWITT’S DAIRY

Gay Lea Foods Gay Lea Foods is a leading Canadian co-opera�ve. Dedicated to innova�on, the development of high quality products and growing the market for Canadian milk, we are 100% Canadian-owned, with members on 1,400 dairy farms in Ontario and @gayleafoodscoop Manitoba, with over thirteen trusted brands including Hewi�’s, Western Creamery, S�rling Creamery and others. @gayleafoodscoop

Cow's Milk Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 2% Milk HEW2505 0 57853 11315 9 48 250mL EA K C 11 Days R $0.64 $30.72 2% Milk HEW5005 0 57853 21315 6 28 500mL EA K C 11 Days R $1.13 $31.64 3.25% Whole Milk HEW1001 0 57853 31311 5 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $2.08 $33.28 2% Milk HEW1005 0 578533 1315 3 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $2.08 $33.28 1% Milk HEW1010 0 57853 31310 8 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $1.95 $31.20 Skim Milk HEW1015 0 57853 31316 0 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $1.93 $30.88 Bu�ermilk HEW1020 0 57853 31304 7 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $2.33 $37.28 3.25% Whole Milk HEW4001 0 57853 51311 9 4 4L EA K C 11 Days R $6.84 $27.36 2% Milk HEW4005 0 57853 51315 7 4 4L EA K C 11 Days R $6.75 $27.00 Cow's Cream 10% Half & Half HEW2535 0 57853 11314 2 48 250mL EA K C 11 Days R $1.00 $48.00 35% Whipping HEW2545 0 57853 11313 5 48 250mL EA K C 11 Days R $1.74 $83.52 10% Half & Half HEW5035 0 57853 21314 9 28 500mL EA K C 11 Days R $1.68 $47.04 35% Whipping HEW5045 0 57853 21313 2 28 500mL EA K C 11 Days R $3.20 $89.60 10% Half & Half HEW1035 0 57853 31317 7 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $2.85 $45.60 18% Table HEW1040 0 57853 31323 8 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $3.97 $63.52 35% Whipping HEW1045 0 57853 31322 1 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $5.64 $90.24 Conven�onal Cow's Plain Yogurt 3.25% Yogurt HEW1507 0 57853 12203 8 6 500g EA K C 15 Days R $1.89 $11.34 2% Yogurt HEW2507 0 57853 12204 5 6 500g EA K C 15 Days R $1.89 $11.34 Skim Yogurt HEW3507 0 57853 12205 2 6 500g EA K C 15 Days R $1.90 $11.40 HEW1757 3.25% Yogurt 5 0 57853 14203 6 6 750g EA K C 15 Days R $2.46 $14.76 2% Yogurt HEW2757 0 57853 14204 3 6 750g EA K C 15 Days R $2.47 $14.82 Skim Yogurt HEW3757 0 57853 14205 0 6 750g EA K C 15 Days R $2.44 $14.64 Conven�onal Dairy Cultured Products Regular Sour Cream HEW2555 0 57853 11406 4 6 250mL EA K C 15 Days R $1.54 $9.24 Regular Sour Cream HEW5055 0 57853 21406 1 6 500mL EA K C 15 Days R $2.29 $13.74 Goat Milk HEW1108 3.8% Whole Milk 5 0 57853 31319 1 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $2.66 $42.56 HEW1208 2% Milk 5 0 57853 31318 4 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $2.66 $42.56 HEW1110 Organic Goat Milk (Bo�led) 87 0 57853 11319 7 12 1L EA K C 11 Days R $3.31 $39.72 HEW4108 3.25% Whole Milk 5 0 57853 51319 5 4 4L EA K C 11 Days R $9.25 $37.00 HEW4208 2% Milk 5 0 57853 51318 8 4 4L EA K C 11 Days R $9.14 $36.56

71 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Goat Cultured Product Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Plain Goat Yogurt HEW5090 0 57853 12201 4 6 500g EA K C 15 Days R $2.41 $14.46 Plain Goat Yogurt HEW1091 0 57853 14201 2 6 750g EA K C 15 Days R $3.37 $20.22 Goat Sour Cream HEW2592 0 57853 31406 8 6 250g EA K C 15 Days R $1.90 $11.40 Goat Bu�er HEW1102 0 57853 91406 0 50 454g EA K C 15 Days R $6.10 $305.00 Goat Ice Cream Vanilla HEW21170 0 57853 31111 1 6 1L CS K C 30 Days F $5.27 $31.60 Blueberry HEW31170 0 57853 31113 5 6 1L CS K C 30 Days F $5.27 $31.60 Carob Goat HEW41170 0 57853 31116 6 6 1L CS K C 30 Days F $5.27 $31.60 Maple Walnut HEW61170 0 57853 31112 8 6 1L CS K C 30 Days F $6.81 $40.83


Based out of Aylmer Ontario, Hope Eco-Farms is a community of small family farms working together to produce quality product. All of our products are made from Water Buffalo Milk or Sheep Milk; our cheese are hand-cra�ed, our bu�er is Grass- fed and Non-GMO, and all our products can be enjoyed by everyone, including those that are lactose intolerant.

*Please Note: There is a $2 deposit per bo�le and a $15 deposit per bo�le crate on fluid milk products.

Water Buffalo Dairy Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Whole Milk (Glass Bo�le) HF0177 6 29207 50017 7 12 1L EA C 10 Days R $5.75 $69.00 Chocolate Milk (Glass Bo�le) HF0184 6 29207 50018 4 12 1L EA C 10 Days R $5.75 $69.00 Water Buffalo Yogurt Plain Yogurt HF0139 6 29207 50013 9 12 450g EA C 15 Days R $4.95 $59.40 Maple Yogurt HF0146 6 29207 50014 6 12 450g EA C 15 Days R $4.95 $59.40 Water Buffalo Kefir Plain Kefir HF0269 6 29207 50026 9 12 700g EA C 11 Days R $6.00 $72.00 Strawberry Kefir HF0276 6 29207 50027 6 12 700g EA C 11 Days R $6.00 $72.00 Blueberry Kefir HF0283 6 29207 50028 3 12 700g EA C 11 Days R $6.00 $72.00 Sheep Dairy Whole Milk (Glass Bo�le) HF0147 6 29207 11014 7 12 1L EA C 10 Days R $5.75 $69.00 Sheep Yogurt Plain Yogurt HF0086 6 29207 11008 6 12 450g EA C 15 Days R $4.95 $59.40 Maple Yogurt HF0093 6 29207 11009 3 12 450g EA C 15 Days R $4.95 $59.40 Water Buffalo Bu�er Unsalted bu�er HF0113 6 29207 90011 3 25 250g EA N C 30 Days R $8.75 $218.75 Water Buffalo Ice Cream Vanilla Ice Cream HF0108 6 29207 50010 8 8 500g CS C 30 Days F $7.00 $56.00 HF0052 6 29207 90005 2 8 500g CS C 30 Days F $7.00 $56.00 Maple Ice Cream HF0069 6 29207 90006 9 8 500g CS C 30 Days F $7.00 $56.00

72 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] KAWARTHA DAIRY

Kawartha Dairy Kawartha Dairy has been proudly serving ice cream and dairy products across Ontario since 1937. @kawartha_dairy Our Ice Cream is made with 100% Canadian Milk.

Cow's Milk Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 2% Milk KA1225 0 62229 01225 7 44 250mL EA K C 11 Days R $0.56 $24.64 Chocolate Milk* KA1425 0 62229 01425 1 44 250mL EA K C 11 Days R $0.65 $28.60 2% Milk KA1250 0 62229 01250 9 28 500mL EA K C 11 Days R $1.14 $31.92 Chocolate Milk* KA1450 0 62229 01450 3 28 500mL EA K C 11 Days R $1.08 $30.24 Homo Milk KA1101 0 62229 01101 4 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $1.95 $31.20 2% Milk KA1201 0 62229 01201 1 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $1.73 $27.68 1% Milk KA1001 0 62229 01001 7 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $1.73 $27.68 Skim Milk KA1301 0 62229 01301 8 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $1.73 $27.68 Chocolate Milk KA1401 0 62229 01401 5 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $1.89 $30.24 Bu�ermilk KA1501 0 62229 01501 2 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $1.96 $31.36 Homo Milk KA1102 0 62229 01102 1 9 2L EA K C 11 Days R $3.83 $34.47 2% Milk KA1202 0 62229 01202 8 9 2L EA K C 11 Days R $3.28 $29.52 1% Milk KA1002 0 62229 01002 4 9 2L EA K C 11 Days R $3.28 $29.52 Skim Milk KA1302 0 62229 01302 5 9 2L EA K C 11 Days R $3.28 $29.52 Chocolate Milk KA1402 0 62229 01402 2 9 2L EA K C 11 Days R $3.51 $31.59 Homo Milk KA1104 0 62229 01104 5 4 4L EA K C 11 Days R $6.34 $25.36 2% Milk KA1204 0 62229 01204 2 4 4L EA K C 11 Days R $5.70 $22.80 1% Milk KA1004 0 62229 01004 8 4 4L EA K C 11 Days R $5.70 $22.80 Skim Milk KA1304 0 62229 01304 9 4 4L EA K C 11 Days R $5.70 $22.80 Chocolate Milk KA1404 0 62229 01404 6 4 4L EA K C 11 Days R $6.28 $25.12 Cow's Cream 35% KA2350 0 62229 02347 5 28 500mL EA K C 11 Days R $3.58 $100.24 10% KA2150 0 62229 02150 1 28 500mL EA K C 11 Days R $1.86 $52.08 5% KA2001 0 62229 02001 6 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $3.45 $55.20 10% KA2101K 0 62229 02101 3 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $3.44 $55.04 18% KA2201 0 62229 02201 0 16 1L EA K C 11 Days R $4.45 $71.20 Salted Bu�er KA6301 0 58657 61272 5 25 454g EA K C 11 Days R $5.66 $141.50

73 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] NUTRINOR

Nutrinor Nutrinor milk is more than milk: it’s a mission! That of joining our forces with those of the earth to sustainably increase our collec�ve wealth. You can track the produc�on of our milk from the farm to the table!

Organic Milk Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 3.8% Milk NC3313 0 65244 13313 6 12 1L EA O C 11 Days R $3.01 $36.12 2% Milk NC3312 0 65244 13312 9 12 1L EA O C 11 Days R $2.85 $34.20 1% Milk NC3311 0 65244 13311 2 12 1L EA O C 11 Days R $2.85 $34.20 3.8% Milk NC3323 0 65244 13323 5 6 2L EA O C 11 Days R $5.57 $33.42 2% Milk NC3322 0 65244 13322 8 6 2L EA O C 11 Days R $5.29 $31.74 1% Milk NC3321 0 65244 13321 1 6 2L EA O C 11 Days R $5.09 $30.54 3.8% Nordic Fermented Milk NC5175 0 65244 13517 8 21 473mL EA O K C 18 Days R $2.69 $54.60 Organic Cream 10% Coffee Cream NC3510 0 65244 13510 9 21 473mL EA O C 11 Days R $3.05 $64.05 35% Whipping Cream NC3535 0 65244 13535 2 21 473mL EA O C 11 Days R $5.09 $106.89 ORGANIC MEADOW, DAIRY

Since 1989, Organic Meadow has been trusted by Canadian families to provide high- Organic Meadow quality organic dairy foods that taste true to nature. We cra� our full line of organic dairy products without compromise using the same care as our farmer founders. @organicmeadow Our products are minimally processed, made using tradi�onal methods, and include only purposeful ingredients to ensure the highest quality product. @organicmeadow

Organic Milk Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 3.8% Milk OM4223 0 62325 11114 4 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.35 $40.20 2.% Milk OM4233 0 62325 11111 3 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.02 $36.24 1.% Milk OM4243 0 62325 11112 0 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.02 $36.24 0.1% Skim Milk OM4253 0 62325 11116 8 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $2.99 $35.88 2% Chocolate Milk OM4321 0 62325 10020 9 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.51 $42.12 3.8% Milk OM4302 0 62325 21113 4 6 2L EA O K C 11 Days R $6.38 $38.28 2% Milk OM4306 0 62325 21111 0 6 2L EA O K C 11 Days R $5.74 $34.44 1% Milk OM4312 0 62325 21112 7 6 2L EA O K C 11 Days R $5.74 $34.44 0.1% Skim Milk OM4316 0 62325 21116 5 6 2L EA O K C 11 Days R $5.74 $34.44 3.8% Milk OM4221 0 62325 41113 8 3 4L EA O K C 11 Days R $10.98 $32.94 2% Milk OM4231 0 62325 41111 4 3 4L EA O K C 11 Days R $9.69 $29.07 1% Milk OM4241 0 62325 41112 1 3 4L EA O K C 11 Days R $9.69 $29.07 0.1% Skim Milk OM4251 0 62325 41116 9 3 4L EA O K C 11 Days R $9.69 $29.07 Organic Milk (Glass Bo�le) 3.8% Milk OM4523 0 62325 19463 5 12 946mL EA O K C 11 Days R $2.95 $35.36 2% Milk OM4533 0 62325 19462 8 12 946mL EA O K C 11 Days R $2.70 $32.36 1% Milk OM4543 0 62325 19461 1 12 946mL EA O K C 11 Days R $2.70 $32.36 0.1% Skim Milk OM4553 0 62325 19466 6 12 946mL EA O K C 11 Days R $2.70 $32.36 2% Chocolate Milk OM4563 0 62325 19465 9 12 946mL EA O K C 11 Days R $3.76 $45.11 *Please Note: There is alsoa $2deposit per bo�le anda$12 deposit per plasticcrate*

74 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Lactose Free Organic Milk Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 2% Lactose Free Milk OM4501 0 62325 12111 2 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $3.42 $41.04 2% Lactose Free Milk OM4502 0 62325 22111 9 6 2L EA O K C 11 Days R $6.84 $41.04 Organic UHT Milk 2% Milk OM4213 0 62325 35011 6 8 3x250ml CS O K C 30 Days D $4.26 $34.10 2% Chocolate Milk OM4212 0 62325 35020 8 8 3x250ml CS O K C 30 Days D $4.26 $34.10 Organic Year Round Grass Fed Milk PET 2% Partly Skim OM4601 0 62325 18020 1 8 1L EA O K N C 11 Days R $3.56 $28.48 PET 3.8% Whole Milk OM4602 0 62325 18038 6 8 1L EA O K N C 11 Days R $3.89 $31.12 PET 2% Chocolate Partly Skim Milk OM4603 0 62325 18022 5 8 1L EA O K N C 11 Days R $3.87 $30.96 Organic Smoothies Field Berry OM4672 0 62325 70001 0 6 1L EA O K N C 11 Days R $4.43 $26.25 Mango Peach OM4671 0 62325 70002 7 6 1L EA O K N C 11 Days R $4.43 $26.25 Strawberry Carrot Beet OM4670 0 62325 70003 4 6 1L EA O K N C 11 Days R $4.43 $26.25 Organic Cream 10% Cream OM4201 0 62325 11113 7 8 500mL EA O K C 11 Days R $3.08 $24.64 35% Whipping Cream OM4203 0 62325 50035 1 8 500mL EA O K C 11 Days R $5.18 $41.44 10% Cream OM4204 0 62325 11110 6 12 1L EA O K C 11 Days R $4.24 $50.88 Organic Kefir 1% Plain Kefir OM4361 0 62325 75014 5 6 1L EA O K C 18 Days R $3.73 $24.91 1% Blueberry Kefir OM4363 0 62325 75012 1 6 1L EA O K C 18 Days R $4.17 $24.91 1% Strawberry Kefir OM4364 0 62325 75011 4 6 1L EA O K C 18 Days R $4.17 $25.02 1% Vanilla Bean Kefir OM4365 0 62325 75015 2 6 1L EA O K C 18 Days R $4.17 $24.91 Organic Greek Yogurt 0.1% NF Greek OM4389 0 62325 50000 9 6 500g EA O K C 18 Days R $4.64 $27.84 2% Plain Greek OM4390 0 62325 50001 6 6 500g EA O K C 18 Days R $4.64 $27.84 4% Plain Greek OM0405 0 62325 50040 5 6 450g EA O K GF N C 18 Days R $4.64 $27.84 Organic Cultured Products 0.1% Plain Yogurt OM4371 0 62325 75000 8 6 750g EA O K C 18 Days R $4.34 $26.04 2% Plain Yogurt OM4372 0 62325 75020 6 6 750g EA O K C 18 Days R $4.34 $26.04 3.8% Plain Yogurt OM4373 0 62325 50715 2 6 750g EA O K C 18 Days R $4.34 $26.04 2% Lactose Free Plain Yogurt OM0220 0 62325 75022 0 6 650g EA O K GF N C 18 Days R $4.34 $26.04 6% Plain Yogurt OM0602 0 62325 75060 2 6 650g EA O K GF N C 18 Days R $4.34 $26.04 2% Co�age Cheese OM4387 0 62325 50002 3 6 500g EA O K C 18 Days R $5.59 $33.54 5.5% Light Sour Cream OM4381 0 62325 50100 6 6 500mL EA O K C 18 Days R $4.44 $26.64 14% Regular Sour Cream OM4382 0 62325 50200 3 6 500mL EA O K C 18 Days R $4.44 $26.64 Organic Bu�er Unsalted Cultured Bu�er OM4131 0 62325 01111 6 15 454g EA O K C 30 Days R $9.78 $146.70 Salted Bu�er OM4132 0 62325 01116 1 15 454g EA O K C 30 Days R $9.78 $146.70 Grass Fed 84% Lightly Salted OM4152 0 62325 08400 4 25 250g EA O K C 30 Days F $7.40 $185.00 Organic Ice Cream Vanilla OM4114 0 62325 61008 1 6 946mL CS O K C 30 Days F $6.20 $37.17 Strawberry OM4115 0 62325 61006 7 6 946mL CS O K C 30 Days F $6.20 $37.17 Chocolate OM4116 0 62325 61007 4 6 946mL CS O K C 30 Days F $6.20 $37.17

75 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] PINEHEDGE FARMS

Taste the organic difference.

Original Kefir Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Organic Light Kefir PF0093 7 77193 00009 3 12 1K EA O GF N C 18 Days R $4.59 $55.13 Organic Kefir PF0055 7 77193 00005 5 12 1K EA O GF N C 18 Days R $4.59 $55.13 Low Fat Kefir PF0901 7 77193 00090 1 12 500g EA GF N C 18 Days R $2.30 $27.56 Original Kefir PF0086 7 77193 00008 6 12 500g EA GF N C 18 Days R $2.30 $27.56 Yogurt 1K Organic Yogurt PF0017 7 77193 00001 7 12 1K EA O GF N C 21 Days R $4.27 $51.28 Yogurt PF0079 7 77193 00007 9 12 500g EA C 18 Days R $2.19 $26.28 Sour Cream Original Sour Cream PF0109 7 77193 00010 9 6 500g EA O GF N C 18 Days R $4.59 $27.56

76 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] RIVIERA, DAIRY

Maison Riviera A�en�ve to the needs of Canadians for more than four genera�ons, Maison Riviera is a transforma�ve leader in the dairy industry. Founded in 1920 in Sorel-Tracy, Québec, Riviera is an interna�onal award-winning brand that includes yogurts, @maison_riviera cultured products, fine cheeses and cheddars, milk and creams and plant-based product line.

Pe�t Pots Set Style Mul�pack Yogurt Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Set Style Vanilla RI5500 0 64912 08550 0 6 4x120g EA O K N C 15 Days R $3.94 $23.64 Set Style Strawberry RI5517 0 64912 08551 7 6 4x120g EA O K N C 15 Days R $3.94 $23.64 Set Style Lemon RI5524 0 64912 08552 4 6 4x120g EA O K N C 15 Days R $3.94 $23.64 Set Style Coconut RI5531 0 64912 08553 1 6 4x120g EA K N C 15 Days R $3.94 $23.64 Set Style Plain RI5555 0 64912 08555 5 6 4x120g EA O K N C 15 Days R $3.94 $23.64 Pe�t Pots Organic Mul�pack Yogurt Organic Coconut RI9621 0 64912 08962 1 6 4x120g EA O C 16 Days R $4.26 $25.56 Organic Apricot RI5647 0 64912 08564 7 6 4x120g EA O C 15 Days R $4.26 $25.56 Organic Black Currant RI5666 0 64912 08566 1 6 4x120g EA O C 15 Days R $4.26 $25.56 Organic Cherry RI9584 0 64912 08958 4 6 4x120g EA O C 15 Days R $4.26 $25.56 Pe�t Pots Goat Milk Mul�pack Yogurt Vanilla RI5708 0 64912 08570 8 6 4x120g EA C 15 Days R $4.26 $25.56 Strawberry RI5715 0 64912 08571 5 6 4x120g EA C 15 Days R $4.26 $25.56 Cherry RI5777 0 64912 08577 7 6 4x120g EA C 15 Days R $4.26 $25.56 Cultured Bu�er Cultured Bu�er with Sea salt RI1007 0 64912 08100 7 6 125g EA C 37 Days R $4.12 $27.43 Cultured Bu�er Unsalted RI1014 0 64912 08101 4 6 125g EA C 37 Days R $4.12 $27.43 Cultured Goat Bu�er RI1021 0 64912 08102 1 6 125g EA C 37 Days R $4.12 $27.43 Cultured 2x120m Crème Fresh RI5807 0 64912 08580 7 6 L EA C 15 Days R $3.78 $22.68 2x120m Sour Cream RI5814 0 64912 08581 4 6 L EA C 15 Days R $2.67 $16.02 Goat Milk Yogurt Plain RI5746 0 64912 08574 6 6 500g EA C 15 Days R $4.26 $25.56 Vanilla RI5753 0 64912 08575 3 6 500g EA C 15 Days R $4.26 $25.56 Yogurt 750g Strawberry RI5425 0 64912 08542 5 6 750g EA C 15 Days R $3.37 $20.22 Coffee RI5432 0 64912 08543 2 6 750g EA C 15 Days R $3.37 $20.22 Lemon RI5463 0 64912 08546 3 6 750g EA C 15 Days R $3.37 $20.22 GMO-Free Set Style Vanilla RI5449 0 64912 08544 9 6 750g EA N C 15 Days R $3.37 $20.22 GMO-Free Set Style Plain RI5456 0 64912 08545 6 6 750g EA N C 15 Days R $3.37 $20.22 GMO-Free Set Style 0% Plain MF RI5487 0 64912 08548 7 6 750g EA N C 15 Days R $3.37 $20.22 Greek Yogurt 2% MF Organic Plain No Sugar Added 2% MF RI7139 0 64912 08713 9 6 650g EA O C 15 Days R $5.35 $32.10 Organic Vanilla Less Sugar 2% MF RI7146 0 64912 08714 6 6 650g EA O C 15 Days R $5.35 $32.10 Plain No Sugar Added 2% MF RI7153 0 64912 08715 3 6 750g EA C 15 Days R $5.19 $31.14 Vanilla Less Sugar Added 2% MF RI7160 0 64912 08716 0 6 750g EA C 15 Days R $5.19 $31.14 Greek Yogurt 0% MF Raspberry Less Sugar 0% MF RI6088 0 64912 08608 8 6 750g EA C 15 Days R $5.19 $31.14 Vanilla Less Sugar 0% MF RI7054 0 64912 08705 4 6 750g EA C 15 Days R $5.19 $31.14 Plain No Sugar Added 0% MF RI7061 0 64912 08706 1 6 750g EA 15 Days R $5.19 $31.14

77 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Goat Milk Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 1% Goat Milk RI5067 0 64912 08506 7 6 1L EA 10 Days R $3.51 $21.06 2% Goat Milk RI5074 0 64912 08507 4 6 1L EA 10 Days R $3.51 $21.06 3.25% Goat Milk RI5081 0 64912 08508 1 6 1L EA 10 Days R $3.51 $21.06 Versailles Set Style Mint Raspberry RI9638 0 64912 08963 8 6 4x120g EA N C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Set Style Lemon Ginger RI9645 0 64912 08964 5 6 4x120g EA N C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Rosemary Grapefruit RI9652 0 64912 08965 2 6 4x120g EA N C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Cardamom Mango RI9669 0 64912 08966 9 6 4x120g EA N C 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Oat Milk Vegan Delight Yogurt Peach RI7375 064912087375 6 500g EA V 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Strawberry RI7382 064912087382 6 500g EA V 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Vanilla RI7368 0 64912 08736 8 6 650g EA V 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Plain RI7405 0 64912 08740 5 6 650g EA V 15 Days R $4.34 $26.04 Miscellaneous Pe�t Pot Lids* RI0004 0 64912 80000 4 1 4x120g EA 90 Days D $0.90 $0.90


Rolling Meadow Dairy At Rolling Meadow Dairy, we believe Grass Fed Ma�ers™. That’s why we’re proud to offer Canada’s leading por�olio of grass-fed dairy products, including milk, yogurt, @rollingmeadowdairy Greek yogurt, kefir, sour cream & bu�er, all proudly made with 100% Canadian Milk. @rollingmeadowd

Grass Fed Milk Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 3.8% Milk RO0383 0 62325 80038 3 6 2L EA K C 11 days R $5.42 $32.52 2% Milk RO1514 8 38143 00151 2 6 2L EA K C 11 days R $5.11 $30.66 1% Milk RO1529 8 38143 00152 9 6 2L EA K C 11 days R $5.11 $30.66 3.8% Milk RO1380 0 62325 80138 0 3 4L EA K C 11 days R $9.12 $27.36 2% Milk RO1598 8 38143 00159 8 3 4L EA K C 11 days R $8.65 $25.95 Grass Fed Cultured Product 2% Plain Yogurt RO1903 8 38143 00190 1 6 500g EA K C 18 Days R $2.95 $17.70 3.25% Plain Yogurt RO1934 8 38143 00193 2 6 500g EA K C 18 Days R $2.95 $17.70 0% Plain Greek Yogurt RO1956 8 38143 00195 6 6 500g EA K C 18 Days R $4.50 $27.00 2% Plain Greek Yogurt RO1949 8 38143 00194 9 6 500g EA K C 18 Days R $4.50 $27.00 14% Sour Cream RO1734 8 38143 00173 4 6 500g EA K C 18 Days R $3.76 $22.56 2% Plain Kefir RO1703 8 38143 00170 3 6 1L EA K C 18 Days R $3.88 $23.28 Grass Fed Bu�er Unsalted Bu�er RO1804 8 38143 00180 4 25 250g EA K C 21 Days R $4.37 $109.25 Salted Bu�er RO1811 8 38143 00181 1 25 250g EA K C 21 Days R $4.37 $109.25 Kiwi Pure Unsalted Bu�er (New Zealand) RO1826 8 38143 00182 6 25 250g EA K 21 Days R $8.63 $215.75 Cream Just Cream RO0109 0 62325 80010 9 8 473mL EA C 15 Days R $2.93 $23.44 Sweet Cream RO0116 0 62325 80011 6 8 473mL EA C 15 days R $2.93 $23.44

78 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


Our milk is simply delicious. At Sealtest, we use only the freshest ingredients in all our products and have done so for genera�ons.

Conven�onal Bu�er Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Unsalted Cultured Bu�er SE2895 0 55872 28186 6 25 454g EA C 30 Days R $6.36 $159.00 SHEPHERD GOURMET DAIRY

At Shepherd Gourmet Dairy, Inc., we make Feta cheese from both sheep and goat milk, and both are equally delicious. We also make a goat and cow milk blend for those who prefer a milder flavour. Finally, we make bulk crumbled cow milk Feta cheese for bakeries and food processors. Whichever Feta cheese you choose, you’re sure to enjoy its fresh, tangy taste.

High Protein, Low Fat, Icelandic Style Yogurt Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Skyr Vanilla SK255007 8 27925 25500 7 6 500g EA K C 15 Days R $3.53 $21.18 Skyr Plain SK275005 8 27925 27500 5 6 500g EA K C 15 Days R $3.53 $21.18 Skyr Blueberry SK0000 8 27925 27000 0 6 500g EA K GF C 15 Days R $3.53 $21.18 Sheep Milk Yogurt Vanilla Yogurt SK5008 8 27925 24500 8 6 500g EA K GF C 18 Days R $3.56 $21.36 Plain Yogurt SK5009 8 27925 23500 9 6 500g EA K GF C 18 Days R $3.56 $21.36 Blueberry Yogurt SK0004 8 27925 23000 4 6 500g EA K GF C 18 Days R $3.56 $21.36 Greek Style Feta Crumbled Cow SK3703 8 27925 28370 3 12 370g EA GF C 18 Days R $4.73 $56.76 Cow & Goat Milk SK2002 8 27925 29200 2 12 200g EA GF C 18 Days R $4.70 $56.40 Tradi�onal Cow SK2008 8 27925 30200 8 12 200g EA GF C 18 Days R $2.75 $33.00 Rico�a Sheep Rico�a SK5000 8 27925 22500 0 6 500g EA K GF C 10 Days R $5.33 $31.98 SIGGI’S

Origina�ng in 2004, Siggi’s dairy is commi�ed to making delicious yogurt with simple ingredients and not a lot of sugar™. @siggisdairy

Siggi’s uses an age-old tradi�onal Icelandic recipe while being cra�ed with 100% Canadian milk.

Icelandic Skyr Yogurt Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Plain 0% SG5507 0 68200 32550 7 6 500g EA K C 11 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Vanilla 0% SG5514 0 68200 32551 4 6 500g EA K C 11 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Strawberry 2% SG5521 0 68200 32552 1 6 500g EA K C 11 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Black Cherry 2% SG5545 0 68200 32554 5 6 500g EA K C 11 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Vanilla SG5214 0 68200 32521 7 4 4x110g EA C 15 Days R $4.23 $16.90 Strawberry SG5207 0 68200 32520 0 4 4x110g EA C 15 Days R $4.23 $16.90 Coconut SG5221 0 68200 32522 4 4 4x110g EA C 15 Days R $4.23 $16.90

80 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] STIRLING CREAMERY

Gay Lea Foods Gay Lea Foods is a leading Canadian co-opera�ve. Dedicated to innova�on, the development of high quality products and growing the market for Canadian milk, we are 100% Canadian-owned, with members on 1,400 dairy farms in Ontario and @gayleafoodscoop Manitoba, with over thirteen trusted brands including Hewi�’s, Western Creamery, S�rling Creamery and others. @gayleafoodscoop

Premium Bu�er Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Premium Salted SC1201 0 62415 51201 1 25 454g EA K C 30 Days R $6.03 $150.75 Salted SC1202 0 62415 51202 8 18 250g EA C 30 Days R $3.71 $66.78 Premium Unsalted SC1203 0 62415 51203 5 25 454g EA K C 30 Days R $6.03 $150.75 Whey SC1205 0 62415 51205 9 25 454g EA K C 30 Days R $6.24 $156.00 Churn 84 Bu�er Organic European Style Unsalted SC1293 0 62415 51293 6 18 250g EA O K C 30 Days R $5.55 $99.90 Organic European Style Salted SC1294 0 62415 51294 3 18 250g EA O K C 30 Days R $5.55 $99.90 Farmhouse European Style SC1295 0 62415 51295 0 18 250g EA C 30 Days R $5.28 $95.04 European Style Unsalted SC1298 0 62415 51298 1 18 250g EA K C 30 Days R $5.28 $95.04 European Style Salted SC1299 0 62415 51299 8 18 250g EA K C 30 Days R $5.28 $95.04


Stonyfield Origina�ng in 1983, Stonyfield Organic is working for health food, healthy people and a healthy planet. @stonyfield Products are organic cer�fied and non-GMO, made with 100% Canadian organic milk. And because it’s Stonyfield, it tastes delicious too!

Kids Drinkable Yogurt Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Strawberry ST2508 0 68200 16250 8 4 6x93ml EA O C 15 Days R $3.94 $15.76 Very Berry ST2515 0 68200 16251 5 4 6x93ml EA O C 15 Days R $3.94 $15.76 Strawberry Banana ST2522 0 68200 16252 2 4 6x93ml EA O C 15 Days R $3.94 $15.76


High quality European Styled deli product for you and yours!

Natural Cream Cheese (2kg) Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 24% Deli Cream Cheese VA224 6 28110 01406 1 1 2kg EA C 14 Days R $24.28 $24.28 18% Deli Cream Cheese Lite VA225 N/A 1 2kg EA C 14 Days R $24.28 $24.28 Natural Cream Cheese (10kg) 24% Deli Cream Cheese VA226 N/A 1 10kg EA C 14 Days R $101.42 $101.42 18% Deli Cream Cheese Lite VA227 N/A 1 10kg EA C 14 Days R $101.42 $101.42 81 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] WESTERN CREAMERY

Gay Lea Foods Gay Lea Foods is a leading Canadian co-opera�ve. Dedicated to innova�on, the development of high quality products and growing the market for Canadian milk, we are 100% Canadian-owned, with members on 1,400 dairy farms in Ontario and @gayleafoodscoop Manitoba, with over thirteen trusted brands including Hewi�’s, Western Creamery, S�rling Creamery and others. @gayleafoodscoop

Sour Cream Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 14% Sour Cream WC0149 0 61641 00014 9 6 500mL EA K C 13 Days R $2.86 $17.15 5.5% Light Sour Cream WC0070 0 61641 01007 0 6 500mL EA K C 13 Days R $2.86 $17.15 14% Sour Cream WC0407 0 61641 01040 7 1 10L EA K C 13 Days R $67.59 $67.59 Cream Cheese 24% Cream Cheese WC0064 0 61641 00006 4 6 250g EA K C 9 Days R $3.85 $23.11 24% Cream Cheese WC5105 0 61641 01510 5 1 10kg EA K C 9 Days R $125.87 $125.87 24% Cream Cheese WC5204 0 61641 01520 4 4 2kg EA K C 9 Days R $25.09 $100.38 24% Green Onion WC0361 0 61641 00036 1 6 250g EA K C 9 Days R $3.77 $22.61 15% Bakers Cream Cheese WC5365 0 61641 01536 5 10 1kg EA K C 10 Days R $130.00 $130.00 15% Light Cream Cheese WC5372 0 61641 01537 2 1 10K EA K C 10 Days R $125.87 $125.87 15% Bakers Cream Cheese WC5457 0 61641 01545 7 10 1kg EA K C 10 Days R $13.00 $122.07 15% Light Cream Cheese WC5501 0 61641 01550 1 6 250g EA K C 10 Days R $3.80 $22.79 15% Light Cream Cheese WC5518 0 61641 01551 8 4 2kg EA K C 9 Days R $25.19 $100.76 24% Green Onion WC5594 0 61641 01559 4 4 2kg EA K C 9 Days R $27.00 $108.00 Yogurt Fat Free WC0161 0 61641 02016 1 6 750g EA K C 10 Days R $2.73 $16.38 1.10% WC0178 0 61641 02017 8 6 750g EA K C 10 Days R $2.72 $15.91 2% WC0185 0 61641 02018 5 6 750g EA K C 10 Days R $2.76 $16.56 3.20% WC0192 0 61641 02019 2 6 750g EA K C 10 Days R $2.75 $16.48 2% WC0284 0 61641 02028 4 1 15kg EA K C 10 Days R $56.40 $56.40 Co�age Cheese 10% Pressed WC5249 0 61641 04524 9 10 1kg EA K C 10 Days R $13.51 $135.11 10% Dry WC5300 0 61641 04530 0 6 250g EA K C 10 Days R $4.35 $26.07 4% Baker's Special WC5553 0 61641 04555 3 10 1kg EA K C 10 Days R $12.83 $128.33 0.8% Dry WC0160 0 61641 10016 0 6 500g EA K C 10 Days R $6.08 $36.45 Low Salt Dry WC0115 0 61641 10011 5 6 500g EA K C 10 Days R $6.05 $36.33

82 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] DESSERTS ALLFREE

These school safe ALLfree® brownie bites are prepared without any added ALLfree preserva�ves. They are packed in retail-ready twin packs which preserves freshness and provides the perfect decadence on-the-go. You can snack easy knowing that @allfreebakery these tasty brownie bites are free from peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, egg, soy, sesame, wheat, fish and shellfish! Available in 4 flavours; Double Chocolate Chip, Sea Salt Caramel, S’mores or Espresso Caramel.

Allergen Free Brownie Bites Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Double Chocolate OD0007 6 98433 10001 7 6 5X485g CS K V N C 90 Days F $4.10 $24.62 Sea Salt Caramel OD0045 6 98433 10005 5 6 5X485g CS K V N C 90 Days F $4.10 $24.62 S'Mores OD0069 6 98433 10009 3 6 5X485g CS K V N C 90 Days F $4.10 $24.62 Espresso Caramel Chocolate OD0083 6 98433 10013 0 6 5X485g CS K V N C 90 Days F $4.10 $24.62 EVERREAL What if we could create natural and minimally processed products that didn’t compromise on flavour? It would require extra effort – like sourcing only fresh, whole ingredients and locking in nutrients with flash freezing – but the payoff would Everreal be worth it. Real Sips, a licensed NHP, infuse your water with real-an�oxidant goodness. Real Pops are cer�fied organic, low sugar ice pops that are made with only the freshest ingredients.

Real Pops, mul�packs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Hibiscus Lemonade* RP8011 6 28176 42801 7 10 3x72mL CS O C 90 Days F $5.21 $52.05 Lemon Ginger Turmeric* RP8028 6 28176 42802 4 10 3x72mL CS O C 90 Days F $5.21 $52.05 Dark Chocolate* RP8035 6 28176 42803 1 10 3x72mL CS O C 90 Days F $5.21 $52.05 Orange N Cream* RP8042 6 28176 42804 8 10 3x72mL CS O C 90 Days F $5.21 $52.05 Strawberry Basil* RP8059 6 28176 42805 5 10 3x72mL CS O C 90 Days F $5.21 $52.05 Iced Coffee* RP8066 6 28176 42806 2 10 3x72mL CS O C 90 Days F $5.21 $52.05 Real Pops, singles Lemon Ginger Turmeric* RP4733 6 27843 95473 6 6 75mL CS O C 90 Days F $2.57 $15.43 Orange N Cream* RP4740 6 27843 95474 3 6 75mL CS O C 90 Days F $2.57 $15.43 Dark Chocolate* RP4757 6 27843 95475 0 6 75mL CS O C 90 Days F $2.57 $15.43 Strawberry Basil* RP4764 6 27843 95476 7 6 75mL CS O C 90 Days F $2.57 $15.43 Ice Coffee* RP4771 6 27843 95477 4 6 75mL CS O C 90 Days F $2.57 $15.43 Hibiscus* RP4726 6 27843 95472 9 6 75mL CS O C 90 Days F $2.57 $15.43 Real Sips, NHP an�oxidant & hydra�on mix Lemon Ginger Turmeric RP8219 6 28176 42821 5 10 5x21mL CS C 90 Days F $4.95 $49.48 Wild Blueberry Mint Green Tea RP8226 6 28176 42822 2 10 5x24mL CS C 90 Days F $4.95 $49.48

83 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] MAPLETON’S ORGANIC

Mapleton's Organic Dairy is a family owned and operated farm located in Mapleton’s Organic picturesque Wellington County, Ontario approximately 40 minutes northwest of Guelph. @mapletonsorganic Visitors are welcome at the farm to see the cows in the Main Dairy Barn, as well as a variety of other animals.

Organic Ice Cream Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal French Vanilla MA10003 6 84923 01000 3 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 Vanilla Chocolate Chip MA12007 6 84923 01200 7 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 Chocolate MA20002 6 84923 02000 2 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 Cappuccino MA30008 6 84923 03000 8 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 Raspberry MA40002 6 84923 04000 2 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 Ginger MA70007 6 84923 07000 7 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 Chai MA85001 6 84923 08500 1 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 Chip MA71145 6 84923 17114 8 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 Organic Frozen Yogurt Vanilla MA10000 6 84923 11000 0 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 Strawberry MA50006 6 84923 15000 6 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 Lemon MA60005 6 84923 16000 5 8 473mL CS O C 30 Days F $5.12 $40.99 NICE CREAM

Chimp Treats Nicecream is the world's first and only frozen dessert made en�rely from fruit, with nothing else added! Each pint of Nicecream is made from fresh, sweet fruits, whipped and frozen to perfec�on. With only one or two ingredients, Nicecream is @chimptreats naturally low-calorie (50-60 cal/serve) and fat free, with no added sugar, so you can enjoy it by the pint, and feel great about the healthy choice you're making! @chimptreats

Non-Dairy Fruit Based Frozen Dessert Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Banana* CT3006 6 28055 91300 9 8 473mL CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $4.99 $39.93 Mango Banana* CT3037 6 28055 91303 0 8 473mL CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $4.99 $39.93 Strawberry Banana* CT3068 6 28055 91306 1 8 473mL CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $4.99 $39.93 PICCOLA CUCINA

Piccola Cucina is the premier manufacturer of gourmet, handcra�ed, almond based Piccola Cucina crea�ons influenced by and made with tradi�onal Italian recipes by a dynamic mother and daughter duo. These ar�san products use premium almonds as the first ingredient, sourced from a third-genera�on family farm in California. They are made @piccolacucinainc with the utmost care and a�en�on; handmade and manufactured in a dedicated gluten free, Kosher cer�fied facility in Winnipeg. @piccolacucina

Gourmet Italian Macaroons Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Amare� PC1122 8 73578 00112 6 8 136g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $6.35 $50.81 Limone� PC4123 8 73578 00412 7 8 136g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $6.35 $50.81 Walnu� PC6127 8 73578 00612 1 8 136g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $6.35 $50.81 Pistachiore� PC3126 8 73578 00312 0 8 136g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $6.35 $50.81 Gourmet Pie Shells Sweetened Almond Pie Shells PC0126 8 73578 00012 9 6 280g CS K GF N C 90 Days F $9.60 $57.60 Unsweetened Almond Pie Shells PC0225 8 73578 00022 8 6 280g CS K GF N C 90 Days F $9.60 $57.60 Gourmet Flour Almond Flour PC0904 8 73578 00090 7 6 454g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $13.00 $78.00 84 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SNÖ VEGAN

SNÖ Vegan SNÖ is the perfect vegan frozen treat made from soy and organic ingredients. Without allergen, it is the perfect compromise for dessert and nature lovers. SNÖ delight is made with soy. @vegansno

So you can taste it or serve it to all your guests without any worries!

Vegan Frozen Dessert Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Grandma Style Cookie Dough* SN7072 6 28504 24708 2 8 500mL CS V C 90 Days F $4.67 $37.33 Vanilla Explosion* SN7089 6 28504 24709 9 8 500mL CS V C 90 Days F $4.67 $37.33 Chocolate Fudge & Brownies* SN7096 6 28504 24710 5 8 500mL CS V C 90 Days F $4.67 $37.33 Dulce 'De La Lichee' Caramel* SN7102 6 28504 24711 2 8 500mL CS V C 90 Days F $4.67 $37.33 Vanilla, Raspberries & White Chocolate Chunks* SN7119 6 28504 24712 9 8 500mL CS V C 90 Days F $4.67 $37.33 Vegan Frozen Dessert Sandwiches Frenzy Chocolate* SN7027 6 28504 24715 0 12 3x100mL CS C 90 Days F $4.67 $56.00 Vanilla Explosion* SN7034 6 28504 24716 7 12 3x100mL CS C 90 Days F $4.67 $56.00

85 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SWEETS FROM THE EARTH

Sweets from the Earth Sweets from the Earth was founded in 2002 with a passion for crea�ng all-natural vegan baked goods. As a family-owned bakery, our products are handmade in batches using only the finest, 100% plant-based ingredients. We offer a sinfully @SFTEbakery delicious assortment of cakes, cookies, muffins, bars and squares - all ethically cra�ed without the use of refined sugars or ar�ficial colours or flavours. @SFTEbakery

Cookie Boxes Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Flourless Cashew Cookie Box SW1112 8 55144 00111 2 8 300g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $7.13 $57.03 Box SW1075 8 55144 00107 5 8 300g CS K V C 30 Days F $5.13 $41.03 Double Chocolate Cookie Box SW1129 8 55144 00112 9 8 300g CS K V C 30 Days F $5.13 $41.03 Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Box SW1136 8 55144 00113 6 8 300g CS K V C 30 Days F $5.13 $41.03 Oatmeal Coconut Cookie Box SW1976 8 55144 00197 6 8 300g CS K V C 30 Days F $5.13 $41.03 Peanut Bu�er Cookie Box SW1969 8 55144 00196 9 8 300g CS K V C 30 Days F $5.13 $41.03 Cupcakes Nut-Free (4pk) Assorted Cupcakes* SW1303 8 55144 00130 3 8 320g CS K V C 21 Days F $8.31 $66.49 Black & White Cupcakes* SW1914 8 55144 00191 4 8 320g CS K V C 21 Days F $8.31 $66.49 Cakes Blueberry Cheesecake Dairy Free SW1081 8 55144 00108 1 4 800g CS K V C 21 Days F $10.77 $43.08 Gluten-Free SW1235 8 55144 00123 5 4 700g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $10.77 $43.08 Espresso Cheesecake Gluten-Free, Dairy Free SW1327 8 55144 00132 7 4 800g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $10.77 $43.08 Chocolate SW1020 8 55144 00102 0 4 700g CS K V C 21 Days F $9.74 $38.97 Spiced Carrot Cake SW1044 8 55144 00104 4 4 700g CS K V C 21 Days F $9.74 $38.97 Chocolate Cheesecake Dairy Free SW1198 8 55144 00119 8 4 800g CS K V C 21 Days F $10.77 $43.08 Cookie Dough Gluten Free Peanut Bu�er SW0833 8 34633 00083 6 12 454g CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $5.23 $62.77 Grab & Go Gluten Free Peanut Bu�er Brownie* SW0857 8 34633 00085 0 12 75g CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $2.03 $24.40 Gluten Free Vanilla * SW1342 8 34633 00134 5 12 80g CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $2.03 $24.40 Nut Free Apple Pie Square* SW1942 8 55144 00194 5 12 100g CS K V N C 90 Days F $2.34 $28.09

86 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Grab & Go Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Chocolate Chip Cookie* SW1082 8 55144 00108 2 12 75g CS K V C 21 Days F $1.13 $13.54 Oatmeal Raisin Cookie* SW1099 8 55144 00109 9 12 75g CS K V C 21 Days F $1.13 $13.54 S'mores Cookie* SW1860 8 55144 00186 0 12 75g CS K V C 21 Days F $1.13 $13.54 Chocolate Caramel Pecan Bar Gluten-Free* SW1167 8 55144 00116 7 12 75g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $2.56 $30.77 Walnut Brownie Gluten-Free* SW1211 8 55144 00121 1 12 70g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $1.49 $17.85 Caramel Almond Shortbread Bar Gluten-Free* SW1228 8 55144 00122 8 12 60g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $2.00 $24.00 Hello Dolly Bar Gluten-Free* SW1525 8 55144 00152 5 12 70g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $2.00 $24.00 Coconut Chocolate K's NRG Bar Gluten-Free* SW1662 8 55144 00166 2 12 75g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $2.05 $24.62 Chocolate Almond Bisco� Gluten- Free* SW1761 8 55144 00176 1 12 50g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $1.69 $20.31 Chocolate Chewy Nut Bar Gluten- Free* SW1051 8 55144 00105 1 12 75g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $2.36 $28.31 Double Chocolate Cookie* SW1105 8 55144 00110 5 12 75g CS K V C 21 Days F $1.13 $13.54 Peppermint Nanaimo Bar Gluten- Free* SW1242 8 55144 00124 2 12 80g CS K V GF C 10 Days R $2.00 $24.00 Classic Whoopie Pie SW1785 8 55144 00178 5 12 90g CS K V C 5 Days R $2.00 $24.00 Chocolate Fudge Cake SW1010 8 55144 00101 3 12 100g CS K V N C 21 Days F $2.00 $24.00 Nut Free Spiced Carrot Cake* SW1041 8 55144 00103 7 12 100g CS K V N C 21 Days F $2.00 $24.00 Organic Medjool Date Square* SW1201 8 55144 00120 4 12 100g CS O K V N C 21 Days F $2.36 $28.31 Ul�mate Chocolate Chip Cookie* SW0819 8 34633 00081 2 12 75g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $1.13 $13.54 Cookie Dough Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Nut Free* SW1440 8 55144 00144 0 12 454g CS K V C 21 Days F $5.23 $62.77 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Gluten-Free* SW1471 8 55144 00147 1 12 454g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $5.23 $62.77 Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Nut Free* SW1457 8 55144 00145 7 12 454g CS K V C 21 Days F $5.23 $62.77 Walnut Brownie Ba�er Gluten- Free* SW1495 8 55144 00149 5 12 454g CS K V GF C 21 Days F $5.23 $62.77 Sugar Free Keto Friendly Keto Buns SW1274 8 34633 00127 7 6 320g CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $7.45 $44.71 Blondies SW1281 8 34633 00128 4 6 132g CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $4.84 $29.02 Brownies SW1298 8 34633 00129 1 6 132g CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $4.84 $29.02 Chocolate Chip Cookies SW1304 8 34633 00130 7 6 100g CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $4.84 $29.02 Peanut Bu�er Cookies SW1311 8 34633 00131 4 6 100g CS K V GF N C 90 Days F $4.84 $29.02 SWEET LOREN’S

Sweet Loren's creates all natural cookie dough with a homemade taste and a Sweet Loren’s healthier twist. We strive to be the baking company that cares while passionately inspiring healthy, balanced lifestyles. @sweetlorens We want to make indulgent desserts by using the most natural, whole food ingredients we can find and part of your balanced, healthy lifestyle. @sweetlorens

Cookie Dough Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Chocolate Chunk SL2068 8 50010 27206 1 6 340g CS V GF N 91 Days R/F $6.71 $40.28 Fudgy Brownie SL2075 8 50010 27207 8 6 340g CS V GF N 91 Days R/F $6.71 $40.28

87 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] EGGS ALDERWOOD FARMS, EGGS

Alderwood Farms cares about pu�ng pure, healthy, grass-fed, high-quality, nutri�ous and delicious food on our family tables and yours. @alderwoodfarms We work with local Ontario farmers and manufactures to ensure that you are confident about the food you are feeding your family.

Pasture-Raised Brown Eggs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Large AF1016 8 71261 00101 9 15 Dozen CS C 21 Days R $5.91 $88.61 Extra Large AF1023 8 71261 00102 6 15 Dozen CS C 21 Days R $6.19 $92.88


Burnbrae Farms We’re a fi�h genera�on Canadian family business with a social conscience. @burnbraefarms We strive to lead our industry in the promo�on of healthy living, progressive animal care, community, and environmental sustainability. @burnbraefarms

Burnbrae Conven�onal White Eggs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Large (Carton) BU3670 0 65651 00002 1 15 Dozen CS C 18 Days R $3.28 $49.22 Large (Loose) BU3671 0 65651 00042 7 15 Dozen CS C 18 Days R $2.99 $44.82 Burnbrae Conven�onal Brown Eggs Large (Carton) BU3672 0 65651 00012 0 15 Dozen CS C 18 Days R $3.21 $48.15 Organic Naturegg Large BU00221 0 65651 00221 6 12 Dozen CS O C 18 Days R $6.87 $82.45 Extra Large BU00267 0 65651 00267 4 24 6-pack CS O C 18 Days R $3.61 $86.74 Organic Brown Eggs Jumbo BU00529 0 65651 00529 3 11 Dozen CS O C 18 Days R $6.83 $75.11 Liquid Naturegg Naturegg Free Run Egg Whites BU00526 0 65651 00526 2 12 500g CS C 18 Days R $4.33 $51.98 100 65651 00037 Liquid Whole Egg BU0370 0 12 1L CS C 18 Days R $5.38 $64.61 Hard Boiled Hard Boiled Omega 3 (2pk) BU00383 0 65651 00383 1 18 88g CS C 12 Days R $1.28 $22.98

88 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] GREEN MEADOW SMALL FLOCK

Our Small Flock’s Delight Eggs come from 100-500 hens that roam freely on small family farms in Aylmer Ontario. The hens chose sun or shade (from mobile hen shelters) as they please. The hens receive GMO free feed, consis�ng mostly of oats, barley, and wheat, from farms transi�oning to organic. Brown Eggs from Hens on Green Grass!

Small Flock Eggs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Medium Eggs GM0017 6 29207 11001 7 15 Dozen CS C 18 Days R $5.50 $82.50 Large Eggs GM0024 6 29207 11002 4 15 Dozen CS C 18 Days R $6.42 $96.30 Extra Large Eggs GM0031 6 29207 11003 1 15 Dozen CS C 18 Days R $6.67 $100.00


Green Valley Farms Fuelled by the sun and wind, our farms are powered by 100% clean, green energy sources.

We do this either through our rela�onship with Bullfrog Power, or by use of our own Solar Powered Farm that is 100% off the hydroelectric grid.

Omega 3 Eggs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Medium Eggs GV2666 0 65651 01266 6 15 Dozen CS C 18 Days R $4.42 $66.23 Large Eggs GV4073 0 65651 01407 3 15 Dozen CS C 18 Days R $4.70 $70.51


Nature’s Farm is commi�ed to maintaining the highest standards of healthy, all Nature’s Farm natural free run and organic free range Omega3 Smart Eggs. @naturesfarm In addi�on to being cer�fied organic and non-GMO, we go above and beyond required food regula�ons to a�ain a Cer�fied Humane status and prac�ce regenera�ve agricultural methods. @naturesfarm1

Free Run Omega 3 Eggs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Large Eggs NF00102 7 74910 00102 9 15 Dozen CS C 21 Days R $4.31 $64.59 Large Eggs NF00103 7 74910 00103 6 10 18-Pack CS C 21 Days R $6.42 $64.24 Extra Large Eggs NF00105 7 74910 00105 0 15 Dozen CS C 21 Days R $4.45 $66.71 Organic Omega 3 Medium Organic Eggs NF00143 7 74910 00143 2 10 18-Pack CS O C 21 Days R $7.17 $71.65 Large Organic Eggs NF00150 7 74910 00150 0 15 Dozen CS O C 21 Days R $6.10 $91.45 Large Organic Eggs NF00151 7 7491000151 7 30 6-Pack CS O C 21 Days R $3.04 $91.06

89 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] ROWE FARMS

Rowe Farms At Rowe Farms, our approach to ea�ng is simple. We believe the best approach to healthy ea�ng is to consume sustainably raised, locally grown, minimally processed @rowefarms foods.

Free Run Omega 3 Brown Eggs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Large RF4504 7 70346 00450 4 15 Dozen CS C 18 Days R $5.20 $78.07 Extra Large RF4511 7 70346 00451 1 15 Dozen CS C 18 Days R $5.26 $78.97 Organic Brown Eggs Medium RF0101 7 70346 00351 4 15 Dozen CS O C 18 Days R $6.29 $94.31 Large RF0118 7 70346 00350 7 15 Dozen CS O C 18 Days R $6.55 $98.19


Spring Creek Quail Farms Spring Creek Quail Farms is a 2nd genera�on family run farm specializing in all natural, farm fresh quail eggs and duck eggs. @springcreekquail Our focus on sustainability and stewardship ensures that you have a dependable supply of quail eggs and duck eggs that you can count on for years to come.

Alterna�ve Eggs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Fresh Quail Eggs QF0009 8 83084 20000 5 24 15-Pack CS K GF C 25 Days R $2.34 $56.25 Fresh Quail Eggs QF0408 8 83084 20040 1 12 15-Pack CS K GF C 26 Days R $2.40 $28.75 Fresh Duck Eggs QF0014 8 83084 05000 6 6 6-Pack CS K GF C 25 Days R $3.75 $22.50 Free Run Duck Eggs QF0004 8 83084 90000 4 24 6-Pack CS K GF C 25 Days R $3.33 $80.00

90 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] FERMENTED FOODS BUBBIES FINE FOODS

Bubbies food products are always Preserva�ve Free, OU Kosher Cer�fied, Gluten Bubbies Pickles Free and made with Non-GMO Ingredients!

Our Bread & Bu�er Chips are sweetened with Pure Cane Sugar, and our Beet & @bubbiespickles Prepared Horseradishes are emboldened with Natural Mustard Oil. Bubbies Kosher Dill Pickles, Sauerkraut and Kosher Dill Relish are all Fermented in brine with Naturally Present Cultures to create a taste you must experience to appreciate. @bubbiespickles

Ferments Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Kosher Dill Pickle BF7365 0 38261 95736 8 6 1L CS K V 60 Days R $6.96 $41.77 Bread N Bu�er Pickle BF7501 0 38261 95750 4 6 1L CS K V 60 Days R $7.15 $42.90 Plain Sauerkraut BF7471 0 38261 95747 4 6 750mL CS K V 60 Days R $7.13 $42.80 Prepared Horseradish BF7665 0 38261 95766 5 12 250mL CS K V 60 Days R $3.45 $41.37 Beet Horseradish BF7610 0 38261 95761 0 12 250mL CS K V 60 Days R $3.43 $41.19 Pure Kosher Dill Pickle Relish BF7372 0 38261 95737 5 12 500mL CS K V 60 Days R $4.59 $55.09 Herring Filets BF7122 0 38261 95712 2 12 325g CS K V 60 Days R $7.90 $94.84


Chicago 58 Foods is a proud Canadian Company founded in 1923.

The quality and variety of our products have expanded with the same care and a�en�on to detail.

Convenience and consistency provides our customers with the compe��ve edge needed in today’s changing market place.

Ferments Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Thick Cut Herring (Glass) CH1032 55195001035 12 650g CS C 67 Days R $5.47 $65.60 Wine Fillet Herring (Glass) CH1056 55195001059 12 400g CS C 67 Days R $4.10 $49.20 White Horseradish (Glass) CH1513 55195001516 12 250g CS C 67 Days R $1.67 $20.05 Beet Horseradish (Glass) CH1520 55195001523 12 250g CS C 67 Days R $1.67 $20.05 Kosher Dill Pickles (Glass) CH2015 55195002018 12 1L CS C 67 Days R $3.27 $39.20 Pickled Eggs (Glass) CH2510 55195002513 12 283g CS C 67 Days R $2.83 $34.00

91 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


Green Table Foods

Green Table Foods produces cer�fied organic, fermented prepared foods inspired by @greentablefoods the great cooking tradi�ons of the world. @GreenTableFoods

Fermented Raw Probio�c Products Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Organic Kim-Chi GR0182 1 80071 00018 2 6 500mL CS O V GF N C 60 Days R $7.17 $43.00 Kale Kim-Chi GR0199 1 80071 00019 9 6 500mL CS V GF N C 60 Days R $7.17 $43.00 Living Veggie Pickle GR0267 1 80071 00026 7 6 500mL CS V GF N C 60 Days R $7.17 $43.00 Living Organic Carrots GR0236 1 80071 00023 6 6 500mL CS O V GF N C 60 Days R $7.17 $43.00 Living Salsa GR0250 1 80071 00025 0 6 500mL CS V GF N C 60 Days R $7.17 $43.00 Living Mustard GR0243 1 80071 00024 3 6 500mL CS V GF N C 60 Days R $7.17 $43.00 Living Organic Beets GR0229 1 80071 00022 9 6 500mL CS O V GF N C 60 Days R $7.17 $43.00 Organic Pink Salt Sauerkraut GR0205 1 80071 00020 5 6 500mL CS O V GF N C 60 Days R $6.31 $37.87 Organic Turmeric Kraut GR0301 1 80071 00030 4 6 500ml CS O V C 90 Days R $6.67 $40.00 Organic Beet Kraut GR0318 1 80071 00031 1 6 500ml CS O V C 90 Days R $6.67 $40.00 Living Dill Pickles GR0271 1 80071 00027 4 6 750ml CS C 90 Days R $7.20 $43.18 MIGHTY FINE FOODS, FERMENTED FOODS

Mighty Fine Foods Pickles, Krauts, and Haymaker’s Punch. Mighty brings back heritage snacks and drinks that love your guts! @mightyfinefoods We work �relessly to re-create healthy, delicious, func�onal foods and beverages that have been adored for centuries, and that your whole family will love today.

Raw, Vegan, Gluten Free Pickles Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Classic New York MF1515 6 27843 55151 5 8 1L CS V GF C 30 Days R $7.00 $56.00 Chilli Garlic MF1553 6 27843 55155 3 8 1L CS V GF C 30 Days R $7.00 $56.00 Horseradish MF1560 6 27843 55156 0 8 1L CS V GF C 30 Days R $7.00 $56.00 Snack Size Pickles Classic Sour MF1598 6 27843 55159 1 10 60g CS C 60 Days R $1.58 $15.79 Spicy Sour MF1604 6 27843 55160 7 10 60g CS C 60 Days R $1.58 $15.79 Sauerkraut Garlic Dill MF1522 6 27843 55152 2 12 500mL CS V GF C 30 Days R $5.60 $67.20 Kraut-Chi MF1539 6 27843 55153 9 12 500mL CS V GF C 30 Days R $5.60 $67.20

93 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] PYRAMID FERMENTS

Pyramid Ferments Pyramid Ferments have been crea�ng high quality, unique fermented food & beverages using local ingredients since 2012. @pyramidferments Located in Prince Edward County they believe fermenta�on should not only be healthy but also flavourful and fun to eat. Go with your gut!

Kvass (Glass) Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Beet & Ginger* PY2104 6 28055 26207 7 12 500mL CS V GF C 90 Days R $4.24 $50.93 Turmeric & Black Pepper* PY2111 6 28055 26208 4 12 500mL CS V GF C 90 Days R $4.24 $50.93 Sauerkraut (Glass) Dill & Garlic* PY2128 6 27843 32476 8 12 490mL CS V GF C 90 Days R $6.34 $76.10 Old World* PY2135 6 27843 32481 2 12 490mL CS V GF C 90 Days R $6.34 $76.10 Smoked Garlic & Jalapeño* PY2142 6 27843 32475 1 12 490mL CS V GF C 90 Days R $6.34 $76.10 Harissa* PY2159 6 28055 26205 3 12 490mL CS V GF C 90 Days R $6.34 $76.10 KimChi* PY2173 6 27843 32477 5 12 490mL CS V GF C 90 Days R $6.34 $76.10 Kombucha (Glass) Purple Rain* PY2203 6 27843 32479 9 12 500mL CS V GF C 60 Days R $3.55 $42.62 Raspberry Beret* PY2210 6 28055 26206 0 12 500mL CS V GF C 60 Days R $3.55 $42.62 Green Queen * PY2227 6 27843 32480 5 12 500mL CS V GF C 60 Days R $3.55 $42.62 Gut Shots Dill & Garlic* PY2180 6 28055 26201 5 12 200mL CS 90 Days R $3.88 $46.53 KimChi* PY2197 6 28055 26202 2 12 200mL CS 90 Days R $3.88 $46.53 Scoby (Glass) Kombucha Scoby Kit* PY2234 6 28055 26203 9 12 500mL CS V GF C 90 Days R $12.03 $144.30 Gut Shots Witch's Brew (Apple Cider Vinegar) PY2005 6 28055 26200 8 12 200mL CS C 90 Days R $6.33 $75.96

94 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] FROZEN FOODS BURNBRAE FOODS, FROZEN

Burnbrae Farms We’re a fi�h genera�on Canadian family business with a social conscience. @burnbraefarms We strive to lead our industry in the promo�on of healthy living, progressive animal care, community, and environmental sustainability. @burnbraefarms

Crustless Egg Bakes Quiche Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Sausage, Red Pepper & Onion BU9198 0 65651 01919 1 8 190g CS C 60 Days F $3.05 $24.40 Spinach, Rico�a & Caramelized Onion BU9341 0 65651 01934 4 8 190g CS C 60 Days F $3.05 $24.40 Garden Veggie BU6920 0 65651 01692 3 8 190g CS C 60 Days F $3.05 $24.40 4 Cheese and Ham BU7224 0 65651 01722 7 8 190g CS C 60 Days F $3.05 $24.40 Cheddar, Mushroom & Bacon BU6518 0 65651 01765 4 8 190g CS C 60 Days F $3.05 $24.40 Crustless Egg Bakes Pa�es Whole Egg Pa�es BU6364 0 65651 01636 7 6 212g CS C 60 Days F $3.05 $18.30

CARB SMART EXPRESS At Carb Smart Express we are passionate about providing you with wholesome nutri�ous food. We take pride in food we prepare for you by using high quality ingredients because it ma�ers to us where your food comes from. Carb Smart Express

We support local farms, because we care about our local economy and the quality of food we feed you and your family. We make all our food from scratch, with love and care. No cu�ng corners in our kitchen. We feed you the food we feed our friends and families.

Keto Low Carb Meals Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Pecan Puffs CS1018 6 28176 32101 1 10 170g CS C 45 Days R $7.44 $74.36 Tiramisu Cupcakes CS1025 6 28176 32102 8 6 330g CS C 45 Days R $11.24 $67.44 Chocolate Chip Pecan Muffins CS1032 6 28176 32103 5 10 220g CS C 45 Days R $6.80 $67.95 Chocolate Peanut Bu�er Fat Bombs CS5604 6 27987 01560 7 10 220g CS C 45 Days R $8.72 $87.18 Keto Cheese Pizza Crust CS5567 6 27987 01556 0 10 450g CS C 90 Days F $9.44 $94.44 Keto cheese Bagels CS5574 6 27987 01557 7 10 340g CS C 45 Days F $8.75 $87.50 Keto Paleo So� Rolls CS5581 6 27987 01558 4 10 240g CS C 45 Days F $7.78 $77.78 Zucchini Cheddar Scones CS5598 6 27987 01559 1 10 250g CS C 45 Days F $7.64 $76.39 Lemon PoppySeed Loaf CS5611 6 27987 01561 4 10 300g CS C 45 Days F $7.36 $73.61 Keto Wraps CS5635 6 27987 01563 8 10 240g CS C 90 Days F $6.81 $68.06 Keto Pizza Crust CS5642 6 27987 01564 5 10 320g CS C 90 Days F $6.74 $67.36

95 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] COOKIN’ GREENS

Cookin’ Greens Cookin' Greens™ offers a full range of flash-frozen, dark-leafy greens. @cookin_greens Cookin' Greens products are real food, ready to use and taste great.

Organic Chopped Vegetables Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Spinach CG0247 8 11138 00024 0 8 300g CS O C 60 Days F $3.97 $31.76 Kale CG0377 8 11138 00037 0 8 300g CS O C 60 Days F $3.97 $31.76 Kale, Corn and Peas CG0384 8 11138 00038 7 8 300g CS O C 60 Days F $4.10 $32.77 Kale, Bu�ernut Squash and Quinoa CG0469 8 11138 00046 2 8 300g CS O C 60 Days F $4.10 $32.77 Mexican Style Roasted Corn CG5117 8 00463 40511 0 8 300g CS C 90 Days F $4.00 $32.00 Quinoa S�r Fry CG5124 8 00463 40512 7 8 300g CS C 90 Days F $4.00 $32.00 Chopped Onions CG4011 8 00463 40401 4 12 500g CS V C 30 Days F $2.96 $35.47 Shelled Edamame CG4035 8 00463 40403 8 12 500g CS V C 30 Days F $3.95 $47.40 Athlete's Mix CG0230 8 11138 00023 3 12 500g CS C 60 Days F $3.90 $46.79 Chopped Kale CG0025 8 11138 00002 8 12 500g CS C 60 Days F $3.90 $46.79 Chopped Spinach CG0056 8 11138 00005 9 12 500g CS C 60 Days F $3.90 $46.79 Tri Color Veggie Fries CG5097 8 00463 40509 7 12 500g CS 60 Days F $4.28 $51.30 EVIVE

Evive Smoothie

Our smoothie cubes concept supports your ac�ve and busy lifestyle! @evivesmoothie

Organic Smoothie Cubes Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Samurai EV7014 6 28110 94701 7 8 405g CS O V GF N C 90 Days F $7.00 $56.00 Touk - Touk EV7021 6 28110 94702 4 8 405g CS O V GF N C 90 Days F $7.00 $56.00 Yogi EV7038 6 28110 94703 1 8 405g CS O V GF N C 90 Days F $7.00 $56.00 Pure EV7052 6 28110 94705 5 8 405g CS O V GF N C 90 Days F $7.00 $56.00 Asana EV7045 6 28110 94704 8 8 405g CS O V GF N C 90 Days F $7.00 $56.00 Yin EV7069 6 28110 94706 2 8 405g CS O V GF N C 90 Days F $7.00 $56.00 Viva EV7076 6 28110 94707 9 8 405g CS O V GF N C 90 Days F $7.00 $56.00

96 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] HOLY NAPOLI

Holy Napoli We, the disciples of tradi�onal Neapolitan pizza, hath been gi�ed with the most holy of tasks. @holynapoli To bringeth that recipe, which is sacred, from Italy’s pizza promised land to thy humble home.

Authen�c Neapolitan Pizza Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Neapolitan Pizza Dough HN0516 6 28110 55201 3 8 300g CS C 90 Days F $2.64 $21.11 Margherita HN0684 6 28110 55202 0 8 365g CS C 90 Days F $7.75 $62.00 Pesto Roast Vegetable HN0752 6 28110 55203 7 8 425g CS C 90 Days F $7.75 $62.00 Funghi HN1056 6 28110 55209 9 8 385g CS C 90 Days F $7.75 $62.00


Imuraya USA Imuraya USA Inc. is a Japanese confec�onary brand that has been around since 1896. We have constantly aimed to bring enjoyment through our products by only using top quality ingredients. @imuraya.usa

Our Mochi Frozen Coconut Dessert exemplifies that by using only natural ingredients and is Plant-Based, Vegan, Gluten-free, and Dairy-free.

Coconut Ice Dessert Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Strawberry MO2036 8 53558 00203 9 12 450g CS K V N 90 Days F $5.62 $84.26 Chocolate MO2043 8 53558 00204 6 12 450g CS K V N 90 Days F $5.62 $84.26 Mango MO2050 8 53558 00205 3 12 450g CS K V N 90 Days F $5.62 $84.26 Yuzu Citrus MO2067 8 53558 00206 0 12 450g CS K V N 90 Days F $5.62 $84.26 Matcha MO2081 8 53558 00208 4 12 450g CS K V N 90 Days F $5.62 $84.26

97 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] NUDEFRUIT

The story of nudefruit begins in the farmer’s fields where our suppliers pick the Nudefruit freshest fruit that are then flash frozen within hours, packaged and shipped out to our customers across this country. @nudefruitcanada We are extremely proud to serve you fruits that are mostly grown in Canada, many of which are from right here in Ontario.

Flash Frozen, Locally Sourced Fruit Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Ravishing Raspberries NU1013 8 00463 40101 3 12 540g CS V N C 30 Days F $4.93 $59.15 Lovable Sour Cherries NU1020 8 00463 40102 0 12 600g CS V N C 30 Days F $4.93 $59.15 4 Very Bare Berries NU1037 8 00463 40103 7 12 540g CS V N C 30 Days F $4.93 $59.15 Blushing Strawberries NU1044 8 00463 40104 4 12 600g CS V N C 30 Days F $4.93 $59.15 Wild & Crazy Blueberries NU1051 8 00463 40105 1 12 600g CS V N C 30 Days F $4.93 $59.15 Scrump�ous An�oxidant NU1068 8 00463 40106 8 12 540g CS V N C 30 Days F $4.93 $59.15 Peachy Keen NU1075 8 00463 40107 5 12 600g CS V N C 30 Days F $4.93 $59.15 Very Bare Berries NU3038 8 00463 40303 1 8 1.5K CS C 92 Days F $10.88 $87.03 Wild & Crazy Blueberries NU3052 8 00463 40305 5 8 1.5K CS C 92 Days F $10.88 $87.03 Scrump�ous An�oxidant NU3069 8 00463 40306 2 8 1.5K CS C 92 Days F $10.88 $87.03


PastaCo PastaCo has been preparing fresh and frozen pastas and sauces using only quality, all natural ingredients with no addi�ves or preserva�ves since 1986. @pastaco_canada We use only the finest local ingredients to ensure authen�city of taste and flavours.

Frozen Ravioli Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Cheese & Spinach PA0191 7 77192 43331 1 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $6.67 $80.00 Beef PA1118 7 77192 41111 1 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $7.28 $87.37 Mushroom PA1317 7 77192 40131 0 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $7.08 $84.97 Sweet Potato PA1812 7 77192 40181 5 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $6.75 $80.97 3 Cheese PA1911 7 77192 40191 4 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $6.75 $80.97 Chicken & Sun-dried Tomato PA2017 7 77192 40201 0 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $7.28 $87.37 Mushroom, Goat Cheese, & Squash PA2116 7 77192 40211 9 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $7.08 $84.97 Bu�ernut Squash PA2313 7 77192 41231 6 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $6.75 $80.97 Goat Cheese & Leek PA3418 7 77192 42341 1 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $7.08 $84.97 Pumpkin PA5213 7 77192 50521 6 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $7.08 $84.97 Frozen Lasagna Veggie PA0171 7 77192 26611 7 12 800g CS C 90 Days F $8.67 $104.00 4 Cheese PA1719 7 77192 44171 2 12 800g CS C 90 Days F $8.35 $100.17 Cheese & Spinach PA5613 7 77192 25561 6 12 800g CS C 90 Days F $8.35 $100.17 Chicken PA5615 7 77192 30561 8 12 800g CS C 90 Days F $9.15 $109.77 Beef PA9918 7 77192 49991 1 12 800g CS C 90 Days F $9.15 $109.77

98 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Frozen Cannelloni Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Meat w/Sauce PA8881 7 77192 51481 2 12 750g CS C 90 Days F $9.33 $112.00 Cheese & Spinach PA9041 7 77192 46781 1 12 750g CS C 90 Days F $8.67 $104.00 4 Cheese PA9358 7 77192 43935 1 12 750g CS C 90 Days F $8.75 $104.97 Frozen Tortellini Cheese & Spinach PA1218 7 77192 40121 1 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $6.48 $77.77 Cheese PA1614 7 77192 40161 7 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $6.48 $77.77 Beef PA4217 7 77192 42421 0 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $7.01 $84.17 Frozen Gnocchi Potato PA0013 7 77192 40001 6 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $6.35 $76.17 Cheese PA3054 7 77192 00305 7 12 500g CS C 90 Days F $6.75 $80.97


Whether you simply want a great-tas�ng, vegan baked good or you're intolerant of O’Doughs gluten the O'Doughs family of products offer yummy bagels, buns, breads and muffins that your whole family can enjoy. @odoughs O’Doughs is baking a difference with all-natural products filled with the goodness! It’s Too Good to be Gluten Free!

Bread Loaves Gluten Free Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Flax Bread Loaves OD0003 6 98433 00000 3 6 700g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.90 $23.38 White Bread Loaves OD0027 6 98433 00002 7 6 700g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.90 $23.38 Buns Gluten Free Deluxe Hamburger Buns OD0744 6 98433 00074 4 6 400g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.90 $23.38 Hot Dog Buns OD0706 6 98433 00070 6 6 600g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.90 $23.38 Sandwich & Sub Thins Gluten Free Original Sandwich Thins OD1109 6 98433 00110 9 6 510g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.90 $23.38 Mul�grain Sandwich Thins OD1116 6 98433 00111 6 6 510g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.90 $23.38 Bagel Thins Gluten Free Original Bagel Thins OD0843 6 98433 00084 3 6 300g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.25 $19.48 Sprouted Flax Bagel Thins OD0850 6 98433 00085 0 6 300g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.25 $19.48 Apple Cranberry Bagel Thins OD0867 6 98433 00086 7 6 300g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.25 $19.48 Everything Bagel Thins OD1830 6 98433 00120 8 6 300g CS K V GF N C 30 Days F $3.25 $19.48 Pumpernickel Bagel Thins OD1847 6 98433 00121 5 6 340g CS K V GF N C 30 Days F $3.25 $19.48 Sesame Bagel Thins OD1823 6 98433 00119 2 6 340g CS K V GF N C 30 Days F $3.25 $19.48 Flatbreads Gluten Free Original Flatbread OD0874 6 98433 00087 4 8 405g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.90 $31.17 Mul�grain Flatbread OD0881 6 98433 00088 1 8 405g CS K V GF C 30 Days F $3.90 $31.17 Muffins Blueberry OD0611 6 98433 00061 4 6 300g CS C 90 Days F $4.61 $27.65 Double Chocolate OD0628 6 98433 00062 1 6 340G CS C 90 Days F $4.61 $27.65

99 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] HEALTH & BEAUTY HELLO BELLO

Hello Bello Premium baby products at non-premium prices. Co-founded by Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard. @hellobello Joining you for for life’s messiest, s�nkiest, most unmissable joy – parenthood.

Diapers - Club Pack Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Bolts/Woodland Animals - Gender 108 Neutral Size 1* HB8287 8 10007 18828 7 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.69 $22.64 Bolts/Woodland Animals - Gender 100 Neutral Size 2* HB8294 8 10007 18829 4 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.69 $22.64 Bolts/Woodland Animals - Gender 92 Neutral Size 3* HB8300 8 10007 18830 0 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.75 $22.64 Bolts/Woodland Animals - Gender 54 Neutral Size 6* HB8331 8 10007 18833 1 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.64 $22.64 Monkey & Turtles - Gender Neutral 96 Size Newborn* HB9857 8 10007 18985 7 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.64 $22.64 Monkey & Turtles - Gender Neutral 108 Size 1* HB9864 8 10007 18828 7 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.69 $22.64 Monkey & Turtles - Gender Neutral 100 Size 2* HB9871 8 10007 18829 4 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.69 $22.64 Monkey & Turtles - Gender Neutral 92 Size 3* HB9888 8 10007 18830 0 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.75 $22.64 Monkey & Turtles - Gender Neutral 74 Size 4* HB9895 8 10007 18831 7 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.70 $22.64 Monkey & Turtles - Gender Neutral 66 Size 5* HB9901 8 10007 18832 4 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.70 $22.64 Monkey & Turtles - Gender Neutral 54 Size 6* HB9918 8 10007 18833 1 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.64 $22.64 96 Cars/City - Boy Size Newborn* HB6528 8 10007 18652 8 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.64 $22.64 108 Cars/City - Boy Size 1* HB6535 8 10007 18653 5 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.69 $22.64 100 Cars/City - Boy Size 2* HB6542 8 10007 18654 2 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.69 $22.64 92 Cars/City - Boy Size 3* HB6559 8 10007 18655 9 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.75 $22.64 74 Cars/City - Boy Size 4* HB6566 8 10007 18656 6 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.70 $22.64 66 Cars/City - Boy Size 5* HB6573 8 10007 18657 3 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.70 $22.64 54 Cars/City - Boy Size 6* HB6580 8 10007 18658 0 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.64 $22.64 Bees/Bu�erflies - Girl Size 96 Newborn* HB6597 8 10007 18659 7 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.64 $22.64 108 Bees/Bu�erflies - Girl Size 1* HB6603 8 10007 18660 3 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.69 $22.64 100 Bees/Bu�erflies - Girl Size 2* HB6610 8 10007 18661 0 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.69 $22.64 92 Bees/Bu�erflies - Girl Size 3* HB6627 8 10007 18662 7 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.75 $22.64 74 Bees/Bu�erflies - Girl Size 4* HB6634 8 10007 18663 4 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.70 $22.64 66 Bees/Bu�erflies - Girl Size 5* HB6641 8 10007 18664 1 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.70 $22.64 54 Bees/Bu�erflies - Girl Size 6* HB6658 8 10007 18665 8 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.64 $22.64 80 Gender Neutral Overnight Size 3* HB7747 8 10007 18774 7 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.40 $22.40 68 Gender Neutral Overnight Size 4* HB7754 8 10007 18775 4 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.40 $22.40 58 Gender Neutral Overnight Size 5* HB7761 8 10007 18776 1 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.40 $22.40 48 Gender Neutral Overnight Size 6* HB7778 8 10007 18777 8 1 Count EA 90 Days D $22.40 $22.40

100 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Diapers - Jumbo Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Sleepy Sloth - Gender Neutral Size 35 Newborn* HB8451 8 10007 18845 4 4 Count CS 90 Days D $9.86 $39.42 Sleepy Sloth - Gender Neutral Size 35 1* HB8468 8 10007 18846 1 4 Count CS 90 Days D $9.86 $39.42 Sleepy Sloth - Gender Neutral Size 32 2* HB8475 8 10007 18847 8 4 Count CS 90 Days D $9.86 $39.42 Sleepy Sloth - Gender Neutral Size 27 3* HB8482 8 10007 18848 5 4 Count CS 90 Days D $9.86 $39.42 Sleepy Sloth - Gender Neutral Size 23 4* HB8499 8 10007 18849 2 4 Count CS 90 Days D $9.86 $39.42 Sleepy Sloth - Gender Neutral Size 20 5* HB8505 8 10007 18850 8 4 Count CS 90 Days D $9.86 $39.42 Sleepy Sloth - Gender Neutral Size 17 6* HB8512 8 10007 18851 5 4 Count CS 90 Days D $9.86 $39.42 Wipes 180 3 Pack* HB8529 8 10007 18852 2 3 Count CS 90 Days D $8.48 $25.45 60 1 Pack* HB8543 8 10007 18854 6 6 count CS 90 Days D $3.20 $19.17 20 16 Pack - Shelf Ready Inner * HB8533 8 10007 18853 9 16 count CS 90 Days D $1.26 $20.08 600 Club Pack* HB8553 8 10007 18855 3 1 Count CS 90 Days D $17.59 $17.59 Baby Essen�als Laundry Detergent - Lavender* HB8420 8 10007 18842 3 2 2.84L CS 90 Days D $14.74 $29.48 Baby Oil* HB7990 8 10007 18799 0 12 281mL EA 90 Days D $7.27 $87.24 Talc Free Baby Powder* HB8003 8 10007 18800 3 12 175g EA 90 Days D $7.27 $87.24 Baby Lo�on - Lavender* HB8034 8 10007 18803 4 12 250mL EA 90 Days D $5.35 $64.20 Baby Lo�on - Vanilla Apricot* HB8041 8 10007 18804 1 12 250mL EA 90 Days D $5.35 $64.20 Shampoo/Wash - Lavender* HB8096 8 10007 18809 6 12 296mL EA 90 Days D $5.35 $64.20 Shampoo/Wash - Vanilla Apricot* HB8102 8 10007 18810 2 12 296mL EA 90 Days D $5.35 $64.20 Condi�oner - Lavender HB8140 8 10007 18814 0 12 296mL EA 90 Days D $5.35 $64.20 Condi�oning Mist - Vanilla Apricot* HB8157 8 10007 18815 7 12 198ml EA 90 Days D $5.87 $70.44 Bubble Bath - Lavender* HB8119 8 10007 18811 9 12 296mL EA 90 Days D $5.35 $64.20 Hand Sani�zer* HB9987 8 10007 18998 7 24 59mL EA 90 Days D $2.56 $61.44


The La�e Co The La�e Co. is a Canadian company that cares about baby and toddler nutri�on and beyond. Their whole food plant-based alterna�ve formulas are the only available on the market. @the_la�e_co

They are Organic, free of dairies, soy, corn and nuts and they do taste delicious! thela�

Plant Based Powdered Formula Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Bebe La�e (12-24 Months) IV9003 6 28504 90900 3 6 450g EA O K C 90 Days D $36.96 $221.76 Kiddo La�e (2-8 Year Old)* IV9010 6 28504 90901 0 6 450g EA O K C 90 Days D $36.96 $221.76

101 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] LEMON AIDE

Lemon Aide Preserva�ve Free, High Performance, All-Natural Home Cleaning. Harnessing the an�bacterial proper�es of pure lemon essen�al oil. @lemonaideclean Made locally in Oakville. Breathe in the aroma of fresh cut lemons as you clean your way to a healthy, happy home! @lemonaideclean

All Natural Cleaning Products Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Lemon Mul� Surface Cleaner* LE9170 6 28451 21917 0 6 750mL CS C 90 Days D $7.19 $43.16 Lemon Lavender Mul� Surface Cleaner* LE9187 6 28451 21918 7 6 750mL CS C 90 Days D $7.19 $43.16 Lemon Glass & Window Cleaner* LE9194 6 28451 21919 4 6 750mL CS C 90 Days D $7.19 $43.16 Lemon Lavender Glass & Window Cleaner* LE9200 6 28451 21920 0 6 750mL CS C 90 Days D $7.19 $43.16 Lemon Kitchen Hand Wash* LE9149 6 28451 21914 9 8 500mL CS C 90 Days D $5.39 $43.15 Lemon & Lavender Kitchen Hand Wash* LE9712 6 28451 21971 2 8 500mL CS C 90 Days D $5.39 $43.15 Lemon Dish Washing Liquid* LE9156 6 28451 21915 6 6 1L CS C 90 Days D $7.79 $46.76 Lemon & Lavender Dish Washing Liquid* LE9163 6 28451 21916 3 6 1L CS C 90 Days D $7.79 $46.76 Lemon Laundry Detergent* LE9217 6 28451 21921 7 6 1.5L CS C 90 Days D $10.79 $64.76 Lemon & Lavender Laundry Detergent* LE9224 6 28451 21922 4 6 1.5L CS C 90 Days D $10.77 $64.62 Lemon Toilet Bowl Cleaner* LE9231 6 28451 21923 1 10 750mL CS C 90 Days D $7.19 $71.94 Lemon Floor Cleaner* LE9729 6 28451 21972 9 10 750mL CS C 90 Days D $6.00 $59.95 Pink Lemonaide Foaming Hand Wash* LE0504 6 28347 26050 7 6 250ml CS C 90 Days D $8.72 $52.32 MAISON APOTHECARE

Small batch, plant based, pure plant wellness. Maison Apothecare harnesses the Maison Apothecare power of essen�al oils offering bath and body care products for the whole family. @maisonapothecare Facial care, nourishing creams and lo�ons, hydra�ng oils and handcra�ed soaps. Collec�ons include Lavender Sea Salt, Argan & Mint, Sleepy Owl Baby Care and Gentleman's Apothecary. Made locally in Oakville, ON. @mapothecare

Baby Products Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 2 in 1 Foaming Baby Wash* AP9088 6 28451 21908 8 6 150mL EA C 90 Days D $7.00 $42.00 Baby's Bo�om Balm* AP9484 6 28451 21948 4 6 130mL EA C 90 Days D $7.00 $42.00 Soothing Baby Lo�on* AP9477 6 28451 21947 7 6 250mL EA C 90 Days D $8.00 $48.00 Baby's Gentle Foaming Hand Wash* AP9491 6 28451 21949 1 6 250mL EA C 90 Days D $8.00 $48.00 Baby's Blue Oil* AP9071 6 28451 21907 1 6 30mL EA C 90 Days D $11.00 $66.00 Hand & Body Lo�on Argan & Mint* AP9422 6 28451 21942 2 6 500mL EA C 90 Days D $13.00 $78.00 Lavender & Sea Salt* AP9347 6 28451 21934 7 6 500mL EA C 90 Days D $13.00 $78.00 Healing Face & Body Oil* AP9439 6 28451 21943 9 6 100mL EA C 90 Days D $19.00 $114.00 Shampoo & Condi�oner Apple Cider & Green Tea Shampoo* AP9040 6 28451 21904 0 12 591mL EA C 90 Days D $8.00 $96.00 Apple Cider & Green Tea Condi�oner* AP9057 6 28451 21905 7 12 591mL EA C 90 Days D $8.00 $96.00

102 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] Hand Wash Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Argan & Mint* AP9323 6 28451 21932 3 6 500mL EA C 90 Days D $12.00 $72.00 Men's Products Gentleman's A�er Shave Balm* AP9248 6 28451 21924 8 6 250mL EA C 90 Days D $14.00 $84.00 Gentleman's Shower Gel* AP9255 6 28451 21925 5 6 500mL EA C 90 Days D $14.00 $84.00 Gentleman's Shaving Cream* AP9262 6 28451 21926 2 6 250mL EA C 90 Days D $17.00 $102.00 Gentleman's Condi�oning Shampoo* AP9279 6 28451 21927 9 6 500mL EA C 90 Days D $9.00 $54.00 Canadian Edi�on Spruce Blossom Bath Foam* AP9392 6 28451 21939 2 6 750mL EA C 90 Days D $18.00 $108.00 Spruce Blossom Soap Bar* AP9101 6 28451 21910 1 6 140G EA C 90 Days D $4.00 $24.00


Sapadilla Soap Company Born in Vancouver, BC; The Sapadilla Soap Co. makes nice li�le eco-cleaners and soaps that do nice things for you, your home and the earth. @sapadillasoap Our smart formula�ons, with plant-based ingredients and only 100% pure essen�al oils, leave your home sparkly clean and smelling wonderfully fresh.

Biodegradable, earth friendly hand soap Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Rosemary & Peppermint* SA0013 6 77141 01001 6 6 34mL CS 90 Days D $6.33 38.00 Grapefruit & Bergamot* SA0020 6 77141 01002 3 6 354mL CS 90 Days D $6.33 38.00 Sweet Lavender & Lime* SA0037 6 77141 01003 0 6 354mL CS 90 Days D $6.33 38.00 Biodegradable, earth friendly Dish Soap Rosemary & Peppermint* SA0014 6 77141 00001 7 12 473mL CS 90 Days D $5.32 63.85 Grapefruit & Bergamot* SA0021 6 77141 00002 4 12 473mL CS 90 Days D $5.32 63.85 Sweet Lavender & Lime* SA0038 6 77141 00003 1 12 473mL CS 90 Days D $5.32 63.85 Biodegradable, earth friendly Countertop Cleaner Rosemary & Peppermint* SA1011 6 77141 00101 4 12 473mL CS 90 Days D $5.32 63.85 Grapefruit & Bergamot* SA1028 6 77141 00102 1 12 473mL CS 90 Days D $5.32 63.85 Sweet Lavender & Lime* SA1035 6 77141 00103 8 12 473mL CS 90 Days D $5.32 63.85 Biodegradable, earth friendly All Purpose Cleaner Rosemary & Peppermint* SA2018 6 77141 00201 1 6 739mL CS 90 Days D $8.48 50.88 Grapefruit & Bergamot* SA2025 6 77141 00202 8 6 739mL CS 90 Days D $8.48 50.88 Sweet Lavender & Lime* SA2032 6 77141 00203 5 6 739mL CS 90 Days D $8.48 50.88 Biodegradable, earth friendly Laundry Liquid Rosemary & Peppermint* SA3015 6 77141 00301 8 6 946mL CS 90 Days D $11.39 68.32 Grapefruit & Bergamot* SA3022 6 7714 100302 5 6 946mL CS 90 Days D $11.39 68.32 Sweet Lavender & Lime* SA3039 6 77141 00303 2 6 946mL CS 90 Days D $11.39 68.32

103 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] HEMP PLANET HEMP SUPERFOOD

Try our Hemp Hearts, Super-Seeds, Organic Protein Smoothie Mixes and Organic Planet Hemp Superfood Hemp Seed Oil made with 100% Canadian grown hemp and you’ll be blown away at just how delicious and natural Planet Hemp Superfood products taste. They perfectly complement all varie�es of food -- sweet and savoury alike. @planethempsuperfood

There’s no need to soak, dry, twist or pestle-smoosh our products to enjoy them. It’s the easiest Superfood.

Planet Hemp Superseeds Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Hemp Hearts* HE2171 7 70934 08217 4 8 175g CS K V N C 90 Days D $5.47 $43.73 Original* HE2652 7 70934 08265 5 8 175g CS K V N C 90 Days D $5.47 $43.73 Savoury Onions* HE2669 7 70934 08266 2 8 175g CS K V N C 90 Days D $5.47 $43.73 Organic Hemp* HE2119 7 70934 08211 2 6 350g CS O K V N C 90 Days D $13.13 $78.80 Hemp* HE2188 7 70934 08218 1 6 350g CS O K V N C 90 Days D $8.87 $53.20 Dark Chocolate & Superberries HE2690 7 70934 08269 3 8 175g CS O K V N C 90 Days D $5.47 $43.73 Organic Smoothies Mix Original** HE2201 7 70934 08220 4 6 350g CS O V N C 90 Days D $13.67 $82.00 Super Green** HE2003 7 70934 08200 6 6 350g CS O V N C 90 Days D $13.67 $82.00 Vanilla Chai** HE2300 7 70934 08230 3 6 350g CS O V N C 90 Days D $13.67 $82.00 Organic Cold Pressed Oil Hemp Oil HE2907 7 70934 08290 7 12 500mL EA C 90 Days D $13.00 $156.00

104 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] MEATS ALDERWOOD FARMS, MEATS

Alderwood Farms cares about pu�ng pure, healthy, grass-fed, high-quality, nutri�ous and delicious food on our family tables and yours. @alderwoodfarms We work with local Ontario farmers and manufactures to ensure that you are confident about the food you are feeding your family.

Grass Fed Hotdogs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal All Beef AF1214 8 71261 00121 7 8 375g CS H C 25 Days R $8.25 $65.99 Chicken AF1221 8 71261 00122 4 8 375g CS H C 25 Days R $8.10 $64.80


Belmont Meats When it comes to food, premium burgers by Belmont Meats is as real as it gets, seasoned with everyday ingredients that can be found in any home kitchen. We truly built these burgers from the ground up using only Naturally-raised, Premium cuts (Sirloin, Prime Rib, Angus beef) and No Ar�ficial Colours or Flavours.

Beef Burgers Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Bacon and Cheese BE2054 0 60597 38205 7 8 6x142g CS 90 Days F $8.29 $66.35 Angus BE3006 0 60597 38300 9 8 6x142g CS 90 Days F $9.04 $72.31 Prime Rib BE3051 0 60597 38305 4 8 6x142g CS 90 Days F $9.69 $77.50 Sirloin BE3105 0 60597 38310 8 8 6x142g CS 90 Days F $9.81 $78.46 CHICAGO 58

Chicago 58 Foods is a proud Canadian Company founded in 1923.

The quality and variety of our products have expanded with the same care and a�en�on to detail.

Convenience and consistency provides our customers with the compe��ve edge needed in today’s changing market place.

Deli Meats Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal All Beef Chub Salami CH3757 627533623751 15 375g CS C 25 Days R $4.05 $60.75 All Beef Torpedo Salami CH7502 627533627506 15 750g CS C 25 Days R $7.40 $111.00 Lanky Fanky All Beef Weiners CH0059 55195000113 15 450g CS GF C 67 Days R $4.25 $63.75 RTE Entrees RAND Smoked Turkey Drums�cks CH0027 55195040027 12 KG OM C 33 Days R $6.99 $6.99/KG Smoked Turkey Thighs CH0041 55195040041 12 KG RAND C 33 Days R $8.79 $8.79/KG OM RAND Smoked Turkey Wings CH0058 55195040058 12 KG OM C 33 Days R $6.99 $6.99/KG

105 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] PURE BURGERS

PURELY CRAFTED™ burgers have nothing to hide – no addi�ves, no chemicals, no PURE Burgers nonsense. We keep things simple. @pureburgerscdn Our burgers are boldly simple, made with 100% meat and with just a handful of ingredients that are recognizable and easy to pronounce (no maltodextrin, no fillers, or monosodium glutamate as a flavour enhancer). @pureburgerscdn

Burgers Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Grass Fed Beef Burgers BE3856 0 60597 35385 9 8 4x142g CS 90 Days F $8.48 $67.82 Organic Beef Burgers BE3863 0 60597 35386 6 8 4x142g CS 90 Days F $8.27 $66.15 Vegetarian BE3900 0 60597 35390 3 8 4x142g CS 90 Days F $4.92 $39.36 Beef Burger with Vegetable and Grains BE4044 0 60597 35404 7 8 4x142g CS 90 Days F $6.78 $54.23 Chicken (50%) and Vegetable Burger (50%) BE4068 0 60597 35406 1 8 4x142g CS 90 Days F $6.07 $48.59 Beef Burger (75%) with Mushroom Blend (25%) BE4075 0 60597 35407 8 8 4x142g CS 90 Days F $6.25 $50.00 Vegetarian with Chipotle Black Beans BE4082 0 60597 35408 5 8 4x142g CS 90 Days F $6.38 $51.03

106 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] RTE ENTREES HAPPY PLANET, ENTREES

We make food that tastes great and makes you feel good using only the freshest, Happy Planet natural and highest quality ingredients we can find. @teamhappyplanet That’s why we don’t need to use ar�ficial ingredients – it’s that simple! Not only that – we strive to source ingredients that are ethically, sustainably and organically grown. @teamhappyplanet

Plant Powered Wellness Bowls Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Aztec w/ Black Beans & Smoky Chili HP5520 7 79172 64552 3 6 400g CS C 20 Days R $5.72 $34.31 Warrior w/ Red Len�ls & Ginger HP5537 7 79172 64553 0 6 400g CS C 20 Days R $5.72 $34.31 Balance w/ Cauliflower & Turmeric HP5544 7 79172 64554 7 6 400g CS C 20 Days R $5.72 $34.31 Soul w/ Buckwheat & Cajun Spices HP5551 7 79172 64555 4 6 400g CS C 20 Days R $5.72 $34.31


Jaswant’s Kitchen is a Toronto based company that is expanding the Indian product Jaswant’s Kitchen offering within the ethnic category. @jaswantskitchen They produce all natural Indian seasonings along with easy to follow recipes that give customers healthy, authen�c, yet quick and super easy op�ons to start cooking Indian food at home. @jaswantskitchen

Authen�c Indian Seasoning Kit Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Aloo Gobi JK0134 8 13910 00013 4 12 28g CS V GF C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Chicken Curry JK0141 8 13910 00014 1 12 29g CS V GF C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Channa Masala JK0158 8 13910 00015 8 12 30g CS V GF C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Masala Fish JK0172 8 13910 00017 2 12 28g CS V GF C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Daal JK0189 8 13910 00018 9 12 20g CS V GF C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Turmeric La�e JK0257 8 13901 00025 7 12 30g CS C 90 Days D $8.53 $102.40


Jyo� Natural Foods Manufacturers of authen�c, flavoured, rich Indian natural food in the US. All our recipes use fresh and healthy ingredients. We do not use preserva�ves and all our products are gluten free. @jyo�foods

Every product is stored in lead free, recyclable containers. jyo�

RTE Indian Entrees - Can Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Matar Paneer JY6202 0 77502 03610 3 12 425g CS GF H 90 Days D $3.22 $38.67 Jaipur Kargi JY6203 0 77502 02610 4 12 425g CS GF H 90 Days D $3.22 $38.67 Delhi Saag JY6204 0 77502 01610 5 12 425g CS GF H 90 Days D $3.22 $38.67 Dal Makhani JY6251 0 77502 16615 2 12 425g CS GF H 90 Days D $3.22 $38.67 Madras Sambar JY6252 0 77502 15615 3 12 425g CS GF H 90 Days D $3.22 $38.67 Punjabi Chhole JY6253 0 77502 14615 4 12 425g CS GF H 90 Days D $3.22 $38.67

107 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]



Fatso is an all natural peanut bu�er enriched with plant-based superfast including coconut oil, avocado oil, MCT oil, chia seeds, flax, and a prebio�c fiber. It's peanut @ea�atso bu�er but way be�er! ea�

High Performance Peanut Bu�er Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Original FA0047 6 27843 71069 1 12 500g CS 90 Days D $7.79 $93.47 Cocoa FA0047 6 91428 00004 0 12 500g CS 91 Days D $7.79 $93.47 Crunchy Salted Caramel FA5837 6 27987 07583 0 12 500g CS 90 Days D $7.79 $93.47


Maison Le Grand

LeGrand products are there to help make plant-based meals enjoyable – from meat @maisonlegrand eaters to vegans alike!

Pestos Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Garden Pesto ML0125 7 73798 10012 1 6 170g CS V N C 18 Days R $4.52 $27.13 4 Nuts & Cheese Pesto ML0224 7 73798 10022 0 6 170g CS N C 18 Days R $4.52 $27.13 Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto ML5030 7 73798 01503 6 6 170g CS V N C 18 Days R $4.52 $27.13 Olive & Jalapeño Peppers Pesto ML5061 7 73798 01506 7 6 170g CS V N C 18 Days R $4.52 $27.13 Chimichurri ML0120 7 73798 01012 3 6 156g CS V N C 18 Days R $4.52 $27.13 Bulk Product Garden Pesto (Food Service) ML0012 7 73798 03001 5 2 1kg CS V N C 18 Days R $17.35 $34.70 4 Nuts & Cheese Pesto (Food 107 73798 03002 Service) ML0022 9 2 1kg CS V N C 18 Days R $17.35 $34.70 Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto (Food 207 73798 01503 Service) ML5036 0 2 1kg CS V N C 18 Days R $17.35 $34.70

109 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SUNFLOWER KITCHEN, DIPS

Sunflower Kitchen Sunflower Kitchen is a family business based in Toronto since 1995 making Vegan, NON GMO Verified, Gluten free & Organic cer�fied & Kosher delicious Soups, Hummus, Pestos & Salsas, all made with wholesome ingredients, easy to read easy understand and love.

Hummus (227g) Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Classic Hummus SU310013 6 79514 31001 3 6 227g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $2.21 $13.25 Jerusalem SU310020 6 79514 31002 0 6 227g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $2.21 $13.25 Spicy SU310037 6 79514 31003 7 6 227g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $2.21 $13.25 Mediterranean SU310044 6 79514 31004 4 6 227g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $2.21 $13.25 Roasted Garlic and Onion SU310051 6 79514 31005 1 6 227g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $2.21 $13.25 Babaghanouj Eggplant SU310105 6 79514 31010 5 6 227g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $2.21 $13.25 Organic Hummus (227g) Organic SU310068 6 79514 31006 8 6 227g CS O K V GF N C 11 days R $3.00 $18.00 Roasted Garlic and Spinach SU0079 6 79514 31007 5 6 227g CS O K V GF N C 11 Days R $3.00 $18.00 Smokey Red Pepper SU0086 6 79514 31008 2 6 227g CS O K V GF N C 11 days R $3.00 $18.00 Tumeric Masala-Len�l SU0093 6 79514 31009 9 6 227g CS O K V GF N C 11 Days R $3.00 $18.00 Beets and Dill SU0116 6 79514 31011 2 6 227g CS O K V GF N C 11 Days R $3.00 $18.00 Hummus (500g) Classic SU410010 6 79514 41001 0 8 500g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $3.61 $28.85 Roasted Garlic and Onion SU410058 6 79514 41005 8 8 500g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $3.61 $28.85 Babaghanouj Eggplant SU411024 6 79514 41102 4 8 500g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $3.61 $28.85 Pestos Basil SU311010 6 79514 31101 0 6 227g CS K V GF N C 18 Days R $4.08 $24.50 Kale and Oregano SU311041 6 79514 31104 1 6 227g CS K V GF N C 18 Days R $4.08 $24.50 Sun-dried Tomato and Black Olive SU311102 6 79514 31110 2 6 227g CS K V GF N C 18 Days R $4.08 $24.50 Zest-Oh Cilantro SU311034 6 79514 31103 4 6 227g CS K V GF N C 18 Days R $4.08 $24.50 Hummus + Curry Len�l with Spicy Cilantro Chutney SU312017 6 79514 31201 7 6 300g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $3.43 $20.60 Edamame with Sesame Roasted Carrots SU312024 6 79514 31202 4 6 300g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $3.43 $20.60 Roasted Red Pepper with Basil Pesto SU312031 6 79514 31203 1 6 300g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $3.43 $20.60 Ar�choke and Dill with Garden Vegetables SU312048 6 79514 31204 8 6 300g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $3.43 $20.60 Organic Chilis Sweet Potato and Chipotle SU121015 6 79514 12101 5 6 946mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $6.15 $36.92 Ancient Grains SU121022 6 79514 12102 2 6 946mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $6.15 $36.92 Smoky Three Bean SU121039 6 79514 12103 9 6 946mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $6.15 $36.92 Salsa Verda SU3014 6 79514 31301 4 6 227g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $3.40 $20.40 Chipotle SU3021 6 79514 31302 1 6 227g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $3.40 $20.40 Roja SU3038 6 79514 31303 8 6 227g CS K V GF N C 14 Days R $3.40 $20.40

110 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SAUCES NONA VEGAN FOODS

NONA Vegan Foods Ltd. Nona Vegan Sauces trade in the ingredients of typical cream sauces for nutrient-rich ingredients (like cashews) that will leave you feeling energized. @nonavegan ETHICAL: No animals were harmed in the making of these vegan sauces! @nonavegan

Vegan Sauce & Dips (Pouches) Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Cheesy NO6712 6 27843 44671 2 6 300mL CS V GF N C 30 Days R $5.19 $31.13 Alfredo NO6705 6 27843 44670 5 6 300mL CS V GF N C 30 Days R $5.19 $31.13 Carbonara NO6729 6 27843 44672 9 6 300mL CS V GF N C 30 Days R $5.19 $31.13


PastaCo PastaCo has been preparing fresh and frozen pastas and sauces using only quality, all natural ingredients with no addi�ves or preserva�ves since 1986. @pastaco_canada We use only the finest local ingredients to ensure authen�city of taste and flavours.

Pasta Sauces Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Tomato Basil PA1121 7 77192 51121 7 12 750g CS C 90 Days D $6.00 $72.00 Arrabbiata PA1171 7 77192 51171 2 12 750g CS C 90 Days D $6.00 $72.00


Signor Bio products are made of organic tomatoes; and usually are served as a part of a dish, rather than as a condiment.

Product of Italy. Jarred and canned in a plant in Italy, far away from the pollu�on of major ci�es. Organic and Kosher cer�fied.

Organic Canned Tomato Sauce Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Organic Diced Tomatoes SB5780 6 39999 18578 0 12 398mL CS O GF 90 Days D $1.61 $19.27 Organic Cherry Tomatoes SB5797 6 39999 18579 7 12 398mL CS O GF 90 Days D $2.04 $24.47 Organic Peeled Tomatoes SB5803 6 39999 18580 3 12 398mL CS O GF 90 Days D $1.61 $19.27 Organic Peeled Tomatoes SB6053 6 39999 18605 3 6 796mL CS O GF 90 Days D $3.21 $19.27 Organic Strained Tomatoes SB5810 6 39999 18581 0 12 680mL CS O GF 90 Days D $2.50 $30.00

111 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] VEGAN TOUCH

More than pasta sauces, our products will make ea�ng delicious vegan foods accessible to everyone. Your whole family will enjoy these premium sauces made Vegan Touch Foods with high quality organic plant based ingredients. @vegantouchfoods Dare the Vegan Touch with us.

Vegan Pasta Sauce Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Bolognese VT1000 6 28504 32100 3 6 580mL CS V C 90 Days D $7.68 $46.06 Primavera VT1017 6 28504 32101 0 6 580mL CS V C 90 Days D $7.68 $46.06 Rosee Romanoff VT1024 6 28504 32102 7 6 580mL CS V C 90 Days D $7.68 $46.06

112 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SNACKING ACROPOLIS ORGANICS, SNACKING

Acropolis Organics is a family owned company commi�ed to the ar�sanal crea�on Acropolis Organics of extra virgin olive oil, sourced from the home of the oldest olive tree in the world in Crete, Greece. @acropolisorganics We offer taste, health and tradi�on using the finest quality ingredients hand picked from our centuries old family estate. @Arcopolisorg

Olives Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Organic Blonde AC0725 1 85782 00072 8 6 315ml CS O N 90 Days D $4.74 $28.44 Organic Kalamata AC0732 1 85782 00073 5 6 315ml CS O N 90 Days D $4.74 $28.44 Organic Pi�ed Blonde AC0756 1 85782 00075 9 6 315ml CS O N 90 Days D $4.91 $29.48 Organic Pi�ed Kalamata AC0749 1 85782 00074 2 6 315ml CS O N 90 Days D $4.91 $29.48 Specialty Olives Organic Blonde Cracked Olives in EVOO w/ Rosemary AC0633 1 85782 00000 0 6 315ml CS O N 90 Days D $6.51 $39.08 Organic Engraved Kalamata Olives in EVOO w/ Oregano AC0640 1 85782 00000 0 6 315ml CS O N 90 Days D $6.51 $39.08 Organic Snack Size Pi�ed Olives Kalamata AC0688 1 85782 00068 1 12 30g CS O N 90 Days D $1.93 $23.12 Green Pi�ed AC0695 1 85782 00069 8 12 30g CS O N 90 Days D $1.93 $23.12


Delicious safe for school snacks. Free-From all top 10 food allergens and made with only plant-based, organic ingredients. Allergy Smart

With the same look, texture and taste of a typical baked good, these are the safe, Green Gourmand Foods Inc healthy and yummy snacks everyone will crave. Single servings individually packed to keep product safe and fresh.

Allergy Free Cookies Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Chocolate Chip* AS2045 628176262048 12 6x28g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $4.27 $51.20 Double Chocolate* AS7357 627843907350 12 6x28g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $4.27 $51.20 Snickerdoodle* AS7364 627843907367 12 6x28g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $4.27 $51.20 Oatmeal Raisin* AS7371 627843907374 12 6x28g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $4.27 $51.20 Chocolate Brownie* AS7333 627843907336 2 12x61g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $24.96 $49.92 Cherry Coconut Brownie* AS7340 627843907343 2 12x61g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $24.96 $49.92

113 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] BARK THINS

In 2013, we started with the idea that we could make an extremely delicious and barkTHINS sa�sfying snack with absolutely no compromises. @barkTHINS To fulfill our mission, we combined Fair Trade dark chocolate with real, simple, Non- GMO inclusions for a completely original take on snacking. We like to think of it as Snacking. Elevated.™ @barkTHINS

Snacking Chocolate Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Dark Chocolate Almond with Sea Salt BT0090 8 17217 02009 3 8 150g CS K 90 Days D $4.36 $34.87 Dark Chocolate Pretzel with Sea Salt BT0109 8 17217 02010 6 8 150g CS K 90 Days D $4.36 $34.87 Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Seed with Sea Salt BT0113 8 17217 02011 6 8 150g CS K 90 Days D $4.36 $34.87 Dark Chocolate Coconut with Almond BT0123 8 17217 02012 0 8 150g CS K 90 Days D $4.36 $34.87


For the past 40 years Cookie It Up have been making gourmet, nut-free cookies in Cookie It Up Aurora, Ontario. All cra�ed in small batches without any ar�ficial colours, flavours or added preserva�ves. @cookieitup These special cookies are sold in eye-catching packaging under the ‘Cookie It Up’ and ‘Shorts’ brand names. @cookieitup

Handmade Specialty Cookies Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Triple Chocolate CI0013 0 68261 17001 6 12 154g CS K C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Chocolate Shortbread CI0211 0 68261 17021 4 12 170g CS K C 90 Days D $4.33 $52.00 Shortbread Chocolate Chip CI0235 0 68261 17023 8 12 170g CS K C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Milk Chocolate Chip Shorts CI0238 0 68261 14023 1 6 140g CS K GF C 90 Days D $3.40 $20.40 Double Chocolate Shorts CI0252 0 68261 14025 5 6 140g CS K GF C 90 Days D $3.40 $20.40 White Chocolate Cranberry Shortbread CI0266 0 68261 17026 9 12 170g CS K C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 White Chocolate Cranberry Shorts CI0269 0 68261 14026 2 6 140g CS K C 90 Days D $3.40 $20.40 Salted Bu�erscotch Shorts CI0320 0 68261 14032 3 6 140g CS K C 90 Days D $3.40 $20.40 Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip CI0433 0 68261 17043 6 12 170g CS K C 90 Days D $4.33 $52.00 Gluten-Free Bu�erscotch CI0495 0 68261 17049 8 12 170g CS K C 90 Days D $4.33 $52.00 Ginger Molasses CI0860 0 68261 17086 3 12 154g CS K C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Dark Chocolate Oatmeal CI4143 0 68261 15414 6 12 154g CS K C 90 Days D $4.00 $48.00 Salted Caramel Crunch CI4501 0 68261 15450 4 12 154g CS K C 90 Days D $4.20 $50.40 Dark Chocolate Chip CI4518 0 68261 15451 1 12 154g CS K C 90 Days D $4.20 $50.40 DANDIES MARSHMALLOWS

Dandies Marshmallows A be�er Marshmallow! – Dandies Marshmallows are made with all natural ingredients, contain no high fructose corn syrup or gela�n (they’re 100% vegan), and are the first ever marshmallow to be Non-GMO Project Verified. @mydandies

Oh, and our marshmallows are kosher too! @mydandies

All-Natural Vegan Marshmallows Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Vanilla Campfire Size ** DA0365 8 97581 00036 5 12 283g CS K V N 80 Days D $4.18 $50.12 Vanilla Mini ** DA0372 8 97581 00037 2 12 283g CS K V N 80 Days D $4.18 $50.12 114 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] GAY LEA FOODS, SNACKS

Gay Lea Foods Gay Lea Foods is a leading Canadian co-opera�ve. Dedicated to innova�on, the development of high quality products and growing the market for Canadian milk, we are 100% Canadian-owned, with members on 1,400 dairy farms in Ontario and @gayleafoodscoop Manitoba, with over thirteen trusted brands including Hewi�’s, Western Creamery, S�rling Creamery and others. @gayleafoodscoop

Nothing But Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Cheddar (1 sleeve x 12 bags)* GA0911 7 72575 40931 0 12 18g CS C 21 Days D $1.00 $12.00 Monterey Jack (1 sleeve x 12 bags)* GA0912 7 72575 40932 7 12 18g CS C 21 Days D $1.00 $12.00


Heavenly Organics

Heavenly Organics produces and distributes organic, non-GMO, fair trade and @heavenlyorganics kosher cer�fied Chocolate Honey Pa�e™, Raw Honey and Whole-Cane Sugar.

Chocolate in Bags Honey Pa�es Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Mint* HO1012 8 97988 11101 5 6 132g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $5.46 $32.75 Ginger* HO1029 8 97988 11102 2 6 132g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $5.46 $32.75 Almond* HO1036 8 97988 11103 9 6 132g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $5.46 $32.75 Pomegranate* HO1043 8 97988 11104 6 6 132g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $5.46 $32.75 Double Dark* HO1067 8 97988 11106 0 6 132g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $5.46 $32.75 Peanut* HO1074 8 97988 11107 7 6 132g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $5.46 $32.75 Espresso* HO1084 8 97988 11108 4 6 132g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $5.46 $32.75 Chocolate 3-Packs Honey Pa�es Mint* HO3511 8 97988 11301 9 16 33g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $1.28 $20.53 Ginger* HO3528 8 97988 11302 6 16 33g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $1.28 $20.53 Almond* HO3535 8 97988 11303 3 16 33g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $1.28 $20.53 Pomegranate* HO3542 8 97988 11304 0 16 33g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $1.28 $20.53 Double Dark* HO3566 8 97988 11306 4 16 33g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $1.28 $20.53 Peanut* HO3573 8 97988 11307 1 16 33g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $1.28 $20.53 Espresso* HO3583 8 97988 11308 8 16 33g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $1.28 $20.53 Chocolate Singles Honey Pa�es Mint HO2514 8 97988 11201 2 40 11g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $0.47 $18.67 Ginger HO2521 8 97988 11202 9 40 11g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $0.47 $18.67 Almond HO2538 8 97988 11203 6 40 11g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $0.47 $18.67 Pomegranate HO2545 8 97988 11204 3 40 11g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $0.47 $18.67 Double Dark HO2569 8 97988 11206 7 40 11g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $0.47 $18.67 Peanut HO2576 8 97988 11207 4 40 11g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $0.47 $18.67 Espresso HO2586 8 97988 11208 1 40 11g CS O K GF N 60 Days D $0.47 $18.67

115 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


Koukla Delights are ridiculously delicious cookies made with superfoods! Koukla Koukla Delights bites are organic, gluten-free, vegan, paleo, non-GMO and kosher and are sweetened exclusively with organic Canadian maple syrup. Koukla Delights are a perfect blend of taste and nutri�on and are available in five mouth-watering @koukladelights flavours: vanilla coconut bites, chocolate coconut bites, matcha coconut bites (with and without cacao nibs!) and cranberry maple granola bites!

Organic Coconut Bites Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Vanilla Coconut KO1009 6 28451 18100 2 8 150g CS O K C 90 Days D $6.80 $54.43 Cacao Coconut KO1016 6 28451 18101 9 8 150g CS O K C 90 Days D $6.80 $54.43 Cranberry Maple Super-bites KO1054 6 28451 18105 7 8 150g CS O K C 90 Days D $6.80 $54.43 Matcha Coconut KO1139 6 28451 18113 2 8 150g CS O K C 90 Days D $6.80 $54.43 Matcha Cacao Nib KO1146 6 28451 18114 9 8 150g CS O K C 90 Days D $6.80 $54.43 Grab & Go Organic Coconut Bites Vanilla Coconut* KO1088 6 28451 18106 4 12 30g CS O K C 90 Days D $1.77 $21.27 Cacao Coconut* KO1095 6 28451 18107 1 12 30g CS O K C 90 Days D $1.77 $21.27 Matcha Coconut* KO1101 6 28451 18111 8 12 30g CS O K C 90 Days D $1.77 $21.27 Organic Bites Peanut Bu�er KO1160 6 28451 18116 3 8 150g CS O K V GF C 90 Days D $6.82 $54.53 Peanut Bu�er w/Chocolate Chips KO1177 6 28451 18117 0 8 150g CS O K V GF C 90 Days D $6.82 $54.53 Cookie Dough KO1184 6 28451 18118 7 8 150g CS O K V GF C 90 Days D $6.82 $54.53


Organic and gluten-free crispbread an ally for a breakfast or a gourmet snack. No preserva�on agent. No added sugars, contains naturally occurring sugars. A great source of fibres. Each box contains 2 packs of 75g. Store in a dry place away from light. Product of France.

Organic Crispbread Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Crispbread with Black Rice LP0491 8 48206 08049 1 12 150g CS O V GF N 60 Days D $4.29 $51.50 Onion Crispbread LP4124 8 48206 07412 4 12 150g CS O V GF N 60 Days D $4.29 $51.50 Buckwheat Gluten Free Crispbread LP9562 8 48206 05956 5 12 150g CS O V GF N 60 Days D $4.29 $51.50 Buckwheat Crispbread No Salt LP9579 8 48206 05957 2 12 150g CS O V GF N 60 Days D $4.29 $51.50 Mul�-Grain Gluten Free Crispbread LP9687 8 48206 06968 7 12 150g CS O V GF N 60 Days D $4.29 $51.50 Crispbread with Green Len�ls LP0507 8 48206 08050 7 12 150g CS O V GF N 60 Days D $4.50 $54.00 Coconut Crispbread LP4155 8 48206 07415 5 12 150g CS O V GF N 60 Days D $5.56 $66.70 Quinoa Crispbread LP9586 8 48206 05958 9 12 150g CS O V GF N 60 Days D $5.56 $66.70 Corn Crispbread LP8061 8 48206 07810 8 12 150g CS O V GF N 60 Days D $3.25 $39.00 Chestnut Crispbread LP9593 8 48206 05959 6 12 150g CS O V GF N 60 Days D $5.50 $66.00

117 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] LEVEL GROUND TRADING, SNACKS

Our mission is to trade fairly and directly with small-scale producers in developing Level Ground Trading countries, and to market their products in North America, offering our customers ethical consumer choices. Since 1997, we’ve been all about connec�on. @levelgroundtrading It started with small-scale coffee farmers in Colombia, and it’s grown to a community of like-minded people connected by the belief that our choices ma�er.

Dried Fruit Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Banana LG3626 6 61594 00362 3 12 130g CS O 60 Days D $4.54 $54.48 Golden Berry LG3633 6 61594 00363 0 12 130g CS O 60 Days D $4.54 $54.48 Cacao Nibs LG3640 6 61594 00364 7 12 130g CS O 60 Days D $4.54 $54.48 Dragon Fruit LG3688 6 61594 00368 5 12 130g CS O 60 Days D $4.54 $54.48 Pineapple LG4015 6 61594 90401 2 12 130g CS O 60 Days D $4.54 $54.48 Mango LG5005 6 61594 90500 2 12 130g CS O 60 Days D $4.54 $54.48


Koa Natural Foods is a Canadian manufacturer that is commi�ed to the quality of Koa Natural Foods our products. We offer a variety of healthy and organic foods that are delicious and nutri�ous. @koanaturalfoods We strive to encourage a lively lifestyle through our variety of products that include our Lilo Organic Peanut Bu�er Cups, Lilos Organic Clusters, Lil Nu�y Confec�onery and Trailmixes and our Good Gummies line of Vegan, Organic Gummies.

Chocolate Clusters Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Dark Chocolate Peanut Bu�er Cup KN4627 6 28250 39461 0 6 96g CS O C 90 Days D $5.00 $30.00 Milk Chocolate Peanut Bu�er Cup KN4641 6 28250 39463 4 6 96g CS O C 90 Days D $5.00 $30.00 Chocolate Clusters Cookies & Cream Clusters KN4672 6 28250 39466 5 12 125g CS O C 90 Days D $4.53 $54.40 Milk Chocolate Peanut Bu�er Clusters KN4696 6 28250 39468 9 12 125g CS O C 90 Days D $4.53 $54.40 Dark Chocolate Peanut Bu�er Clusters KN4719 6 28250 39470 2 12 125g CS O C 90 Days D $4.53 $54.40

118 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


Los Cantores Authen�c tor�lla chips made with the best quality ingredients. Our Mexican inspired flavours will delight you by pairing them with your favourite dips or simply ea�ng them with nothing on top. @loscantoreschips

Los Cantores is just the best tas�ng tor�lla chip!

Tor�lla Chips Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Lime Tor�lla Chips* LC6147 6 27843 12614 0 12 325g CS V GF C 60 Days D $3.06 $36.67 Chipotle Tor�lla Chips* LC6154 6 27843 12615 7 12 325g CS V GF C 60 Days D $3.06 $36.67 Ancient Grain Tor�lla Chips* LC6192 6 27843 12619 5 12 325g CS V GF C 60 Days D $3.06 $36.67 Original Tor�lla Chips* LC6215 6 27843 12613 3 12 360g CS V GF C 60 Days D $3.06 $36.67 Refried Beans* LC0004 6 28055 78000 7 12 325g CS V GF C 60 Days D $3.06 $36.67


Our story begins with the desire to offer delicacies from a faraway Me Delights Canada land using a selec�on of healthier ingredients. @me_delights Lula cookies are 100% Vegan, made with 100% real fruits, organic coconut oil and pure Canadian maple syrup. Without any preserva�ves, colouring or added sugar. From us to you with love.

Lula with Dates Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Cookies with Figs LU5761 6 27987 12576 4 12 228g CS C 90 Days D $3.07 $36.80 Cookies with Dates LU5785 6 27987 12578 8 12 228g CS C 90 Days D $3.07 $36.80 Cookies with Apricot LU5815 6 27987 12581 8 12 228g CS C 90 Days D $3.07 $36.80


No Whey Chocolate

No Whey are premium chocola�ers. Their mission is to provide high quality, natural, vegan, allergen friendly, chocolates to all! @nowheychocolate


Dairy-free, Nut-free, Vegan Treats Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Milkless Bars NW4006 8 57313 00400 9 16 39g CS V N 90 Days D $1.90 $30.46 Pea Not Cups NW4020 8 57313 00432 0 12 42.5g CS V N 90 Days D $1.92 $23.05 Choco No No's NW4303 8 57313 00430 6 12 45g CS V N 90 Days D $1.92 $23.05 Caramel Nougat Candy Bar NW4310 8 57313 00431 3 12 57G CS V N 90 Days D $1.92 $23.05

120 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]


Nooch Pop

NoochPOP! is all about Nutri�onal Yeast (Nooch), the plant-based, cheesy super- @noochpop food that makes NoochPOP! so deliciously unique.

Vegan Cheesy Popcorn Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Kinda Cheesy* NP3491 6 27843 95662 4 12 120g CS V GF C 90 Days D $3.80 $45.60 Kinda Nacho* NP6638 6 27843 95663 1 12 120g CS V GF C 90 Days D $3.80 $45.60 Kinda Garlic N' Cheesy* NP6652 6 27843 95665 5 12 120g CS V GF C 90 Days D $3.80 $45.60 Kinda Sweet N' Savoury* NP6676 6 27843 95664 8 12 120g CS V GF C 90 Days D $3.80 $45.60


In a world filled with “flamin’ hot” op�ons packed with ar�ficial ingredients, Paqui Paqui Chips dares to be different. We believe that real heat comes from real peppers and shouldn’t be grown in a lab. From the tangy toma�llos in our Zesty Salsa Verde chips @paquichips to the freakin’ hot bhut jolokia peppers, be�er known as ghost peppers, in our Haunted Ghost Pepper chips, we’ve got spice for everyone. As creators of the One Chip Challenge – made from real Carolina Reaper peppers – heat is what we do best. @paquichips

Tor�lla Chips Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Haunted Ghost Pepper* PA2338 8 91760 00233 1 12 155g CS K V GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08 Nacho Cheese Especial* PA2574 8 91760 00257 7 12 155g CS K GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08 Very Verde Good* PA2598 8 91760 00259 1 12 155g CS K GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08 Fiery Chilli Limon* PA0052 8 10002 65005 5 12 155g CS K GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08 Jalapeño Tropicale* PA0069 8 10002 65006 2 12 155g CS K GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08


Pirate’s Booty Drop anchor and discover Pirate's Booty®, a collec�on of deliciously baked snacks made with real, tasty ingredients that are easy to pronounce and even easier to @piratesbooty enjoy! @piratesbooty

Baked Rice and Corn Puffs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Aged White Cheddar Baked Rice & Corn Puffs PB0339 8 10697 01033 2 12 113g CS K GF N 55 Days D $2.82 $33.85 Aged White Cheddar Baked Cuts PB0346 8 10697 01034 9 12 127g CS K GF N 55 Days D $2.82 $33.85

122 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SEATTLE CHOCOLATE COMPANY

Sea�le Chocolate At Sea�le Chocolate Company, we put a lot of care into what we do, from sourcing cacao to flavour development to gi�-worthy packaging design. @sea�lechoc We are a woman-owned company with deep roots in Sea�le, known for our creamy, meltaway centre in our truffles and truffle bars. @sea�lechoc

Popped Popcorn Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Coconut Dark Chocolate* SE5844 0 81014 00305 8 12 70g CS K V N 90 Days D $3.51 $42.10 Peanut Bu�er* SE5912 0 81014 00306 5 12 70g CS K 90 Days D $3.51 $42.10 Espresso Dark Chocolate* SE6070 0 81014 00002 6 12 70g CS K V N 90 Days D $3.51 $42.10 Mint Milk Chocolate* SE6452 0 81014 00001 9 12 70g CS K 90 Days D $3.51 $42.10 Sea Salt Milk Chocolate* SE8206 0 81014 09082 9 12 70g CS K 90 Days D $3.51 $42.10 Happy Birthday* SE8510 0 81014 09085 0 12 70g CS K 90 Days D $3.51 $42.10 Total Toffee Dark Chocolate* SE9128 0 81014 09091 1 12 70g CS K 90 Days D $3.51 $42.10 Salted Almond Dark Chocolate * SE9296 0 81014 09092 8 12 70g CS K V N 90 Days D $3.51 $42.10 Sea Salt Dark Chocolate* SE9982 0 81014 09099 7 12 70g CS K 90 Days D $3.51 $42.10 SHASHA

ShaSha Bread Co. We are Canada’s leading ar�san bakery combining ancient techniques with innova�ve methods to produce nutri�ous, organic and natural products – an @shashabakeryco essen�al ingredient to a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Snap Cookies Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Ginger SH0006 671372800002 12 300g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $4.19 $50.28 Spelt SH0013 671372800019 12 300g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $4.19 $50.28 Cocoa SH0020 671372800026 12 300g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $4.19 $50.28 Lemon SH0105 671372500100 12 270g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $4.19 $50.28 Snap Cookies Maple SH0158 671372300052 24 30g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $0.60 $14.40 Cocoa SH0213 671372500032 24 30g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $0.60 $14.40 Ginger SH0220 671372500018 24 30g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $0.60 $14.40 Spelt Ginger SH0237 671372500025 24 30g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $0.60 $14.40 Spelt Lemon SH0244 671372500049 24 30g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $0.60 $14.40 Sprouted Foods Country Harvest Organic Brown Rice SH0257 671372300151 8 225g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $2.91 $23.28 Moroccan Style Pearled Couscous SH0233 671372300137 8 225g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $2.41 $19.28 Late Harvest Organic Buckwheat SH0271 671372300175 8 225g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $2.91 $23.28 Ancient Organic Quinoa SH0288 671372300182 8 225g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $2.91 $23.28 Mediterranean Style Basma� Rice SH0165 671372300069 8 225g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $2.41 $19.28 Indian Style Basma� Rice with Veg SH0196 671372300090 8 225g CS K GF N C 90 Days D $2.41 $19.28 Mung Beans SH1029 671372501039 12 454g CS O K GF N C 90 Days D $5.40 $64.80 Adzuki Beans SH1043 671372501046 12 454g CS O K GF N C 90 Days D $5.40 $64.80 Len�ls SH1050 671372501053 12 454g CS O K GF N C 90 Days D $5.40 $64.80 Chick Peas SH0264 671372300168 12 454g CS O K GF N C 90 Days D $5.40 $64.80 Bread Crumbs Spelt Bread Crumbs SH1012 671372501008 12 300g K GF N C 90 Days D $4.18 $50.16 123 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SKINNY POP

Skinny Pop Popcorn SkinnyPop starts with a premium popcorn kernel, sunflower oil and the perfect amount of salt. From there, Pure Popped Perfec�on® says it all. @theskinnypop Our popcorn has no GMOs, gluten or preserva�ves, making SkinnyPop a tasty, guilt- free snack. Simple ingredients. Delicious flavour. @theskinnypop

Popped Popcorn Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Original* SP4114 8 50251 00411 7 12 125g CS K V GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08 White Cheddar * SP4343 8 50251 00434 6 12 125g CS K GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08 Sea Salt & Pepper * SP4367 8 50251 00436 0 12 125g CS K V GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08 Sweet & Salty Ke�le Corn* SP1085 8 16925 02108 8 12 150g CS K V GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08 Bu�er* SP1092 8 16925 02109 5 12 125g CS K GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08 Original Skinnypack (6pk x 18g)* SP4145 8 50251 00414 8 10 108g CS K V GF N 60 Days D $4.90 $47.57 Popcorn Mini Cakes Cinnamon Sugar* SP1405 8 16925 02140 8 12 100g CS K V GF N 60 Days D $2.68 $32.15 Sharp Cheddar* SP1412 8 16925 02141 5 12 100g CS K V GF N 60 Days D $2.68 $32.15 Sea Salt* SP1429 8 16925 02142 2 12 100g CS K V GF N 60 Days D $2.68 $32.15


Did you know that almost all pumpkin seeds in North America come from Skuta China? Not any more, Jacob, the modern farmer now grows hulless, non gmo pumpkin seeds right here in Southwestern Ontario. Skuta is offered in 2 flavours, Sea Salt and Chili Maple Jango. Consumers can now get 14 g of protein, 20% of their @skutapumpkin fibre, 25% of their iron as well as many essen�al nutrients from one serving of skuta, and it was grown right here in Ontario! But really, who can stop at one serving.... #SnackSkuta

Dry Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Sea Salt* SK0062 1 85820 00006 2 12 140g CS K V GF N C 60 Days D $4.20 $50.40 Chilli Maple* SK0079 1 85820 00007 9 12 140g CS K V GF N C 60 Days D $4.20 $50.40 VITALI-T

Vitali-T Vitali-T offers you the perfect snack! A range of delicious 100% natural oatmeal cookie for children and adults. Snacks are individually wrapped for lunch boxes and snacks on the go: nourishing and sustainable, vegan, gluten-free and allergen-free. @vitali_t_colla�ons

Discover them and be the champion of your day!

So� Baked Oatmeal Cookie Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Banana Chocolate VI0027 8 96539 00002 0 12 2x85g CS N C 90 Days D $3.44 $41.28 Apple Cinnamon VI0041 8 96539 00004 4 12 2x85g CS N C 90 Days D $3.44 $41.28 Raspberry Chocolate VI0058 8 96539 00005 1 12 2x85g CS N C 90 Days D $3.44 $41.28 Brownie VI0393 8 96539 00039 6 12 2x85g CS N C 90 Days D $3.44 $41.28 Brownie VI0324 8 96539 00032 7 6 4x45g CS N C 90 Days D $4.54 $27.25 Banana Chocolate VI0331 8 96539 00033 4 6 4x45g CS N C 90 Days D $4.54 $27.25 Apple Cinnamon VI0348 8 96539 00034 1 6 4x45g CS N C 90 Days D $4.54 $27.25 Brownie VI0355 8 96539 00035 8 6 4x85g CS N C 90 Days D $6.29 $37.76 Banana Chocolate VI0409 8 96539 00040 2 6 4x85g CS N C 90 Days D $6.29 $37.76 Raspberry Chocolate VI0416 8 96539 00041 9 6 4x85g CS N C 90 Days D $6.29 $37.76 124 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SOUPS HAPPY PLANET, SOUPS

We make food that tastes great and makes you feel good using only the freshest, Happy Planet natural and highest quality ingredients we can find. @teamhappyplanet That’s why we don’t need to use ar�ficial ingredients – it’s that simple! Not only that – we strive to source ingredients that are ethically, sustainably and organically grown. @teamhappyplanet

Fresh and Organic Soups 500mL Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Thai Chicken HP617278 7 79172 61727 8 6 500mL CS O K GF C 18 Days R $4.83 $28.95 West African Squash & Cashew HP617292 7 79172 61729 2 6 500mL CS GF C 18 Days R $4.83 $28.95 Fraser Valley Mushroom & Mascarpone HP7508 7 79172 66750 1 6 500mL CS K GF C 18 Days R $4.83 $28.95 Chicken Pot Pie HP7365 7 79172 66736 5 6 500mL CS C 18 Days R $4.83 $28.95 Fresh and Organic Soups 650mL Thai Coconut HP611016 7 79172 61101 6 6 650mL CS K GF C 18 Days R $4.83 $28.95 Moroccan Chick Pea HP611023 7 79172 61102 3 6 650mL CS O K GF C 18 Days R $4.83 $28.95 Louisiana Sweetcorn & Red Pepper HP611030 7 79172 61103 0 6 650mL CS O K GF C 18 Days R $4.83 $28.95 Berkeley Bu�ernut Squash HP611054 7 79172 61105 4 6 650mL CS O K GF C 18 Days R $4.83 $28.95 Tuscan Tomato HP611061 7 79172 61106 1 6 650mL CS O K GF C 18 Days R $4.83 $28.95 South India Split Pea HP611085 7 79172 61108 5 6 650mL CS O K GF C 18 Days R $4.83 $28.95


Kensington Market Street Food offers delicious, bold, flavourful foods inspired by @kensingtonmarke�oods the history of Toronto’s beloved Kensington Market neighbourhood. kensingtonmarke� Produced in Ontario, the ingredients pay homage to the market’s tradi�onal flavours, yet are updated with a twist to meet today’s diverse palates.

Familiar favourites with a bold and dynamic flavour twist!

Bold & Hearty Soup Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Bu�ernut Squash w/ Sweet Potato & Carrot Soup KE0144 8 51763 00014 7 12 730mL CS V GF C 90 Days D $4.55 $54.60 Spicy Bean & Veggie Soup KA0151 8 51763 00015 4 12 730mL CS V GF C 90 Days D $4.55 $54.60 Cream of Mushroom Soup KA0168 8 51763 00016 1 12 730mL CS V C 90 Days D $4.55 $54.60 Cream of Tomato w/ Basil Soup KE0168 8 51763 00017 8 12 730mL CS V C 90 Days D $4.55 $54.60

125 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] MAISON LEGRAND, SOUPS

Maison Le Grand

LeGrand products are there to help make plant-based meals enjoyable – from meat @maisonlegrand eaters to vegans alike!

Organic Soups Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Squash with Ginger ML7508 7 73798 01750 4 4 600mL CS O V GF N C 18 Days R $4.04 $16.15 Green Split Peas ML7515 7 73798 01751 1 4 600mL CS O V GF N C 18 Days R $4.04 $16.15 Garden Vegetable ML7522 7 73798 01752 8 4 600mL CS O V GF N C 18 Days R $4.04 $16.15 Indian Dhal Soup ML7614 7 73798 01761 0 4 600mL CS O V N C 18 Days R $4.40 $17.60 French Len�ls Soup ML7676 7 73798 01767 2 4 600mL CS O V N C 18 Days R $4.40 $17.60


Sunflower Kitchen Sunflower Kitchen is a family business based in Toronto since 1995 making Vegan, NON GMO Verified, Gluten free & Organic cer�fied & Kosher delicious Soups, Hummus, Pestos & Salsas, all made with wholesome ingredients, easy to read easy understand and Love

Soups (Glass Jar 956mL) Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Carrot and Ginger SU110019 6 79514 11001 9 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Harira Moroccan Vegetable & Chick Peas SU110033 6 79514 11003 3 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Split Pea and Vegetable SU110040 6 79514 11004 0 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Egyp�an Len�l SU110057 6 79514 11005 7 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Borscht SU110064 6 79514 11006 4 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Potato and Leek SU110071 6 79514 11007 1 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Tuscan Tomato & Rice Pasta SU110095 6 79514 11009 5 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Yellow Pea & Squash SU110101 6 79514 11010 1 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Asian Wild Rice and Mushroom SU110118 6 79514 11011 8 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Thai Hot and Sour SU110132 6 79514 11013 2 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Sante Fe Chili SU110149 6 79514 11014 9 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Harvest Squash SU110156 6 79514 11015 6 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Italian Red Len�l and Spinach SU110163 6 79514 11016 3 6 956mL CS K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30

126 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]



Bio-K+ Probio�c products contribute to good diges�ve health, supports natural defences and promotes the balance of intes�nal flora. @biokplus

Probio�cs Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Original Dairy Probio�c* BK0763 6 26608 00076 3 6 98g EA GF C 30 Days R $2.85 $17.08 Vanilla Dairy Probio�c* BK0336 6 26608 00033 6 6 98g EA GF C 30 Days R $2.85 $17.08 Mango/Soy Dairy-Free Probio�c* BK0862 6 26608 00086 2 6 98g EA GF C 30 Days R $3.12 $18.69 Strawberry Dairy Probio�c* BK0961 6 26608 00096 1 6 98g EA GF C 30 Days R $2.85 $17.08 Blueberry/Rice Dairy-Free Probio�c* BK0268 6 26608 00026 8 6 98g EA O GF C 30 Days R $3.12 $18.71 Fermented Pea & Hemp Probio�c Coconut 50B * BK2118 6 26608 00211 8 6 98g EA O V GF N C 30 Days R $3.12 $18.71 Raspberry Fermented Pea* BK0022 6 26608 00001 5 6 98g EA O V GF C 30 Days R $3.12 $18.71 Original Dairy Probio�c* BK0770 6 26608 00077 0 12 98g EA GF C 30 Days R $2.66 $31.91 Vanilla Dairy Probio�c* BK0442 6 26608 00044 2 12 98g EA GF C 30 Days R $2.66 $31.91 Mango/Soy Dairy-Free Probio�c* BK0879 6 26608 00087 9 12 98g EA GF C 30 Days R $2.87 $34.47 Strawberry Dairy Probio�c* BK0978 6 26608 00097 8 12 98g EA GF C 30 Days R $2.66 $31.91 Blueberry/Rice Dairy-Free Probio�c* BK2125 6 26608 00212 5 12 98g EA O GF C 30 Days R $2.88 $34.51 Bio Kidz Strawberry Dairy Probio�c (6x4SL)* BK0091 6 26608 00009 1 6 98g EA/SL GF C 30 Days R $1.86 $11.18 Non-Dairy Drinkable Probio�c Raspberry 12.5B * BK0053 6 26608 00005 3 6 98g EA/SL O V GF N C 30 Days R $1.96 $11.76 Dispensary Capsules Mild Capsules 12.5B* BK1128 6 26608 00112 8 120 15 Caps EA GF C 90 Days R $7.28 $873.26 Mild Capsules 12.5B* BK1159 6 26608 00115 9 60 30 Caps EA GF C 90 Days R $14.63 $877.62 $1,600.9 Regular Capsules 25B* BK1258 6 26608 00125 8 120 15 Caps EA GF C 90 Days R $13.34 7 $1,584.9 Regular Capsules 25B* BK1166 6 26608 00116 6 60 30 Caps EA GF C 90 Days R $26.42 6 $2,695.2 Strong Capsules 50B* BK1500 6 26608 00150 0 120 15 Caps EA GF C 90 Days R $22.46 0 Travel Capsules 30B* BK1017 6 26608 00101 7 4 15 Caps CS GF C 90 Days R $18.02 $72.09 IBS Control* BK0169 6 26608 00016 9 3 30 Caps EA GF C 90 Days R $35.31 $105.93 CULTURED COCONUT

The Cultured Coconut, an organic probio�c with an excep�onally high concentra�on The Cultured Coconut of living organisms, contributes to healthy gut flora. @theculturedcoconut For less than a dollar a day, just one tablespoon provides 4+ trillion of ac�ve bacteria and a natural synergy of 40+ probio�c strains. Dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar- free and cholesterol-free.

Coconut Kefir Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Fermented Organic Coconut Milk (Glass) CO1017 6 28250 99100 0 6 460ml EA O C 90 Days R $16.94 $101.64

128 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SUKU VITAMINS

SUKU Vitamins is a new kind of health and wellness company, bridging the gap Suku Vitamins between beauty and wellness by offering an innova�ve line of chewable, plant- based and sugar free gummies that help all women and men worldwide look and feel their best. @sukuvitamins

All of our products were designed with purpose to give you real benefits.

So� Chewy Vitamins Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Women's Mul�vitamin* SV2140 6 28176 47214 0 12 205g EA GF C 90 Days D $16.79 $201.48 Men's Mul�vitamin* SV2157 6 28176 47215 7 12 205g EA GF C 90 Days D $16.79 $201.48 Kids Mul�vitamin* SV2201 6 28176 47220 1 12 205g EA GF C 90 Days D $13.79 $165.48 Radiant Complexion* SV2102 6 28176 47210 2 12 205g EA N C 90 Days D $13.79 $165.48 Luscious Hair* SV2126 6 28176 47212 6 12 205g EA GF C 90 Days D $13.79 $165.48 Mega Magnesium* SV2164 6 28176 47216 4 12 205g EA V GF C 90 Days D $13.79 $165.48 Appley Ever A�er* SV2171 6 28176 47217 1 12 205g EA V GF C 90 Days D $13.79 $165.48 Res�ul Sleep* SV2188 6 28176 47218 8 12 205g EA N C 90 Days D $13.79 $165.48 Buh Bye Stress* SV2195 6 28176 47219 5 12 205g EA V GF C 90 Days D $13.79 $165.48 Youthful Skin* SV2218 6 28176 47221 8 12 205g EA GF C 90 Days D $13.79 $165.48

129 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] VEGAN CHEEZE CULCHERED

Culcherd Culcherd focuses on being flavour first - with unique flavour offerings; health conscious - our products are rich in probio�cs, which supports a healthy immune @culcherd and diges�ve system; environmentally friendly - packaged in plas�c-free sustainable packaging. Culcherd

It's Not Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Original CU1554 6 27843 47155 4 4 115g EA V C 15 Days F $8.25 $31.76 Herb & Garlic CU1561 6 27843 47156 1 4 115g EA V C 15 Days F $8.25 $31.76 Sharp & Smoky CU1578 6 27843 47157 8 4 115g EA V C 15 Days F $8.25 $32.77 Sriracha Jalapeño CU1592 6 27843 47159 2 4 115g EA V C 15 Days F $8.25 $32.77 Sun-dried Tomato & Olive CU1608 6 27843 47160 8 4 115g EA V C 15 Days F $8.25 $32.77 Everything Bagel CU1615 6 27843 47161 5 4 115g EA V C 15 Days F $8.25 $32.77 It's Not Bu�er Turmeric Black Pepper CU1585 6 27843 47158 5 4 100g EA V C 15 Days F $5.93 $23.72 Garlic CU1622 6 27843 47162 2 4 100g EA V C 15 Days F $5.93 $23.72 Cinnamon Swirl CU1639 6 27843 47163 9 4 100g EA V C 15 Days F $5.93 $23.72 Original CU1646 6 27843 47164 6 4 100g EA V C 15 Days F $5.93 $23.72 FAUXMAGERIE ZENGARRY

Fauxmagerie Zengarry cra�s award-winning, fine cashew cheese with all natural, Zengarry Cashew Cheeses locally sourced and fresh ingredients. Our fauxmage is aged in small batches for superior taste. @zengarryveg Plant Based. GMO-Free. Dairy-Free. Gluten-Free op�ons. Canadian. Restaurant/ Food Service sizes available.

100% Dairy Free Cashew Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Double Crème FZ3109 6 28110 45310 5 12 150g EA V C 60 Days R $7.46 $89.52 Garlic & Fine Herbs FZ3116 6 28110 45311 2 12 150g EA V C 30 Days R $7.46 $89.52 Sun-dried Tomato & Basil FZ3123 6 28110 45312 9 12 150g EA V C 30 Days R $7.46 $89.52 Creamy Swiss FZ3130 6 28110 45313 6 12 150g EA V C 60 Days R $7.46 $89.52 Aged Cumin FZ3147 6 28110 45314 3 12 150g EA V C 60 Days R $7.46 $89.52 Smokey Jalapeño FZ3154 6 28110 45315 0 12 150g EA V C 60 Days R $7.46 $89.52 Ale Aged FZ3178 6 28110 45316 7 12 150g EA V C 60 Days R $7.46 $89.52

130 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] MAISON LEGRAND, VEGAN CHEEZE

Maison Le Grand

LeGrand products are there to help make plant-based meals enjoyable – from meat eaters to vegans alike! @maisonlegrand

Plant Based Cheeze Spread Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Plain ML2001 7 73798 01200 4 4 227mL EA V N C 25 Days R $4.42 $17.68 Sesame ML2018 7 73798 01201 1 4 227mL EA V N C 25 Days R $4.42 $17.68 Chives ML2025 7 73798 01202 8 4 227mL EA V N C 25 Days R $4.42 $17.68


Nuts For Cheese makes 100% dairy-free plant-based cheese that is spreadable, Nuts For Cheese shreddable, sliceable and meltable.

With 6 unique varie�es, there’s something for everyone: Un-Brie-Lievable, Red Rind, @nutsforcheese Black Garlic, Super Blue, Chipotle Cheddar, & Smoky Ar�choke and Herb. Our products are cer�fied vegan and organic – that means: no starches, no gums, no @nutsforcheese fillers.

Cultured Cashew Product Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Super Blue NT9631 6 27843 72963 1 6 120g EA V GF N C 45 Days R $8.19 $49.14 Smoky Ar�choke & herb NT9624 6 27843 72962 4 6 120g EA V GF N C 45 Days R $8.19 $49.14 Red Rind NT9617 6 27843 72961 7 6 120g EA V GF N C 45 Days R $8.19 $49.14 Chipotle Cheddar NT9600 6 27843 72960 0 6 120g EA V GF N C 45 Days R $8.19 $49.14 Un-Brie-Lievable NT9594 6 27843 72959 4 6 120g EA V GF N C 45 Days R $8.19 $49.14 Black Garlic NT9612 8 42232 00601 2 6 120g EA V GF N C 45 Days R $8.19 $49.14 Nuts for Bu�er Salted Original NT8023 8 42232 00802 3 6 227g EA V GF N C 49 Days R $7.09 $42.54 Herb & Garlic NT9020 8 42232 00902 0 6 227g EA V GF N C 49 Days R $7.09 $42.54

131 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SPREAD ‘EM KITCHEN

Spread ’em Kitchen

We are on a mission to inspire healthier communi�es by providing real, nourishing, @spreadem_kitchen tasty food with a commitment to natural, whole-food ingredients.


Cashew Cream Cheese Spreads Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Chives & Garlic SK8275 6 27843 42827 5 8 183g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $6.83 $54.64 Jalapeño Lemon SK8251 6 27843 42825 1 8 183g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $6.83 $54.64 Turmeric & Black Pepper SK8268 6 27843 42826 8 8 183g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $6.83 $54.64 Garlic Tzatziki SK8282 6 27843 42828 2 8 183g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $6.83 $54.64 Nacho Cheeze SK8237 6 27843 42823 7 8 183g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $6.83 $54.64 Spinach & Ar�choke SK8299 6 27843 42829 9 8 183g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $6.83 $54.64 Dill & Truffle SK8305 6 27843 42830 5 8 183g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $6.83 $54.64 Cashew Dips Beet Cashew Balsamic SK8213 6 27843 42821 3 8 183g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $5.36 $42.88 Carrot Chilli SK8244 6 27843 42824 4 8 183g EA V GF N C 18 Days R $5.36 $42.88

132 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SEASONAL PRODUCT BALZAC’S COFFEE

Fair-Trade Organic Blends Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Winter Blend - Seasonal BA0218 6 28614 00021 8 6 340g CS O K V GF C 30 Days D $11.30 $67.80 BOOCH KOMBUCHA

Ar�sanal Organic Kombucha Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Seasonal BO3097 6 28110 75309 0 12 473mL CS O V GF C 30 Days R $3.75 $45.00 CROSSWIND FARM

Goat Kenzie Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Kenzie CW0060 1 87260 00006 0 8 200g EA C 10 Days R $10.43 $83.44


Seasonal Product Peppermint Mini ** DA0396 8 97581 00039 6 12 283g CS/SP K V N 30 Days D $4.18 $50.12 Pumpkin Mini ** DA0389 8 97581 00038 9 12 283g CS/SP K V N 30 Days D $4.18 $50.12 EARTH’S OWN

Seasonal Product Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Almond Noel Nog AL70009 6 26027 70009 1 6 946mL CS K V GF C 15 Days R $2.76 $16.56 HARMONY ORGANIC

Seasonal Product Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Egg Nog** (Glass Bo�le) HA51504 8 39032 00611 3 12 500mL EA / SP O K C 11 Days R $3.25 $39.00 HA11010 Egg Nog* (Carton) 4 8 39032 00612 0 16 1L EA / SP O K C 11 Days R $6.13 $98.08 Egg Nog* (Glass Bo�le) HA16104 8 39032 00610 6 12 1L EA / SP O K C 11 Days R $6.08 $72.96 *Please Note: There is a $2 deposit per bo�le and a $15 deposit per bo�le crate KAWARTHA DAIRY

Seasonal Product Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Egg Nog KA1601 0 62229 01601 9 16 1L EA C 11 Days R $3.36 $53.73


Seasonal Product Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 108 57313 00426 Milkless Peppermint Bark NW4266 6 20 39g CS 90 Days D $2.39 $47.77 108 57313 00460 Milkless Easter Bunny NW4600 0 10 68g CS 90 Days D $6.44 $64.38 Advent Calendar NW4518 8 57313 00451 1 6 178g CS 90 Days D $12.77 $76.64


Seasonal Product Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 3.2% Egg Nog (Carton) OM4263 0 62325 10010 0 12 1L EA/SP C 11 Days R $6.05 $72.60 Egg Nog (Glass Bo�le) OM4575 0 62325 19467 3 12 946mL EA/SP O C 11 Days R $5.76 $69.12 133 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SILK

Seasonal Product Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal So Delicious Holiday Nog SD3312 7 44473 29331 5 12 946mL CS/SP K V GF N 30 Days D $2.80 $33.60


Seasonal Products Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Gingerbread Cookie SP0880 8 16925 02088 3 12 142g CS/SP K V GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08 White Chocolate Peppermint SP0897 8 16925 02089 0 12 142g CS/SP K V GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $39.08


Turk'y Roast Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Stuffed Turk'y Roast w/Gravy SL6430 6 28025 01643 3 8 907g CS K N C 90 Days F $11.39 $91.13


Seasonal Products Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Gazpacho Soup Glass Jar SU110125 6 79514 11012 5 6 946mL CS/SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $4.88 $29.30 Gazpacho Soup Bag (Special Order SU311012 30 67951 41101 Only) 6 26 1 5kg CS/SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 WELO

Seasonal Product Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Watermelon Lemon Cucumber WE9691 6 27843 67969 1 6 350mL CS/SP O V GF C 21 Days R $4.23 $25.38

134 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] SPECIAL ORDER


Heritage Tonics Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Tonic PH0036 7 60712 99001 2 24 296mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Club PH0037 7 60712 98001 3 24 296mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Ginger PH0038 7 60712 97001 4 24 296mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Seltzers Lime PS2000 7 60712 12001 3 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Classic PS2001 7 60712 11001 4 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Lemon PS2009 7 60712 13001 2 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 Raspberry PS4200 7 60712 44001 7 24 355mL CS K N C 90 Days D $1.66 $39.94 DAIYA

Cheezy Mac Shippers Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 32 Cheddar & 16 Alfredo DY7066 8 71459 00706 9 48 300g CS V N C 90 Days D $178.80 $178.80 16 Cheddar, 16 Alfredo, 16 White Cheddar DY7076 8 71459 00707 6 48 300g CS V N C 90 Days D $178.80 $178.80 DANDIES MARSHMALLOWS

All-Natural Vegan Marshmallows Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal 89 75810 00129 Mini Vanilla Shipper 48X283g** DA0129 0 1 238g CS/SP K V N 30 Days D $184.09 $184.09 Vanilla Campfire Shipper 508 97581 00036 48X283g** DA0360 0 1 238g CS/SP K V N 30 Days D $184.09 $184.09


Cold Pressed Organic Juice Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Focus DJ1571 8 59127 00157 1 6 300mL CS/SP O C 15 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Seasonal Product Melon DJ1519 8 59127 00151 9 6 300mL CS/SP O C 15 Days R $4.19 $25.14 Honey DJ1526 8 59127 00152 6 6 300mL CS/SP O C 15 Days R $4.19 $25.14 ELITE DAIRY

Deli Cream Cheese Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Deli Cream Cheese Regular 24% VA224 N/A 1 2k EA/SP 14 Days R $24.28 $24.28 Deli Cream Cheese Light 18% VA225 N/A 1 2k EA/SP 14 Days R $24.28 $24.28 Deli Cream Cheese Regular 24% VA226 N/A 1 10kg EA/SP 14 Days R $101.42 $101.42


Kombucha in a Keg Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Lemon Ginger* LK7328 6 27843 22732 8 1 30L SP O V GF C 21 Days R $150.00 $150.00 Orange Oolong* LK7304 6 27843 22730 4 1 30L SP O V GF C 21 Days R $150.00 $150.00 Naked Blend* LK7298 6 27843 22729 8 1 30L SP O V GF C 21 Days R $150.00 $150.00 Citrus Heat* LK7311 6 27843 22731 1 1 30L SP O V GF C 21 Days R $150.00 $150.00 Chaga Komb* LK7335 6 27843 22733 5 1 30L SP C 21 Days R $150.00 $150.00

135 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] NUTRINOR

Milk Rice Pudding Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Plain Milk Rice Pudding NC1301 0 65244 11130 1 4 113g EA K GF C 18 Days R $2.69 $10.76 Vanilla Milk Rice Pudding NC1308 0 65244 21130 8 4 113g EA K GF C 18 Days R $2.69 $10.76 Plain Milk Rice Pudding NC2402 0 65244 16240 2 6 624g EA K GF C 18 Days R $2.86 $17.16 Vanilla Milk Rice Pudding NC2409 0 65244 26240 9 6 624g EA K GF C 18 Days R $2.86 $17.16 PAQUI

Tor�lla Chips Mixed Floor Stands Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Nacho Cheese (24), Ghost Pepper (24)* PA2744 8 91760 00274 4 48 155g SP K V GF N 60 Days D $3.26 $156.32 RIVIERA

Fine Cheeses Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Swiss Cheese RI4005 0 64912 01400 5 1 11KG EA/SP C 45 Days R $26.48 $26.48


Pallet Drops Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal Original Skinnypack Bonus Pack (Half Pallet 80 x 144g)* SP0524 N/A 1 11.52kg CS/SP K V GF N 60 Days D $391.79 $391.79 Original & White Cheddar (Full 00 8 50251 208 x Pallet)* SP4506 00450 6 1 125g CS/SP K V GF N 60 Days D $677.33 $677.33 Original & White Cheddar (Half 00 8 16925 108 x Pallet)* SP0562 02056 2 1 128g CS/SP K V GF N 60 Days D $351.69 $351.69 Original & White Cheddar 48 x Floorstand* SP1149 8 16925 02114 9 1 125g CS/SP K V GF N 60 Days D $156.32 $156.32 Bu�er (24x125g) Sweet & Salty 48 x (24x150g) Ke�le Floorstand* SP1156 8 16925 02115 6 1 125g CS/SP K V GF N 60 Days D $156.32 $156.32 Bu�er (54x125g) Sweet & Salty 108 x (54x150g) Ke�le Half Pallet* SP1248 8 16925 02124 8 1 125g CS/SP K V GF N 60 Days D $407.70 $407.70 SUNFLOWER KITCHEN

Soups (Soup Bag 5kg) Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal SU311001 30 67951 41100 Carrot and Ginger 0 10 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311003 30 67951 41100 Harira 4 34 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311004 30 67951 41100 Split Pea and Vegetable 1 41 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311005 30 67951 41100 Egyp�an Len�l 8 58 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311006 30 67951 41100 Borscht Soup Bag 5 65 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311007 30 67951 41100 Potato and Leek Soup Bag 2 72 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311009 30 67951 41100 Tuscan Tomato & Rice Pasta 6 96 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311010 30 67951 41101 Yellow Pea & Squash 2 02 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311011 30 67951 41101 Asian Wild Rice & Mushroom 9 19 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311013 30 67951 41101 Thai Hot & Sour 3 33 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311014 30 67951 41101 Sante Fe Chili 0 40 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311015 30 67951 41101 Harvest Squash 7 57 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20 SU311016 30 67951 41101 Italian Red Len�l & Spinach 4 64 1 5kg SP K V GF N C 30 Days R $22.20 $22.20

136 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] WELO

Tall Shipper Code Unit UPC Pack Size Picked O K V GF N H C Guaranteed Storage Per Unit Per Case Discount Deal All Products - Kids 5 X(6X100G) & 40g Bars 6 X(12X40G)* WE4542 6 28110 01454 2 1 SP V C 90 Days D $249.98 $249.98 Original Kids - 12 X (12X40G)* WE4559 6 28110 01455 9 1 SP V C 90 Days D $259.29 $259.29 Original Kids - Chocolate Chip, Cocoa Banana, Apple Cinnamon - WE4511 6 27110 01451 1 1 SP V C 90 Days D $240.67 $240.67 10 X (6X100G) * Kids - All Flavours- 10 X (6X100G)* WE4504 6 28110 01450 4 1 SP V C 90 Days D $240.67 $240.67 Kids Peanut Free - Mixed Berry, Double Chocolate - 10 X (6X100G)* WE4528 6 28110 01452 8 1 SP V C 90 Days D $240.67 $240.67 Interac�ve Kids Shipper Chocolate Chip, Cocoa Banana, Apple Cinnamon - 18 X (6X100G)* WE4535 6 28110 01453 5 1 SP V C 90 Days D $431.01 $431.01 Peanut Free - Mixed Berry, Double Chocolate - 18 X (6X100G)* WE4580 6 28110 01458 0 1 SP V C 90 Days D $431.01 $431.01

137 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

49th parallel 53 Broya45 1642 33 Bubbies91 Buda Juice34 A Bull’s Head35 A2 Milk 66 Burnbrae Foods, Eggs 88 Acropolis Organics60 , 113 Burnbrae Foods, Frozen 95 Ac�via15 Alderwood Farms, Eggs88 C Alderwood Farms, Meats 105 Cabana35 Allergy Smart113 Carb Smart Express95 AllFree83 Chicago 58, Fermented Foods 91 Astro 66 Chicago 58, Meats 105 CookieItUp 114 B Cookin’ Greens96 Balzac’s55 Crosswind Farm 15 Bark Thins114 Culchered130 Bec 33 Cultured Coconut 128 Belmont Meats 105 Best Baa Dairy67 D Big Mountain Food 29 Daiya16 BioK+ 128 Dandies Marshmallows114 Black River Cheese47 Dose Juice 36 Bo & Marrow 45 E Booch Kombucha33 Earth’s Own 18 Boylan34 EbyManor 68 138 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

Elias Honey61 Happy Planet, soups125 Elite Dairy68 Harmony Organic Dairy Products Inc 70 Everreal83 Heavenly Organics115 Evive 96 Hello Bello100 Hewi�’s dairy71 F Holy Napoli 97 Fatso 109 Hope Eco Farms, Cheese48 Fauxmagerie Zengarry130 Hope Eco Farms, Dairy72 Four O’Clock Tea56 Hornby Organic32 Fresh Dress61 I G Icelandic Water38 Gay Lea Foods, Dairy69 Ivanhoe Cheese48 Gay Lea Foods, Snacks115 Genuine Tea56 J Good Drink 37 Jaswant’s Kitchen107 Good Food for Good, Condiments 62 Just Sauce62

Good Food for Good, Teas 58 Jyo� Natural Foods 107 Green Meadow Small Flock89 K Green Table Foods93 Kawartha Dairy73 Green Valley89 Kensington Market Street Food 125 Gusta29 KÖE Kombucha39 H Koukla117 Happy Planet, Beverages37 L Happy Planet, Entrees107 L’Ancêtre, Alterna�ve Meats 48, 68 139 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

L’Ancêtre, Cheese48 Nanny Hudson’s62 L’Ancêtre, Dairy68 Nature’s Farm 89 La�e Co 101 Nice Cream84 Le Pain Des Fleurs117 No Whey 120 Lemon Aide 102 Nola Baking Co.46 Level Ground Trading, Snacks118 Nona Vegan Foods111 Level Ground, Tea and Coffee58 NoochPOP! 122 Lilo&Co. 118 Nudefruit98 Live Kombucha39 Nutrinor 74 Loop Juice 39 Nuts for Cheese 131 Los Cantores120 O Lula Cookies120 O’Doughs 99 M Oatmega 32 Maison Apothecare102 Orangina40 Maison LeGrand, Alterna�ve Dairy20 , 131 Organic Meadow, Dairy74 Maison LeGrand, Dips109 P Maison Legrand, Soups126 Paqui122 Mapleton’s Organic84 Pastaco, Frozen Foods98 Mighty Fine Foods, Beverages 40 Pastaco, Sauces111 Mighty Fine Foods, Fermented Foods 93 Pepper North 64 Millennia Tea59 Phat Nutri�on 41 Mochi 97 Piccola Cucina84 N Pinehedge Farms76 140 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

Pirate Booty 122 Siggi’s80 Pitmaster LT’s64 Signor Bio 111 Planet Hemp Superfood104 Silk Non-GMO Beverages22 Protein 2.0 41 Simply Simple64 Proud Source41 Skinny Pop 124 Pulp & Press Juice42 Skuta124 Pyramid Ferments94 Sno85 R Sober Carpenter43 Rain City Tea59 Sol Cuisine30 Remedy Drinks42 Spread ‘Em Kitchen132 Riviera20 Springcreek Farms90 Riviera, Cheese52 S�rling Creamery81 Riviera, Dairy77 , 78 Stock Exchange45 Roar Organics43 Stok 44 Rolling Meadow78 Stonyfield 81

Rowe Farms90 Suku Vitamins129 Rumble Supershake43 Sunflower Kitchen, Dips110 Sunflower Kitchen, Soups126 S Sweet Loren’s87 Sapadilla103 Sweets from the Earth 86 Sealtest80 Sea�le Chocolate Company 123 T Shasha123 Terra Breads46 Shepherd Gourmet80 ToroMatcha 44

141 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected] CATALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2020 - EAST

V Vegan Magic27 Vegan Touch112 Villa Anna81 Vitali-T124 W Welo32 Western Creamery82 Y Yoso 27 Yumi Organics46

142 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR [email protected]