r I I

1 Presidta.+: °get.

( C. 7 1 1 ti PERInPERKOL i A AT [11111


'PublishedPublished by 1940 the Students of Harrison-Stone-Harrison - Stone - Jackson Junior Junior College andand Agricultural p, High School Perkinston

Eduard Hudgens Editor. Helen James •• BusinessBusiness Manager.Manager. Edward Hudgens Proclamation_Pr0adM11110/L...... „

n of as is a s DeaneDeeply kaki atin the the bardsheart, of ellJ; of as is I I.lace far for

Cann:al(arnins1 of Mardi.Nardi Gras Gni roso rtpuls1 typical of oarour parttart

of the eonstry.cottony_ Eagerly F.wcrly ay :re aronnt davit its return

cockcork yearyes to briny joy andend radiance to the litlire: yr

of the revilepeople along adow the the Goff Golf Coast. Coast. Mardi ilardi Grist (in(

bringsbrittys into brinyheist; allall the the fantastic. fastastie mystery andsad

colorlidrolorld paxoransotunoraina of 01 the the centorie, (ninnies and and rfesreilpretests

Wiamizser /Jeanne.Mutate. Because&MIX of of on.oar lowlove forfor

alldi thatthat itit symbalisyntbdixs.- s. lawtrr have here chosenchoirs Mardi.Mardi

Gras asas theIke themethew of of the the 1940 1941 Perkolator. Perkalator. flayMay it, too. it. too. 'resentfracas the the rotor. rotor, yairty. gains. and awl rarowouiry swot 'try of oar rolkarcollrye days. day.

EONTENL'ONTE\ '1' l'S 5 1-1 . . The CollegeCollege II The ClassesClasses Ill TheThe FeaturesFeatures IV .. .. StudentsStudents Activities Activities V . . Athletics

E U I 1, I UII N

Jo Mr. Parsons. head of the Agricul- ture Department. who for the past fifteen years has given all of his time and effort to the school. HeHe has wielded a high influence over the students and has inspired them to high ideals and standards of living. In recognition ofof hishis loyalloyal service and his many achieve- ments.ments, we dedicate this. the fifth edition of the Perko!atm..Perko'atm.. to Mr. Parsons.


41144-14A-wr 1,14-14‘-`vr f&.s*AA•4A•4A 64-$46-


WayWas down South there's a school that we all knew.know. Where the winds fromfrom thethe qulfgulf (loth (loth ewer ever !dm.hIn AlongNionn the pines so stately and so tall We listen to your call. We love you besthest of all.

Fame waswas thine thine through through the the years years of of thethe past.past. And we know thy name shall ever last. Thou art noble. proud. and true,true. Uh, Perhinston.Perkinston. wewe allall love you!

THETHE COLLEGECOLLEGE Administration Building

Entrance to Harrison Hall


President Gulf1;til tp.rtport VINSON B. SMITH_SMITH Vice-President _Pascagoula.Pascagoula H. P.P. HEIDLEBERG- HEIDLEHERG Secretary —WigginsWiggins J. E.E. ROBERSON ROBERSON_ BiloxiBiloxi V. B. PRINGLEPRINGLE —Saucier_Saucier W. LUTHER BLACKLEDGEBLACKLEDGX Howison M. A.A. COLMER COLMER GulfGulfport port J. K.K. MII MILKER NER Gulf port 0. L.L. 1.,noinanLADNIER J. N. DEDEAUX Perkinston _Perkinston J. N. DEDEAUX Wiggins T. W. LoreLorr______—_ • Perkinston W FORD O'NEALO'NEAL— Perkinston SMIT H __— D. E. SMITH Wiggins J. A.A. CHERRY CHERRY Escatawpa M. B. CUMBESTCUMBEST. Perkinston E. E. FLURRYFLURRY Miss MARYO'KEEFE O'KEEFE Ocean SpringsOcean Springs Miss MARY Moss PointPoint E. V.V. SUTHOPE SUTHOFF Pascagoula A.A F F. MECEHFF MEGEHEE President C. J. Darby

p PERKERR" owesowes muchmuch toto Mr.Mr. DarbyDarby whowho hashas • wieldedwielded a great a influencegreat influence over over the studentsthe students through through the the years years that that havehave

come and gone. His capability has been definitely proved during the

past eleven years he has been Superintendent of the College.



Varsity Hall JULIAJULIA B.B. SLAYSuor______Dean .Dean of WomenIf 011101

High School Dormitory and L. R.R. WEEKS,WEEKS, B.S—Dean of Men, MathematicsMathematics Dining Hall

C. 0. HINTON, B.S., M.S. Chemistry

B. P. Russum.RUSSUbf B.S., BS MA Education, Registrar,Registrar, SocialSocial ScienceScience

ampai Carnptt GRACE FRAZIER, FRAZIER, BA., B.A., M.A.____Language M.A._ .... Language


W. G. GREGORY,GROCERY, B.A., BA., M.A.______MathematicsM.A.___Mathematics

INAINA MAE HART, B.A.,BA., B.S.,B.S., M.A.M.A. _Coonnserria/_Commercial Freshman Dormitory

F. 0.0. PARSONS,PARSONS, B.A.,BA., M.S—______AgricultureM.S.___Agriculture Harrison Hall

MARY ELEANOR JOHNSTON,JOI/ NSTON, B.S., M.A.___ HoweHome EconomicsEconomics

.14 F A ULTY

EMILY JOJo DENSON,DENSON, B.M.B M __PianoPiano M.A.---Englishhsh PANE.PAUL B.B. BOWERS, BA., BA., M.A.M.A._____Social Sono! Science Science DOROTHY COVINGTON COVINGTON Cashier DOROTHY BROWN, BROWN, BA, B.A., M.A.-----Eng

Ph.D.—Science STANLEY C. C. BEERS, B.A Mathematics, Band Band T. W. BRASFIELD, BA., M.S., T. W. BRASTIELD, BA., M.S., Ph.D.—Science CHARLES RADYRANT ______--__Assistant Assistant BookkeeperBookkeeper J. 0.a BROWN,BROWN, B.S.—B.S. _MathematicsMathematics

B.S._-- -- Voice ELTON DALIER,DAUER, B.S. HARRIETT FULTON, B.AB.A REVEREND R. H. CAMPBELL CAMPBELL Bible Physical Education, Education, Social Social Science Science R.

BILL DAVID ...... __SecretarySecretary B.S.______—Science,B.S.____—Seience, Mathematics Mathematics _Dietitian A. I.T. REXINGER, BERINGER, B.S.______—B.S. _ L. P.P. INGRAM, INGRAM, Mits.MRS, L. R. WEEKSWEEKS _Dietitian Athletics, PhysicalPhysical Education Education

JAMES H. BAIJLCH B A Commercial IRENE MORRISON,MORRISON, B B.S.. S —__EnglishEnglish JAMES H. BAULCH B A GLORINE LOTTLOTT Nurse Rose!tog. McBum,Mc&Rov, B.A., B.A., B.S., B.S., M.A.______Librarian M.A.__Librarion

kit SNAP SHOTS A11-11-1,11! Ze GREAT thinker ! . . Russum,. Russum, Inc. Inc. . , Burr! It's cold! ... Ah-11-1,11! Zr GREAT thinker Well,13r-r-r-r! how It's do cold! vouscons do! ...... Relaxing Relaxing from from the the duties duties of of the the clay clay . ...• . Who in de (satire) . ... Oh, cruel.cruel, cruel world am dat? ... Not anxious for that bell,bell, areare you?you? . Florida, world! . • . Mass socialism ..... All All dressed dresser? up up and and nowhere nowhere to to go go . . . Florida,ice? Indiana,Indiana. New York—PINY!York—F1NY! Yeah!Yeah( wewe don'tdon't getget itit eithereither ...... What,What, moremore ice? Camera shy, eh! ... Our dignified faculty. ... Camera shy. eh! ... Our dignified faculty.


mi =Air. PC 1M





SecretarySecretary-Treasurer- Treasurer


Walter\Valter Mavis. Davis, Nlilliceut Millicent NIurrel,urrcl, RubRuby JoluRton

WITH saddened hearts the Sophomores view the

campus for the last time as students. As graduates they have high

ambitions for a successful life. May all their hopes and ambitions be


7e 5 P H O MORESM O 11 E S

RICHARD _New YorkYork City AUDIOITAUDREY Dtcg Biloxi, Miss. "Dick" Basketball Ilettered)• (lettered)• '25,'40; '40; Newman Newman Club Club •49, .40;'59, "P"'40; "P" Club 'SP.OM, Secretary-Treasurer'40; Secretary-TreasurerWeso Wesleyl Foundation Foundation 414 ; '19; Y.M.C.A. 'on,00.'40; '10; Niost Most HandsvmeHandsome Boy Hoy '40; '40; "Glamour" "Glamour" Boggm , Track (lettered)(lettered) '80; '89; Item Best Girl Girl Athlete Athlete ' 40; '10; Rest Ben 1,1 Girl Sport Sport HO:'40; Superintendent.SuperiMen&... '40. "Tall, dark, andand handsome." handsome... "A jollyj°"' good toolfg felleuITItr,o rifowl:Lo.....in MarchMarch. ""

BruteHENRY DAVIS__..__.._._.._____..... DAVIS __.____—__--_—__ __ _ Vaneleave,VanCleave, Miss. Miss. ELVA DOWNING.Dowsing° Perkillat011,Perkinston, kinSton, Miss. Miss. GleeGlen Club§Ivb ..,40;t,0;a Spanishsurri,,t1s Club TreasurerTrea.rm .4w '40: Language Language Club Club "Hank" '00; Dramatic Club 'SO. • Y.M.C.A. .40:'40; GleeGlee Club Club 'SO; 'DO; B.S.V. B.S.U. '10; 'so, Agriculture • Amicaltnre -"SheShe will still go go far far and and accomplish ac.mplisb much" Club 'SO,'30, SecretarySecretary '40. '40. "Super.friendly—Farming,"Sup...friendly-Farming, his his ambition. ambition. Potato Potato MARION DowxixtDOWNING Perkinston,Perkinstnn, Miss. bugv—bewarel"bugs-bewarel" "A quiet fellowfellow who who never never says aye much." much."n'

12011/5Rusus DRURY DRURY_ —_Mobile,_Mobile, Ala. LOUISE DAVISDAVIS Ocean Springs,Springs, Miss. 11,5.1'.'40: "P" Club . 40; Football )lettered) '10;'go: BasketballBasketball B.S.U. '40; "P" Club '40; Football (lettered) aetshAball i' Phi Theta Kappa Kappa . 90,'80, Secretary Secretary '40; '10; Y.W.C.A. Y.W.C.A. L. Cabinet'30. Cabinet '40:40. BatRat ILyBoy Sport Sport '40; '40; Phi Phi Theta Theta Kappa Kappa '40. '40. '40:40: CommercialCommercial Club Club 'SO; EP; B.S.U. 11,S.U. Treasurer Treasurer 'SO, 'SP, '40; Pap'40;Pep "The bestbest of of the the best heat with with a capital a capital B." B." Squad 'MI. '80, '40. '40. Long Beach, Miss. "Not afraidafraid of of anything—even anything-even work." work." RAs,RAY DUBUISSONDunumsox Long Beach, Miss. "Duly""Duby" Y.M.C.A. V,'ME '40; '40; 11.4 Band (lettered) (lettered) . 80, '80, '10. '10. NETTIE 14SISELEISE awlsDAVIS. _Biloxi,Biloxi, Miss. "Redheaded 'Dishy;..1= 7 7aging,,1,,coging, always always laughing— laughing- "Gay" Y.W.C.A. CabinetCabinet . 811. '50, Treasurer Treasurer '40; '10; Pen Pep °ding Squad '10; Phi'ID; Phi HElmomy N DUNCANDUNCAN.- ._.._.._-_.. _.Vancleave,.Vancleavc. Miss. Miss. Theta Kappa Kappa '00, '80, '40; '40; Hiking Hiking Chaperone Cha.reon '40; '40; Annual Annual Staff Staff "D.r" .'10;40; CountryCountry Club Club . 81): '80; French French Club Club '40;0; '4 Tennis '40; '10; Inter. Inter. national RelationsRelations IL '40. Agriculture ClubClub 'SO, '39, 'IL '407D"'" "She never never complains complains of ofhard hard work, work, but butwillingly willingly "Has no en trouble trouble finding finding many many friends." triode." does it... it." V SARA FRANCES ELORIDGP ELDRIDGE .Wiggins.Wiggins, Miss,MISS. "Sara Martha" WALTER DAVIS —.-_Magnolia,_Magnolia, Miss. R.S.D. '80.Treanurer Treasurer '40; '40; Y.W.C.A. Y.W.C.A. 10, '50, '40; '40; C.W.A.A. C.W.A.A. 'su, '89, J. T. COFFMAN_..___.___._-_ __-_____Elkmont,--_.Ellonont, Ark.Ark. . 00, Presi- '40;40; CommercialCommercial Club Club .8!: '3U; Choral Choral Club Club '89. '59. JAMESloll F.11 BAILTHROPSBAITI11401T Biloxi,Biloxi MiSS Miss. J. T. COFFMAN Y.M.C.A. '80. Vice-PresidentVice.President . 40; '40; Agriculture Agriculture Club Club '80. Presi- dent '40;'10; B.S.U. B.S.U. .00, '89, Treasurer Treasurer '40; '40; Phi Phi Theta Theta Kappa Kappa HO. '40. -"Unique-readsUnique—reads her her own s shorthand. Quiet Quiet only only "finIttly" "Dune," "Jimmy" "Optimist for everything and everybody." at intervals... '40; "Optimist for everything and everylmdy." Annual Staff '10,W. .40; .to; Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. '80, '40;'10; CountryCountry ClubClub .NM.80. "P" Club 'Mb'SD, '40; '10; Baseball Baseball Lb. 39, HO; '40; Basketball Basketball 110. Football (lettered) (lettered) '80, I% '40; '40; Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. '80, '39, '40; '10; Best Best Look- look. "A thampRnchampion t mum.er, He He ma cany dra dragg his his feet feet,, in in ing theWe hall. hall,bolt butat he heis is alwaysal.. read, ready InO toMee dance." inn Boy '89. "Tall, grodgoad looking, looking, and and quiet, quiet, not not a few a few girls girls would like to know him." LEvitsLgwis EDWINEDWIN BATSONBATSON__ Wiggins, Miss.Miss. would like to know him."

"Ned" Knnu.mmKATHLEEN COLLE—Cmdg______Paseagoula, .PDSCRgOttla, Miss. Miss. Spanish Club Club '10; '40; Band Band L. '59, '40; '10; Orchestra Orchestra '80, '40.'50, '40. "Kad' "Quiet, dependable. and a real gentleman—acrd "Quiet, depeedsble, and a real gentleman-used 90; C.W.A.A. Seere- toto taketake his his music music seriously." seriously." Y.W.C.A. 'SO,'Lb '40; '40; Wesley Wesley Foundation Foundation . '80; C.W.A.A. Secre- tarytery 'Mb'80, PresidentPresident '40; '40; Pep Pep Squad Squad 'Mb '30,• 40. '40. ZITTSRZeman BOND _POkillSlon,Perkinston, Miss. Miss. "Always readyready to to lend lend her her hand hand to anyto any mischief." mischief." Band '59.'89. '40; '10: Glee Glee Club Club . 30, 'SO, '40, '40; Girls' Girls' Sm.... Sextet Girls" '39; Girls' Quartet . 10.'O. EDITH COLLINS Saucier ' Miss. HomeSucieEconomics Club'. rltl; M4re "Quiet and studious,studious, but bon not not Its toostudious." studious." Sui7sVlk"1Y.W.C.A. 0, '001 Y.W.C.A. '89, '10; Home Economics Club'a Club 'SO.'39. BONNTE BROADUSBitoxaus eminfesTive giggle keeps all who know her cheerful. • - Philadelphia, Miss.Miss. "lier infective giggle keeps all who know her cheerful." Y.W.C.A. '10;'40; Glee Glm Club Club '40. '10. WILLIAM COOKCoog______Corpus Corpus Christi, Christi, Texas Tam "Demure and and sweet-10,51 sweet-loud by everyone."by remove." "Bill" JAWSJAMES BO1D. BYRD __.—______61111133a,CnifpOrt, Miss. Miss. . "P""11.. ClubClub '39,'80, '40;'40; Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. Lb '39, '40; '40; Agriculture Agriculture Club Club Dramatic Club Dramatic Club'89,10; '39, '10; Wesley Wesley Foundation Foundation 'SO, '50,.40; '40; Y.M.C.A. '79;.30; Reporter '10. 10. Y.M.C.A. "Hishi redr.ed thair,tira smile,tlebes, atvldikedand fretklafrmbk,,Iyes.eall all combine thebin netot.. tots,make make "Heits puts hishis soul soul into Into all all he he does does and and will willever ever him one of the best lilted boy. on the eaMPIta.“ be successful." be sumnutul." —.Gulfport, Miss.Miss. EDWARD CubbgbiCULLEN WILLIAM 00141.15 __Rand,BOW, Miss. "Chicken" "Bill" Y.M.C.A. '40; International Relations Club '80, '40; AiTiAO ,. Franli reelub 9, o Y.M.C.A. '10: Canal Relations Club '30, '40; Preach01,11, Club 'IL'Itt; InternatIonal International Relations Relations Club Club 'II. '10. cyjitculture Club 'SO, '40. "Os et. "Qs et, mummies;unauunting; INA but determined—that's determined-that'. LIT" Bill." "Quiet, reserved and alwaysalways willing willing to to do An his his IMO." SDI. DOUGLAS JOHN DOUGLAS CIARK_.- S. 0. CUNNINGHAM Kansas,nooa , Ala.Ala. CLANIF______Gulfport,-_- __Gulfport, Miss. E. 0. CUNNINGHAM Ka "Lang John" "Curti""Glint" Agriculture Club L. '40) Y.M.C.A. L. '40; Tennis Agrimilture Club '59. 'a; Y.M.C.A. '89,'10; Tennis '10. "P" ClubClub '99, '8, Pr.ident '40; 4 . 0B SAL .S.U. '10,.40. Agilin"en C"CI. ,! '10. " Ball Cour, "His lonalong toga legs serevanehim him wellwell in In Plaiting OW.. es- an ss' 'AL'89. NO;'10; FootballFootball (lettered) (lettered) LI'89, D.S.U.tar.Dtist" 40; "S "Star•Dust' Ball ComI ceWentcellent game gams of tennis,"ol teals." Assistant";stout Superintendent. • Superintendent. "Doesn't realise realize he's he'. Perk's Perk's handsome handsome heartbreaker." heartbreaker."

! O P H M 0 R E 5

HOUSTENHOUSTBN HUDGENS Hassles -LongLong Beach, Beach, Miss. Miss. "Sock" WWARREN 005115 LASSEREI ns‘ruy Long BcIch. Reach, Misc.Miss. "Sark" "Frenchman" Bandnand (lettered)(lettered, 'A. '35 .40. Y.M.C.A.Y.M.C.A. '30,.94, '40; '40; Glee Glee CIA Club 'A. '30. 'Frenchman" "A"A goodgood natured natured boy Imy wit nwithh daysdarkrk Ahair.aysr. Always Alwayslw in ina hurry a hurry Y.M.C.A. 'A.'35 '15; '40; Rand Band 'so; 15 Glee Glee CIA Club 'SO. XS.' adn al wayswa late." "Never"Never todet. quiet, always always talking. talking, joking, inking, or or leamag." HELEN LotlISE LOUISE JAMES JAMES al Gulfport, Miss. Gulfport, Miss, 1LOIS 010 ILAWRENCE AWIIINCV _New Orleans,La. La. "Inspiration" New Orleans, Y.W.C.A. CabinetCabinet '59, '05, President President . '40; Language Club '35 Y.W.C.A. '45;'45 Wesley Foundation Foundation '40; '40; Dramatic Dramatic OP, 'PE Club '40; 40. Language CIA 'MG Cheerleader '40. SpanishRpaonte CI, Uh, Vice.President '40; BulkIng Growl. Library Kh'"AeVTit littleer bundle of energy, always going some place." ReporterC 'MG'8.9b• AnnualAnnual" StaffTbb 'SO. Editoom-ChiefEillTbodr!'n-Ifi°,71 '..40;410!b Phijg bIlle of energy, aiwars going some Ida.- - ThetaThew Kappa 'MI, '40;'40; B.S.C. B.S.U. NM; X5 Presbyterian Presbyterian Club Club '40: '40: JAMES LEE. I FF Lyman, Miss. Miss. State Exam. Exam. Spanish Spanish 10 'MG 10 '09:International International Relations Relations Club Club Ball'40; Pep Squad Squad '40; '40; Most Most Versatile Versatile Girl Girl0. "Star-Duat" '40: "StamDust" "Jimmy""/irony" Ball Court Court . 41; 1'40; State State Exam. Searn. Education Education 10 '40; Most 10 '45CCocotte, Most Count- Asous Girl Girl 'SO '30,, •40. '40. "A friend to all, and a friend of ell." "Courteous"Courteous and and int industrious—thrivesrdriox,Tthrives on plenty on of plenty of hard work." CLAYTON LEHMAN Gulfport, Miss. Miss. RUBYRuss JotJOHNSTON 50T.`' Pensacola, Fla. Fla. Bawl. (lettered) . 30; '30. Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. '50,.40. '80, .40; International International 'Rob. Rela. Commerc of alClub Club '35; '35 Basketball Basketball 'A, '40; '30, Y.M.C.A. '40; Y.M.CA. '30, '45 Pons Club '40: Wesley Foundation '30.Orchestra '15 Orchestra 45. Cheerleader '50: '39; "P" "P" Club Club 'A. Vice.President '35 Vice.President '40; Interna- '45 Interna- "Too"Toots s his his own„ hot horn and likes and ttlikes Too--so it too—so do we.' tionaltional Relations Relations Club Club 'A. President'35 President '40; Baseball '40; Baseball (lettered) (lettered) WILLIAM HENRY HIABV !AUER. LIBE.S.. .Pensacola,Pensacola. Fla. Fla. '19,50. '40; '45 Student Studrow Council Council '40; President '40; President Sophomore Sophomore Class '40; '40; Must Most Popular Popular Boy '40;But C '4500, 10Campus4$ King 'so.. 10.Ring "Bill" "A loyal friend, so seldom fonnel." "A loyal friend, so seldom found." y6m. . c.A. '89, 'in;'45 ConaniercMICommercial Club Club 'so; '39; Best Best Dressed Dressed BOY, BM JAMESPorts KPIKF.1.1.1 LY1 . Vancleave, Miss. Miss. "Jim" "Ile's"lie's the the one, one, now." now." Y.M.C.A. •40;'40; Agriculture Agriculture 'A. '30, 'SO; '40; Internaticnal International Relations Relations WILLIAM LIPSCOMBLirscona ______.._ _.___Vancleave,Vancleave, Miss.Miss. Club '50, '39, .40. '40. "Billy" "A"A littlelittle gun gun of of big big canes." canoe." "P" Club 'A. .40: Baseball (lettered) '99, '10;45 Agriculture Agriculture MELVINMarvin KENNETH Greenwood, Miss.MiSS. "P" Club '011, '40: Baseball (lettered)1 '39, Club 'SO, '39. '40;Basketball Basketball . 40. '40. Y.M.C.A.Y.M.CA. '39,'59, '401'40: FootballFootball (lettered) (lettered) 'A, '89,'40; Tenn'40; Tenns (led a Ile.. "Keeps many of his talents hidden, bus we ens know one tered)ter.) '89, . 5111, '40; '40; "P""P" Club ',A'30, Seeretar.Treasurer Secretary.Treasurery '40; Stu- "Keeps stt'OUgelfwea'ailthing he's a/Wlit1,5.^,i good baseball player." dent Council. Council. Vice.Presiden Vice.Presitlentt '10; Phi '45 Theta Phi KappaTheta '40; Kappa 'Si "Star.D.I"Star.Dust"." Boll Ball Court Coat .40. '40. RUTI1E.ARUTHELtA LOTTLorr Nashville,Nashville, Tenn. Tenn. "You can't keep a good man down—neither.—neither son can "You can't keep agood man down Tennis Deuered) (lettered) '511, ID. .40; '40: Track Track '39:. 39. Hiking Hiking Chaperone Chaperone . 40: '40: you get get ahead ahead of ofhim." him. " '30. C.A. Football Queen Queen 'SO; '10: C.W.A.A. C.W.A.A. '59, Treasurer 10: '40: Basketball Basketball LuciusLUCIEN WILLIAM KIDD.. Ktnn Puerto Puerto Castilla, Castilla, Honduras, Honduras, C.A. (lettered)(Mitered) 'alb'35 CaptainCaptain 45'40. Pep Pep &Madquad 'W. .440 . 40 ;: CheerleaderCheerle ade r "Kid"Kid" '59. '40; GleeGlee Club Clu b '30; '30; Y.W.C.A. Y.W.0 .A S .'SD, '85 .40; ' 0, II.S.U..;'40.S.U., B Second Second JULIAN HAMILTON _Wade, Miss. 50, '40; Tennis '50: Band '55; Vice...WentVice.President 'SO; '40;Wesley Wesley Foundation Foundation 'SD; "I"' 91'94; ClubClub "1 'A,139, JAMESJAMBS POWELL POWELL ESTES, ESTES, JP. Js._...____ _—Moss MOSS Point, Miss. Miss. Y.M.C.A. '39,'49, '40; 145 Track Track . '45 Tennis '80; Band '05 '40; "P""P" ClubClub 'A, 'SO, '40; '40; French French Club Club '40; '40;Newman Newman Club '59, Clnb .40. '90, '40. President '40. '40. '40;'on CommercialCommercial Club. Club, Reuerter Reporter 'A. '40; '99, Wye '40; Glee Always jolly. always sunny. always in for work and fns.° Y.M.Y.M.C.A. C.A. .341 13rerg'FrOuneelats??40;rq.lre.r7.11T.',,. ' '10;12;, , T1'0. The' 1""" "Would"Would rather rather argue argue than than eat." eat." "Aiwa,. jolly, always sunny. always in for work and fun." ClubCM '10;. 10; Phi Phi Theta Theta Kappa KaPlas Svostar, Secretary. Freshmen F..... 049Oa'' ‘,'elzi'Lir:uncdT, In?<.:, 5?i0;r "Laughter and and helpfulness helpfulness are his are specialty." his specialty." "Great oaks oaks from from little little acorns rnsaco grow." grow." MISS.Miss. ELM.Eossa FILLINGISI Long Beath, Beach, Miss. Miss. JosaruJOSEPH J. J. HARTMAN HARTMAN -..—. Biloxi, "S"Sprratte Pad ute "J. J." .55. 10. "P""P° Club Club 'SO, 'SO, '40; '40; Football Football (lettered) (lettered) '. 30. '45 BasketballBasketball Band (lettered) (lettered) 'Cu, '30, Vice.President VicmPresident .40; '45 Y.M.C.A. '85 '15 (lettered) '30, '40; Track '39; Rest Boy Athletehlete 40. (lettered) '30, '40; Track '39; Best Boy Athlete . 40. Orchestra '59, '89, '40; '40; International International Relations Relations 'Mk '40; '89,wale,Weida ..; "When he be shoots, shoots, he hits.°he hits." Foundation . 4o; '40; Slate State Band Band contest, Contest, second secondin trombone in trombone solo, solo, MADIEM.SDIE GIBSONGluon McHenry, Miss, Miss. "May his sliding trombone slide on to success." t I.S.O. '35'30; If.m147:orTzm,b'eoistmItcs.C,,I 4b "May his sliding trombone slide on to success." F ward for her." _Wiggins, Miss. 111% 11411111N RnnDxRAP'S HAW Hawnins______Wiggins, KI NS Miss. WILFREDW$1.11.0 CAIGALLOWS, =re, Ja Biloxi, Miss.Miss. "Choaky""Chooky" 'Hawk""Hatch" • "P" Club Club '40; '40; Football Football '50, '30, (lettered) (lettered) • 40; Y.M.C.A. '40; Y.M.C.A. 'A; '30; International Relations Relations '50, '40.'99, '10. Newman Club Club 'A, '30, '40; '40; Baseball Baseball '40; Country '40; Country Club. Club. "Tall, butbut every every inch inch radiates radiates MS good his sol34.1urs nature."' " •"AlwaysAlways laughing,laughing, always joking, always tired always joking, always tired Pass Christian, Christian, Miss. Miss. 4of working..• JULIUS JOHNJOHN HAYDEN, HAYDEN, JR. Jo.. ___.._—_ .te- MPTEAL GOONS MARTEAL GREEN .- __._McHenry, McHenry, Miss. "J. f." Phi Theta Kamm . _ Phi Theta Kappa311. '50. '45; 'MI; Home Home Estates SconomIcs so Club 'SU, Club '40; 'BO, '10; Y.M.C.A. '30,'SO, '40; '45 Football Football '59, '30, '40. '40. e Ii92RM. rto nol! n•n• BED.B.S.U. .31.1 '40; '4 11 Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A. '40; ..• International International Relations Relations 'au, '39, SeerelsrpTreasurer,Seeretery.Treasurer, 'O. '45 "Ilia"His hair hair is is the the envy envy of every of every girl—especially girl—especially Lillian." "Cool,"Cool. capable, capable and end remrsed, metro.. always always accomplish. accomplishes Beach, Miss. Miss. whmwhat she she seta sets out outto do." to do." JAMES ALEXANDF.R ALEXANDER HODGE, Howe,Ja______Long JR..__.---.L011g 301.john WILLISWalls Counts Galues "Hog" __Gulfport, Miss. Miss. n "Dam"Duns Dunes Data" BandBand' 0,'80, '40; '40; Y.M.C.A.Y.M.C.A. '50,'80, '40. '40. • • .0 a .c4 Had his .:40, -4,„,'40; \Weltyweary Fvundatou "Life'Life isis gay. gaLa l,(life:sei . lis free—mostf‘ .fe;;:orin ektt o rmoff Lh:tiLins.s.the time. Had his z • Foundation 'DS,1401 '40; Commercial Commercial The dinnerdinner 411 bell is is'Dim 'Dam Dods' Dam's' music." music." Miss. dunurunlusn'°u.:G.,,,,,,41.1,.1.fp0.0.. ;11:5' DOUGLAS HAGUE- DAVID CARTY.11 CARTER' 1HOYLE.-hIon'TLuFf soil sun' Uncut •__„_1_3;i__ __Pascagoula,r„._____Pascagoula, Miss.Miss. "Doug" "Big David"David" "Big !•nn2: 55. F .A. 'e9, '10; Dramatic International Relations Relations . 811, '35 '40; '40; Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. 'SO, '39, President President :: 0; ads Wesley Pauadation Beat Accountant :4.5 Gla Commercial Club '99, Treasurer '40- !II:7:FPhi ThetaelieLtV..1Eipl Kappabakk. :3:1,;,,,, T'89,,:7Z7,7n...r '15 Annual 's,,,V' Staff'at '39; B.S,11. .• "BoHis sunny '""" smile and skald,. personalitycarry will "u" carry hint tA, far on tIM road to miceess." State Exam. Bookkeeping '09. "A podgood seholar—a scholar—a good good fellow." fellow."

L 5 0U P llu VIM 00 11R E 5

WEETHVYSTRI TRYBUE TREACE RAMSAY RAMSAY __Vancleave,Vancleave, bliss.Miss. MILNE° Ruswx______—.Wiggins, bliss. MILDRED RUSTIN Wiggins, Miss. GleeCleo Clot, Club '30, '80, Ho; '40; Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. '39. '89, '40, '40; Dramatic Dramatic Club Club Mt, '99, '40, Commercial Y.W.C.A.Y.W.C.A. be. Ts. Cabinet Cabinet HO, C.W.A.A. '40;'40; International International Relations Relation. Club Club '80.Vice.President Vice.President '40: Club '40; Presbyterian Club.40; . 40,C.W.A.A. II.S.U. 'MA'39. '40; C012111Xrd21 WesleyWesley Foundation Foundation '89. '39. '40. '40. Club '40; Presbyterian Club '40; B.S.U. "Inconspicuous and alertly clever." "A"A 'well swell dancer dancer whose whose fest feet obey obey his hie every every desire." desire." "Ineonspicuma and alertly clever." GLEN EDWARD __Gulfport. bliss. GLEN EDWARD SLETTEN- Gulfport, Miss. STANLEY RATON SKY Bronx, N. Y. STANLEY RATOMSKY __Bronx, N. Y. ..5/ats""Slats" "Rummy""Rummy" Band (lettered) '811, '40; Orchestra 110, '40; ••le . Club '39. '40;Band Boeing (lettered) (lettered) '50, '30;'40; Mem', Orchestra of winning '30, '10; Clarinet "P" Club En. '30, r.rTrackg rryk '30, t'40;,ot Y.D.C.A. 'SD,MB '40; Newman Newman Club Club '30, 'SO. Sec. Sec. '40; Boxing (lettered) '30; Member of winning Clarinet En. semblcamble '30. 30. retao.Trasurer '40. "Small but mighty. Knows ee, key on the clarinet "He's"Ile's friendly friendly in to all." all." "Small but mighty. En:7, key on the clarinet

ANTON REEL _ .Bronx, N. Y. JAMES TERRELL SMITH .Wiggins, Miss. NTON Bronx, N. V. JAMES TERRELL _Wiggins,Miss. Track '30. 'SO. '40, '40; Language Language Club Club '80; 'SO; French French Club, Club, Vice.Presi- Viee.Presb "Horst"Horse Fly" Fly" dentdent '40; '40; Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. '40. Y.M.C.A. '40, Commercial Club '39. "He"He likes likes himself. himself. but but that's Oat's not notnil—everyone all-everyone else else likes likes Y.m. "Has his share of grit and determination." bin,him too. too. A A grand grand fellow." fellow." clio',"e:=•1g of rit MONROE SMITH __---. _blagnolia, bliss. Mowaot Salmi .._.__ Magnolia, Miss. ROBERT LOUIS RICH . Y.M.C.A. Club '39. .Chicago, Y.M.C.A. '89, '40; Batt. ':hisses strove '30,o to do bisAgricultureLest." Club '80, '40. "Bob" "Alwa ys stroev tod '40; is hlast. " Boeing (lettered) '39, "0" Club '39, '40; Agriculture Club JAMES EARL SIXINELE Pass Christian. bliss. Boxing (lettered) '30, "P" Club '39, '40; Agriculture Club JANIES EARL SPRINKLE Pass Christian, Miss. '30,'80, '40. Y.M.C.A. '39, '90, '40. "Vint" "Mwans on the up and up. A grand fellow." "Jim" "Always on the up and up. A grand fellow." Football '39. Football '80, '40; Y.M.C.A. '30, .40. "Heads the class tot smiles." DORISINDIO Rums RUSH. _.__Laurel,Laurel, Miss. - Heads the class for smiles." JOSEPHINE STEGALL Gulfport, bliss. "Toolsic""Tootsio" JOSEPHINE STEGALL Culfprirt, Miss. Y.W.C.A. '30.'80, 'HI;'40; Wesley Wesley FountLation Foundation '30. '89. '40, 'SO; Pep Pep Squad Squad '39,TO, '40; '40; Campus Campus Beauty Beauty UM: '39; "Star-Dust" "Star.Dust" Ball Ball Court Court '40. '40. B.S.V., Reporter 'M. President '40; Y.W.C.A. '50. '40; Glee Club '39;Reporter Pep Squall '80. '30, President '40: Dramatic '40; Y.W.C.A. Club •39, '39,'40. '40; Clec "A see,sweet little little bundle bundle of of happiness." happiness." Club Pep Squad TO, '40t Dranmtic Club311. '40. "Always dreaming. mar they be hat,' deersma•". Russubt Perkinston, Miss. "Always dreaming. may they he happy dreams." LIL MILDXXOM ELDRED Russum __Perkinston, Miss. LONNIE JACKSON STRINGER, JR—_-___Hattiesburg, Miss. LONNIE JACKSON STRINGER,Ja_____Hattiesburg, Miss. BanBand d '37, '38, '39, SecretarySecreta ry '40;'40. GleeGlee ClubClub '38, '38, '39, '99, Prmi- Presi- dent 'MO'40; Commercial Club Club '38;TO ; Girls' Girls' Sextet Sextet MO: '30, State State CoroCon. test VocalVocal Solo Solo . 39;'39, Qetuart '39, '39, '40, Y.W.C.A. Y.W.C.A. '38,'38. '39.'80, Y.M.C.A. 'an: Football Manager '30; Agriculture Club '89, Jackson, bliss. '40. Home Economics Club '39. '40. Tennis '40; H.S.V. 'At, Y.M.C.A. '40; Football Manager '39; Agriculture Club '35, Jackson, Miss. 'DB Home Economics Club TD. '40; Tennis 'III; 11.5.15. TO, '40. Lyman, Miss. CHARLES Dlt DICKENS i . \ ICNAIIFEMCNAMEE Chorister '40. '40. "If looks and personality mean anything, he'll go far DENNIS Lowesx-- Lyman, Miss. "Mao"ao" "If looks and pees/al:Byin thern world."anything, hell go far DENNIS LOWERY President "Her"Ilex personality personality is isjust lust like like her her music--grand." nutstc-grand." "Shorty" Wesley FoundationFoimilation XS,'38, '89;'89; Band Band '38, 89, President Y.M.C.AY.M.C.A. '30.'40; '40; Weal,Wodey Fouudation Fouudation 'M.'51, '40; '40; Boxing Boxing '89, '89; Memberklember ofof firstfirst place plate P.nvemble Ensemble '99 ' h Club 48, Cheerleader 'el. '40; PresbyterianPresbyterian Club,Club, PrmidentA0:President Frenc Cheerleader '40. '40• Piano Duo '40; Assistantssistant Band Ban Dv "A welbliked <01.3L.1.1congenialellow." fellow. WouldWould male make a a Y.M.C.A. '33,88. 'au.TM '40; Piano Duo '40 '40; Orchestra. "A well.liked. rector; Glee Club '98, Business Manager '89, '40; 0Ohml wellell comedian."comfedian. rector, Glee Club '38, 'Business Manager Nashville, Tenn. 88. 'O. '40. DoututsDOUGLAS LYNCH LYNCH-- _Nashville, Tenn. "Interests are are band, hand, chorus, chorus, and and a certaina certain Jackson Jackson OW' girl." "Doug" Biloxi, Miss. "Doug" JAMES OLLIAN NETHERLAND ...---- Y.M.C.A. '89, '40; Waley Foundation '30, '40. JAMES OLLIAN NETHERLAND -.-- t• Y.M.C.A."Dose blue '89. '10;tom Weller could Fovivissimwin a smile from any OB." "O"01/ic"r 'inc." 'Throe blue eyes could win a smile from any girl. 01 . '50i CuuslT011 Mxrns Lou LYONS Gulfport, Miss. "0" ClubClub 'a9,.809x,,n'. . '40;40,,;,L.Ig.1,.,,'80, Y.M.C.A. UM, '40; '40; 13.B.S.U. WI Cm MAXIM LOU LYONS Gulfport, Miss. ClubClub '09; Bowing Manager '30. "BLedOled_by"Beloved by all all for for his his friendlin friendliness.", s. " "Ballir'sito" Em o, cyNA Miss. CcmmaculCommercial Cab Club '88, 'as, PrtsiPre/limitrk ao'401 Phi Phi Tbetn Tint. KappaKappa 's9, :38 . : —_--..------Saucier, F.esottv O'NEAL 0.-'111S+9.. aUCkr. Miss. tool '8u, Dramutie Club, Seuteary Y.M.C.A-.73-1..M.C.A. a9. AgriAgricititufcultup Clubc '110, '30, I TO: • • Y40.4r07T.7/..1 Y.w.C.A.'. ''89.'40;E +u: tull,log Bulldog Growl Growl Rep Reporter ter no: '89; Annual Lanai "Quiet."Unice, determined determined and and shy" shy.s., M, bliss F Sniff,Staff, AssistantAssistant Editor.in.ChiefEditor.in•Chief '40;'40; Football Football Court Court" 30, '30, 40; ______—___ 4100, .

CampusCampus Beautylksuly •110;. 50; Most Mon SophisticstedSophisticated Sophomore Sophomore NO: SHANNONSHANNON PAUL PAUL PICKICH P.KICII i "Stawthest" Ball an '10. "Star-Dust" Pall COISTn . 10. "Chookis" 40 ; 010x,09 110 . '30, '40; Mooing On "She seems denture. and Mc is, too; but there is plenty "P""P" ClubClub '09, TO, 'HI; '40; Football FoOgtalni okiefletfered --) • M pepn and fun 504.0 that calm aterior." Newman Club "S" "oofn'pe ,Tridt 'iunlindhe; "I`"" tend)'89;terse) ' BaseballBaseball '80;11 Newman Club•90 '80,lha '40,hirn." ALBERT MASON, JR...____ andd the worldworld smiles smiles ca withn Dm. Mi ss. AL117.07 MARCIE JR _Biloxi,Biloxi, Miss. LeleGAsmaiEIles s leys.,..an ____!Columhus, eine BOWERYMRoDERT NICCAHEY._____ " , BandBand '59,'80, '10; '40; Orchestra Cabana 10; Newman Club '50, '40; Mem. )co (lettered be,r4vitni2 . 40, Newman Club 'MI, '40; Mem lt Clarinet Ensemble '89; Tennis '80. "P" Club 38, '40; Y.M.C.A. l•7nVlantn.lr 5 II% just HAZEL '40; Wesley Foundation '8R,It thet;Pthe typicaleitetntulrorn stubborn4 bbo;.••lo7,7 j0.0 10: r a ,yv :e: CHARLES MORGAN__ HAg i CliARLES MORGAN _____ —Gulfport, Gulfport, Miss. RT sein "Charlie" thl cub . '39, b'40; Dramatic'8 Club 9, '40: Band pmidhaCommercial ph Club;, ,,,Ltoss% LanguageC"'"'" 0 CitClub 'SO;'39; FrenchFrench Club, Club, — President '40; Phi Theta Kappa '59, '40. "Hies"Ho actionsactions speakspeakCI, loud, than than :00ms.” souk." "Always joking. always -Perkinston, Mmucl.sr Mean. INK. RAMSAY— . blnxics.xv Memos,. ..„.„, La.La. fogimilgg ... F•' , "Millie' 'Prt'S'itlent, PhiPhi TheisTheo Kappa Kappa 111). '89.'40; '40; Y.W.C.A.Y.W.C.A. '89, Cabinet Y.W.C.A. Clainet. 'SO, r\;irfe Scoff 'so Cabine t "• . C .W. Football Cd 116 C W• Club, President 'SO, Treasurer '40; Ann , A.A. 'SO, Secretary '10; Newman Club '80 '40tl terna A.A. '39. Secretary '40, Neuman Club '39, •40; International Via Relationscgb Cluh '40; Pep Pen Squad Squad '59, '39.'40; '40; LammageClub,'Vice.1.41nimage'ClubAtieci. iOnal ant EdiorinChief °Ta .ork r ap PrMdenll'reside, 10; Best Dressed Girl '40; Dram,. Pnn,;orn.cs "bark and vivacious with laughing brown '30; Weak, Foundation '40; Miss 'vrOD171Zhnh y would lingbleuthl:tatt the darkest hex" Lull Q,e """ that e• we're glad vv found YO't M O R ER S E.74e S 54eFRE51114A\ FRESHMAN CLASSCLASS SS PP 1H-1 u


PresidentI ' , ""Bon"I30B " CoxCox

Vice-PresidentGive-I') ticnt




Reporter "DOT"DOT"" STRIBLINGSTRIBLING Miss WILLIE Livingston, Miss...... Mobile, Mobile, Ala.Ala. Myrrty.NI, n n.E. WILLIE JACK TAYLORT.1,11 Jac,: , •40. "Little Willie" Sergeant-at—ArmsSergeant-at-Arms Y.M.C.A. 19, '40: Presbyterian Club. CIO, Vice.President Viee.praid.‘ten,k4;4 0. Y.11.C.A."Pathos has'39, a'SO; smile. Bresbywrien Happy, friendly, ; and capable. • C.W.A.A. '90. '40; Hiking Chaperone '40;'JO: Basketball '30, Always has • smile. Happy, frien., and C.W.A.A. STOVA FIRTH (lettered) '40; B.S.U. '39. '10; Y.W.C.A. '39. '40: Mort (lettered) '40; B.S.U. 'MI, '40: Y.W.C.A, '90. '10:Club Home 10.'th. Biloxi, Miss. Economics ClubClub '00;'30: WesleyWesley FoundaCon FoundatIon '39: '30: °F" VINCENT J. J. Toot,Toon Js. _._Biloxi, Miss. .Always"Always laughing,laughing, nevernever complaining."complaining." "He"Ile worked bard while be waswar here..here. •

CECILE TGRCOTIE Miss. . Sheffield, Ala. Ceorx TURCOTTE GEORGE WiLSON_____...... -- WILSON-...... "Dick" "Pat" Car°1°°'Carolan, DorothyDorothy Stribling,Stribling. Stove Firth, Bessie Clark, "Dirk" "Rookie" "Itoh" Cox, Willaelene Ryland Newman Club ' Club 'BO, Vite•Prridemi. k.4 0 ; adZ°12.yllar. it°°°i° Clark, Newman Club '90, '40; - P . " ClubColub,.; 'SO, 004.6 10;'40; BaseballBaseball (lettered) (lettered) '90,'90, '40;10 I"Star:Dust" "Slsr.D“." "Pot" Nebel. (lettered)Alk,lk '39, '40,. TrackStk'so (lettered)d.`tetrttTria l MI; II 1.1ne°,; "II Ch '40; Sports Countilor '40; Interns, tool rtelations Ball CourtCourt '40. Chaperone '40; Sport. Councilos '40: Internal onal Re aims by everyone. Club ;'40. "Our bappy.go.ril,c,yy,Georg Imeemretcg.tormliked. „Ille.ede, 10' everyone. "lirelireHer megson andand laughter laughter keep keep everyone everyone baPPY.” happy."

CLAYTON WELLS' Biloxi, Miss. Miss. ______Gulfport, "Dor" SAMUEL P.P. WILSONWILSON _____ Dramatic Club, President 10, 10; Y,M.C.A. 'SO. '40. Vice. ""Sam” mmam Club. President '39, '10: Y.M.CA. 'Mb '40: S'ir'e' 'It:l0 NatTj President,President. Freshman Class;Claw: Student Council '40; Wittiest Band (tottered)(lettered) 10.'BO. Preside Presidents'idrn7", '40:10; AnnualAnnual Staff By 10. drum solo Boy '40. leyley FoundationFoundation 19,'30 '10;'40: WinnerWinner ofof. firerfirst Placeplace., 10: 1 TH eager steps the Freshman Class •His eyes are the enth of mum a girt." ITH eager steps the Freshman Class "Ilia eyes are the envy of owns a girl. - Member of veinnin'g drum ensemblern '30; Y.M.C.A. '30, ' W gramDramatic' tria Club '40; Tennis '40. ' ,losmJOSIE WEST __Lyman,Lyman, Miss. NT ;;::1. Y.W.CA. 10; Wesley Foundation 19: Hiking Chaperone "A"A grand, jolly fellow who'swho'a drumming drumming 117s hls waS059 Y.W.C.A. '39; Wesley Foundation in, Iliki,s Chaperone toto thethe top..top." entered College this year determined to do their best and to make the "Her. 11er tenths teasing smilesvs:II smiletzillezhItLievoiu enable her to always always makemake her thy in the world . —York,York, AM. Ala. ELEANORELEANOR WOODRUPF WOODRUEP.---.._ — HARRISONHARRISON WILHITEWILHITE Pascagoula, Miss. Pascagoula, Miss. "Elks""Ellen" most of their opportunities. Many have achieved their goal and now "Short"Short Sluff"Saill" HomeBorne EconomicsEconomies ClubOA '00, '30, '40.'40. most of their opportunities. Many have achieved their goal and now frivolous thoughts PhiPhi Theta Theta Kappa Kappa •SO. '39. '40;'40: InternationalInternational RelationsRetatioth Club '30,'M. ...Lillis serious ).011:, glbo rUlad .s few 40. "This 45,100° ,n her Llnnde "All- All geed gov4 things things come come in in small amen packages... packagra." Miss. look with glad hearts to a time when they will return once again to VIM WHITTINGTON .Pascagoula, look with glad hearts to a time when they will return once again to VERA WIIITTINSTie_... -_RamsayRamsay Springs,Springs, Miss.Miss. ERNEST]ERNESTINE NE YON. "Little"Lillie Bit"Bit" "Stevie" Gln d 'SO, on Sg chg 714: Y.W.C.A.Y.W.C.A. '40.'00-, PerPre Y.W.C.A.Y.W.C.A. 'se, '30, Cabinet Cabinet ".5 '40j4(1 ‘..teale Weal*,—; .F1PI;;;;:;nso :151 1"i "Vivacious 'tilde asp Sq,, surer '4 Phi Theta Kappa "PERK""PERK" forfor anotheranother year.year. "Vivacious littleIa.: Monde. b.111 7Alwaya,.; ready wad to tlend I d e IfeffSPep retr 789, ' t0..; f,'Llrc&m. o helping halvd." 1 ° "A."An OE eye forfor bluinessbusiness and and monkey monkee business..husOle" ."


Jackson, Miss. CHARLES W. W. CARROLL CARROLL__ EVRIEEERIE. ABERNATHY ABERNATHY ...— Jackson, Miss. Y.W.C.A.;Y.W.C.A.: Presbyt Presbyterian ee i aa I Club.Club. Guatemala City, Guatemala Spanish Club: Club; Catholic Catholic Club; ChM, Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. LILLIAN RUTH ASCHBACHERASCHRACHER Pass Christian, Christian, Miss.Miss. DAISY['Amy ELIZABETH ELIZABETH CARROLLCARROLL Guatemala City, Guatemala "Squaw" Spanish Club: CMG Catholic Club,Club. Cheerleader; Y.W.C.A.;Y.W.C.A.: InternationalInternational Relations Club. NOLLINEc CAETER. A VanClegrce, MisS. N",YV.ZVerletid);E.CarF, Cabinet;Ceibu,tet. Glee Glee Club: chZ'f:IM,, BasketballM (let.(I:t: BANULOW, JR. —__Gulfport, Miss. Wed): "P" Club. WALTER E. BANOLOW, JR. ____Gulfport, Miss. Catholic Club. GUTLLERMINAGEILLERMINA CASDROCASORO New Orleans, La. Guatemala City, Guatemala GEDRGEGEORGE R. BARRETT—_—_NewBARRETT Orleans, La. Y.M.C.A.;Y.M.C.A.: French French Club;Club: We.leyWesley Foundation. Foundation, "Mina" Spanish Club:Club: Catholic Club;Club: Circus Queen. LORETTA 'MAE. MAE BARRETT BARRETT.— ----Gulfport, Miss. CHRISTINE.CHRISTINE CHERRY CIIERRY Wiggins.Wiggins, Miss. "Lola" "Lola" "Peggy" Y.W.C.A.: Wesley Wesley Foundation, Foundation, Reporter; Reporter; SpanishSpanish Club; International Relations Club; Dramatic Y.W.C.A.;Y.W.C.A.: Dramatic Dramatic Club;Club; PepPep Squad:Squad; Interne-Intern.. Club;Club: Annual Staff; Phi Theta Kappa; Comma, tional Relations Club; PresbyterianPresbyterian Club, Sacra.Sacra. tary-Treasurer.ary.Treasurer. cial[MI Club.Club. ANN ELsinligcgmal.,______Pascagoula, BECKHAM-...Pascagoula, Miss. BESSIE.BESSIE DANTZLER DANTZLER CLARK .Gulfport.Gulfport, Miss. ANN ELM" "Duck" "Ann I.." French Club; Y.W.C.A.. Secretary: Football Catholic Club: Band. Coss ; hEniularGrI; Seats: Secretary, Sa eery, Freshman Class: VATMost ' Popular Girl; Friendliestr iescll Girl; ir1;;.` We Faun.s ELIZABETH ANNANN BISHOP_____Pascagoula,B fsnoe_____Pascagoula, Miss. potion:dation; "Star-Dust" Ball Court. "Lipbeth" "Liobrlb" ANNIE LEELEE COLICCELLO ______Paseagoula,Pascagoula, Miss. Y.W.C.A.,Y.W.C.A.; GleeGlee Club. "Ann""Ann" Spanish Club: International RelationsRelations Club; Club; Y.W.Y.W. ELIZABETH Austin BLACK ____ Purvis,Purvis, Miss.Miss. u:s4cltztiz.rn,,puatiuml ELIZABETH ADEL, BLACK CA.; Phi Theta Kappa. "Bessie" n Y.W.C.A.; WesleyWok" Foundation:Foundation; Band: Band; Student Student MARY ALICE ALICE COOPER______COOPER___New New Orleans.Orleans, La. Council. "At""clr Y.W.C.A.•. Pep Squad; Orchestra, Vocalist; An. CORRY DEWITT BLOUNT Gulfport, Miss. nr,alnull Staff;Staff; BeetBest Girltr11.. Dancer.(c):- .""r° . v"'"": "Jimmy""Jimmy" Otto H. Cox__ Y.M.C.A.:Y.M.C.A.; Presbyterian Presbyterian Club; Band. OrrOtb Y.M.C.A.;Y.M.C.A.; AgricuuAgriculturehrile'l Club.asbU F. lu.

GEORGE PHILIP PHILIP BRANDT BRANDT__Pass __Pass Christian,Christian, Miss.Miss. ROBERT W. COXCox. .Maroa,Maroa, Ill. "Molly""Molly" "Bob""Bob" Glee Club; Band,Band; Spanish Club; Club; Y.M.C.A.; Y.M.C.A.; Phi PIssAnul.President, Freshman Class; Annual Staff; Span. ThetaThe. Kappa.Kappa. ishbill Club; Commercial'irecntsr-s?st ` t;Club;sus . Y.M.C.A.: Best Boy Dancer. MARIMARY, LoulsE LOUISE BROWNBauwx_ ..... _Wewahitchka,Wewahitchka, Fla. Miss. Home Economics Club: Club; Y.W.C.A.: Y.W.C.A.: D.S.U.II.S.U. rnETHELMAntcn AGNESAG.Tma DALEna ._Ocean_oc.. Springs,Springs, Miss. Y.W.C.A.; Catholic Club. KATHERINE VIRGINIA BURGESS BURGESS . JOHN DAMBRINK, Pt____PassPass Christian. Christi.. Miss. Miss. Long Beach, Miss. JOHN DAMBRINK JR — "Quasiniodo""Quatimodo" EDWIN E. BURTBURT. Biloxi, Miss. Y.M.C.A.:Y.M.C.A.; International International Relations Relations Club; Club: Spanish Spanish Club;Club; Band.Band.

Lyman. Miss. LENNA FAYFAY BULTFRBOLTER PerkinstOn,Perkinston, Miss. JOEJOE MACK DAVIS— DAVIS— Lyman. Miss. "I. M." Basketball (lettered):(lettered); "P" Club. BET',BETTY STEwART STEWART CAMPBELL CAMPBELL Biloxi, Miss. Miss. "Boop""Book" MARaikMARY WALLINE,LidaDSAII DAVIS-----Magnolia,. Y.W.C.A.. Cabinet; Home Economics Y.W.C.A.;Y.W.C.A.; Catholic Catholic ChM; Club; Pep Pep Squad. Squad. Club.Club. Miss, ZIHMAZELMA LEO LEO CANIPBELLCAMPBELL ....___VROGIVAM_____Vancleave, Miss. HENRY Meg Biloxi, Mfg. "Pharaoh""Pharaoh" Football;Football; Basketball;Basketball; Baseball.Baseball. LAWSONLAwsox DIETRICH Dirrincrr ______—Reading,__Reading, Pa. PATRICK J. CAROLAN J. CAROLAN______Bronx, Bronx, N.N. V.Y. "Dutchman""Dutchman" Foundation, "Irish""Irish" SpanishSpanish Club; GleeGlee Club: Club; Wesley Wesley Foundation. Vice-President.yice.President, Freshman Class;Class: Y.M.C.A.; As WILLIAMWILLIAM ELAM_ELAM. _Gulfport,Gulfport, Miss.Miss. t'IrpttrJ :5Ciimdrallerie,vcr, CnIlAger: Track; Track: Boxing; Boxmg: CatholicCatholic "Billy""Billy" Band;Band; GleeGlee Club;Club; French French Club. Club. ELIZABETHELIZABETH CARRIO CAM(' Waveland, Miss. ELLAELLA FLORENCEFLORENCE FAvitE_____Waveland, FAME Waveland, Miss. "Cue"Cue SpanishSpanish Club; Y.W.C.A.; Commercial Commercial Club. Club. CatholicCatholic Club;Club; BasketballBasketball (lettered):(lettered); "P''"P" Club,Club.


ANNABELLE HOLSTON —WhIllinS,Wiggins, Miss. Miss. -Gulfport, Miss.Miss JAMES B.II. FINLEY.------FINLEY------Gulfport, llomeHome Economics Economics Club: Club; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Basketball Basketball (let. (let. "Meech""Fields" tesed):tared); 'T"P.. Club.Club. Band. THOMAS HENRY HOWELLHOWELL ..____Howison, ---HOwisoll, Miss.Miss. "Tam""Tom" .Paseagoula,Pascagoula, Miss. STOVASHWA FIRTH Y.M.C.A.; Glee Club;Club; Wesley Wesley Foundation; Foundation; Agri. Agri. Y.M.C.A.;Y. M.C.A. Sergean,Dal.Arms,Sergeankakekr me, Freshman Freshman Class: Class; culturecu Club. Spanish1,,,,,:!..„coahr:cidi.8iy6.: Club,. B.S.U.; International International Relations Relations SClub; Commermal Club. EUWARI.EDWARD HUDGF.NS HUDGENS.....--- --____Theodore,_Theodore, Ala.Ala. "Red""Red" Leland, Miss. Miss, CHARLES FLICICNERFucKNER FrenchFrench Club: Club; Spanish Spanish Club; Club; Y.M.C.A.; Y.M.C.A.; Dratnalic Dramatic Y.M.C.A.; French Club; Club; Football. Football. Club; GleeGlee Club; Club; Wesley Wesley Foundation, Foundation; Annual Annual Staff.Staff. Business Business Manager. Manager. ETOILA Fox — .._ _._.Troy, Troy, Ala. Ala. ETOILA Fox PAUL N. HUDGENCHunomis Theodore, Ala. Ala. Basketball;liaskettmll; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Wesley Wee's, Foundation. Foundation. Dramatic Club; Club; Commercial Commercial Club: Club; Y.M.C.A.: Y.M.C.A.; Wesley Foundation. Foundation. ALBERT Faanamu______OrangeFRANKLIN Orange Grove, Grove, Miss. Miss. MARGARET HUNT------HUNT------POrkinSton, Miss. Football; Basketball. Basketball. Perkinston, Miss. ANN INGRAM INGRA51 ...------BaF Bay StSt. I Louis, olds bliss. Miss, MASTMARY VIRGINIAVIRGINIA FRF.NCIIFRENCH __Rose.—.Rose Hill, Hill, Miss. "Gin" ARZO JAMES Brooklyn, Miss. Z.,Ap;:;. Wesley Iinternationalriz.nzi:zi Pe Relationsg:1%10.z cClub;iliN Y.W.C.A.: Wesley BILIE RUTH JENKINS Foundation: Pep Squad: Phi Theta Kappa. Gulfport, Miss. "Bill" CommercialCommercial Club, Club, Secretary: Secretary; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Wesley CORMSCORRIE ELIZABETH GADDY._ GADDY_ 1.0ngLong Beach, Beath, Miss. Wesley TZ Foundation; B.S.D. B.S.U. Internationalernethzo aley Relations Relationst Club;Club; Phi PIE Theta Theta Kappa; Kappa; Best1,n4s College Typist. MARGARET JOHNSON JOHNSON .- .Biloxi, Miss.bliss. "'gargle""Margie" Gulfport, Miss. DANNITTE MAYSMAYS GILLGILL - Home Economics Club;Club; WesleyWesley Foundation: Foundation; French Club; Club; Y.M.C.A.: Y.M.C.A.; Phi Phi Theta Theta Kappa. Kappa. Y.W.C.A.

Jor.JOE MIRE MIZE Jounsog______Wade, JOHNSON.------Miss. EstmeEMILE Gaza GOZA------__._...... _ _Hattiesburg,Hattiesburg, Miss. Miss. Wade, Miss. Agriculture Club; Club; Basketball; Basketball; Baseball. Baseball. "Senorita Goad'Goad' Spanish Club: Club; Y.W.C.A.: Y.W.C.A.; Worley Weide, Foundation. Foundation. MARGARET E.E..jonxsToN______Leesville, Jonnsrox.______Leesville, La.La. Y.W.C.A.; FrenchFrench Club; Club; B.S.U. B.S.U. GEORGE W. W. GRACE GRACE .Gulfport,Gulfport, Miss.MISS. DOROTHY El.vvELVY JOYCEJoyce ___.._._Montgomery, __Montgomery, Ala.Ala. FrenchFrmsh Club. Club. "Dot""Dot" Biloxi, Miss.Miss. FRANK G. GRUICH-- -- - IHADELINEMADELINE KULHSKULPS ..Biloxi, Miss.Miss. "Ingo""lugo" "Manda""Mande French Club; Club; Boteng; Boning; Baseball; Baseball; Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. International RelationsR elations Cluh; Y.W.C.A.; Catholic Club;ICVIT": Pep Squad: Football Court; "Stardust" BallHall Court.Court. LILLY GUARDIAGUARDIA ______SIDSan Jose Jose de de Costa Costa Rica Rica l French Club, Club, Secretary.Treasurer; Secretary.Treasurer; Spanish Spanish Club. Cub. JOSEPHJosettn EDMUND Elmo. LEELEE._...._..____. —Jackson, Jackson, Miss.Miss. .Ssrmarr:Secretary; Catholic Catholic Club: Club: Home Home Economics Economics Club:ub: Cl Prettiest Girl. Girl. "Skeels""Skeels" International Relations Relations Club; Club; Presbyterian Presbyterian Club; Club, Phi ThetaTheta Kappa. Kamm. DORA ELLEN HANSONHANSON —.....Pass -. _Pass Christian,Christi., Miss.Miss. Catholic Club; Club; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Band. Band. Jovcr.Jane Lxe __Lyman,-Lyman, Miss. Y.W.C.A.; WesleyWesley Foundation. Foundation. EUGENE HAvegsHAVENS ______Vancleave,—Vaneleave, Miss.Miss. "Gene" ELIZABETH LEMON LEMON_—__Ocean —_____Ocean Springs, Miss. Miss. 'Libby" Glee Club:Club; Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. "Libby" Ya., ,Cdu , igrgo,11111..R041snious Club; Peed, iett' 'nC lat,t r'eifirti:triZenr"' Canes ,. de Costa Rica Cl"""'"" ro;Basing; T '' SpanishSWnishsh Club; Club; Agriculture SAgona;ssre gfEoi't.amT.T. . NinnyMARY ANN LIGHTSEVLIGHTSEY. _Biloxi,Biloxi, Miss. Catholic Club,Cut, Secretary; Secretary; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Home Home Eco- Kea. BusyRum. MERLE Htckgrot HICKMAN ______Wiggins, Wiggins, Miss. Miss. nomicsBanks Club.Club. B.S.U.; HomeHome Economics Economics Club; Club; Pep Pep Squad. Squad. HumeHUME GLENN MANNING ____New Orleans.Orleans, La. La. Oakland, Miss.Miss. ox"y ELIZABETH HOLLAND__ HOLIANO--.______Oakland, _ Cheerleader; Y.M.C.A Y.M.C.A.; Erack; reach; Boxing. Boxing. "Libba""LAW" GNARLS.CHARLES B. MyykasMEYERS __Gulfport, Miss.Miss. Miss. "Charlie""Charlie ANNETTE Hot.t.tv HOLLXV.-----__Gulfport, Gulfport, Miss. Banal;Band; Orchestra; Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A.


JANE. ELIYABETIS MILLS.-- Lyman, Miss. HUNANHERNAN F. F. Rossi Rosst..___San Jose de Costa Rica JANE BLI ZABETH MILLS— Lyman, Miss. San Jose de Costa Rica "Jennie""Jennie' VSpanish.I.,11sA. Club;Club; Catholic Catholic Club; Club; Agriculture Agriculture Club: Club; Y.M.C.A. coon Mi ss. BRUZZILER------HRLLE:‘,I.OHLER—.... —Ocean0 Springs, Mi a, CHESTER EIPA'ANDEDWARD Rt/RUFPIN.17.L ...,_..GrettlYille,Greenville, Miss. Miss. "Bullet" InternationalInternational Relations Relations Club; Club; Dramatic Dramatic Club; Club: Y.M. Y.M. HELEN RAY RAY MOORE MOORE Wiggins, Miss.Miss. CA.;C.A.; Track. Track. Y.W.C.A.;Y.W.C.A.: SpanishSpanish Club; Club; B.S.U.; PepFP Squad. Squad. WILLADENEWILLAIWNE LUCILLE LuCILLE RYLAND RYLAND __Gulfport, —Gulfport, Miss. Miss. SYBILSYSII. MCBAYNIEBAv— .Lucedale,Lucedale, Miss. Miss. "Soupy""Soupy" GiesGlee Club;Club; Band; Rand; Y.W.C.A. Y.W.C.A. Dramatic Club; Club: Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A.: Treasurer, Treasurer, Freshman Freshino, Clam;Clam Girl—CutestGirl—anal Couple. Couple. ALMA MCCOLLISTER—__Pass Christian,Christian, NEM.Miss. ALMA MCCOLLISTER—_Pass ALBERT SAUCIER SAUCIER — —.--__.Gulfport.,Gulfport, Miss.Miss. Hand; Orchestra; Y.M.C.A. DoLoarsDOLORES MCHENRY McHanaB -__Hattiesburg, — Hattiesburg, Miss.Miss. Band; Orchestra; Y.M.C.A. ^Dee""Dee" MARGARET SCARBROUGH__--.SUCCeSs,SCARIIROUGH_— SUCCESS, Miss. Miss. FrenchY.rnc Club; Y.W.C.A.Y.W.C.A. Cab'net; PP &las&Squ d; Y.W.C.A.;Y.W.C.A., CommercialCommercial Club; Club; Pep rep Squad. Squad. r‘;,'q=ure7 Band: h 84' c Wes Foundation: "Star-wt".. Staollust” Bail Ball Court. CLAIRE SExut._SEEM Biloxi, Miss. Y.W.C.A.;Y.W.C.A.: SpanishSpanish Club; Club; Catholic Catholic Club; Club; Basket. Basket• MaarMARY RAY KAY McINNIsMCINNIS —._liattiesburg,—.Hattiesburg, Miss. ball.ball, Spanish Club; Club: Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A.; B.S.U. BSA'. OTIS A. SINGLEtAar______Gulfport,SINGLETARY Gulfport. Miss. Miss. "Boots" DoacrrnEA.DoROTHEA NELSONNELSON_. Ocean Springs, Miss. Y.M.C.A.;in?t,; ,,,, frreuchFrzg r. Club:Club, Boeing;Hosing; Annual Annual Staff: Stall: "Dot" LBand; Drum . Y.W.C.A.: Phi Theta Kappa. Y.W.C.A.; Phi Theta Kappa. EWELL D. SINGLETONEINGLETON__Guliport, ______Gulfport, Miss.Miss. "Head""Heed" JOYCE SHIRLEY SHIRLEY O'NEAL O'NEAL _— ----_Perkinston,___Perkinston, Miss. Miss. Y.W.C.A.:Y.W.C.A.; HorneHome RessomiaEconomic. Club. Club. B.S.U.; Pep Band; Orchestra; Orchestra: Y.M.C.A.; Y.M.C.A.; ”Star.Duat" . Star.Dust Ball. ' Ball Court,Court. Squad;Squad: Basketball (lettered): (lettered); "P"“P" aub. Club. BEULAHREELNu ABaNDIEAm.:NUM SMITH__.-LUMbErtOtt, SmErst___Lumberton, Miss Miss.. .Saucier, Miss. WINSTON J. J.O'NEAL— ONEAL.----_SRUCitli, "7'"T Model" French Club; International Relations CIA; Phi French Club; International Relations Club; Phi Basketball; Y.W.C.A.: Y.W.C.A.: 11.S.U. 11.5.U. ThetaThen Buena; Kappa; Y.M.C.A.; Y.M.C.A.; Wesley Wesley Foundation. Foundation. LUCEILLucElL ELIZAPETIIELIZABETH SMITH __Wiggins,--Wiggins, Miss. Miss .Biloxi, Miss. JEAN PARKER PARKER—....—_—Bil0Ei, Miss. "Lucy" "leaned'"Ironer" Commercial Club; DramaticClu Club;b; Atm.! Staff: Dramatic Club. President; Annual Staff nal.Wittiest stint • WSW.; iuCkgbu:.ditiVE Pep Squad; Y.W.C.A.;C ■ International 1,4Tu ng Onni Re.t!l Girl; Catholic Club; Tennis Team il(Doubif lationsiabs,,s Club.Club. Orleans, La. LEEFE SPENCESPENCE Pass Christian, Miss. EveriEUGENEfl. J.A POLLOCKPoocx_Newu — _ Orleans, La. Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A.; MostMoat CourteousCourteous Boy; Hoy; Boy—Cutest Boy—Cutest . Couple,Couple. Orleans, La. HOWARDHow.° W.W. POLLOCKPOLLOCK—New .__New R. U. STAMPLEY,STANIPLEY, jitjR„,,57,Tk_„..- _Cleveland,Dick"__Cleveland, Mice. Miss. "Bud" Head Cheerleader Track. State High-J.7 Cc•hn: Head Cheerleader; Track,. SM .te,, Iii.b.Julep EMILIE MARIE STAPP pap; Student Council; "P" Cluh; EMILIE MARIE STArr Wiggins, Miss. PCotErg. Flees . "But""Ent" 3ifer!:M.N.715.7"Fli. Prmident. loses;Went; Phi ThetaTheta Kappa, Kappa, NationalN.101181 President. French Club;Club; Glee Glee Club; Club; Band; Band; Dramatic Dramatic Club; Club; Y.W.C.A.; Wesley Foundation.Foundation. PETER POULOS— Pensacola, Fla. PETE. P0u4os—_—______Pensacola, Fla. WILLIAM P. STAPP "Pete" WILLIAM P. STAPP_ Gulfport, Miss. "Pete" "Willa""Willo" Wiggins, Miss. DOROTHY ELLEN RAMSAY-- RnmsaB—.Wiggins, Miss. French Club;Club; Band; Band; Glee Glee Club. Club. "Dot" "Dot" VONCILEVONCILF. STEWART STEWART Wiggins, Miss. DomeHome Economics Club; Club; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Wesley Weak Foum, "Vonnie" dation. dation. Y.W.C.A.; LI.S.U.:B.S.U.; InternationalInternational Relations Relations Club; Club: Roavers______-Gulfport, Nliss. Dramatic Club; Pep Squad; GI.Glee Club. Club, DONALD RoaarrrE__—_—Gulfport, Miss. "Duck" CHARLES F.F. STREISC SvaEecE_____,___Gulfport,....;.i..7—Gulfport, Miss.Miss. Wesley Foundation.66""' Agriculture Club; Club; Y.M.C.A.; Y.M.C.A.; WmleY Tqq^ "Chrlie"a ...13ig Point, Miss. Glee Club:Club; Agriculture Club. Club. NAOMI lour.Iona RolsEays Ronaars—____Big Point, Miss. NAOMI WILLIAM "T. •."T." WILLIAM BRADLEYBRADLEY STRIOUNG STRIPLING __Gulfport,_Gulfport, Miss. Orchestra. Home F,conomicsEconomics Club; Club; Glee Glee Club; Club; Y.W Y.W.C.A.: Orchestra. Wesley Foundation; Per Squad; Freshest Fresh' Wesley Foundation; Pep Squad; Freshest Fn. DOROTHY STRIBLING STRIPLING—._— _Gulfport, Miss. Mall Gulfport, Miss. GHliPOIT, MOS, "Dot""Dot" GASTONCannon ROBERTSON, JR• JR..---....—GUlfpoet, Miss. Y.W.C.A.; Commercial Club, Club, NIice.President. Vice-President; Wes. Wes. French Club. Aavirman;Chairman: Reporter. French Club. Miss. Freshmenlgesh=d&sra'; Cleo; hi The AIMEE JosErutNE Ros..____Pascagoula, Miss Anal{ JOSEPHINE E0S--Pascagoula, JOYCEJOYCE MARIEMARIE. SWANNSWANN Pensacola, Fla. "To"Tootsie" aisle" Dean of Women. Seeretary.Tremurer; Catholic Dom of Women. Dramat'eDramaec ClubClub, Secretary-Tr...e s,' Club; Y.W.C.A.

FRESHMENFRE5HVIE\ HIGH SCHOOLSCHOOL SENIORSSE\IORS AGATHA JUAICEJCAICE TANNER TANNER .–____Wilmer,.Wilmer, Ala.Ala. Home I:commie.Economics Club; Club; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Pep pen squad: Sqsni B.S.U.

GRACEGancE TAYLOR __Pontatoc,Pontotoc, Miss.Miss. 11.5.U.B.S.U.


BETTY TM.TEFL Gulfport, Miss.Miss Catholic Club.

STEWARTSTEwART TRAUTMAN ...... ____Gulfport,Gulfport, Miss.Miss. /le "Strawy""Siam" Preach'ornch Club:Club; Band;Band: Track;Track, "Star- uSor. Dual' hall j

SAMUEL FI.11. TUCKER, TUCKER, Jo. JR. ....—__Perryville, Md. 'Scion""Soon" OFFICERS Dramatic Club; Annual 51555;Staff; Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. President SAUTE ELIZABETH ELIZABETH TUNE _____Nashville, Tenn.Trim. AIAILEENLEVial WIGHTWIGHT C.ornmercialCommercial Club; Football Court; Y.W.C.A.: Tennis TeamTeam (Doubles): (Doubles): Internatismal International Relations Relations Club:Club; Pep Squad: Cutest Cutest Girl. Girl. Vice-President MARIANNEMARYANNE PASSMORF.PASSMORE THOMAS VOGLE VOGLE-----_...Saucier, Saucier, Miss. Miss. V.51.C.A. Secretary AININ WALKElt....._---MissiSSippi Mississippi City, City, Miss. Miss. ALVIN WALKER DOROTHY PRIPORDPIGFORD Agriculture Club;Club; Wesley Wesley Foundation: Foundation: Y.M.C.A.

THINLOWTunaLow WALKERWALKER _Perkinston,Perkinston, Miss. Miss, Y.M.C.A., Secretary.Treasurer; Secretary.Treasurer; NOV.;11.5.0.; "P" "f' Club: Football (lettered);(lettered): Student Council, SeerySeers. tary.Treasurcrinay-Treasurer; PSIPM Theta Kappa.

JOHN WARNEWARNE ..... ______Dearborn, Mich. Mich. "Tote""Take" Y.M.C.A.; Wesley Foundation.

JOHN ALEXANUF.RALEXANDER WELcn._....Biloxi,WELCH Miss.Miss. "Buddy" Y.M.C.A.:Y.M.C.A.; B.S.U.;B.SC.; Band.

Miss. SALLIE ELIZABETH WELCH----Biloxi,WELCII_—__Biloxi, Miss. Dorothy Pigiord,Pigford, Maryanne Maryanne Pas5more, Passinore, "Betty""Betty" WightWight HorneH 055a EconomicsEcouomica Club;Club; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Glee Glee Club. Club.

MILURF.0 WEST ...Perkinston,.Perkinston, Miss. Miss.

RAt,NIKBARRIE WsurrixotoN__Ramsay Wurrnsionsx...... Ramsay Springs, Springs, Miss. Miss. Agriculture Club; Glee Club; Y.M.C.A. .._As—AS THE THE TIME of graduation draws draws near near GRACEGancp WICKS.WiCKS ..____._.__Clinton_Clinton,, MMiss.iss. GleeCite Club; Club; Basketball Basketball (lettered): (letterni); D.S." B.S.U.,, "r" "P" Club. thethe SeniorsSeniors eagerly eagerly await await the the time time when when they theywill receivewill receive their diplomas.their diplomas. Miss. MYRTLEMyRTLE WILLIAMS WILLIAMS Commercial Club; Club; Y.W.C.A.; Y.W.CA.; B.S.U. Year byby year year they they have have grown grown strong strong and andtrue, true, and nowand theynow are they ready are ready JAMESJA)sES Witirrsantirt_...... Tass Christian,Christian, Miss. Catholic Club. AliceAuer. Ann,.AnANts WORTH Worrn it:ETON■ Norox....Greenville, ...Greenville, Miss. Miss. toto stepstep out out into into the the world world and and receive receive a higher a higher education. education. May theirMay their Home Economics Club, President; Cahinet;Cabinet; PepPCP Squad; SIP"' liaakeiball. liveslives bebe filled filled with with success. success. HIGH SCHCfloOL001, SE\IORSSENIORS

FLORENCEFLORENCE. BortxBoYER _Biloxi,Biloxi, Miss. Miss. WILLIAM NEWSOM Miss. "Flossie" "Bill""Bin" Home Economics.::,..arnit:g. C.Club:ylulii Q YY.W.C.A.;. .W.C.A.; Catholic Club: Band; Y.M.C.A.; Ed:torFA:tor of of Senior Senior Paper; Paper, Waste, Wage, StateStore Exam. Biology lat. Foundation. "Flirtatious andand lovable."tunable." "A good student andand a• veritable gentleman."


JACK BOYERBovga Biloxi, Miss. Miss. ”Roochir""Hooehie" Band:Band; Senior Paper. Vim...President, Senior Clam; Catholic Club; Y.W. - Aiwa,Always busy, busy. but but always always ready ready to to stopstop and ‘C.trg171•27e.d2"&.,11"`si'2:1C.A.' Glee Club: Student Council; Senior Paper:,1n;eSt:: talk or joke."joke." PepFey Squad. "Sweet."Sweet, a real friend,friend. and all for Howard...Howard,"

DOROTHY PIGPOROPIGEORP —.Mcridion,Meridian, Miss. Miss. RICARINXRICARDO CARROLL CARROLL _._ Guatemala City. City, Guatemala Guatemala "Dot" "Ricky" Secretary.Secretary, Senior Senior Casa; Class; Catholic Catholic Club; Club; tfome Home Ec'^ Eco. "Ricky" peptic. Club;Club: V.Y.W.C.A.; W.C.A.: Senior Paper; Paper: Pep Pep Squed Squad: Catholic Club; Spanish Chili.Club, President. Glee Club 'to..139. "A smile that won binshim manymany fr:ends.friends. AlwaysAlways "Her"tier cap of red hair just sets off her viva. ready to lend aid." eonscnus manner."manner."

FRNE.STOERNF.STO Qu QUIROS__ MOS ...... SanJose Jose de deCosta Costa Rica Rica ______Wiggins,Miss. Miss. NORVAL DENSON "Note""Nero" "Quiet andand good.natured—welblikedgood.natured—well.liked by by all." all" "Quiet Catholic Club; Spanish Club;Club, Y.M.C.A.; Boxing. "Quiet and courrmcolon% Fee xn:ri theyhe. ,I,eautiful manner

AcvaaoAmato Facto- FAcio_.__ SanSan JoseJose dc Costade Costa Rica Rica MARTHA ANN REESE Ala. Catholic Club; Spanish Club; Y.NI.C.A.:Y.M.C.A.; Boxing. "There's never never a. aXda.dIinomentimoment whenwhen she's "Full"Pull of life and the joyat of of living. living. Ready Ready andand willing to learn."

ALICE W WHITEPIRI.P._._. ft !TEE IELh _____...__ Marfa, Texas Texas Catholic Club; Spanish Club.Club. MARI°MARIO FACE,Facto San Jose Jose de deCosta Costa Rica Rica "Quiet andand ladylike.ladylike, but but not not afraid afraid to to express caper. Catholic Club: Spanish Club:Club; Y.NI.C.A.:Y.M.C.A.: BoaBox ng her ownown opin°pinning" ens." "A bit quieter Bunthan hishis twin.twin, butbut fullfull ofof the sameName fundoving fun-loving spirit."

WILLIAMWILL, nt MtWHITTEN [TIEN — Gulfport, Miss. Miss. "Willie" v.M.C.A.; Football Manager: Girls . BasketballBasketball Biloxi, Miss. y.M.C.A.; Football Manager; Girls. GLENNGums: KEMP KEMP __Biloxi, Miss. Manager. Band; Orchestra; Track. "Witty andand fullfuL14vg,c.,fz...fz... WellWell likedliked byby "As a musician and a poet hehe willwill anas fafat.", "

__Pineville.lle, La.La. LISSOLuisa LAWRENCE.LAWRENCE Pinevi AILE.E.NAILEEN WIGHTWIGHT ChicagoChicago, Ill. "P" Club;Club: Track:Track; Y.M.C.A.:Y.M.C.A.; Catholic Club. "Betty""Belly" "A merry laugh doeth good like magic.'magic." b President, Senior Class; PepPep Squad,S d '0;• • Pres' resliyy- terian Club:Club; AnnualAnnual Staff.Staff. "' "' "Always readyready toto lendlend a• helping hand."hand." HIGH SCHOOL JUXIORSJUNIORS HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORES


_PresidentPresident MARY ELAINE BATSON LEROYLaw/ MoosWEEKS __ __President..... ---President SecretarySecretary-Treasurer-Treasurer FRED WmaJaWILMA PROPFITT— PROFFITT------.... _ __ FRED RAINEY__.-----______Vice-PresidentRAINEY------_ViCe-Prefideld ...... Reporter GEORGE SEYMOUR SETTIOUR _- JOHN RonnusonROBERSON SecretorySecretary-Treasurer-Treasurer ERIC BATTY __ReporterReporter

Mary Kate Hickman; Lee Roy Weeks ; Richard McAlpine ; Marjorie First row: rote: Mary Elaine Batson; Bernice BrelandBreland; ; Maxine Hawkins; Orene Den- First row:race: Mary Kate Hickman; Lee Roy Weeks; Richard McAlpine; Marjorie Shepard; Wilma Proffitt; Dorothy Dantzler ; Jarry Carlin ; Max Ferrera.Ferrero. sonson; ; Wilma Wilma Chandler Chandler ; ;Bertha Bertha Mae Mae Cobb Cobb; ; IrleneIrlene Sapp;Sapp; BasicEssie Beverly;Beverly; OpalOpal O'Neal.

Second row: rose: Jean Price; Nettie Sapp; Lois Breland ; Hazel Rogers; Boyce Second row: row: Miss Dalier, Sponsor; Millard Blackwell; J. P. Lindsey; JoeJoe Ander-Ander- Breland. son; Bill Auer ;; HowardHoward ParkerParker ;; FredFred IfRainey ainey ; Eric BattyBatty; ; Bobby Bobby Bryant Bryant; ; Percy O'Neal. Bob Bailey; Frank RussumRussum; ; DavidDavid RaylRayl ; George Denson ; Margie Third row: row: Third row:rote: FredFred Schwann Schwann; ; Bernard Bernard Guardia; Guardia George; George Seymour; Seymour; Durwood Durwood Lang- Lang- Cunningham; John Roberson. ley;ley ; HomerHomer McEniry;McEniry ; BillBill Doubleday;Doubleday ;Wentz Wentz Batson;Batson; C.C. L.L. Yelverton. HIGHHIGH SCHOOL FRESHMENFRESHVIB



First row: row: Pay Price; Juanita Black; Lois Damis; Wanda Lee Chandler ; Hilda Gracias; Charlotta Carroll; Elsie Smith; Annette Hatten. Second row: Jean Alexander; Marie Fairley; MargueriteMarguerite Newman;Newman; RosaRosa Mae Mae Noll; Babette Rhodes; Gwynne Sibley. Third row: LionellLionell Saucier; Saucier; CharlesCharles McVoy;McVoy; Adon Anderson; Amilca Smith; Frederick Ritter; John Harry; Bobby Howell. Fourth row:rose: BillBill Raborn; Raborn; GeorgeGeorge Cruthirds;Cruthirds; Carl West;West ; Cecil Cecil Vance;Vance; ArthurArthur SmithSmith; ;Earl Earl Broadus; Broad.; DavidDavid Ritter.


cordially invite vonvolt toto viewview ourour


Campus King and Queen Who's Who on the Campus

who reigned with their court at the inin wit,wit, looks,looks, intellect,intellect, andand actionsactions "Star-Dust" Ball on March 9, 1940 for 1939-1940.1939-1940. at 8:00 P.M.

Formal Dukes Accompany Maids "Manless Wedding" sponsored byby thethe Y.W.C.A.Y.W.C.A. onon April 8, 1940.

Exhibition of FamousFamous SnapsSnaps Football Queen and Court of PERK Life taken by amateur who reigned at Homecoming on photographers during thethe currentcurrent Saturday, October 28, 1939. school year.

Informal Informal t.. "STAR-DUST" BALL 1 "Star-Bust— Star-Bust"- Ball Ball CourtCourt

-— Star-Bust"Star-Mist - Ball Ball

• 4( • .4- • • . * • • * .. . •• • • ...• * • is it ap' a, 4 *. *,* :)1=11r 44:1t,1''.. ..4 1 -4( 4 4. lb * * * * * •

* 4 4$**** k •

Ruby Johnston Johnston and and Marjorie Marjorie Ann Ann Moore Moore CAMPUS ICING AND UUEL\ UDUK ESE 5











MN1 A I II S tillitll


Davies—Handsomest Boy,Boy, Glamour Glamour Boy; Boy; Maryanne "Dick" Davies—Handsomest Lilly Guardia—Prettiest Girl; Girl; InfluodialInfluential Teacher,Teacher, Teacher Teacher Most Most Interested Interested in Stu- in Stu- First row: row: Dr. Brasfield—Most First row: row: InezInez Ramsay—Best Dressed Girl; Girl; Passmore—Glamour Girl;Girl; "Bill""Bill" Liberis—RestLiberia—Best Dressed Boy; Boy; Audrey Dick—Best Passmorc—Ghnnour Girl Athlete, BestBest Girl Girl Sport; Sport; Rufus Drury—Best dents, Best Liked Teacher. Ruby Johnston—Most Boy Sport. dents, Best Liked Teacher. Popular Girl,Girl. Friendliest Friendliest Girl; Girl; Ruby Johnston—Most Popular Boy; Bin; row: Bessie Clark—Most Howard Pollock—Friendliest Boy, Boy, Most Most V Ilejr-.. .- Second row: row: Willadene Ryland, Lee Spence—Cutest Second row: Versatile Girl, Most Courteous Girl; Couple; LeeLee Spence—MostSpence—Most Courteous Courteous Boy; Boy; Mat- Versatile Girl, Most Courteous Girl; tie Lou Lyons—Most Helen James—Most tie Lou Lyons—Most SophisticatedSophisticated Sophomore; Sophomore; ElmerElmer Fillingim—Best Boy Athlete. la, nudewide Boy. - Coo—BestCoo—Best Boy Boy Dancer; Dancer; jean. ,an Parker—Wittiest Girl Dancer; "Bob""Bob Third row:sow: SadyeSadye Tune—Cutest Tune—Cutest Girl; Girl; Third row: row: Alice Cooper—Best Thurlow Walker—Student MastMost Likely to to Succeed; Succeed; loneIone Ro-Ro- Boy. berts—Freshestberts—Freshest Freshman; Freshman; "Mina" Casdro—Cirrus Girl; Clayton Wells—Wittiest Boy. "Mina" Casdro—Circus Queen,Queen. — . — SNAP\ AP 5SHOTS H O T 5

"Whatcha grinin' about gals?' ...T. T.N. N. T.... T.... "Heath "Neath the the shade shade of of the the old old , ..." "Whateha grinin' about gals'" ... What purrty smilessmiles . ... Socializin' . and Obidiah . , Socializin' "0" Men .. . Those Pascagoula Pukes ..... NothingNothing unusualunusual herehere ...... Ye Ole Swimmin' HoleHole ...... Snaffle Snadie and "G" Men ... Those Pascagoula Pukes railroadin' it on down ... Oh, come on, Ann. Please ... Nice work if you can "Buck" BalthroPelialthrope brings 'ens'em hackback alive? ...... Mr.Mr. InIngram's gram's boys . . . Spectatin'Spectatin' get it ! .... A A typical typical Sunday Sunday afternoon afternoon at at "Pciiii" "Pnitie PL-R-E-SEPL-E-E-SE sparespare me!me! ... .. Get off your knees, kids ...... Ain't "Ain't we'unswe'uns cute?"cute?" .. . . Mighty dressed up What ? Those Pukes again! Hello, Tootsies . . .The D.D. 0.0. D.'sD.'s .... Lookin'l,00kin' up to be so near that water ... Our band "conccrtin'.""concertin'." or lookin' down. WhichWhich isis itit? ? ... Careful now. Don't fall! ...... TheThe Ricks.Ricks. "Y.W.C.A.Y.W.C.A. MANLESS MANLESS WEDDING" WEDDING- -


ItFirst rose: row: Alvin Malley,M,rilry, President:Prsident; Melvin Kenneth, Kenneth, Vice-President:Flee President; Thurlow Walker.Walker, S.Sec- - retary-Treasteer:retary - Treasurer; Ruby Johnston, Johnston, Sophomore Representative.Representative

Second rote: rot, Clayton Clayton Wells, Wells, Douglas Douglas Hague, Hague, Sophomore Representatives;Representatives; Bessie Black,Black, Howard Pollock, Pollock, Freshman Representatives;Representatives: Mary Anne Anne Passmore. Passmore, High School Represent-Represent- ative.


The Student Council is the first and most inclusive organization andand isis repre-repre- sentative of all the students. The Council consists of President,President. Vice-President and Secretary-TreasurerSecretary-Treasurer fromfrom anyany divisiondivision ofof thethe school;school; threethree CouncilCouncil membersmembers frontfrom the sophomore college ; two from the freshman college division; one from the high school division.

The functions of the Student Council are: To planplait wholesomewholesome andand entertain-entertain- ing recreational and social activities for the students, hold student discussions and present helpful student suggestions to the faculty and administration, and act in an advisory capacity to students. The Council sponsors formalformal dinners,dinners, dances,dances, andand other student activities. LQ-

Scaled:.Soiled: Edward Hudgens, !halms, Business Pirst roso: Ernestine Von, Business Manager;Manager; Nettie Davis.Davis. Sophomore Reporter; Reporter; LuccilLuceil First rote: Ernestine Son, President; Louise Louise Davis, Secretary; Mastic Mastic Lou Lyons, Treasurer; Smith, Verse Editor;Editor; Otis Singletary, Hazel Ramsay, Reporter; Dr. Brasfield, "Lola" Barrett ; Philip Brandt ; Annie Otis Singletary, Assistant Business Manager; Manager; Betty Wight, High School Hazel Ramsay, Reporter; Dr. Brasfield, Sponsor; "Lola" Barrett; Philip Brandt; Annie Reporter,.Reporter; HattieManic Lou Lyons, Assistant Editor; Lee Colle; Nettie Davis; Walter Davis. Assistant Editor; "Jimmy" Balthorpe, Art Editor; "Sam" Wilson, Lee Colic; Nettie Davis; Walter Davis. Sophomore Reporter; Reporter; Bessie Clark,Clark, Organization Reporter; Reporter; "Lola" Barrett,Barrett, Typist. Second row: rose: Rufus Drury;Drury ; Virginia Virginia French; French: Corrie Corrie Gaddy;Caddy; DannitteDannitte Gill; Marteal Green; Standing:Pawling: Mr. L. P. Ingram, Julian Hamilton; David Hoyle; Helen James: Melvin Kenneth; Edmund Lec. Sponsor; Jean Parker,Parker, Freshman Reporter; Julian Hamilton; David Hoyle; Helen James; Melvin Kenneth; Edmund Lee. Photographer; Freshman Reporter; "Sam" Tucker, HelmHelen James,James. Editor-in-Chief.!Editor-in - Chief. Third row:rarer ElizabethElizabeth Lemon: Lemon; Charles Charles Morgan; Morgan; Millicent Millicent Murrel; Marcel; Dorothea Dorothea Nelson;Nelson; Winston No pictures; No pictures: Alice Cooper.Cooper. Sports O'Neal;O'Neal : Howard Howard Pollock,Pollock, National President; President; Dorothy Stribling; Thurlow Walker; Harrison Sports Editor;Editor; Inez Ramsay,Ramsay, Assistant Editor; Robert Con, Freshman Reporter. Reporter. Assistant Editor; Robert Cox, Wilhite.


PERKOLATOR STAFF The Phi Theta Kappa is a National Junior College Honorary Society, the aim of which is to promote scholarship, leadership, and fellowship. Our chapter, Gamma Nu, is a member of the National Society of the Phi Theta Kappa. The PERKOLATOR The P0auotxroa StaffStaff presents presents the the 1940 Annual with greetings to all the 1940 Annual with greetings to all the In order to become a member of this organization, a student must rank within friends and friends andstudents students of of our our Alma Alma Mater. Mater. MayMay itit proveprove aa worthyworthy monumentmonument to our the upper ten per cent, scholastically, of the total college enrollment. He must, also, maintain, at least, a 13 average. year's work, and, in after years, a source of pleasure to the student bodybody ofof today.today. Betty Thurlow Walker, Secretary-Treasurer; Carlos Carroll; Sealed:Seated: Dorothy Pigford; Marjorie Shepard,Shepard, Cabinet; Inez.liter Ramsay,Ramsay, Viee-President;Vice-President; Betty First rote:row: David IHoyle, loyle. Presiders;President; Thurlow Walker, Secretary-Treasurer; Carlos Carroll; Lawson Dietrich; Alvaro Facio; Rufus Drury; Jimmy Blount; Fred Rainey; Bobby Bryant; Campbell; Gwynne Sibley. Lawson Dietrich; Alvaro Facio; Rufus Drury; Jimmy Blount; Fred Rainey; Bobby Bryant; Harrison Wilhite. First row:rote: lonelone Roberts; Roberts; Helen James,James, President; Nettie Davis,Davis, Treasurer:Treasurer; Myrtle Willie; First Vice-President: Waldo Cooley; Vera Whittington; Beulah Smith; ClaireClaire Sekul;Sekul; MartealMarteal Green;Green; Bessie Bessie Clark, Clark, Secretary: Second rote:row: JamesJames Kelly: Kelly; Bill Bill Doubleday; Doubleday; WalterWalter Davis, Vice-President: Waldo Cooley; James Estes; Chester Ruffin; Mario Facio; Frederick Ritter; Ricardo Carroll; Donald "Lola" Barrett:Barrett; Alice Cooper:Cooper; LillianLillian Aschbacher:Awhbacher; Sallie Welch;Welch; BonnyeBonnye Broadus;Broadus; .MattieMattie James Estes; Chester Ruffin; Mario Facio; Frederick Ritter; Ricardo Carroll; Donald Lou Lyons;Lyons: Emilie MarieMarie Stapp;Stapp; DoloresDolores McHenry,McHenry, Cabinet; Carmen Tanner; Bessie Black; Roberts. Sadye Tune: Ruthelia Lott; Sara Frances Eldridge; Millicent Murrel, Cabinet; Yen/wileVermelle Sadye Tune; Ruthelia Lott; Sara Frances Eldridge; MillicentMurrel, Third row: Mr. Gregory. Sponsor;Sponsor; Edward Cullen;Collett; Dannitte Gill; Paul lludgens,Hudgens; ElmerElmer Easterling; Alice Worthington, Cabinet. Third row: Mr. Gregory, Easterling; Alice Worthington, Cabinet. Hayes; Charles Meyers; StewartStewart Trautman.Trautman. Second row: Louise Davis, Second row: Louise Davis, Cabinet; "Peggy" Cherry; Jean Parker; Shirley O'Neal; Helen Gene Havens; "Cliff" Daniels; "Bob" Rich:Rich; JohnJohn Welch;Welch; WinstonWinston O'Neal;O'Neal; Moore. Fourth row: row: Moore. Edward Iiutlgens;Hudgens: "Itob""Bob" Time;Tims: GeorgeGeorge Barrett:Barrett: JoinsJohn Clark; David Ritter.Ritter. Third row:rare: Margaret Johnston; Voncile Stewart; Luceil Smith; Betty Conn; Virginia Fifth row:rose: John Warne; Eron 'footle;Tootle; HoustonHouston Hudgens;Hudgens: HenryHenry Davis;Davis: WyethWyeth Ramsay; David Galbraith; Willis Grimes; "J. J." Hartman:Hartman; Alvin Walker. Fourth row: J." Hay- Fourth raw: Dorothy Stribling;Stribling: Billie Ruth Jenkins; Lois Lawrence; Margaret Scarbrough. Sixth row:rote: Homer Homer McEniry; NIcEniry: Ewell Ewell Singleton; Singleton; Arzo Area James; James; Douglas Douglas Hague; Hague; "J. J," Hay- Fifth row: den; "Bill" Newsom;Newnn; Julian Julian Hamilton; Hamilton; John .John Dambrink, Dambrink; Clayton Clayton Lehman; Lehman; IlerbertHerbert Lowery;Lowery; Fifth rote: Dorothea Nelson; Nelson; Elizabeth Elizabeth IlishoBishop; • Annie Annie LeeLee Colle;Calle; Ernestine Yon,Yon, Cabinet; Doris Rush; Aimee Ros; Kathleen Calle. "Sam" Wilson; "L. J." Stringer:Stringer; "Tom""Tom" Howell.Howell. Doris Rush; Aimee Ros; Kathleen 'Coll, P . llivdtc4ri Ltihn.larc Sixth row: blarRietC Cunningham.critnoglanty ; RWilladenenillaydene Ryland; Elizabeth LLemon; • Josephine Stegall;Stegall: Mildred Rusin, Cabinet; I3orothyRamsay.' SeventhboSetn,eniffir row: Walline Davis, oira , mWiLlIi iiawyne Davis.Day, . sp CabinetCabinet; • NollineNollinc Carter, Carter, Cabinet; Mary Louise Brown; Anna- Y. M. C. A. belle Holston; Miss Haney, Spowor. Y. M. C. A. iteltin r,otitti Maryanne JuaiceTanner; Tanner; Gertrude Gertrude Scruggs; Scruggs; Thelma Thelma Dale; Dale; Etoila Etoila Fox; Fox; Jennie Jennie Mills; Mills, Is a union of students and faculty members for the following purposes: l Kuiiiu is; s; Maryanne Passmore;Passmore; Betty Thompson. Is a union of students and faculty members for the following purposes: ToT. lead students to faith in God through Christ. Y. W.W. C.L. A. To lead them into membership andand serviceservice inin thethe ChristianChristian church.church. To promote their growth in Christian faith and character, especially through the study of the Bible and prayer. As members of the Y.W.C.A. we shall strive to dedicate— study of the Bible and prayer. Our souls to God; To influenceinfluence themthem toto devotedevote themselvesthemselves inin unitedunited efforteffort withwith allall Christians to mak- ing the will of Christ effective in human society, and to extend the Kingdom Our service to our fellow-beings; ing the will of Christ effective in human society, and to extend the Kingdom of GodCod throughout the world. Our minds and our bodies to higher standards through worthwhile activities.activities. Lilly Cisziono y- First rule: Charles Morgan, President; Anton Steel, Vice-President; Lilly Guardia, Secretary; Helen James, Vice-Presi-Vire-Presi- George Barrett; William Carlin; "Pat" Carolan; BessieBessie First row:rotw Elva Eva Downing,Downing, Treasurer;Treasurer; Lilly Guardia, Secretary; Helen James, CtTrraturer,:;°,7;; ; Miss CrazierFrazier,, Sponsor;Spoasar; Gesrge Barrttr William Carlin; " Pat" Carolan ; dent; Ricardo Carroll, President. Clark. Second rouerow: NettieNettie Davis;Davis; BillyBilly Elam;Elam; Charles Flickner; DannitteDarmitte Gill:Gill; GeorgeGeorge Grace;Grace; Second row: 'Hen Moore; Carlotta Carroll; Hilda Gracias; Claire Sekul ; Elsie Smith. Second Second rots: Helen Moore; Carlotta Carroll; Hilda Gracias: Claire Seta; Elsie Smith. Frank Gruich; EdwardEdward Hudgens;Hodge.; Margaret Margaret Johnston.Johnston.

Third rowrow: Emile Con;Goza; Annie Annie Lee Lee CoIle; Cole; BettyBetty Conn;Conn; MissMiss Frazier,Frazier, Sponsor. Third row:row: Lucien Lucien Kidd; Kidd; Dolores Dolores McHenry; McHenry; CharlesCharles McNamee; Winston O'Neal; GastonGaston Robertson; Otis Singletary; F.milicEmilie Marie Stapp; "Billy" Stapp; Stewart Trautman. Fourth row: roue Daisy Daisy Carroll; Carroll; Alice Alice Whitefield; Whitefield; ErnestineErnestine Yon;Yon: "Lola" BarrettBarrett; ; JohnJohn Dambrink.

Filth row:row: Carlos Carlos Carroll; Carroll; Mario Mario Patio; Patio; Charles Charles DeMetz:DeMetz; Edward Hudgens.Hodge... Sixth and SeventhSeventh rows: rows: Ernesto Ernesto Quiros;Quiros ;Lawson Lawson Dietrich; Dietrich; Roberto Roberto Bueso;Bueso; "Ned""Ned" Batson; FRENCH CLUB Alvaro Facio;Fads; Philip Philip Brandt;Brandt: "Bill" Doubleday; Herman Rossi.

The French Club is an organization composed of French students of Perkins- ton Junior College.College. ItIt isis notnot necessarilynecessarily composedcomposed ofof thethe entireentire FrenchFrond, class,class, butbut SPANISH CLUB thethe majoritymajority ofof the French students are members. SPANISH CLUB The purpose is to aid in the understanding ofof FrenchFrench andand *the the practicalpractical sideside of learning it. These pro- The Spanish Club, composed of the Spanish students on the campus and thethe A program is planned to do the most in the short time available. These pro- grams usually have to do with French or sonicsome subject in which all have an inter- members of the Spanish classes, is organized for the purpose of making the Eng- grams be discussed that is of interest to the French students in order eest.spsti.rit AnythingAnything maymay be discussed that is of interest to the French students in order lish and Spanish languages moremore interestinginteresting toto thethe students.students. TheThe clubclub bringsbrings thethe toto helphelp formform acquaintancesacquaintances whichwhich willwill meanmean moremore thanthan merely knowing a name. Everyone is encouraged to do his part in the club in order to preserve a democratic students together in a sense of understanding andand fellowshipfellowship andand providesprovides aa pro-pro- Everyone spirit. gram of entertainment and of intellectual value.value. First row: Douglas Hague, FirstFire row: rota: Helen Moore; Eunice Conn:Conn; Margaret Johnston; Luceil Smith. First row: Douglas Ilague. President; "Torn""Toni" Howell, Vire-President:Vice-President: Ernestine Von,Von. Sec-See- retary-Treocurer; "Lola" Barrett, Reporter; retary-Treasurer: "Lola" Barrett. Reporter; Lois Lawrence; Ionelone Roberts;Roberts: Emilie Marie Second rott, row Juaice Tanner; Sara Frances Eldridge; Mary Louise Brown; Grace Taylor. Stapp; Bessie Black;Black: Virginia French. Third row: ThurlowT172;:oiN: LWalker;W:, Iteyro; nsGrace .G race Wicks; Wicks; Ruthelia Ruthelia Lott; Lott; Shirley Shirley O'Neal; O'Neal; Hazel Hazel Ramsay; Ramsay; Second row: Second row Clayton Lehman; "J. 3."J." Hartman; Doris Rush; John Warne;Warne; ElizabethElisabeth Louise Davis: Manic Lou Lyons. Bishop; Annie Lee Colic:Coils; Ewell Singleton; Dolores 'McHenry.McHenry. Fourth rote: rote: Betty Thompson; Walter Davis;Davis; WallineWallin Davis;Davis; HoustonHouston Iludgens;Hudgens; VoncileVoncile Third 71 1:16,: PItillieHtitdm;enWillisVe. Stewart; Myrtle Willie. SallieThird row: Paul Hudgens; Willis Grimes; Grimes; John John Welch; Welch; Lawson Lawson Dietrich; Dietrich; BonnyeBonnye Broadus;Broadus; Sallie Welch; Billie Ruth Jenkins. Fifthifth rroan:ir;w: Rufus Drury; Vivian Mills;Mills; Jewell Jewell Sims; Sims; Josephine Josephine Stegall; Stegall; Donald Donald Roberts;Roberts; FiZitohrirooso c.p.:tlrdv ;inDWoraoltkheyr ; Henry Davis; Beulah Smith.Smith. lrourUt rota: Alvin Walke r.si Herbertl;lizrtrt, pitowgeemr,;ray„,; phaz.iii4,tt.Gill;; Bessie Clark ; Douglas LynchLynch; ; Mactode Shepard; Dorothy Sixth rose: rota: Waldo Cooley; "E. 0." Cunningham; "Cliff" Daniels:Daniels; Bill Baboon.Reborn. Filth row: Fifth row: Julian Hamilton; "Sam" Wilson; Edward Hudgens; Harrison Wilhite; George Barrett; WinstonJulian O'Neal; Hamilton; Betty "Sam" Conn; Wilson;Professor Edward Paul Bowers, Hudgens; Harrison Wilhite; George Barrett; Winston O'Neal; Betty Conn; Professor Paul Bowers, SPoncor.Sponsor. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION

The Baptist Student Union is a religious organization on the campus which WESLEY FOUNDATION Membership WESLEY FOUNDATION servesserves asas aa connectingconnecting linklink between between the the college college and and the the local local church. church. Membership inin anyany Baptist Baptist organization organization entitles entitles the the student student to to be be a a member member of of the the B.S.U.B.S.U. The council, which meets weekly, is composed of the president, Josehine Ste- TheThe WesleyWesley FoundationFoundation isis aa religiousreligious clubclub organizedorganized asas aa connectingconnecting linklink The council, which meets weekly, is composed of the president, Josehine Ste- gall;gall: firstfirst vice-president,vice-president, Grace Wicks; second vice-president, Ruthelia Lott ;; thirdthird betweenbetween thethe MethodistMethodist studentsstudents andand thethe church.church. ItsIts purposepurpose isis toto promotepromote spirit-spirit- vice-president,vice-president, SaraSara FrancesFrances Eldridge;Eldridge; treasurer,treasurer, Walter Davis; reporter, Betty ualual developmentdevelopment andand maintainmaintain fellowshipfellowship amongamong thethe students.students. ItIt servesserves asas aa meansmeans Thompson;Thompson; pianist, Eunice Conn. With Miss Denson as sponsor, the dub has shown remarkable progress, and for the exchange of Christian ideas and ideals, and strives to increase moral edu- With Miss Denson as sponsor, the club has shown remarkable progress, and for the exchange of Christian ideas and ideals, and strives to increase moral edu- we feel that we have been rewarded for our untiring zeal and effort. cationcation among among its its members. members. we feel that we have been rewarded for our untiring zeal and effort. 111111 n IR 1111111111 MEN

riqc: Claire 'nLF Sekul;'111tna Thelma Dale; Dale; Hareiwn Florence Boyer; Boyer; Lilly Guardia; Lilly Guardia; Maryaonc-Maryanne Pan, Pass- First rare: Claire First row I Idol James; Eliulieth 1,1.11; "Natty" Igilt I'vggy" Cherry, .5 'dry- more; BettyBetty Campbell: Campbell; Betty Betty Teel. Teel. First row: Helen James; Elizabeth Lemon; "Betty" Wight; "Peggy" Secretory-Cherry, Second rotor SSeconde rote: Madeline Kuljis; Kuljis; Dorothy Dorothy Pigford; Pigford; Mary Mary Ann AnnLightsey, Lightsey, Secretary;Secretory; Cecile Turcotte; Aimee Aimee Ros Ros; ; Dora Dora Ellett Ellen Hanson; Hanson; Elizabeth Elizabeth Carrio; Carrio;Charlotte Charlotte Carroll. Carroll. 7'reosurer;Treasurer; Mildred Rustin; Austin; Dorothea Dorothea Nelson. Nelson. Third row: Third rOil, Limo Lawrence;Lawrence; Stanley Stanley Ratomslcy, Ratonisky, Treasurer; Millicent Murrel; Murrel; Ann Ann Beck- Beck- ham; Carlos Carlos Carroll; Carroll; Hilda Hilda Gracias; Gracias; "Mina" "Mina" Casdro. Casdro. Second row: StewartStewart Trautman; Trautman; "Jimmy" "Jimmy" Blount; Blount; "I3ob" "Bob"Tints; Edmund Tims; Edmund Lee. Lee. Fourth row Fourth row: HowardHoward Pollock, Pollock, President;President; James Wittmann; Wittmann; Walter Walter Bandlow; Bandlow; Wilfred Wilfred Gal- Gal. lone;lotte; AlbertAlbert Margin; Margin; Hubert Hubert Manning; Manning; Daisy Daisy Carroll; Carroll; Elsie Smith. Elsie Smith. Third row: row David Galbraith; Charles McNamee, President; Jack Taylor, Vice-President. Fifth David Galbraith; Charles McNamee,President; Jack Taylor,Vice-President. Fifth roanrote: "Pat""Pat" Carol.,Carolan, Vice-President; Alvaro Facio; Facto; Lucien Lucien Kidd; Kidd; Mario Mario Facio; Facto;Her- Her- man Rossi;Rossi; "Bill" "Bill" Doubleday; Doubleday; Ricardo Ricardo Carroll. Carroll. Sixth Sixth roanrote: Durwood Langley; Langley; Henry Henry Dick; Dick; Elwood Elwood Collins; Collins; Ernesto Ernesto Quiros; Roberto Quiros; Roberto Bueso;Bueso; Bernard Bernard Guardia. Guardia. Seventh row Seventh rote: Warren Moran; Moran; Homer Homer McEniry; McEniry; Max Max Telhaird; Telhaird; Prank FrankGruich. Gruich. PRESBYTERIAN CLUB CLUB CATHOLICCATHOLIC CLUB TheThe Perkinston Catholic Catholic Organization Organization is one is of onethe most of the active most organizations active organizations TheThe Presbyterian Club Club is a isreligious a religious organization organization formed to formed bring the to Presby- bring the Presby- onon the campus. campus. It isIt composedis composed of Catholic of Catholic students students and has contributed and has contributedmuch to much to terian students into a closer feeling of fellowship and to promote spiritual develop- thethe religious life life of ofthe the campus. campus. terian students into a closer feeling of fellowship and to promote spiritual develop-

ThisThis organization was was formed formed at the at beginning the beginning of the school of the session school through session through ment.ment. the the effortsof forts of ofits itspresident, president, Howard Howard Pollock, Pollock, and the andloyal the support loyal of support the Catholic of the Catholic students.students. It Ithas has done done much much to help to the help students the students develop good develop moral good habits moral and a habits and a TheThe club meets meets every every Sunday Sunday morning morning at 10:00 at o'clock 10:00 aso'clock a Sunday as School,a Sunday School, spiritualspiritual outlook outlook upon upon life. life. Reverend Reverend Waters Waters has contributed has contributed much to its much success to its success the entire services being conducted by the students. Here they exchange Christian andand has conducted conducted Mass Mass every every Sunday Sunday morning morning for the students. for the students. the entire services being conducted by the students. Here they exchange Christian AsAs a social function, function, each each year year the Catholic the Catholic Organization Organization sponsors sponsorsa spring a spring idealsideals andand discuss discuss their their ideas ideas on the on subjects the subjects presented. presented. picnic,picnic, andand this this year year the themembers members are looking are looking forward forward to it with togreat it with anticipation. great anticipation. Vice-President;'fee-President ; Marteal Green, Secre- First row: AlmAlice Worthington, Worthington, President; Sallie Welch,Welch, I'm-Psendent;Vier-Presith,11; SIWilma dins ProfProffitt. Fitt, First ramrow: RubyRuby Johnston, Prmident;President: Wyeth Ramsay, I William Carlin; Miss Johnston. Sponsor; Mary Elaine Batson; Mary tory-Treasurer:tary-Treasurer; Mr. Bowers, Sponsor; Lillian Aschbacher; "Lola" Barrett;Barrett ; William Carlin; Secretary;Secretory; Inez Ramsay,Ramsay, Treasurer; Miss Johnston, Sponsor; Mary Elaine Batson; Mary "Peggy" Cherry. Louise Brown; Florence Boyer; Edith Collins.

Second row: rose: Annie Annie Lee Lee Colle; Calle; Edward Edward Cullen;Cullen: JohnJohn Dambrink;Dambrink: Nettie Davis; Stova Firth; Virginia French; CarrieCords Gaddy;Caddy; "J. J." Hartman. Second rote:row Margie Cunningham; Wallin Davis; Lilly Guardia; Medichladie Gibson; MartialMarital Green; Ruby Merle Hickman; Annabelle Holston:Holston; Margaret Johnson; MaryMary AnnAnn Lightsey.Lightsey. Third row;rote: RatonRahon Hawkins;Hawkins: DavidDavid Hoyle;Hoyle; HelenHelen James;James; JamesJames Kelly; Madeline Kuljis; Edmund Lee; Clayton Lehman; Elizabeth Lemon. Third rote:row ShirleyShirley O'Neal; O'Neal; Dorothy Dorothy Pigford; Pigford; Dorothy Dorothy Ramsay: Ramsay; lone lone Roberts;Roberts; MildredMildred Fourthforth rowrow: Winston Winston O'Neal; O'Neal; Hazel Hazel Ramsay; Ramsay; Chester Chester Ruffin; Ruffin; Luceil Lured Smith; Voncile Stew- Bottum;Russum; MarjorieMarjorie Shepard; Juaice Tanner;Tamer; "Betty" Thompson; Eleanor Woodruff. art; SadyeSadie Tune;Tune; CecileCecile Turcotte:Turcotte; JamesJames Wittrnann.Wittmann.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB HOME ECONOMICS CLUB The International Relations Club is a tuitionalnational organization established

throughoutthroughout thethe collegescolleges andand highhigh schoolsschools ofof AmericaAmerica andand isis mademade possiblepossible throughthrough

the endowment of Andrew Carnegie. Our aim is to develop appreciation for homehonie economics in the home and social The membership of the International Relations Club is composed of the stu-

dentsdents who have made an average SO90 inin SocialSocial Studies.Studies. At the meetings which life.life. ForFor example, we have programs on promoting goodgood mannersmanners inin thethe homehome are held are held twicetwice a a month, month, problemsproblems ofof internationalinternational importanceimportance andand interestinterest are dis- as well as in social life, and on overcoming problems in the home and society. cussed.cussed. as well as in social life, and on overcoming problems in the home and society. w•M MEMIIR


.;1141 .19111.4,„ iii2i : . t

. 1 iin MIL _ ,aii k

First row: row: "Jim" Jim" Kelly: Kelly: Charles Charles Streeck, Streeck, Retwler.Reporter: I\ :Lido Cooley;Cowley; Donald Donald Roberts; Robert,: Edwin Etlein Ruthelia Lott, Treasurer; FirstFins row:row: Kathleen Kathleen Colic, CoIle, President; Millicent Murrel, Secretary; Ruthelia Lott, Duncan.Duncan, IVice-President; 'icciliresiderii; Walter Davis, Davis, President; IleoryHenry Davis,Davis, Secretary.Secretory. Myrtle Willie,Willie. Hiking Chaperone. Chaperone. Second row:row: Bertram Driskell; Driskell; "Bill" "Bill" Cook: Cook; Edwin Edwin Burt; Burt; "I.. J.""L. Stringer; J." Stringer; CliffordClifford Murphy; Murphy; Walker. d- "I Second row: row: Miss Dalier, Sponsor;Sporuor; Vera Whittington:Whittington; Louise Louise Davis; Davis; Sara Sara Frances Frances Eldridge; Eldridge; Carlos Herrero; Herrero; Howard Howard Overton; Overton; Robert Robert Witt; Win; Edward Edward Cullen; Cullen; Alvin AlvinWalker. Mildred Rustic. Bustin. Third rose:row: Albert Franklin; Franklin; Mallette Mallette Sirmon; Sirmon; John John Clarke; Clarke; Elton Elton Brown; Brown; "Bob" "Bob" Rick; Rich; Thurlow Walker; Walker; Julian Julian Hamilton, Hamilton, Treasurer; "Jimmy" Lee. Lee.

Fourth rote:row: Herman Rossi; Rossi; Mize Mize Johnson; Johnson; "Billy" "Billy" Lipscomb; Lipscomb; "E. "E.0." Cunningham;0." Cunningham; hid - Jud- sonson Johnson;Johnson; "Jake" "Jake" Shaw; Shaw; Milton Milton Brown; Brown; Thomas Thomas Howell; Howell; Kenneth Kenneth Woodward; Woodward; Ra ‘rune Rapnie Whittington. C. W. A.A. A.A. AGRICULTURE CLUB CLUB The College's Woman'sWoman's Athletic Athletic Association Association is ais cluba club which which was was organized organized at at "PERK AGGIES"AGGIES" Perkinston Junior Junior College College in 1938. in 1938. Miss Miss Elton Elton Dalier Daher is the is thesponsor. sponsor.

The AgricultureAgriculture Club Club was was organized organized with with the theobjective objective of creating of creating competent, competent, The aim ofof thethe organization organization is is to to promote promote interest interest in inter-classin inter-class athletics athletics and and aggressive, rural rural agricultural agricultural leadership leadership and anddeveloping developing more more interest interest in the inintel- the intel-

sports, toto provide provide activities, activities, such such as as hiking, hiking, tennis, tennis, and and other other individual individual sports, spotty, ligentligent choicechoice of of agricultural agricultural occupations occupations among among its members.its members. Realizing Realizing the im- the im- portance of of co-operation co-operation in in agricultural agricultural work, work, the clubthe club strives strives earnestly earnestly to promote to promote for recreation during leisure time, to improve the health of the student and to for recreation during leisure time, to improve the health of the student and to and improveimprove scholarship scholarship among among the the agricultural agricultural students. students. promote sportsmanshipsportsmanship among among the the students students on andon and off theoff field.the field. "try- re, FirstPiss, rot, Glen Sletten:Stearn: "I "Bill" till" Cook;Cook: "DI*""Oil," Netherland;Netherland; Clictt Cliett Kemp; Kemp; Rufus Rufus Drury:Drury: Rotheha Lon, President; "Dick" Turrotte,Turcotte, IVice-President; 'ice-President Audrey Dick,Dick, Secretary-Treasuii..5, Rothelia Lott, President; Howard Pollock; Lucien Kidd; Thurlow Walker; Coach Rexinger.Reainger. Second row: rose: Coach Coach Brown; Brown; Alvin Alvin Malley; Malley; Wilfred Wilfred Gallotte; Gallotte; "Bob" "Bob" Rich;Rich; "Bob""Bob" McGahay; Dent O'Neal; Arnold Stevens; "Chuff" Dillard; John Denning. Third rota:rote: "Billy""Billy" Lipscomb; Lipscomb; RubyRuby Johnston,;t,o,4,1;0, 1Vice-President;,.,ire-Pr.idrolf; Robert Wolf;Wolf ; HilleryHillery Horne;Home; "L•."E. 0."O." Cunningham, Prrsidr,,f;President; SlalletteMallette Sirmon. Fourth row: row: LissoLiss° Lawrence; Melvin Kenneth,Kenneth, Secretary-Treasurer;Secretory-Treasurer; Robert Witt; "Duner""Dense" Coffman. GIRLS' CLUB BOYSBOYS' CLUB

The purpose of the Girls' "P" Club is to promote sportsmanship and to create

higher moralsmorals andand betterbetter characterscharacters inin thethe girlsgirls onon ourour campus.campus. The purposepurpose ofof thethe "P""P" Club shall be to create, maintain, and extend through- out the school and community high standards of fellowship andand sportsmanship.sportsmanship.

A girl has to play at least 24 quarters of intercollegiate basketball or make Membership to the "P" Club is obtained by having earned an athletic letter and by having gone through the proper initiation. the tennistennis teamteam beforebefore sheshe qualifiesqualifies forfor membership in the "P" Club. ".•111,

First onto row: Jewell Jewell Sims: Sims; Wilma Wilma Proffitt; Proffitt; Otis Singletary; Otis Singletary; Frank Russutn; Frank Russum;i Ros- Mildrel Rue- sum,man. Serretory-Trensurer;Secretary-Treasurer; Sybil MeBay: McBay; "Jimmy" "Jimmy" Finley: Finley; "Sam" "Sam" Wilson. Wilson, President; "Jimmy" Blount; Ewell Ewell Singleton; Singleton; Hazel Hazel Ramsay: Ramsay; Curt;‘ Curt;s Parker; Farber; Glen Sletten Glen John Sletten; Dambrink; John "Ann" Dambrink; "Ann" Beckham; Stewart Stewart Trautman; Trautman; James James Estes; Estes;Mary Elaine Mary Batson. Elaine Batson. First row: row: Charles McNamee; McNamee; Glen Glen Sletten; Sletten; Albert Albert Mangin. Mangin. Second rote: row: Charles Charles Meyers; Meyers; LeRoy LeRoy Weeks: Weeks: "Dick" Harrison;"Dick" Harrison; Bessie Black; Bessie Ray Dubois-Black; Ray Dubuis- "J. J."J." Hartman; Hartman; Glenn Glenn Kemp; Kemp; Bradley Bradley Stribling. Stribling. son; Dora Dora Ellen Ellen Hanson; Hanson; Charles Charles McNamee, McNamee, BusloadBusiness Manager; Manager: Glen Kemp; Kemp; Jack Jack Boyer; Boyer; Second row: "J. "Billy"- Billy" Stapp; Stapp; Maz Max Telhaird. Telhaini Third row: EwellEwell Singleton. Singleton. Third row:rom: Marjorie Shepard; Shepard; attic Zettie Bond; Bond; Dolores Dolores McHenry; McHenry; Fred Schwalm: Fred Schwan: Elwood Elwood Collins; "Bill" "Bill" Newsom: Newsom; Albert Albert Mangin; Mangin; Emilie Emilie Marie Stapp;Marie John Stapp; Wel Johnch; Albert Welch; Saucier; Albert Saucier; Pianist: Curtis Parker. Parker. Mr. Beers, Director. Vocalist: Alice Cooper.Cooper. Four(hi: IMylorrow: Philip p Brandt; Brandt; "Billy" "Billy" Elam; Elam; Millard Millard Bond; Bond; "J. J." "J. Hartman, J." Hartman, Vice-President;Vite-President; Vocalist: 1Mande1:tets Lou Lyons. Trombone: "Prof." Stanley Stanley Beers. Beers. THE BANDBAND The Junior Junior College College Band Band is one is of one the ofmost the progressive most progressive organizations organizations on the on the campus. Under Under the the able able leadership leadership of Mr. ofStanley Mr. Stanley C. Beers, C. this Beers, organization this organization is is striving to attain stn ving to attainthe the highest highest playing playing ability ability that that it is capableit is capable of. of. THE ORCHESTRA The membersmembers of ofthe the band band will rememberwill remember the many the trips many on whichtrips theyon which have they have gone. Especially Especially will will they they remember remember the trip the to Laurel,trip to Miss.,Laurel, on Miss., which theon bandwhich the band

won thirdthird place place in inthe the marching marching contest contest and a prizeand aof prize seventy-five of seventy-five dollars. OneOne dollars. . of thethe most most important important functions functions of the of band the is band to play is forto playthe football for the games football air games and With ProfessorProfessor Stanley Stanley C. Beers C. Beers as its asdirector, its director, the orchestra the orchestrahas built up has built up march on on the the field field during during the half the of half the ofgame. the Withgame. their With new their uniforms, new recentuniforms, y recently It provides the purchased by bythe the school, school, these theseyoung youngmusicians musicians look very stunninglook very as theystunning strut as they strut of a really fineorganization. organization. It provides the down the the field. field. and is is maintaining maintaining a reputationreputation a of a really fine most enjoyed recreations of all music at at the the school school dances dances which which are one are of theone of the most enjoyed recreations of all On AprilApril 13, 13, 1940 1940 the the band band will willgo to go the to annual the annual Junior CollegeJunior BandCollege Con- Band Con- test. Last Last year year the the hand band was givenwas giventhird place third and place the ensembles and the ensembles and solos were and solos were the student student activities. activities. given a a good good rating. rating. This This year yearthe band the will band try willto bring try toback bring too honorsback top in con- honors in con- . cert, as as well well as asthe the solos solos and ensembles. and ensembles. P.S. They They did did win! win! "TheI'he Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar WildeWilde

CAST OF CHARACTERS JOHN WORTHINGJOHN WORTHING —.SamuelSamuel Wilson ALGERNONAl.GERNON MONCRIER• MONCRIEFF_ JamesJames ByrdByrd REV.Rev. CANON CHASUBLECANON CHASUBLE Edward Hudgens MERRIMAN, /milerbutler Wyeth Ramsay LANE,LANK, manservantnumservaal . Samuel Tucker LADY 13RACK BRACKNELL NVI .Lois I awrence—_Lois Lawrence GWENDOLEN FAIREAX . _AimeeAimee Ros MISS PRISM, gOVerlICSSgoverness JeanJean Parker Cs;ur.yCECILY CARDEW.CAROM __MarneMattie Lou Lyons

Below, left toto rightright: Lois Lawrence;Lawrence ; WyethteLlt iRamsay;t,,,,,,TY: SamSam Wilson:Wilson; Aimee Bus;Ros; Jean Parker;Parke, Edward HudgensHudgens;; JamesJames Byrd;Byrd ;Mottle Mattie Lou Lyons.

Firstrirs, role:o•o: JoaoJean Porker.Parker, President;Prosidenl; Aimee Ros,Ros, Serrelory;Secretary; Edward Hudgens, Business Mona-Mum- 9pest,r; "Lola""Lola" Barrett; "Peggy""Pens" Cherry; Douglas Hague; Paul Hudgens; Lois Lawrence.

Second rote:rots: RutilelieRuthelia Lott; MottleMattie Lou Lyons; HazelHanel Ramsay;Ramsay; WyethWyeth Runway;Ramsay; ChesterChester Ruffin; Willadene Ryland; LuceilLucca Smith; Emilie Marie Stapp.Stapp.

Third row: JosephineJosephine Stegall; Stegall; Voncile Voncile Stewart; Stewart; "Betty" "Betty" Thompson; Thompson; "Sam" "Sam" Tucker; Tucker; Clayton Clayton Wells; "Sam" Wilson; "Stenic""Stenie" Yon.


The Dramatic Club endeavors to provide entertainment for the students.

Headed by Miss Fulton, the club has produced two plays this year: "The Impor-

tance of Being Earnest" and "On Vengeance Height", the Little TheatreTheatre Play,Play,

which was rated excellent by the judges.

-"TrialTrial By JuryJury"-

JurymenJurymen—Curtis—Curtis Parker Parker ; Wyeth; Wyeth Ramsey; Ramsey; Philip Philip Brandt, Brandt, Foreman; Foreman; S. C. S.Beers; C. Beers; Charles Streeck Streeck ; Iron; Iron Tootle; Tootle "Gene" ; "Gene" Havens; Havens; John John Roberson; Roberson Millard ; Millard Bond ;Bond; "Tom" Howell. Bridesmaids—Emilie Marie Marie Stapp; Stapp; Dorothy Dorothy Stribling; Stribling; Sallie Sallie Welch: Welch; Marjorie Marjorie Moore ;; DoloresDolores McHenry; McHenry; Voncile Voncile Stewart. Stewart. Brides .MildredMildred Russum; Nolline Nolline Carter Carter Counsel — ._Edward_Edward HudgensHudgens Usher._Usher Charles McNameeMcNamee Judge Lawson Dietrich Dietrich Defendant . James Estes Estes Spectators—Grace Wicks; HonnyeBonnye Broadus; Broadus; Zettie Zettie Bond; Bond; Elva Elva Downing; Downing; Eliza- Eliza- beth Bishop;Bishop; Sybil Sybil McKay; McBay; lone Ione Roberts. Roberts.

711,1111911 i.ile Roberts; Dolores McHenry; Dorothy Striblinr 1;13i flat':L. /,itiiattic Bond: lone Roberts; Dolores McHenry; Dorothy Stribling; :Marjorie Moore; Sallie Wield,Welch; NoBine Nolline Carter;Carter; Elirabeth Elizabeth Bishop; Bishop; Elva Elva Downing;Bonny, Downing; B onnye IL., Broadus; VoncileVomits Stewart; Sybil Sybil McBay; McBay; Mildred Mildred Russum; Russuni; Emilie Emilie Marie Marie Stapp; Stapp; Miss Miss Harriet Harriet Fulton.Fulton.

Second rote: raw Lawson Dietrich; Dietrich; Edward Edward Hudgens; Hudgens; Charles Charles McNamee; McNamee; Philip Philip Brandt; Brandt; "Gene" "Gene" Havens; "Torn" "Tom" Howell; Howell; Millard Millard Bond; Bond; Wyeth Wyeth Ramsay; Ramsay; Iron Iron Tootle; Tootle; Curtis Curtis Parker; Parker; S. C. S. C. Beers; Charles Charles Streeck; Streeck; James James Estes; Estes; John JohnRoberson. Roberson. Pianist: Miss Emily JoJo Denson. Denson.


;41' The GleeGlee Club, Club, under under the the direction direction of theof theMusic Music Department, Department, is an outstand-is an outstand- ing contributioncontribution to to the the artistic artistic life life of ofthe the campus. campus. Miss Miss Harriet Harriet Fulton Fulton is the is the director andand Miss Miss Emily Emily Jo Jo Denson, Denson, the theaccompanist. accompanist.

The regularregular practice practice meetings meetings twice twice a week a week are climaxedare climaxed by impressive by impressive pro- pro- grams at at Christmas Christmas and and Easter, Easter, and andalso, also, by an by annual an annual tour in tourthe spring. in the Thespring. The Glee ClubClub plays plays a aprominent prominent part part in thein thegraduation graduation program program as well as as well in pre- as in pre- senting special special music music for for church church on Sundays.on Sundays.

The clubclub is is composed composed of ofthirty thirty members members of whom of whom the girls' the girls'and boys' and quartetsboys' quartet, and soloists are chosen for the State Junior College Contest. and soloists are chosen for the State Junior College Contest.

The CommercialCommercial Club Club is isan an organization organization for thefor benefitthe benefit and enjoymentand enjoyment of of

students interested interested in anyin any phase phase of the of business the business world. world.Its members Its members endeavor endeavor to to

improve their their knowledge knowledge of of the the skills skills relating relating to commercial to commercial work work in all in its all its

branches. A A few few of of these these subjects subjects are: are:the requirements the requirements of efficient of efficient secretaries, secretaries,

accountants, and and typists; typists; insurance; insurance; investments; investments; and stocks and stocksand bonds. and bonds.

It is trulytruly aa mediummedium by by which which the the finishing finishing touch touch may may be placed be placed upon uponthe the

ambitious student, student, in insupplement supplement to the to alreadythe already well-rounded well-rounded commercial commercial course course

offered in in this this school school by by bliss Miss Hart Hart and and Mr. Mr.Baulch. Baulch. Membership Membership is open, is open,how- how-

ever, to to any any high high school school or collegeor college student student who whohas taken, has taken, or who or is whoat present is at present

studying, any any form form of of business business work. work.



DAVID HOYLE Best Accountant First row: row: MattieHattie Lou Lyons, President; Dorothy Stribling, Vice-President; MATTEMAME Lou LYONS Billie RuthRuth Jenkins, Secretary; David Hoyle, Treasurer; Miss Hart, Sponsor; Best Shorthand Student CORRIE GADDY GADDY "Lola" Barrett; RobertRobert Cox. Cox. Best College Typist WILMA PROVEITTPROFEITT Second rote: row: Ella Favre;Favre; Stova Stova Firth; Firth; Willis Willis Grimes; Grimes; Paul Paul Hudgens; Hudgens; Charles Charles Best High School Typist Morgan; MaryMary K. K. McInnis;McInnis; lone Ione Roberts. Roberts. MILDRED RUSTINAUSTIN Assistant LOLA BARRETBARRETTT Third row:-row: Mildred Mildred Rustin; Austin; Margaret Margaret Scarbrough; Scarbrough; I,uceil Luceil Smith; Smith Betty ; Betty Thomp- Thomp- Assistant

son; SadyeSadye Tune; Tune; Harrison Harrison Wilhite; Wilhite; Myrtle Myrtle Williams. Williams. SNAP SHOTS

What attention!attention I ...... "Think "Think you'll you'll make make it. it, Carmen?" Carmen?" ...... The The studious studious element element of "PERK"? ... . Render. Render a a little little dittie,dittie, boysboys ... Our pulchritude! . .. .. YouYou took thethe hint,hint, ch.eh. (See(See pagepage 54)54) ...... InIn thethe distancedistance wewe see—Shipsee—Ship IslandIsland ...... ProfProf andand a few of hishis boysboys ...... DidDid youyou knowknow we had aa farmfarm? ? ... . LurveLurve inin bloom!bloom! . . . Killer and his squaw ,. ... . What,What, no feel!feet I...... What's What's this this youngeryounger generation?generation? Comin' to!to I ...... The The breath breath ofof SpringSpring ...... Wh-e-c-er'sWh-e-e-er's Al?Al?

ATHLETICS n A.. I.1. BERINGER 1 1:Xl.;F:k J. 0. BROWNlisowx L.I.. R.R. WEEKSWEEKS Football Assistant Football Football Tennis Basketball Basketball Baseball Track

Jhea,[1:1ACHES C [1 A C H E S

Sports at at "PV.RIC" "PERK" have as as their their objective objective not not merely merely the thedevelopment development of fair of fair play and sportsmanship, sportsmanship, but but also also the thepromotion promotion of physical of physical education. education. Perkinston Perkinston is a member of of the the Mississippi Mississippi Junior Junior College College Conference Conference and ranks and nearranks the near top the top in all ofof itsits undertakings.undertakings.


The peppep squad squad is oneis one of theof themost most activeactive organizations organizations on on the the campus campus dur- dur- inging thethe fall fall and and does does much much to cheerto cheer the the spirits of of the the football football games games with with its its performances between between halves halves and andits its snappysnappy yells. yells.



I. Band and and Pep Pep Squad

o?lan, Afonage, Shannonson Biekich; WilfredGaflotte; Roh. FirstFirrt roue:rote: "Willie""Shill;.' Whinrn.Whines. Mononer,Manage,; "Pat" CaroPeteCa 3t loxsTem,A1%AIWn,.. Malice;11.91u1 loy; Pete Poulos;sager; Henry Hen thek; Elmer PtIlingim; Melvin Kenneth; RolxnRohm Wolf; Wolf; tf Cliett Ke.mo, Monann. row: Waldo Cooley: "J. J." Hayden; Milton Brown; James Sminkle: Arnold Stevens; Moruan Second row; Waldo Cooley: "J. J.” Hayden; Milton Brown; James Sprinkle; Arnold Stevens, Morgan Buckner;Buckner: John John Denning: Denning; "J. B."J. B..' George; George; James James 11,11mgart, Fillingame; Rufus Rufus Drury; Drury; Emmett Emmett Gordon; Gordon; E. W." Clarke:E. W." Clarke; BlarginMarvin Mitchell;Mchell; Thurlow Thurlow Walker; booOtto Coo; Cox: Dent Dent O'Neal; O'Neal; Elton Elton Drown; Drown; John John Black: Black: "J. at." "J. Davie;IS." Davis; 2. Presenting t Ilt he e Bruce MohitMohler;ler; Ruh Ruhy-, Joknshon, Johnston, Manager.M arione.. bouquet at at the the Third roan Samuel Tucker, Manager: Charles glickner, Mallet. Sirmon: LinoLW' Lawrence; "Chuff""Chuff" Dil Third Co-Captain; "E. 0." l&,,,,d:,, T,ozr"Co s. i lfmin, L;to.fog1;1 1,t1g1; Albert Jranktin; Hillery Horne, Homecoming Cunningham: Sardis Roberts; h.oach' Brown; Coacn Reginger. ery Game

RESUME OFOF SEASON SEASON 3. Homecoming Queen and and Court Court Football atat Perkinston Perkinston this this year year experienced experienced one ofone of Had they nevernever WW1 won a agame, game, "PEax" "P6xtc" would would have have its mostmost successful successful seasons. seasons. They They swept swept through through all beenall proud proud of of their their team team because because of the of sportsmanlikethe sportsmanlike junior collegecollege competition—with competition—with the the exception exception of ofway they conducted conducted themselves themselves ma theon field.the field. Hard Hard GoodmanGoodman— —with with a a fine fine record. record. Although Although they they failed failedbut clean play play dominated dominated their their every every charge, charge, and theand the to taketake the the state state title, title, the the team team bolstered bolstered "PEax's" "Peax's"fact thatthat theythey hustled hustled every every second second sets sets them them down down as as claim toto aa powerful powerful squad squad by by trouncing trouncing their their tradi- tradi-a teamteam to to be be remembered. remembered. tional rival,rival, Popularville,Popularville, 7-0, 7-0, in inthe the toughest toughest battle battle on theirtheir schedule. schedule.

FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Perkinston 13 13 _____Summit Summit _...... 00 4-7.0-7. Perk'sPerk's Bull- Bull- Perkinston 0 ....._Ellisville Ellisville 6 dogs in in action action Perkinston 0 0 MilisapsMillsaps FroshPronto ___12 12 during thethe Perkinston 7 7 _...... ScooliaScooha ______. 0 Homecoming Perkinston 0 0 .... SoutheasternSoutheastern Frosh Frosh 12 12 Game Perkinston 7 7 Goodman _ .1218 Jhe Perkinston 26 26 T, - Mississippi College College 5 he FrostsFrosh 0 Perkinston 27___...___._Spring Spring Hill Hill Frosh Frosh _. 0 6 - , Perkinston 7. e„bade Perkinston 7_.. Popularville ... 00 a —v-iremollnnNENEE. MEM


1. "Bob""Bob" McGaheyMeGahey 1. AlallettcMallette Sirmon 2. RobertRobert Wolf Wolf 2. ShannonShannon Pickich Pickich

3. Dent O'NealO'Neal 3. Hillery Horne,Home, Co-Captain 4. John Denning Denning Co-Captain

.1.4. "E. 0." CunninghamCunningham 5. Arnold StevensStevens

5. LissaLisso Lawrence Lawrence

bawd _A

6. Elmer FillingimFillingim 6. Thurlow WalkerWalker

Alvin Malley 7. 7. Rufus Drury Drury

S. Robert Witt 8. Robert Witt 8. Rabun Dillard Dillard

9. Assistant Coach Coach Brown Brown

9.0. WilfredWilfred GallotteGallotte 10. "J. T." CoffmanCoffman,, Co-CaptainCo-Captain 10,O. Melvin KennethKenneth 11.t. CoachCoach Rexinger Rexinger ELIZABETHELIZABETH CARRIO, crashedcrashed thethe varsity varsity team team this this year year as one as oneof the of outstanding the outstanding guards.guards. ANANNIE xig RUTH FAIRLEY, a areliable reliable reserve reserve with with a good a good chance chance at the at varsitythe varsity next next year.year. MYRTLE.MYRTLE Wil.t,tE. WILLIE, the the ace ace reserve reserve guard guard whose whose ability ability will bewill missed he missed next year.next year. AUDREYAUDREY DICK, a a rugged rugged forward forward with with an an eye eye for for the thebasket. basket. DOROTHY FAIRLEY, FAIRLEY, a afast fast guard guard who who will will play play a big a part14 part in the in successthe success of the of the teamteam nextnext year. year.

GRACEGRACE WICKS, a a speedy speedy forward forward with with a fast a fast pivot pivot and andthe abilitythe ability to drop to dropthe ball the ball inin thethe basketbasket every every time. time.

RVTHELIARUTHELIA LOTT, Lore, captain,captain, oneone of thethe best best defensive defensive players players in the in leaguethe league and the and the backbonebackbone of of our our team. leant. NOLLINE CARTER,CARTER, a atall, tall, rangy rangy forward forward that that will will be abe great a great asset asset to next to year'snext year's team.team. ANNABELLE HOLSTON, captain-elect,captain-elect, plays plays aa nicenice defensive defensive game game and and will will be thehe the main guard next next year. year. ETOILA Fox,FOX, a reservea reserve forward forward that that will will aid theaid teamthe team greatly greatly next year.next year. SHSHIRLEY IRLEY O'NEAL, O'NEAL, played played a consistent a consistent game game this thisyear year and theand team the teamlooks looksforward forward toto her returnreturn next next year. year. Annie Ruth Fairley; Audrey Dick;- Dick" "Dick" Turcotte; Turcotte; Dorothy Dorothy Fairley; Fairley; Grace Grace "DICK""Dice TuacoriE, TURCOTTE, a short, a short,stocky, stocky, speedy speedy forward, forward, her trip her shots crip willshots he will very be very kneeling:Kneeling: Annie Ruth barley Audrey Dick: Wicks:Wicks; "Betty"'Betty" Cards.Carrio. much missed by by the the team team next next year. year. Standing: "Willie" Whitten, Whitten, Manager: M oiler: Claire Sekul;Selcul; Etoila Etoila Fox; Fox; Annabelle Annabelle Holston; Holston; Standing: Shirley O'Neal; Nolline Carter; Coach Brown. Myrtle Willie; RutheliaRuihelia Lott, Captain; Shirley O'Neal; Nolline Carter; Coach Brown.



Perkinston had had a ahighly highly successful successful season season this year. this year.With RtttheliaWith Ruthelia

Lott, captain, to to lead lead them, them, the the girls girls formed formed a team a team that seemedthat seemed unbeat- unbeat-

able. TheirTheir every every move move was was characterized characterized by clear-thinking by clear-thinking and intelli- and intelli-

gence followed followed by by snap snap and and precision. precision. With With the closethe close of the of season, the season,

"PERK""PERK" was ratedrated one one of of the the best best girls' girls' teams teams in the in state. the state.

RUBYRunt' JouNsToN, JOIINsToN. aa fast fast shiftingshifting reservereserve guardguard withwith aa keenkeen eyeeye for the basket.

DENT O'NEAL,O'NEAL. this second-string, all-state man, will bebe missedmissed very very much mud, next next rear.year. . — • HILLItitYHILLERY HORNE,HORNE, captain, captain, a very reliable center who plays a nice defensive position. 491p ' 1(5,6 AALBERT LOKRT FRANKLIN,FRAN K LI N, a long, lanky forward was electedelected raplaincaptain of thethe teamteam nextnext 41 NV' year. t. x.);( ' 15. WALD() COOLF.Y, Comity, aa reliablereliable reservereserve center and will behe a great help to the team next 0,"t year. fi DENNING,DSNNING, a afast fast shifting, shifting, fast fast pivoting pivoting forward, forward, and and cancan shootshoot fromfrom anyany s, "Tit*y.. 4,) JonJOHN N angle. ' CV? Is N'Y ELseERELMER FILLINGIM, a reliable reserve whowho willwill behe missedmissed nextnext year.year. "J. NI.M."- DArts,DAVIS, an an ace ace with with his his long long shotsshots whichwhich is a great advantage toto "PERK's""PERE's" team. EMORY O'Nlrtm.,O'NEAL, a reserve forward who helped the team with hishis excellentexcellent criptrip shots. MizeMica JoRsisoN,Joilxsort, a a short,short, shifty,shifty, speedy forward with great prospects for next year. a loose, lanky guard who plays a nice defensive game and will return ErtotiEnos TOOTLE,TOOTIA. a loose, lanky guard who plays a nice defensive game and will return on the varsity squad. Kneeling: Emory O'Neal; MizeMin Johnson;Johnson; Ruby Johnston; Dent O'NealO'Neal; ; John Detming.Denning. Standing: Coach Rexinger; "J.'J. M."M." Davis; Eron Tootle; Albert Franklin;Franklin ; HilleryHillery Horne,Horne, Captain;Capon.; Waldo Cooley; Cliett Clint Kemp, Manager.


Although "PERK" did not win all of her games thisthis year,year, thethe teamteam waswas

good enough to go into the state elimination tournament in Decatur.

Hard hit by injuries at the most crucial stage of their schedule whenwhen

Captain Hillery Horne was sent to the sidelines with a twisted knee,

the team, nevertheless,nevertheless, camecame throughthrough to wind up the season inM aa blazeblaze

of glory. They worked together in fine form, showing improvement

and making the college very proud of the team. Sadyc Tune; Jean Parker; Nettie Davis; Ruthelia Lott, \ Vilson; Melvin kenneth.j. lark; "Bobby" Thompson Sadyc Tune; Jean Parker ; Nettie Davis; Rutilelia Lott, Captain.Captaill. "Sam - Wilson; McIvin J"lin Clark; "Bobby" Thompson.


The boys' tennis team is expected to do well according to the showing of the The boys' tennis team is expected to do well according to the showing of the TheThe girls' girls' tennis tennis team team this this year year looks looks forward forward to to repeat repeat the the successes successes that that it it

boysin in practice. practice. With Wills the the experience, experience, steadiness, steadiness, and and precision precision of of the the team team this this achievedachieved last last year year because because of of its its excellent excellent team team balance balance and and competitive competitive spirit. spirit. All All boys

year a very good season is looked forward to on the courts. Frank Russ= and year a very good season is looked forward to on the courts. Frank Russum and fourfour players players have have a a consistent consistent and and steady steady game game and and are arc expected expected to to do do well well in Weeks compose the remaining prtnership and round out the tennis squad. the contests in which they participate. the contests in which they participate. LeRoyLeRoy Weeks compose the remaining partnership and round out the tennis squad. First row: Alvaro Facio;Facto; Charles Wilson; Cameron Colorer; Hubert Manning; Howard FirstPollock, row: Captain; Lucien Kidd: Stewart Trautman; Mario Facio. Pollock, COMM; Lucien Kidd: Stewart Trautman; Mario Each). The7'he students students take take On anactive active Second row, Charles Morgan; "Bill" Raborn; Durwood Langley; Virgil Baggett; "Pat" Second row: Charles Morgan; "BHP' Rabom; Durwood Langley; Virgil Baggett; "Pat" interestinterest inin archery.archery. Carol.; James Sprinkle; Herman Polansky. Carolan; James Sprinkle; Herman Polansky. Third row: Third row: Coach Brown; "J. J." Hayden:Hayden; "E. W." Clark; Stanley Ratomsky; Chester Ruffin; Jack Ditto; Bernard Guardia; George Seymour ; Anton Reel; Al Follman; Cliett Ruffin;Kemp, Manager. Jack Ditto; Bernard Guardia; George Seymour; Anton Reel; Al ['oilman; Cliett Kemp, Monagor.


TheThe PhysicalPhysical EducationEducation DepartmentDepartment hashas aa programprogram whichwhich isis plannedplanned toto meetmeet UnderUnder the the expert expert tutelage tutelage of of Coach Coach J. J. 0. 0. Brown, Brown, the the track track team team shapesshapes upup asas thethe needs,needs, abilities,abilities, andand interestsinterests ofof allall thethe studentsstudents onon thethe campus.campus. TheThe schoolschool year is divided into sport seasons, each sport being taught and played in class for oneone ofof the finest to to represent represent " PERK""Pax" in many years. Captained byby HowardHoward Pol-Pol- year is divided into sport seasons, each sport being taught and played in class for a certain period of time, and terminated by an intra-nntral tournament. These lock,lock, Mississippi Mississippi junior junior college college high high jump jump champion,champion, whowho isis backback toto defenddefend hishis a certain period of time, and terminated by an intra-mural tournament.a more active These and various activities give the students the opportunity to enjoy laurels,laurels, the the team team has has sufficient sufficient returning returning veterans veterans to to make make for for a a well-rounded well-rounded various activities give the students the opportunity to enjoy a more active and richerricher life. life. team.team. Lucien Lucien Kidd, Kidd, ace ace pole pole vaulter vaulter; ; Anton Anton Reel, Reel, top-notch top-notch lose low hurdler hurdler and and javelinjavelin thrower thrower; ; Stanley Ratomsky, aa powerfulpowerful 440 and 880 man; Herman Polan- The Physical Education Department strives to fulfill the following objectives: sky, 440 and 0110 man; Herman Polan- The Physical Education Department strives to fulfill the following objectives: sky,quarter-miler quarter-miler; ; "J. J." Hayden, miler; and Hillery Horne and "Jim" Sprinkle, J." Hayden. miler ; and Hillery Horne and "Jim" Sprinkle, PromotePromote physical, physical, mental, mental, and and emotional emotional health. health. consistent weigh men, are veterans upon whose shoulders the fate of the consistent weigh men, are veterans upon whose shoulders the fate of the "PERK""PRIM" EnrichEnrich the the student's student's social social experience. experience. Teach activities that will he of value for recreational purposes. tracktrack lean, team rests. rests. With With the the new new men men who who are are attempting attempting to to earn earn places places on on the the ' Teach activities that will be of value for recreational purposes. 'Pearls good sportsmanship. competes.team,team, "Pule "PERK" will will have have a leant a team which which should should whip whip any any team team with wills which which she she Teach good sportsmanship. competes. DevelopDevelop intelligent intelligent spectators. spectators. PHSIEALPHYSILAL EDUCATID\EDULATIU\

JHROUGHOUTHROUCHOUT the year the students T THE beginning of each year all the engage in various sports—in the Fall, volley ball, quoitennis, students are given a thorough physical examination and a and soccer for the girls with touch football for the boys; in the Winter, basketball; and in the Spring, softball, tennis, archery, record made andand keptkept ofof eacheach individual.individual. InIn thisthis wayway thethe and recreational sports. RestrictedRestricted ClassesClasses areare providedprovided forfor Physical Education Department maymay adaptadapt itselfitself toto meetmeet the the those students who are not physically able to participate in needs of all the students and to develop physical fitness. the regular classes. NilNO PICTURESPICTURES


'I'ravisTravis Adkison Doyle IHarvison farvison Billie Annis Modez Hatten ClipClifford ford Murphy Cecil O'NealO'Neal Bessie Anthony 13ttchananBuchanan II-kiss loins Dent O'Neal HerniateHerman Breland Millie Mae Lee Curtis ParkerParker Bertram 1>riskell Driskell Genneviese McDaniel SardinSardin RobertsRoberts J.J. B.B. GeorgeGeorge Alvin Malley JakeJake ShawShaw withWilliamaot Gillis BurneyBurney MartinMartin 1VilliamWilliam Tanner JesseJesse HarrellHarrell William Morrison Merton WilburWilbur


Edwin Anderson Charles DeMetz Warren Moran William Ashworth Earl DiamondDiamond (RennieGlennie Nunnikhoven Virgil HaggettBaggett JackJack DittoDitto Harold Overton Margie Batson Fred IhnicanDuncan George Patenotte Winifred I tatsonlatson Annie Ruth Fairley Herman PolanskyPolansky Helen Beasley Dorothy Fairley Marion Porter Philip Bellew StanleyStanley FlotteFlotte Clyde RichardsonRichardson Johnnie Black David Frasier ThomasThomas RobertsRoberts Jesse BlackwellBlackwell Miriam Freridge JamesJames RuskinRuskin FireFirst rawrow George George Wilson; Wilson; "Dunce" "Dunce" Coffman; Coffman: FrankFrank Gruich;Gruich "Bill" "Bill" Lipscomb Lipscomb; ; H.H. T.T. John BleuerBleuer JamesJames FillingameFillingame Alma Saucier Leake;Leaks; Arnold Stevens. Edward Bond David Galbraith Cleo Saucier Second row: Ruby Johnston,Johnston, Captain; Copan; Robert WittWitt; ; Coach Weeks;Weeks ; MizeMize Johnston;Johnston; Henry Everett Bond Emmett GordonGordon JeanetteJeanette ShawShaw Dick; "Bob" McGahey. Elton Brown Betty GreenGreen JewellJewell SimsSims Third row:row: William Morrison; "Chunky""Chooky" Gallotte; John Denning; "Tates" CollinsCollins; ; Coach Beginner:Re/anger; "Sam" Tucker,Tucker. Manager. Milton Brown IrvinIrvin HamiltonHamilton Mallette SinnottSinnon Hollis Breland William Harrison Autley SmithSmith Morgan Buckner Evelyn Havard Arnold Stevens Roberto Bueso AudreyAudrey MaeMae HickmanHickman RichardRichard StiefStief vatercater Crystal Cain JudsonJudson JohnsonJohnson CarmenCarmen 'Canner Tanner E. W. Clark SidneySidney JohnstonJohnston Max TellaardTelhiard BASEBALL Elwood Collins BobBob TintsTims Elwood Collins LouisLouis LevineLevine Betty Conn Harold Lippincott Eron TootleTootle "Penn""Peas" is is again again readyready toto embarkembark onon anotheranother baseballbaseball seasonseason ; one, which we Eunice Conn James McInnisMcInnis Iron TootleTootle hope, will be as full of victories asas thethe 19:391939 schedule.schedule. CorningComing back to head the Waldo Cooley Vivian Mills Virginia Towle team is Captain Ruby Johnston whose speedspeed andand alertnessalertness makemake hinthim thethe bestbest all-all- Edward Cruthirds Marvin Mitchell JamesJames UrquhartUrquhart around player on the nine. Katherine Daly Robert MohlerMohler Robert WillWitt Kenneth Woodward "Bob" McGahey who caught in Clifton Daniels Helen Moore "Bob" McGahey who caught in1938 1938 carne came back back toto schoolschool toto again take over Vera StewartStewart the position behind the bat from where he had left off. "Bob" is a fine hitter, VerinelleVermelle Easterling Marjorie Ann Moore good thrower, and excellent mechanical receiver. The Bulldogs' clean-up hitterhitter,, : "Donor"Duner" Coffman also returns for his final year of junior college play. "Miner"Duper"., is' is aa steady,steady, powerfulpowerful swatterswatter who can really ride 'mu'em for extra bases.bases. "Bill""Bill HIGILHIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Lipscomb, at at second, second, shows shows promise promise of of great great improvement improvement over over last last year's year's form form and consequently will be an important cog in Perkinston battlebattle plansplans thisthis spring.spring. C. E.E Murphy Tills Beverly JohnJohn DenningDenning Pitchers George Wilson and John Denning round out the list of veterans.veterans. Marion Rush Rish Bertha Bond Rayburn Dillard Both are right-handersright-handers with with coolness coolness and and experience experience and and led led "PERK" "Pug" toto aa finefine Robert Wolf Helen Bond Drew Hasty, Jr. sonseasonsea in 1939. in Pia Newcomers Newcomers on on the the squad squad are are : :Elwood Elwood "Tates" "'fates" CollinsCollins atat firstfirst ; EvansEvans YoungYoung "Chunky Margaret Breland Hillery Horne "Chooky".. Gallotte Gallotte and and "Bill" "Bill" Morrison Morrison at at shortstop;shortstop ;"Doc" "Doc" Stevens Stevens and and HenryHenry H. Y. Quarles Floye Broadus Cliett KempKemp Dick at third base;base ; "Bob" "Bob" Will Witt in in right right field field; ; and H. T. LeaksLeake andand "'Pates"Tates .,' Collins on the mound. Cameron ColorerColmer Terrell Loper (bearfilar 2iary:

Dec. 2020 Christmas Christmas holidays. holidays. Surely Surely Santa Santa will will visit visit us us 'cause 'cause we'vewe've Memories! So many impressions of thisthis schoolschool yearyear areare worthyworthy studied hard??????hard ?????? of having a space among your pages! To begin with—with—well, gracious, how can we possibly distinguish the most important occa- Jan. 25 No lights, no water, no heat—Br-r-r-r! sions? Would we be slighting if we merely listed a few particular events? No? "Well, all right." Jan. 28 Physical examination—more of us had heart trouble! I wonder why??????why ??????

Feb. 18 Chapel—"International Relations Club will meet in room— oh, you know the room-11, isn't it?"

Sept. 11 AA new new school school year year began began with with increasingincreasing enrollment and March 9 Our special one, Diary—the Stardust Ball! broadening smiles. March 25 Howard Pollock has been elected the national ',residentpresident ofof Sept. 12 EveryoneEveryone became became everyone everyone else's else's friendfriend atat an informal thethe PhiPhi ThetaTheta KappaKappa lll111 dance in our gym tonight. March 28-29 "Dick" Davies, alias Superintendent Darby, "E. 0." Sept. 1414 A A"serious" "serious" occasion; occasion; classes classes began.began. Cunningham, alias Assistant SuperintendentSuperintendent Hinton,Hinton, Doyle Harrison — Mr. Weeks, andand JoyceJoyce SwannSwann —— Sept. 2020 TwoTwo popular popular phrases.phrases. "Oh, my hairhair!" !" — "I want my, Mrs. Slay. Mama!" March 29 Mr.Mr. Darby Darby was was elected elected vice-president vice-president ofof thethe M.M. E.E. A.A. Sept. 21 WereWere the the girls girls babies, babies, Indians, Indians, young young ladies; ladies; oror justjust being Aren't we proud? initiated? April 11 11 Chapel—"I Chapel—"I want want to toremind remind you you that that the the library library is is not not in in the the Sept. 22 I'llI'll say say we're we're proud proud of of our our football football squad.squad. We beat—. 'quadrangle."'quadrangle'."

Oct. 2727 WasWas the the archer archer William William Tell Tell or or Mr. Mr. Hugerhyde? Hugerhyde? (They(They May 33 Y.W.C.A.Y.W.C.A. Spring Spring Camp.Camp. are both experts, you know.) May 1818 TheThe Annual Annual Ship Ship Island Island trip.trip. Oct. 2828 Homecoming!Homecoming! May 2323 ParisParis in in Perk! Perk! The The fashion fashion review.review. Nov. 8-98-9 DewittDewitt Matthews Matthews stimulated stimulated eacheach ofof usus spiritually with his inspirational messages. May 2525 WeWe danced danced our our tears tears away away tonight. tonight. "Parting "Parting is is such such sweet sweet sorrow." Nov. 2929 ThanksgivingThanksgiving holidaysholidays and home! Dear Diary, until we meet againagain nextnext session—session— Dec. 16 Goodbye. 16 OurOur football football banquet banquet and and dance dance werewere noteworthynoteworthy affairs. Our Patrons SALE'S STUDIO Compliments of Riemann Funeral Home Come Spend thetbr Week-End ANNUAL PHOTOGRAPHS With Us Phone 29-J29-J by BARRETT'S CLEANERS 1718 25th Avenue H. D. SALE City of Biloxi GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI MISSISSIPPI Louts GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI Louis BRAUN, Mayor

liIf yonyou can do your Math when all aliontabout A parish visitor was making his rounds you one clay,day, when he passed a cottage from Are raising cain and tempting all the which came unmistakable sounds of quar- Compliments of JONES BROS. DRUG CO. fates;fates: reling. He waited forfor aa fewfew minutesminutes for If you can write a theme when classmates the noise to subside, but it continued, so flontfloat you.you, he knocked on thethe door.door. ThereThere was no HAMILTON BROS. CO . The RexallRoan Store Andnd never think of moonlight or of answer; he turned the knob, and walked dates:dates; in. ROOFING, SHEET METAL Iff you can plug and grind and work and "I should like to speak to the headhead ofof Phones 130-131 study, the house," he said. PLUMBING & HEATING And the:ebythereby make approbation's scanty A man's voice answered him. "Well."Well, list, list, sir, we were just discussing thatthat point.point. IfIf GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI Then you'll know more than anybody- GULF7ORT Then you'll know more than anybody— you sit down and wait a few minutes, II GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI Butliut darn it think of all the fun you've think we'll be able to tell you soon." missed!

A farmer and his son were working in a field,field, when the old man tripped on thethe Compliments Compliments The teacher was explaining to her class Compliments stump of a tree and fell. He got up and said: "Gosh darn that stump! I wish it what was meant by "bigamy". of said: "Gosh durn that stump! I wish it of was in in h I!"I!" "Pop, I wouldn't say that," said thethe "It means," she said,said. "having two wives boy. "You might stumblestunihle overover thatthat at one time. Now, can any boy tell me ANDERSON'S STONE'S stump again somesonic day." what word means having only one wife?" ICE CREAM CO. Men's Wear ICE CREAM CO. Leopold: "Why do old maids wear cot- "I can, teacher," said one boy: "mo- ton gloves?" notony." GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI Loeb: "Because theythey haven'thaven't any any Ichls." kids." —Cornell Widow.


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MOTTOES An Irishman whose whose name name was was Michael Michael HoweI love wentwent to to the the postoffice postoffice and and said said to to Egotist'sEgotist's: :An An I 1for for an an I. I. R.H. M. HENDRICKHENDRICK Tightwad's:Tightwad's Backward,: Backward, turn turn backward, backward, COAST HARDWAREHARDWARE the clerkclerk: : Manufacturer ofof AcademicAcademic Caps Cap, andand Gowns Gn..n, "Say, isis there there any any letter letter here here for forMike Mike 0 dimeclime in thy flight.flight. Home ofof Johnson Johnson Outboard Outboard Howe?"lowe ?" Farmer'sFarmer's: Weed: Weed 'em 'em and and reap. reap. State ReprenentativeRepresentative of "No," said thethe clerk, clerk, "there's "there's no no letter letter The OldOld Folk's:Folk's When: When is isthe the younger younger Herfflierff JonesJonem Jewelry Jeurir, Company Comp., generation coming coming to? to? Motor andand Norge Norge Appliances Appliances here for for your your cow, cow, or or for for anybody anybody else's else's World'sWorld', Largestlarge. Manufarturer. Manufacturers of cow!" Crook's:Crook's :A A thing thing of of booty booty is isa joya joy for- for- ever. ClamClan. Rings, Pins, Invitations,InOtation,, and 1408-14081406-1408 25th25th AvenueAvenue StudeStuds (in (in Mack's Mack's on on Sunday Sunday a.m.): a.m.): Londoner's: There's There's no nopolice police like like Personal CardaCards Can youyou give give me me change change for for this this nickel nickel in in Holmes. JACKSONpennies?" Frat Parties':Parties': Come Come on, on, come come oiled. oiled. JACKSON MISSISSIPPINIISSISSIP1 31 GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI GULFPORT Man: "Here you are.are. Hope Hope you you enjoy enjoy —Rebel. the sermon."sermon." An Irishman who who was was very very homely, homely, A visitor to an insane insane asylum asylum had had to to GULFPORT LAUNDRYLAUNDRY AND AND but a greatgreat flirt, flirt, was was walking walking along along the the leave at at a a certain certain time time to tocatch catch a train. a train. street one one clay, day, when when he hemet met a girl, a girl. His watch was was stopped, stopped, so sohe wenthe went Mb, into Compliments CLEANING COMPANYCOMPANY "Ah, there, my my pretty pretty maid!" maid!" the officeoffice toto look look at at the the clock clock there. there. There There She tooktook a a good good look look at athim, him, and and said: said: was nono one one in in the the office office but but one one of the of the DRY CLEANERS ANDAND DYERS DYERS "I'm sorry II can'tcan't return return the the compli- compli- inmates. The The visitor visitor said said to tohim, him, "Is "Isthat that of ment, sir."sir." clock correct?"correct?" "You would ifif youyou liedlied like like I Idid!" did!" "You darn fool,"fool," saidsaid the the inmate, inmate, "if "if Phones:Phone.: Gulfport,Gulfport, 280;280: PassPans Christian,Chri•tion, 3; said he.he. that dockclock kept kept correct correct time, time, would would it Inc it be Bay St.St. Louis,Told, 9106 here?" Dodge PrintingPrinting Co. Co. Nurse: "I "I thinkthink he's he's regaining regaining consci- consci- WeBe cure,carry Fire and Theft Insurance Her marriages were were so so short, short, they they ousness, Doctor; Doctor; he he just just tried tried to blowto blow the the didn't throwthrow rice—they rice—they threw threw minute minute foam offoff ofof hishis medicine." medicine." GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI for Your Protection Without CoatCost —Scope. tapiocatapioca. —Rebel.


of M. SALLOUM 1224 CanalCanal Building Building Dees andand CompanyCompany DEPARTMENT STORE STORE New Orleans,Orleans. Louisiana1.01118111118

14th StreetStreet "If It'sIt's Coal, Coal, thethe Southern Has Has It" It" PERKINSTON MISSISSIPPI "1/ GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI AS ALWAYS

JITNEY JUNGLE JUNGLE J4eJl2e enithtememu,. ol Jinepine Printinqvtt. a WIGGINS MISSISSIPPI no

Prof :: "Um"I'm letting you out ten minutes early. Go quietly so as not to awaken the other classes." —Covered Wagon.

Two women were discussing a mutual acquaintance. "She has a very magnetic personality," said one. "She ought to have," said the other, "everything she has on is charged."charged."

Sometimes advertising overreaches it- self, as in the case of the fruit dealer whowho put a sign in his window reading: "Fine Apples. Buy One. Remember, the Early Bird Gets the Worm." girminqh,amirrnin,vharn Prinuinqrin,tin,q Companv Cornpanv WIGGINS DRUGS grini,irniinlharn,v4am, _Alabama AlaLnia Sheaffer Pens & Pencils e


WILSON PHARMACY For Correct Style and Good Quality in COMPLIMENTS OF Clothes and Athletic Equipment, The Prescription Drug Store Send Your Orders to Phone 23


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