r I I 1 Presidta.+: °get. ( C. 7 1 1 ti PERInPERKOL i A AT [11111 A PAGEANTPAGEANT OF 'PublishedPublished by 1940 the Students of Harrison-Stone-Harrison - Stone - Jackson Junior Junior College andand Agricultural p, High School Perkinston Mississippi Eduard Hudgens Editor. Helen James •• BusinessBusiness Manager.Manager. Edward Hudgens Proclamation_Pr0adM11110/L...... „ n of as is a s DeaneDeeply kaki atin the the bardsheart, of ellJ; of as is I I.lace far for <dor. color, nrune, smine. fingeantry, paaeontry. and ad gaiety.witty. ItrinaingFriuli's!, this lore/ear rateinto aa material for.Ions is thethe Cann:al(arnins1 of Mardi.Nardi Gras Gni roso rtpuls1 typical of oarour parttart of the eonstry.cottony_ Eagerly F.wcrly ay :re aronnt davit its return cockcork yearyes to briny joy andend radiance to the litlire: yr of the revilepeople along adow the the Goff Golf Coast. Coast. Mardi ilardi Grist (in( bringsbrittys into brinyheist; allall the the fantastic. fastastie mystery andsad colorlidrolorld paxoransotunoraina of 01 the the centorie, (ninnies and and rfesreilpretests Wiamizser /Jeanne.Mutate. Because&MIX of of on.oar lowlove forfor alldi thatthat itit symbalisyntbdixs.- s. lawtrr have here chosenchoirs Mardi.Mardi Gras asas theIke themethew of of the the 1940 1941 Perkolator. Perkalator. flayMay it, too. it. too. 'resentfracas the the rotor. rotor, yairty. gains. and awl rarowouiry swot 'try of oar rolkarcollrye days. day. EONTENL'ONTE\ '1' l'S 5 1-1 . The CollegeCollege II The ClassesClasses Ill TheThe FeaturesFeatures IV .. .. StudentsStudents Activities Activities V . Athletics E U I 1, I UII N Jo Mr. Parsons. head of the Agricul- ture Department. who for the past fifteen years has given all of his time and effort to the school. HeHe has wielded a high influence over the students and has inspired them to high ideals and standards of living. In recognition ofof hishis loyalloyal service and his many achieve- ments.ments, we dedicate this. the fifth edition of the Perko!atm..Perko'atm.. to Mr. Parsons. MR. F.I. O.O. PARSONSPARSONS 14. 41144-14A-wr 1,14-14‘-`vr f&.s*AA•4A•4A 64-$46- ALMA MAMATER TER I WayWas down South there's a school that we all knew.know. Where the winds fromfrom thethe qulfgulf (loth (loth ewer ever !dm.hIn AlongNionn the pines so stately and so tall We listen to your call. We love you besthest of all. Fame waswas thine thine through through the the years years of of thethe past.past. And we know thy name shall ever last. Thou art noble. proud. and true,true. Uh, Perhinston.Perkinston. wewe allall love you! THETHE COLLEGECOLLEGE Administration Building Entrance to Harrison Hall BOARD OF TRUSTEESTRUSTEES President Gulf1;til tp.rtport VINSON B. SMITH_SMITH Vice-President _Pascagoula.Pascagoula H. P.P. HEIDLEBERG- HEIDLEHERG Secretary —WigginsWiggins J. E.E. ROBERSON ROBERSON_ BiloxiBiloxi V. B. PRINGLEPRINGLE —Saucier_Saucier W. LUTHER BLACKLEDGEBLACKLEDGX Howison M. A.A. COLMER COLMER GulfGulfport port J. K.K. MII MILKER NER Gulf port 0. L.L. 1.,noinanLADNIER J. N. DEDEAUX Perkinston _Perkinston J. N. DEDEAUX Wiggins T. W. LoreLorr______—_ • Perkinston W FORD O'NEALO'NEAL— Perkinston SMIT H __— D. E. SMITH Wiggins J. A.A. CHERRY CHERRY Escatawpa M. B. CUMBESTCUMBEST. Perkinston E. E. FLURRYFLURRY Miss MARYO'KEEFE O'KEEFE Ocean SpringsOcean Springs Miss MARY Moss PointPoint E. V.V. SUTHOPE SUTHOFF Pascagoula A.A F F. MECEHFF MEGEHEE President C. J. Darby • p PERKERR" owesowes muchmuch toto Mr.Mr. DarbyDarby whowho hashas • wieldedwielded a great a influencegreat influence over over the studentsthe students through through the the years years that that havehave come and gone. His capability has been definitely proved during the past eleven years he has been Superintendent of the College. L JheFACUL ACUL TT Y Varsity Hall JULIAJULIA B.B. SLAYSuor_________Dean .Dean of WomenIf 011101 High School Dormitory and L. R.R. WEEKS,WEEKS, B.S—Dean of Men, MathematicsMathematics Dining Hall C. 0. HINTON, B.S., M.S. Chemistry B. P. Russum.RUSSUbf B.S., BS MA Education, Registrar,Registrar, SocialSocial ScienceScience ampai Carnptt GRACE FRAZIER, FRAZIER, BA., B.A., M.A.____Language M.A._ .... Language Vie Wi EDNA ELLEN ELLEN HANEY, HANEY, BA., BA., M.A.__ M.A._ English W. G. GREGORY,GROCERY, B.A., BA., M.A._________MathematicsM.A.___Mathematics INAINA MAE HART, B.A.,BA., B.S.,B.S., M.A.M.A. _Coonnserria/_Commercial Freshman Dormitory F. 0.0. PARSONS,PARSONS, B.A.,BA., M.S—________AgricultureM.S.___Agriculture Harrison Hall MARY ELEANOR JOHNSTON,JOI/ NSTON, B.S., M.A.___ HoweHome EconomicsEconomics .14 F A ULTY EMILY JOJo DENSON,DENSON, B.M.B M __PianoPiano M.A.---Englishhsh PANE.PAUL B.B. BOWERS, BA., BA., M.A.M.A._____Social Sono! Science Science DOROTHY COVINGTON COVINGTON Cashier DOROTHY BROWN, BROWN, BA, B.A., M.A.-----Eng Ph.D.—Science STANLEY C. C. BEERS, B.A Mathematics, Band Band T. W. BRASFIELD, BA., M.S., T. W. BRASTIELD, BA., M.S., Ph.D.—Science CHARLES RADYRANT ______--__Assistant Assistant BookkeeperBookkeeper J. 0.a BROWN,BROWN, B.S.—B.S. _MathematicsMathematics B.S._-- -- Voice ELTON DALIER,DAUER, B.S. HARRIETT FULTON, B.AB.A REVEREND R. H. CAMPBELL CAMPBELL Bible Physical Education, Education, Social Social Science Science R. BILL DAVID ........ __SecretarySecretary B.S.______—Science,B.S.____—Seience, Mathematics Mathematics _Dietitian A. I.T. REXINGER, BERINGER, B.S.___________—B.S. _ L. P.P. INGRAM, INGRAM, Mits.MRS, L. R. WEEKSWEEKS _Dietitian Athletics, PhysicalPhysical Education Education JAMES H. BAIJLCH B A Commercial IRENE MORRISON,MORRISON, B B.S.. S —__EnglishEnglish JAMES H. BAULCH B A GLORINE LOTTLOTT Nurse Rose!tog. McBum,Mc&Rov, B.A., B.A., B.S., B.S., M.A.______Librarian M.A.__Librarion kit SNAP SHOTS A11-11-1,11! Ze GREAT thinker ! . Russum,. Russum, Inc. Inc. , Burr! It's cold! ... Ah-11-1,11! Zr GREAT thinker Well,13r-r-r-r! how It's do cold! vouscons do! ..... .Relaxing Relaxing from from the the duties duties of of the the clay clay . ...• . Who in de (satire) . ... Oh, cruel.cruel, cruel world am dat? ... Not anxious for that bell,bell, areare you?you? . Florida, world! . • . Mass socialism ..... All All dressed dresser? up up and and nowhere nowhere to to go go . Florida,ice? Indiana,Indiana. New York—PINY!York—F1NY! Yeah!Yeah( wewe don'tdon't getget itit eithereither .. .. .. What,What, moremore ice? Camera shy, eh! ... Our dignified faculty. ... Camera shy. eh! ... Our dignified faculty. THE CLASSES aeJhe SOPHOMORES mi =Air. PC 1M OFFICERS President RUBY JOHNSTON Vice- President WALTER DAVIS DAVIS SecretarySecretary-Treasurer- Treasurer MILLICRNTMILLICUNT MURREL MuRRIU, Walter\Valter Mavis. Davis, Nlilliceut Millicent NIurrel,urrcl, RubRuby JoluRton WITH saddened hearts the Sophomores view the campus for the last time as students. As graduates they have high ambitions for a successful life. May all their hopes and ambitions be fulfilled. 7e 5 P H O MORESM O 11 E S RICHARD _New YorkYork City AUDIOITAUDREY Dtcg Biloxi, Miss. "Dick" Basketball Ilettered)• (lettered)• '25,'40; '40; Newman Newman Club Club •49, .40;'59, "P"'40; "P" Club 'SP.OM, Secretary-Treasurer'40; Secretary-TreasurerWeso Wesleyl Foundation Foundation 414 ; '19; Y.M.C.A. 'on,00.'40; '10; Niost Most HandsvmeHandsome Boy Hoy '40; '40; "Glamour" "Glamour" Boggm , Track (lettered)(lettered) '80; '89; Item Best Girl Girl Athlete Athlete ' 40; '10; Rest Ben 1,1 Girl Sport Sport HO:'40; Superintendent.SuperiMen&... '40. "Tall, dark, andand handsome." handsome... "A jollyj°"' good toolfg felleuITItr,o rifowl:Lo.....in MarchMarch. "" BruteHENRY DAVIS__..__.._._.._____..... DAVIS __.____—__--_—__ __ _ Vaneleave,VanCleave, Miss. Miss. ELVA DOWNING.Dowsing° Perkillat011,Perkinston, kinSton, Miss. Miss. GleeGlen Club§Ivb ..,40;t,0;a Spanishsurri,,t1s Club TreasurerTrea.rm .4w '40: Language Language Club Club "Hank" '00; Dramatic Club 'SO. • Y.M.C.A. .40:'40; GleeGlee Club Club 'SO; 'DO; B.S.V. B.S.U. '10; 'so, Agriculture • Amicaltnre -"SheShe will still go go far far and and accomplish ac.mplisb much" Club 'SO,'30, SecretarySecretary '40. '40. "Super.friendly—Farming,"Sup...friendly-Farming, his his ambition. ambition. Potato Potato MARION DowxixtDOWNING Perkinston,Perkinstnn, Miss. bugv—bewarel"bugs-bewarel" "A quiet fellowfellow who who never never says aye much." much."n' 12011/5Rusus DRURY DRURY_ —_Mobile,_Mobile, Ala. LOUISE DAVISDAVIS Ocean Springs,Springs, Miss. 11,5.1'.'40: "P" Club . 40; Football )lettered) '10;'go: BasketballBasketball B.S.U. '40; "P" Club '40; Football (lettered) aetshAball i' Phi Theta Kappa Kappa . 90,'80, Secretary Secretary '40; '10; Y.W.C.A. Y.W.C.A. L. Cabinet'30. Cabinet '40:40. BatRat ILyBoy Sport Sport '40; '40; Phi Phi Theta Theta Kappa Kappa '40. '40. '40:40: CommercialCommercial Club Club 'SO; EP; B.S.U. 11,S.U. Treasurer Treasurer 'SO, 'SP, '40; Pap'40;Pep "The bestbest of of the the best heat with with a capital a capital B." B." Squad 'MI. '80, '40. '40. Long Beach, Miss. "Not afraidafraid of of anything—even anything-even work." work." RAs,RAY DUBUISSONDunumsox Long Beach, Miss. "Duly""Duby" Y.M.C.A. V,'ME '40; '40; 11.4 Band (lettered) (lettered) . 80, '80, '10. '10. NETTIE 14SISELEISE awlsDAVIS. _Biloxi,Biloxi, Miss. "Redheaded 'Dishy;..1= 7 7aging,,1,,coging, always always laughing— laughing- "Gay" Y.W.C.A. CabinetCabinet . 811. '50, Treasurer Treasurer '40; '10; Pen Pep °ding Squad '10; Phi'ID; Phi HElmomy N DUNCANDUNCAN.- ._.._.._-_.. _.Vancleave,.Vancleavc. Miss. Miss. Theta Kappa Kappa '00, '80, '40; '40; Hiking Hiking Chaperone Cha.reon '40; '40; Annual Annual Staff Staff "D.r" .'10;40; CountryCountry Club Club . 81): '80; French French Club Club '40;0; '4 Tennis '40; '10; Inter.
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