(Iowa City, Iowa), 1969-01-24

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1969-01-24 Forecast Cloudy .nd quite cold ...." ..". "lth. nur 20. Decrenln, cloudlneu fllnlght .nd 'Qail Iow an s.,turdlY. A 11"1. colder toni,ht. Serving tM University of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit!! - ----------- ES'Il. lIshed in JI;,>ll 10 ceflts a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa 52240-Friday, January 24, 1969 S l: ~ t Drowns Pueblo Skipper s Rowboat Ride T r. 5 .to Disaster Tells of Torture A [~iHrsity student drowned in the cowa Hi\er early Thursday morning whell 1 boat he a1d a friend were crossing the Bucher Breaks Down on Stand :ivrr in went over the dam south o[ the BurlingiO:J Street bridge. His body has not )fCn recovered. While Describing Interrogation Cre,'s from the Johnson County Sheriff's Orfice, Iowa City Fire Departme nt and the CORONADO, Calif. "" - The skipper said that when he revived after fainting, a Coast Guard Auxiliary began dragging the of the Pueblo - lears treaming, his voice North Korean officer he nicknamed Super nver for the body about 3 a.m. but had an anguished cry - said Thursday North Colonel, or "Super C," seemed to be des­ to quit at noon Thursday because of poor Koreans attempted to force a pying con­ perate. weather conditions. A Johnson County fession from him by pretending to shoot He said the officer told him: "We will deputy said t he river bank would be him as he knelt before them, 0 shaken now begin to shoot your crew and shoot checked periodically to see it the body he could say only: "I love you, Ro e, I them In your pre enee until you sign. And ha. come up. love you Rose." even then if you will not ign, 1 wiu make The student, Michael Hullihan, A2 , Des Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher said he finally you sign." Moines. and his friend, William Schwarz, confessed later after they threatened to The officer said they would start with A2, Des Moines, were returning to Hill­ ~ho ot hi s crew one by one, starting with the youngest, and brought forward Fire· cresL Dormilorv from Lown about 1:30 a.m. the youngest - and that ni~ht he tried, man 2/C Howard Bland , the youngest. and saw a flat-bottomed boat tied to a vainly, to commit suicide hy drowning himself in a water bucket. "I was not prepared for them to shoot ron. truction barge on the east bank of the my crew," Bucher said. "r was con· river north of the bridge. They deeided Bucher's blonde wife, Rose, sobbed and vinred they would do it. They were ani­ to ride across the river in it. dUJ: her fists into her eyl'S as he hl'arn mal~. I was not prepared to go through Scharz said they forgot about the dam. her hu band testify beforl' a Navy board thin~s like that," he said, stammering. of inquiry. He finallv broke down, so 8 They were going to row across with a recess had to be ealted. The board has He pau ed, wiped his eyes, took a drink metal pole and a two.by·four piece of Futile Search for a Drowned Student's Body warned him he may have violaled regu­ of water, wood 15 to 20 feet Ion g , Schwarz said. Iowa City firemen brave the cold and wind early Thursday morn· student, Michael Hullihln, A2, Des Moines. Dr.gging operlttons lations by urrendering hi. intelligence "r was not prepared for this type of When they realized they were going over mental torture," he said. "I told them the dam, Jlullihan lold him to jump, ing as thev help to drag the Iowa River south of the Burlington were dilcontinued at noon Thursday because of bad weather con· ship. ditlons but will be resumed as soon as conditIons permtt. at this time, 'I will sign this confe< ion .' Schwarz said. Street Bridge In attempt to find the body of • drowned University Of th. confe"lon, h. Slid: "Som. - Photo by Rick Gre.nlw.lt tim. during th. night I I"empt.d to I did sign it. I was taken back to my Schwarz was able to swi m to the east commit sulcld. by drowning myself in room and a big plateful of food with eggs bank where he grabbed onto a ledge but a bucket of water in mv room, but was and other goorlles was brought to me ... llullihan did not get far. un.ble to Iccompllsh this. I did not touch it." "I saw Mike go over the dam, and I "Mentally I was quite disLurbed, partly The typewritten confes ion said Bucher watched for him but he didn't come up," lI'as a CIA agent, that his ship intruded Schwarz said. because of the embarrassment this confes­ Fate of CPC Concerts sion might have cau cd the United States. into North Korean water, and that he wa. Schwarz then went below the dam and And I realized they needed me alive more trying to put South Koreans ashore. looked for Hultihan. When he could not than anyone else in the crew for public find him, he went to the Power Plant to appearances that [ was afraid of and call police. knew were coming," Remains Up in the Air He aid he was unable to cat or sleep Ames Strike Off; for several days becau!'C he was haunted By CHERYL ARVIDSON Poole found out Wednesday that lhel'~ After Lwo unsuccessful shows this fall, by the thou~ht that ecret information in l u.s. Casualties The fate of a Sergio Mendes and the was 8 business office delay in the approv­ II pel'rormanc of the mu ical, "Funny the Pueblo had been compromised. Dean s Departure Brazil '66 concel't, scheduled for April 18, al of the Mendes contract The reason for Girl," and a concrrt hy the Lcd Zeppelin, l'emained unsealed Thursday, but the odds the delay is a Uni versity policy that re­ Bu cher te tified standinll during th~ on the probability of the concert arc low. quires organizations bringing entertalllers 11 rock group, the CPC's operating funds morning session when he broke down. but Go on as Talks According to Ron Poole, B4, Spencer, to campus to have enough money to cov­ have dropped from $11,000 to about $4,500 was seaLed during the aft('rnoon <es~ion. To Be Reviewe president of the Central Party Commit­ er the cost of the production . - over $5,000 short of the needed guaran. He was excused at the end of Lhe day - subject to later recall. tee tCPC ). the concert is off. According Some groups call for a percentage tee for the Mendes concert. AMES t.fl - Student government lead · to Waldo Gpiger, r.udilor of student or­ split of the concert tak •. Other groups The court then said it would hold closrd ers at Iowa State University Thursday Continue in Paris "That's .ound busine. s," Geiger sa i d ganizations, the concert is still pending call for a guarantee of a cerh:ln amount sessions to discu s cla~sified rsecret \ evening called off a Ihr('aLenl'd strike SAIGON IA'I- Up to last weekend. Amer­ but, because lhe CPC lacks lhe money of monL')' before agreeing to perform. Thur;;day about the nrcessity to cover . ubject. startin: today illlCI extending Ilftl'r school officials 'allreed not to accept icans died in battle at the rate of about- ~ necessary to bring the singmg groul> to The Mendes concert requires a gUlran· h~ COSI of the concert before bringing it through Tueduy, with Sunday off. the resignation of the dean of students. tee of ~ day in Ole 25 days since preliminary campus, has not yet been aPPl'oved. $10,000. to campu~. The 41-year·old officer, drscribing in· The sLrike activity was started as a peace lalks opened in Paris, the U.S. Com­ Pool', however, sees the enforcement terrogation by his captors, said a North protest over the resignation of Dean mand's weekly cas ualty report showed Korean shouted as Bucher knelt: "Kill of Students Eugene Robinson , which some fhur day. of the [inancial stipulation on the CPC as the son of a bitch." studrnts believed had been requested by a hinderance to the group's attempts to The report said 196 Americans were Buch.r Idded, referrIng to a guard the unhersity administration. killed in combat in the week of Jan. 12-18, Bowen Bemoans Lack bring "top entertainment" to campus. Programming, according to Poole, must with • gun pointed at his h.ld: "Th. At a student senalc meetinJ( attended the highest weekly death rate of 1969. This gun clicked, but it didn't go off, and I be done In advance. The losses from one hy about 900 btudents, Student Body Pres. pushed the lolal since lhe peaCe talks be­ didn't hear I sh.1l fall to the floor. , nennis Forsythe read a statemE'nt from gan May 13 to 8,040. concerL are made up by another concert, and the resull is usually a profitable year. felt sure they w.r. going to shoot me." Wilbur Layton, vice president for student South Vietnamese and enemy casualties Of ,UI Academic Space He said his captors sl1ow('d him a man affairs. who had accepted Robinson's res­ were also higher last week. Military spok· Ray Krill . Union concert manager and they Said wa a South Korran who had i/:nation. effective July 1.
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